(Oxford Library of Psychology) Amy R. Wolfson, Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs - The Oxford Handbook of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior-Oxford University Press (2013)

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The Oxford Handbook of Infant, Child,

and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior


editor- in- chief

Peter E. Nathan

area editors :

Clinical Psychology
David H. Barlow

Cognitive Neuroscience
Kevin N. Ochsner and Stephen M. Kosslyn

Cognitive Psychology
Daniel Reisberg

Counseling Psychology
Elizabeth M. Altmaier and Jo-Ida C. Hansen

Developmental Psychology
Philip David Zelazo

Health Psychology
Howard S. Friedman

History of Psychology
David B. Baker

Methods and Measurement

Todd D. Little

Kenneth M. Adams

Organizational Psychology
Steve W. J. Kozlowski

Personality and Social Psychology

Kay Deaux and Mark Snyder

Editor in Chief peter e. nathan

The Oxford Handbook

of Infant, Child, and
Adolescent Sleep and
Edited by
Amy R. Wolfson
Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The Oxford handbook of infant, child, and adolescent sleep and behavior / edited by
Amy R. Wolfson, Hawley Montgomery-Downs.
pages cm.—(Oxford library of psychology)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978–0–19–987363–0
1. Sleep disorders in children—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Sleep disorders in adolescence—Handbooks, manuals, etc.
3. Children—Sleep—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Wolfson, Amy R. II. Montgomery–Downs, Hawley.
III. Title: Handbook of infant, child, and adolescent sleep and behavior.
RJ506.S55O947 2013

9 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper

Oxford Library of Psychology vii

About the Editors ix

Contributors xi

Table of Contents xvii

Chapters 1–616

Index 617

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The Oxford Library of Psychology, a landmark series of handbooks, is published

by Oxford University Press, one of the world’s oldest and most highly respected
publishers, with a tradition of publishing significant books in psychology. The
ambitious goal of the Oxford Library of Psychology is nothing less than to span a
vibrant, wide-ranging field and, in so doing, to fill a clear market need.
Encompassing a comprehensive set of handbooks, organized hierarchically, the
Library incorporates volumes at different levels, each designed to meet a distinct
need. At one level are a set of handbooks designed broadly to survey the major sub-
fields of psychology; at another are numerous handbooks that cover important cur-
rent focal research and scholarly areas of psychology in depth and detail. Planned
as a reflection of the dynamism of psychology, the Library will grow and expand as
psychology itself develops, thereby highlighting significant new research that will
impact on the field. Adding to its accessibility and ease of use, the Library will be
published in print and, later on, electronically.
The Library surveys psychology’s principal subfields with a set of handbooks
that capture the current status and future prospects of those major subdisciplines.
This initial set includes handbooks of social and personality psychology, clinical
psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, educational psychology,
industrial and organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuro-
science, methods and measurements, history, neuropsychology, personality assess-
ment, developmental psychology, and more. Each handbook undertakes to review
one of psychology’s major subdisciplines with breadth, comprehensiveness, and
exemplary scholarship. In addition to these broadly-conceived volumes, the Library
also includes a large number of handbooks designed to explore in depth more spe-
cialized areas of scholarship and research, such as stress, health and coping, anxiety
and related disorders, cognitive development, or child and adolescent assessment.
In contrast to the broad coverage of the subfield handbooks, each of these latter
volumes focuses on an especially productive, more highly focused line of scholar-
ship and research. Whether at the broadest or most specific level, however, all of the
Library handbooks offer synthetic coverage that reviews and evaluates the relevant
past and present research and anticipates research in the future. Each handbook in
the Library includes introductory and concluding chapters written by its editor to
provide a roadmap to the handbook’s table of contents and to offer informed antici-
pations of significant future developments in that field.
An undertaking of this scope calls for handbook editors and chapter authors who
are established scholars in the areas about which they write. Many of the nation’s

and world’s most productive and best-respected psychologists have agreed to edit
Library handbooks or write authoritative chapters in their areas of expertise.
For whom has the Oxford Library of Psychology been written? Because of its
breadth, depth, and accessibility, the Library serves a diverse audience, including
graduate students in psychology and their faculty mentors, scholars, researchers,
and practitioners in psychology and related fields. Each will find in the Library the
information they seek on the subfield or focal area of psychology in which they
work or are interested.
Befitting its commitment to accessibility, each handbook includes a compre-
hensive index, as well as extensive references to help guide research. And because
the Library was designed from its inception as an online as well as a print resource,
its structure and contents will be readily and rationally searchable online. Further,
once the Library is released online, the handbooks will be regularly and thoroughly
In summary, the Oxford Library of Psychology will grow organically to provide
a thoroughly informed perspective on the field of psychology, one that reflects
both psychology’s dynamism and its increasing interdisciplinarity. Once published
electronically, the Library is also destined to become a uniquely valuable interac-
tive tool, with extended search and browsing capabilities. As you begin to con-
sult this handbook, we sincerely hope you will share our enthusiasm for the more
than 500-year tradition of Oxford University Press for excellence, innovation, and
quality, as exemplified by the Oxford Library of Psychology.

Peter E. Nathan
Oxford Library of Psychology

v iii Oxf ord Library of Ps ycholog y


Amy R. Wolfson
Dr. Wolfson is the Associate Dean for Faculty and a Professor Psychology at the
College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. She completed her Bach-
elors’ degree at Harvard University and her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from
Washington University, St. Louis. In addition, she was a Post-Doctoral researcher
at Stanford University and spent two sabbaticals at the Chronobiology and Sleep
Research Laboratory, E. P. Bradley Hospital, Warren Alpert Medical School of
Brown University. Amy Wolfson’s research focuses on developmental and psycho-
social changes in sleep-wake patterns in children and adolescents. In addition to
her numerous research articles and book chapters, she is the author of The Woman’s
Book of Sleep, published in 2001 and she recently completed the Young Adolescent
Sleep-Smart Pacesetter study of urban, middle school students’ sleep patterns, sleep
hygiene, and daytime functioning funded by NIH-National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development.

Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs
Dr. Montgomery-Downs is an Associate Professor of Psychology in the Behavioral
Neuroscience program at West Virginia University. She studies the developmental
psychobiology of pediatric sleep disordered breathing and postpartum sleep distur-
bance. She has published over 30 papers and her work has been supported by the
United States National Institutes of Health.

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Candice A. Alfano Indiana University

Department of Psychology Bloomington, IN
University of Houston Sarah N. Biggs
Houston, TX The Ritchie Centre
Erica R. Appleman Monash Institute of Medical Research
Department of Psychology Monash University
Boston University Melbourne, Australia
Boston, MA Neville M. Blampied
Kristen H. Archbold Department of Psychology
Department of Biobehavioral Health University of Canterbury
Systems Christchurch, New Zealand
Department of Pediatrics Richard R. Bootzin
College of Medicine Department of Psychology
College of Nursing University of Arizona
University of Arizona Tucson, AZ
Tucson, AZ Joseph A. Buckhalt
Rhoda Au College of Education
Department of Neurology Auburn University
Framingham Heart Study Auburn, AL
Boston University School of Medicine Melissa M. Burnham
Boston, MA Human Development and Family Studies
R. Robert Auger University of Nevada, Reno
Mayo Center for Sleep Medicine Reno, NV
Department of Psychiatry & Psychology Patrina HY Caldwell
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and
Rochester, MN Discipline of Paediatrics and Child
Kristin T. Avis Health
Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary University of Sydney
Division Sydney, Australia
University of Alabama at Birmingham Mary A. Carskadon
Children’s of Alabama Pediatric Sleep Alpert Medical School
Disorders Center Brown University
Birmingham, AL E.P. Bradley Hospital
Erika Bagley Providence, RI
Human Development and Family Studies
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
John E. Bates
Department of Psychological and Brain

Jamie Cassoff Robin S. Everhart
Attention, Behavior and Sleep Lab Department of Psychology
Douglas Mental Health University Institute Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Psychology Richmond, VA
McGill University Heather L. Gamble
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Department of Psychology
Greg Clarke St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Memphis, TN
Research Michael Gradisar
Portland, OR School of Psychology
Evelyn Constantin Flinders University
Department of Pediatrics Adelaide, Australia
McGill University Reut Gruber
Montreal Children’s Hospital Attention, Behavior and Sleep Lab
McGill University Health Centre Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Department of Psychiatry
Penny Corkum McGill University
Department of Psychology and Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Neuroscience Lauren Hale
Dalhousie University Program in Public Health
Department of Pediatrics Department of Preventive Medicine
IWK Health Centre School of Medicine
Colchester East Hants ADHD Clinic Stony Brook University
CEHHA Stony Brook, NY
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Sara Harkness
J. Aimée Coulombe Department of Human Development and
CIHR Better Nights Better Days Pediatric Family Studies
Sleep Team University of Connecticut
Department of Psychology Storrs, CT
Dalhousie University Chantelle N. Hart
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Department of Psychiatry and Human
Jennifer C. Cousins Behavior
Department of Psychology Alpert Medical School
University of Pittsburgh Brown University
Pittsburgh, PA Weight Control & Diabetes Research
Valerie McLaughlin Crabtree Center
Department of Psychology The Miriam Hospital
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Providence, RI
Memphis, TN Allison G. Harvey
Stephanie J. Crowley Department of Psychology
Biological Rhythms Research Laboratory University of California, Berkeley
Department of Behavioral Sciences Berkeley, CA
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, IL
Mona El-Sheikh
Human Development and Family Studies
Auburn University
Auburn, AL

x ii C ontr i butors
Nicola Hawley Daphne Koinis Mitchell
Department of Psychiatry and Human Bradley/Hasbro Children’s Research Center
Behavior Department of Psychiatry and Human
Alpert Medical School Behavior
Brown University Brown Medical School
Weight Control & Diabetes Research Providence, RI
Center Elizabeth Kuhl
The Miriam Hospital Department of Psychiatry and Human
Providence, RI Behavior
Shelley Hershner Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Department of Neurology Weight Control & Diabetes Research
University of Michigan Center
Ann Arbor, MI The Miriam Hospital
Rosemary S.C. Horne Providence, RI
The Ritchie Centre Kymberly Larson
Monash Institute of Medical Research Meier Clinics
Monash University Wheaton, IL
Melbourne, Australia Kenneth L. Lichstein
Anna Ivanenko Department of Psychology
Feinberg School of Medicine University of Alabama
Northwestern University Tuscaloosa, AL
Division of Child and Adolescent Kurt Lushington
Psychiatry School of Psychology, Social Work, and
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Social Policy
Hospital of Chicago University of South Australia
Chicago, IL Adelaide, Australia
Elissa Jelalian James Martin
Department of Psychiatry and Human Department of Respiratory and Sleep
Behavior Medicine
Alpert Medical School Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Brown University Adelaide, Australia
Weight Control & Diabetes Research Lisa J. Meltzer
Center Department of Pediatrics
The Miriam Hospital National Jewish Health
Providence, RI Denver, CO
Monica R. Kelly Sonia Michaelsen
Department of Psychology Attention, Behavior and Sleep Lab
University of Arizona Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Tucson, AZ Verdun, Quebec, Canada
John Declan Kennedy Jodi A. Mindell
Department of Respiratory and Sleep Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Medicine Saint Joseph’s University
Women’s and Children’s Hospital Philadelphia, PA
Adelaide, Australia Providence, RI

C o n t ri buto rs xiii
Dennis L. Molfese Amanda L. Richdale
Department of Psychology Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre
University of Nebraska—Lincoln La Trobe University
Lincoln, NE Melbourne, Australia
Victoria J. Molfese Brandy M. Roane
Department of Child, Youth, and Family Department of Internal Medicine
Studies UNT Health Science Center
University of Nebraska—Lincoln Fort Worth, TX
Lincoln, NE Kathleen Moritz Rudasill
Hawley Montgomery-Downs Department of Educational Psychology
Department of Psychology University of Nebraska—Lincoln
West Virginia University Lincoln, NE
Morgantown, WV Stephen H. Sheldon
Melisa Moore Feinberg School of Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Northwestern University
Philadelphia, PA Director, Sleep Medicine Center
Louise M. O’Brien Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s
Sleep Disorders Center Hospital of Chicago
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Chicago, IL
Surgery Michelle A. Short
Department of Neurology Centre for Sleep Research
University of Michigan University of South Australia
Ann Arbor, MI Adelaide, Australia
Tonya M. Palermo James C. Spilsbury
Seattle Children’s Research Institute Center for Clinical Investigation
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Case Western Reserve School of Medicine
Medicine Cleveland, OH
University of Washington Karen Spruyt
Seattle, WA Section of Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Yvonne Pamula Department of Pediatrics
Department of Respiratory and Sleep Comer Children’s Hospital
Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine
Women’s and Children’s Hospital The University of Chicago
Adelaide, Australia Chicago, IL
Victoria Parente Angela D. Staples
Graduate Program in Public Health Department of Psychology
School of Medicine University of Virginia
Stony Brook University Charlottesville, VA
Stony Brook, NY Karina Stavitsky
Gwendolyn K. Phillips VA Boston Healthcare System
Graduate Program in Public Health Boston, MA
School of Medicine Sally Stevens
Stony Brook University Southwest Institute of Research on Women
Stony Brook, NY University of Arizona
Amanda M. Rach Tucson, AZ
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN

x iv C ontr ibutors
Robyn Stremler S. Justin Thomas
Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Department of Psychology
University of Toronto University of Alabama
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Tuscaloosa, AL
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Colleen M. Walsh
Charles M. Super Division of Sleep Medicine
Department of Human Development and University of Pennsylvania School of
Family Studies Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
University of Connecticut
Karen Waters
Storrs, CT
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and
Leila Tarokh Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health
Alpert Medical School of Brown University University of Sydney
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology Sydney, Australia
University of Zurich Amy R. Wolfson
Zurich, Switzerland Department of Psychology
Daniel J. Taylor College of Holy Cross
Department of Psychology Worcester, MA
University of North Texas Lissy Zaremba
Denton, TX Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Pamela V. Thacher University Hospitals-Case Medical Center
Department of Psychology Cleveland, OH
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY

C o n t ri buto rs xv
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1. Introduction to The Oxford Handbook of Infant,

Child, and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior 1
Amy R. Wolfson

Part One • Sleep and Development

2. Overview of the History of Child and Adolescent Sleep Medicine 9
Stephen H. Sheldon
3. A Brief History of Child and Adolescent Sleep Research:
Key Contributions in Psychology 15
Tonya M. Palermo
4. Developmental Science in the Study of Sleep 24
Angela D. Staples and John E. Bates
5. Developmental Changes in Sleep: Infancy and Preschool Years 34
Kurt Lushington, Yvonne Pamula, James Martin,
and John Declan Kennedy
6. The Relationship between Sleep and Daytime Cognitive/Behavioral
Functioning: Infancy and Preschool Years 48
Kurt Lushington, Yvonne Pamula, A. James Martin
and J. Declan Kennedy
7. Postpartum Sleep: Impact of Infant Sleep on Parents 58
Robyn Stremler
8. Developmental Changes in Circadian Timing and Sleep:
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood 70
Mary A. Carskadon and Leila Tarokh

Part Two • Complexity of Issues and Factors Influencing Sleep

9. Culture and Children’s Sleep 81
Charles M. Super and Sara Harkness
10. Social Determinants of Children’s Sleep 99
Lauren Hale, Victoria Parente, and Gwendolyn K. Phillips
11. Sleep Hygiene and Environment: Role of Technology 113
Michael Gradisar and Michelle A. Short
12. Co-sleeping and Self-soothing during Infancy 127
Melissa M. Burnham
13. The Impact of Pediatric Chronic Illness on Caregiver Sleep
and Daytime Functioning 140
Lisa J. Meltzer and Colleen M. Walsh

14. Children’s Sleep in Violent Environments 150
James C. Spilsbury

Part Three • Assessment of Sleep and Sleep Problems

15. Functional Behavioral Analysis of Sleep in Infants and Children 169
Neville M. Blampied
16. Actigraphy and Sleep/Wake Diaries 189
Rosemary S.C. Horne and Sarah N. Biggs
17. Assessment of Circadian Rhythms 204
Stephanie J. Crowley
18. Sleep Surveys and Screening: To Measure is To Know 223
Karen Spruyt
19. Role of Behavioral Sleep Medicine in Health Care 244
Valerie McLaughlin Crabtree, Amanda M. Rach, and Heather L. Gamble
20. Helping Children and Parents Manage their Sleep Study Experience 256
Lissy Zaremba
21. The Role of Schools in Identification, Treatment,
and Prevention of Children’s Sleep Problems 292
Joseph A. Buckhalt

Part Four • Sleep Challenges, Problems, and Disorders

22. Pediatric Insomnia 305
Brandy M. Roane and Daniel J. Taylor
23. Circadian Timing: Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder 327
R. Robert Auger and Stephanie J. Crowley
24. Nighttime Distractions: Fears, Nightmares, and Parasomnias 347
Anna Ivanenko and Kymberly Larson
25. Pediatric Sleep Apnea and Adherence to Positive
Airway Pressure (PAP) Therapy 362
Kristen H. Archbold
26. Nocturnal Enuresis 370
Patrina HY Caldwell and Karen Waters

Part Five • Consequences of Insufficient Sleep

27. Children’s Sleep and Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms 381
Erika Bagley and Mona El-Sheikh
28. Sleep in Preschoolers: School Readiness, Academics, Temperament,
and Behavior 397
Victoria J. Molfese, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, and Dennis L. Molfese
29. Neurocognitive Implications 414
Louise M. O’Brien
30. Weight Control and Obesity 429
Chantelle N. Hart, Nicola Hawley, Elizabeth Kuhl, and Elissa Jelalian

x viii C ontents
31. Impact of Sleep on the Challenges of Safe Driving
in Young Adults 441
Shelley Hershner

Part Six • Sleep Difficulties Associated with Developmental

and Behavioral Risks
32. Asthma, Allergies, and Sleep 457
Daphne Koinis Mitchell and Robin Everhart
33. Autism and other Developmental Disabilities 471
Amanda L. Richdale
34. Sleep in the Context of ADHD: A Review of Reviews to Determine
Implications for Research and Clinical Practice 495
Penny Corkum and J. Aimée Coulombe
35. Mood Disorders 515
Allison G. Harvey, Candice A. Alfano, and Greg Clarke
36. Substance Use: Caffeine, Alcohol, and Other Drugs 532
Richard R. Bootzin, Jennifer C. Cousins, Monica R. Kelly, and Sally Stevens

Part Seven • Prevention and Intervention

37. The Impact of Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Problems on
Secondary Outcomes in Young Children and Their Families 547
Melisa Moore and Jodi A. Mindell
38. Systematic Strategies: Case of School Start Times 559
Rhoda Au, Erica R. Appleman, and Karina Stavitsky
39. Preventative Intervention: Curricula and Programs 572
Reut Gruber, Evelyn Constantin, Jamie Cassoff, and Sonia Michaelsen
40. Late Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A New Lens for
Sleep Professionals 586
Pamela V. Thacher
41. Behavioral Sleep Medicine: Training, Credentialing, and
the Role in Sleep Laboratories 603
S. Justin Thomas, Kristin T. Avis, and Kenneth L. Lichstein
42. Overview 611
Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs

Index 617

C o n t en ts xix
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Introduction to The Oxford Handbook

1 of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Sleep
and Behavior
Amy R. Wolfson

This introductory chapter outlines the history and the theoretical basis for studying child and
adolescent sleep and development. Furthermore, this chapter celebrates the progress the field
has made in the last few decades, and makes the case for the crucial role sleep plays in child
development. The chapter describes the organization of the handbook, outlining the many
foundation and topical areas of sleep and child development covered in the text.
Key Words: child, adolescent, sleep, behavior, development, psychology

Welcome to The Oxford Handbook of Infant, Child, historic venture. As a child clinical psychologist,
and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior that has the honor I was deeply committed to inviting experimental,
of being a part of the Oxford Library of Psychology. clinical, school, and developmental psychologists
Recognition of the significance of sleep in the cog- as well as other behavioral clinicians and social and
nitive and behavioral development and emotional behavioral science researchers to author and coau-
well being of infants, children, and adolescents is thor chapters for what would become The Oxford
relatively recent. Over the last three decades, there Handbook of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Sleep
has been an explosion in research focused on devel- and Behavior. Psychologists play a crucial role in
opmental changes in sleep and circadian rhythms developing and contributing to what is known as
from birth through adolescence. Further study has pediatric and adolescent sleep medicine; however,
led to the characterization and assessment of sleep psychology, as a discipline, has only gradually recog-
disorders unique to different developmental stages. nized the importance of sleep in child development
Links between sleep problems and overall health, as and developmental psychopathology research and in
well as emotional and behavioral disorders includ- clinical, counseling, and school psychology under-
ing depression, attention deficithyperactivity disor- graduate and graduate education. It is our hope that
der (ADHD), neurodevelopmental disorders, and this first psychology handbook on child and adoles-
post-traumatic stress disorder, are now more estab- cent sleep will inform child and adolescent clinical
lished in children and adolescents. psychology practice, raise the importance of includ-
Ahead of psychologists in the field, graduate pro- ing child and adolescent sleep as a part of graduate
grams, and psychology’s professional associations, programs in psychology and related fields, and pro-
the editors of the Oxford Library of Psychology vide future questions and directions for research in
recognized the importance of including a volume psychology and in the behavioral sciences.
on infant, child, and adolescent sleep and behavior As a child clinical psychologist, I have devoted
in their Psychology Handbook series. My co-editor my research program to studying sleep and daytime
and I were thrilled to be a part of this significant and functioning in infants, children, and adolescents,

as well as pregnant and postpartum women, since there were developmental changes in sleep and clear
my graduate school days in the 1980s. At that time, clinical and behavioral consequences for inadequate
few psychology graduate programs or individual and poor quality sleep on developing youth. For
faculty offered graduate-level courses on sleep or example, when I presented my doctoral research on
circadian rhythms. Psychologists, however, were the effects of parent training on infants’ sleep pat-
beginning to lead a movement toward cognitive- terns at the 1988 Association for the Advancement
behavioral approaches to treating insomnia. For of Behavior Therapy’s (AABT) annual meet-
example, while I was a graduate student in clinical ing, Jodi Mindell (coauthor of Chapter 37) and I
psychology at Washington University in St. Louis gave the only presentations focused on behavioral
(1982–1987), two faculty members, Patricia Lacks approaches for improving children’s sleep and at the
and Amy Bertelson, studied sleep in adults. Patricia 1995 biannual meeting of the Society for Research
Lacks developed stimulus control techniques for on Child Development (SRCD) only 0.3% of the
treating insomnia and wrote one of the first books peer-reviewed posters and presentations were related
on the treatment of insomnia, Behavioral Treatment to children’s sleep. In fact, in a shared van ride to
for Persistent Insomnia (1987), and Amy Bertelson that 1995 Seattle meeting of SRCD, a school psy-
taught an exciting and popular undergraduate course chologist asked me if sleep was developmental? With
on sleep. In contrast, scholarship on the develop- that story in mind, it was particularly meaningful to
ment of sleep patterns over the course of infancy, publish “Sleep Schedules and Daytime Functioning
childhood, and adolescence or on understanding in Adolescents” in Child Development (Wolfson &
and treating children’s sleep problems was far less Carskadon, 1998) with my coauthor and mentor,
common. Observing my mentors’ passion for help- Mary Carskadon (coauthor of Chapter 8). Sleep,
ing adults improve their sleep and daytime lives, in striking contrast, is considered a focal area for
I was determined to study and understand how psy- the 2013 biannual meeting of the SRCD. The pub-
chologists could contribute to improving children’s lication of this handbook underscores how far the
sleep. As a graduate student, I began my ongoing, behavioral and developmental sciences have come
nearly 30-year inquiry into understanding how in recent years in the study, treatment, and public
children’s nighttime behaviors and sleep experiences awareness of sleep and behavior in children and
influence not only their own daytime functioning, adolescents.
but also the lives of their parents and families. Over the last three decades, psychologists, pedia-
Focused on the impact of healthy lifestyles as an tricians, and other health care providers have estab-
approach to preventing mental health and behav- lished an increasingly distinct understanding of
ioral difficulties in children, I started reading some children and adolescents’ sleep demands, circadian
of the mid-1980s publications, written by parents timing, underlying bioregulatory processes, and
as well as pediatricians, on infant sleep. In particu- environmental constraints. At the beginning of this
lar, I focused on two parenting books: pediatrician handbook, in Chapters 2 and 3, respectively, Stephen
Richard Ferber’s Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems Sheldon provides an overview of the history of child
(2006) and parents’ Joanne Cuthbertson and Susanna and adolescent sleep medicine and Tonya Palermo
Schevill’s Helping Your Child Sleep Through the offers insights and historical background regard-
Night (1985). Utilizing behavioral and social learn- ing psychology’s historical contributions to infant,
ing theories of behavior change and Cuthbertson child, and adolescent sleep research. Studies have
and Schevill’s insights on self-soothing and infants’ documented the clear consequences of insufficient
developing ability to sleep through the night, I devel- and inconsistent sleep over the course of develop-
oped a preventive-intervention program that gave ment, such as early behavioral and cognitive prob-
parents sleep knowledge and strategies along with lems, poor academic performance, substance abuse,
a sense of self-competence to handle their infant’s and emotion regulation difficulties. This critical area
sleep during the first year. The empirical findings of child development and health research has begun
from this preventive approach were published (see to inspire public policy discussions and debates in
Chapters 37 and 39 for summaries) in the Journal of areas such as school start times, regulation of pre-
Consulting and Clinical Psychology (Wolfson, Lacks, school napping, and adolescent drivers’ education
& Futterman, 1992), launching early attention to laws and programs. Likewise, much of this research
parenting and young children’s sleep in the psychol- has practice implications and applications not only
ogy literature. It took some time, however, before for infants, children, and adolescents with sleep dis-
the child psychology discipline recognized that orders, but also for those who have no demonstrable

2 introduction
sleep disorders. In other words, school pressures and or developmental stage. Following the two historical
schedules, family socioeconomic status, and a range chapters mentioned earlier, Angela Staples and Jack
of environmental constraints and challenges com- Bates articulate what it means to consider sleep from
promise the sleep of increasingly greater numbers of a developmental perspective, so that developmental
infants, children, adolescents, and emerging adults. psychologists and other researchers might consider
Furthermore, children and adolescents who present the role of sleep and circadian rhythms in develop-
with academic and behavior problems may in fact ment, and to remind sleep researchers how sleep
have primary sleep difficulties. The basic research changes from infancy through adolescence. Sleep
and clinical presentations that are discussed in this and circadian rhythms change over the course of
handbook have clear implications for the overall development from infancy into the emerging adult
health, development, emotional well being, and years, as highlighted and documented in the chap-
academic performance of children and adolescents. ters by Kurt Lushington, Yvonne Pamula, Alfred
The scientific study of sleep is a still a relatively James Martin, John Declan Kennedy and by Mary
young discipline, but tremendous gains in knowl- Carskadon and Leila Tarokh in Chapters 5, 6 and 8,
edge have been achieved over the last two decades, respectively. An infant’s sleep plays a particularly sig-
including advancing our understanding of sleep’s nificant role in the lives of new parents, and Robyn
role in memory consolidation and learning processes, Stremler’s Chapter 7 examines the impact of infants’
associations between sleep deprivation and obesity, sleep and behavior on parents including marital sat-
and the sleep and the circadian systems’ regulatory isfaction, coping strategies, postpartum depression,
influence on immune functions (Besedovsky, Born, and the parents’ own sleep-wake patterns. Although
& Lange, 2012; Knutson, Zhao, Mattingly, Galli, & this section does not include a separate chapter on
Cizza, 2012; Walker & Stickgold, 2006). Although elementary school children’s sleep, school-age chil-
the preponderance of research on sleep has been dren’s sleep is discussed throughout the book with
conducted in adult populations, a significant body particular emphasis in Chapters 10, 11, 15, 21, 22,
of knowledge and current research now focuses on 27, and 34. Toward the end of Mary Carskadon
the sleep patterns, disruptions, and disorders in and Leila Tarokh’s chapter, they discuss an under-
infants, children, and adolescents. studied developmental stage: emerging adulthood.
This handbook offers a unique and important Historically, sleep researchers, similar to researchers
contribution to the field of child and adolescent in other behavioral sciences, have invited college-
sleep patterns, difficulties, and disorders. It pro- age students to participate in studies and then
vides behavioral and developmental approaches to generalized to wider adult populations. However,
understanding sleep and circadian timing devel- the American Psychological Association consid-
opment, assessment of sleep patterns and prob- ers youth ages 10–18 as adolescents and emerg-
lems, etiology of sleep disorders, and preventive/ ing adults ages 19–29. Psychologist Jeffrey Arnett
intervention approaches in working with children, argues that emerging adulthood, or the “winding
adolescents, and their families. We have brought road from the late teens through the twenties,” is
together psychologists and other behavioral and a distinct and normative developmental or life
developmental clinicians and developmental scien- stage (Arnett, 2004). Recent studies point out that
tists to discuss developmental changes in sleep and first-year college students exhibit weeknight bed
circadian rhythms; the factors that influence, medi- and rise times that are over an hour later than high
ate, and moderate sleep patterns and problems over school–age adolescents, as well as significantly later
infancy, childhood, and adolescence; and the assess- bed and rise times than older third and fourth-year
ment and behavioral treatment of infant, child, college students (i.e., Lund, Reider, Whiting, &
and adolescent sleep problems and disorders. The Prichard, 2010). Similarly, Roennberg, Kuehnle,
authors are from a range of countries and include Pramstaller, and colleagues found that after age
psychologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, nurses, 20, sleep midpoint times became increasingly ear-
child life specialists, and other health care providers lier again; in other words, sleep schedules seem
and researchers with expertise on infant, child, and to become increasingly delayed over the course of
adolescent sleep. adolescence, yet this pattern seems to change by
Research on children’s sleep can be organized the third or fourth year of college—which gener-
into seven areas, which are reflected here. The first ally corresponds to about ages 20–22 (Roennberg,
section focuses on Sleep and Development, since one Kuehnle, Pramstaller, et al., 2004). As I emphasize
of the most significant factors affecting sleep is age in my 2010 Journal of Adolescent Health editorial,

wo l fs o n 3
these remarkable cross-sectional findings suggest a Karen Spruyt, Valerie Crabtree, Amanda Rach,
developmental change; however, more research is and Heather Gamble; Lissy Zaremba, and Joseph
needed to better understand and inform develop- Buckhalt cover behavioral analysis, use of actigra-
mental science researchers, educators, and health phy and diaries or logs for estimating sleep patterns,
care providers regarding the longitudinal trajectory and self-report measures, as well as school psycholo-
of sleep and circadian timing over the late adoles- gists’ roles and clinical lab protocols. Although the
cence / emerging adulthood years (Wolfson, 2010). field has progressed in recent years, validation of
Likewise, with each developmental period a retrospective self- and parent report sleep measures,
myriad of different factors influence an infant’s, prospective sleep-wake diaries, and actigraphy are
child’s, or adolescent’s sleep patterns and, likewise, still needed. It remains difficult to study children’s
the sleep environment (i.e., college dorm room vs. sleep longitudinally, since few measures have been
family sleep environment), context, and other fac- validated across developmental stages. Moreover,
tors such as culture and socioeconomic status, inter- although actigraphy (in corroboration with sleep
act with developmental changes in sleep. I was quite diaries) is a more objective means to estimate sleep
disturbed to learn that a 12-year-old in my National in child and adult populations, researchers and cli-
Institute of Child Health and Human Development nicians need to establish unambiguous guidelines
(NICHD)–funded study of urban middle schoolers and standards for the scoring and reporting of
was sleeping in his neighbor’s apartment until about actigraphy findings. Pending such standards, psy-
midnight on school nights until his mother got home chologists, other behavioral scientists, and health
to awaken and escort him back to their apartment care providers need to be conscientious when using
building for the remainder of the night—not an actigraphy and clearly report scoring rules and vari-
easy way to obtain the sufficient and consistent sleep ables. As my colleagues and I have discussed exten-
needed for a developing adolescent. The second sec- sively, scoring rules should be established a priori,
tion of the book focuses on the Complexity of Issues with a research or consultation group available to
and Factors Influencing Sleep. Here, authors Charles evaluate ambiguous nights (Acebo & LeBourgeois,
Super and Sara Harkness, Lauren Hale, Michael 2006; Acebo, Sadeh, Seifer, et al., 1999; Meltzer,
Gradisar and Michelle Short, Melissa Burnham, Lisa Montgomery-Downs, Insana, et al., 2012; Wolfson,
Meltzer, and James Spilsbury discuss and critique the Carskadon, Acebo et al., 2003).
newest research on the social, cultural, and economic In Part Four, Sleep Challenges, Problems, and
determinants of children’s sleep, with focus on the Disorders, authors Brandy Roane and Daniel Taylor,
consequences of chronic illness and violent environ- Robert Auger and Stephanie Crowley, Anna Ivanenko
ments, and the rapidly changing role of technology and Kymberly Larson, Kristen Archbold, and Patrina
that is interfering with childrens’ and adolescents’ Caldwell and Karen Waters discuss some of the com-
ability to sustain healthy sleep-wake patterns. For mon sleep problems that children, adolescents, and
example, in the National Sleep Foundation’s 2011 their families confront including insomnia, delayed
Sleep in America Poll about in one in ten of 13–18- sleep phase disorder, nightmares and parasomnias,
year-olds (9%) acknowledge that they are awakened sleep apnea, and nocturnal enuresis. Many such
after they go to bed every night or almost every night sleep problems receive the attention of pediatri-
by a phone call, text message, or email, and nearly cians and increasingly more psychologists, and there
one in five of 13–29-year-olds note that this happens are also numerous books available for parents and
at least a few nights per week (NSF, 2011). In other professionals (e.g., Ferber, 2006; Ivanenko, 2008;
words, adolescents’ and emerging adults’ lifestyle Mindell, 2005; Owens & Mindell, 2003/2010).
choices are creating a sleep disorder-like phenom- Many problems of sleep in young children are
enon with smart phones. resolved before school attendance, but these dif-
Parts three and four reflect the substantial lit- ficulties sometimes come to the attention of child
erature on disordered sleep and sleep problems that clinical and school psychologists. Sleep disorders
manifest over the course of infancy, childhood, and with substantial prevalence in adulthood, such as
adolescence. Section Three, Assessment of Sleep and obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless legs
Sleep Problems, articulates the range of clinical and syndrome are also prevalent in children. This sec-
research-based approaches for assessing and estimat- tion reviews the diagnostic and treatment outcome
ing sleep and circadian rhythms in infant, child, and literature and provides suggestions for behavioral
adolescent populations. Authors Neville Blampied, interventions that can be implemented by psycholo-
Rosemary Horne and Sarah Biggs, Stephanie Crowley, gists and other clinicians.

4 introduction
Part Five focuses on the Consequences of Insufficient situations, intervening and treating the sleep prob-
Sleep, with chapters by Erika Bagley and Mona lems might mitigate the presenting and often chal-
El-Sheikh; Victoria Molfese, Kathleen Moritz lenging behavioral difficulties.
Rudasill and Dennis Molfese; Louise O’Brien; The Oxford Handbook of Infant, Child, and
Chantelle Hart, Nicola Hawley, Elizabeth Kuhl and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior concludes with,
Elissa Jelalian; and Shelley Hershner. These chap- perhaps, the most important area, Part Seven:
ters discuss the preponderance of evidence that Prevention and Intervention. These final five chapters
insufficient sleep, inconsistent sleep-wake sched- (authors Melissa Moore and Jodi Mindell; Rhoda
ules, sleep problems, and poor sleep hygiene habits Au, Erica Appleman and Karina Stavitsky; Reut
are associated with health and behavior problems Gruber, Evelyn Constantin, Jamie Cassoff, and
including internalizing and externalizing behav- Sonia Michaelson; Pamela Thatcher; and S. Justin
iors, emotion dysregulation, hyperactivity, inatten- Thomas, Kristin Avis, and Kenneth Lichstein) focus
tion, school adjustment, and ineffective cognitive on interventions and preventive approaches for
skills in children and adolescents. Shelly Hershner families with young children; systemic countermea-
emphasizes that inadequate and erratic sleep in sures such as delaying school start times; prevention
adolescents and emerging adults can have substan- strategies and social learning-based programs for
tial consequences—that is, “sleepy driver” and “fall elementary, middle, and high school students; and
asleep at the wheel” driving accidents. Some loca- approaches for working with college students and
tions have regulated when young drivers can be on emerging adults struggling with disordered sleep.
the road and include education materials on sleep For example, my research team’s Young Adolescent
and the consequences of sleep deprivation in driv- Sleep-Smart Pacesetter Program (funded by the
ers education programs (e.g., Curriculum Scope and National Institute of Child Health and Human
Sequence Modules for Driver Education in Virginia, Development) is evaluating the efficacy of a social
2001; Driver Education Program, Massachusetts learning–based, preventive intervention program
Department of Transportation, 2010). In many designed to help early adolescents develop healthy
ways, this section is only the tip of the iceberg, as, sleep hygiene practices including decreasing caf-
in addition to the areas covered by these authors, feine use, obtaining adequate sleep, and maintain-
research has demonstrated that insufficient, incon- ing consistent sleep schedules. Preliminary results
sistent, and disordered sleep has negative conse- suggest that the school-based Sleep-Smart program
quences for cognitive development, substance use improved early adolescents’ sleep patterns, hygiene
and abuse, work-related accidents, immune system practices, and sleep competence (Johnson, Harkins,
functioning, and a range of other health, behavioral, Marco, Ludden, & Wolfson, 2012). Sleep-Smart
and cognitive factors. participants also evidenced fewer health and behav-
Sleep Difficulties Associated with Developmental ioral difficulties and better grades following the
and Behavioral Risks are examined in Part Six. program, whereas their comparison peers’ behaviors
Authors Daphne Koinis Mitchell and Robin remained the same during 7th grade.
Everhart; Amanda Richdale, Penny Corkum and J. The authors of this handbook have committed
Aimee Coulombe; Alison Harvey, Candice Alfano, their academic and/or clinical careers to under-
and Greg Clarke; and Richard Bootzin, Jennifer standing the development of sleep patterns and
Cousins, Monica Kelly, and Sally Stevens examine the potential hurdles that prevent infants, children,
children, adolescents, and emerging adults with and adolescents—along with their families—from
asthma and allergies, developmental disabilities, obtaining sufficient and regular sleep. I am certain
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affective dis- that they would agree with me and my coeditor,
orders, and struggles with substance abuse. A preva- Hawley Montgomery-Downs, that high-quality,
lence of comorbid sleep problems is not uncommon sound, and restorative sleep can improve our daily
for children and adolescents with behavioral and experiences, competence, and overall physical and
emotional disorders (e.g., Quine, 2001; Redline, emotional health. It is our hope that the research,
Tishler, Schluchter, et al., 1999; Snell, Adam, & guidance, and future directions discussed in each of
Duncan, 2007; Stores & Wiggs, 2001; Wolfson the chapters in the The Oxford Handbook of Infant,
& Armitage, 2009). Of course, psychologists regu- Child, and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior will help
larly work with children with these difficulties, but psychologists and other behavioral scientists to
they may be less familiar with the associated sleep understand and continue to study sleep and cir-
problems and behavioral consequences. In some cadian rhythms in the context of psychological

wo l fs o n 5
development and children’s health, and in the pre- Meltzer, L. J., Montgomery-Downs, H. E., Insana, S. P., Walsh,
vention and treatment of sleep and behavioral dis- C. M. (2012). Use of actigraphy for assessment in pediatric
sleep research. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16, 463–475.
orders. As I recall, at about age 9, my son exclaimed Mindell, J.A. (2005). Sleeping through the night: How infants, tod-
one night: “Just because you study sleep, doesn’t dlers and their parents can get a good night’s sleep. New York:
mean that I have to have a bedtime!” In looking HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
back, I think he really meant to say: “Duh . . . you do National Sleep Foundation (2011). Sleep in America Polls:
not have to be a psychologist to know that a 9-year- Technology Use and Sleep.
Owens J. A. & Mindell, J.A. (2003/2010). A clinical guide to
old like me needs to get a good night’s sleep!” pediatric sleep: Diagnosis and management of sleep problems.
Philadephia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins.
References Quine, L. (2001). Sleep problems in primary school children:
Acebo, C., Sadeh, A., Seifer, R., Tzischinsky, O., Wolfson, A., comparison between mainstream and special school children.
et al. (1999). Estimating sleep patterns with activity moni- Child: Care, Health and Development, 3, 201–221.
toring in children and adolescents: How many nights are Redline, S., Tishler, P.V., Schluchter, M., et al. (1999). Risk fac-
necessary for reliable measures? Sleep, 22(1), 95–103. tors for sleep-disordered breathing in children: Associations
Acebo, C, & LeBourgeois, M.K. (2006). Actigraphy. Respiratory with obesity, race, and respiratory problems. American Journal
Care Clinics, 12, 23–30. of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, 159, 1527–1532.
Arnett, J. J. (2004). Emerging adulthood: The winding road Roennberg T, Kuehnle T, Pramstaller P, et al. (2004). A marker for
from the late teens through the twenties. New York: Oxford the end of adolescence. Current Biology, 14:R1038–R1039.
University Press. Snell, E.K., Adam, E.K., & Duncan, G. (2007). Sleep and the
Besedovsky, L., Born, J., & Lange, T. (2012). Blockade of min- Body Mass Index and overweight status of children and ado-
eralocorticoid receptors enhances naïve T-helper cell counts lescents. Child Development, 78(1), 309–323.
during early sleep in humans. Brain Behavior Immununology, Stores, G.S. & Wiggs, L. (2001). Sleep disturbance in children and
26(7), 1116–1121. adolescents with disorders of development: Its significance and
Cuthbertson, J. & Schevill, S. (1985/2002). Helping your child management. London: MacKeith Press.
sleep through the night. New York: Double Day/Broadway Virginia Department of Education (2001). Curriculum Scope and
Books, Randome House. Sequence Modules for Driver Education in Virginia. Virginia
Ferber, R. (1985/2006). Solve your child’s sleep problems. New Department of Motor Vehicles.
York: Simon and Schuster. Walker, M.P., & Stickgold, R. (2006). Sleep, memory and plas-
Ivanenko, A. (2008). Sleep and psychiatric disorders in children ticity. Annual Review of Psychology, 10, 139–166.
and adolescents. New York: Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. Wolfson, A., Lacks, P., & Futterman, A. (1992). The effects of
Johnson, M., Harkins, E., Marco, C., Ludden, A., & Wolfson, parent training on infant sleeping patterns, parents’ stress
A. (June 2012). Effects of the Sleep-Smart Program on Early and perceived competence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Adolescents’ Perceived Health, Emotional Well-Being, and Psychology, 60(1), 41–48.
Caffeine Use. Presented at the annual meeting of the Associated Wolfson, A. R., & Carskadon, M. A. (1998). Sleep schedules
Professional Sleep Societies (Sleep 2012), Boston, MA. and daytime functioning in adolescents. Child Development,
Knutson, K.L., Zhao, X., Mattingly, M., Galli, G., & Cizza, G. 69(4), 875–887.
(2012). Predictors of sleep-disordered breathing in obese adults Wolfson, A.R., Carskadon, M.A., Acebo, C., Seifer, R., Fallone, G.,
who are chronic short sleepers. Sleep Medicine, 13(5), 484–489. Labyak, S.E., & Martin, J. L. (2003). Evidence for the validity
Lacks, Patricica. (1987). Behavioral Treatment for Persistent of a sleep habits survey for adolescents. Sleep, 26(2), 213–216.
Insomnia. New York: Pergamon Books. Wolfson, A.R. & Armitage, R. (2009). Sleep and its relationship
Lund, H.G., Reider, B.D., Whiting, A.B., & Prichard, J.R. to adolescent depression. In: Nolen-Hoeksema, S. & Hilt,
(2010). Sleep patterns and predictors of disturbed sleep in L.M. (Eds.) Handbook of depression in adolescents. New York:
a large population of college students. Journal of Adolescent Routledge.
Health, 46(2), 124–132. Wolfson, A.R. (2010). Adolescents and Emerging Adults’ Sleep
Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (2010). Driver Education Patterns: New Developments. Journal of Adolescent Health
Program. Massachusetts Department of Transportation. (invited editorial), 46, 97–99.

6 introduction
Sleep and Development
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Overview of the History of Child

2 and Adolescent Sleep Medicine

Stephen H. Sheldon

Development of pediatric and adolescent sleep medicine parallels the development of pediatric health
care in the United States. Historical development of health care for children, as well as development
of sleep medicine as a necessary and important medical discipline for adults, provides insight into
the current position of pediatric and adolescent sleep medicine and future directions for clinical
practice and research. An understanding of the evolution of sleep medicine into a clinical and research
discipline will create important perspective. Juxtaposition of disciplines will sensitize the reader to
the need for state-of-the-art evaluation of sleep and its pathologies seen in infants, children, and
Key Words: pediatric sleep medicine, adolescent sleep medicine, childhood and adolescent sleep
disorders, history of pediatric sleep medicine

Introduction by the medical profession was provided using adult

The development of pediatric and adolescent criteria, definition of disease/disorder, and therapeu-
sleep medicine parallels the development of pedi- tic techniques (Cone, 1979). Medical practitioners
atric health care in the United States. Historical who limited their practice to children were few and
development of health care for children, as well as considered “baby feeders.” At the turn of the cen-
development of sleep medicine for adults as a nec- tury it has been estimated that there were not more
essary and important medical discipline, provides than fifty medical practitioners in the United States
insight into the current position of pediatric and who were particularly interested in the health care of
adolescent sleep medicine and future directions for children, and less than a dozen limited their practice
clinical practice and research. exclusively to children (Smith, 1951). Locations for
clinical evaluation specifically designed for children
Development of Pediatrics as were nonexistent (Cone, 1979). Being considered
a Unique Discipline property of their parents, children were and typi-
Prior to the beginning of the twentieth century, cally remain neither a political nor economic force.
health care for children and adolescents was virtu- Diseases were widespread. Prevention was the under-
ally nonexistent. Health care for children was pro- lying principle. Approaches to treatment of illness
vided by the family. Mortality rates for infants were during childhood included tea, barley water, and
high. More than one-third of infants died before protein milk. Floating hospitals and country sanato-
their fifth birthday (Holt, 1943). Despite this high ria were occasionally utilized for treatment of child-
incidence of infant mortality, little was done and hood illness, since sun, fresh air, and isolation were
few took particular notice. Health care for children managements of choice. But, for the most part, care

of children remained in the home (Powers, 1939). periods were characterized by quiet periods, where
Evaluation of childhood disease/disorders was based there were no body or eye movements, and active
primarily on clinical signs and symptoms. Even periods of body movements and rapid eye move-
congenital malformations were thought by many ments under closed lids (Aserensky & Kleitman,
child health care practitioners to be due to mater- 1955). Two years later, Dement and Kleitman
nal influences (Cone, 1979). Treatment was princi- reported the cycling of REM sleep and non-rapid
pally based on either adult medical interventions or eye movement (NREM) sleep throughout the sleep
was purely empiric. Climate therapy was common. period, proposed a classification system of NREM
Exposure to sunlight was prescribed for various ill- sleep into four distinct stages, and hypothesized
nesses including but not limited to tuberculosis, the association of eye movements in REM sleep
cutaneous abnormalities, anemia, and rickets. Some with dream mentation (Dement & Kleitman,
treatments were effective, but most were relatively 1957a, 1957b).
ineffective. For example, treatment of pneumonia It had become clear that these discoveries ushered
often included administration of digitalis, camphor, in the realization that it was not enough to evaluate
strychnia, and alcohol. health and disease during only waking hours but
Child health care practitioners were thrust throughout the 24-hour continuum. A new era of
into the forefront of preventive medicine with the medical and scientific research emerged focusing on
discovery and development of pasteurization of physiological, pharmacological, pathophysiologi-
milk and immunizations for a variety of diseases. cal, and even anatomical that are different during
Antibiotics and the development of corticosteroids sleep than during the waking state (Orem & Barnes,
were instrumental in decreasing high childhood 1980). Sleep research provided the groundwork and
mortality rates existing during the first half of the basis for the realization that clinical evaluation and
twentieth century. management of patients might differ during sleep
Subsequently, there had been rapid progress in when compared to wake, resulting in the emergence of
pediatric medicine and surgery. Practice of pediat- clinical sleep medicine (Carskadon & Roth, 1989).
ric medicine has turned from principally treatment At first, clinical sleep medicine evolved from
of infectious diseases to comprehensive preventive patient self-referrals. Most sleep complaints were
programs, school health, community pediatrics, related to problem insomnia. However, it became
developmental pediatrics, and comprehensive ado- clear that the common belief that the majority of eti-
lescent medicine. Extensive morbidities have been ologies of insomnia were purely psychiatric in origin
identified, resulting in extensive efforts in behav- was false (Carskadon & Roth, 1989). Obstructive
ioral disorders, family violence, child maltreatment, sleep apnea had been identified in Europe, but there
drug misuse, learning problems, school health, and had been little notice of the condition in the United
developmental disabilities. Priorities have shifted, States. In 1970, Lugaresi and colleagues published
and identification of many pediatric disorders remarkable success of tracheostomy in the treatment
requires a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary of obstructive sleep apnea (Lugaresi, Coccagna,
approach to diagnosis and management. Mantovani, & Brignani, 1970). Nonetheless, simi-
lar evaluation and management of obstructive sleep
Development of Sleep Medicine as apnea was not yet accepted. In 1972, Guilleminault
a Unique Discipline demonstrated remarkable results in managing
Although there has been a fascination with sleep uncontrollable hypertension in a 101/2-year-old boy
since antiquity, the scientific investigation of sleep with tracheostomy (Dement, 1994). It is stunning
and its disorders can be traced back to 1930 when that the demonstration of the first successful treatment
Berger first described spontaneous EEG activity in of sequelae of obstructive sleep apnea in the United
the brains of sleeping subjects (Berger, 1930); dif- States was in a child.
ferentiation of sleep into specific and distinct states Physiological evaluation of sleep had also pro-
by Harvey, Loomis, and Hobart in 1937 (Harvey, gressed with adaptation of polygraphy, used in
Loomis, & Hobart, 1937); and the first description monitoring EEG, to evaluate other physiological
of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by Aserensky variables during sleep. Termed polysomnography,
and Kleitman at the University of Chicago in 1953 its use by Holland (Holland, Dement, & Raynal,
(Aserensky & Kleitman, 1953). In 1955, Aserinsky 1974) changed the face of clinical assessment of
and Kleitman observed sleeping infants and sleep in adult patients. Now there were methods
described a “rest–activity” cycle during sleep. These for both basic evaluation by history and physical

10 h istory of child and adoles cen t s l eep m ed i c i n e

examination, as well as physiological assessment to establish. Several longitudinal points are often
of sleep-related complaints in a clinical laboratory required for appropriate comparison of polysom-
setting. nographic variables. This has been suggested to be
By the end of the 1970s, clinical sleep disor- termed developmental polysomnography (Sheldon,
ders medicine became an accepted area of medical 1996). This would then take into account normal
inquiry, although practice of sleep disorders medicine progression of maturation, rather than evaluat-
was still couched in other disciplines of pulmonol- ing a single polygraphic study at a single point in
ogy, psychiatry, neurology, and internal medicine. time. Because of these immense difficulties, little
In 1968, the Manual of Standardized Terminology, evidence-based standardized information has been
Techniques, and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of available to provide accurate and reproducible
Human Subjects was published (Rechtschaffen & normative data, despite evidence that sleep and its
Kales, 1968). This was a significant step forward in normal structure and maturation has far-reaching
standardizing sleep stage scoring in adults and elim- implications for growth, development, and learning
inating unreliability and inconsistencies in labora- (Karni, Tanne, Rubenstein, Askenasy, & Sagi, 1994;
tory evaluation of sleep, both between laboratories Wilson & McNaughton, 1994).
and within laboratories. It was clear at that time that Identification of effective noninvasive treatments
this standardization was not appropriate for iden- for many sleep-related disorders developed (for
tification of stages of sleep and evaluation of sleep example, treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in
in newborns, infants, and children. Anatomical and adults with nasal CPAP), resulting in rapid develop-
physiological variables differed markedly from those ment of therapeutic protocols and widespread use.
of the adult. Similar standardization of sleep stage The combination of high prevalence of obstructive
identification was a daunting task due to the rapid sleep apnea in the adult population, management of
and constantly changing biology of the maturing the obstructive sleep-disordered breathing with nasal
and developing child. Therefore, the newborn infant continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), a rela-
became a starting point for a similar process that was tively innocuous procedure, and effective manage-
started by Drs. Rechtschaffen and Kales in 1968. ment of sequelae led to the rapid expansion of sleep
Drs. Thomas Anders, Robert Emde, and Arthur medicine into a unique medical discipline. Sleep
Parmelee were pioneers in bringing the science of disorders medicine has become an accepted and dis-
sleep in infants and children to child health care tinct specialty within the medical community.
practitioners. Because of their seminal work related Beginning in 1978, the American Board of Sleep
to sleep in infants and children, Drs. Anders, Emde, Medicine (ABSM) provided an examination in
and Parmelee co-chaired an ad hoc committee to clinical polysomnography to assure quality of prac-
provide similar standards, and the result was the titioners practicing sleep disorders medicine and
publication in 1971 of A Manual for Standardized interpreting polysomnograms. The first examination
Techniques and Criteria for Scoring of States of Sleep certified 21 candidates. During the next 28 years,
and Wakefulness in Newborn Infants (Anders, Emde, the ABSM certified more than 3400 individuals
& Parmelee, 1971). Strikingly, since publication of (Quan, Berry, Buyssee, Collop, Grigg-Damberger,
this manual, 42 years later there has been no similar Harding et al., 2008). This examination was not
effort for infants older than 2 months of age and specialty-specific and was taken by internists, psy-
children older than the beginning of puberty. Many chiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, family prac-
problems precluded this task. Standardization in the titioners, and pediatricians. Successful applicants
pediatric age group is a formidable endeavor. First, became diplomats of the ABSM. Indeed, sleep
there are rapid and dynamic changes that occur dur- disorders medicine as a new and unique discipline
ing the first two decades of life. The nervous system became the focus of more clinical practitioners.
is constantly changing, structurally and function- Pediatric and adolescent sleep medicine has
ally, during this period of life. Attempting to define become an outgrowth of this sleep disorders medi-
cross-sectional criteria for evaluation of children cine practice. Inspiration has come from several
both within same-age subjects and between sub- directions: scientific and clinical interest in sud-
jects is extraordinarily difficult because of normal den infant death syndrome (SIDS); identification
internal and external variability. Normal ranges can of obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep-related
be extensive. Limitations include number of evalu- breathing disorders occurring with significant prev-
ations required for appropriate power. External alence in the pediatric population; identification
reliability and validity can also be quite difficult of the importance of sleep in the origin of daytime

s hel d o n 11
behavioral difficulties; and the influence of sleep medicine anatomical, physiological, and pathologi-
disorders and insufficient sleep on children’s day- cal criteria to children.
time performance and learning. Yet, the general pediatric community has been
In the early 1980s the practice of pediatrics was very slow to grasp the significance of the entirety of
a highly respected medical discipline. One of the pediatric sleep disorders. Child health care practi-
principal textbooks utilized by most students and tioners have been resistant to absorb the importance
practitioners of health care for children was entitled of sleep physiology and sleep structure to human
Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics (Behrman, 1992). development and behavior. However, over the past
Nevertheless, the 14th edition of this text pub- 5 to 10 years, pediatric pulmonologists, otolaryn-
lished in 1992 had a total of only eleven paragraphs gologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and psycholo-
uniquely devoted to sleep disorders in children. gists have increasingly recognized the importance of
Between 1978 and 1987, several seminal works sleep and its disorders and have incorporated this
were published. Publication of three books for par- large portion of the child’s life into clinical and
ents, entitled Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems (Ferber, academic endeavors, with particular focus on sleep-
1985), Helping Your Child Sleep Through the Night related breathing abnormalities. With an apparent
(Cuthbertson & Schevill, 1985), and Healthy Sleep “epidemic” of obstructive sleep apnea in the pediat-
Habits, Happy Child (Weissbluth, 1987), focused ric population, this again seems to be an outgrowth
on different techniques parents might employ to of adult sleep medicine. To this end, child health
affect their child’s sleep. Interestingly, these books care professionals began in 2005 to meet to dis-
tended to employ different approaches, creating cuss priorities for research, patient care, policy, and
considerable controversy in the child health care education. This first conference was sponsored by
community and parental confusion. A compilation Brown University, Alpert Medical School, and was
of scientific articles was published in 1978 and was attended by more than 100 participants. There has
entitled Sleep and Its Disorders in Children, edited by been continued and ongoing excitement about this
Dr. Christian Guilleminault (Guilleminault, 1987). meeting, along with continued and rapid growth.
This book gathered groundbreaking scientific papers In 2010, the first international conference was held
on normative data providing a basis for future direc- in Rome, Italy, with more than 400 attendees. These
tion in the scientific study of sleep and sleep-wake conferences are now are now held biannually in
cycles during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. alternate years.
More changes occur in anatomy, physiology, and In 2002, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
sleep–-wake patterns during the first 15 years of (AASM) applied to the Accreditation Council on
life than over the next four decades. Nonetheless, Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for estab-
while the work in this volume attests to the high- lishment of sleep medicine training programs under
quality empirical work conducted, comparatively the auspices of the ACGME as part of a compre-
little information has been published regarding hensive plan, along with the American Board of
this transformation. Prevalence and impact of dys- Medical Specialists, to accept sleep medicine as an
functional sleep on the developing child requires independent medical specialty. In 2003 this was
large population-based studies. It is imperative to approved, and a consensus plan was developed for
determine how sleep and its organization develop establishment of a new multidisciplinary specialty
in infancy and early childhood, since disruption of examination in sleep medicine to be jointly offered
normal progression of development during these by the American Board of Internal Medicine,
vastly important stages in human maturation may American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology,
have lifelong consequences. American Board of Pediatrics, American Board
Clinical pediatric sleep medicine has had to rely of Family Medicine, and the American Board of
on nosology developed for adults (Thorpy, 1990). Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (Quan
Adaptations have been attempted (Sheldon, Spire, et al., 2008). The first examination was adminis-
& Levy, 1992), but it is clearly apparent that adapt- tered in 2007. Considerations and disorders unique
ing adult criteria to infants and children can lead to childhood comprised 2% of the first examina-
to many false starts and wrong turns. Most sleep- tion. Although pediatrics is a required portion of a
related problems in children might carry simi- sleep medicine fellowship curriculum, it is unclear
lar nomenclature, but children and adolescents how much pediatric medicine and sleep disorders in
are clearly different. It would be inappropriate, children is afforded to internists, otolaryngologists,
improper, and incongruous to apply adult sleep psychiatrists, and neurologists studying general

12 h istory of child and adoles cen t s l eep m ed i c i n e

sleep medicine in these programs. It is also unclear sleep and its disorders in infants, children, and ado-
whether training in developmental medicine and lescents over the past decade. Nonetheless, what is
children’s health care can be translated into practice known now about the importance of sleep in nor-
of sleep medicine without a comprehensive under- mal human development and sleep in health and
pinning of pediatric medicine. disease is likely only the “tip of the iceberg.” The
Success in incorporating pediatric sleep medi- future of pediatric and Adolescent Sleep Medicine
cine objectives into undergraduate, graduate, and is truly before us. Many questions remain:
postgraduate training curricula will depend upon
1. How important is the basic rest–activity
outcome and cost-effectiveness. Integrating disci-
cycle during gestation in growth and maturation
plines (including but not limited to medicine and
of the central nervous system, neuronal migration,
psychology) is crucial in development of successful
and neural network development?
and effective sleep medicine services for children.
2. What impact does disruption of normal
Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches
sleep and/or its continuity during the first few
to diagnosis and management of sleep-related disor-
years of life have on future human development
ders in infancy, childhood, and adolescence requires
and performance?
this model. Many questions remain. First, can the
3. What effect does sleep deprivation during
provision of comprehensive sleep medicine services
adolescence have on health and well-being as an
to children by pediatricians specializing and devot-
adult? How might this contribute to chronic illness
ing full time to the practice of pediatric sleep medi-
affecting these individuals as adults?
cine have a significant impact on comorbid medical
illnesses such as sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis,
neuromuscular disorders, craniofacial malforma- References
tions, or congenital/acquired cardiovascular dis- Anders, T., Emde, R., & Parmelee, A. H., eds. (1971). A Manual
ease? Second, what effect does early disruption of of Standardized Terminology, Techniques and Criteria for
sleep and/or sleep–wake cycling have on learning, Scoring of States of Sleep and Wakefulness in Newborn Infants.
UCLA Brain Information Service, NINDS Neurological
memory, and cognitive development? Finally, can Information Network, Los Angeles.
understanding sleep and its disorders in childhood Aserensky, E., & Kleitman, N. (1953). Regularly recurring peri-
contribute to a better understanding of behavioral ods of eye motility, and concomitant phenomena, during
disorders, problems of attention, and learning dis- sleep. Science, 118, 273–274.
abilities? The work described in this book illustrates Aserensky, E, & Kleitman, N. (1955). A motility cycle in sleep-
ing infants as manifested by ocular and gross bodily activity.
the exciting, ongoing work that is being done. The Journal of Applied Physiology, 8, 11–18.
authors of these chapters also highlight the most Behrman, R. E., ed. (1992). Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics, 14th
important future directions in each of their areas. Edition. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
The mystery of establishing and integrating neural Berger, H. (1930). Uber das Elekoenkeephalogramm des Menchen.
networks required for early brain development and Journal fur Psychologie und Neurologie, 40, 160–179.
Carskadon, M. A., & Roth, T. (1989). Normal sleep and its varia-
later executive functioning may be locked within tions. In M. Kryger, T. Roth, & W. C. Dement(Eds.), Principles
the sleeping brain. and Practice of Sleep Medicine (pp. 3–15). Philadelphia: WB
As was true of the development of pediatrics as Saunders.
a unique medical discipline, further appreciation of Cone, T. E. Jr. (1979). History of American Pediatrics (pp. 99–130).
the development of sleep and its structure, as well as Boston: Little Brown.
Cuthbertson, J., & Schevill, S., Helping Your Child Sleep Through
the effects of disruption of its normal maturation, the Night (p. 237). New York: Doubleday, 1985.
might lead to improved diagnosis, treatment, and Dement, W. C., & Kleitman, N. (1957a). Cyclic variations in
prevention of a wide variety of disorders unique to EEG during sleep and their relation to eye movements, body
both children and adults. It is evident that the pres- motility, and dreaming. Electroencephalography and Clinical
ent is only the beginning of the understanding of Neurophysiolology, 9, 673–690.
Dement, W. C., & Kleitman, N. (1957b). The relation of eye
pediatric sleep and pediatric sleep medicine. movements during sleep to dream activity: an objective
method for the study of dreaming. Journal of Experimental
Summary Psychology, 53, 339–346.
Pediatric and adolescent sleep medicine has fol- Dement, W. C. (1994). History of sleep physiology and medi-
lowed a similar path in its maturation to the devel- cine. In Kryger, M., Roth, T., & Dement, W. C., eds.
(1994). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 2nd Edition
opment of pediatrics as a recognized and unique (pp. 3–15). Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
medical discipline. There has been a very significant Ferber, R. (1985). Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. New York:
increase in evidence-based knowledge regarding Simon & Schuster.

s hel d o n 13
Freeman, R. G. (1916). Fresh air in pediatric practice. Transactions Quan, S. F., Berry, R. B., Buyssee, D., Collop, N. A., Grigg-
of the American Pediatric Society, 28, 7. Damberger, M., Harding, S. M., et al. (2008). Development
Guilleminault, C. (1987). Sleep and Its Disorders in Children. and results of the first ABMS subspecialty certification exam-
New York: Raven Press. ination in sleep medicine. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine,
Harvey, E. N., Loomis, A. L., & Hobart, G. A. (1937). Cerebral 4, 505–508.
states during sleep as studied by human brain potentials. Rechtschaffen, A., & Kales, A. (1968). A Manual of Standardized
Science, 85, 443–444. Terminology, Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of
Holland, V., Dement, W., & Raynal, D. (1974). Polysomnography: Human Subjects. Los Angles: BIS/BRI, UCLA.
responding to a need for improved communication. Presentation Sheldon, S. H., Spire, J. P., & Levy, H. B. (1992). Pediatric Sleep
to the Annual Meeting of the Sleep Research Society, Jackson Medicine (pp. 185–240). Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
Hole, Wyoming. Sheldon, S. H. (1996). Evaluating Sleep in Infants and Children
Holt, L. E. (1943). Infant mortality ancient and modern. An (p. 276). New York: Lippincott-Raven.
historical sketch. Arch Pediatr, 30, 885. Smith, R. M. (1951). Medicine as a science: pediatrics. New
Karni, A., Tanne, D., Rubenstein, B. S., Askenasy, J. J. M., & England Journal of Medicine, 244, 176.
Sagi, D. (1994). Dependence on REM sleep of overnight Thorpy, M., chairman, Diagnostic Classification Steering
improvement of a perceptual skill. Science, 265, 679–682. Committee. (1990). International Classification of Sleep Disorders:
Lugaresi, E., Coccagna, G., Mantovani, M., & Brignani, F. Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Rochester, MN: American Sleep
(1970). Effects de la tracheotomie dans les hypersomnies avec Disorders Association.
respiration periodique. Revue Neurologique, 123, 267–268. Weissbluth, M. (1987). Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
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Powers, G. F. (1939). Developments in pediatrics in the past hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. Science, 265,
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14 h istory of child and adoles cen t s l eep m ed i c i n e


A Brief History of Child and

3 Adolescent Sleep Research: Key
Contributions in Psychology
Tonya M. Palermo


The scientific understanding of sleep in infants, children, and adolescents has expanded significantly
over the past few decades. Within psychology, key discoveries have been made in several important
areas including (1) the understanding of prevalence and impact of childhood sleep problems and
disorders; (2) the development and evaluation of behavioral treatments for childhood sleep prob-
lems; (3) the development of conceptual models of children’s sleep and sleep dysfunction; (4) the
measurement of sleep patterns, behaviors, and disorders in children; and (5) the identification of
sleep-related concerns in pediatric medical, neurodevelopmental, and psychiatric populations. Sleep
is now recognized as a cross-cutting issue in child and pediatric psychology. Expanding opportunities
within psychology for involvement in pediatric sleep research and sleep clinical training are part of this
evolving history. A research agenda building from these key discoveries will move the field of pediatric
sleep medicine forward over the next several decades.
Key Words: history, psychology, pediatric, sleep research

Introduction problems and disorders; (2) evaluation of behavioral

Within the field of psychology, important contri- treatments for pediatric sleep problems; (3) concep-
butions have been made to the scientific understand- tual models of children’s sleep and sleep dysfunction;
ing of sleep in infants, children, and adolescents. Over (4) measurement of sleep behaviors, sleep patterns,
the past three decades, scholarly work in psychology and sleep disorders in children; and (5) sleep in spe-
has expanded the evidence base of pediatric sleep cial populations of children with medical, neurode-
medicine, led to practice changes in treatment of velopmental, and psychiatric conditions. Each of
childhood sleep problems, produced policy changes these areas is considered from a historical perspective
(e.g., school start times), and led to increased empha- in this chapter, highlighting key findings that moved
sis on training in behavioral sleep medicine (e.g., cer- the field forward. This chapter is not intended to
tification in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, postdoctoral provide a comprehensive historical overview of sleep
training). This has all been accomplished in a rela- research in psychology; rather, it is meant to draw
tively short time, as the focus on infants, children, attention to key discoveries and provide examples to
and adolescents within sleep research is recent. demonstrate the progression of research.
The aim of this chapter is to highlight key areas
of research contribution in psychology to the under- Prevalence and Impact of Sleep Problems
standing of children’s sleep. Specifically, five areas of and Disorders
key discoveries in child sleep research are reviewed, Three decades ago, relatively little was known
including: (1) prevalence and impact of sleep about normative patterns and variation in children’s

sleep, and most advice about proper sleep patterns and child psychology, where family systems theories
was based on personal observation and opinion. were developing in the conceptualization of child
Thus, an important focus of psychology research illness (e.g., Kazak, 1989). The study of childhood
aimed to describe infant, child, and adolescent sleep sleep in the context of the family has continued to
patterns and to identify the frequency of problematic date; in particular, research has focused on the com-
sleep patterns and behaviors in childhood in order plexity for sleep in the family when a child has a
to establish scientific data on this topic. A number chronic illness or developmental disorder (Meltzer
of cross-sectional survey studies emerged to fill in & Montgomery-Downs, 2011).
this gap in knowledge. Developmental changes in Efforts were also directed toward describing the
patterns of sleep including average bedtimes, wake functional impact of disrupted sleep on children.
times, and sleep duration of children across the pedi- Research in psychology showed clearly that chil-
atric age span were described (e.g., Anders & Keener, dren were affected by sleep loss and sleep disrup-
1985; Carskadon, 1990; Levy, Gray-Donald, Leech, tion in a multitude of domains. For example, key
Zvagulis, & Pless,1986; Sadeh, Lavie, Scher, Tirosh, findings emerged demonstrating that children and
& Epstein, 1991). Moreover, studies were con- adolescents who experience excessive daytime sleep-
ducted to identify parental concerns about problem- iness due to insufficient or interrupted sleep are at
atic child sleep behaviors (e.g., Blader, Koplewicz, greater risk for mood disturbances, behavioral dis-
Abikoff, & Foley, 1997; Johnson, 1991; Richman, ruption, impaired cognitive functioning, reduced
1981). Screening measures for sleep disorders were academic performance, attentional difficulties, and
developed in community samples, identifying the increased school absences (e.g., Fallone, Owens, &
prevalence of a range of behaviorally based and Deane, 2002; Gozal, 1998; Wolfson & Carskadon,
physiologically based sleep disorders to understand 1998). Poor sleep was also linked with socioemo-
potential treatment needs. Progress was made in tional problems, particularly symptoms of anxiety
the investigation of behaviorally based sleep disor- and depression, behavior problems, and substance
ders; for example, prevalence data emerged showing abuse in youth (Johnson & Breslau, 2001; Smedje,
that 12% to 16% of adolescents have clinically sig- Broman, & Hetta, 2001).
nificant insomnia (Morrison, McGee, & Stanton, In child neuropsychology research, these
1992; Ohayon, Caulet, & Lemoine, 1998; Roberts, functional indicators were further explored.
Lee, Hemandez, & Solari, 2004). Researchers also Comprehensive studies were undertaken to exam-
recognized the importance of studying the course of ine neurocognitive function and sleep in children,
sleep problems longitudinally, finding, for example, finding that disturbed sleep is associated with prob-
that a significant portion of children who experi- lems with cognitive functioning, learning, and
ence sleep disturbances at earlier ages continue to do attention (Sadeh, Gruber, & Raviv, 2002, 2003).
so over time (e.g., Kataria, Swanson, & Trevathan, Neurocognitive function was studied in children
1987; Pollock, 1992) and that sleep disturbances with known sleep disorders such as sleep disordered
may be chronic or persistent (e.g., Roberts, Roberts, breathing (SDB), as well as in children who are
& Duong, 2008). Together, data on the prevalence otherwise healthy. These data extended the study
and course of sleep behaviors and sleep disorders of consequences that had been defined in the adult
were compelling in demonstrating that childhood literature related to SDB where neurocognitive
sleep problems were an important pediatric health deficits, which may be a consequence of sleep frag-
problem worthy of study. mentation or hypoxemia, had been reported. For
Beyond prevalence and epidemiology, the impact example, investigations within neuropsychology of
of sleep problems became an important research children with SDB showed similar deficits (as in
topic in psychology. There was interest in under- adults) in neurocognitive performance, behavioral
standing how sleep problems may affect children impairments, and reduced school performance
and families in a variety of domains. In infants and (e.g., Blunden, Lushington, & Kennedy, 2001;
young children, researchers asked questions about Gozal, 1998; Lewin, Rosen, England, & Dahl,
the impact of the child’s problematic sleep on adult 2002; Owens, Spirito, McGuinn, & Nobile, 2000).
caregivers in regard to their own sleep, mood and Further research attempted to describe whether
affect, and parenting stress (e.g., Hiscock & Wake, these deficits may be completely or partially revers-
2002). It was recognized that the child’s sleep could ible with treatment of SDB (Gozal, 1998; Lewin
impact the entire family. This followed from simi- et al., 2002; Owens, Spirito, McGuinn et al., 2000).
lar theoretical movements in the fields of pediatric Major research discoveries have continued over

16 c h ild and adoles cent s leep resea rc h: k ey co n t ri but i o n s

the last decade providing new data on the conse- An influential study was published in 1998 by
quences of SDB on children. This continues to be Wolfson, Carskadon, and colleagues specifically on
an important topic of study. For example, several the relationship between inadequate sleep quantity
recent investigations have examined whether behav- and quality and adolescent school performance.
ioral and neurocognitive functions of children with Using high school records of academic perfor-
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) improve mance, this study clearly linked inadequate sleep
after adenotonsillectomy (e.g., Landau et al., 2012; to problems with attendance and reduced academic
Redline et al., 2011). Findings to date suggest that performance (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998). This
the impact of OSAS on behavioral and cognitive work became critical in a national debate about
functions begins in early childhood. school start times. Over the subsequent years, a
Contemporary research in neuropsychology is number of school districts have responded to these
focusing on sleep restriction and neurocognitive research findings regarding the prevalence of inad-
function in otherwise healthy children (e.g., Beebe, equate sleep among high school students with a
Difrancesco, Tlustos, McNally, & Holland, 2009), policy change of delaying school start times (e.g.,
using brain imaging methods. This innovative work from starting at 7:30 a.m. to starting at 8:30 a.m.)
continues to increase understanding of the broad to allow adolescents to sleep longer in the morning.
impact of sleep disruption on children. Part Five of Many school districts continue to debate the issue,
this book provides a contemporary focus on conse- and psychology research is active in extending these
quences of insufficient sleep. data to the study of sleep in middle school students
In addition to neurocognitive effects, elegant (Wolfson, Spaulding, Dandrow, & Baroni, 2007).
work has emerged on the impact of OSAS on chil- The conclusions from this body of work in psy-
dren’s health care use (Tarasiuk et al., 2007). In this chology are that sleep problems are common across
study, findings demonstrated that children with the pediatric age span and, importantly, that they
OSAS have higher health care use starting from are also associated with major sources of child and
the first year of life, and the majority of the health family functional impact, highlighting the signifi-
service use was due to higher occurrence of respira- cance of directing efforts toward prevention and
tory tract morbidity (Tarasiuk et al., 2007). Further treatment of sleep problems in children.
research is needed to demonstrate the potential
health economic impact of other sleep disturbances Evaluating Behavioral Treatments
in infants, children, and adolescents. for Sleep Problems in Children
Research discoveries in psychology in the area of In the 1980s and 1990s, pediatric sleep medi-
prevalence and impact of childhood sleep problems cine was emerging as a legitimate clinical specialty.
have also been translated into public policy changes. Psychologists began consulting with and collaborat-
One of the best exemplars of this is the topic of sleep ing alongside sleep medicine physicians to provide
in adolescents. In the 1980s, extending descriptive behavioral treatment to children with a range of
research on sleep to adolescents, Carskadon con- sleep disorders. A number of books for health pro-
ducted pioneering studies that contributed knowl- fessionals on children’s sleep emerged during this
edge of normal sleep-related changes in adolescence, time (e.g., Ferber & Kryger, 1995; Guilleminault,
identifying the optimal sleep needs of adolescents 1987), focused broadly on describing sleep disor-
and serving to highlight the significant deficit in ders in children and adolescents. Moreover, key
sleep obtained by most youth (Carskadon et al., books about children’s sleep were published dur-
1980; see Carskadon and Tarokh, Chapter 8). ing this time specifically for a parent audience
This line of research on sleep regulation in adoles- (e.g., Cuthbertson & Schevill, 1985; Ferber, 1986;
cents has now spanned several decades and has led Mindell, 1997; Weissbluth, 1987). Importantly,
to increased understanding of sleep problems and behavioral treatment strategies were introduced in
impact on behavior in adolescents (e.g., Carskadon, these books, such as the application of behavioral
Acebo, & Jenni, 2004; Carskadon, Wolfson, Acebo, techniques to treat bedtime resistance in young chil-
Tzischinsky, & Seifer, 1998). These findings fueled dren. Clearly moving the field forward, many of the
a tremendous interest in the study of sleep in adoles- treatment and intervention strategies presented in
cents as well as advocacy efforts, particularly around these early professional and lay books continue to
school start times and consideration of how changes be used today.
in policy may help to prevent sleep problems (see Given that the most frequent childhood sleep
Au, Appleman, and Stavitsky, Chapter 38). problems involve bedtime resistance and night

pa l erm o 17
wakings in infants and young children (Meltzer & surge of treatment research conducted over the past
Mindell, 2006), the thrust of the treatment research two decades in younger children. However, there
in psychology has been in this area. Published are recent examples within psychology of research
reports of behavioral treatments for pediatric sleep focused on the development and evaluation of
problems emerged in the 1980s and 1990s with interventions with older children and adolescents
mostly case series and small treatment studies (e.g., with insomnia (Bootzin & Stevens, 2005; Paine &
France & Hudson, 1990; Rapoff, Christophersen, Gradisar, 2011) and delayed sleep phase (Gradisar
& Rapoff, 1982). Important review articles were et al., 2011), and this is an area ripe for future inves-
written by psychologists describing treatment of tigation. Part Seven of this book highlights contem-
sleep disorders in children (e.g., Mindell, 1993) and porary work on prevention and intervention of
summarizing priorities for research. For example, childhood sleep problems.
Mindell (1993) highlighted a number of method-
ological problems in studies on sleep disorders in Conceptual Models of Sleep and Sleep
children including the large number of case studies Dysfunction
and uncontrolled trials, the lack of long-term fol- Within psychology, a number of conceptual mod-
low-up, subjectivity of the outcome data on sleep, els of childhood sleep and sleep dysfunction have been
and large gaps in research. Since Mindell’s review put forth over the years. Many of these models are
was published, it has been exciting to see research in intended to establish links between child and family
psychology address many of these research gaps and risk of perpetuating factors for sleep problems, and
limitations, due to the concerted efforts to study consequences of sleep dysfunction, with the intent
sleep interventions in controlled trials in children of identifying areas to intervene. Similar to concep-
and to improve on the measurement of sleep and tual models proposed in the child psychology litera-
related outcomes. ture more broadly (e.g., biopsychosocial models) to
A solid body of literature now exists support- describe factors that influence children’s adjustment
ing the use of evidence-based behavioral manage- to medical conditions, most models of childhood
ment strategies to treat bedtime problems and night sleep are integrated in developmental models of sleep
wakings in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. within the larger context of the child’s biology, psy-
An influential program of research on behavioral chological factors, and social systems.
interventions is the work conducted by Mindell For example, one of the early models proposed
and colleagues, including randomized controlled by Sadeh and Anders (1993) was a transactional
trials of behavioral interventions for bedtime set- model of infant sleep which identified multiple
tling and night waking problems, as well as system- etiological sources for infant sleep problems from
atic reviews synthesizing this treatment literature a systems perspective. This model linked etiology
(Mindell, 1999; Mindell, Kuhn, Lewin, Meltzer, & to methods of assessment of sleep disturbances and
Sadeh, 2006). A recent systematic review was used application of specific intervention methods for
in practice parameters developed by the American the specific system involved. Similarly, in under-
Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) presenting rec- standing adolescent sleep, Carskadon (2011) has
ommendations for the use of behavioral treatments described the convergence of biologic, psychologi-
for bedtime problems and night wakings in young cal, and sociocultural influences on sleep. Other
children (Morgenthaler et al., 2006) based on this models have expanded understanding of family and
scientific evidence. Several specific behavioral treat- culture to incorporate that children’s sleep is shaped
ments had enough evidence to be considered “stan- and interpreted by cultural values and beliefs (e.g,
dards” for treatment of bedtime problems and night Boergers & Koinis-Mitchell, 2010).
wakings. These specific treatments include unmodi- Within childhood sleep research, conceptual
fied extinction, extinction with parental presence models provide useful organizing frameworks help-
(see Blampied, Chapter 15), and preventive parent ing to shape and focus research efforts in psychology.
education. These were all rated as individually effec- One example of how a conceptual model influenced
tive therapies in the treatment of bedtime problems subsequent research in psychology is in the area of
and night wakings, producing reliable and signifi- children’s pain and sleep. In 1999, Lewin and Dahl
cant clinical improvement in children’s sleep. published a theoretical paper describing a model to
Treatment directed toward the sleep problems explain the links between the regulation of sleep and
of older children and adolescents has been rela- pediatric pain. The primary tenet of the framework is
tively slow to develop in contrast to the tremendous that there are bidirectional effects between pain and

18 c h ild and adoles cent s leep resea rc h: k ey co n t ri but i o n s

sleep. Pain can directly affect sleep by prolonging sleep used in psychology research has increased signifi-
onset and interfering with the depth and continuity cantly. Many specific measures have been developed
of sleep states, and the psychological and physiologi- to provide developmentally appropriate assessment
cal sequelae of insufficient sleep (e.g., worry, negative of sleep across the entire pediatric age span from
thoughts, and decrements in behavioral control) may infancy to adolescence. There are now many avail-
have deleterious effects on pain management. After able well-validated subjective measures to describe
the publication of this model, descriptions of sleep in sleep habits, sleep quality, sleep beliefs, daytime
children and adolescents with chronic pain became sleepiness, and sleep disorders in children and ado-
a topic of growing interest in psychology and pediat- lescents; for example, see review by Lewandowski
rics (e.g., Bruni, Russo, Violani, & Guidetti, 2004; et al. (2011). Many of these instruments were devel-
Bruusgaard, Smedbraten, & Natvig, 2000; Haim oped with the contributions of psychologists.
et al., 2004; Palermo & Kiska, 2005). Researchers One of the most widely used multidimensional
began to examine both directions of the pain–sleep measures of children’s sleep is the Children’s Sleep
relationship and focused attention on describing the Habits Questionnaire (Owens, Spirito, & McGuinn,
impact of sleep disturbances on children’s functional 2000). The publication of this measure was important
outcomes and health-related quality of life (LaPlant, in child sleep research, as it provided a tool to screen
Adams, Haftel, & Chervin, 2007). broad pediatric populations for sleep dysfunction and
Conceptual and theoretical models of childhood sleep disorders. It was widely available and quickly
sleep are a major contribution within psychology, translated into many languages. More recent research
guiding subsequent research efforts. The continued on sleep measures has also involved validating subjec-
focus on sleep within the child’s broader systems tive questionnaires against other forms of sleep assess-
of influence will remain a critical guide to further ment. For example, validation studies for both the
intervention development. Current research priori- Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (Sadeh, 2004) and the
ties on factors influencing sleep are described in Part Sleep Habits Survey have demonstrated associations
Two of this book. with actigraphy (Wolfson et al., 2003). Similarly,
the sleep-related breathing disorder subscale of both
Measurement of Sleep Behaviors, Sleep the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (Chervin, Hedger,
Patterns, and Sleep Disorders Dillon, & Pituch, 2000) and the Sleep Disturbance
Because sleep is a multidimensional construct, Scale for Children (Ferreira et al., 2009) have been val-
measurement approaches have also been multi- idated with polysomnography. Important progress in
modal. In psychology, many contributions have measurement has greatly expanded available options
been made over the past few decades to the mea- in the study of children’s sleep.
surement of sleep patterns, behaviors, and disorders Accurate assessment of sleep disturbance and
in children. Research to describe patterns of chil- associated behaviors has practical applications in
dren’s sleep has encompassed both self-report of research and clinical care. As one example, the Ped-
sleep and the measurement of activity patterns to IMMPACT consensus group, charged with develop-
derive sleep times using actigraphy (see Horne and ing recommendations for relevant outcome domains
Biggs, Chapter 16). For example, in the 1980s and in clinical trials for pediatric pain management,
1990s, in validating actigraphy in child populations, identified sleep as a core outcome domain (McGrath
the important work of Acebo, Sadeh, and colleagues et al., 2008) in therapeutic trials for youth with
(e.g., Carskadon, Acebo, Richardson, Tate, & Seifer, chronic pain, recommending several validated sub-
1997; Sadeh & Acebo, 2002; Sadeh, Hauri, Kripke, jective measures of sleep for outcome assessment.
& Lavie, 1995; Sadeh et al., 1991) supported
this measurement technique as a viable option in Sleep in Special Populations: Children
child sleep research. Early publications focused on with Medical, Neurodevelopmental,
actigraphy procedures, scoring, and validity, guid- and Psychiatric Conditions
ing the approach to the use of actigraphy in child The study of sleep in special populations of
sleep research. Actigraphy validation and scoring in children with medical, neurodevelopmental, and
children remains an important contemporary area psychiatric conditions emerged in the 1980s and
of scientific inquiry (e.g., Meltzer, Montgomery- 1990s as an important clinical topic in psychologi-
Downs, Insana, & Walsh, 2012). cal or behavioral treatment of individuals with sleep
During the last 20 years, the number of pediatric problems and comorbidities. Published applica-
subjective sleep measures (see Spruyt, Chapter 18) tions of behavioral strategies (e.g., positive routines,

pa l erm o 19
graduated extinction, and scheduled wakings; see Hysing, 2012). Multiple factors including both acute
Blampied, Chapter 15) to treat sleep problems in and chronic pain, underlying disease processes, con-
special pediatric populations are a significant part current medications, the impact of hospitalization,
of this early history (e.g., Bramble, 1996, 1997; and comorbid psychiatric conditions such as depres-
Durand, Gerner-Dott, & Mapstone, 1996; Milan, sion and anxiety have been identified as important to
Mitchell, Berger, & Pierson, 1981). Because chil- consider in assessing the bidirectional relationship of
dren with special health needs represent a large sleep problems and acute and chronic illness in chil-
number of visits to child and pediatric psycholo- dren (Lewandowski, Ward, & Palermo, 2011). In rec-
gists, the treatment of sleep problems represented ognition of the emerging focus on these populations
an important clinical challenge. For example, the within psychology, two special issues were published
majority of adolescents presenting for treatment of in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology in 2008 (Owens
insomnia in a sleep clinic have been found to have a & Palermo, 2008; Palermo & Owens, 2008) on the
diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder, often a mood dis- topics of sleep in children with medical conditions
order (Ivanenko, Barnes, Crabtree, & Gozal, 2004; and neurodevelopmental disorders. Current priorities
see Harvey, Alfano, and Clarke, Chapter 35). in this area are dedicated to developing and evaluat-
Case series of behavioral interventions (e.g., posi- ing behavioral interventions for special populations of
tive routines, faded bedtimes, response cost) demon- children with sleep problems (e.g., Vriend, Corkum,
strated that interventions used in physically healthy Moon, & Smith, 2011).
populations could be modified to successfully treat My own interest in sleep was sparked by a desire to
bedtime resistance in children with neurodevelopmen- treat sleep problems in child medical populations. As
tal disorders (see Richdale Chapter 33,). For example, a pediatric psychologist engaged in clinical services
Piazza conducted a series of intervention studies in and research related to children with chronic pain, I
the 1990s with children with developmental disabili- had observed that sleep was an important issue inter-
ties (Piazza & Fisher, 1991a, 1991b; Piazza, Fisher, & woven with children’s experiences with chronic pain
Moser, 1991; Piazza, Fisher, & Sherer, 1997); find- and in their daily functioning. However, I stumbled
ing improvements from behavioral interventions in upon sleep medicine in my early career in the late
children’s sleep behaviors. Later that decade, Durand 1990s as a junior faculty member at Rainbow Babies
(1997) published a book appropriate to both health and Children’s Hospital, where I was asked to pro-
professionals and parents on treatment of childhood vide behavioral services within a children’s sleep
sleep problems, with particular emphasis on children program. At that time, I was unaware of the emerg-
with neurodevelopmental disorders. This collection ing literature underlying the connection between
of treatment studies on children with special needs sleep and health outcomes. I found the provision of
propelled a much broader research focus on sleep in behavioral sleep services to children and families to
children with autism (see Richdale, Chapter 33, this be highly satisfying and was drawn to merging sleep
volume), attention deficit disorder (see Corkum and with my research interest in chronic pain. The theo-
Coulombe, Chapter 34), and other developmental retical model proposed by Lewin and Dahl (1999)
and psychiatric conditions. Part Six of this handbook was extremely influential in how I approached the
is devoted to sleep difficulties associated with devel- study of pain and sleep in children. Thus, my work
opmental and behavioral risks and showcases the sig- included description of sleep characteristics, pat-
nificant ongoing work being done in this area. terns, and behaviors in youth with chronic pain (e.g.,
The clinical observations made by psychologists Long et al., 2008; Palermo & Kiska, 2005; Palermo,
spurred additional research on the prevalence and Toliver-Sokol, Fonareva, & Koh, 2007), and the bidi-
impact of sleep disturbances in children with devel- rectional relationship between sleep, pain, and func-
opmental disorders, chronic medical conditions (see tional outcomes (e.g., Lewandowski, Palermo, De la
Meltzer and Walsh, Chapter 13), and psychiatric con- Motte, & Fu, 2010; Palermo, Fonareva, & Janosy,
ditions. A robust body of literature developed over 2008; Palermo, Wilson, Lewandowski, Toliver-
the past decade demonstrated that the presence of Sokol, & Murray, 2011). My current research aims
chronic medical or developmental conditions in chil- to develop and evaluate behavioral interventions for
dren is associated with increased prevalence of sleep insomnia in youth with chronic pain. In my own
problems (e.g., Hysing, Sivertsen, Stormark, Elgen, & career, I have straddled the fields of pediatric psy-
Lundervold, 2009; Long, Krishnamurthy, & Palermo, chology, pain management, and sleep medicine; at
2008; Sivertsen, Posserud, Gillberg, Lundervold, & the nexus is exactly where my passion lies.

20 c h ild and adoles cent s leep resea rc h: k ey co n t ri but i o n s

Conclusion References
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not only common across the pediatric age span in 473–480.
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tions, but that they are also associated with signifi- and behavioural performance in children with sleep-related
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findings have reinforced the importance of direct- Boergers, J., & Koinis-Mitchell, D. (2010). Sleep and culture
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problems across the pediatric age span. Psychology, 35(9), 915–926.
From the work in psychology, a solid body of Bootzin, R. R., & Stevens, S. J. (2005). Adolescents, substance
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ioral interventions to treat bedtime problems and Bramble, D. (1996). Consumer opinion concerning the treat-
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Future Directions Carskadon, M. A., Harvey, K., Duke, P., Anders, T. F., Litt, I.
Many topics in pediatric sleep research remain to F., & Dement, W. C. (1980). Pubertal changes in daytime
be addressed within psychology. Based on the five sleepiness. Sleep, 2(4), 453–460.
areas of key research contribution covered in this Carskadon, M. A. (1990). Patterns of sleep and sleepiness in ado-
lescents. Pediatrician, 17(1), 5–12.
chapter, the following questions, if solved, would Carskadon, M. A., Acebo, C., Richardson, G. S., Tate, B. A., &
provide important future direction for the field. Seifer, R. (1997). An approach to studying circadian rhythms
of adolescent humans. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(3),
• What factors predict success of behavioral 278–289.
treatment for specific infants, children, adolescents, Carskadon, M. A., Wolfson, A. R., Acebo, C., Tzischinsky, O.,
and families? & Seifer, R. (1998). Adolescent sleep patterns, circadian tim-
ing, and sleepiness at a transition to early school days. Sleep,
• Which sleep disturbances in childhood are
21(8), 871–881.
associated with elevated health care utilization and Carskadon, M. A., Acebo, C., & Jenni, O. G. (2004). Regulation
costs? of adolescent sleep: implications for behavior. Annals of the
• What behavioral treatments are effective for New York Academy of Sciences, 1021, 276–291. Carskadon,
managing the sleep problems of older children and M. A. (2011). Sleep in adolescents: the perfect storm.
Pediatric Clinics of North America, 58(3), 637–647. Chervin,
R. D., Hedger, K., Dillon, J. E., & Pituch, K. J. (2000).
• How do we best measure insomnia symptoms Pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ): Validity and reliability
in children and adolescents? of scales for sleep-disordered breathing, snoring, sleepiness,
• Are existing sleep measures valid in culturally and behavioral problems. Sleep Medicine, 1(1), 21–32.
and racially diverse pediatric populations? Cuthbertson, J., & Schevill, S. (1985). Helping Your Child Sleep
Through the Night. Garden City, New York: Doubleday.
• Which interventions are effective for sleep
Durand, P., Gerner-Dott, E., & Mapstone, E. (1996). Treatment
problems in special populations of children with of sleep disorders in children with developmental disabilities
acute and chronic medical conditions and mental Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps,
health and psychiatric disturbances? 21(3), 114–122.

pa l erm o 21
Durand, V. M. (1997). Sleep Better! A Guide to Improving Sleep Lewandowski, A. S., Palermo, T. M., De la Motte, S., & Fu, R.
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pa l erm o 23

Developmental Science
4 in the Study of Sleep

Angela D. Staples and John E. Bates


Developmental research has typically focused on daytime behaviors. However, the burgeoning
interest in the role of sleep in the development of cognitive, social, emotional, academic, and health
outcomes (Beebe, 2006; Beebe & Gozal, 2002; Carskadon, Acebo, & Jenni, 2004; Ednick et al., 2009;
2009; El-Sheikh, 2011; Ohayon, Carskadon, Guilleminault, & Vitiello, 2004; Sadeh, Raviv, & Gruber,
2000) calls for a consideration of sleep as a developmental process that co-occurs, co-regulates, and is
causally linked with other developmental processes. This chapter discusses what it means to consider
sleep from a developmental perspective. We hope this chapter will be useful for both developmental
researchers who want to consider sleep as a variable of interest and for sleep researchers who want
to take a more developmental approach to understanding sleep as a behavior that undergoes dramatic
change from infancy through adolescence. The chapter is organized around three questions. First,
what does it mean to have a developmental perspective? Second, how does one approach the study
of sleep from a developmental perspective? Finally, how do we incorporate the study of sleep into the
study of other areas of development?
Key Words: developmental science, sleep, developmental systems

Introduction approach to understanding sleep. The chapter

“Sleep, in its ubiquity, seeming nonsociality, apparent is organized around three questions. First, what
universality, and presumed biologically driven does it mean to have a developmental perspective?
uniformity, has been overlooked [by anthropology] Second, how does one approach the study of sleep
as a background variable” (Worthman & Melby, from a developmental perspective? Finally, how do
2002, p. 69). we incorporate the study of sleep into the study of
other areas of development?
Although sleep is universal and certainly biologi-
cally driven to some extent, research on sleep and
Developmental Perspective
sleep-related behaviors has begun to define the ways
“Major concerns of the developmental orientation
in which sleep is social, is influenced by forces other
are understanding when and how behavioral
than biology, and varies between people as well as
changes occur and the potential in development
across the lifespan. This chapter discusses what it
for optimal adaptations” (Cairns, Costello,
means to consider sleep from a developmental per-
& Elder, 2001, p. 228).
spective. We hope this chapter will be useful for
both developmental researchers who want to con- The central question that separates developmen-
sider sleep as a variable of interest and for sleep tal research from other areas of research is the quest
researchers who want to take a more developmental to understand how both change and continuity

occur. Broadly speaking, developmental science is Geert and colleagues (Steenbeek, 2007; van Geert,
concerned with understanding the process of human 2011) emphasize rigorous mathematical quantifica-
development over the course of the lifespan. How is tion of change processes that are biologically plau-
it that an infant transitions from crawling to walk- sible. Adding to the complexity, Bronfenbrenner
ing? How do infants’ vowel and vowel consonant urges consideration of the nested, interconnected
sounds play a role in the development of language? systems in which development occurs through the
How do children develop skills for regulating their framework of studying process, person, context, and
attention, emotion, and behavior? How do ado- time (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006). Together,
lescents form their identities? It is not enough to these systems perspectives challenge developmen-
merely list a sequence of milestones, for example to tal researchers to consider continuity and change
say that 6-month-olds do not walk and 12-month- processes that occur within, between, and among
olds walk. Developmental science strives to under- individuals.
stand and quantify the conditions that promote or Further complexity, beyond multiple time scales
hinder qualitative and quantitative shifts in develop- and multiple, nested systems, comes from consider-
ment across the lifespan. In other words, it seeks to ing individual differences in how people respond to
understand process in both change and continuity. similar situations at similar points in development
Developmental science, like other areas of sci- (Rothbart & Bates, 2006). To any given situation,
ence, has become increasingly multidisciplinary different people bring different emotional or motiva-
in its approach to understanding the process of tional tendencies, as well as different self-regulatory
development. Today, researchers from the areas of tendencies. These differences derive at least in part
developmental psychology, pediatrics, clinical and from early-appearing, biologically based, relatively
educational psychology, psychiatry, biology, neuro- stable traits that we call temperament or basic person-
science, sociology, and epidemiology work together ality (Rothbart & Bates, 2006). However, individu-
on a wide variety of research topics. The broad, multi- als also change due a variety of factors including
disciplinary field of developmental psychopathology learning, biological development, and changes in
(Cicchetti, 2006), which seeks to integrate multiple environments (Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992).
levels of organization from biology to social systems, We think processes involving sleep can and
as well as to consider both typical and atypical devel- should be considered in relation to the various com-
opment, is a dominant example of how developmen- ponents of the general systems models mentioned.
tal science has been growing. Along with the increased The level at which one tackles various compo-
emphasis on interdisciplinary research, theories of nents of the system (e.g., neurological, behavioral,
development are evolving to link changes that occur cultural) will be largely determined by the phe-
on time scales from the millisecond (e.g., neuronal nomena under study and the particular research
activity), hourly (e.g., cellular activity), daily (e.g., question. For example, several studies have linked
cortisol fluctuation), yearly (e.g., mastering addition biological fluctuations in cortisol and napping in
or calculus), or lifespan (e.g., identity, interpersonal preschool children (Ward, Gay, Alkon, Anders,
relationships) with other facets of life such as family & Lee, 2008; Watamura, Donzella, Kertes, &
stress, health problems, school settings, and neigh- Gunnar, 2004; Watamura, Kryzer, & Robertson,
borhood quality. 2008). El-Sheikh and colleagues have extended the
To impose some structure on the vast diversity of biological-sleep link to also include measures of
developmental phenomena, we turn to the systems physiological responding as well as family processes
theories of Ford and Lerner (1992), Bronfenbrenner (El-Sheikh & Buckhalt, 2005; El-Sheikh & Erath,
and Morris (2006), Fogel (1993), and Thelen and 2011; El-Sheikh, Buckhalt, Mize, & Acebo, 2006).
Smith (1994) among others. Each of these theorists There have even been studies of sleep in adulthood
provides a slightly different emphasis on how to using computational models of the regulation of
approach development from a systems perspective. sleep–wake cycles, sleep deprivation and sustained
For example, Ford and Lerner emphasize the lifespan attention, sleep and neurobehavioral performance,
perspective and use systems terminology to target and the effects of fatigue on learning (Gonzalez,
qualitative changes in development (Keller, 2005). Best, Healy, & Kole, 2011; Gunzelmann, Gross,
In contrast, the systems approaches advocated Gluck, & Dinges, 2009; Klerman & Hilaire, 2007;
by Thelen and Smith (1994) and colleagues (see Postnova, Voigt, & Braun, 2009). Although these
Adolph & Robinson, 2008; Simmering & Spencer, studies share the commonality of considering mul-
2008; Spencer, Perone, & Buss, 2011) as well as van tiple system levels, much more research is needed to

s ta p l es , b at es 25
link multiple systems to intra- and inter-individual in early childhood followed by synaptic pruning
development. in adolescence are influenced by the child’s envi-
ronment (e.g., nutrition, learning, family stress).
Studying Sleep Developmentally It appears likely that there is a reciprocal relation
To study sleep developmentally requires a shift between neurological development, developmental
in theoretical perspective, different methods of data changes in sleep architecture, and contextual factors
collection, and the addition of statistical methods such as familial, social, and educational environ-
designed to detect and explain processes of change. ments. Ultimately, developmental research that con-
Sleep is a complex developmental phenomenon (van siders changes in slow wave sleep along with other
Geert, 2011) that undergoes periods of rapid change measures such as cognition, language, and atten-
(e.g., shifting the longest sleep period to occur at tion, may provide information about why we sleep
night in the first weeks of life) and periods of sta- and how sleep is related to and/or plays a causal role
bility. Much of the work done on changes in sleep in development more broadly.
across the lifespan has been through comparing age- Another area that benefits from a developmen-
group averages on sleep measures. From this research tal perspective is the study of sleep problems. Along
a clear picture is emerging of normative changes in with normative changes in sleep from infancy
sleep with consolidation of sleep into a single night- through adolescence, there is a sizeable minority
time period by age five, a reduction in the number, of children who develop and maintain behavioral
frequency, and duration of nighttime awakenings, sleep problems, including difficulty falling asleep,
and considerable stability in the average amounts difficulty staying asleep, and experiencing daytime
of nighttime sleep from toddlerhood through child- fatigue (Mindell & Meltzer, 2008). For example, a
hood (Staples & Bates, 2011). For example, in a recent study from a large national sample reported
prospective longitudinal study beginning at age one 25% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 and
and continuing annually through age ten, parents 39% of children between the ages of 12 and 17
reported child bedtimes, rise times, and amount of did not get adequate sleep one or more nights in
sleep during the day (Jenni, Molinari, Caflisch, & the preceding week according to parental reports
Largo, 2007). Similar to the charts used by pediatri- (Smaldone, Honig, & Byrne, 2007). In addition,
cians to track height and weight, there was a corre- Smaldone and colleagues (2007) reported that chil-
sponding pattern of long-term rank order stability, dren and adolescents who were not getting adequate
in which children who slept less at one year of age sleep were also more likely to have trouble in school,
tended to also sleep less through ten years of age. emotional problems, and health problems. However,
Although this type of research is a good example the cross-sectional nature of this and other studies
of a developmental approach to documenting nor- (for a review, see Staples & Bates, 2011) makes it
mative patterns of sleep, there remain substantial hard to establish the causal directions of associations
questions—developmental questions—about how between sleep and daytime functioning. In addition,
these changes occur, why these changes occur, and the definition of poor sleep was based on the previ-
the consequences of these changes for other areas of ous week, which does not address questions about
development. possible differences between the consequences of
One area where there is progress in the study of short- and long-term sleep problems.
normative changes of sleep and its possible conse- It is likely that short, infrequent periods of poor
quences is in the area of slow wave sleep. Ringli and sleep like those during a brief illness, will have lit-
Huber (2011) provide an account of this area of tle impact on longer-term development. However,
research, the details of which are beyond the scope chronic or long-lasting periods of poor sleep during
of this chapter. In brief, changes in slow wave sleep childhood and adolescence may have developmen-
coincide with changes in synaptic density to such tal consequences. Evidence from a variety of stud-
a strong degree that changes in slow wave sleep are ies with children from infancy through adolescence
hypothesized to occur because of changes in syn- have shown that sleep problems are associated with
aptic density. Furthermore, brain regions that show slower academic gains, increased negative affect,
changes in slow wave sleep progress from the poste- and higher rates of problem behavior (Staples &
rior to the anterior areas, which is consistent with Bates, 2011). This is particularly evident in stud-
increasing cognitive functioning from childhood ies linking sleep disordered breathing with poorer
through adolescence (Luna & Sweeney, 2004). It academic outcomes, increased inattentiveness, dif-
is also plausible that increases in synaptic density ficulty regulating emotions, and increased daytime

26 d evelopmental s cience in the st ud y o f s l eep

fatigue (Beebe, 2011; Beebe, Ris, Kramer, Long, & (Wolf, Lozoff, Latz, & Paludetto, 1996). Parents
Amin, 2010). These findings of association between of infants in Japan place greater importance on a
sleep problems and academic and behavioral out- regular bedtime routine, but not a regular bedtime,
comes point to the need to understand the contexts compared to parents in the United States (Wolf
in which sleep problems occur, are maintained, and et al., 1996). Understanding the importance par-
change. However, to date, much of the longitudi- ents place on regular bedtimes as well as regular
nal research linking sleep with later developmental bedtime routines may shed light on the relation
outcomes leaves questions about the directionality, between bedtime schedules and the development
timing, and magnitude of the association between and/or maintenance of sleep problems. There are
sleep and development. Although we might prefer also wide variations in where the transition from
to attribute the outcomes to sleep based on sleep wakefulness to sleep occurs, with both bed-sharing
restriction and extension experiments, a few of and room-sharing depending on the child’s age and
which have been done with children (Carskadon, cultural context (Owens, 2008). One implication is
Harvey, & Dement, 1981; Fallone, Acebo, that sleeping behaviors that may be problematic for
Arnedt, & Seifer, & Carskadon, 2001; Randazzo, one family may not be a problem for another, par-
Muehlbach, Schweitzer, & Walsh, 1998, Sadeh, tially due to cultural differences (e.g., bedtime resis-
Gruber, & Raviv, 2003), without a developmental tance in the United States, nighttime awakenings in
analysis we lack a firm basis for this. We think of Japan; Wolfson, 1996). In terms of development,
most common behavior problems as representing a it is important to understand how cultural factors
social system’s failure to solve smaller conflicts, and may influence parental expectations and practices
we think that chronic sleep deficits could impair surrounding sleep-related behaviors, which may
children’s and parents’ efforts to effectively resolve in turn have consequences for the development of
these more minor, “building-block” conflicts, for both typical and atypical sleep behavior as well as
example through efficiently stopping a child’s coer- typical and atypical daytime behavior.
cive behavior (Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992). Another difference in sleep that varies both with
Sleep restriction studies suggest that sleep deficits age and culture are naps. The transition to a single
impair executive functioning (Walker & Stickgold, period of nighttime sleep is viewed as a developmen-
2006), which would make it harder to regulate tal milestone in the United States, with most chil-
impulses and solve parent–child conflicts. dren no longer napping by age five (Staples & Bates,
To understand sleep from a developmental 2011). However, in Iceland, most children are no
perspective, one must consider questions of sta- longer napping by age three (Owens, 2004). This dif-
bility and change within an individual alongside ference suggests that the transition to a single period
questions of differences between individuals. For of sleep is likely to be a product of both biological
example, children show relative stability in being forces and cultural practices. For example, in the
short or long sleepers from ages one to ten; how- United States there are large differences in napping
ever, children who were born in 1974 slept longer between European-American and African-American
on average compared to children born in 1986 children, with European-American children ceasing
(Iglowstein, Jenni, Molinari, & Largo, 2003). The naps at an earlier age than African-American chil-
relation between intra-individual stability in con- dren. If researchers only account for nighttime sleep
junction with cohort differences in the amount of between the ages of three and five, it would appear
sleep highlight the need to study sleep as an “event that African-American children are getting much less
in a context” (Kagan, 2007). Children are develop- sleep than European-American children (Owens,
ing at particular rates and in particular families and 2004). However, if the entire 24-hour period is
in eras that could be socioculturally distinct. taken into consideration, there is no difference in the
Sleep is often considered as a solitary, nonsocial amount of sleep between African- and European-
event, but how children transition from wakeful- American preschoolers. Thus, it appears that sleep
ness to sleep, where that transition happens, and development takes place in a larger context that con-
what is done if the child awakens at night is decid- siders familial and sociocultural factors (El-Sheikh,
edly social and shows cultural variation (see Super 2011). However, follow-on questions concern how
and Harkness, Chapter 9). For example, parents familial and cultural differences arise and what
of infants in the United States place less impor- impact they might have on later development. For
tance on both regular bedtimes and regular bed- example, how does earlier or later consolidation
time routines when compared to parents in Italy into a single period of sleep affect the development

s ta p l es , b at es 27
of sleep behavior and/or the development of other and Horne and Biggs, Chapter 16). Several of these
behaviors such as self-regulation, attention, or mem- issues are discussed in depth in Part Three of this
ory? One could ask if children who stop napping volume. From a developmental perspective, one of
earlier also show corresponding advances in other the central issues concerns the number of observa-
regulatory areas such as motor development, emo- tions and their spacing.
tion regulation, attentional flexibility, or learning. An inescapable fact of research employing mul-
And if such consequences are found, are they com- tiple measures is that the number of measurement
mon across all children or do they depend on the occasions and the time between occasions limits the
child’s age (e.g., large differences between ages three scope of the type of change that can be observed
and five, but not later) as well as their larger socio- (Adolph, Robinson, Young, & Gill-Alvarez, 2008).
cultural environments (e.g., association of continued In the simplest case of two measurement occasions,
naps with lagging regulation occurs only in contexts the only type of change that could be observed is
where napping violates age norms)? that of linear change. At the other extreme, say,
Variations in sleep that are associated with par- daily measurements for a year, larger trends may
ticular times in history, locations, and cultures typify be masked by short-term variability. Achieving the
the notion of an “event in context”; studying sleep balance between capturing the shape of change,
developmentally also raises the issue of “response in maintaining a reasonably accurate measurement
context” (Kagan, 2007), where the same apparent of the behavior, and not subjecting participants to
behavior may mask different underlying causes. For undue burden, is not a trivial task. A more complete
example, the reasons why a child takes a long time treatment of the issues concerning developmental
to fall asleep are likely to differ if the child is three research can be found in Laursen, Little, and Card
(perhaps they had a late or longer nap than usual) (2012). One method that has been successfully used
or thirteen (perhaps they are ruminating about an to balance within-person and between-person vari-
upcoming test or an earlier social interaction). Sleep ability is the use of the burst measurement design.
disturbances, such as nightmares, may have differ- In this method, data are sampled in short bursts
ent consequences for daytime functioning in young (e.g., daily for several weeks) separated by longer
children (and their parents) compared to adoles- periods (e.g., 6-month intervals). This approach
cents. Additionally, the same apparent behavior provides, among other things, a more stable esti-
may evoke different responses. Not all parents view mate of within-person level at each burst occasion,
nighttime awakening as problematic and therefore which can then been linked to a longer-term trajec-
their responses may differ, which could result in dif- tory of change (or stability). For example, in a recent
ferent outcomes. For example, parents who viewed study we measured sleep behaviors over seven con-
their infant’s nighttime crying as a sign of distress secutive nights followed by a laboratory assessment,
were more likely to intervene compared to parents which is repeated three times over the course of a
who viewed the behavior as age-typical and not year. These burst measurement occasions allow us to
problematic (Erath & Tu, 2011). Intervening during answer questions about whether the quality/quan-
nighttime awakenings during infancy has been asso- tity of sleep the night before, or the average of these
ciated with maintenance of sleep problems into tod- variables over the preceding week, is more strongly
dlerhood and early childhood (Mindell & Meltzer, related to the laboratory measures. In addition,
2008). The interrelatedness between parent beliefs, we are able to answer questions about the relation
child behavior, and parental response highlights the between persistent or intermittent sleep problems
need for a developmental systems approach that and development over the course of a year.
considers not only the behavior, but also the behav- A related issue concerns change versus develop-
ior and response within a larger context. ment (Raeff, 2011). Imagine a situation in which a
In order to study sleep in a developmental-systems child who is sleeping through the night experiences
way, ideally one would measure sleep on more than several nights of poor sleep due to an illness and
one occasion. This asks a lot from both researchers then returns to the previous pattern of sleeping. In
and participating families. Choices must be made this example, the child’s sleep certainly changed, but
about the type of sleep measurement (questionnaire, there was no development per se. In general, devel-
diary, actigraphy, polysomnography, etc.), the num- opmental change occurs when there is a movement
ber of measurements (daily, monthly, annually), toward a more advanced form of development. This
and the breadth and depth of sleep behaviors (e.g., is not to say that there are not periods of growth
physiological, behavioral; see Spruyt, Chapter 18, followed by apparent periods of regression. Indeed,

28 d evelopmental s cience in the st ud y o f s l eep

motor, language, cognitive, and emotional develop- slow wave sleep preceded or followed by periods of
ment in early childhood all show evidence of high learning? For example, do children show changes in
variability in behavior during developmental tran- slow wave sleep relative to the academic calendar? Is
sitions from earlier to later phases (Adolph et al., the relation between learning and sleep architecture
2008; Hollenstein, Granic, Stoolmiller, & Snyder, the same in childhood and adolescence? Is there a
2004; Lewis, Koroshegyi, Douglas, & Kampe, longitudinal association between motor develop-
1997; van der Maas & Molenaar, 1992). Our ment and sleep development? Is there a longitudi-
expectation is that if sleep were studied on a daily nal association between self-regulation development
basis for a sufficient period of time, it would show and regulation of the sleep-wake cycle? Is the asso-
similar patterns of high variability in children’s sleep ciation between regulation and sleep bidirectional,
during the transition from two daily sleep peri- reciprocal, constant during development, or chang-
ods to a single period of sleep occurring at night. ing in sync with other developmental processes
Developmentally, then, measurements must be suf- (e.g., synaptic development, motor development,
ficiently dense to separate meaningful change from puberty)? Each of these questions calls for research
normal variations in behavior. Of course, the time that considers process, person, context, and time to
scale of observation would depend on the particular some degree. Preliminary answers to some of the
question of interest. questions can come from cross-sectional, multi-age
It is also possible that sleep may show increased samples, but we see the need ultimately for longitu-
variability during development in other domains dinal designs that untangle within-person variabil-
(e.g., motor, cognitive, language). For example, a ity from between-person variability.
child who is beginning to crawl may experience a Another aspect of blending of sleep and devel-
period of sleep disruption due to increased motor opmental research areas is to ground the work in a
activity after falling asleep. In this example, changes larger theoretical milieu. While developmental sys-
in sleep during the later part of an infant’s first year tems theories provide guidance on what to consider,
may be normative but not necessarily developmen- other theories will need to be utilized to explain how
tal. To date, there have been a handful of studies sleep and daytime behaviors mutually or direction-
demonstrating greater nighttime awakenings in ally influence each other. The specific mechanistic
infants who are crawling/walking compared to hypothesis that one chooses will depend largely on
infants who are not crawling/walking (Scher, 1996; the level at which the behaviors are observed. To date,
2005; Scher & Cohen, 2005). However, since each sleep has been considered as part of a larger regula-
infant was assessed at only one time point, the rela- tory system that operates at the biological (Carskadon
tion between motor development and changes in et al., 2004), neurological (Ringli & Huber, 2011),
sleep patterns may merely coincide due to some cognitive (Walker, 2009), and sociocultural levels
other factor. For example, it may be that children (El-Sheikh, 2011). Each of these system levels are
who are more active during the daytime crawl ear- inherently interrelated, simultaneously active, going
lier and are also more active at nighttime compared through periods of change and stability, thus provid-
to their less active peers. When the needed longitu- ing a complex picture of the ways in which sleep and
dinal data are collected, causal developmental-pro- daytime behavior are inexorably linked.
cess associations between motor development and In our research on the development of self-regu-
changes in sleep may be discovered. lation in toddlerhood, we have posited three possible
mechanisms for the role of naturally occurring sleep
Integrating Sleep and Developmental deficits. First, sleep deficits can be viewed as stres-
Research sors (McEwen, 2007; Weissbluth, 1989) that pro-
Part of framing the integration of sleep and duce dynamics in cortisol and other stress hormone
developmental research begins with the types of levels that, in turn, can influence cognitive process-
questions that require a developmental approach ing of information (Blair, Granger, & Peters Razza,
in research design, measurement, and analysis. 2005). Chronic sleep deficits, like chronic stress in
For example, are the age-related changes in slow general, would produce abnormal stress hormone
wave sleep that have been observed in studies with dynamics with negative implications for cognitive
between-person designs also observed longitudinally processing and thus for self-regulation. Second,
within person? What person, context, and time sleep deficits can more directly produce difficul-
variables are associated with or play a causal role in ties in cognition that impair behavioral and learn-
the reduction of slow wave sleep? Are variations in ing processes. In Dahl’s (1996) terms, sleep deficits

s ta p l es , b at es 29
produce desynchronization of neuronal communi- Similar issues arise when developmental research-
cation between brain centers, which, in complex ers assess sleep. Some measures of sleep may be less
high-challenge situations such as preschool, might sensitive to important sleep behaviors than others.
lead to dysregulated affect and behavior. And third, For example, parents tend to underreport the num-
sleep deficits diminish consolidation of learning, ber of times their child awakens at night (Tikotzky &
except for negative affect material (Walker, 2009). Sadeh, 2001). Also, parents may underreport the pres-
Thus, in addition to experiencing cognitive process- ence of a sleep problem if they consider their child’s
ing deficits due to hormonal and neural-network sleep behavior (e.g., night awakening) to be age-
disruptions, the sleep-deprived child may fail to normative and transitory (Lam, Hiscock, & Wake,
acquire sufficient knowledge from daily experience, 2003). Sleep problems in childhood often occur in
especially in relation to amounts retained from neg- conjunction with other issues such as medical prob-
ative emotional experiences. Each of these mecha- lems, developmental disorders, and psychological
nisms require measurement of somewhat different and social relationship problems. Primary sleep disor-
systems and it is likely that until developmental data ders, such as sleep disordered breathing are associated
are available on all of these levels, we will not have with attention, emotion regulation, and academic
a complete picture of how sleep plays a role in day- performance problems (Beebe, 2006). Several recent
time functioning. reviews demonstrate sleep problems are often higher
Framing questions of sleep developmentally and in children with a wide variety of conditions such as
having a theory of how they are likely to relate then ADHD (Cortese, Faraone, Konofal, & Lecendreux,
leads to questions of what to measure. The issues 2009), autistic spectrum disorder (Cortesi, Giannotti,
regarding measurement of sleep mentioned previ- Ivanenko, & Johnson, 2010), asthma (Bandla &
ously also apply to the selection of developmen- Splaingard, 2004), anxiety, and depression (Dahl &
tally sensitive measures—what, how often, in what Harvey, 2007). We would encourage developmental
detail. As is always true of measurement, the answers researchers, particularly those using normative com-
depend upon the question. If one is interested in the munity samples, to include health-related measures
relation between bedtime routines and the devel- to better account for sleep problems that may be pri-
opment of behavioral sleep problems during the marily physiological (e.g., sleep disordered breathing)
transition from crawling to walking, then a burst and distinct from those that are primarily psychologi-
measurement design that includes a 7- to 10-day cal and behavioral (e.g., nightmares or irregular par-
assessment of sleep with daily diaries and actigraphy ent management of bedtime).
repeated at 4- to 6-weeks intervals seems appropri-
ate. If one is interested in the relation between sleep Summary
and the development of behavior problems, choos- In general, we have approached this chapter by
ing the instrument to measure behavior problems asking what would it mean to view sleep from the
will depend upon on how often the assessments are perspective of developmental science. This was ini-
repeated. For example, the widely used the Child tially challenging for us because of our difficulty
Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1991) will be useful in imagining how sleep could be viewed from any
for studies examining changes that occur at semian- other larger theoretical context. At its core, devel-
nual or longer intervals, whereas the Eyeberg Child opmental science is the study of change throughout
Behavior Inventory (Eyeberg & Pincus, 1999) may the lifespan. Why and by what mechanisms sleep is
be more useful for assessments happening at more critical for human survival remains an open ques-
frequent intervals. Ultimately, the selection of mea- tion. What is clear is that variations in sleep are
sures will play a large role in whether a particular related to learning, memory, information process-
study is able to detect developmental change. If the ing, motor coordination, decision making, emotion
measure selected is insensitive to change during the regulation, neural development, and other biologi-
assessment period, then researchers may incorrectly cal processes. How these variations in sleep come to
conclude that there is no relation between sleep and be, the conditions under which variations in sleep
the outcome variable. In contrast, if the measure are maintained or changed, and the consequences
shows wide variability with repeated assessments, of variations in sleep for development are but a few
then researchers may incorrectly conclude there is a ways that a developmental systems approach to
relation between sleep and the outcome variable if understanding sleep can be informative.
other relevant factors such as parenting or cognitive Exciting advances will happen when sleep and
development are not also assessed. human development are simultaneously considered.

30 d evelopmental s cience in the st ud y o f s l eep

Sleep research has made enormous strides toward a Achenbach, T. M. (1991). Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 4–18.
truly developmental perspective since 1978, when Burlington, VT: Achenback System of Empirically Based
most our knowledge about the role of sleep in daytime Adolph, K. E., & Robinson, S. R. (2008). In defense of change
functioning was based on studies of young, healthy processes. Child Development, 79(6), 1648–1653.
men (Horne, 1978). Since then, studies have focused Adolph, K. E., Robinson, S. R., Young, J. W., & Gill-Alvarez,
on sleep loss in adolescence (Wolfson & Carskadon, F. (2008). What is the shape of developmental change?
1998; Acebo & Carskadon, 2002; Carskadon et al., Psychological Review, 115(3), 527–543.
Anders, T. F., & Keener, M. (1985). Developmental course
2004; Laberge, Petit, Simard, & Vitaro, 2001), nor- of nighttime sleep-wake patterns in full-term and pre-
mative changes in sleep patterns (Carno, Hoffman, mature infants during the first year of life. I. Sleep, 8(3),
Carcillo, & Sanders, 2003; S. Ottaviano, Giannotti, 173–192.
Cortesi, Bruni, & Ottaviano, 1996; Palmstierna, Sepa, Bandla, H., & Splaingard, M. (2004). Sleep problems in chil-
& Ludvigsson, 2008), and the continuity and change dren with common medical disorders. Pediatric Clinics of
North America, 51(1), 203–227.
in sleep problems from infancy into childhood and Beebe, D., & Gozal, D. (2002). Obstructive sleep apnea and
adolescence (Anders & Keener, 1985; Ednick et al., the prefrontal cortex: Towards a comprehensive model link-
2009; Gaylor, Burnham, Goodlin-Jones, & Anders, ing nocturnal upper airway obstruction to daytime cogni-
2005; Iglowstein et al., 2003; Jenni et al., 2007). In tive and behavioral deficits. Journal of Sleep Research, 11,
the next decade there will likely be significant strides 1–16.
Beebe, D. (2006). Neurobehavioral morbidity associated with
in our understanding of why we sleep and how sleep disordered breathing during sleep in children: A comprehen-
is necessary for human development. sive review. Sleep: Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research,
How we approach the challenges of measuring 29(9), 1115–1134.
individuals over time, and how often the assessments Beebe, D. W., Ris, M. D., Kramer, M. E., Long, E., & Amin, R.
are made, will determine much of what is learned (2010). The association between sleep disordered breathing,
academic grades, and cognitive and behavioral functioning
about sleep and development. The suggestion to mea- among overweight subjects during middle to late childhood.
sure behaviors in more than one domain is to explicitly Sleep, 33(11), 1447–1456.
direct researchers to consider that development does Beebe, D. W. (2011). Cognitive, behavioral, and functional con-
not happen uniformly across all areas of behavior, that sequences of inadequate sleep in children and adolescents.
development is shaped by biological, psychological, Pediatric Clinics of North America, 58(3), 649–665.
Blair, C., Granger, D., & Peters Razza, R. (2005). Cortisol reactivity
and social factors, and that understanding develop- is positively related to executive function in preschool children
ment in one domain will not be complete until it is attending head start. Child Development, 76(3), 554–557.
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theories, future research needs to: of developmental science. In R. B. Cairns, G. H. Elder, &
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• Measure multiple aspects of sleep (e.g.,
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• Follow individuals over time H. (2003). Developmental stages of sleep from birth to ado-
• Take repeated measurements sufficiently lescence, common childhood sleep disorders: Overview and
close in time before, during, and after a period nursing implications. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 18(4),
of developmental change
Carskadon, M., Acebo, C., & Jenni, O. (2004). Regulation of
• Measure variables in more than one domain adolescent sleep: Implications for behavior. Annals of the New
(e.g., sleep, cognition) York Academy of Sciences, 1021, 276–291.
• Measure person and situation variables that Carskadon, M. A., Harvey, K., & Dement, W. C. (1981). Acute
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s ta p l es , b at es 33

Developmental Changes in Sleep:

5 Infancy and Preschool Years

Kurt Lushington,Yvonne Pamula, James Martin, and John Declan Kennedy


The early years of childhood are characterized by rapid advances in growth, cognition and behavior. It
is also the period of the human lifespan most occupied by sleep with correspondingly rapid changes in
the structure, organization and regulation of sleep. The development and maturation of sleep during
childhood is a dynamic process influenced by a range of physiological, genetic, biological, and psycho-
social factors. Marked transformations are observed in sleep neurophysiology during the first few
months of life, reflecting underlying central nervous system (CNS) growth and maturation while the
emergence of circadian, homeostatic and ultradian regulatory processes modulate the timing and dis-
tribution of sleep-wake states. It is now well recognized that adequate sleep is essential for the health
and well-being of children, with increasing evidence that sleep plays a crucial role in physical, psycho-
logical, and cognitive development. An improved understanding of normal sleep across the entire pedi-
atric age range is therefore essential in understanding the role of sleep in child development and for
the timely identification and treatment of sleep problems.
Key Words: sleep ontogeny, sleep EEG, circadian, infant, development

Ontogeny of Sleep EEG of the human life span most occupied by sleep, with
correspondingly rapid changes in sleep structure and
“By age 2 years, the average child has spent 10,000
organization. That early childhood cognitive and
hours asleep and about 7,500 hours in all waking
behavioral advancement parallels sleep development
activities combined … by early school age, a typical
is not surprising given the substantial degree of cen-
child has spent more time asleep than in all social
tral nervous system (CNS) growth and differentia-
interactions, environmental explorations, eating,
tion that occurs during this time (Casey, Tottenham,
playing or any other waking activities” (Dahl, 1996,
Liston, & Durston, 2005; Levitt, 2003; Segawa,
pp. 44–45).
2006). However, sleep ontogenesis may be more than
Despite the fact that we spend approximately one- just a correlate of CNS development, as mounting
third of our lives asleep, the functions of sleep remain evidence intimates reciprocal interactions between
largely unknown. Nevertheless, it is well recognized sleep and brain plasticity. In particular, sleep may play
that adequate sleep is an essential requirement for a role in two aspects of brain plasticity that underlie
normal physiological and psychological function- neurocognitive development: (1) brain growth and
ing and that sleep loss or disruption can result in a maturation and (2) memory consolidation (Graven,
range of adverse health outcomes. The early years 2006; Maquet, Smith, & Stickgold, 2003; Miyamoto
of childhood are characterized by rapid advances in & Hensch, 2006; Peirano & Algarin, 2007; Sejnowski
growth, cognition and behavior. It is also the period & Destexhe, 2000; Tarullo, Balsam, & Fifer, 2011).

