1.1 Methodology: Topic Selection & Justification

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 Brief understanding of selected topic.

 Defining the aim of the project.
 Defining the objectives of the project.
 Defining the scope of the project.
 Setting the limitations of project.



 Site Introduction  National &
 Introduction to airport
 Location of site International studies
 History & Evolution of
airports  Concept  Site context

 Introduction & Evolution  Requirements  Concept

of terminal gates  Areas  Design considerations
 Type of aerod rome  Detailed drawings  Detailed drawings
termina l gate courses  Design Specifications  Design Specifications
 Requirements & Area  Other Amenities  Merits & Demerits
standards terminal  Merits & Demerits
 Introduction to long span
 Types of long span
 Building Envelope design COMPARITIVE ANALYSIS & FINAL
through long span INFERENCES
 Green Techniques & its
 Norms of terminals SITE SELECTION &
 Design considerations
 Barrier free details




Terminal is a building within an airport where commuters go to depart on a flight, or the

space at which they arrive upon landing. A terminal is made up of several gates where Planes

Park and commuters wait to board. In large terminals, these gate areas may be diverge into

sections known as concourses, filled with dining, shopping and lounge options, as well as

restrooms and other facilities. For departing passengers, the terminal is where they purchase

tickets and check in for their flights, check their luggage, go through security, and wait until

it is time to board their plane from an assigned gate.

An airport terminal is the space within an airport where commuters go to depart on a flight, or

the space at which they arrive upon landing. The terminal is made up of several gates where

Planes Park on the runway and the commuters wait to board. In large terminals, these gate

areas may be diverge into sections known as concourses, filled with dining, shopping and

lounge options, as well as restrooms and other facilities. For departing commuters, the

terminal is where they collect their boarding passes and check in for their flights, check their
luggage, go through security check , and wait until it is time to board their plane from an

assigned gate.

When was the first airport built? Huffman prairie at Simms station near the Wright

brothers ‘ home town of Dayton , Ohio, has the strongest claim, given that it had had a

modest public face as well as a testing function ,that the planes there flew relatively long

distances rather than merely hopping , and the pilots were trained there . The 34 hectare path

of damp cow pasture, with its timber hangars dating from 1904 and 1905, its boundary

marker flagpoles and its launching derricks, is where the Wrights did their proving work,

having returned from making the first flight far away at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, with its
usefully constant costal winds. Therefore, this airfield as be called mother and father of

airports and 1904 as its foundation date.

Comparing the ancient history times to till date airport terminals have gone several

technological and structural advancements, The 20TH century like 18TH and 19TH centuries ,

was largely defined by the rapid advancements in transport technology . By the year 2000

the airport terminal had become strategically, the most important building in the world. The

design of terminals has had to adjust to massively increased security screening procedures in

the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

Terminal Building Facilities:

The ever-evolving airport and aviation industry requires today’s airport terminal buildings to

be planned and constructed in ways that safeguard flexibility for future modification at the

least expense, while also responding to variations in demand and/or the changing needs of

passengers, airlines, and aircraft. To help achieve these objectives for the airport and its

operators, the planning itself needs to be flexible, balanced, and visionary. Maintaining a
broad and balanced view of the planning process is the key to terminal planning that is

functional today and flexible for the future. The terminal planning process should

acknowledge the key functional and operational drivers, including business considerations

that affect the airport and its operators, as well as the local community. These drivers include

the following: • Concessions planning, which aims to provide interesting and pleasing

offerings to passengers, well-wishers, and meters/greeters and revenue generation for the

airport • Security planning to respond both to specific threat and vulnerability levels, as well

as the routine screening process of passengers and baggage • People mover and baggage

handling systems • The wide range of information technology–based systems that underpin

overall management and maintenance of the building, and through which essential

information and data is disseminated to passengers and staff • The application of

sustainability and demand management concepts The primary elements to consider when

dealing with the terminal building component of the terminal complex include the following:

• of Sciences. All rights reserved. •

Terminal facility requirements

– Ticketing/check-in

– Passenger screening

– Hold rooms

– Concessions

– Baggage claim

– Circulation

– Airline offices and operations areas

– Baggage handling

– Baggage screening system

– International facilities

—Federal Inspection Services

– Support areas

– Special requirements

– Building systems

• Functional relationships

• Flow sequences

– Passengers

– Visitors
– Employees

– Baggage

– Deliveries

– Waste removal

• Passenger movements

– People mover systems

– Passenger way finding and signage

• Terminal concept development

– Domestic and international terminals

– Concourse configurations

– Centralized and decentralized terminals

– Single vs. multi-level terminals

– Flexibility and efficiency

– Common-use terminal equipment

– Swing gates. These are terminal building component elements.

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