Newborn infants spend approximately 60% of to study brain function and neural processes dur-
the 24-hour period sleeping, and while this per- ing sleep. Moreover, many aspects of the sleep EEG
centage declines over childhood, children aged 4 to show predictable age-related changes, some of which
5 years still sleep almost 12 hours a day (Galland, are related to underlying brain reorganization and
Taylor, Elder, & Herbison, 2012). Consequently, it maturation, and thus the trajectory of sleep devel-
is likely that a significant amount of early human opment can be used as a surrogate marker of CNS
development occurs during sleep (Sheldon, 1996). development and integrity (Feinberg & Campbell,
Conjecture of a more direct relationship between 2010; Kohyama, 1998; Parmelee & Stern, 1972;
sleep and brain development was first advanced by Scher, 2011; Sheldon, 1996). The following section
Roffwarg, Muzio, and Dement (1966) following presents a brief outline of the general neurophysi-
the unexpected finding that preschool children had ological characteristics of sleep. This is followed by
more REM sleep than adults and the discovery of an overview of the development of the sleep EEG
REM sleep in infants, suggesting that REM sleep during infancy and early childhood.
had a functional role (see Sheldon, Chapter 2). Since
this time, a growing body of evidence based on ani- The Electrophysiological
mal and human studies supports the view that sleep Characteristics of Sleep
may play an important role in neural and cognitive The human brain is distinguished by three main
development, with accumulating data suggesting behavioral states: wake, non-rapid eye movement
that there may even be periods of brain development (NREM) sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM)
that are sensitive to sleep (Arditi-Babchuk, Feldman, sleep. These behavioral states are characterized by
& Eidelman, 2009; Aton et al., 2009; Bernier, a recurring and relatively stable pattern of physi-
Carlson, Bordeleau, & Carrier, 2010; Dionne et al., ological and behavioral parameters that represent
2011; Frank, Issa, & Stryker, 2001; Holditch-Davis, distinct modes of brain organization and function
Belyea & Edwards, 2005; Mirmiran & Ariagno, (Curzi-Dascalova, 2003; Parmelee & Stern, 1972;
2003; Mirmiran, Uylings & Corner, 1983; Ringli Prechtl, 1974). Conventionally, sleep–wake states
& Huber, 2011; Scher, 2005; Thomas et al., 2000; are defined by the features of three major electro-
Touchette et al., 2007; Weisman, Magori-Cohen, physiological signals: the electroencephalograph
Louzoun, Eidelman, & Feldman, 2011). (EEG), eye movements (electrooculargram, EOG)
One of the putative mechanisms by which sleep and chin muscle tone (submental electromyogram,
may facilitate neural development is via endogenous EMG). In normal healthy children and adults these
stimulation arising from electroencephalographic three parameters display a distinctive and con-
(EEG) oscillations generated during sleep (particu- cordant pattern of behavior that differs markedly
larly ponto-geniculo-occipital [PGO] waves, sleep between NREM and REM sleep, enabling highly
spindles, and delta waves) or other sleep-related reproducible sleep state identification. In the neo-
activities such as limb twitching (Blumberg, 2010; nate and young infant, however, sleep structure and
Denenberg & Thoman, 1981; Frank & Stryker, organization is comparatively immature and disor-
2003; Jenni, Borbely, & Achermann, 2004; Marks, ganized in the first few months of life as underlying
Shaffery, Oksenberg, Speciale, & Roffwarg, 1995; brain structures and sleep regulatory systems are not
Roffwarg et al., 1966). The importance of endog- yet fully developed. As a result, coherence between
enous neural activation in stimulating brain devel- electrophysiological and behavioral parameters is
opment is now well recognized, particularly with quite variable in the neonatal period, making state
respect to neurogenesis, cell differentiation, neu- identification more difficult. Additional param-
ronal migration, dendritic branching, apoptosis, eters including behavioral observations and cardio-
and the formation of neural networks (Corner & respiratory patterns are therefore used to assist in
Ramakers, 1992; Graven, 2006; Kilb, Kirischuk, & sleep–wake state identification. As the sleep EEG
Luhmann, 2011; Penn & Shatz, 1999). of newborns is also less differentiated than that of
Given the above findings, there has been renewed older children and adults, different terminology
interest in the development of sleep during infancy (active sleep, quiet sleep, and indeterminate sleep) is
and childhood. A better understanding of the neural used to describe sleep states in early infancy. Over
processes occurring during sleep, particularly dur- the first 3 to 6 months of life the characteristic fea-
ing early human development, may elucidate and tures of NREM sleep gradually appear in the infant
clarify the role of sleep in brain and cognitive devel- EEG, reflecting underlying CNS maturation and
opment. The EEG provides a unique opportunity reorganization.

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , ken n ed y 35
is a transitional sleep stage often following wake
EEG Patterns or gross body movements (Rechtschaffen & Kales,
The EEG, when recorded from electrodes applied 1968). Stage 2 NREM sleep is characterized by
to the scalp, measures the summed electrical two landmark EEG waveforms: sleep spindles and
activity of numerous neurons, providing good K-complexes. Sleep spindles and K-complexes show
temporal but poor spatial resolution. EEG marked developmental changes during infancy and
activity is described by a number of standardized will be discussed in more detail later. In adults, sleep
parameters including amplitude (or voltage, in spindles appear as transient clusters of rhythmic
microvolts), frequency (in cycles per second, activity with a mean frequency range of 12–14 Hz
hertz), and spatial distribution and patterning. and often having a waxing and waning appearance.
EEG frequencies are conventionally grouped A K-complex is a transient biphasic EEG wave-
into four commonly used band widths: delta form comprising a large sharp negative EEG wave
(<4 Hz), theta (4–7 Hz) alpha (8–13 Hz) and (upward deflection on the EEG trace) followed
beta (>13 Hz). Distinct EEG waveforms and immediately by a slower positive (downward) com-
rhythms can also be seen over the background ponent. K-complexes may appear spontaneously,
EEG activity and are described by their in response to external stimuli, and may have sleep
morphology and topography (the EEG electrode spindles as part of the complex (Rechtschaffen &
derivation in which they appear). Kales, 1968). Stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep are easily
Additional topographical descriptors include recognized by the appearance and predominance of
whether EEG waveforms appear in homologous slow, high-voltage delta waves (0.5–2 Hz). When
head regions (symmetrical versus asymmetrical) combined, stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep are termed
and, if symmetrical, whether their appearance slow wave sleep (SWS). The very-high-voltage delta
is temporally synchronized. While at any given waves seen in SWS arise because the electrical activ-
point in time the EEG comprises a mixture ity of neuronal populations is very highly synchro-
of frequencies, specific frequencies dominate nized. Eye movements are generally absent in stage
particular sleep stages, and some EEG waveforms 2 and slow wave sleep, and chin EMG activity is
(e.g., sawtooth waves) are sleep-stage specific. reduced compared to wakefulness.
The EEG of REM sleep is very different from
that of NREM sleep and is characterized by low-
One of the most striking differences between voltage, mixed-frequency (mostly theta) activity
wake and sleep is EEG activity. During wakefulness similar to that of wakefulness. Alpha activity is
the EEG is characterized by relatively low-voltage, prominent in REM sleep but is typically 1–2 Hz
mixed-frequency activity, with alpha and beta (typi- slower than seen during wake (Rechtschaffen &
cally 18–25 Hz) frequencies dominating (Avidan, Kales, 1968), and trains of sawtooth waves in the
2005). During relaxed wakefulness with eye closure, theta frequency range, having a characteristic tri-
alpha rhythm (8–13 Hz) is very prominent, particu- angular/serrated appearance, are commonly seen.
larly in the occipital EEG derivations; this pattern Thus, during REM sleep the brain is significantly
is known as the dominant posterior alpha rhythm. activated due to a high level of cortical activity. Two
In adults and older children, sleep onset begins patterns of physiological behavior are seen in REM
with NREM sleep. Non-rapid eye movement sleep sleep: tonic and phasic. The tonic phase dominates
is further divided into four stages (1 to 4)1 which REM sleep and is relatively quiescent, characterized
approximate a continuum of sleep depth, with stage by skeletal muscle atonia and the absence of eye
1 being the lightest and stage 4 the deepest sleep movements. Phasic REM sleep is characterized by
and with arousal thresholds being correspondingly bursts of rapid, conjugate eye movements (REMS),
lowest in stage 1 and highest in stage 4 NREM sleep transient muscle twitching, and irregularities in res-
(Carskadon & Dement, 2011). piration and heart rate (Rama, Cho, & Kushida,
Stage 1 NREM sleep is characterized by a low- 2005), while sleeping NREM and REM sleep peri-
voltage mixed-frequency EEG background pat- ods alternate in a predictable cycle. The sequence,
tern with theta activity dominating. The EEG is distribution and duration of sleep states across the
generally slower than that observed during wake. night can be displayed visually as a sleep hypno-
Early in stage 1 sleep slow rolling eye movements gram. As with other aspects of sleep, sleep cycling
may be observed, while vertex sharp waves may shows marked developmental changes across the
be seen in the latter stages. Stage 1 NREM sleep human lifespan.

36 d evelopmental chang es : infanc y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

The human sleep EEG undergoes significant Keener, 1985; Curzi-Dascalova & Challamel, 2000;
ontogenetic changes, particularly in the first few Kohyama, 1998; Parmelee & Stern, 1972):
years of life. In newborn infants the sleep EEG does
• increasing concordance among physiological
not show the degree of differentiation and organiza-
and behavioral state parameters
tion as described above but gradually develops into
• increasing quiescence and stability of several
this pattern over the first 6 to 12 months. The fol-
physiological processes (e.g., motor activity,
lowing section broadly outlines sleep development
in normal, healthy, term children from the time of
• the emergence of organized and stable
birth to the early preschool years.
between-state transitions
• increasing differentiation of the NREM sleep
Development of the Sleep EEG
EEG including the disappearance and appearance
The structure and regulation of sleep in infants
of specific EEG waveforms and rhythms
and children is significantly different from that of
• modification of the ultradian sleep cycle
adults and in addition to showing a greater variety
• the emergence of a sleep circadian rhythm.
of EEG waveforms, infants and children often have
higher EEG amplitudes (Scholle & Schafer, 1999).
Sleep Organization and EEG Patterns
Furthermore, while sleep development in normal
in the Neonatal Period
children follows an organized and predictable pat-
The brain in developing infants is immature,
tern of change, beginning during fetal development
and a degree of maturation is necessary before the
and continuing into adolescence, there is signifi-
classical behavioral states of NREM and REM sleep
cant interindividual variation in the trajectory of
can be clearly differentiated. The sleep states in
sleep maturation (Hoppenbrouwers, Hodgman,
newborns, therefore, have some but not all the fea-
Arakawa, Geidel, & Sterman, 1988; Sheldon, 1996).
tures of NREM and REM sleep. Three sleep states
Thus variation is the rule rather than the exception.
can be identified in the normal term infant: active
Sleep–wake states first emerge during fetal develop-
sleep (AS), quiet sleep (QS) and indeterminate sleep
ment. Cyclic periods of activity and rest become
(IS). While the precise mechanisms underlying the
established after 24–28 weeks of gestation, with
developmental progression of sleep are not yet fully
distinct cycling between REM-like and NREM-
understood, AS is believed to be the precursor of
like sleep usually evident by 32 weeks of gestation
REM sleep while quiet sleep is believed to differ-
(Curzi-Dascalova, 2003; Koos, 2008). Sleep–wake
entiate into the four NREM sleep stages (Anders,
states in the premature infant will not be discussed
Emde, & Parmelee, 1971). Indeterminate sleep dis-
here (see Andre et al., 2010; Vecchierini, André, &
plays characteristics of both AS and QS and there-
d’Allest, 2007), but have been well studied due to
fore does not unequivocally meet the criteria for
the extended period these infants spend in the neo-
either of these sleep stages. Within these behavioral
natal intensive care unit where comprehensive and
states four major EEG patterns can be distinguished
serial EEG monitoring is often performed.
(Anders et al., 1971; Scher, 2006; Sheldon, 1996):
The coordination and integration of physiologi-
cal and behavioral activities by the CNS, including (1) A high-voltage, slow-frequency EEG
the generation of sleep, requires complex interac- pattern (HVS) dominated by continuous,
tions between multiple interconnected neuronal net- moderately rhythmic delta activity and seen
works. In the newborn infant neuronal networks are predominantly in QS.
comparatively less developed, resulting in reduced (2) Tracé alternant (TA), a discontinuous EEG
concordance between the physiological and behav- pattern seen only in QS. Tracé alternant typically
ioral parameters that define behavioral states. With comprises 3–8 second bilateral bursts of high-
increasing postconceptional age physiological and voltage, 0.5–3 Hz EEG waves that may have fast,
behavioral variables become more coupled, leading low-voltage sharp waves superimposed. These high-
to the emergence of more organized and sustained voltage bursts are interspersed with low-voltage,
sleep–wake patterns. These developmental changes mixed-frequency EEG activity of similar duration.
are believed to reflect maturation of the CNS, in (3) A low-voltage irregular EEG pattern (LVI)
particular the development of inhibitory and feed- seen in AS or when awake. The LVI pattern is
back control mechanisms in the brain (Parmelee characterized by a continuous, low-voltage, mixed-
& Stern, 1972). Maturation of sleep in the infant frequency EEG that is generally dominated by
is reflected by the following features (Anders & theta rhythms (especially when following QS) but

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , ken n ed y 37
also contains significant amounts of delta activity particularly during phasic periods. Episodes of tac-
(particularly if occurring at sleep onset). hypnea and bradypnea may be observed in addi-
(4) A mixed-frequency EEG pattern (M) that tion to central apneas. Periodic breathing may also
can be seen in wake and AS but is infrequently be present, particularly in preterm infants, although
seen in QS. The mixed pattern consists of slow, persistent periodic breathing in the neonatal period,
moderate- to high-voltage delta activity and low- or once the infant reaches conceptional age, suggests
voltage mixed-frequency (theta, alpha, and beta) an underlying respiratory control problem (Sheldon,
EEG components. The amplitude is usually lower 1996). The generalized skeletal atonia which occurs
than that seen in the HVS pattern. during AS and a highly compliant chest wall seen in
infants and young children can result in paradoxical
Due to overlap of some of these EEG patterns breathing during AS.
across sleep–wake states and reduced concordance Quiet sleep by contrast is characterized by an
among state parameters (as discussed earlier) behavioral absence of body movements (except for occasional
observations and cardiorespiratory patterns are impor- startles or twitches), regular and stable cardiorespi-
tant adjuncts to electrophysiological signals (EEG, ratory patterns, and an absence of REMs. The EEG
EOG, submental chin EMG) in identifying behav- shows the HSV, TA, or M pattern but not the LVI
ioral states. Relevant behavioral observations include pattern (Anders et al., 1971). Indeterminate sleep
the type, pattern and frequency of eye movements, does not unequivocally meet the criteria for AS
facial expressions, motor activity, and vocalizations or QS and can be seen interrupting an ongoing
(Thoman, 1990). With respect to cardiorespiratory sleep state when the infant is aroused or occurring
behavior, irregularity in heart and respiratory rate and as a between-state transition (Anders et al., 1971;
the presence of respiratory events such as sighs, apneas, Curzi-Dascalova, 2003). Indeterminate sleep is
and periodic breathing aid in sleep state identification more likely to occur when transitioning from AS
(Anders et al., 1971; Sheldon, 1996). to QS than when transitioning from QS to AS
Sleep in infants typically begins with AS, which (Anders et al., 1971). There has been a tendency to
can make sleep onset difficult to establish as the EEG disregard IS as little more than a transitional sleep
of wakefulness and AS are not always easily differ- state; however, IS represents a distinct and indepen-
entiated. Sleep onset is therefore often behaviorally dent mode of CNS functioning (Curzi Dascalova,
determined by the presence of sustained eye closure. 2001) and excessive amounts or persistence of this
The mixed (M) and LVI EEG pattern is seen in AS sleep state in infancy may reflect a delay in CNS
or, rarely, the HVS pattern, but TA does not occur maturation (Anders et al., 1971; Gould, 1983;
(Anders et al., 1971). The background EEG voltage Ornitz, 1972).
of AS is somewhat higher than seen in older children Newborns spend approximately 15 hours of the
and adults (Hoban, 2005). Rapid eye movements 24-hour period sleeping (Galland et al., 2012), half
(REMs) are usually observed, but slow rolling eye of which is spent in AS. As stated previously the first
movements may also be present. Considerable motor sleep state typically seen in infants on entering sleep
activity occurs during AS (phasic periods), which is is AS, which is followed by a period of QS and then
interspersed with periods of quiescence (tonic inter- alternating episodes of AS and QS. The first episode
vals). Facial movements commonly observed include of AS at sleep onset is often shorter than subsequent
sucking motions, twitches, smiles, frowns, and gri- episodes (Roffwarg et al., 1966). Indeterminate sleep
maces, and vocalizations (cries, whimpers and grunts) may or may not occur between episodes of AS and
may be heard. Irregular and brief movement of digits QS. Sleep is also punctuated by periods of wakeful-
and limbs is interspersed with more prolonged gross ness, particularly related to feeding. In newborns the
body movements. Body movements may be slow and transition between behavioral states is often quite rapid
writhing or sudden and jerky in nature and are more and the AS–QS cycle ranges between 30–70 minutes
frequent and of longer duration than seen in older in duration (Scher, 2006; Sheldon, 1996).
children and adults (Anders et al., 1971; Kahn, Dan,
Groswasser, Franco, & Sottiaux, 1996; Sheldon, Developmental Changes in the Sleep
1996). While muscle tone is reduced during AS there EEG During the First Twelve Months
is frequent phasic activity and the pattern of the chin During the first 3 months post-term, the sleep
EMG can be quite variable and difficult to interpret, EEG gradually changes from the neonatal pattern
particularly if the infant is using a pacifier. During AS to the infant pattern (de Weerd & van den Bossche,
heart rate is quite variable and respiration is irregular, 2003). Two major changes in particular occur during

38 deve lo pmental chang es : infanc y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

this period: (1) the EEG begins to differentiate into One of the most striking changes seen in sleep
the four NREM sleep stages and (2) the proportion during human development is the marked decrease
of AS decreases. In normal term infants the tracé alter- in AS/REM sleep. From birth through to adolescence
nant pattern disappears between 3–4 weeks of age and there is an 80% reduction in REM sleep, most of
is gradually replaced by high-voltage, slow-frequency which occurs during the first 5 years of life. In con-
EEG activity (Sheldon, 1996). Rudimentary sleep trast, NREM sleep only declines by 25% (Roffwarg
spindles emerge at around 4 weeks post-term but are et al., 1966). The functional significance of this onto-
often fragmentary and may be difficult to distinguish genetic change has been the subject of much discus-
(Shibagaki, Kiyono, & Watanabe, 1982). Infant sion (Garcia-Rill et al., 2003; Horne, 2000; Roffwarg
sleep spindles exhibit interhemispheric asymmetry et al., 1966). At conceptional term, AS comprises
and asynchrony (Sheldon, 1996) and have a differ- 50% of total sleep time which declines to between
ent morphology (a spiky negative component with 35%–40% by 1 year of age (Anders & Keener 1985;
a rounded positive component), which gradually Sheldon, 1996). This reduction in AS is paralleled
changes during the 9 months following birth (Jenni by a concomitant increase in QS (Anders & Keener
et al., 2004). By 8 to 12 weeks post-term, spindles 1985; Hoppenbrouwers et al., 1988). In addition to
are usually seen in most infants and are generally the reduction in AS, sleep onset begins to gradually
well formed, and this coincides with the emergence shift from AS to QS between 10–12 weeks post-
of a prominent peak in sigma activity in the EEG term (Sheldon, 1996). The developmental changes
spectrum during QS (Ellingson, 1982; Jenni et al., in the distribution of AS and the proportion of AS
2004; Sankupellay et al., 2011; Sheldon, 1996). to QS is sometimes viewed as an indicator of CNS
Spindle density and duration appears to be maxi- maturation (Hoppenbrouwers et al., 1988; Ornitz,
mal at around 3 months of age with major devel- 1972). At both 6 weeks and 3 months of age, near-
opmental changes seen in topography, morphology, miss SIDS infants were found to have a significantly
amplitude, and frequency over the first 12 months higher proportion of sleep onset via AS compared to
following birth (Dan & Boyd, 2006; Ellingson, control infants, which the authors concluded may
1982; Grigg-Damberger et al., 2007; Louis, Zhang, reflect maturational delay or abnormalities in brain
Revol, Debilly, & Challamel, 1992; Scholle & functioning (Guilleminault & Coons, 1983).
Schafer, 1999; Shibagaki, Kiyono, & Watanabe, Three months of age appears to be a significant
1982; Tanguay, Ornitz, Kaplan, & Bozzo, 1975). juncture for infant neurodevelopment, and the degree
However, there is significant interindividual variation of sleep maturation at this time can be used as a sur-
in development, and spindles may also show inter- rogate benchmark for CNS organization (Sheldon,
hemispheric asynchrony up to 2 years of age (Dan 1996). At 3 months post-term the EEG of QS has
& Boyd, 2006; Ellingson, 1982; Kahn et al., 1996). started to differentiate, and concordance between
Sleep spindles are generated by synchronized activ- physiological and behavioral sleep–wake parameters
ity of thalamocortical and thalamic reticular neurons is high (Kohyama, 1998). Coincident with these
(Destexhe, 2009), and the maturational changes neurophysiological developments is the emergence
seen in the first few months of life are believed to during wake periods of attentive behaviors and
reflect developmental changes occurring in thalamo- social interactions. These maturational attainments
cortical structures and in myelination and dendrite are thought to reflect the development of inhibitory
growth (Gould, 1983; Jenni et al., 2004; Louis et al., and feedback control mechanisms, particularly with
1992). A reduction in spindle frequency and sigma respect to interactions between the brainstem and
activity has been reported in near-miss SIDS infants higher brain centers (Parmelee & Stern, 1972).
and infants at increased risk of SIDS (Gould, 1983; Significant changes in sleep organization and in
Guilleminault & Coons, 1983), while spindle abnor- the sleep EEG continue between 3–12 months post-
malities have also been found in children with CNS term. Sleep gradually becomes consolidated into fewer
or neurodevelopmental disorders such as Down’s but longer periods that occur mostly at night (Coons,
syndrome (Sheldon, 1996; Shibagaki, Kiyono, & 1987). Sleep onset is more common through QS after
Watanabe, 1982; Shibagaki, Kiyono, Watanabe, 3 months post-term, although episodes of AS onset can
& Hakamada, 1982). These findings may reflect still be seen in normal infants up to 6–8 months of age
delayed CNS maturation or more specific structural (Sheldon, 1996). By 6 months of age the three major
or functional abnormalities in the cerebral cortex or NREM sleep states (stage 1, stage 2 and SWS) can
thalamus (Guilleminault & Coons, 1983; Gould usually be identified in most infants. Over the course
1983; Shibagaki, Kiyono, & Watanabe, 1982). of the next 6–12 months the NREM EEG continues

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , ken n ed y 39
to become better differentiated, with changes in EEG seen in the first 12 months of life (Kahn et al., 1996;
amplitude and frequency enabling clearer delineation Sheldon, 1996). By 1 year of age the proportion of
between stage 2 and SWS (Sheldon, 1996; Metcalf NREM sleep is greater than REM sleep, which is a
et al., 1971). Rudimentary vertex sharp waves can be reversal of the relationship seen at birth (Anders &
seen in the neonatal EEG, and by 6 months of age they Keener, 1985). The proportion of REM sleep con-
are generally well established and continue to undergo tinues to decline during early childhood, reaching
maturational changes in morphology, amplitude, fre- the adult level of 20%–25% of total sleep time by
quency and duration throughout childhood, attaining 5 years of age (Sheldon, 1996). The distribution of
the adult form by early adolescence (Grigg-Damberger NREM and REM sleep across the night changes,
et al., 2007; Sheldon, 1996). Clearly identifiable spon- resulting in a preponderance of NREM sleep in the
taneous K-complexes first appear in the infant EEG first third of the night and REM sleep toward the
at around 6 months of age and undergo changes in end of the night (Kahn et al., 1996). Sleep cycle
morphology between the ages of 6 months and 2 years length is approximately 60 minutes in duration at
and again between the ages of 6 to 12 years (Metcalf 2 to 3 years of age, which gradually increases to 90
et al., 1971). Age-related changes are also seen in the minutes in duration by age five (Sheldon, 1996).
frequency with which spontaneous K complexes are Changes in the sleep EEG are less prominent
generated (Grigg-Damberger et al., 2007). The between the ages of 1 to 5 years. In general, back-
dominant posterior alpha rhythm emerges between ground EEG frequencies are a little slower and EEG
3–4 months of age and shows the following age-related amplitudes are significantly higher than seen in
increases in EEG frequency: 3–4 months: 3.5–4.5 Hz; adults (Scholle & Schafer, 1999; Sheldon, 1996).
5–6 months: 5–6 Hz; 3 years: 8 Hz; 9–10 years: 9 Hz Prominent features of sleep–wake characteristics in
and 15 years: 10 Hz (Grigg-Damberger et al., 2007). early childhood are the EEG patterns of wakefulness
In summary, as the infant brain matures the relative and drowsiness, which are quite different compared
amount of time spent in active sleep decreases while to adults (Grigg-Damberger et al., 2007; Sheldon,
quiet sleep increases, and by the first year of life sleep 1996). Furthermore, a number of normal EEG
has evolved into well-defined REM and NREM sleep patterns or variants can be seen during sleep in the
(Louis, Cannard, Bastuji, & Challamel, 1997). In con- pediatric age group that are not normally present in
junction with the changes in quiet and active sleep, the adults. These EEG patterns include anterior slow
amount of time spent asleep also decreases. Data from wave activity, hypnagogic hypersynchrony, hyper-
a large US survey suggests that sleep length decreases synchronous theta, post-arousal hypersynchrony,
from up to 18 hours in newborns, to 14–18 hours in rhythmic anterior theta activity of drowsiness, and
the first year of life, to 12–15 hours by the third year of the frontal arousal rhythm. Discussion of these EEG
life, and 11–13 hours by the fifth year of life (National patterns is beyond the scope of this chapter and the
Sleep Foundation, 2012). Much of this decrease is due reader is referred to Westmoreland and Klass, (1990),
to the reduction in active sleep. Sleep length and the Sheldon, (1996) and Grigg-Damberger et al. (2007)
distribution of active–quiet sleep demonstrate large for a more comprehensive discussion.
interindividual differences and especially in the first
year of life, with some newborns sleeping as few as 10 Overview of Sleep Organization
hours and others up to 18 hours per day, and active The induction and maintenance of sleep is facili-
sleep accounting for as little as 30% and up to 70% tated by multiple physiological and psychosocial
of sleep time (e.g. Anders, Keener, & Kraemer, 1985; factors. The most well accepted model for describ-
Iglowstein, Jenni, Molinari, & Largo, 2003). The pref- ing the regulation of sleep is Borbely’s two-process
erence for sleep length appears to remain consistent model, where it is proposed that sleep propensity is
across childhood (Touchette et al., 2007) suggesting a dependent on the interaction between the (a) time
genetic contribution to sleep length (He et al., 2009; spent awake (Process-S) and (b) time of day or cir-
Hor & Tafti, 2009). cadian phase at which sleep is initiated (Process-C;
Borbely, 1982). Process-S models the homeostatic
Sleep EEG Development: One to Five years drive that increases sleep need as a function of prior
Comparatively few studies have been undertaken wakefulness, while Process-C models the cortically
to investigate sleep EEG development in normal controlled circadian component that facilitates
children aged between 1 and 5 years. By 1 year of sleep at night and counteracts sleep during the day.
age sleep has attained a more mature pattern and The two-process model has been successfully used
changes in sleep architecture occur more slowly than to predict sleep duration, sleep depth, and alertness

40 d evelopmental chang es : infanc y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

based on timing and amount of prior wakeful- wakefulness at night and by opposing a tendency to
ness (Dijk & Lockley, 2002; Duffy, Kronauer, & sleep that increases during the day (Gillberg, 1997).
Czeisler, 1996). It is thought that neuromodulat- This “opponent model” of sleep/wake regulation is
ing sleep-promoting substances that accumulate generally accepted for humans.
with increased wakefulness, such as adenosine, may The phase of the circadian clock is synchronized
underlie the homeostatic drive for sleep (Porkka- to the day–night cycle by external time cues or “zeit-
Heiskanen et al., 1997). Both the homeostatic drive gebers” (time givers). Apart from one exception, the
for sleep and the dissipation of sleep pressure with circadian clock in humans is refractory to environ-
sleep are greater in infants than adults. By contrast, mental, behavioral, or social cues, such as the tim-
the circadian influence on sleep is weaker in infants ing of meals and rest/activity. The one exception
until relevant neural circuits reach maturity around is bright light, with the pacemaker cells differen-
3 months of life (Rivkees, 2003). tially sensitive to light exposure at dawn and dusk
(Duffy et al., 1996; Lowrey & Takahashi, 2000;
Sleep and Process-S Middleton, Arendt, & Stone, 1996). Light falling
The increased homeostatic drive for sleep and the on the retinas is transduced via the retinohypotha-
dissipation of sleep pressure with sleep may partly lamic tract to the SCN and other nonvisual brain
account for the frequent cycling of sleep–wake regions (Edgar, Dement, & Fuller, 1993). As well
bouts in infants and need for regular naps. Studies as responsiveness to daylight, the SCN is sensitive
undertaken in older children and adolescents have to appropriately timed artificial bright light (Boivin,
revealed that sleep deprivation results in higher Duffy, Kronauer, & Czeisler, 1996; Czeisler et al.,
sleep pressure than that typically reported in adults 1986; Duffy et al., 1996), thus making bright light
(Jenni, Achermann, & Carskadon, 2005). The lat- exposure a useful tool for shifting phase in circa-
ter findings suggest that the homeostatic drive for dian-related sleep disorders (Czeisler et al., 1989).
sleep is higher in older children, and it is likely but A high light intensity is thought necessary to shift
untested that the response to sleep deprivation may phase, but exposure to normal room light has been
be higher again in infancy. Indirect evidence for reported to shift phase in young adults (Boivin &
increased homeostatic drive for sleep in younger Czeisler, 1998), raising concerns as to the impact
children is the high frequency of napping in that of excessive screen time and extended light expo-
age group. A typical infant at 6 months of age may sure on sleep quality in children (Kohyama, 2011).
take two to three naps in a day of about 3–4 hours When the phase-shifting response to light is plotted
in duration, whereas by 12 months of age the typi- against the timing of light exposure, a characteristic
cal infant may take two naps a day of 2–3 hours phase-response curve (PRC) is produced (Honma
duration and by 18 months of age one nap during & Honma, 1988; Minors, Waterhouse, & Wirz-
the day of about 1–2 hours duration (Acebo et al., Justice, 1991). The PRC to light has been plotted
2005; Iglowstein et al., 2003; Sadeh et al., 1991). in adults but not in children. In adults who are nor-
mally entrained to the day–night cycle, exposure to
Sleep and Process-C bright light at dusk delays (i.e., shifts phase to a later
The timing of sleep is regulated by the circadian time in subsequent cycles), while exposure at dawn
system consisting of a biological clock and input advances (i.e., shifts phase to an earlier time in sub-
and output pathways (see Crowley, Chapter 17). sequent cycles), the circadian system. Between dusk
The “clock” component consists of specialized pace- and dawn is an inflection point separating the delay
maker cells located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (dusk) and advance (dawn) portion of the PRC.
(SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus that oscillates The timing of the inflection point corresponds to
with a periodicity slightly longer than 24 hours. the timing of the core body temperature minimum,
This endogenous pacemaker facilitates the synchro- approximately 0300–0500 h in entrained adults,
nization of internal body rhythms so that they are and the closer the timing of the light exposure to the
optimally timed with respect to each other. It also minimum, the greater the magnitude of the phase
facilitates the synchronization of internal systems shift (Czeisler et al., 1989).
with the external environment such that an organ- The effect of the circadian system on sleep–wake
ism is optimally entrained to the day–night cycle. can also be studied by examining the response of
Animal studies suggest that the SCN regulates an individual to the absence of entraining light,
the timing and duration of sleep and wakefulness such as may occur naturally in the Antarctic win-
by facilitating the initiation and maintenance of ter and experimentally in specially constructed

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , k en n ed y 41
temporal isolation laboratories. Such studies have & Dement, 1992; Monk, Buysse, Reynolds, &
revealed that the circadian clock “free runs” with Kupfer, 1996). Sleepiness then increase throughout
an endogenous rhythmic period (tau) greater than the evening to a major peak in the early morning
24 hours (Czeisler et al., 1999). The slight discrep- (03:00–05:00 h), typically at the midpoint of the
ancy between the endogenous tau and the 24-hour major nocturnal sleep period (Lack & Lushington,
terrestrial day permits for flexibility in clock tim- 1996). This pattern can be seen in the evolution
ing but necessitates the daily resynchronization of of nap behavior from birth to early childhood
the body clock with the external environment. As with the establishment of a bimodal sleep pat-
tau is longer than the length of a terrestrial day, the tern during daytime consisting of midafternoon
clock must be continually reset by light to maintain and late evening sleeps, the midafternoon com-
entrainment with the external environment; other- ponent of which, depending on culture practices,
wise, with successive days it will drift progressively may be maintained until schooling is commenced
later in time or “free run.” (Iglowstein et al., 2003).
The circadian system is not synchronized with the
terrestrial day at birth. Indirect evidence from pri- Sleep and Thermoregulation
mate studies suggest that while the circadian system The circadian rhythms of body temperature and
in human neonates may be sensitive to light (Hao & sleep propensity are closely related. In adults, the
Rivkees, 1999), there is little evidence of a circadian two rhythms demonstrate an inverse reciprocal rela-
rhythmicity in sleep–wake before 3 months of age tionship (Lack, Gradisar, Van Someren, Wright, &
(Meier-Koll, Hall, Hellwig, Kott, & Meier-Koll, 1978; Lushington, 2008), and of special note is that the
Rivkees & Hao, 2000; Stern, Parmelee, Akiyama, magnitude of the pre-sleep increase in peripheral tem-
Schultz, & Wenner, 1969). However, with neuronal perature and concomitant nocturnal decline in core
development and exposure to the light–dark cycle, by body temperature is highly predictive of sleep onset
1 month of age wakefulness is greater during the day and maintenance (Campbell & Broughton, 1994;
and sleep greater at night, and by at least 3 months Krauchi, Cajochen, Werth, & Wirz-Justice, 2000;
of age, hormonal and sleep–wake cycles have begun Lushington, Dawson, & Lack, 2000; Van Someren,
to consolidate and show a regular 24-hour rhythm 2000). There is also extensive evidence that stimuli
with characteristic peaks and troughs (de Weerd & which raise core body temperature inhibit, while
van den Bossche, 2003; McMillen, Kok, Adamson, those that lower core body temperature facilitate,
Deayton, & Nowak, 1991; Nishihara, Horiuchi, Eto, sleep (Bach et al., 2011; Krauchi & Deboer, 2010).
& Uchida, 2002) which remain stable until puberty The relationship between the circadian rhythms
(Kahn, Dan, Groswasser, Franco, & Sottiaux, 1996). of sleep and temperature are not well explored in
The immaturity of the circadian system may explain infants. Nonetheless, available evidence suggests
the free-running rhythms observed in neonates with that by 3 months of age the circadian variation in
wake–activity plots revealing a progressive daily delay body temperature coincides with the circadian varia-
in the timing of the main sleep period, sometimes tion in active sleep (Abe & Fukui, 1979; Glotzbach,
resulting in a reversal of normal sleep–wake timing Edgar, & Ariagno, 1995), with the core body tem-
with infants sleeping through the day but staying perature reaching a minimum about the midpoint of
awake during the night (Kleitman & Engelmann, the nocturnal sleep period (Lodemore, Petersen, &
1953; McGraw, Hoffmann, Harker, & Herman, Wailoo, 1992) and shifting to the last third of night,
1999; Shimada et al., 1999; Weissbluth & Weissbluth, as in the adult, by 1 year of age (Glotzbach et al.,
1992). In addition to light–dark exposure, mother– 1995). It is likely that the emergence in infants of
infant interaction may further reinforce daily rhythm a robust core body temperature rhythm may facili-
patterns and hence circadian rhythmicity (Ferber, tate sleep onset and maintenance. In support of this
Laudon, Kuint, Weller, & Zisapel, 2002). suggestion, there is preliminary evidence that lower
In adults, sleepiness and hence the propensity core body temperature minimums are associated
for sleep also demonstrates a predictable circadian with longer mean sleep durations in 4-month-old
rhythmicity (Lack & Lushington, 1996; Lavie, infants (Lodemore, Petersen, & Wailoo, 1991).
2001). Sleepiness gradually rises in the morn-
ing with a minor peak in the early afternoon Ultradian Rhythms
(12:00–14:00 h), corresponding to the traditional A third mechanism is also involved in the control
siesta time, followed by a decline to a minimum sleep–wake behavior. Together with circadian varia-
in the early evening (19:00–22:00 h) (Carskadon tion, an ultradian rhythm (i.e., frequency < 24-hour)

42 d evelopmental chang es : infanc y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

is also evident in many sleep parameters. Ultradian groups and a lack of standardization in meth-
rhythms are evident at all levels of biological organi- odology and data analysis. The advent of digital
zation and are thought to provide the timekeeping polysomnography (PSG), which has the ability to
for intracellular processes (Lloyd, 2008). An ultra- capture significantly more physiological data with
dian rhythm is evident in the cycling of NREM– relative ease, will extend the groundbreaking stud-
REM sleep, which can be recognized from 4 to 6 ies performed in the latter part of the last century
weeks of age with cycles progressively lengthening and can provide a more comprehensive overview
from about 60 minutes at 1 month of age to 90 of normal sleep development.
minutes by 5 years of age (Sheldon, 1996), with
some groups reporting lengthening by 1 year of age Future Directions
(Hoppenbrouwers, 1992; Pace-Schott & Hobson, There are many unanswered questions in relation
2002). The sleep–wake rhythm itself also demon- to the development and regulation of sleep during
strates ultradian variation. At birth, the sleep–wake infancy and childhood. Addressing the following
rhythm cycles with a mean period of between 3–4 questions may provide insights into the functions
hours, but by 3 months of age a clear circadian of sleep and may assist in identifying children who
sleep–wake rhythm has emerged (Meier-Koll et al., require clinical or behavioral interventions for sleep
1978; Peirano, Algarin, & Uauy, 2003). disorders:
• How does sleep architecture change with age?
There is a need for longitudinal PSG data derived
During infancy and early childhood more time is
from normal, healthy children sampled at regular
spent sleeping than on any other activity. Congruent
developmental periods.
with all the other remarkable physical and behavioral
• What is the relationship between sleep and
changes that occur as a child grows and develops, sleep
brain development? That is, how does PSG data
also undergoes striking developmental changes that
correlate with other measures of development
are unparalleled in later adult life. The neurophysi-
such as motor skill, language, memory, social
ological maturation of sleep is underpinned by struc-
development, etc.?
tural and functional changes in CNS anatomy and
• What are the genetic and epigenetic
physiology, while a complex interplay between physi-
underpinning of sleep development?
ological, biological, and psychosocial factors modu-
• How do biopsychosocial factors influence
late sleep behavior. However, despite the central role
sleep development?
that sleep occupies in early life much is still unknown
• Does sleep intervention improve neurocognitive
about either the precise mechanisms underlying the
outcomes? For example, in children with neurod-
development and regulation of sleep or of the role
evelopmental disorders such as Down’s or Asperger’s
that sleep plays in infant and child development. This
Syndrome, which are often associated with significant
high proportion of time infants and young children
sleep disturbance.
spend sleeping corresponds to high levels of brain
plasticity and sensitive periods of brain development,
with mounting evidence suggesting that sleep plays a Notes
1. The traditional sleep stage terminology of Rechtschaffen
crucial and active role in the neurocognitive develop- and Kales (1968) is used throughout this chapter. See Carskadon
ment of children. and Dement (2011), with whom we concur, for a discussion on
Elucidating the role that sleep plays in brain sleep nomenclature.
development and, as a corollary, understanding
the effects of sleep disturbance on neurocognitive References
development requires an improved understand- Abe, K., & Fukui, S. T. (1979). The individual development
of circadian temperature rhythm in infants. Journal of
ing of normal sleep across the entire pediatric age
Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 10(3), 227–232.
range including the establishment of better nor- Acebo, C., Sadeh, A., Seifer, R., Tzischinsky, O., Hafer, A., &
mative data. Current normative data are limited Carskadon, M. A. (2005). Sleep/wake patterns derived from
largely to pioneering studies performed several activity monitoring and maternal report for healthy 1- to
decades ago. While these pioneering studies were 5-year-old children. Sleep, 28(12), 1568–1577.
Anders, T. F., Emde, R., & Parmelee Jr., A. (1971). A Manual
seminal in establishing pediatric sleep medicine as
of Standardized Terminology, Techniques and Criteria for
a field in its own right, they have the usual short- Scoring States of Sleep and Wakefulness in Newborn Infants.
comings of early investigations including small Los Angeles: UCLA Brian Information Service, Neurological
biased samples that were restricted to certain age Information Network.

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , ken n ed y 43
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of nighttime sleep-wake patterns in full-term and pre- Brain Research, 65(1), 57–64.
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173–192. basis of sleep development. In G. M. Loughlin, J. L. Carroll,
Anders, T.F., Keener, M.A., & Kraemer, H. (1985). Sleep-wake & C. L. Marcus (Eds.), Sleep and Breathing in Children (pp.
state organization, neonatal assessment and development in 3–37). New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
premature infants during the first year of life II. Sleep, 8(3), Curzi Dascalova, L. (2001). Between-sleep states transitions in
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lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , k en n ed y 47

The Relationship between Sleep and

6 Daytime Cognitive/Behavioral
Functioning: Infancy and Preschool Years
Kurt Lushington, Yvonne Pamula, A. James Martin, and John Declan Kennedy


Sleep undergoes rapid and remarkable changes in structure and organization in the first few years of
life. This is paralleled by similar changes in the brain. Evidence from studies in animals and, to a lesser
extent infants, suggests that sleep plays a major role in cortical development, with sleep quality early
in life predicting cognitive functioning later in life. Sleep is also important for cortical functioning. The
most well-explored domain has been memory, with both REM and NREM sleep and possibly specific
EEG frequencies within a sleep stage differentially affecting the formation and consolidation of differing
memory types. Finally, sleep is important for optimal daytime functioning. Both sleep restriction
and sleep pathology have negative and characteristic impacts on neuropsychological and behavioral
functioning. Despite advances, however, our understanding of the role played by sleep in the interac-
tion between gene expression and neural development, in neurocircuit formation, and, finally, on the
interaction between sensory input and neural development remain to be more fully explored.
Key Words: sleep, infant, development, learning, memory, brain, neurocognitive, behavior

Sleep and the Developing Brain Muzio, and Dement (1966) proposed the prescient
Among the manifold functions of sleep is the role hypothesis that because young infants spend large
that it plays in cognitive development and especially amounts of time in REM sleep, and as infancy is a
memory and learning. The hypothesis that sleep is time of rapid brain development, then REM sleep
important for memory is thought to originate more might provide the internal source of brain stimula-
than a century ago with the study of Ebbinghaus tion necessary for ongoing structural maturation.
(1885), who found that memory of nonsense syl- In the following decades the REM brain devel-
lables was improved after sleep. Subsequent studies opment hypothesis was tested in a series of animal
during the early part of the twentieth century have studies examining the role of sleep in cortical devel-
added credence to the proposal that sleep does play opment and especially that of the visual cortex. Two
a role in memory. Until relatively recently, however, important findings to emerge from this period are,
the general consensus was that the brain is quiet first, that brain weight and REM sleep increase in
during sleep and memories could be consolidated enriched environments (in the rat) and second, that
without competing input from the external world. the normal development of brain structures vital for
The discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep the development of vision (e.g., lateral geniculate
in the early 1950s (Aserinsky & Kleitman, 1953) led nucleus) are modulated by NREM sleep (Frank,
to the recognition that sleep was not as homogenous 2011). In a separate but convergent area of inves-
as previously thought and a revaluation of the role tigation, researchers in the 1980s also began exam-
of sleep in memory. In the late 1960s, Roffwarg, ining survival in premature infants and whether

sleep–wake organization may predict cognitive during this developmental period demonstrates a
development. Parallel to the findings in animals, high degree of plasticity, and recent studies have
infants with immature sleep electroencephalography highlighted sleep’s role in this process (Ribeiro,
(EEG) are more likely to demonstrate poorer devel- 2012). It does appear paradoxical that maximal
opment in later life (Anders, Keener, & Kraemer, brain growth should be so marked in the newborn
1985; Beckwith & Parmelee, 1986; Novosad, period at a time when, purportedly, external sensory
Freudigman, & Thoman, 1999; Richards, Parmelee, input is relatively limited—an observation that has
& Beckwith, 1986). Since the 1980s, and particu- prompted Dahl (1996) to propose that sleep is the
larly in the past decade, the vital importance of sleep single most important function of the developing
on cognition and particularly its effect on memory brain, given that children spend over 50% of the
consolidation has been recognized. This has under- first two years sleeping.
pinned the rapid expansion in our knowledge of
the electrophysiological and molecular mechanisms The Effect of REM and NREM on Brain
that subserve memory consolidation. What has also Maturation and Function
become clear is that if sleep is disrupted in a develop- The investigation of the role of different sleep
ing child, either by fragmentation or hypoxia, then states on brain maturation and function has been
there are concomitant effects on daytime function, undertaken mainly in animals. The ontogenetic
particularly on attentional and behavioral domains. hypothesis proposes that REM sleep facilitates
This chapter outlines aspects of this rapidly advanc- both normal brain development and experience-de-
ing area and highlights the relative lack of data on pendent synaptic plasticity (Roffwarg et al., 1966;
sleep and cognition in children relative to what is Shaffery, Lopez, Bissette, & Roffwarg, 2006). This
known in adults, along with the particular paucity hypothesis is supported by studies in rats, where
of data in infants. REM deprivation in the neonatal period is associ-
ated with reduced cortical and brainstem volume
Normal Brain Development: and altered neurotransmitter sensitivity (Mirmiran,
A Role for Sleep? Feenstra, Dijcks, Bos, & Van Haaren, 1988;
Brain development in the fetus begins in the third Mirmiran, Uylings, & Corner, 1983). It may also
week of gestation, continues into adolescence, and is have long-term impacts later in life. Adult rats who
dependent on three factors: (1) the influence of gene have been REM-deprived in the neonatal period
expression on neural development, (2) endogenous also demonstrate reduced neural plasticity when
neural stimulation, and (3) sensory input from the put in an enriched environment, thereby suggest-
environment. It is the dynamic interaction of these ing that adult learning might be dependent on the
factors which leads to adaptation and the develop- neural plasticity mediated by REM sleep quality in
ment of new neural circuits. Although Freud first infancy (Mirmiran, Scholtens, et al., 1983). Despite
highlighted the effect of early family experiences this evidence, however, a major criticism of REM
on the developing personality (Freud & Strachey, deprivation studies is the problem of separating the
1966), it is only with recent advances in statistical effects of REM deprivation from the pharmacologi-
modeling that environmental factors—for example, cal effects of the REM-depressant drugs, which in
auditory and visual input and quality of maternal and of themselves are known to alter monoaminer-
care—have been shown to play a vital role in the gic neurotransmitters and, hence, mood and cogni-
pattern of brain gene expression (Lenroot & Giedd, tion (Herlenius & Lagercrantz, 2001).
2011), thus demonstrating that the ontogeny of Despite the focus on REM sleep, a possible role
brain development is not solely driven by genetic has also been reported for NREM sleep in corti-
influences. cal development. An experimental approach that
The most rapid period of brain development avoids the problems associated with the pharma-
occurs in the first few years of life, with the brain cological suppression of sleep has been to study
reaching approximately 90% of adult size by 6 years the role of sleep in early life on the development
of age (Kennedy, Makris, Herbert, Takahashi, & of brain structures and especially visual pathways.
Caviness, 2002; Reiss, Abrams, Singer, Ross, & Specifically, following a period of monocular depri-
Denckla, 1996). In the initial postnatal period, neu- vation, visual responses are known to move in favor
ral connectivity is greater than that of adults and of the non-obscured eye as indicated by changes in
is gradually pruned as the child matures (Lenroot synaptic plasticity in key visual areas (e.g., lateral
& Giedd, 2011). In addition, synaptic connectivity geniculate nucleus and the visual cortex; see Frank,

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , k en n ed y 49
Issa, & Stryker, 2001). This transfer is augmented Memories also evolve over time, and this process
by NREM sleep (Frank, 2011). Thus, although the involves not only the initial encoding of a fragile
ontogenetic hypothesis emphasizes the primary role memory trace but also the subsequent consolidation,
of REM sleep in brain development and plasticity, stabilization, and perhaps enhancement (Walker &
NREM sleep may also be important. Of note is that Stickgold, 2006).
NREM maturation coincides with the development
of thalamocortical and intracortical neural circuits The Effect of Sleep and Its Individual
and synaptic remodeling (Bear & Malenka, 1994; Stages on Memory
Cramer & Sur, 1995; Peirano & Algarin, 2007). The main conceptual model of the storage of
Taking cortical development into account, and the memory is that neuronal circuits that were active
potentially differing roles of REM and NMREM during waking are reactivated off-line during sleep,
sleep, it is has been further hypothesized that REM thereby promoting long-lasting synaptic changes.
sleep facilitates development of neural circuitry One of the challenges of such a concept is how
while NREM sleep consolidates changes in neural new memories can be formed without “overwrit-
circuitry (Maquet, Smith, & Stickgold, 2003). ing” already stored memories. Another aspect of
the storage of new information is that not all new
The Role of Sleep in Memory and Learning memories are equally weighted, so some form of fil-
The importance of sleep in processing and stor- tering with regard to importance is required. The
ing memory has become particularly evident over model that has gained the greatest recognition to
the past 25 years as an increasing number of studies account for these aspects is the Two Stage Model
have examined its effect on varying memory-related of memory consolidation (Buzsaki, 1989). It pro-
domains, including verbal learning, emotional poses that memories are stored in both a temporary
memory, spatial recognition, and procedural mem- and more permanent storage site. For declarative
ory (Payne, 2011). In the main, these studies have memory, the areas of brain serving as these two stor-
concentrated on animal and adult humans, but age sites are the hippocampus (temporary) and the
there is a growing literature that attests to sleep’s neocortex (more permanent). The temporary store
importance in memory consolidation and learning allows the rapid accumulation of memories but
in developing children. only maintains these memories for a short time,
The consensus view is that different sleep stages in contradistinction to the long-term store which
specifically benefit different types of memory (Payne, accumulates at a slower rate. With initial memory
2011). A compatible but more nuanced view is that encoding, both stores accumulate in parallel. But
the predominant EEG frequencies which occur with repeated reactivation of the memory trace in
within a specific sleep state may be the more impor- the temporary store, or the hippocampus, long-
tant factor (Cheng, Williams, & Meck, 2008). term consolidation of the memory is facilitated in
NREM sleep is thought to be important for the the neocortex by repeated stimulation of intracorti-
consolidation of declarative and spatial memories cal neural circuits. This repeated hippocampal–neo-
(explicit memory), while REM sleep is thought to cortical dialogue is thought to strengthen memory
facilitate the encoding of procedural (implicit) and consolidation in the neocortex and to facilitate the
emotional memories (Payne, 2011). Different brain insertion of new knowledge into a matrix of existing
regions are also thought to be involved with the knowledge. Over time, these encoded neocortical
differing types of memory processing. Procedural memories become independent of the hippocam-
memories are thought to be dependent on cortical pus, which then is capable of repeating the process
and subcortical structures but independent of hip- with new learned experience (Diekelmann & Born,
pocampal structures, while implicit memories are 2010). The current consensus is that these pro-
served by the hippocampus and medial temporal cesses are thought to be facilitated by sleep, with
regions and emotional memories are processed via individual sleep stages playing different roles. This
the amygdala (Payne, 2011). As outlined by Walker model is supported by two lines of evidence. First,
(2010), there is considerable support for the sugges- that declarative memories from a day’s learning are
tion that sleep also serves an overriding meta-level more resistant to interference on the following day
role in memory formation that extends beyond con- after a night’s sleep (Ellenbogen, Hulbert, Stickgold,
solidation and recall by assimilating memories into Dinges, & Thompson-Schill, 2006). Second, that
the individual’s cognitive matrix, thereby allowing a sleep restriction after learning results in selec-
cohesive view of the individual’s world to develop. tive hippocampal deficits and disruption of the

50 cognit ive/behavioral function i n g : i n fa n c y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

memory-strengthening hippocampal–neocortical while hippocampal sharp-wave ripples are believed
dialogue resulting in impaired retention (Yoo, Hu, to facilitate specific synaptic potentiation in those
Gujar, Jolesz, & Walker, 2007). circuits that were associated with an awake event
In rat models, hippocampal–neocortical dialogue (Born & Wilhelm, 2012). Thus, NREM ripples and
is facilitated by slow wave sleep (SWS) with the spindles facilitate memory transfer from hippocam-
replaying of daytime spatial and novel experiences pus to cortex during the depolarizing up-state of
causing the same neural firing pattern in both hip- delta slow waves. During REM in the rat, PGO
pocampus and neocortex that originally occurred waves are thought to regulate synaptic plasticity in
during wakefulness (Dave & Margoliash, 2000; the amygdala and hippocampus (McCarley, 2007).
Ji & Wilson, 2007). The human brain response is Theta waves (4–8Hz) are also thought to induce
thought to follow a similar pattern. For example, LTP in hippocampal cells, but their specific role in
Rasch, Buchel, Gais, and Born (2007) report that memory formation remains to be fully elucidated
when spatial learning was undertaken in the pres- (Walker, 2010). Walker (2010) suggests that over
ence of a rose smell, reintroducing the same smell the early part of the night, when SWS predomi-
during subsequent SWS improved the consolida- nates, hippocampal–neocortical crosstalk is maxi-
tion of spatial memories. mal, while during stage 2 and REM intracortical
A process that is integral to memory consolida- crosstalk predominates. Recently attention has
tion at a synaptic level is long-term potentiation focused on the processing of emotional memories,
(LTP). During this process, postsynaptic membrane which are thought to be REM-dependent, and it
depolarization occurs concomitantly with presyn- has been hypothesized that processing during suc-
aptic action potentials, resulting in intracellular cessive REM periods allows the affective overlay
molecular changes and a resultant increase in synap- of the memory to be disassociated. The latter is an
tic strength, in other words synaptic consolidation. area of great interest and potential, as it may be that
It is this lasting change in the strength of synap- emotional processing during sleep differs between
tic connections that underlies brain plasticity. It is children and adults. In 10–13-year-old children,
thought that LTP may occur during the hippocam- positive compared to neutral emotions are reported
pal slow wave oscillations and reactivations (Poe, to facilitate declarative but not procedural memory
Walsh, & Bjorness, 2010). A current hypothesis is after sleep (Prehn-Kristensen et al., 2009). This is in
that SWS could begin LTP and prime specific neu- contrast to adults, where positive emotional content
ronal circuits for synaptic consolidation during later is reported by some but not all studies to improve
REM sleep (Diekelmann & Born, 2010). A coun- procedural memory after sleep, while negative mem-
terargument suggests that NREM sleep results in a ories are more resistant to decay and are enhanced
reduction in synapse strength, or synaptic downscal- by sleep (Walker, 2009). Exploration of the rela-
ing. This would potentially allow the hippocampal tionship between emotional valance, memory, and
synapses to depotentiate and thereby improve their sleep in children is limited but offers the potential
potential to encode new declarative memories with- of gaining a better understanding the etiology and
out overwhelming their inherent synaptic capacity. treatment of pediatric mental health problems.
As outlined earlier, specific EEG rhythms are
thought to underlie memory consolidation and The Effects of Sleep Disruption on
a number of signature events have been proposed Children’s Neurocognitive and Behavioral
including spindles, slow waves and sharp wave Functioning
ripples in SWS and pontogeniculooccipital (PGO) Over the past two decades there has been a rapid
waves and Theta rhythm in REM sleep. During SWS, increase in our appreciation of the detrimental
large amplitude slow waves (delta) induce neural effects of sleep disruption on both adults and chil-
hyperpolarization (down-state) and depolarization dren. This has occurred pari passu as research atten-
(up-state). During depolarization there is an increase tion has focused on the role of sleep in memory
in neural firing, thereby facilitating hippocampal– consolidation. However, in a recent review of child-
neocortical dialogue and long-term storage of mem- hood sleep disruption, O’Brien (2011) has pointed
ories in the neocortex. Sleep spindles are thought out that much of our knowledge of the effects of
to facilitate LTP, possibly by their faster stimulation sleep disruption on young children is based on cor-
frequency (Walker, 2010) and to prime cortical neu- relative or associative studies rather than those of
ral circuits to aid long-term memory storage in the robust experimental design. The picture in adults is
neocortex (Diekelmann, Born, & Wagner, 2010), somewhat clearer, as outlined by Lim and Dinges

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , k en n ed y 51
in their meta-analysis (2010), where there is good and even small reductions in sleep length may lead
evidence that total sleep deprivation has a marked to significant daytime consequences. As a corollary,
effect on adults’ attention, a moderate effect on while survey data can tell us what is common prac-
working memory and attention, and a lesser effect tice regarding sleep habits (e.g., mean total sleep
on short-term memory, while IQ and processing time for 4-year-olds in the community), the amount
speed appear to be preserved, suggesting that com- of sleep that children actually need for optimal day-
pensatory mechanisms might be in play. time functioning is simply unknown. This gap in
Can these results be extrapolated to children? our understanding points to the need for empiri-
There are several reasons for taking the view opining cally validated norms for parameters such as recom-
that “children are not small adults.” Children’s sleep mended sleep length according to age (Matricciani,
duration and architecture change markedly between Olds, Blunden, Rigney, & Williams, 2012).
infancy and adolescence as does brain structure and A further approach to understanding the impact
functioning, with the prefrontal cortex reaching of sleep deprivation in children on daytime func-
maturity in adolescence. In addition to the ethical tioning is to examine children with problems that
and organizational limitations of undertaking sleep result in insufficient sleep (e.g., bedtime resistance,
deprivation studies in children, there is the greater etc). Such sleep problems are common in young chil-
likelihood of confounding effects on results of socio- dren, with a reported prevalence rate as high as 38%
economic factors such as different levels of attach- in the first years of life (Anders, Halpern, & Hua,
ment, childcare versus home care, parenting styles, 1992; Gaylor, Burnham, Goodlin-Jones, & Anders,
split families, and schooling, thus making it difficult 2005; Gaylor, Goodlin-Jones, & Anders, 2001; Lam,
to isolate the specific impact of sleep disruption on Hiscock, & Wake, 2003; Quach, Hiscock, & Wake,
neurocognitive and behavioral functioning (Beebe, 2012; Wake et al., 2006; Zuckerman, Stevenson,
2011; also see O’Brien, Chapter 29). In addition, & Bailey, 1987). Findings from longitudinal stud-
it is likely that there are “sensitive” periods of brain ies typically suggest that insufficient sleep in young
development when a potential insult will have a children is associated with increased internalized
greater effect than at other times. Thus, the impact problematic behaviors such as anxiety and depres-
of sleep disruption on neurocognitive and behav- sion and, to a lesser extent, externalized problematic
ioral functioning may vary with developmental age, behaviors such as aggressive behavior and hyperac-
making it difficult to draw conclusions that general- tivity (Astill, Van der Heijden, Van Ijzendoorn, &
ize across childhood. Gozal, Row, Schurr, and Gozal Van Someren, 2012; Beebe, 2011).
(2001) have recently demonstrated the impact of While studies have examined sleep restriction
sleep disruption on functioning at sensitive periods in children and its impact on daytime functioning,
in their study on the differential cerebral effects of most have focused on sleep quantity and relatively
hypoxia on rat pups of varying age. In summary, the less attention has been paid to sleep quality. Where
extrapolation of sleep-deprivation findings in adults researchers have examined sleep quality, to date most
to children need to be treated with caution. have focused on sleep disordered breathing (SDB)
Although studies which have experimentally with its associated hypoxia and sleep fragmentation.
manipulated sleep in children are limited, sleep A substantial number of studies and reviews have now
length is known to vary with cultural practice, an been undertaken confirming decrements in daytime
understanding of which could potentially inform behavior and cognition in children with SDB (e.g.,
our understanding of the association between sleep Beebe, 2006; Kheirandish & Gozal, 2006; Kohler,
deprivation and daytime functioning. There is good Lushington, & Kennedy, 2010). The behavioral
evidence that children are sleeping less now than domains reported to be most consistently affected by
three decades ago (Matricciani, Olds, & Petkov, SDB include somatic complaints, depression, and
2012), and in a recent study of Australian children social problems; neurocognitive domains include
between 1984 and 2004 it was found that chil- intelligence, attention, and executive function and,
dren were sleeping up to 30 minutes less per night less commonly, deficits in memory, visual–spatial
(attributable to later bed, not earlier rise times; ability, language skills, and sensorimotor function-
see Dollman, Ridley, Olds, & Lowe, 2007). What ing (Kohler et al., 2010). Neurocognitive deficits
remains unclear is whether this 5% reduction in sleep also seem to be evident in early life in children with
duration has had any appreciable impact on daytime SDB. Our group has demonstrated that children
functioning. It may be argued that the cumulative who snore within the first month of life (on parental
loss over many years of childhood is considerable, report) have reduced cognitive development at 6 and

52 cognit ive/behavioral function i n g : i n fa n c y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

12 months of age (Piteo, Kennedy, et al., 2011; Piteo, and Parmelee (1986) report that premature infants
Lushington, et al., 2011). Montgomery-Downs and who had less tracé alternant on their sleep EEG at
Gozal (2006) report that snoring-associated arous- term had lower developmental scores at intervals up
als are also associated with reduced cognitive devel- to 8 years of age. However, an exception was those
opment in healthy 8-month-old children without children reared in an enriched environment where,
SDB. Despite the consensus that sleep disruption despite having less tracé alternant, by 24 months
secondary to hypoxia or arousals in children with their scores were equal to those with greater tracé
SDB is linked with daytime deficits, the parameters alternant, thereby highlighting the buffering effect of
currently measured on standard polysomnography family environment. Similar modulating effects of an
do not correlate strongly with these deficits. The lack enriched environment have been noted by Gertner,
of support for an association between SDB sever- Greenbaum, Sadeh, Dolfin, Sirota, and Ben-Nun
ity and daytime deficits is concerning, and current (2002) who found in healthy premature infants that
research is focused on more subtle analysis of the a rich home environment together with lower time
sleep EEG, such as cyclic alternating pattern analysis spent asleep and higher nocturnal activity at 32–36
and power spectral analysis and its association to day- weeks gestational age was associated with higher
time functioning (e.g., Bruni et al., 2012). Finally, cognitive development at 6 months. Highlighting
while the focus has been on children with SDB, the importance of sleep architecture, Scher (1996)
other occult sleep disorders have been examined. found in a combined group of healthy premature
For example, children with periodic limb movement and term infants that fewer arousals, lower REMs
disorder are reported to have a higher frequency of per minute, and shorter sleep latencies from awake to
ADHD, while fragmented sleep in children with active sleep at term were associated with lower cogni-
eczema predicts ADHD and oppositional behav- tive development at 1 and 2 years —findings echoed
ior (Camfferman et al., 2010), further underlining by Arditi-Babchuk, Feldman, and Eidelman (2009).
the pivotal importance of normal sleep architecture Scher (2005), in a study of 50 healthy term infants
(Crabtree, Ivanenko, O’Brien, & Gozal, 2003). evaluated at 10 months, noted that greater motor
In very broad terms, research examining the activity (at 10 months) and a more fragmented sleep
effect of sleep disruption on children has mainly pattern were also associated with lower developmen-
focused on infants or school-aged participants, with tal index scores. Dearing, McCartney, Marshall, and
less analysis of its effect on toddlers and the kin- Warner (2001) report that regular sleep patterns at
dergarten age groups. In addition, the majority of 7 and 19 months were positively associated with
studies have been cross-sectional in design. Finally, higher cognitive developmental scores at 24 months
much of the research on infant sleep and daytime and language scores at 36 months of age. Van den
functioning has been preoccupied with the hypoth- Bergh and Mulder (2012) report that when moni-
esis that the organization of sleep architecture early toring three sleep parameters (heart rate, body move-
in life reflects brain maturity and thus the finding ments, and rapid eye movements) in fetuses of 36–38
of disruption of the normal pattern of sleep in early weeks gestation, the time taken to pass from quiet
life will predict later developmental deficits. As suc- to active sleep (i.e., within 3 minutes) was associated
cinctly noted by Scher, “ . . . infant sleep becomes with a higher level of effortful control at 8–9 and
a window to later cognitive development” (2005). 14–15 years of age. The authors suggest that this sup-
The impetus for the development of such predic- ports the concept that interfetal differences in brain
tive factors was the survival of increasing numbers development underpin some of the variability seen in
of premature infants during the 1980s. children’s response to their environment and, more-
In one of the first studies of its kind, Anders, over, that those fetuses with more advanced sleep state
Keener, and Kraemer (1985) evaluated the sleep– patterns have more balanced reactivity and regulation
wake organization of 24 premature infants (mean with more efficient modulation of cognition and
gestational age = 31 weeks and range = 27–35 weeks) emotions. In summary, the current literature suggests
with video somnograms at term and subsequently an association between sleep and subsequent devel-
on seven occasions up to 1 year of age. They report opmental attainment, but as studies are correlational,
that mental performance was predicted by the “hold- causality has not been proven (Beebe, 2011). As out-
ing index,” or long quiet sleep periods early in the lined above, the influence of family environment,
night, while at 1 year it was predicted by the stability attachment, rearing practices, and genetic vulnerabil-
of the longest sleep period uninterrupted by wake- ity will potentially all play a significant moderating
fulness. Consistent with Ander’s findings, Beckwith role in the child’s eventual development.

lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , ken n ed y 53
There is a general consensus that children with years is subsequently delayed. Ravid et al. (2009)
poor sleep patterns have adverse behavioral outcomes report that children with shorter sleep durations,
(Minde et al., 1993; Smedje, Broman, & Hetta, higher number of nocturnal awakenings, and lower
2001; Stein, Mendelsohn, Obermeyer, Amromin, & sleep efficiency had worse cognitive/behavioral per-
Benca, 2001; Zuckerman et al., 1987). Moreover, formance, while Paavonen, Porkka-Heiskanen, and
these deficits are reversible with improvements in Lahikainen (2009) report that shorter sleep dura-
sleep patterns paralleling those in behavioral func- tion and sleep difficulties in general were related to
tioning (e.g., Minde, Faucon, & Falkner, 1994). both a higher frequency of inattention and exter-
There is also strong evidence that sleep quality makes nalizing symptoms. Liu and colleagues (2012), in
a unique contribution to problematic behavior over a large cohort of 1385 5-year-old Chinese children,
and above that attributable to other causes. Results noted that those with sleep problems scored 2–3
from structural equation modeling have revealed points lower on IQ testing. The unanswered ques-
that sleep problems, after controlling for other pre- tion is whether this deficit is cumulative or whether
dictors, account for a significant proportion of the some children with sleep problems are more suscep-
variance in problematic externalizing and internal- tible to adverse neuropsychological outcomes, espe-
izing behaviors (Bates, Viken, Alexander, Beyers, & cially if affected during putative “sensitive” periods
Stockton, 2002; Calhoun et al., 2012; Reid, Hong, (see O’Brien, Chapter 29).
& Wade, 2009; Weinraub et al., 2012). It is also While the consensus in the literature is that
likely that the relationship between sleep and behav- pediatric sleep difficulties do adversely affect devel-
ior is bidirectional with behavioral deficits influenc- opment, a note of caution needs to be struck. In a
ing sleep quantity and quality. meticulous and landmark meta-analysis of the effect
Given the findings of experimental sleep restric- of sleep quantity on cognition and behavior in chil-
tion in adults, with its adverse effects on attention dren aged 5–12 years, Astill and colleagues (2012)
and memory, pediatric researchers have focused on evaluated 86 studies involving 35,936 children.
sleep duration as a modulator of childhood neurobe- They found a significant positive association between
havioral outcomes. As has been previously noted, sleep duration and several (cognitive capacity, execu-
sleep duration has not been experimentally manipu- tive functioning, and school performance) but not
lated in the majority of studies of young children, all (sustained attention, declarative or procedural
and authors have relied either on parental report or memory, and intelligence) neurocognitive measures.
sleep–wake activity (e.g., actigraphy) to assess sleep. By contrast, they found little evidence of an asso-
Touchette and colleagues (2007) reported that in a ciation between sleep efficiency and neurocognitive
cohort of 1492 children followed from age 5 months measures (sustained attention and executive func-
to 6 years, those who slept one hour less up to the tioning). The findings for behavioral functioning
age of 41 months (and who normalized their sleep were also mixed and where significant the relation-
duration thereafter) had increased hyperactivity- ships were weak. Astill et al. report a significant rela-
impulsivity scores and lower receptive vocabulary tionship between shorter sleep and the frequency of
and nonverbal intellectual skills at 6 years. The problematic behavior (both internalized and exter-
authors suggested that there is a critical period in nalized) but not for sleep efficiency. Further and
early childhood where shortened sleep duration has contrary to the domains most commonly reported
a long-term adverse effect. Support for the effect of to be affected in adults, they report little evidence for
sleep on language development in young children is an association between both sleep duration and sleep
also provided by Dionne et al. (2011), who found efficiency and either sustained attention or memory.
in their longitudinal study that better sleep con- Finally, despite the lack of evidence for an association
solidation in the first 2 years of life was associated between sleep duration and intelligence, nonetheless
with better language skills up to three years later. school performance and multiple-domain measures
O’Callaghan et al. (2010) followed children pro- of cognitive functioning were compromised in chil-
spectively to teenage years and reported that those dren with shorter sleep. In a cogent discussion of
children who often had sleep problems as reported developmental differences between children’s and
by parents when aged 2–4 years had attention dif- adults’ brain structure, Astill and colleagues suggest
ficulties when assessed at both 5 and 14 years. that children may be less sensitive to the impact of
Several recent studies have focused on sleep sleep restriction because their neuronal networks are
problems in preschool children and have noted that less well-developed, and this is further mitigated by
cognitive/behavioral outcomes during early school a more efficient memory system.

54 cognit ive/behavioral function i n g : i n fa n c y a n d p res c ho o l yea rs

Conclusion developmental outcome at 6 months. Infant Behavior &
Development, 32(1), 27–32.
Evidence from experimental studies in animals
Aserinsky, E., & Kleitman, N. (1953). Regularly occurring peri-
and, to a lesser extent, experimental studies and ods of eye motility, and concomitant phenomena, during
studies investigating the impact of sleep pathology sleep. Science, 118(3062), 273–274.
on daytime functioning in infants all clearly indi- Astill, R. G., Van der Heijden, K. B., Van Ijzendoorn, M. H., &
cate that sleep plays a major role in brain develop- Van Someren, E. J. (2012). Sleep, cognition, and behavioral
problems in school-age children: A century of research meta-
ment and especially the development of long-term
analyzed. Psychological Bulletin, 138(6), 1109–1138.
or permanent neurocircuits. In addition to changes Bates, J. E., Viken, R. J., Alexander, D. B., Beyers, J., & Stockton,
at the neurophysiological level, there is clear evi- L. (2002). Sleep and adjustment in preschool children: Sleep
dence that sleep quality impacts neurocognitive per- diary reports by mothers relate to behavior reports by teach-
formance, with memory being the best explored to ers. Child Development, 73(1), 62–74.
Bear, M. F., & Malenka, R. C. (1994). Synaptic plasticity: LTP
date in infants and young children. Preliminary evi-
and LTD. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 4(3), 389–399.
dence suggests that some but not all of the sleep and Beckwith, L., & Parmelee, A. H., Jr. (1986). EEG patterns of
memory relationships observed in adults are pres- preterm infants, home environment, and later IQ. Child
ent in children, with the role of sleep on emotional Development, 57(3), 777–789.
valance being the least well-explored. Despite cur- Beebe, D. W. (2006). Neurobehavioral morbidity associated
with disordered breathing during sleep in children: A com-
rent advances, we are only at the threshold of under-
prehensive review. Sleep, 29(9), 1115–1134.
standing the role that sleep plays in the interaction Beebe, D. W. (2011). Cognitive, behavioral, and functional con-
between gene expression and neural development, sequences of inadequate sleep in children and adolescents.
the formation of neurocircuits, and the interplay Pediatric Clinics of North America, 58(3), 649–665.
between sensory input and neural development. Born, J., & Wilhelm, I. (2012). System consolidation of memory
during sleep. Psychological Research, 76(2), 192–203.
Future Directions Bruni, O., Kohler, M., Novelli, L., Kennedy, D., Lushington, K.,
Martin, J., et al. (2012). The role of NREM sleep instability
There are many unanswered questions in rela-
in child cognitive performance. Sleep, 35(5), 649–656.
tion to the role that sleep plays in brain develop- Buzsaki, G. (1989). Two-stage model of memory trace forma-
ment. Insights into the how sleep moderates the tion: A role for “noisy” brain states. Neuroscience, 31(3),
brain during development and the consequences for 551–570.
behavioral and cognitive functioning will help us Calhoun, S. L., Fernandez-Mendoza, J., Vgontzas, A. N., Mayes,
S. D., Tsaoussoglou, M., Rodriguez-Munoz, A., et al. (2012).
develop new treatment strategies and better iden-
Learning, attention/hyperactivity, and conduct problems as
tify children at risk. Key areas for future research in sequelae of excessive daytime sleepiness in a general popu-
children include: lation study of young children. [Research Support, N.I.H.,
Extramural]. Sleep, 35(5), 627–632.
• The development of experimental Camfferman, D., Kennedy, J. D., Gold, M., Martin, A. J.,
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Cheng, R. K., Williams, C. L., & Meck, W. H. (2008). Oscillatory
• Empirically validated norms for parameters
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• Observational and experimental studies Crabtree, V. M., Ivanenko, A., O’Brien, L. M., & Gozal, D.
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lus hi n g to n , pa m ul a , m a rt i n , ken n ed y 57

Postpartum Sleep: Impact of Infant

7 Sleep on Parents

Robyn Stremler


Sleep for parents in the first postpartum year is affected by nighttime care of and interactions with
the infant. Women experience decreases in subjective sleep quality and increased nighttime awaken-
ings. Limited research on fathers’ sleep in the postpartum suggests they too undergo changes in their
sleep, but to a lesser degree. Decisions around infant feeding and sleep location, and parent cognitions
related to infant sleep, have effects on parental sleep in the postpartum but more research is needed to
elucidate these relationships. Much of the evidence that interventions to improve infant sleep result in
improvements in parental sleep is limited by methodological problems, and evaluations of interventions
aimed at improving parental sleep are few. This chapter examines what is known about the quality and
quantity of sleep for parents in the postpartum and the factors that influence parental sleep. Parental
interactions with the infant with effects on parental sleep are discussed, including feeding method, infant
sleep location, responses to nighttime infant needs, and parent cognitions around sleep. Postpartum
depression, decreased relationship satisfaction, and postpartum weight retention are explored as
consequences of disturbed sleep. Finally, evidence of effectiveness of interventions to improve sleep for
parents in the postpartum is summarized, and recommendations for future research are proposed.
Key Words: sleep, infant, maternal, paternal, breastfeeding, bed sharing, postpartum depression

Introduction birth of their baby and experienced more nighttime

Although postpartum is defined as the period awakenings during the first few postpartum weeks in
“immediately following childbirth,” adaptation comparison to the end of pregnancy and later post-
to life with a baby occurs over much of the first partum months (Nishihara & Horiuchi, 1998; Signal
year of the child’s life. Sleep for parents in the first et al., 2007; Swain, O’Hara, Starr, & Gorman, 1997;
postpartum year is influenced by their care of and Wolfson, Crowley, Anwer, & Bassett, 2003). Several
interactions with the infant, whose sleep initially studies have demonstrated that more time was spent
is distributed across the 24-hour day and marked napping and women had later wake times in the
with frequent nighttime awakenings. Much more is first month postpartum, presumably to compensate
known about maternal sleep than paternal sleep, but for these nighttime sleep disruptions (Nishihara &
sleep disturbance in the postpartum has effects on Horiuchi, 1998; Signal et al., 2007; Swain et al.,
important outcomes for families and has led to the 1997; Wolfson et al., 2003). Along with changes in
development of interventions to improve sleep. sleep, maternal fatigue levels were high in the first
three months postpartum compared to prepregnancy
Parental Sleep in the Postpartum reports (Lee & Zaffke, 1999; Troy, 2003).
Both self-report and actigraphy studies have Actigraphy and self-report estimates of noctur-
shown that mothers have disturbed sleep after the nal sleep time in the first 2 months postpartum

have ranged from 6.15–7.18 hours (Quillin, 1997; self-reported significantly greater sleep disturbance.
Stremler et al., 2013; Stremler et al., 2006; Thomas Another sample of 21 couples underwent actigra-
& Foreman, 2005; Yamazaki, 2007). A longitudinal phy over one week at 3–8 weeks postpartum. In this
examination of sleep using actigraphy in the first four sample women obtained more nighttime sleep than
postpartum months revealed that maternal nocturnal their partners, but that sleep included a greater num-
sleep time was within recommended limits (mean ber of awakenings and more time awake (Insana &
7.2 hours) and did not significantly change across Montgomery-Downs, 2012). No differences on self-
time, but was highly fragmented (Montgomery- reported sleep quality or fatigue were found between
Downs, Insana, Clegg-Kraynok, & Mancini, 2010). partners, but men had increased sleepiness compared
Sleep fragmentation decreased through the first sev- to their partners. Significant fatigue was observed in
eral months postpartum, with a subsequent improve- a small sample of mothers and fathers of twins in the
ment in sleep efficiency (from 80% to 90%). early postpartum months (Damato & Burant, 2008),
When maternal sleep was studied using poly- and greater increases in fatigue from pregnancy to
somnography, increases in slow wave sleep and postpartum were seen in a group of fathers as com-
decreases in stage 1 and 2 sleep were observed in the pared to their partners (n = 44) (Elek, Hudson, &
first postpartum month (Coble et al., 1994; Driver Fleck, 2002). It may be that these variations between
& Shapiro, 1992; Lee & Zaffke, 1999; Lee, Zaffke, studies in performance on measures of sleep, sleep
& McEnany, 2000; Nishihara & Horiuchi, 1998). quality, and fatigue can be attributed to variation in
These differences may be related to the action of infant sleep, the unknown variable in these studies.
prolactin, as it has been observed that breastfeeding The belief that parental sleep is directly influ-
women have less stage 1 and stage 2 sleep, fewer enced by infant sleep is reasonable, yet unsupported
arousals, and more slow wave sleep, when com- by empirical evidence. Sinai and Tikotzky (2012)
pared to non-lactating postpartum women (Blyton, correlated infants’ sleep measures with mothers’ and
Sullivan, & Edwards, 2002). fathers’ sleep as recorded in sleep logs at between
Women and their infants experience low ambient 4 and 5 months postpartum. Night wakings and
daytime light levels in the early postpartum months time spent awake at night for infants were both sig-
(Tsai, Barnard, Lentz, & Thomas, 2009), likely due nificantly positively correlated with both mothers’
to heavy infant-care demands, which limit activity and fathers’ outcomes on these measures; however,
outside the home. Changes in melatonin secretion associations were stronger for mothers. In general,
patterns may influence subsequent sleep quality via mothers woke more times and spent more time
alterations to circadian rhythms, yet few studies have awake at night, likely reflecting a greater role in
examined the influence of circadian rhythm disrup- nighttime parenting for mothers.
tion on sleep disturbance or fatigue in the postpar-
tum. A comparison of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin Influence of Parental Interaction
levels and timing of release in women at 4–10 weeks with Infant
postpartum and nonpregnant nulliparous women infant feeding method
suggests that postpartum women have higher A great deal of parent–infant interaction at night
baseline and lower percent rise in melatonin levels is related to infant feeding, so an understanding of
(Thomas & Burr, 2006). These differences suggest its influence on sleep in the postpartum is essential.
altered circadian rhythm, and may contribute to In a cross-sectional study of 37 women at 4 to 10
sleep disruption in the postpartum period. weeks postpartum, sleep diaries were used to record
Few studies have examined both maternal and maternal and infant sleep over a 24-hour period
paternal sleep and related outcomes in the postpar- (Thomas & Foreman, 2005). Total amount of
tum. Wrist actigraphy was used to objectively mea- maternal sleep achieved was related to the length of
sure sleep in 72 couples over two days and nights infant feedings, and the length of the longest mater-
in the last month of pregnancy and the first month nal sleep period was directly related to the length of
postpartum (Gay, Lee, & Lee, 2004). Fathers’ sleep the longest infant sleep period. Thirty of the par-
did not significantly change from pregnancy to post- ticipants were exclusively breastfeeding their infants,
partum, while mother’s nighttime sleep changed but analysis for differences based on infant feeding
significantly with an average of 41 minutes less sleep method were not conducted. Provision of guidance
per night in the postpartum. Amount of night- to families around how frequently their infant should
time sleep and fatigue in the postpartum did not be fed at various ages, and advice on how to make
differ between mothers and fathers, but mothers feedings efficient, such as by utilizing skin-to-skin

s t rem l er 59
contact to promote alertness during feeding, may There is evidence, collected via sleep diaries in
maximize sleep opportunities for parents. the fourth week postpartum, that breastfed infants
In a study of the effects of infant feeding method sleep less at night and wake more frequently than
on sleep at 3 months postpartum, parental sleep those who are formula fed, and mothers of breast-
was measured actigraphically and averaged over 2 fed infants wake more often than those of formula-
nights, and feeding method was reported by sleep fed infants (n = 44) (Quillin, 1997). Other studies
diary (Doan, Gardiner, Gay, & Lee, 2007). Sleep have established via parent report, in 9-month-old
for parents whose infants were exclusively breastfed infants (n = 41; DeLeon & Karraker, 2007) and in
across the 2-day period (n = 89) was compared to preterm or low birth weight infants at 4 months
that for parents whose infants received a combina- postterm (n = 128; Schwichtenberg & Poehlmann,
tion of breast milk and formula or exclusively for- 2009) that breastfeeding is associated with more
mula (n = 44). Mothers who exclusively breastfed infant night wakings and less total sleep time at
their infants slept an average of 40 minutes longer night; however, parental sleep was not measured.
(7.2 ± 1.3 hours vs. 6.4 ± 1.3 hours, p = 0.008) Lack of consistency in methods and findings
than women whose infants received formula. No among these studies makes it difficult to draw con-
group differences in amount of sleep achieved clusions on the relationship between infant feed-
over the monitoring period were noted for fathers. ing method and parental sleep. Studies employing
Interestingly, self-reported sleep disturbance did not objective measures of sleep have found either no
differ for mothers or fathers in the two groups in spite difference (Gay et al., 2004; Montgomery-Downs,
of the relatively large differences in nighttime sleep. Clawges, et al., 2010) or preservation of sleep (Lee
When comparisons were made with parents grouped & Zaffke, 1999) for parents whose infants are
by feeding type in the evening (18:00–23:59) and the breastfed. Although it stands to reason that parents
night (00:00– 06:00), differences in both mothers’ who are waking less and sleeping more have infants
and fathers’ sleep were apparent with significantly that are doing the same, none of the studies employ-
more sleep across the whole night if exclusive breast- ing actigraphy measured infant sleep, and details of
feeding occurred in either the evening or the night. frequency and length of feeds were not reported.
The authors suggest that time taken for preparation An examination of the influence of these variables
of formula feeds at night may explain greater sleep is needed to elucidate the mechanism behind any
for families choosing to breastfeed, and that moth- differential effects of feeding method. While several
ers may awaken for their infants’ feeding even if the studies have included one or more of objective mea-
father is taking responsibility for the evening or night- sures of infant and parental sleep, subjective reports
time feeds. Frequency and length of feeds and infant of sleep quality or satisfaction, and length, frequency,
sleep outcomes were not reported in this study, so the and type of feedings, none have included all these
influence of these variables cannot be determined. measures. It may be that all these elements require
An examination of maternal sleep measured with examination in a single, prospective, longitudinal
actigraphy, subjective sleep reports, fatigue, and cohort to best determine the interplay between par-
sleepiness for postpartum women (n = 80) across ent and infant sleep, feeding, and another variable
weeks 2 to 12 after birth found no differences on of importance, infant sleep location. Videography
any measures between women who exclusively in combination with objective measures of sleep
breastfed, exclusively formula fed, or combined both outcomes in the home environment may be needed
feeding methods (Montgomery-Downs, Clawges, to best characterize infant feeding episodes, parent–
& Santy, 2010). This study did not collect corre- infant interactions, and infant proximity at night.
sponding infant sleep data or infant feeding episode While the available evidence related to the
characteristics. Similar results were found in a group amount of and characteristics of parent and infant
of first-time parents whose 1-month-old infants sleep is conflicting, promotion of breastfeeding is
were exclusively breastfed (n = 46) or received for- recommended in order to optimize many other
mula (n = 14) (Gay et al., 2004). The only differ- important infant and maternal health outcomes
ence found on objective sleep measures obtained by (World Health Organization, 2002). Since supple-
actigraphy and self-reported sleep disturbance and mentation of breastfeeding with formula is often
fatigue was that exclusively breastfeeding mothers perceived as a means by which to increase infant
had more time awake after sleep onset; however, this sleep at night, parents should be made aware that
did not result in any differences in total sleep time the research literature does not support a rec-
at night. ommendation of formula feeding as a means to

60 postpa rtum s leep: impact of infa n t s l eep o n pa ren ts

improve sleep. It may also help women planning to In another study examining infant–parent inter-
breastfeed to know that no studies that have asked action, 40 routinely bed-sharing infants aged 5–27
parents to report on the quality of their sleep found weeks were matched for age with infants who rou-
any differences between parents with breastfed ver- tinely slept on a separate surface in their parents’
sus formula-fed infants. bedroom (Baddock, Galland, Bolton, Williams, &
Taylor, 2006). Overnight video recordings of these
infant sleep location families over 2 nights determined infant sleep time
Parents may bed-share (i.e., infant sleeps in the and number of feeding interactions and parental
same bed as parents) or room-share (i.e., infant “checks” on the infant. Bed-sharing parents looked
sleeps in the same room but in a separate bed from at or touched their infants significantly more fre-
parents) with their infant or have their infant sleep quently than did room-sharing parents (median 11
alone (i.e., in a separate room in a separate bed). vs. 4 times per night; p<0.0001), but given that these
Few studies exist that have examined the effects of interactions were only visually observed, the extent
infant sleep location on maternal sleep, and none and length of arousal or awakening and impact on
have examined fathers’ sleep. The following sum- parental sleep quantity and subjective sleep qual-
mary of evidence related to infant sleep location ity was not evaluated. Presumably, checking on the
is focused on effects on sleep for parents (see also infant during bed sharing occurs in a shorter time
Burnham, Chapter 12). and with less arousal than checking on an infant on
Women and their infants, 20 of whom were a separate sleep surface, even if they are in close prox-
routinely (>4 hours/night, >5 days/week) bed shar- imity. Given that many families who choose to bed-
ing, and 15 of whom routinely slept in separate share do so as a means to obtain more sleep or be
rooms (<1 night/week with bed sharing), spent two less disrupted by having to get out of bed to care for
nights in a sleep lab undergoing polysomnography the infant, the impact on parental sleep quantity and
(Mosko, Richard, & McKenna, 1997). On one quality of breastfeeding and checking on the infant
night the mother–infant dyads slept in their usual merit further exploration. It remains unknown what
sleep conditions and on the other, they slept in the is preferable to maximize sleep quantity or quality—
alternate condition; order of nights was randomly multiple brief awakenings with an infant in close
assigned. Although sleep parameters were within proximity, or fewer, more alerting interactions with
normal range on all nights, on the bed-sharing an infant in a separate sleep location.
night all mothers spent a slightly larger portion (4% First-time mothers (n = 246) provided informa-
more) of the night in Stage 1–2 NREM sleep and tion regarding planned and actual infant sleep loca-
a slightly smaller portion (4% less) in Stage 3–4 tion at 6 and 12 weeks postpartum (Stremler et al.,
NREM sleep, regardless of usual infant sleep loca- in press). Actigraphy provided objective evaluation
tion. No change in amount of REM sleep was found. of sleep, and subjective maternal sleep disturbance
Arousals from sleep to wake were more frequent was also measured. Women were classified as “usu-
during bed sharing regardless of usual infant sleep ally bed sharing,” “usually room sharing” or “usually
location; mean increase was 3.6 arousals per hour. solitary sleeping” if they indicated the infant spent
Although arousals were more frequent during bed the whole night or most of the night in the indi-
sharing, total time awake at night did not increase, cated sleep location. Room sharing was the most
indicating the arousals were brief. Since differences common usual sleeping arrangement, with 46% of
in sleep architecture were noted regardless of usual infants doing so at 6 weeks and 39% at 12 weeks. At
infant sleep location, women may not “get used to” 6 weeks, 17% of families were usually bed sharing;
bed sharing. Women who routinely had their infant rates decreased to 12% at 12 weeks postpartum. At
sleep in a separate room rated their sleep quality as 6 weeks, usually bed-sharing mothers had shorter
lower on the assigned bed-sharing night, indicating stretches of sleep than those usually solitary sleep-
that occasional bed sharing may be more disruptive ing (130 mins vs. 156 mins; p = 0.03) and more
to self-reported sleep quality than routine bed shar- awakenings than those usually room sharing and
ing. Synchronous arousals with the infant also were solitary sleeping (11 vs. 9 vs. 8; p = 0.001). At 12
more frequent on bed-sharing nights. More frequent weeks, usually room-sharing mothers had shorter
arousals and lighter sleep may allow mothers to bet- stretches of uninterrupted sleep than those usually
ter monitor their infants while bed sharing, but any solitary sleeping (164 mins vs. 192 mins; p = 0.04).
protective effect on infants’ health of this alteration There were no significant differences between infant
in maternal sleep has yet to be established. sleep location groups on maternal subjective sleep

s t rem l er 61
disturbance. Given the variation in infant sleep loca- in more hours of employment or who had more
tion choice, and evidence that infant sleep location children at home reported less nap taking. Almost
has effects on objective maternal sleep outcomes, half of the women took no naps at all over the 3-day
further prospective, longitudinal research is needed recording period, and of those who did nap the aver-
on the effects of infant sleep location on a broad age length was 30 minutes. Similarly, actigraphic
range of health outcomes for infant, mother, and evidence determined that after postpartum week
partner across the first postpartum year. Such stud- 2, fewer than 50% of women napped at least one
ies would need to account for parents’ experiences time per week, and those who did nap did so only
with the infant, as parental responses to infant feed- an average of two times each week (Montgomery-
ing, crying, or sleeping behaviors may shape where Downs, Insana, et al., 2010). Given that few post-
the infant sleeps. partum women nap during the day, and there is little
evidence of its contribution to improved sleep out-
infant care responsibilities comes, it may be time to dispense with the age-old
Patterns of women’s sleep and women’s responses advice to “sleep when the baby sleeps.”
to sleep disruption (Hislop & Arber, 2003) are
affected by the nature of women’s roles and respon- cognitions around infant sleep
sibilities. Despite increased participation in paid Evidence suggests that maternal cognitions
work, women still bear primary responsibility for around limit-setting, anger at the infant’s demands
childcare (Statistics Canada, 2011), including phys- at night, and doubts around parenting ability are
ical and emotional care for young children at night associated with infant sleep problems (Morrell,
(Tikotzky, Sadeh, & Glickman-Gavrieli, 2011). 1999; Morrell & Steele, 2003) and that those cogni-
This work at night can be viewed as an additional tions influence nighttime parenting behavior (Sadeh,
“shift” where women’s sleep needs are subjugated Flint-Ofir, Tirosh, & Tikotzky, 2007; Teti & Crosby,
to those of other family members (Venn, Arber, 2012; Tikotzky & Sadeh, 2009). Links between
Meadows, & Hislop, 2008). In a qualitative study maternal behaviors and infant sleep also seem to be
(Kennedy, Gardiner, Gay, & Lee, 2007), women bidirectional; that is, infants with sleep difficulties
during pregnancy and postpartum used naps as a require greater maternal involvement, but maternal
way of coping with sleep loss at night; however, paid involvement in infant sleep can also serve to shape
work demands and partner availability for childcare infant sleep abilities (Tikotzky & Sadeh, 2009). No
coverage determined if naps could occur. examinations of these relationships have measured
For women still on maternity leave from work parental sleep—again, likely because the assump-
(around 4 months postpartum in the country of tion is that if the infant is waking at night, so is the
study, Israel), greater parenting stress was associated parent. Since parent involvement in sleep may be
with more infant wake time at night, shorter infant influenced by the amount and nature of parent sleep
daytime naps, and more maternal night wakings; at night, these relationships merit further examina-
these relationships did not hold true for women tion. Since it is unknown if parent cognitions about
who had returned to work (Sinai & Tikotzky, 2012). infant sleep are related to parent cognitions about
The authors suggest that women on leave from paid their own sleep, it may be revelatory to evaluate the
employment do not find opportunities to nap, and influence of parent cognitions around sleep in gen-
that women who return to work perhaps experi- eral and their influence on sleep behavior. Parents
ence less stress due to more control over their own who have their own difficulty with sleep may find
schedule and having breaks from continuous care- that this radically alters their behaviors with their
giving. Given variations in length of maternity leave child, perhaps leading to more interaction at night
for employed women (e.g., typically 6 weeks in the given their own wakefulness, or more anger toward
United States, 12 months in Canada), differences in the child if the child’s wakefulness exacerbates the
families’ experiences of sleep and fatigue based on parent’s existing sleep disturbance.
time of return to work merits further examination.
A study of 51 mothers of 3-month-old infants
examined factors related to mothers’ decisions to Consequences of Disturbed
take naps (Cottrell & Karraker, 2002). Nap taking Postpartum Sleep
was predicted by maternal perceptions of sleep dis- postpartum depression
turbance rather than by actual amount of sleep or Onset of depression frequently occurs during
infant wake time at night. Mothers who were engaged the childbearing years, affecting approximately 13%

62 postpa rtum s leep: impact of infa n t s l eep o n pa ren ts

of postpartum women (Gale & Harlow, 2003). negatively than nondepressed mothers, or be more
Maternal depression adversely affects maternal–in- likely to report sleep problems whether they exist
fant relationships, parenting practices, family func- or not. However, there is evidence that treatment
tioning, and general well-being (Gale & Harlow, of infant sleep problems results in decreased inci-
2003; Yonkers et al., 2009). Sleep disturbance is dence of maternal depression. Two randomized,
associated with depression in nonpregnant popula- controlled trials of brief behavioral interventions
tions (Breslau, Roth, Rosenthal, & Andreski, 1996; to decrease infant sleep problems significantly
Buysse et al., 2008), and there is evidence to suggest a decreased maternal report of an infant sleep prob-
relationship between sleep disturbance and maternal lem and reduced maternal symptoms of depression
depression in the postpartum, although directional- (Hiscock & Wake, 2001, 2002). Similarly, Wolfson
ity of this relationship has not been determined. and colleagues demonstrated that parent training
Associations are consistently reported between focused on developing healthy infant sleep patterns
maternal sleep disturbances, presumably due to the improves parental competence and marital satisfac-
disruptive nature of infant sleep at night, and maternal tion and decreases parents’ stress (Wolfson, Lacks,
depression. Depressive symptoms and self-reported & Futterman, 1992).
sleep quantity have been found to be associated in Little is known about the relationship between
the early postpartum period (Huang, Carter, & Guo, infant sleep and paternal depression in the post-
2004; Lee & Zaffke, 1999; Swain et al., 1997). In a partum period. A one-group, pre/post intervention
cross-sectional study of 2830 women in Norway at study (n = 71 mothers, 60 fathers) found decreases
6–19 weeks postpartum, depression was associated in problematic infant behaviors and decreases in
with low sleep quality even when adjusting for other depression scores in both mothers and fathers.
risk factors such as previous depression, poor part- However, analysis was not conducted based on type
ner relationship, and depression during pregnancy of behavior problem (i.e., crying, sleeping, feeding),
(Dorheim, Bondevik, Eberhard-Gran, & Bjorvatn, so these findings are only suggestive of a possible
2009). Postpartum mothers’ increased time awake relationship between treatment of infant sleep prob-
during the night and poor sleep quality were strongly lems and improvement in paternal mood (Smart &
associated with increased negative daytime mood, Hiscock, 2007).
particularly in the first four weeks after delivery
(Quillin, 1997; Wolfson et al., 2003). Frequency of relationship with partner
night awakenings detected by polysomnography was Given the effects of sleep disturbance on mood
related to negative mood at one month postpartum and cognition, it is plausible that postpartum sleep
for women who reported higher levels of depressed disturbance could contribute to a decline in partner
mood (Lee, McEnany, & Zaffke, 2000). relationships in the first year as parents. With the
There are few longitudinal, prospective examina- arrival of a child comes the physical and emotional
tions of childbearing women’s sleep and relationship work of caretaking and new roles and responsibilities
to depression. In a population-based postpartum for parents to take on and negotiate. Indeed, women
depression study (n = 505), mothers exhibiting have described sleep itself as a negotiated behavior
major depressive symptoms at 4 and 8 weeks post- that requires balancing the infant’s needs, the wom-
partum were significantly more likely to report hav- an’s own sleep needs, and relying upon support from
ing received <6 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period the partner and others to allow the woman time to
over the previous week and being awakened by their sleep uninterrupted (Kennedy et al., 2007).
baby three or more times between 10 pm and 6 am Marital satisfaction for both mothers and fathers
(Dennis & Ross, 2005). Self-reported sleep distur- diminished across the first year postpartum in a
bance and depressive symptoms were associated in study of 107 first-time parent couples (Meijer &
late pregnancy and at 1, 2, and 3 months postpar- van den Wittenboer, 2007). Marital satisfaction
tum in 124 primiparous women; however, the abil- was measured before birth and at 2 weeks, 7 weeks,
ity to predict depressive symptoms based on sleep and 1 year after birth, when parents also reported
disturbance scores was not assessed (Goyal, Gay, & amount of infant sleep, number of nighttime awak-
Lee, 2007). enings, and degree of parental insomnia (defined
Since most studies employed maternal report of as problems with initiating, maintaining, or non-
maternal sleep disturbance and infant sleep prob- restorative sleep). The steepest rate of decline in
lems, the possibility exists that depressed mothers marital satisfaction occurred between 7 weeks and
may perceive their own or their infant’s sleep more 1 year postpartum. There were no direct effects of

s t rem l er 63
the infant’s sleep on maternal or paternal insom- in the early postpartum or by treating infant sleep
nia or marital satisfaction. Interestingly, over time, problems in infants in the second half of the first
fathers’ insomnia appeared to contribute to moth- postpartum year (see Gruber, Constantin, Cassoff,
ers’ insomnia and vice versa. These findings may and Michaelsen, Chapter 39). Randomized con-
indicate that parents’ abilities to cope with or sup- trolled trials (RCTs) of interventions aimed at
port each other through the challenges of infant promoting infant sleep in the first few postpar-
sleep—for example, the ability to initiate sleep tum months (Kerr, Jowett, & Smith, 1996; Pinilla
when the opportunity presents or to return to sleep & Birch, 1993; St James-Roberts, Sleep, Morris,
once awakened—may be more important than any Owen, & Gillham, 2001; Symon, Marley, Martin,
disruptive effects of infant sleep alone. & Norman, 2005; Wolfson et al., 1992) have pro-
In a study of 72 first-time parent dyads, no sig- vided parents with basic education on infant sleep
nificant associations were found between parent- and training in strategies aimed at limiting the devel-
reported length of uninterrupted infant nighttime opment of unwanted sleep associations, increasing
sleep and marital satisfaction when the infant was the infant’s self-soothing ability, and facilitating
3 months old (Loutzenhiser & Sevigny, 2008). As day-night entrainment. All these trials used par-
parents were asked to report on infant sleep in only ent report of infant sleep and found longer, more
one way, the effects of total amount of infant sleep consolidated sleep periods for infants who received
and the number of awakenings across the night the experimental intervention. Although none of
could not be evaluated. To better elucidate the these studies examined the effects of the interven-
effects of infant sleep on marital satisfaction, future tion on parental sleep outcomes, presumably assum-
research should objectively measure length and con- ing that if infant sleep improved so too must parent
tinuity of both infant and parent sleep and evaluate sleep, one author did examine effects on parents’
subjective sleep quality for parents along with mari- stress (Wolfson et al., 1992). Using the Hassles and
tal satisfaction. Uplifts Scales (Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer, & Lazarus,
1981), Wolfson et al. (1992) measured life stressors
postpartum weight retention and positive experiences before the baby’s birth and
Short sleep duration in the postpartum is linked at 6–9 and 16–20 weeks after delivery. Although
to greater retention of weight in the postpartum. no differences between groups were observed with
Sleep deprivation results in alteration in the pro- respect to positive experiences, parents who received
duction of appetite-regulating hormones leptin and training related to infant sleep reported significantly
ghrelin (Dzaja et al., 2004; Mullington et al., 2003), fewer hassles than parents in the control group when
which may contribute to overeating and weight the infant was 6–9 weeks old. Parents in the sleep
gain. Prospective examinations of self-reported usual training group also did not experience an increase in
sleep duration at 6 months and 1 year postpartum hassles over the course of the study, as was observed
found an association between short sleep duration in the control group parents.
(<5 hours per night) and substantial postpartum RCTs conducted with older infants (Hiscock
weight retention (>5 kg above pregravid weight) at et al., 2007; Hiscock & Wake, 2002; Mindell
1 year postpartum (Gunderson et al., 2008), and et al., 2011a; Mindell, Telofski, Wiegand, & Kurtz,
higher adiposity at 3 years postpartum (Taveras 2009) aimed to provide information regarding neg-
et al., 2011). These findings were independent of ative sleep associations and the importance of self-
potential confounders, including prepregnancy soothing ability. Strategies to decrease night feeding
body mass index, gestational weight gain, and par- and waking were also recommended, including use
ity. Researchers evaluating the effectiveness of inter- of a bedtime routine, controlled crying and grad-
ventions to improve infant and parent sleep should ual removal of parental presence at sleep onset. No
consider inclusion of postpartum weight retention advice related to parents’ sleep was offered. Three
as a study outcome, given the potential contribu- of the studies (Hiscock et al., 2007; Hiscock &
tion of postpartum weight retention to the develop- Wake, 2002; Mindell et al., 2011a) included mater-
ment of obesity in women. nal sleep outcomes and found reductions in prob-
lematic infant sleep behaviors and a concomitant
Interventions to Improve Postpartum Sleep improvement in maternal report of sleep outcomes
Interventions to improve postpartum sleep for using select items from, or the entire, Pittsburgh
parents have typically focused on changing the Sleep Quality Index (PSQI; Buysse, Reynolds,
infant’s sleep by preventing infant sleep problems Monk, Berman, & Kupfer, 1989).

64 postpa rtum s leep: impact of infa n t s l eep o n pa ren ts

Using two items from the PSQI, sleep quality at PSQI to evaluate global sleep quality. Again, these
2 months post-intervention was evaluated in the final follow-up data were examined within groups only
57 women enrolled in an RCT, not the total sample and showed improvement in sleep quality compared
(total n = 156; Hiscock & Wake, 2002). Women in to baseline, although at lower ratings than 2 weeks
the intervention group were significantly more likely post-intervention.
than those in the control group to rate their sleep Only one study of an intervention to decrease
quality as “very good” and less likely to rate it as “very infants’ behavioral sleep problems has evaluated both
bad.” Women assigned to the intervention group maternal and paternal subjective sleep quality (Hall,
were also more likely to report they had “enough” Clauson, Carty, Janssen, & Saunders, 2006). Using a
sleep and less likely to have “not enough sleep.” PSQI one-group, pretest/post-test design with 39 couples,
total scores were not reported. When sleep qual- statistically significant improvements were found on
ity was evaluated at the 4-month post-intervention PSQI total scores from baseline to 6 weeks post-in-
assessment, group differences were not maintained. tervention (2.2 point decrease). Unfortunately, data
Hiscock et al.’s (2007) cluster RCT with 328 were presented in aggregate form so effects of gender
mothers at maternal–child health centers found were not reported. Although sleep quality was also
statistically significant differences between groups, measured at 16 weeks post-intervention, those data
with more control than intervention mothers were not included, so longer-term maintenance of
reporting poor sleep quality at 3 months (72% vs. sleep quality improvement is unknown.
63%) and 5 months (63% vs. 52%) post-random- Overall, the strength of evidence from these
ization. More women assigned to the control group studies of sleep interventions in older infants is lim-
reported insufficient sleep than women who received ited; only one uncontrolled study examined fathers’
the intervention (45% vs. 34%), but only at the sleep, none used objective measures of sleep, and all
5-month post-randomization assessment. The PSQI had methodological or reporting problems. There
items used for these assessments were not reported. is also little evidence of improved sleep outcomes
Although participants were followed to 17 months for parents beyond the immediate post-intervention
and 6 years post-randomization, no maternal sleep study period.
quality data were reported at follow-up (Hiscock, Given that infant and parent sleep are presumed
Bayer, Hampton, Ukoumunne, & Wake, 2008; to affect one another, it is surprising that few exami-
Price, Wake, Ukoumunne, & Hiscock, 2012). nations of strategies to improve parents’ sleep exist.
An RCT of an Internet-based intervention that Three RCTs (Lee & Gay, 2011; Stremler et al.,
included infants and toddlers (age range 6–36 months) 2013; Stremler et al., 2006) tested interventions
reported improvements on the PSQI for maternal aimed at improving parents’ sleep, independent
sleep onset latency, total sleep time, number of night from the infant’s.
awakenings, time spent awake at night, and sleep Two samples of parents were enrolled in a RCT
efficiency for women assigned to the intervention of a modified sleep hygiene intervention to reduce
groups at 1 and 2 weeks post-intervention (Mindell parental nighttime disruption (Lee & Gay, 2011).
et al., 2011a). However, analyses were presented as All advice focused on the nighttime sleep environ-
within-group, one-way repeated measures ANOVAs ment; no advice related to behavioral modification
rather than as between-group comparisons, thereby of infant sleep was given. Parents in the experimen-
eliminating the benefits conferred by randomization tal groups were seen in the last month of pregnancy
to group. Although improvement within groups and were instructed to have the infant close to the
(including the control group) was demonstrated maternal bedside for care at night, reduce noise from
over time, improvements in sleep outcomes cannot the infant through use of a white noise machine,
be attributed to experimental condition given the and use a night light to ensure low lighting in the
presentation of data. Total PSQI scores were ana- maternal bedroom. The environmental sleep rec-
lyzed across groups, and at 2 weeks post-interven- ommendations were expected to make infant care
tion fewer control group participants (25%) were more convenient and less arousing, thereby decreas-
good sleepers (PSQI total score <5) as compared ing parent awakenings due to intermittent infant
to either of the intervention group participants noise and facilitating parents’ return to sleep when
(33.3% intervention; 47.6% intervention plus awakened. The two samples of first-time expectant
routine); these differences were statistically signifi- parents included women and their partners in sta-
cant. Sleep was reassessed 1 year post-intervention ble relationships (n = 118) recruited from fee-based
(Mindell et al., 2011b) using a single item from the childbirth classes, and women (n = 122) recruited

s t rem l er 65
from free prenatal classes and clinics serving low- self-soothing. Control group participants received a
income women. Parents’ sleep was measured over a 10-minute meeting to discuss only maternal sleep
48-hour period at 1 and 3 months postpartum using hygiene and basic information about infant sleep.
actigraphy and self-report of sleep disturbance. In Based on actigraphy data, statistically significant dif-
the socioeconomically advantaged sample, bedroom ferences between groups were found. Infants in the
environment modifications alone did not improve intervention group woke less often and had longer
sleep, as there were no differences between groups stretches of sleep, and women in the intervention
on any sleep outcomes. In the sample of low-income group achieved more sleep (433 vs. 376 minutes)
women, those in the intervention group attained compared to the control group. Significantly fewer
more nocturnal sleep (7.1 hours vs. 6.5 hours), bet- mothers in the intervention group rated their sleep
ter sleep efficiency (80% vs. 75%), and less wake as a problem at 6 weeks.
time after sleep onset (19% vs. 23%) than women In follow-up to this pilot work, a large-scale RCT
in the control group at 3 months postpartum; these (n = 246) was conducted to be adequately powered
differences reached statistical significance. Number to detect differences on a greater number of mater-
of night awakenings was not reported, although the nal and infant sleep and other health outcomes,
intervention was described as focused on reducing to enroll a more diverse sample, and to examine
the frequency of arousals in addition to their dura- outcomes at 12 weeks postpartum (Stremler et al.,
tion. Sleep disturbance scores did not differ between 2013). The group conditions were slightly modified:
groups in either sample. While the intervention was control group participants received no informa-
acceptable to both samples, low fidelity of use of the tion about maternal or infant sleep, and telephone
interventions in the experimental groups (particu- contacts were made to both groups at 1, 2, and 4
larly the white noise machine) and contamination weeks postpartum instead of weekly. No statistically
with intervention strategies in the control groups significant differences between groups were found
likely limited ability to detect differences in sleep on any outcomes at 6 or 12 weeks postpartum.
outcomes between groups. It may be that women Although women in the larger trial were ethnically
and their partners from socioeconomically advan- diverse (63% Caucasian, 20% Asian, 7% Black),
taged backgrounds are better able to access advice they were overwhelmingly partnered (97%), edu-
related to maternal and infant sleep, and to acquire cated at the postsecondary level (90%), and had a
material resources to modify the bedroom environ- mean age of 32 years. These high levels of socioeco-
ment, than are women with limited income. The nomic status and support may explain lack of effect
home environments of the less advantaged sample of the intervention. Furthermore, many women in
also may have been less conducive to sleep (e.g., both the intervention and control groups (61%)
noisier, more crowded) so that the modifications independently sought out information about sleep,
made to the bedroom in the experimental group and may have been able to implement maternal and
were more impactful. infant sleep strategies on their own. It also may be
A pilot RCT (n = 30) tested a behavioral-edu- that the newborn period is too early to implement
cational intervention designed to increase night- maternal and infant sleep strategies, or that the early
time sleep and sleep continuity for both mother postpartum period is such a period of great change,
and infant in the early postpartum (Stremler et al., role adjustment, and sleep debt for families that
2006). First-time mothers in the intervention planning for and consistently implementing sleep
group received a 45-minute meeting with a nurse strategies is not feasible or is not a priority.
in the immediate postpartum in-hospital, a writ- The few examinations of interventions to improve
ten booklet, and weekly phone contact to reinforce parent sleep provide little support for such strategies
information and problem-solve. Topics covered in late pregnancy or the early postpartum. Socially
included maternal sleep hygiene, strategies to make disadvantaged families may benefit most from advice
maternal sleep a priority, maternal relaxation tech- regarding infant and maternal sleep, and future
niques (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation, deep interventions should be tested in this population.
breathing), discussion of the challenges of sleep An exploration of parents’ beliefs around infant and
deprivation and parenting, information on what to parent sleep, and their experience of barriers, facilita-
expect from infant sleep and sleep cues, strategies tors, and motivations related to implementing sleep
for infant sleep promotion (e.g., stretching length strategies, would provide insight for development
between feedings, bedtime routine), and strategies and testing of future intervention studies at points
for promoting infant night–day entrainment and farther along in the first postpartum year.

66 postpa rtum s leep: impact of infa n t s l eep o n pa ren ts

Conclusion Breslau, N., Roth, T., Rosenthal, L., & Andreski, P. (1996). Sleep
disturbance and psychiatric disorders: A longitudinal epide-
Women experience decreases in subjective sleep
miological study of young adults. Biological Psychiatry, 39,
quality, changes in sleep architecture, and increased 411–418.
nighttime awakenings with the arrival of a new Buysse, D. J., Reynolds, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., &
baby. Limited research on fathers’ sleep experiences Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index:
in the postpartum suggests that they too experience a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research.
Psychiatry Research, 28, 193–213.
changes in their sleep, but to a lesser degree than
Buysse, D. J., Angst, J., Gamma, A., Ajdacic, V., Eich, D., &
mothers. Few studies have linked infant sleep out- Rossler, W. (2008). Prevalence, course, and comorbid-
comes to parental sleep outcomes; rather, a direct ity of insomnia and depression in young adults. Sleep, 31,
relationship between the two is assumed given the 473–480.
need for care of the infant at night. The effects of Coble, P. A., Reynolds, C. F. 3rd, Kupfer, D. J., Houck, P.
R., Day, N. L., & Giles, D. E. (1994). Childbearing in
feeding method on parental sleep are unclear, except
women with and without a history of affective disorder. II.
to say that there is likely no benefit conferred by Electroencephalographic sleep. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 35,
offering formula at night. Similarly, there is no one 215–224.
infant sleep location that clearly preserves sleep for Cottrell, L., & Karraker, K. H. (2002). Correlates of nap taking
parents. A more comprehensive approach to the in mothers of young infants. Journal of Sleep Research, 11,
study of sleep within the family, including impor-
Damato, E. G., & Burant, C. (2008). Sleep patterns and fatigue
tant variables such as infant feeding method, infant in parents of twins. Journal of Obstetrical Gynecological and
sleep location, parental cognitions around sleep, Neonatal Nursing, 37, 738–749.
employment status, and division of infant care DeLeon, C. W., & Karraker, K. H. (2007). Intrinsic and extrinsic
responsibilities would lend greater insight on the factors associated with night waking in 9-month-old infants.
Infant Behavior and Development, 30, 596–605.
mechanisms of sleep disturbance in the postpartum
Dennis, C. L., & Ross, L. (2005). Relationships among infant
and better allow for development of interventions sleep patterns, maternal fatigue, and development of depres-
and recommendations for parents. Future research sive symptomatology. Birth, 32, 187–193.
on sleep in the postpartum should be longitudinal Doan, T., Gardiner, A., Gay, C. L., & Lee, K. A. (2007). Breast-
in design across the first postpartum year; examine feeding increases sleep duration of new parents. Journal of
Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 21, 200–206.
infant, maternal, and paternal sleep; and include
Dorheim, S. K., Bondevik, G. T., Eberhard-Gran, M., &
important related health outcomes such as depres- Bjorvatn, B. (2009). Sleep and depression in postpartum
sion and breastfeeding rates. women: a population-based study. Sleep, 32, 847–855.
Driver, H. S., & Shapiro, C. M. (1992). A longitudinal study of
Future Directions sleep stages in young women during pregnancy and postpar-
Inclusion of men in studies of sleep in the post- tum. Sleep, 15, 449–453.
Dzaja, A., Dalal, M. A., Himmerich, H., Uhr, M., Pollmacher, T.,
partum is needed to characterize the impact of & Schuld, A. (2004). Sleep enhances nocturnal plasma ghre-
infant sleep on fathers. lin levels in healthy subjects. American Journal of Physiology
Studies that concurrently measure, with objec- -Endocrinology and Metabolism, 286, E963–E967. Elek, S.
tive methods, infant sleep and parental sleep are M., Hudson, D. B., & Fleck, M. O. (2002). Couples’ expe-
necessary to define the relationship between infant riences with fatigue during the transition to parenthood.
Journal of Family Nursing, 8, 221–240.
and parent sleep, which is assumed but as yet is not Gale, S., & Harlow, B. L. (2003). Postpartum mood disorders:
definitively demonstrated. A review of clinical and epidemiological factors. Journal of
Examinations of infant and parental sleep should Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 24, 257–266.
include measurements across the first postpartum Gay, C. L., Lee, K. A., & Lee, S. Y. (2004). Sleep patterns and
year with attention to the influence of infant feed- fatigue in new mothers and fathers. Biological Research for
Nursing, 5, 311–318.
ing method, infant sleep location, infant care activi- Goyal, D., Gay, C. L., & Lee, K. A. (2007). Patterns of sleep
ties and responsibilities, and parental cognitions disruption and depressive symptoms in new mothers. Journal
around sleep. of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 21, 123–129.
Gunderson, E. P., Rifas-Shiman, S. L., Oken, E., Rich-Edwards,
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s t rem l er 69

Developmental Changes in Circadian

8 Timing and Sleep: Adolescence and
Emerging Adulthood
Mary A. Carskadon and Leila Tarokh


A common feature of adolescent development is a change in the timing of sleep: most teens seem to
need the same amount of sleep they did as preadolescents, yet they show a strong preference to fit
their sleep into a later temporal niche, going to bed and waking up at much later times. This tendency
is fueled by biological and psychosocial factors. Sleep bioregulatory processes—circadian timing and
sleep homeostasis—show evidence of pronounced changes across adolescent development. The
circadian system moves to a delayed phase position, and the sleep homeostatic system shows slower
buildup of sleep pressure in the daytime, although the recuperative process does not change across
adolescence. The lives of teens and emerging adults reflect these bioregulatory changes primarily in
later bedtimes, where the biology also catches the wave of enticing twenty-first century technolo-
gies that add to late-night arousal and light exposure. Problems arise because social pressures—in
particular the start of the school day—result in early mornings that cut short the amount of sleep.
Short sleep on school days and long and late sleep on weekends result in a pattern of insufficient and
irregular sleep that may have consequences for physical, emotional, and mental health.
Key Words: adolescents, sleep EEG, two-process model, circadian rhythms, sleep homeostasis,
sleep patterns, puberty

Introduction & Michie, 1987; Dorofaeff & Denny, 2006; Reid,

One of the most accepted generalities about sleep Maldonado, & Baker, 2002). The specifics may be
patterns is the change that occurs during adolescent culturally informed—for example, in South Korean
development, a time when bedtimes in particular get youth for whom academic pressure pushes bed-
later and later. Reports about sleep patterns in teen- times later than in most other samples (Yang et al.,
agers from the North and South America, Europe, 2005)—but the underlying trend for sleep timing
Australia, Asia, and Africa are consistent in this regard to delay across the second decade is a robust occur-
(Yang, Kim, Patel, & Lee, 2005; Park, Matsumoto, rence. Accumulated scientific evidence points to a
Seo, Kang, & Nagashima, 2002; Arakawa et al., growing momentum that is accelerating this phe-
2001; Gau & Soong, 2003; Andrade & Menna- nomenon as society adapts to the trappings of twen-
Baretto, 2002; National Sleep Foundation, 2006; ty-first century technology (see Gradisar and Short,
Carskadon, 1990; Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998; Chapter 11).
Gibson et al., 2006; Laberge et al., 2001; Saarenpaa- Among the important considerations that one
Heikkila, Rintahaka, Laippala, & Koivikko, 1995; needs to keep in mind is that human sleep–wake
Iglowstein, Jenni, Molinary, Largo, 2003; Strauch behaviors evolve from a complex set of factors that
& Meier, 1988; Thorleifsdottir, Bjornsson, Benedik- are based in biology, social circumstances, and cul-
tsdottir, Gislaso, & Kristbjarnarson, 2002; Bearpark tural norms (see Super and Harkness, Chapter 9).

Furthermore, the interactions among these factors 2004; Carskadon, 1982; Campbell et al., 2011;
are intricate, though with predictable associations. Feinberg, Higgins, Khaw, & Campbell, 2006;
Most important for understanding sleep patterns of Tarokh & Carskadon, 2010). This phenomenologi-
adolescents and emerging young adults are biologi- cal change is marked by a reduction in the amount
cal (bioregulatory) factors that may drive the sleep– of sleep identified as slow wave sleep (stages 3 and
wake behavior problems and the ways that behavior 4 of NREM sleep; N3) (Carskadon, 1982; Jenni &
feeds back on the maturing biological milieu. This Carskadon, 2004; Karacan, Anch, Thornby, Okawa,
chapter will examine the maturational patterns of & Williams, 1975; Tarokh, Van Reen, LeBourgeois,
sleep–wake bioregulatory systems and then discuss Seifer, & Carskadon, 2011; Williams, Karacan,
how behavior patterns can affect the biology. Hursch, & Davis, 1972), in the amplitude of the
EEG signal (Jenni & Carskadon, 2004; Carskadon,
2-Process Model of Sleep Regulation 1982; Campbell et al., 2011; Feinberg et al., 2006;
The starting point for this undertaking is the Tarokh & Carskadon, 2010), and in the quantity of
core theoretical model for sleep regulation, the two- SWA. Figure 8.1 illustrates this difference in the sleep
process model (Borbely, 1982; Daan, Beersma, & EEG of a prepubertal 9.4-year-old girl and the same
Borbely, 1984). This model was derived primarily child 30 months later when she was postpubertal. As
from studies of sleep in nonhuman mammals, in striking as this phenomenon appears, and as strong
which the patterning of sleep and the quantifiable a developmental signal it provides, the changes in
EEG slow wave activity (SWA) of sleep were used EEG appear to bear little functional relation to the
to predict and model responses to experimental per- maturational changes in sleep regulation. Instead,
turbations of sleep. Responses to extended wakeful- they are commonly thought to be a passive reflec-
ness or reduced time for sleep identify a homeostatic tion of a programmed reduction in cortical synapses
process in which sleep amount and intensity (EEG that accompanies adolescent maturation (Feinberg,
SWA) vary in a predictable manner: the longer one 1982; Feinberg,Thode, Chugani, & March, 1990).
is awake, the longer is subsequent sleep and the Our group and others have examined whether
greater the amount of SWA. Sleep–wake homeosta- components of Process S change during adoles-
sis (also known as Process S), therefore, describes the cence by examining the dissipation of sleep pressure
compensatory system the brain uses to keep these (Process S) across the night, by fitting a model to the
factors in balance. The second regulatory process is SWA during sleep before and after a night of sleep
the central timing system (circadian rhythms, i.e., deprivation to examine the accumulation of Process
Process C) that favors sleeping and waking at differ- S, and by assessing the speed of falling asleep after
ent times of day. prolonged waking. In the first place, data collected
from a cross-sectional sample of pre- and postpuber-
Adolescent Development and Process S tal adolescents (Jenni, Achermann, & Carskadon,
We note that the sleep EEG comprising SWA 2005) and two longitudinal samples (Campbell
provides a metric for Process S; however, one of et al., 2011; Tarokh, Carskadon, & Achermann,
the most visible changes that occurs to sleep across 2012), were unable to detect a difference in the
adolescence is an overall reduction (by at least decay rate (recovery rate) for SWA during sleep.
40%) of this feature of sleep (Jenni & Carskadon, We have interpreted this finding to indicate that

Child Initial (Age = 9.4 Years) Child Follow-up (Age = 11.9 Years)
Stage 2 Stage 2

Stage 4 Stage 4

100 μV
1 Sec

Figure 8.1 Thirty seconds of exemplary sleep EEG tracings from a girl whose sleep was recorded when she was 9.4 years old (left
column) and again at age 11.9 years (right column). The amplitude of the signal is diminished at the follow-up recording session in all
sleep stages. This decline is thought to reflect the cortical synaptic pruning that occurs in healthy adolescents.

c a rs ka d o n , ta ro k h 71
perhaps the rate of functional recovery—possibly components that inform the system (see Crowley,
a measure of sleep need—may not change during Chapter 17, and Auger and Crowley, Chapter 23).
adolescence (Carskadon, 2012). Figure 8.3 shows a simple diagram identifying
On the other hand, the rate of accumulation of important parts of the circadian system. The cen-
Process S with extended wake shows evidence of tral pacemaker for circadian timing in mammals is
becoming slower as adolescents mature (Jenni et al., located in small paired nuclei, the suprachiasmatic
2005). Another way to look at this phenomenon nuclei (SCN), located in the hypothalamus above
is to measure how fast one falls asleep when stay- the optic chasm and straddling the third ventricle
ing awake for a long time using a method called (Dunlap, Loros, & DeCoursey, 2004). Neurons
the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT). The MSLT in this region receive light information through a
measures speed of falling asleep under standardized nonvisual retinal hypothalamic (RHT) pathway.
conditions at 2-hour intervals (Carskadon et al., Retinal light is integrated from rods and cones
1986). Taylor and colleagues (2005) examined through specialized retinal ganglion (ipRTG) cells
Process S in this way in prepubertal and postpuber- that themselves are intrinsically photosensitive to
tal adolescents and showed that the speed of fall- light in shorter (blue) wavelengths (Berson, Dunn,
ing asleep was significantly faster in the prepubertal & Takao, 2002). The outputs of the SCN are con-
group after 14.5 and 16.5 hours of wakefulness, as veyed through many circuits to impact thousands of
shown in Figure 8.2. We interpret these findings to physiological processes, including activity/rest and
indicate that the pressure to fall asleep builds up sleep/wake, as well as such things as hormone release
more slowly during adolescent development and, and metabolic processes. Running wheel activity is
therefore, staying awake longer gets easier for teens the classic circadian rhythm used by rodent circa-
(Carskadon, 2012). Jenni and LeBourgeois (2006) dian biologists. Melatonin release—timed to occur
suggest that this pattern is an extension of a matura- during darkness—is a prominent circadian rhythm
tional process that begins in early childhood, where often used as a marker of the internal system in
the reduced rate of Process S accumulation during human studies. Biologists have found that neu-
waking accompanies the dropout of napping. The rons in other brain regions, as well as cells in other
importance of this change in adolescence may be organs, are capable of sustaining daily rhythms. The
most relevant as “permissive” of late-night behaviors SCN output, however, is thought to give the daily
that interdict early bedtimes for teenagers. cue to all these cells, keeping the many rhythms in
appropriate synchrony with one another.
Adolescent Development and Process C An important feature of this mechanism is
The circadian timing system has a simple out- its response to light signals from the environ-
come—daily cycling—that comes with complex ment, which are the most important synchronizing

Tanner 1
Mean SLT (minutes)

Tanner 5


∗ ∗
Hours Awake 2.5 6.5 10.5 14.5 18.5 22.5 26.5
Time of Day (h) 1030 1430 1830 2230 0230 0630 1030

Figure 8.2 The speed of falling asleep as measured by multiple sleep latency tests (MSLT) is shown for prepubertal (Tanner 1) and
postpubertal (Tanner 5) adolescents who were kept awake for over 24 hours. All had been well slept beforehand with a sleep–wake
schedule of 10:00 pm bedtime and 8:00 am rise time for over one week. Participants were given a 20-minute opportunity every 2
hours to fall asleep under controlled conditions. The three time points indicated by the box show where the pre- and postpubertal
sleep latencies diverged at 14.5, 16.5, and 18.5 hours after waking, when the postpubertal participants took a few minutes longer to
fall asleep. We interpret this finding, along with changes to the function describing the accumulation of process-S across wakeful-
ness in older adolescents, as evidence for a “permissive” process in which it becomes “easier” to stay awake longer. [* p<.01; Δ p<.05]
(Redrawn with permission from Taylor et al, 2005.)

72 c irc adian timing and s leep





REGULATED SYSTEM (e.g., activity)

(e.g., running wheel, etc.)

Figure 8.3 Features of the mammalian circadian timing system are portrayed in this schematic diagram. The central portion of the
figure shows the mammalian master clock, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus, and indicates that many cells in
the periphery also contain cellular elements of the circadian timing system. For the SCN, light is the principal environmental entrain-
ing stimulus, and the light signals are transduced by retinal photoreceptors including newly described, intrinsically photosensitive
retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC). This photic signal is transmitted to the SCN neurons over a retinal hypothalamic tract (RHT) that is
separate from the visual light pathways. The signal from the SCN goes to regulated systems (including those with peripheral oscillators
that are entrained by the SCN signal). Finally, circadian activity is observed by examining the output of the regulated system, such as
running wheel activity or the secretory pattern of hormones. The most commonly used hormonal clock output signal is melatonin,
which rises in the nighttime of the brain and is suppressed in the daytime.

time cues. (Such other events as restricted timing conditions; a shorter intrinsic period is associated
of feeding or activity are able to cue the clock in with earlier phase.
experimental studies; external substances, such as With these features of the circadian timing sys-
melatonin, can also influence clock timing.) The tem in mind, we can make several predictions of
clock’s response to light depends on the phase when developmental changes that would produce later
the light signal is received. In general, light signals sleep–wake timing in adolescents.
that occur in the evening and first half of nighttime
• Phase preference is later
provide a “push” that puts the timing back, called
• Phase position is later
a delay. Light signals that occur in the second half
• Intrinsic period is longer
of the night or early morning provide a “pull” that
• Phase response to light signals change
moves the timing earlier, an advance. It should be
clear, therefore, that circadian timing can be influ- The majority of evidence for developmental
enced by behaviors that affect the timing of light. changes in circadian timing comes from data in
Another important feature of the circadian humans, although several other mammalian species
timing system is the “speed” of the daily clock show changes in the juvenile period, as reviewed by
mechanism. Although the control clock provides Hagenauer and colleagues (2009).
daily timing signals to synchronize rhythms, the A seminal finding in 1993 (Carskadon et al.)
clock itself requires environmental input to run at documented a significantly later phase prefer-
24 hours. Thus the term circadian is meant liter- ence (i.e., preferred timing for such behaviors as
ally: circa = about; dies = day. The intrinsic period studying, rise time, exercise) in sixth-grade girls
of this clock can only be measured under specific who rated themselves as farther along in puber-
environmental circumstances, such as constant con- tal development compared to prepubertal girls.
ditions (as in a rodent placed in a continuously dark Others have confirmed this trend in teens (girls
cage) or an experimental paradigm called forced and boys), most notably Roenneberg and colleagues
desynchrony (as in placing the animal on a 28-hour (2004) using a measure of chronotype, that is, mid-
or 20-hour day length). In either circumstance, the point of sleep time, on weekends (see Figure 8.4).
rhythms run free of the environment and express Circadian phase, measured by dim light melatonin
their intrinsic period. A longer intrinsic period is onset (DLMO) time is also later in teens living in
associated with later phase under normal lighting normal uncontrolled circumstances (Carskadon,

c a rs k a d o n , ta ro k h 73
21 Years

19.5 Years

Chronotype (MSFsc)

10 20 30 40 50 60
Age (years)

Figure 8.4 The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) was administered to approximately 25,000 individuals ages 10 to
70 years to measure chronotype. The distribution of chronotype as a function of age is depicted. A progressive shift toward later chro-
notypes was found until the age of 20 years, at which point the pattern reversed favoring an advance in chronotype. Women reached
the maximal delay earlier (19.5 years) than men (20.9 years). Roenneberg and colleagues suggest that the transition from delaying to
advancing may mark the end of adolescence. (Redrawn with permission from Roenneberg et al., 2004.)

Richardson, Tate, & Seifer, 1997). This finding was We found a small difference in response to morning
confirmed using biological measures in adolescents light in adolescence, but not large enough to sup-
who slept on identical schedules (i.e., with simi- port the hypothesis (Carskadon et al., 2002). On
lar light–dark exposures); adolescents with greater the other hand, a cross sectional study of adult and
pubertal development measured by Tanner stage juvenile mice found a marked increase in the delay-
(Tanner, 1962) had later phase measured by DLMO ing effects of evening light in the juveniles versus
(Carskadon, Acebo, & Jenni, 2004). adults (Weinert & Kompauerova, 1998).
As mentioned, measuring circadian period Although the occurrence of a developmental
requires special methodology, and while it is a chal- change in the light phase response is unclear at this
lenge in adults it is especially so in children and time, we can identify ways that adolescent behavior
adolescents (see Crowley, Chapter 17). Our group may affect this mechanism and facilitate later cir-
has made these assessments using a 28-hour forced cadian timing. Thus, when youngsters stay awake
desynchrony protocol, however in too few partici- late and encounter light (and perhaps especially
pants (it takes 3 weeks full time in the lab to mea- the short light wave lengths common to computer
sure the variable) to examine the developmental screens) late into the evening, this is a signal to the
hypothesis (Carskadon, Labyak, Acebo, & Seifer, clock that can delay the circadian phase. When ado-
1999). On the other hand, when intrinsic period lescents block light in the morning, either through
of adolescents is compared to adults measured in sleeping in or using heavy curtains or eye shades
the same way, intrinsic period is slightly and signifi- to avoid morning light, then they block the phase
cantly longer in adolescents (Carskadon & Acebo, advancing effects of light.
2005). This finding provides evidence to support
the hypothesis that the adolescent phase delay may Sleep Behavior during Adolescent
be due in part to long intrinsic period. Development and Emerging Adulthood
Evidence for an adolescent developmental change The typical pattern of sleep across adolescence
in the phase response to light is unclear at this time. includes a delay in the timing of bedtime and—on
To support a phase delay, one would expect that the free days—of rise time, too. Issues arise, however,
(delaying) phase response to light in the evening when societal pressures, most often an early start
might become more sensitive in older adolescence time for school, requires teens with late bedtimes to
and/or that the (advancing) phase response to light rise well before they can get sufficient sleep. Thus,
in the early morning might become less sensitive. many teens live their lives in a sleep-deprived state,

74 c irc adian timing and s leep

with risks for behavior problems, mood disorders, A study by Roenneberg and colleagues (Roenneberg
metabolic issues and weight gain, and impaired et al., 2004) used the chronotype measure as a “bio-
learning (Carskadon, 2012). Many school districts logical marker for the end of adolescence.” As shown
in the USA have considered the possibility of mov- in Figure 8.4 presenting data from a large epide-
ing school to a later time for older adolescents in miologic European sample, the strong tendency for
response to the compelling data about insufficient the midpoint of “free (i.e., weekend) sleep” to delay
sleep in teens, especially the growing evidence that occurred at the start of the second decade. Whether
sleep per se aids learning (c.f., Carskadon, 2011; see this inflection point is driven entirely by intrinsic
Au, Appleman, and Stavitsky, Chapter 38). These biological timing mechanisms or also reflects behav-
issues may be even greater in other cultures. For ioral changes, perhaps associated with work sched-
example, Yang et al (2005) reported that S. Korean ules, the pattern of change is compelling. By the same
teens were obtaining over an hour less sleep on token, across late adolescence and early adulthood,
school nights than students in the USA. the substantial delay of weekend sleep relative to ear-
Given developmental changes in the sleep-wake lier school or workday sleep patterns results in two
regulatory system, which seem to “permit” staying important issues that are thought to pose important
awake longer (though still needing as much sleep), consequences for physical and mental well-being. In
and in the circadian regulatory system, which seem the first place, late and short sleep on weekdays can
to push sleep timing later, it is no surprise that teen- lead to insufficient sleep and consequent problems.
agers in the 21st century in developed countries The variable weekend and weekday sleep schedules
cannot seem to get adequate sleep. They no longer with, as Roenneberg termed it “social jet lag,” has now
receive light exposure tied to the natural environ- also been associated with, for example, an increased
ment to help reset and perhaps advance their daily susceptibility to obesity (Roenneberg et al., 2012; see
clocks; indeed, they schedule their light and dark Harvey, Alfano, and Clarke, Chapter 35).
exposures to give their clocks phase delaying cues
and to block phase advancing cues. Teens are able Conclusion
to take advantage of the “permissive” sleep-wake In summary, many teens’ sleep patterns are delayed,
system by engaging in arousing activities in the eve- leading to too little sleep on weekdays and great
ning, most prominently electronic communication variability of weekday and weekend sleep patterns.
(often also with evening light exposure). Fifty years Erratic and insufficient sleep have consequences to
ago, by contrast, teens did not have a television physical and emotional health, as well as learning
set in the bedroom, nor a computer monitor with and memory. Although the findings are clear and
Internet access around-the-clock, much less cellular disturbing, the trends toward less and later sleep in
phones and smart phones (see Gradisar and Short, teens does not appear to be moderating, with the
Chapter 11). Indeed, even the trend for early school exception of families where parents are helping teens
start in the USA arose primarily in the 1970s with manage their sleep and communities where school
the energy crisis. bells are no longer ringing before 8:30 am.
Sleep-wake behavior in emerging adulthood
is not nearly as well studied as in adolescence (see Future Directions
Thacher, Chapter 40). A few groups have exam- • Cross-sectional data indicate that the
ined sleep of college students. Miller et al., (Miller intrinsic circadian period lengthens in adolescent
& Shattuck, 2005), for example, showed that development: can this be confirmed with
first-year cadets at the US Military Academy were longitudinal studies?
sleeping only about 5 hours per night on school • Data from juvenile mice indicate that the
nights and about 6.5 hours on weekend nights. We phase response curve to light is different from adult
have recently reported a link between a short sleep mice: can we confirm this finding in humans?
(<7 hr/night during 8 weeks) and depressed mood • Can we identify teenagers most at risk for
phenotype with serotonin transporter genotype adverse consequences of inadequate and irregular
(short alleles of 5-HTTLPR in the SLC6A4 gene) in sleep patterns?
first-year university students (Carskadon, Sharkey, • Can we identify and test interventions to
Knopik, & McGeary, 2012). Such data indicate minimize development of poor sleep patterns in
that—at least for late adolescents who continue to adolescents?
further education—schoolday sleep patterns remain • Do sleep habits constitute an “environmental
late and short and problematic. exposure” that interacts with genotype leading

c a rs k a d o n , ta ro k h 75
to functional genetic changes? Will epigenetic Carskadon, M. A., Acebo, C., & Arnedt, J. T. (2002). Failure to
approaches help identify such interactions? identify pubertally-mediated melatonin sensitivity to light in
adolescents. Sleep, 25 (Suppl.), A191.
• Can longitudinal monitoring across late Carskadon, M. A., Acebo, C., & Jenni, O. G. (2004). Regulation
childhood into adolescence of sleep behavior in of adolescent sleep: Implications for behavior. Annals of the
conjunction with longitudinal monitoring of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1021, 276–291.
sleeping EEG help to identify whether sleep timing Carskadon, M. A., & Acebo, C. (2005). Intrinsic circadian
and/or amount affect cortical brain structure period in adolescents versus adults from forced desynchrony.
Sleep, 28 (Suppl.), A71.
and functional pathways in this important Carskadon, M. A. (2011). Sleep’s effects on cognition and
developmental period? learning in adolescence. Progress in Brain Research, 190,
Acknowledgments Carskadon, M. A. (2012). Sleep in adolescents: the perfect storm.
We thank the National Institutes of Health for Pediatric Clinics of North America, 58(3), 637–647.
support of our research summarized in this chapter: Carskadon, M. A., Sharkey, K. M., Knopik, V. S., & McGeary,
MH52415, MH01358, MH45945, MH58879, J. E. (2012). Short sleep as an environmental exposure: a
preliminary study associating 5-HTTLPR genotype to self-
HL71120, MH076969, MH079179, AA13252.
reported sleep duration and depressed mood in first-year uni-
We also acknowledge our colleagues, fellows, stu- versity students. Sleep, 35(6), 791–796.
dents, staff, and participants who make important Daan, S., Beersma, D. G., & Borbely, A. A. (1984). Timing of
contributions to our research. human sleep: Recovery process gated by a circadian pacemaker.
American Journal of Physiology, 246(2 Pt 2), R161–R183.
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c a rs ka d o n , ta ro k h 77
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Complexity of
Issues and Factors
Influencing Sleep
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Culture and Children’s Sleep

Charles M. Super and Sara Harkness

The cultural model for infants’ and children’s sleeping arrangements familiar to most sleep researchers
is highly unusual in global perspective, and it is a relatively recent addition to the human scene.
This has limited our understanding. A broader examination reveals that, for example, the pattern
of associations between co-sleeping during infancy and other variables (such as sleep problems) is
culturally constructed—although commonly found, or assumed, in US and other Western samples,
it is not generally found where co-sleeping is normative. We know little, however, about how sleep
itself, including its internal architecture, is influenced by the developmental niche. The available
evidence suggests that the development of sleep, like that of all biologically driven, universal behaviors,
is culturally regulated, and therefore it shows interesting and important variation across cultural and
ecological environments.
Key Words: culture, co-sleeping, customary practices, developmental niche, long-term effects,
parental ethnotheories, SIDS, sleep architecture, sleep problems

Sleep seems inherently such a solitary, biologically occasions when it related to something else of inter-
driven, and universal behavior, one might easily ask: est; for example, Malinowski’s (1929) observation
What does culture have to do with it? Briefly, the that changes in sleeping patterns of young adults
answer is that the development of sleep, like that of mark new bonds affecting interfamily relations. As
all biologically driven, universal behaviors, is cultur- anthropologists began to focus on the psychologi-
ally regulated, and therefore it shows interesting and cal significance of customary behaviors and rituals,
sometimes important variation across cultural and especially from a developmental point of view, the
ecological environments. This brief answer, how- social ecology of sleeping arrangements took on
ever, rests on surprisingly few and recent reports. greater significance in its own right. Of particular
We know much more about how the general behav- interest to psychological anthropologists was the
ior of “sleeping” is integrated into the cultural life of frequently observed combination of three aspects
children and families around the world than we do of cultural life: exclusive mother–infant sleeping
about cultural variation in sleep itself. arrangements near the mother, a prolonged post-
partum sex taboo, and circumcision rites for ado-
The Ecology of Children’s Sleep lescent boys (Whiting, Kluckhohn, & Anthony,
Discovering Variation 1958). Whiting (1977) used a psychoanalytic
For the first half-century of anthropology— framework to tie together these and other observa-
Western science’s exploration of other peoples’ ways tions into a “psycho-cultural model,” and the more
of life—sleep was not a topic of note except on general compilation of ethnographic reports from

this era—“cross-cultural research” in the original and anthropology as the triumvirate of Western
sense—has proven a lasting resource. The most social science (Super, 2005)—a new kind of litera-
complete and widely cited report involving sleeping ture on culture and children’s sleep began to appear.
arrangements, by Barry and Paxson (1971), used a Prompted by the general globalization of science
sample of 143 independent, nonindustrial societies. and the more specific realization that behavioral sci-
They found that among the 90 cases with reliable ence knowledge rests on distinctly unrepresentative
data on the topic, mothers and infants slept in the samples (e.g., Arnett, 2008), more psychologists and
same bed in 46% of the societies, in the same room medically trained researchers became involved in
with bed unspecified in 33%, and in the same room the cross-cultural study of sleep. Two characteristics
in separate beds in the remaining 21%. This find- of this new wave of reports stand out. First, because
ing subsequently proved to be an important con- sleep-related behaviors are a primary interest, the
tribution to another discussion, concerning Sudden reports often contain much greater detail on behav-
Infant Death Syndrome, as discussed later in this ior than do the older ethnographic studies, which
chapter. Other studies from the cross-cultural tra- ranged more broadly in their coverage. Second, new
dition have explored the relationship of cultural researchers may bring valuable new perspectives, but
variation in sleeping arrangements in childhood to by the same token they do not always share the intel-
aspects of the social structure, psychological func- lectual heritage of a systematic approach to culture
tioning, economy, and climate (Munroe &Munroe, that is characteristic of the anthropological work.
1987; Whiting & Edwards, 1988; Whiting & The emerging literature shows substantial contem-
Whiting, 1975; Whiting, 1964, 1981). porary variation in where and with whom infants
and children sleep, in customary and changing prac-
Exploring Origins tices surrounding bedtime and sleeping, and in the
More recently anthropologists have examined the way parents think about children’s sleep as an aspect
evolutionary ecology of human sleep (Worthman, of their development. These three interconnected
2006; Worthman & Melby, 2002), and the emerging systems—settings, customs, and beliefs—together
picture is informative, particularly as it expands the form a “developmental niche,” the culturally con-
narrow question of co-sleeping to a broader under- structed context of child development (Harkness &
standing of the variations developed by our species. Super, 1992; Super & Harkness, 1986, 2002). This
Worthman and Melby (2002) reviewed both old and theoretical framework provides a basis for analyzing
new ethnographic material on a worldwide range the specific environment of growth and adaptation
of traditional forager, pastoralist, horticulturist, and for a child or, more generally, for the typical child in
agriculturalist communities to shed light on early an identifiable cultural community.
human sleep ecology. Three of their observations are
particularly striking and relevant to this chapter. The physical and social settings
first is that sleep in these groups is essentially a social There is ample evidence of diversity in the contem-
activity—no one healthy ever sleeps alone. Second, porary settings of children’s sleep, both within and
the immediate environment is often sensory-rich, not across societies. Without overlooking possible contri-
just due to co-sleepers but also to the soft voices of butions of the physical environment—see Whiting’s
nearby conversation and to the smells and rustlings (1981) example of average winter temperature and
of domestic animals and the surrounding forests or infant carrying/caching—a brief review highlights
savannahs. Third, the circadian pattern is not rigidly the cultural nature of the settings for infant sleep.
monophasic. In groups that routinely use nighttime Morelli and colleagues document what is prob-
fires for protection or heat, for example, “sleepers ably the most familiar contrast, between a north-
rouse frequently in the night to monitor the fire ern, urban, Western sample and a tropical, rural,
and replenish it as necessary” (Worthman & Melby, agricultural one (Morelli, Rogoff, Oppenheim,
2002, p. 75). In trying to understand the variety of & Goldsmith, 1992). Comparing infant sleep-
contemporary environments for the development of ing arrangements among Mayan farmers in high-
sleep and their possible consequences, these three fea- land Guatemala and middle-class Euro-American
tures can serve as useful reference points. families, the authors found that all the Guatemalan
infants slept in their mother’s bed at night, some-
Exploring Variation times with the father and/or siblings, well into tod-
In the late twentieth century—a hundred years dlerhood. Beyond that, they slept with siblings or
after the establishment of psychology, sociology, other relatives until nearing adolescence. Among

82 c u ltu re and children’s s leep

the US infants, over three-quarters were sleeping in traditions, many practices are carried over in the
their own room by six months. Other broad con- context of migration or social change (Greenfield
trasts are reviewed by Jenni and O’Connor (2005) & Cocking, 1994; Moscardino, Nwobu, & Axia,
and Giannotti and Cortesi (2009). 2006; Raghavan, Harkness, & Super, 2010). Thus
Substantial differences can also be found within the practice of separate infant or child sleeping
a single geographic area and climate zone. Hewlett quarters has been maintained within the Anglo-
and colleagues observed infant life in two neighbor- European diaspora from Canada to New Zealand,
ing but quite distinct ethnic groups in Central Africa, and for ex–colonial minorities in such places as
the foraging Aka and agrarian Ngandu (Hewlett, India, Kenya, and Hong Kong; the same can be
Lamb, Shannon, Leyendecker, & Schölmerich, said for co-sleeping among African-heritage families
1998). Although their quantitative data cover in the United States and Pacific Islanders in New
12 daylight hours and thus no night sleep, the day- Zealand. Likewise, the custom of bed sharing on a
time data for 3–4- and 9–10-month-olds demon- floor mat persists in Japan and Korea despite dra-
strate that the amount of daytime sleep was about matic changes in the ecology of daily life over the
the same in both ethnic groups (about 41% at the last 50 and 100 years.
younger age, 23% older). For the older Aka infants, Yet, sometimes customs change rapidly in new
virtually all of this sleep was while being held by a physical and social ecologies. Yovsi and Keller (2007)
caretaker; the comparable figure among the Ngandu provide an example in their study of co-sleeping
is 66%, with the remaining 33% spent alone, lying among Nso subsistence farmers in Cameroon and
on a mat or other surface. At night, the Aka infants wage-earning Nso who live in town, a few kilome-
slept with siblings and parents; the Ngandu babies ters away. In both samples infants slept with their
slept with the mother. mothers. Among the traditional farmers, however,
Considerable variation in the settings for children’s bed sharing was exclusively mother and infant—
sleep has also been noted among industrialized societ- the father slept elsewhere. Among the wage-earning
ies. The dominant Western model of parents in one families, living in town, the father often slept in
bed and child in a separate bed and room is familiar the same bed with mother and infant. In addition,
to most sleep researchers, and documented by reports urban Nso families practiced particular bedtime
such as that by Morelli and colleagues (1992). In routines including bathing and a specific hour for
Japan, however, the typical arrangement is for parents sleep; these were absent in the farming families.
and children to sleep next to each other on a futon Green and Smith (2007) report a related but slower
or mattress (Fukumizu, Kaga, Kohyama, & Hayes, transition across three generations of Emirati moth-
2005). A large-scale, Internet-based survey by Mindell ers, all of whom co-slept with their infants and
and colleagues found that in five English-speaking young children, but have moved the child to its own
countries, the majority of infants (birth–36 months) room at a progressively younger age, from 10 to 6
slept in their own room, especially after the first few to 4 years.
months; among 12 Asian sites, this arrangement Bedtime routines are among the most evident
was in the minority and in most cases rare (Mindell, customs in the lives of infants and young children.
Sadeh, Wiegand, How, & Goh, 2010). In rural (and some urban) areas of Africa, South
Cross-cultural variability in sleeping arrange- and Central America, and South Asia, infants and
ments is also evident in multiethnic societies. In young children typically do not have a set bedtime
New Zealand, Abel and colleagues found that bed and tend to fall asleep on their own, both during
sharing was a dominant practice among Maori and the day and in the evening. In Africa, this is often
other Pacific Island groups, but not among those of while in a caretaker’s arms or strapped to a caretak-
European background (Abel, Park, Tipene-Leach, er’s back (Konner, 1976; Super & Harkness, 1982).
Finau, & Lennan, 2001). Landrine and Klonoff In Korea (Harkness et al., 2007) and Japan (Caudill
(1996) present data that indicate African Americans & Weinstein, 1969), the transition to sleep is more
in California participate in bed sharing more than likely a deliberate and time-consuming process in
other ethnic groups there, even when controlling which the mother holds the baby in her arms until
for economic status. the baby falls asleep. Among Western groups there
is often comparatively less physical closeness, but
customary practices soothing routines (such as an evening bath) and
It is evident from these last examples that what- “sleep aids” (a favorite toy, soothing music) may be
ever environmental features shaped child-rearing provided (Valentin, 2005). As the older infant or

s uper, ha rkn es s 83
toddler is moved into her own room, the respon- between Anglo-US and Puerto Rican mothers, with
sibility for going to sleep lies increasingly with the former valuing and promoting independence
the child (Milan, Snow, & Belay, 2007; New & more than the latter (Feng, Harwood, Leyendecker,
Richman, 1996). & Miller, 2001; Harwood, Schölmerich, Schulze, &
The use of a “security blanket” or other object to Gonzalez, 1999). Interestingly, white Appalachian
provide comfort during the transition from wake to mothers in the United States, whose practices in this
sleep has attracted particular attention by cross-cul- regard are more like the Mayans’ and Puerto Ricans’
tural researchers, in part for its presumptive impli- than their Euro-American compatriots’, convey
cations for individuation and attachment. Gaddini some of the same thinking regarding the value of
(1970), a psychoanalyst, was probably the first to closeness during infancy and the promotion of
explore this issue, using three samples: Italians from emotional bonds through bed sharing, “How can
a rural town, Italians in Rome, and foreign, largely you expect to hold on to them later in life if you
Anglo-Saxon families residing in Rome. The results begin their lives by pushing them away?” (Slone,
were striking: 6% of the rural infants used a blanket 1978, p. 60, quoted in Abbott, 1992, p. 34).
or equivalent for the transition to sleep, 31% of the As one might infer from these brief quotations,
Roman Italian infants, and 61% among the Anglo- the meaning of “physical closeness” with infants
Saxon babies. This gradient corresponded inversely and young children is culturally nuanced. The
to group differences in rocking, co-sleeping, and issue was investigated directly by Rothbaum and
breastfeeding, leading the author to conclude that colleagues through semistructured interviews with
low maternal contact and proximity led to the use Euro-American and Chinese immigrant families
of a “transitional object” for comfort at bedtime. (Rothbaum, Morelli, Pott, & Liu-Constant, 2000).
Other studies, both within a single population and They found a number of important differences,
cross-culturally, have replicated this basic finding. including more bed sharing in the Chinese immi-
Hong and Townes (1976), for example, surveyed grant families. The meanings associated with such
native Euro-American and native Korean mothers closeness, coded from the interviews, were captured
of children ranging from 7 months to 8 years, as by two themes contrasting (1) “growing apart” vs.
well as comparable Korean mothers living in the “growing (up) with,” and (2) celebrating vs. not
United States. They found co-sleeping was highest celebrating the individual distinctiveness of the
and attachment to transitional objects lowest among child. Overall, 40% of the Euro-American parents
the Korean children; the reverse was true among the endorsed the “apart” and “distinctive” positions,
US children; and both measures were intermediate compared to 3% in the Chinese immigrant sample;
among the Korean mothers in the United States. the reverse proportions (5% and 40%) endorsed the
These and other studies (e.g., Harlow & Suomi, “growing up together” and “not celebrating distinc-
1970; Hayes, Fukumizu, Troese, Sallinen, & Gilles, tiveness” poles. Shwalb and Shwalb (1996) report a
2007; Marvin, VanDevender, Iwanaga, LeVine, & related contrast from interviewing Japanese moth-
LeVine, 1977; Wolf & Lozoff, 1989) make a strong ers about infant temperament, and the same can be
case that attachment to a soft blanket or equivalent seen to underlie some of the differences in bedtime
at bedtime is the cultural product of a particular routines reviewed above (e.g., Caudill & Weinstein,
style of customary infant care. 1969; Harkness et al., 2007)
A more indirect indication of differences in
psychology of the caretakers parental beliefs was found by Nakagawa and
By and large, parents are aware of what they Sukigara (2005) as they developed a Japanese ver-
are doing, and within their own frame of reference sion of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire (Gartstein
they can justify most of their customary practices. & Rothbart, 2003). Discovering that original (US)
In the Morelli and Rogoff comparison of US and factor structure did not completely replicate in
Guatemalan parents, for example, the US families Japan, they asked Japanese mothers to assign each
were focused on promoting autonomy and indepen- of the questionnaire items to one of the 14 origi-
dence in their child. “I think that he would be more nal dimensional categories. Of the 16 infant behav-
dependent,” one mother indicated, “if he was con- iors relating to sleeping in the original category
stantly with us [when sleeping].” The Mayan par- “Distress to Limitations” (e.g., fussing at bedtime),
ents, in contrast, explained their practices in terms of nearly half (7) were not considered by the Japanese
the emotional value of closeness with their infants. mothers to belong in that group. The authors inter-
Harwood and colleagues found a similar contrast pret this result to mean that sleeping is not seen as

84 c u ltu re and children’s s leep

a confining or distressing situation. This is consis- (Harkness & Super, 1992; Super & Harkness, 1986,
tent with the soothing and comforting co-sleeping 1999, 2002), the three components are in continu-
customs reported elsewhere for Japanese society ous mutual adaptation, acting as subsystems of the
(Caudill & Plath, 1966; Latz, Wolf, & Lozoff, larger system of the niche. They share the common
1999; Wolf, Lozoff, Latz, & Paludetto, 1996). function of mediating the individual’s develop-
Distinctive patterns of belief (and practice) can mental experience within the larger culture, with
be found between neighboring groups often clus- homeostatic mechanisms promoting consonance
tered together as “Western European.” Middle- among them. Parents try not to put their children in
class Swedish families in the International Study of settings they think inappropriate, for example; and
Parents, Children and Schools, for example, pro- as a family’s ecology changes with a move to urban
vided separate bedrooms for their children, as did life, some customs become difficult to maintain.
all the other Western samples studied (Harkness Regularities in the subsystems provide material from
et al., 2011; Super, Welles-Nyström et al., 2012; which the child abstracts the physical, social, affec-
Welles-Nyström, 2005). Increasingly over the first tive, and cognitive rules of the culture, much as the
three years of life, however, the majority of Swedish rules of grammar are abstracted from the regularities
children (unlike the other groups) were found to of the speech environment. It is through such rein-
“night wander” and come into the parents’ bed in forcing patterns that culture has its most immediate
the early morning hours. Their parents tolerated and powerful influence. In addition, thematic con-
and even encouraged such behavior, in part from a tinuity of the niche’s central regularities from one
conviction that their children had a right to physical developmental stage to the next provides a second,
closeness with their parents “at any time of day or often more symbolic, source of cultural learning.
night” (Welles-Nyström, 2005, p. 357). The need Even while the three components of the niche
for closeness was mutual, however; as one mother operate as a system of mutually influencing parts,
expressed it, “We see so little of the children during they also interact with other features of the larger
the day that we all want to fill up our tanks with culture and ecology. That is, the developmental
love at night sleeping together” (Welles-Nyström, niche is an “open system” in the formal sense (von
2005, p. 358). Bertalanffy, 1968). Parents’ ideas are influenced by
Another distinctive pattern was found in the the informal networks of family and friends; by
Netherlands, where the “three Rs” of childrearing more formal routes of advice from teachers, medi-
(rust, regelmaat, and reinheid, or rest, regularity, and cal staff, and religious leaders (Harkness & Super,
cleanliness) has been an officially endorsed formula 1996); and, more broadly, by education and cul-
for over a century (van Hulst, 1905) and remains tural change (Cervera & Méndez, 2006). The
evident in the childcare literature of today. The settings of care reflect, among other factors, the
official “baby book” provided to new mothers by physical ecology and economic base of the com-
the Dutch National Health Service warns against munity (Barry, Child, & Bacon, 1959; Whiting &
overstimulation and gives suggestions for achieving Edwards, 1988). Customary practices represent the
rest and regularity (Super et al., 1996; Ten Hoopen, behavioral tools received from earlier generations,
2005, pp. 23, 25, 54). Harkness, Super, and their as well as adaptations to changing technologies and
colleagues found that the “three R’s” were frequently values. This openness of the niche can be seen to
mentioned by the Dutch parents they interviewed operate in studies of change in children’s sleeping
(Harkness et al., 2007), and instantiation of the arrangements, several of which are described above:
beliefs in practice was found in the Dutch parents’ Yovsi and Keller’s (2007) comparison of farming
regulation of their children’s day (Harkness & Super, and wage-earning families in Cameroon; Hong
1999; Super et al., 1996). and Townes’ (1976) report on Korean mothers in
the United States; Caudill and Frost’s on Japanese-
Identifying Culture in Development American families (1974); and Green and Smith’s
The Developmental Niche three-generation comparison of Emirati mothers
It is evident from this review that the three com- (2007). The story of how a Peace Corps volunteer in
ponents of the developmental niche are not inde- Togo adapted traditional African back-carrying to
pendent categories: parental belief systems underlie invent the “Snugli” in 1969, which met with imme-
most customary practices, and these practices are diate commercial success in the changing US cul-
carried out in specific, often deliberately chosen set- ture, provides another interesting example (About.
tings. As we have written elsewhere at greater length com, 2008).

s uper, ha rkn es s 85
Finally, the child at the “center” of the niche (see 2. Culture exists both externally in the
Figure 9.1) and the niche itself are also in a continu- environment and also in the minds of individuals
ous (but often incomplete) process of mutual adapta- (Handwerker, 2002). As with language, there is a
tion. The infant or child is adapting to and learning constant process of transaction between the mind
from the environment, to be sure, but the niche of the individual participant and the common
accommodates as well to the particular age, gender, social environment.
temperament, and other characteristics of the child 3. Culturally based beliefs exist in a variety of
(including, perhaps, as yet unidentified genetic or forms, from the specifications of law to the implicit,
epigenetic contributions to sleep behavior). Some “taken-for-granted” ideas about the nature of the
aspects of bedtime routines have been noted as world and the right and natural way to do things.
“reactive,” that is, responding to the child’s behav- 4. All cultures are unique, but none is
ior rather than coming de novo from the parents; completely different from all others. Rather,
this seems to be the case for physically closer, more cultural communities tend to share some
involved routines in some middle-class US (Hayes characteristics with other communities, due in
et al., 2007) and German (Valentin, 2005) families, part to common historical roots, the diffusion of
groups where bed sharing is not normative. ideas and technologies, and similar challenges and
opportunities for living.
The Uses of “Culture” in Sleep Research 5. Understanding any particular cultural group
It should be evident that the concept of “culture” necessarily involves a more complex, multimethod
used in the developmental niche framework is a strategy than is typical of behavioral research in
complex, organic one, drawing heavily from anthro- which the multidimensionality of culture is not
pological traditions of ethnography and empiricism. considered (Weisner, 1996).
Within that discipline, culture has been given many
This approach can be contrasted to simpler,
divergent definitions, but there is general agreement
monodimensional studies that have been used
among anthropologists who study children and
by some more psychologically oriented research-
families on several key features (Harkness, Super,
ers. Perhaps the most frequent of these in studies
Mavridis, Barry, & Zeitlin, 2013). The most rel-
of child development draws a contrast between
evant here are:
individualism and collectivism (I/C). Originally
1. Culture is shared among members of an developed as one of several dimensions differenti-
interacting community, and it organizes meanings and ating middle-level managers in IBM’s worldwide
actions across widely diverse domains (LeVine, 1984). operations, (Hofstede, 1980), the I/C contrast

Aspects of the Larger Culture Aspects of the Larger Culture



Caretaker Customs

Aspects of the Larger Culture

Figure 9.1 The Developmental Niche

86 c u ltu re and children’s s leep

(sometimes referred to as independence and inter- overseas two decades later by Géber (1956) and oth-
dependence) has frequently been taken as a primary ers, who reported significant variation; then, after
measure of culture in developmental research. In another two decades, it was the subject of focused
that context, the dimension does capture something ethnographic study to understand its cultural regula-
important about educated urban Western chil- tion (Kilbride & Kilbride, 1975; Super, 1976).
drearing compared to that found in rural farming A final phase (Phase 4) may occur when the
families in low- and middle-income countries. By insights from cross-cultural work are brought back to
itself, however, the concept fails to make use of the the originating cultures (usually the United States or
rich complexity of cultures, and many researchers Western Europe), where they contribute to innovative
have found it does not sufficiently map onto their paradigms in the clinic (Field, 2002) or research labo-
empirical findings (e.g., Harkness, Super, & van ratory (Zelazo, Zelazo, Cohen, & Zelazo, 1993).
Tijen, 2000; Javo, Ronning, & Heyerdahl, 2004; The developmental study of behaviors sur-
Kağitçibaşi, 2007; Keller et al., 2004; Leyendecker, rounding sleep—bed sharing, sleep aids, bedtime
Harwood, Lamb, & Schölmerich, 2002). As exam- routines—is well established in Phase 2, as the
ples used above indicate, the degree of variation in variations described above demonstrate, and there
important aspects of child rearing—including sleep are some beginnings of Phase 3. The study of sleep
routines—within any one “type” of society is sub- itself, however, has barely entered the age of discov-
stantial. Examining the developmental niche is an ery of variation. How does culture contribute to the
essential step in understanding the dynamics of sleep shape and frequency of sleep problems? Are there
routines and their variants in any particular place. differences in how much children sleep, or in the
diurnal pattern of nighttime sleep and daytime nap-
Culture in Developmental Research ping? Do the internal phases of sleep develop at the
The relationship of developmental and cultural same ages everywhere, and are they evident in the
research on any given topic usually has four phases. same proportion? Are unconsciousness and arousal
First, investigators explore the parameters of a behav- always differentiated at the same pace and inte-
ior of interest (sleep, walking, logical reasoning, etc.) in grated into daily life the same way? We have partial
their local environment (traditionally North America answers to some of these questions, but puzzles far
or Europe). It is common in this phase to assume outnumber the resolutions.
that the basic structure and timing of developmental
growth found at home is essentially universal. Sleep Problems
The second phase involves a search for devel- differences in rate
opmental or behavioral variation in other locales. There are two aspects of children’s sleep problems
Traditionally this was done by anthropologists that invite cross-cultural comparison. The first is the
(Kilbride & Kilbride, 1975; Mead, 1928), later question of rate or incidence. Although it is tempting
joined by others with interdisciplinary training to simply compare various reports, there are a num-
(Konner, 1972; New & Richman, 1996; Super, ber of issues that complicate such comparisons—
1976; Weisner & Gallimore, 1977), and now, in the including specification of the cultural community
global twenty-first century, by both Western inves- sampled, ages studied, definition of terms, sources of
tigators from varied disciplinary backgrounds and information (parent, professional, or direct measure-
also increasingly by trained researchers in their non- ment), and the format and psychological context of
Western home countries. This phase is marked by the data collection. Fortunately, there are a few reports
discovery of “strong” and “weak” universals (Dasen, that draw comparisons within a single study. Some
Lavalée, & Retschitzki, 1979), interesting varia- of these yield no differences, for example Scher and
tions in timing (Jahoda, 1983; Kilbride & Kilbride, colleagues’ (1995) study of Israeli Jewish mothers of
1975), and the occasional discovery of something various origins—Ashkenazi (European or American
quite novel (Shweder & LeVine, 1975). in origin) and Sephardim (from North Africa or
Phase 3, achieved in various eras for separate Asia)—regarding children’s night waking and other
domains, involves “unpacking” (Whiting, 1976) the sleep characteristics. Others studies, however, have
culture to identify the causal networks behind the identified large differences. In the United Kingdom,
cross-cultural findings (that is, delineating the devel- Rona and colleagues found that 5-year-olds with a
opmental niche). Thus the study of infant motor family background in the Indian subcontinent suf-
behavior was explored in detail by Americans McGraw fered nearly twice the rate of sleep problems as did
(1932) and Shirley (1931) in the 1930s; it was taken those of native British (white) origin (Rona, Li,

s uper, ha rk n es s 87
Gulliford, & Chinn, 1998). Liu and colleagues col- regular co-sleeping (15% of the sample) was sig-
lected large samples of parental reports for elemen- nificantly associated with bedtime struggles, night
tary school children in southeastern New England waking, and a summary measure of stressful sleep
(United States) and eastern China (Jinan), using the problems (see also Blader, Koplewicz, Abikoff, &
same questionnaire, and found significantly higher Foley, 1997). In Japan, where co-sleeping was four
levels of sleep problems in the Chinese sample. times more frequent, only night waking was related.
Teasing out the cause of such reported differ- This divergence of associations probably reflects, at
ences can be difficult but rewarding. LeBourgeois least in part, US parents’ adaptive response to bed-
and colleagues surveyed over 1300 adolescents in time resistance (see Hayes et al., 2007; Valentin,
Rome (Italy) and Hattiesburg (Mississippi, USA) 2005), whereas in Japan the co-sleeping is norma-
about both the quality of their sleep and their “sleep tive, not reactive.
hygiene,” meaning sleep habits such as avoiding Comparing separate studies, which engages a
(or not) emotionally or physiologically arousing host of familiar methodological problems, presents
behavior shortly before bed (LeBourgeois, Giannotti, a mixed picture. In Japan, Fukumizu and colleagues
Cortesi, Wolfson, & Harsh, 2005). Although sub- (2005) found a complex set of associations suggest-
stantial differences in sleep quality were found ing that in infancy night crying was connected to
between the two groups, the cultural difference nearly co-sleeping, but at older ages it was not. Co-sleeping
disappeared when sleep habits were statistically con- in a Singapore sample (where, again, it is common) is
trolled. That is to say, the two cultural samples had not correlated with children’s sleep problems (Chng,
different patterns of behavior surrounding sleep, and 2008); but in Taiwan, Wu and colleagues attributed
those sleep habits differentiated the groups to about a high rate of sleep problems in young children to
the same degree as the nominal cultural category the high rate of bed sharing (Wu et al., 2012). In
did. How those “hygiene” differences are integrated Finland, too, there is an association of co-sleeping
into the developmental niche now stands out as an and young children’s sleep problems (Sourander,
important possibility for future research. 2001). Li and colleagues report patterns of bed shar-
There are also occasional descriptions of sleep dif- ing and room sharing that may be uniquely Chinese
ficulties that may not be familiar to most (Western) in their determinants (Li et al., 2009); both kinds of
readers, but are not difficult to understand once the sharing were associated with sleep problems (Li et al.,
researcher explains essential details of the children’s 2008). Overlooking for the moment methodologi-
environment. Why would the major predictor of cal differences among all these studies, one can ask:
sleep disturbance in 7–12-year-old children involve If Japan and Singapore show little or no relationship
fear of death and death squads? Dollinger, Molina, between co-sleeping and sleep problems, why do
and Monteiro (1996, p. 255), who report this find- Taiwan and China, where co-sleeping is also com-
ing, indicate that in the poor neighborhoods of mon (Jiang et al., 2007), not present the same pic-
Brazil where they carried out their research, “chil- ture? Mindell, Sadeh, Kohyama, and How (2010),
dren are likely to know about and have anxieties reporting on their 17-site Internet study, suggest that
associated with incidents of rioting or the occur- parental involvement in sleep onset mediates the
rence of explosions, as well as anxieties associated relationship between co-sleeping and sleep outcome,
with the death squads (believed by many to be off- and it is therefore more likely the actual cause of
duty police officers).” Around the world, children sleep differences: in culture areas where co-sleeping
encounter an array of traumatic circumstances— is common (primarily Asia), and it bears no cor-
war, drought, domestic violence, hurricanes—and relation with sleep disturbance, a parent is usually
we know that dramatic or enduring stress may be present at bedtime regardless of the location of the
disruptive of sleep (Spilsbury, 2009; see Spilsbury, child’s bed. In contrast, in areas where co-sleeping is
Chapter 14). not common (primarily Western European in ori-
gin), young children fall asleep alone if their bed is
differences in pattern in a separate room, whereas a parent may be present
More interesting and complex than comparisons if the location is not separate. Thus, the authors con-
of rate are studies that demonstrate different pat- clude, co-sleeping per se does not account for dif-
terns of association between the same variables in ferences in sleep outcome; rather, the relationship is
different settings. Latz and colleagues specifically mediated by parental behavior. Elaborating this idea
compared the relationship of co-sleeping to sleep is the finding by Teti and colleagues in a US sam-
problems (Latz et al., 1999). In their US sample, ple that maternal emotional availability at bedtime

88 c u ltu re and children’s s leep

may be more important for infant sleep quality mothers (e.g., Corwin et al., 2003; Schlaud et al.,
than any particular practice (Teti, Kim, Mayer, & 1999). Still, in the mid-1990s the argument was
Countermine, 2010). deemed sufficient to warrant public information
We have few studies of sleep disturbance that campaigns to alter the way parents put their infants
include analysis of the developmental niche suffi- to bed, and the prone position was the most com-
cient to understand specific pathways of association. mon target. A number of programs (such as “back to
Recent studies of co-sleeping, as reviewed above, sleep”) proved successful in reducing the incidence
illustrate the potential of more detailed or multi- of SIDS (e.g., Wennergren et al., 1997).
variate investigation of how the niche defines the Effective application of culturally related insights
behavioral and psychological parameters of young to public health policy, however, is complex and
children’s sleep. requires local knowledge: because co-sleeping is dif-
ferentially associated in different locales with partic-
sudden infant death syndrome ular bedding materials, sleep clothing, and sleeping
Studies of infant sleeping arrangements, espe- positions (prone, etc.), public health campaigns
cially in nonindustrial societies, have played a central need to be tailored to the specific community tar-
role in the complex discussion of co-sleeping, sleep- geted (Fleming, 1994; Nelson et al., 2001; Nelson,
ing position, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Taylor, & Weatherall, 1989; Schluter, Paterson, &
(SIDS). The core of this discussion concerns how Percival, 2007; see Burnham, Chapter 12).
best to understand the relationship of the contem- Information about the developmental niche,
porary Western model, in which the infant sleeps especially in contrasting examples, helps us to focus
separately from the mother, to the dominant model on the causal pathways underlying the paradoxi-
for the thousands of years when modern humans cal minority/majority differences. In Thailand, bed
were evolving. Briefly, “the evidence suggests that sharing with young infants is a common practice,
infant–parent co-sleeping represents the species- and nearly a third of the 3692 infants studied by
wide pattern of sleep in which human infant physi- Anuntaseree and colleagues (2008) were placed in
ology evolved” (McKenna et al., 1993, p. 263). a prone position; contrary to Western findings, the
That conclusion does not by itself indicate that rate of SIDS is relatively low. Part of the explana-
mothers and infants should always co-sleep, however, tion appears to be that older, high-SES mothers
in part because “co-sleeping” has several separable in Thailand were the most likely to bed-share and
components. First, there is a set of complex adapta- to put the infant in a prone position, whereas the
tions and sensory exchanges between mother and young, poor mother of a low-weight infant was
co-sleeping infant: there are frequent mutual micro- less likely to engage in these high-risk behaviors—
arousals, and thermoregulation is easily achieved. exactly the opposite pattern reported for most
These and other effects, McKenna and others Western countries. The authors attribute the pattern
argue, may contribute to a reduction in the risk of to some unidentified aspect of culture, but we can
SIDS (McKenna, Mosko, Richard, & Drummond, presume it includes customary practices and paren-
1994; McKenna, Ball, & Gettler, 2007; McKenna tal ethnotheories, as well as the risks associated with
& Fleming, 1994; Mosko, Richard, McKenna, & lower birth weight.
Drummond, 1996). Further, co-sleeping infants In Haifa (Israel), Inbar and colleagues identified
usually lie supine (on their backs), a position that two minority groups who had low risk for SIDS
minimizes the risk of suffocation on soft bedding after a brief informational intervention, but for
materials; this may be of particular importance for different reasons (Inbar et al., 2005). First, moth-
infants with compromised reflexes or underdevel- ers who had been born in the former Soviet Union
oped neck muscles. and immigrated to Israel after 1990 routinely put
Nevertheless, there is circumstantial evidence their babies to sleep in a back or side position, prior
that co-sleeping, as evidenced in non-Western soci- to the intervention; thus their customary behavior
eties, is associated with lower rates of SIDS (Farooqi, and the thinking behind it were already a protec-
Perry, & Beevers, 1993; Konner & Super, 1987). tive factor. Second, Israeli-born Arab mothers,
Paradoxically, it was also found that in some Western compared to Israeli-born Jewish mothers, were
urban samples infants born of mothers belonging to generally more disposed to follow the advice of the
immigrant (i.e., non-Western) or minority groups high-status medical personnel; thus they were more
typically used sleeping arrangements thought to cre- likely to alter their behavior to produce a relatively
ate a higher risk for SIDS than did non-minority low-risk situation. In this case, the psychology of

s uper, ha rk n es s 89
the caretakers, in interaction with the larger envi- total sleep. Ethnic differences have been demon-
ronment of support and advice, led to a protective strated in the United States (Kentucky), with young
change in maternal behavior. African-American children getting less sleep than
Variations in the pattern of associations with sleep Euro-Americans (independent of SES), primarily
problems, ranging from night waking to SIDS, may due to later bedtimes (McLaughlin Crabtree et al.,
be puzzling, but for that very reason they can also be 2005). Kohyama and colleagues (Kohyama, Mindell,
illuminating. The “packages” of behavior, risk, and & Sadeh, 2011), using a subset of data from a large
outcome that are found—or seem obvious—in one Internet study (Mindell, Sadeh, Wiegand et al., 2010),
cultural setting may not hold together in another. found that Japanese infants and toddlers slept less than
By highlighting the cultural construction of risk those in other Asian countries, at least after 3 months
factors, comparative studies can lead us to reexam- of age. Shorter sleep times are also reported for infants
ine familiar findings from the commonly surveyed in Shanghai (Jiang et al., 2007). Within Europe, the
settings. large-scale IDEFICS study has identified significant
national differences in parental report of weekday
Sleep Duration nocturnal sleep for children from 2 to 9 years, ranging
One curious characteristic of human sleep, from an average of 9.5 hours in Estonia to 11.2 hours
as Worthman (2006) has elaborated, is the high in Belgium (Hense, Barba, Pohlabeln, De Henauw,
degree of plasticity in the amount that is “needed.” Marild, Molnar, et al., 2011).
Individuals can relatively easily adapt to longer or Almost all of these studies rely on parents’ recall
shorter amounts of sleep, at least on a short-term of their children’s sleep, a method known to bias
basis, depending on contextual demands. In addition, toward overestimateion, at least in populations with
there is now reason to believe that there are chronic little bed sharing (Sadeh, 1996). In contrast, Super
differences between various cultural groups in the and colleagues collected infant sleep data using
amount of sleep during infancy and childhood. both parental diaries (not recall) and actigraph mea-
The methodological problems in comparing sleep sures; although the two methods yielded different
times reported in different studies are substantial. absolute measures, both indicated approximately 2
Traditional issues in self- and parent-report data hours more sleep in Dutch samples than in samples
(Sadeh, 1996), combined with variations in proce- from the northeast United States (Blom, Super, &
dure and sampling, as well as possibly subtle cultural Harkness, 2012; Super, Blom, Harkness, Ranade,
differences in defining the thresholds of “sleep,” make & Londhe,, 2012; Super et al., 1996; Super, Welles-
any two-study comparison difficult to interpret with Nyström et al., 2012). An examination of the
confidence. Nevertheless, the relatively large number infants’ respective developmental niches documents
of reports now available permits a broad examina- strong differences in parents’ ethnotheories, cus-
tion. A meta-analysis of adolescent sleep studies in tomary practices, and the settings of everyday life
23 countries found strong evidence that total sleep that would support such a divergence in sleep devel-
time in Asian settings (China, India, Japan, Korea, opment (Blom et al., 2012; Harkness et al., 2007;
and Taiwan) averages up to one hour less than in Super, Blom et al., 2012; Super et al., 1996; Super,
North America, and two hours less than in Europe, Welles-Nyström et al., 2012).
on both school days and non–school days (Olds, One report from rural Kenya (Super & Harkness,
Blunden, Petkov, & Forchino, 2010). The first of 1982), using time logs kept by a family member, sug-
these generalizations is illustrated by the more strin- gests that these Kipsigis infants slept less than any
gent comparison by Liu and colleagues, who carried other reported group: about 11 hours at 8 months,
out parallel data collection on elementary school chil- compared to about 12 hours in Japan (Kohyama
dren in China and the United States and reported et al., 2011) and the United States (Super, Blom et al.,
averages, respectively, of 9.25 and 10.15 hours, a 2012), and nearly 14 hours in Zurich, Switzerland
difference of just under 1 hour (Liu, Liu, Owens, (Iglowstein, Jenni, Molinari, & Largo, 2003). The
& Kaplan, 2005). Several authors have pointed to Kipsigis infants were often cared for, and entertained,
strong pressure for homework and academic success by their older siblings, which may have reduced their
in many Asian countries as a possible cause of chil- opportunities for sleep (Super & Harkness, 1994).
dren’s shorter sleep time in China, Japan, Korea, and Despite some methodological limitations, then,
other Asian countries (Ouyang et al., 2009). we can conclude that variations in the develop-
Among infants and young children, several com- mental niche can produce significant differences
parative studies also suggest overall differences in in the amount of sleep that infants, children, and

90 c u ltu re and children’s s leep

adolescents typically have. We are just beginning, Gannon, 1983). When these children begin school,
however, to see the parameters of plasticity in sleep however, those who are not able to quickly adapt to
duration during development. The younger such the new and rigid schedule are likely to encounter at
differences are found, the more it challenges the least transient difficulty (Thomas & Chess, 1977).
idea that early sleep development is invariant, at In general, in communities where children do
least in this regard, driven solely by the forces of not have a fixed bedtime, they tend to stay up later
maturation. and nap more during the day, compared to children
with more scheduled routines. This is certainly true
Sleep Timing in the large contrast of nonindustrial societies vs.
We know a great deal about variations in when modern urban groups (Worthman & Melby, 2002).
children around the world sleep. There are substan- In modern communities where midday napping is
tial differences in how regular their bedtime is, how common, usually related to daytime heat, napping
early or late they go to bed at night, and how much by children and infants fits easily into the ecology
of their total sleep is, in fact, nocturnal. of family life (Reimão, De Souza, & Gaudioso,
Regularity of bedtime is one element of what has 1999; Reimão et al., 2000; Reimão, De Souza, P.,
come to be called “sleep hygiene” (Zarcone, 2002), Medeiros, & Almirão, 1998; Worthman & Brown,
and it is generally found to contribute to sleep qual- 2007). The connection between naps and nighttime
ity and high functioning during the day (Acebo, sleep is not necessarily a straightforward one, how-
Carskadon, & Achenbach, 2002). It can be noted, ever. In the Dutch sample that showed great atten-
however, that in the populations and age groups tion to regular bedtimes, for example, infants took
studied for this purpose, regularity of daytime func- more and slightly longer daytime naps than did the
tioning is also common—school and work hours are US infants studied; further, it was the daytime sleep
fixed, set externally and independently of individual that accounted for almost all of the total sleep differ-
sleep behavior. For infants and young children, ence of 1.5 hours (Super, Blom et al., 2012). Within
or in nonindustrial societies where activities dur- modern urban societies, there are substantial differ-
ing the day may not be so structured by the clock, ences in napping among different ethnic groups.
there is no evidence of contemporaneous negative Forty percent of African-American 8-year-olds in
consequences to irregular bedtimes. Flexibility in Mississippi studied by Crosby and colleagues, for
when (and often, where) young humans sleep is the example, regularly took daytime naps, compared
norm among hunter-gathering and most agrarian to 5% of Euro-Americans in the same community;
groups (Hewlett et al., 1998; Konner, 1976; Super, the ethnic difference could not be accounted for
1981). None of the nonindustrial groups reviewed by other common demographic variables (Crosby,
by Worthman and Melby (2002) had regular bed- LeBourgeois, & Harsh, 2005). Notably, the total
times. Young children, especially, may sleep when weekly sleep duration was nearly identical for the
drowsy but when evening activities are interesting two groups, and napping was not related to psycho-
they remain awake and engaged. To a lesser degree, social functioning.
this pattern of flexible bedtimes for the young is also
seen in many Mediterranean and tropical cultures. Sleep Architecture
New and Richman (1996) contrast the scheduled There has been almost no attention to sleep
life of infants in a middle-class US community to architecture (the timing and sequence of sleep
the relatively adaptable time of transitions in an stages) in divergent natural settings, but the few
Italian town near Rome, where young infants fre- reported findings are intriguing. Quan and col-
quently stayed with other members of the family leagues (2003) recorded one night of unattended,
and fell asleep before being put to bed. Wolf and col- home polysomnography in US children ages 6 to
leagues (1996), however, found significantly more 11 years, and report more stage 2 sleep and less deep
Italian than US families reporting regular bedtimes sleep among Hispanics than Caucasian children.
for their sample of toddlers from Naples—a clear This bears some resemblance to an earlier report of
reminder that we rarely know the limits of gener- higher REM density among Hispanic adults (Rao,
alization for our samples of convenience. Puerto Poland, Lutchmansingh, Ott, McCracken, & Keh-
Rican families in the United States frequently con- Ming, 1999), but given a large number of unknown,
tinue their customary (flexible) bedtime pattern for potential ecological differences, it is difficult to draw
infants and preschoolers with no untoward contem- any firm conclusions. Petre-Quadens, Hussain,
porary consequences (Feng et al., 2001; Korn & and Balaratnam (1975) carried out polygraphic

s uper, ha rkn es s 91
recordings on two young adults from the Teminar early childhood, on the one hand, and the ecological
tribe living in the rainforests of Malaysia. They requirements that follow—cases similar to Thomas
found few differences from the familiar Western and Chess’ Puerto Rican sample in New York (Korn
pattern, but did note that the REM densities were & Gannon, 1983; Thomas & Chess, 1977). This
consistently low by established standards. pattern is most likely in groups where the traditions
Compared to the rainforests of Malaysia, the of early child care were developed in an ecology dis-
ecologies of middle-class Dutch and US families tinctly different from their current situation, and
seem very similar. Nevertheless, the Dutch infants can be seen in a variety of immigrant populations.
we studied engaged in significantly more quiet The opposite case—reared to a regular, monophasic
sleep than did our US sample, as estimated by rhythm but now trying to function in a “siesta cul-
Sadeh’s algorithm (Sadeh, Acebo, Seifer, & Aytur, ture” (Webb & Dinges, 1989)—is probably far less
1995) applied to actigraph recordings (Super, Blom common, and certainly less well documented.
et al., 2012; see Horne and Biggs, Chapter 16). This Finally, there is the observation that differences
finding is consistent with the strong emphasis in in childhood sleep and sleep routines may constitute
Dutch ethnotheories, customs, and settings on the anticipatory socialization and promote the early devel-
“three R’s” of “rest, regularity, and cleanliness,” and opment of particular dispositions and skills. Some
the US emphasis on early stimulation for cognitive instances of this are immediately evident, for example
development (Harkness et al., 2007; Super et al., in the life-long continuities of social density at night,
1996). It may be that the US and Dutch develop- as Worthman and Brown (2007) describe for Egyptian
mental niches for these infants are so divergent with families. We accept and come to rely on familiar ways.
regard to the level of activation during waking time More profoundly, however, developmental science
that they produce divergence in sleep architecture. has just begun to address important questions about
the socialization of arousal and self-regulation. Infants
Developmental Consequences and who are carried by a family member all day experience
Sleep After Childhood going in and out of sleep surrounded by voices and
It is almost universally true that meaningful dif- the noise of family work, as well as the rhythms and
ferences in the context or content of early develop- jounces of the caretaker’s body. Do they learn skills of
ment are followed by thematically or structurally sleeping despite these distractions, just as US infants
related differences in childhood and beyond. It is learn to sleep alone in silence? Do those skills get fur-
therefore virtually impossible to examine independent ther advanced in maturity?
effects of early experience of the sort discussed in this Margaret Mead advances one interesting exam-
chapter. Nevertheless, it remains of profound impor- ple. Part of what attracted her to work in Bali was a
tance, for both theoretical and diagnostic reasons, to film she had seen of child trance, and the idea of an
understand to what degree differences in early sleep institutionalized dissociative state, as was reported
can carry through and contribute to later function- for adults, fit her theoretical interest and curiosity
ing. Three kinds of possibilities seem evident. at that time (Jacknis, 1988). In the main report on
First, situations at the extreme of known variation that project, Mead and Macgregor (1951) describe
could set the stage for particular kinds of dysfunc- infants’ and young children’s ability to sleep under
tion. One question, for example, is whether infants any circumstances, including those involving intense
who are “overstimulated” and get relatively limited emotion, an ability that is apparently elaborated in
sleep will show effects parallel to sleep deprivation adolescence and adulthood. Suddenly falling into a
in adulthood: increased levels of cortisol, lowered deep sleep when frightened or anxious is a named
carbohydrate tolerance, elevation of sympathovagal phenomenon in Bali: tadoet poeles, “fear sleep.”
balance, and changes in key hormones that regulate They write (p. 51): “As children and later as adults,
metabolism and appetite (Copinschi, 2005; Spiegel Balinese go to sleep in situations that are threaten-
et al., 2004); and, by extension, whether they will ing or dangerous, and sleep so soundly that they
show effects regarding the regulation of arousal, activ- have to be shaken awake. A thief falls asleep while
ity, appetite, body weight, and emotionality (Meaney, his case is being decided; servants fall asleep if they
Aitken, Bhatnagar, Van Derkel, & Sapolsky, 1988; have broken or lost something; a child at a delivery
Susman, 2006; Weissbluth, 1989). will sleep soundly on the platform bed on which
A second kind of consequence of early sleep pat- the birth is taking place.” As the authors comment,
terns might be found in communities where there these are situations in which most Europeans and
is a disjuncture between the habits of infancy and Americans would exhibit heightened alertness, not

92 c u ltu re and children’s s leep

sleep. Exactly what the neuroregulatory systems Most immediately, it lets us see that the cultural
were doing in the Balinese case is not known (is it model of sleeping arrangements for infants and chil-
related to narcolepsy?), but the phenomenon sug- dren most familiar to most sleep researchers is highly
gests a systemic state change that does not come eas- unusual in global perspective, and it is a relatively
ily to those not reared into it. Clearly the behavior recent addition to the human scene. Despite that, it
was normative and institutionalized in Bali, inte- is the paradigm on which most sleep research is car-
grated with other spiritual beliefs and activities; its ried out, and we are just learning the degree to which
origins in early socialization are less clear, although it has shaped our infant discipline. Thus, for exam-
Mead and Macgregor draw attention to the flow of ple, the pattern of associations between co-sleeping
arousal and sleep in infants as they are carried dur- during infancy and other variables (such as sleep
ing the daily activities of parents and siblings. problems) is culturally constructed; this pattern is
A second interesting example of continuity in not generally found where co-sleeping is normative.
state behavior is the dream work found among the Other phenomena, both normative and clinically
Senoi of Malaysia. The primary ethnographic source germane, will benefit from careful examination of
for this activity is the work of Stewart (Stewart, 1951; patterns in multiple contexts, and an essential com-
1954a, 1954b), who visited the Senoi in the 1930s ponent of that examination is a delineation of the
(and whose work was swept up in the “human poten- developmental niche. With a better understanding
tial” movement in the 1960s). In Stewart’s descrip- of the variation in the settings, customs, and cultural
tion, dreams among the Senoi were a major avenue beliefs that shape the context of early sleep, we will
of individual creativity and mental health, and when be in a better position to see and to make sense of
they were incorporated into community affairs they culturally induced differences in sleep itself.
became a source of problem solving, dispute reso- We can conclude, therefore, that our understand-
lution, and social harmony. The Senoi learned to ing of normal sleep and sleep disturbances during
manage their dreams, and the learning of this skill infancy and childhood will be particularly advanced
was a family affair: “The Senoi parent inquires of his by two kinds of research:
child’s dream at breakfast, praises the child for hav-
• Multi-site studies of divergent cultural
ing the dream, and discusses the significance of it. He
communities, whether within or across nations.
asks about past incidences and tells the child how to
Because monocultural studies necessarily yield
change his behavior and attitude in future dreams.
ambiguous results—Is there something about this
He also recommends certain social activities or ges-
context that yields this pattern of behavior and its
tures which the dream makes necessary or advisable”
causal pathways?—the identification of patterns in
(Stewart, 1954a, p. 396). Although Stewart’s work,
multiple sites is an essential step toward a science
and especially the use that was later made of it, has
for our species. This is true for both clinical and
come under sharp criticism, there is some confirma-
normative research. Multisite designs highlight a
tion of his basic ethnographic observations (Domhoff,
particular burden of measurement equivalence,
2003). We can also note that Senoi refers to a group
but that is ultimately necessary for making sense of
of tribes in the rainforests of Malaysia, one of which
comparative findings.
is also called Teminar, the affiliation of the two young
• An empirical focus on the developmental niche.
men in whom Petre-Quadens and colleagues (1975)
There are proven methods to measure children’s
found evidence of unusual REM states.
physical and social settings, the customary practices
followed in their families and communities, and the
Conclusion and Future Directions
beliefs and attitudes of their caretakers. Without
We spend one-third of our life in sleep; during
systematic data on these elements of the niche, it is
our infancy and early childhood, it is fully half.
extremely difficult to make reliable interpretations
There is no reason to think that what happens dur-
of patterns—whether varying or invariant.
ing that time, or surrounding our transitions in
and out, is unimportant. This much is taken for
granted by sleep researchers. An article of devel- References
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98 c u ltu re and children’s s leep


Social Determinants of
10 Children’s Sleep

Lauren Hale, Victoria Parente, and Gwendolyn K. Phillips

An emerging literature has identified consistencies across the social patterning of sleep behaviors
and disorders among adult and child populations. This chapter provides an overview of the social
characteristics of sleep patterns among youth. In particular, we investigate three dimensions of the
social patterning of sleep—ethnicity, household composition, and neighborhood of residence. For each
category, we review what is known in the literature from infancy through adolescence. While there are
still gaps in the scientific understanding of the social determinants of child and adolescent sleep, several
clear patterns emerged. Low socioeconomic status (SES), minority ethnic background, family conflict,
and neighborhood disadvantage predict negative sleep outcomes in children and adolescents, although
the strength of these associations varies by age. Given the importance of sleep for healthy development
of children, these findings suggest sleep is a possible contributor to health and developmental dispari-
ties and highlight the importance of improving sleep in efforts to promote well-being for all persons.
Key Words: social determinants of sleep, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents

Introduction low-income households have worse health out-

Social epidemiologists and demographers strive comes (Berkman & Kawachi, 2000; Adler et al.,
to understand how social and demographic factors 1999). These findings are critical for understanding
are associated with health and mortality patterns. and addressing social disparities in health.
Typically, they use population-based datasets to sta- Sleep is embedded in a social context and influ-
tistically investigate a range of associations between enced by a range of social processes, although
social and demographic characteristics with health research on the social and demographic determi-
and mortality outcomes, while adjusting for behav- nants of sleep in children and adolescents is a rela-
ioral and health factors that may confound any tively new area of inquiry. Among adults, analyses
observed association. The data show, time and of nationally representative datasets reveal that sleep
again, that important social variables such as SES patterns correspond to social factors such as eth-
(measured by income, education, and occupation), nicity, employment, education, marital status, and
neighborhood advantage, social cohesion, and eth- neighborhood context (Hale, 2005; Hale & Do,
nicity are important predictors of health among 2006; Hale & Do, 2007; Hale, Hill, & Burdette,
children and adults (Adler et al., 1999; Berkman 2010; Krueger & Friedman, 2009; Lauderdale et al.,
& Kawachi, 2000; Currie, Shields, & Price, 2007; 2006). However, it is not clear when differentials in
Kawachi & Berkman, 2003). Generally speaking, adults’ sleep begin in the life course. Unlike among
these associations fall along lines of social disad- adults where there may be a bidirectional associa-
vantage, such that racial minorities and those in tion between socioeconomic status (SES) and sleep

(e.g., poor sleep may impair job performance, job Ethnicity and Toddler and Preschooler Sleep
insecurity may disrupt sleep), children’s social sta- More evidence exists of ethnic differences in
tus, which is often measured by characteristics of sleep patterns among toddlers and preschoolers
their parents, is less likely to be affected by children’s than among infants (Lozoff, Askew, & Wolf, 1996;
inadequate sleep. In this chapter, we draw upon the Nevarez et al., 2010). At age 2, Black and Hispanic
contributions of previous scholars about the social, children sleep approximately 1 hour less per night
demographic, and community predictors of child than non-Hispanic White children (Nevarez, et al.,
and adolescent sleep. Understanding the social con- 2010). Black and Hispanic children have later bed-
text is necessary to identify target populations and times with similar rise times, resulting in shorter
develop effective, culturally sensitive interventions total sleep hours even after controlling for SES and
for improving sleep and well-being. family structure (Hale, Berger, LeBourgeois, &
Brooks-Gunn, 2009; McLaughlin Crabtree et al.,
Ethnicity 2005; Milan, Snow, & Belay, 2007). Moreover,
Ethnicity is a known predictor of health and well- sleep duration varies by ethnicity and day of the
being, with health differences between ethnic groups week; while Black children sleep less than non-
appearing early in life. For example, Black children Hispanic White children during the weekdays, they
are more likely to be born of low birth weight, have sleep more on the weekends (Crosby, LeBourgeois,
reduced access to health care, and are more likely to & Harsh, 2005). Napping behaviors may also differ
grow up in a disadvantaged neighborhood (Conley, by ethnicity; Black children are significantly more
Strully, & Bennett, 2003; Smedley, Stith, & Nelson, likely to nap past age 2 than non-Hispanic White
2003; Smedley & Syme, 2000). While less frequently children (Crosby et al., 2005). However, whether
investigated, sleep patterns also differ by ethnicity. these differential sleep patterns by ethnicity in tod-
dlers and preschoolers translate to increased daytime
Ethnicity and Infant Sleep sleepiness remains unclear. Again, while these find-
The vast majority of studies on infant sleep have ings are attenuated when controlling for socioeco-
investigated among White women and children nomic factors, they remain statistically significant.
(DeLeon & Karraker, 2007) and, therefore, rela- In one study, Black parents are more likely to report
tively little is known about how patterns of infant their child is excessively sleepy during the day, while
sleep vary by ethnicity. However, the few studies with another study found non-Hispanic White parents
substantial representation of minority women and are more likely to do so (McLaughlin Crabtree
infants suggest that sleep behaviors vary by ethnicity et al., 2005; Milan et al., 2007).
as early as 6 months of age. One study found Black Familial habits surrounding sleep behaviors also
infants sleep approximately 1 hour less per day than differ by ethnicity. Minority children are less likely
White children at ages 6 months and 1 year, even to have a regular bedtime or bedtime routine than
after adjusting for other potentially confounding non-Hispanic White children. This association
characteristics (Nevarez, Rifas-Shiman, Kleinman, remains statistically significant even after adjust-
Gillman, & Taveras, 2010). Hispanic infants sleep ing for socioeconomic status, family structure, and
approximately 30 minutes less per day than White sleeping location (Hale et al., 2009; Milan et al.,
infants at ages 6 months and 1 year (Nevarez et al., 2007). Non-Hispanic White children are most likely
2010). However, Nevarez et al. (2010) found that to sleep in their own bedroom, Black children are
while Black and Hispanic infants slept less than most likely to sleep with a sibling, and Latino chil-
White infants at night, they tended to sleep more dren are most likely to sleep with a parent (Milan
during daytime naps. Variations in parenting style et al., 2007). Similarly, another study found that
and expectations among different cultures may bed sharing during toddlerhood is more common
contribute to increased parental perception of sleep among Black and Hispanic children than among
problems, decreased sleep duration, and later bed- non-Hispanic White children in a sample of low-
times in infants (Mindell, Sadeh, Wiegand, How, income families (Barajas, Martin, Brooks-Gunn, &
& Goh, 2010). Although these few studies suggest Hale, 2011). These ethnic differences persist after
an association between ethnicity and sleep behav- accounting for socioeconomic status, which may
ior of infants, more research is needed to investigate affect where the child commonly sleeps. Ethnicity
diverse samples of the US population and how they may also play a role in how parents perceive their
compare to the sleep patterns of infants in ethnic children’s sleep patterns. For example, non-Hispanic
populations around the world. White mothers are more likely to report distress

100 soc ial determinants of childre n’s s l eep

about their child’s sleep and view it as problematic et al., 2004). Similarly, Hispanic children also have
than are Black mothers (Lozoff et al., 1996; Milan later bedtimes and spend more time traveling to
et al., 2007), even after adjusting for other sociode- school (Adam et al., 2007; Kieckhefer et al., 2008).
mographic variables. Another contributor to sleep differences by ethnicity
Finally, prevalence of sleep-related disorders var- may be that African-American and Hispanic chil-
ies by ethnicity among toddlers and preschoolers. An dren are more likely to share a bedroom than non-
initial study by Redline, Tishler, et al. (1999) found Hispanic White children, even after controlling for
that Black children aged 2–18 are more likely to have other sociodemographic factors (Adam et al., 2007;
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), even after control- Buckhalt et al., 2007).
ling for obesity, respiratory problems, smoking, and Napping behaviors also vary by ethnicity, and
neighborhood of residence. Subsequent studies con- may in fact reduce ethnic differences in weekly sleep
firmed these findings specifically in preschoolers and duration between non-Hispanic White and minor-
demonstrated that SDB is also more common among ity children (Crosby et al., 2005). While napping
Black children after controlling for maternal educa- declines with age, Black and Hispanic school-aged
tion (Bonuck et al., 2011; Brouillette, Horwood, children are more likely to nap than non-Hispanic
Constantin, Brown, & Ross, 2011; Montgomery- White children (Buckhalt et al., 2007; Crosby et al.,
Downs, Jones, Molfese, & Gozal, 2003; Redline 2005; Goodwin et al., 2007; Kieckhefer et al., 2008).
et al., 1999). Recently, Brouillette, Horwood, One study of Black children suggests increased nap-
et al. (2011) found that Black children were more ping is only on the weekends (Buckhalt et al., 2007),
than three times as likely to have obstructive sleep while another study of Black children found napping
apnea (OSA) compared to children of other ethnic occurs on more days per week (Crosby et al., 2005).
backgrounds. Furthermore, while non-Hispanic Importantly, adjustment for sociodemographic
White parents report more noisy breathing during characteristics did not fully explain this association
sleep, Black and Hispanic parents are significantly (Crosby et al., 2005). Hispanic children are also
more likely to report their child snores, which may more likely to nap than non-Hispanic White chil-
reflect a difference in breathing or parental reporting dren at ages 6–8, but by 9–11 years of age, there is
(Goldstein et al., 2011; Gottlieb et al., 2003). Studies not a significant difference (Goodwin et al., 2007).
examining snoring rates in Asian children and com- As is true among younger children, prevalence
paring this to children of other ethnic groups have of sleep disorders varies between Black and non-
found conflicting results. (Gottlieb, et al., 2003; Hispanic White children. Black school-aged chil-
Kuehni, Strippoli, Chauliac, & Silverman, 2008). dren are significantly more likely to have SDB
Thus, more research is needed to better understand (Bixler et al., 2009; Boss, Smith, & Ishman, 2011;
sleep in this population. Calhoun et al., 2010; Chervin et al., 2003; Hibbs
et al., 2008; Pinto et al., 2011; Redline et al., 1999;
Ethnicity and School-Aged Children’s Sleep Rosen et al., 2003; Rudnick, Walsh, Hampton, &
Ethnic disparities in sleep persist in school-age Mitchell, 2007). Moreover, among children who
children. Black children have more problematic sleep have SDB, Black children are more likely suffer from
patterns, fewer hours of sleep, and later bedtimes more severe symptoms (Chervin et al., 2003; Rosen
than White children, even after controlling for SES et al., 2003). The differences remain significant after
(Adam, Snell, & Pendry, 2007; Buckhalt, El-Sheikh, adjusting for other respiratory problems and obesity,
& Keller, 2007; Goodwin et al., 2007; McLaughlin which elevate the risk of SDB (Redline et al., 1999);
Crabtree et al., 2005; Smaldone, Honig, & Byrne, however, more research is needed on SES in rela-
2007). Studies have also found that non-Hispanic tion to SDB. Other potential explanations for a link
White children sleep for roughly 23 minutes longer between ethnicity and SDB are preterm birth and
than Black children and 21 minutes longer than upper airway characteristics. Preterm birth is more
Hispanic children per night (Buckhalt et al., 2007). common among Black children and is also a risk
Multiple explanations have been put forth to help factor for SDB (Rosen, Larkin et al., 2003). On the
understand observed ethnic differences in sleep. For other hand, while neuromotor function and upper
example, Black school-aged children have later bed- airway characteristics often trigger SDB, one study
times, earlier school start times, spend more time suggests physiological differences cannot explain
traveling to school, and spend more time watching these ethnic disparities (Pinto et al., 2011).
television (Adam et al., 2007; Buckhalt et al., 2007; Non-Black minority children also experience
Kieckhefer, Ward, Tsai, & Lentz, 2008; Spilsbury differences in sleep compared to non-Hispanic

ha l e, pa ren t e, phi l l i p s 101

White children; however, research on sleep in other Adam and colleagues, in a study of 1187 adolescents,
minority populations is limited. One study suggests found that African-American teens slept, on average,
Asian children sleep less than non-Hispanic White about 25 minutes less than non-Hispanic White
children (Adam et al., 2007), whereas another study teens per night (Adam et al., 2007). This discrepancy
found no difference (Biggs et al., 2010). Both stud- has been attributed to later bedtimes with similar
ies found that Asian children spend more time on wake times in African-American adolescents result-
homework, which may delay bedtime (Adam et al., ing in less total sleep (Roberts et al., 2006), as well as
2007; Biggs et al., 2010). Asian parents are more social factors such as greater time spent traveling to
likely than non-Hispanic White parents to report school (Adam et al., 2007). Furthermore, minority
that homework is more important than sleep, and status has been associated not only with decreased
are less likely to believe their child needs more sleep total sleep time compared to non-minorities but also
(Biggs et al., 2010). Asian parents are also more with increased night-to-night variability in hours of
likely to report that “snoring is a healthy sign” than sleep (Moore, Kirchner, et al., 2011).
White parents (Biggs et al., 2010). Furthermore, While differences in sleep patterns exist by
compared to youths in countries composed mostly ethnicity, the extent to which this relationship is
of Caucasian families, children from countries pre- genetically versus socioculturally determined is
dominantly composed of Asian families are more unknown. In one study, controlling for SES elimi-
likely to stay up later, sleep for shorter amounts of nated differences in ethnic variation of insomnia
time, have parents who believe their children have a symptoms (Roberts et al., 2006). This suggests that
sleep disturbance, and share a bed with either par- sleep differences by ethnicity may be manifestations
ents or other children (Mindell et al., 2010; Sadeh, of socioeconomic disparities rather than genetic dif-
Mindell, & Rivera, 2011). Adam, Snell, and Pendry ferences. Using data on twins, Moore et al. found
(2007) found that socioeconomic factors had only that in 10–17-year-olds, only 30% of sleep varia-
a mild impact on any of their findings and did not tion is attributable to heritable factors, which is
affect the significance of their results, while Biggs far less than in younger children. (Moore, Slane,
et al. (2010) found no difference in SES between Mindell, Burt, & Klump, 2011). Hence, it is likely
the Caucasian and Asian groups. that racial differences in sleep patterns are primarily
Hispanic children may not sleep as deeply as due to social and environmental factors.
non-Hispanic White children; using polysomnog-
raphy data, Hispanic children are found to have less Household Characteristics
stage 3 and 4 sleep, and more stage 2 sleep than the Household characteristics are important pre-
non-Hispanic White children (Quan et al., 2003). dictors of children’s health and well-being (Case &
These results were not affected by parental educa- Paxson, 2006; Currie & Lin, 2007). In this section,
tion (Quan et al., 2003). One study also suggested we investigate how these characteristics vary by sleep
that Hispanic parents are more likely to witness an across childhood from infancy through adolescence.
episode of sleep apnea compared to non-Hispanic
White parents, though the potential effects of SES Household Characteristics and Infant Sleep
were not examined in this study (Goodwin, Babar, Household and parental characteristics, such
et al., 2003). However, there is no evidence for as household income and parental education, are
ethnic differences between Hispanics and non- relatively understudied determinants of infant sleep
Hispanics in the rates of sleep disorders including patterns. One study reveals poorer sleep behaviors
SDB, sleepwalking, sleep talking, or sleep terrors among infants of mothers with lower education and
(Goodwin, Kaemingk, et al., 2003). income (Nevarez et al., 2010). These differences
may be due to parenting behaviors. For example,
Ethnicity and Adolescent Sleep upper-middle-class parents tend to give their chil-
Several studies have documented disparities dren more structured daily schedules, whereas
in sleep by ethnicity among adolescents (Adam, low-income and working-class parents place more
et al., 2007; Knutson & Lauderdale, 2009; Moore, emphasis on providing comfort, food, and shelter.
Kirchner, Drotar, Johnson, Rosen, & Redline, 2011; Studies have shown that higher SES women are
Roberts, Roberts, & Chan, 2006). For example, more likely to focus on sleep schedules than those
national data from the United States indicate that of lower SES, which influences infant sleep behavior
Black and female adolescents are most at risk of hav- (Fouts, Roopnarine, & Lamb, 2007; Leyendecker,
ing inadequate sleep duration (Eaton et al., 2010). Lamb, Scholmeric, & Fracasso, 1995). In addition,

102 soc ial determinants of childre n’s s l eep

parental behaviors such as bed sharing, nursing to maternal education is also associated in young chil-
sleep, putting infants to bed already asleep, irregu- dren with fewer sleep routines, being overly tired,
lar bedtime routines, and exposure to television are and difficulty falling asleep (Milan et al., 2007).
potentially modifiable habits that increase risk for In addition, parents who have anxiety problems
infant sleep problems and vary by SES (Burnham, or depression are more likely to have children who
Goodlin-Jones, Gaylor, & Anders, 2002; DeLeon wake up frequently at night (Atkinson, Vetere, &
& Karraker, 2007; Sadeh, Mindell, Luedtke, & Grayson, 1995). The association may begin prena-
Wiegand, 2009; Touchette et al., 2005). tally; O’Conner et al. (2007) found that mothers
Household characteristics such as family struc- with higher levels of anxiety and depression during
ture also predict infant sleep behavior. For example, gestation are more likely to have a child with sleep
infants who have single parents, have divorced par- disturbances at 18 and 30 months. Another study
ents, or have fathers that do not participate in infant indicates that parental depression is associated with
care are at increased risk of sleep problems (Nevarez negative parenting, which may trigger sleep distur-
et al., 2010; Tikotzky, Sadeh, & Glickman-Gavrieli, bances in children (Reid, Hong, & Wade, 2009).
2011). In a pre–birth cohort study of 1676 mother– Parental smoking behavior is also associated
infant pairs, Nevarez et al. found in bivariate analy- with sleep disorders in this age range. In children
ses that infants whose mothers were not married, aged 6 months to just less than 7 years old, mater-
had lower incomes, or had less education reported nal smoking is associated with SDB (Bonuck et al.,
their infants slept less per day compared to those 2011). In addition, smoking by one or both parents
whose mothers were married or cohabitating, had is associated with snoring in children ages 1 to 4
higher incomes, or more education (Nevarez et al., (Kuehni et al., 2008).
2010). Additionally, the authors reported that SES Finally, as seen with infants, family structure
significantly attenuated the relationship between may be an important predictor of toddler and pre-
maternal smoking and less infant sleep documented schooler sleep habits. Children who have a single
in other studies. While several studies have looked mother are less likely to have a bedtime routine
at the influence of maternal behaviors on infant and more likely to snore or have OSA (Brouillette
sleep, few have looked at paternal actions. However, et al., 2011; Hale et al., 2009; Kuehni et al., 2008).
one study that investigated paternal infant care and Preschoolers who live in large households are less
sleep found greater paternal involvement was associ- likely to use bedtime routines than those who live
ated with more consolidated sleep (i.e., less night- in small households (Hale et al., 2009). In addi-
time waking; Tikotzky et al., 2011). Thus, evidence tion, when housing is inadequate, either due to
supports that family structure and household char- overcrowding or homelessness, the likelihood that
acteristics can begin to influence children’s sleep as parents report their toddler or preschooler is overly
early as infancy. tired or has SDB also increases (Bonuck et al., 2011;
Milan et al., 2007). Parents or caregivers of only chil-
Household Characteristics and dren are less likely to report their child has a sleep
Toddler and Preschooler Sleep problem or SDB compared to children who have
Household and parenting characteristics are also siblings (Bonuck et al., 2011; Sadeh et al., 2011).
relevant for toddlers’ and preschoolers’ sleep. SES Moreover, parents of toddlers and preschoolers
and education of the parents are associated with who bed-share are more likely to report their chil-
sleep behaviors among toddlers and preschoolers. dren have sleep disturbances, wake up frequently at
For example, children who come from households night, and complain about going to bed (Kataria,
with lower incomes have later bedtimes than chil- Swanson, & Trevathan, 1987; Lozoff et al., 1996).
dren from higher-income households (Hale et al., Finally, children who do not fall asleep in their own
2009). Sleep disorders are also related to SES of the beds are more likely to have sleep problems than
household; toddlers and preschoolers from lower those who do (Atkinson et al., 1995).
SES households are more likely to snore and to have
OSA (Bonuck et al., 2011; Brouillette et al., 2011; Household Characteristics and
Goldstein et al., 2011; Kuehni et al., 2008). In addi- School-Aged Children’s Sleep
tion, parental employment characteristics, such as Among school-aged children, higher levels of
late time leaving and returning home, are associated parental education are associated with increased
with shorter sleep duration due to later bedtimes sleep duration, falling asleep faster, and decreased
and more irregular sleep (Komada et al., 2011). Low risk of snoring (Goodwin et al., 2007; Li et al.,

ha l e, pa ren t e, phi l l i p s 103

2010; Smaldone et al., 2007; Urschitz et al., 2004). Poor parental mental health affects children’s
Parental education moderates the association sleep duration, increases sleep disruption, and leads
between measures of poor sleep and academic suc- to excessive daytime sleepiness (Smaldone et al.,
cess (Buckhalt, El-Sheikh, Keller, & Kelly, 2009). 2007; Yolton et al., 2010). Conversely, parents who
Low parental education increases the likelihood that connect with their children in a positive way are
a child will have poor academic performance after more likely to have children who get adequate sleep
disturbed sleep (Buckhalt et al., 2009). Parental (Adam et al., 2007). One study found that the emo-
unemployment is also associated with insomnia in tional health of the father is more strongly related
children; however, paternal employment may be to sleep outcomes than the emotional health of the
a stronger predictor of insomnia in children than mother (Smaldone et al., 2007).
maternal employment (Zhang et al., 2009). Low SES is related to the frequency with which
The marital status of parents may also impact children wake up during the night, snore habitu-
sleep in school-aged children. Children who have ally, have adequate sleep duration, are tired during
single mothers are more likely to have SDB, even the day, sleep with parents, experience parasom-
after controlling for ethnicity, a known risk factor nias, and have noisy sleep (Buckhalt et al., 2007;
for SDB (Hibbs, Johnson et al. 2008). Similarly, Chervin et al., 2003; Cortesi et al., 2004; Li et al.,
children of unmarried parents are more likely to be 2010, Smaldone et al., 2007; Stein, Mendelsohn,
excessively tired during the day and co-sleep with Obermeyer, Amromin, & Benca, 2001; Yolton
parents (Cortesi, Giannotti, Sebastiani, & Vagnoni, et al., 2010). Finally, several studies have indicated
2004; Hibbs et al., 2008; Yolton et al., 2010). that SES is associated with SDB (Calhoun et al.,
Among children of married parents, El-Sheikh 2010; Chervin et al., 2003). However, other studies
et al. (2007) found that, although marital conflict did not find a persistent association between SES
was not directly associated with sleep disruptions and sleep disturbances. One study found that the
(assessed by actigraphy), a third variable, children’s severity of breathing problems during sleep is not
emotional insecurity about the relationship, medi- associated with SES (Kohler et al., 2008). Another
ated the relationship between parental conflict and study of Portuguese children found that there were
sleep disruptions (El-Sheikh, Buckhalt, Cummings, no SES differences between children who snored
& Keller, 2007). Thus, children who were emotion- loudly and those who did not snore (Ferreira et al.,
ally aroused or behaviorally dysregulated by their 2000). A third study found that the association
parents’ arguments were more likely to have dis- between SES and SDB disappeared after adjusting
rupted sleep than children who simply witnessed for BMI of the child (Chervin et al., 2003).
the conflict and had minimal response (El-Sheikh Finally, physical and social aspects of the home
et al., 2007). This emotional response/sleep disrup- environment are associated with sleep outcomes
tion combination also led to a decline in the child’s in children (see Gradisar and Short, Chapter 11).
academic performance (El-Sheikh et al., 2007). Having a television in the child’s bedroom is asso-
Bed-sharing behaviors vary depending on family ciated with elevated rates of disrupted sleep in
and cultural context. For example, Worthman and school-aged children (Owens et al., 1999; Taveras,
Brown (2007) found that Egyptians co-sleep with 1 Hohman, Price, Gortmaker, & Sonneville, 2009).
to 4 people around 69% of the time. In addition, children are more likely to experience
Parental physical health also influences children’s insomnia when they are living in public housing or
sleep. This may be partially due to parental behaviors when their homes are noisy (Zhang et al., 2009).
that directly impact a developing child; for example, Surprisingly, one study showed that greater number
maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated of people living in the house compared to the num-
with habitual snoring during middle childhood (Li ber of bedrooms (higher density), or an increased
et al., 2010). Another study found that parents who number of siblings, is associated with decreased
snore are more likely to have children with insomnia, rates of SDB in children with asthma (Yolton et al.,
even after controlling for environmental and socio- 2010). Asthmatic children who are exposed to sec-
demographic similarities (Zhang et al., 2009). There ondhand smoke in the house are also more likely
may also be indirect effects that lead to sleep disrup- to have sleep disruptions including delayed sleep
tion. Among children in elementary school, those onset, parasomnias, SDB, feeling tired during the
with fathers in fair or poor physical health are more day, and total sleep disruption (Yolton et al., 2010).
likely to have inadequate sleep compared to children In separate studies, sharing a room is not associated
with healthier parents (Smaldone et al., 2007). with poor sleep outcomes; however, sharing a bed

104 soc ial determinants of children’s s l eep

is associated with greater tiredness in a population adolescents assessed through 1 week of actigraphy
of healthy children (Liu, Liu, & Wang, 2003; Stein (Marco, Wolfson, Sparling & Azuaje, 2011). They
et al., 2001). Furthermore, at the household level, found that living in a multiunit building and hav-
research indicates that children in households with ing a lower household income put youths at risk for
marital instability are more likely to exhibit sleep less consistent sleep on school nights and poorer
disturbances (El-Sheikh et al., 2007; Mannering sleep schedules on the weekends. Additionally, they
et al., 2011). Indeed, children from families that reported an association between greater inconsis-
shout, argue in a heated way, hit each other, or throw tency in school and weekend-night sleep schedules,
things during disagreements experience inadequate and lower household incomes and single parent fam-
sleep (Smaldone et al., 2007). Furthermore, the ily structures (Marco et al., 2011). However, only a
likelihood that a child will experience sleep prob- handful of studies have included or studied sufficient
lems is elevated in families where there is child abuse numbers of disadvantaged youths. More research is
or other forms of family violence (see Spilsbury, needed to investigate the barriers to adequate sleep
Chapter 14; McFarlane, Groff, O’Brien, & Watson, in this at-risk population and the potential negative
2003). Certain types of past exposure to violence consequences of poor sleep in contributing to other
can also cause sleep disturbances. For example, hav- health, educational, or social disparities.
ing a grandparent that died violently (even before In addition to teens from lower SES families,
the child was born), a parent that was tortured, or a those from families of higher SES are also at risk
father that scolds frequently are associated with sleep for poor sleep. Consistent with this finding, paren-
disruptions in refugee children arriving in Denmark tal acculturation, a variable associated with upward
(Montgomery & Foldspang, 2001). mobility and higher incomes, is associated with
less time sleeping at night and more time spent
Household Characteristics and napping during the day (McHale et al., 2011).
Adolescent Sleep Acculturation and higher income of parents may
US adolescents sleep approximately 2 hours less affect youth sleep by fostering increased pressure for
on weekday nights than the recommended 9 hours individual achievement that requires a youth’s daily
per night (Knutson & Lauderdale, 2009; NSF, routines to include several extracurricular activities,
2006). The inability of adolescents to meet their such that youth have reduced opportunity for sleep.
sleep needs can be attributed to a range of increased Supporting this hypothesis, Carskadon et al. found
societal demands. Many of these demands are that high school students spending >20 hours per
affected by household-level behaviors and beliefs. week or more involved in extracurricular activi-
Teenagers have a range of time-consuming activi- ties had less total sleep time and significantly later
ties and behaviors (e.g., homework, extracurricular bedtimes (Carskadon, 1990). Moreover, increased
activities, after-school jobs, computer use and tele- personal access to Internet and television by more
vision viewing) that can interfere with sleep timing advantaged teens may also negatively impact sleep
and quality. These time spent in each of these activi- behavior (Adam et al., 2007).
ties may vary by several household characteristics The interpersonal relationships and dynamics
including parental education and income, parent- between family members may also contribute to the
ing style, and family cultural values (see Gradisar quantity or quality of sleep of adolescents within the
and Short, Chapter 11). household. While several studies have found rela-
Several studies have indicated that adolescents tionships between high marital conflict and poor
at both ends of the socioeconomic continuum sleep in younger children, the results in adolescents
report worse sleep (Knutson & Lauderdale, 2009; have not been as consistent (Adam et al., 2007;
McHale, Kim, Kan, & Updegraff, 2011). Due to El-Sheikh, Buckhalt, Mize & Acebo, 2006; McHale
the importance of sleep to executive functioning et al., 2011). For example, one study reported that
in adolescents, poor sleep among low SES teens measures of family dynamics that predicted sleep
may contribute to inequalities in academic perfor- in younger children —such as parental warmth,
mance by SES. In fact, low SES teens, when report- parenting stress, or family conflict—did not sig-
ing sleepiness, may be particularly “susceptible” to nificantly relate to adolescent sleep (Adam et al.,
poor executive functioning (Anderson, Storfer-Isser, 2007). However, a different study suggests parental
Taylor, Rosen & Redline, 2009). One recent study conflict does affect adolescent sleep. A study that
by Marco et al. investigated the influence of a wide used teen reports of conflict rather than parental
range of SES-related factors and sleep in young reports did find marital conflict to contribute to

ha l e, pa ren t e, phi l l i p s 105

poorer nighttime sleep in adolescents (El-Sheikh Neighborhood Characteristics and
et al., 2006). Toddler and Preschooler Sleep
Additionally, the importance of parental warmth Several studies support the association between
and parental rules on child sleep may be influenced neighborhood disadvantage and disordered sleep,
by the age of the child. Parental warmth may be more even among toddlers and preschoolers. For example,
influential in the sleep of younger children, while children who reside in neighborhoods with higher
presence of parental rules may more predictive of levels of disadvantage and higher population density
sleep in older youths and teens (Adam et al., 2007). are more likely to have OSA compared to children
Parental warmth may play a role in sleep in younger from less populated and more economically privi-
children by promoting feelings of safety, which may leged areas (Brouillette et al., 2011). McLaughlin
not be as important to adolescent sleep. Rather, in and colleagues began using residential zip codes in
the teen years, boundaries and rules may be more conjuction with sleep data and found that living
important to enforce early bedtimes for adolescents, in a low-income neighborhood is also associated
who experience both peer and physiologic pressure with having shorter nighttime sleep duration, even
toward later bedtimes. Moreover, regular family after adjusting for ethnic disparities (McLaughlin
activities such as meal time, which strengthen rela- Crabtree et al., 2005). Finally, areas with higher lev-
tionships between family members, are beneficial for els of car traffic are associated with greater frequency
adolescents’ sleep (Adam et al., 2007). of snoring in this young-age population (Kuehni
et al., 2008).
Neighborhood Characteristics and Sleep
People who live in disadvantaged neighborhoods Neighborhood Characteristics and
are more likely to experience negative health out- School-Aged Children Sleep
comes than those who live in more affluent areas. Although there are only few studies examining
Living in a neighborhood that is noisy, dilapidated, the association between neighborhood characteris-
and has a high crime rate may interfere with the tics and sleep in school-aged children, the literature
ability to fall asleep or stay asleep (Hale & Do, suggests that an association exists. Using census
2007; Hale et al., 2010; Hill, Burdette & Hale, tracts to measure SES, children aged 2–11 with
2009). While ethnic and income characteristics OSA are more likely to live in poor neighborhoods
often direct people to live certain neighborhoods, compared to those without OSA (Brouillette et al.,
the effects of environment on sleep persist even after 2011; Spilsbury et al., 2006). These associations are
controlling for these demographic traits. In this sec- still significant after adjusting for ethnicity, obesity
tion we discuss neighborhood influences on sleep of the children, premature birth, and household-
among children of different ages. level SES, which are all important predictors of
sleep disruption (Brouillette et al., 2011; Spilsbury
Neighborhood Characteristics et al., 2006). The effects of neighborhood may be
and Infant Sleep partly related to feelings of safety. Inadequate sleep
The neighborhood in which an infant lives may is more commonly found among school-aged chil-
also affect behavior and development. The majority dren whose parents are fearful for their child’s safety
of studies assessing the relationship between envi- than in children whose parents feel they are safe
ronment and infant sleep have been conducted in (Smaldone et al., 2007).
the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Indeed,
environmental stimuli such as loud noise levels or Neighborhood Characteristics
bright lights interrupt infant sleep–wake cycles and and Adolescent Sleep
stimulate the stress response (Peng et al., 2009). Negative neighborhood characteristics such as
Limited research exists outside of the NICU inves- high crime rates may influence the sleep of adoles-
tigating how neighborhood noise, lights, or vio- cents living in those environments. Inner-city Black
lence affect infant sleep. One study did find that teens are at increased risk for sleep disturbances
traumatic events in infancy may lead to sleep distur- when more “bad things happened to a family mem-
bances similar to post-traumatic stress disorder in ber or friend” within their neighborhood (Umlauf,
adults (Bogat, DeJonghe, Levendosky, Davidson, & Bolland & Lian, 2011). Furthermore, the researchers
von Eye, 2006). However, the association between found that increased sleep disturbance is associated
neighborhood environment and infant sleep cycles with aggressive behaviors in youth, increased worry,
has yet to be formally investigated. and quick-temperedness, and is negatively related

106 soc ial determinants of childre n’s s l eep

to warmth toward the mother. Reports of negative early source of socioeconomic disparities. Buckhalt
neighborhood sentiments or distress over neighbor- (2011) analyzes how the cognitive, behavioral,
hood have also been shown to predict reduced sleep and emotional impacts of poor sleep may partially
duration, increased daytime napping, and increased explain the academic achievement gap seen between
variability in sleep duration (McHale et al., 2011; children of different ethnicities and SES. To date,
Moore, Kirchner, et al., 2011). Residence in an urban however, little research has investigated how sleep
compared to rural setting has also been associated environments and sleep-related behaviors learned
with adolescent sleep in a study performed in Taiwan; early in life may set children on divergent sleep,
urban children had more sleep problems than their cognitive, and health trajectories, especially up
rural counterparts (Yen, King, & Chang, 2010). through young adulthood. We hypothesize that
sleep-related behaviors taught by caregivers in early
Conclusion: Implications for Health childhood may have long-lasting influences on the
Disparities sleep behaviors of children, adolescents, and adults.
Sleep and sleep-related behaviors are important Furthermore, social and environmental factors
factors in understanding the emergence and per- beyond individual or familial control have profound
sistence of health disparities. While social epide- influences on child sleep and, therefore, health out-
miologists and other social scientists have observed comes. In this chapter, we systematically reviewed
wide disparities in health outcomes by SES at all three levels of influence—ethnicity, household
ages (Adler et al., 1999), very few scholars (Hale, factors, and neighborhood factors—on the social
Peppard, & Young, 2006; Moore, Adler, Williams, determinants of sleep during childhood.
& Jackson, 2002; Sickel, Moore, Adler, Williams, Table 10.1 summarizes whether disparities in
& Jackson, 1999) have included sleep (a basic bio- sleep exist across ethnicity, household characteris-
logical need) as a predictor, mediator, or modera- tics, and neighborhood advantage in children from
tor in their models of disparities. This is surprising infancy through adolescence. As shown, in nearly
given that sleep is a powerful mechanism driving every period of childhood, sleep disparities line up
behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and physiological with ethnic, household, and neighborhood charac-
development (Bates, Viken, Alexander, Beyers, & teristics. From this table it is apparent that social
Stockton, 2002; Carskadon, Acebo, & Jenni, 2004; determinants of sleep begin early in life and con-
Lavigne et al., 1993; Minde et al., 1993; Richman, tinue throughout childhood and adolescence. The
Stevenson, & Graham, 1975; Sadeh, Gruber, & table also indicates that more research is needed
Raviv, 2003). Gregory and O’Connor (2002) were to analyze whether there is an association between
the first to study sleep in children longitudinally, neighborhood factors and sleep during infancy,
and they found that poor sleep at age 4 predicts which is the only category that currently lacks evi-
the onset of emotional problems in later childhood dence of an association between social context and
and adolescence. These results could largely be sleep. Future work on sleep disparities in children
explained by psychosocial risk factors during child- is also needed to better understand the underlying
hood (Gregory, Eley, et al. 2004). Furthermore, sources of poor sleep among children of all ages,
data show associations between children’s sleep tim- in addition to whether and how these factors are
ing and school readiness (Crosby et al., 2006), an modifiable.

Table 10.1 Summary of Overview of the Literature regarding Disparities in Sleep Across Childhood and
Adolescents by Ethnicity, Household Characteristics, and Neighborhood Characteristics
Ethnicity Household Characteristics Neighborhood Characteristics

Infant Yes Yes Unknown

Toddlers and Preschoolers Yes Yes Yes

School-Aged Children Yes Yes Yes

Adolescents Yes Yes Yes

Note: “Yes” indicates that disparities in sleep are observed for this population by the social determinant category described across the
top. “Unknown” indicates there is not enough evidence to draw a conclusion.

ha l e, pa ren t e, phi l l i p s 107

Evidence indicates strong associations between designs (when possible), and multiple methods of
social characteristics and sleep in children and sleep measurement (i.e., self-report or parent report
adolescents, as summarized in Table 10.1. While and actigraphy).
social determinants of sleep are important in both • Researchers should be oriented toward
young children and teens, social and demographic thinking about how social disparities in sleep
predictors of sleep may be different in adolescents might be reduced. What effect would this have on
compared with younger children. Furthermore, overall health and health disparities?
while the vast majority of research on sleep and • Currently, the research does not adequately
sleep-related behaviors of children in the United address the mechanisms through which
States has studied populations that are primar- social factors (ethnicity, parental, household,
ily non-Hispanic White and/or from higher SES neighborhood) translate into sleep disparities.
families (Crowell, Keener, Ginsburg, & Anders, • More research is needed on understanding
1987; Okami, Weisner, & Olmstead, 2002; Sadeh, sleep in different cultures around the world.
Mindell, Luedtke, & Wiegand, 2009; Wolfson & • Research needs to better understand when
Carskadon, 1998), understanding the determinants different patterns of sleep in children emerge. For
of sleep in disadvantaged or minority youth remains example, do social disparities in sleep begin during
a critical area for future research. gestation? How do social and neighborhood factors
In addition, despite the growing knowledge on affect infant sleep?
the social determinants of sleep, nearly all of this
research has been conducted in industrialized nations References
in the Western hemisphere. In fact, 71% of the pri- Adam, E. K., Snell, E. K., & Pendry, P. (2007). Sleep timing
mary journal articles cited in this chapter relied and quantity in ecological and family context: A nationally
representative time-diary study. Journal of Family Psychology,
upon data from the United States. An additional 21(1), 4–19.
18% recruited their participants from the United Adler, N. E., Marmot, M., McEwen, B. S., & Stewart, J. (1999).
Kingdom, Australia, Canada (English and French- Socioeconomic Status and Health in Industrial Nations: Social,
speaking), Germany, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, and Psychological, and Biological Pathways (Vol. 896). New York:
Finland. The remaining studies were conducted in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Anderson, B., Storfer-Isser, A., Taylor, H. G., Rosen, C. L., &
non-Western countries: Since 2009, there have been Redline, S. (2009). Associations of executive function with
eight studies examining the impact of sociodemo- sleepiness and sleep duration in adolescents. Pediatrics,
graphic characteristics on child and adolescent sleep 123(4), e701–e707.
in Asian countries, two of which were cross-cul- Atkinson, E., Vetere, A., & Grayson, K. (1995). Sleep disrup-
tural comparisons of sleep behaviors and attitudes tion in young children. The influence of temperament on the
sleep patterns of pre-school children. Child: Care, Health and
(Mindell et al., 2010; Sadeh et al., 2011). In addi- Development, 21(4), 233–246.
tion, two studies have been conducted in Israel— Barajas, R. G., Martin, A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Hale, L. (2011).
one looking at paternal involvement in infant sleep Mother-child bed-sharing in toddlerhood and cognitive and
and another at school-aged children’s sleep duration behavioral outcomes. Pediatrics, 128(2), e339–e347.
(Sadeh et al., 2003; Tikotzky et al., 2011). Finally, Bates, J. E., Viken, R. J., Alexander, D. B., Beyers, J., & Stockton,
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D., Martin, A. J., & Lushington, K. (2010). Differences in
research in the area. parental attitudes towards sleep and associations with sleep-
Understanding the determinants of poor sleep in wake patterns in Caucasian and Southeast Asian school-
at-risk populations will allow for the development, aged children in Australia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 8(4),
design, intervention, and evaluation of programs 207–218.
and policies that may improve the sleep and well- Bixler, E. O., Vgontzas, A. N., Lin, H. M., Liao, D., Calhoun,
S., Vela-Bueno, A., et al. (2009). Sleep disordered breathing
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risk factors. Sleep, 32(6), 731–736.
Future Directions Bogat, G. A., DeJonghe, E., Levendosky, A. A., Davidson, W.
• Future research on the social determinants S., & von Eye, A. (2006). Trauma symptoms among infants
of children’s sleep should seek to design studies exposed to intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect,
that include longitudinal data, experimental study 30(2), 109–125.

108 soc ial determinants of childre n’s s l eep

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1 12 soc ial determinants of childre n’s s l eep


Sleep Hygiene and Environment:

11 Role of Technology

Michael Gradisar and Michelle A. Short

Technological devices have become more affordable, multifunctional, and portable over recent years.
Not only have the number of devices increased in families’ households, but also increasingly more
evidence documents that children and adolescents keep these devices in their bedrooms. On a related
note, the percentage of youth who use technology before bed is remarkably high, and emerging
evidence shows technology is now being used during the night. This chapter reviews the effects of
various technological devices (TVs, computers/Internet, video games, cell phones, music players)
on the sleep of children and adolescents. Possible mechanisms explaining these effects (including
displacing bedtime, arousal, light and electromagnetic transmission, and nighttime sleep disruption)
are discussed, as well as potential modifying factors of age, gender, socioeconomic status, and
parental involvement. Directions for future research and recommendations for families and health
professionals are provided in order to continue to improve the sleep hygiene of our youth.
Key Words: children, adolescents, technology, media, sleep

Introduction Despite widespread discussion on the effect of

Sleep hygiene is commonly known as a col- technology on sleep, very few studies have directly
lection of behaviors that promote healthy sleep examined this relationship and still fewer have
(Hauri, 1977) and is often imbedded as a treatment done so using longitudinal or experimental meth-
component within a larger multicomponent treat- odologies. Indeed, this research area is challenging
ment for sleep problems (e.g., cognitive behavior because the pace of technological change often out-
therapy for insomnia). However, it is likely that strips that of the research process. As such, much
many parents will seek information about “healthy of the current research covers “older” technologies.
sleep tips” prior to seeking professional help. This A number of studies have examined the impact of
may lead families to reduce stimulation close to particular items on sleep, including television (TV),
bedtime and promote a bedroom environment that music, gaming, computers and laptops, and fixed
is optimal for relaxation and sleep. Reducing caf- and cellular phones (e.g., NSF, 2011; Tan, 2004;
feine intake, avoiding evening exercise, and ensur- van den Bulck, 2000; 2003; 2007). Increasingly, the
ing their child’s bedroom is quiet and dark are some functionality of these different technologies is being
examples of improving sleep hygiene. Possibly the combined within one portable unit. For example,
most challenging sleep hygiene issue confronting modern cell phones or so-called “smart phones” can
parents of late is the presence and use of technology be used to send, read, and receive text and picture
in their child’s bedroom—but what is the current messages and emails, access the Internet, play and
evidence? record audio and music files, play and record video

files, take photos, play computer games—and even Tzischinsky, 2010), obtaining less sleep (Mindell
make and receive calls—enabling access to a broad et al., 2009; Shochat et al., 2010; van den Bulck,
range of technologies in the one device. These rapid 2004), and having later bedtimes (Oka et al., 2008;
changes pose a challenge to researchers and to par- Shochat et al., 2010; van den Bulck, 2004), later
ents in managing any risks associated with media wake times on weekends (van den Bulck, 2004), and
use in a rapidly changing technological landscape. increased sleep disturbance (Owens et al., 1999).
The present chapter will review the literature As well as the location of TV viewing, the time
in this field, discussing the impact of technology spent TV viewing is associated with a raft of sleep
use on sleep, different aspects of sleep that may be concerns in children and adolescents, including
affected (and the possible mechanisms for this), and later bedtimes on school nights (Adam, Snell &
highlighting the many unanswered questions and Pendry, 2007; Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006;
future research directions. Tynjala, Kannas & Valimaa, 1993; van den Bulck,
2004), and weekends (Oka et al., 2008; van den
The Relationship between Technology Bulck, 2004), less school night sleep (Adam et al.,
Use and Sleep 2007; Mindell et al., 2009; van den Bulck, 2004),
Watching Television less weekend sleep (Eggermont & van den Bulck,
Television viewing has become part of the cul- 2006), difficulty initiating sleep (Eggermont &
ture of many households in developed and devel- van den Bulck, 2006; Gaina, Sekine, Kanayama,
oping countries (van den Bulck, 2000). One study Sengoku, Yamagami & Kagamimori, 2005; Li,
of US children found that 42% of children aged Jin, Wu, Jiang, Yan & Shen, 2007; Tynjala et al.,
2–18 yrs live in homes where the TV is on “most 1993; van den Bulck, 2000), lower sleep efficiency
of the time,” and 58% of children have meals with (Dworak, Schierl, Bruns & Struder, 2007), increased
the TV on (Roberts, Foehr, Rideout & Brodie, nighttime awakening (Owens et al., 1999), greater
1999). School-aged children have been reported likelihood of sleep disturbance (Li et al., 2007;
to spend as much time watching television every Mistry, Minkovitz, Strobino & Borzekowski, 2007;
week as they do going to school (approximately 25 Mitrofan, Paul & Spencer, 2009; Owens et al.,
hours per week; Owens, Maxim, McGuinn, Nobile 1999; Paavonen, Pennonen, Roine, Valkonen &
& Msall, 1999). This pattern of TV viewing does Lahikainen, 2006), and daytime sleepiness or tired-
not appear restricted to North American children. ness (Saarenpaa-Heikkila, Laippala & Koivikko,
In India, children aged 3–10 yrs were reported to 2000; van den Bulck, 2004). TV viewing also affects
spend an average of 18.5 hours per week watch- diurnal sleep, with infants aged 4–35 months experi-
ing TV (Gupta, Saini, Acharya & Miglani, 1994), encing irregular napping (Thompson & Christakis,
while Turkish children in the 2nd and 3rd grades 2005). While most research has relied upon cross-
spend an average of 17.3 hours per week watching sectional associations, one longitudinal study found
television (Toyran, Ozmert & Yurdakok, 2002). associations between TV viewing and subsequent
Not only is TV part of the household milieu, it is sleep problems (Johnson, Cohen, Kasen, First &
an increasing presence in the bedrooms of children Brook, 2004). Johnson and colleagues (2004) fol-
and adolescents. The number of 6th-grade children lowed a cohort of 759 mothers and their children
with a TV in their bedroom has increased from 6% from early adolescence (~14 years), across middle
in 1970 to 77% in 1999 (Roberts et al., 1999), and adolescence (~16 years) and emerging adulthood
has since plateaued (76%; Kaiser Family Foundation (~22 years). They found that increased TV viewing
[KFF], 2010). The proportion of children with a at age 14 predicted difficulties of sleep onset, sleep
TV in their bedroom also increases with increasing maintenance, and having one or more sleep prob-
child age (Owens et al., 1999; Mindell, Meltzer, lems at 16 years and 22 years, after controlling for
Carskadon & Chervin, 2009). However, even very age, sex, prior sleep problems, psychiatric disorders,
young children are being immersed in technol- neglect, parental education and income, and par-
ogy. One study found that 17% of toddlers had a ent psychiatric problems. In addition, Johnson et al.
TV in their bedroom (Mindell et al., 2009). The found that adolescents who reduced their TV view-
effects of this in contributing to poor sleep hygiene ing to less than 1 hour per day significantly reduced
are clear, with children and adolescents with a TV their risk of developing subsequent sleep problems.
in their bedroom spending more time, on average, Worth noting at this point is that not all studies
watching TV (KFF, 2010; Oka, Suzuki & Inoue, have found deleterious consequences associated with
2008; Owens et al., 1999; Shochat, Flint-Bretler & the quantity of TV viewing. A recent study of 14,782

1 14 sle ep hyg iene and environment

adolescents in the United States found that watching watching is consuming a large proportion of chil-
4 or more hours of TV per school day increased the dren and adolescent’s waking time, and (2) that the
likelihood of “sufficient sleep,” defined as at least 8 bedroom presence and use of TVs is associated with
hours of sleep on school nights (Foti, Eaton, Lowry later bedtimes, difficulties initiating sleep, and less
& McKnight-Ely, 2011). This may suggest that TV nocturnal sleep. This is somewhat alarming in that,
watching on school days is a sedentary behavior compared to other forms of technology yet to be
for adolescents which helps to de-arouse them in reviewed, TVs are less portable, are mainly unifunc-
preparation for sleep. In a separate study of Finnish tional, and possess some element of the “knowledge
adolescents, TV viewing of 2 or more hours a day of time” (i.e., when TV programs cease).
did not predict the development or maintenance of
excessive daytime sleepiness (Saarenpaa-Heikkila, Computer and Internet Use
Rintahaka, Laippala & Koivikko, 2000), which may Very few studies have examined the relationship
be due to the study being underpowered to detect between computer use and sleep in a pediatric pop-
even small effects when incorporating several predic- ulation. While computers and laptops have become
tors’ variables (i.e., two small samples were used; N = more commonplace in many homes (Roberts et al.,
68 and N = 75). 1999), as well as in many children’s bedrooms (Li
In addition to the location and quantity of TV et al., 2007), there is suggestion that children cur-
viewing, the timing and content of TV viewing rently spend less time in front of this form of tech-
may affect sleep. Children and adolescents who nology than they do in front of the television (Olds,
watched TV at night reported later wake times on Ridley & Dollman, 2006; Roberts et al., 1999).
school mornings (Adam et al., 2007;Thorleifsdottir, Increased computer use has been associated with
Bjornsson, Benediktsdottir, Gislason, & shorter sleep duration (Foti et al., 2011; Fuligni
Kristbjarnarson, 2002) and weekends (Oka et al., & Hardway, 2006; Punamaki, Wallenius, Nygard,
2008), as well as later bedtimes (Thorleifsdottir Saarni & Rimpela, 2007; Shochat et al., 2010), more
et al., 2002) and increased sleep disturbances includ- variable sleep timing (Fuligni & Hardway, 2006),
ing bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay, sleep anxi- and greater tiredness during the day (Punamaki
ety, and shortened total sleep (Owens et al., 1999). et al., 2007). Adolescents who use a computer at
Among a group of Finnish children, aged 5–6 years, night report worse sleep quality, increased daytime
watching TV at bedtime was associated with greater sleepiness, and more sleep disorders (Mesquita
likelihood of sleep–wake transition disorders and & Reimao, 2007). One study of 19,299 Chinese
disorders of excessive somnolence, while children children aged 5–11 years found that having a com-
who watch TV by themselves were more likely to puter in the bedroom, but not time spent on the
have difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep computer, predicted bedtime resistance and sleep
(Paavonen et al., 2006). At the other end of the sleep anxiety after controlling for child and parent demo-
period, children who watched TV programs that graphic variables (Li et al., 2007).
were aired early on weekend mornings were found One difficulty with these studies is that it
to wake earlier on weekends (Thorleifsdottir et al., remains unclear whether computer use includes
2002). This may be a protective factor, especially in time spent on the Internet. Shochat and colleagues
adolescents, as it may prevent the delay of the circa- (2010) were able to observe this specific behavior,
dian rhythm that may lead to sleep–wake transition with Israeli adolescents (age 14 years) spending
issues. This study also raises another issue in that, more time using the computer for the Internet as
despite parental concerns around TV viewing and opposed to gaming. Furthermore, computer usage
poor sleep, one study of children and adolescents was higher if the adolescent had a computer in his
aged 2–20 years estimated that half of all children or her bedroom (Shochat et al., 2010). Among chil-
and adolescents had no rules around the content dren aged 6–16 years, greater Internet use as well
of their TV viewing (Roberts et al., 1999). While as Internet use before bed were associated with
the content of weekend morning TV programs may later bedtimes on weekdays and weekends, less
be developmentally appropriate for children, this is total sleep time on weekdays, later wake times on
unlikely to be the case for late-night TV program weekends (Oka et al., 2008; van den Bulck, 2004),
content. and more tiredness (van den Bulck, 2004). Among
In summary, TV ownership and use is one of the these groups, very few of the children (Oka et al.,
most studied forms of technology use in relation to 2008) and none of the adolescents (van den Bulck,
sleep. The most consistent evidence is (1) that TV 2004) had Internet access in their bedrooms. Yet,

g ra d i s a r, s ho rt 115
recent data from the United States shows 33% of Cross-sectional research has shown that children
8–18-year-olds have access to the Internet in their with video games in their bedrooms spent more
bedroom (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010). At time playing video games and have later school
the extreme, greater Internet addiction among night bedtimes and less sleep (Oka et al., 2008;
Taiwanese adolescents was associated with short van den Bulck, 2004). Increased time spent using
sleep duration and increased subjective insomnia video games is also associated with later bedtimes
(Yen, Ko, Yen & Cheng, 2008). More recently, the on school nights (Adam et al., 2007; Eggermont
2011 National Sleep Foundation’s (NSF) Sleep in & van den Bulck, 2006; Oka et al., 2008; van den
America Poll found that adolescents (13–18 years) Bulck, 2004) and weekends (Adam et al., 2007;
were much more likely to use computers and lap- van den Bulck, 2004), longer sleep onset times
tops in the hour before the sleep attempt compared (Dworak et al., 2007; Gaina, Sekine, Hamanishi,
to adults over 30 years old, with 61% of adolescents Chen, Kanayama, Yamagami et al., 2006; Gaina
using computers or laptops in the hour before sleep et al., 2005; Weaver, Gradisar, Dohnt, Lovato &
at least a few nights a week (NSF, 2011). Most com- Douglas, 2010), less total sleep (Adam et al., 2007;
monly, computers and laptops were being used to BaHammann, Bin Saeed, Al-Faris & Shaikh, 2006;
access the Internet (53%), send or receive emails Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006; Foti et al.,
(37%), watch videos (20%), or use a word-process- 2011; Oka et al., 2008; van den Bulck, 2004), later
ing or spreadsheet program. These adolescents were wake times on weekdays (Adam et al., 2007) and
significantly less likely to report a good night’s sleep, weekends (Oka et al., 2008; van den Bulck, 2004),
were more likely to be classified as sleepy on the more daytime sleepiness (Eggermont & van den
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Johns, 1991), and more Bulck, 2006; van den Bulck, 2004), and height-
likely to drive drowsy (NSF, 2011). ened physiological arousal (Anderson & Bushman,
In summary, the evidence suggests that computer 2001). Adam and colleagues (2007) used a time-
and/or Internet presence and use is consistently use diary to examine the relationship between video
related to reduced nocturnal sleep and some form gaming and sleep in 2454 children and adolescents
of daytime impairment (i.e., sleepiness or tired- aged 5–19 years. They found that each hour spent
ness). How sleep is becoming restricted in response playing video games was associated with a loss of
to computer/Internet use is yet to be elucidated 10 minutes of sleep in children (aged 5–12 yrs) and
(i.e., later bedtimes, longer sleep latency, or both). 14 minutes in adolescents (aged 12–19 yrs), mainly
Understanding these effects is made more difficult due to later bedtimes (Adam et al., 2007). A num-
due to the variability in how computers are used. ber of these studies reported gender differences in
One of the longstanding uses of computers—video video gaming; however, we address these issues later
gaming—is emerging as one of the most clinically (see Moderating Factors).
detrimental forms of technology in our youth. Unlike prior research examining the effect of
children’s TV and computer use on sleep, which
Video Gaming overwhelmingly relied upon cross-sectional asso-
Studies of school-aged children and adolescents ciations, the effect of video gaming on sleep has
have reported that between one-quarter and one- received more attention in experimental paradigms.
third use video games in the hour before bed (NSF, Dworak and colleagues (2007) compared the sleep
2011; Oka et al., 2008), and a sizeable proportion of 11 young adolescents across three nights includ-
have video game consoles in their bedrooms (Oka ing video gaming (i.e., playing the racing game Need
et al., 2008). While video gaming does not appear for Speed), video watching, and no technology, in
to consume as much time as television viewing in randomized order. Sleep was monitored using home
this age group (Olds et al., 2006; Roberts et al., polysomnography and self-report. Video game play-
1999), playing video games and using the Internet ing resulted in a longer time taken to fall asleep,
before bed have been argued as having a larger nega- increased “light” sleep (stage 2), and less deep
tive impact on the sleep of children and adolescents sleep (stages 3 and 4). Sleep onset latencies (SOLs)
than either watching TV or using cell phones (Oka increased from 11 minutes on the control night to
et al., 2008). Indeed, Internet addiction treatment 33 minutes after video game playing. The authors
centers exist in China, South Korea, Taiwan, the also observed significant individual differences in
United States, England, and the Netherlands (King, participants’ responses to the game. This could indi-
Delfabbro, Griffiths & Gradisar, 2011), with online cate that some children and adolescents may be at
gaming being a significant issue. greater risk for negative sleep-related consequences

1 16 slee p hyg iene and environment

of video gaming before bed. Indeed, recent evi- results in very high access to and use of cell phones
dence has demonstrated that “naïve gamers” (≤1 by youth. Astonishingly, in Sweden, 99.6% of ado-
hour/day) may be more susceptible to the arousing lescents aged 15–19 years reported access to a cell
effects of video gaming compared to “experienced phone (Soderqvist, Carlberg & Hardell, 2008), and
gamers” (≥ 3 hours/day), with a near-doubling of in Japan, 84% of adolescents reported using a cell
sleep latency for the naïve gamers (SOL ≈ 40 min- phone every day (Munezawa et al., 2011). In relation
utes) compared to the experienced gamers (SOL to sleep, the 2011 National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep
≈ 20 minutes) after playing a violent video game in America Poll reported that 72% of adolescents
(Ivarsson, personal communication). Furthermore, bring their cell phones into their bedrooms and use
naïve gamers reported worse sleep quality overall. them when they are attempting to fall asleep. In the
However, meaningful changes to sleep follow- hour before the sleep attempt, 56% of adolescents
ing video game play are not consistently found. sent, read, or received text messages every night or
For instance, 19 Swedish boys (aged 12–15 years) almost every night. This proportion was significantly
played a violent video game (Manhunter), a non- higher among adolescents than older age groups.
violent video game, and a no video game control Texting in the hour before the sleep attempt at least
between 8pm and 10pm in a randomized order a few nights per week was associated with less likeli-
across three nights (Ivarsson, Anderson, Akerstedt & hood of reporting a good night’s sleep, unrefreshing
Lindblad, 2009). No significant differences in sleep sleep, more sleepiness, and greater likelihood of driv-
were found despite an increase in heart rate variabil- ing drowsy (NSF, 2011). Similar cross-sectional rela-
ity following the violent video game. In contrast, tionships have been found between mobile phone use
Weaver and colleagues (2010) found 13 adolescent and sleep disturbances (Munezawa et al., 2011), less
boys (aged 14–18 years) showed no differences in total sleep (Harada, Morikuni, Yoshii, Yamashita &
heart rate when playing a violent video game (Call Takeuchi, 2002; Munezawa et al., 2011; Punamaki
of Duty 4), compared to a slow-paced documentary et al., 2007), poor sleep quality (Munezawa et al.,
(March of the Penguins). A statistical increase in 2011), insomnia symptoms (Munezawa et al., 2011),
sleep onset latency was found (3 minutes following irregular sleep (Punamaki et al., 2007), later wake
the documentary; 7.5 minutes following the video times and more evening circadian typology (Harada
game); however this difference is not meaningful. et al., 2002), and daytime sleepiness or tiredness
Furthermore, no differences in sleep architecture (Munezawa et al., 2011; Punamaki et al., 2007; van
were found between the two conditions. den Bulck, 2007). One study of 1656 Belgian ado-
In summary, evidence is accumulating for a rela- lescents found that among those adolescents who
tionship between video gaming and later bedtimes, reported being very tired, 35% of cases were attrib-
longer sleep latencies, and less nocturnal sleep. This uted to mobile phone use (van den Bulck, 2007).
may likely be due to the stimulating nature of video More than any other device, however, cell phones
games creating longer sleep latencies, alongside this are the greatest technological culprit to create wak-
technology’s lack of “time knowledge” that may ings from sleep. In the United States, 28% of ado-
delay bedtimes. However, replication of these find- lescents reported sleeping with their cell phones in
ings is lacking in controlled laboratory studies. In their bedrooms with the ringer turned on during
addition, few studies have examined the effects of the night, and 18% of adolescents reported being
online gaming on sleep (Lemola et al., 2011), which woken up by phone calls, text messages, or emails
may delay bedtimes, advance rise times in order to at least a few nights per week (NSF, 2011). Due to
play with other gamers in a different time zones, or their portability, the evidence suggests cell phones
result in sleep disruption in order to check online are likely to be used in the bedroom after the lights
gaming progress in 24/7 online games. All of these are turned off. The evidence shows that daytime
behaviors would result in sleep loss, which could impairments associated with cell phone use are
demonstrate observable daytime impairments to common—even in the long term.
significant others (teachers, parents) if performed
on consecutive nights over weeks, if not months. Listening to Music
Listening to music rarely comes to mind when
Using Cell Phones considering pediatric technology use; however,
Cell phones are becoming more commonplace media devices are frequently used by children and
among children and adolescents, and are possibly adolescents to play, record, and share music (Cain
the most multifunctional and portable device. This & Gradisar, 2010; NSF, 2011). Sixty-four percent of

g ra d i s a r, s ho rt 117
adolescents report using an electronic media device the collective effect of technology use, often referred
to listen to music in the hour before sleep attempt, to as “screen time” (Drescher, Goodwin, Silva &
with 59% using computers and laptops and 42% Quan, 2011; Olds et al., 2006). While this does
using a mobile phone to listen to music (Hamblin not allow the examination of unique effects of par-
& Wood, 2002). Using these devices to listen to ticular devices, it does overcome the issue of how
music has been associated with increased sleepiness, to measure media use at a time when children and
less likelihood of having a good night’s sleep, and adolescents use portable products with multimedia
greater likelihood of driving drowsy. In a Belgian capabilities within one device (e.g., cell phones,
study of 2546 7th- and 10th-grade adolescents, over iPads, and laptops).
60% reported using music as a sleep aid. Far from Just over 1000 Australian children aged 10–13
aiding sleep, though, its use was associated with later years completed a multimedia activity recall diary
bedtimes, less total sleep time, and increased tired- for 24 hours on two to four occasions (Olds et al.,
ness (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006). 2006). They reported that a median of 27% of their
The effect that music listening has on sleep is waking hours were spent using electronic media.
likely to depend, at least in part, on the type of On school days, an average of 3 hours and 10 min-
music. One experimental study of 86 elementary utes per day was spent on electronic media and
school children in Taiwan found that listening to 4 hours and 20 minutes on non-school days. Of
sedative music (60 to 80 beats per minute) was asso- the media used, television constituted 73% of all
ciated with improved sleep. Children were randomly screen time, 19% was video games, 6% was non-
assigned to either a music listening group or a no- game computer use, and 2% was cinema going.
music control group. The music group listened to Every extra 1 hour of screen time was associated
music for 45 minutes every day before naptime and with a decline of 10 minutes of sleep per night.
bedtime. Compared to controls, the music-listen- This may seem negligible if only one hour of screen
ing group had improved sleep quality, better sleep time is obtained; however, the impact holds greater
efficiency, and longer sleep duration (Tan, 2004). significance after several hours of screen time, espe-
Unfortunately, the music group was also instructed cially if conducted on a regular basis over weeks
to use breathing and muscle relaxation techniques and months of a school term.
when attempting to sleep, so it is unclear to what Another study found an association between elec-
extent any sleep improvements can be ascribed to tronic screen time (incorporating TV, Internet, com-
the music. Another experimental study found that puter use, and video games) and less total sleep among
toddlers and preschool-aged children who were ran- 10–17-year-olds according to parent report or poly-
domly assigned to listen to classical music during somnography (Drescher et al., 2011). Among 100
the sleep attempt had shorter latencies to sleep onset adolescents from the United States, those who spent
than those who did not (Field, 1999). more time using electronic media between 9pm and
Despite prolific use of music prior to sleep in 6am obtained less total sleep, took longer to fall asleep,
the studies reviewed here, much more evidence is drank more caffeinated beverages, had more daytime
needed to understand the positive (e.g., distraction sleepiness, and were more likely to fall asleep in class.
from worries) and negative (e.g., extending the sleep Among these adolescents, 66% had a TV in their bed-
onset process) influence of music on sleep. This room, 30% had a computer, 90% had a cell phone,
will be challenging and complicated, as listening and 79% had an MP3 digital audio player. Around
to music can be performed not just in the typical 1–2 hours/night was spent after 9pm using electronic
“hour before bed,” but also after lights-out. This can media (Calamaro, Mason & Ratcliffe, 2009)
introduce measurement error for researchers when
attempting to assess sleep latency. Specifically, the Limitations of Prior Research
beginning of the sleep onset process may not be The primary limitation of much prior work is
when lights-out occurred, but the time when the that it has relied upon cross-sectional methodologies
child/adolescent decides to attempt sleep. As this and thus causation cannot be determined. A host
may occur while listening to music, it may be very of other factors may influence both technology use
difficult to estimate—it may even be unknown. and sleep (e.g., poor parental limit-setting, depres-
sion), thus it is possible that this relationship may
Multimedia Use and Screen Time be much more complex. Some studies controlled
While the majority of studies have examined for other demographic and family factors, while
particular media devices, very few have examined others did not. Alternatively, reverse causation may

1 18 sle ep hyg iene and environment

be occurring, whereby children and adolescents who First, a number of studies report gender dif-
cannot sleep (evidenced by later bedtimes and/or ferences in the type or quantity of technology use
longer sleep onset latencies) use technology to fill in (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006; Gaina et al.,
this time. For example, among Belgian adolescents, 2006; Mesquita & Reimao, 2007; Munezawa et al.,
a surprising 28% of boys and 15% of girls used video 2011; NSF, 2006; Olds et al., 2006; Punamaki et al.,
games as a “sleep aid”—that is, to replace lying in 2007; Roberts et al., 1999; Soderqvist et al., 2008).
bed awake (possibly worrying about the present and Boys have been reported as more likely to use video
next day’s events; Gregory et al., 2010) with video games as a sleep aid (Eggermont & van den Bulck,
gaming (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006). A sec- 2006), have a video game console in their bedroom
ond limitation is the lack of uniformity in how both (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006), play video
sleep and technology use has been operationalized. games (NSF, 2006; Olds et al., 2006; Punamaki
For example, measurement of sleep patterns varied et al., 2007; Roberts et al., 1999), use the Internet
from polysomnography to a single self-report item (Punamaki et al., 2007), watch TV (NSF, 2006;
asking subjects what their average sleep was over the Olds et al., 2006; Roberts et al., 1999), use comput-
past month (e.g., Adam et al., 2007; Drescher et al., ers (Gaina et al., 2006), and have more screen time
2011; NSF, 2011; Weaver et al., 2010), and between (Olds et al., 2006; Roberts et al., 1999) than girls.
parent report and self-report (e.g., Drescher et al., Girls are more likely to listen to music (Eggermont
2011; Munezawa et al., 2011; Owens et al., 1999). & van den Bulck, 2006; Roberts et al., 1999), read
Many studies have revealed a small effect size, or books (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006; NSF,
have not considered the clinical or practical signifi- 2006), use cell phones (Munezawa et al., 2011;
cance of any statistical differences. Translating the NSF, 2006; Punamaki et al., 2007; Soderqvist et al.,
true meaning of these research findings to the com- 2008), and use a computer (Mesquita & Reimao,
munity is important, considering the topical nature 2007; Olds et al., 2006).
of this area. Lastly, as we have highlighted in this Second, older children and adolescents are more
section, the relationship between technology use likely to use TV and music as a sleep aid (Eggermont
and sleep may not be so intuitive. The field requires & van den Bulck, 2006), listen to music (Eggermont
a framework in which to understand the complexi- & van den Bulck, 2006), use cell phones every day
ties of this relationship, which may help to inform (NSF, 2006; Soderqvist et al., 2008) and use cell
future investigations and potential “treatments” of phone after lights-out (NSF, 2011), have more
this aspect of sleep hygiene. devices in their bedroom (NSF, 2006), be woken
by incoming text messages (van den Bulck, 2003),
Theoretical Implications and have more screen time (Olds et al., 2006) than
A 2010 review of electronic media use and sleep younger children. Younger children, however, are
in school-aged children and adolescents found that more likely to use books to help them to fall asleep
the most consistent research finding was a relation- (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006).
ship between media use and later bedtimes and Third, socioeconomic status (SES) has been oper-
less total sleep (Cain & Gradisar, 2010). However ationalized in different ways across different studies;
as previously mentioned, the relationship between however, consistent associations between higher SES
technology and pediatric sleep is likely to be com- and decreased media use have been found. Children
plex and to vary according to different factors. Here from higher SES backgrounds are less likely to use
we expand upon the model proposed by Cain and TVs or computers as a sleep aid (Eggermont & van
Gradisar (2010) so as to incorporate new evidence den Bulck, 2006), yet more likely to read books
and perspectives. (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006). They also
watch less TV (Mistry et al., 2007; Owens et al.,
Moderating Factors 1999), are less likely to have a TV in their bedroom
The indirect effect of the bedroom presence (Calamaro, Mason & Ratcliffe, 2009; Owens et al.,
of electronic media, as well as the direct effects of 1999), are less likely to fall asleep regularly in front
daytime and evening use of technology, has already of the television (Owens et al., 1999), and have less
been reviewed in this chapter. Relationships between overall screen time (Olds et al., 2006). As higher
technology use and the child’s age, gender, socioeco- SES has also been associated with better sleep pat-
nomic status (SES), and parenting factors have been terns, including more total sleep and greater ease of
reported and demonstrate the complexities involved initiating sleep (NSF, 2006), SES presents an impor-
when examining effects on sleep. tant factor to include in any study of media use and

g ra d i s a r, s ho rt 119
sleep. Researchers need to be mindful, though, that of children of varying age, gender, and socioeco-
families from lower SES backgrounds may differ in nomic backgrounds. Rather than simply controlling
the types of technological devices owned compared for these factors, a more developed understand-
to families from higher SES backgrounds (i.e., lap- ing of the mechanisms explaining the relationship
tops, tablets, etc.). between technology use and sleep would also help
Lastly, both technology use and sleep may co- to unify the current research, and hopefully give
vary with parenting factors (Eggermont & van den some account to divergent findings.
Bulck, 2006; Paavonen et al., 2006). Although par-
ents’ level of education has been found to be related Potential Mechanisms
to adolescents’ use of TV and video gaming before Several mechanisms have been proposed as
lights out (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006), explaining the relationship between technology
this does not inform of specific parental behaviors use and sleep. These have included sleep displace-
that moderate their children’s evening technology ment, arousal, light exposure, electromagnetic field
use. More direction is provided from a study of exposure, and sleep interruption. While many stud-
young children (aged 2.5–5.5 years), where “paren- ies discuss possible mechanisms, few directly test
tal involvement” in children’s activities was associ- these relationships. It is probably likely that more
ated with less TV watching and less likelihood of than one mechanism is responsible for the effect of
having a TV in the bedroom (Mistry et al., 2007). technology use on sleep, and that the mechanism
Children of single parents have been reported as is likely to vary according to variables pertaining
watching more TV, more likely to have a TV in the to the technology use (type, timing, quantity) and
bedroom, and less likely to have rules about watch- variables pertaining to the individual (age, parental
ing TV (Roberts et al., 1999). Indeed, the American influences, SES, etc.).
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP, 2001) has recom-
mended that parents discourage children under Displacement
2 years of age from watching TV and that children The displacement hypothesis states that tech-
older than 2 years limit their screen time to 1–2 nology use affects sleep by displacing the time that
hours per day of quality programming (i.e., educa- the child or adolescent would usually spend asleep
tional, pro-social content, etc.). In relation to sleep (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006; Gupta et al.,
hygiene, the AAP (2001) has also recommended that 1994; Olds et al., 2006; van den Bulck, 2000;
TVs are not present in children’s bedrooms, yet this 2004). That is, using technology before one’s typi-
is often ignored. Such position statements are also cal bedtime results in delaying bedtime. It is argued
present in other countries (e.g., Canada; Ford-Jones that technological activities are more likely to dis-
& Nieman, 2003), yet lacking from peak pediatric place sleep than structured activities that have a
bodies in other countries (e.g., Australia, United clear beginning and end (e.g., sports practice; van
Kingdom). However, the most common parenting den Bulck, 2004). This notion is consistent with
factor asserted as affecting technology use is paren- findings of later bedtimes and less sleep associated
tal limit-setting (Anderson & Bushman, 2001; with technology use. However, it does not give an
Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006; Owens et al., account for why technology use would prolong
1999). It has been argued that diminished parental sleep latencies. While there is some debate about
limit-setting may lead to increased or inappropriate whether technology use displaces sleep (van den
technology use as well as increased sleep problems Bulck, 2004), displaces physical activity (Olds et al.,
such as bedtime resistance, later bedtimes, and less 200), or simply displaces other activities that may
sleep (Eggermont & van den Bulck, 2006; Owens be part of unstructured leisure time (Gupta et al.,
et al., 1999). Eggermont and van den Bulck (2006) 1994), this issue has only been tested retrospectively
argued that parents who do not control or have any (i.e., gauging differences in bedtimes when using
regard for children’s media use might also be less different devices). Therefore, prospective empirical
likely to control or have regard for their bedtimes. research (i.e., assessing bedtimes before and after a
In summary, the type and quantity of technol- technological device is provided) is needed to fur-
ogy used is likely to vary according to age, gender, ther support this mode of action.
socioeconomic status, and parenting factors. We
recommend that these variables be assessed in future Arousal
research—especially parenting factors, which will Physiological, cognitive, and emotional arousal
eventually help to inform best practices for families are frequently put forward as possible mechanisms

1 20 slee p hyg iene and environment

explaining the relationship between technol- this game did not result in any increases to heart
ogy use and sleep in children and adolescents. It rate or cortisol. Breathing frequency decreased from
is argued that media with stimulating content is baseline, possibly as a response to the increased
likely to result in heightened arousal, which then attention required to deal with unpredictable
impedes sleep onset and potentially shortens sleep stimuli. These results further highlight the effect of
(Anderson & Bushman, 2001; Denot-Ledunois, video game playing is likely to depend on the type
Vardon, Perruchet & Gallego, 1998; Eggermont & of game played.
van den Bulck, 2006; Fleming & Rickwood, 2001;
Ivarsson et al., 2009; Munezawa et al., 2011; Oka Light
et al., 2008; Wang & Perry, 2006; Weaver et al., Light is an important zeitgeber (time giver), and
2010). Particularly among younger children, devel- helps to entrain the individual to the 24-hour circa-
opmentally inappropriate violent or adult content dian rhythm, especially in the morning. However,
may result in emotional arousal and then bedtime exposure to light at night increases the risk of shift-
resistance, long sleep onset latencies, and night- ing circadian rhythms later, a risk already height-
mares (Mistry et al., 2007; Owens et al., 1999; ened during adolescence due to maturational
Paavonen et al., 2006; Thompson & Christakis, factors (Taylor, Jenni, Acebo & Carskadon, 2005).
2005). For example, among 297 Finnish children While a number of studies of technology use in
aged 5–6 years, the content of TV programs was children and adolescents refer to light exposure as
the most important predictor of sleeping problems, a mechanism that affects sleep (Eggermont & van
compared to quantity of TV viewing and quantity den Bulck, 2006; Johnson et al., 2004; Oka et al.,
of exposure to TV (Paavonen et al., 2006). Just over 2008; Thompson & Christakis, 2005), researchers
1 in 10 boys and nearly 1 in 4 girls aged 16–18 years have not directly examined this process. Studies of
reported difficulty falling asleep after watching adults have shown that low-intensity light (100lux)
a suspenseful program on TV at night (van den can suppress melatonin secretion and shift circadian
Bulck, 2000). The experimental work that has been rhythm timing (Boivin, Duffy, Kronauer & Czeisler,
done in this area has focused upon arousal following 1996; Cajochen, Zeitzer, Czeisler & Dijk, 2000;
video game playing. Zeitzer, Dijk, Kronauer, Brown & Czeisler, 2000).
Experimental paradigms that have compared The answer to whether or not light from technology
pre-bed violent video gaming to either a nonviolent devices can exert any effect is likely to be complex
video game (Fleming & Rickwood, 2001; Ivarsson and depend on the intensity, timing, and duration
et al., 2009) or a non-video control condition of light, as well as the wavelength of light. Light has
(Ivarsson et al., 2009; Wang & Perry, 2006; Weaver a stronger delaying effect at greater intensities two
et al., 2010) have found video games to result in hours prior to the endogenous circadian temperature
increased heart rate (Fleming & Rickwood, 2001; minimum (often occurring around 5am; Crowley,
Ivarsson et al., 2009; Wang & Perry, 2006), decreased Acebo, & Carskadon, 2007; Minors, Waterhouse, &
subjective sleepiness (Fleming & Rickwood, 2001; Wirz-Justice, 1991). Yet, the evidence for adolescents
Weaver et al., 2010), increased sleep onset latency is nonexistent. The closest study to date is of young
(Weaver et al., 2010; Ivarsson, personal communi- adults (mean age 24.7 years) playing video games
cation), heightened cognitive alertness (measured as with either a dark display (15lux) or bright display
alpha power; Weaver et al., 2010), higher systolic (45lux) between 11pm and 1:45am. No significant
and diastolic blood pressure, increased ventilation differences were found between the two light dis-
and respiratory rate, increased oxygen consump- plays and their effect on sleep (Higuchi et al., 2005),
tion and increased energy expenditure (Wang possibly due to the bright light display not being
& Perry, 2006) in children and adolescents aged bright enough. Technology devices tend to radiate
7–18 years. These results mirror those found among low-intensity light (Eggermont & van den Bulck,
adults (Hebert, Beland, Dionne-Fournelle, Crete & 2006). Whether or not light exposure from techno-
Lupien, 2005; Higuchi, Motohashi, Liu & Maeda, logical devices is of sufficient brightness, duration,
2005). Research examining a nonviolent video game and proximity to the circadian nadir is a subject for
highlighted that the content of the video game may further research (Lasko, Kripke & Elliot, 1999).
result in differential effects (Denot-Ledinois et al.,
1998). A further illustration was demonstrated with Electromagnetic Fields
10 children (aged 9 years) while playing the puzzle Exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted from
game Tetris (Denot-Ledinois et al., 1998). Playing cell phones has been proposed as a possible mechanism

g ra d i s a r, s ho rt 121
which could interfere with sleep (Hamblin & Wood, per month, 1 in 10 were woken at least once per
2002; Loughran, Wood, Barton, Croft, Thompson week by text messages, while 8.9% were woken
& Stough, 2005; Munezawa et al., 2011; Wood, several times per week and 2.9% reported being
Loughran & Stough, 2006), either through the woken every day (van den Bulck, 2003). Thus,
effect of emissions on sleep architecture, on mela- it would appear that a number of teens are being
tonin secretion, or both. Previous findings have been roused from sleep by cell phone calls and messages.
inconsistent and performed on adults (Hamblin & Eighteen percent of adolescents (13–18 yrs) in the
Wood, 2002); however, enhanced electroencepha- NSF 2011 Sleep in America Poll reported that they
logram (EEG) spectral power in the alpha-wave were woken at least a few nights per week by calls,
band has been reported in several studies of human text messages, or emails on their mobile phone.
and animals (Hamblin & Wood, 2002). One study Over one-quarter of those teens slept with their cell
compared a group of 55 adults who received one phone in their bedroom with the ringer switched
night of 30 minutes of exposure to cell phone emis- on. Whether this suggests that “Generation Z’ers”
sions and one night of 30 minutes of sham expo- (13–18 years) expect to be available 24/7 is yet to
sure, in randomized order (Wood et al., 2006). Total be determined. Emerging evidence is suggesting
melatonin metabolite output was not significantly the socialization and formation of new friendships
different between conditions; however melatonin is a form of enjoyment via technology use despite
output at bedtime was significantly reduced follow- poorer sleep quality (e.g., Smyth, 2007).
ing cell phone exposure, indicating possible changes The NSF (2011) also asked participants about
to melatonin onset time (a marker of circadian the activities they perform during periods when
rhythm timing) following exposure. When consid- they are awake during the night. Of the 35% of
ering individual responses to exposure, the results adolescents who reported waking during the night,
were suggestive of a small number of responders in 32% reported watching TV during wake periods,
the group. This is after only 30 min exposure, which 14% use the Internet, 35% send, read, or receive
is likely to be less than the average amount of time text messages, 32% listen to music on a portable
spent on such a device in the hours before bed. In music device (such as an MP3 player or iPod), 8%
a similar experimental protocol, Loughran and col- play video games, 16% talk on the phone, and 11%
leagues (2005) found a transitory increase in EEG watch videos on a computer, laptop, or mobile
spectral power in the sleep spindle frequency and phone. These statistics suggest these teens had
reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency, easy access to all of these devices during the night.
but no significant changes to sleep quality or mela- Clearly, engaging with these devices (and each other)
tonin secretion following exposure. Inconsistent is likely to extend the period of wakefulness during
findings in adults, coupled with a lack of pediatric the night, thus reducing their sleep obtained. These
studies, mean that the contribution of electromag- results also highlight the importance of consider-
netic emissions to sleep changes following mobile ing technology use during the sleep period, as well
phone use is unclear. as obtaining information about wake periods after
sleep onset, in order to draw casual conclusions.
Sleep Interruption
Moving Forward
While the pre-bedtime period is a time when
Directions for Future Research
technology is often used and is likely to influence the
We propose here areas where future research
timing and onset of sleep, the impact of technology
efforts may be directed in order to keep a current
during the sleep period may also be an important
understanding of the influences of technology use
contributor—particularly among adolescents, and
on sleep, as well as understanding how these effects
mainly with the ubiquitous cell phone. One study
reported that while most cell phone use occurred
immediately after lights out, 20.3% of teens text • Large-scale surveys of children’s and
and 17.3% make calls between midnight and 3am. adolescents’ use of technology are needed on a
An additional 18.6% who send text messages and regular basis to keep up with the rapid advances
20.2% who make calls after lights-out report using in technological devices and their capabilities.
their mobile phone at any time of the night (van Similarly, prospective studies of cohorts will inform
den Bulck, 2007). Among older adolescents (aged of concurrent changes in sleep and technology use.
15–17 years), 1 in 5 reported being woken by an • For large-scale surveys, ideally, standardized
incoming text message between one and three times measures of sleep should be used that capture

1 22 slee p hyg iene and environment

bedtimes, sleep latency, number of awakenings, the exponential growth of the number of children
wake after sleep onset, and total sleep time on and adolescents who use these devices before bed will
school nights and weekends (e.g., School Sleep begin to plateau as it reaches the ceiling of 100%.
Habits Survey; Wolfson et al., 2003). Although the suite of technological activities is not
• In relation to the above, researchers are considered addictive (with the exception of online
asked to pay particular attention to measuring the gaming; King et al., 2011), we nevertheless provide
moderating influences of age, gender, SES and, a range of suggestions based on the principle of harm
most importantly, parental involvement when reduction (Marlatt & Witkiewitz, 2002)—that is,
conducting large-scale surveys. allowing use of technology yet also setting limits
• Experimental studies are also required to to reduce the effects on sleep. These suggestions are
understand the mechanisms of how technology use based on the evidence reviewed in this chapter, as
affects sleep. Currently, most empirical research has well as the model presented in Figure 11.1:
been tested with video gaming. We recommend
• Broadly, we recommend parents remain
researchers also investigate other devices,
involved and knowledgeable about the types of
particularly cell phones.
technology that their children and adolescents
• Researchers are also asked to look at their data
are using. This will help parents and caregivers
for individual differences. That is, which children
to be aware of the content of the media that is
and adolescents are showing the largest responses
being accessed. The AAP already has advice and
to technology use? Why them?
policies with regard to children’s media use, and
• Finally, if a child’s or adolescent’s sleep is affected
we recommend families familiarize themselves
by technology use, then we should expect some
with these (http://www2.aap.org/healthtopics/
negative consequence of this in order for it to be a
problem. Thus, we recommend investigating possible
• Despite the few studies investigating the
impairments (e.g., tiredness, sleepiness, etc.) in both
content of media use, we nevertheless recommend
large-scale surveys and experimental paradigms.
parents use available tools to restrict inappropriate
content. Many TVs have content filters with which
Recommendations for Families and parents can restrict programs according to their
Professionals classification. Parent-controlled timers exist on
Trends indicate the number of technological some TVs and video game consoles that restrict
devices in families’ homes will continue to grow, and the times they can be used, or how long they can

Technology Use and Possible Mechanisms Poor Sleep and its

Moderating Factors Consequences

Age Gender

Screentime Sleep problems

Displacing bedtime
Daytime Increased cognitive and/ Later bedtimes; longer SOL;
Technology or physiological arousal less TST; more NWAK/WASO.
Use Screen ‘light’ alerts and
devices in delays the circadian
bedroom rhythm
Evening Increased tiredness and/or
Technology Nighttime sleep disrupted
by technology presence
and/or use Daytime Impairments

SES Parental

Figure 11.1 Proposed model of the effects of technology use on the sleep of children and adolescents.
Abbreviations: SES = socioeconomic status; SOL= sleep onset latency; TST = total sleep time; NWAK = number of awakenings;
WASO = wake after sleep onset.

g ra d i s a r, s ho rt 123
be played. Content filters are beneficial on all Note
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1 26 slee p hyg iene and environment


Co-sleeping and Self-soothing

12 during Infancy

Melissa M. Burnham

This chapter explores the contextualized nature of the constructs of co-sleeping and self-soothing.
Definitions and relevant theoretical frameworks are considered first, followed by a review of the rele-
vant literature. Self-soothing and co-sleeping are regarded as components of an infant’s developmental
niche and as transactional. That is, one cannot understand or judge the effectiveness of either self-
soothing or co-sleeping outside of the parenting, familial, racial/ethnic, and cultural contexts within
which they occur. It is equally important to consider that infant characteristics are likely to play a role
in the development of self-soothing and family sleep arrangement choices. This chapter reviews the
controversies and research base behind each perspective on co-sleeping and self-soothing to present a
balanced perspective. It concludes with recommendations for future research.
Key Words: co-sleeping, bed sharing, self-soothing, infant sleep, contextual factors, developmental

The regulation of infant sleep across the first wonder that modern parents face unease with regard
year of life is arguably one of the greatest apprehen- to infant sleep regulation. The topics of this chapter
sions for new parents, given that sleep concerns are are particularly timely, given the American Academy
among the top worries brought to the attention of of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death
pediatricians (Lozoff, Wolf, & Davis, 1985). Sleep Syndrome’s (2011) recently revised policy state-
is uniquely situated within a number of embedded ment on safe sleeping environments and the media
contexts, from the macro level of one’s cultural, attention given to a public service announcement
ethnic, and/or societal norms to the micro level of published by the Milwaukee Health Department,
one’s family norms and preferences, and the indi- equating co-sleeping to sleeping next to a butcher
vidual characteristics of the infant herself. Parents in knife. The Milwaukee Health Department ad dis-
modern, postindustrial societies are barraged with plays an angelic sleeping baby on a bed with a
an immense volume of often conflicting informa- butcher knife lying next to her, in an attempt to
tion regarding establishing healthy sleep habits in warn parents of the dangers of co-sleeping (Herzog
their infants. From the neighbor next door whose & Stephensen, 2011). These recent events add to
infant slept through the night from the time he the growing body of information on successfully
arrived home from the hospital, to the pediatrician managing the development of sleep regulation that
who insists that sleep regulation can only occur by postmodern parents face.
following a rigid plan, to the multitude of books The purpose of this chapter is to summarize
written by “experts” with their own unique strate- what is known about co-sleeping and self-soothing
gies, to their own feelings regarding what is right in infancy from the research literature, with a par-
based on their upbringing and family norms, it is no ticular emphasis on the importance of considering

the contexts within which they emerge and develop. Burnham, Goodlin-Jones, Gaylor, & Anders, 2002;
This chapter will define co-sleeping and self-sooth- Teti, Kim, Mayer, & Countermine, 2010). Once
ing, identify important theoretical frameworks that self-soothing emerges, infants are capable of put-
illustrate the contextual nature of these constructs, ting themselves to sleep at night and putting them-
and finally discuss the research that has been con- selves back to sleep after nighttime awakenings. In
ducted on co-sleeping and self-soothing with an fact, most infants do continue to wake up during
emphasis on work that has been conducted over the night across the first year of life; it is the ability
the past 5 years. Although much has been learned, to self-soothe that develops in some infants which
there is a great need for further research to develop a leads parents to believe that the infant is sleeping
greater understanding and more consistent, deliber- through the night.
ate recommendations for parents that recognize and
support contextual variability. Context & Parental Expectations
Consistent with viewing development as
Defining the Constructs embedded within a “niche” (Super & Harkness,
Co-Sleeping 1986), context is important when considering self-
Co-sleeping is a practice that is inclusive of a soothing and co-sleeping. According to Super and
number of different sub-practices, each of which Harkness, viewing child development as decontex-
involves some form of social sleeping environment. tualized and universal ignores the rich complexity
Although some equate co-sleeping with parents and individual differences that occur due to dif-
sharing the same bed with their infants, the more ferences in physical and social settings, culturally
specific term for this sub-practice is “bed sharing.” regulated customs of child care and child rearing,
The term bed sharing distinguishes itself from other and the psychology of caretakers, which comprise
social sleep situations, such as sleeping in the same the child’s “developmental niche.” The culture in
room but on a different sleep surface, or sleeping which one lives, along with one’s socioeconomic
with a different member of the family, which would status and ethnicity, greatly impacts what is consid-
both fall under the broader category of co-sleeping ered “normal” with regard to expectations regard-
(c.f., Burnham & Gaylor, 2011). Using this broad ing sleep habits, sleep locations, and whether sleep
definition, the American Academy of Pediatrics is considered a solitary or social experience, among
actually endorses a form of co-sleeping, namely, others (Latz, Wolf, & Lozoff, 1999; Lozoff, Askew,
room sharing, over the infant’s first year of life & Wolf, 1996; Morelli, Rogoff, Oppenheim,
(American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on & Goldsmith, 1992; Rothrauff, Middlemiss, &
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2011). Despite Jacobson, 2004; Wolf, Lozoff, Latz, & Paludetto,
the existence of more specific terminology, the pop- 1996). Beyond developments that appear univer-
ular definition of co-sleeping equates it as bed shar- sal, such as the tendency for infants to sleep for
ing; this chapter will adopt the inclusive definition. longer bouts during the night across the first year
When discussing specific studies, however, termi- of life, sleep experiences and expectations differ
nology will be clarified in an attempt to maintain greatly across cultures and, indeed, within cultures
consistency and facilitate understanding of what is across parents. Thus, talking about what is consid-
being discussed. ered “normal” with regard to co-sleeping or self-
soothing is problematic at best. What is normal for
Self-Soothing (AKA “sleeping through one family in one context may be completely irrel-
the night”) evant to another family in a different context, both
Self-soothing is simply the ability of an infant within and across cultures.
to self-regulate from a more active or distressed Another important aspect to consider in relation
state into a quieter one. In the context of sleep to the developmental niche framework is the impli-
regulation, self-soothing specifically refers to mov- cations for immigrant families (Meléndez, 2005).
ing from an awake state into a sleep state without In effect, immigrant families may experience what
assistance from or the presence of another person could be considered a niche within a niche, the two
(Anders, 1979). The ability to self-regulate devel- of which may not be compatible. For example, an
ops gradually across the first year of life; parental immigrant family from a culture in which active
emotional availability and specific parenting prac- parental soothing and co-sleeping were considered
tices that allow infants the space to practice this normative, indeed, essential, for healthy growth and
skill are thought to assist in its development (e.g., development may find it challenging to integrate

1 28 co-sle eping and s elf- s oothing

into a culture where such practices are frowned Co-Sleeping: Prevalence, Controversies,
upon and may experience dissonance. This mis- and Research
match “holds the potential for conflict and increases Prevalence
the need for cultural sensitivity and competence in The prevalence of co-sleeping is challenging to
those working with families and young children” pinpoint, partly due to factors related to how co-
(Meléndez, 2005, p. 136). Immigrant families sleeping is defined and partly because of the likely
potentially experience judgment from the host soci- tendency of parents’ self-report to underestimate
ety with regard to their practices. Moreover, their prevalence, especially in societies where co-sleeping
practices, co-sleeping in particular, may be viewed is viewed as dangerous and/or aberrant. Data on
as dangerous, deviant, and in need of modification prevalence must be considered in light of these quali-
(Meléndez, 2005). Meléndez emphasizes the need fications. In general, prevalence has been considered
for practitioners to be sensitive and understand- to be higher in cultures which place high value on
ing when interacting with immigrant families and interdependence as a child socialization goal com-
sharing research-based information from their own pared to cultures which place more value on inde-
culture. pendence (e.g., Asian vs. Western cultures; Nelson,
The transactional model discussed by Sadeh and Taylor, et al., 2001), although the independent–
Anders (1993) and Anders (1994) proposes bidi- interdependent distinction may be an oversimpli-
rectional influences between infant sleep character- fication. Wolf and colleagues (1996), for example,
istics and contextual factors such as parental beliefs, found that both White and Black American families
culture, and so forth. This model has been empiri- in their sample valued fostering independence with
cally supported by the work of Tikotsky and Sadeh their 6- to 48-month-old infants. However, 58% of
(2009), which showed that maternal cognitions Black families co-slept regularly, while only 19%
specific to sleep predicted the sleep characteristics of White families did so. Indeed, the prevalence of
of their infants at 12 months. Moreover, infant co-sleeping among Black families in their sample
sleep characteristics at 6 months predicted mater- was similar to that reported of Japanese families by
nal cognitions at 12 months, supporting the notion Latz and colleagues (1999), despite cultural differ-
that bidirectional influences exist. Specifically, ences between these two groups. Co-sleeping rates
infants who woke more at 6 months had mothers within the United States have been reported to be
who endorsed the need for limits regarding sleep at higher for African Americans, single parents, teen-
12 months, possibly indicating that the poor sleep age parents, and among parents with lower levels
of their infants influenced their cognitions about of education, indicating that co-sleeping has mul-
the need for limit-setting. These authors also found tiple determining factors, culture being only one
that maternal cognitions related to feeling that (Brenner, Simons-Morton, Bhaskar, Revenis, Das,
their infants experienced distress during the night & Clemens, 2003; Weimer, Dise, Evers, Ortiz,
led to more nighttime interventions and ultimately Welldaregay, & Steinmann, 2002; Willinger, Ko,
poorer sleep in their infants. Tikotsky and Sadeh Hoffman, Kessler, & Corwin, 2003). Thus, differ-
conclude “parents of sleep disturbed infants may ences found in sleep environment prevalence cannot
experience an internal discrepancy between the be fully attributed to overarching cultural values.
knowledge of what is the ‘right’ approach and their Further, research does not support a link between
inability to follow this line of action with their own the degree of preschoolers’ independent behaviors
child” (p. 871). Data presented by Burnham et al. and solitary sleeping history (Keller & Goldberg,
(2002) also provide support for the transactional 2004). Indeed, these researchers found more inde-
model, with variables related to the infant, the pendent behaviors among preschoolers who had
sleeping context, and the parent all contributing to a history of early co-sleeping. Both proximal and
the development of self-soothing at 12 months of distal variables contribute to prevalence rates of co-
age. Thus, there is empirical support for viewing sleeping, and there does not appear to be an influ-
the development of sleep characteristics and the ence on children’s degree of independence based
choice of sleep environments using a perspective on whether or not they experience a social sleeping
that acknowledges the importance of both proxi- environment.
mal and distal bidirectional contexts. Considering In perhaps the largest study to examine sleeping
the contexts within which they occur is essential arrangements in the United States to date, Hauck
for any analysis or understanding of self-soothing and colleagues (2008) examined data from the
and co-sleeping. Infant Feeding Practices Study II, an investigation

burn ha m 129
that included regular questionnaire assessments of the ensuing position statements of the American
mothers of infants between 2 weeks and 12 months Academy of Pediatrics (AAP; most recently, AAP
of age (sample sizes ranged from 2353 at 2 weeks Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,
to 1778 at 12 months). Bed-sharing rates were 2011). The controversy, which began brewing in
reported as 41.5% at 2 weeks, 34% at 3 months, the 1990s, was heightened with the publication
31% at 6 months, 28% at 9 months, and 27% at of a US Consumer Products Safety Commission
12 months. These relatively high rates were found (CPSC) Safety Alert (1999), which cautioned par-
despite the fact that the sample underrepresented ents against placing babies in adult beds for sleep
ethnic minorities and mothers with lower socio- due to risks of suffocation and entrapment. An
economic status (Hauck, Signore, Fein, & Raju, article reviewing and analyzing data collected by the
2008). The rates also were similar to those reported CPSC on adult bed hazards was published in the
in a sample from England, where 47% of neonates same year (Nakamura, Wind, & Danello, 1999). In
had shared a bed with a parent at least once (Blair sum, these authors warned of the risks of overlying,
& Ball, 2004) and a sample of Australian infants, entrapment, and suffocation, which resulted in an
41% of which bed-shared between 2 and 12 weeks average of 64 deaths per year for infants sleeping on
(Rigda, McMillen, & Buckley, 2000). It should be adult beds. Other research was published around the
underscored that the relatively high rates of bed same time, warning of an increased risk of Sudden
sharing reported by Hauck and colleagues occurred Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) associated with co-
within the United States, a country where co-sleep- sleeping (e.g., Blair et al., 1999; Carroll-Pankhurst
ing is not recommended by authorities such as the & Mortimer, 2001; Kemp et al., 2000; Thogmartin,
American Academy of Pediatrics or the Consumer Siebert, & Pellan, 2001). A more recent meta-anal-
Products Safety Commission. ysis confirmed a relationship between bed sharing
Bed-sharing rates are generally even higher and SIDS risk (Vennemann et al., 2012). These
for 3-month-olds in other countries (e.g., China: publications spurred reactions from both contex-
88%, Sweden: 65%, Chile: 64%) when compared tual sleep researchers and the American Academy of
to rates within the United States (Nelson, Taylor, Pediatrics, with the former outraged at the seem-
et al., 2001). When co-sleeping is more broadly ing one-sided nature of the admonitions against co-
defined and includes room-sharing, Nelson and sleeping and the latter spurred to develop a policy
colleagues report even higher prevalence rates statement on safe sleeping environments. A full
(e.g., 100% in Beijing, China, 88% in Florence, review of the multiple iterations of the AAP’s policy
Italy, and 91% in Copenhagen, Denmark with statements extends beyond the scope of this chap-
3-month-old infants). It is clear that, in the United ter. Instead, the most recent policy statement will
States and across the world, co-sleeping is quite be discussed in detail.
prevalent, especially when infants are younger. A The most recent iteration of the AAP’s policy
notable exception to this general finding of higher statement on safe infant sleeping environments
prevalence with younger infants comes from a was published in 2011. While earlier iterations had
longitudinal study conducted by Jenni and col- focused on the risk of SIDS from adult–infant bed
leagues (2005). Jenni et al. found that regular bed- sharing, the 2011 iteration rightfully expands the
sharing rates were low (less than 10%) in the first risk to Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID),
year of life and peaked between 3 and 5 years of a broader term that encompasses SIDS as well
age (38%) in their sample of Swiss children. Thus, as any sudden and unexpected death in infancy,
although most studies have reported higher rates whether explained or unexplained (AAP Task
of co-sleeping with younger infants, this finding Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2011).
is not uniform and deserves further investigation According to this policy statement, the subset of
with longitudinal, cross-cultural samples that sleep-related SUIDs includes SIDS, sleep-related
extend beyond the first two years of life. suffocation, asphyxia, and entrapment. This term is
more appropriate, given that it is difficult to distin-
Controversies guish whether an infant death during co-sleeping
dangers is caused by SIDS or is called SIDS but actually
Despite its prevalence within the United States may have been caused by suffocation, asphyxia, or
and worldwide, co-sleeping is highly controversial, entrapment. Further, death scene reports appear
especially in light of several reports of the dan- to be highly variable in classifying causes as SIDS,
gers of co-sleeping in modern, Western beds and accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed,

130 co-sle eping and s elf- s oothing

and/or a combination of factors (Shapiro-Mendoza, alternative viewpoints
Tomashek, Anderson, & Wingo, 2006). Although The AAP position statements, CPSC warnings,
earlier research focused on links between SIDS and and variety of epidemiological research finding links
co-sleeping, the more appropriate link includes between SIDS (or, more appropriately SUIDs) and
this wider variety of causes. The recommendations co-sleeping fueled controversy among a variety of
made in the AAP’s policy statement (2011) that groups, particularly among those endorsing breast-
are specific to infant sleep practices include the feeding, acknowledging the evolutionary context
following: within which infant sleep developed, endorsing
attachment theory, and acknowledging the perva-
1. Back to sleep for every sleep by every caregiver
siveness of co-sleeping worldwide. Co-sleeping has
until 1 year;
been endorsed as a method of maximizing breast-
2. Use a firm sleep surface;
feeding opportunities during the night. Indeed,
3. Room-sharing without bed-sharing is
McKenna and colleagues (1997) reported that
infants who were routine bed-sharers breastfed three
4. Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of
times longer than infants who were routine soli-
the crib to reduce the risk of SIDS, suffocation,
tary sleepers in their laboratory investigation. Ball
entrapment, and strangulation;
(2006) also reported a longer duration of breast-
5. Breast feeding is recommended;
feeding for infants sleeping with their mothers on
6. Consider offering a pacifier at naptime and
a postnatal ward compared to infants sleeping in a
bedtime; and
standalone crib (80 minutes vs. 30 minutes, respec-
7. Avoid overheating (AAP Task Force
tively). Similar, Tollenaar and colleagues (2012)
on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2011,
reported that both partial and full co-sleeping
pp. 1031–1034).
infants in the first 2 months of life received more
Notably, although the AAP actively discourages breastfeeding when compared to solitary-sleeping
bed sharing, the 2011 policy statement includes infants. Baddock and colleagues (2006) reported
a list of specific circumstances that “substantially breastfeeding as 3.7 times more frequent in bed-
increase the risk of SIDS or suffocation while bed- sharing infants compared to those who slept sepa-
sharing” (AAP Task Force on Sudden Infant Death rately. Thus, co-sleeping does appear to increase the
Syndrome, 2011, p. 1033). In effect, although opportunity for breastfeeding during the night.
they are not recommending any bed sharing as Further, co-sleeping proponents often cite the
appropriate, they do provide a list of situations in fact that infant sleep “grew up” in the evolutionary
which bed sharing should absolutely be avoided, context of close body contact with another adult,
thereby indirectly including a list of considerations and thus co-sleeping promotes optimal infant sleep
for safe bed sharing. These include: (a) infant age development (McKenna & Mosko, 1993; Morgan,
under 3 months, (b) bed sharing with a current Horn, & Bergman, 2011). A recent investigation
smoker, (c) with someone who is extremely tired, by Morgan and colleagues (2011) lends support for
(d) with someone using medications or substances this theoretical argument. These researchers found a
that reduce arousal, (e) with anyone other than 176% increase in autonomic activity (measured by
one’s own parent, (f ) with multiple people, (g) on heart rate variability) for 2-day-old infants sleeping
a soft surface, and (h) on a surface with soft bed- separately from their mothers compared to when the
ding (AAP Task Force on Sudden Infant Death same infants slept in skin-to-skin contact. Morgan
Syndrome, 2011, p. 1033). This list indirectly et al. (2011) also reported an 86% decrease in quiet
addresses the concerns of some sleep professionals sleep and a longer latency to quiet sleep for separated
who found the “just don’t do it” recommendations neonates. These findings suggest that separation in
of 2000 and 2005 a bit myopic (e.g., McKenna & the human neonate is an autonomically stressful
McDade, 2005; Morgan, Groer, & Smith, 2006; experience and that skin-to-skin contact may facili-
Wailoo, Ball, Fleming, & Platt, 2004). As stated tate greater autonomic regulation and perhaps brain
by Morgan and colleagues (2006), “to simply development, through its association with increased
admonish parents not to sleep with their infants, levels of quiet sleep. Although this investigation
ever, under any circumstances, is unrealistic, quite included a small sample size, the results support the
possibly unethical, and does not provide the opti- argument that close contact between mothers and
mum in nutrition and sleep physiology for infants” neonates after birth facilitates optimal physiologic
(p. 686). regulation, and thus is most likely the condition

burn ha m 131
under which neonatal physiology evolved (Morgan at night (i.e., active soothing) is related to security
et al., 2011). of attachment, with mothers of securely attached
Research by Tollenaar and colleagues (2012) infants more often picking up and soothing their
provides further support for the argument that infants during nighttime awakenings (Higley &
co-sleeping (defined as either bed sharing or room Dozier, 2009). Further, Teti and colleagues (2010)
sharing) facilitates physiologic regulation. Tollenaar found that maternal emotional availability during
et al. (2012) found increased cortisol reactivity in the bedtime routine predicted quality of infant
response to a mild stressor (bathing) for solitary- sleep in their sample of 1- to 24-month-old infants.
sleeping 5-week-old infants compared to co-sleep- Although not focusing on bed sharing per se, the
ing infants of the same age. This relationship held sample in this investigation did include 13 infants
despite the authors’ controlling for breastfeeding, who co-slept with their parent(s), 5 of whom were
quality of maternal caregiving behavior, infant bed sharing. Co-sleeping mothers and infants in
night awakenings, and sleep duration. The authors this sample did experience more close contact dur-
hypothesize that co-sleeping facilitates greater ing the night than did solitary-sleeping pairs (Teti,
parental contact and thus more external stress regu- Kim, Mayer, & Countermine, 2010). Interestingly,
lation, thus decreasing infants’ cortisol reactivity but consistent with Tollenaar et al. (2012), emo-
during the first 2 months of life (Tollenaar et al., tional availability did not differ between solitary
2012). These findings are indeed controversial, and co-sleeping mothers, although the unequal
given the AAP’s absolute discouragement of bed comparison groups and small sample of co-sleeping
sharing for infants under 3 months old. They do mothers limit the generalizability of this finding.
illustrate, however, that the AAP recommendations Thus, though the evidence is largely indirect, it does
against co-sleeping are not uniformly supported by point to the possibility that co-sleeping may con-
research. Incidentally, there is not universal agree- tribute to parental behaviors that facilitate security
ment in research on cortisol reactivity and co- of attachment.
sleeping. Lucas-Thompson and colleagues (2009) Admonishing parents against co-sleeping also
reported increased cortisol reactivity to inoculation ignores the cultural or ethnic context by which the
in both 6- and 12-month-old co-sleeping infants family abides. As noted earlier in framing this chap-
compared to their same-age solitary-sleeping peers. ter, co-sleeping cannot be understood detached from
As Tollenaar et al. (2012) point out, these differ- its context. McKenna and McDade (2005) note
ent findings may be due to differences in sleep data that “the traditional habit of labeling one sleeping
collection methods (daily diary vs. questionnaire), arrangement as being superior to another without
different definitions of co-sleeping, possible differ- an awareness of family, social, and ethnic context
ences in reasons for co-sleeping at different ages, or is not only wrong but possibly harmful” (p. 134).
possible age-dependent effects on cortisol reactivity Co-sleeping supporters also often cite the fact that
of co-sleeping at different ages. Larger longitudinal separate sleep is a Western, industrialized phe-
samples of a wider age range of infants (e.g., starting nomenon. In most cultures around the world with
in the first month and continuing through the first ethnographic descriptions of nighttime sleep envi-
year) with a greater number of cortisol collection ronments, mothers and their infants sleep in close
points throughout the day and consistent defini- physical contact during nighttime sleep (McKenna
tions and methods of data collection are needed in & McDade, 2005). Further, evidence does not
order to resolve this discrepancy. always support a universal negative impact on infants
Some co-sleeping advocates also endorse an from bed sharing. Wailoo and colleagues (2004),
attachment theory perspective, in which sensitive, for example, point out that one of the largest and
responsive caregiving during the first year of life most sophisticated epidemiological investigations
is thought to influence the development of secure found no association between infant death and bed
attachments between infants and their parent(s). sharing among nonsmoking families. Although the
From this perspective, nighttime caregiving that risk was clear for parents who were smokers, there
promotes sensitive responsiveness would facilitate was no relationship between bed sharing per se and
the development of secure attachment relation- infant death for nonsmoking families. In addition,
ships. To the extent that proximity makes parental although epidemiological research points to the
nighttime responsiveness to infants more likely, increased likelihood of suffocation in bed-sharing
both room sharing and bed sharing would promote situations due to airway covering, Ball (2009) found
secure attachment. Indeed, maternal responsiveness no effect of airway covering during bed sharing on

132 co-sle eping and s elf- s oothing

either infants’ oxygen saturation levels or heart rate. nonclinical samples still require nighttime interven-
Thus, although Ball did confirm that airway cover- tion at 1 year of age.
ing did regularly occur for the majority of infants In a large, cross-cultural comparison of parent
when parents and infants shared the same bed, behaviors and sleep characteristics of over 29,000
she did not find a physiologic effect. Barajas and infants and toddlers in 17 different countries,
colleagues (2011) also did not find a relationship Mindell, Sadeh, Kohyama, and How (2010) found
between bed sharing and later cognitive or behav- that self-reported parenting behaviors at sleep onset
ioral outcomes in children, once child and mother and following nighttime awakenings differed sig-
characteristics were controlled. Given the varying nificantly between primarily Caucasian (P-C) and
evidence, on the one hand, showing a link between primarily Asian (P-A) populations. Although these
SUIDs and co-sleeping and on the other, showing researchers did not study self-soothing directly,
links between breastfeeding, physiologic regula- self-soothing behavior can be surmised based on
tion, and co-sleeping and its ubiquity worldwide, it whether or not parents intervened at night. The
seems premature to uniformly endorse one form of majority of parents in both groups reported that
sleeping arrangement over another for all families. they intervened in some way at sleep onset and fol-
The controversy will remain unresolved until more lowing nighttime awakenings, indicating that self-
sophisticated epidemiological research shows more soothing is not common in infants worldwide. Just
definitive results. 23% of infants in the entire sample were reported
to fall asleep on their own, whereas 31% most com-
Self-Soothing: Prevalence, Research, monly fell asleep in their parents’ bed with their
and Controversies parents present (Mindell et al., 2010). However,
Prevalence these percentages differed when viewed by P-A
As defined above, self-soothing refers to the vs. P-C groups. Fifty-seven percent of infants in
capacity of the human infant to move from a more P-C countries were reported to fall asleep in their
alert to a less alert behavioral state on his/her own. own crib by themselves, whereas this pattern was
In the context of developmental sleep research, the reported for only 4% of P-A infants. Falling asleep
focus is on the capacity of the infant to fall asleep with a parent in the parents’ bed was reported for
at bedtime by him/herself and the capacity to put 38% of P-A infants but only 11% of P-C infants.
him/herself back to sleep following nighttime Following nighttime awakenings, the most com-
awakenings. For the most part, in Western societies, monly reported intervention for the entire sample
this capacity is viewed as an important milestone, was nursing or bottle-feeding (30%), whereas only
and Western parents often seek to maximize the 6% of parents reported allowing the child to cry
chance that their infants will develop it. What has him or herself back to sleep. These results were rela-
been acknowledged for some time is that infants tively similar across groups, with 29% and 25% of
are not “sleeping through the night,” as once com- parents reporting nursing back to sleep, respectively,
monly thought. Instead, many infants continue to for example. The most striking difference was in the
wake up throughout the first year of life; it is the percentage of parents reporting allowing the child
capacity to self-soothe that develops in some, lead- to cry, with only 2% of P-A parents endorsing this
ing parents to believe that their infants are sleeping technique compared to 16% of P-C parents. Thus,
through (e.g., Burnham, et al., 2002). Using objec- although the techniques parents use tend to differ,
tive video observations of nighttime sleep–wake most 0- to 36-month-old infants worldwide are
behaviors, these authors found that self-soothing reported to receive assistance both at bedtime and
increased linearly from 1 month to 12 months of after nighttime awakenings.
age in their longitudinal, nonclinical sample, with
1-month-old infants self-soothing after 28% and Self-Soothing Research
12-month-olds self-soothing after 46% of awaken- Other research on self-soothing focuses not only
ings. Surprisingly, more than half of awakenings at on prevalence but also on the predictors, corre-
12 months did require parental intervention. Similar lates, and outcomes of self-soothing behaviors. As
results were found by the same authors with a cross- discussed above in the section on co-sleeping, Teti
sectional sample (Goodlin-Jones, Burnham, Gaylor, et al. (2010) studied the relative impact of mater-
& Anders, 2001). Thus, although self-soothing is nal emotional availability vs. specific maternal bed-
often thought to be viewed by parents as the ulti- time behaviors on infant sleep and self-soothing
mate goal for their infants, at least half of infants in characteristics, using nighttime video observations.

burn ha m 133
These researchers found that emotional availability and/or feeding or actively soothing the infant at bed-
of mothers during the bedtime routine predicted time would qualify as “extensive” strategies. Thus,
infant sleep quality more than did specific bedtime it is somewhat surprising that the recent observa-
behaviors such as close contact, quiet activities, and tional work of both Teti and colleagues (2010) and
nursing. That is, the quality of maternal–infant Higley and Dozier (2009) have found that the qual-
interactions at bedtime predicted infants’ ability ity of the implementation of these strategies is more
to self-soothe during the night, while the specific important than the strategies per se. The differences
techniques used did not. Infants of mothers with in findings may be attributable to different meth-
lower emotional availability scores tended to both odologies. Morrell and Cortina-Borja (2002) used
wake up more during the night and require addi- self-report questionnaires on soothing strategies
tional interventions at bedtime beyond the first used and perception of infant sleep problems, while
attempt. The authors conclude that, “whatever bed- both of the latter studies used video observations,
time practices parents decide to use, the emotional so were able to analyze the quality of parent–infant
quality of these practices will bear importantly on interactions. It is intriguing to consider that paren-
infants’ ability to settle to sleep and to regulate their tal behaviors once thought to be predictive of night
sleep behavior throughout the night” (Teti et al., waking and self-settling problems are not the only
2010, p. 314). These findings, however, do contra- determinants in a complex web of potential causal
dict extant research, which has reported correlations factors. These recent findings indicate that the sen-
between bedtime soothing strategies and infant sleep sitivity and responsiveness qualities of these night-
characteristics (e.g., Burnham et al., 2002; Tikotsky time interactions are more important to infant sleep
& Sadeh, 2009). Perhaps soothing practices have characteristics than the fact that they occur. Simple
acted as a proxy for emotional quality in previous prescriptions for parents to reduce nighttime inter-
research. Regardless, emotional quality of bedtime action, then, may not be warranted. Perhaps health
interactions appears to be an important variable to care providers and educators should also focus on
include in future research on infant self-soothing. the quality of these interactions.
Interestingly, Teti and colleagues (2010) also An intriguing new line of work has brought
found that emotional availability of mothers was focus to the potential sequelae of self-soothing and
inversely correlated with infant age. That is, moth- nighttime sleep for infants. Most pediatric research
ers’ bedtime interactions were rated as less sensitive to date has focused on the consequences of sleep
with infants older than 12 months, compared to disturbances for school-age children (e.g., Sadeh,
younger infants. This is consistent with the find- Gruber, & Raviv, 2002), thus leaving the potential
ings of Tikotsky and Sadeh (2009), who found that daytime impact of infant sleep and self-soothing
mothers become less responsive with infant age. characteristics largely unknown. To date, those
This decrease is most likely due to a complex inter- studying the development of sleep and self-soothing
play of infants’ own physiological regulatory capac- in infancy have focused on delineating character-
ity, the increasing tendency of toddlers to resist istics, and perhaps impact on parents. However,
bedtime and thus require more directive strategies, the “so what” question, in terms of daytime con-
and mothers’ attempts to try different strategies as sequences, has yet to be answered. Bernier and
infants grow older. colleagues (2010) have initiated a line of research
In their work on nighttime maternal respon- examining sleep regulation and executive function-
siveness and infant attachment, Higley and Dozier ing in 12- to 26-month-old infants, thus beginning
(2009) found that maternal sensitivity during night- to fill the extant gap. These researchers’ measures
time awakenings was related to security of attach- of executive functioning assessed working memory
ment, with secure infants having mothers who (18 months), impulse control (26 months), and a
consistently and sensitively responded to their sig- combination of working memory, set shifting, and
naled awakenings. There were no differences in the inhibitory control (26 months). Sleep at 12 and
number of nighttime awakenings between securely 18 months was measured through 3-day, 24-hour
and insecurely attached infants. Previous research parent diaries. Most interesting in relation to self-
has indicated that “extensive” soothing techniques soothing was that sleep fragmentation (i.e., number
at bedtime and during the night are related to infant of night awakenings that parents were aware of ) did
sleep disturbances (e.g., Morrell & Cortina-Borja, not relate to measures of executive functioning at
2002). One could argue that picking up and actively either 18 or 26 months. Instead, the only consistent
soothing an infant following a nighttime awakening, relationship with executive functioning emerged

134 co-sle eping and s elf- s oothing

for percent of sleep occurring at night at both 12 to create the “perfect storm” for parental distress.
and 18 months (Bernier et al., 2010). Children Focusing on reducing the number of nighttime
obtaining more nighttime sleep (i.e., less time nap- interventions necessary has been shown to improve
ping during the day) had higher scores, especially parental feelings of well-being (e.g., Sadeh, Mindell,
on the measure relating to impulse control, even & Owens, 2011; Wolfson, Lacks, & Futterman,
when controlling for socioeconomic status and gen- 1992). Clinicians often point out that if non-self-
eral cognitive ability. The line of research focusing soothing is a problem for parents, then it is a prob-
on daytime correlates of infant sleep characteristics lem that deserves attention. According to Sadeh
provides a rich foundation for future work. Thus far, and colleagues (2011), “ . . . it is certainly in the best
there is no direct evidence that non-self-soothing is interests of the infant to have healthy, well-rested
detrimental to infants’ daytime functioning, at least and ultimately more responsive parents” (p. 335).
with regard to executive functioning. There is some indication that sleep during the first
year does relate to cognitive and psychomotor infant
Controversies development, although the relationships are much
Similar to the controversy with regard to co- more clearly defined in older children and adults,
sleeping, a comparable controversy exists with and there is no research to date that suggests the
regard to whether or not the development of self- relationship is causal in infancy (Ednick, Cohen,
soothing should be encouraged in infants dur- McPhail, Beebe, Simakajornboon, & Amin, 2009).
ing the first year of life. A commonly prescribed Thus, in promoting self-soothing during infancy,
technique to promote self-soothing is extinction, clinicians on this side of the debate focus on (a) the
which involves eliminating or gradually reducing impact on parents of infant non-self-soothing, and
parental responsiveness to infants’ signaling behav- (b) the research pointing to correlations between
ior at night (Jenni & O’Connor, 2005). Ramos and sleep characteristics and daytime function.
Youngclarke’s (2006) review of parenting advice On the other hand, many developmental sleep
books found that 61% of books surveyed endorsed researchers point to the complexity and contex-
an extinction method. However, extinction meth- tualized nature of self-soothing, and thus do not
ods are not universally sanctioned, most notably by endorse a one-size-fits-all approach. Indeed, not all
proponents of attachment theory who believe that parents place a high value on the development of
consistent sensitive responsiveness is important for their infants’ ability to self-soothe (Germo et al.,
the parent–infant relationship. It is largely recog- 2009). Germo et al. found that parents who began
nized that if an infant’s non-self-soothing and con- bed sharing during the first year and beyond tended
tinued awakenings are not a problem for parents, to place a lower importance on their infants’ abil-
then they are not a problem that needs to be “fixed” ity to sleep through the night, compared to parents
(e.g., Germo, Goldberg, & Keller, 2009; Jenni & who maintained solitary sleeping arrangements.
O’Connor, 2005; Wolf et al., 1996). Indeed, this Not surprisingly, these parents also reported less dif-
notion is supported by the work of Bernier and col- ficulty in helping their child to sleep through the
leagues (2010), who found no relationship between night than did mothers who endorsed solitary sleep-
sleep fragmentation and executive functioning. ing and self-soothing. Thus, parenting values and
However, whether or not parents should encour- expectations, once again, are found to be impor-
age self-soothing during the first year is still highly tant correlates to infants’ sleep and self-soothing
contested. characteristics. Other researchers have pointed out
On the one hand, many parenting advice books that parental expectations regarding infant sleep are
and well-intentioned, but mostly not sleep-trained, influenced by culture and race/ethnicity, such that
Western clinicians appear to support a “self-sooth- parents who anticipate self-soothing as “normal”
ing is best” platform (Jenni & O’Connor, 2005). are more distressed by non-self-soothing, and thus
Pediatric sleep clinicians see parents who suffer bring these concerns to clinicians and seek interven-
the effects of their infants’ non-self-soothing, and tion techniques (Jenni & O’Connor, 2005; Milan,
thus recommend strategies to help the infant learn Snow, & Belay, 2007). Milan et al. (2007) found
to self-soothe. The focus of these techniques is to that a significantly greater percentage of White
change infant behavior and thus improve parental mothers in the United States reported that their
well-being. Both parental expectations regarding infants’ sleep was troublesome compared to African-
infants’ sleeping through the night and demands American and Latina mothers. The sense of distress
of the daytime work environment may combine that parents feel by non-self-soothing is summarized

burn ha m 135
best in one mother’s response during an interview of interesting points that are worthy of discussion
on sleep practices: “She doesn’t go to sleep by her- rather than outright dismissal.
self and that means she’s never going to be an inde-
pendent person” (Rowe, 2003, p. 188). Thus, there Conclusion
is a complex interplay between culture, parenting Although much has been learned about co-
values, parental expectations, and race/ethnicity and sleeping and self-soothing through the rigorous
viewing infant sleep behaviors as problematic. work of sleep and development researchers over the
Further, as discussed above, Higley and Dozier past decade, there is clearly more work to be done.
(2009) have reported a relationship between moth- Further research into both co-sleeping and self-
er–infant attachment and infant self-soothing at soothing is sorely needed, particularly that which
12 months. Specifically, securely attached infants includes an analysis of a rich variety of contextual
did tend to signal for their mothers during the factors (e.g., culture, race/ethnicity, parenting val-
night, with 63% being classified as clear signalers. ues) and a measure of the quality of nighttime par-
Perhaps more importantly, these researchers found enting interactions rather than only the behaviors
a strong relationship between attachment style themselves. Epidemiological research on the cor-
(secure/insecure) and mothers’ patterns of night- relates of SUIDS should include a wide variety of
time interactions. Mothers of securely attached potential variables, including both bed sharing and
infants picked up and soothed their infants during independent sleep arrangements, along with covari-
nighttime awakenings significantly more than did ates such as race/ethnicity, in order to disentangle
mothers of insecurely attached infants; however, the relationships previously found between bed
there was no difference in frequency of responding sharing and SUIDS. Further, this research should
between the two groups. Further, consistent with consider a detailed account of the death scene, such
previous nighttime observational research (e.g., that other factors (e.g., parental intoxication, bed-
Burnham et al., 2002), about half of 12-month- ding) can be included in analyses. Research designs
olds, regardless of attachment status, were placed should be longitudinal wherever possible to exam-
into their cribs already asleep. According to Higley ine the same infants and parents across time, and
and Dozier, “the interactions most characteristic of sleep and nighttime interaction measures should be
secure dyads involved infants signaling their awak- objective (e.g., in the form of actigraphy, video, or a
enings with fussing or crying and mothers respond- combination thereof ). While correlational research
ing quickly by picking up and soothing the baby” is helpful in determining relationships between vari-
(p. 357). Although directionality cannot be inferred, ables, experimental designs would greatly enrich the
the correlation between sensitive and responsive field and allow for analysis of causal relationships.
interactions at night and infant–mother attachment Finally, research should continue along the path
security warrants further attention. initiated by Bernier and colleagues (2010), analyz-
A recent theoretical review also calls into question ing the daytime impact of sleep regulation during
the universal endorsement of extinction approaches infancy. It is only through careful attention to sleep
to nighttime sleep training (Blunden, Thompson, development across infancy, analyzed within its
& Dawson, 2011). These researchers point out that developmental niche, that we will be capable of dis-
disregarding an infant’s cry, arguably his/her only entangling the complex web of influential factors.
method of communicating distress, requires parents If anything, this chapter illuminates the fact that
to ignore “their emotional and instinctive drives” co-sleeping and self-soothing in infancy are complex
(p. 328). Blunden et al. further note that extinc- phenomena. They must be understood in the famil-
tion methods are gauged “successful” if they result ial and cultural contexts within which they occur.
in a decrease in nighttime crying and parental inter- Safety factors must be an added consideration in
ventions; however, it is unknown how the infant relation to co-sleeping. Two ultimate recommen-
interprets and experiences the lack of responsiveness dations are suggested: First, we need to continue
to his/her attempts at communicating distress. In the rich lines of research begun in these two areas,
their conclusion, Blunden and colleagues encour- particularly with family context and quality of par-
age researchers “to consider that ‘desirable’ infant enting considered. Second, parents would benefit
sleep behavior is . . . morally and culturally defined” from receiving valid, reliable, consistent, research-
(p. 332) (see Moore and Mindell, Chapter 37). based information on both co-sleeping and self-
As self-identified challengers of the status quo, soothing so that they can make informed decisions.
Blunden and colleagues raise to awareness a number Although it would be impossible, and perhaps not

136 co-sle eping and s elf- s oothing

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may behoove the actual experts (i.e., the researchers S. M., & Taylor, B. J. (2006). Differences in infant and
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tions and infant sleep: A longitudinal study from pregnancy Clinical Pediatrics, 41, 433–438.
through the first year. Child Development, 80, 860–874. Willinger, M., Ko, C-W., Hoffman, H. J., Kessler, R. C., & Corwin,
Tollenaar, M. S., Beijers, R., Jansen, J., Riksen-Walraven, J. M. A., & M. J. (2003). Trends in infant bed sharing in the United States,
de Weerth, C. (2012). Solitary sleeping in young infants is asso- 1993–2000: The national infant sleep position study. Archives
ciated with heightened cortisol reactivity to a bathing session but of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 157, 43–49.
not to a vaccination. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 167–177. Wolf, A. W., Lozoff, B., Latz, S., & Paludetto, R. (1996). Parental
Vennemann, M. M., Hense, H-W., Bajankowski, T., Blair, P. S., theories in the management of young children’s sleep in Japan,
Complojer, C., Moon, R. Y., & Kierchl-Kohlendorfer, U. Italy, and the United States. In S. Harkness & C. M. Super
(2012). Bed sharing and the risk of Sudden Infant Death (Eds.), Parents’ Cultural Belief Systems: Their Origins, Expressions,
Syndrome: Can we resolve the debate? The Journal of and Consequences (pp. 364–404). New York: Guilford.
Pediatrics, 160, 44–48. Wolfson, A., Lacks, P., & Futterman, A. (1992). Effects of par-
Wailoo, M., Ball, H., Fleming, P., & Platt, M. W. (2004). Infants ent training on infant sleeping patterns, parents’ stress, and
bed-sharing with mothers. Archives of Disease in Childhood, perceived parental competence. Journal of Consulting and
89, 1082–1083. Clinical Psychology, 60, 41–48.

burn ha m 139

The Impact of Pediatric Chronic

13 Illness on Caregiver Sleep and
Daytime Functioning
Lisa J. Meltzer and Colleen M. Walsh

While sleep disruptions are common for parents of typically developing children, caring for a child with
a chronic illness often goes above and beyond typical parenting. This chapter reviews the impact of
pediatric chronic illness on caregiver sleep and daytime functioning, including the prevalence, potential
causes, and consequences of caregiver sleep disruption. Detailed knowledge of potential causes and
consequences of sleep disruption in parental caregivers is limited. Possible sources of parent sleep
disruption include nighttime medical caregiving, frequent monitoring of illness symptoms or required
technology, child sleep disruptions, and emotional stress. In turn, sleep disruptions may impact
caregiving as well as parental psychological distress, health, cognitive daytime functioning, interpersonal
relationships, and quality of life. Longitudinal and intervention studies are needed that address
the limitations of the existing literature, focusing on relationships among child and caregiver sleep
disturbance, child disease-related symptoms, and consequences for caregiver daytime functioning.
Key Words: caregivers, children, pediatric, chronic illness, parents, sleep

Introduction (Perrin, Bloom, & Gortmaker, 2007). In the United

Sleep disruptions are common among parents of States, between five and nine million children have
typically developing children, and have been asso- a pediatric chronic illness, including asthma, diabe-
ciated with excessive sleepiness (Boergers, Hart, tes, and cystic fibrosis (Child and Adolescent Health
Owens, Streisand, & Spirito, 2007), increased Measurement Initiative, 2005; Perrin et al., 2007).
fatigue, and impairment of mood and daytime Compared to parents of healthy children, parents of
functioning (Meltzer & Mindell, 2007). However, children with chronic illnesses often have worsened
sleep disturbance experienced by caregivers of chil- functioning compared to before their child’s diagno-
dren with pediatric chronic illnesses often results sis (Kazak, 2001), including reported elevated levels
in a greater overall negative impact, particularly on of parenting stress (Gallagher, Phillips, & Carroll,
caregiver daytime functioning (Cottrell & Khan, 2010), anxiety during and after the child’s treatment
2005; Meltzer & Mindell, 2006; Moore, David, (Best, Streisand, Catania, & Kazak, 2001), and
Murray, Child, & Arkwright, 2006). poorer health (Raina et al., 2005). Along with the
Caregiving goes beyond the requirements of demands and stress of being a medical caregiver for
normal parenting, requiring a parent or guardian the child, parental sleep disruptions provide another
to provide medical care within the home. Though underlying mechanism that contributes to these neg-
not universally defined, pediatric chronic illness is ative outcomes (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). Further,
commonly characterized as a health condition last- daytime consequences of sleep disruption may
ing or expected to endure for at least 12 months adversely impact parents’ ability to provide the best

1 40
possible care to their child. Despite the prevalence of The sleep issues of a typically developing child
pediatric chronic illness and increased interest in this not only impact the parents’ sleep, but also areas of
area, detailed knowledge of the potential causes and parental daytime functioning. Frequent sleep dis-
consequences of sleep disruption in the caregiving turbance, particularly among mothers, may result
population is not widely recognized. Traditionally, in detriments to health and mood, and contribute
caregiver research has placed little emphasis on to stress and fatigue (Boergers et al., 2007; Martin,
parental caregivers, with the focus primarily on care- Hiscock, Hardy, Davey, & Wake, 2007; Meltzer
givers of adults with dementia or cancer. & Mindell, 2007). Due to the unique challenges
This chapter reviews the current literature of the caregiver role, parental caregivers are likely
regarding the impact of pediatric chronic illness to report similarly deleterious experiences on
(from infancy through adolescents) on caregiver yet another level, with a multitude of sources of
sleep and daytime functioning, with a focus on the sleep disruptions and more serious challenges and
prevalence, potential causes, and consequences of implications.
caregiver sleep disruption. For the remainder of this
chapter, unless otherwise stated, the term caregiver Caregiving: Above and Beyond Parenting
includes parents or other family members (e.g., The demands of informal caregiving, where a
grandparents, foster parents) who are responsible parent or guardian often becomes a medical pro-
for all aspects of the day-to-day care of the child. vider within the home, go above and beyond typical
We will begin with a description of general sleep parenting. In addition to performing typical day-to-
disruptions commonly reported by parents of typi- day parenting activities (e.g., preparing meals, bath-
cally developing children, as well as children with a ing, etc.), at any given time the caregiver must be
chronic illness. We will then review potential sources ready to administer medical care, manage the child’s
and causes of sleep disruption for these caregivers, disease symptoms, attend medical appointments
as well as the consequences of sleep disruption for or hospitalizations, and assist in treatment delivery
specific areas of caregiver functioning. Finally, the (Brown et al., 2008). While allowing the caregiver to
limitations of the current literature, recommenda- play an important and rewarding role in the child’s
tions for future research, and clinical implications health care, the strain of these added, uncompen-
will be addressed. sated responsibilities may present challenging situ-
ations and negatively impact various realms of the
Sleep Disruptions in Parents of Typically caregiver’s life, such as daytime functioning, marital
Developing Children relationship, and employment (George, Vickers,
It is common for parents of all children to expe- Wilkes, & Barton, 2008). For example, it may be
rience sleep disruptions (Boergers et al., 2007; necessary for the caregiver to use sick time or mod-
Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). A common culprit for ify working arrangements in order to attend the
parental sleep disruptions is the child, whose own child’s medical visits, possibly leading to financial
disrupted sleep often results in the child seeking stress and workplace tension (Brown et al., 2008;
parental attention. Young children may experience Diette et al., 2000; George et al., 2008). In addi-
developmentally appropriate, though undesirable, tion, caregiver stress is often exacerbated by high
sleep issues such as night terrors, bedwetting, and medical bills, costs of treatment equipment, and
trouble falling asleep alone, which may require the other out-of-pocket expenses.
presence of the parent and result in sleep disrup- In some cases, caring for a child with a chronic
tions for both parent and child. illness also has a detrimental effect on the marital
Interestingly, a recent study has suggested that relationship, with studies reporting parents’ descrip-
parents may frequently underestimate the sleep tions of changes in marital satisfaction, decline in
needs of children while overestimating the adequacy sexual interactions, and general feelings of carry-
of sleep experienced by them. When surveying par- ing a burden (Brown et al., 2008; Coffey, 2006).
ents on their current knowledge and beliefs about Similarly affected are single parents and lone care-
sleep practices, Owens and Jones (2011) found givers of a child or adolescent with a chronic ill-
that compared to typical recommendations, 76% ness (Brown et al., 2008). While the literature is
of parents of young children (N = 184) underes- severely limited, there is evidence of higher levels of
timated the sleep needs of their children, while a psychological distress, predominantly among single
mere 8% noted their children’s sleep duration to be mothers, immediately following the child’s diagno-
inadequate. sis (Dolgin et al., 2007).

m elt zer, wa l s h 141

An additional challenge often faced by caregivers disruptions and need for parental nighttime caregiv-
is the need to deal with pediatric conditions that ing is high among children with physical disabilities
require specialized care during the night (George (Hemmingsson, Stenhammar, & Paulsson, 2008;
et al., 2008). In particular, technology-dependent Wright, Tancredi, Yundt, & Larin, 2006), cere-
children, such as those needing ventilator-assis- bral palsy (Newman, O’Regan, & Hensey, 2006),
tance, may require additional caregiving support and eczema (Reid & Lewis-Jones, 1995). Further,
from trained home–health care medical profession- caregivers of these children reported experiencing
als, such as home-care nurses or respite providers significantly greater sleep disturbances than those
(Meltzer, Boroughs, & Downes, 2010). However, reported by parents of healthy, typically develop-
it is regularly left to the caregiver to fill this role, ing children in the same age group (Newman et al.,
often at a moment’s notice and particularly at night- 2006; Wright et al., 2006).
time when there is a shortage of available trained
professionals. Due to prohibitive costs and nursing Potential Causes of Sleep Disruptions for
shortage, caregivers often receive inconsistent home Caregivers
nursing coverage or no nighttime assistance at all Pediatric caregivers have reported experiencing
(Meltzer et al., 2010; Quint, Chesterman, Crain, elevated rates of sleep disruption in comparison to
Winkleby, & Boyce 1990). caregivers of typically developing children (Meltzer
Finally, most caregivers report having no signifi- & Mindell, 2006; Meltzer & Moore, 2008). While
cant issues with daytime functioning prior to their they may experience sleep disruptions commonly
child’s diagnosis; however, following diagnosis and reported by most parents of young children, a mul-
treatment, parental caregivers may be at risk for titude of additional potential sources or causes of
post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS; Best et al., sleep disruption exist due to the unique experience
2001; Kazak et al., 2004), as well as poorer health- of the caregiver role.
related quality of life (Klassen et al., 2008), more
distress (Bonner, Hardy, Willard, & Hutchinson, Medical Management Responsibilities
2007; Reiter-Purtill et al., 2008), and more sleep Caregivers are often tasked with the responsibil-
disturbances (Gedaly-Duff, Lee, Nail, Nicholson, ity of managing their child’s medical care. However,
& Johnson, 2006). some medical management responsibilities, such
Yet, despite the above-mentioned challenges and as illness symptom monitoring (Williams et al.,
hazards of being a pediatric caregiver, surprisingly 2000) and nighttime caregiving (Gedaly-Duff et al.,
little is known about the interplay between a child’s 2006), may necessitate vigilance or administration
chronic illness, the caregiver’s own sleep, and the at intervals throughout the night. For example,
resulting impact on caregiver daytime functioning caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes, one of
(Meltzer & Moore, 2008). the most common pediatric chronic illnesses, may
regularly monitor nighttime blood glucose levels
Prevalence of Sleep Disruptions among for hypoglycemia (Monaghan, Hilliard, Cogen,
Caregivers & Streisand, 2009; Sullivan-Bolyai, Deatrick,
In a review of the available literature through Gruppuso, Tamborlane, & Grey, 2002). Similarly,
2007, prevalence rates of sleep disruptions (e.g., the caregiver of a young child with epilepsy may
poor sleep quality, insufficient sleep quantity) worry about the timing of the next unpredictable
among pediatric caregivers ranged from 15% to seizure, particularly if the child is newly diagnosed
86% (Meltzer & Moore, 2008). Much of the wide (Modi, 2009). This places the burden of medical
variance may be explained by the different defini- responsibility directly on the caregiver, as in some
tions of sleep disruptions, the large variety of pediat- cases the consequences of infrequently monitoring
ric chronic illnesses—which include asthma, atopic the child’s condition and symptoms may result in
dermatitis, diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and ventilator- medical complications, errors, unintended injuries,
dependency, among many others—and by different or fatalities.
design methodologies, which are largely qualitative Further, studies have demonstrated that sleep
or mixed methods. Few studies have compared the problems and nighttime caregiving needs may
prevalence of sleep disruptions among caregivers vary among diagnoses and are dependent on spe-
across pediatric illnesses or a similar comparison cific symptoms and frequency or type of treat-
group, such as parents of healthy, typically devel- ment administration (Hemmingsson et al., 2008).
oping children. However, the prevalence of sleep Evidence exists that certain types of treatment for

1 42 c are giver s leep and day time fun c t i o n i n g

the child’s condition, such as medication, may chronically ill children when they experience dis-
negatively impact the child’s sleep, in turn possibly turbed sleep resulting from their medical conditions
impacting caregiver sleep (Lewandowski, Ward, & or symptoms related to their diagnoses, such as pain
Palermo, 2011). For example, there is evidence for (Hinds et al., 2007) or side effects from medications
increased tiredness, fatigue, and significant sleep (Zupanec, Jones, & Stremler, 2010), which in turn
disturbances including night wakings among pedi- may require nighttime attention by the caregiver.
atric cancer patients using corticosteroids (Drigan, For example, compared to healthy children, chil-
Spirito, & Gelber, 1992; Harris et al., 1986; Sanford dren with cancer are reported to have more night
et al., 2008). During certain phases of cancer treat- wakings requiring parental attention (Gedaly-Duff
ment, patients cycle on and off oral and intravenous et al., 2006; Hinds et al., 2007; Meltzer & Moore,
corticosteroids, with interim side effects including 2008).
higher levels of mood disturbance (Stuart, Segal, & Similar to typically developing children, sleep
Keady, 2005) and increased pain (Gaynon & Siegel, disturbance in children with chronic illnesses
2002). has also been associated with the presence of the
Finally, caregiver’s sleep may be disrupted as a child in the caregiver’s bed (Sullivan-Bolyai, Knafl,
result of false monitor alarms, specifically for tech- Deatrick, & Grey, 2003). However, in contrast to
nology-dependent children such as those assisted parents of healthy, typically developing children,
by a mechanical ventilator (Heaton et al., 2006; co-sleeping with children who have chronic ill-
Meltzer & Mindell, 2006; Meltzer et al., 2010). ness may result from heightened vigilance of ill-
ness symptoms, caregiving requirements during
Location of the Child’s Care the night, pain complaints from the child, or child
The location at which the child receives the sleep onset difficulties, where the child needs the
majority of care may affect the caregiver’s sleep as parent present in order to fall asleep (Meltzer &
much as the child’s prognosis. Both hospitalization Moore, 2008). Among caregivers of children with
and home care can lead to caregiver sleep disruption, physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mus-
whether as a result of anxieties pertaining to the cular dystrophy, and spina bifida, the need for
child’s inpatient experience or needing to provide parental nighttime attention is also high, as pain
medical care throughout the night in one’s home. experienced by the child is associated with sleep
Caregivers of a child staying in a hospital are not problems and the need for parental support dur-
only given the opportunity to remain at the bed- ing the night (Hemmingsson et al., 2008; Wright
side overnight, but are also often encouraged and et al., 2006).
even expected to room-in with the child (Stremler,
Wong, & Parshuram, 2008). Given the limited pri- Emotional Stress
vacy, overcrowding, and general distress associated Additionally, pediatric caregivers may experi-
with a typical hospital visit, caregiver’s sleep while ence emotional stress, worries, and anxieties about
at the bedside is easily disrupted (Dudley & Carr, the child’s illness or treatment as a common source
2004; Stremler et al., 2008). Equally, caregivers of of sleep disturbance (Ferrell, Rhiner, Shapiro, &
children whose conditions require home health care Dierkes, 1994). In some studies, caregivers have
provision, such as those dependent upon technol- reported pervasive uncertainty regarding the child’s
ogy, may be required to fill the role typically per- illness (Stewart & Mishel, 2000), psychological
formed by trained home health care professionals distress (Bonner et al., 2007), and worry about
(Quint et al., 1990). As a consequence of inconsis- the future (Murphy, Christian, Caplin, & Young,
tent home nursing coverage or lack of any overnight 2006). They may be hypervigilant during the night,
assistance, caregivers often forego nights of uninter- monitoring the child’s illness due to worry or fear
rupted sleep in order to monitor, administer, and for the future (Williams et al., 2000), or experi-
provide care for their child throughout the night ence frequent night wakings themselves due to
(Meltzer et al., 2010). stress related to the child’s health issues (Meltzer &
Mindell, 2006).
Disturbance of the Child’s Sleep Thus, because of caregiving demands and the
Not surprisingly, the disturbed sleep of the child child’s disrupted sleep, a number of different causes
is often a major cause of sleep disruption for the may contribute to the sleep disturbance of the
caregiver. While this correlation is true for nearly caregiver, with consequences that should not go
all parents and caregivers, it is heightened among unnoticed.

m elt zer, wa l s h 143

Consequences of Sleep Disruptions on experiencing significant shorter sleep duration, but
Daytime Functioning in Caregivers they do have sleep that is highly fragmented (Meltzer
While parents of most healthy, typically devel- & Avis, 2011). Studies examining the level of injury
oping children may report experiencing unwanted risk or medical errors associated with caregiver sleep
consequences of repeated sleep disruption, the dis- loss are needed.
turbed sleep of caregivers of children with pediatric
chronic illnesses often results in a greater overall Sleep Quality
negative impact on various areas of daytime func- Caregivers who report frequent vigilance and
tioning and has strong implications for caregiving caregiving during the night have reported reduced
ability. Two of the most common complaints asso- total sleep time as well as diminished sleep quality
ciated with sleep disruption are excessive daytime (Ferrell et al., 1994; Meltzer et al., 2010). Frequent
sleepiness (the tendency to fall asleep when the worrying about the child’s condition can also result
individual would otherwise be awake and alert) and in difficulty falling asleep, shorter sleep quantity,
fatigue (a general lack of physical and/or cognitive and lack of restful sleep, which may also contribute
energy not relieved by increased sleep). to increased daytime tiredness and fatigue in parents
(Ferrell et al., 1994; Gallagher et al., 2010; Gedaly-
Daytime Functioning and Duff et al., 2006; Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). As
Caregiving Ability previously described, parents may be hypervigilant
Sleepiness, a common side effect of frequent during the night, monitoring the child’s illness,
sleep disruption, has often been associated with risk which leads to increased night wakings, decreased
of injury among adults, particularly in work-related sleep quality and sleep efficiency, and increased
incidents (Ayas et al., 2006), motor vehicle accidents sleep onset latency due to worry or fear for the
(Connor, Whitlock, Norton, & Jackson, 2001), future. Poor sleep quality may even adversely affect
and medical errors (Balas, Scott, & Rogers, 2006; immune functioning and stress responses among
Gold et al., 1992; Owens, 2001). Both chronic caregivers (Lee et al., 2004) and result in poorer
partial sleep deprivation (or insufficient sleep) and health (Cottrell & Khan, 2005; Raina et al., 2005).
fragmented sleep can contribute to excessive day- Our recent work has shown that not only do
time sleepiness. For example, it has been shown that some caregivers experience shortened or disrupted
after 14 nights of chronic restriction of sleep to 6 sleep, but may be affected by “chronobiotic chaos”
hours per night, adult performance was equivalent (see Figure 13.1 for examples of actigraphic record-
to 2 nights of total sleep deprivation (Van Dongen, ings) as a result of inconsistent sleep schedules
Maislin, Mullington, & Dinges, 2003). Even if sleep (Meltzer & Avis, 2011). Similar to shift workers
duration is sufficient, highly fragmented sleep can or those who have a circadian rhythm sleep disor-
also contribute to negative daytime functioning. For der, the often unpredictable demands of caregiving,
example, one study found that the duration of sleep including whether or not families have additional
in mothers of newborn infants does not significantly support such as nursing care, can result in a highly
change; however, the sleep of postpartum mothers variable bedtime, wake time, and total sleep dura-
is highly fragmented (Montgomery-Downs, Insana, tion. In fact, variability in sleep duration within
Clegg-Kraynok, & Mancini, 2010), contributing to this population was associated with more depressive
significant daytime dysfunction. symptoms, more daytime fatigue, and poorer execu-
These studies have important implications tive functioning (Meltzer, 2009). These inconsisten-
for parental caregivers who provide a significant cies in timing and duration of sleep can, in turn,
amount of care at home during the night. For contribute to poor sleep quality, especially when a
example, caregivers of ventilator-assisted children caregiver’s sleep opportunity is not in sync with his
must frequently provide nighttime care, often cov- or her circadian rhythm.
ering overnight nursing shifts without any assis-
tance (Heaton, Noyes, Sloper, & Shah, 2006). One Emotional and Psychological Distress
study found that caregivers who received limited or Caregivers often report experiencing parenting
no overnight nursing support reported an average of stress as a consequence of sleep disruption due to
6 or fewer hours of sleep per night (Meltzer et al., fears and anxieties regarding their ability to provide
2010), a number associated with significant impair- the proper care for the child’s immediate symptoms
ment of daytime performance (Dinges et al., 2005). (Monaghan et al., 2009) and worry about what is yet
Our recent work shows that caregivers may not be to come, including experiencing anxiety during and

1 44 c are giver s leep and day time fun c t i o n i n g

(a) 22:00 06:00

1200 1800 0000 0600 1200

(b) 22:00 06:00

1200 1800 0000 0600 1200

Figure 13.1 Examples of actigraphic studies for parents of children with and without chronic illness. Each horizontal timeline rep-
resents 24 hours. The date for each timeline is on the left and the time of day is across the bottom, starting at noon, with midnight
in the middle. The black vertical lines on each timeline are when the actigraph interpreted the parent’s movement as a period of
wake. The sections underlined in grey are when the actigraph interpreted the lack of movement to indicate that the parent was asleep.
(a)Relatively stable sleep schedule for a mother of a healthy, typically developing 9-year-old child. (b)“Chronobiotic chaos,” or an
inconsistent sleep schedule in a mother of a 9-year-old ventilator-assisted child. (c) “Chronobiotic chaos,” or an inconsistent sleep
schedule in a father of a 7-year-old ventilator-assisted child.

m elt zer, wa l s h 145

(c) 22:00 06:00

1200 1800 0000 0600 1200

Figure 13.1 Continued

after the child’s treatment (Best et al., 2001). Several of sleep disturbance may have important implica-
studies have demonstrated correlations between tions for caregivers of children with a chronic illness
caregiver sleep disturbance and parental stress or on many levels, including the fact that parents are
anxiety among caregivers of children with type 1 often the primary and most comprehensive source
diabetes (Monaghan et al., 2009; Sullivan-Bolyai, of insight for healthcare providers regarding symp-
Knafl, Deatrick, & Grey, 2003), cystic fibrosis toms and progression of the child’s illness.
(Meltzer & Mindell, 2006), developmental disabili-
ties (Gallagher et al., 2010), and epilepsy (Modi, Conclusion
2009; Wirell, Blackman, Barlow, Mah, & Hamiwka, Many parents commonly experience sleep dis-
2005). For conditions such as these, caregivers often ruptions. Although the impact of sleep disruptions
become hypervigilant, continually monitoring the has been shown to significantly impair the sleep,
child’s symptoms throughout the night, which fur- stress, and daytime functioning among parents of
ther contributes to poor quality or disrupted sleep. healthy, typically developing children, these nega-
Additionally, studies have found evidence for an tive outcomes are even greater among parental care-
association between sleep and depression among givers of children with a chronic illness. Caring for
parental caregivers of children with autism spectrum a child with a chronic illness often requires a level
disorders (Meltzer, 2011), eczema (Moore et al., of care above and beyond that of typical parenting,
2006), and asthma (Yuksel et al., 2007), as well as such as medication administration, nighttime care,
negative mood among parents caring for a ventila- and monitoring for changes in illness symptoms
tor-assisted child (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). or side effects, in addition to the usual demanding
The limited knowledge about the dynamic inter- parental responsibilities. In general, sleep disrup-
action between sleep loss due to caregiving and tions experienced by children with chronic illness
adverse daytime outcomes suggest more research may require caregiver attention during the night,
is needed that focuses on the relationship between resulting in further disruption of the caregiver’s
child illness, caregivers’ sleep, and caregiver function- sleep and causing further daytime impairment to
ing (Meltzer & Moore, 2008). The consequences caregiver functioning. This vicious cycle places an

1 46 c are giver s leep and day time fun c t i o n i n g

added burden on caregivers who may already be with different chronic illnesses and/or parents of
coping with exceptional circumstances. typically developing children.
In the current literature, pediatric caregivers have • The development and evaluation of
reported negative impacts on health, mood, and interventions that directly benefit caregiver sleep,
daytime functioning, including depression, anxiety, including behavioral and medical interventions
fatigue, and decreased executive functioning. While to improve child sleep and reduce stress related to
parents of healthy, typically developing children caregiving.
might also experience many of these consequences, • The evaluation of targeted interventions
there are important clinical implications for care- for caregivers that focus on increasing parent
givers of children with chronic illness. Namely, a knowledge of positive sleep practices, as well as
negative impact on the caregiver’s ability to prop- awareness of the impact of insufficient sleep on
erly provide the child with necessary care, medical caregiver and child mood, health, and general
management, and treatment may result in medical daytime functioning. Further, studies are needed
errors, increased symptomology, or an overall wors- examining the level of injury risk or medical errors
ened condition for the child. associated with caregiver sleep loss.
Despite the prevalence of pediatric chronic ill-
ness, detailed knowledge of potential causes and
consequences of sleep disruption in the caregiving Ayas, N. T., Barger, L. K., Cade, B. E., Hashimoto, D. M.,
population is limited. This highlights the need for Rosner, B., Cronin, J. W., et al. (2006). Extended work
additional longitudinal and intervention research duration and the risk of self-reported percutaneous injuries
to better understand the relationship between child in interns. Journal of the American Medical Association, 296,
and caregiver sleep, as well as the impact of the
Balas, M. C., Scott, L. D., & Rogers, A. E. (2006). Frequency
child’s illness on caregiver sleep and general func- and type of errors and near errors reported by critical care
tioning. In addition, targeted interventions for care- nurses. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 38, 24–41.
givers should focus on increasing parent knowledge Best, M., Streisand, R., Catania, L., & Kazak, A. E. (2001).
of positive sleep practices, as well as awareness of the Parental distress during pediatric leukemia and posttrau-
matic stress symptoms (PTSS) after treatment ends. Journal
impact of insufficient sleep on caregiver and child
of Pediatric Psychology, 26(5), 299–307.
mood, health, and general daytime functioning. Boergers, J., Hart, C., Owens, J. A., Streisand, R., & Spirito,
Ultimately, the literature should better equip health A. (2007). Child sleep disorders: Associations with paren-
and medical professionals with an understanding of tal sleep duration and daytime sleepiness. Journal of Family
the relationship and impact of the child’s illness on Psychology, 21(1), 88–94.
Bonner, M. J., Hardy, K. K., Willard, V. W., & Hutchinson, K.
caregiver’s sleep and functioning, and provide tools
C. (2007). Brief report: Psychosocial functioning of fathers
to the caregiver to combat sources of sleep disrup- as primary caregivers of pediatric oncology patients. Journal
tion and to achieve a better night’s sleep. of Pediatric Psychology, 32(7), 851–856.
Brown, R. T., Wiener, L., Kupst, M. J., Brennan, T., Behrman,
Future Directions R., Compas, B. E., et al. (2008). Single parents of children
with chronic illness: An understudied phenomenon. Journal
Given the overall prevalence of pediatric chronic
of Pediatric Psychology, 33(4), 408–421.
illness and negative impact on general function- Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative. (2005).
ing among parental caregivers, additional research National survey of children’s health. Data Resource Center
is needed on both the impact of child illness on on Child and Adolescent Health Website. Retrieved May 12,
caregiver’s sleep and the benefit of interventions to 2010, from www.childhealthdata.org.
Coffey, J. S. (2006). Parenting a child with chronic illness: A
improve caregiver sleep. Together these will serve
metasynthesis. Pediatric Nursing, 32, 51–59.
to inform and guide health professionals who work Connor, J., Whitlock, G., Norton, R., & Jackson, R. (2001). The
with families of children with chronic illnesses. role of driver sleepiness in car crashes: A systematic review of
Specific recommendations include: epidemiological studies. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 33,
• Longitudinal studies to help disentangle the Cottrell, L., & Khan, A. (2005). Impact of childhood epilepsy
potential causes and consequences of caregiver on maternal sleep and socioemotional functioning. Clinical
sleep disruption, as well as to better understand the Pediatrics, 44, 613–616.
Diette, G. B., Markson, L., Skinner, E. A., Nguyen, T. T. H.,
dynamic relationship between child illness, child
Algatt-Bergstrom, P. A., & Wu, A.W. (2000). Nocturnal
sleep, and parent sleep. asthma in children affects school attendance, school perfor-
• The utilization of appropriate comparison mance, and parents’ work attendance. Archives of Pediatric
groups in research, including parents of children Adolescent Medicine, 154, 923–928.

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Children’s Sleep in Violent

14 Environments

James C. Spilsbury

Millions of children worldwide live in environments of collective and interpersonal violence. Living
in such settings profoundly affects many children’s sleep, with effects sometimes persisting for sub-
stantial periods of time. The relevant scientific literature, coming mainly from the field of traumatic
stress, has focused primarily on the presence of insomnia and nightmares—core diagnostic criteria of
traumatic stress disorders. However, studies examining other sleep parameters, particularly those few
using objective measures of sleep, also show negative effects in a range of sleep indices. Also, though
understudied, the available literature indicates that violent settings may alter the sleep environment
itself, as children and families move (or are forced to move) to other, often “makeshift,” environments.
Families may also modify the sleep environment to try to increase their safety, make the environment
more conducive to sleep, or both. Directions for future research are given to better understand how
violent environments shape children’s sleep and how best to mitigate these effects.
Key Words: children, adolescents, collective violence, interpersonal violence, sleep, environment

Introduction between unrelated individuals, often taking place

The subject of this chapter is children’s sleep in outside the home, random acts of violence, violence
violent environments or settings. For the purposes in institutional settings). Two additional forms of
of this chapter, violence is defined as “the intentional violence, self-directed (e.g., suicidal, self-abusive, self-
use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, mutilatory behavior) and structural (harm inflicted
against oneself, another person, or against a group upon others via the manner in which society itself
or community, that either results in or has a high is structured) are certainly relevant to sleep but are
likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychologi- beyond the scope of the present chapter.
cal harm, maldevelopment or deprivation” (World Collective and interpersonal violence permeate
Health Organization, 1996). Using a recently devel- much of our world. The number of children living
oped typology (Krug, Dahlberg, Mercy, Zwi, & in settings of one or both of these forms of violence
Lozano, 2002), the chapter focuses on settings is staggering. Although precise numbers are difficult
involving two major types of violence: (1) collec- to come by, international organizations estimate that
tive violence, which is generally perpetrated by large in the previous decade wars killed or severely injured
groups of individuals or states for political, social, approximately eight million children, orphaned one
and economic reasons (e.g., war, state-sponsored million children, and dislocated 14 million children
torture, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism); and from their homes (United Nations, 1996, 2005).
(2) interpersonal violence, consisting of family vio- The estimate of the number of children worldwide
lence (e.g., abuse, intimate-partner violence, sibling who witness domestic violence each year is 133–
violence), and community violence (e.g., violence 275 million (United Nations, 2006). Moreover, an

1 50
estimated 150 million girls and 73 million boys are often include sleep characteristics, typically report-
victims of sexual violence involving physical con- ing frequencies of the individual sleep-related items
tact (United Nations, 2005), and results of some comprising the traumatic stress measures used by the
population-based surveys indicate that between investigators. However, on the whole, the literature
25%–50% of children in some locations are victims understandably focuses on the sleep-related criteria
of frequent, severe physical abuse, such as being for diagnosing ASD or PTSD; namely, sleep onset
beaten, kicked, or tied up by their parents (Krug or sleep maintenance insomnia and nightmares. Less
et al., 2002). information is provided about other sleep param-
In the United States, an estimated 15.5 million eters. Moreover, there is the tendency for studies to
children live in households with intimate partner vio- investigate and report information on nonspecific
lence, and nearly half of them have observed forms “sleep disturbances” or “sleep problems” without
of severe partner violence, such as an adult being hit further information about the specific nature of the
with an object, beaten up, bitten, choked, burned, these phenomena. The intent of this chapter is to
or threatened with a knife or gun (McDonald, expand the discussion from insomnia, nightmares,
Jouriles, Ramisetty-Mikler, Caetano, & Green, and unspecified “sleep disturbances” to other sleep
2006). Moreover, though rates have declined over parameters when the literature allows, including
the past decade, over 100,000 cases of substantiated what the literature and our own pilot work involving
or indicated child physical abuse and 70,000 cases children in the greater Cleveland, Ohio area reveal
of child sexual abuse still occur annually (Child about children’s sleep environments in settings of
Trends, 2011). Furthermore, results of a recent violence. The chapter first addresses children’s sleep
nationally representative survey of 3614 US adoles- in settings of collective violence, followed by sleep
cents revealed that 38% of adolescents witnessed at in environments of interpersonal violence. Within
least one form of community violence (Zinzow et al., each section, results are grouped by the type of sleep
2008). Results of several smaller studies suggest that measure utilized by the investigators: persons’ per-
anywhere from 50%–75% of children in selected ceptions of sleep, or indices derived from objective
US urban areas have been exposed to community measures of sleep. The chapter then moves to the
violence (Kupersmidt, Shahinfar, & Voegler-Lee, topic of sleep environments of children in settings
2002; Singer, Menden Anglin, Song, & Lunghofer, of violence and concludes with recommendations
1995). for future research. The chapter focuses on chil-
Most of our knowledge about the relationship dren, here defined as individuals 18 years of age or
between violence and sleep derives from the scien- younger.
tific literature on traumatic stress, including post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress Sleep of Children in Environments of
disorder (ASD). Sleep disturbances and traumatic Collective Violence—Subjective Measures
stress are clearly intertwined; insomnia and night- Although there may be considerable variability
mares are considered core criteria of these two disor- in what any individual child experiences in a setting
ders (American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic of collective violence, the traumatic-stress literature
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth has documented the millions of children living in
Edition, Text Revision, 2000). There are several environments of war, ethnic cleansing, and terrorism
excellent publications specifically reviewing the who are killed or injured, who witness fighting with
sleep disturbances that arise from traumatic expe- diverse weaponry, who experience the death or injury
riences such as violence (Glod, 2011; Caldwell & of relatives and nonrelatives, as well as the destruc-
Redeker, 2005; Harvey, Jones, & Schmidt, 2003; tion of their homes and communities (e.g., Dyregrov,
Lavie, 2001; Pillar, Malhotra, & Lavie, 2000; Gupta, Gjestad, & Mukanoheli, 2000; Kamphuis,
Singareddy & Balon, 2002). Other relevant infor- Tuin, Timmermans, & Punamäki, 2008; Qouta,
mation comes from studies of the effects of vio- Punamäki, & El Sarraj, 2003; Somasundaram &
lence on child development—recently reviewed by Jamunanantha, 2002; Sadeh, Hen-Gal, & Tikotzky,
Masten & Narayan (2012), and Carpenter & Stacks 2008). Children living in settings of collective vio-
(2009)—and on mental health in general. lence may also routinely witness scenes of death and
The traumatic stress literature represents a rich destruction via the mass media (Thabet, Abed, &
source of information regarding the sleep of children Vostanis, 2001; Wang et al., 2006).
who have experienced violence. Articles that pro- Frequently, collective violence also brings dislo-
vide details on children’s traumatic symptomatology cation or migration, as persons are forcibly removed

s pi l s bury 151
from their homes or as they flee violent zones to Nasr, & Khalifeh, 1989; Masalha, 1993; Thabet &
other, presumably safer, areas of their country or Vostanis, 1999); insomnia ranging from 20%–57%
to other countries altogether. Besides the stressors in samples of school-age children and adolescents
experienced directly in the war setting, the transit (Khamis, 2005; Montgomery & Foldspang, 2001;
experience itself may be perilous as persons move Thabet, Abed, & Vostanis, 2001); and enuresis/
through war zones or other areas of social unrest encopresis prevalence of approximately 15% among
or upheaval (Perez Foster, 2001). Transit may also school-age children (Chimienti et al., 1989). Several
involve dangerous modes of transportation, as well cross-sectional studies of displaced or refugee chil-
as high risk of sexual violence, forced labor, con- dren undertaken 1 year or more after departing a
finement, or imprisonment. Also, persons in refu- war zone report substantial numbers of children still
gee camps and detention centers may be at risk of experiencing sleep disturbances or problems, insom-
physical and sexual violence from other refugees, nia, or nightmares/unpleasant dreams (Ajdukovic,
staff, or both. Once in the host country, refugees 1998, Angel, Hjern, & Ingleby, 2001; Dyregrov
or undocumented migrants may have limited eco- et al., 2000; Hjern, Angel, & Hojer, 1991; Realmuto
nomic resources and therefore live in disadvantaged et al., 1992).
areas with elevated rates of violence and crime. The Two cross-sectional studies in particular asked
stress of life in a new sociocultural environment, respondents to compare current sleep with sleep
particularly with diminished material and social before exposure to war. Obradović, Kanazir,
resources, can be traumatic and may heighten risk Zališevskij, Popadić, and Simić’s (1993) study of
of family violence (Midlarsky, Venkataramani- 102 Bosnia-Herzegovinian and Croatian refugees
Kothari, & Plante, 2006; Pumariega, Rothe, & 8–19 years of age, who had lived in a war-affected area
Pumariega, 2005). Indeed, parsing out the effects 1–5 months before leaving the war zone for Serbia,
of war on sleep from the effects resulting from the found that 78% of these adolescents reported sleep
transit/migration experience and its consequences disturbances since the war began, while only 40%
can be difficult. reported that disturbances occurred before the war.
In light of what people have experienced in envi- Similarly, in Sadeh and colleagues’ recent (2008)
ronments of collective violence, as victim, witness, study of 74 Israeli children 2–7 years of age who
or both, it is unsurprising that these experiences were relocated to a safety camp during the second
may be traumatic and influence sleep. Numerous Israel–Lebanon War, parents reported that substan-
studies have investigated the effects of this exposure tial numbers of children exhibited new sleep-related
on the psychological health of children. Many inves- problems since the start of the conflict: 10% exces-
tigations include information about sleep problems, sive sleep, 43% enuresis/encopresis, 50% fear or
usually based on subjective assessment of specific problems falling asleep, and 52% nightmares.
characteristics or qualities of sleep made by child, Although studies incorporating use of a compari-
parent, or practitioner. son group in their designs generally show worse sleep
among children exposed to violence, this isn’t always
War and Displacement the case. In one early study, Rofé and Lewin (1982)
Cross-sectional studies investigating sleep of chil- compared the sleep behavior of 216 Israeli adoles-
dren living in settings of collective violence or those cents living in a border town subjected to repeated
recently departed from such settings (e.g., displaced acts of collective violence to that of 270 adolescents
persons or refugees) have generally reported substan- living in a non-border town. Interestingly, based
tial numbers of children of all ages experiencing sleep on self-completed sleep journals, the border town
problems: “sleep disturbances” or “sleep difficulties” teens reported earlier bedtimes (21:59 vs. 22:27, p
ranging from 32%–77% in school-age children < .001), time when falling asleep (22:30 vs. 22:54,
and adolescents (Somasundaram & Jamunanantha, p < .001), rise times (06:39 vs. 06:49, p < .05) and
2002; Thabet, Abed, & Vostanis, 2004; Tišinović, slightly greater sleep duration (8.2 vs. 7.9 hrs, p <
2000; Zeidner, 2005) and 29%–48% among pre- .05) than did their peers away from the violence.
school children (Somasundaram & Jamunanantha, The investigators suggested that sleep patterns of the
2002; Thabet, Karim, & Vostanis, 2006); frequent teens in the border towns were linked to a repres-
nightmares or dreams with violent confrontations sive personality dimension, which led to decreased
ranging from 22%–59% in adolescents (Khamis, worry among these teens or efforts to avoid think-
2005; Zeidner, 2005) and from 13%–75% in ing about war-related danger by sleeping. In subse-
preschool and school-age children (Chimienti, quent research, Al-Eissa (1995) compared the sleep

1 52 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

of 106 Kuwaiti refugee children from the first Iraq from 13.1% to 8.5% at the 12-month follow-up.
War to a comparison group consisting of a school- Sleep disturbances similarly declined from 3% at
based sample of similarly aged Saudi schoolchildren baseline to 1.8% at follow-up.
approximately 1–2 months after the invasion. He Longitudinal research of displaced or refugee
found, based on parent report, that a greater num- children also reports decreases in nonspecified sleep
ber of the refugee children experienced difficulty problems or disturbances over time, but with trou-
sleeping (35% vs. 7%, p <.001), nightmares (37% blesome percentages of persons reporting problems
vs. 9%, p <.001), and enuresis (24% vs. 13%, months or even years later. For example, Ajdukovic
p < .05) compared to the non-refugees, respectively. and Ajdukovic’s (1998) study of a convenience
Similarly, Paardekooper, De Jong, and Hermanns’ study of 110 mostly Croatian children 18 years
(1999) study of 193 Sudanese refugee school-age of age or less, receiving services from a displaced
children revealed a greater number of the refugees person/refugee center’s clinic in Croatia, showed a
experiencing a range of sleep problems “sometimes” decline in both “sleep disturbances” (1.8% before
or “often” compared to a similarly aged school- displacement, 16.4% at 6 months after displace-
based group of 80 children in host country Uganda: ment, 9.8% at 12 months after displacement) and
46% vs. 15% can’t sleep (p < .001), 56% vs. 20% nightmares (2.7% before displacement, 22.7%
nightmares of a traumatic event (p < .001), 53% at 6 months after displacement, and 9.8% at
vs. 15% cannot sleep because of worry or memories 12 months after displacement). Similarly, Almqvist
(p < .001). Punamäki, Ali, Ismahil, and Nuutinen and Brandell (1997) reported a decrease from 43%
(2005) compared the dreams of 65 war-displaced to 29% of sleep disorders in a sample of 50 Iranian
Kurdish orphans 9–17 years of age living in Iraqi refugees 1 year versus 2.5 years after resettlement
Kurdistan to those of 57 nondisplaced, non-orphan in Sweden. In one of the longer follow-up periods,
children living in a nearby school. The investigators Hjern and Angel (2000) reported decreases in “sleep
found that being an orphan affected only character- disturbances” among a community-based sample
istics of dream structure: orphan’s dreams were more of 63 school-age Bosnian refugees from the initial
narrative (effect size = .13), less vivid (effect size = baseline assessment 4–6 months after arrival in
.07), and less interrupted by nightmares (effect Stockholm compared to follow-up at 17–19 months
size = .15). Increased trauma exposure (orphan or and 6–7 years post-arrival: 60% at baseline, 42% at
not) was associated with an increase in unpleasant 17–19 months, and 16% at 6–7 years after arrival.
dreams (e.g., themes of death and destruction, neg-
ative feelings, and hostility) and dream-interrupting Terrorist Attacks
nightmares, effect sizes ranging from .05–.12. Studies conducted after terrorist attacks such as
Longitudinal research involving children’s sleep those in New York City and Washington, DC on
in settings of collective violence has mainly involved September 11, 2001, or the 1998 bombing of the
displaced or refugee children. However, two stud- American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, suggest that
ies investigated children’s sleep in situ. First, Lavie, such attacks may have a substantial, persistent effect
Amit, Epstein, and Tzischinsky (1993) compared on some children’s sleep. In the case of September
the sleep behavior of 61 Israeli preschool children 11, a survey of a nationally representative sample
5 months before the first Gulf War versus 10 days of 570 US adults conducted 3 to 5 days after the
after the war. Results, based on parent report, attacks indicated that 10% of the homes with chil-
revealed that before the war 93% of children slept dren 5–18 years of age had at least one child who
during the day, compared to 68% after the war (p < had trouble falling or staying asleep since the day of
.001). However, the investigators found no change the attacks, and 6% had a child experiencing night-
over time in sleep duration, bedtime, wake-up time, mares (Schuster et al., 2001). A second web-based
sleep location, difficulties settling to sleep, night survey of a nationally representative survey of 2273
wakings, or the number of children sleeping too adults conducted 1 to 2 months after the attacks
little. revealed that 61% of households in the New York
In the second study, Thabet and Vostanis (2000) metropolitan area, 57% of other metropolitan areas,
investigated parent- and teacher-reported sleep and 48% of the rest of the United States had at least
characteristics of 234 Palestinian (Gaza) school-age one child who was still “upset” by the attacks, and
children “representative of the general population” 28% of these upset children were having trouble
at baseline and 12 months after the Second Intifada. sleeping according to the parent (Schlenger et al.,
Results showed a decrease in reported nightmares 2002).

s pi l s bury 153
Smaller cross-sectional surveys were undertaken of 116 children recruited from schools and other
in the attacked cities at later time points. For exam- social services institutions in lower Manhattan, who
ple, approximately 3 months after the attacks, over were 5 years of age or younger during the September
20% of a sample of 47 public-school 4th–6th graders 11 attacks. The children were assessed 1.5–4.5 years
in Washington, DC self-reported nightmares, and after the attacks. The investigators collected informa-
their parents reported that over 10% of the children tion from the parents about the child’s exposure to
still had problems falling or staying asleep and over high-intensity World Trade Center events (e.g., saw
10% were having nightmares (Phillips, Prince, & people jumping out of the building, saw dead bod-
Schiebelhut, 2004). Of note, self-reported sleep ies, saw a tower collapse), lifetime exposure to a wide
problems were more frequent among children who range of traumatic events other than the September
reported watching substantial television coverage of 11 attacks (e.g., natural disasters, serious accidents
the attacks versus children who watched little or no or injuries, interpersonal loss, animal attacks, other
coverage (42% vs. 11%, p < .05). DeVoe, Bannon, war or terrorist acts), and behavior problems using
and Klein’s (2006) survey of 156 children 0–5 years well-established, psychometrically sound instru-
of age in daycare facilities in the greater New York ments. Results of logistic regression adjusted for the
City area revealed that 43% of the children had dif- effects of child age, socioeconomic status (maternal
ficulty going to sleep based on parent report up to educational level), time since the attack, and life-
3 months after the events. time history of other traumatic events showed that
Other surveys of community (usually school) the children exposed to high-intensity World Trade
based samples of schoolchildren in cities in the US Center events were nearly 10 times more likely to
midwest (Hock, Hart, Kang, & Lutz, 2004) and have sleep problems than those children without
west coast (Kennedy, Charlesworth, & Chen, 2004; exposure to high-intensity events (adjusted odds
Lengua, Long, Smith, & Meltzoff, 2005), under- ratio [aOR] = 9.7, 95% CI 1.9 – 50.2).
taken anywhere from 1 week to 3 months after In summary, studies based on subjective reports
the September 11 attacks, reported 12%–25% of of children’s sleep in environments of collective vio-
children experiencing nightmares or bad dreams, lence suggest that substantial numbers of children
10%–19% having sleep disturbances or trouble experience sleep problems, including nightmares
sleeping, and 3% bedwetting. Moreover, levels of and insomnia, core criteria for PTSD and ASD.
child-reported anxiety (Lengua et al., Hock et al.), Although these disturbances may decrease over
parents’ worry about their child’s safety (Hock et al.), time, they remain in a troublesome number of chil-
and parent-reported conduct problems (Lengua dren. Moreover, the studies involving terrorist acts
et al.), all measured before September 11, predicted indicate that children need not reside in the location
children’s PTS symptoms following the attack. of a terrorist attack to be affected. Generally, studies
Hoven et al.’s (2004) study of a representa- utilizing a comparison-group design show greater
tive sample of 8326 4th–12th graders in the New problems among children experiencing community
York City public school system 6 months after the violence than those not in such environments.
attacks revealed that 21% of the children reported
having had “a lot” of bad dreams or nightmares the Sleep of Children in Environments of
previous 4 weeks and 26% reported often want- Collective Violence—Objective Measures
ing to have a parent nearby in order to fall asleep. Lavie and colleagues (1993) studied the effects
Pfefferbaum et al.’s (2006) survey of 156 Kenyan of discrete acts of collective violence, namely, night-
10–12-year-old children who knew someone killed time Scud missile attacks, on a sample of 55 school-
in the 1998 bombing of the American embassy in aged Israeli children during the first Gulf War. To
Nairobi revealed that 8–14 months after the bomb- my knowledge, this is the only study to use an
ing, nearly half (46%) of the children reported still objective measure of sleep—actigraphy—during a
having dreams about the event “sometimes” or period of ongoing collective violence. A wrist acti-
“often,” and 41% reported having trouble falling graph is small, noninvasive, device that is worn like
asleep or staying asleep “sometimes” or “often.” Of a wristwatch. It contains a small microchip that
note, the authors noted that substantial numbers electronically records arm movement. After it is
of children had been exposed to a range of other worn, actigraph data are downloaded into a com-
potentially traumatic events after the bombing. puter algorithm program that translates recorded
Finally, Chemtob, Nomura, and Abramovitz movement into valid estimates of sleep/wake status
(2008) conducted a study of a convenience sample (Morgenthaler et al., 2007). The actigraph permits

1 54 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

investigators to obtain valid, objective estimates of sample of 58 adolescents in Toronto, Canada, who
sleep parameters such as sleep duration and sleep left home because of physical abuse versus 76 ado-
efficiency (proportion of time in bed when an indi- lescents who ran away for other reasons. Results
vidual is actually asleep) in the child’s home envi- showed that the physically abused runaways reported
ronment. Lavie and colleagues found that children’s significantly greater dreams about abuse (53% vs.
sleep efficiency significantly decreased on the nights 32%, p < .01), and unspecified “sleep problems”
when missile attacks occurred after bedtime com- (76% vs. 40%, p < .001), but not trouble falling or
pared to nights when the attacks occurred before staying asleep (52% vs. 38%). Goldston, Turnquist,
bedtime (91.2% vs., 88%, p < .008). Data suggested and Knutson (1989) performed a chart review of
that during a post-bedtime missile attack, children the sleep disturbances of 195 girls 2–18 years of age
were initially awakened by the alarm warning citi- (mean age 10.1, standard deviation not reported)
zens of the incoming missiles but then resumed who were consecutively admitted to one of three
sleep shortly after the “all-clear” was sounded, with mental health services in a midwestern US city. The
no noticeable difficulty. Moreover, comparison investigators found that greater numbers of sexu-
of the study children’s sleep characteristics dur- ally abused girls had sleep disturbances compared
ing nights without a missile attack with those of to similarly aged non-abused girls (37% vs. 18.6%
64 similarly-aged children recorded 1 year before among the 2–11-year-old girls and 20.7% vs. 8.3%
the war revealed no significant differences in time among 12–18-year-old girls), but these differences
of sleep onset, sleep duration, or sleep efficiency. were not statistically significant.
Thus, besides the immediate response to the mis- Sadeh et al. (1994) conducted retrospective
sile attack, the actigraphy-derived indices of sleep chart reviews of 100 children 2–13 years of age
seemed minimally affected. consecutively admitted to a psychiatric inpatient
facility in Providence, Rhode Island. Forty-nine
The Sleep of Children in Environments of these children had a history of sexual abuse, 23
of Interpersonal Violence—Subjective had been physically abused, and 28 had no docu-
Measures mented history of either physical or sexual abuse.
Interpersonal violence includes numerous actions Analyses controlling for child age revealed that a
such as physical and sexual abuse, intimate partner significantly greater number of sexually abused
violence, and community violence. Children’s sleep children exhibited parasomnias (e.g., sleep terrors,
in settings of these forms of interpersonal violence sleepwalking, partial arousal disorders) compared to
is discussed below. either the physically abused or non-abused children
(20.4%, 4.4%, and 3.7%, respectively [p < .05]).
Physical and Sexual Abuse No differences were observed for sleep onset, night
Compared to other forms of interpersonal vio- walking, enuresis, or encopresis. Kelly and Ben-
lence, a larger number of studies involving the Meir (1993) compared a clinic-based convenience
effects of child maltreatment have examined sleep. sample of 55 sexually abused California adolescents
In a cross-sectional study, Wolfe, Sas, and Wekerle’s matched on age and sex to 37 non-abused children
(1994) sample of 90 young Canadian adolescents recruited through a school who were experiencing
participating in a child abuse assessment and court “excessive or unreasonable fears.” Analyses revealed
preparation project revealed that 58% reported that that more sexually abused children reported night-
nightmares about the sexual abuse occurred “some- mares (34% vs. 0%, p < .001) and trouble getting
times” or “a lot,” and the same percentage reported to sleep at night (21% vs. 0%) than the non-
trouble falling asleep because of intrusive thoughts abused children. Finally, in a retrospective chart
of the events. review of patients treated over a 5-year period at
Since the 1980s, several studies utilizing a com- a Washington State public psychiatric hospital,
parison-group design have reported differences in McCellan, Adams, Douglas, McCurry, and Storck
sleep characteristics of mainly agency-based or clinic- (1995) found over twice the odds of nightmares
based samples of children and adolescents who expe- (OR = 2.27, p < .0001) among 273 sexually abused
rienced physical and/or sexual abuse compared to 5–18-year-old children and adolescents versus 226
non-abused peers. For example, Janus, McCormack, similar non-abused patients.
Burgess, and Hartman (1987) compared the preva- Of note, differences are not always detected for
lence of dreams about physical abuse, insomnia, every sleep-related problem. For example, Famularo,
and nonspecified “sleep problems” in a shelter-based Kinscherff, and Fenton’s (1992) case-control study of

s pi l s bury 155
a US urban, court-based sample of 61 severely mal- were victimized by multiple perpetrators (Z score =
treated 5–10-year-old children found no difference in 0.18 ± 1.07) or by their biological fathers (Z score
either child or parent report of enuresis or encopresis = 0.23 ± 0.98) were not significantly different from
compared to a control group of 35 non-maltreated the non-abused comparison group. Adjusted results
children. These investigators found similar results in also showed that a greater percentage of participants
a subsequent study of a court-based sample of school- victimized by a single perpetrator reported less than
age children with and without PTSD (Famularo, 7 hours of nightly sleep compared to the partici-
Fenton, Kinscherff, & Augustyn, 1996). pants victimized by multiple perpetrators (37.7%
Concerning longitudinal study of abused chil- vs. 13.2%, p < .05). No other differences among
dren’s sleep, Calam, Horne, Glasgow, and Cox groups in the percentages of participants sleeping 7
(1998) examined 99 cases of sexually or physi- hours or fewer were detected. Noll and colleagues
cally abused children living in Liverpool City, UK, indicate that the link between higher sleep distur-
who had been reported as suffering from alleged/ bance and single perpetrator victimization may be
suspected child abuse over a 12-month period. due to the fact that this was a relatively less severe
Children were 1–16 years of age at baseline and form of abuse compared to abuse by multiple per-
were followed at 4 weeks, 9 months, and 2 years petrators or by the participants’ fathers, perhaps
after initiation of the case. Results based on social resulting in less intensive treatment than was actu-
worker report showed that at 4 weeks, 20% of the ally needed to address later disturbances.
65 children for whom data were available exhib- McCellan et al.’s (1995) retrospective chart
ited sleep problems. Nine months later, 57 of the review study of 5–18-year-old patients at the psy-
99 children were examined and 34% experienced chiatric hospital described above found greater odds
sleep problems. Two years after baseline, 66 of the of nightmares (OR = 1.63, p < .005) among 150
original 99 children were assessed and 33% exhib- chronically abused patients than in 123 patients
ited sleep problems. Unfortunately, changes in the with isolated or intermittent abuse. Runyon, Faust,
sample composition over time make interpretation and Orvaschel’s (2002) study of PTSD symptom
of the reported results difficult. patterns in a US clinic-based sample of 34 children
In a more recent study, Noll, Trickett, Susman, diagnosed with PTSD, compared to 27 children
and Putnam (2006) investigated self-reported with dual diagnosis of PTSD and major depressive
sleep disturbances (as assessed by a 12-item com- disorder, revealed greater trouble sleeping and bad
posite measure) and sleep duration of a greater dreams among the children with the dual diagno-
Washington, DC clinical sample of 78 sexually sis (64% vs. 29%, p < .01). Famularo, Kinscherff,
abused girls 6–16 years of age who were assessed and Fenton (1990) studied traumatic stress symp-
approximately 10 years after disclosure of the sex- toms in a US clinic-based sample of 5–13-year-old
ual abuse. Results adjusted for age showed that the children and reported more frequent nightmares
abused girls reported significantly more sleep dis- and difficulty falling asleep among the 10 chil-
turbances compared to a convenience sample of 69 dren with acute PTSD versus the 14 children with
similarly aged non-abused girls recruited from the chronic PTSD.
same neighborhoods of residence as the abused girls
(Z scores 0.22 ± 1.06 vs. -0.24 ± 0.90, respectively, Intimate Partner Violence
p = .009). Moreover, abuse status significantly pre- Published research on the sleep of children liv-
dicted sleep disturbances even after adjusting for ing in settings of intimate partner violence appears
depression and PTSD symptoms. limited to cross-sectional studies. In Smaldone,
Other research has investigated whether sleep Honig, and Byrne’s (2009) secondary analysis of data
disturbances among abused children differ by type from 68,418 parents or caregivers of children aged
or chronicity of abuse, chronicity of PTSD, or co- 6–17 years who participated in the 2003 US National
occurrence of other disorders. For example, Noll Survey of Children’s Health, the authors combined
et al. (2006) reported that after adjusting for the three survey questions to create a variable that classi-
effects of age, PTSD, and depression, only study fied families as having one of three conflict styles: vio-
participants victimized by single-perpetrator abuse lent disagreements, heated disagreements, or calm.
reported significantly greater sleep disturbances Results of multivariable logistic regression adjusting
than a non-abused comparison group (Z scores for the effects of numerous child, family, and envi-
0.79 ± 1.11 vs. -0.18 ± 0.91, respectively, p < .05). ronment variables revealed that compared to fami-
However, sleep disturbances of participants who lies with a calm conflict style, families with a violent

1 56 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

disagreement conflict style had nearly twice the odds a convenience sample of 221 children living in a
(aOR = 1.91, 95% confidence interval = 1.45–2.50) large, south-central US city, with presumed chronic
of a child with severely inadequate sleep, defined as exposure to community violence, reported that over
sleeping well 2 nights per week or fewer. 50% of the children experienced bad dreams/night-
Three smaller cross-sectional studies have also mares, and 37% reported difficulty sleeping. In a
provided data relating to the proportion of children smaller study of 64 adolescents 16–18 years of age
experiencing sleep disturbances in families with living in a mid-Atlantic US city, Cooley-Quille and
intimate partner violence. Graham-Berman and Lorion (1999) assessed via self-report participants’
Levendosky’s (1998) investigation of a shelter-based lifetime exposure to community violence and their
convenience sample of 64 children 7–12 years of sleep difficulties the previous week using a 5-item
age living in Michigan cities revealed that 9% of the investigator-developed questionnaire. No signifi-
children reported dreams or nightmares occurring cant sex or age differences were found for either
at least once per month that were specific to vio- violence exposure or sleep disturbances. However,
lence they observed, and 13% reported sleep dis- sleep disturbances and exposure to community
turbances, trouble falling asleep, or trouble staying violence categorized as low, medium, or high were
asleep occurring at least once per month since the significantly and positively related, in a clear dose-
violent event(s) that led the children to a shelter. response manner.
In a second study, Levendosky, Huth-Bocks, In a similar study involving younger children,
Semel, and Shapiro’s (2002) investigation of an Nordstrom Bailey et al. (2005) examined the asso-
agency-based convenience sample of 62 children ciations between child-reported difficulties going to
3–5 years of age living in a midwestern US city sleep and exposure to community violence as both
revealed that 21% of the children experienced witness and victim in a clinic-derived birth cohort of
either an increased number of frightening dreams, 268 urban US children, who were 6–7 years of age
or nightmares about past violent events, which at the time of assessment. Children who reported
occurred at least once per month based on maternal being victimized by community violence had nearly
report. Three percent of children reported having twice the odds of difficulty sleeping compared to
difficulty going to sleep for at least 1 month in dura- children who were not victimized, after adjusting
tion since the violent event. Finally, Humphreys and for the effects of numerous individual and family
Lee (2006) studied a convenience sample of 43 San demographic and health factors (OR = 1.94, p <
Francisco Bay area children 2–18 years of age whose .01). Similarly, children at or above the median level
mothers were battered and who were living with of witnessing violence had a 79% increased risk of
their mothers in transitional housing for a minimum difficulty sleeping (p < .05) compared to children
of 3 weeks. The study revealed via parent report that below the median.
40% of the children resisted going to bed, 30% had Stewart et al.’s (2004) study of an agency-based
difficulty falling asleep, 36% were never or rarely convenience sample of 374 homeless adolescents
easy to wake in the morning. Moreover, the moth- in greater Seattle revealed that 83% had been vic-
ers reported that 36% of the children experienced timized after leaving home. Moreover, 17% of par-
restless sleep, 38% experienced excessive movement ticipants’ self-reported bad dreams and nightmares
during sleep, and 37% of the children had awak- at least once per week, and 25% reported trouble
ened their mother four or more times during the sleeping at least once per week.
previous week. Nineteen percent of the children, Concerning longitudinal research, Pynoos and col-
mostly boys, were bedwetting. Night terrors were leagues conducted a series of studies of traumatic stress
rare (5%), but 18% of the children experienced symptoms of US elementary school children follow-
nightmares 4 or more nights per week. Moreover, ing a school shooting (Nader, Pynoos, Fairbanks, &
the authors reported that nearly three-quarters of Frederick, 1990; Pynoos, Frederick, et al., 1987;
the children did not meet established sleep require- Pynoos, Nader, Frederick, Gonda, & Stuber, 1987).
ments for their ages. Approximately one month post-shooting, a cross-
sectional survey of 157 of these children’s parents
Community Violence revealed that 46% of the children were experiencing
Several studies have provided cross-sectional sleep disturbances and that the proportion of chil-
data on sleep characteristics of children living in dren with sleep disturbances increased based on the
settings with elevated levels of community vio- children’s location during the shooting: 77% of those
lence. Fitzpatrick and Boldizar’s (1993) study of on the playground where the shooting occurred, 56%

s pi l s bury 157
of those in school but not on the playground, 42% afraid to sleep alone, and 49% were afraid of the
of those not in school that day, and 24% of those dark. Unfortunately, the duration of time between
who were on vacation (p < .001). Moreover, 46% of the reported violent event(s) and the assessment
all children had bad dreams following the shooting, were not provided. Carrion, Weems, Ray, and Reiss
with similar decrease in percentage the farther away (2002) conducted a similar clinic-based, cross-sec-
a child was from the site of the shooting (e.g., 63% tional study of 59 US school-age children and found
of children who were on the playground that day vs. that 64% of the children reported distressing dreams
33% who were on vacation (p < .01). and 59.3% reported sleep problems. In one of the
In a 1-year follow-up study of 251 of the children better studies in terms of sample size (representative
present at the school during the shooting, Pynoos, nationwide of over 8000 students) and control for
Nader, et al. (1987) showed that 11% still reported potentially confounding factors, a case-control study
dreams about the shooting. Significantly greater of French adolescents found that after adjusting for
percentages of children reported these dreams if (1) the effects of sex and age, the odds of adolescent vic-
they knew the victim “well” (e.g., 25% who knew tims experiencing nightmares “fairly often” or “very
victim well vs. 5% who knew the victim “not at all”) often” was 3.2 (95% CI 1.4–7.2) times that of non-
and (2) if they were located on the playground the victimized teenagers matched on sex, age, school
day of the shooting (24% who were on the play- district, and school level (Choquet, Darves-Bornoz,
ground vs. 8% in school not on playground vs. 6% Ledoux, Manfredi, & Hassler, 1997).
not in school the day of the shooting). A 14-month In summary, the available literature indicates that
follow-up of the schoolchildren showed that these sleep problems are commonly reported among chil-
associations continued: 18% of all children reported dren and adolescents living in environments with
sleep disturbances (42% who were on the play- various forms of interpersonal violence, and typi-
ground that day) and 20% of all children reported cally occur in greater frequency compared to peers
nightmares, with 42% of children who were on the not exposed to violence. Similar to community
playground doing so (Nader et al., 1990). Similar violence, longitudinal research suggests that these
findings were reported in a clinical sample con- problems may persist for years in some cases.
sisting of 64 children 5–14 years of age follow-
ing a shooting in another US school (Schwartz & The Sleep of Children in Environments
Kowalski, 1991): 8–14 months after the event, 30% of Interpersonal Violence—Objective
of children reported recurrent distressing dreams at Measures
least “some of the time,” and 30% complained of Sexual Abuse
insomnia at least “some of the time.” Two studies have used objective sleep measures
to examine clinical samples of sleep characteristics
Mixed Forms of abused children. In the first study, Sadeh et al.
Several studies have examined subjective reports (1995) compared several actigraphy-derived indices
of sleep disturbances involving samples of children (e.g., sleep duration, sleep onset, sleep efficiency) in
exposed to mixed forms of interpersonal violence. three groups of 7–14-year-old children who were
Three small (i.e., 10–55 participants), clinic-based inpatients at a Providence, Rhode Island hospital:
studies of US children collectively 3–18 years of age, 12 children with sexual and physical abuse, 8 chil-
exposed to their parents’ sexual assault (Pynoos & dren with physical abuse only, 7 with sexual abuse
Nader, 1988) or murder (Malmquist, 1986; Eth & only, and 12 children with no history of abuse.
Pynoos, 1994), revealed 80%–100% of the children Actigraphy data were collected during one to three
reported nightmares of the event at least once per evenings. Analyses revealed that the physically
week, and preschool children displayed more sleep abused children exhibited less sleep efficiency than
disturbances associated with deeper sleep (e.g., sleep the non-abused or sexually abused children (89.2 ±
walking, sleep talking, night terrors) than adoles- 4.8%, 93.1 ± 3.7%, 93.9 ± 1.4%, respectively, p <
cents (Eth & Pynoos, 1994). .05). Moreover, the children victimized by physical
In Linares et al.’s (2001) cross-sectional study of abuse, with (58.5 ± 10.3%) or without sexual abuse
a randomized clinic-based sample of 160 children (58.3 ± 7.1%), spent less time in quiet, motionless
3–5 years of age living in high-crime Boston neigh- sleep than the children who were sexually abused
borhoods, parents disclosed that 31% of children only (67.3 ± 10.1%) or the non-abused children
reported nightmares of violence, 15% experienced (67.8 ± 9.7%). Other sleep parameters did not dif-
trouble sleeping, 29% woke up at night, 41% were fer across groups.

1 58 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

Glod, Teicher, Hartman, and Harakal (1997) con- insomnia, nightmares, and nonspecific sleep “dis-
ducted a similar actigraphy study utilizing a clinical turbances” or “problems.” Less studied is how living
sample of 19 abused US children (sexually, physically, in violent settings influences actual sleep environ-
or both) compared to 10 children with clinically diag- ments. Most of our knowledge about this topic
nosed depression and 15 children neither abused nor comes from qualitative research or case studies that
depressed. Actigraphy data from 3 consecutive nights typically involve adult report (e.g., Berman, 2000;
were collected. Analyses revealed that compared to Groves, 2001; Howard, Kaljee, Rachuba, & Cross,
the non-abused, non-depressed group of children, 2003; Humphreys, Lowe, & Williams, 2009; Lowe,
the abused group had twice the nocturnal activity Humphreys, & Williams, 2007). Information from
(104.7 ± 51.3 vs. 52.6 ± 13.9, p<. 001), twice the children’s perspectives is less common. Moreover,
percentage of nocturnal activity (7.4 ± 3.1 vs. 3.6 ± several ethnographic-like works that provide detailed
1.1, p< .0001), three times the sleep latency (33.9 ± accounts of children’s lives in violence-prone areas
27.2 minutes vs. 11.0 ± 8.8 minutes, p <. 005), and have included information pertaining to the sleep
less sleep efficiency (91.6 ± 5.1 vs. 96.1 ± 1.6, p<. environment (e.g., Kotlowitz, 1991; Kozol, 1995;
005). The abused group also showed significantly Raymond & Raymond, 2000).
greater nocturnal activity, percent nocturnal activity, One common theme that emerges from the
and sleep latency than the group of non-abused chil- available literature on the sleep environment in set-
dren with depressive disorders. tings of violence is displacement out of the area,
which may lead to profound changes in the sleep
Intimate Partner Violence. environment. Perhaps the most drastic example
To my knowledge, El-Sheikh, Buckhalt, Mize, of such displacement is in cases involving collec-
and Acebo (2006) have conducted the only published tive violence, where families literally flee or are
study examining the association between objectively forced from their countries because of the occur-
measured children’s sleep characteristics and marital rence or threat of violence. For example, recent
conflict. In this study, a school-based sample of 54 accounts of both Croatian and Ugandan children
3rd-grade children from a southeastern US city wore trying to escape the collective violence that encom-
actigraphs for 7 days. Psychometrically validated passed their towns and that killed their parents
instruments were used to measure parent-reported and other family members described how the chil-
and child-reported levels of marital conflict, as well dren avoided their homes and slept for substan-
as child-reported daytime sleepiness. Results showed tial periods of time in the forest (Amone-P’Olak,
that after adjusting for the effects of child age, sex, Garnefski, & Kraaij, 2007; Raymond & Raymond,
ethnicity, and BMI, increased child-reported marital 2000). Displaced persons and refugees may stay
conflict in families significantly predicted decreased for weeks, months, or even years in shelters, deten-
total sleep time, decreased sleep percent (akin to per- tion or sorting camps, or centers. Although some
centage of minutes of actual sleep during the period facilities may provide a reasonable standard of liv-
of time between the onset of sleep time and the end ing for residents (Sadeh et al., 2008), others may
of sleep time) and increased nighttime activity while be overcrowded, have substandard facilities, and be
in bed. Also, increased parent-reported marital con- dangerously violent in their own right. Accounts
flict was significantly associated with increased child- of sleeping arrangements in some of the published
reported daytime sleepiness. scientific literature speak to the difficult conditions.
In summary, a handful of studies have used For example, consider the experience of a young
objective measures of sleep to detect alterations in Bosnian refugee, child “E”:
sleep among children exposed to various forms of
interpersonal violence. Collectively, the research E, 5 years old, her parents, and older brother reached
has generally documented poorer sleep quantity, southern Sweden by bus and were immediately
quality, or both among these children compared to placed in a temporary sorting camp 1000 miles
unexposed children. north. E’s parents described barrack life as
unexpectedly and harshly primitive: 14 persons of
Children’s Sleep Environments in Settings all ages were crowded into a single room. Adult war
of Violence veterans smoked and paced the floor all night, infants
Most of the existing knowledge about violence screamed. The only help the nurse had to offer was
and sleep focuses on the sleep-related symptoms of earplugs. (Goldin, Levin, Persson, & Hägglöf, 2001,
traumatic stress children experience; for example, p. 37)

s pi l s bury 159
Of course, displacement is not limited to war, each night, Mary on the sofa and her mother on a
terrorism, and ethnic cleansing but may also occur mattress on the floor. Mary complained that after
in settings of interpersonal violence. Sex and/or she lay on the sofa to sleep for the night, people
physical abuse at home compels children and ado- would enter the living room and turn on the over-
lescents to flee their homes and live (and sleep) on head light. Also, her brothers frequently played
the street or in shelters or other forms of transitory video games on the living room TV after Mary’s
housing (Janus et al., 1987). Similarly, intimate bedtime, and her mother watched TV into the early
partner violence and community violence may hours of the next day. Mary’s mother instructed her
force parents to leave their homes with their chil- daughter to turn over and face the wall instead of
dren. Such parents may initially resort to emergency the TV. Sometimes Mary would take a blanket and
shelters, which may be crowded and limited in their pillow and try to sleep on the floor at the far end of
ability to adequately house families. the living room, the point farthest from the TV, but
Families may also seek refuge at transitional hous- she explained that people would step on her and
ing or the residences of family members and friends. wake her up. Clearly, this makeshift arrangement
We have conducted pilot longitudinal research on was not “sleep friendly” to Mary.
the sleep of 46 children 8–16 years of age exposed The literature also reveals efforts made by families
to family and/or community violence that involved to improve their perceived safety in cases where they
police intervention and who were referred to our remain in their residence. In accounts of children
study by a community-based program that pro- living in war zones, families might move to the base-
vides counseling and other services to children who ment of homes to sleep during bombardments or
witness violence (Drotar et al., 2003). As part of avoid exterior rooms that would be targeted by snip-
this study, we have directly observed and collected ers (Raymond & Raymond, 2000). Similar actions
information from participants on their current have been noted in violence-prone inner cities, where
sleep environment(s) shortly after the event that families may move beds away from windows, sleep
brought police intervention and then conducted in central rooms, or even sleep in bathtubs to avoid
a follow-up visit approximately 3 months later to intruders or stray bullets (Kotlowitz, 1991; Kozol,
collect additional information. One striking find- 1995). Families may also keep bedroom windows
ing was that nearly one-third of families changed shut even in homes without air conditioning during
residence within three months of the violent event the hot summer months (Klinenberg, 2002).
that generated a referral to the community-based A series of two articles (Humphreys et al., 2009;
program, and three families moved twice over the Lowe et al., 2007) based on a focus-group study of
course of the study (Spilsbury, Frame, & Winfield, 17 UK women survivors of domestic violence (14
2010). Participants indicated that violence, par- of whom were mothers of 28 children) has provided
ticularly domestic violence, often compelled the a fascinating and terrifying window into the nature
families to move for numerous reasons: (1) safety of sleep in settings of domestic violence, where fear
concerns; (2) loss of income and subsequent inabil- is the “organizing principle” (Lowe et al., 2007,
ity to afford current housing because of the perpe- p. 550). The mothers reported frequent disruptions
trator’s absence or incarceration; (3) psychological to their children’s sleep—trouble settling at night,
need to leave the house where violence occurred; (4) nightmares, and night terrors. Several of the women
death of caretaker(s) and transfer of children to new reported that their children developed enuresis
caretaker. because of the violence, in some cases because they
In such situations, as pilot study families moved felt their children were literally too scared to get out
to another household—typically moving in with of bed at night. A case study of children’s sleep in
friends or relatives as a less expensive alternative— domestic violence settings similarly echoed chil-
observed sleep arrangements were often makeshift. dren’s fear to get out of bed or make a sound in their
In six cases, multiple children slept on the living bedrooms lest it upset the perpetrator of violence
room floor or shared a sofa or chair. In another nine (Berman, 2000).
cases, children shared a bed with 1–2 other children. Participants in the Lowe and Humphreys studies
These new sleeping arrangements were difficult described several strategies employed to maximize
for several participants. For example, 12-year-old their safety, which included changing their sleep-
“Mary” and her mother left their home to stay at ing location to avoid sleeping in their bedroom
a family friend’s already cramped apartment. Mary next to the violent partner and sleeping elsewhere
and her mother slept in the apartment’s living room in the house, such as on a sofa or in their children’s

1 60 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

bedrooms. Even after the perpetrator was no longer Sleep and Exposure to Virtual Environments
present, some women reported sleeping downstairs of Violence
where they could watch the front door or be alerted Nighttime use of televisions, computers, and
to sounds of someone breaking into the house. video games contribute to poorer sleep among chil-
A number of case studies in the medical lit- dren and adolescents wherever studied (reviewed
erature have included information pertaining to by Cain & Gradisar, 2010; Van den Buick 2010).
changes in sleep routines in response to the expe- Moreover, substantial numbers of children and ado-
rience of violence that subsequently change envi- lescents spend considerable time watching television
ronmental “features” or introduce new objects into with violent content, playing violent video games,
the sleep environment. Many of these changes are or both. The violent content of these media may
related to efforts to improve perceived safety. For be especially concerning in regard to sleep prob-
example, Kaufman, Birmaher, Clayton, Retano, lems: use of violent video games has been linked to
and Wongchaowart (1997) reported that a young increased arousal and other physiological alterations
girl who had been victimized by sexual abuse began in players’ cardiovascular and respiratory systems
taking a toy dog and duck to bed with her every eve- (Ivarsson, Anderson, Äkerstedt, & Lindblad, 2009;
ning. She reported sleeping with the dog to prevent also reviewed by Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Of
further attacks because, according to the girl, the note, a recent study of the differential effects on sleep
perpetrator was afraid of dogs. Similarly, other stud- of content and timing of television, video game,
ies have reported that children may take weapons to and computer use revealed that both daytime media
bed with them in order to protect themselves in the use with violent content and evening media use
event of an attack (Pynoos & Nader, 1988). Other were independently associated with increased sleep
children may sleep in their street clothes to facili- problems among a randomized sample of 612 US
tate escaping from an attack (Dawes, Tredoux, & preschool children taking part in a controlled trial
Feinstein, 1989). Families may place bars or extra to promote healthy media (Garrison, Liekweg, &
locks on bedroom windows, lock doors and win- Christakis, 2011).
dows, or make sure they are locked before retiring
each night (Groves, 2001; Howard et al., 2003; Conclusion
Pynoos & Nader, 1988). Children may change The scientific literature indicates that substantial
sleeping location to sleep nearby or with others numbers of children and adolescents living in set-
to increase their perceived safety (Gaffney, 2006; tings of collective and interpersonal violence experi-
Gorham, 1997; Kaplow, Saxe, Putnam, Pynoos, & ence sleep disturbances, including nightmares and
Lieberman, 2006; Spencer, Dobbs, & Swanson, insomnia, as assessed by parent or child report.
1988). Similarly, the small number of studies using objec-
Similarly, in our pilot study in Cleveland, we tive measures of sleep (actigraphy) generally reported
observed families modifying the household envi- links between poor sleep quantity, sleep quality, and
ronment to improve perceived safety: relocating to increased nighttime activity with increased exposure
a siblings’ or mother’s bedroom to sleep with some- to violence. Although one of the actigraphy-based
one, padlocking bedroom doors at night, blocking studies (Sadeh et al., 1995) suggested that sleep
nearby entryways with large appliances (e.g., refrig- effects may differ by form of violence (physical abuse
erators) to restrict movement within the domicile, vs. sexual abuse), the collective literature on sleep–
or keeping windows shut, even in rooms without violence linkages seems to suggest that the effects of
air conditioning during hot weather, to keep out different forms of violence on sleep are more similar
unwanted intruders. We also observed some care- than they are different.
givers altering the sleep environment specifically Collectively, the few longitudinal studies avail-
to improve children’s sleep: moving children’s beds able indicate that although the number of children
away from noisy walls, adding curtains to block with sleep problems or disturbances declines over
unwanted light, reducing unwanted TV noise, pro- time, the effects of violence on sleep may persist in a
viding additional (comfortable) bedding materials. substantial number of children and adolescents for
Moreover, the family of one 11-year-old boy who a considerable length of time, even for years in some
had witnessed his mother assaulted by her part- cases. To the best of my knowledge, the currently
ner installed a dimmer switch for the light in his available longitudinal research consists entirely of
bedroom so he could adjust light levels to enhance sleep as assessed by parent, child, adolescent, or pro-
comfort, perceived safety, or both. vider perceptions of sleep quantity and quality. No

s pi l s bury 161
longitudinal studies have been published involving Future Directions
an objective measure of sleep. • Investigate sleep more broadly. To fully
Research on the sleep environment in settings of understand the effects of violence on children’s sleep
violence show notable similarities regardless of the behavior, research is needed that incorporates a
specific form of violence. First, violence often brings wider range of sleep characteristics, including those
dislocation, which may well entail profound changes obtained by objective methods such as actigraphy
in the sleep environment. These new environments and polysomnography. Polysomnographic studies
may be “makeshift,” inadequate, and dangerous in would generate data on the sleep architecture
their own right. Second, families living in settings of children and adolescents living in violent
of collective or interpersonal violence take steps to environments, thereby providing a more complete
increase the safety of the sleep environment. Such picture of violence’s influence on sleep and perhaps
steps might include physically moving to a part of provide clues for interventions. Likewise, expanding
the dwelling “out of the line of fire,” or sleeping with the investigative gaze to include children’s sleep
or nearby others. Families may also take action to environments would provide information
make the sleep environment as conducive to sleep potentially invaluable for interventions.
as possible, even in makeshift situations. • Conduct longitudinal studies of sleep in
Although the existing research has made sig- children exposed to violence and include nonclinical
nificant strides in our understanding of the rela- populations. Results of the small number of extent
tionship between sleep and violence, limitations longitudinal studies on violence and sleep indicate
are apparent. First, most of the literature on the that the effects of violence on sleep may persist
sleep of children exposed to violence has examined for substantial periods of time. More longitudinal
subjective perceptions of sleep problems or distur- studies are needed to fully characterize violence-
bances. Information about such basic sleep param- induced changes in sleep behavior and the sleep
eters as bedtime, wake time, nightly sleep duration, environment, including identification of potential
sleep efficiency, or daily napping behavior is scant. moderators and mediators of observed effects.
Second, research using objective measures of chil- Ideally, such research would also take into account
dren’s sleep in violent settings is rare, limited to changes in children’s exposure to violence over time.
a handful of actigraphy-based studies. Published Also, to better understand the effects of violence
research involving polysomnographic data on chil- on sleep, more research is needed with nonclinical
dren or adolescents living in violent environments community samples of children and adolescents,
is apparently nonexistent. Third, most of the studies particularly in the domain of interpersonal violence.
conducted with child and adolescent participants • Distinguish the effects of violence from effects
to date are cross-sectional in nature, so the trajec- of other factors. Future research should develop
tory of sleep over time is unclear in this population. strategies to better parse the effects of violence
Fourth, studies have been uneven in their effort to from the effects of co-occurring factors or the
distinguish the effects of violence from those of sequelae of violence. Understanding the relative
other factors that may be related to or even caused contributions of multiple factors that shape sleep
by violence. Children living in a violent environ- is important in order to identify the best factors to
ment may experience multiple forms of violence, target for intervention.
traumatic events unrelated to violence (e.g., car • Investigate sleep in children and adolescents
accident), migration or dislocation from one’s who are being exposed to virtual environments of
home, the death of a loved one, or substandard violence through their use of the mass media and
housing, to name but a few factors or conditions video games. Of course, when such sobering
that might influence sleep. Some investigations numbers of children and adolescents are exposed
have noted (e.g., Pfefferbaum et al., 2006) or even to real environments of violence and suffering,
accounted for (e.g., Chemtob et al., 2008) the the viewpoint that (precious) resources spent on
presence of other traumatic events in their study virtual violence could be better used elsewhere
populations in their analyses. Unfortunately, not all is understandable. However, given the wide use
studies collect such information and the tendency of these media and the growing evidence of their
to misattribute symptoms of distress to specific influence on children and adolescents, further
violent acts has been noted (Wilson & Spenciner, research on the effects of virtual violence on sleep
2004). In light of these limitations, the next section quantity and quality, including changes in the
highlights suggested future directions. timing of sleep, is merited.

1 62 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

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1 66 c h ild ren’s s leep in violent env i ro n m en ts

Assessment of Sleep and
Sleep Problems
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Functional Behavioral Analysis of

15 Sleep in Infants and Children

Neville M. Blampied

Behavior analysis is the scientific study of those interactions between individuals and their
environment responsible for behavior change. Behavioral assessment and functional analysis are
procedures that identify and quantify the causal and outcome variables in the behavior change process.
This chapter summarizes a behavior analysis model of sleep in infants and children and discusses
behavioral assessment and functional analysis as applied in family contexts to understanding and
treating children’s sleep problems. It explains some key attributes of behavior analysis as a domain
within psychology, shows how behavior analysis provides insight into the moment-by-moment
interactional processes that contribute to the origin and maintenance of children’s sleep problems,
and supplies a rationale for intervention guided by functional behavioral assessment and analysis.
Key Words: behavior analysis, discriminated operant, interviews, questionnaires, direct observations,
reinforcement, pediatric sleep disturbance

To juxtapose words involving “function” and processes that contribute to the origin and mainte-
“sleep” in a title invites a supposition that what will nance of children’s sleep problems and difficulties,
be dealt with is the central mystery of sleep, namely, and supply a rationale for intervention guided by
“Why do we sleep?” (Siegel,2005). Or, it might lead functional behavioral assessment and analysis.
to an expectation that the matter discussed will be
the contribution sleep makes to our well-being and Behavior Analysis
functioning in everyday life (e.g., Giallo, Rose, & Behavior analysis is a domain of behavioral sci-
Vittorino, 2011; Mitchel & Kelly, 2008; Sarsour, ence associated with B. F. Skinner (1904–1990),
van Brunt, Johnston, Foley, Morin, & Walsh, 2010; although Skinner acknowledged the influence
Verster, Pandi-Perumel, & Streiner, 2008). This of the earlier research of Pavlov, Thorndike, and
chapter will address neither of these issues. It is Watson, the epistemology of the physicist-philoso-
concerned with the application of behavior analysis pher Mach, and the evolutionary biology of Darwin
and the science of behavior change to issues of sleep (Boakes, 1984; Moxley, 1992; 2005; Skinner,
in infants and children, and with behavioral assess- 1979). It studies those interactions between indi-
ment and functional analysis as applied in family viduals and their environment that bring about
contexts to understanding and treating children’s behavior change. Following Skinner’s inspiration,
sleep problems. It will briefly explain some key behavior analysis is unwaveringly committed to
attributes of behavior analysis as a domain within psychology as a natural science of behavior and
psychology, show how behavior analysis provides rejects explanatory appeals to dualist, mentalist, or
insight into the moment-by-moment interactional other nonmaterial entities. It is also suspicious of

explanatory reductionism, believing that we should Kratochwill et al., 2010). Additional direct, sys-
study behavior as a phenomenon in its own right tematic, and clinical replications may strengthen
(Delprato & Midgley, 1992). conclusions about the effects of treatment (Barlow
Skinner was a pragmatist, emphasizing predic- et al., 1984). Single-case research designs have
tion and control of phenomena as the primary aim been widely used in the evaluation of interventions
of science (Moxley, 1992). This led quite early to for children’s sleep problems, up to and includ-
the application of behavior analysis to human prob- ing randomized-controlled trials of different kinds
lems, in the field now called applied behavior analy- of interventions (France & Blampied, 2005) and
sis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968; 1987; Kazdin, 1978; placebo-controlled, double-blind analyses of seda-
Skinner, 1953). Also, behavior analysis research was tive drugs (France, Blampied, & Wilkinson, 1999).
ideographic in character from the outset, focused on The purpose of Skinner’s pragmatic and ideo-
the individual behaving organism; later researchers graphic experimentation, which he called functional
developed Skinner’s initial procedures into system- analysis, was to establish functional relations. These
atic single-case research designs (Barlow, Hayes, are systematic, and ideally parametric, demonstra-
& Nelson, 1984; Barlow, Nock, & Hersen, 2004; tions of how a behavioral response (the dependent
Hersen & Barlow, 1976; Sidman, 1960) that stand variable) changes as a result of changes in some
in marked contrast to the group-averaging, null-hy- environmental variable (the independent variable).
pothesis testing paradigm of mainstream psychol- “Functional analysis yields functional relations
ogy (Blampied, 1999; 2013; J. Cohen, 1994; Rucci that are the basic facts of a science of behaviour.”
& Tweney, 1980). (Delprato & Midgley, 1992, p. 1509).
Single-case research involves the intensive study Skinner was among the first to clearly distinguish
of individuals and the gathering of extensive, between Pavlovian behavior (i.e., based on reflexes)
repeated, quantitative data about one or more of and instrumental or, using Skinner’s term, operant
their behaviors. An initial period of observation is behavior, a term chosen to emphasize the func-
called baseline, and the stability of the data—assessed tion of the behavior in operating on (i.e., chang-
in terms of its level (relative to the measurement ing) the environment (Skinner, 1937). For Skinner,
scale and possible maxima and minima), its trend Pavlovian (he called it respondent behavior to reflect
over time, and its variability—must be established its elicited nature) and operant behavior consti-
before any further investigation. Variability is treated tuted the fundamental building blocks of each indi-
as part of the behavioral phenomenon to be investi- vidual’s behavior repertoire (Delprato & Midgley,
gated and controlled experimentally, not as “error” 1992). Although Skinner acknowledged the impor-
to be disposed of statically (Sidman, 1960). Once a tance of respondent behavior, the primary focus of
stable baseline is established, a treatment phase may his research, and of behavior analysis since, has been
be instituted and observations continued. The data on operant behavior.
are typically graphed and visual analysis via inspec- In studying operant behavior in behavior analysis,
tion of the graphs is used, by way of within- and the unit of analysis is not the target response per se,
between-phase comparisons, to determine if any as in the description or analysis of the form or topog-
change occurred coincident with the introduction of raphy of the behavior, but is on the discriminated
the independent (treatment) variable. Visual analysis operant (Thompson, 2007). This specifies a unit that
is typically dismissed as highly inferior to inferential embraces the environmental context (which supplies
statistical analysis using null-hypothesis tests, but antecedent stimuli) within which the response occurs,
visual analysis is, in fact, a powerful analysis tech- the response, and the consequences of the response
nique when employed appropriately by properly (i.e., its effects on the environment). Skinner termed
trained researchers (Parker & Hagen-Burke, 2007). this relationship the three-term contingency (Skinner,
To conclude that the treatment caused any 1974). This unit is dynamic and reciprocally transac-
observed change requires that baseline-treatment tive (Morris, 1988), in that the effect of behavior at
phases be repeated and the observed change in one moment in time is to change the environment,
behavior replicated (Schmidt, 2009) if it is to be and such changes create new contexts for the behav-
inferred (tentatively) that the treatment caused ior stream so that the behavior stream is embedded
the change. This may be done by within-subject within and is part of a stream of contexts which it
or between-subject replications, and different rep- both changes and is changed by.
lication procedures yield different kinds of single- Behavior analysis also recognizes that particular
case research designs (Hersen & Barlow, 1976; stimuli in a context may have multiple functions

170 f u nc tional behavioral analys is o f s l eep

with respect to behavior at any moment in time different. Where a different context has stimuli that
(Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). For instance, are similar to or overlap with those for a learned dis-
a baby’s cry may function for the mother as a criminated operant, the process of stimulus general-
Pavlovian conditioned stimulus eliciting a conditioned ization may change the probability of the associated
response of milk let-down in her breasts. At the same operant response (Cooper et al., 2007) with orderly
time the cry may be a discriminative stimulus that changes in the response (the generalization gradient)
exerts what behavior analysis terms stimulus control indexing the extent of similarity or difference in the
over an operant response, such as picking the baby contexts.
up and beginning to nurse it, with that response, in Note, also, that a cry may be an unconditioned or
turn, generating some environmental changes, such conditioned Pavlovian response elicited by a painful
as cessation of the crying and pleasure in the nurs- stimulus or a stimulus predictive of pain/discom-
ing. Although the discriminative stimulus is spoken fort, as well as an operant response strengthened by
of as “controlling” the operant response, the rela- its consequences. Parents may, with time, get quite
tionship between the stimulus and the response is good at discriminating these different kinds of cries,
different between the Pavlovian and operant cases. since they have subtly different physical properties
The Pavlovian stimulus elicits an automatic, reflex (Zeifman, 2001; Zeskind & Lester, 2001). The task
response over which the individual has no volun- of determining what class of behavior (Pavlovian or
tary control. But in the case of the operant response, operant) one is dealing with, and what the key envi-
the stimulus changes the probability of the response ronmental stimuli and behavioral consequences are
occurring because of a prior history of reinforcement for any discriminated operant, is what behavioral
in the context of the stimulus; however, the response assessment and functional analysis (in the applied
is not compelled to occur (Cooper et al., 2007). sense; see below) are for.
Other stimuli will concurrently control other ele- One of the legacies inherited by behavior analysis
ments of the behavior repertoire, so that any partic- was Thorndike’s Law of Effect (Thorndike, 1911).
ular discriminated operant always occurs as a result This postulated that certain consequences of behav-
of a momentary choice among alternatives, with the ior act to strengthen behavior and make it more
alternative chosen reflecting the momentary relative likely to occur in the future, while other conse-
strength of that response (Herrnstein, 1970). quences make the behavior less likely to occur. The
This conceptualization of the unit of analysis as Law of Effect has been subsumed within the study
the discriminated operant is a subtle but important of “the contingencies of reinforcement” (Skinner,
feature of behavior analysis. It means that behav- 1969), involving the detailed analysis of the conse-
ior of the same form or topography may be the quences of responding. Initially, behavior analysts
behavioral element in many different discriminated refined Thorndike’s formulation by re-labeling the
operants. For instance, a child’s cry occurring in process that strengthened behavior as reinforcement,
the context of darkness, being alone in bed, and while the process that weakens behavior is termed
perhaps in discomfort from a wet diaper, may be punishment. Then they drew further distinctions
the behavioral component of a discriminated oper- based upon careful analysis of the nature of the
ant where the context is the bed environment and change in the environment that occurs as a conse-
the wet diaper, and the consequence is that a par- quence of a response (Cooper et al., 2007).
ent appears and removes the discomfort (one class In the case of reinforcement, when the response
of consequences), or one where the consequence is consequence is to now experience something that was
that a parent appears and provides social stimulation not present prior to the response, that contingency
and food (another class of consequence; see below). is called positive reinforcement (so long as the long-
Despite the common environmental context (bed, term effect is demonstrably to strengthen behavior).
darkness, dampness) and form of the behavior The term positive refers to the additive nature of the
(crying) these are separate discriminated operants change occurring as a consequence of the response,
because the consequences are different. Equally, a while reinforcement reflects the strengthening effect
child may cry and experience the consequence of of the experience. However, if the strengthening
parent-provided attention when waking in the cot consequence of the response is such that something
in darkness at night or when in a car seat in a mov- that was experienced prior to the response is now not
ing car in daylight. Again, these are different dis- experienced, because it is removed or prevented from
criminated operants, because while the behavior occurring, this is termed negative reinforcement—-
and the consequences are the same, the context is negative referring, of course, to the subtraction of

b l a m pi ed 171
stimuli from what was being experienced. In the as deprivation and satiation (Michael, 2000). When
examples above, when the child’s cry is followed by reinforcers for a previously reinforced response are
the removal of the discomfort of a wet diaper, that is withdrawn and no longer occur, the procedure is
an example of negative reinforcement (for the child), called extinction, and its longer-term effect is to
and when the cry results in parental attention and reduce the strength of the behavior so that it is per-
food, that is positive reinforcement (again, for the formed infrequently or not at all (Lerman & Iwata,
child). For the parent, escape from hearing the child 1996). The immediate effect of extinction is often
cry—whether produced by changing the diaper, to produce brief intensification of the behavior,
providing attention and food, or both—yields nega- called post-extinction response bursts, a side-effect
tive reinforcement for caregiving. Such reciprocity of that necessitates care in the use of extinction and
interactions and effects must always be recognized sometimes rules it out as a treatment (Lerman &
in behavioral analysis by acknowledging the embed- Iwata, 1995).
dedness of behavior in reciprocal social interactions Important changes have also occurred in how
of all kinds (Heiby & Haynes, 2004; Patterson & behavior analysts conceptualized the environmental/
J. Reid, 1973). stimulus side of the three-term contingency. Skinner
Positive reinforcement can be thought of gen- was never an S-R theorist (contra Chomsky, 1959;
erally as strengthening and maintaining approach see MacCorquodale, 1970; Palmer, 1998; Skinner,
and engagement and negative reinforcement as 1974) and as behavior analysis has developed, it has
strengthening and maintaining escape and avoid- become more and more contextual (Morris, 1988;
ance. In neither case do the terms positive and 1992) since “context gives behavior its meaning
negative refer to the hedonic properties of the con- (i.e., its function)” (Morris, 1988, p. 299). Operant
sequences experienced, though of course these often behaviors are conceived of as occurring within com-
do have hedonic value—in general, we like things plex and multidimensional contexts/environments
that function as positive reinforcers and dislike the (Schlinger, 1992). In principle, these contexts
events we escape and avoid. And, of course, both extend over time, so that the way the environment
positive and negative reinforcement contingencies has changed over time may need to be examined in
may be experienced simultaneously and, in such any functional analysis. Indeed, in behavior analysis
cases, the behavior may be strengthened particularly the environment is conceived of as extending back
effectively and may be hard to change. Returning to in time from the present moment through the onto-
the example given above, since it is hard to change a genetic history of the individual into the phyloge-
diaper without providing attention, the cry in that netic history of the individual’s species. This makes
case is likely to be both positively and negatively it possible, in principle, for behavioral analysis to
reinforced. Note that there is a parallel definitional incorporate genes, epigenetic effects, gestational and
scheme for positive and negative punishment, not perinatal events, and anything else that has occurred
considered further here (see Cooper et al., 2007). in the course of the individual’s developmental his-
Some reinforcing events are termed primary (or tory (Skinner, 1966; Bijou, 1993; Morris, 1988;
unlearned or unconditioned) reinforcers because Gewirtz & Peláez-Nogueras, 1992) as explanatory
they emerge for almost all individuals in the course factors. However, because we cannot change the
of development and are closely linked to primary past, only the present and the future, behavior anal-
motivational states of the organism (Michael, ysis pragmatically emphasizes the role of recent and
2000). In addition to obvious things such as food, contemporary events rather than the more distant
water, warmth, and so on, physical proximity to a past, and focuses assessment on these.
parent, touch, and benign facial expressions may all Furthermore, Skinner, unlike the methodologi-
be primary reinforcers for infants and children, as cal behaviorists such as Watson and Hull, accepted
are infants’ smiles for parents (Bijou, 1993; Cooper private events into his science (Anderson, Hawkins,
et al., 2007). Secondary (or learned or conditioned) Freeman, & Scotti, 2000; Skinner, 1974), hence the
reinforcers also play important roles in strengthening adoption of the term radical behaviorism as the name
behavior. These are stimuli that acquire reinforcing of his position (Schneider & Morris, 1987). This has
properties by a history of being paired with primary many important ramifications for behavior analy-
reinforcers (B. Williams, 1994). Verbal praise and sis, but for now it is sufficient to note that it means
star charts are examples (Cooper et al., 2007). The that internal physical states of the organism (such as
moment-by-moment potency of both kinds of rein- pain) may also contribute to the environment that
forcers is influenced by motivating operations such specifies a discriminated operant and that private

172 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep

events such as thinking, perceiving, and emoting on quality of life and health (Verster et al., 2008).
(i.e., cognition and affect) may be considered to Pediatric sleep disturbances/difficulties (PSD) are
be behaviors and their internal effects as behavioral in themselves challenging to the health and well-
consequences, thereby embracing such phenomena being of the child and the family when they occur,
within the three-term contingency (J. Moore, 1984; and predictive of other difficulties later in life. They
Skinner, 1974; Thompson, 2007), as is recognized are, therefore, socially significant phenomena and
in the development of cognitive-behavior therapy ones to which applied behavior analysis should give
(O’Donohue & Krasner, 1995). attention. This is the topic of the next section.
Contemporary behavior analysis is regarded as
containing four different strands of scholarship, Behavior Analysis of Infant and Child Sleep
research, and application (Hawkins & Anderson, The application of behavior analysis to PSD
2002; J. Moore & Cooper, 2003), and some schol- (indeed, to sleep across the life span; see Blampied
ars suggest a fifth strand, translational behavior & Bootzin, 2013) is based on several key assump-
analysis (Lerman, 2003). The foundation strand is tions. The first of these, paradoxically, was the real-
called conceptual behavior analysis and involves the ization that sleep is not a behavior (Blampied &
continuous development of the philosophy of radi- France, 1993). If sleep were a behavior then it either
cal behaviorism and the concepts and methods used could be elicited by a Pavlovian unconditioned
within the field (Skinner, 1974). The second strand stimulus or be strengthened by reinforcement, and
is the experimental analysis of behavior (Skinner, problems of sleep initiation and maintenance would
1938). This conducts basic laboratory research easily be solved, but they are not. Rather, sleep is
investigating behavioral phenomena (Madden, a state of the organism (Becker & Thoman, 1983;
2012). Subjects used are often species such as rats Thoman, 1990), distinctive because it is associ-
and pigeons, but sometimes humans participate ated with the strong inhibition of overt behavior,
(Bijou, 1996; Lattal & Perone, 1998). although high rates of metabolic and neural activity
The third and fourth strands lie within applied continue. Humans, from birth, cycle between states
behavior analysis (Baer et al., 1968, 1987; J. Moore of waking and sleeping and each of these states has
& Cooper, 2003). Strand three is applied behavior its own distinctive structure and developmental tra-
analysis as an applied science: jectory (see Chapter 5 this volume). Further, sleep is
a biological necessity, and individuals are motivated
Applied behavior analysts conduct experiments
to enter sleep, with that motivation increasing with
aimed at discovering and clarifying functional
prior deprivation (Borbély, 1982). Understanding
relations between socially significant behavior and its
this leads behavior analysts to focus on the key
controlling variables, with which they can contribute
transitions between waking and sleep and sleep and
to the further development of a humane and effective
waking, recognizing that behavior plays key roles in
technology of behavior change. (Cooper et al., 2007,
these transitions (Blampied & France, 1993).
p. 20; emphasis added).
The second key insight was provided by Bootzin
It is the focus on socially significant behavior, not (1977), who identified “falling asleep” as a key oper-
the methodology of the science, that distinguishes ant behavior in the wake-to-sleep transition, with
applied from experimental analysis (Baer et al., the behavior being reinforced by entering sleep.
1968). The final strand is known variously as clinical Furthermore, Bootzin (1977) noted that since fall-
behavior analysis (Thyer, 1999) or behavior-analytic ing asleep is operant behavior, it must be under
service delivery (J. Moore & Cooper, 2003), and is a stimulus control (i.e., it must be a discriminated
professional activity analogous to medical practice or operant) and that appropriate stimulus control is
engineering (Johnston, 1996) in which individuals, the key to good sleep, while inadequate or inappro-
trained in the science base of the conceptual, experi- priate stimulus control may account for insomnia.
mental, and applied analysis of behavior and often This is the basis for his highly effective stimulus
licensed or regulated (J. Moore & Shook, 2001), control therapy for adult insomnia (Bootzin, Smith,
provide evidence-based services to clients in a wide Franzen, & Shapiro, 2010). Specifically in the case
range of settings and for a wide range of problems. of infants and children, Anders and colleagues
Problems and difficulties associated with getting (Anders, Halpern & Hua, 1992; Goodlin-Jones,
to sleep and maintaining sleep of satisfactory depth Burnham, Gaylor, & Anders, 2001) have identified
and duration are frequently encountered across the a capacity for self-soothing as a critical component
life span from infancy to old age and impact adversely of the “falling asleep” behavior. Self-soothing may

b l a m pi ed 173
involve the overt use of comfort objects such as soft environment and social context in which the wake–
toys, blankets, thumb-sucking, and so forth, but it sleep transition occurs. Time of day is also impor-
may also involve less obvious behaviors, especially tant and may be both an interoceptive and external
in older individuals, such as postural adjustments, stimulus. As Bootzin (1977) was the first to note,
relaxing, and turning attention away from sources when a distinctive set of stimuli have a history of
of stimulation. consistently being associated with the behavior of
Building on these initial insights, France, falling asleep and the reinforcement of sleep, then
Blampied and colleagues (Blampied & France, the process comes under strong stimulus control;
1993; France & Blampied, 1999; France, Blampied, and when the stimuli are present, the behavior is
& Henderson, 2003) developed an account of PSD highly likely to occur. Disrupt the stimuli—try to
that incorporated both a developmental and a behav- sleep when not fatigued, at odd times, in unusual
ior analytic perspective in an integrated explanation postures, in novel places, and with unfamiliar
of the child and parent factors and interactions that persons—and sleep onset will be difficult, per-
account for both the development and maintenance haps impossible. Infants and children have a high
of good sleep and of common forms of PSD; for need for sleep and their motivation to enter sleep
example, bed resistance, settling problems, delayed is high, and so they may tolerate more variability
sleep onset, and persistent night waking. This is a in the antecedent stimuli for sleep than adults do
holistic model in which the same developmental (i.e., their sleep-onset generalization gradient is
and learning process are seen at work across the wider); nevertheless, the more consistent the ante-
spectrum of PSDs (France & Blampied, 1999), but cedent stimuli which infants and children experi-
it is useful, for explanatory purposes, first to discuss ence in going to sleep the stronger the stimulus
bedtime and initial sleep onset and then subsequent control of sleep will be, the more established the
wakings (i.e., to differentiate between wake–sleep discriminated operant of falling asleep will be in
and sleep–wake transitions). their behavior repertoire, and the easier it will be
for them to get to sleep.
Going to Bed and Falling Asleep Discriminated operants that function as consum-
If an individual is successfully to go to sleep, he matory responses do not normally stand alone; they
or she must pass through a state transition from are part of larger organizational units—for example,
waking to sleep (Thoman, 1990). This transition food, before it can be chewed and swallowed, must
requires the attainment and maintenance of a state be located, prepared, and placed in the mouth. So
of behavioral quietude; in other words, the reduc- it is with falling asleep. These larger units of behav-
tion of overt motor activity, covert cognitive activ- ior are termed behavior chains (Cooper et al., 2007).
ity, and perceptual stimulation to a low level. The Each link in the behavior chain is a separate dis-
necessary duration of this period of quietude before criminated operant, but what is distinctive about
the individual enters the first stages of sleep is a func- behavior chains is that for each link except the last
tion of many variables, and these variables change (called the terminal link because it contains the con-
over the life span and from day to day; neverthe- summatory response that consumes the primary
less, some period of behavioral quietude is needed reinforcer) the stimuli produced as a consequence of
for the transition to be made. Motivation to make each response serve a dual function; they are second-
the transition grows with fatigue, and when sleep is ary reinforcers of the response that precedes them,
achieved this acts as a primary reinforcer. Viewed and simultaneously discriminative stimuli for the
this way, the behavioral quietude that immediately response that follows them (Cooper et al., 2007).
precedes sleep onset can be viewed as a consum- Understanding this widens the scope of our analysis
matory response, analogous to eating food when to incorporate the sequences of behavior that pre-
hungry—it is the response that consumes the rein- cede the final falling asleep response; in other words,
forcer of sleep (Blampied & France, 1993). the full bed-preparation sequence. Establishing reg-
This consummatory response must be a dis- ular bed preparation routines ensures that chains of
criminated operant, but what are the discrimina- behavior are under strong stimulus control, and so
tive stimuli? There are a number that potentially the whole chain is emitted as a behavioral unit lead-
might control falling asleep. These include intero- ing reliably to the terminal link and sleep. Positive
ceptive stimuli such as fatigue, proprioceptive bedtime routines incorporating a consistent bedtime
stimuli arising from posture and body orientation, are a well-established intervention for children’s bed
and exteroceptive stimuli arising from the physical delay, resistance, and refusal (Adams & Rickert,

174 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep

1989; Ferber, 1985; Mindell, 1999) and are key Parents and their actions are salient parts of the
features of sleep hygiene at all ages (Stepanski & stimulus context within which their child’s bed-
Wyatt, 2003). preparation and falling asleep behavior chain is com-
Another important insight follows from the rec- pleted. Parent actions and instructions are highly
ognition that getting to sleep involves a behavior likely to be the stimuli that initiate the sequence for
chain. As noted above, all operant behavior occurs infants and young children, and even older children.
in a context of choice (Grace & Hucks, 2013) and Everything known from research on parenting is
so at any moment, while emitting one chain of clinically relevant in assisting parents with the use of
behavior, individuals have choices and may switch appropriate and effective instructions, including the
from the current chain to another. These choices are use (from an appropriate age) of descriptive praise
controlled by the different discriminative stimuli for compliance with instructions (J. A. Owens &
present in the environment and the secondary and Mindell, 2005; Sanders, 1992). It is highly desir-
primary reinforcers associated with the behaviors able, though, that parent-supplied stimuli become
linked historically with those stimuli. This alerts less salient toward the end of the bed preparation
us to the fact that there is nothing inevitable about and falling asleep chain, especially right at the end.
the completion of a chain of behavior. Choice, Stimuli present at this point will become associated
distraction, disruption—shifts to other behavior with the consummatory transition to sleep and the
chains—is always possible. When the stimuli asso- natural reinforcer of sleep. Parent-provided stimuli,
ciated with these alternative responses are highly arising from their actions or just their presence, if
salient, and the reinforcers associated are immediate they overshadow the natural stimuli of the bed envi-
or highly attractive (as they typically are for bedtime ronment and become controlling stimuli for falling
tantrums and other forms of delay and resistance), asleep, will then have to be provided every time if
while the reinforcer for completing the chain and the child is to go to sleep. This may be acceptable
going to sleep is delayed, the likelihood of choice of during infancy, but parents may find this burden-
the alternative is high and, therefore, so is the like- some as their child grows older (Ferber, 1985). To
lihood of disruption of the bed-preparation chain. avoid this, parent-associated stimuli should be with-
So, as Bootzin (1977) presciently argued, we need drawn from the last phase of the bedtime routine
to identify and remove from the sleep environment as the child grows, leaving naturally occurring bed
those stimuli that control behavior options that have cues to control the final discriminated operants in
the potential to disrupt progress to falling asleep. the chain (Blampied & France, 1993).
For older children (and adolescents and adults) this Researchers and clinicians have documented a
may require restriction of access to entertainment wide variety of bedtime rituals which parents learn
and communication technology that is now com- to perform because they appear necessary to getting
monly found in bedrooms (Van den Bulck, 2007). their child to sleep. These may range from breast-
With toddlers now using iPads and similar devices, feeding or bottle-feeding the child to sleep, to more
this is an area urgently needing more research (see elaborate and prolonged activities of rocking, sing-
Chapter 11, this volume). ing, patting, walking the child about, driving about
Infants and young children are highly dependent in cars, co-sleeping, and abandoning any attempt
on their parents and caregivers for establishing bed- at putting the child to bed at all and allowing them
preparation routines and for managing sources of to fall asleep in the midst of family activities (Teng,
distraction and disruption. In advising parents about Bartle, Sadeh, & Mindell, 2012). When these ritu-
appropriate bedtime routines, therapists need to als have developed they are clinically challenging to
emphasize the need for consistency of the routines and deal with, since even slight changes to the discrimi-
the need to attend to possible competing stimuli and native stimuli within the chain disrupt progress to
behaviors, especially those that increase arousal and sleep onset. Establishing positive routines and sup-
divert from the bed-preparation routine. Parents must porting parents through the distress and disruption
also understand the need to eliminate reinforcement that accompanies implementing them is one inter-
(such as their own social attention) for distracting and vention (Adams & Rickert, 1989; France, 1994;
disruptive behavior while positively reinforcing bed- France et al., 1996) used in such cases.
preparation behaviors (J.A. Owens & Mindell, 2005). An alternative is the parental presence proce-
There is a second, and important, reason to con- dure of Sadeh (1994; also known as extinction with
sider the things that parents do in interaction with parental presence; see Chapter 22, this volume).
their infant or child during the bedtime period. This involves the dissociation of the parent’s actions

b l a m pi ed 175
and interactions at bedtime from their properties the factors affecting night waking are considered
as a stimulus. In this procedure, at the end of the (Blampied & France, 1993). Many children who go
bedtime routine the child is placed in bed, and then to bed and fall asleep without difficulty do chroni-
the parent remains in the room with the child until cally wake during the night. Indeed, it is normative
the child falls asleep—sitting on a chair or lying on for infants to wake to be fed during the first months
another bed, in view of the child—but does not fur- of their life, but even when sleep has consolidated
ther interact with them. Once the child is reliably into long continuous periods (Henderson, France,
falling asleep the parent ceases the practice, often Owens, & Blampied, 2010; Henderson, France,
after about a week. This procedure is very effective & Blampied, 2011), evidence from studies of the
(France & Blampied, 2005; Mindell, 1999; Selim, maturation of sleep indicate that infants will enter
France, Blampied, & Liberty, 2006; Wilson, 2013). at least the early stage of the sleep–wake transition a
Sadeh (1994) provided a rationale in attachment number of times per night (Ferber & Boyle, 1983).
theory terms, while France and Blampied (2005) At each of these times, two outcomes are possible:
suggested additionally that the parent’s presence The child may return to sleep without evidence of
(as a stimulus) might be acting as a Pavlovian safety overt arousal and without expression of distress, or
signal (see Blampied & Bootzin, 2013 for a fuller the child may wake and exhibit distress and arousal.
explanation of this idea). All agree that the cessation Which course is followed depends on the presence
of parent interactions with the child constitutes an or absence in their behavior repertoire of self-sooth-
extinction procedure for sleep-incompatible behav- ing/falling asleep responses and the stimulus control
ior performed by the child. of these or competing behaviors.
Another important point emerges from this The response of self-soothing/falling asleep is
analysis, which is the necessity of placing the infant one that, once acquired, gives those who possess
or child into bed awake. If they have gone to sleep it the ability to fall asleep again if and when they
in some other context, then the stimuli of that con- wake after initially falling asleep. For the infant or
text, not those associated with the bed, will poten- child who has learned to go to sleep under the dis-
tially become the controlling discriminative stimuli criminative control of bed-associated cues, these
for falling asleep. If this happens routinely, then cues are also present if they wake later. The presence
the bed-associated stimuli never have the oppor- of these cues makes it likely that self-soothing and
tunity to become discriminative stimuli for fall- falling asleep will again occur, and be reinforced by
ing asleep. Research has consistently shown that the transition back into sleep. For these individuals,
whether infants are placed in bed awake or asleep sleep may be said to be “self-regulated” (Henderson
is a strong predictor of later sleep outcomes, with et al., 2010).
being placed down awake predictive of better sleep If, however, these skills have not been acquired,
outcomes (Adair, Bauchner, Philipp, Levenson, & or if sleep is under the control of discriminative
Zuckerman, 1991). stimuli that are different from those encountered
Given that initially in early childhood and at in the bed environment on later waking, and/or if
times thereafter the bed environment and separa- other- rather than self-soothing is required to get to
tion from parents may evoke fear and anxiety in sleep, then any night waking is likely to be associated
infants and children (Sadeh et al., 2010), parents with arousal and distress. If parent-supplied stimuli
need to ensure that the environment is modified as were required to go to sleep initially, then the par-
much as possible to reduce this potential to induce ents will need to return to supply them again. The
fear and distress. Exposure to novel and/or fear- child is likely to continue to cry and signal that they
evoking stimuli does typically result in habituation, are awake until the parent responds and engages
in time, and this may be enhanced by gradual expo- in their standard rituals for getting the child back
sure. But the child must be conscious if habituation to sleep (Ferber, 1985). But, as noted above, par-
and adaptation is to occur. Sadeh’s parental presence ent attention is also likely to be reinforcing of the
procedure may work, in part, because it facilitates behavior it follows, so arousal and crying and calling
habituation by the awake infant to the bed environ- out get strengthened. This is a classic behavior trap
ment while minimizing separation anxiety. (Patterson & J. Reid, 1973). The child’s crying is
aversive to the parent, and the parent acts to pro-
Night Waking duce cessation of the crying and thereby escapes it
The importance of bed-associated cues in con- but, in doing so, positively reinforces the child with
trolling sleep becomes even more evident when attention, thus making the child’s behavior more

176 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep

likely to occur (Patterson, 1982). At the same time, this beginning in Witmer’s clinic, psychological
the parent’s behavior in terminating the crying is assessment developed thus:
negatively reinforced. Child and parent are both
[Its] intent is description and prediction [for]
more likely to behave this way again.
planning, executing, and evaluating therapeutic
Since parent-supplied reinforcement is seen as
interventions and predicting future behavior. Any
the key variable maintaining the crying and call-
of numerous techniques can be used, singly or in
ing out, extinction via the withdrawal (or at least
combination, depending on the orientation of the
reduction to a minimum) of parent attention
clinician and the specific questions for which answers
(France & Blampied, 1999; C. Williams, 1959) is
are sought. Thus, interviews with the client or with
the key to remedying the problem (Blampied &
others; observation in natural or contrived situations;
France, 1993; France & Hudson, 1990; Richman
or the use of tests of different functions, varying in
et al., 1985). There is now a large body of outcome
breadth, objectivity, psychometric refinement, and
research confirming the effectiveness of extinction-
inference might all be included. The immediate
based procedures for PSD, and exploring various
goal may be the relatively precise measurement of a
modifications to make the procedures less stressful
particular psychological function or the construction
and more acceptable to parents (e.g., C. Lawton,
of a “working image or model of the person.”
France, & Blampied, 1991; Rolider & van Houten,
(Korchin & Schuldberg, 1981, p. 1147).
1984; Healey et al., 2009). There is also excel-
lent evidence that they cause no long-term harm As many commentators (e.g., Heiby & Haynes,
to children’s emotional development or mental 2004; Korchin & Schuldberg, 1981; Weiner,
health (France, 1992; Price, Wake, Ukoumunne, 2003) note, while behavioral assessment (by which
& Hiscock, 2012). they mean clinical assessment as undertaken by
The behavior analysis of the development of those with a behavioral or cognitive-behavioral
infant and child sleep has systematically identi- orientation) fits within the wider and historically
fied a number of important variables; notably, the older framework of psychological assessment, it
antecedent context and associated discriminative has a number of distinctive features. Among these
stimuli, the behaviors, and the reinforcers that is the important fact that behavioral assessment is
constitute chains of behavior that either facilitate not much (or perhaps ever) concerned with formal
or disrupt sleep during transitions into and out of typological categorization and diagnosis; nor is it
sleep. It has also shown how intimately reciprocal typically concerned with normative comparisons to
the behaviors of parents and infants and children the population or some reference group using stan-
are in the processes that lead either to good or poor dardized psychometric instruments, although this
sleep (for both parties). For both research and clini- may happen where there is concern for the social
cal purposes, these variables need identification and validity (Wolf, 1978) of the treatment outcome.
careful assessment. How this is achieved is consid- For instance, recent research into early intensive
ered next. behavioral interventions for children with autism
spectrum disorder has used standardized tests of
Behavioral Assessment and Applied intelligence to relate changes in clients’ IQ to pub-
Functional Analysis lished norms (e.g., Howard, Sparkman, H. Cohen,
Behavioral assessment and functional analysis Green, & Stanislaw, 2005). In the case of infants’
within behavioral analysis emerged from a tradition sleep, there is now good contemporary data on the
that can be traced back to Lightner Witmer (1867– development of sleep consolidation from birth to
1956), the founder of clinical psychology (Blampied, 36 months (Henderson et al., 2010; Teng et al.,
2013; McReynolds, 1997; Witmer, 1996, original 2012) which can be used to inform parents and
work 1907) and even earlier (Ollendick, Alvarez, assess therapy outcomes.
& Greene, 2004). Witmer defined clinical psychol- Further, behavioral assessment is focused on
ogy as in essence involving the determination of the recent and contemporary events, not the past.
“status of an individual mind . . . by observation and Behavioral assessment is also distinctive in that it
experiment” and the provision of “treatment . . . to normally makes repeated measures and observa-
effect a change” (Witmer, 1996, p. 251), which, tions of each individual throughout baseline and
with some changes in terminology, could stand as treatment phases, consistent with the idiographic,
a general description of applied or clinical behav- outcome-focused, single-case approach described
ior analysis/cognitive-behavior therapy today. From above. There are, therefore, both differences and

b l a m pi ed 177
continuities across assessment practices in psycho- information, some indirect and some direct (e.g.,
logical and behavioral assessment, with underly- Eifert & Feldner, 2004; Fernández-Ballesteros,
ing theories and conceptual foundations being the 2004; O’Brien et al., 2003; Ollendick et al., 2004;
source of the major differences (Ollendick et al., J. Reid, Patterson, & Snyder, 2002). Further, in the
2004; Weiner, 2003). investigation of PSD a holistic focus must be main-
Behavioral assessment has shifted at various tained that includes the infant/child, other siblings,
times between focusing more on the “form” and parents and caregivers, and possibly other family
sometimes more on the “function” of behavior members as well (Chadez & Nuris, 1987; Dahl &
(O’Brien & Carhart, 2011; O’Brien, McGrath, El-Sheik, 2007). This requires the use of a range of
& Haynes, 2003; Ollendick et al., 2004), and in methods suited for individuals at very different ages
the period when behavioral therapies were initi- and states of development. The field is dominated
ated the emphasis was on “topographical analysis” by parent reports about their children and them-
(i.e., form; O’Brien et al., 2003) using operations selves, rather than reports from the target child
designed to accurately characterize problem behav- her/himself or other observers, with the exception
iors and identify their consequences. Over this time of psychophysiological measures, which normally
the term functional analysis has taken on many come directly from the child by way of profes-
shades of meaning (O’Brien et al., 2003), such that sionally supervised recordings. Since psychophysi-
the terms behavioral assessment, functional assessment ological measurements such as polysomonography
and functional analysis have sometimes been used and actigraphy are covered in other chapters (see
interchangeably (Carr & LeBlanc, 2003). There Chapters 5 and 16, this volume) they will not be
has been a recent shift (Drossel, Rummel, & Fisher, discussed further here.
2009; O’Brien et al., 2003), however, to now focus Indirect methods of assessment include inter-
on both form and function of behavior rather than views, ratings and checklists, and parent-completed
form alone. Behavior assessment and applied func- questionnaires (or self-completed by older children),
tional analysis as defined in this chapter, therefore, while direct functional analysis methods require
means directing attention to the entire discrimi- behavioral observations. Most indirect measures
nated operant—antecedent context, behavior, con- are retrospective, in that they ask about the past.
sequences, inclusive of form and function. To this Observations are prospective in that they record
end, behavioral assessment shares techniques with events as they occur in time from the point where
psychological assessment, but applied functional the assessment was initiated.
analysis procedures require quantitative, time-series
data obtained by direct observation. Indirect Methods
In undertaking the behavioral assessment and interviews
functional analysis of PSD it is essential to separate Interviews are the mainstay of behavioral assess-
out the assessment of the sleep state per se from the ment (Cooper et al., 2007; Ollendick et al., 2004),
assessment of sleep difficulties that are behavioral as they are of psychological assessment generally.
in origin. Analysis and assessment of sleep states is The form of the interview is structured to yield
an important domain of sleep science but its pur- information useful for behavior analysis: “The goal
pose is often for description or diagnosis (as in the of a behavioral interview is to obtain clear and
International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Revised; objective information about the problem behav-
American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2001) and iors, antecedents, and consequences” (Cooper
for screening for research, diagnostic, or treatment et al., 2007, p. 510). To this end, questions are
purposes. These objectives are not ones to which focused on describing each target behavior in its
behavioral analysis contributes (see above; Blampied range of form, intensity, and frequency, and clari-
& Bootzin, 2013). Rather, behavior assessment fying when, in what settings, and with whom it
focuses on the events and contexts leading up to the occurs. The interviewer probes to establish the
transition into and out of sleep, consistent with the settings and contexts typically associated with the
behavior analysis of sleep (see the section Behavior occurrence and the non-occurrence of the behav-
Analysis of Infant and Child Sleep above). ior and what typically happens after the behavior
(i.e., its consequences). The interviewer should also
Behavioral Assessment ask about thoughts, feelings and emotions, prefer-
The process of behavioral assessment benefits ences, and concerns, and discover what if any prior
from multiple methods and multiple sources of attempts at problem-solving and behavior change

178 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep

have previously been made (Diden, Curfs, van support may be required where such differences are
Driel, & de Moor, 2002; France, 1994; Sadeh & encountered (Barbour & Davison, 2004).
Tikotzky, & Scher, 2010).
Because there are not otherwise many forms of ratings, checklists, self-report
assessment procedure that will yield relevant knowl- measures
edge, the interview is also the place to investigate Informants, who are usually significant others in
the possibility that Pavolvian stimuli and responses, the life of the person whose behavior is the target of
especially those expressed in fear, anxiety, or other investigation, can use rating scales and checklists to
forms of strong arousal, are contributing to sleep provide overall descriptions of behaviors, settings,
problems (Blampied & Bootzin, 2013). This means and consequences, often at broad levels of analysis
asking questions about possible unconditioned and and high levels of generality. Response formats vary
conditioned stimuli that may elicit fear, anxiety, (see Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a). These methods are
(dis)stress, and arousal for the infant/child and other regarded as convenient and cost-effective (Cooper
family members (e.g., see Diden, Curfs, Sikkema, et al., 2007; Ollendick et al., 2004) but have con-
& de Moor, 1998). If the interview discloses life siderable limitations, particularly lack of specificity,
events that might have functioned as occasions for bias, and often poor psychometric quality (Cooper
the conditioning of such behavior to occur (e.g., et al., 2007; Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a, b).
traumatic events, illnesses and treatments, sudden
events or changes in circumstances) then these need questionnaires
to be probed for the potential that conditioned In considering self-report questionnaires a broad
responses have developed that affect sleep or adjust- classification can be imposed: those concerned
ment in the child or other family members (King, with the child, particularly his/her sleep but also
Ollendick, & Tonge, 1997). Unfortunately, the role including developmental stage, temperament and
of Pavlovian processes in PSD remains underinves- other attributes, and mostly filled out by parents/
tigated (Blampied & Bootzin, 2013). caregivers; and those concerned with the parents’
Ollendick et al. (2004) stress the importance of health, well-being, and opinions about the prob-
using traditional clinical interviewing skills to estab- lem or its treatment, almost always completed by
lish rapport with the interviewee(s), build a rela- the adults involved. In the field of pediatric sleep
tionship between therapist and client(s), and build there are many questionnaires available. Those for
a common understanding of goals and outcome general use have been comprehensively reviewed by
expectations. Where infant and children’s sleep dif- Lewandowski, Toliver-Sokol, and Palermo (2011)
ficulties are the focus, the primary informants in the and Spruyt and Gozal (2011b) and those for chil-
interview will be parents and possibly other caregiv- dren with developmental delays by Bonuck, Hyden,
ers, although older children should be interviewed Ury, Barnett, Ashkinaze, and Briggs (2011) [see also
as their social and cognitive skills allow (Barbour & Chapter 18, this volume]. All these authors agree
Davison, 2004). A careful developmental history that the psychometric qualities of these instru-
must be taken covering the child’s life from the pre- ments are generally poor (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a,
natal period onward; parents’ beliefs, expectations b), but Lewandowski et al. (2011) identify six that
about, and knowledge of the development of infant meet criteria developed by the Society of Pediatric
and child sleep must be explored, and information Psychology Assessment Taskforce (L. Cohen, La
about sleep clearly communicated (France, 1994; Greca, Blount, Kazak, Holmbeck, & Lemanek,
France, Henderson, & Hudson, 1996). 2008) as being evidence-based. The majority of
Interview-style information gathering remains these cover child age ranges that that begin some-
important throughout the assessment and therapy where in middle childhood and extend (for three of
process. Sanders and J. Lawton (1993) describe what the six) into adolescence. Only one, the Brief Infant
they term a Guided Participation Model, embedded Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ, Sadeh, 2004; see also
in an interview or series of interviews that should be Sadeh, Mindell, Luedtke, & Wiegand, 2009), can be
used to give parents and children feedback incor- used with infants under 12 months of age and one
porating information from the whole assessment other, the Infant Sleep Questionnaire (ISQ, Morell,
process. It is particularly important to be aware of 1999), covers 12- to 18-month-old infants. These
cultural, ethnic, and language differences between questionnaires are useful for screening, for problem
clinician and client throughout the assessment pro- identification and specification, and may identify
cess, and extra care, time, training, and external aspects of contexts or consequences that warrant

b l a m pi ed 179
closer attention, but they are not sufficient of them- deteriorate) after treatment is an important part of
selves to be the basis of a functional analysis. demonstrating the generality of therapeutic effects
For the assessment of parent/caregiver health, and the social validity of the outcomes (Price, et al.,
well-being, and other attributes, there are many 2012; Wolf, 1978). Consistent with concern for the
self-report questionnaires of varying psychometric acceptability and social validity of treatments and
quality that purport to assess almost every domain outcomes, some investigators (e.g., Bramble, 1996;
of psychological functioning. Examples of those Healey et al., 2009; C. Lawton et al., 1991) have
used in intervention research for PSD include the systematically used brief self-report measures of
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI, Beck, Ward, various kinds to assess consumer satisfaction with
Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961; e.g., Mindell the interventions used, and this practice is strongly
& Durand, 1993), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale encouraged.
(DAS, Spanier, 1976; e.g., Hiscock & Wake,
2002; Mindell & Durand, 1993), The Depression, Direct Functional Analysis
Anxiety and Stress Scale-Short Form (DASS-21, Direct functional analysis requires the acquisi-
Henry & Crawford, 2005; e.g., Price, et al., tion of real-time observational data. For infant and
2012), The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ, child sleep, collecting such data can be a challenge
Goldberg, 1978; e.g., Scott & Richards, 1989), because it mostly has to be collected at night, in
The Profile of Mood States (POMS, McNair, Lorr, the privacy of people’s homes (Richman, Douglas,
& Droppleman, 1971; e.g., Mindell, Telofski, Hunt, Lansdown, & Levere, 1985). It has some-
Weigand, & Kurtz., 2009), and the State-Trait times been collected by trained observers, almost
Anxiety Inventory (STAI, Speilberger, 1983; e.g., always staff in residential institutions using observa-
C. Lawton, Blampied, & France, 1995). Researchers tion schedules over 24-hour periods (e.g., Piazza &
also use parent-completed measures of child tem- Fisher, 1991), and parents have also been trained in
perament, behavior, and well-being as part of both this technique (Ashbaugh & Peck, 1998; Rolider &
baseline and outcome assessment. Examples include Van Houten, 1984). Also, in-home audio (or video)
the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL, Achenbach & recordings may be made by parents at bedtime and
Ruffle, 2000; e.g., Lam, Hiscock, & Wake, 2003), later analyzed by trained observers (e.g., B. Moore,
the Child Behavior Characteristics Scale Revised Friman, Fruzetti, & MacAleese, 2007).
(CBC-R, Borgatta & Fanshel, 1970; e.g., France, The most common method for getting data
1992), the Flint Infant Security Scale (FIS, Flint, about infant and child sleep is through parent/
1974; e.g., France, 1992), the Pediatric Quality of caregiver daily sleep diaries (Richman et al., 1985).
Life Inventory (PedsQL 4.0, Varni, Seid, & Kurtin, The ubiquity of this method is shown in Mindell
2001; e.g., Price, et al., 2012), and the Strengths (1999), where 32 out of the 34 reviewed studies
and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ, Goodman, report using parent diaries as the primary or sole
1997; e.g., Hiscock, Canterford, Ukoumunne, & source of sleep data. Parent/caregiver diaries may
Wake, 2007). cover all episodes of sleep, including daytime naps
Measures of this kind can be important in sev- (Ward, Gay, Anders, Alkon, & Lee, 2007) or just
eral ways. First, parent/caregiver and child factors night sleep, depending on the age of the child and
may be epidemiologically important as correlates or the nature of the problem being investigated. There
markers of sleep difficulties in children, and useful, is no standard diary in general use, and investigators
then, in predicting the scope or magnitude of the and clinicians typically design their own forms, but
problem. They may also be prognostic with respect there is a high degree of commonality in the infor-
to the likely outcomes achieved by particular inter- mation recorded. To be useful in functional analysis
ventions (Francis & Chorpita, 2004). diaries should record the timing of events, such as
Second, the psychological state, temperament, the beginning of bed-preparation activities, actually
or disposition of a parent or child may be function- going to bed, and any subsequent wakes; the dura-
ally important as part of the context within which tion of such events; and the actions of both parents
sleep difficulties develop and are maintained. They and child as they interact throughout the period
may act as moderator variables in the relationship being recorded.
between the antecedent context, the behavior, and Parents are instructed in the use of the diary,
its consequences (Heiby & Haynes, 2004). Finally, usually face-to-face as part of the initial interview,
showing that general child, parent, and family and it is common to follow up with phone calls and
health and well-being improve (or at least do not sometimes further face-to-face contact to ensure

1 80 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep

that parents are consistently completing the diary become highly standardized, with routines designed
(e.g., M. Reid, Walter, & O’Leary, 1999). Richman to reveal particular classes of possible antecedents
(1985) developed the Sleep Behavior Scale as a way or reinforcements applied in analogue rather than
of summarizing data from diary records, typically natural settings (Carr & LeBlanc, 2003), and typi-
over 5–7 days. This composite measure is useful cally with trained observers rather than parents.
to characterize baseline levels of sleep disturbance Although advocated for use in the development
(France & Blampied, 2005) and as a way of estimat- of interventions for child sleep problems (Brown
ing the size of overall therapy effects (e.g., France & Piazza, 1999), these analogue functional analy-
et al., 1999). sis methods have not been used either, at least not
The accuracy of parent sleep diaries has been directly in connection with sleep problems, but
evaluated against all-night video recordings (vid- there are examples of analogue functional analysis
eosomnography, Anders & Sostek, 1976; e.g., of the influence of chronic sleep deprivation on day-
Minde, Faucon, & Falkner, 1994), actigraph time problem behavior (Kennedy & Meyer, 1996;
records (e.g., Sadeh, 1994), mechanical devices O’Reilly, 1995). The existing standard methods are
that record parent activities near the crib (France unsuited to the analysis of night sleep and there are
& Hudson, 1990), and sometimes a second diary major problems of privacy, practicality, ethics, and
kept by another parent or family member (McGarr acceptability standing in the way of extending these
& Hovell, 1980; Ronen, 1991). The conclusion analogue experimental functional analysis proce-
from these procedures is that parent diaries typi- dures to sleep problems, although it may be that
cally achieve satisfactory levels of accuracy (inter- some aspects of them could be adapted for problems
observer agreement typically exceeds 75%), not affecting daytime naps.
inferior to that achieved by parent records of many
kinds of child behavior (Blampied & France, Behavioral Case Formulation
1993), although they commonly underestimate the Behavioral case formulation integrates the
frequency of night waking that is not accompanied information from behavior assessment and func-
by crying or other disturbance (e.g., Sadeh, 1994). tional analysis into a coherent, but often tentative,
Videosomnography (Anders & Sostek, 1976) is the account of the client’s problems and links this with
“gold standard” for assessment of the accuracy of a treatment plan (Godoy & Haynes, 2011; Haynes
sleep diaries (Blampied & Bootzin, 2013) because & A. Williams, 2003). A behavioral formulation is
it captures not only sleep states and transitions, but constructed within behavior analysis parameters,
also actual child and parent behavior in the bed- but the formulation must also draw on a profound
room (e.g., Healey et al., 2009). Such videos do understanding of child development (Bijou, 1993),
not, however, typically capture events during the must be ecological in orientation, and view the
lead-up to going to bed, when functionally impor- child and the family as a system embedded in larger
tant things also happen. systems (Holmbeck, Devine, & Bruno, 2010; Mash
There are at least two other methods of functional & Lee, 1993). There are a number of general guides
analysis that might be used in the assessment of PSD. to the process (e.g., Page & Golden, 2009; Drossel
The first involves various forms of conditional prob- et al., 2009), and Sanders (Sanders & Dadds, 1993,
ability and correlation analyses. O’Brien (O’Brien & Sanders & J. Lawton, 1993) provides a specific
Carhart, 2011, O’Brien et al., 2003) provides a gen- guide when working with families.
eral introduction to the use of conditional probability It is critical that the target problem behavior(s)
in functional assessment, and Patterson and colleagues be clearly identified and quantitatively specified.
(Patterson, 1982; J. Reid et al., 2002) identified ante- For there to be a “problem” somebody must com-
cedents and consequences by way of lag-correlational plain about it (Baer et al., 1968), but complaints
analyses of time-series parent–child interaction data. are open to interpretation. Psychoeducation or cog-
No actual instances of these kinds of functional anal- nitive reframing for the complainer is an option
yses of sleep data seem to exist. always to consider. This is where comprehensive
The second method involves the use of analogue developmental knowledge is essential, so that, for
experimental functional analysis of the kind devel- instance, parents can be helped to understand the
oped by Iwata and colleagues (Iwata & Worsdell, typical trajectories of infant sleep development and
2005) for the functional analysis of challenging appraise the sleep of their own child in that context.
behavior (Cooper et al., 2007). For individuals Sociocultural factors may play an important role in
with developmental disabilities these methods have this as well.

b l a m pi ed 181
Given that the clients and the clinician concur constitute default technologies (Cooper et al., 2007),
that there is a problem, the next step in the case which can be matched to particular problems via
formulation is to consider the context in all its eco- functional analysis and then feature in clinicians’
logical complexity. This may embrace the whole recommendations to parents, allowing parents
(extended) family, the parents individually and choice where possible (France, 1994; France et al.,
as they relate to each other, siblings, and the tar- 1996; Sanders & J. Lawton, 1993).
get child (or children). Temperaments, cognitions, The pragmatic test of any case formulation is
emotions, past behaviors, and social and material to see what happens when the treatment is imple-
circumstances all need consideration (France & mented. Assessment, at least in the form of con-
Blampied, 1999; Sadeh et al., 2010). It can be help- tinued observations of the target behavior, must
ful to organize this along a continuum of distal to continue and be closely monitored to see if behavior
proximal variables. Distal (and unmodifiable) vari- changes in the predicted way. If it does not, given
ables may need to be factored in as mediators and sufficient time, then the case formulation must be
moderators of any causal factors (tentatively) iden- revisited, perhaps additional assessment undertaken
tified, while proximal, modifiable variables offer and a modified treatment implemented and evalu-
scope for intervention. Sleep diary records provide ated, until success is achieved.
important information about common patterns The need to support parents through the imple-
of parent–child interaction and the discriminative mentation process is strongly emphasized (France,
stimuli occurring before and during sleep, and this 1994; France et al., 1996), especially in the initial
is a major source informing causal hypotheses and phases where phenomena such as post-extinction
treatment plans. response bursts may be common (France & Hudson,
Sleep diaries are also critical sources of infor- 1990; Lerman & Iwata, 1995). Compliance with
mation about potential reinforcers. Reciprocity in treatment procedures may be a problem, especially
parent–child interaction patterns means attention with more complex ones (C. Lawton et al., 1991;
must be paid to what reinforces both parties, recall- Healey et al., 2009), and information from the
ing that preventing (avoiding) things may be as parent diaries should be closely examined to check
potent a source of (negative) reinforcement as get- that parents are implementing the treatment as
ting something (positive reinforcement). Parents’ planned. Evidence shows that parents commonly
pre-bed rituals are often strongly negatively rein- modify treatments, usually to make them easier to
forced and supported by beliefs about their rightness use (Healey et al., 2009). A maintenance phase in
or necessity, and strong emotional disquiet may be which parents and child consolidate the gains made
expressed at suggestions they be changed or aban- and new practices become integrated into everyday
doned. Equally, if stimuli in the child’s environment life are essential, and there should be a follow-up
evoke fear or anxiety, behavior that replaces these to ensure that gains are maintained and any relapse
with other stimuli, especially those bringing com- or residual problems attended to. Finally, measures
fort and companionship, will be negatively rein- of acceptability and consumer satisfaction should be
forced and probably positively reinforced as well. gathered (Kazdin, 1980; Wolf, 1978).
These sources of distress need careful modification
(King et al., 1997). Conclusion
All this information guides the planning of inter- The goal of applied behavior analysis is to
ventions, drawing on the factors identified in the develop humane and effective technologies for
functional analysis. This may involve changing the addressing socially significant behavior problems
antecedent context, as in using positive routines, or (Cooper et al., 2007). For PSD this goal has been
changing the reinforcing consequences, as in using substantively met, and there are empirically valid
an extinction-based intervention, or some form of behavioral interventions available to tackle com-
positive reinforcement, as in star charts, or modify- mon sleep problems throughout the life span
ing both antecedents and consequences (as in the (Blampied & Bootzin, 2013). For children, there
parental presence procedure). Empirical reviews are also well-established behavioral interventions
of the various behavioral interventions for infant for other sleep-disruptive problems such as night-
and child sleep difficulties are provided by Kuhn time fears (Pincus, Weiner, & Friedman, 2012; see
and Elliot (2003), Mindell (1999), and J. Owens, Chapter 24, this volume) and nocturnal enuresis (M.
Palermo, and Rosen (2002) (see Chapter 22, this Brown, Pope, & E. Brown, 2011; see Chapter 26,
volume). Empirically validated interventions this volume). What is now needed is systematic and

1 82 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep

programmatic research to establish the generality of • Systematically explore the generality of
the effects of behavioral interventions over the age behavioral interventions for individuals with
range from mid-childhood to adolescence, for fami- special needs and for socioculturally diverse
lies with special needs (Doran, Harvey & Horner, families.
2006), and across a wide range of family sociocul- • Explore ways to use mobile and Internet
tural diversity. Pioneering research into preven- technology to enhance behavioral assessment and
tion of PSD by Wolfson and colleagues (Wolfson, functional analysis.
Lacks, & Futterman, 1992) needs to be extended
(see Chapter 39, this volume). Showing that there Author note
are general and continuing benefits of intervention This chapter was written in the aftermath of
to general health and well-being should also be a the Canterbury earthquakes, which began on
research priority. September 4, 2010, and continued with destruc-
There is little doubt that interviews and sleep tive force throughout 2011 and into 2012. I
diaries will remain the mainstay of behavioral assess- am very appreciative of the many expressions of
ment for PSD, but as Lewandowski et al (2011) concern and support I received from friends and
note, technology, especially widespread access to colleagues worldwide during this time. I also
mobile devices and the Internet, is likely to change gratefully acknowledge the productive sharing
how data are collected. Some form of focused of ideas about children’s sleep that has occurred
experience sampling (e.g., ecological momentary in collaboration with two friends and colleagues:
assessment; Buysse et al., 2007) via mobile devices Dr. Karyn France, who began the Canterbury
could enhance information gathering about interac- Sleep Project more than two decades ago, and
tions at bedtime, while mobile phone apps could Dr. Jacki Henderson. Thank you both for your
be developed to gather data as events happen at invaluable help—past, present, future. I dedicate
any time. The rapid development of unobtrusive, this chapter to my parents, Morris and Glenny
highly sensitive digital cameras opens the way, via Blampied, who lovingly cared for a baby son who
the Internet, to realtime videosomnography with was a chronic night waker for the first two years
computer algorithms for pattern recognition yield- of his life, and to my daughter Meredith, who
ing both sleep-state and behavioral data, while pro- learned to sleep like a baby but only after a judi-
viding reassurance to parents that their child is not cious bit of planned ignoring.
endangered by their nonintervention during some
treatment phases. References
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1 88 f u nc ti onal behavioral analys is o f s l eep


Actigraphy and Sleep/Wake Diaries

Rosemary S. C. Horne and Sarah N. Biggs

Although polysomnography is the gold standard for recording sleep, the use of actigraphy in
conjunction with a sleep diary is now common in the study of sleep/wake patterns in infants, children,
and adolescents. Actigraphy has the advantage of being able to record data over long periods of time
while the subject carries out his or her normal routine. The devices are small, lightweight, and can be
worn on the wrist in a similar manner to a wristwatch, or on the ankle as is often used in infant studies.
A number of studies have validated actigraphy against polysomnography for determining sleep and
found good agreements; however, the specificity for determining wake is low across all ages of children.
In conjunction with a sleep diary, the accuracy of actigraphy is significantly improved. Conversely,
accuracy of parental reporting of sleep and wake using a sleep diary can be significantly improved when
used in conjunction with actigraphy. The use of actigraphy in clinical medicine is expanding as it provides
important supplementary information to clinicians regarding a variety of sleep disorders.
Key Words: actigraphy, sleep diary, sleep/wake patterns, infant, child, adolescent

Introduction wake patterns that in turn are used to estimate sleep

The gold standard for the assessment of sleep is time and quality. Acebo et al. (1999) determined
overnight polysomnography (PSG), which involves that a minimum of 7 nights of recording, which is
attachment of a number of sensors for neurophysi- likely to yield over 90% of 5 usable nights of data, is
ological recording, and is usually carried out in a required to produce reliable results. In 1972, Kupfer
specialist sleep laboratory. However, the nature and colleagues (Kupfer, Detre, Foster, Tucker, &
of this environment may alter a subject’s normal Delgado, 1972) reported a significant correlation
sleep (Iber et al., 2004). Other limitations of PSG between wrist activity and encephalogram-measured
are that it is typically only tolerated for one or two movement and wakefulness in adults. In 1995, the
nights; it is costly, time-consuming, labor intensive, Standards of Practice Committee of the American
and may be difficult to use in infants and young Sleep Disorders Association found enough evi-
children (Thoman & Acebo, 1995). An alternative dence to support the use of actigraphy in evaluat-
to PSG for assessing sleep is actigraphy, which has ing some aspects of sleep disorders; for example, as
gained increasing popularity over the last 20 years an adjunct to a detailed history, examination, and
(Tryon, 2004). Actigraphy uses an accelerometer subjective sleep diary for the diagnosis and treat-
to measure the presence or absence of movement ment of insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, and
which provides an estimate of sleep and wake. excessive sleepiness (AASD, 1995). In 2002, they
Unlike PSG, however, actigraphy does not provide found further evidence that actigraphy was reliable
physiological measures of sleep, but rather sleep/ for detecting normal sleep in adult populations and

could also be useful for characterizing and moni- the accuracy and reliability of the person complet-
toring circadian rhythm patterns or disturbances ing them, and thus have a number of limitations.
in newborns, infants, children, and adolescents It is standard practice for sleep diaries to be used in
(Littner et al., 2003). The use of actigraphy was fur- conjunction with actigraphy for greater reliability in
ther expanded in recommendations made in 2007 reporting of sleep/wake patterns.
(Morgenthaler et al., 2007). In addition to changes This chapter will review the literature pertaining
to recommendations for the use of actigraphy in to the use of actigraphy and sleep diaries in infants,
adults, the Standards of Practice Committee of the children, and adolescents and their usefulness for
American Academy of Sleep Medicine stated that assessing normal sleep patterns, along with their use
“Actigraphy is indicated for delineating sleep pat- in clinical situations.
terns, and to document treatment responses in nor-
mal infants and children (in whom traditional sleep Actigraphy
monitoring by polysomnography can be difficult to The fundamental principal behind actigraphy is
perform and/or interpret), and in special pediatric that the presence of movements indicates wakeful-
populations.” (Morgenthaler et al., 2007; p. 525). ness and the absence of movements indicates sleep.
The growth in popularity in the use of actigraphy Actigraphs are small wristwatch-like movement
over the past 20 years is evidenced by the number detectors (accelerometers) that are generally placed
of publications which report using this method of on the nondominant wrist, but can also be placed
sleep pattern assessment, which has risen exponen- on the leg or trunk as illustrated in Figure 16.1.
tially from 10 in 1991 to 125 in 2009 (Sadeh, 2011). Actigraphy distinguishes sleep from wake using
This growth in the use of actigraphy is particularly algorithms to quantify the reduced movement
evident in pediatric research, where the number of associated with sleep. The actigraph continuously
studies published in 2010 (n = 41) is similar to the records the occurrence of limb movements and
combined total of studies published between 1991– then sums the number and amplitude for a given
2001 (n = 38) (Meltzer, Montgomery-Downs, epoch length. Each epoch is then given a classifi-
Insana, & Walsh, 2012). Despite this growth in cation of sleep or wake dependent on the activity
the use of actigraphy there are, however, no pedi- count of that epoch compared to those around it.
atric practice standards for recording and scoring If the activity count of the epoch in question is less
of actigraphy (Meltzer, Montgomery-Downs et al., than or equal to the predetermined wake threshold,
2012). This lack of standardized methods has made then the epoch will be scored as sleep. Actigraphs
it difficult to compare between studies. commonly have a number of sensitivity threshold
Sleep logs or sleep diaries have been used exten- settings that can be altered to adjust for different
sively to assess sleep in adults, infants, and chil- movement intensities. These thresholds can be low,
dren. Sleep diaries have the advantage of being an medium, high, or automatic. A low threshold will
inexpensive method of collecting sleep/wake infor- identify sleep at a lower level of movement than a
mation from large numbers of subjects over long high threshold. They usually also have an inbuilt
periods of time. However, they are dependent on event marker which can be activated to indicate

Figure 16.1 Actigraphs are usually worn on the wrist. However, in infants they are commonly placed on the leg and can be held
securely with a soft bandage. In this manner they can be concealed under clothing. This method of attachment can also be used in
preterm infants. (Used with permission)

190 ac tigraphy and s leep–wake diari es

when the watch is put on and removed. More recent is a tendency for actigraphy to underestimate sleep
models have light detection capabilities. This com- and overestimate wake, this can be minimized by
plicated analysis is conducted automatically within the choice of analysis.
most actigraphy software; however, it is important
to note that each device uses a slightly different Sleep Diaries
algorithm that makes comparison between devices Typically, pediatric sleep diaries rely on parents
difficult. Additionally, researchers may also elect to to record bedtime, the time the child went to sleep,
manually score sleep and wake rather than rely on the number and duration of nocturnal awakenings,
the inbuilt algorithms (Sadeh, Lavie, Scher, Tirosh, the time the child awoke in the morning, and any
& Epstein, 1991) which negates direct comparison daytime napping. This is then used to estimate both
between studies. time in bed and total sleep time. As sleep diaries
Once epochs of sleep and wake are identified, are an inexpensive method of collecting sleep/wake
the outcome variables provided through actigraphy information from large numbers of subjects over
include sleep onset, sleep latency, sleep period time long periods of time, they are the assessment tool of
(time available for sleep), wake after sleep onset, choice for large epidemiological studies.
actual sleep time, sleep offset, sleep efficiency, num- For example, Seo et al. (2010) used sleep diaries
ber and length of sleep and wake bouts, and a sleep to examine the sleep patterns in 3639 school-aged
fragmentation index. One algorithm reportedly is children in Korea. In that study, parents of children
able to distinguish between REM and non-REM aged 7–12 years were asked to keep a sleep diary over
sleep (Sadeh et al., 1991); however, all others only two consecutive days, recording bedtime, wake-up
distinguish sleep and wake. An example of the out- time, sleep latency, number and duration of night
put of actigraphy is illustrated in Figure 16.2. awakenings, and any daytime napping. While this
A number of studies have been carried out assessment method is adequate for providing a
in normal healthy adults, adolescents, children, “snapshot” of sleep/wake patterns in large cohorts,
and infants to assess the validity of actigraphy it is not without its limitations. As with any paren-
for assessing sleep and wake against the gold tal or self-report measure, there is inherent bias in
standard of PSG. In adults, good agreement this reporting method (see Spruyt, pp. XX, this vol-
(97%) has been found for total sleep time (Jean- ume). Bedtimes, wake times, and particularly noc-
Louis et al., 1996) with a sleep/wake determina- turnal awakenings may be over- or underestimated
tion agreement level of 91%–93% (Jean-Louis, due to lack of knowledge or imprecise recordings.
Kripke, Cole, Assmus, & Langer, 2001; Sadeh, In the case of parent report, this becomes particu-
Sharkey, & Carskadon, 1994). Overall agree- larly problematic as children get older and begin to
ment rates of 89%–94% between actigraphy and manage their own bedtimes. As such, self-report
PSG were found in a cohort of infants aged 2–4 sleep diaries are often used when assessing sleep/
weeks, 2–4 months, and 5–6 months (So, Buckley, wake patterns in adolescents. Wolfson et al. (2003)
Adamson, & Horne, 2005). This study showed compared self-report sleep diary, retrospective sur-
a predictive value for determining sleep of 97% vey, and actigraphy in a cohort of adolescents aged
and sensitivity for sleep between 91%–96%. A 13–19 years and found that reports of sleep/wake
recent study comparing two different actigraphy patterns were comparable across the three mea-
devices against PSG in children aged 3–18 years sures for weekdays, although less so for weekends.
demonstrated that actigraphy was a valid measure The above limitations do not suggest, however, that
of detecting sleep (level of agreement 89%–97%) sleep diaries should not be utilized. Validation of
and overall accuracy across total sleep period (level sleep diaries against PSG or actigraphy have shown
of agreement 87%–90%) when compared with that while there is often an overestimation of sleep
PSG; however, actigraphy was limited in its ability time and underestimation of night awakenings,
to detect wake (overall agreement 54%–77%; see sleep diaries are adequate for determining differ-
Meltzer, Walsh, Traylor, & Westin, 2012). In ado- ences in sleep patterns across ages (Canet, 2010; Seo
lescents, comparison of three different actigraphic et al., 2010) and clinical groups (Corkum, Tannock,
data modes to PSG revealed an underestimation of Moldofsky, Hogg-Johnson, & Humphries, 2001;
total sleep time in every case (Johnson et al., 2007); Kieckhefer, Ward, Tsai, & Lentz, 2008). Examples
however, when examining time above threshold of sleep diaries used for clinical and research pur-
(or wake after sleep onset), the mean difference poses are presented in Figures 16.3, 16.4, and 16.5
was 11 minutes. This suggests that although there respectively.

ho rn e, b i g g s 191

Event Marker Sleep period

counts Rest period


Figure 16.2 A. An example of an actigram. The actigram displays the sleep and wake periods over 24 hours. The black lines indicate
the activity count for each epoch. The dark blue areas are sleep and the light blue is determined as a rest period. A rest period indicates
a period of low movement prior to sleep onset or after sleep offset, scored as wake but within the sleep interval. The sleep/rest periods
can be automatically allocated by the software or manually defined in accordance with the sleep diary. In this diagram, sleep/rest
periods have been manually allocated. B. The associated sleep statistics output for the actigram. Depending on the software program,
the user can request a number of statistics that are then exported. In this case, the output displays the sleep periods for each 24-hour
period and includes duration of sleep period, whether there were any invalid epochs, sleep efficiency, the amount of time awake after
sleep onset both in minutes and as a percentage of sleep time, and total sleep in minutes and as a percentage. Again depending on the
software, a summary of the whole recording period is often available.

Validation Studies of Actigraphy accord with actiwatch ratings for both sleep and
When validating actigraphy against the gold awake; predictive value for sleep (PVS) is calcu-
standard measurement of sleep and wake measured lated as the probability that the actiwatch pre-
using PSG, a number of parameters are frequently diction is correct by PSG criteria for sleep; and
calculated. Agreement rate (AR) is defined as the predictive value for wake (PVW) is calculated as
proportion of observations for which PSG ratings the probability that the actiwatch prediction is

192 ac tigraphy and s leep–wake diari es

Figure 16.3 Example of a sleep diary used for clinical purposes. Parents are asked to shade the areas when the child is asleep and
indicate with arrows when they are put to bed and get up.

Sleep Diary : First Twenty-Four Hours (1) Code :

Actiwatch : Date of birth :
Today’s date :
10 am 11 am 12 noon 1pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm
Time Spent Asleep:

Sleeping Position:

Sleeping in:
Sleeping Place:
Woken by:

Feed Times:

Feed Method:
Actiwatch Marker:


Figure 16.4 An example of an infant sleep research diary as used in studies by So and colleagues (So, Adamson, & Horne, 2007).
Parents were asked to complete the diary over 72 hours, recording infant sleep/wake every 15 minutes. They were also asked to note
when their infant was fed and other activities such as external movements associated with traveling in a car, being held, or being

ho rn e, b i g g s 193
Figure 16.5 An example of a self-report sleep diary for use in adolescents. In addition to the standard documentation of sleep and wake, subjects are asked to record events that may influence sleep, such
as caffeine use and bedtime activities. This provides an indication of sleep hygiene—pre-sleep behaviors that affect sleep schedules, duration and quality—which can be useful in assessing sleep patterns and
problems in teenagers.
correct by PSG criteria for wake. Sensitivity, the Validation Studies in Infants
ability of the actiwatch to predict true sleep, and The first validation studies of actigraphy in
specificity, the ability of the actiwatch to predict infants were conducted comparing actigraphy with
true wake, are also frequently reported. In addi- behavioral observations of infant sleep/wake. The
tion Bland-Altman plots are used to compare the first study by Sadeh et al. (1995) assessed sleep–
two methods. wake patterns in 41 infants (10 newborns, 11 at
3 months, 10 at 6 months and 10 at 12 months)
Validation Studies in Preterm Infants who were studied using actigraphy over a 2–2.5
In adults, adolescents, children, and older hour period with behavioral assessments (Thoman,
infants, PSG is the standard method of assessing 1990). The aim of that study was to develop an
sleep/wake; however, in preterm infants in a neo- algorithm for automatic scoring in infants and
natal unit environment the attachment of leads then to test the validity of this algorithm. Minute-
necessary for PSG is frequently not possible due by-minute agreement rates with behavioral scoring
to the size of the infant and fragility of the infant’s reached 95.3%; however, distinction between active
skin. A study using actigraphy in preterm infants and quiet sleep states was less accurate and ranged
in the neonatal intensive care setting found it to between 54%–87% at the different ages. The study
be a valid method for determining sleep before concluded that actigraphy provided a valid measure-
term-equivalent age when compared against ment of sleep/wake over the first year of life. A later
behavioral observations (Sung, Adamson, & study by Gnidovec et al. (Gnidovec, 2002) also com-
Horne, 2009). Overall, on the low activity thresh- pared actigraphy data with behaviorally scored sleep
old they found agreement rates of 84.5%–88.9% and wakefulness in 10 healthy term infants at 1, 3,
between actigraphy and behavioral scoring with and 6 months of age over 3 hours. Overall agreement
the predictive value for determining sleep being rates were between 87%–95% at 3 and 6 months;
between 91.3%–95.6% and sensitivity between however, at 1 month these did not exceed 72%. The
88.2%–96.8%. However, the actiwatch was not actiwatch did not, however, allow active sleep and
reliable for determining wakefulness, with low quiet sleep to be distinguished. A study by Sazonov
predictive values (31.1%–53.7%) and specificity et al. (Sazonov, Sazonova, Schuckers, & Neuman,
(31.5–33.6%). Previous studies have shown that 2004) used an actigraph positioned over the sacral
actigraphy is less reliable in younger infants, with region on the infant’s diaper, which determined not
agreement rates of 88.9% (So et al., 2005) and only sleep/wake states but also the position of the
88.7% (Gnidovec, Neubauer, & Zidar, 2002) and infant in the cot. The study used logistic regression
have also reported no difference in agreement rates and nonlinear mapping as predictors, rather than
across age between 2–4 weeks and 5–6 months at the more broadly used discriminant analysis tech-
the low and auto activity threshold settings (So niques, and results were compared to PSG. The
et al., 2005). The Sung et al. (2009) actigraphic study reported similar accuracies of 77%–92% and
study did, however, find that the predictive value prediction rates of 85%–95% to those previously
for sleep increased significantly between 30–33 reported with actigraphs on the infant ankle (Sadeh,
weeks and 37–40 weeks post-natal age. The low Acebo, Seifer, Aytur, & Carskadon, 1995).
predictive value for wake and the lower overall There have been a small number of studies in
agreement rates in this age group could be due to infants comparing actigraphy to PSG. A study
the relatively high number of body movements, which compared actigraphy to daytime PSG in
especially during active sleep (see Lushington, 13 term and 9 preterm infants at three different
Pamula, Martin, and Kennedy, Chapters 5 and 6). matched postconceptional ages: 2–4 weeks (n = 8,
Previous reports have shown that the amount of mean 21 ± 2d), 2–4 months (n = 13, mean 84 ± 4d)
movement during sleep decreases with age (Hayes and 5–6 months (n = 11, mean 171 ± 3d) found
& Mitchell, 1998). Since actigraphy uses activity overall agreement rates of 89%–94% between
levels to determine sleep and wakefulness, and actigraphy and PSG, with the predictive value
there is a high level of activity during the sleep of for determining sleep being 97% and sensitivity
preterm infants, it is not surprising that actigra- between 91%–96% (So et al., 2005). However, the
phy scores a high percentage of sleep as wakeful- actiwatch was not reliable for determining wakeful-
ness. Despite this limitation actigraphy provides a ness, with low values for predictive value for wake
useful noninvasive method for determining sleep and specificity. This could have been because a rela-
patterns in preterm infants. tively low number of epochs of wake were recorded

ho rn e, b i g g s 195
during the study (460 minutes wake compared with time involved external motion as reported by par-
6546 minutes sleep). A recent study of 22 healthy ents (Tsai, Burr, & Thomas, 2009). Approximately
infants aged 13–15 months, using the same acti- 75% of the external motion involved the caregiver
watch reported above, used Bland Altman analysis holding the infant, and the remainder included
rather than minute-by-minute agreement rates and infants being placed in an infant bouncer, car seat,
showed that although there was a strong statisti- infant stroller, or shopping trolley. When external
cally significant correlation between total sleep time motion was excluded from analysis, the correlation
recorded by both devices, the actiwatch underesti- between actigraphy and sleep diary improved. It
mated total sleep time and overestimated wake after is therefore important that the type and extent of
sleep onset time (Insana, Gozal, & Montgomery- external movement, and also the sensitivity thresh-
Downs, 2010). Unlike standard correlational analy- old of the actigraph, is accounted for. In some stud-
sis, which can show a relationship even if one does ies, external movement has been excluded before
not exist, a Bland Altman determines the 95% con- analysis (Acebo et al., 2005; So et al., 2005); in oth-
fidence intervals by plotting the difference between ers, external movement has been included (Jenni,
the measures against the mean of both. This Deboer, & Achermann, 2006; So et al., 2007);
allows the determination of the level of agreement however, in the majority of studies how the data
between the measures within a 5% error margin. If were analyzed in relation to external movement has
the Bland Altman plot shows the difference in the not been specified.
means falls within this 95% confidence interval, Overall, validation studies in infants have found
then one measure can be confidently substituted good agreement between actigraphy and PSG-
for the other (Bland & Altman, 1995). Insana et al. measured sleep but less specificity for determining
(2010), concluded that improved software device wake. As can be seen by the above studies reporting
and/or software development was needed before the a high prevalence of movement artifact, limitations
device could be considered a valid method of iden- of the technology exist in naturalistic settings. In
tifying infant sleep–wake patterns. the absence of a complementary measure, such as
A study which utilized a large dataset of infant a sleep diary, the likelihood of underestimation of
sleep recorded during the Collaborative Home sleep in infants is high. Thus, while actigraphy is
Infant Monitoring Evaluation (CHIME) study currently the best method for objectively estimat-
compared PSG and actigraphy to develop new ing sleep/wake patterns in infants in the naturalistic
methods of utilizing artificial neural networks and setting, the limitations of the technology must be
decision trees, which capture nonlinear classifica- acknowledged.
tion characteristics, rather than the traditional lin-
ear methods (Tilmanne, Urbain, Kothare, Wouwer, Validation Studies in Children
& Kothare, 2009). The study reported improved In a study comparing the agreement between
tradeoffs between sensitivity and specificity in actigraphy and PSG in a cohort of clinically referred
groups of healthy term and preterm infants, those children aged 1–12 years (N = 45), Hyde and col-
with apnea of prematurity, and siblings of SIDS leagues (2007) determined the validity of the tool to
infants. Accuracy rates across the groups was 79.3%– accurately determine sleep and wake over four differ-
86.9%, with the highest accuracy in the term infants ent thresholds: low, medium, high, and automatic.
and lowest in the preterm infants (Tilmanne et al., A high threshold allows for a greater amplitude of
2009). The researchers recommend that these new movement before deeming it as wake, a low thresh-
techniques be added to newer actigraphic models as old determines wake at a small amplitude of move-
they are produced. ment, and an automatic threshold determines the
One of the limitations of actigraphy is that exter- average movement amplitude for that subject and
nal movement can have a significant impact on mea- uses an algorithm based on that average to determine
surements, particularly in infants. In a study where what wake would be for that particular person. That
actigraphs were placed on dolls, external movement study determined that actigraphy was most accurate
from being placed in normal situations that an in determining total sleep time and sleep efficiency
infant would experience, such as a stroller, shopping when at the low and automatic thresholds, but did
cart, being held and rocked, or travelling in a car, all not accurately estimate nocturnal waking. That is,
influenced activity counts (Tsai & Thomas, 2010). actigraphy cannot differentiate between a period of
In a previous report the same group studied infants quiet wakefulness (e.g., lying still in bed) and sleep.
over 4–7 days and identified that 40% of recording Actigraphy best predicted wake when set at the high

196 ac tigraphy and s leep–wake diari es

or medium threshold; however, there were still some conducted a study comparing outcome variables of
discrepancies with actigraphy confusing gross body two commonly reported non-automated actigra-
movements (e.g., rolling over) as wake. In a later phy scoring methods in a cohort of children aged
study by the same group, 130 children and ado- 8–12 years (N = 38). In the first analysis, sleep
lescents aged 2–18 years referred for assessment of onset was defined as the first minute of 15 minutes
sleep disordered breathing wore an actigraph while of consecutive sleep following the time indicated on
undergoing clinical PSG (O’Driscoll, Foster, Davey, the sleep diary that sleep was attempted. Sleep offset
Nixon, & Horne, 2010). The arousal index scored was the last minute of 15 minutes of consecutive
from the PSG study was compared to the actigraph- sleep prior to diary-reported awakening. The second
ically derived sleep fragmentation index. The ability analysis defined sleep onset as the first minute of 3
of actigraphic measures to correctly classify a child consecutive minutes of sleep, and sleep offset as the
as having an arousal index >10 events/h was rated as last minute of 5 consecutive minutes of sleep, both
fair for the fragmentation index and poor for wake following diary-report attempted sleep and awak-
bouts/h (area under the receiver operator character- ening as outlined above. A third condition, where
istic curve, 0.73 and 0.67, respectively). The authors the sleep diary was not available, was also included.
concluded that actigraphy had significant limita- Significantly different results were found between
tions for being used as a diagnostic tool for children the scoring methods for sleep offset, sleep period,
with sleep disordered breathing (O’Driscoll et al., wake after sleep onset, and sleep efficiency. Overall,
2010). the 15-minute condition resulted in shorter sleep
In a recent study comparing two different actig- duration but higher sleep efficiency. However, while
raphy devices against PSG in a group (N = 115) of these were statistically significant differences, actual
clinically referred children aged 3–18 years, Meltzer discrepancies between sleep outcomes were minimal.
and colleagues (Meltzer, Walsh et al., 2012) also Differences in sleep offset were 8 and 11 minutes
demonstrated that actigraphy was a valid measure of between the 15-minute condition and 3/5-minute
detecting sleep (level of agreement 89%–97%) and and no diary condition, respectively. Differences in
overall accuracy across total sleep period (level of sleep efficiency were approximately 1%. Thus, the
agreement 87%–90%) when compared with PSG authors concluded that while differences did exist
but was limited in its ability to detect wake (over- between scoring methods, they are unlikely to be of
all agreement 54%–77%). The range of agreement any clinical significance. Despite this, standard scor-
level altered depending on the device, scoring algo- ing rules are required if one wishes to make com-
rithm, and sensitivity threshold, highlighting the parisons across studies.
difficulty of comparison across studies and the need
for standardization of actigraphy analysis. In a study Validation Studies in Adolescents
of 58 preschool children with a variety of disorders Johnson et al. (2007) examined the accuracy of
including autism, autism without developmental actigraphically measured total sleep time against
delay, and typically developing children, nocturnal PSG in 181 adolescents aged 12–16 years, with and
sleep and wake was recorded with both actigraphy without sleep disordered breathing. In this study,
and videosomnography (Sitnick, Goodlin-Jones, & the authors compared three different data modes
Anders, 2008). When compared, there was overall within actigraphy: time above threshold (TAT),
94% agreement epoch-by-epoch with a sensitivity zero crossing mode (ZCM), and proportional inte-
of 97% and a specificity of only 24%, indicating gration mode (PIM). TAT describes the amount of
that actigraphy had poor agreement for detecting time the activity count exceeds the threshold. ZCM
night awakenings in this age group and should be is the number of times the activity count crosses
used in conjunction with other recording methods the threshold (set close to zero) and PIM is the
(Sitnick et al., 2008). area under the curve for each epoch. Results of that
There are also discrepancies in regard to how study revealed that when compared to PSG, actigra-
sleep variables are defined from actigraphy data, as phy underestimated total sleep time irrespective of
there are currently no standard rules for scoring the which data mode was used. TAT, however, showed
sleep parameters. For example, sleep onset has been the greatest accuracy, with a mean difference of 11
defined as 3, 5, 15, or even 20 minutes of immobil- minutes. The discrepancy between PSG and acti-
ity (Meltzer & Westin, 2011). These differences can graphic total sleep time increased in the sleep dis-
have an effect on sleep latency, total sleep time, and ordered breathing group. From this, the authors
wake after sleep onset. Meltzer and Westin (2011) concluded that actigraphy was a good estimate in

ho rn e, b i g g s 197
healthy sleeping adolescents but was less accurate When choosing electronic versus paper diaries
for adolescents with sleep disordered breathing. the cost of recording needs to be weighed against
Meltzer and colleagues (Meltzer, Walsh et al., the increased acceptability and ease of use of the
2012) also found reduced sensitivity—ability to electronic versions.
determine true sleep—and increased specificity— Studies have reported overall a good agreement
ability to determine true wake—of actigraphy in between parental logs of sleep and actigraphy in
adolescents with sleep disordered breathing com- infants (Sadeh, 1994, 1996; So et al., 2007). Two
pared to healthy controls. In that study, depend- studies that compared sleep patterns of infants
ing on the algorithm used, sensitivity decreased by referred for assessment of sleep disturbances using
approximately 10% in adolescents with moderate parental sleep diaries and actigraphy, showed that
to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA:85%) com- parents accurately reported sleep onset and sleep
pared to non-snoring adolescents (92%). Specificity duration but overestimated the time their infant
increased by approximately 5% (59% in non-snor- spent asleep and underestimated the number of
ing adolescents; 63% in moderate to severe OSA). night awakenings (Sadeh, 1994, 1996). Importantly,
Due to the inherent problem with the technology— the parental records became less reliable as the study
that is, the inability to distinguish movement from progressed, suggesting that parents became either
wake—it is likely that the increased arousal asso- less motivated or exhausted in completing the sleep
ciated with sleep disordered breathing led to this diaries (Sadeh, 1994). These findings have also been
result. reported in longitudinal studies of healthy term
Thus, while actigraphy is an adequate estimate of infants where there was a good agreement between
sleep in healthy adolescents, its accuracy reduces in parental report and actigraphy during the day, but
the presence of sleep disorders. As such, the choice at night parents underreported time spent awake
of activity thresholds and scoring algorithms are of (So et al., 2007; Spruyt et al., 2008). It has been
utmost importance when using actigraphy to exam- suggested that these discrepancies could have been
ine sleep and wake in healthy versus clinical popula- due to the infants waking during the night but not
tions of children and adolescents. crying and alerting parents, or that parents were not
as conscientious about reporting night awakenings
Comparison of Sleep Diaries due to tiredness (So et al., 2007).
and Actigraphy Studies that have compared parental reports with
Parental sleep diaries have been used extensively actigraphy or a home-based limited sleep recording
over many years to record infant and child sleep/ system have found that there was significant vari-
wake patterns (Coons & Guilleminault, 1984). ability in the reliability of mothers’ reports of their
This method has the advantage of being economi- infants’ sleep patterns (Sadeh, 1994, 1996; Whitney
cal and not requiring any specialized equipment. & Thoman, 1993). This may arise because mothers
Actigraphy is more expensive, particularly the ini- cannot always know what their baby is doing—for
tial cost of purchasing the equipment, and requires example, some babies are able to self-soothe back
some technical expertise to interpret the results. to sleep without crying; thus, their mothers are
unaware that their babies have awoken and report
Sleep Diaries and Actigraphy in Infants that they were asleep the whole time. Thus, it is
Usually sleep diaries are recorded on paper, but important to validate each method of recording,
recently electronic versions of the same diary have and a combination of actigraphy and sleep diary is
been developed and compared in conjunction with recommended.
actigraphy (Muller, Hemmi, Wilhelm, Barr, & A recent study compared parental sleep dia-
Schneider, 2011). Overall, a good correlation was ries against actigraphy to determine whether they
found between both types of diaries and actigra- could be reliably used clinically without the cost
phy over 24 hours and when the study was sepa- or expertise required for actigraphy. That study
rated into day and night. However, both types of of 52 infants at around 1 year of age, studied for
diaries recorded more sleep over 24 hours and dur- 7 days, found that sleep diaries scored in 30-minute
ing the day than actigraphy (Muller et al., 2011). epochs provided accurate reporting of sleep onset
Interestingly, although parents reported that they and offset time, nocturnal sleep duration, and
preferred the electronic diary they were less adher- number of night awakenings (Asaka & Takada,
ent in completing it, and 16% of records were lost 2011). However, wake after sleep onset was signifi-
due to technical difficulties (Muller et al., 2011). cantly underreported on the diaries compared to

198 ac tigraphy and s leep–wake diari es

actigraphy. The study also found that the reliability 66%–79%, indicating the patterns of sleep/wake
of the diaries varied considerably across the week were similar between the two measures. However,
of the study, with lower correlations in the middle parents had a tendency to significantly underesti-
of the study period. The results add to the argument mate night wakings and overestimate sleep quality
of the validity of sleep diaries, as in this study the when compared to actigraphy (Tikotzky & Sadeh,
majority (50/52) of infants slept in the same room 2001). These studies suggest that actigraphy and
as the parents, indicating that sleep quality determi- sleep diaries are complementary when measuring
nation by diary is not just dependent on parents not sleep start, sleep end, and assumed sleep time; how-
hearing their infant awake. ever, they cannot be used interchangeably for actual
sleep time or nocturnal wakings.
Sleep Diaries and Actigraphy in Children
Acebo et al. (2005) conducted a study, using Sleep Diaries and Actigraphy in Adolescents
both actigraphy and sleep diary data, to profile Short and colleagues (Short, Gradisar, Lack,
sleep/wake patterns in the home in a cohort of Wright, & Carskadon, 2012) examined the discrep-
healthy children aged 1 to 5 years. In that study, ancies between sleep and wake after sleep onset in a
169 children wore an actigraph for approximately cohort of adolescents (N = 290, 13–18 years) and
7 days while their parents completed a sleep/wake showed that there were large differences between
diary, reporting all nocturnal and daytime sleep over self-reported sleep diary and actigraphic recorded
the same period. On average, sleep diary reports sleep time and wake after sleep onset. In that study,
revealed that children were in bed approximately actigraphy overestimated wake after sleep onset and
11 hours 20 minutes per night at 1 year of age and underestimated total sleep time as compared to
10 hours 20 minutes at 5 years of age. Actigraphy sleep diaries. Additionally, an increase in wake after
also reported this decline with age, but sleep period sleep onset as measured on actigraphy did not pre-
time was estimated at 10 hours 50 minutes at age dict adolescent’s reports of excessive nocturnal rest-
1 to 9 hours 40 minutes at age 5. Therefore, while lessness, problems with nocturnal awakenings, or
there may be a tendency for overestimation of sleep sleep problems. However, the activity threshold of
duration using sleep diaries, this assessment method this analysis was not reported. Interestingly, the dis-
can provide valuable information regarding the pro- crepancy between actigraphy and self-reported sleep
file of sleep/wake patterns in infants and children. diary was greater in boys than girls in this study.
Werner et al. (Werner, Molinari, Guyer, & Jenni, The authors suggested that this may be due to a
2008) conducted a study that examined the agree- higher amount of nocturnal movement in the boys
ment rates between questionnaire, sleep diary, and than the girls, or it may be that the girls were more
actigraphy data in a sample of kindergarten children diligent in the accuracy of their diary reporting.
(N = 50, 4–7 years). Actigraphy monitoring was Overall, a combination of sleep diaries and actigra-
conducted for a period of 6–8 consecutive nights, phy is being widely used to determine sleep patterns
and parents completed a sleep diary for their child in children and it appears that despite some limita-
for the same period. A questionnaire describing nor- tions they provide accurate measures over sustained
mal sleep patterns was also completed. A standard- periods of time.
ized interview was used to determine behavioral
sleep problems. The degree of agreement between Summary
the sleep assessment measures was analyzed using a Actigraphy and sleep diaries provide a cost-effec-
Bland Altman plot. Comparison between actigra- tive way of gathering sleep and wake information
phy and sleep diary showed adequate agreement for from large cohorts over extended periods of time;
sleep start (±28 minutes), sleep end (±24 minutes), however, they are not without their limitations. In
and assumed sleep (±32 minutes). Actual sleep regard to the sleep diary, parents may not be aware
time (±72 minutes) and nocturnal wake time (±55 of how often their child awakens if the child does
minutes) failed to reach agreement. Comparison not disturb the parent. In addition, as the child ages
between actigraphy and the questionnaire failed to and begins to manage his/her own bedtime rou-
reach acceptable agreement on any sleep parameter. tines, parents may be unaware of when the child
In a similar study of 59 kindergarten children aged actually goes to bed and attempts to fall asleep. This
3–6 years, monitored for 4–5 consecutive nights, would lead to an overestimation of bedtime and
correlation between actigraphy measures and underestimation of night time arousals, resulting
parental reports for sleep schedule measures were in an overestimation of total sleep time. Actigraphy

ho rn e, b i g g s 199
is, however, unable to distinguish between (1) two concerns such as attention deficit hyperactivity dis-
categories of wakefulness, crying and non-crying order (ADHD) (Morgenthaler et al., 2007). Thus,
in infants, or (2) periods of quiet wakefulness and actigraphy is useful in determining differences in
sleep. Actigraphy is prone to movement artifacts, sleep/wake patterns in different clinical popula-
often recording nocturnal movements such as roll- tions, potentially identifying a comorbid behavioral
ing over or twitching, as wake. This then leads to sleep problem that may be amenable to treatment
an overestimation of wake after sleep onset, under- or intervention.
estimating total sleep time. It appears that when it For example, actigraphy has been used in chil-
comes to gathering the most accurate information dren with learning disabilities and autism spectrum
regarding sleep/wake patterns in infants, children, disorders to determine sleep disruption in these
and adolescents, outside of the gold standard PSG, populations, and correlated with parental sleep diary
a combination of actigraphy and sleep diary mea- report (Wiggs & Stores, 2004). Interestingly, the
sures are required. actigraphic reports of those children whose parents
reported daytime sleepiness in their children did
Clinical Use of Actigraphy and not differ from those who did not, although both
Sleep Diaries groups of children had disturbed sleep (took lon-
Infant and child sleep problems are of great con- ger to fall asleep, spent more time awake at night,
cern to parents and can have important clinical con- had reduced sleep efficiency and more extreme sleep
sequences. The exact prevalence of sleep disorders in times) compared to normal values (Wiggs & Stores,
children is unknown; however, questionnaire-based 2004). In a study which compared actigraphic and
estimates suggest that up to 40% of children and both parental report and self-report of sleep in chil-
adolescents report sleep problems that either dis- dren with ADHD and control children, it was found
rupt or restrict sleep (Blunden et al., 2004; Mindell that all three measures suggested that the children
& Durand, 1993). Excessive daytime sleepiness has with ADHD had reduced sleep quality and more
been reported in 17%–21% of children and adoles- disturbed sleep than controls (Owens et al., 2009;
cents, and this may be as high as 68% in high school see Corkum and Coulombe, Chapter 34). In con-
students (Gibson et al., 2006). Difficulties in initi- trast, another study of children with ADHD dem-
ating and maintaining sleep and the total amount onstrated a very poor correlation between parental
of daily sleep have considerable implications for report of sleep and actigraphy (Wiggs, Montgomery,
infant and child development, behavior, and overall & Stores, 2005). In this study the majority of chil-
health. Parents with children who exhibit develop- dren also had an underlying sleep disorder, such as
mental, affective, or executive disorders often report restless leg syndrome or sleep disordered breath-
sleep disturbances, especially sleep disruption and ing, highlighting the importance of clinicians also
shortened sleep duration. In addition, sleep depri- screening for these disorders (Wiggs et al., 2005).
vation may indicate an underlying medical disorder In a study of preschool children aged 2–5 years,
such as sleep disordered breathing or restless leg syn- although it was found that parental reports of
drome. Interpreting a parent’s report of their child’s ADHD symptoms were associated with parental
sleep patterns is often challenging for clinicians. reports of sleep problems, no significant differ-
Frequently parents are asked to keep a sleep diary ences in actigraphic sleep patterns or night-to-night
for this, but more commonly actigraphy is now sleep/wake variability were found (Goodlin-Jones,
being used in conjunction with sleep diaries. Waters, & Anders, 2009). Thus, there is still con-
In 1995, Sadeh et al. conducted an extensive troversy regarding the relationship between sleep
literature review examining the usefulness of actig- patterns and ADHD, but using both subjective and
raphy in evaluating sleep disorders. These authors objective measures of sleep provides better clinical
concluded that while actigraphy was adequate in evidence than the use of parental report alone.
assessing the natural patterns of sleep and wake, it In a study of infants born to depressed and non-
was not suitable as a diagnostic tool. More recently, depressed mothers over the first 6 months of life,
however, actigraphy has been recommended as a which used both actigraphy and sleep diaries, it was
valid tool for assessing sleep disorders such as circa- found that the infants of depressed mothers took
dian phase disorders, sleep disturbances associated longer to fall asleep, had lower sleep efficiencies,
with insomnia and hypersomnia, sleep duration in and had more sleep bouts at nighttime than did the
patients with obstructive sleep apnea, sleep prob- control infants (Armitage et al., 2009). Actigraphy
lems in older adults, and in children with behavioral has also been proposed as a novel method to detect

200 ac tigraphy and s leep–wake diari es

infantile colic in 3-month-old infants (Martin- In conclusion, both sleep diaries and actigraphy
Martinez et al., 2010). have limitations and strengths. When used in con-
In summary, actigraphy is becoming more widely junction these two methods enhance each other and
used in pediatric clinical practice, but does have the can provide important insights into sleep/wake pat-
limitation of not being able to distinguish between terns in infants, children, and adolescents.
sleep states. In addition there are problems of pro-
viding an accurate measure of sleep and wake if the
patient has a concurrent movement disorder or if Future Directions
they lie quietly awake and do not move. • Development of standardized rules for
recording, scoring, and reporting actigraphy in
Conclusions infants children and adolescents.
Sleep in infants, children, and adolescents is of • Development and refinement of current
major clinical importance and most frequently has algorithms needs to continue, particularly to allow
been assessed using parental sleep diaries. However, more specific assessment of wake periods that
the use of diaries is subjective and they are only as occur during sleep.
reliable as the extent to which the parents are able • More sensitive detection of when devices
to observe the child sleeping. If the child spends have been removed will also allow more accurate
time during the night awake without alerting par- assessment of sleep/wake patterns.
ents then these diaries can be inaccurate. It has also • The further development of algorithms
been shown that when parents are required to keep to distinguish active sleep (REM sleep) from
diaries over extended periods of time their reporting quiet sleep (NREM sleep) would be beneficial,
becomes less accurate. Over the past two decades particularly in the study of the development of
there has been a dramatic growth in the use of actig- infant sleep/wake patterns.
raphy for estimating sleep/wake patterns in infants • As models of actigraphs become cheaper they
and children, in both research studies and in clini- will become more widely used in clinical research.
cal settings. In comparison with polysomnography, • The use of electronic sleep diaries has some
actigraphy is low cost and can be used for prolonged benefits over the use of traditional paper diaries;
periods of time in the individual’s usual environ- however, more research is needed into these new
ment. Actigraphy is thus an important tool for devices.
estimating sleep patterns in pediatric populations.
Actigraphy has been validated for determining sleep References
and wake against polysomnography and, in most American Sleep Disorders Association. (1995). Practice param-
studies, has good agreement for determining sleep eters for the use of actigraphy in the clinical assessment of
but is very limited for detecting wakefulness during sleep disorders. Sleep, 18(4), 283–287.
sleep periods. Actigraphy also has good agreement Acebo, C., Sadeh, A., Seifer, R., Tzischinsky, O., Wolfson, A. R.,
Hafer, A., et al. (1999). Estimating sleep patterns with activ-
in most instances with self-reports and parental ity monitoring in children and adolescents: How many nights
diary reports of sleep/wake patterns when report- are necessary for reliable measures? Sleep, 22(1), 95–103.
ing sleep onset time and duration; however, there Acebo, C., Sadeh, A., Seifer, R., Tzischinsky, O., Hafer, A., &
is poorer agreement for sleep quality variables such Carskadon, M. A. (2005). Sleep/wake patterns derived from
as night waking. Another limitation of the use of activity monitoring and maternal report for healthy 1- to
5-year-old children. Sleep, 28(12), 1568–1577.
actigraphy, particularly in infants, is that of external Armitage, R., Flynn, H., Hoffmann, R., Vazquez, D., Lopez, J.,
movement, which is very common during infancy, & Marcus, S. (2009). Early developmental changes in sleep
and this significantly influences results. Thus the in infants: The impact of maternal depression. Sleep, 32(5),
use of actigraphy in conjunction with sleep diaries, 693–696.
which identify these periods, is recommended. Asaka, Y., & Takada, S. (2011). Comparing sleep measures
of infants derived from parental reports in sleep dia-
Currently there are many actigraph models avail- ries and acceleration sensors. Acta Paediatrica, 100(8),
able and that number is steadily increasing. Each 1158–1163.
device uses a different algorithm, making it diffi- Bland, J. M., & Altman, D. G. (1995). Comparing methods
cult to compare between devices. New algorithms of measurement: Why plotting difference against standard
are being developed that will provide greater accu- method is misleading. Lancet, 346, 1085–1087.
Blunden, S., Lushington, K., Lorenzen, B., Ooi, T., Fung, F., &
racy, particularly for determining wake periods dur- Kennedy, D. (2004). Are sleep problems under-recognised
ing sleep, and these will be of great benefit both to in general practice? Archives of Disease in Childhood, 89(8),
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ho rn e, b i g g s 203

Assessment of Circadian Rhythms

Stephanie J. Crowley

This chapter will focus on methods used to measure the endogenous circadian timing system in a
pediatric population. To provide a basic understanding of the system that is being measured, the
chapter begins by reviewing basic circadian terms and physiology. Then, behavioral measures, which
are often associated with daily rhythms and can be used as global estimates of the circadian system,
are reviewed. The focus will subsequently shift to physiological measures of the circadian system,
with a specific focus on the endogenous rhythm of melatonin because currently it is the most
commonly used physiological measure in human circadian research. The chapter will conclude with a
brief description of how these physiological measures are used to make inferences about the central
circadian clock. These circadian measures may complement and inform research studies relevant to
health and behavior during development.
Key Words: melatonin, dim light melatonin onset (DLMO), core body temperature, chronotype,

The circadian timing system is one of two pro- To begin, the human circadian timing system
cesses that regulate the timing of sleep and wake is reviewed to provide a basic understanding of the
(Borbély, 1982). Ideally, the homeostatic sleep system that is being measured. Then, behavioral
system and the circadian timing system interact in measures that are often associated with the daily
such a way to promote wake during the “biologi- rhythmicity of the circadian system are reviewed.
cal day” and promote sleep during the “biological The focus subsequently shifts to physiological mea-
night” (Dijk & Czeisler, 1995; Edgar, Dement, & sures of the circadian system, with a specific empha-
Fuller, 1993). This interaction likely changes across sis on the endogenous rhythm of melatonin because
development (Carskadon & Acebo, 2002; Jenni it is the most commonly used physiological measure
& LeBourgeois, 2006), and when the systems are in current human circadian research. The chapter
misaligned, problems with mood, cognition, and will conclude with a brief description of how these
physical health may develop. This chapter focuses physiological measures are used to make inferences
on measurement of the circadian timing system in a about the central circadian clock.
pediatric population. Utilizing these circadian mea-
sures can complement research studies relevant to The Circadian Timing System
health and behavior during development, and can The circadian timing system is an endogenous,
inform our understanding of circadian-based sleep genetically regulated, self-sustaining system that pro-
disorders that commonly emerge during develop- vides organization to daily variation in physiology and
ment, such as Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (see a number of adaptive behaviors, including the drives
Chapter 23). to be asleep and be awake (Moore, 1992; see Auger

and Crowley, Chapter 23). The “master clock” that to light to understand whether the adult and adoles-
organizes these rhythms in mammals has been local- cent PRCs are similar. No PRCs to light are available
ized to a small paired nucleus in the hypothalamus, for younger children. Morning exposure to a light
the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN; Moore, 1997). source facilitates entrainment in humans with tau
In mammals, the SCN begins to develop in utero or greater than 24 hours, whereas evening light expo-
shortly after birth (Davis & Reppert, 2001). sure entrains individuals with tau shorter than 24
Circadian literally translates to “about” (circa) hours. The majority of humans entrain by a small
“one day” (diem); thus rhythms regulated by the phase advance, while a small proportion entrains by
circadian system oscillate with an endogenous a small phase delay (Duffy & Wright, 2005). When
period (tau) close to, but slightly different from, zeitgebers—like the light/dark cycle—are removed,
24 hours. For the majority of humans, tau is lon- then the clock continues to keep time, though at
ger than 24 hours (Duffy & Wright, 2005). Tau its own pace according to its endogenous circadian
of healthy human adults ranges from 23.5 to 24.9 period (tau), and is said to “free-run.”
hours (Burgess & Eastman, 2008; Czeisler et al., As shown in Figure 17.1, light/dark signals are
1999; Duffy et al., 2011; Smith, Burgess, Fogg, & interpreted by retinal photoreceptors in the eye. A
Eastman, 2009; Wright, Hughes, Kronauer, Dijk, small subset of intrinsically photosensitive retinal gan-
& Czeisler, 2001; Wyatt, Ritz-DeCecco, Czeisler, & glion cells (ipRGCs) contain melanopsin and project
Dijk, 1999). Carskadon and colleagues reported a to the SCN (Berson, Dunn, & Takao, 2002; Gooley,
range of 24.08 to 24.60 hours in 10 young adoles- Lu, Chou, Scammell, & Saper, 2001; Hannibal,
cents aged 10.9 to 15.2 years (Carskadon, Labyak, Hindersson, Knudsen, Georg, & Fahrenkrug, 2002;
Acebo, & Seifer, 1999). A similar range in tau Provencio et al., 2000). These ipRGCs are neces-
(23.86 to 24.59 h) is emerging in a preliminary sary for circadian entrainment by light (Güler et al.,
study of older adolescents (aged 14.2–17.9 years, 2008), but are modulated by synaptic input from
n = 11) from our laboratory (Crowley, unpublished rods and cones (Wong, Dunn, Graham, & Berson,
data). When external cues or “zeitgebers” are pres- 2007). The transduced light/dark signals from the
ent, the circadian system is able to synchronize—or retina reach the SCN primarily through the retino-
“entrain”—to a 24-hour day. The primary entrain- hypothalamic tract (Gooley et al., 2001).
ing stimulus to the circadian system is light and The SCN regulates many systems and is often lik-
dark (Aschoff, Hoffmann, Pohl, & Wever, 1975; ened to a conductor of an orchestra; it controls the
Czeisler, Richardson, Zimmerman, Moore-Ede, & tempo of many individual parts (the instruments)
Weitzman, 1981). Light/dark (LD) cues come from to make a cohesive, harmonious system (a pleasant-
the daily cycles of daylight and darkness, but can sounding symphony). When studying the circa-
also be artificially imposed in modern environments dian timing system in humans, researchers measure
by switching an electric light on and off or by draw- physiological or behavioral outputs of these systems
ing a window shade. regulated by the SCN (see Figure 17.1). When mea-
According to one theory, entrainment is a daily sured over extended periods of time (hours to days),
adjustment of the circadian clock to make tau events associated with a rhythm (e.g., when a hor-
equal to 24 hours. This process is predicted by a mone “turns on” and “turns off”) can be marked,
phase response curve (PRC) to light. A light PRC and these markers are used experimentally or clini-
describes how light shifts circadian rhythms ear- cally to infer circadian time, or “phase.” This chapter
lier or later in time. In general, light exposure dur- will focus on “central-clock” (SCN)-driven rhythms.
ing the beginning of the habitual sleep time shifts For more information about peripheral clocks see
circadian rhythms later (phase delay), while light the review of Cermakian and Boivin (2009).
exposure at the end of habitual sleep shifts circadian
rhythms earlier (phase advance) (Eastman, Molina, Behavioral Measures
Burgess, & Revell, 2010; Khalsa, Jewett, Cajochen, Chronotype
& Czeisler, 2003; Kripke, Elliott, Youngstedt, & Often referred to as morningness/eveningness
Rex, 2007; Minors, Waterhouse, & Wirz-Justice, or M/E, chronotype is a self-assessed (or parent-as-
1991; Revell & Eastman, 2005; St. Hilaire et al., sessed in the case of younger children) construct that
2012). A preliminary PRC to light for older ado- reflects the individual difference of when someone
lescents aged 14–17 years shows a similar pattern feels “at their peak” or “at their best.” Morningess/
(Crowley & Eastman, 2012); however, more data eveningess questionnaires typically ask what time
are needed to fully characterize the adolescent PRC of day one would choose to engage in different

c rowl ey 205
LIGHT DARK Retinal Photoreceptors

rods &




∼ Measured
Core Body Temperature
Corticosteroid Release
Melatonin Release

Figure 17.1 A simplified schematic illustration to summarize the main components of the circadian timing system. The primary
stimulus (zeitgeber) to the system is light and dark exposure to the eye. In humans, intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells
(ipRGCs), with input from rods and cones, transduce light/dark signals, which reach the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) via the
retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). The SCN—or “master clock”—regulates many systems, such as those related to sleep and arousal,
thermoregulation, feeding and metabolism, and endocrine function. The output of these systems can be measured over the course
of hours or days to make inferences about the human circadian system. These outputs can also feedback to modulate the system.
Environmental conditions, behavior, and substances during measurement must be controlled to avoid masking of the endogenous
circadian signal (see text for details).

activities, such as when they prefer to wake up, go to Roenneberg et al., 2004). Sex and cultural factors
bed, take a test, exercise, and so forth. Chronotype may also contribute to differences in distributions;
is conventionally split into three groups: morning therefore, adapting questionnaires to fit the appro-
(“lark”), evening (“owl”), and intermediate (“nei- priate demographic is advised (Adan & Natale,
ther”) types. Morningness/eveningness usually has 2002; Caci et al., 2005; Kerkhof, 1985; Smith,
a normal distribution, with owls and larks sitting Tisak, Bauman, & Green, 1991).
at either end of the continuum and most individu- Studies of adults have demonstrated that evening
als rating themselves as intermediate types. Of types have a later circadian phase measured from
note, however, is that morning/evening tendency physiological outputs (core body temperature and
changes across the life span. Carskadon and col- the onset of melatonin) and later sleep times com-
leagues were the first to demonstrate an association pared to intermediate and morning types (Baehr,
between morningness/eveningness and self-assessed Revelle, & Eastman, 2000; Foret, Touron, Benoit,
pubertal development and age; more mature and & Bouard, 1985; Goulet, Mongrain, Desrosiers,
older participants endorse more evening tendencies Paquet, & Dumont, 2007; Ostberg & Nicholl, 1973;
(Carskadon, Vieira, & Acebo, 1993). Others have Taillard, Philip, Coste, Sagaspe, & Bioulac, 2003).
since confirmed this finding (Giannotti, Cortesi, Similar results emerge in children and adolescents
Sebastiani, & Ottaviano, 2002; Kim, Dueker, (Crowley, Bushnell, Acebo, & Carskadon, 2006;
Hasher, & Goldstein, 2002; Randler & Bilger, Laberge et al., 2000; Tzischinsky & Shochat, 2011;
2009; Roenneberg et al., 2007; Roenneberg et al., Werner, Lebourgeois, Geiger, & Jenni, 2009). Data
2004). This evening tendency typically reverses from adults also suggest that the temporal alignment
in the third decade of life, and aging is associated between the circadian system and sleep behavior
with a change toward morningness (Carrier, Monk, differs between morning and evening types; evening
Buysse, & Kupfer, 1997; Duffy & Czeisler, 2002; types sleep at an earlier circadian phase compared

206 assessment of circadian rhy thm s

to morning types (Baehr et al., 2000; Duffy, Dijk, have been used with adolescents (∼15–16 years)
Hall, & Czeisler, 1999). Conceptualized another (Laberge et al., 2000; Urban, Magyarodi, & Rigo,
way, evening types wake at an earlier part of their 2011). Internal consistency from adult samples is
circadian cycle compared to the morning types. good for the MEQ (Cronbach alpha > .80) (Adan
More recent evidence suggests, however, that when & Natale, 2002; Paine et al., 2006; Smith, Reilly, &
individuals are allowed to sleep on a schedule uncon- Midkiff, 1989).
strained by environmental factors (e.g., school or Based on a comprehensive assessment of the
work), this is only the case for individuals with psychometric properties of three different morn-
extremely early or extremely late phases (Goulet ingness/eveningness scales (Folkard, Monk, &
et al., 2007; Mongrain, Lavoie, Selmaoui, Paquet, Lobban, 1979; Horne & Östberg, 1976; Torsvall
& Dumont, 2004). Variation in several core “clock & Akerstedt, 1980), Smith and colleagues (1989)
genes,” including CLOCK, PER1/2/3, and CK1ε/δ, developed a Composite Morningness Scale (CMS)
has also been associated with morningness/evening- by taking the best items from the MEQ of Horne
ness (Archer et al., 2003; Carpen, Archer, Skene, and Östberg (1976) and the scale of Torsvall &
Smits, & von Schantz, 2005; Carpen, von Schantz, Akerstedt (1980). This 13-item scale was tested on
Smits, Skene, & Archer, 2006; Jones et al., 2007; college-age students, but has been used with chil-
Katzenberg et al., 1998; Mishima, Tozawa, Satoh, dren and adolescents (Crowley, Bushnell, et al.,
Saitoh, & Mishima, 2005; Pereira et al., 2005). 2006; Randler, 2008; Randler & Bilger, 2009). In
Differences in circadian phase, how the circadian contrast to the MEQ’s 5 categories, the Composite
system temporally aligns with sleep/wake behavior, Scale of Morningness categorizes individuals into
and genetic variation between morning and evening 3 different groups based on a 10–90 percentile
types suggests that this construct of morningness/ split: Evening Type (22 and less), Intermediate
eveningness likely has a physiological basis and is Type (23–43), and Morning Type (44 and above).
not only a product of self-selected sleep/wake (and This scale has been translated to other languages,
LD) patterns. including German (Randler & Bilger, 2009),
Horne and Östberg (1976) developed the first French (Caci, Nadalet, Staccini, Myquel, & Boyer,
questionnaire in English to assess the construct of 1999, 2000), Italian (Natale & Alzani, 2001),
morningness/eveningness. This 19-item, mixed- Spanish (Adan, Caci, & Prat, 2005), and Thai
format questionnaire is the most widely used, and (Pornpitakpan, 1998); however, cross-cultural dif-
it has been translated into several languages includ- ferences need to be considered (Caci et al., 2005;
ing French (Goulet et al., 2007; Taillard, Philip, Smith et al., 1991).
Chastang, & Bioulac, 2004), Dutch (Kerkhof, Carskadon and colleagues (1993) developed
1985), Italian (Mecacci & Zani, 1983), Spanish a new scale specifically for children largely based
(Adan & Almirall, 1990), Japanese (Ishihara, Saitoh, on the above-mentioned Composite Morningness
Inoue, & Miyata, 1984), and Chinese (Li et al., Scale of Smith and colleagues (1989). This 10-item
2011). The morningness/eveningness questionnaire scale questions the youngster about preferred bed-
(MEQ) was originally tested in a group of British time, wake-up time, and the optimal time to take
young adults (18–32 years), and 5 categories were a test, but phrases questions using language easily
created based on cutoff scores: Definite Morning understood by the child and also puts questions in
Type (70–86), Moderate Morning Type (59–69), the context of typical events or behaviors of younger
Neither Type (42–58), Moderate Evening Type children like school and gym class. In a group of
(31–41), and Definite Evening Type (16–30). The fourth- and fifth-grade American students (aged
rationale for these cutoff scores was not described. ∼10–13 years), this scale shows a good internal
It has been argued that since this questionnaire was consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = .76) and mod-
developed based on mostly college-age, nonworking erate construct validity when compared to sleep
students, these cutoffs need to be adjusted for age and times (Crowley, Bushnell, et al., 2006). Similarly,
to account for working status, as these change the in a group of Italian high school students aged
natural preference of an individual (Paine, Gander, 14.1 to 18.6 years, internal consistency is also good
& Travier, 2006; Taillard et al., 2004). The MEQ (Cronbach’s alpha = .73) and morningess/evening-
has also been criticized for its length; thus, Adan ness scores are predictive of differences in sleep pat-
and Almirall (1991) developed a version with only 5 terns (Giannotti et al., 2002). This scale has also
items (rMEQ). Both questionnaires may be difficult been translated to other languages, such as Spanish
for younger children to comprehend, though they (Escribano, Diaz-Morales, Delgado, & Collado,

c rowl ey 207
2012), Hebrew (Tzischinsky & Shochat, 2011) and thought to be a “biological marker of the end of
Italian (Giannotti et al., 2002). adolescence” (Roenneberg et al., 2004).
The questions in the scales described thus far Finally, Werner and colleagues (2009) recently
are subjective, asking individuals to choose pre- developed the Children’s Chronotype Questionnaire,
ferred sleep times based on their own “feeling best which is an adaptation of the MCTQ (Roenneberg
rhythm,” and are also contextualized within hypo- et al., 2003), and the Morningness/Eveningness Scale
thetical situations or circumstances (e.g., “ . . . at for Children (Carskadon et al., 1993). This parent-
what time would you get up if you were entirely report, 27-item scale was originally tested in a group
free to plan your day?”). Roenneberg and colleagues of 4- to 11-year-old Swiss children and shows high
(2003) argue that inquiring about actual behav- test–retest reliability and validity against parent-re-
ior—not what you “would” do, but rather what ported sleep times (Werner et al., 2009). In a more
you actually do—may be a better way to assess the recent analysis of children aged 30–36 months (n
construct of chronotype. Therefore, they developed = 19), parents who rated their children as evening
the Munich ChonoType Questionnaire (MCTQ), types had later melatonin rhythms and slept at an
which asks individuals to record clock times of earlier circadian phase (Simpkin, Akacem, Garlo,
their sleep behavior (e.g., go to bed time, try to Jenni, & Lebourgeois, 2012), which mimics find-
fall asleep time, wake up time, get out of bed time, ings in adults. Thus, this individual difference of
etc.), as well as record the number of minutes it chronotype is apparent in early childhood and can
takes to fall asleep. Individuals record this informa- serve as a good global estimate of circadian timing
tion separately for work/school days and nonwork/ in young children.
nonschool days (“free days”), since sleep timing
usually differs between these day types in most Sleep/Wake Patterns
individuals across the life span (Crowley, Acebo, & Sleep/wake patterns assessed by field measures,
Carskadon, 2007; Roenneberg et al., 2007; Werner such as actigraphy and daily sleep/wake diaries (see
et al., 2009). Mid-sleep time on free days is used Horne and Biggs, Chapter 16) may provide a way
to quantify chronotype because it is argued that to estimate circadian timing in entrained individu-
sleep is less constrained by work or school sched- als when phase cannot be measured more directly.
ules and would therefore more accurately reflect The timing of sleep and wake is partly controlled
the individual’s true chronotype. Mid-sleep time by the circadian timing system; however, the sleep/
on free days is the midpoint between sleep onset wake pattern in a human is not a circadian measure
time (try to fall asleep time + number of minutes per se, because the behavior is voluntary or parent-
to fall asleep) and wake time. Also, because sleep imposed (i.e., can override the endogenous system).
duration is often restricted during the school/work Nevertheless, an individual’s sleep/wake schedule is
week, many sleep longer on weekends or on vaca- the primary behavioral modulator of the 24-hour
tion to “recover” from the accumulated sleep debt. light/dark pattern, which in turn signals the cen-
Roenneberg and colleagues (2007) argue that this tral clock. Thus, timing of sleep and wake is usually
potential confounding factor of sleep debt needs to coupled with the timing of the circadian system.
be accounted for in their chronotype metric, and Three previous studies of adults (aged 18 to
they correct the mid-sleep time on free days by 43 years) demonstrated that the average timing of
subtracting the individual’s “sleep need” (weighted the sleep/wake schedule is correlated with physi-
average of sleep duration on school/work days and ological measures of circadian phase and can pre-
nonschool/nonwork days) from their estimated dict measured phase within 1 to 2 hours (Burgess
mid-sleep time of free days. This metric of chro- & Eastman, 2005; Burgess et al., 2003; Martin &
notype shows a normal distribution (Roenneberg Eastman, 2002). A similar analysis of youngsters
et al., 2007; Roenneberg et al., 2004; Roenneberg, aged 9 to 17 years, either during the school year or
Wirz-Justice, & Merrow, 2003), and large range while on summer vacation, showed similar results
(∼12 hours) (Roenneberg et al., 2007). This (Crowley, Acebo, Fallone, & Carskadon, 2006).
research group continues to update the MCTQ and Average mid-sleep time (over the proximal 5 days),
has amassed an extremely large dataset (∼65,000). in particular, predicted the onset of the melatonin
Using this large dataset, Roenneberg and colleagues rhythm during both the school year and during
observed a gradual delay of chronotype in the sec- summer vacation. Linear regression equations using
ond decade of life and then an abrupt advance at mid-sleep time estimated melatonin onset phase
around the age of 20 years; this abrupt change is within ± 1 hour of actual phase for 82% and 86%

208 assessment of circadian rhy thm s

of participants during the school year and during rate at which the pill moves through the body var-
summer, respectively. ies widely among individuals and temperature var-
Using sleep/wake behavior to provide a gross ies depending on what part of the gastrointestinal
estimate of endogenous circadian phase can be tract the pill is traveling through (Darwent et al.,
quite practical. Estimated phase from sleep/wake 2011).
schedules can guide timing of the data collection The CBT rhythm can be hidden or “masked” by
window to sample physiological measures of the behavior. CBT changes with body posture (Minors
circadian timing system, such as salivary melatonin & Waterhouse, 1989), is elevated by physical activ-
(see below). An estimate of circadian phase could ity, and is lower during the sleeping state com-
also provide context when interpreting neurobehav- pared to the waking state (Minors, Waterhouse,
ioral data or other outcome measures that vary over & Akerstedt, 1994; Waterhouse et al., 2000).
the course of 24 hours. Collecting physiological Therefore, participants must stay awake in a con-
measures of phase in the clinic is often hindered by stant posture throughout the night to accurately
the expense and labor-intensive nature of collecting measure the endogenous CBT rhythm (Czeisler
such measures. Using habitual sleep times as a gross et al., 1985; Duffy, 1995; Duffy & Dijk, 2002;
estimate of phase could help guide treatment strate- Mills et al., 1978a). Alternatively, a complex math-
gies (e.g., bright light or exogenous melatonin) for ematical estimate (Eastman, 1992; Eastman, Liu,
circadian-based sleep disorders. & Fogg, 1995) or other “purification” methods
(Waterhouse et al., 2000) can be used to account
Physiological Measures for masking effects on CBT while participants are
Core Body Temperature in their natural environment. Some caution with
Core body temperature (CBT) is a circadian these correction factors must taken, however, since
output that can be measured in humans and is the the amount of change in the rhythm in response to
classic measure of circadian phase and amplitude these masking factors differs among individuals and
that was used in older studies of human circadian by the time of day (Duffy & Dijk, 2002). Masking
timing (Czeisler et al., 1985; Kleitman, 1939; effects and the somewhat invasive procedures that
Mills, Minors, & Waterhouse, 1978a, 1978b). The CBT measurement requires have prompted many
CBT minimum, a common phase marker, usually laboratories to switch to using the secretory pat-
occurs during the second half of the habitual sleep tern of melatonin to determine circadian phase.
period. Measurement of CBT requires participants Circadian markers using the melatonin rhythm are
to wear a rectal thermistor over at least 24 hours. also more reliable than CBT markers (Klerman,
The thermistor is placed 10 cm into the rectum and Gershengorn, Duffy, & Kronauer, 2002; Klerman
is only removed for bowel movements and show- et al., 2012).
ers. Some participants find the procedure invasive;
however, most participants become unaware of the Endogenous Melatonin
thermistor once in place and even adolescents have Melatonin is a neurohormone that is secreted by
completed the procedure successfully (Carskadon the pineal gland and has a distinct circadian pat-
et al., 1999; Labyak, Acebo, & Carskadon, 1998). tern: circulating melatonin concentration is low
The thermistor can move from the desired position, during the day, abruptly increases close to habitual
which can result in data loss; taping the thermistor bedtime, remains high throughout the night, and
to the lower back may reduce this risk. An alterna- decreases close to habitual wake-up time. This rhyth-
tive to the rectal thermistor is an ingestible capsule mic pattern of melatonin release is driven by activity
that travels through the gastrointestinal tract and of the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase
transmits core temperature to a monitor close to the (AANAT), which is a critical enzyme in melatonin
body via a radio frequency transmission. Studies in synthesis from serotonin. The activity of AANAT in
the field and in the laboratory that have measured the pinealocyte, and thus the release of melatonin, is
CBT using the rectal thermistor and the ingestible regulated by the SCN (see Ganguly, Coon, & Klein,
pill simultaneously show similar results between the 2002 for a review). Melatonin is released immedi-
two methods; however, the pill reads slightly higher ately into the bloodstream; thus, what is measured
temperature than the rectal thermistor (Darwent, in circulation is temporally very close to the pro-
Zhou, van den Heuvel, Sargent, & Roach, 2011; duction of the hormone. Melatonin can be sampled
Edwards, Waterhouse, Reilly, & Atkinson, 2002). from blood or saliva, and the melatonin metabolite
Some drawbacks to the ingestible pill are that the 6-sulfatoxymelatonin can be sampled from urine.

c rowl ey 209
sampling Similarly, if participants drink anything besides
Plasma melatonin samples are collected from water they must rinse with water (no mouthwash).
blood drawn through an indwelling catheter Participants should be advised not to brush their
inserted into a forearm vein. It is suggested to insert teeth too hard because their gums may bleed, and
the catheter at least 2 hours before sampling begins blood would inflate the amount of detected mela-
to ensure that any increase in adrenergic levels in tonin in the sample. Our laboratory uses ultra-soft
response to catheter insertion does not affect mela- toothbrushes to reduce the risk of this problem. As
tonin levels (Benloucif et al., 2008). Blood is sampled with plasma melatonin sampling, the precise time of
at frequent intervals (every 20 to 30 minutes), and each sample must be recorded. Serial salivary mela-
often sampling occurs over 24 hours. Samples can tonin samples are routinely collected from children
be taken without disturbing a sleeping individual by and adolescents (Carskadon, Acebo, Richardson,
attaching a long tube that runs from the bedroom Tate, & Seifer, 1997; Carskadon, Wolfson, Acebo,
to an outside control room. The precise time of Tzischinsky, & Seifer, 1998; Crowley, Acebo, &
each sample must be recorded. Serial plasma mela- Carskadon, 2012; Crowley, Acebo, et al., 2006;
tonin samples have been collected in young people Crowley & Carskadon, 2010), and have been col-
(Attanasio, Borrelli, & Gupta, 1985; Cavallo, 1992; lected from children as young as 30 to 36 months
Ehrenkranz et al., 1982; Salti et al., 2000); how- (Garlo, Crossin, Carskadon, & LeBourgeois, 2008;
ever, this procedure can be frightening or painful. LeBourgeois, Wright, LeBourgeois, & Jenni).
Moreover, a trained phlebotomist or someone with Sampling saliva may also be a valid, noninvasive,
medical training (e.g., a nurse) is needed to start and and practical way to measure melatonin in infants
maintain the indwelling intravenous catheter. This (Bagci et al., 2009, 2010), though the melatonin
procedure is best carried out in an inpatient facility, rhythm does not seem to emerge until about 9–12
making this method impractical for field studies. weeks in normally developing infants (Kennaway,
Salivary melatonin is typically collected using a Stamp, & Goble, 1992). Collecting melatonin from
swab (absorbent) method. Saliva collection systems, saliva is less invasive than blood sampling, and does
like the one shown in Figure 17.2 (Salivette®, not require professional medical training. Sampling
Sarstedt AG & Co.), typically consist of a large plas- melatonin via saliva, however, requires that the indi-
tic collection tube (A) in which another smaller tube vidual remain awake, which makes 24-hour sam-
is nested (B). This nested tube holds the absorbent pling difficult. Many groups time saliva sampling
untreated cotton roll (C). The untreated cotton is to coincide with the onset phase of the melatonin
placed into the mouth by the individual and saliva rhythm, though overnight sampling is possible and
is absorbed into the cotton. In the case of an infant has been done in adults (Burgess & Eastman, 2004,
or very small child, an adult inserts the cotton into 2006) and adolescents (Carskadon et al., 1997;
the child’s mouth while holding onto an attached Carskadon et al., 1999; Crowley et al., 2012; (see
string or a stick so that the child does not choke. In Figure 17.3). To catch the evening onset of mela-
most cases, saliva saturates the cotton in fewer than tonin, sampling should begin about 5 to 7 hours
5 minutes. The sample needs to be centrifuged and before and end about 1 to 2 hours after habitual
then frozen for later analysis. The nested tube (B) bedtime. Salivary melatonin is typically collected in
has a small hole on the bottom, which allows saliva the laboratory, though a new procedure to collect
to collect at the bottom of the large tube when it is these data in the home is currently being validated
centrifuged. A typical assay requires about 0.5 mL in adults (Burgess, 2012).
per sample and a minimum of 1 mL is needed to In our laboratory, we collect salivary melatonin
assay samples in duplicate. Our laboratory aims to samples from adolescent research participants in
collect 2 mL of saliva in every sample. The nested a dimly lit room (< 5 lux) with a sink for staff to
tube and cotton can be discarded after enough saliva wash their hands. Participants remain seated in
is pulled to the bottom of the collection tube. Serial comfortable recliners throughout the sampling ses-
saliva samples are typically taken at 30- to 60- min- sion (sometimes up to 18 hours), except when they
ute intervals. Food and drink (including water) need to use the attached restroom (also < 5 lux).
should not be consumed in the 5 to 10 minutes They can watch age-appropriate television shows or
before saliva collection. If food is consumed in the movies (approved by their parents) or play board
time between samples, then participants need to games. The participants are supervised continu-
brush their teeth with water (no toothpaste) so as ously by research staff, who prepare them food and
not to contaminate the sample with food particles. noncaffeinated, nonalcoholic drinks in between

2 10 asse ssment of circadian rhy thm s

sample should be double-bagged and frozen. The
remaining urine from the large container can be
Lid discarded, and the container should be rinsed with
warm water. The same procedure is repeated for
each 4-hour time interval (10:00 am–2:00 pm,
Cotton Swab 2:00 pm–6:00 pm, and 6:00 pm–10:00 pm). The
(c) final collection interval of the first day will be the
8-hour overnight collection, in which any urine
excreted throughout the night and the first void
Nested tube
the next morning (e.g., Tuesday) is collected in the
(b) same container. This procedure is repeated again on
the second day and sampling concludes with the
last overnight collection on day 3 (e.g., Wednesday
morning). This method of urinary aMT6s collec-
Collection tube tion has been used with children as young as about
(a) 4 years old (Gebru & LeBourgeois, 2009) and
with adolescents (Laberge et al., 2000). Urinary
aMT6s can also be extracted from diapers of infants
(Kennaway et al., 1992; Tauman, Zisapel, Laudon,
Nehama, & Sivan, 2002). Parents are asked to save
Figure 17.2 A picture of a Salivette® (Sarstedt AG & Co.) all diapers over the course of 24 to 48 hours and to
used to collect saliva and later assay for hormones, such as record the time of each diaper change. The volume
melatonin (see text). of urine is often measured by weighing the diaper.
Measuring the urinary aMT6s is practical for field
samples. Frequent light readings with a light meter studies or when working with a special population
at the level of the eye ensure that light levels remain (e.g., infants) to estimate the global timing and
dim (see Factors that Affect Endogenous Melatonin, amount of melatonin secretion. This method, how-
below). Many adolescents have successfully com- ever, is less precise than sampling plasma or salivary
pleted this salivary melatonin sampling procedure melatonin because of its infrequent sampling rate,
in our laboratory. which is limited by the need to urinate. If small
The primary metabolite of melatonin, 6-sulfa- changes in circadian timing are expected, then the
toxymelatonin (aMT6s), can be measured in urine. higher resolution of salivary or plasma melatonin is
All urine voids are collected for at least 48 hours more informative. Also, the urinary aMT6s rhythm
in 4-hour intervals during waking, plus an 8-hour peak typically occurs about 2 hours after the peak
overnight collection interval. Sample times and the in plasma, suggesting that the metabolite is not as
total urine volume must be documented. A sum- temporally close to SCN activity. This lag should be
mary of the typical collection procedure in adults considered when using the melatonin metabolite to
is described by Wright, Drake, and Lockley (2008). infer phase of the circadian system (see review by
Briefly, participants collect all of their urine for 48 Wright and colleagues,2008). Finally, this method
hours. After waking on day 1, participants void may not reflect the endogenous melatonin rhythm
their bladder but do not collect this first urine. All since masking factors in the field (e.g., ambient light
other voids thereafter are collected in sex-appropri- levels) are difficult to control.
ate containers or a toilet hat throughout consecutive
4-hour intervals. As an example, if wake-up time factors that affect endogenous
on day 1 (Monday) is at 6:00am, the participant melatonin
should void her bladder, but not collect it. Then, all Melatonin synthesis is suppressed by light (Lewy,
of the urine from 6:00am to 10:00am is collected in Wehr, Goodwin, Newsome, & Markey, 1980), and
the same container. At 10:00am, the total volume is studies show that room light levels (< 200 lux) sup-
measured and the collection interval time (6:00am– press endogenous melatonin synthesis (Boivin &
10:00am) is recorded. Using a small plastic dispos- James, 2002; Gooley et al., 2011; Santhi et al., 2012;
able pipette, a 5mL sample of the urine collected Zeitzer, Dijk, Kronauer, Brown, & Czeisler, 2000);
between 6:00am and 10:00am is then transferred thus, sampling must be completed in dim light con-
to a small (5–10 mL) labeled urine vial. This urine ditions. A consensus workgroup (Benloucif et al.,

c rowl ey 211
2008) recommends that light levels should remain on the day of sampling is necessary. Exogenous
lower than 30 lux, though many researchers sample melatonin pills should also be avoided on the day
melatonin in light < 5 or 10 lux. Recent data also of sampling, as this will increase detected melatonin
suggests that light from an LED computer screen levels to supraphysiological levels. Some laborato-
can suppress endogenous melatonin (Cajochen ries prohibit specific foods during saliva collection,
et al., 2011), which suggests that devices with such as those with artificial coloring and bananas;
back lights that are typically used close to the eye however, there is no published literature to sup-
(electronic tablets, laptop computers, and so forth) port that these items affect salivary melatonin or its
should be prohibited during sampling. analysis. Use of diuretics, and any liver or kidney
Posture can also affect melatonin levels. Measured disorders that may affect metabolism or excretion of
melatonin levels are higher when the individual melatonin, should be noted when sampling urinary
is seated compared to when lying down (Deacon, aMT6s (Wright et al., 2008).
Arendt, & English, 1993; Nathan, Jeyaseelan,
Burrows, & Norman, 1998) but are highest when melatonin assay
standing (Cajochen, Jewett, & Dijk, 2003; Deacon Once samples have been collected, a hormone
& Arendt, 1994a; Nathan et al., 1998). Changes assay is used to determine the melatonin concentra-
in melatonin levels as a result of standing can typi- tions at each time point. Direct radioimmunoassay
cally be reversed within about 10 minutes (Deacon (RIA) is the typical assay used for melatonin, though
& Arendt, 1994a). Therefore, individuals should enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has
remain seated or reclined for at least 5 to 10 min- also been used for this purpose. Immunoassays are
utes before a sample is taken. One study shows little based on the interaction between an antibody and
effect of posture on phase of the melatonin rhythm its antigen (the hormone), such that when the anti-
(Voultsios, Kennaway, & Dawson, 1997); however, gen comes in contact with its antibody, an antigen-
if the amplitude of the curve is used to derive mela- antibody complex is formed. The salivary melatonin
tonin phase markers (see below), then posture needs RIA is a competitive-binding assay. Radioactive
to be controlled. melatonin (125 I melatonin) and unlabeled mela-
Finally, some substances must be controlled when tonin compete for the binding sites on an antibody
sampling melatonin as they alter the timing and/or (anti-melatonin).
the amount of melatonin secretion (see Table 1 of The salivary melatonin RIA procedure takes two
Arendt, 2005). Beta-blockers (Arendt, Bojkowski, days to complete. Participant samples and “stan-
Franey, Wright, & Marks, 1985; Cowen, Bevan, dard” samples are treated with radioactive mela-
Gosden, & Elliott, 1985; Rommel & Demisch, tonin and antibody on day 1. After a 16- to 24-hour
1994; Stoschitzky et al., 1999), alpha-blockers incubation period there should be proportional
(Palazidou, Franey, Arendt, Stahl, & Checkley, binding (unlabeled vs. labeled) to the antibody.
1989; Palazidou, Papadopoulos, Sitsen, Stahl, & A second antibody separates the bound complex
Checkley, 1989; Stankov et al., 1990), antidepres- (unlabeled and labeled complex) as a solid white
sants (Carvalho, Gorenstein, Moreno, Pariante, & substance (“pellet”). Radioactivity is counted in the
Markus, 2009; Miller, Ekstrom, Mason, Lydiard, & pellet using a gamma counter. If the counter detects
Golden, 2001; Palazidou, Papadopoulos, Ratcliff, a lot radioactivity, then unlabeled melatonin (from
Dawling, & Checkley, 1992; Palazidou, Skene, the saliva sample) is low. Conversely, if the counter
Arendt, Everitt, & Checkley, 1992; Thompson detects little radioactivity then unlabeled melatonin
et al., 1985), benzodiazepines (Mann et al., 1996; (from saliva samples) is high. Standard samples with
Monteleone, Forziati, Orazzo, & Maj, 1989), a known amount of melatonin provide a calibration
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) curve that allows for estimation of the amount of
(Murphy, Myers, & Badia, 1996), and oral con- melatonin in the unknown (participant) samples.
traceptives (Wright & Badia, 1999) can alter the If specimens are shipped to another laboratory
timing and/or the amount of detected melatonin. to be assayed, the samples are packed in insulated
Alcohol suppresses melatonin (Ekman, Leppaluoto, boxes with dry ice according to the International Air
Huttunen, Aranko, & Vakkuri, 1993; Rupp, Acebo, Transport Association (IATA) packing instruction
& Carskadon, 2007), while caffeine (Wright, Badia, 650 UN3373. The US Centers for Disease Control
Myers, Plenzler, & Hakel, 1997) and marijuana and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for transport-
(Lissoni et al., 1986) increase melatonin; therefore, ing biological specimens within the United States
prohibiting these substances a few days before and (USPS 18 USC 1716) should also be followed.

2 12 asse ssment of circadian rhy thm s

plasma and salivary melatonin phase that is 2 standard deviations above mean daytime
markers levels or the limit of detection of the assay; and (4)
Abrupt changes in the melatonin secretory pat- a 24-hour mean threshold. Another method is to
tern provide distinct points on the curve that can visually estimate the change from baseline levels
be marked. The abrupt-onset phase of melatonin to a clear rising (or declining) of melatonin con-
secretion is called the dim light melatonin onset centrations to estimate the DLMO (or DLMOff);
(DLMO; Lewy, Cutler, & Sack, 1999; Lewy & consensus of these visual estimates is needed. The
Sack, 1989). The DLMO is the most reliable phase best method to estimate DLMO or DLMOff will
marker (Benloucif et al., 2005; Klerman et al., depend on the research or clinical question under
2002; Klerman et al., 2012), and therefore is most investigation, how melatonin is sampled (e.g., sali-
often used to estimate circadian timing. The decline vary versus plasma), and the time frame of sampling
of melatonin, also called the dim light melatonin (e.g., overnight versus evening collection).
offset (DLMOff) phase, and the midpoint between Figure 17.3 illustrates an example of a sali-
DLMO and DLMOff are also phase markers of the vary melatonin profile collected overnight from a
circadian timing system derived from the melatonin 13-year-old female. Saliva was sampled every 30
rhythm. minutes while the youngster remained awake in a
The DLMO is defined as the clock time at constant posture in dim light (< 40 lux). This female
which endogenous melatonin surpasses and stays kept a sleep schedule of 22:00 to 08:00 for about
above a predetermined threshold for several hours. 10 days before these data were collected. Three
The DLMOff is the time at which melatonin falls different thresholds are illustrated with horizontal
below the threshold again and does not rise above dashed lines to compute the DLMO and DLMOff.
the threshold for several hours. A standard thresh- One is an absolute threshold of 4 pg/mL. The abso-
old procedure is not established for determining lute threshold most often used for plasma melatonin
the DLMO or DLMOff. Four common methods is 10 pg/mL based on the original work of Lewy
include: (1) an absolute value threshold in the range and colleagues (Lewy et al., 1999). Because salivary
of 3 to 10 pg/mL; (2) a relative threshold based on melatonin levels are approximately 30% (Voultsios
a percentage of a maximum value; (3) a threshold et al., 1997) to 40% (Deacon & Arendt, 1994b) of

Overnight Salivary Melatonin Profile

Salivary Melatonin (pg/mL)



4 4 pg/mL
25% maximum
Baseline Mean + 2SD
16 18 20 22 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
24-hour Clock Time

Threshold Method DLMO Midpoint DLMOff

4 pg/mL 20:54 2:07 7:20

25% maximum 20:46 2:07 7:30
Baseline Mean + 2 SD 19:50 2:33 9:15

Figure 17.3 Salivary melatonin data collected over the course of one night (17:50 to 12:20 the next day) from a 13-year-old girl
(data from the laboratory of Mary A. Carskadon, PhD, with permission). Melatonin values derived from radioimmunoassay (RIA)
at each time point are illustrated by an open circle. The hashed lines illustrate three different thresholds that are commonly used to
determine the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) and dim light melatonin offset (DLMOff) (see text for more detail). The table
shows the time of the DLMO, DLMOff, and the midpoint between these two markers for each threshold.

c rowl ey 213
plasma levels, absolute thresholds for salivary mela- illustrates a typical evening melatonin profile from
tonin are typically 3 or 4 pg/mL. A second thresh- a 15-year-old male. This research participant kept a
old is computed as 25% of the maximum melatonin fixed sleep schedule for 7 nights during the school
concentration. This method is considered a relative year before saliva collection in the laboratory.
threshold because the threshold is tailored to the Sampling started 5 hours before and ended 1 hour
individual to account for large individual differences after his fixed bedtime of 22:30. Saliva was sampled
in melatonin amplitude (Burgess & Fogg, 2008). every 30 minutes in dim light (< 20 lux), and the
Some caution, however, must be taken when apply- participant was seated for at least 5 minutes before
ing a relative threshold in developmental research, each sample was taken. The raw data for this partici-
especially in a longitudinal study over a number of pant are in the table on the bottom of Figure 17.4.
years, because melatonin amplitude changes across The sample clock time for each of the 13 samples
the life span (Iguchi, Kato, & Ibayashi, 1982; Sack, is listed in column A. In column B, sample time is
Lewy, Erb, Vollmer, & Singer, 1986; Waldhauser & converted to decimal hours to make DLMO com-
Steger, 1986; Waldhauser et al., 1988; Zhao, Xie, putations easier (note: if sample time is midnight use
Fu, Bogdan, & Touitou, 2002), particularly during 24.00 h, and if later than midnight, add 24 h to the
puberty (Attanasio et al., 1985; Crowley et al., 2012; clock time (e.g., 1:00am = 25.00 h)). Salivary mela-
Salti et al., 2000; Waldhauser et al., 1984; Wilson & tonin concentration measured using RIA is listed in
Gordon, 1989). Changes in amplitude would also column C. In this example, the mean plus 2 SD of
change this relative threshold across repeated assess- samples 1, 2, and 3 is 0.69 pg/mL. This threshold
ments. A relative threshold based on a percentage value falls between the melatonin values of samples
of the maximum or the 24-hour mean can only be 7 and 8, which are bracketed in column C, and the
used when overnight or 24 hours of data are avail- DLMO will therefore fall between the sample times
able. The third method uses daytime or baseline bracketed in column B. Linear interpolation is used
values to derive a threshold. The example threshold to estimate the time at which melatonin values equal
here is based on the work of Voultsios, Kennaway, the threshold value. Using the column letters (B and
and Dawson (1997), in which the threshold is com- C) and sample numbers (7 and 8) in Figure 17.4, the
puted as the mean plus 2 standard deviations of the following formula is used:
first three low daytime samples. This threshold is
typically lower than the others shown, which may DLMO = B7 + (threshold – C7)*(B8 – B7)
better estimate the physiological onset or offset of (C8 – C7)
melatonin secretion (the start or end of the biologi- DLMO = 20.50 h +
cal night) (Molina & Burgess, 2011). (0.69 pg/mL – 0.25 pg/mL)* (21.00 h – 20.50 h)
The time at which melatonin rises above a thresh- (1.29 pg/mL – 0.25 pg/mL)
old (DLMO) or falls below a threshold (DLMOff)
will differ depending on the threshold method DLMO = 20.71 h
used. Figure 17.3 shows the calculated DLMO
and DLMOff for each of the three thresholds. The The TREND function in Microsoft Excel
highest threshold in this case (4 pg/mL) marks the will automate this formula: “=TREND (sample
DLMO later and the DLMOff earlier than the time immediately before the threshold: sample
lower thresholds (25% maximum and Baseline + 2 time immediately after the threshold, mela-
SD). The melatonin midpoint phase is calculated as tonin value immediately below the threshold:
the midpoint between the DLMO and DLMOff, melatonin value immediately above the threshold,
and may be less impacted by the threshold method. threshold).” The result will be expressed in deci-
To compute all three of these phase markers, over- mal hours. To convert back to 24-hour clock time
night data collection is necessary. (hh:mm), simply multiply the fraction of the hour
Although overnight saliva collection is possible in (e.g., 0.71) by 60 minutes. The DLMO in 24-hour
young people, its feasibility is limited by the need to clock time in the above example is 20:43.
remain awake all night. Plasma melatonin collection
allows the participants to sleep; however, this proce- urinary amts phase markers
dure requires medical staff and an inpatient facility. Urinary data are analyzed with different proce-
Therefore, many research laboratories and clinicians dures compared to saliva and plasma. The aMT6s
use evening salivary melatonin collection to measure assay results (in ng/mL) are converted into hourly
the onset of melatonin (DLMO) only. Figure 17.4 rates for each collection interval using this formula:

2 14 asse ssment of circadian rhy thm s

Evening Melatonin Profile

Salivary Melatonin (pg/mL)



2 Baseline Mean + 2SD

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
24-hour Clock Time


Sample # Sample Time Sample Time Salivary Melatonin

(24-h clock time) (decimal h) (pg/mL)

1 17:30:00 17.50 0.14

2 18:00:00 18.00 0.14
3 18:30:00 18.50 0.51
4 19:00:00 19.00 0.17
5 19:30:00 19.50 0.12
6 20:00:00 20.00 0.2
( )
( )
10 22:00:00 22.00 6.83
11 22:30:00 22.50 9.84
12 23:00:00 23.00 10.7
13 23:30:00 23.50 12.8

Figure 17.4 Salivary melatonin data collected during the evening from a 15-year-old male participant to measure the dim light
melatonin onset (DLMO). Top: Melatonin values derived from radioimmunoassay (RIA) at each time point are illustrated by an
open circle. The hashed horizontal line illustrates the threshold, which equals the mean plus 2 standard deviations of the first 3 points
(Voultsios et al., 1997). The DLMO is the clock time that melatonin concentrations rise above this threshold, and is noted by the
upward facing arrow. Bottom: A table of the raw data is listed to illustrate an example DLMO calculation (see text).

(ng/mL x total volume)/total sample hours. The Phase after the clinical or experimental intervention
hourly rate (in ng/h) for each collection interval is subtracted from phase before the intervention so
is plotted on the y-axis, and the midpoint time of that negative numbers indicate a phase delay shift,
the collection interval is plotted on the x-axis. The and positive numbers indicate a phase advance shift
peak of the curve is used as the phase marker of the as per standard circadian nomenclature.
rhythm. The peak can be derived from the raw data,
or from a fitted cosine curve. Measuring Intrinsic Circadian Period (tau)
Tau is measured in controlled conditions in the
Measuring Circadian Phase Shifts laboratory using a light/dark (wake/sleep) cycle
In some cases, phase changes—or phase shifts—of over several days that is too far from 24 hours, such
the circadian system may be of interest; for example, that the SCN cannot capture the light/dark cues
to objectively assess effectiveness of circadian-based and therefore cannot entrain to a 24-hour day. The
interventions or treatments to shift the clock ear- protocol’s light/dark cycle is said to be outside of the
lier (phase advance) or later (phase delay) in time. range of entrainment and, as a result, the clock runs

c rowl ey 215
at its own pace, or “free-runs.” The classic method given how long and labor-intensive it is, the par-
to measure the free-running intrinsic period (tau) ticipant burden of being isolated for 2 to 3 weeks
is a “forced desynchrony” (FD) protocol, which continuously, and the expense. In recent years, an
was first described by Kleitman (1939) and later ultradian light/dark protocol has been used to esti-
refined by Czeisler and colleagues (Czeisler, Dijk, & mate tau (Burgess & Eastman, 2008; Kripke et al.,
Duffy, 1994; Czeisler et al., 1999; Dijk & Czeisler, 2005; Lack, Micic, De Bruyn, Wright, & Lovato,
1994). Before the FD protocol begins, participants 2012; Smith et al., 2009). This protocol is simi-
keep a stable sleep schedule for at least 3 baseline lar to a FD protocol in that the light/dark (wake/
days. Physiological markers of the circadian clock sleep) schedule is out of the range of entrainment.
are subsequently measured in a 36- to 40-hour In these protocols, participants are kept on a short
constant routine (Duffy & Dijk, 2002; Minors & “day.” Kripke and colleagues (2005) used a 1.5-
Waterhouse, 1984), in which participants remain hour day in which adult participants were awake
awake in a constant posture and are restricted to for 60 minutes and asleep for 30 minutes across
very low activity levels and isocaloric snacks or about 72 hours. Eastman and colleagues (Burgess
meals distributed throughout the duration of the & Eastman, 2008; Smith et al., 2009) adapted
constant routine. The FD protocol then begins and this ultradian LD cycle such that participants were
lasts for about 2 to 3 weeks. A common FD “day” is exposed to a 4-hour day (2.5 h awake:1.5 h sleep
28 hours, in which participants have a sleep oppor- opportunity in the dark) over the course of about
tunity in the dark for approximately one-third of 4 days. An ongoing study of adolescents aged 14 to
the 28 hours (9h 20 mins) and are awake in dim 17 years in our laboratory utilizes a similar 4-hour
light for the remainder of the “day” (18 h and 40 ultradian LD protocol, except sleep and wake are
mins). The sleep opportunity times are shifted 4 both 2 hours to provide more sleep opportunity to
clock hours later each cycle compared to the previ- this younger group (Crowley & Eastman, 2012).
ous cycle. A 20-hour day is another FD day length Melatonin or its metabolite is sampled throughout
that has been used (Wyatt et al., 1999) with the same the ultradian protocol (Kripke et al., 2005; Lack
proportion of sleep to wake (6 h and 40 mins sleep/ et al., 2012) or can be measured before and after
dark:13 h and 20 mins wake/light). Physiological the ultradian light/dark cycle, from which a change
rhythms, such as core body temperature and mela- in phase is computed (Burgess & Eastman, 2008;
tonin, are measured repeatedly over several cycles of Smith et al., 2009). The phase shift is interpreted as
the FD protocol. A second constant routine begins the drift over the ultradian light/dark protocol that
after wake-up of the last cycle. A regression line can could be attributed to free-running.
be fit to the computed phase markers (CBT mini-
mum, DLMO, and DLMOff) measured during the Conclusion
constant routines and throughout several cycles of In summary, the circadian system can be assessed
the FD protocol to estimate tau. This protocol has with varying amounts of precision. Behavioral mea-
been successfully carried out in children as young sures serve as a global estimate of circadian timing,
as 10 years, though the sleep/wake durations were whereas physiological measures, especially plasma
slightly modified (11 h and 40 min sleep opportu- and salivary melatonin, provide a more precise and
nity in the dark: 16 h and 20 mins awake in dim unmasked estimate of circadian phase. The research
light) (Carskadon et al., 1999). In addition to mea- or clinical question under investigation and the
suring tau, the FD protocol is the only protocol age of the child will largely drive which method to
that can disentangle the relative contributions of use. Core body temperature and melatonin collec-
the tightly coupled circadian and homeostatic sleep tion protocols are labor-intensive, restrict the indi-
systems. Many use the FD protocol to understand vidual’s behavior, and usually require laboratory or
the independent contributions of the sleep homeo- clinical space. These factors may limit the feasibility
stat and the circadian timing system on several of collecting these measures, especially in vulner-
outcomes, including cardiac and metabolic health able populations like young children. The circadian
(Scheer, Hilton, Mantzoros, & Shea, 2009), cogni- timing system is a powerful modulator of behavior.
tive performance, and sleepiness (Dijk, Duffy, & Using the tools described in this chapter, devel-
Czeisler, 1992; Johnson et al., 1992; Wright, Hull, opmental psychologists are urged to consider the
& Czeisler, 2002; Wyatt et al., 1999). circadian system’s impact on physical, emotional,
If tau is the only outcome of interest, how- and social development, which may in turn inform
ever, then the FD protocol may not be as feasible social policy.

2 16 asse ssment of circadian rhy thm s

Future Directions Baehr, E. K., Revelle, W., & Eastman, C. I. (2000). Individual
differences in the phase and amplitude of the human circa-
• Validating melatonin collection in the home
dian temperature rhythm: with an emphasis on morningness-
is currently underway with adults (Burgess, 2012); eveningness. Journal of Sleep Research, 9, 117–127.
however, future studies are needed to determine Bagci, S., Mueller, A., Reinsberg, J., Heep, A., Bartmann, P., &
feasibility and validity of such a procedure with Franz, A. R. (2009). Saliva as a valid alternative in moni-
young children and their caregiver(s). toring melatonin concentrations in newborn infants. Early
Human Development, 85(9), 595–598.
• Computations of the DLMO—the most
Bagci, S., Mueller, A., Reinsberg, J., Heep, A., Bartmann, P., &
commonly measured circadian marker in Franz, A. R. (2010). Utility of salivary melatonin measure-
humans—are not standardized in the field. While ments in the assessment of the pineal physiology in newborn
some efforts have been made to standardize this infants. Clinical Biochemistry, 43(10–11), 868–872.
procedure in adults (Benloucif et al., 2008), a Benloucif, S., Guico, M. J., Reid, K. J., Wolfe, L. F., L’Hermite-
Baleriaux, M., & Zee, P. C. (2005). Stability of melatonin
similar effort is needed for the younger pediatric
and temperature as circadian phase markers and their rela-
population. tion to sleep times in humans. Journal of Biological Rhythms,
20(2), 178–188.
Benloucif, S., Burgess, H. J., Klerman, E. B., Lewy, A. J., Middleton,
Acknowledgments B., Murphy, P. J., et al. (2008). Measuring melatonin in
The author would like to thank Helen J. humans. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 4(1), 66–69.
Burgess, PhD, for her helpful comments on this Berson, D. M., Dunn, F. A., & Takao, M. (2002).
chapter. Some of the data described here were col- Phototransduction by retinal ganglion cells that set the circa-
lected as part of NIH grants (F31MH078662 and dian clock. Science, 295(5557), 1070–1073.
Boivin, D. B., & James, F. O. (2002). Phase-dependent effect
R01HL105395) awarded to S. Crowley. The con- of room light exposure in a 5-h advance of the sleep-wake
tent is solely the responsibility of the author and cycle: Implications for jet lag. Journal of Biological Rhythms,
does not necessarily represent the official views of 17(3), 266–276.
the National Institutes of Health. Borbely, A. A. (1982). A two process model of sleep regulation.
Human Neurobiology, 1, 195–204.
Burgess, H. (2012). A new method for the valid measurement of
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2 22 asse ssment of circadian rhy thm s


Sleep Surveys and Screening: To Measure

18 Is to Know

Karen Spruyt

There is a pervasive lack of awareness of the relatively frequent presence of sleep problems
in children, which in turn can manifest in a myriad of clinical presentations that may be easily
misconstrued as other pediatric conditions and mistreated accordingly. To measure is to know! Here,
we touch upon the theoretical and pragmatic processes required for instrument design and evaluation
in the rapidly developing scientific world of pediatric sleep. There are too many tools being used that
have not undergone careful and methodical psychometric evaluation and, as such, may be fraught
with biased or invalid findings. The field of pediatric sleep can only continue to grow and exert its
impact on other fields if researchers and clinicians thoroughly investigate and report the psychometric
properties of the tool(s) they develop and use.
Key Words: reliability, validity, equivalence, item-analysis, standardization, Likert scale,
questionnaire, diary, log

Introduction to develop and evaluate a sleep assessment tool

(See Figure 18.1): (1) Purpose, or the use of a
“When you can measure what you are speaking about,
tool; (2) Research Question, or the tool’s intended
and can express it in numbers, you know something
application; (3) Response Format, or how to ques-
about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you
tion; (4) Generation of Items, or what to question;
cannot express it in numbers, then your knowledge is of
(5) Pilot, or trials to perfect the tool; (6) Item-analyses
a meager and unsatisfactory kind” – Lord Kelvin, 1883
and non-response analyses, or the preciseness and rep-
(quoted in Stellman, 1998)
resentativeness of the tool; (7) Structure, or the identi-
A systematic screening for sleep issues might fication of underlying concepts; (8) Reliability, or the
assist in early identification of academic, behavioral, consistency of measurement; (9) Validity, or the rep-
health, and quality of life problems, which if treated resentation of the attribute under investigation; (10)
will result in a better learning, happier, and health- Confirmatory analyses, or verifying the stability of
ier child. In the field of pediatric sleep research, a aforementioned steps; and (11) Standardization and
trend toward implementation of large-scale sleep norm development, or the large-scale usage. (For more
surveys has surfaced. Unfortunately, only a fraction details see (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a). Additionally,
of the manuscripts seem to report on the psycho- translating tools to other languages requires a pro-
metric criteria of the applied tool and rarely, if at all, cess that will fulfill conceptual equivalence (e.g.,
describe endorsement rates of items. how sleep is conceptualized) and item/content
Previously, (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a) we equivalence (i.e., validity or relevance of items), but
described in detail 11 methodological steps needed also semantic equivalence, operational equivalence

11. 2.
standardize and research
develop norms question
as many times as needed

10. as many times as needed 3.

confirmatory response
analyses format


8. 5.
reliability pilot


Figure 18.1 Steps in Tool Development or Evaluation (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a)

(i.e., the way data were collected), measurement only way through which our field will continue to
(i.e., psychometric properties), and functional (i.e., grow, as per Lord Kelvin: (continued) “it may be the
equivalence throughout the development steps) beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your
equivalence need to be evaluated (Sagheri, Wiater, thoughts advanced to the state of Science, whatever the
Steffen, & Owens, 2010; Spruyt & Gozal, 2011a). matter may be.” A tool forms the bridge between the
These psychometric approaches should be imple- researcher or clinician and the respondent, and thus
mented using appropriate manuals and scholarly it is of utmost importance that their “perception”
manuscripts on this topic, because inappropriate of a sleep behavior is nearly identical. Therefore, we
tools and lack of rigor inevitably lead to poor qual- want precise questions that measure what we want
ity data, misleading conclusions, and inaccurate to measure, time after time, regardless of the socio-
recommendations. demographics of the respondents.
Indeed, similar to daytime diagnostic tools, the
core principles on which development of tools aiming Questionnaires
to obtain valid information on nighttime behaviors “Ask and ye shall be answered”— is it really that
are heavily dependent on the psychometric quality simple? Questionnaires are a useful and extensively
of the “subjective tool” (i.e., instrument, test, inter- used tool in clinical sleep medicine and in sleep
view, measure, scale, diary, log, and questionnaire, research (Krieger & Vitiello, 2011; Moul, 2011;
hereafter referred to as “tool”). It is still somewhat Spruyt & Gozal, 2011b). The number of sleep ques-
disconcerting how undervalued “nighttime” behav- tionnaires targeting the pediatric age range has tre-
ior is when reflecting upon the abundance of stan- mendously increased in recent years (i.e., five-fold
dardized “daytime” behavior assessment tools and after 2000), and with such explosion in the number
the relative scarcity of such tools for the “dark hours” of instruments, their heterogeneity has become all
in infants, children and adolescents. As a result, it is the more apparent.
imperative that researchers, clinicians, and publish- Fifty-seven tools were found to have been psy-
ers should be as transparent as possible regarding chometrically evaluated to some extent (Spruyt
the subjective tool(s) utilized and reported. It is the & Gozal, 2011b). On average, 5.4 steps were

2 24 slee p s urveys and s creening : to m ea s ure i s to k n ow

performed and 38% fulfilled 7 out of the 11 psy- will be peer reviewed and eventually published in
chometric steps. Of these were specifically the Steps journals.
1–4 among the more popular steps, yet reliability Only two tools fulfilled all methodological
of the instrument used was assessed in 93% of the steps: The Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children
tools (Figure 18.2). Unfortunately, reliability does (SDSC) and Sleep Disorders Inventory for Student-
not imply validity, although a tool cannot be con- Children and Adolescent form (SDIS-C, SDIS-A).
sidered valid if it is not reliable. Validity is only More specifically, they assess sleep–wake patterns
questioned in about 63% of the questionnaires and sleep behaviors, and both have been applied in
reviewed. Hence, what are we questioning? In clear community and clinical settings. Each of these tools
contrast to general (non-sleep) assessment tools, provides T-scores, a type of standardized score that
only 8.8% of the sleep questionnaires have some can be mathematically transformed into other types
form of norms. Furthermore, questionnaires have of standardized scores, and has an average range of
been primarily used or developed for a school-age 40–60 and thus, more importantly, about 68% of
population, and in 63.2% of these tools the care- the sample would score within that range (i.e., nor-
giver was the key respondent. During infancy, tools mal, bell-shaped curve).
tend to focus on sleep environment and settling, The Sleep Disorders Inventory for Student-
whereas for school-age children, sleep–wake pat- Children and Adolescent form (SDIS-C, SDIS-A)
terns as well as a diversity of sleep behaviors (e.g., (Luginbuehl, Bradley-Klug, Ferron, Anderson, &
snoring, insomnia) are mostly assessed. Toward Benbadis, 2008; Luginbuehl, 2003) is commercially
adolescence, more questions surfaced regarding available (see Pearson website), largely designed for
sleepiness or circadian typology and emotional school psychologists, and is the result of a doctoral
well-being, as well as scholastic achievement. The dissertation in collaboration with an expert panel
time to complete the questionnaire was reported and seven pediatric sleep centers in four regions of
only for 21% of the tools. Overall, the number of the country. Its subscales are: obstructive sleep apnea
items ranged from about 6 to 140, of which few are syndrome, excessive daytime sleepiness, periodic
of descriptive or demographic nature. About 66% limb movement disorder, delayed sleep phase syn-
of the questionnaires used solely closed-ended ques- drome, and narcolepsy disorders. Their combined
tions, with the frequency or Likert-type scale being age range goes from 2 to 18 year old children, and
the most common answer format. In contrast, the demographics of the population are as reflected by
psychometric characteristics of open-ended ques- the 2000 US Census. This parental rating tool is also
tions or interviews have seldom been assessed. available in Spanish. Items are scored on a 7-point
Also, few tools created through a dissertation study Likert scale questioning the past 6–12 months, and

11 Methodological Steps


56.1% 56.1% 56.1%





Figure 18.2 The 11 Methodological Steps for 57 Tools Reviewed.

s p ruy t 225
they each take about 10 minutes to complete. The the Dream Content Questionnaire for Children
author strongly advocates its screening purpose, (ChDCQ; Bruni, Lo Reto, Recine, Ottaviano, &
and therefore has developed a clinician-friendly for- Guidetti, 1999) and Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness
mat of the tool that includes computer scoring and Questionnaire (CASQ; Spilsbury, Drotar, Rosen, &
the generation of graphs and reports. Luginbuehl Redline, 2007) are the only self-report tools in this
et al. (2008) further advocate the need for addi- list and have been somewhat overlooked despite
tional studies in clinical populations and Hispanic their relatively high psychometric qualities. In fact,
population. the CASQ offers a visual alternative to the verbal
The Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children sleepiness questionnaires. Nearly all of these tools
(SDSC) is freely available through its publications use a 5-point Likert scale, although the time frame
in the Journal of Sleep Research (Bruni et al., 1996), questioned varies (i.e., recent to past 6 months)
and comprises six subscales fitting into the catego- depending on the purpose or targeted population.
ries of Association of Sleep Disorders Centers and As a final note, nearly all instruments focus on
the Association for the Psychophysiological Study frequency of sleep problems but few have an eye
of Sleep diagnostic classification of sleep and arousal for severity or change. A trend toward emergence
disorders. It assesses disorders of initiating and of diagnostic tools is noticeable. To date, each of
maintaining sleep, sleep disordered breathing disor- the instruments remains largely a screening tool
ders, disorders of arousal, sleep–wake transition dis- and, strikingly, tools for specific clinical popula-
orders, disorders of excessive somnolence, and sleep tions are lacking (e.g., developmental disabilities).
hyperhydrosis. Although no American norms are Tables 18.1–18.3 report more detail on their use of
available, this instrument has been widely translated the 11 methodological steps.
and used, maintaining its psychometric soundness. When developing, using, or reviewing sleep tools,
The scoring format is a 5-point Likert scale compris- we advocate considering the following points:
ing the past 6 months. Time to complete is about
10 minutes. It was developed for 6.5–15.3-year-old • Most instruments are generic in content, such
children, yet translations have been applied to other that few study in detail specific sleep behaviors.
age ranges. Norms of the original tool have only • Most instruments query the frequency of
been generated for an Italian sample. sleep behaviors, while their severity or change also
For the following tools not all steps of tool may be pertinent.
development have been discussed extensively, but • Most instruments are parental reports;
the tools are generally satisfactory to adequate therefore, more tools for other informants (e.g.,
(see Spruyt & Gozal, 2011b for more details, and self-report, teacher report) should be developed.
Tables 18.1–18.3). Sleep problems of infancy can be • Generation of items, piloting, and item
assessed by use of the Sleep and Settle Questionnaire analysis should be (more) extensively reported.
(SSQ; Matthey, 2001), Parental Interactive Bedtime • The 11 steps need to be implemented and
Behavior Scale (PIBBS; Morell & Cortina-Borja, reported in instrument development.
2002), Maternal Cognitions about Infant Sleep • Sleep surveys are primarily used to
Questionnaire (MCISQ; Morrell, 1999) or, for (retrospectively) study sleep behaviors or habits,
older children, Bedtime Routines Questionnaire while few focus on sleep patterns or sleep
(BRQ; Henderson & Jordan, 2009) or Tayside environment.
Children’s Sleep Questionnaire (TCSQ; McGreavey, • Most instruments focus on nighttime sleep,
Donnan, Pagliari, & Sullivan, 2005), which mainly yet few tools incorporate napping.
focus on sleep–wake patterns, routines, or hygiene. • Tools sensitive to changes in sleep
For preschoolers and young school-age children, characteristics throughout development should be
these problems can be surveyed by the Children’s developed.
Sleep Wake Scale (CSWS; LeBourgeois, 2003) or • Discuss administration, scoring,
Behavioral Evaluation of Disorders of Sleep Scale interpretation and handling of missing data.
(BEDS; Schreck, Mulick, & Rojahn, 2003). The • Differentiation between school days, non-
well-known Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) school days, and holidays might be advocated.
sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD) scale • Bedtime, wake-up time, sleep onset latency,
(Chervin, Hedger, Dillon, & Pituch, 2000; Chervin and sleep duration are often categorical; boundaries
et al., 2007) has been extensively studied and shows of categories differ or overlap, hampering potential
adequate psychometric properties. Conversely, statistical analysis.

2 26 slee p s urveys and s creening : to m ea s ure i s to k n ow

Table 18.1 Tools in which Nearly All Psychometric Properties were Evaluated: Basic Information
Tool acronym Place of origin Age Respondent Steps fulfilled (see Figure 18.1)

1 Sleep and Settle Questionnaire Australia 6-week-old infants Parent All steps;
SSQ step 3 and step 10 are not
(Matthey, 2001) reported in detail

2 Parental Interactive Bedtime Behavior Scale UK 12–19 months Parent All steps
PIBBS except 5, 10, and 11
(Morell & Cortina-Borja, 2002)

3 Maternal Cognitions about Infant Sleep UK 12.9–16.8 months Parent All steps
Questionnaire except 10 and 11
(Morrell, 1999)

4 Tayside Children’s Sleep Questionnaire UK 1–5 yrs Parent All steps

TCSQ except 10 and 11;
(McGreavey et al., 2005) step 9 is not reported in detail

5 Bedtime Routines Questionnaire USA 2–8 yrs Parent All steps

BRQ except 5, 10, and 11
(Henderson & Jordan, 2009)

6 Children’s Sleep Wake Scale USA 2–8 yrs Parent All steps
CSWS except 5, 7, and 11
(LeBourgeois, 2003) abstract Sleep 2001 360G 370G

7 Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students—Children USA 2–10 yrs Parent All steps
SDIS-C (in step 11 a T-score was
(Luginbuehl et al., 2008; Luginbuehl, 2003) applied for ROC analyses)

8 Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire USA 2–18 yrs Parent For the 22 items:
PSQ all except step 11
(Chervin et al., 2000)

9 Behavioral Evaluation of Disorders of Sleep Scale USA 5–12 yrs Parent All steps
BEDS except 11; step 5
(Schreck et al., 2003) was not reported

(continued )
Table 18.1 (Continued)
Tool acronym Place of origin Age Respondent Steps fulfilled (see Figure 18.1)

10 Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders scale USA 5–12.9 yrs Parent 9

(Chervin et al., 2002; 2007)

11 Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children Italy 6.5–15.3 yrs Parent All steps
(Bruni et al., 1996)

12 Dream Content Questionnaire for Children Italy 9–13 yrs Self All steps
ChDCQ except 11
( Bruni et al., 1999)

13 Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Questionnaire USA 11–17 yrs Self All steps
CASQ except 11
(Spilsbury et al., 2007)

14 Sleep Disorders Inventory for USA 11–18 yrs Parent All steps
Students—Adolescents (in step 11 a T-score was
SDIS-A applied for ROC analyses)
(Luginbuehl et al., 2008; Luginbuehl, 2003)
Table 18.2 Tools in which Psychometric Properties were Evaluated: The how, the which, the type, and the number.
Tool Time to complete Number of questions Concept details Time frame/period Response format

1 Sleep and Settle Questionnaire Not specified 34 Baby sleep patterns Last week 5-point Likert scale
SSQ Time it takes to settle the baby
(Matthey, 2001) to sleep
The duration of crying
The temperament of the baby
when awake
The confidence of the parent at
the time of getting the baby to
The attributions of the parent to
unsettled infant behavior
Extent to which the baby’s sleep
patterns as temperament bother
the parent

2 Parental Interactive Bedtime Not specified 22 →19 (but 2 are not Active physical comforting Not specified 5-point Likert scale
Behavior Scale incorporated in total score) Encouraging infant autonomy
(Morell & Cortina-Borja, 2002)
Passive physical comforting
Social comforting

3 Maternal Cognitions about Not specified 27 → 20 Limit setting How you feel with 6-point Likert scale
Infant Sleep Questionnaire Anger your 13-month old
(Morrell, 1999)

4 Tayside Children’s Sleep Not specified 10 Core sleeping problems Previous 3 months 5-point Likert scale
Questionnaire Parental interventions
(McGreavey et al., 2005)

(continued )
Table 18.2 (Continued)
Tool Time to complete Number of questions Concept details Time frame/period Response format

5 Bedtime Routines Not specified 35 → 31 Consistency (routine behavior Past month 5-point Likert
Questionnaire and routine environment:
BRQ 10 items)
(Henderson & Jordan, 2009) Reactivity (to changes in
routines: 5 items)
Activities (a 2-factor scale
comprising adaptive and
maladaptive activities: 16 items)

6 Children’s Sleep Wake Scale 10 min. 77 → 39 (43?) Going to bed (10 items) Past month 3-point Likert scale
CSWS Falling asleep (7 items)
(LeBourgeois, 2003)
Awakening/arousing (8 items)
Reinitiating sleep (6 items)
Returning to wakefulness
(8 items)

7 Sleep Disorders Inventory for ∼10min. 25 OSAS: obstructive sleep apnea Past 6 to 12 months 7-point Likert scale
Students—Children syndrome
SDIS-C EDS: excessive daytime sleepiness
(Luginbuehl et al., 2008;
PLMD: periodic limb movement
Luginbuehl, 2003)
DSPS: delayed sleep phase

8 Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire 20–30 min. ∼70 (Archbold, Pituch, SRBD: sleep-related breathing In general the past For sleep items: 3
PSQ Panahi, & Chervin, disorder (4 items) month categories—Yes,
(Chervin et al., 2000) 2002)→ 49 (Chervin et al., S: snoring (4 items) No, Do not know
2000)→ 22 Dichotomous
SS: sleepiness (4 items)
Being reported in several
B: inattentive/hyperactive Open
behavior (behavioral problems)
(6 items)
9 Behavioral Evaluation of Not specified 107 → 40 → 28 Expressive sleep disturbances Past six months 5-point Likert scale
Disorders of Sleep Scale (10 items)
BEDS Sensitivity to the environment
(Schreck et al., 2003) (8 items)
Disoriented awakening (4 items)
Sleep facilitators (3 items) is
dropped in the confirmatory
Apnea/bruxism (3 items)

10 Sleep-Related Breathing Not specified 14 (16 or10) Snoring (4 items) In general the past 3 categories
Disorders scale Sleepiness (4 items) month
SRBD or also SDB
(Chervin et al., 2002, 2007)
(6 items)

11 Sleep Disturbance Scale for 10 min (5 min data- 27 → 26 DIMS: disorders of initiating and Past 6 months 5-point Likert scale
Children entry) maintaining sleep (7 items)
SDSC SBD: sleep breathing disorders
(Bruni et al., 1996) (3 items)
DA: disorders of arousal (3 items)
SWTD: sleep wake transition
disorders (6 items)
DOES: disorders of excessive
somnolence (6 items)
SHY: sleep hyperhydrosis
(2 items)

(continued )
Table 18.2 (Continued)
Tool Time to complete Number of questions Concept details Time frame/period Response format

12 Dream Content Questionnaire Not specified 63 →44 Action of aggressiveness (8 items) Recent dreams or 4-point Likert scale
for Children Friendly interactions (7 items) any other and 3 items on
ChDCQ remembered frequency of dream
Inhibition of aggressiveness
( Bruni et al., 1999) recall, nightmare,
(10 items)
and look forward
Characters and sexual
to dreams
interactions (5 items)
Negative emotions (4 items)
Positive emotions (3 items)
Bizarreness/archetypal (7 items)

13 Cleveland Adolescent Not specified 46 →40 →35 →16 Sleep in school Usual week 5-point Likert scale
Sleepiness Questionnaire Alert in school
Sleep in evening
(Spilsbury et al., 2007)
Sleep in transport

14 Sleep Disorders Inventory for ∼10min 30 OSAS: obstructive sleep apnea Past 6 to 12 months 7-point Likert scale
Students—Adolescents syndrome
SDIS-A EDS: excessive daytime sleepiness
Luginbuehl et al., 2008;
PLMD: periodic limb movement
Luginbuehl, 2003)
DSPS: delayed sleep phase
NARC: narcolepsy
Table 18.3 Tools in which Psychometric Properties were Evaluated: Norms, Validity and Reliability
Tool Norms Validity type Validity results Reliability type Reliability results

1 Sleep and Settle Yes Derived from reports of experiences of women, and men Test-retest item correlations 0.01 to 0.99
Questionnaire from previous study sample, and piloted with new parents for “bothersome” items
SSQ 7–14 days
(Matthey, 2001) N = 20

Concurrent validity Semistructured interview at 6-weeks postpartum: range

0.18 to 0.43

Criterion validity Comparing SSQ data of the mothers from the class: range
0.46 to 0.64

Discriminant validity Comparison of scores of those reporting no problems

versus those that went to class: significant

Construct validity of the both- Factor analysis of the 9 bother items

ersome score

Sensitivity to change Filled out by mothers following a treatment program,

conducted separately
Comparison reports at 6 weeks and 6 months postpartum

2 Parental Interactive No Convergent validity (Pearson Active physical comforting: 0.501 Cronbach Alpha of Total 0.721
Bedtime Behavior Correlation) with Richman’s (17 items)
Scale sleep diary
(Morell &
Cortina-Borja, 2002)

Encouraging autonomy: −0.265

Settle by movement: 0.103

Passive physical comforting: 0.413

Social comforting: 0.1

Diary derived average weekly 0.727

hours in parental bed and “settle
in parents bed”:

(continued )
Table 18.3 (Continued)
Tool Norms Validity type Validity results Reliability type Reliability results

Construct validity Significant at p < 0.000 for total percentage scores: active Alpha for those fulfilling 0.626
(Mann-Whitney U test) physical comforting minus encourage autonomy plus Richman’s criteria of a sleep
control to clinical settle by movement, passive physical comforting and social problem (n = 54)

Significant differences for active physical comforting and

encourage autonomy subscales

Developmental change by 1-year follow-up show developmental trend (n = 259) Alpha for those not fulfilling 0.721
Linear Mixed Effects modeling (note: effect of temperament was separately modeled) Richman’s criteria of a sleep
problem (n = 234)
1-year follow-up of 4 sub-groups according to the
Richman criteria (presence/absence at time 1 and 2) indi-
cating change

3 Maternal Cognitions No Construct validity by extreme Limit setting: significant Test-retest reliability 0.81
about Infant Sleep groups method (Mann- (Pearson correlation)
Questionnaire Whitney U test) based on N = 34
MCISQ research criteria and based on 6 weeks
(Morrell, 1999) maternal criteria

Anger: significant

Doubt: significant

Feeding: non-significant

Safety: non-significant

Total: significant

Convergent validity with com- Limit setting: 0.52 Cronbach Alpha on remain- 0.82
posite sleep diary score (n = 59) ing items after discard-
ing items with item-total
Pearson correlation <0.15,
i.e., 20 items
Anger: 0.39

Doubt: 0.37

Feeding: 0.26

Safety: −0.009 Sleep problem group

(n = 22): 0.80
Total: 0.48

Convergent validity with Limit setting: 0.39

Richman’s diary when
controlling for General Health Anger: 0.31
Questionnaire (GHQ-28)
Doubt: 0.31 Control group
(n = 37): 0.84
Feeding: n.s.

Safety: n.s.

Total: 0.36

4 Tayside Children’s No A pilot study in 1–10 years old Cronbach Alpha 0.85
Sleep Questionnaire
TCSQ Interview mothers of children with and without sleep Item-total correlations Range: 0.30–0.72
(McGreavey et al., problems, asses corroboration with test results
Expert consultation

5 Bedtime Routines No Content validation Theoretically relevant aspects of bedtime routines and Item-total correlation for 0.50–0.73
Questionnaire review of sleep literature Consistency factor
BRQ Expert panel for the activity subscale items
(Henderson & Jordan,

Construct validity Correlations between BRQ and child routines question- Item-total correlation for 0.5–0.61
naire, children’s sleep hygiene scale, children’s sleep wake Reactivity factor
scale, BASC-2 externalizing score

Total consistency 0.85–0.88 Item-total correlation 0.26–0.56

Routine behaviors 0.04–0.56 Cronbach Alpha Total 0.88

(continued )
Table 18.3 (Continued)
Tool Norms Validity type Validity results Reliability type Reliability results

Routine environment −0.03–0.42 Routine behaviors 0.90

Reactivity −0.25–0.17 Routine environment 0.83

Adaptive activities −0.03–0.70 Reactivity 0.76

Maladaptive activities −0.39–0.07 Adaptive activities 0.74

Maladaptive Activities 0.69

6 Children’s Sleep Wake No Content validity Existing literature search and expert consultation Internal consistency 0.89
Scale total
(LeBourgeois, 2003) Structural Equation modeling AGFI: 0.77 Cronbach Alpha
RMSEA: 0.64

Construct validity 6 items were selected as potential indicators of prob- Going to bed 0.83
lem severity and correlated to subscale scores: range:
0.018–0.576 Falling asleep 0.71

Arousing/awakening 0.73

Reinitiating sleep 0.78

Returning to wakefulness 0.89

7 Sleep Disorders Yes Content validity Expert Test Review Panel Cronbach Alpha
Inventory for
(Luginbuehl et al.,
2008; Luginbuehl,

Concurrent validity (Pearson RDI: 0.33 (n = 106) total 0.91

correlation) with NPSG Snore loudly at night: 0.43 (n = 98)
N too small for other subscales OSAS 0.84
Sensitivity(Se), specificity(Sp), scale Se PPP Sp NPP EDS 0.85
positive predictive power
(PPP), negative predictive DSPS 1 0.71 0.98 1 PLMD 0.85
power (NPP) (ROC) in NARC 0.80 0.67 0.98 0.99
hospital diagnosed sample OSAS 0.91 0.75 0.62 0.84
PLMD/RLS 0.50 0.54 0.93 0.91
0.83 0.71 0.91 0.95

Overall Se 0.83 DSPS 0.76

Overall Sp 0.91 Test-retest reliability 0.97

N = 30
2–6 months

8 Pediatric Sleep No Logistic regression analyses on OR: range 3.6–52.4 Cronbach Alpha Group A Group B
Questionnaire SRBD# presence or absence in # = SRBD based on NPSG
PSQ both groups (controlled for age
(Chervin et al., 2000) and gender)

ROC towards SRBD# diagnosis AUC Group A Group B S: 0.86 0.86


S: 0.85 0.85 SS: 0.66 0.77

SS: 0.8 0.77 B: 0.84 0.83

B: 0.84 0.79 SRBD: 0.89 0.88

SRBD: 0.95 0.92 Test-retest (spearman

N = 21
19–67 days

S: 0.92

SS: 0.66

B: 0.83

SRDB: 0.75

(continued )
Table 18.3 (Continued)
Tool Norms Validity type Validity results Reliability type Reliability results

9 Behavioral Evaluation Construct face validity Review of ICSD diagnostic criteria 107 items Test-retest reliability
of Disorders of Sleep N = 102
Scale 2–3 weeks
(Schreck et al., 2003) Parental report of yes/no sleep Spearman correlation 0.14 Internal consistency Factor 1 0.80
problem [0.85]

Factor 2 0.60 [0.65]

Factor 3 0.78 [0.79]

Factor 4 0.69

Factor 5 0.25 [0.60]

total 0.77

10 Sleep-Related No Spearman correlation between Baseline: −0.30 to 0.52 Follow-up: −0.02 to

Breathing Disorders normalized SRBD-score and 0.22
scale NPSG parameters (all n.s.)
(Chervin et al., 2002, Logistic regression Baseline: OR: 2.8 Follow-up: OR:1.89
2007) (adjusted for age)

11 Sleep Disturbance Yes Comparison between controls Significant for all Cronbach Alpha control clinical
Scale for Children T-score of 70 and clinical of factors scores
SDSC 0.79 0.71
(Bruni et al., 1996)
Item-total correlation 0.46 – 0.17 0.48 – 0.08

Factor-total correlation matrix Control Range: 0.11–0.77 Test-retest reliability (spear- Total: 0.71
Clinical Range: 0.01–0.69 man rank) Items:0.66 to 0.21
N = 100
28–46 days
12 Dream Content No Correlations with Student Range: – 0.01 to 0.43 Cronbach Alpha 0.81
Questionnaire for Sleep Habits Questionnaire
Children (SSHS) Item-total correlation 0.17–0.47
Test-retest reliability 0.13–0.84
(Bruni et al., 1999)
N = 30
15 days

13 Cleveland Adolescent No Expert panel and pre-test in 23 children Cronbach Alpha 0.89
Questionnaire Pearson correlation Control (n = 411) Clinical (n = 62)
with PDSS 0.75 0.70
(Spilsbury et al., 2007)
with sleepiness subscale of SSHS 0.72 0.66

Sleep-wake patterns Non-school night: −0.05 – Nonschool night:

School-night: −0.40 −0.02 –
Sleep debt: 0.24 School-night: −0.34
Sleep debt: 0.20

NPSG With AHI: 0.16—With SEI: −0.15

14 Sleep Disorders Yes Content validity Expert Test Review Panel Cronbach Alpha
Inventory for
Students—Adolescents Concurrent validity (Pearson RDI: 0.57 (n = 48) total 0.92
SDIS-A correlation) with NPSG Snore loudly at night: 0.64 (n = 43)
N too small for other subscales OSAS 0.88
(Luginbuehl et al.,
2008; Luginbuehl,
sensitivity(Se), specificity(Sp), scale se PPP sp NPP NARC 0.92
positive predictive power
(PPP), negative predictive DSPS 1 0.78 0.95 1 PLMD/RLS 0.83
power (NPP) (ROC) NARC 0.88 0.70 0.92 0.97
OSAS 0.86 0.86 0.88 0.88 DSPS 0.71
PLMD/RLS 0.55 0.75 0.94 0.87
0.81 0.79 0.93 0.94

Overall Se 0.81 EDS 0.83

Overall Sp 0.93 Test-retest reliability 0.86

N = 24
2–6 months
Diaries and Logs should be made between diary (i.e., a record of
The literature search revealed that these terms what has happened over the course of the recording
are used interchangeably and that a clear distinc- period, potentially also including person’s experi-
tion was not made between these and the often ences, thoughts, feelings) and log (i.e., a record as
concomitantly applied actigraphy and its parameter of the performance of equipment or the progress of
report. Even in these tools, heterogeneity is remark- an undertaking). In the current e-world, 24-hour
ably apparent in the wording, the order, the layout, interfaces with respondents might be enabled as a
the number of questions and when to complete, twenty-first century approach to diaries or logs.
and in the time-frame or even calculations based With respect to diaries and logs, the following
on the tool. In addition, a plethora of interpreta- considerations are noteworthy:
tions are derived from diaries and logs—but the
• No psychometric evaluation could be found
most striking aspect is the lack of any psychometric
in the sleep literature
• Diaries and logs are primarily used for
The proposed 11 methodological steps should
(prospectively) studying sleep patterns
be implemented in the development and evaluation
• Tremendous heterogeneity rules, hampering
of diaries and logs. For example, the Sleep Habits
Survey (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998), developed
• Differentiation from actigraphic logs should
by one of the editors, is a self-report survey querying
be made, such that the diary or other type of
students about usual sleeping and waking behaviors
log is seen as an adjunct to manually scoring the
over the past 2 weeks. First, besides the sleep time,
actigraphic recording
bedtime, and rise time, the authors investigated
• Layout is crucial
weekend delay (i.e., the difference between week-
end bedtime and school-night bedtime) and week-
end oversleep (i.e., the difference between weekend Sleep Items in Standardized Tools
total sleep time and school-night total sleep time). The first potentially “diagnostic” sleep ques-
Second, it questioned whether the respondent tions, historically and not surprisingly, were embed-
had struggled to stay awake or had fallen asleep in ded in daytime psychopathology tools, such as
10 different situations in the last 2 weeks. Third, Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL;
indicators of erratic sleep/wake behaviors over the Achenbach, 2011; Gregory et al., 2011) and Sines’
course of the last 2 weeks (e.g., being late due to Missouri Children’s Picture Series (MCPS; Sines,
oversleeping) were included. More specifically, Pauker, Sines, & Owen, 1969), Conners Rating
Wolfson and colleagues (Wolfson & Carskadon, Scales (Conners, 2011), and the Louisville Behavior
1998; Wolfson et al., 2003) successfully compared Checklist (Miller, Hampe, Barrett, & Noble, 1971;
self-reported survey estimates of sleep patterns in Miller & Roid, 1988), all of which were developed
adolescents with retrospective survey descriptions of in the 1970s. However, only a handful of sleep items
usual school-night and weekend-night sleep habits, appear in each of the 21 instruments we reviewed
diary-reported sleep patterns, and actigraphically (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011b), and their psychomet-
estimated sleep behaviors over a subsequent week. ric properties are diluted within the realm of day-
Nonetheless, in logs and diaries researchers and time indicators with content that is often generic.
clinicians all too often implicitly expect to have ful- Such lack of pediatric sleep tools or items within
filled these 11 psychometric criteria even though, for standardized tools available through test publish-
example, question order or format potentially has an ers underscores the low level of importance given
impact on response and so will additional questions to sleep within a screening process or overall health
that increase awareness of nighttime behavior or care approach. Nonetheless, high scores on such
patterns. Therefore, delivery of instructions, train- sleep items might be a signal for the clinician to dis-
ing, or try-out has to be considered as well as the cuss sleep in greater depth.
feasibility of using the tool within the home envi- A recent review (Bonuck et al., 2011) on 47
ronment, family schedules, and so forth. It might existing tools used for children in the Individuals
be advisable to have the respondent repeat what is with Disabilities and Education Act (IDEA) and
expected, how important the gathered information Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) pro-
is, and the need for precision. For instance, a con- grams assessing (1) their social-emotional or adap-
fusing layout might affect compliance or complete- tive functioning, behavior, or temperament; (2)
ness. Finally, we advocate that a clear distinction employed caregiver direct report; or (3) children in

2 40 sle ep surveys and s creening : to m ea s ure i s to k n ow

the 0–60 month age range indicated that on aver- Through the willingness of colleagues to share their
age, 1.5 items were sleep-related. Indeed, in children tools we were able to review about 28 instruments.
whose cognitive impairment or expressive difficul- (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011b) In these we discovered that
ties prevent them from being able to articulate their instruments in practice tend toward a history-taking
complaints, sleep problems are often not recognized format with descriptive or demographic questions
or are mistaken as part of the challenging behav- and health status of the child, and sometimes of the
ior or developmental delay/intellectual disability. child’s relatives, in addition to sleep–wake patterns
Overall, 38% of total existing instruments reviewed and sleep behaviors. Unfortunately little of such col-
(n = 67) had no sleep-related items. None of the lected data are being entered into a database, which
tools contained a sleep-related breathing item. would be an incredibly valuable pool for item analy-
Similar to an existing tool for a typically develop- ses and data mining. Of interest might be the newer
ing child, the top questions were about resistance to perspectives; namely, an RLS/PLMD (Restless Legs
bedtime, night waking, and parental concern about Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movement Disorder)
the child’s sleep. Often these were the only items. pediatric screening questionnaire, dream habits, hos-
In Box 18.1 the five most commonly used tools by pitalized children’s sleep, and others suggestive of a
IDEA are reprinted (Bonuck et al., 2011). In any diversification of the field.
case these findings are particularly troubling given Unpublished tools are to be considered in light
that in clinical populations there is an increased risk of the following:
for problematic sleep, and furthermore that 84% of
• Most tools are highly generic.
those with sleep problems are reported to have at
• Lack of psychometric validation or discussion
least two types of sleep disturbances (Kronk et al.,
of the tool tends to be a rule rather than the
Even though the above list of standardized tools
• Most focus on nighttime sleep; few include
is not exhaustive, the standardized tools should be
considered in light of the following:
• Most focus on frequency (hence not severity
• No sleep expertise was mentioned in the or changes).
manuals, potentially resulting, for example, in • Tools should be screened for adherence to
generic and few items. 11 steps prior to use.
• No sleep validation of items exists, for
example, in comparison to other tools.
It is clear that much remains to be done, even if
Unpublished Tools
in recent years the psychometric evaluation of tools
All the above is likely just the tip of the iceberg, and
created and applied within the field of pediatric sleep
the vast amount of tools used remain unpublished.
has been growing. Sleep-related breathing and sleepi-
ness disorder questionnaires are probably leading this
Box 18.1 The 5 most commonly used trend. The majority of sleep questionnaires assess
tools by IDEA frequency or occurrence, whereas questioning the
severity of sleep complaints is seldom performed. It
1. Battelle Developmental 0–7 years
is possible that other response formats (e.g., severity)
Inventory 11 months
might be more suitable for certain sleep problems, and
2. Bayley Scales of 1 to 42 this should be explored in the future. Another trend is
Infant and Toddler months the application of sleep questionnaires and especially
Development diaries or logs in children with developmental disabil-
3. Hawaii Early Learning 0–3 years and ities. With the aid of computers or other e-devices,
Profile 3–6 years the field might expand; for example, parents record-
4. Early Learning 0–36 months ing behavior through smart phones or a sleep applet
Accomplishment in the iPhone, and so forth. Though infrequently
Profile-revised reported, endorsement rates could help us toward
conducting meta-analyses of sleep items and would
5. Developmental 0–5 years further allow visualization of cultural boundaries.
Assessment of Young Since 2000 the number of subjective sleep tools
Children has increased substantially (Spruyt & Gozal, 2011b).

s p ruy t 241
However, quantity does not guarantee quality and systematic review of screening and assessment instruments.
several important questions need to be addressed: Infants and Young Children, 24(4), 295–308.
Bruni, O., Ottaviano, S., Guidetti, V., Romoli, M., Innocenzi,
(1) What is the conceptual domain of sleep? (2) Is M., Cortesi, F., et al. (1996). The Sleep Disturbance Scale for
the construct “sleep” limited to only objective mea- Children (SDSC). Construction and validation of an instru-
sures, for example, overnight polysomnography? ment to evaluate sleep disturbances in childhood and adoles-
(3) Does the subjective measure need to include all cence. Journal of Sleep Research, 5(4), 251–261.
facets of sleep? (4) How well do subjective measures Bruni, O., Lo Reto, F., Recine, A., Ottaviano, S., & Guidetti,
V. (1999). Development and validation of a dream content
correlate or discriminate? (5) What are the underly- questionnaire for school age children. Sleep and Hypnosis,
ing dimensions of sleep? While acknowledging that 1(1), 41–46.
a perfect instrument does not exist, a tool still needs Chervin, R. D., Hedger, K., Dillon, J. E., & Pituch, K. J. (2000).
to be evaluated by weighing its pros and cons. Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ): Validity and reliability
In conclusion, very few tools fulfill all the nec- of scales for sleep-disordered breathing, snoring, sleepiness,
and behavioral problems. Sleep Medicine, 1, 21–32.
essary psychometric properties, and few standard- Chervin, R. D., Archbold, K. H., Dillon, J. E., Panahi, P., Pituch,
ized tools exist thus far. None of the tools has any K. J., Dahl, R. E., et al. (2002). Inattention, hyperactiv-
diagnostic power, in other words an independently ity, and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing. Pediatrics,
confirmed adequate sensitivity and specificity to 109(3), 449–456.
diagnose. It is worthy of note that alpha (reliability) Chervin, R. D., Weatherly, R. A., Garetz, S. L., Ruzicka, D. L.,
Giordani, B. J., Hodges, E. K., et al. (2007). Pediatric Sleep
is not a panacea and needs to be interpreted in terms Questionnaire: Prediction of sleep apnea and outcomes. Archives
of the number of items, item intercorrelations, and of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery, 133(3), 216–222.
dimensionality. Also, the influence of response Conners, C. K. (2011). Conners Rating Scales, from http://
format needs to be considered. We welcome stud- psychcorp.pearsonassessments.com/HAIWEB/Cultures/
ies that compare the psychometric properties and en-us/Productdetail.htm?Pid=Conners_3. Accessed April
11, 2013.
screening performance of subjective sleep tools. Gregory, A. M., Cousins, J. C., Forbes, E. E., Trubnick, L., Ryan,
N. D., Axelson, D. A., et al. (2011). Sleep items in the child
Future Directions behavior checklist: A comparison with sleep diaries, actigra-
• Studies applying questionnaires or other phy, and polysomnography. Journal of the American Academy
subjective sleep tools should assess and report their of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(5), 499–507.
Henderson, J. A., & Jordan, S. S. (2009). Development and pre-
psychometric criteria. liminary evaluation of the Bedtime Routines Questionnaire.
• More subjective tools that measure change or Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 32,
treatment outcome with respect to sleep problems 271–80.
should be developed. Krieger, J., & Vitiello, M. V. (2011). Another milestone. Sleep
• A clear need is present for tools that Medicine Reviews, 15(1), 1.
Kronk, R., Bishop, E. E., Raspa, M., Bickel, J. O., Mandel, D. A.,
incorporate the bidirectional relationship between & Bailey, D. B., Jr. (2010). Prevalence, nature, and correlates
sleep and medical disorders, neurodevelopmental, of sleep problems among children with fragile X syndrome
and mental health disorders, since these children based on a large scale parent survey. Sleep, 33(5), 679–687.
are at significantly increased risk for sleep problems LeBourgeois, M. K. (2003). Validation of the Children’s Sleep-
and may experience exacerbation of emotional and Wake Scale. Unpublished PhD dissertation, The University
of Southern Mississippi, United States—Mississippi.
cognitive disturbances because of poor sleep. Luginbuehl, M., Bradley-Klug, K. L., Ferron, J., Anderson, W.
M., & Benbadis, S. R. (2008). Pediatric sleep disorders:
Author Note Validation of the Sleep Disorders Inventory for students.
The author certifies that there is no conflict of School Psychology Review, 37(3), 409–431.
interest regarding the material discussed in this Luginbuehl, M. L. (2003). The initial development and vali-
chapter. dation study of the Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students.
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of South Florida,
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2 42 slee p s urveys and s creening : to m ea s ure i s to k n ow

Miller, L. C., & Roid, G. H. (1988). Factor-analytically derived Sines, J. O., Pauker, J. D., Sines, L. K., & Owen, D. R. (1969).
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Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(2), 302–304. behavior. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 33(6),
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s p ruy t 243

Role of Behavioral Sleep Medicine

19 in Health Care

Valerie McLaughlin Crabtree, Amanda M. Rach, and Heather L. Gamble

Because many childhood sleep disturbances can be effectively treated by behavioral sleep medicine
providers, understanding when and how to refer children for such services is essential to assist
families in obtaining the right treatment. A stepped care model of service delivery is an appropriate
model, particularly given the high prevalence of behavioral sleep disturbance in childhood and the
limited number of trained pediatric behavioral sleep medicine providers. Securing appropriate
referrals requires understanding physicians’ educational needs with regard to assessment for sleep
disturbances and referrals to behavioral sleep medicine providers. The goal of the field of pediatric
behavioral sleep medicine, then, is to determine which patients are in greatest need of referrals,
match interventions accordingly, and effectively communicate this to physician referral sources.
Key Words: patient referrals, manualized interventions, stepped care, physician education, tailored

Behavioral sleep disturbances are common in referrals is crucial to maintaining a thriving practice
infancy, childhood, and adolescence and are identi- and providing the highest quality care to patients
fied by hallmark features of difficulty initiating and/ with the greatest need for services. For infants,
or maintaining sleep. In comparison to primary children, and adolescents with sleep disturbances,
sleep disturbances with a clear medical etiology, parents most often seek initial information and
behavioral sleep disturbances are precipitated and/or treatment from pediatricians and other primary care
perpetuated by cognitive and behavioral factors that providers. Unfortunately, few studies have exam-
lend themselves to behavioral sleep interventions. ined the thought process underlying physicians’
As such, many behavioral sleep disturbances can be decisions to refer patients with sleep complaints to
effectively treated by behavioral sleep medicine pro- behavioral sleep medicine providers. Much of what
viders. Of course, for treatment to be effective, the is known regarding referrals from physicians is more
child or adolescent must first access the provider. specific to specialty medical care providers, includ-
The goal of this chapter is to outline empirical sup- ing sleep clinics, rather than specific to behavioral
port for behavioral sleep medicine interventions, sleep medicine providers.
identify referral flow for behavioral sleep medicine
providers including appropriate referrals for sleep Support for Behavioral Sleep Interventions
intervention to and from mental health providers, Several sleep disruptions can be effectively treated
and propose a model of stepped care delivery in with behavioral and cognitive-behavioral sleep inter-
pediatric behavioral sleep medicine. ventions. Empirical support exists for the treatment
For psychologists and other behavioral health of difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep (see
providers, determining sources and flow of patient Roane and Taylor, Chapter 22), nocturnal enuresis

2 44
(see Caldwell and Waters, Chapter 26), sleep ter- children and adolescents can be a complex process,
rors, recurrent nightmares, somnambulism, and cir- psychologists can play an important role in improv-
cadian rhythm disturbances, as well as improving ing adherence to, and therefore benefit from, the
adherence to continuous positive airway pressure intervention. (Koontz, Slifer, Cataldo, & Marcus,
(CPAP) and bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) 2003; O’Donnell, Bjornson, Bohn, & Kirk, 2006;
used to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (Hasler Rains, 1995).
& Germain, 2009; Pigeon, Crabtree, & Scherer, Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral interven-
2007; also see Archbold, Chapter 25). Adjunctive tions have also proven useful as adjunctive interven-
nonpharmacologic management of narcolepsy and tions for treatment of narcolepsy and restless legs
restless legs syndrome can also be effectively utilized syndrome. Although less empirical support exists,
by behavioral sleep medicine providers. many behavioral sleep medicine specialists also have
Parasomnias are estimated to affect between 1% training to assist in the treatment of bruxism, REM
and 27% of children, with the least common para- sleep behavior disorder, and sleep disturbances
somnia (night terrors) affecting 1%–7% and the most comorbid with many psychiatric and medical disor-
common (sleep talking) affecting 5%–27% (Arruda, ders, such as depression, anxiety, and chronic pain
Guidetti, Galli, Albuquerque, & Bigal, 2010; disorders (Pigeon et al., 2007).
Avidan & Kaplish, 2010; Goodwin et al., 2004; Evidence certainly exists to support the role of
Liu et al., 2005; Simola et al., 2010). Parasomnias, behavioral sleep interventions in improving sleep
such as somnambulism (sleepwalking) in particular, in patients. To provide these services, behavioral
which between 3% and 17% of children experience, sleep medicine providers must determine the most
can be triggered and/or exacerbated by insufficient appropriate and effective routes for seeking referrals.
sleep in children (Arruda et al., 2010; Avidan & Little is known regarding the circumstances under
Kaplish, 2010; Goodwin et al., 2004). Behavioral which primary care physicians request consultation
sleep medicine providers can provide nonpharmaco- and what physicians are seeking specifically from
logic management of parasomnias through the use a consultation with a behavioral sleep medicine
of appropriate and adequate sleep scheduling as well provider. Consultation may involve no transfer of
as scheduled awakenings. Delayed sleep phase is the patient care responsibility, transfer of patient care to
most commonly seen circadian rhythm sleep distur- the specialist, or shared management of a patient’s
bance in adolescents, with a prevalence rate of 0.1% health care (Forrest, Glade, Baker, Bocian, Kang, &
to 3% in the general population (Crowley, Acebo, & Starfield, 1999). Knowing the model of consultation
Carskadon, 2007), and can often result in truancy preferred by the referral source a priori will assist
and mood disturbance. This circadian rhythm dis- behavioral sleep medicine providers in maintaining
turbance can be effectively treated through the use collaborative relationships with referring physicians
of sleep scheduling, light therapy, and appropriate to provide the most beneficial patient care.
use of melatonin, with secondary improvements in
mood and school attendance. Who Refers Patients?
Obstructive sleep apnea is estimated to occur in Primary Care Physicians’ Knowledge
1%–4% of children (Lumeng & Chervin, 2008; of Sleep Disorders Management
Praud & Dorion, 2008), and despite adenotonsil- Although medical schools and residency pro-
lectomy (A/T) being the treatment of choice for grams are placing a greater emphasis on educating
most cases of pediatric OSA, it is associated with students and interns in sleep medicine, in compari-
a cure rate of only 80% (Lipton & Gozal, 2003). son to other specialty areas physicians receive little
Thus, a substantial proportion of children still or no formal training in the assessment and treat-
require CPAP/BiPAP treatment for management ment of sleep disorders (Ball et al., 1997; Kramer,
of their OSA following A/T. Adherence rates in Cook, Carlisle, Corwin, & Millman, 1999; Namen
children prescribed CPAP/BiPAP vary widely et al., 2002). A United Kingdom study of medical
between 50% and 100% (Marcus et al., 1995; students found that the median time formally allo-
Massa, Gonsalez, Laverty, Wallis, & Lane, 2002; cated to sleep and its disorders was 5 minutes (Stores
Uong, Epperson, Bathon, & Jeffe, 2007), with & Wiggs, 1998), with students in the United States
adolescents having the lowest rates of adherence reporting an average of 2 hours of training in sleep
(Uong et al., 2007). Behavioral interventions can (Kramer et al., 1999). Unfortunately, the paucity
improve acceptance and use of CPAP/BiPAP mask of sleep disorder education is not unique to phy-
and equipment. As adherence to CPAP/BiPAP in sicians and also exists within psychology training

c ra bt ree, rac h, g a m b l e 245

programs. Meltzer and colleagues found that only It is encouraging that a self-report measure high-
6% of psychology graduate programs and pre-doc- lighting the potential presence of a problem may
toral internship sites offered formal didactic courses increase referral rates for those most in need. As
in sleep (Meltzer, Phillips, & Mindell, 2009). The such, behavioral sleep medicine providers should
insufficient quantity of sleep education for front- consider providing primary care providers with
line professionals (see Thomas, Avis, and Lichstein tools that assist in the identification of patients who
Chapter 41) should be considered partially respon- are at increased risk for sleep disorders that a quali-
sible for the low rates of referrals to sleep disorder fied behavioral sleep medicine provider could effec-
clinics, which are lower than expected when com- tively treat. Additional measures that have proven
pared to sleep disorder prevalence rates in adult beneficial in increasing rates of referral to sleep
populations (Bailes et al., 2008; Ball et al., 1997; specialists have included providing education to
Kramer et al., 1999; Namen et al., 2002). and ongoing consultation with primary care physi-
cians (Ball et al., 1997). Thus, behavioral medicine
Referral from Primary Care providers with specialized training in the treatment
in Adult Patients of sleep disorders may further impact referral prac-
Because a larger literature base exists to explain tices by educating primary care providers and the
referral practices in adult medicine, it is impor- general community as to the symptoms and treat-
tant to first understand how adult primary care ment options for sleep disorders. Playing the role of
physicians make specialty referral decisions before informal consultant and support for physicians is an
discussing the role of pediatricians in referring to excellent opportunity for behavioral sleep medicine
behavioral sleep medicine specialists. Insufficient specialists to influence referral practices.
sleep education and training may underlie the lower Physicians’ opinions regarding treatment
than expected referral rates of adult patients to sleep approaches for insomnia indicated a preference
specialists, as health care providers may be unable for modification of lifestyle factors (e.g., caffeine
to recognize the symptoms of sleep disorders that intake, exercise, and daytime napping) as front-
would benefit from specialized treatment. However, line treatment of insomnia (Dollman, LeBlanc, &
physician characteristics also appear to contribute Roughead, 2003). Second to modifying lifestyle
to referral practices. A study examining a group of factors, physicians reported that prescriptions,
55 primary care physicians caring for over 54,000 specifically benzodiazepines, followed by referrals
patients found only 68 (0.13%) patients were to other health care professionals were the most
referred for polysomnography to rule out OSA over appropriate targets of intervention. Although phy-
a 1-year period (Kramer et al., 1999). Distribution sicians reported preferring nonpharmacologic inter-
of referrals across physicians, though, was not even, ventions, they described patients’ strong desires
as 72% of physicians ordered one or no studies, 5% for medication as a barrier to suggesting nondrug
ordered 31% of the studies, and 11% ordered almost alternatives but reported being willing to discuss
half (49%) of all studies (Kramer et al., 1999). nondrug treatments if the patient initiated the con-
Ten years later, Thornton and colleagues com- versation (Dollman et al., 2003). This suggests that
pared rates of physician referral for polysomnog- physicians consider both their own preferences and
raphy (Thornton et al., 2010). Using the Berlin, a those of the patient when making referral decisions.
self-report screen for sleep apnea inquiring about Thus, psychologists can influence referral practices
OSA risk factors (e.g., snoring, wake-time sleepi- by educating parents to initiate conversations with
ness or fatigue, and the presence of obesity or their child’s health care provider regarding nonphar-
hypertension) (Netzer, Stoohs, Netzer, Clark, & macological treatment options for their behavioral
Strohl, 1999), patients scoring within the high-risk sleep disturbances.
range on the Berlin were more likely to receive a
polysomnography referral; however, the rate for Pediatricians’ Knowledge of Sleep
the entire sample was low, as only 11% of patients Disorders Management
were referred (Thornton et al., 2010). Although Sleep disturbances in children and adolescents
the authors describe the 11% as disappointing and are a common concern among behavioral problems
significantly lower than the rates for mammograms presented to pediatricians, with approximately 25%
and colonoscopies (63% and 80% respectively), this to 40% of all children and adolescents experienc-
is substantially higher than the results of Kramer ing a behavioral sleep disturbance of some kind
and colleagues (1999) 10 years prior. (Mindell & Owens, 2003; Owens, 2005). Mindell

2 46 role of behavioral s leep medici n e i n hea lt h c a re

and colleagues (1994) sought to better understand question, suggesting that an inadequate assessment
pediatricians’ training and knowledge of sleep and may fail to accurately identify patients with sleep
sleep disorders in children as well as their actual problems. More concerning was the finding that the
treatment practices for sleep problems. Findings percentage of pediatricians who did not screen for
revealed a staggering lack of training in sleep and sleep disturbances or asked only one sleep question
sleep disorders across pediatric residency programs, ranged from 42% in infants, to 52% in school-age
despite the fact that sleep problems in children is children, to 74% in adolescents (Owens, 2001).
a major concern for parents. Despite practicing Findings also highlighted that 53% of respondents
pediatricians being well informed about develop- never or rarely suggested overnight polysomnog-
mental sleep needs and sleep hygiene, they lacked raphies to evaluate and subsequently treat pediat-
crucial knowledge for diagnosis and managing spe- ric sleep problems such as obstructive sleep apnea
cific sleep disorders in children (Mindell, Moline, (Owens, 2001). Of note, those with subspecialty
Zendell, Brown, & Fry, 1994). Finally, the major- training, such as pediatric pulmonologists, exhib-
ity of surveyed pediatricians reported recommend- ited better knowledge of sleep disordered breathing,
ing appropriate behavioral interventions for sleep suggesting the need for improved training in sleep
problems; however, 15% endorsed prescribing often disorders in general pediatrics residency programs
contraindicated pharmacotherapy or misinforming (Tamay et al., 2006).
parents that their child would outgrow his or her
sleep difficulty (Mindell et al., 1994). The authors Referrals from Pediatricians to
did not assess whether or how often the participat- Subspecialists
ing pediatricians made referrals for children with Because pediatric behavioral sleep medicine pro-
sleep difficulties to sleep specialists; however, 65% viders most often seek referrals from pediatricians
reported “usually” or “always” successfully treating and pediatric subspecialists, understanding the refer-
children’s sleep problems (Mindell et al., 1994). ral process taken most often by pediatric specialists
More than 15 years later, in a study designed to is important. Unfortunately, very little information
evaluate the prevalence of International Classification regarding pediatricians’ referrals to behavioral pro-
of Disease, 9th Revision (ICD-9) sleep disorders viders is available. When investigating referrals to
diagnosed by pediatric medical providers, 3.7% of other pediatric specialists, in a prospective study
youth received an ICD-9 sleep diagnosis, which utilizing a national primary care practice–based
is significantly lower than prevalence rates previ- research network, pediatricians referred patients to
ously reported in epidemiological studies (Meltzer, specialists during approximately 2% of office visits.
Johnson, Crosette, Ramos, & Mindell, 2010). The Seeking advice on patient diagnosis or treatment
authors suggested that primary care providers may accounted for the majority of reasons for referral
be underdiagnosing sleep disorders in children and (74%), and referral to mental health specialists typi-
adolescents, and they suggested additional educa- cally resulted in shared management of patient care
tion and support for pediatric primary care pro- (Forrest et al., 1999). Most physicians referring for
viders to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of dental care provide parents with the name of the
pediatric sleep problems (Meltzer et al., 2010). dentist, though slightly over half will also have their
Two separate studies examining basic sleep dis- staff call the dental office to schedule an appoint-
orders knowledge in primary care pediatricians have ment for the child (de la Cruz, Rozier, & Slade,
revealed deficits in basic knowledge of pediatric 2004). Important conclusions can be drawn and
sleep and sleep disorders, as well as low perceived applied to referrals to behavioral sleep medicine spe-
ability to accurately identify and successfully treat cialists. Behavioral providers must develop working
such disorders (Owens, 2001; Tamay et al., 2006). partnerships with primary care physicians in their
Pediatricians were most knowledgeable in develop- local community so that physicians are aware of
mental and behavioral aspects of children’s sleep but appropriate referral services.
less knowledgeable with regard to specific sleep dis-
orders such as sleep disordered breathing, disorders Which Patients Should Be Referred?
of excessive daytime sleepiness, and sleep-related Understanding and evaluating a child’s sleep needs
movement disorders. Furthermore, although the according to developmental stage is key to physi-
majority of pediatricians reported routinely inquir- cians making appropriate decisions regarding refer-
ing about sleep issues during well-child examina- ral for sleep problems. Babcock (2011) argues that
tions, many failed to ask more than a single sleep sleep assessment should be a standard component

c ra bt ree, rac h, g a m b l e 247

of children’s routine medical exams, with referrals behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) that could
outside of the primary care office dependent upon be applied to infant and child behavioral sleep
the child’s developmental level, comorbid medical disturbances as well. As is the case in stepped care
conditions, and specific sleep disturbances reported models, thorough assessment of the problem is nec-
by parents. For example, infant sleep problems may essary to determine the appropriate entry pathway
not require referral to a sleep physician. Instead, a for the patient. Some children with less severe sleep
behavioral sleep medicine provider or primary care disturbances may see significant improvement with
provider may be more appropriate, as many infant proper parent/child education, sleep hygiene instruc-
sleep problems can be addressed through behav- tion, bibliotherapy, or web-based intervention. For
ioral intervention and modified parenting strategies example, with the assistance of Jodi Mindell, PhD,
(Babcock, 2011). Johnson & Johnson Co. developed an online tool
During the school-age years, common sleep com- for parents to assist with their children’s sleep dis-
plaints include snoring and other symptoms of sleep turbances that demonstrated significant improve-
disordered breathing, including neuropsychological ment in children’s parent-reported sleep difficulties,
and neurocognitive deficits such as symptoms of as well as improvement in maternal mood and sleep
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning (Mindell et al., 2011). An online sleep assessment
disabilities, and psychological disorders. For such tool may be a particularly salient method to provide
concerns, a referral may be necessary for psycho- parents with educational material regarding mini-
educational assessment and/or nocturnal polysom- mal intervention techniques such as calming rou-
nography (Babcock, 2011). Certainly, school-age tines at bedtime and sleep hygiene practices.
children also may exhibit specific behavioral sleep Children with only moderate sleep problems may
disturbances including difficulty initiating and be well served by their primary care provider and/
maintaining sleep, undesired co-sleeping, noctur- or by providers trained in delivering manualized
nal enuresis, and recurrent nightmares, all of which interventions. Currently, manualized CBT-I inter-
would likely benefit from referral to a behavioral ventions have been empirically validated for use in
sleep medicine provider. adults (see Figure 19.1; Espie, 2009), and certainly
During adolescence, fatigue and daytime sleepi- the need exists for empirically supported manual-
ness may become a more specific complaint and ized behavioral sleep interventions for infants and
thorough assessment by the primary care physician children that could be administered by providers
should include medical (e.g., acute and chronic ill- trained in manual administration. Promising inter-
ness, medication reactions, snoring or respiratory ventions have been trialed in adolescents (Bootzin
problems, diabetes), psychological (e.g., depression, & Stevens, 2005; Schlarb, Liddle, & Hautzinger,
anxiety, substance use, family or personal stress), and 2011) and can provide the basis for manualized
sleep-related (e.g., sleep phase delay, late bedtime, interventions that can be conducted with the full
use of electronics at sleep onset, caffeine consump- range of pediatric patients. At the time of this writ-
tion) factors. For many adolescent sleep concerns ing, a team of researchers led by Greg Clarke and
related to sleep hygiene factors, providing adoles- Allison Harvey are funded by the National Institute
cents and their families with information regarding of Mental Health to empirically evaluate a behavioral
appropriate sleep hygiene may suffice (Babcock, sleep medicine intervention in youth with depres-
2011); however, adolescents whose sleep does not sion, lending further support to the use of manu-
improve relatively quickly following provision of alized interventions. When empirically supported
information and those with psychological etiolo- manualized interventions are appropriately dissemi-
gies of their sleep disturbance should be referred to nated, only a small fraction of patients, then, would
a behavioral sleep medicine provider. require specific behavioral sleep intervention.
Not all infants, children, and adolescents with
sleep disturbances will require the specialized inter- The Need for a Stepped Care Model in
vention services of a behavioral sleep specialist. Use Children’s Behavioral Sleep Disturbances
of a “stepped care” model ensures that children and A large number of children with sleep disor-
adolescents most in need of services reach the pro- ders are seen outside of sleep specialty centers by
viders with the most specialized training, which is pediatricians, general practitioners, and child psy-
especially important given the limited resource of chiatrists; however, it is likely that many children
trained behavioral sleep medicine specialists. Espie (and adults) do not receive specialized services by
(2009) proposed a stepped care model of cognitive- sleep specialists and perhaps when they do, the care

2 48 role of behavioral s leep medici n e i n hea lt h c a re

Expert CBT
delivered by
BSM specialist

Individual, tailored CBT

delivered by a
clinical psychologist

Individual or small group CBT

Assessment/allocation delivered by a Review/discharge/refer on
graduate psychologist

Small group, manualized, brief CBT

delivered by a
trained therapist

Self-administered CBT
delivered by
booklet, CD/DVD, Internet

Figure 19.1 Espie’s (2009) Model of Stepped Care Delivery of Insomnia Interventions.

is inadequate (Stores & Wiggs, 1998). Stores and Table 19.1 Indicators of Need for Referral to a Sleep
Wiggs (1998) suggested that postgraduate medi- Medicine Provider
cal training in the United Kingdom, United States, Excessive daytime sleepiness
and Europe provides minimal instruction in pedi- Restless sleep
atric sleep and sleep disorders, and that services, Significant daytime fatigue
when provided, tend to be restricted to general Sleep maintenance difficulties
night wakings or nocturnal enuresis rather than the Snoring/breathing pauses in sleep
broad range of sleep difficulties that exist. Similar to Sweating in sleep
Espie’s pyramid model of referral, Stores and Wiggs Persistent sleep disturbance following appropriate
(1998) proposed a three-tiered system of provision implementation of intervention
of treatment for children’s medical and behavioral
sleep disorders. First, it was recommended that a
majority of sleep problems could be assessed and referral. For a child who requires evaluation and/or
adequately treated within the primary care setting. treatment at a regional sleep medicine center, the
For more severe disorders and those requiring more American Academy of Sleep Medicine maintains a
intensive treatment, referrals may be made to other website with a list of accredited sleep centers that can
pediatric services such as pediatric neurologists, psy- be found at www.sleepcenters.org. Board-certified
chologists, and child psychiatrists, who may work sleep medicine physicians can be identified through
collaboratively to provide services. Finally, when the American Board of Medical Specialties at www.
such attempts have limited effects or the sleep disor- abms.org. All board-certified sleep medicine physi-
der requires more specialized diagnostic, assessment, cians will have completed a residency in a primary
and treatment options, the authors recommended care specialty, anesthesiology, otolaryngology, neu-
that referrals be made to regional tertiary services, rology, or psychiatry, followed by specialty training
such as a comprehensive pediatric medical center in sleep medicine. Board-certified sleep medicine
(see Table 19.1). physicians may provide diagnosis and management
For mental health professionals needing to make of children and adults. As a result, it is in the best
a referral to a regional tertiary care service, resources interest of a mental health professional making a
are available to assist in finding the most appropriate referral to ensure that the physician has experience

c ra bt ree, rac h, g a m b l e 249

in treating children and adolescents either by con- medicine providers interested in and trained to
firming with the sleep medicine clinic, locating a deliver such interventions on a broader scope and in
clinic affiliated with a children’s hospital, or identi- small group formats.
fying board-certified sleep medicine physicians who
have completed a residency in a pediatric specialty.
To assist this referral process, we propose a Clinical Case Example
model whereby children with more commonly A 3-year-old girl presents to her pediatrician for a
seen and transient sleep disruptions could have well-child visit. Her parents report that she has been
recommendations made for alterations of parent- sleeping in their bed since infancy. Her mother is preg-
ing behaviors, environmental cues, or sleep hygiene nant and wishes to have her daughter sleep in her own
instructions within the primary care physician’s room to prepare for the arrival of the new baby. The
office. Sleep disturbances appropriate for this entry pediatrician provides advice in the form of suggesting
point would include undesired co-sleeping, bed- that the parents place the child in her room, sit with
time refusal, nocturnal awakenings, pre-bedtime her until she falls asleep, and then leave the room. She
anxiety, and transient nightmares (See Table 19.2). then suggests that the parents move their chair to the
Those children who continue to have difficulty hallway until the child falls asleep, eventually allow-
sleeping after provision of advice, or children who ing her to fall asleep independently. The parents return
require more specific behavioral interventions (i.e., to the pediatrician one month later to report that she
nocturnal enuresis), would then be provided with has been getting out of bed repeatedly throughout the
resources for parents including books, websites, night, crying for her parents, and refusing to fall asleep
and sleep hygiene pamphlets. These would provide such that they are now allowing her into their bed at
more detailed instructions to parents regarding how the beginning of the night. The pediatrician then pro-
to implement behavioral modification packages vides the parents with a brochure targeting undesired
to address commonly seen childhood sleep distur- co-sleeping and suggests that if following a more specific
bances. For those children whose sleep disturbances plan described in the brochure is unhelpful, they should
persist, or for children who present to their primary enroll in a group parenting session at the local chil-
care provider with long-standing sleep disruption, dren’s hospital provided by a nurse practitioner trained
manualized interventions are most appropriate. As in behavioral sleep interventions. The parents enroll in
mentioned, manualized interventions for childhood the course after repeated failed attempts at encourag-
sleep disturbances do not yet have the overwhelm- ing their daughter to fall asleep in her room. They are
ing support that currently exists for adult CBT-I guided through a manualized intervention targeted at
manuals. Thus, it is necessary for behavioral sleep bedtime resistance and undesired co-sleeping in young
medicine researchers to empirically validate manuals children. After four weeks, their daughter is falling
for childhood behavioral sleep disorders that can be asleep independently in her bed and sleeping through
implemented by advanced practice nurses, licensed the night.
clinical social workers, and other behavioral sleep
Children whose sleep problems continue to per-
Table 19.2 Pediatricians’ Decision Tree for Behavioral sist following manualized interventions would then
Sleep Medicine Referrals be “stepped up” to treatment by a licensed psycholo-
gist. Furthermore, a licensed mental health provider
would be the entry point for children with comor-
Undesired co-sleeping
Bedtime resistance bid mood difficulties or other psychiatric disorders
Common nightmares such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Primary nocturnal enuresis (ADHD), significant behavioral disturbances, and/
Refer or recurrent nightmares. A further step up would
Persistent nocturnal enuresis be treatment by a licensed psychologist with spe-
Frequent night wakings cific behavioral sleep medicine training and exper-
Circadian rhythm sleep disturbances tise. A pediatric psychologist certified in behavioral
Sleep disruption comorbid with a psychiatric disorder sleep medicine is the referral of choice for children
Primary sleep disorder whose sleep disturbances persist after treatment by
Recurrent nightmares
general licensed psychologists and the entry point
Any sleep disturbance that is not readily ameliorated
for children with specific sleep disorders, such as
with advice and reassurance
circadian rhythm sleep disturbances, narcolepsy, or

2 50 role of behavioral s leep medici n e i n hea lt h c a re

BSM Specialist
Specific sleep

Clinical Psychologist
Co-morbid sleep disturbances

Manualized Interventions
Longstanding sleep problems, disorders of
sleep initiation and maintenance

Books, Websites, Pamphlets

Nocturnal enuresis, persistent typical concerns

Primary Care Office Advice

Typical concerns (unwanted co-sleeping, bedtime
resistance, transient nightmares)

Figure 19.2 Proposed Stepped Care Model of Pediatric BSM Delivery.

obstructive sleep apnea who require CPAP/BiPAP His behavioral difficulties at school improve to some
adherence interventions. In this way, treatment degree, though he continues to struggle academically.
approaches and referrals can be tailored specifically His mother reports that she has been able to normal-
to the individual child’s needs while ensuring that a ize his bedtime/waketime schedule but that he still
limited resource (licensed psychologists with behav- has significant difficulty initiating and maintaining
ioral sleep medicine expertise) is providing service sleep on many nights. The psychologist refers him to
to those patients with greatest need. Ideally, this a pediatric psychologist certified in behavioral sleep
referral practice would be disseminated to providers medicine. The behavioral sleep medicine specialist
who are the primary source of patient referrals (see then refers the child to a pediatric sleep physician in
Figure 19.2). his group. A nocturnal polysomnography reveals rest-
less legs syndrome, and laboratory studies indicate low
serum ferritin. Iron supplementation is recommended
Clinical Case Example by the physician, and the behavioral sleep medicine
A 9-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician for specialist continues to work with the mother on
routine medication management of his ADHD. His improving the child’s pre-bedtime routine and sleep/
mother reports that he is having significant difficulty wake schedule. The psychologist also addresses non-
initiating sleep more often than not, has very restless pharmacologic adjunctive management of his restless
sleep, and is extremely difficult to awaken in the morn- legs syndrome. After 3 months, the child is initiating
ing. He has recently had more behavioral problems at and maintaining sleep well and performing signifi-
school, is making increasingly poor grades, and is at cantly better, both academically and behaviorally, in
risk of failing the 3rd grade. His pediatrician refers the classroom.
him to a clinical child psychologist in the community.
The psychologist coordinates with the school to insti- How Is the Need for Referrals
tute a behavior modification package to address the Communicated?
classroom disruptions and works with the mother to Behavioral sleep medicine providers need to
normalize the child’s pre-bedtime routine, bedtime/ communicate to referral sources both how to iden-
waketime schedule, and provide incentives for follow- tify children and adolescents most in need of spe-
ing all aspects of the behavioral intervention package. cialized intervention and how to make the referral.

c ra bt ree, rac h, g a m b l e 251

Of significant importance in each of these decisions Table 19.3 Practice Models for Pediatric Sleep Treatment
is the knowledge base of the referring provider.
Pediatric sleep • Freestanding sleep practice
center exclusively dedicated to pediat-
Educating Pediatric Specialists ric patients
Behavioral sleep medicine providers have a signifi- • Some will have their own
cant role in educating referring providers as to which pediatric laboratory, while
patients fall in the top tier of the stepped care pyra- others refer patients to an affili-
mid and how to refer for behavioral intervention. It ated adult sleep laboratory
is crucial to provide information to referral sources
Pediatric specialist • Incorporating a pediatric sleep
as to the sleep disturbances that are most effectively
within a general medicine specialist within the
ameliorated with behavioral interventions. Pediatric sleep center context of general sleep center
specialists must be educated as to the role of behav- • One individual maintains a
ioral sleep interventions in improving sleep onset and practice devoted exclusively to
maintenance difficulties, nocturnal enuresis, sleep children and adolescents, with
terrors, recurrent nightmares, sleepwalking, and cir- the affiliated sleep laboratory
cadian rhythm disturbances. As they gain awareness testing both adults and pediatric
of the impact of behavioral sleep interventions on patients
sleep disturbances, their referral rates to behavioral
Pediatric patients • A general sleep specialist sees
sleep medicine providers should increase. within a general both adult and pediatric patients
As pediatric specialists become aware of the util- sleep center • These sleep specialists are trained
ity of behavioral sleep interventions, they then must in adult sleep medicine but also
be educated as to the most effective and efficient treat children and adolescents
ways to provide patients and families with referrals.
The model of practice of both the sleep clinic and Pediatric sleep • Incorporation of a pediatric
practice within a sleep service within a general
the behavioral sleep medicine provider dictates how
general practice setting
referrals will be made. • This appears to be more
common of psychologists
Models of Pediatric Sleep Practice working within a psychology
Pediatric sleep medicine emphasizes the devel- setting (department of
opmental aspects of sleep and includes a number of psychology or pediatric center)
clinical sleep disorders that are unique to children and
Note: Adapted with permission from Owens & Mindell (2002).
adolescents (Owens & Mindell, 2002). Due to the
biopsychosocial nature of sleep problems, the high
prevalence of dual and triple diagnoses, especially Due to the multiple models for pediatric sleep
comorbid behavioral issues in children, the underly- interventions, practitioners who provide behavioral
ing medical conditions, and the neuropsychological sleep medicine services may have different roles
and social functioning of patients and their fami- within each practice. While some behavioral sleep
lies, pediatric sleep specialists and sleep centers need medicine providers may be embedded within the
to be prepared to assess and treat a wide range of practice, others may maintain a separate practice.
disorders across a range of ages and developmental For providers embedded within the sleep medicine
levels (Owens & Mindell, 2002; Wiggs, 2003). This clinic, referrals will often come from within the
multidisciplinary nature means that in addition to sleep medicine practice. In this context, children
physicians, a number of other disciplines (behav- and adolescents are often first evaluated by the sleep
ioral pediatricians, child psychiatrists, pediatric psy- medicine physician and, as behavioral sleep medicine
chologists, pediatric and family nurse practitioners, disturbances are discovered, referrals are made for
psychiatric social workers, and other behavioral behavioral intervention within the clinic. In other
sleep medicine providers) should be involved in the cases, children and adolescents are referred directly
development and delivery of these services (Owens to the behavioral sleep medicine provider when the
& Mindell, 2002). To accomplish this goal, a num- clear reason for referral is a behavioral sleep distur-
ber of practice models have been identified for the bance. For behavioral sleep medicine providers who
provision of children’s sleep services with significant are located in practices outside of a sleep center,
diversity in the conceptualization of these services referrals may come from sleep centers or from pri-
(see Table 19.3; Owens & Mindell, 2002). mary care physicians. For this reason, education of

2 52 role of behavioral s leep medici n e i n hea lt h c a re

physicians regarding when behavioral sleep distur- Benefits of interdisciplinary care in the treatment
bances require referrals and how to best make those of pediatric behavioral sleep disturbances involve
referrals is essential. Although most sleep medicine the ability to approach each presenting problem
physicians are acutely aware of the role of behavioral from a number of angles, resulting in comprehen-
sleep specialists in improving insomnia and other sive and immediate feedback (Meltzer, Moore, &
behavioral sleep disturbances, it is imperative for Mindell, 2008) and integrating information across
behavioral sleep medicine providers to ensure that disciplines to reduce the likelihood parents will
sleep medicine physicians are educated as to the receive contradictory recommendations from dif-
adjunctive role that can be provided in managing ferent providers (Sheehan, Robertson, & Ormond,
narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, bruxism, sleep 2007). This latter benefit is important, as a review of
disturbances with comorbid medical and psychiat- pediatric sleep clinics in the United Kingdom found
ric disorders, and CPAP/BiPAP adherence. that poor outcomes at follow-up were not related
Just as pediatric sleep providers have multiple to the nature or complexity of the sleep disorder or
models of intervention, so do behavioral sleep pro- the type of treatment recommended, but rather to
viders. The distinction primarily is drawn between poor communication between health professionals
integrated versus outside services (see Table 19.4). involved in the child’s care (Wiggs, 2003).
As awareness regarding sleep disorders and treat-
Interdisciplinary Treatment ment options grows, multidisciplinary and interdisci-
In an ideal setting, a team treatment approach best plinary teams will become increasingly important in
addresses the multifaceted nature of sleep disorders. the delivery of behavioral interventions for sleep dis-
The two primary approaches (multidisciplinary and orders. Currently, most behavioral interventions are
interdisciplinary) share certain characteristics but delivered in mental health or sleep disorder clinics,
differ in important ways. A traditional multidisci- which means only a small fraction of those who could
plinary team includes members from different disci- benefit are actually provided with the service (Goodie,
plines who have independent roles and meet to share Isler, Hunter, & Peterson, 2009). By incorporating
patient information. Although team members may psychologists and other behavioral health specialists
meet regularly, there is not necessarily an attempt into the provision of primary care, the barriers to
to create a common plan. Interdisciplinary teams, treatment implementation such as limited training in
on the other hand, include members from differ- behavioral approaches (Richardson, 2000), limited
ent disciplines; however, the team works collabora- appointment time (Goodie et al., 2009), and patient
tively with interdependent roles. The team makes expectations regarding medication (Dollman et al.,
assessment and decisions about treatment together. 2003) will no longer be applicable. Further, using
a psychologist or other health care provider trained
to deliver behavioral interventions may also enable a
Table 19.4 Models of Behavioral Sleep Medicine small-group approach, which is highly cost-efficient,
(Espie, Inglis, Tessier, & Harvey, 2001).
Integrated Center BSM integrated within
sleep center Future Directions
Certainly, pediatric behavioral sleep medicine
Medical Center Referral Referral outside sleep center
providers are a limited resource with a large num-
but within medical center
ber of infants, children, and adolescents present-
Psychology/Psychiatry Referral to outside large ing to their primary care physicians with identified
Department psychology/psychiatry sleep problems. Because of this limited resource, a
department stepped care model is an appropriate framework for
identifying those children and adolescents at greatest
Outside Referral Referral to outside psy-
chotherapy practice with need of the most specialized intervention services.
behavioral sleep expertise It should be the mission of the field of behavioral
sleep medicine, then, to (1) identify which patients
Contract Referral to contracted should receive which level of specialized care; (2)
behavioral sleep provider develop and empirically evaluate manualized inter-
with specific follow-up ventions for the most common childhood behav-
ioral sleep disturbances; (3) train care providers
Note: Adapted with permission from Pigeon et al. (2007). to implement empirically supported manualized

c ra bt ree, rac h, g a m b l e 253

interventions; and (4) educate the referral sources as Kramer, N. R., Cook, T. E., Carlisle, C. C., Corwin, R. W., &
to which patients to refer to which level of care. Millman, R. P. (1999). The role of the primary care physician
in recognizing obstructive sleep apnea. Archives of Internal
Medicine, 159(9), 965–968.
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c ra bt ree, rac h, g a m b l e 255


Helping Children and Parents

20 Manage their Sleep Study Experience

Lissy Zaremba

With the increasing recognition of pediatric sleep disorders, there is a growing demand for pediatric
sleep medicine services, including polysomnography (PSG). Treating a child’s and parent’s emotional,
developmental, and psychosocial needs simultaneously with their medical needs has a significant
positive and lasting impact on them, improving their future health care experiences and overall family
satisfaction. This chapter will present the Rainbow Comfort Measures© (RCM©) model of care and
how the model’s guiding principles can be effectively integrated in a pediatric sleep center’s operations
and clinical practices. Practical interventions and coping strategies, integral to RCM©, will also be
discussed. By incorporating these foundational principles into a pediatric sleep center’s standard of
care, a parent and child’s anxiety will decrease and their understanding, cooperation, achievement,
self-control, and self-esteem will be enhanced. Additionally, the sleep center staff’s knowledge base
and confidence will be strengthened, the ability to gather high quality PSG data will improve, and
overall patient satisfaction scores will increase.
Key Words: pediatrics, polysomnography, medical procedures, rainbow comfort measures, rainbow
comfort positioning, procedural distress, psychological preparation, parental participation, child par-
ticipation, coping skills

Introduction of sleeping with medical sensors and wires while in

There is a growing demand for pediatric sleep an unfamiliar environment, experiencing new sen-
medicine services, including polysomnography sations, and having limited mobility can be quite
(PSG), with the increasing recognition of pediatric anxiety-provoking for children and parents despite
sleep disorders and sleep disordered breathing (Sinha reassurance from sleep center staff. Parents may
& Guilleminault, 2010). Sleep disordered breathing find the PSG sensors and wires a physical barrier to
peaks in children between the ages of 2 and 8 years comforting their child. Furthermore, younger chil-
(Hoban, 2010). Additionally, children with certain dren with busy fingers and children with develop-
medical conditions and/or developmental disabili- mental disabilities and/or sensory integration issues
ties are at a greater risk for sleep disordered breath- may have an even more challenging time tolerating
ing (Sinha & Guilleminault, 2010; Richdale & the sleep study experience due to their tactile sen-
Schreck, 2009; see Richdale, Chapter 33). Children sitivities, the need to restrict their movement, and
with the greatest need for diagnostic services in sleep their overall decreased ability to understand, man-
medicine fall within these two groups. Even though age, and cooperate. Perhaps the sleep center’s staff
a sleep study is considered by adults to be a nonin- most helpful interventions for a child and parent are
vasive, relatively painless test, it still may raise many listening to and hearing their concerns, preparing
concerns for parents and children. The anticipation them for what to expect, problem-solving creative

2 56
solutions to possible challenges along with them, needs that a child and parent have beyond complet-
and encouraging to them to be an active part of ing the task at hand (i.e., ordering the sleep study,
their experience. With a sleep center’s respectful and scheduling the sleep study, conducting the sleep
team-based approach, a child and parent will have study). When providing care for a child and par-
an increased opportunity to own their sleep study ent, consider this question: “Are we (the sleep center
experience and feel positive about how they handled staff, parent, and child) on the same page, work-
any challenges. ing together to achieve the same goals?” Identical
The RCM© model of care helps children and to any health care professional’s goals for children
families manage their health care experiences by and families, the sleep center staff’s goals should be:
promoting their comfort, achievement, and sense (1) to assist the overall procedural experience to be
of control. The guiding principles of the RCM© safe and satisfying with productive, high-quality
model can be adapted to any medical experience data; (2) to minimize the trauma and distress for
and/or environment and involve: (1) preparing the the child, parent, and the sleep center staff; and (3)
child and family for what to expect; (2) provid- to maintain the integrity of the whole child dur-
ing a role for everyone involved; (3) positioning ing a potentially stressful procedure (Stephens et al.,
the child and parent comfortably (sitting upright 1999; Cavender et al., 2004; Leahy et al., 2008).
whenever possible); (4) encouraging the child to Consider the possible perspectives and/or needs
choose his or her coping strategies; and (5) creat- of everyone involved in the sleep center experi-
ing a calm and supportive environment (Stephens, ences. A sleep center staff member may be thinking,
Barkey, & Hall, 1999). This chapter will help the “I need to remain calm, confident, and competent
reader understand and assess the child’s and par- so I can successfully interact and perform the task or
ent’s needs before, during, and after their sleep cen- procedure with care, speed, and skill. I need the par-
ter experiences. Strategies will be discussed which ent to trust that I have the best interest of their child
incorporate the emotional, developmental, and in mind. I need the parent to remain calm and sup-
psychological needs of a child and parent. Sleep portive and not overprotective of the child so that he
center staff can integrate these concepts and strat- or she resists or pressures me. I need the child to be
egies into their clinical practice, enhancing their cooperative, calm, and still. I need to not cause any
child-friendly interactions while gathering high- added distress for the child or the parent.” Then, a
quality PSG data and, in turn, increasing family parent may be thinking, “I need my child to receive
satisfaction outcomes. expert care from the sleep center staff that I trust has
the best interest of my child in mind. I need for my
Understanding Child and Parent Needs child to remain comfortable and without pain or
Essential concerns of children and parents in the distress. I need to be able to advocate for my child,
health care setting are pain, separation, lack of infor- to be heard and respected. I need to be with my
mation, and the uncertainty of the environment or child and know how I can help.” Finally, a child may
experience (Salmela, Aronen, & Salantera, 2010; be thinking, “I need to understand what is happen-
Gaynard et al., 1990). Children and parents may ing to me. I need to have choices and not be forced
have a variety of feelings as they wait for their sched- to do something that I don’t want or understand.
uled sleep study. A child and/or parent may be anx- I need for everyone to stay calm. I need to feel safe,
ious about what to expect, whether they can manage protected, and not feel pain. I want to trust what
the experience, or what the results of the sleep study people are telling me is the truth and that they want
may conclude. They may envision the worst pos- to help me. I need to be able to speak my mind, be
sible scenario or fear possible painful events. These heard, and have my thoughts respected. I need to
thoughts and feelings may stem from their own know what I can do to help.” Be mindful that there
imaginations or memories from past medical expe- may be discrepancies between what health care pro-
riences. On the other hand, a child and/or parent fessionals think the needs of the child or parent might
may not be worried about their upcoming experi- be and what the child and parent feel are their needs.
ence or may be eager to find answers and possible The question becomes . . . “How do we, as sleep cen-
solutions to their medical concerns. Whether dur- ter staff, figure out the true needs of the child and
ing interactions with the sleep medicine specialist parent?” A very good question; read on.
at the clinic visit, the sleep center coordinator dur- When a task presents itself, sometimes health
ing their scheduling process, or with the sleep study care professionals may be quick to set their agenda
technologist on the study night, there are multiple with their familiar routines. Tasks that may seem

z a rem b a 257
very simple may become quite complex. Examples The Rainbow Comfort Measures© Model
may include: scheduling a young child for a sleep of Care
study; greeting an active child and his or her over- RCM© is a model of care pioneered at University
tired parent on the study night; applying the PSG Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
sensors on an extremely anxious and possibly defen- in Cleveland, Ohio, by Mary Barkey, MA, CCLS
sive child; optimizing the child’s and parent’s sleep and Barbara Stephens, MAN, CRRN, CNS in
onset; or maintaining sensor integrity on an easily the early 1990s. The model uses a family-cen-
awakened child throughout the night. However, if tered and relationship-based care framework of
we slow down our actions, pause in the moment, evidence-based clinical practices that meet the
and expand our viewpoint to consider the child’s psychosocial, emotional and developmental needs
and parent’s variety of needs from their perspectives, of children and their families during potentially
we may find ourselves challenged to accomplish our stressful health care experiences. RCM© promotes
basic and familiar tasks. The tasks as we know them the parent and child’s capacity for the highest level
are suddenly not so easy. We realize that our agenda, of participation in their care. Honoring the fam-
what we planned to do, does not necessarily take into ily unit, health care professionals partner with the
account the child’s and parent’s palpable needs—the parent’s and child to create strategies that empower
needs for safety, security, trust, comfort from pain, them to cope with their health care experiences
predictability, and control. We realize that we need (Stephens et al., 1999). The RCM© model of care’s
to expand our goals to align with those of the child Mission Statement, Foundational Cornerstones
and parent (Zaremba & Mitchell, 2011). But, how and Guiding Principles are outlined in Table 20.1.
is this done? Another good question; read on. The model’s guiding principles which are directly
Marcel Proust, a famous French novelist (1871– applicable to and influence a child and family care
1922), was quoted as saying, “The real voyage of experiences in a pediatric sleep center environment
discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes include the following:
but in having new eyes” (retrieved from: http//www.
quotationspage.com, July 22, 2012). A simple inter- • Create a calm, positive, child-friendly and
pretation, we must look at our given situation from supportive environment.
a different angle; new and improved possibilities or • Assess a child’s and parent’s understanding of
solutions can be discovered. As a health care profes- the current experience and the impact of their past
sional, begin to think and see the potentially stress- experiences and coping abilities.
ful PSG experience as a child or parent may view it. • Assess a child’s and parent’s developmental
What do the child and parent want and need on an level, learning style and verbal/nonverbal actions
emotional and developmental level? What actions can and reactions.
we take that will help a child and parent feel cared for • Prepare a child and parent for the experience
and informed? Just as important as the concrete act of individualizing developmentally appropriate
imparting information may be the feeling we are giv- explanations using child-friendlier wording and
ing them when we listen, attend and respond to their active participation with hands-on demonstration
cues, take our time with them, ask for their thoughts, and/or role rehearsal.
or help them understand information through an • Develop and support a child’s and parent’s
approach which connects best with their learning style active participation including specific roles and
and needs. This requires our true willingness to listen realistic choices.
to a child and parent and our ability to hear what they • Guide and support a child’s pre-existing or
are saying. By incorporating into our practice devel- newly learned coping and relaxation strategies.
opmentally appropriate knowledge and strategies that • Use the Rainbow Comfort Positioning©
take into account a child’s and parent’s needs, their model maintaining a child’s and parent’s physical
medical experiences can become positive and psycho- and emotional connection while maximizing their
logically growth-producing. We are investing in the comfort and minimizing the child’s movement.
child, investing in the child’s future. A child’s and par- • Provide positive guidance, coaching and
ent’s interactions with caring and trusted professionals specific praise to reinforce a child’s and parent’s
during their sleep center experiences will have far- efforts and accomplishments.
reaching effects for them. Our investment now helps • Listen, hear and support a child’s and parent’s
to pave their path for future successful medical and verbal and/or emotional processing and integrate
nonmedical experiences and possibly their life course. improvements into current and future experiences.

2 58 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Table 20.1 Rainbow Comfort Measures© Model of Care

Rainbow Comfort Measures© Model of Care*

Mission Statement

Helping children and families manage health care experiences by addressing their psychosocial, emotional and
developmental needs while promoting their comfort, participation, sense of control and achievement.

4 Foundational Cornerstones of RCM©

1. Parent Participation

2. Preparation

3. Positioning

4. Processing

Guiding Principles of RCM©

• Develop and implement an integrated pain management plan with the parent/caregiver (and the child) for
optimal physical and emotional pain prevention and relief.

• Create a calm, positive, child-friendly and supportive environment by minimizing unnecessary stimuli.

• Perform stressful experiences in the treatment room (in areas where a treatment room exists).

• Assess the child’s and parent/caregiver’s understanding of the current health care experience and the impact of
their past experiences and coping abilities.

• Assess and consider the child’s and parent/caregiver’s developmental level, learning style and verbal/nonverbal
actions and reactions.

• Prepare the child and parent/caregiver for the health care experience. Individualize and integrate developmentally
appropriate explanations using child-friendlier wording and active participation with hands-on demonstration and/
or role rehearsal.

• Develop, integrate and support a coping plan with the child’s and/or parent/caregiver’s input and active
participation. Include realistic choices, the child’s and parent/caregiver’s specific roles, and their pre-existing and/or
newly learned coping and relaxation strategies.

• Use the Rainbow Comfort Positioining© Model. Preserve the child’s and parent/caregiver’s physical and
emotional connection with each other while maximizing their comfort and security, minimizing the child’s
movement and maintaining easy access to the site.

• Provide the child and parent/caregiver with positive guidance and coaching while offering specific praise to
reinforce their efforts and accomplishments.

• Before, during and after the health care encounter, provide time with the child and parent/caregiver for verbal
and/or emotional processing of their experience. Listen, hear and provide support to the child and/or parent/
caregiver and integrate improvements into the child’s and parent/caregiver’s current and future health care
*Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Comfort Measures principles. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational handout series]. University Hospitals
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

As health care professionals expand their knowl- experience. The child and parent can take what they
edge and skill base, to incorporate the emotional and have learned during their current experience, build
developmental needs of the child and parent as well upon and refine the strategies that worked well,
as the RCM© guiding principles into their prac- and then apply those strategies and skills they have
tice, they are better able to effectively teach, model, learned as they encounter future medical or chal-
and coach a child and parent through their medical lenging life experiences. For a child and parent,

z a rem b a 259
the skills, confidence, and positive self-esteem that As members of the medical team, the parent and
develop from their medical experience(s) can be child should be engaged as active participants in the
carried with them throughout their lifetime. The medical procedure and plan of care, rather than being
RCM© model of care can be easily integrated to passive recipients. Children want to feel in control,
any sleep center’s culture and standard of practice. respected, and successful. Involving the child in his
or her experience provides just that—a greater sense
Addressing the Child’s and Parent’s Needs of accomplishment, self-worth, and self-confidence.
When assessing and addressing children’s and Additionally, parents want to be involved with their
parents’ needs to create child-friendlier health care child’s care, offering comfort and help to manage
experiences, the RCM© guiding principles should challenging experiences whether the child is in the
be incorporated into the sleep center’s standard of hospital, at home, or elsewhere (Bauchner, Vinci,
care and philosophy of practice. The guiding prin- Bak, Pearson, & Corwin, 1996). Everyone—the
ciples of RCM© will be further discussed, includ- child, parent and sleep center staff—has an impor-
ing: redefining the medical team; inviting the child’s tant and helpful role to play on the team.
and/or parent’s participation while supporting their
involvement; providing psychological preparation Invite the Child’s and Parent’s Participation
for the experience; establishing positive and defined and Support their Involvement
roles for the child and parent while integrating cop- Life is filled with ups and downs, challenges
ing strategies; and creating a calm and supportive and successes. The parent’s role is to be the con-
environment. tinuous support throughout his or her child’s life,
helping the child to navigate turbulent times and
Redefine the Medical Team celebrate successes. This role should not change
The Comfort Measures model begins with defin- during medical experiences. Research supports that
ing, or redefining, the medical team (Stephens et al., children want their parents to be with them dur-
1999). The American Academy of Pediatrics (2006) ing procedures (Ross & Ross, 1984) and parents
strongly supports incorporating the parent and the want to be with their children (Bauchner et al.,
child as vital, active, and respected members of the 1991; Bauchner et al., 1996). Parental anxiety has
medical team. Parents are knowledgeable about their been shown to decrease when a parent is with his or
child’s medical history, temperament, what com- her child, which in turn reduces the child’s anxiety
forts them, how they have managed past medical (Bauchner et al., 1996). By actively encouraging the
experiences, and the best approaches to gain their parent and child’s participation, we are communi-
child’s cooperation during stressful experiences. cating our genuine respect for the family unit and
Much insight can also be gained from actively lis- our sincere desire for parent and child involvement
tening, reading nonverbal cues, and involving the rather than merely just being present. It communi-
child. Altogether, everyone has a hand in contribut- cates that we are doing things for and with the child
ing to the success of the experience. rather than to them. The parent’s and child’s medi-
In a team approach, there are no “good guys” or cal experience should be viewed as more than just
“bad guys.” The parent is not the “rescuer” or the something they need to “tolerate” or “get through.”
“good guy” after the PSG setup is complete, just A parent’s and child’s involvement and participation
as the sleep study technologist is not the “bad guy” in their experience can help them to own their expe-
because he/she needs to put PSG sensors on the rience, making it meaningful to them. They are able
protesting child. A parent’s active and supportive to internalize their feelings of accomplishment and
involvement with their child during the PSG setup success, thereby building their self-confidence and
and overall experience communicates to the child self-esteem.
that this test is needed and important to his/her Parents have much to offer to the success of
health and well-being. Essentially, the parent agrees their child’s medical experience, to the comfort
with the doctor’s plan and we are all on the same of their child, and to the strengthening of their
team together. In the long run, the parent’s active parent–child bond. However, within the unfamil-
involvement in his or her child’s current experience iar and stressful medical environment, sometimes
fosters the child’s trust that the parent is supporting parents may feel overwhelmed, anxious, or inad-
him or her now and will continue to support him or equate in their parental role. Studies have shown
her during any future challenging times (Stephens that parents’ behaviors are significantly related to
et al., 1999). their child’s distress (Cohen, Manimala, Blount,

2 60 h elpin g children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

2000; Dahlquist & Pendley, 2005). A parent may for medical procedures and offers a comprehensive
not know how to effectively support and comfort summary of psychological preparation for health
his or her child, especially as he or she learns the care experiences. (Koller, 2007).
number of PSG sensors that need to be placed. As
sleep center professionals, we can teach, guide, and consider the child’s and parent’s
coach the parents in their roles. individual needs
Just as the parent has an integral role, the child Every child and family unit carries with it its
does as well. Attempting to gain his/her compliance own unique styles and past experiences that shape
is key. Be attuned to the child’s emotional and non- how the child and family respond to future events,
verbal cues, and respond appropriately. Addressing stressful or not. Developmental age, previous expe-
the child’s concerns, and then inviting and encour- rience with medical procedures, illness, hospitaliza-
aging his/her participation in the PSG set-up will be tion or separation, innate or acquired coping skills,
helpful (for example, holding the “stickers,” help- seriousness of the diagnosis, and available support
ing to buckle the “stretchy bands” like a belt, etc.). systems will all influence how a child and parent
Giving a child a job with realistic choices will foster respond to upcoming stressors (Brewer et al., 2006;
a sense of inclusion, that his/her help is meaningful Melamed, Dearborn & Hermecz, 1983). To help
and important. The knowledge gained, skills learned create a supportive environment for the child and
and self-confidence developed from one experience parent, it is important to understand the parent’s
can be built upon and integrated into a child’s and and child’s perspective on such things as how the
parent’s future medical and life experiences. child has managed past challenging experiences or
transitions to new environments, how the child pro-
Provide Psychological Preparation for cesses information, the child’s temperament, and
the Experience the child’s comfort level with strangers (for example,
Psychological preparation refers to the interac- shy and quiet, slow to warm up, or eager to make
tive process of helping children and parents know new friends). Asking about the parent’s expectations
and understand in advance what to expect and of his or her child’s ability to cooperate and eliciting
possible strategies to manage the experience. It helpful suggestions he or she may have is also crucial
reduces the uncertainty, which might otherwise for a thorough assessment.
lead to increased misconceptions, anxiety, and fear Successful interactions with children and their
(Wolfer & Visintainer, 1979). Preparation involves parents occur when a health care professional dem-
verbal explanation, familiarization and desensiti- onstrates a clear understanding of child growth and
zation with medical equipment and the environ- development. However, it is important to keep in
ment, as well as hands-on demonstration of what mind that children process information in different
will be happening, all delivered in a developmen- ways. Additionally, a child and parent may regress
tally appropriate, sensitive, and timely manner. in their understanding and coping abilities as their
Within the preparation process, coping strategies stress increases (Heard, 2008; Salmela, Salantera, &
are discussed that allow the child and parent to Aronen, 2010). Key developmental issues and needs
constructively participate in their care (Melamed for infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children
& Ridley-Johnson, 1988). Table 20.2 outlines a include parental presence and involvement, active
summary of essential preparation components. The involvement for learning, and less developed lan-
time spent preparing a child and parent can vary guage abilities. Key developmental issues and needs
depending on the child’s individual needs and time for school-age children and adolescents include
available; preparation could occur 15 minutes prior increasing language skills but difficulty with new
to beginning the PSG setup, or even in the moment words and abstract ideas, self-esteem that is influ-
as each step occurs. Providing preparation signifi- enced by performance, and growing independence
cantly decreases a child’s and parent’s anxiety and and decision-making skills (Family and Child Life
misconceptions and enhances their ability to man- Services, 2010; Heard, 2008). To further facilitate
age what is asked of them, thereby increasing their a general understanding of child development and
cooperation and positive experiences (Kain, Mayes, the impact the medical environment may have on
& Caramico, 1996; Wolfer & Visintainer, 1979). a child, Appendix A offers a condensed overview
The Child Life Council’s (http://www.childlife.org, of each developmental stage (infancy through ado-
March 13, 2012) evidenced-based practice state- lescence) highlighting possible stressors at each
ment discusses preparing children and adolescents stage, subsequent cognitive impact and coping

z a rem b a 261
Table 20.2 Preparation Considerations for Health Care Professionals

Preparing Children and Parents/Caregivers for Medical Procedures *

• Create a calm, positive, child-friendly and supportive environment.

• Provide a welcoming atmosphere.

• Minimize unnecessary stimuli.

• Gather and assess pertinent information from the child and parent/caregiver in order to individualize their
preparation and coping plans.

• Determine the child’s and parent/caregiver’s current understanding, the impact of their past experiences, and
strategies for improved coping.

• Prepare the child and parent/caregiver for what to expect.

• Help the child and parent/caregiver know what to expect using developmentally appropriate explanations,
hands-on demonstration, active participation and/or role rehearsal.

• Use developmentally appropriate, child-friendlier wording.

• Be honest and only make promises that can be kept.

• Encourage questions.

• Continually assess the child’s and parent/caregiver’s understanding, nonverbal behaviors, and emotional
reactions; then modify the approach as needed.

• Develop a plan with the child and parent/caregiver to manage their experience using pre-existing and/or
newly learned coping and relaxation strategies.

• Use the Rainbow Comfort Positioning© model.

• Offer realistic choices, specific roles, and provide diversional items or strategies.

• Continually assess the child’s and parent/caregiver’s understanding and reactions throughout the procedure
and modify the approach as needed.

• Continue to provide explanations and positive guidance, adjust comfort positioning, and/or redirect the child’s
and parent/caregiver’s role as needed.

• Offer specific praise to reinforce the child’s and parent/caregiver’s accomplishments to help them know what
was done well.
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Preparing children for medical procedures. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational handout series]. University
Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

behaviors, and possible interventions and support. to empower and reassure children and parents that
Understanding the needs and strengths specific to we will work with them to have the most successful
each child can help the sleep study staff, in part- outcome possible. An effective preparation contains
nership with the parent and child, to prepare and several essential elements: (1) why the procedure is
plan developmentally appropriate interventions important (“Why do I need to have a sleep study?”);
that will assist them in managing the demands of (2) what to expect during the procedure (“What
the sleep study. is going to happen to me?”); and (3) how we will
manage the procedure together (“What do I need to
what to say, how to say it and do and how can I help?”) (Breiner, 2009; Stephens
what to do et al., 1999). In order to be emotionally invested
Effective preparation is more than providing just in the experience, a parent needs to understand
information. It is a way of integrating positive mes- why the procedure is important to his or her child’s
sages into what is said, to inspire confidence and health. If cognitively able, it is helpful when a child

2 62 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

recognizes the importance of the procedure as well. 1999). Positive alternatives to the harsh, “don’t cry,”
For a child, clarifying the purpose of the sleep study “that doesn’t hurt,” or “be a big boy/girl” can be,
can also diminish misconceptions or guilty feelings “You may feel more comfortable when you . . . (hug
about the reason for the procedure (for example, a your mom, snuggle with your blankie, etc.)” or “The
punishment for an imagined wrongdoing; Breiner, look on your face tells me you might feel worried.
2009). To assess the child and parent’s knowledge Some kids find it helpful to look in the mirror and
about their sleep study experience, ask, “Tell me watch as we put the stickers on your chin.” Direct
what you know about your sleepover tonight.” A a child’s attention to acceptable behaviors such as,
simple explanation for the child may be, “This test “Hold yourself very still” or “Put your hands on your
will help your doctor know how your body works book,” rather than “Don’t move” or “Don’t touch.”
when you are sleeping. It will help your doctor Try to include sensory information in an explana-
know (… or make decisions about) how to help you tion (Breiner, 2009; Gaynard et al., 1990; Stephens
sleep better at night.” To quell uncertainties, the et al., 1999; Wolfer & Visintainer, 1979). However,
child and parent need to understand what they will many adults offer their own assessment of how
experience (i.e., what they may feel, see, hear, and something will likely feel. Since feelings and sensa-
smell), as well as their individual roles (Stephens tions may be experienced or perceived differently by
et al., 1999). For example, “I will show and tell you each individual, whether adult or child, it is help-
everything that I am doing so there will be no sur- ful to first ask a child how he or she thinks something
prises. My job will be to put these small stickers on may feel instead of telling them too specifically what
different parts of your body, like your legs, chest, he/she will feel or experience. For example, instead
and head. Your job will be to sit on the bed, and of saying “This skin prep lotion feels scratchy,” an
you can even help me with the stickers. Mom’s job alternative may be, “I need to clean this spot on
will be sit next to you on your bed, and she can even your skin with some cleaning lotion and a Q-Tip.
help, too.” Explore the parent’s and child’s thoughts Then I will put a sticker where I cleaned. Some kids
and expectations by saying, “Let’s figure out how we say they can feel little bumps in the lotion (offer
can be helpful to each other. Would you like to help to let them feel the lotion between their fingers).
me with the stickers?” Those tiny little bumps help to clean your skin. You
Honest, concrete, and simple words are most can tell me what you notice as I clean this spot on
effective when helping children and families under- your skin.”
stand an upcoming procedure or event. Using Language and word choice has the potential
accurate medical terminology with clarification is to affect how a person feels or what he or she per-
also helpful (Breiner, 2009; Gaynard et al., 1990). ceives during an experience (Gaynard et al., 1990).
For example, “I need to put this little disc on your Many children often ask, “Will this hurt?” Since
head. Some kids think it looks like a little cup. It pain is a subjective feeling, it is difficult to prom-
has a long string on it. The real name for it is an ise that something won’t hurt. In fact, it is best if
electrode (... or a lead). It helps the doctor under- this promise is never made. You may try saying,
stand what your brain is telling your body to do, “You may notice . . . ” or “You might be surprised
like if you are sleeping or if you are dreaming. But at . . . (how relaxed you feel, how easy this may be,
I won’t be able to know what you are thinking or etc.).” Describing a realistic range of feelings may
dreaming about.” Since every child’s language skills, also help, such as, “You may notice some bumps in
understanding, and past medical experiences will the lotion as I rub it on your skin. Some kids say
be different, be attuned to the child’s cues and/or the lotion feels a bit like toothpaste, or like it has
situation to modify word choices or provide further sand or crumbs in it. You can let me know how it
explanation. feels to you.” If a child says, “Ouch, that hurts!” a
Word choices and phrasing can be tricky in response may be, “I’m sorry. Lets figure out a way
regard to honesty, connotations, and interpretation. to make this more comfortable.” By offering accept-
Words can help shift a person’s mindset from a neg- able choices, a child is more likely to feel in control
ative to a positive frame of thinking (Breiner, 2009; and not forced to do something (Heard, 2008). For
Gaynard et al., 1990). For example, use a softer example, instead of saying “Can I . . . ?” an alterna-
word such as “bother” or “uncomfortable” instead tive might be, “I need to put two stickers on each of
of the stronger word, “hurt.” Provide positive guid- your legs, (point to where). These stickers will show
ance and comments that boost rather than weaken how much your legs wiggle while you sleep. Which
a child’s self-esteem and confidence (Stephens et al., leg should we put the stickers on first? Would you

z a rem b a 263
like to help by taking the back off the sticker?” experience which helps a child internalize the pro-
Additionally, make statements that are true and cedural steps, making the experience more manage-
only make promises that can be kept. For example, able, predictable, and understandable. Allowing
“I’m just looking (… at your leg, tummy, etc.)” is the child to actively touch and play with the vari-
commonly said when actually “I’m gently touch- ous sensors will help the child become increasingly
ing (… your leg, tummy, etc.)” is a more accurate more desensitized to the equipment on their own
statement. Finally, always encourage and be open to terms and in their own time frame (Breiner, 2009;
a child’s and parent’s questions before, during, and Zaremba et al., 2005). This approach is often help-
after an experience (Breiner, 2009; Heard, 2008; ful when introducing and gaining a child’s compli-
Zaremba et al., 2005). Appendix B offers a guide to ance with the thermister and nasal cannula, since
suggested child-friendlier word choices and lead-in these sensors are frequently the most challenging for
statements when talking with children about their a child to tolerate. A thermister or nasal cannula can
sleep study experience. be introduced to a child in a positive and encour-
Although literal thinking is developmentally aging approach. For example, a sleep technologist
appropriate for younger children and school-age may introduce the thermister to a child by saying,
children, when children and parents are in an unfa- “some kids say the next sticker reminds them of a
miliar situation or environment they become a bit mustache . . . something like this (then place a small
more serious and literal in their interpretations, piece of tape or fun-type sticker under your nose
or they may possibly misinterpret well-meaning and/or parent’s nose). You can hold and touch this
actions. A child and parent may not readily catch sticker that will rest under your nose. It is called a
on to casual humor or jokes. Consequently, an thermister and this is what it looks like (allow the
adult who makes a comment in a joking manner child to hold the thermister). Some kids like to
may unintentionally misrepresent him or herself as choose a fun sticker to decorate it. Some kids like
lacking understanding, empathy, and compassion to hold a mirror so they can watch while I gently
(Ross & Ross, 1982). Additionally, tickling a child place the sticker under their nose. Would you like to
crosses a personal boundary and adds an element choose a fun sticker to decorate it? Here is a mirror
of surprise to the predicable environment the sleep if you’d like to watch.”
technologist is trying to create. Although sometimes Additionally, a doll (i.e., inexpensive plain mus-
PSG sensors may need to be placed where a child lin cloth dolls, which a child can use to draw a face
is ticklish, the sleep technologist’s conscious act of and/or decorate with markers) or stuffed animal is
tickling a child in an attempt to build rapport or ideal to demonstrate the PSG setup (Figure 20.1).
gain a smile or laughter should always be avoided. Provide the child with a preparation doll or a stuffed
These approaches by the sleep technologist may be animal to practice and role-play with the PSG sen-
done with the goal of lightening a child and par- sors. If the child brought his or her own doll or
ent’s mood and with no conscious harm intended. stuffed animal from home, it is important to still
However, the sleep technologist should consistently
and carefully read the child and parent’s behavioral
cues for their appropriateness and their possible
need for clarification of their actions.
Preparation using hands-on demonstration and
visual aids (for example, photographs of a coop-
erative child during each stage of the PSG setup)
contribute to a child’s ease in understanding the
procedure and also becoming more interested in his
or her body functions (Tanaka et al., 2011). Since
toddlers, preschool, and school-age children learn
best through interaction with their environment,
combining verbal explanations with opportunities
to handle, explore, and role-play using the medi-
cal supplies appropriate to the procedure is helpful.
Figure 20.1 Hands-on preparation increases understanding,
Demonstrating what will happen, as well as provid- control, and sense of accomplishment. A school-age patient
ing the opportunity for the child to handle the PSG proudly displays her “patient.” She learned about her own PSG
sensors and stickers, creates a hands-on, kinesthetic set-up as she placed the PSG sensors on her doll.

2 64 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

offer a choice of using their doll/stuffed animal or job holding so still while I put the sticker under
one that they are not attached to. Some children are your chin. It’s Johnny’s turn. Johnny, thank you for
very protective of their cherished comfort items and holding so still, too. Your turn again, mom. I have a
will not want to use them in this manner (Zaremba sticker that rests by your eye.”
et al, 2005). To introduce this preparation strategy
to the child, the sleep technologist might say, “I Establish Positive and Defined Roles for
have a doll/stuffed animal for you to keep and take the Child and Parent while Integrating
home. Some kids like to put the same stickers on Coping Strategies
the doll/stuffed animal that they will have on their Assess a child’s and parent’s ability, interest, and
body for their sleepover. We can do this for you and readiness to participate with the experience. Some
your doll/stuffed animal.” Show the child on the children are able to manage new experiences quite
doll/stuffed animal where and how each sticker and well with very little prior preparation, and some
sensor will be placed. This can be done step-by-step, children become more comfortable, relaxed, and
prior to placement of each sticker and sensor on cooperative when given ample time and opportu-
the child. Explain to the child and encourage their nity to touch, explore, and play with the PSG sen-
involvement by saying, “First, we need to clean the sors prior to their own setup beginning. Anxious
little spot on your doll’s chest with a Q-Tip like this parents may be overly protective and restrict their
(demonstrate on doll) before we put a sticker there. child’s opportunity to interact with the environ-
While you are cleaning the spot on your doll’s chest, ment (Dahlquist & Pendley, 2005). Parents may
I’ll clean this spot on your chest (touch the spot with doubt their own ability to help their child manage
your finger first). Great job cleaning, and great job a possibly challenging experience. They may with-
holding your body still.” The child is encouraged to draw completely from actively supporting their
take the doll/stuffed animal home with them in the child and allow the sleep technologist to assume
morning. Broken EEG leads and other sensors can their parenting role. This disengagement may be
be saved and disinfected to create a reusable prepa- interpreted by the sleep center staff as not caring.
ration kit. Table 20.3 provides a suggested list of However, parents whose behavior is anxious, with-
preparation supplies. For the child who is apprehen- drawn, and/or disengaged should signal to the tech-
sive with the PSG sensors and setup process, some- nologist that further assessment and an increased
time the parent can be a role model to demonstrate emphasis on helping the parent feel comfortable
what the PSG sensors look and may feel like on the in his or her role during the sleep study experi-
parent before it is the child’s turn. After discussing ence is needed. On the other hand, some parents
this strategy with the parent, the sleep technologist may intuitively know how to comfort and support
may say, “Mom, I have a sticker for your chin (place their child in feeling confident to continue their
the sticker on mom’s chin). Thank you Mom, nice coping strategies in new and possibly challenging

Table 20.3 Suggested Preparation Supplies and Diversional Items for Sleep Studies *
Preparation Supplies Diversional Items

• Small stuffed animals and/or plain muslin cloth dolls • Books (ex. lift-the-flap books, push button
• Markers to draw face/clothes on plain muslin music/sounds books, “I Spy” books, etc.)
cloth dolls • Push button water toys
• Small fun-type stickers • Cause and effect toys (ex. pop-up, lights, music)
• Broken PSG sensors and EEG leads • “Meteor Storms” (ie. hand-held lighted spinning globes)
• PSG stickers, sensors and other PSG supplies used in • “Find-It” game (ie. objects hidden within a bead-filled
the setup cylinder)
• Unbreakable mirror • Bubbles (ie. no-spill mini-bubble tumbler)
• Portable DVD player
• Commonly viewed child-appropriate DVDs (ex. Elmo,
SpongeBob, etc)
• Ipod; iTouch; iPad
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Diversional Tools [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies
and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

z a rem b a 265
situations. When given the opportunity to express coping strategies such as redirection to an appropri-
their concerns or fears, when prepared for the pro- ate activity, distraction such as singing a song that
cedure and their role, and when receiving guidance, may require hand movements (for example, The Itsy
support, and encouragement from the health care Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, Peek-a-Boo,
professionals, parents and children are often more etc.) or playing with a cause-and-effect toy, encour-
willing to participate and become involved in their aging the parent’s hand-over-hand assistance with
medical experience (Breiner, 2009; Stephens et al., his or her child.
1999). Subsequently, parents are frequently able Anxiety is reduced when everyone’s job is known
to comfort and support their child effectively and and everyone’s task at hand can be their focus.
children are more likely to successfully manage the Having a specific role helps to refocus a parent’s
more challenging unfamiliar and/or uncomfortable and child’s energy and anxiety in a more positive
experiences (Stephens et al., 1999). and productive direction. When the parent and
child are focused on their role during a procedure,
involve and support the child and such as decorating their PSG sensors with fun stick-
parent in his/her “job” ers, giving big hugs, holding a mirror, and blowing
Establishing positive, integrated roles (or “jobs”) bubbles, their attention is redirected away from the
for the child, parent, and health care professional is sleep technologist’s performance (Cavender et al.,
essential within the RCM© model of care philoso- 2004; Stephens et al., 1999). In turn, this decreases
phy (Stephens et al., 1999). During a PSG setup, a technologist’s preoccupation and worry over the
the parent’s main role/job is to be with his or her child resisting and fighting, which allows for a
child and to support and comfort him or her; the stronger level of confidence in procedural perfor-
child’s main role/job is to hold their body (or leg, mance. This ultimately allows the technologist to
face, head, and hand) as still as he/she can while focus on the task and increases the speed and like-
the sleep technologist places the PSG sensors on his lihood of success in accomplishing the procedure
or her body; the sleep technologist’s main role/job (Bauchner et al., 1996).
is to place the PSG sensors on the child as accu-
rately as possible and to gather the best quality PSG use the rainbow comfort positioning©
data possible. Everyone’s roles/jobs can be expanded model
upon or adapted depending on the child’s interests Once a child has achieved the developmental
and individual needs during the changing circum- milestone of sitting unassisted at approximately
stances of the PSG setup and study. Consider an 6 months of age, being forced to lie down creates a
example of a busy toddler who is pulling off his sense of vulnerability, stress, and an increased struggle
PSG sensors. This is a developmentally appropriate to sit up (Stephens et al., 1999). Rainbow Comfort
behavior, considering toddlers are focused on them- Positioning© (RCP©) is a fundamental compo-
selves and the environment around them. A curi- nent of the RCM© model of care and addresses
ous toddler uses his or her senses to learn about the this developmental issue during medical procedures
environment by mouthing, touching, or pulling at by having a child sit upright, whenever possible,
objects. The child knows the PSG sensors feel dif- enhancing his or her sense of control. Additionally,
ferent and do not belong on his or her body. The a parent’s active involvement of securely holding
colorful wires are tempting to explore and pull, and and comforting his or her child supports the need
the wires are also making it difficult for him to move for a parent and child’s close physical, visual, and
around on the bed and reach the toys. However, for emotional contact with each other. Furthermore,
the sleep study to proceed the toddler needs help to the parent and child’s secure hugging hold limits
keep his or her hands busy and remain still while the the child’s movements, providing a parent’s positive
sleep technologist replaces her leg stickers and some assistance to the procedure (i.e., a hugging hold, a
of the EEG leads. If the parent does not intuitively bigger hugging hold to further minimize movement)
notice and respond to the technologist’s and child’s rather than negative restraint (i.e., holding down).
challenges, the technologist may need to refocus Using RCP©, the parent can adjust the strength of
the parent back to his or her role/job and coach his or her hold to the needs of his or her child from
him or her on helpful strategies that will assist the minimal holding (for example, parent and child sit-
technologist’s and child’s role/job. The sleep tech- ting next to each other with the need for the parent’s
nologist may guide the parent on how to securely occasional hand placement on the child’s cheek for
hold their child on their lap while also providing a reminder to hold still) to more secure holding (for

2 66 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

example, parent and child are coached to hug each
other, giving each other a bigger hug when needed).
In general, hugging is a positive action that comforts
children and adults and is beneficial for many peo-
ple, especially during stressful times. Also, the act of
hugging requires a person’s arms/body to stiffen and
ultimately lessens their movements. Coincidentally,
these results are equally beneficial for medical pro-
cedures (Stephens et al., 1999). Encouraging the
child to hug his or her parent assists in their com-
fort and their success in their only “job” which is to
hold still . . . “Your hugs with mom help your body
hold so still. I am able to put these little stickers Figure 20.2 Comfort Positioning—“Back-to-Chest” on a
Parent’s Lap. A “hugging hold” with the child’s back against
on your head so quickly.” This also reinforces the the parent’s chest. The parent’s arm is around and securing the
parent’s and child’s teamwork and accomplishments child’s body. A more secure hug is given when the child needs
by helping them know what they are doing well more help to hold his or her body still. Provide diversional
(Cavender et al., 2004; Lacey et al., 2008; Sparks items or strategies to help manage the set-up.
et al., 2007; Stephens et al., 1999).
Integrating RCP© model into a child’s sleep study the parent’s chest (Figure 20.2, “Back-to-Chest”);
experience will set a positive tone for a calm, child- the child’s chest to the parent’s chest (Figure 20.3,
friendly PSG setup. Encourage the parent and child “Chest-to-Chest”); or the child sitting sideways on
to sit together on the bed with each other or, if more the parent’s lap (Figure 20.4, “Sideways Sitting”).
comfortable, encourage the parent to sit the child on The parent and child are coached to hug one
his or her lap. For the child who is a bit more anx- another, or to give each other a bigger hug (i.e. more
ious or apprehensive, in need of more parental reas- firm and secure hug), when the child needs increas-
surance, or having a difficult time holding still, the ing restraint. However, if a child becomes frantic the
parent should be encouraged to sit on the bed (or in technologist should stop and reassess the situation
a chair bedside the bed) while the child comfortably and approach together with the parent, to determine
sits on his or her lap. The sleep technologist can then how to proceed in the best interest of the child.
begin or continue the PSG setup. Also, plenty of space Using the treatment room is central to RCM©
should be on the child’s bed for a few diversional toys model of care, particularly in an inpatient hospital set-
that can be readily accessible for redirection of busy ting. During stressful medical experiences, Stephens
hands. RCP© Positions should be creatively adapted et al. (1999) emphasize the importance of moving
for a child’s age and individual needs. For example, a the child and parent to the treatment room for stress-
chair or rocking chair can be provided for the parent ful events in order to maintain the child’s bed as a
of an infant so the parent can hold the child dur- space to relax, sleep, and heal. In a hospital setting,
ing the setup. An added benefit to this individualized often staff enter a patient’s room unannounced and at
accommodation: the parent who usually rocks his or unexpected times. In some cases stressful procedures
her child as part of their bedtime routine at home is may be performed in a child’s bed. Consequently,
able to continue this comforting ritual during their a child has difficulty differentiating if a health care
sleep study experience. professional is coming into their room for something
While a child’s minimal movement is helpful stressful or not. Unfortunately, a child may become
to the sleep technologist when applying the PSG fearful and distrustful of any staff entering their room,
sensors, this fortunately is not an absolute require- worrying that something uncomfortable may happen
ment. The technologist should be flexible in his without notice. A child’s insecurity and anxious feel-
or her approach and adapt to and accommodate ings may continue at home after their hospitalization.
some of the child’s movements within reason. If a Sleep study centers might be located in a hospital or
child’s movements increase too much and prevent hotel setting, and treatment rooms are not usually an
any PSG sensor placement, a parent can be coached option to use for the PSG setup. Generally, place-
to a Comfort Position’s more secure hugging hold. ment of the PSG sensors on a child will take place
Particularly for younger children (infants, toddlers, in his or her bed. Therefore, it is essential to create a
and some preschool-age children), the child sits positive experience that is rich in preparation, parent
upright on the parent’s lap, with the child’s back to and child interaction, and support (Figure 20.5).

z a rem b a 267
(a) (b)

Figure 20.3 Comfort Positioning—“Chest-to-Chest” on a Parent’s Lap. A chest-to-chest “hugging hold” with the parent’s arms
around the child’s body. A secure hug is given when the child needs more help to hold his or her body still. Provide diversional items
or strategies to help manage the set-up.

Paramount for the successful use of RCP© is the Whether sitting independently, sitting on a parent’s
continued assessment, guidance, and adjustment of lap, or sitting in a parent’s hugging hold, the sitting
a parent’s and child’s positioning throughout the position enhances a child’s sense of security, sense
procedure in order to maximize the child’s coop- of control, comfort, and cooperation (Cavender
eration, minimize his or her movement, and main- et al., 2004; Lacey et al., 2008; Sparks et al., 2007;
tain the child’s and parent’s emotional connection. Stephens et al., 1999).

Figure 20.4. Comfort Positioning—“Sideways Sitting on a

Parent’s Lap”. A “hugging hold” with the child sitting sideways Figure 20.5 A content toddler and mom during her PSG
on the parent’s lap. The parent’s arm cradles around and holds set-up. This active 16-month-old feels safe with her mom by
the child’s body. The parent’s free hand can be placed on her side. Her mom was able to easily redirect her attention away
the child’s cheek, head, legs or body to minimize the child’s from the sensors and wires with cause-and-effect toys, which
movements as needed. Provide diversional items or strategies to helped the sleep technologist’s successful placement of PSG
help manage the set-up. sensors. Consent for image reproduction provided.

2 68 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

guide and support the child’s and any surprises for a child and is essential, even if it
parent’s coping strategies is as simple as, “while you are watching the movie,
Coping strategies help children participate in I’m going to put these blue stickers on your chest
constructive ways in their care and during their pro- right here, here, and here (as you point the areas
cedures. This in turn enhances the child’s sense of on the child’s chest).” Diversional items also offer a
mastery and appropriate control over a potentially bridge for a heath care professional to establish rap-
stressful experience (Salmela, Salantera & Aronen, port, trust, and cooperation with a child. For safety
2010). Using coping strategies can decrease a child’s and infection control, all diversional items must be
anxiety and pain while improving his/her coop- easily disinfected with an approved hospital cleaner/
eration and ability to manage stressful experiences. disinfectant after each child’s use.
Additionally, active forms of coping result in less pain Engaging a parent and child in creating a cop-
and less behavioral distress (Cavender et al., 2004). ing plan for managing their sleep study experience
For example, offer the child a mirror to hold with cannot be overemphasized (Salmela, Salentera &
both hands as he or she watches the leads, stickers and Aronen, 2010). Appendix C offers suggestions on a
sensors being placed on the chest, face, and head. This variety of developmentally appropriate coping strat-
coping strategy increases the child’s sense of control egies that can be used during a child’s sleep study.
by being able to watch the sleep technologist apply Essential is remembering to ask a parent for their
the PSG stickers rather than just feeling the unfamil- ideas on how he or she can be most supportive to
iar sensations on his or her body. Additionally, the their child, as well as how you can be most support-
child’s hands are occupied, resulting in less likelihood ive to both of them (Figure 20.6). This same ques-
for tugging at the sensors. Another challenge might tion can also be asked of a child. For example, “I’m
be a child who is very sensitive to textures and finds having a hard time putting the sticker on your leg.
the skin preparation (i.e., Nuprep, Lemon Prep, etc.) You are wiggling your legs away from me. What will
uncomfortable and possibly intolerable. In this case, be helpful so you are able to keep your leg relaxed?”
provide the child a bit more control and involve- Try to incorporate the child’s and parent’s ideas or,
ment in the experience by encouraging the child to if needed, provide a few acceptable options to them.
help clean his or her skin with you. Offer the child a This may involve considering, or adapting to, an
Q-Tip with a small amount of “cleaning lotion,” then approach that might be new or different from your
guide his or her participation in helping you clean typical routine. In the event that their suggestions
his or her skin. Follow the child’s cues with either cannot be accommodated or adapted, it is important
more encouragement if the child’s interest is piqued
by his or her involvement, or a different approach if
the child still seems overwhelmed or is not respond-
ing. Additionally, using the medical equipment in
fun but accurate ways is often helpful. For example,
have an assortment of small-size fun stickers with dif-
ferent pictures and interests available (for example,
cars, animals, princesses, cartoon characters, etc.) for
the child to decorate the PSG sensors. When ready
to apply the PSG sensors to the child, encourage the
child to select each sensor that he or she decorated
for placement.
Diversional items are another effective coping
strategy to use during a child’s sleep study experi-
ence. Diversional items and toys can enhance a
Figure 20.6 A content toddler and mom at the end of her PSG
child’s cooperation, coping, and sense of control set-up. All PSG sensors, except the nasal cannula and thermis-
(Breiner, 2009; Heard, 2008; Salmela, Salantera ter, were able to be placed on the toddler prior to her falling
& Aronen, 2010). Table 20.3 suggests a variety of asleep. She remained happy and cooperative during the entire
diversional items that can be helpful to children dur- PSG set-up with no attempt to pull at the PSG sensors and
wires. The sleep technologist and parents decided to place the
ing PSG experiences. The use of diversional items
nasal cannula and thermister after the toddler was in a deeper
does not eliminate the need to explain to a child and stage of sleep. All sensors were successfully placed and sensor
parent the sequence of events as they happen dur- integrity was easily maintained throughout the night. Consent
ing the PSG setup. Preparation helps to eliminate for image reproduction provided.

z a rem b a 269
to validate the child’s and parent’s thoughts, feel- example, rubbing their ear, hair, blanket, or stuffed
ings, or input, then discuss the reason their sugges- animal).
tion cannot be realistically implemented. Many children manage their sleep study experi-
Having an open mind, patience, flexibility, and ence and tolerate the PSG sensors better than their
a positive, calm attitude are prerequisites for work- parents or staff would have otherwise predicted.
ing with children. Even with the best preparation Much success may be due to the positive, calm,
and coping strategies, children may become over- and child-friendly RCM© practices of the sleep
whelmed by the sleep study experience. A child’s center’s staff. However, some children with sensory
uncooperativeness is most likely an attempt to issues, anxiety issues, or children with a limited abil-
communicate his or her needs. A child may exhibit ity to cooperate are still not able to tolerate a full
increased anxiety (for example, self-stimulating PSG setup at the beginning of or throughout the
behaviors, disengaging, screaming, etc.), uncoop- night, despite the sleep technician’s caring efforts
erative or aggressive behaviors to protect his or her and despite exhausting all RCM© coping strategies.
body, even to the extent of panic when a child’s While achieving a full polysomnography study is
fight or flight response is triggered (for example, the ideal goal, for some children with sensory issues,
blocking placement of sensors, pulling off sensors, anxiety issues, or limited ability to cooperate, this
hitting, biting, screaming, etc.). Could a child’s may not be a reality. Some children still are not able
reactions be due to limited understanding, over- to tolerate all the PSG sensors even when all RCM©
stimulation, discomfort, hunger, sensory overload, and coping strategies have been exhausted. Research
unfamiliar environment and people, inability to has shown that excessive restraint during procedures
follow established routines and rituals, or could it increases a child’s distress (Sparks, Setlik, & Luhman,
be something else (Salmela, Aronen & Salantera, 2007). Therefore, the sleep technologist and par-
2010; Salmela, Salantera, Aronen, 2010)? It is ents will need to discuss options for a less traumatic
crucial for a sleep technologist to be attentive to a approach to applying the sensors while still being
child’s and parent’s cues, talk with a parent about able to gather quality data for a clinical diagnosis. By
the child’s anxiety triggers, recognize a need to minimizing a child’s distress during the PSG setup
adapt to a new approach that is less threatening, or through alternate approaches, a child is more apt to
discuss other strategies with a parent. One helpful tolerate and maintain the crucial PSG sensors that
approach may be placing the least intrusive sen- can be placed, and his or her typical sleep onset will
sors on the child first, such as the leg sensors, then most likely occur. One consideration may be placing
progressively working up to placing the sensors the most needed sensors on the child prior to sleep
on the torso, neck, head, and then face. The sleep onset; then, when the child achieves a deeper sleep
technologist may prefer to begin a child’s PSG stage, place the challenging or remaining PSG sen-
setup with the EEG electrodes and face sensors sors (Zaremba et al., 2005). Ultimately, while not
because it is easier for the technologist and part of ideal, a limited channel study may become the only
his or her established routine. However, the place- viable option for the extremely anxious or uncoop-
ment of the sensors should correspond with what erative child. The number of sensors needed for the
is easiest, most comfortable, and less threatening child depends on the clinical question being asked.
for the child and not necessarily the simplest for When sleep disordered breathing is in question, the
the sleep technician. For example, the sleep techni- more severe the breathing problem, the fewer sensors
cian begins the PSG setup with the sensors farthest are needed. When moderate to severe sleep apnea
away from the child’s head and face (i.e., the leg, is in question, the problem will not be missed by
then chest sensors) while leaving the more sensi- simple oximetry and good technician observation of
tive head and face sensors until last. This allows the snoring and difficulty breathing. The fewer the num-
child to feel more in control by being able to watch ber of signals available for review, the more experi-
and easily participate with the initial sensors. Once enced the interpreting physician needs to be in terms
the child is familiar with the process, he or she can of lab–clinical correlations (C. Rosen, personal com-
watch in a mirror as the head and face sensors are munication, May 16, 2012). Useful and quality data
placed. Another suggestion, and less bothersome can still be gained while ultimately supporting the
for the child, may be placing the pulse-oximeter emotional integrity of the whole child. The entire
on the child’s toe instead of the finger, especially sleep center staff’s creative thinking and concern for
if the child is a thumb-sucker or uses his or her the child’s overall well-being, in addition to the col-
hands for self-soothing sleep onset activities (for laboration with the parents on the child’s individual

270 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

needs, make alternate approaches to the sleep study has been shown to significantly increase patient/fam-
experience possible while still leading to quality data ily satisfaction with the experience (Salmela, Aronen,
collection. & Salantera, 2010; Salmela, Salantera, & Aronen,
2010; Wolfer & Visintainer, 1979). As the child and
Create an Inviting, Calm and parent arrive at the sleep clinic or to the sleep unit/
Supportive Environment laboratory, the importance of establishing rapport
Creating an inviting, calm, and relaxing child- and a trusting relationship begins immediately. If the
friendly atmosphere (Stephens et al.,1999) will child is very quiet or reluctant to walk with his or
set the tone for a child’s and parent’s sleep center her parent to the exam room at the sleep clinic or
experience (Zaremba et al, 2005). Pay attention to the “bedroom” in the sleep unit/laboratory, it may
each area of the sleep center that a child and parent be an indication that he or she is nervous or worried.
will encounter, such as the waiting room and exam Parental involvement will be crucial in order to gain a
rooms in the sleep clinic and the reception area and child’s cooperation, and a bit more time may need to
“bedrooms” on the sleep unit. Look at the areas or be spent with the child in relationship-building and
rooms from a child’s point of view, and at a child’s step-by-step preparation. Using toys and bubbles are
eye level. What would a child see first as he or she helpful strategies to ease transitions and build rap-
walks into the area or room? A medical assistant in port. For example, create a bubble parade by blow-
the sleep clinic might write an individualized greet- ing bubbles as everyone walks down the hallway to
ing for the child on the exam table’s paper (for exam- the exam room or “bedroom.” The child and parent
ple, “Hi Anna!”). Have a variety of books available in can pop the bubbles as they walk to their “bedroom.”
the exam room for the child to look at or read as the With proper preparation, the child should have no
parents talk with the sleep medicine specialist. For surprises from the sleep study technologist, which in
a child-friendlier welcome on the sleep unit, place turn will foster an increasingly trusting relationship.
a few developmentally appropriate, interactive toys Additionally beneficial to gaining a child’s trust
and books on the bed in the child’s “bedroom.” The and cooperation is the health care professional’s abil-
parent’s bed or cot can be made up in advance as ity to adapt his or her demeanor to match a child’s
well, so the child can be reassured that his or her par- emotions (Stephens et al., 1999). For example, a typi-
ent is staying for the “sleepover,” too (Figure 20.7). cally outgoing and exuberant sleep technologist tones
These approaches, along with the caring and child- down those behaviors when caring for an introverted
friendly staff, instantly welcome a child and parent and timid child. The technologist’s approach becomes
and help them to relax and feel more comfortable. softer, gentle and quiet. As the evening progresses,
and if the child becomes more relaxed and comfort-
build rapport with the child able, the technologist may slowly incorporate a bit
and parent more of his or her outgoing personality, keeping in
Making a concentrated effort to establish a trusting mind to continually assess the child’s behavioral cues
and supportive relationship with a child and parent for further adjustment. On the other hand, a child
with attention deficit disorder may find the new and
stimulating environment too much, making it near
impossible for the child to calm down, sit still, and
focus, let alone fall asleep. In this case, a sleep tech-
nologist will need to create a quiet atmosphere with
very little stimulation. During the child’s setup sug-
gestions may include using quieter voices, lowering
the lights in the bedroom, turning off the TV, limit-
ing the amount of choices, and choosing appropriate
and calming diversional items. Additionally, when
building rapport with parents conversations can be
easily sidetracked to unrelated topics apart from the
child’s interests, needs, or experiences, or to the par-
ent’s pertinent needs and questions. Help maintain a
Figure 20.7 A child-friendly “bedroom” with toys to welcome a
child-focused experience with conversations focused
child and a comfortable parent sleep space. (University Hospitals on the child’s interests, comfort, preparation, ques-
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH). tions, and coping strategies.

z a rem b a 271
provide positive guidance and praise would you like to hand me next? . . . Cool! It is a
Stress affects a person’s ability to successfully sticker with a turtle on it!” (Refer to Table 20.4 for
manage an experience. Demonstrating confidence suggested positive guidance and positive phrasing).
in children’s and parents’ ability to succeed will help
to decrease their stress and positively impact their Practical Interventions Prior to the Child’s
experience (Breiner, 2009; Dahlquist & Pendley, Sleep Study Night
2005). The sleep technologist can role-model, Many practical coping strategies and interven-
coach, and gently guide a parent and child through tions have been discussed to facilitate a child’s and
the experience, adapting approaches to meet the parent’s psychological preparation process and
parent’s and child’s specific emotional, developmen- coping skill development during a sleep study.
tal, and psychological needs. To redirect the busy In addition, organizational and environmental
child back to a book and gently coach the parent considerations, as well as preadmission interven-
to become more involved, a technologist might say, tions, may be helpful to consider prior to a child’s
“Dad, I wonder what picture is under the flap with study night. Implementing these interventions can
the picture of a train? Johnny, can you guess?” or enhance a child’s and parent’s experience as well as
“Which flap are you and dad going to open next?” the overall sleep study quality.
Praise helps to reinforce a person’s accomplish-
ments. Even during the most challenging situations, Organizational and Environmental
something positive can be found. For example, Considerations
“Your crying tells me you don’t like this . . . but I When working with a pediatric population,
noticed you and Dad gave each other big hugs while organizational and environmental considerations
you watched in the mirror. I was able to put these may be overlooked, such as in the scheduling pro-
stickers on very quickly.” By acknowledging a child’s cess, in accommodations for the parent and child,
and parent’s teamwork and specific efforts such as and in safety concerns in the sleep unit/laboratory.
trying, listening, holding still, helping, or even When scheduling a child’s sleep study, or when
“being done,” they will feel more confident in their the technologist is determining the start time for
own abilities and be more apt to apply the strategies the PSG setup on the sleep study night, the child’s
they learned to future experiences (Breiner, 2009; typical sleep/wake cycles should be taken into con-
Stephens et al., 1999; Zaremba et al., 2005). For sideration. For convenience, all studies in the sleep
example, “Great teamwork! Thank you for handing unit/laboratory may need to be consistently sched-
me the stickers, you and Dad decorated with the uled for the same patient arrival time (for example,
animal stickers. We’ve got quite a zoo here! I need to 7:30pm). As a child and parent arrive, allow a bit
put the next sticker beside your eye. Which sticker of time for them to relax and become comfortable

Table 20.4 Suggested Phrases for Positive Guidance and Praise*

Positive Guidance Praise

• “Mom, you can hold Matt on your lap. This will • “You did it Abby! You held your head very still so I could
help Matt be more still. You both can continue gently put the sticker mustache under your nose. That was
to play with the toy while I put the EEG leads on so helpful!”
Matt’s head.” • “You and Dad make a great team!”
• “Hug each other a little tighter.” • “Eliza, you are holding your head so still. That is so helpful.
• “Dad, what will you and Anna look for next in the We are really working together.”
‘I-Spy’ book?” • “Your crying tells me you don’t like this Emma, but I notice
• “I notice it is hard for you to keep your head still you are holding your body very still. I’m able to put these
Alan. Mom, can you put your hand on Alan’s stickers on your legs much quicker. Your mom’s hugs seem
cheek. This may help remind him to keep his head very comforting.”
still.” • “Wow Becky! You kept your body so still for me while you
• “You can hold this mirror with both hands. Now and mom were looking at the book together. That was great
you can watch as I put the stickers on your chin.” teamwork!”
• “What a big hug you are giving each other!”
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Positive Guidance and Praise [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational handout series]. University Hospitals
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

272 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

in their “bedroom.” For a cooperative child, the Co-sleeping should also be an option for a par-
setup may take approximately an hour to com- ent and child during their sleep study. The parent
plete. However, anticipate and plan for additional and child may routinely sleep together at home.
time when younger children, anxious children, or Requiring the parent and child to sleep in differ-
children with special needs are scheduled, as well ent beds on the study night may be a disruption
as when extended montages or CPAP studies have to their normal routine at home, potentially lead-
been ordered by the sleep medicine specialist. If the ing to the child’s uncooperative behaviors and add-
child has a late bedtime at home, consider waiting ing to the child’s distress. Even when co-sleeping
to begin the child’s PSG setup until closer to his/ is not a typical pattern at home, it still may need
her actual bedtime. By shortening the length of to be considered during the study night for a busy,
time between the child’s completed setup (i.e., all anxious, or upset child. Co-sleeping may provide
the tolerable sensors are applied prior to sleep onset) the child additional closeness, security, and reassur-
and when he or she falls asleep, there is less oppor- ance needed from the parent in order to cooper-
tunity for the child to fidget, become increasingly ate. While the parent and child are lying together,
frustrated with the sensors being on them, or pos- the parent can continue to comfort his or her child
sibly pull off the sensors. while redirecting unwanted behaviors such as pull-
As a health care professional, consider that ing at the sensors or getting out of bed. Depending
you are inviting a child and parent into your own on the child’s need, co-sleeping may be needed until
“home”—the sleep clinic or in the sleep unit. What the child falls asleep or perhaps for the entire night.
should this feel like for a child and parent? Take While the parent remains in his or her child’s bed,
into account what a child and parent see and expe- the technologist’s detailed notes during the night
rience upon entering the waiting room, the exam will provide helpful information for study inter-
room, the sleep unit or the “bedroom.” These areas pretation (for example, documenting the parent’s
all need to be child-friendly, comfortable, safe, and snoring, movement, etc.).
quiet. This first impression helps to pave the path People understand and assimilate information
for the child’s and parent’s visit. In the waiting areas, differently. Some people respond well to written
seeing unfamiliar and/or ill-appearing adult patients information, some to verbal information, some
may heighten a child’s anxiety and potentially begin to hands-on experiences, and some to a combina-
their visit with more apprehension. A separate, tion of the above. Parents should receive a confir-
child-friendly area for meeting and greeting pediat- mation letter via email or postal mail confirming
ric patients may be helpful to consider. Additionally, their child’s appointment, as well as a confirmation
common safety considerations in a sleep unit include phone call a day or two prior to their child’s visit.
beds with optional safety rails, access to extra linens The sleep study confirmation letter should include
and padding, safety plugs for wall outlets, limited the study’s date, arrival time, type of test, parking
medical equipment within the child’s view and logistics, directions to the sleep unit/laboratory,
reach, bedside emergency equipment, staff train- and any registration information needed. Also
ing for emergency situations, medical-alert proce- helpful is adding a brief explanation of what to
dures, and medical backup appropriate for children expect during the study night, such as the routine
(Zaremba et al., 2005). of the night and an overview of the PSG sensors.
During a sleep study it is essential to keep in Provide a reminder to bring anything that would
mind sleeping arrangements for a child and parent enhance the child’s comfort sleeping away from
(Dahlquist & Pendley, 2005). There must be com- home, facilitate their typical bedtime routine, or
fortable sleeping accommodations for the parent in help with diversion during the setup (for example,
the same room as the child, like a cot or pullout pajamas, comfort items, pillow, bedtime stories,
couch with pillows and linens provided. The sleep/ favorite toy or DVD, etc.). Additionally, provide
laboratory unit will need to anticipate and be flexible a reminder of what not to do or use prior to the
to sometimes accommodate two parents rooming-in study night (for example, no caffeine, limited naps,
due to a variety of reasons, such as families traveling no skin or scalp lotions, etc.). Finally, include con-
long distances or when having the presence of both tact information to a designated resource person
parents may feel more normal, familiar, and sup- (further described below) in the sleep center and
portive to the child. Parents can then support each encourage a parent to call with any questions or if
other, as well, capitalizing on each other’s strengths they feel their child may have difficulty with the
in helping the child to cooperate. experience.

z a rem b a 273
As mentioned above, pediatric sleep centers reviewing a referring physician’s notes can shed light
should consider incorporating a designated resource on a child’s developmental, social, and medical his-
person on their staff, such as a child life specialist or tory, as well as past medical experiences.
a sleep technician specifically trained in providing Another key assessment period is during the
developmental preparations and guiding and teach- scheduling process with a parent for the sleep study.
ing coping skill strategies to parents and children. The sleep coordinator gathers the child’s demo-
A resource person is able to provide the additional graphic, general sleep, and health information
time needed for families prior to their study night needed for scheduling. The sleep coordinator can
by supporting their emotional and psychological also take this opportunity with the parent to gain
needs, helping them to manage their sleep study additional information about the child, which may
experience, and providing essential communication signal the need for further interventions prior to his
and support to the sleep center staff (Zaremba et al., or her sleep study. For example, the coordinator may
2005). ask, “Does your child have any medical conditions
(any disabilities or genetic conditions), behavioral
Pre-Procedural Assessment and problems, or accommodations needs that we should
Preparation Strategies be aware of?” Then list a few possibilities, such as
Ideally, preparation for a child and parent’s sleep Down’s Syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, develop-
study starts in advance of the sleep study night. mental delays, mental or learning disabilities, severe
Preparation and information interchange can be behavior problems, visual or hearing impairments,
accomplished in many different ways, including tele- autism, sensory issues, seizures, cerebral palsy, cran-
phone, mail, Internet or pre-study visits. Pre-study iofacial diagnosis, ADHD/ADD. Children with
assessment helps to determine the emotional readi- higher-acuity disorders may be at an increased risk
ness and coping abilities of the child and parent for for poor coping during medical procedures (Slifer &
their experience (Heard, 2008). Many children who Frutchey, 2008). To gather further helpful informa-
are referred to the sleep clinic for a consultation or tion about the child, the coordinator may ask, “Is
to the sleep unit for a sleep study are children with there anything you know about your child that might
higher-acuity disorders such as certain medical, make it hard for him or her to do or cooperate for a
genetic, behavioral, or neurodevelopmental or neu- sleep test?” Some parents can only answer this ques-
romuscular comorbidities (for example, Trisomy tion honestly if they have an understanding of what
21, Prader Willi syndrome, autism spectrum disor- the sleep study entails and what will be required of
der, sensory integration disorders, anxiety disorders, their child. A brief overview of the PSG sensors may
ADD/ADHD, etc.; Sinha & Guilleminault, 2010; need to be repeated. Additionally, it may be helpful
Richdale & Schreck, 2009). These comorbidities to ask about the child’s cooperation, coping skills,
may make managing the sleep study experience and possible challenges with transitions; then briefly
especially challenging for the child (Reynolds & discuss possible interventions and coping strategies
Malow, 2011). Pre-study preparation is extremely (Zaremba et al., 2005). A referral to the sleep center’s
helpful for children with developmental disabilities resource person for further support and preparation
(Slifer & Frutchey, 2008). should be made when the sleep coordinator feels the
The assessment process should begin during the parent would benefit from more time or expertise
initial contact with the family, either upon their beyond what he or she is able to give during the
first visit to the sleep clinic with the sleep medicine scheduling process.
specialist and/or during their sleep study scheduling During the above key information-gathering
process with the sleep coordinator. When a child opportunities, decisions can be made on the acuity
and parent are seen in the sleep clinic prior to sched- and staffing level of the sleep study and the commu-
uling their sleep study, a sleep medicine specialist nication process can begin with the sleep center staff
can gain an appreciation for how a child and parent (Zaremba et al., 2005). For those children who are
may tolerate the study night by personally observing identified as high risk for anxiety and uncooperative
and interacting with a child, observing parent–child behaviors, a designated child life specialist or sleep
dynamics, and gathering a parent’s perceptions of study resource person can provide a more detailed
how his or her child may manage the upcoming follow-up with a parent and child prior to their
sleep study (for example, a child’s cooperation with sleep night. This person can provide a pre-proce-
past sleep study or similar testing experiences or in dural preparation telephone call to a parent, as well
unfamiliar and/or stressful situations). Additionally, as conducting a pre-procedural daytime visit to the

274 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

sleep unit with a parent and child. Both are success- sleep study with the child by introducing it as a
ful strategies that are beneficial to meeting children’s “sleepover,” then continue with a preparation plan
and parents’ pre-procedural emotional, psychologi- that corresponds to the child’s developmental level
cal, developmental, and preparation needs. and need for information. Simple wording for a
child developmentally functioning at a preschool
pre-procedural preparation telephone level may be, “Matt, you and I are going to have a
call with the parent sleepover at Rainbow tomorrow. Your sleep doctor
A pre-procedural preparation phone call to a par- and I want to know why you are so tired during
ent is made by a sleep center’s designated resource the day and what we can do to help you. At our
person when a parent and/or child has been iden- sleepover we will meet a few people that will help
tified by the sleep medicine staff as needing more us. They will put a few stickers on your legs, chest,
emotional and preparation support prior to the face, and head . . . maybe you can even help them.
study night. Due to the detailed nature of most These stickers will help your sleep doctor know how
pre-procedural telephone calls, more time will be your body is working while you are sleeping. You
spent on the telephone with a parent than during will need to sleep all night with the stickers on you.
the sleep study scheduling phone call. Every phone I will sleep in a bed next to you. The next morning
conversation is individualized to the parent’s needs. you can help take the stickers off your body and we
Depending on those needs, a telephone call may will come home.”
last 30 minutes or more. Parents of children with Parents can also role-play a PSG setup at home
higher-acuity disorders have been found to benefit with the child by placing fun-type stickers (which
most from these telephone calls, since their children can be purchased at many stores) in the appropriate
may be more easily overwhelmed by the sleep study places on a doll, stuffed animal, themselves and/or
experience and PSG sensor setup (Zaremba et al., the child. in a playful but educational manner. Long
2005). strings to simulate the PSG sensor wires can be
The pre-procedural preparation telephone call added to each “sensor” if the parent feels this would
offers the opportunity to gain additional insight into be helpful. The child may benefit greatly from this
a child’s personality, temperament, and past coping approach to preparation, since the process begins in
with challenging experiences or medical events. It the comfort of home. The parent also has the abil-
is an opportunity for a parent to sort out worries ity to offer a number of short preparation sessions,
and concerns and to ask further questions (Heard, which can increase in length and content according
2008). The resource person making the call is able to to the child’s needs. To further facilitate the child’s
share with the parent a more detailed explanation of preparation process and the transition from home
the study night, including the various PSG sensors to the sleep study unit/laboratory, the parents can
and how they are applied. Even though the sleep encourage their child to help pack a suitcase for the
medicine specialist or referring physician may have sleepover. The child can help decide what to bring
described a sleep study experience and PSG sensors (for example, favorite pajamas, comfort items, pil-
to the parent, it is not uncommon for a parent to low, favorite items or toys that may facilitate distrac-
hear and retain only a small portion of the explana- tion during the setup, etc.), along with any items
tion. Hearing explanations again may prompt fur- involved with their typical bedtime routine (bed-
ther questions that were not previously considered. time stories, non-caffeinated bedtime drinks and
Additional dialogue can then take place, discussing snacks, soft bedtime music, etc.)
different preparation and coping strategies that may The information gathered during a pre-procedure
enhance the child’s coping with and tolerance of a preparation telephone call should be communicated
sleep study experience. Parents’ questions or con- with the sleep center staff through documentation in
cerns regarding their child’s medicines, diagnosis, the child’s medical records. The sleep center’s medi-
or future treatment plans should be directed to the cal director, manager, and/or lead technician should
sleep medicine specialist. review this information so that any additional con-
Parents also can be encouraged to begin the cerns that may impact the study are anticipated and
preparation process at home. It may be helpful to proactively managed.
discuss with parents the importance of appropri-
ate timing and approaches, as well as to suggest optional pre-procedural daytime visit
developmentally appropriate word choices to use Pre-procedural and presurgical preparation pro-
with the child. Parents can begin talking about the grams for children have been found to decrease both

z a rem b a 275
a child’s and parent’s anxiety and increase their com- Providing multiple pre-procedural training ses-
fort level and cooperation with upcoming experi- sions using incremental desensitization paired with
ences. Tours and preparation sessions prior to a other behavioral training strategies may not be feasi-
procedure or surgical experience improve a child’s ble for sleep centers to offer due to time constraints.
understanding of what to expect on the procedure However, a sleep center program should offer par-
or surgery day and offers opportunities to become ents and children an option of at least a single pre-
familiar with the environment and begin building a procedural daytime visit. The visit to the sleep unit/
rapport with the medical staff (Ellerton & Merriam, laboratory should include a tour of the sleep unit/
1994; Slifer & Frutchey, 2008; DeMore, Cataldo, laboratory and bedroom. In the bedroom, encour-
Tierney, & Slifer, 2009). Given the tremendous age the child to safely explore the room. Sitting or
benefits that pre-procedural preparation visits can lying on the bed, working the TV remote control,
offer to children, parents, and staff, sleep centers and so forth may help the child feel more comfort-
should consider providing optional pre-procedural able in the space. Then offer opportunities for the
daytime visits for children and parents and encour- child’s familiarization with the PSG sensors and
age their participation, especially when children hands-on preparation for the actual PSG setup. A
have poor coping abilities. doll or stuffed animal can be used to help the child
Supporting the benefits of pre-procedural prepa- and parent learn more about the PSG sensors and
ration visits are two studies conducted with children setup. Demonstrate on the doll or stuffed animal
with developmental and behavioral disabilities. (which can be taken home) where and how the PSG
Slifer & Frutchey (2008) and DeMore et al. (2009) sensors will be placed, and encourage the child’s
determined helpful strategies for children who have help. Being able to touch the PSG sensors and par-
neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as autism, to ticipate in the demonstration and role-playing will
help them successfully manage and complete stan- continue to increase the child’s familiarity, under-
dard electroencephalographic (EEG) procedures standing, and comfort level with the PSG equip-
(Slifer & Frutchey 2008) and overnight EEG pro- ment and experience. During a pre-visit, a plan
cedures (DeMore et al., 2009). In both studies, chil- for managing the PSG experience also needs to be
dren were involved with pre-procedural mock EEG discussed and possibly role-played with the parent
sessions in which each child had a systematic and and child. Strategies may include hands-on dem-
gradual exposure to the procedural steps, helping onstration, participation, RCP©, relaxation, and
them form increasingly positive associations, toler- distraction.
ance, and success with the EEG routine while also Similar to a preparation approach during a child’s
using additional behavioral intervention strategies to sleep study night, preparation during the pre-visit
increase compliance (i.e., differential reinforcement, involves a parent but should progress at the child’s
escape extinction, counterconditioning, shaping pace and observed level of anxiety, but never to the
procedures). The researchers found that with incre- extent of overly distressing the child. Continual
mental preparation, desensitization, and behavioral assessment of the child’s understanding, nonverbal
training provided during the children’s pre-visit(s), cues, and emotional reactions are important when
children’s cooperation, tolerance of sensory stimu- adapting an approach to meet the child’s individual
lation, and coping abilities increased. In addition, needs. For example, if the child seems distracted,
their uncooperative behaviors (i.e., aggression, not listening or unable to focus, attempts should be
blocking placement of or removing EEG leads, cry- made to redirect the child’s attention back to the
ing, screaming, attempting to run away) decreased preparation. If the child still is not responding or
during the actual procedure, providing successful inattentive, continue the preparation process with
completion of the children’s EEG studies. Since the just the parent. Even though the child may seem
successful completion of both an EEG procedure inattentive, he or she may still be listening and tak-
and a sleep study test involves similar behavioral ing in all overheard information. The preparation
requirements for a child (i.e., the ability to tolerate experience may have become too overwhelming for
sensory stimulation, transitions, unfamiliar environ- the child, and a slower or different approach may
ment and equipment, and limited mobility for an be needed. It may be helpful to encourage the par-
extended period of time), these interventions and ent to review with his or her child the sleep study
positive results from Slifer & Frutchey and DeMore information and sensors shared at the pre-visit once
et al. studies can be generalized to benefit children in the familiar and nonthreatening environment of
undergoing sleep studies. their home.

276 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Additional ideas to facilitate further preparation comfort, achievement, self-control, self-esteem, and
at home after the pre-visit include: taking a pho- resilience. The benefits of incorporating the RCM©
tograph of the child during the pre-visit prepara- model of care into a sleep center’s philosophy,
tion session (for example, sitting on the bed with policies and practice guidelines are summarized in
the doll that he/she helped place the PSG sensors), Table 20.5.
which can be referred at home and help continue What a child experiences during a medical
discussion, preparation, and transition back to the experience and how he/she remembers that event
sleep unit/laboratory for the child’s study night; or has significant implications for how that child will
providing the child and parent with a few extra sen- manage future medical experiences (Salmon et al.,
sors to take home (for example, EKG sensors, EEG 2006; Chen et al., 2000). A child and parent should
electrode with a shortened wire nasal cannula, etc.), not be required to totally conform to all of our
which may add to further hands-on practice and needs and practices when this may create negative
desensitization opportunities. experiences for them. Instead, a child’s and parent’s
needs should guide, influence, and change how
Conclusion we practice. Intentionally take note: how do your
Health care experiences typically elicit some actions and words translate to the child and par-
stress, if not a great amount of stress from individu- ent? . . . what words do you choose? . . . how are your
als enduring them. Positively speaking, when stress messages delivered and how are they received? . . . are
is anticipated it can be seen as an opportunity for you doing things for and with a child instead of just
growth, to learn how to cope, manage adversity, and to them? These questions may seem inconsequential
develop resiliency. Stress is also more tolerable when in the overall goal of completing a task or medical
coupled with support from trusted individuals. A procedure. However, these questions and consider-
person’s stress level may rise as his or her physician ations are not inconsequential to the child and fam-
discusses a plan of care, as they receive preparation ily. These questions, considerations, and responsive
for an upcoming medical procedure, or as they talk actions are crucial to the respectful humanization of
about different strategies to manage an experience. the child’s and family’s experience. This is the art of
However, discussion, preparation, and the imple- caring. In order to empower the child and parent in
mentation of coping strategies will contribute to a the medical experience, ask yourself these questions,
person’s development of resiliency. As preparation am I open to examining my own approach? . . . am
unfolds, it is combined with support from knowl- I willing to integrate the RCM© model of care
edgeable and caring staff committed to helping a components—this family centered, relationship-
child and parent manage their challenging hurdles based approach—into my clinical perspective and
ahead. On the other hand, unexpected stress—stress practice? Additionally, for the sleep technician and
from the unknown, unpredictable, or threatening the sleep center’s benefit, this reflective mindset
event—creates a loss of control and increases anxi- and approach will make the difference between a
ety. We as health care professionals need to under- successful sleep study and diagnostic outcome ver-
stand how to promote resiliency within children and sus possibly not being able to complete the sleep
not inhibit, obstruct, or send mixed messages. We study at all. During the child’s and parent’s health
can help a child and parent not only to cope in the care experiences, we have the ideal opportunity as
moment during a procedure or situation, but also sleep medicine professionals to help strengthen the
to gain the confidence and skills to cope better in child and parent in their spirit, in their relationship,
the future. Ultimately, the child’s resiliency will help in their view of healthcare professionals and medi-
him or her overcome the many adversities they will cal experiences, and in their confidence in being
face in life (Bernard vanLeer Foundation, 1995). able to cope positively with future medical and life
A child’s and parent’s involvement in their experiences.
medical experience must be seen as a process that
evolves over time according to their needs, cir- Future Directions
cumstances, and motivation. The RCM© model There is an abundance of research that supports
of care’s foundations rooted in child development a child’s and parent’s emotional, psychological, and
and uses evidence-based strategies to enhance a developmental growth when pre-procedural prepa-
child’s and parent’s understanding of their experi- ration, parent–child involvement, RCP©, and cop-
ences and builds their coping skills. The model pro- ing strategies are integrated into their care plans.
motes a child’s and parent’s increased participation, Unfortunately, there is only limited literature and

z a rem b a 277
Table 20.5 Benefits of Rainbow Comfort Measures© Model of Care*
For the Parent and the Child … For the Health Care Professional …

• Decreased Anxiety and Emotional Stress • Decreased Number of Staff Needed for Immobilization
RCM© promotes physical and emotional RCM© upholds the importance of parental involvement
contact between the child and parent. Anxiety and preparation which leads to the child’s enhanced
and fear is reduced and lower levels of fear cooperation. Fewer staff members are needed due to the
correlate to a decreased perception of pain. child’s increased cooperation and decreased movement.
• Increased Self-esteem, Mastery and Resiliency • Decreased Time for Procedural Success
RCM© facilitates and promotes the child’s RCM© promotes a collaborative working relationship
feeling of control and therefore his/her ability to between the child, parent and staff members. There is
cooperate. The child’s self confidence, mastery a focus on individual roles while also working toward
over an experience, self esteem, and resiliency the overall combined goal of a successful outcome, both
are all increased. physically and emotionally.
• Maintained and Strengthened Parent-Child • Decreased Stress and Pressure on Procedural
Bond Performance
Parents want to help their child get through Since RCM© assumes the child and parent are prepared
challenging experiences but sometimes they for their experience and their role during the procedure, an
don’t know how. RCM© involves and coaches environment is created for staff to have a better frame of
a parent’s active role to positively support their mind for accuracy. There is a decreased preoccupation and
child leading to a strengthened and trusted worry over the child resisting and fighting which allows
parent-child bond. for a strong level of confidence in procedural performance.
• Increased Satisfaction with Immediate and Ultimately, the likelihood of success in accomplishing the
Future Health Care Experiences task at hand is increased.
RCM© promotes positive experiences and • Increased Trust and Confidence Toward Health Care
memories that will have a far reaching impact Professionals
on the child’s and family’s perception and RCM© empowers a sense of trust, confidence, and
response to their current and future health care camaraderie among the parent, child, and staff members
experiences. which will extend to future health care experiences.
* Adapted with permission from: Zaremba & Mitchell (2011).

research documenting effective approaches and adenotonsillectomy alone. Many of these children
strategies to help children and families manage the are looking at long-term therapies like CPAP to
emotional, psychological, and procedural challenges manage their sleep apnea (Sinha & Guilleminault,
of sleep studies. Future research investigations are 2010). CPAP therapy involves wearing a cushioned
needed with children and parents who undergo sleep mask over the nose and sometime nose and mouth.
studies to determine successful interventions and These masks deliver humidified airflow and pressure
coping strategies that increase cooperation, decrease to open up the child’s collapsed airway at night so
anxiety, and provide a child and parent with posi- that the child can achieve good quality, safe sleep.
tive growth-producing experiences. Areas of inves- Sleep units are increasingly involved in providing
tigational research within pediatric sleep medicine CPAP titration studies and CPAP treatment in chil-
may include a focus on the benefits and outcomes dren. Tasks on the study night include fitting the
of providing pre-procedural preparation visits for a child for the CPAP mask and wearing the medical
child and family, providing pre-procedural prepa- device all night for sleep. This adds a new level of
ration phone calls to parents, and integrating the complexity to the sleep study procedure. However,
RCM© guiding principles into a child’s care plan the principles of the RCM© model of care can be
on the study night. effectively applied to the initiation of CPAP ther-
Another area in need of further investigation apy. Creating a positive first CPAP experience for a
is that of children requiring continuous positive child and parent may result in greater likelihood of
airway pressure (CPAP) titration and CPAP titra- cooperation and compliance compared to a CPAP
tion studies (see Archbold, Chapter 25). With the titration study performed without incorporating the
national obesity epidemic, sleep centers are see- guiding principles of the RCM©. Future research
ing more obese children with obstructive sleep investigations would be helpful to determine suc-
apnea that cannot be medically managed with cessful strategies that increase a child’s and parent’s

278 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

understanding, adjustment, and adherence to their Bauchner, H., Waring, C., & Vinci, R. (1991). Parental presence
CPAP procedures and treatment (C. Rosen, per- during procedure in an emergency room: Results from 50
observations. Pediatrics, 87(4), 544–548.
sonal communication, March 13, 2012). Bauchner, H., Vinci, R., Bak, S., Pearson, C., & Corwin, M.
In order to provide the support necessary to inte- J. (1996). Parents and procedures: A randomized controlled
grate the RCM© model of care into a sleep center’s trial. Pediatrics, 98(5), 861–867.
policies and procedures, formalized educational The Bernard vanLeer Foundation. (1995) A guide to promoting resil-
opportunities need to be provided to all sleep medi- ience in children: Strengthening the human spirit. The International
Resilience Project from the Early Childhood Development:
cine professionals. RCM© education should be built Practice and Reflections Series. ISSN 1382–4813.
into a new employee’s orientation process. For contin- Breiner, S. M. (2009). Preparation of the pediatric patient for inva-
ued professional growth, frequent didactic in-service sive procedures. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 32(5), 252–256.
programs on the RCM© guiding principles should Brewer, S., Gleditsch, S.L., Syblik, D., Tietjens, M. E., Vacik,
be provided by a child life specialist or other health H.W. (2006). Pediatric anxiety: Child life intervention in
day surgery. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 21(1), 13–22.
care professional who has training in the emotional, Cavender, K., Goff, M. D., Hollon, E. C., & Guzzetta, C. E.
psychological, and developmental needs of children (2004). Parents’ positioning and distracting children during
and families. Additionally, providing and encourag- venipuncture: Effects on children’s pain, fear, and distress.
ing ongoing mentoring and discussion among staff is Journal of Holistic Nursing, 22(1), 32–56.
crucial to successfully integrate the RCM© compo- Chen, E., Zeltzer, L.K., Craske, M. G., & Katz, E. (2000).
Children’s memories for painful cancer treatment procedures:
nents into practice. As colleagues are able to debrief Implications for distress. Child Development, 71, 933–947.
with and positively support one another on their Cohen, L. L., Manimala, R., & Blount, R. L. (2000). Easier said
successes and challenges with children and families, than done: What parents say they do and what they do dur-
new perspectives can be gained, problem-solving can ing children’s immunizations. Children’s Health Care, 29(2),
begin, and motivation to provide outstanding child- 79–86.
Dahlquist, L. M., & Pendley, J. S. (2005). When distraction
friendly and child-focused care can flourish. This fails: Parental anxiety and children’s responses to distraction
support in staff development and personal growth during cancer procedures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology,
positively impacts and upgrades pediatric sleep study 30(7), 623–628.
services and improves both sleep study quality and DeMore, M., Cataldo, M., Tierney, E., & Slifer, K. (2009).
child and parent satisfaction. Behavioral approaches to training developmentally dis-
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Future Directions for Pediatric
Ellerton, M. L., & Merriam, C. (1994). Preparing children
Sleep Medicine and families psychologically for day surgery: An evaluation.
• Research investigations on the benefits and Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19(6), 1057–1062.
outcomes of: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort measures: Helping
children and families manage their stressful health care experi-
° Providing pre-procedural phone calls to
ences. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures educational hand-
out series]. Cleveland, OH: University Hospitals/Rainbow
° Providing pre-procedural preparation visits Babies and Children’s Hospital.
for children and parents Gaynard, L., Wolfer, J., Goldberger, J., Thompson, R., Redbum,
° Integrating the RCM© model of care’s L., & Laidley, L. (1990). Psychosocial care of children in hos-
guiding principles into sleep study procedural pitals: A clinical practice manual from the ACCH child life
research project. Bethesda, MD: The Association for the Care
of Children’s Health.
• Research investigation to determine successful Heard, L. (2008). Taking care of the little things: Preparation
strategies that increase children’s and parents’ of the pediatric endoscopy patient. Gastroenterology Nursing,
understanding, adjustment, and adherence to 31(2), 108–112.
CPAP procedures and treatment Hoban, T. F. (2010). Sleep disorders in children. Annals of the
New York Academy of Sciences, 1184, 1–14.
• Incorporate the RCM© model of care into
Kain, Z. N., Mayes, L. C., & Caramico, L. A. (1996).
the education and training of all sleep center Preoperative preparation in children: a cross-sectional study.
health care professionals through new employee Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 8, 508–514.
orientations and ongoing didactic in-services and Koller, D. (2007). Preparing children and adolescents for medi-
clinical mentoring. cal procedures. [Child Life Council evidence-based practice
statement]. Retrieved from http://www.childlife.org.
Lacey, C. M., Finklestein, M., & Thygeson, M. V. (2008). The
References impact of positioning on fear during immunization: Supine
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2006). Child life council and versus sitting up. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 23(3), 32–56.
committee on hospital care. Child Life services. Pediatrics, Leahy, S., Kennedy, R. M., Hesselgrave, J., Gurwitch, K., Barkey,
118(4), 1757–1763. M., & Millar, T. (2008). On the front lines: Lessons learned

z a rem b a 279
in implementing multidisciplinary peripheral venous access narration and distraction. Journal of Pediatric Psychology,
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Melamed, B. G., Dearborn, M., & Hermecz, D. A. (1983). ing. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 131, 311–320.
Necessary considerations for surgery preparation: Age and pre- Slifer, K., & Frutchey, R. A. (2008). Behavioral interventions
vious experience. Psychosomatic Medicine. 45(6), 517–525. to increase compliance with electroencephalographic proce-
Melamed, B. G., Ridley-Johnson, R. (1988). Psychological prepa- dures in children with developmental disabilities. Epilepsy &
ration of families for hospitalization. Journal of Developmental Behavior, 13, 189–195.
& Behavioral Pediatrics, 9(2), 96–102. Sparks, L. A., Setlik, J., & Luhman, J. (2007). Parental holding
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spectrum disorders: prevalence, nature and possible biopsy- randomized control trial. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 22(6),
chosocial actiologies. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 13, 403–411. 440–447.
Reynolds, A. M., & Malow, B. A. (2011). Sleep and autism Stephens, B. K., Barkey, M. E., & Hall, H. R. (1999). Techniques
spectrum disorders. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 58, to comfort children during stressful procedures. Advances in
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Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Child Health and undergoing endoscopy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology
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aged child’s viewpoint. Pain, 20, 179–191. logical preparation for tonsillectomy patients: Effects on
Salmela, M., Aronen, E. T., & Salantera, S. (2010). The expe- children’s and parent’s adjustment. Pediatrics, 64, 646–655.
rience of hospital-related fears of 4- to 6-year-old children. Zaremba, E. K., Barkey, M. E., Mesa, C., Sanniti, K., & Rosen,
Child: Care, Health and Development, 37(5), 719–726. C. (2005). Making polysomnography more “child-friendly”:
Salmela, M., Salantera, S., & Aronen, E. T. (2010). Coping A family-centered care approach. Journal of Clinical Sleep
with hospital-related fears: Experiences of pre-school- Medicine, 1(2), 189–198.
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an invasive medical procedure: The influence of procedural Barcelona, Spain.

2 80 h elpin g children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Appendix A
Developmental Considerations for Infants through Adolescents

Infants (birth to 12 months)*

Developmental Possible Stressors Cognitive Impact and Interventions and Support
Considerations Coping Behaviors

• Attachment and • Separation from parents • Intense anxiety when • Support parent
bonding to parent • Stranger anxiety separated from familiar participation in care and
• Developing trust • Senses parent’s stress caregiver (begins at procedures including
• Meeting basic physical • Change in routines 6mos) Rainbow Comfort
needs are of primary • Generalized anxiety Positioning©
importance (crying, fussing, • Prepare parent for
clinging behaviors, etc.) procedure and enable
• Hyper-alertness comforting role
• Expects basic physical • Minimize number of
needs to be met medical caregivers
• Meet physical needs and
avoid hunger
• Incorporate familiar

• Learns through senses • Overstimulation (lights, • Hand-mouth activity • Talk quietly before
and repetition noises, people, etc.) touching
• Restrained for • Decrease unnecessary
procedures stimuli
• Painful touch • Provide opportunities for
• Loss of normal sucking (breastfeeding,
stimulation bottle, pacifier, etc.)
• Provide tactile stimulation
for comfort

• Developing purposeful • Unresponsiveness to • Increased agitation in • Respond to nonverbal cues

communication nonverbal cues/stress movements • Mimic child’s sounds,
• Minimal language signals • Crying rhythms or words
abilities • Tantrums
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their
stressful health care experiences – Developmental considerations for infant, toddlers and preschool Age children. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures©
educational handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

z a rem b a 281
Toddlers (1 to 2 years)*
Developmental Possible Stressors Cognitive Impact and Interventions and Support
Considerations Coping Behaviors

• Attachment to parent • Separation from • Generalized anxiety • Support parents

• Learns through active parent and familiar (crying, clinging, participation in care and
participation and play environment fussing behaviors, etc.) procedures including
• Focuses on one thing at • Fear of abandonment • Regression Rainbow Comfort
a time • Stranger anxiety • Expects to participate Positioning©
• Imitates routine tasks • Overstimulation (lights, in routine tasks • Provide brief details of
• Short attention span noise, people, many sensory information
events at once, etc.) • Demonstrate just prior to
• Unfamiliar action (using doll/stuffed
environment animal, etc.)
• Anything touching the • Encourage manipulation of
body can be seen as a equipment and imitation
threat of procedural steps
• Allow expression of feelings
through play

• Developing language • Overwhelmed by • Difficulty • Provide simple, concrete

skills directions understanding description for each
• Receptive language directions when medical step with visual
more advanced than overwhelmed and tactile support
expressive language
• No concept of time

• Learning new skills • Loss of autonomy • Intense dislike of being • Actively involve in
(walking, potty • Restriction of retrained procedures and treatment
training, etc.) movement • May resist treatment • Offer choices when
• Beginning to make • Loss of control • Tantrums possible
choices (physical and • Pain may be seen as a • Minimize excessive
• Wants to do things “all emotional) punishment for a prior restraint and allow for
by myself ” • Change in routine misbehavior some means of movement
• Acts on impulse and if possible (legs, hands,
has assertive will etc.)
• Loves rituals • Maintain daily schedule
• Expects basic physical and bedtime routine
needs to be met • Meet basic physical needs
and avoid hunger
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their
stressful health care experiences – Developmental considerations for infant, toddlers and preschool Age children. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures©
educational handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

2 82 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Preschool Age Children (3 to 5 years)*
Developmental Possible Stressors Cognitive Impact and Interventions and Support
Considerations Coping Behaviors

• Parent is a secure base • Separation from parent • Misconceptions • Support parent

• Learns through active • Loss of appropriate develop from lack of participation in care and
participation and play sensory and motor understanding procedures including
• Imitates through play stimulation • Concepts about “inside Rainbow Comfort
• Uses play to understand • Overstimulation (too the body” may be too Positioning©
and master experiences many experiences abstract • Demonstrate prior to the
• Understands the “here” happening at once, etc.) • Understands the “job” procedure (using doll/
and “now” • Fear of unknown events of medical equipment stuffed animal, etc.)
• Focuses on one thing at • Encourage manipulation of
a time equipment and imitation
• Limited concept of of procedural steps
time • Use concrete markers
• Little understanding of for time (“same amount
body functions of time as a SpongeBob
• Allow expression of feelings
through play

• Increasing language • Fears are intensified in a • Fantasy and • Provide simple, concrete,
skills but still limited medical setting misconceptions and truthful descriptions
• Literal interpretation of • Worried about being • Medical experiences for each medical step with
language hurt may be seen as a visual and tactile support
• Increasing development • Anything touching the punishment for a prior • Use words and phrases that
of fears and fantasies body can be seen as a misbehavior are familiar
• Mixes fears with reality threat • Avoid words with multiple
• Inability to distinguish meanings
reality from fantasy • Encourage use of familiar
• Fear of body mutilation soothing items
• Fear of death and
• Use of humor or playful

• Egocentric • Loss of control and • Guilt • Allow participation in

• Increasing autonomy choices • Regression procedures and care
and becoming more • Loss of competence • Anger and aggression • Focus on immediate event
self-sufficiency and initiative in newly • Temper tantrums and offer concrete, realistic
acquired skills • Oppositional behavior choices
• Teach and support coping
• Offer specific praise, even
for small helpful behaviors
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their
stressful health care experiences – Developmental considerations for infant, toddlers and preschool Age children. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures©
educational handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

z a rem b a 283
School Age Children (6 to 12 years)*
Developmental Possible Stressors Cognitive Impact and Interventions and Support
Considerations Coping Behaviors

• Active learner and • Separation from parents • Learning styles • Support parent
curious about how • Fear of the unknown are established participation including
things work • Fear of pain (verbal, hands-on, Rainbow Comfort
• Understands cause/ • Fear of disability and/ demonstration) Positioning©
effect and sequential or death • Understand more about • Describe steps involved
relationships • Fear of bodily harm the “inside of the body” in procedure using
• Concrete thinking and/or change concepts appropriate individual
(something is either • Often has expectations learning style
good or bad) of medical events • Encourage active
• Rules and “doing things • Connects expecta- involvement in procedures
the right way” are tions with previous and own care
important experiences • Realistically reassure about
• Able to reason and progress (procedure, course
compromise of treatment, etc.)
• Increasing concept
of time
• Increasing
understanding of body
functions and structure

• Self-esteem influenced • Fear of failure • Strives to accomplish • Observe and respond to

by performance • Lack of privacy tasks cues and behaviors
• Increasing participation • Loss of independence • Understands limits • Respect thoughts and
in self-care and enforced • Acting out feelings
• Concern for body dependence • Regression • Provide activities
integrity • Loss of bodily control that foster sense of
• Increasing modesty • Fear of altered body accomplishment
image and/or functions • Offer choices when
• Teach and support coping
• Give “jobs” to help during
• Recognize and praise
aspects of effective coping
• Respect modesty

• Increasing autonomy • Loss of control and • Guilt • Encourage participation in

and becoming more choices • Anger and aggression procedures and care
self-sufficient • Loss of competence • Oppositional behavior • Offer concrete, realistic
• Peers and peer approval and initiative in newly • Hesitant to ask choices
are important acquired skills questions or talk about • Teach and support coping
• Conscious of being concerns directly skills
different • Withdrawal from peer • Offer specific praise, even
• Loss of status in school group or socialization for small helpful behaviors
or peer group opportunities • Facilitate continued and
new peer connections
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Developmental considerations for school age children and adolescents. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational
handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

2 84 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Adolescents (13 to 18 years)*
Developmental Possible Stressors Cognitive Impact and Interventions and Support
Considerations Coping Behaviors

• Uses deductive • Impact on current and/ • Intellectualization • Honest explanations and

reasoning and abstract or future plans • Knowledgeable about procedures and diagnosis
thought • Fear of the unknown body functions • Ask about preferred
• Thinks about the future • Fear of pain learning mode
• Struggles with more • Fear of disability and/ • Describe steps involved
advanced concepts or death in procedures and ask if
related to mortality more detailed explanations
would be helpful
• Encourage active role
in procedures and
• Use Rainbow Comfort

• Struggles to develop • Increased restrictions • Defense mechanisms • Observe and respond to

self-identity (lifestyle, diet, • Conformity cues and behavior
• Growing sense of medications, • Reluctant to see • Communicate honestly
personal values treatments, etc.) rationale to medical • Involve in care and
• Increasing • Threat to future interventions decisions
independence and competence • Uncooperative behavior • Teach and support coping
responsibility • Loss of independence and noncompliance strategies
• Increasing and enforced • Feels invincible • Allow choices and control
decision-making skills dependence • Risk-taking behaviors • Respect autonomy
• Self-determination • Loss of control • Mood swings • Respond by linking
• Medical diagnosis is concerns with ways to
concerning help self
• Discuss potential
psychological and physical
• Provide opportunities for
follow-up discussion and

• Need for physical and • Lack of privacy and • Secrecy • Respect and maintain
emotional privacy control • Embarrassment or privacy
• Rapidly changing body • Fear of altered body avoidance • Minimize unnecessary
image image and/or function • Withdrawal from peer touch
• Body image relates to • Concern about other’s group or socialization • May prefer discussing
self- esteem perceptions opportunities upcoming events or issues
• Need for socialization • Social isolation in private environment
and peer relations • Loss of peer acceptance • Facilitate continued and
• Strong peer influence or fear of rejection new peer connections
• Interest in sexuality • Fear of failure in school
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Developmental considerations for schoolage children and adolescents. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational
handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

z a rem b a 285
Appendix B
Child-Friendlier Wording Alternatives: Sleep Study Environment

Child-Friendlier Wording Alternatives: Sleep Study Environment*

Word or Phrase Potential Perception Alternatives
or Reaction

Sleep study; Test Unknown word; “Sleep over”; “Your doctor wants to
Confusion – “I’m not in school, I can’t understand how your body is working while
have a test!” you are sleeping.”

Is it ok if I . . . ?; Can I . . . ? Avoid offering a choice when there is “I need to . . . (put 3 stickers on your chest).”
not a choice Then offer real choices, “Would you like to
decorate the stickers first?”; “You can take the
back off the sticker and help me place it on
your leg.”

Take your vitals Unknown word; “Check your temperature (. . . how warm
Confusion – “Take away from me?” your body is).”; “Check your blood pressure
(. . . a hug around your arm).”; “Listen to
your heart beat (. . . how strong your heart is

You will feel . . . ; It feels Avoid stating a certain feeling or Describe a realistic range of feelings, “You
like . . . sensation since feelings may be may notice . . . ”; “Some kids say it feels
perceived differently for each child . . . (bumpy, smooth). You can tell me how it
feels for you.”

Pressure Unknown word “A push”; “A touch”

Hurt; This part will hurt Words can have a hard or soft “Bother”; “Uncomfortable”; “You may notice
connotation . . .”; “Some kids say it feels . . . (bumpy, like
toothpaste or crumbs). You can tell me
how it feels for you.”; “You may feel more
comfortable when . . . (you hug your mom).”
Pair statement with positive suggestions, “Some
kids like to help clean their skin with a
Q-Tip. Would you like to help?”

Special; Funny Words may have different meanings for “Different”; “Unusual”
each individual – “It doesn’t look special
to me.”; “That isn’t funny”

Don’t touch; Don’t move Attention directed to unwanted “You want . . . (the stickers off your face), so
behavior; you are . . . (pulling them off). The stickers
Avoid phrasing with a negative stay on . . . (your face).” Then, redirect to an
connotation appropriate action, “You can put this green
string into the box”, “Which button on the
book makes the cow noise?”; Or state the
desired behavior, “Hold yourself very still and
quiet”; “Please keep your hands down. You
can hold the mirror to watch.”

2 86 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Word or Phrase Potential Perception Alternatives
or Reaction

If you . . . (don’t sit still), Avoid bribery to achieve a goal; Set limits respectfully, “You may . . . (help me
then you can’t . . . (play with Diminishes self-esteem and opportunity put the sticker under your nose) or . . . (watch
the toy); If you . . . (keep to learn self-control; in the mirror, hold mom’s hands). What is
the stickers on), I’ll give Potential for power struggle your choice?”; “After I . . . (put the sticker
you/let you . . . (a prize/ under your nose), you may . . . (drink
watch TV) your milk)”

Be a big boy/girl; That Diminishes self-esteem; Provide coping strategies, “Let’s have you sit
doesn’t hurt; Don’t cry May cause guilty feelings; Avoid on mom’s lap.”; “When I count to three blow
phrasing with a negative connotation that feeling away.”

You are . . . (angry, scared, Avoid telling a child what he/she feels “Your body is hunched over and you seem
worried); That was hard without first asking him/her sad. Something must . . . (have happened,
for you be bothering you). You’re safe. You can talk
to me when you are ready.”; “How was that
for you?”; “Was it the way you thought it
would be?”; “Was it harder or easier than you
thought?”; “Is there something else we should
tell other kids about this . . . (test) that might
help them?”

We’re all done; The hard Anger or mistrust if more events are “Almost done”; “We are done with this part.
part is over added; Next we need to . . . ”
The “hard part” may be different for
each child

Will you still be my May cause guilty feelings; Attention “You did a great job . . . (holding your body
friend?; Will you smile for is directed toward medical caregiver’s still, keeping the plastic mustache under
me? feelings your nose).”

Sensor; Electrodes; Leads; Unknown word; “Stickers for your . . . (chest, chin, face,
EKG leads; Leg movement Confusion – “electricity?”; “leash?”; head)”; “The stickers have a little wet spot
sensors “lead me where?” that will rest against your skin. The sticker
also has a long string attached to it. While
you sleep, the sticker will show . . . (how fast
or slow your heart beats, how relaxed your
muscles are).”

Belts; Respiratory effort Unknown word; “Stretchy bands”; “One stretchy band will go
belts Confusion – “belt for my pants?”; “belt around your tummy, the other around your
for spanking?” chest. The stretchy bands rest on top of your
pajamas. They will show how you breathe
while you sleep.”

Pulse oximeter; pulse-ox; Unknown word “A night light (. . . little flashlight) for
your . . . (finger, toe).”; “Some kids say it
reminds them of a Band-Aid with a little red
light. It will show . . . (your breathing while
you sleep, how much oxygen is in your body).”

EEG leads; EEG electrodes Unknown word; “Tiny gold cups (. . . stickers, discs, hair
Confusion – “electricity?”; “a leash?”; jewelry)”; “They are about the size of an eraser
“lead me where?” on a pencil with a skinny string on it. Nine
of them will rest on your head. A little bit of
paste with a tiny blanket (. . . little piece of
gauze) on top will help hold it in place. The
gold cups will show when you are sleeping.”

z a rem b a 287
Word or Phrase Potential Perception Alternatives
or Reaction

Snore sensor Unknown word “Little microphone”; “It is a small sticker that
rests on your neck. A soft piece of tape will
help hold it in place. It will show when you
make noises or snore while you are sleeping.”

Thermister Unknown word “Sticker moustache”; “The sticker will rest

under your nose. It will tell if your air comes
out of your nose or mouth while you are

Cannula Unknown word; “Plastic moustache”; “It is a skinny, soft

Confusion – “Can I . . . what?” plastic tube that will rest under your nose.
It will tell how much air you breathe out of
your nose while you are sleeping.”

Video Camera Lack of privacy; “You are a movie star tonight”; “The doctor
Tendency to become self-conscious is able to see a movie of you sleeping. Both
the movie and the stickers on your body
will help the doctor understand how you
sleep. The doctor wants to find way to help
you . . . (sleep better at night, not be so tired
during the day).”

Hook you up; Set you up; Unknown phrase; “I need to put a few stickers . . . (on your leg,
Plug you in Confusion – “Where are you going to on your chest).”; “Now that all the different
put me?”; “Plug me into a wall?” stickers are on your body, you and mom can
lie down, relax and read your books together.
When you are sleepy, it is ok to fall asleep.
Your mom will . . . (sleep next to you all
night, move to her bed next to you once you
fall asleep).”

Take you down Unknown phrase; “Your sleepover is all done. Would you like
Confusion – “You are going to take me to help me take the stickers off your body?
down to where?”; “Are you going to When the stickers are all off, you can get
beat me up?” dressed, eat some breakfast then you can go
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Child-friendlier wording alternatives. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational handout series]. University
Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.; Zaremba et al. (2005).

2 88 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Appendix C
Coping Strategies for Infants through Adolescents

Infants (birth to 12 months)*

Provide familiar people, ENGAGEMENT Let the child and parent Promote a sense of control
objects, stimulation Give the child something know you are here to and participation
they CAN do help

• Parent holding • Opportunities for • Sing or talk quietly • Involve parent’s sugges-
• Swaddling sucking (breast • Guide and support tions (preferred cuddling
• Soothing touch feeding, bottle, parent’s involvement position, routines, etc.)
• Eye contact sucking) through procedures
• Calm, rhythmic voice • Cause & effect toys • Use Rainbow Comfort
• Favorite comfort items for diversion (lights, Positioning©
• Familiar, calm music music, lift-the-flap
books, etc)

Toddlers (1 year to 2 years)*

Provide familiar people, ENGAGEMENT Let the child and parent Promote a sense of control
objects, stimulation Give the child something know you are here to and participation
they CAN do help

• Parent holding • Elicit “help” with the • Play together for a few • Involve parent’s suggestions
• Soothing touch procedure (decorate minutes (preferred cuddling
• Eye contact the medical sticker • Demonstrate just positions, routines, etc.)
• Calm voice with fun sticker, hold prior to the action • Books (push button music
• Clothes from home the mirror, etc.) (using a doll/stuffed or lift-the-flap books, etc.)
• Favorite comfort items • Cause & effect toys animal, etc.) • Favorite DVD
• Familiar, calm music for diversion (toys • Give brief details of
with lights, buttons sensory information
& music, lift-the-flap just prior to experience
books, etc) (“lotion may feel
• Sing familiar songs bumpy”)
• Bubbles, pinwheels • Use Rainbow Comfort

z a rem b a 289
Preschool Age Children (3 to 5 years)*
Provide familiar people, ENGAGEMENT Let the child and parent Promote a sense of control
objects, stimulation Give the child something know you are here to and participation
they CAN do help

• Parent holding • Elicit “help” with the • Talk or play together • Involve parent’s
• Soothing touch procedure for a few minutes suggestions (preferred
• Eye contact • Slow, deep breathing • Use developmentally cuddling position,
• Calm voice (“blow the feeling appropriate words routines, etc.)
• Clothes from home away”) to describe actions • Books (push button
• Favorite toy or • Count, say alphabet (“hold your body very music or lift-
comfort items • Talk about favorite still and quiet”) the-flap books simple
• Familiar, calm music tings (pets, movies, • Demonstrate prior to ‘I-Spy’, etc.)
favorite places, procedure (using doll/ • Favorite DVD
cartoon characters or stuffed animal, etc.) • iPad; iTouch
super heros, etc.) • Provide brief details of • Cause & effect toys for
sensory information diversion (toys with
(“the stretch bands lights, buttons & music,
hug your tummy”) lift-the-flap books, etc)
• Use Rainbow • Interactive games
Comfort (‘Find-It’, push button
Positioning© water toys, etc.)

School Age Children (6 to 12 years)*

Provide familiar people, ENGAGEMENT Let the child and parent Promote a sense of control
objects, stimulation Give the child something know you are here to and participation
they CAN do help

• Parent’s presence, • Elicit “help” with the • Talk or play together • Books (‘I-Spy’, etc.)
possible parent holding procedure for a few minutes • Interactive games
• Soothing touch • Slow, deep breathing • Explain/demonstrate (Find it, push button
• Eye contact (“blow the feeling steps involved in water toys, etc)
• Calm voice away”) the procedure using • Hand-held games
• Clothes from home • Counting developmentally or game systems
• Favorite toy or comfort • Squeezing a ball appropriate words (20 Questions, etc)
items • Talk about favorite to describe actions • Favorite DVD
• Favorite music things (pets, movies, (“a sticker that helps me • iPad, iTouch
favorite place, hobbies, how fast or slow your • Guided imagery (child’s
etc.) heart is beating) script of their pleasurable
• Provide details of real/pretend experiences
sensory information including sensory
(“it may feel like a push elements; “see the colors”,
or a touch”) “hear the soft hum”
• Be honest when
answering questions,
then plan coping
strategies together

290 h e lping children and parents ma n ag e t hei r s l eep s t ud y experi en c e

Adolescents (13 to 18 years)*
Provide familiar people, ENGAGEMENT Let the child and parent Promote a sense of control
objects, stimulation Give the child something know you are here to and participation
they CAN do help

• Parent’s presence • Elicit “help” with the • Talk together for a few • Books (‘I-Spy”, etc.)
• Soothing touch procedure minutes • Hand-held games/
• Eye contact • Slow, deep breathing • Describe steps involved game systems
• Calm voice (“blow the feeling in the procedure and (’20 Questions’, etc.)
• Clothes from home away”) ask if more detailed • Favorite DVD
• Favorite toy or comfort • Counting explanation would be • iPod, iTouch
items • Squeezing a ball helpful (“soft, skinny • Guided imagery (child’s
• Favorite music • Talk about favorite tubing that rests script of their pleasurable
things (pets, movies, under your nose and real/pretend experiences
favorite place, hobbies, measures how much including sensory
school, etc.) carbon dioxide your elements; “feel the warm
breathing out”) breeze”, “smell the
• Be hones when salty air”)
answering questions,
then plan coping
strategies together
* Adapted with permission from: Family and Child Life Services. (2010). Comfort Measures: Helping children and families manage their stressful
health care experiences – Coping strategies. [in Rainbow Comfort Measures© educational handout series]. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies
and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH.

z a rem b a 291

The Role of Schools in Identification,

21 Treatment, and Prevention of
Children’s Sleep Problems
Joseph A. Buckhalt

Increasing academic achievement and promoting behavioral adjustment of children and adolescents
are primary missions of schools. Considerable research shows that cognitive functioning and emotion
regulation are compromised by insufficient sleep, with deleterious effects for school achievement
and behavior. In response to concerns about low achievement, maladaptive behavior, and inadequate
sleep, a number of actions are described that schools can take toward improving the sufficiency of
sleep in children. For example, observing sleepiness at school may help identify children with sleep
disorders; primary and secondary school curricula can be expanded to include the relations of sleep
to health and performance; and system-wide policies that facilitate adequate sleep may be considered
for change.
Key Words: sleep, school achievement, school behavior, role of schools

Sleep Problems and the Role of Schools performance at school will be outlined. In short, it
What does children’s sleep have to do with the will be argued that sleep definitely is the school’s
mission of schools? It is a fair question to ask, “Is this business.
the business of schools?” If sleep were not related to Primary and secondary schools constitute a sig-
school academic performance or social behavior, it nificant component of the sociocultural infrastruc-
might not be the school’s business. Further, if sleep ture of American society. The majority of children
disorders at a clinical level were the only problem (∼87%; IES, National Center for Educational
then even if performance at school were affected, Statistics, US Department of Education) attend
sleep might be considered more the business of government-funded public schools, a substan-
health care professionals. Finally, if there were no tial percent attend private and parochial schools
actions school personnel could take to influence (∼10%: IES), and an increasing number are
sleep, it might not be a domain of child function- schooled at home (∼3%; IES). But whatever the
ing that should be a responsibility of schools. In type of school, law demands that all children attend
this chapter, I will argue that none of those three schools for many years. It was not always so in the
assumptions are valid. A case will be made that sleep United States, as compulsory education laws were
does affect children’s learning and social behavior at enacted only during the latter nineteenth to early
school. Evidence will be provided that sleep prob- twentieth century. But for many decades, children
lems that do not rise to the level of a clinical disor- from the ages of 5 or 6 up to around 16 have been
der have become pervasive in children and often do required to attend school. Because attendance is
not come to the attention of health care providers. mandatory, school is arguably the only societal
Most importantly, many actions to facilitate chil- institution where all children are required to be
dren’s sleep with the potential to improve school present. It is the one place where all children come

into regular and frequent contact with profession- as in the case of nursing care, standards vary widely.
als who are trained and motivated to look after Requirements vary from state to state, with some
their broad interests. states requiring instruction in health education but
The mission of schools has evolved over the years not specifying grade levels or amounts of instruc-
from their inception to the present. Instruction in tion required. The majority of states require health
so-called “academic” subjects is universally agreed education to be taught in elementary, middle, and
to be the number one mission of schools. Basic junior high grades, but in some states there is no
knowledge and skill in mathematics, language arts minimum number of hours set. At the high school
(especially reading), science, and history (and a few level, requirements vary from state to state, ranging
others) are considered essential to prepare children from no requirement to a half-credit (one semes-
for jobs and participation as citizens in essential ter) to one or more credits (full year). Many states
societal activities including voting and serving on mandate instruction in particular health education
a jury. Secondary to the academic mission, it has topics (e.g., reproductive health and pregnancy
been acknowledged that school serves a socializing prevention; alcohol, tobacco, and drugs). Physical
mission. At school, children learn to inhibit their education has often been viewed as a component
impulses (“Raise your hand”), get along with others of health education and promotion, but emphasis
(“Wait for your turn”), and interact with children has waxed and waned over past decades. A call for
who are alike and different from them in many renewal of focus on health in schools has been made
ways. School is also a place where “extracurricu- in a policy report, A Broader, Bolder Approach to
lar” activities such as music, art, and athletics are Education: “Health and nutrition supports ensure
taught. that children come to school immunized, well fed,
But while those missions would likely get and without toothaches or acute asthma attacks
broad agreement among the American pub- that prevent them from focusing and learning.”
lic, many other missions have been questioned. (Economic Policy Institute, 2011). To meet that
Whether or not school is an appropriate venue objective, the report recommends that health care
to teach character, moral development, and reli- clinics be located in US schools, consistent with
gious values has been a matter of intense debate. a similar initiative by the National Assembly on
Are schools responsible for children’s nutrition? School Based Health Care (2011).
Beginning with the National School Lunch Act In the early history of American schools,
in 1946, lunch has been provided (for a charge) the school was a place where health topics were
in schools (School Nutrition Association, 2011). addressed. Surprisingly, sleep was one of those con-
Free or reduced-cost breakfast and lunch are newer cerns. For example, J. Mace Andress of the State
programs that have been enacted with some con- Normal School in Worcester, Massachusetts, writ-
troversy. In the minds of some, feeding poor chil- ing in the Journal of Educational Psychology (1911)
dren at school has been an extension of an already states in the opening sentence,
too large social welfare program (Currie, 1979;
“Sleep is so vitally related to the mental and physical
McDonnell, 2004). But congress has repeatedly
health and
reauthorized the programs that served 31.7 mil-
efficiency of human beings that I decided to
lion school children in 2010 (U.S. Department of
investigate the sleep
Agriculture, 2011).
of my own pupils.” (p. 153)
Are schools responsible for children’s health?
Nursing care is provided and mandated by many Andress goes on to report that following
state boards of education in the United States, but “ . . . some instruction in the physiology and hygiene
standards vary widely from state to state. At least of sleep . . . ” (p. 153) a questionnaire was answered
one state requires that a school nurse be present in by 23 seniors (20–21 years old) and 26 juniors
every school, but only around a third of states have (17–19 years old), and they kept daily records
a mandated nurse-to-student ratio, and those range of their sleep. The average durations of sleep are
from 1–500 up to 1–5000 with a median of 1–750 remarkable compared with the much lower num-
(National Association of State School Boards, bers adolescents and young adults report today.
NASBE). Even preventive measures such as vacci- Juniors averaged 8 hours, 54 minutes, with no indi-
nations, once routinely administered at schools, are vidual reporting fewer than 8 hours. The average
rarely seen in today’s schools. Health education in for seniors was 8 hours, 34 minutes with only one
schools has generally been seen as important but, person reporting fewer than 8 hours.

buc k ha lt 293
Andress closes with, of children with disorders that impair learning,
including autism, learning disability (LD), and
“The principal value of this investigation was the
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
arousal of
The percentage of children who are LD has doubled
enthusiasm in the students for the study of
since its origination as a special education category
psychology and
in 1975 (Pierangelo & Giuliani, 2006) to 5% of all
hygiene and for the practice of the laws of health.
public school students children in 2009 (Cortiella,
Many pupils
2011). ADHD prevalence has also increased to
have told the writer since this investigation that
6.69% of all children, a 33% increase over 10 years
they were getting
(CDC 2010b). Autism prevalence has increased as
more sleep. Similar information should be of
well, to 0.47%, up an astounding 289.5% in the
value to every
last decade (CDC, 2010a).
administrator of schools because it throws light
While most of the attention has been directed
on the mental
to problems of academic achievement, some evi-
and physical condition of students. Sleep is the
dence also suggests that behavior problems of
great prophylactic
schoolchildren have been increasing in frequency
and is comparable in its influence to fresh air,
and severity. Examining results from a restandard-
pure water,
ization of the Behavior Assessment System for
nutritious food and healthful exercise.” (p. 156)
Children (BASC-II, Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2004),
The question of whether sleep is the business Distefano, Kamphaus, and Mindrilă (2010) reported
of schools must be considered in the context of differences from the original standardization sample
the many important responsibilities society has published in 1996. In 8 years, teacher-reported dis-
assigned to schools. We should expect parents and ruptive behavior had increased from 8% to 12% of
school professionals to be skeptical of adding a new the 2338 children in the stratified national sample.
role, and their questions deserve close attention. Children with elevated clinical scales of both exter-
Over 60 years ago the realization that that hungry nalizing (e.g., serious behavior problems) and inter-
children did not learn well led to schools assum- nalizing (e.g., anxiety, depression) had risen from
ing more responsibility for children’s nutrition. We 4% in 1996 to 15% in 2004. Among all children
need to consider the proposition that sleepy chil- in US schools, prevalence figures for those who
dren are not optimally receptive learners and do not have serious emotional or behavioral problems are
regulate their emotions well, and it is appropriate estimated by the CDC at 5.1% of all children ages
to consider what can and should be done by school 4–17. And for poor children aged 11–14, that fig-
personnel. ure is 9.3% compared with 3.5% of children from
affluent families (CDC, 2011; Boyle et al., 2011). It
The Scope and Extent of Children’s is clear that problematic behavior at school consti-
School Problems tutes a growing challenge for educators.
Concerns about underachievement of American
schoolchildren have been expressed frequently How Sleep Relates to School Problems
over the years, but perhaps never more so than All available evidence suggests that children, ado-
recently. Reports from The National Assessment of lescents, and adults are getting less sleep than in pre-
Educational Progress (NAEP) annually state that vious times and less than they need (Olds, Blunden,
the United States continues to fall further behind Petkov, & Forchino, 2010; Smaldone, Honig, &
other countries in crucial academic subjects, includ- Byrne, 2007). The National Sleep Foundation has
ing science and mathematics. Many federal and conducted a nationwide survey every year since
state initiatives over a very long time (e.g., the No 2002, with each year’s topic addressing a differ-
Child Left Behind Act of 2001) have been directed ent aspect of sleep. In the 2004 poll (Children and
at improving academic performance, but results Sleep) and the 2006 poll (Teens and Sleep), respon-
have been largely disappointing. Particularly trou- dents indicated that sleep duration and sleep qual-
bling have been low scores of children from lower ity is suboptimal. In the 2011 poll (Technology
socioeconomic status and minority ethnicity fami- Use and Sleep), children 13–18 years old reported
lies, whom many programs have been designated an average of 7 hours 26 minutes sleep on school
to help (NAEP, 2011; ETS, 2009; 2010). Also per- nights, and 18% of them reported being awakened
tinent are the reports of increases in the numbers a few nights a week by a text message, phone call,

294 th e ro le of s chools
or e-mail. Although it is difficult to determine exact the family (e.g., recent move, economic stress,
figures for many reasons, estimates have ranged serious illness or death in the family, family
from 20% of children and adolescents with a sleep conflict).
problem at the present to 40% who experience a 8. Children whose sleep is chronically
sleep problem at some point for some duration in insufficient in duration or quality but
childhood and adolescence (Mindell & Owens, is unrecognized as related to academic
2010). Using the smaller of those two figures and underachievement and behavior problems at
an estimated 55 million children in Grades K–12 as school.
of Fall, 2011 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011), around
11 million children have an ongoing chronic sleep The learning, behavior, and emotional prob-
problem or an acute sleep problem that is mani- lems that are the consequences of sleep disorders
festing now or occurred at some point during the have been amply documented (Mindell & Owens,
school years. It is important to remember that the 2010; O’Brien, 2011). Children with sleep disor-
vast majority of children are not likely to have their dered breathing, to take one example, have been
sleep problems come to the attention of primary shown to have impaired cognitive functioning (e.g.,
health care providers. Some evidence shows that in Bourke et al., 2011). Similarly, the sleep problems
most cases, parents do not report sleep problems to of children with a wide range of disabilities have
their physicians (Blunden et al. 2004). In a survey been documented. For example, 40%–60% of
of around 150,000 children seen by primary care children with autism are estimated to have sleep
physicians during 2007, only 3.7% had a sleep problems (Richdale & Schreck, 2009), and rates
disorder diagnosis compared with a much higher of problems for children with intellectual disabili-
prevalence rate estimated in epidemiological stud- ties and ADHD are also high (Doran, Harvey, &
ies (Meltzer, Johnson, Crosette, Ramos, & Mindell, Horner, 2006; Konofal, Lecendreux, & Cortese,
2010). Thus, school is the only place where the pre- 2010). Further, children with a number of prevalent
ponderance of those children with problems have a health problems, notably asthma and obesity, have
chance of being discovered. Among these 11 million been found to have concomitant sleep problems
children at school are: (Desager, Nelen, Weyler, & De Backer, 2004; Hart,
Cairns, & Jelalian, 2011).
1. Children with diagnosed clinical sleep While the groups of children mentioned above
disorders. deserve special attention, the consequences of insuf-
2. Children who have serious sleep problems ficient sleep for the majority of children who have
that have not come to the attention of health no clinical disorder of sleep, learning, or health
care providers or who have subclinical levels of are also becoming clearer. Researchers have only
problems. recently begun to explore sleep in these children,
3. Children who have diagnosed learning and some of the findings are alarming. In the cog-
and behavior problems in school, but have sleep nitive domain, shorter sleep duration, poorer sleep
problems that have not been recognized as related quality, and higher levels of daytime sleepiness have
to their disorder (e.g., autism, ADHD, LD, all been associated with poor performance on cogni-
intellectual disability, other health impairments). tive and academic measures of many types, includ-
4. Children whose long-term maintenance ing grades, standardized test scores, and teacher
medication (for conditions such as ADHD and ratings (Dewald, Meijer, Oort, Kerkhof, & Bogels,
asthma) or short-term medication (e.g., for colds) 2010). While most of these studies have been cross-
have a disruptive influence on sleep. sectional, measuring sleep and cognitive outcomes
5. Children who have psychological problems concurrently, recent evidence suggests that the rela-
such as depression and anxiety, for which sleep tions endure over years. For example, Bub, Buckhalt,
problems is one of an array of symptoms. and El-Sheikh (2011) followed children over 3 years
6. Children whose families live in poverty and and discovered that children whose sleepiness
have both poor sleep environments (beds, bedding, increased over that time had scores on cognitive
air quality) and poor parent-monitored habits that tests as much as a standard deviation below those of
are associated with sleep (e.g., irregular and late children whose sleepiness had not increased. Studies
bedtimes, access to caffeinated beverages). of experimental sleep deprivation in adults indicate
7. Children with insufficient sleep that is not that impairments in attention and vigilance are most
chronic, but is related to a transitory situation in sensitive to sleep insufficiency, while higher-order

buc kha lt 295

cognitive functions are less affected (Lim & Dinges, disabilities. At present, though, they lack knowl-
2010). But in children, poor sleep has been linked edge about the relations of sleep to these children’s
to a wide array of cognitive functioning not only problems. Sleep has not been a topic that is covered
in attention and processing speed, comparable to in the education of school teachers, school coun-
adults, but also in memory and verbal comprehen- selors, school psychologists, or school administra-
sion (Bub et al., 2011; Kopasz et al., 2010). tors. To take one example, in the first three editions
Turning to the behavioral domain, children with of The Handbook of School Psychology (Gutkin &
more sleep problems and higher levels of sleepiness Reynolds, 1999; Reynolds & Gutkin 1982; 1990),
are more likely to have school conduct problems each a 1100 + page comprehensive volume, sleep
(O’Brien et al. 2011). These results are consistent is not an index term and sleep problems are not
with those of other studies that have linked higher addressed. In the 4th edition (Gutkin & Reynolds,
levels of internalizing problems (i.e., depression, 2009), one paragraph on sleep disorders is found
anxiety) and externalizing problems (i.e., aggres- in a chapter on neuropsychological assessment.
sion, impulsivity) to poor sleep (e.g., El-Sheikh, A few articles describing the relations of sleep to
Kelly, Buckhalt, & Hinnant, 2010; Gregory et al., school performance and behavior have been pub-
2005; Paavonen et al., 2002). Children who have lished in journals that school professionals read (i.e.,
problems with sleep, emotion regulation, and Bergin & Bergin, 2009; Buckhalt & El-Sheikh,
behavior are likely also to have difficulties in aca- 2010; Buckhalt, Wolfson, El-Sheikh, 2007; 2009;
demic achievement. Carskadon, 1999; Wolfson & Carskadon, 2005),
School achievement and behavior of children but sleep has not made its way into the primary
from families of low socioeconomic status (SES) topics of educational curricula for any professionals
and those who are ethnic minorities are particularly who work in schools.
problematic. Considerable effort has been expended School personnel are well situated to implement
to understand and ameliorate the achievement gap aspects of recently formulated broad health policy
between these children and others. Only recently initiatives. The Institute of Medicine, a unit of the
have SES and ethnicity been the primary focus of National Academy of Sciences (2011), included sev-
investigation in sleep of typically developing chil- eral recommendations related to sleep improvement
dren, and the results are informative. Poorer sleep in a recent policy report:
has been found in persons of African-American and
Recommendation 5-2: Healthcare providers should
Hispanic ethnicity (e.g., Ruiter, DeCoster, Jacobs,
counsel parents and children’s caregivers not to
& Lichstein, 2010) and in children from poorer
permit televisions, computers, or other digital media
families. For example, Marco, Wolfson, Sparling,
devices in children’s bedrooms or other sleeping
and Azuaje (2012) reported that lower SES ado-
lescents went to bed later, had more variability in
Recommendation 6-1: Child care regulatory
bedtime, and slept less on school nights. Moreover,
agencies should require child care providers to
SES and ethnicity have been found to moderate the
adopt practices that promote age-appropriate sleep
relations between sleep and outcomes. Specifically,
children from lower class and minority ethnicity
Recommendation 6-2: Health and education
families have been shown to have larger correlations
professionals should be trained in how to counsel
between poor sleep and poor cognitive performance
parents about their children’s age-appropriate sleep
(Buckhalt, El-Sheikh, & Keller, 2007; Buckhalt,
El-Sheikh, Keller, & Kelly, 2009) and between poor
sleep and problematic behavior (El-Sheikh et al., In Healthy People 2020 (NIH, 2011), an ini-
2010). These findings have led to the hypothesis that tiative of the National Institutes of Health, several
sleep insufficiency may be of central importance in objectives are related to improving sleep, including
the persistent academic gap that has defied reduc- one specifically related to adolescents:
tion by many proposed remedies for over 40 years
SH–3: Increase the proportion of students in grades
(Buckhalt, 2011; Buckhalt & Staton, 2011).
9 through 12 who get sufficient sleep.

What Can Schools Do? The preceding discussion provides a compelling

School personnel are very familiar with the learn- rationale that sleep is the appropriate business of
ing and behavior problems of their students. They the schools. But what can be done by school pro-
are also very knowledgeable about students with fessionals about insufficient sleep and consequent

296 th e role of s chools

sleepiness at school? The following are among many learning are already part of the assessment process,
possible potential courses of action and sleep problems should be treated similarly.
6. When high stakes testing is scheduled,
1. School professionals can learn about such as group administered achievement tests
nighttime sleep, daytime sleepiness, and their or individually administered tests to determine
relations to attention, learning, memory, emotion eligibility for special services, a concerted effort can
regulation, and behavioral adjustment. This goal be made to optimize the sleep of children in days
should not be difficult to attain. Teachers are and weeks leading up to the tests. Many schools
very motivated to discover information that will now provide extra snacks on testing days, and
improve student performance and behavior. Sleep some suggest in materials sent home to parents
science and practice should become an integral that children should come to school well rested.
part of training curricula for teachers and other They also provide focused classroom time devoted
school professionals, particularly administrators, to test preparation. All of these actions imply that
counselors, and psychologists. schools realize children need to have energy and
2. Teachers and other school professionals mental preparation to perform their best, so trying
should learn to recognize and screen for serious to maximize the duration and quality of sleep is
sleep disorders and, through the parents, refer consistent with other ongoing efforts.
children to pediatric sleep specialists for diagnosis 7. Especially for younger children, school
and treatment. If children are sleepy at school, in administrators and policymakers need to take a
many cases the signs are obvious if we choose to hard look at the practice of having children take
notice them. The model for this action is already naps at school. It was not uncommon in past years
in place for other disorders that are considered for the youngest children to have a nap time at
the domain of health care. For example, schools school. But napping is rare now in kindergarten.
monitor immunization for children and identify Many educators believe that the curriculum is
children with numerous health conditions who too full of academic demands to consider having
need referral for treatment. children spend time napping that would otherwise
3. For children with identified learning be devoted to instruction. Beyond kindergarten, it
disabilities that have been associated with high is very common for children and adolescents to be
prevalence of sleep problems, their individual discouraged or even punished for sleeping at school.
education plans can be modified to include sleep A child who falls asleep at school is responding to a
improvement among other objectives. Many of basic need and should be referred for evaluation of
the specific measures will require the cooperation the factors causing excessive sleepiness.
of parents and, while engaging parents is 8. Schools begin early, and while attempts to
challenging, teachers and others at school are move start times later in the morning have been
better positioned to consult with parents than met with resistance in some places (Appleman,
anyone else. and Stavitsky, Chapter 38), more school districts
4. School professionals can be informed about are adopting later start times for high schools. In
relations of sleep to conditions such as obesity some rural areas where bus rides are long, children
and overweight, asthma, and allergies. All of these board buses before 7:00 am, which means rise
conditions have increased significantly in recent times of 6:30 am at the latest and in many cases
years and are related to insufficient sleep. When much earlier. Particularly for adolescents who are
children with these and other health conditions experiencing sleep phase delay and who have heavy
have learning and behavior problems at school, it homework demands along with afterschool sports
should be recognized that poor sleep needs to be or other activities, getting to bed early enough to
considered as a possible contributing factor beyond have sufficient sleep is all but impossible. In many
any other direct effects of the conditions on school schools, “zero period” has been initiated for honors
learning and behavior. courses, tutoring and remedial classes, or art and
5. When a child is referred for assessment music instruction, and begins as early as 7:00 am.
of cognitive and academic functioning due to School administrators must weigh the evidence
underachievement, school professionals should for and against later start times and make wise
routinely rule out the presence of sleep problems decisions in the best interest of students.
before assuming that a disability is present. Ruling 9. School administrators and policymakers need
out vision and hearing problems that interfere with to take a close look at how school and community

buc kha lt 297

activities in athletics and other domains have problems are interfering with school performance.
encroached upon school nights with the effect of Consulting with parents about good sleep habits
delaying bedtimes. To take one example, since can be incorporated into the existing teacher–parent
high school football games are scheduled on Friday alliance. Current health education curricula can be
nights in most communities, middle and junior expanded to include the relations of sleep to numer-
high games are increasingly being scheduled on ous health and performance outcomes. Finally,
school nights. In many communities, it is not system-wide policies that facilitate adequate sleep,
unusual for a 12-year-old to get home as late such as discontinuing very early school start times
as 9 or 10 pm after an away game. For some and school night sports, need to be considered.
community sports such as soccer, games and
practices are held on school nights. After vigorous
Future Directions
physical activity and emotional arousal, players,
• Much of the evidence leading to the conclusion
and in many cases their siblings, travel with their
that sleep insufficiency affects school performance
families from the fields to home, then take care
comes from studies that use correlational designs.
of baths, often have an evening meal and engage
We may also logically infer that if experimental
in other activities, all of which delay bedtime and
studies of voluntary sleep deprivation in adults show
make it impossible to have sufficient sleep.
that cognitive functioning is impaired, the same
10. Education about sleep needs and good
holds true for children and adolescents. Still, more
sleep practices should be infused into the health
experimental studies are needed, including those
and science education curriculum beginning in
that take advantage of naturally occurring sleep
kindergarten and continuing through high school.
deprivation in groups of children such as sleepovers.
A few sets of materials suitable for lesson plans
Further, more studies need to be done to determine
and activities have been developed by national
sources of individual differences in the response to
organizations, but many more resources will need
sleep loss. The optimal amount of sleep no doubt
to be developed.
varies from child to child, as does their response to
sleeping poorly.
• A few well-designed intervention studies
All available evidence suggests that children’s
have demonstrated that when children’s sleep is
sleep is as vital for their optimal performance as
improved, there is a concomitant improvement
good nutrition and regular exercise. When children’s
in school performance. More such studies with
sleep is insufficient, there are deleterious conse-
individual children and with groups of children
quences for cognitive processing, learning, memory,
are needed that provide information about the
and emotion regulation. These problems in turn
strategies that work.
lead to poor academic achievement and behavior
• Further research is always needed, but sufficient
problems, both of which have posed increasing chal-
evidence suggests that prevention and intervention
lenges for schools. School professionals could help
programs should be implemented in schools. Model
prevent sleep problems, recognize them when they
programs need to be developed and field-tested
are present, and intervene in a number of different
in schools. These programs need to be built upon
ways. Before assuming that learning or behavior dis-
existing frameworks of screening for problems
orders are the cause of low achievement and problem
that inhibit learning and adaptive behavior, upon
behavior, chronic or acute sleep disorders or inad-
existing methods of teacher–parent consultation and
equate sleep at the subclinical level should be ruled
education, and infused into already existing health
out. Screening for sleep disorders and sleep insuffi-
education curricula. Changes at the system-wide
ciency can be accomplished as easily as screening for
level, such as delaying school start times, need to be
vision and hearing problems. By administering brief
considered within existing ways schoolwide policies
screening instruments recognizing overt behavioral
are formulated and implemented.
signs of sleepiness, children who might have sleep
disorders may be identified early and referred for
further assessment and treatment. Teachers already Resources for Educators
reach out to parents to help them structure and Tools for School Assessment of Sleep
monitor home activities that foster school success. Problems and Sleepiness
Homework is the most obvious example, but teach- BEARS—A screening interview for sleep
ers also work with parents when health or nutrition problems (Owens & Dalzell, 2005)

298 th e role of s chools

Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (Chervin, Websites
Hedger, Dillon, & Pituch, 2000) National Sleep Foundation: http://www.
Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (Owens, sleepfoundation.org/
Spirito, & McGuinn, 2000) (NSF also sponsors Sleep for Kids: http://www.
School Sleep Habits Survey (Wolfson et al., sleepforkids.org/)
2003) American Academy of Sleep Medicine: http://
Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students www.aasmnet.org/
(Luginbuehl, 2003; 2008) (Includes www.sleepcenters.org to locate a
Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (Drake et al., sleep diagnosis and treatment center in the United
2003) States)
Children’s Report of Sleep Patterns-Sleepiness Child Uplift, Inc.: Wake Up America! Eliminate
(Meltzer et al. 2012) Sleep Problems and Improve Children’s Performance.
For a review of these and other available instru-
ments, see Spruyt, K. & Gozal, D. (2011). Pediatric
sleep questionnaires as diagnostic or epidemiological
Research discussed in this paper was supported
tools: A review of currently available instruments.
by grants from the National Science Foundation
Sleep Medicine Reviews, 15, 19–32.
(0339115, 0623936, & 0843185) and the
National Institutes of Health (R01HL093246 &
Materials for Sleep Education
R01HD046795). I also wish to acknowledge the
National Institutes of Health (NIH). Sleep,
support of Dr. Mona El-Sheikh, other colleagues
sleep disorders, and biological
who have been collaborators, graduate students,
rhythms: NIH curriculum supplement series—
laboratory employees, school district personnel,
Grades 9–12. Retrieved 11–4-2011
parents, and the children who participated in our
from http://science.education.nih.gov/
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Sleep Challenges,
Problems, and
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Pediatric Insomnia
Brandy M. Roane and Daniel J. Taylor

Across the life span the presentation of disordered sleep varies greatly, but probably never more so
than the changes that occur from infancy to adolescence. A major factor in this distinction is who
reports the complaint. For infants and young children, parents are more likely to initiate contact with
a professional with reports of insomnia that resembles limit setting, sleep onset association, or a com-
bination of these two types. Conversely, older children and adolescents more often self-report diffi-
culties, and their presentations typically consist of difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. Children
and their families experience adverse effects such as daytime sleepiness, depressed mood, and atten-
tion/concentration difficulties as a result of the child’s sleep disturbance. Across the ages, behavioral
interventions are the treatment of choice with the addition of cognitive therapy for adolescents. The
current chapter highlights the distinctions in presentation of pediatric insomnia from early childhood
to adolescence and discusses the empirically validated treatments in each age group.
Key Words: pediatric, adolescent, insomnia, behavioral insomnia of childhood, pediatric insomnia
treatment, adolescent insomnia treatment

Introduction of insomnia determined by the presentation. For

While the basic physiology of sleep changes little instance, behavioral insomnia of childhood (BIC)
after the first year of life, presentation of disordered and psychophysiological insomnia would fall under
sleep varies greatly across the life span. Insomnia is primary insomnia in the DSM, but each would
no exception. Numerous changes are observed in have their own type in the ICSD-2. The ICSD-2
the presentation of insomnia coinciding with matu- determines types based on their presentation so, for
ration in pediatric populations. No matter the age, instance, insomnia caused by an immediate stres-
insomnia refers to difficulties falling asleep, staying sor would be classified as adjustment insomnia. The
asleep, awakening too early, or sleep that is non- ICSD-2 also considers inadequate sleep hygiene to
restorative for at least a month, and these symptoms be a type of insomnia. Clinically, insomnia is often
result in daytime impairment (American Academy discussed in terms of the time period when sleep is
of Sleep Medicine, 2005; American Psychiatric being disrupted, which results in three “types”: sleep
Association, 2000). The Diagnostic and Statistical onset—difficulties initiating sleep at the begin-
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM; American ning of the sleep period; maintenance—difficulties
Psychiatric Association, 2000) distinguishes between maintaining sleep during the night; and terminal—
primary insomnia and insomnia due to an Axis I awaking prematurely before the desired wake time.
or II disorder, while the International Classification One theory used to explain the etiology of
of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2; American Academy insomnia is the behavioral model of insomnia
of Sleep Medicine, 2005) identifies seven types (Spielman, Caruso, & Glovinsky, 1987). This

model conceptualizes physiological, psychological, may not be children attempting to impose control,
and behavioral factors as predisposing, precipitat- but more a misalignment between children’s inter-
ing, and perpetuating events. Predisposing factors nal timing systems and their imposed bedtime.
are typically the underlying pathophysiological As a result, children are not sleepy when bedtime
mechanisms that place individuals at risk for insom- comes to pass. The latter is more often true for
nia. The exact etiology of insomnia is unclear, but older children and adolescents, who experience
recent lines of research suggest predisposing factors a natural delaying of their internal timing system
are likely genetics (Gehrman et al., 2011; Moore, (Carskadon, 2008; Carskadon, Labyak, Acebo, &
Slane, Mindell, Burt, & Klump, 2011) and hyper- Seifer, 1999; Carskadon, Vieira, & Acebo, 1993).
activity of corticotropin-releasing factor neurons Unlike younger children, adolescents and older
(Richardson & Roth, 2001). children do not resist sleep but instead present more
While little is known about the etiology of like adults with insomnia who, despite their best
insomnia, similar predisposing factors likely affect efforts to fall asleep, are unable to.
predisposition across the age groups; however, pre- Parents of younger children are more involved
cipitating and perpetuating factors change with age. in the bedtime routine, bedtime, and, by proxy,
At the core of these differences is the normal devel- more aware of sleep disturbances. They also are
opmental shift in the central role parents have in the more likely to experience secondary sleep difficul-
child’s functioning. Infants require constant atten- ties and daytime consequences as a result of their
tion that progressively lessens as children mature. child’s sleep disturbance (e.g., secondary sleep
For younger children, the learned behaviors of both loss, missed work days, bed sharing with the child;
parents and children initiate and maintain insom- Martin, Hiscock, Hardy, Davey, & Wake, 2007;
nia, while for older children and adolescents, the Meltzer & Mindell, 2007). Conversely, parents of
learned behaviors they independently adopt often older children and adolescents may not be aware
maintain insomnia. of the problem because they are not witnessing the
What constitutes disturbed sleep varies greatly difficulty (e.g., the parent is not present to “tuck”
across the life span based on family and individual the child in bed) or contributing to the disturbance
definition of “disturbed”(Jenni & O’Connor, 2005; (e.g., child requires mom to lie down with her in
Mindell, Sadeh, Wiegand, How, & Goh, 2010; order to fall asleep). As a result, older children and
Sadeh, Flint-Ofir, Tirosh, & Tikotzky, 2007; Sleep adolescents are more likely to self-report the sleep
in America Poll, 2006). What one family may con- disturbance because parents are less likely to know
sider “disturbed” another may consider “normal.” what is going on at bedtime and throughout the
Numerous factors contribute to this determination, night. For instance, the National Sleep Foundation
including cultural practices, parental expectations, found that 7% of caregivers polled reported their
and the child’s developmental stage (Goodlin-Jones, adolescents experienced a sleep disorder, whereas
Tang, Liu, & Anders, 2009; Jenni & O’Connor, over twice as many (16%) of the adolescents self-
2005; Mindell, Kuhn, Lewin, Meltzer, & Sadeh, reported a sleep disorder (Sleep in America Poll,
2006; Mindell, Sadeh, Wiegand, et al., 2010). 2006). Yet, these reports were not always congru-
Maturation brings about an awareness of the sleep ent. For instance, 12% of the caregivers reported
disturbance and the associated daytime consequences their adolescent had no sleep problems, but the
(Bibace & Walsh, 1980). Thus as children mature, adolescent self-reported a possible or definite prob-
their own experiences along with their family’s per- lem. Conversely, 3% of the caregivers who reported
spectives influence how they define disturbed sleep their adolescents had a sleep disorder, which the
and subsequently self-report sleep disturbances. adolescent denied.
The progressive independence of children as they Schreck and Richdale (2011) looked beyond
mature also affects the presentation of insomnia. parental reports of sleep disorders to explore fac-
Younger children are at the mercy of their parents tors that influenced their observations. They found
in the determination of bedtime, whereas older parents’ knowledge of sleep and sleep disorders was
children and adolescents begin to develop more poor in general, but significantly worse in older
autonomy surrounding bedtime. Thus, younger children and adolescents compared to younger chil-
children may attempt to impose control over their dren. For instance, almost one-third of parents were
bedtime by resisting falling asleep or insisting that unsure if adolescents snored on a nightly basis or
specific circumstances always be present to fall if adolescents slept more on school nights or non-
asleep. Alternatively, the resulting sleep disturbance school nights.

306 ped iatric ins omnia

Both closeness to the problem (i.e., being the the night each time the child awakes and requests
individual reporting the problem versus observer the situation to be recreated in order to return to
of the reported sleep disturbance) and definition of sleep. Children, like adolescents and adults, expe-
disturbance influence these discrepancies. Parents’ rience nocturnal arousals and awakenings through-
knowledge about “normal” sleep and their observa- out the night as they cycle through the sleep stages
tions provide the point of reference when determin- (Anders, Halpern, & Hua, 1992). Children who
ing if their children’s sleep is poor. Thus, a dearth have learned to independently initiate sleep will use
of knowledge and no observed sleep disturbances this skill to return to sleep; however, children with
enable parents to think their older child or teen is insomnia will respond by seeking out the situation
sleeping just fine. (e.g., feeding, rocking, parental presence) they used
The distinctions in presentation of insomnia and to fall asleep initially.
treatment by the various age groups will be eluci- Limit-Setting Type. Children who present with
dated further in the sections below. Please note, BIC-LST engage in a host of noncompliant behav-
the following sections focus on insomnia and treat- iors as bedtime or naptime approaches, such as stall-
ments for children and adolescents ages 1 to 18 ing or complete refusal to go to bed, verbal protests,
from a Western cultural perspective. In addition, tantrums, crying, and repeated demands (e.g., hugs,
the authors use the term parents, but recognize that kisses, glass of water; American Academy of Sleep
family situations arise such that two parents are not Medicine, 2005; Mindell, Kuhn, et al., 2006).
always present or involved in treatment. Children most often engage in these behaviors at
bedtime, but they can reappear during the night if
Preschoolers (Ages 1 to 5) the child awakens and is expected to return to bed.
Sleep disturbances, in general, are one of the most This pattern of behavior results from an established
common complaints in pediatrician and child psy- learning history in which parents impose bedtime,
chotherapy offices with reports as high as approxi- children engage in the noncompliant behaviors,
mately 20%–30% (Armstrong, Quinn, & Dadds, and parents do not impose limits. When parents
1994; Burnham, Goodlin-Jones, Gaylor, & Anders, do impose limits, children will often escalate their
2002; Goodlin-Jones, Burnham, Gaylor, & Anders, behaviors (i.e., “extinction burst”). As a result, par-
2001; Lozoff, Wolf, & Davis, 1985; Mindell, ents back down from the limit they imposed and
1999). Topping the list of sleep problems in young children are reinforced for engaging in this new,
children is behavioral insomnia of childhood (BIC), more escalated behavior. By the time the family
characterized by parent-reported bedtime struggles arrives for an office visit, the interplay between par-
and frequent night awakenings. BIC includes two ents and children has frequently exacerbated the
subtypes: sleep-onset association type (BIC-SOA) severity of this subtype. A frequent adverse conse-
and limit-setting type (BIC-LST), which frequently quence of BIC-LST is that children truncate their
coexist and have symptom overlap. While some total sleep time, leading to an increase in daytime
children may display only one difficulty or the behavior problems.
other, many display features of both, or combined BIC adversely influences the child, the parents,
type (BIC-C). The function of the behavior drives and the family. Children frequently exhibit day-
the determination of the sub-type. time impairments expressed as mood disturbances,
Sleep-Onset Association Type. Children who performance impairments, and daytime sleepiness
seek parental intervention or assistance to create (Beebe, 2011; Fallone, Owens, & Deane, 2002).
or recreate a specific situation (e.g., feeding, rock- The disruptive behaviors that surround bedtime are
ing, parental presence) required for sleep onset to often a reflection of what is occurring throughout
occur present with BIC-SOA (American Academy the day, only now all parties involved are sleepier.
of Sleep Medicine, 2005; Mindell, Kuhn, et al., Increased sleepiness impairs judgment and decision
2006). These children are unable to self-soothe, making ultimately increasing the likelihood that
and seek out parental attention by either signaling conflict may occur between the child and parents
or leaving their rooms. They have learned a non- and a less desirable outcome may result (e.g., child
adaptive sleep-onset association through repeated sleeping in the parents’ bed, parent sleeping in the
pairings of the situation with sleep (Goodlin-Jones child’s room). Similarly, children under 5 who are
et al., 2001; Van Tassel, 1985). The repeated pair- still within napping age often exhibit these disrup-
ings of the learned cue with sleep occur not just tive bedtime behaviors during naptime. The sleep
from night to night at bedtime, but also throughout disturbances adversely impact the family both

roa n e, tay lo r 307

during the night and daytime. For instance, parents 2011). Environmental factors very widely, encom-
may be reactively co-sleeping (i.e., sleeping with passing areas like the sleeping environment (light,
the child in an attempt to address the sleep prob- noise, room sharing, bed sharing, sleeping space,
lem), consequently disrupting their own sleeping sleeping surface, perceived safety, electronics), fam-
arrangements, or the child’s behavior may be dis- ily composition (family roles, family size, ages,
turbing other siblings who share the room (Kataria, medical and mental health status), family lifestyle
Swanson, & Trevathan, 1987). The subsequent (parental work status, family schedules, household
daytime impairments experienced by the child and rules), and socioeconomic status.
parents also take a toll the next day on all family Cultural factors impact a family’s and individual’s
members. perception of normal sleep, thereby influencing what
Younger children often exhibit “paradoxical” they perceive as disordered (see Chapters 9, 10, and
behaviors in the aftermath of sleep loss such as 11). Mindell and colleagues (2010) examined sleep
hyperactivity, impulsivity, or risk-taking behaviors, patterns and problems of infants and toddlers ages
unlike their parents who experience daytime sleepi- birth to 36 months in predominately Asian (P-A)
ness (Boergers, Hart, Owens, Streisand, & Spirito, and predominantly Caucasian (P-C) countries by
2007; Meltzer & Mindell, 2007). Parent-reported assessing 29,287 parents. Significant cross-cultural
daytime impairments include increased mood dis- differences resulted, with parents in P-A countries
turbances, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, stress, mari- reporting higher perceptions of sleep disorders and
tal conflict, negative parent–child interactions, and that their children had later bedtimes, shorter total
decreased level of effective parenting (Boergers et al., sleep times, and increased room sharing compared
2007; Mindell, Kuhn, et al., 2006; Owens, 2008). In to parents in P-C countries. Thus, the cultural and
addition, studies have documented that infant sleep racial/ethnic makeup of the family are important
disturbances persist into young childhood (Kataria considerations when evaluating and treating chil-
et al., 1987; Stein, Mendelsohn, Obermeyer, dren’s sleep disturbances (Jenni & O’Connor, 2005;
Amromin, & Benca, 2001; Zuckerman, Stevenson, Mindell, Sadeh, Wiegand, et al., 2010).
& Bailey, 1987). Thus, the detrimental effects on
the child, parents, and family can become pervasive Behavioral Treatments for Children
as these behavioral patterns become engrained if Ages 1 Through 5
problems persist for years. A host of strategies have been used to address
Several intrinsic and extrinsic factors con- pediatric sleep disturbances, but behaviorally based
tribute to the likelihood that young children will therapies in children ages 1 through 5 are by far the
develop BIC (Burnham et al., 2002; Hiscock, 2010; strongest (Kuhn & Elliott, 2003; Mindell, Kuhn,
Mindell, Sadeh, Kohyama, & How, 2010; Sadeh, et al., 2006; Morgenthaler, Owens, et al., 2006).
Mindell, Luedtke, & Wiegand, 2009; Sadeh, The primary treatments used generalize to both
Tikotzky, & Scher, 2010). These factors can be symptoms and subtypes. The generalization of the
clustered into parental, individual, and environ- treatment is important and likely due to the very
mental variables, but should always be considered nature of the sleep cycle. Children, like adults, expe-
within a cultural context. Parental variables include rience repeated brief nighttime awakenings follow-
how parents manage bedtime and night awaken- ing initial sleep onset. Each of these brief periods of
ings (strongest predictor), parenting style, family wakefulness often turn into prolonged awakenings
stress (Bates, Viken, Alexander, Beyers, & Stockton, for children with BIC and represent an opportu-
2002), parental temperament (Sadeh et al., 2010), nity for the child—and for the parent to allow the
differences in parental perceptions of their child’s child—to practice independent sleep initiation.
sleep (Boergers et al., 2007; Sadeh et al., 2007), A task force appointed by the American Academy
mental health concerns such as maternal depres- of Sleep Medicine convened and reviewed 52 stud-
sion (Bayer, Hiscock, Hampton, & Wake, 2007; ies using modified Sackett criteria (Sackett,1993)
Boergers et al., 2007; Sadeh et al., 2010), parent and a clinical grading system (i.e., standard,
education, and knowledge about childhood sleep guideline, or option; Eddy, 1992). They estab-
(Schreck & Richdale, 2011) and typical develop- lished the first pediatric practice parameters for
ment (Reich, 2005). Child variables that influence the clinical management of BIC (Mindell, Kuhn,
sleep include temperament, developmental age, et al., 2006). Their findings were consistent with
cognitive and emotional development, and medi- two prior clinical reviews (Kuhn & Elliott, 2003;
cal conditions (Owens, 2008; Owens & Mindell, Mindell, 1999). They reported a 94% efficacy rate

308 ped iatric ins omnia

for behaviorally based treatments, with over 80% to a bed from the crib, vacation, illness), parents are
of the children maintaining improvements at 3 or prepared.
6 months. The evidence provides the most support
for younger children, but the few studies in chil- parent education and prevention
dren closer to age 5 also support the use of behav- Preventive measures are the most effective,
ioral interventions. economical, and time-efficient of any behavior-
This task force identified unmodified extinc- ally based pediatric sleep medicine intervention
tion and preventive parent education as Standard (Mindell, Kuhn, et al., 2006). During the prenatal
Treatments, supported by a plethora of well-de- period through 6 months postnatal, proactive edu-
signed randomized trials. Guideline Treatments, with cational approaches are used with parents that aim
support from randomized trials or nonrandomized to avert sleep disorders by helping them to establish
concurrently controlled studies, included graduated positive sleep habits for their children. Caregivers
extinction, positive routines/faded bedtime, and learn appropriate expectations about sleep in infants
scheduled awakenings. Insufficient evidence was and how to establish limits. Parent management of
available to recommend bedtime routines and posi- bedtime is the strongest predictor of future BIC for
tive reinforcement as stand-alone treatments. younger children (Hiscock, 2010; Mindell, Sadeh,
Research clearly supports behavioral interven- Kohyama, et al., 2010; Sadeh et al., 2010). The pri-
tions for the treatment of BIC. The daunting task mary take-home message with preventative educa-
for clinicians becomes choosing which treatment tion is that babies should be placed in bed “drowsy
intervention to use and appropriately tailoring it to but awake,” enabling them to develop independent
meet the needs of the child and family. Behaviorally sleep initiation skills (Mindell, Kuhn, et al., 2006).
based therapies apply the principles of learning In a large randomized control trial of 268 parents
to bring about change in sleep-related behaviors. and their 2- to 3-week-old infants, nurses delivered
Predictability and consistency enable learning to one 45-minute consultation with written materials.
occur (Kazdin, 2000). The child learns to anticipate Infants in the intervention group slept on average
sleep at the end when parents implement a bedtime 1 hour 20 minutes more than the control group
routine. In addition, the outcome becomes a pre- per day at 6 weeks, and gains were maintained at
dictable consequence when the child experiences 3-month follow-up (Symon, Marley, Martin, &
the same consequence each time a specific behavior Norman, 2005).
occurs. The judicious use of reinforcement, another The primary advantages are the use of skill-build-
component of behavioral therapies, aids in the child ing and the focus on prevention. Unfortunately,
learning by establishing a contrast in experience. the limited availability of these programs and their
For instance, parents can use differential attention limited utility once sleep difficulties develop in chil-
to create this contrast by attending to (reinforce- dren results in other intervention methods being
ment) a wanted behavior (e.g., praise the child for necessary.
getting ready for bed) and not attending to (extin-
guish) unwanted behaviors (e.g., actively ignore the unmodified extinction
child crying once in bed). Unmodified extinction, or “systematic ignoring,”
The parent is the active agent of change in these is the most effective behavioral intervention for
therapies (Mindell, 1999; Owens, 2006; Sadeh, BIC (Kuhn & Elliott, 2003; Mindell, Kuhn, et al.,
2005), but an important and often underappreci- 2006). Parents often refer to this intervention as
ated component of these therapies is the fact that the “cry-it-out approach.” Yet, extinction in its true
the caregivers and children are both changing their form does not equate to “crying it out” but instead
behaviors. This latter point is likely the primary involves removing the reinforcing consequence that
reason these treatments are so effective. Behavioral maintains an unwanted behavior in order to reduce
therapies produce a family level of change (i.e., both the frequency of this behavior over time (Lerman &
parents and children are changing behaviors) ver- Iwata, 1996).
sus an individual level of change (i.e., expecting just In the treatment of BIC, unmodified extinction
the child to change). The benefit of parents learn- involves having parents place the child in bed and
ing effective tools for handling bedtime struggles not attend to him or her until the next morning
and night awakenings is that if, and more realisti- (Chadez & Nurius, 1987; France & Hudson, 1990;
cally when, these sleep problems reappear following Rapoff, Christophersen, & Rapoff, 1982; Rickert
unexpected events in the child’s life (e.g., transition & Johnson, 1988; Sanders, Bor, & Dadds, 1984).

roa n e, tay lo r 309

Possible exceptions to this last instruction include is safe and to provide assurance to the child that the
legitimate illness, danger of self-harm, or property parents are close.
destruction. Most often these basic instructions Graduated extinction has the benefits of main-
are modified to include other behavioral strategies taining the regular bedtime and parents returning
that can make the treatment plan more successful to the room for quick checks. Reid and colleagues
(Lerman, Iwata, & Wallace, 1999). These strategies (1999) found both extinction and graduated extinc-
include establishing a regular bedtime and bedtime tion produced similar improvements in bedtime
routine (Rapoff et al., 1982; Seymour, Bayfield, refusal and night awakenings when compared to a
Brock, & During, 1983), handling refusals to stay waitlist control group. Analysis of maternal stress
in bed (Reid, Walter, & O’Leary, 1999), and pre- about treatment showed no significant difference
paring the parents for the potential extinction burst between groups, but within-group comparisons
(Wade, Ortiz, & Gorman, 2007). found that mothers using graduated extinction
Two potential concerns with any behavioral reported significantly lower treatment-related stress
treatment is the occurrence of an extinction burst, by weeks 2 and 3. Regarding potential additive
a temporary escalation (increase in frequency, dura- benefits of treatments, extinction was associated
tion, and/or magnitude) in the unwanted behavior, with reductions in distress about parenting and in
or an extinction-induced emotional outburst and a verbose discipline strategies (e.g., excessive talking
spontaneous reappearance of the unwanted behavior about the behavior, scolding) following treatment,
(Kazdin, 2000). Children are likely to exhibit this while graduated extinction was associated with
spontaneous reappearance in response to changes improved parent–child interactions compared to no
in their environment (bed, bedroom routine, or intervention. Thus, these findings suggest that the
caregivers) or schedule. While the extinction burst extinction techniques provide parents with helpful
can be too adverse for some parents to endure, espe- tools that are generalizable to their parenting skills.
cially when the burst can last 2 to 3 days (Rickert & The main note of caution with this procedure
Johnson, 1988), the major advantage of unmodified is the risk of inadvertently reinforcing inappropri-
extinction is the rapid response if done correctly. ate behavior with the noncontingent parental pres-
Most children go to bed with little to no protest ence provided by the checks. In essence, parents are
by the third day (France, Henderson, & Hudson, reentering the room whether the child is behaving
1996). appropriately or not. In some instances, parents may
unwittingly shape longer and longer bouts of crying
graduated extinction through the incremental check procedure.
An alternative to unmodified extinction is grad-
uated extinction. Numerous interventions fit under extinction with parental presence
the umbrella term graduated extinction, but all inte- Another variant, called extinction with parental
grate into the unmodified extinction intervention presence, requires parents to remain in the bedroom
parent “check-ins” that are faded over time (Adams feigning sleep in a separate bed or cot while actively
& Rickert, 1989; Ferber, 1985; Kuhn & Weidinger, ignoring inappropriate behaviors (France, 2010;
2000; Lawton, France, & Blampied, 1991; Meltzer France & Blampied, 2005; Mindell, Kuhn, et al.,
& Mindell, 2010; Mindell, Kuhn, et al., 2006). 2006). The only exceptions to ignoring are if the
Check-ins are brief, planned visits (e.g., 15 to 60 child is ill or in danger (Mindell, Kuhn, et al., 2006;
seconds) into the child’s room until the child falls Wolfson, 1998). Parents remain in the room for up
asleep. The schedule and length of time between to one week or until the child is independently initi-
checks varies. A fixed time schedule establishes ating and maintaining sleep, whichever occurs first.
a set interval between checks (e.g., 5 minutes) Once parents are out of the child’s bedroom and
that remains constant between checks, whereas a back in their own bed, they employ unmodified
graduated time schedule, more commonly called extinction for crying out and other inappropriate
“incremental” graduated extinction, progressively behaviors.
increases the length of time between each check This modification of extinction, like graduated
(e.g., 5-minutes, 10-minutes, 15-minutes). During extinction, can ease parents’ concerns about safety
the check-ins, parents are instructed to minimize because they can “see” their child throughout the
social interactions and attention (i.e., no excessive process. Evidence shows this approach produces
talking, touching, or looking at the child). The goal less crying than extinction and graduated extinc-
of check-ins is to reassure the parent that the child tion (France & Blampied, 2005). France (2010)

3 10 pe diatric ins omnia

proposes the parent’s presence reduces the child’s pre-sleep behaviors. The use of positive routines
separation anxiety. Some concerns that need further combines two components: establishing a pre-bed-
empirical evaluation are the stress on the parent who time routine, and temporarily delaying the bedtime
remains in the room pretending to not know the to more closely match when the child is naturally
child is crying and upset, and adherence with the falling asleep pre-treatment (Milan, Mitchell,
request that parents temporarily alter their sleeping Berger, & Pierson, 1981; Mindell, Kuhn, et al.,
arrangements. 2006). Similar to sleep restriction therapy described
later, this instruction helps to build intrinsic sleep
the bedtime pass pressure through the homeostatic sleep drive. The
The bedtime pass is a more recent modification homeostatic sleep drive is a sleep–wake dependent
of extinction for children at least 3 years of age with system that regulates sleep propensity. Prolonged
bedtime refusal. The bedtime pass is intended for wakefulness increases the need for sleep and sleep-
children who have shown mastery of independent ing decreases this need.
sleep initiation but are calling out, coming out of The delayed bedtime also serves to simultane-
the room, or engaging in other bedtime struggles ously reduce bedtime struggles by increasing the
(Freeman, 2006; Friman et al., 1999; Moore, likeliness the child will be sleepy closer to their
Friman, Fruzzetti, & MacAleese, 2007). Prior to bedtime. In addition, a pre-bedtime routine is
initiating this intervention, parents need to assist established that should simultaneously lead up to
the child in choosing or creating an object to serve the child’s bedtime and bedroom, which lasts up to
as the bedtime pass. Objects that typically work 20 minutes and consists of four to seven activities.
well are decorated index cards, stuffed animals, or Parents provide positive reinforcement, often in
other small toys. Items to avoid include the child’s the form of verbal praise, with successful comple-
transitional object or strings with beads (for safety tion of each activity. Activities may include going to
reasons). After making or selecting an item to the bathroom, brushing teeth, putting on pajamas,
be the bedtime pass, the child is told the ground and reading a story. In essence, parents establish a
rules of the bedtime pass. The bedtime pass can behavior “chain” with these activities that in turn
be exchanged for one, and only one, trip or small serve as cues for sleep. If the child begins to tantrum
request (e.g., drink of water, extra hug or kiss) that or engage in other bedtime refusal behaviors dur-
takes less than 3 minutes. When the child uses the ing the routine, parents leave the child alone for 15
pass, parents respond immediately by readily ful- minutes. Upon returning, parents pick up the chain
filling the request and collecting the bedtime pass where they left off. Parents are instructed to engage
from the child. The child is also told that once the in systematic ignoring when the child is in bed.
bedtime pass is used, additional trips or calling out Once the behavioral chain is established and the
are not allowed. Parents use systematic ignoring child is falling asleep quickly without resistance, the
(extinction) for any subsequent problematic bed- pre-bedtime routine gradually advances earlier in
time behaviors once the child hands over the bed- the evening until reaching a preestablished bedtime
time pass. In the morning, parents are encouraged goal (Adams & Rickert, 1989; Milan et al., 1981).
not to discuss the use or nonuse of the bedtime pass. The focus on establishing cues for sleep and teach-
Each night at bedtime, the child is reminded of the ing the child what to do versus what not to do are
bedtime pass rules. Once the child consistently goes benefits of this approach. In a 6-week comparison
to bed without struggles, the bedtime pass is gradu- of graduated extinction, positive routines, and no
ally faded out. treatment group, positive routines showed similar
Evidence indicates the bedtime pass is effective in improvements in frequency of tantrums compared
reducing bedtime struggles in typically developing to graduated extinction, but by week 4 the children
toddlers and school-age children (Freeman, 2006; in the positive routines group were tantruming for
Moore et al., 2007). In addition, the bedtime pass less time compared to the graduated extinction and
appears to minimize the post-extinction response control groups (Adams & Rickert, 1989). Post-
bursts, and parents respond well to the treatment. treatment outcomes indicated the positive routines
and graduated extinction groups meet treatment
positive routines goals in terms of reduced bedtime struggles; how-
While extinction and its various modifications ever, the parents in the positive routines group
focus on removing inappropriate behaviors, positive reported the greatest improvements in marital sat-
routines shift the focus to increasing appropriate isfaction. Adam and Rickert also noted that parents

roa n e, tay lo r 311

in the positive routines group asked fewer questions becomes the dominant association with bed versus
about the protocol. While this intervention includes the established wake associations. Sleep becoming
extinction, the context is differential reinforcement the strongest association with bed increases the like-
(i.e., attending to the desired behaviors and sys- lihood that sleep onset will occur at bedtime. The
tematically ignoring the undesired behaviors), and pairing of response cost with faded bedtime further
the combination of reinforcement with extinction increases this likelihood, because delaying the bed-
appears to cushion the use of the latter. time results in greater homeostatic sleep pressure.
While this treatment shows promise, more
bedtime fading and bedtime fading with research is needed to determine how effective it is in
response cost populations aside from children ages 3 and older and
Bedtime fading, like positive routines, temporar- children with special needs residing in institutional-
ily delays the child’s bedtime to facilitate more rapid ized settings, and to explore the active treatment
sleep onset. The distinction in the two bedtime mechanisms to know the necessity of response cost
delay procedures is that the use of positive routines in the protocol. In addition, adherence to the full
delays the initial treatment bedtime to match the bedtime fading with response cost protocol needs to
typical pretreatment sleep onset time, whereas bed- be evaluated, as the majority of studies have assessed
time fading establishes the initial treatment bedtime treatment implemented by trained professionals.
by adding an additional 30 minutes to the typical The benefit of this treatment is that parents are not
pretreatment sleep onset time (Kodak & Piazza, required to alter their management of bedtime and
2010; Piazza & Fisher, 1991a, 1991b). In addition nighttime awakenings; however, they must be will-
to delaying bedtime, bedtime fading establishes ing to stringently manage the child’s sleep/wake
a scheduled wake-up time each morning. Parents schedule and accept night-to-night fluctuations in
continue to interact with the child at bedtime and their child’s bedtime during treatment.
during night awakenings as they did pre-treatment.
The key shift is the management of times. Parents scheduled awakenings
are instructed to rigorously manage the child’s The scheduled awakenings protocol breaks the
sleep/wake schedule to insure no sleep is occurring association between middle of the night awakenings
outside of the prescribed sleep times. Exceptions and parental attention by establishing a noncontin-
can be made for children 4 years and under who gent reinforcement with schedule thinning in chil-
are still napping (Kodak & Piazza, 2010). Fading dren up to age 5 (Adams & Rickert, 1989; Mindell,
the bedtime involves advancing the bedtime by 30 Kuhn, et al., 2006). Parents closely monitor their
minutes each night the child fell asleep within 15 child’s sleep to establish a baseline pattern of noc-
minutes the night before, or delaying the bedtime turnal awakening times (e.g., 11:30 AM, 1:30 AM,
30 minutes if the child took longer than 15 min- and 3:30 AM). Parents are instructed to preemptively
utes to fall asleep the night before. In many ways, wake their child up 15 to 30 minutes prior to these
bedtime fading is similar to sleep restriction therapy night awakenings and engage in the usual caregiving
used for the treatment of insomnia in older chil- activities (e.g., rocking, feeding) until sleep is reiniti-
dren, adolescents, and adults. ated. The time of each awakening is gradually delayed
The addition of response cost requires parents to to facilitate the child sleeping uninterrupted for lon-
remove the child from bed for 1 hour if sleep onset ger periods of time (Rickert & Johnson, 1988).
does not occur within 15 minutes of the prescribed While scheduled awakenings are an effective
bedtime (Piazza & Fisher, 1991a, 1991b). The focus treatment, the procedure has several drawbacks that
is on increasing the reinforcement value of sleep. make it less likely to be the treatment of choice for
The rationale is that the reinforcement value of sleep most BIC cases. Scheduled awakenings address only
will outweigh that of parental attention through night awakening difficulties, which limits the treat-
the cumulative effect of increasing the homeostatic ment’s utility. The procedure is complex, disrup-
sleep drive via stringent management of the sleep/ tive, and gradual. These three characteristics are not
wake schedule and removing the child from bed always preferable to parents. Parents must anticipate
when sleep onset does not occur swiftly. Bedtime every night awakening, causing disruption to their
fading with response cost parallels stimulus control own sleep schedule. In addition, treatment course
therapy used for the treatment of insomnia in older is often several weeks (e.g., 8 weeks) versus swifter
children, adolescents, and adults (Piazza & Fisher, periods shown with extinction-based protocols (e.g.,
1991a). By removing the individual from bed, sleep 1–3 weeks).

3 12 ped iatric ins omnia

Despite these drawbacks, scheduled awakenings also be educated. In some instances a child who is
are a good alternative for children who are resistant predisposed to sleep terrors will also present with
to extinction-based procedures or who engage in both BIC and OSA. These children are likely suf-
self-harming behaviors (Kuhn & Weidinger, 2000). fering sleep loss from both the OSA and BIC and
If parents prematurely end extinction-based pro- that triggers the sleep terrors. The BIC may have
cedures (e.g., attend to the child at the peak of an arisen independently of the OSA or may be a by-
extinction burst), they may inadvertently teach their product of the OSA-induced night awakenings. In
child more severe behaviors or establish a learning most cases, treating the OSA and BIC will result in
history in which the child escalates rapidly because a cessation of the sleep terrors.
the parents will “give in.” Repeated exposure to situ-
ations such as this can result in the child becom- Middle Childhood (Ages 6 to 10)
ing resistant to extinction-based procedures. These School-age children have usually mastered inde-
children escalate more quickly and engage in more pendent sleep initiation. They are less inclined to
severe behaviors than their peers when an extinc- need parental presence in order to fall asleep. If
tion-based procedure is introduced. In addition, children are unable to fall asleep immediately upon
children who engage in self-harming behaviors (e.g., going to bed, instead of signaling they are more
scratching themselves, severe head banging) should likely to occupy themselves quietly (e.g., read-
not be left unattended under normal circumstances ing a book, lying quietly) until sleep onset occurs
and, as such, should not be left unattended during (Owens, Spirito, McGuinn, & Nobile, 2000).
the peak of an extinction burst. Parents of these School enables this transition to independence.
children need to be able to observe the child, which School provides opportunities for children to
contradicts systematic ignoring. expand their social circles to include peer relation-
ships, and their interests to include academics and
Comorbid Conditions and Considerations extracurricular activities. All of which introduces
Comorbid and occult sleep disorders should be new reinforcers that are as reinforcing if not more
a consideration when evaluating for and treating so than parental attention.
BIC. Children presenting with night awakenings Parents allow children more independence of their
may also have obstructive sleep apnea, sleep terrors, bedtime and bedtime routines as the children show
or, in some cases, both. Any child presenting with mastery of skills both at bedtime and during the day.
middle of the night awakenings, especially if this Simultaneously, children become more aware and
is the primary complaint, should also be assessed accepting of their need for sleep with maturation
for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In these cases, a (Dement, 1999). With less interference around bed-
referral for a polysomnography study (PSG) is nec- time pushing sleep onset later, the strong opposing
essary for determining if OSA should be ruled in or forces of clock-dependent alertness and homeostatic
out (see McLaughlin Crabtree, Rach, and Gamble, sleep drive work in harmony such that school-age
Chapter 19). In these cases, treating the OSA may children often fall asleep and awaken with ease.
be effective in eliminating the night awakenings Despite these maturational changes, parent-
even though additional treatment using behavioral reported rates of bedtime problems (~15%–30%)
interventions may be necessary to treat residual bed- remain as high during middle childhood (Blader,
time struggles and night awakenings. Koplewicz, Abikoff, & Foley, 1997; Owens et al.,
The second comorbid disorder, sleep terrors, 2000; Stein et al., 2001) as those reported during
is a common consequence as a result of the sleep early childhood. As children hit middle childhood,
loss experienced by children with BIC. Sleep ter- the presentation of insomnia begins to change.
rors are a partial-arousal parasomnia in which the Although most of these children continue to pres-
autonomic nervous system becomes activated dur- ent with bedtime refusal (~15%–27%), a small por-
ing delta sleep (stages 3 and 4). As a result, the child tion develop insomnia that more closely resembles
may scream out or cry as though he or she is scared the presentation seen in adolescents and adults
or in pain despite remaining asleep. Parents are (Mindell, Emslie, et al., 2006; Stein et al., 2001;
often the most alarmed by these events because they described in the next section).
are unsure if their child is hurt or has been hurt and
is now recalling that past event. The good news for Comorbid Conditions and Considerations
these children is that treatment for BIC will reduce The majority of evidence-based treatment of
the occurrence of sleep terrors, but parents must pediatric insomnia literature targets infants and

roa n e, tay lo r 313

preschool children, with less focus on school-age Chapter 8). Structural reorganization of the brain
children (Owens et al., 2000; Tikotzky & Sadeh, occurs throughout the second decade of life, the
2010). Unfortunately, clinicians working with most prominent being cortical synaptic pruning
school-age children and adolescents must rely on (Huttenlocher, 1979). These changes influence
the scant literature to date and make inferences physiological correlates of sleep, as shown by the
from the literature available in other age groups. sharp decrease in the amount of slow wave and
The few BIC studies that have included school-age high-amplitude sleep experienced by adolescents.
children support the use of positive routines, faded Adolescents also experience changes in both
bedtime with response cost, and the bedtime pass, processes that regulate the timing of sleep, Process
all described previously. Developing a treatment S (the homeostatic sleep pressure) and Process C
plan for a school-age child presenting with insom- (intrinsic circadian timing system). Older adoles-
nia like that seen in adolescents and adults requires cents experience a slower accumulation of Process
clinicians to borrow from the adult treatment lit- S during wake compare to pre- and early puber-
erature (described in the next section). No matter tal adolescents following sleep deprivation (Jenni,
the treatment of choice for a school-age child, the Achermann, & Carskadon, 2005). A slower accu-
family unit should continue to be the mechanism of mulation of sleep pressure means older adoles-
treatment delivery and monitoring adherence. cents are able to stay awake for longer periods of
School-age children who present with insomnia time (Taylor, Jenni, Acebo, & Carskadon, 2005).
are frequently more complex cases than infants or Simultaneously, pubertal development is associated
toddlers. Often etiology is multifactorial including with a delayed phase preference (Carskadon et al.,
environmental, psychiatric, medical, and psychoso- 1993). Interestingly, despite a notable delay in bed-
cial factors (Sadeh, Raviv, & Gruber, 2000), making times and the emergence of a delayed preference,
the list of rule-ins and rule-outs longer. Insomnia sleep need of approximately 8 hours 54 minutes
in school-age children can be comorbid with other to 9 hours 12 minutes (SD 16–33 min) does not
medical, neurodevelopmental, and psychiatric disor- change across the adolescent age range (Carskadon
ders. Common conditions frequently associated with et al., 1980).
insomnia are attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Adolescents’ intrinsic forces work against them
(ADHD), pervasive developmental disorder, autism, falling asleep earlier as they mature; yet, their
anxiety, depression, and oppositional defiant disor- intrinsic sleep need continues to be the same.
der (Stein et al., 2001). Insomnia due to medication Simultaneously, society-imposed school start times
is also a consideration if the child is taking psycho- do not compensate for these factors but instead push
stimulants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors against them by shifting school starts to the earli-
(SSRIs). Obstructive sleep apnea is still a necessary est times of all school-age children and adolescents
rule-out when evaluating insomnia in school-age (see Au, Appleman, and Stavitsky, Chapter 38). As
children. Rates of sleep terrors decrease with age, so a result, many adolescents adopt irregular sched-
this is less likely to be a comorbid disorder but may ules that become worse with age. These schedules
still be present in some children who are predisposed often reflect a pattern of shorter school-day sleep
and experiencing stress or restricting their sleep. periods with extended “catch-up” sleep periods on
Occurring at the opposite end of the night (latter non-school nights. For instance, younger adoles-
third versus first third) are nightmares, which occur cents average 30 minutes to 1 hour more sleep on
most frequently in school-age children. These events non-school nights, while this average increases to 1
can easily escalate and result in a comorbid case of hour 30 minutes to 2 hours for older adolescents
BIC-SOA if the child seeks out parental assistance to (Carskadon, Wolfson, Acebo, Tzischinsky, & Seifer,
initiate or reinitiate sleep. Circadian disorders, par- 1998; Strauch & Meier, 1988; Wolfson, Acebo,
ticularly delayed sleep phase disorder, may begin to Fallone, & Carskadon, 2003). Some adolescents
emerge in children closer to puberty. are able to maintain a fairly stable schedule and do
not rack up a high sleep debt. Unfortunately, not
Adolescence (Ages 10 to 18) all adolescents fare as well. For those adolescents
Adolescence is a developmental period that who instead maintain a highly irregular schedule,
encompasses numerous neuroendocrine and struc- the extended sleep times on the non-school nights
tural brain changes and the reactivation of the do not make up for the sleep loss they incurred
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis, triggering on school nights, so they fare worse. Their poorer
the onset of puberty (see Carskadon and Tarokh, outcomes are reflected in the higher reports of

3 14 ped iatric ins omnia

behavior and academic problems, daytime sleepi- Underlying sleep disorders such as obstruc-
ness, and depressed mood in this group (Wolfson & tive sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome can act
Carskadon, 1998). as physiological precipitants. Other physiological
Adolescence is a critical point in development triggers include caffeine, medication, alcohol or
due to the numerous physiological, psychoso- drug use or abuse, and medical conditions such
cial, and environmental changes occurring. These as chronic pain (Palermo, Wilson, Lewandowski,
simultaneous changes occurring put adolescents Toliver-Sokol, & Murray, 2011). Another important
at an increased risk for development of psychopa- physiological consideration for adolescents are the
thology, including insomnia, compared to preado- changes in sleep–wake bioregulatory processes that
lescents and younger children. Rates of adolescent result in circadian phase delays (Carskadon, Acebo,
insomnia range from 4%–39% for prevalence, Richardson, Tate, & Seifer, 1997; Carskadon et al.,
5%–23% for new onset, and 2%–20% for chronic 1993; Carskadon, Acebo, & Jenni, 2004; Feinberg,
(Johnson, Roth, Schultz, & Breslau, 2006; Ohayon, 1982; Huttenlocher, 1979; Jenni et al., 2005).
Roberts, Zulley, Smirne, & Priest, 2000; Patten, For some adolescents the delay and subsequent
Choi, Gillin, & Pierce, 2000; Roberts, Lewinsohn, extended wakefulness may trigger acute insomnia
& Seeley, 1995; Roberts, Roberts, & Chan, 2008). onset. For instance, the extended wakefulness expe-
Differences in criteria for insomnia play a large role rienced while trying to adjust to an early school-day
in the variable rates from study to study. Roberts and schedule following a delayed sleep schedule creates a
colleagues used DSM-IV criteria and found a preva- potential for compensatory behaviors and unhelpful
lence rate of 7.03% and incidence rate of 5.5% with beliefs to develop. Initially the adolescent may just lie
a chronicity rate of 34.71% and remission rate of awake exerting effort to sleep. After repeat episodes,
65.29% at follow-up (Roberts et al., 2008). Using the time awake could allow for other compensatory
similar DSM-IV criteria plus a frequency require- behaviors to creep in, such as watching TV, play-
ment of at least four times per week, Johnson and ing video games, or texting. Before long, the acute
colleagues reported 9.4% of adolescents met criteria case of insomnia becomes chronic. The extra time
for insomnia (Johnson, Roth, Schultz, et al., 2006). in bed also provides opportunities for anxiety about
As indicated previously, the behavioral model not falling asleep and rumination over the inability
of insomnia (Spielman, Caruso, et al., 1987) uses a to sleep to occur, with both facilitating the develop-
three-factor model (predisposing, precipitating, and ment of unhelpful beliefs about insomnia (Gregory
perpetuating events) to explain insomnia. Older chil- et al., 2009). In turn, these compensatory behaviors
dren and adolescents likely experience predisposing are reinforced by the detriments to daytime func-
events, genetics (Gehrman et al., 2011; Moore et al., tioning such as daytime sleepiness, inattention, and
2011), and hyperactivity of corticotropin-releasing mood disturbances (Roth & Ancoli-Israel, 1999;
factor neurons (Richardson & Roth, 2001) similar Ustinov et al., 2010) that are associated with an
to those of younger children and adults, but precipi- insomnia sleep pattern and delays in the circadian
tating and perpetuating events differ. system.
Psychological precipitating events, or events that Associations between insomnia, phase prefer-
“trigger” the onset of insomnia, include psycho- ence, and circadian systems exist in the literature.
logical disorders such as mood disorders and anxi- For instance, evening types report more daytime
ety disorder. Almost 73% adolescents with major sleepiness (Carrier, Monk, Buysse, & Kupfer, 1997;
depression reported sleep problems, with insomnia National Sleep Foundation, 2005) and unhelpful
as the most prominent complaint (Liu et al., 2007). beliefs about sleep (Adan, Fabbri, Natale, & Prat,
Depression and insomnia are frequently comorbid 2006) compared to morning types. Delays in circa-
(see Harvey, Alfano, and Clarke, Chapter 35), and dian core body temperature rhythm occur with sleep
insomnia symptoms during adolescence predict onset insomnia (Morris, Lack, & Dawson, 1990),
future depression (Johnson, Roth, & Breslau, 2006; whereas advances in the circadian core body tem-
Roane & Taylor, 2008; Roberts, Roberts, & Chen, perature rhythm occur in early morning awakening
2002). Similarly, adolescents with bipolar disorder insomnia (Lack & Wright, 1993) and are associated
(Harvey, 2008) and anxiety disorders frequently with shorter and more restless sleep (Kerkhof & van
report insomnia (Alfano, Pina, Zerr, & Villalta, Vianen, 1999). In adults with insomnia, those who
2010). For instance, 54% of children and adoles- were identified as evening types reported longer
cents with anxiety disorders report trouble sleeping time in bed, greater variability in their sleep/wake
(Alfano et al., 2010). schedules, higher rates of unhelpful beliefs about

roa n e, tay lo r 315

sleep, and higher depression scores than morning or in an adolescent female’s cycle, but this very factor
intermediate types (Ong, Huang, Kuo, & Manber, may also be an important catalyst to study. A few
2007). Fewer studies exist in the adolescent litera- studies have looked at objective measures of sleep
ture; however, evidence does support similar find- disturbance. Shibui and colleagues (2000) found
ings to those in adults. Specifically, adolescents with decreased amplitude of the core body temperature
self-reported sleep difficulties exhibited later dim rhythm, increased occurrence of slow wave sleep
light melatonin onset (DLMO), or onset of mela- during the daytime, and increased reports of day-
tonin secretion and a marker of the circadian tim- time sleepiness during the luteal phase compared
ing system, than their peers without self-reported to the follicular phase. The reported daytime sleepi-
sleep difficulties, and later DLMOs were associated ness was thought to be a result of the occurrence of
with longer sleep onset latencies (Hasler, Bootzin, slow wave sleep during the daytime. Schechter and
Cousins, Fridel, & Wenk, 2008). colleagues (Shechter, Varin, & Boivin, 2010) found
At times, the close connections between insom- increased progesterone concentrations were cor-
nia and circadian dysregulation can complicate the related with a blunted decline in core body tem-
diagnosis. While adolescents with insomnia and perature and decreased amplitude. Subjectively,
those with delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) women reported longer sleep onset latencies and
each experience symptoms of the other, there are a more sleepiness upon awakening during the mid-
few ways to distinguish the two. For instance, ado- luteal phase compared to the mid-follicular phase.
lescents who present with sleep-onset insomnia and Objective PSG findings indicated a decrease in
difficulties waking in the morning, but the com- REM time. Manber and Bootzin found increased
plaint is schedule-specific, most likely have DSPD subjective reports of disturbed sleep during the late
(Wyatt, 2004). What this means is that when these luteal phase (1997). Baker and Driver (2004) tri-
adolescents are free to pick their schedule (e.g., angulated the specific time window when women
vacation, summer), they experience no difficulties were most likely to experience subjective sleep dis-
initiating and are able to sleep for a full sleep period turbances by confirming the ovulatory cycle and
(Crowley, Acebo, & Carskadon, 2007; Wyatt, found that the last 3–6 days of the late luteal phase
2004); yet, when constrained by a society-imposed and the first 4 days of menstruation was the specific
“normal” schedule, these adolescents experience timeframe of increased reports. Unfortunately, no
difficulties. studies could be found evaluating this phenomenon
Many of the neuroendocrine and structural brain in adolescent females.
changes adolescents experience result in a differen- While healthy adult women experience changes
tiation of the sexes (Buchanan, Eccles, & Becker, in their subjective sleep and markers for sleep across
1992; Giedd et al., 2006). This divergence of their the menstrual cycle (Baker et al., 2001; Baker &
physiology manifests in observable gender differ- Driver, 2004; Manber & Bootzin, 1997; Shechter
ences in their sleep patterns (Laberge et al., 2001; et al., 2010; Shibui et al., 2000), these associations
Lee, McEnany, & Weekes, 1999), sleep hygiene are complex. A large source of this complexity resides
practices (Eggermont & Van den Bulck, 2006), and with the menstrual cycle. Age of menses onset varies
rates of insomnia (Johnson, Roth, Schultz, et al., among females and regularity in the cycle takes sev-
2006). Following menarche, gender differences in eral years to be established, making the menstrual
insomnia are the most striking. Prior to menses cycle an extremely diverse event despite its occur-
onset, boys and girls show no difference in insomnia ring in nearly every female.
rates; however, menarche marks a well-documented In context of the behavioral model of insomnia
2.75-increased risk for insomnia in girls (Johnson, (Spielman, Caruso, et al., 1987), the menstrual
Roth, Schultz, et al., 2006). Studies in adults indi- cycle is a perfect storm for encouraging insomnia
cate this gender differentiation in rates remains to manifest and maintain in adolescent females.
until post-menopause (Foley, Ancoli-Israel, Britz, & First, adolescent girls experiencing sleep distur-
Walsh, 2004). bances coinciding with their menstrual cycle will
Researchers have explored the menstrual cycle to do so frequently and repeatedly given the men-
better elucidate what could be driving this increased strual cycle’s length of 21–45 days during the first
risk. Despite the point of divergence occurring at or 3 years (Treloar, Boynton, Behn, & Brown, 1967;
around puberty, these studies have been conducted Vollman, 1977). Second, the innate variability in
in young and middle-aged adult women. A primary length of the menstrual cycle during the first 3 years
reason for this is likely due to the irregularity present (American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on

3 16 ped iatric ins omnia

Adolescence, American College of Obstetricians few limitations including ambiguity about whether
and Gynecologists, & Committee on Adolescent the driving factor in changes in sleep was the treat-
Health Care, 2006; Treloar et al., 1967; Vollman, ment itself or to improvements in their comorbid
1977) results in a frequent but unpredictable event condition (i.e., participants were substance abuse
that does not allow their sleep disturbance to be eas- patients); the control group was not well selected;
ily tied to it. The result is recurring, irregular bouts and the simultaneous inclusion of bright light into
of sleep disturbance with an instigating factor. the treatment intervention makes it difficult to
Third, post-pubescent adolescent females are prone parse the effects of the light versus behavioral inter-
to experience a delayed circadian phase, increasing ventions. A more recent study by Gradisar and col-
sleep onset difficulties (Carskadon et al., 1993). leagues (2011) treated adolescents with DSPD using
Last, many of the medications used to treat men- a similar polytherapeutic treatment including sleep
strual symptoms include caffeine, which further education, sleep hygiene, bright light therapy, and
exacerbates sleep disturbances. stimulus control therapy. Their sample included a
Finally, numerous behavioral and environmental significant number with comorbid insomnia symp-
factors contribute to the maintenance or perpetu- toms. Like Bootzin and colleagues, the effects were
ation of insomnia. Irregular schedules, particularly high, but the use of bright light confounds the
those kept by adolescents, contribute to a phase interpretation of treatment effects.
delay on the non-school nights, which in turn leads Analogies from the adult literature and prelimi-
to delayed sleep onsets at the beginning of the school nary evidence from studies currently underway also
week (Crowley & Carskadon, 2010). In addition, support the use of behavioral and cognitive inter-
unhelpful beliefs about insomnia (Morin, Vallières, ventions, which are discussed in the next sections.
& Ivers, 2007) and poor sleep hygiene practices The behavioral and cognitive interventions for the
contribute to the maintenance of insomnia. treatment of insomnia are typically used as mono-
therapies or combined into the polytherapeutic
Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia in intervention called cognitive-behavioral therapy for
Older Children and Adolescents insomnia (CBTi). CBTi may look different depend-
Very few treatment outcome studies exist in the ing on who is delivering the therapy, but generally
literature for older children and adolescents. The uses some combination of the monotherapies of
scant literature available and the larger treatment out- stimulus control therapy, sleep restriction therapy,
come research base in adults provide data that sup- and cognitive therapy with a relaxation technique
ports the use of cognitive and behavioral treatments and sleep hygiene education. The rationale behind
for insomnia in adolescents (Barowsky, Moskowitz, this multimodal approach is that the combination
& Zweig, 1990; Bootzin & Stevens, 2005; Weil & of both behavioral and cognitive therapies better
Goldfried, 1973). One case study with an 11-year- addresses the multifaceted nature of insomnia. To
old showed self-relaxation training improved date, no studies have dismantled CBTi to determine
insomnia (Weil & Goldfried, 1973). Another case if all components typically included are necessary
study with three adolescents showed improvements (Morin et al., 2006).
in onset and maintenance insomnia with biofeed- Some of the monotherapies that comprise CBTi
back (Barowsky et al., 1990). Two recent studies have solid empirical evidence while others do not
provide the most solid evidence to date that some of (Morgenthaler, Kramer, et al., 2006). Similar to
the empirically validated approaches used in adults the behavioral interventions for BIC, a task force
could be used with adolescents (Bootzin & Stevens, appointed by the American Academy of Sleep
2005; Gradisar et al., 2011). Bootzin and Stevens Medicine convened to determine effective treat-
(2005) evaluated insomnia treatment outcomes in ments for insomnia in adults using the Sackett cri-
adolescents with a history of a substance abuse dis- teria to review 37 articles (Morgenthaler, Kramer,
orders and self-reported sleep problems or daytime et al., 2006; Morin et al., 2006). Currently, there has
sleepiness. They used a polytherapeutic treatment been no task force that specifically addresses empiri-
approach consisting of stimulus control therapy, cal treatment of insomnia in adolescents. In place of
bright light therapy, cognitive therapy, mindfulness- such a review, clinicians rely on the empirical treat-
based stress reduction, and sleep hygiene education. ments recommended for adults and may modify
Adolescents reported significant improvements fol- these interventions to address the needs of ado-
lowing treatment, but drawing treatment outcome lescents participating in treatment (e.g., circadian
conclusions from this study was difficult due to a delay in addition to insomnia, living space consists

roa n e, tay lo r 317

of their bedroom). Stimulus control therapy (SCT), with the adolescent and family on the implementa-
relaxation training, and CBTi were identified as tion of these instructions given their life situation
Standard Treatments (same criteria as indicated pre- is important in order to increase adherence when
viously). Guideline Treatments were sleep restriction beginning the intervention. This might mean for
therapy (SRT), multicomponent therapy (with- some families sitting down with a floor plan, iden-
out cognitive therapy), and biofeedback. Despite tifying sanctioned areas in the room where school-
effect sizes similar to SCT, SRT is frequently used work can be done, and establishing a clearly defined
in conjunction with SCT, limiting the studies that boundary (e.g., sheet, shoji screen) that partitions
evaluated it as a monotherapy. Insufficient evidence the room so the bed is clearly distinct from the area
was available to recommend sleep hygiene educa- where sleep-incompatible behaviors are allowed
tion as a monotherapy or to know the additive value to occur. For other families, discussing alternative
of it included with other therapeutic treatments. areas for activities to occur will be important.
Currently, bright light therapy is an empirically sup- Once the room is ready, adolescents are instructed
ported treatment for DSPD but is not on the list of to only get into bed if they are sleepy; however, they
supported treatments for insomnia. cannot engage in just any activity when they are
not sleepy. You do not want adolescents increasing
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies for their alertness by texting, playing video games, or
Insomnia (CBTi) engaging in the numerous other recreational (i.e.,
stimulus control therapy “fun”) activities that would decrease the likelihood
Stimulus control therapy (SCT) is the most of sleepiness occurring. Instead, adolescents are
effective single treatment method for insomnia. The instructed to engage in a mundane activity (e.g.,
goal of this behavioral intervention is to strengthen reading a dictionary, reading a school book, writing
the association between the bedroom and sleep by sentences) in dim light to reduce stimulation and
removing competing sleep-incompatible associa- the impact of light on the circadian timing system.
tions (e.g., eating, watching TV, worrying; Bootzin, Once they feel sleepy, they get into bed. If they can-
1972). At the core of these sleep-incompatible asso- not fall asleep in what feels like 15–20 minutes they
ciations is wakefulness. Thus when these become can get out of bed, engage in a mundane activity,
the dominant associations with the bedroom, the and return to bed only when sleepy. Adolescents
bedroom no longer promotes sleepiness. In fact, are instructed not to clock-watch but instead to get
the exact opposite happens. The bedroom becomes out of bed if they have to ask, “Has it been 15–20
associated with wakefulness, which in turn activates minutes?” Two advantages of SCT are reestablishing
the arousal system and reduces the likelihood of the association of sleep with the bedroom through
sleep onset. Continued wakefulness in bed results in repeated experiences of falling asleep quickly in bed.
the individual becoming more aroused, either out and helping adolescents begin to better determine
of frustration or worry, and the likelihood of sleep what signs (e.g., yawning, tired eyes, nodding off)
onset is reduced. The result is a negative cycle that occur when they are actually “sleepy” rather than
can spiral out of control for the individual. fatigued.
In order to break the wake-promoting associa-
tions and strengthen the sleep and bed association, sleep restriction therapy
access to the bed is made contingent on being sleepy. Sleep restriction therapy (SRT) prompts the
The 5 key instructions of SCT are: (1) use the bed body’s natural drive to sleep while re-entraining the
for sleep only, (2) go to bed only when sleepy, (3) circadian timing system, which can become dys-
get out of bed within 15 to 20 minutes when unable regulated as a result of the irregular sleep schedules
to sleep, (4) wake up at the same time each morn- common to people with insomnia. These schedules
ing, and (5) no daily naps. The first step of SCT is to can be even more dysregulated in an adolescent
remove electronics out of the room and to establish already prone to a delayed circadian phase. In order
it as a sleep-only zone. For adolescents this may be to accomplish these feats, the sleep/wake schedule
more difficult, since adolescents often spend much is regulated so that the time spent in bed matches
more time in their rooms and engage in many more the individual’s true sleep needs (Spielman, Caruso,
nonsleep behaviors in their rooms than adults do et al., 1987). Access to bed is initially restricted to
(see Gradisar and Short, Chapter 11). Thus, educat- increase sleep pressure, thereby increasing the likeli-
ing the adolescent and family is a crucial step for this hood that sleep onset occurs quickly and continues
intervention to be effective. In addition, working uninterrupted throughout the night. Starting with

3 18 ped iatric ins omnia

a restricted schedule also allows you to extend the This intervention may be more acceptable to some
hours for sleep until the individual’s true sleep need parents and teens who find the sleep restriction
is determined. technique too drastic. As in SRT, prior to starting
Prior to starting SRT, adolescents should keep adolescents should keep a sleep diary for 2–3 weeks
a sleep diary for 2 to 3 weeks to determine their to determine their average TST and TIB. They
average total sleep time (TST). In collaboration should then reduce their TIB by 30 minutes each
with the adolescent and parents, an allowable time night per week until their sleep efficiency increases
in bed (TIB) for the next week is determined. A to greater than 87%.
good rule of thumb is TIB equals the average TST.
Some therapists will allow an additional 30 min- relaxation therapy
utes. For adults, the recommendation is TIB is no Various relaxation techniques exist, including
less than 5 hours to 5 hours 30 minutes (Spielman, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), diaphragmatic
Saskin, & Thorpy, 1987). For school-age children breathing, visual imagery, meditation, and yoga.
and adolescents, the TIB is typically more conserva- PMR has historically shown the most support in
tive due to the unknown effects of restricting sleep the treatment for insomnia (Morgenthaler, Kramer,
at this critical developmental time or period, and to et al., 2006; Morin et al., 2006). In more recent years
the known effects of mood dysregulation resulting the combination of mindfulness meditation with
from restricted sleep in children and adolescents. CBTi has shown promising results (Ong, Shapiro,
To establish the “prescribed schedule” for the week, & Manber, 2008, 2009; Ong & Sholtes, 2010).
first establish the earliest time the adolescent must For any relaxation technique, the overarching goal
get up for the week. This time becomes the wake is to induce relaxation through diverting focus. For
time for the week and the bedtime is determined by instance, adolescents learn to focus on tensing and
TIB (e.g., TIB = 7 hr 30 min; earliest wake time = relaxing muscle groups in PMR, while they learn to
7 am; bedtime = 11:30 pm). The adolescent’s TIB be aware of their thoughts and actions in the present
progressively lengthens by 15 minutes weekly if the with mindfulness meditation. Through sustained
average sleep efficiency ([total sleep time/total time focus, the body is allowed time to relax. Adolescents
in bed] x 100) is greater than 87% for that week. If are reminded that relaxation techniques are a skill
the sleep efficiency falls below 85%, the adolescent’s that requires daily practice. Once they learn the skill
TIB is decreased by 15–30 minutes. Incremental with the therapist, they are instructed to practice
increases occur each week until the optimal time in daily. Usually, practice initially occurs before bed
bed is achieved (i.e., TIB cannot be extended with- and not when they require it to fall asleep or return
out sleep efficiency dropping below 87%). to sleep. Once they master the skill, they can begin
The advantage of SRT is the rapid consolidation to use it when they are unable to sleep.
of the sleep period; however, adolescents and par-
ents may not initially agree with the restricted sleep cognitive therapy
schedule. Thus, education about why the schedule Cognitive therapy (CT) for insomnia tar-
is being restricted and the long-term plans of sleep gets the unhelpful beliefs that interfere with sleep
extension are important. In addition, discuss with and replaces them with more adaptive substitutes
adolescents and parents the side effects of both SCT (Harvey, Sharpley, Ree, Stinson, & Clark, 2007;
and SRT. They will likely experience daytime sleepi- Sloan et al., 1993). More adaptive thoughts should
ness and potentially other side effects of decreased reduce arousal, therefore reducing the likelihood of
total sleep times. Discussing with parents and extended wakefulness. These unhelpful beliefs are
adolescents what to expect beforehand will reduce often identified through the initial interview and
premature treatment termination and inability or standardized assessments such as the Dysfunctional
unwillingness to follow the intervention. Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep Scale (Morin
et al., 2007). Once unhelpful beliefs are identified,
sleep compression therapy work begins with the adolescent to challenge and
One alternative to sleep restriction, sleep com- replace these through education and behavioral
pression, has also shown effectiveness in treat- experiments. Advantages to CT are the replacement
ing insomnia (Lichstein, Riedel, Wilson, Lester, of unhelpful beliefs about sleep. Preliminary data
& Aguillard, 2001). The goal of sleep compres- suggests CT is effective at altering unhelpful beliefs
sion is to gradually reduce time in bed until the about sleep as a standalone treatment in adults, but
patient’s optimal time in bed has been established. effects on sleep outcomes are not as clear and no

roa n e, tay lo r 319

research has been conducted to test the efficacy in administered before the core body temperature
children and adolescents (Harvey et al., 2007). minimum will phase delay the circadian timing
system (i.e., move it to a later clock time). In order
sleep hygiene education to phase advance for adolescents, BLT is typically
If evidence from your assessment indicates the used in the mornings upon waking up. Currently
adolescent engages in poor sleep hygiene behav- there is no general agreement on optimal timing,
iors, then a diagnosis of inadequate sleep hygiene duration, and dosing of morning light for DPSD
should be given (see Gruber, Constantin, Cassoff, or insomnia. Often, adolescents are recommended
and Michaelson, Chapter 39). In these cases, sleep to obtain 30–45 minutes of bright light either
hygiene education would be included in treatment via natural light or a bright light box. The use of
(Mindell, 2003; Owens & Witmans, 2004) focus- bright light therapy is quite a complicated pro-
ing on the specific areas where the adolescent cedure and should not be attempted without the
endorsed difficulties. In general, sleep hygiene edu- help of a board certified sleep medicine specialist,
cation covers several topics like insuring your sleep preferably one who is certified in behavioral sleep
environment is conducive to sleep, avoiding stimu- medicine.
lating activities the hour before bedtime, and avoid-
ing naps. Sleep hygiene education as a monotherapy Comorbid Conditions and Considerations
is ineffective (Taylor, Schmidt-Nowara, Jessop, & Differential diagnoses to consider when evalu-
Ahearn, 2010); Yet, non–sleep specialists often offer ating for insomnia are DSPD, inadequate sleep
it as the first and only line of treatment to their hygiene, and behavioral sleep restriction. The previ-
patients. As a result, adolescents and families may ously mentioned study by Johnson and colleagues
feel like behavioral therapies are ineffective because (2006) evaluated the role DSPD plays in diagnosing
sleep hygiene did not work. insomnia. They found DSPD did not significantly
account for the insomnia cases (4/95) studied.
Bright Light Therapy While adolescents may not be experiencing DSPD
Bright light therapy (BLT) is not a typical compo- that accounts for their insomnia symptoms, they
nent of insomnia treatment, but it is an empirically may be experiencing a dysregulated circadian sys-
supported treatment for delayed sleep phase disor- tem, which does need to be a consideration in treat-
der (DSPD; Morgenthaler et al., 2007; Sack et al., ment. Similarly, if adolescents engage in poor sleep
2007). Bright light therapy may also be beneficial hygiene behaviors, then a diagnosis of inadequate
with adolescents due to their predisposed tendency sleep hygiene should be given. This diagnosis does
to phase delay. The scant literature in adolescents not preclude them from a comorbid diagnosis of
that has used BLT to treatment insomnia symp- insomnia, circadian rhythm disorder, or behavioral
toms, alone or in the context of DPSD, suggests it is sleep restriction.
effective (Bootzin & Stevens, 2005; Gradisar et al., As with younger children, underlying sleep and
2011). BLT targets the circadian timing system and medical disorders can trigger insomnia and should
aims to phase advance or phase delay the system. be considered in the evaluation. OSA often presents
For adolescents, most often treatment will focus on as frequent night awakenings, but is accompanied
phase advancing (i.e., shifting the intrinsic timing by other symptoms such as loud snoring, gasping
system earlier). for air, pauses in breathing, night sweats, and enure-
Bright light therapy is derived from experimen- sis. Another sleep disorder that can present with
tal research that has demonstrated light to be the nocturnal awakenings is periodic limb movement
most effective mechanism to entrain the circadian disorder (PLMD), whereas restless legs syndrome
system. The effect light has on the circadian timing (RLS) appears more like sleep onset insomnia. OSA
system depends on several factors including tim- and PLMD require further evaluation via a PSG,
ing, light intensity, duration, and wavelength. For while RLS is based on subjective reports. As indi-
treatment purposes, bright light therapy relies on cated previously, insomnia is frequently comorbid
the Phase Response Curve (PRC) literature that with Axis I disorders. Recent research supports the
identified the shifting effects of light based on the treatment of insomnia in the context of a comor-
timing of administration. Bright light adminis- bid disorder, and doing so can help to reduce the
tered after the core body temperature minimum severity of the comorbid condition (Manber et al.,
will phase advance the circadian system (i.e., 2008; Taylor, Lichstein, Weinstock, Sanford, &
move it to an earlier clock time) while bright light Temple, 2007). Any time a comorbid condition is

3 20 pe diatric ins omnia

present, treatment consideration should be made. Conclusions
Considerations may include waiting to treat until Pediatric insomnia encompasses a large range of
after the insomnia is improving, co-treating, or clinical manifestations. Understanding of insom-
treating the comorbid condition first. nia in pediatric populations requires clinicians to
appreciate numerous factors such as developmen-
Pharmacological Treatment for tal age, family context, cultural and social fac-
Pediatric Insomnia tors, biological factors, and comorbid conditions.
Currently, evidence supports behavioral and The majority of research has been conducted in
cognitive therapies for the treatment of pediatric infants and young children, and supports the use of
insomnia. Despite the evidence, pharmacological behavioral interventions in the treatment of BIC.
treatments have been proposed on numerous occa- Less research guides clinicians in the treatment
sions as possible alternatives. In order to evaluate of insomnia present in older children and adoles-
the potential use of pharmacological treatments, the cents. Fortunately, more studies are underway and
National Sleep Foundation collaborated with Best hopefully soon the bounty of these studies will be
Practice Project Management, Inc., to establish a reaped for the children and adolescents who experi-
panel of experts who could convene and evaluate ence difficulties sleeping. Until then, the literature
the evidence (Mindell, Emslie, et al., 2006). These offers guidance and supports the use of behav-
experts drew two primary conclusions: (1) scant ioral and cognitive therapies for the treatment of
evidence supports the use of pharmacological inter- insomnia in older children and adolescents. One
ventions in pediatric insomnia, and (2) effectiveness major limitation is the lack of qualified profession-
and safety studies are needed to empirically evaluate als to treat these individuals (see Thomas, Avis, and
hypnotic use in pediatric populations. Lichstein, Chapter 41). Future studies also need to
Despite the first conclusion, evidence suggests focus on dissemination of those interventions that
77% of pediatricians have recommended over-the- have been shown to work in these populations.
counter remedies and 58% have prescribed medica- For more information on curricula, systematic
tion for BIC in a 6-month period (Owens, Rosen, strategies, strategies for working with adolescents,
& Mindell, 2003). A more recent study evaluating clinical sleep training, and the impact of behavioral
prescription practices by psychiatrists noted insom- interventions see Chapters 37–41 that focus on
nia was a concern of a third of the patients seen prevention and intervention.
and nearly one-fourth of these children and ado-
lescents were receiving pharmacological treatment Future Directions
for insomnia (Owens, Rosen, Mindell, & Kirchner, • Despite evidence that shows prevention is
2010). On average each month, 96% of psychia- effective, current rates of pediatric insomnia in
trists in study recommended a prescription medi- infants and toddlers are still extremely high. What
cation and 88% recommended an over-the-counter needs to be done to improve the utilization of
medication. This and other evidence brought about preventive education?
the panels’ second recommendation that empirical • Evidence shows that older children and
evidence is needed to guide prescription practices adolescents often do not come forward indicating
in treating pediatric insomnia. To date, the Food a problem. What can be done to reach these age
and Drug Administration has not approved the groups and increase their access to treatment?
use of hypnotics in pediatric populations, which • Research indicates that young children with
means these medications are being used off-label. insomnia are more likely to experience insomnia
Prescription practices often vary by clinician, as lim- as older children, adolescents, and adults. What
ited evidence supports the use of these medications influence does treatment at an early age have on
in pediatric populations. A review panel of experts outcomes when these children are older, with
in the pediatric sleep field convened recently in regard to insomnia and other disorders?
an attempt to provide physicians and psychiatrists • Despite the noted prevalence rates of
guidelines for prescribing, but again these guide- insomnia in school-age children and adolescents,
lines are based on the scant evidence available and treatment studies are lacking in these populations.
clinical experience (Owens & Moturi, 2009). As What treatments are most effective for these
such, behavioral and cognitive therapies are still rec- populations? Are there adjuvant treatments that
ommended as the treatment of choice for pediatric may increase the effectiveness and/or adherence to
insomnia. already established treatments?

roa n e, tay lo r 321

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3 26 ped iatric ins omnia


Circadian Timing: Delayed Sleep

23 Phase Disorder

R. Robert Auger and Stephanie J. Crowley

Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), common among adolescents, is characterized by an extreme
“eveningness” circadian preference. Various etiologies have been proposed for this presumably
multifactorial condition. As those afflicted frequently present during a time of transition to earlier
school start times, sleep restriction can be profound, which may mediate described associated
emotional and mental health difficulties, poor academic performance, and increased risk of
unintentional injuries or death. A thorough assessment is required for accurate diagnosis and
appropriate treatment. More studies are needed to establish evidence-based clinical guidelines for
this young population, particularly as implementation of adult-based therapies are met with numerous
Key Words: circadian, delayed sleep phase disorder, adolescents, light, melatonin, sleep

Introduction (Borbely & Achermann, 1992). The homeostatic

This chapter aims to educate the reader about drive to sleep (Process S) is proportional to the
adolescent delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD). duration of wakefulness and, among young adults,
Background information is provided regarding becomes maximal at about 40 hours (Carskadon
the normal developmental delay in the sleep/wake & Dement, 1979). In contrast, Process C creates a
schedule in association with puberty, as DSPD is drive for wakefulness that variably opposes Process
widely viewed as an extreme expression of this phe- S and is dependent upon circadian (“approxi-
nomenon. The observed frequency of DSPD is then mately daily”) rhythms intrinsic to the organism.
reviewed, which is contingent upon varying diag- Master coordination of this sleep/wake rhythm
nostic criteria and differences in school start times. (and numerous other behavioral and physiological
Predominant biological etiological hypotheses are variables) is provided by the neurons of the supra-
discussed, with acknowledgment that the condition chiasmatic nuclei located within the hypothalamus
has multifactorial origins. This detailed preface seg- (Moore & Eichler, 1972; Stephan & Zucker, 1972;
ues into a review of clinical presentation, comor- Ralph, Foster et al., 1990; Welsh, Logothetis et al.,
bidities, and treatment options. We begin with a 1995), whose rhythmic output results from an
primer of human circadian biology and terminol- autoregulatory feedback loop within which oscil-
ogy (see Chapters 8 and 17). lating gene products regulate their own transcrip-
tion and translation (reviewed in Piggins, 2002). As
Circadian Rhythms and Light this intrinsic period (termed τ) is typically slightly
Sleep and wakefulness are conceptually gov- longer than 24 hours (Czeisler, Duffy et al., 1999),
erned by two processes, “Process S” and “Process C” synchronization to the 24-hour day (entrainment)

is accomplished by various environmental inputs, which the transition occurs is termed the dim light
the most important of which is light and dark expo- melatonin onset (DLMO; see Figure 23.1; Crowley,
sure (Waterhouse & DeCoursey, 2004). Chapter 17; also (Sack, Auckley et al., 2007a) The
The relationship between the timing of a stimu- DLMO serves as a rough crossover point for the
lus and the magnitude and direction of a phase shift melatonin PRC (see Figure 23.1).
is described by a phase response curve (PRC; see In an individual normally entrained to the light/
Figure 23.1; Carskadon and Tarokh, Chapter 8). dark cycle, evening light exposure (i.e., exposure
The time at which the stimulus response shifts prior to the MCBT) delays circadian rhythms,
from phase delay to phase advance is known as and morning light exposure (i.e., exposure after
the crossover point. In the adult human light PRC, the MCBT) advances rhythms (see Figure 23.1;
this occurs near the time of the minimum core (Eastman & Burgess, 2009). These opposing effects
body temperature (MCBT; inverted triangle in allow the majority of the population to be prop-
Figure 23.1), which typically manifests a few hours erly attuned to the light/dark cycle such that sleep
prior to habitual sleep offset and corresponds with and wakefulness occur at a conventional schedule
maximal sleepiness (Cagnacci, Elliott et al., 1992). (Duffy & Wright, 2005). Failure to synchronize
The transition from low daytime melatonin (a can alter the phase relationships between inter-
“darkness” hormone) secretion to robust noctur- nal rhythms and the light/dark cycle, which may
nal secretion can be assessed serially (e.g., with manifest in the form of circadian rhythm sleep
salivary samples) during a window that precedes disturbances such as irregular sleep–wake and free-
and overlaps the typical time of sleep onset (Pandi- running types, advanced sleep phase disorder and,
Perumal, Smits et al., 2007). As this procedure is most pertinent to this chapter, delayed sleep phase
performed under dim light conditions (to avoid disorder (American Academy of Sleep Medicine,
light-induced melatonin suppression), the time at 2005).

Human Phase Response Curves To Bright Light and Melatonin

3 3
Light PRC
Melatonin PRC
2 2

1 1
Phase Shift (h)

0 0

–1 –1

Dead Zone
–2 –2

–3 –3
12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12
Clock Time

–9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 12 15
Hours Before and After the Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO)
Time of Melatonin or Bright Light

Figure 23.1 Phase response curves (PRCs) generated from subjects free-running through an ultradian light–dark cycle (2.5 hours:
1.5 hours) for three 24-hour days. Melatonin pills (3.0 mg; Burgess, Revell, et al., 2008) or bright light pulses (2 hours of ∼3500 lux;
Revell, 2005) were given each day, with different subjects receiving the stimulus at different times of day. Phase shifts were derived
from circadian phase assessments conducted before and after the 3 days of the protocol. The X axis shows the time the pill was given
or the time the bright light pulse began relative to each subject’s dim light melatonin onset (DLMO), represented by zero on the
bottom time line and the upward arrow. The clock time axis allows for depiction of a subject with a DLMO at approximately 21:00,
sleep from about 23:30 until 07:00 (rectangle), and a core body temperature minimum (MCBT) at about 04:00 (inverted triangle).
These represent typical times and phase relationships among these rhythms when the circadian clock is entrained to a 24-hour day
(Burgess & Eastman, 2005; Lee, Smith et al., 2006; Burgess & Fogg, 2008).
Source: Eastman & Burgess, 2009.

3 28 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

Delayed Sleep/Wake Timing in Association Table 23.1 International Classification of Sleep
with Developmental Changes Disorders, Second Edition, Diagnostic Criteria for
A delay in the preferred timing of sleep and Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder*
wakefulness in association with adolescence has A. There is a delay in the phase of the major sleep
been demonstrated within numerous societies period in relation to the desired sleep time and
worldwide (Andrade, Benedito-Silva et al., 1993; wake-up time, as evidenced by a chronic or
Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998; National Sleep recurrent complaint of inability to fall asleep at
Foundation, 2000; Laberge, Petit et al., 2001; a desired conventional clock time together with
Carskadon & Acebo, 2002; Giannotti, Cortesi the inability to awaken at a desired and socially
et al., 2002; Gau & Soong, 2003; National Sleep acceptable time.
Foundation, 2006; Ouyang, Lu et al., 2009; Sadeh, B. When allowed to choose their preferred schedule,
patients will exhibit normal sleep quality and
Dahl et al., 2009), and coincides with a variety of
duration for age and maintain a delayed but stable
physiologic pubertal changes, as well as nonphysi- phase of entrainment to the 24-hour sleep-wake
ologic changes (see Chapters 8 and 11) in the social pattern.
milieu (reviewed in Crowley, Acebo et al., 2007). C. Sleep log or actigraphy monitoring (including sleep
A systematic assessment of circadian preference diary) for at least seven days demonstrates a stable
involving over 20,000 participants demonstrated a delay in the timing of the habitual sleep period.
crescendo pattern of increasing “eveningness” until D. The sleep disturbance is not better explained
the age of approximately 20 with a subsequent by another current sleep disorder, medical or
gradual decline, proposed to be a marker for the neurological disorder, medication use, or substance
“end of adolescence”(Roenneberg, Kuehnle et al., use disorder.
2004). Commonly observed adolescent DSPD *Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005.
appears to represent an extreme expression of this
scheduling preference. (Pelayo, Thorpy et al., 1988;
Dagan, Stein et al., 1998; Thorpy, Korman et al., of readily initiating sleep when allowed to sleep
1998; American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005; according to his/her desired sleep/wake schedule.
Carskadon, Vieira et al., 1993; Carskadon, Acebo The simultaneous presence of more than one condi-
et al., 1997; Jenni, Achermann et al., 2005). tion seems to be the norm rather than the exception
(Gradisar, Dohnt et al., 2011), however, and each
DSPD Clinical Presentation needs to be treated accordingly.
DSPD can be construed as a pronounced “night
owl” circadian preference, such that those affected Diagnosis and Assessment
habitually retire and arise significantly later than As there are no discrete clock times associ-
conventional or desired clock times (see Table 23.1). ated with the International Classification of Sleep
As the condition is felt to relate primarily to an Disorders 2nd Edition diagnostic criteria for DSPD
aberration in timing (but not quality) of sleep, the (American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005), and
characterization of a disorder is invoked only if the only sparse normative data regarding adolescent
schedule interferes significantly with social or occu- sleep–wake times in general, a simplistic approach
pational functioning. Adolescents with DSPD live is to elicit a typical weekday bedtime of 00:00 or
at a circadian phase that is incompatible with per- later for those >14 years of age, and a threshold clock
sonal and academic obligations. time of 23:00 h for those ≤14 years (Auger, Burgess
Primary considerations within the differential et al., 2011) These timings cutoffs are based, in part,
diagnosis include depression and anxiety, which upon the average bedtimes reported by 6th- through
often manifest with sleep complaints (Ohayon, 8th–graders in the 2006 Sleep in America Poll
1997), as well as inadequate sleep hygiene and (National Sleep Foundation, 2006). As wake times
numerous other conditions associated with sleep are typically enforced due to school attendance 5 days
initiation complaints. One must encourage elabo- of the week, they do not accurately represent inter-
ration among those presenting with “insomnia,” as nal preferences. Both sleep onset and offset times are
approximately 10% of such patients within sleep likely to be later on weekends, but sole attention to
medicine clinics ultimately prove to have DSPD this schedule is less likely to identify those with an
(American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005). obligate delayed circadian preference.
Psychophysiological insomnia can be differenti- Various assessment tools can complement the
ated from DSPD with the patient’s endorsement clinical history in establishing a diagnosis of DSPD

aug er, c rowl ey 329

(see Crowley, Chapter 17). Either sleep logs or actig- and/or patients with maintenance or terminal insom-
raphy are required to demonstrate stability of the nia attributed primarily to circadian phase advances.
complaint (and to rule out extraneous influences), A case-control comparison of FASPD patients
but the latter typically generates more reliable data (representative of the extreme phenotype) demon-
(Bradshaw, Yanagi et al., 2007). Actigraphs are com- strated markedly advanced DLMO (17:31 ± 1:49
pact “motion detectors” (which may or may not con- vs. 21:21 ± 0:28, p < 0.0005) and MCBT (23:22 ±
tain photosensors) used commonly in clinical and 2:55 vs. 03:35 ± 1:33, p = 0.002) clock times (Jones,
research settings, the output of which allows longi- Campbell et al., 1999) A review of MCBT values
tudinal assessment of various sleep/wake parameters obtained from nonfamilial ASPD patients (DLMO
(Morgenthaler, Alessi et al., 2007). Eveningness values not available for comparison) and those with
tendencies of presumptive DSPD patients can be advance-related complaints reveals a wider range of
further verified with morningness/eveningness values (ranging from approximately 01:30–04:00;
questionnaires (Horne & Ostberg, 1976). Lower Campbell, Dawson et al., 1993; Lack & Wright,
score values are associated with evening types, which 1993; Lack, Wright et al., 2005), however, with
are felt to correspond to the endogenous circadian the latter range approaching those expected in
period or phase, and can therefore be helpful in nar- unaffected populations. Taking into account that
rowing the differential diagnosis for sleep-initiation changes in circadian rhythms can be produced by
complaints (reviewed in Sack, Auckley et al., 2007). voluntary manipulation of the sleep/wake schedule
See Spruyt, Chapter 18 Crowley (Chapter 17) also alone (Wyatt, 2004), a physiological assay will be
describes ME questionnaires, for a full description useful in clinical practice only if extremes in values
of morningness/eveningness questionnaires. can be readily identified, prompting providers to
Physiological assessments for diagnosis show prom- search for further clinical correlation if results fall
ise. Although studied almost exclusively among adult into a “gray zone.” Such an approach is familiar
patients, DSPD has been associated with delayed to those who interpret multiple sleep latency test-
circadian rhythms of melatonin, cortisol, thyroid- ing values on a regular basis (Arand, Bonnet et al.,
stimulating hormone, and body temperature (Ozaki, 2005). Phase assessments may have greater poten-
Uchiyama et al., 1996; Shibui, Uchiyama et al., 1999; tial to guide the timing of melatonin and/or light
Shibui et al., 2003) As a result, such tests (particularly therapy.
salivary melatonin immunoassays) appear to have
potential clinical utility but are not yet routinely used Delayed Sleep Phase
(see Crowley, Chapter 17; reviewed in Sack, Auckley Disorder Epidemiology
et al., 2007a) To preface, the DLMO typically begins Prevalence estimates of DSPD range widely.
14 hours after natural sleep offset (about 2 hours Reports based on questionnaires, telephone surveys,
before sleep onset; Burgess & Eastman, 2005), and or mixed subjective and objective measures estimate
the MCBT occurs approximately 7 hours thereaf- a general population prevalence between 0.13–3.1%
ter (reviewed in Lee, Smith et al., 2006) or, as dis- (Schrader, Bovim et al., 1993; Ando, Kripke et al.,
cussed above, a few hours prior to natural awakening 1995; Yazaki, Shirakawa et al., 1999; Wyatt, 2004).
(Cagnacci, Elliott et al., 1992). Rahman and colleagues Adolescent prevalence in particular varies with the
(2009) contend that DLMO values can be used to country of origin, but predominance in comparison
distinguish between those with DSPD and those with to adults appears uniform (Pelayo, Thorpy et al.,
prolonged sleep latency due to non-circadian-based 1988; Ando, Kripke et al., 1995; Yazaki, Shirakawa
entities. As the distinction between their comparison et al., 1999; Hazama, Inoue et al., 2008; Saxvig,
groups was based solely upon greater polysomno- Pallesen et al., 2012). Both US and Norwegian esti-
graphically measured sleep onset latency within the mates exceed 7% in select studies (Pelayo, Thorpy
DSPD group, however, these results should not be et al., 1988; American Academy of Sleep Medicine,
considered definitive, as those with insomnia do not 2005; Saxvig, Pallesen et al., 2012), although the
reliably exhibit reduced sleep latency subsequent to a latter applied less rigid diagnostic criteria than the
1-night laboratory adaptation. former. A Japanese survey that queried students
The development of comprehensive normative from “junior high to university age” (precise ages
values represent another hurdle to the use of DLMO unspecified) described a strikingly different preva-
in the clinical setting, as exemplified by comparing lence rate of 0.48%, with an increase in association
phase markers obtained from familial advanced with advanced age (1.7% among 4th-year university
sleep phase disorder (FASPD) to nonfamilial ASPD students; (Hazama, Inoue et al., 2008). A systematic

330 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

Table 23.2 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of is in its early stages (reviewed by Sack and col-
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision leagues, 2007b) and has been generated primarily
Criteria for Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder* from adult subjects. Several studies have focused on
A. A persistent or recurring pattern of sleep disruption the hPer3 gene. Among five polymorphisms (occur-
leading to excessive sleepiness or insomnia that ring within four haplotypes) reported by a Japanese
is due to a mismatch between the sleep–wake group, one haplotype occurred at a higher frequency
schedule required by a person’s environment and among adult DSPD subjects, but associations with
his or her circadian sleep–wake pattern. specific polymorphisms were not explored (Ebisawa,
B. The sleep disturbance causes clinically significant Uchiyama et al., 2001). Taking a different approach,
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or a British group focused on a length-polymorphic
other important areas of functioning. repeat region of hPer3 (composed of either 4 or 5
C. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during units), and found a higher frequency of the 4-re-
the course of another Sleep Disorder or other
peat allele among a DSPD patient group aged
mental disorder.
D. The disturbance is not due to the direct
16–27 years (88%; ( Archer, Robilliard et al., 2003).
physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug In contrast, the 5-repeat allele was associated with a
of abuse, a medication) or a general medical morningness phenotype. Complicating the picture
condition. (and perhaps pertinent to the regional differences
in DSPD prevalence described above), a Brazilian
*Source: American Psychiatric Association, 2000
group found homozygosity for the 5-repeat allele
among nearly 30% of adult DSPD patients (Pereira,
study involving over 1000 Western European ado- Tufik et al., 2005) and suggested that discrepancies
lescents aged 15–18 years structured interview may be due to differences in patients’ ethnic origins
questions in relation to discrete Diagnostic and or other environmental factors (e.g., latitude). The
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition British group subsequently expanded their search
criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000; to the promoter region of the gene (Archer, Carpen
see Table 23.2) and reported a similarly low rate et al., 2010). Among 3 single nucleotide polymor-
(0.4%) of circadian disorders of any type (Ohayon, phisms identified, 2 alleles (G-320T and C-319A)
Roberts et al., 2000). As the authors reported later occurred more frequently in the adult DSPD cohort
school start times than in many areas of the United than among comparison groups of morning and eve-
States, marked discrepancies in regional prevalence ning types. A particular allele combination (TA2G)
may be due in part to this variable, particularly as a was also more prevalent among these subjects.
large number in the European group were excluded A separate Japanese group identified two more
from estimates solely due to an absence of reported genes associated with DSPD: arylalkylamine
negative daytime consequences. With respect to N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) and human leuko-
gender differences, a pronounced male predomi- cyte antigen (HLA) DR1 (Hohjoh, Takahashi et al.,
nance (10:1) was reported in a UK-based study 1999; Hohjoh, Takasu et al., 2003). Intriguingly,
(Alvarez, Dahlitz et al., 1992) but was not described AA-NAT is the rate-limiting enzyme in melatonin
in a subsequent Japanese report (Hazama, Inoue synthesis. The frequency of a single nucleotide poly-
et al., 2008). morphism (amino acid substitution from alanine to
threonine at position 129) was significantly higher
Findings and Proposed Etiologies among those with DSPD (16%) versus controls
Although DSPD is undoubtedly heteroge- (3.1%; the age of the studied population is unspeci-
neous in nature and comprises varying amounts of fied) (Hohjoh, Takasu et al., 2003). The positivities
endogenous and exogenous contributors, current of the DR1 antigen were 26.2% and 9.4% among
diagnostic schemas emphasize biological underpin- cases (14–45 years of age) and controls, respec-
nings. Proposed etiologies are concordant with this tively, although the corrected p value failed to reach
emphasis. statistical significance (Hohjoh, Takahashi et al.,
1999) Finally, Takano and colleagues (Takano,
Molecular Genetics Uchiyama et al., 2004) identified a polymorphism
The identification of DSPD pedigrees (Ancoli- in a specific human caseine kinase gene (CKIε;
Israel, Schnierow et al., 2001) has led to attempts S408N) that may be protective in the development
to correlate polymorphisms or mutations of clock of DSPD, as it occurred significantly less frequently
genes with the observed phenotype, but the research among both adult Japanese DSPD and free-running

aug er, c rowl ey 331

subjects than in controls. The presence of the same 1981). This was definitively described in temporal
polymorphism was documented as extremely rare isolation with only one adult subject, however, who
among the adult Brazilian population, however, demonstrated a τ >25 hours (Campbell & Murphy,
indicating that its presence exerts no impact on the 2007). A very recent study (published in abstract
expression of the condition (Castro, Barbosa et al., form) compared the τ of six DSPD adults to that of
2008). seven normal controls and described a significantly
A number of additional studies have endeavored greater length in the former (25.2 ± 0.47 hours) ver-
to correlate circadian propensity (i.e., morningness sus the latter group (24.6 ± 0.27 hours; Lack, 2012).
versus eveningness, rather than a circadian rhythm In the context of development, Carskadon and col-
sleep disorder per se) with clock gene variations. An leagues (2005) measured τ in 27 healthy adolescents
early investigation involved over 400 middle-aged aged 9–15 years and showed an average length of
American adults, among whom phase preferences 24.27 hours. Although the sample size was too
were measured with the morningness/eveningness small to determine whether period lengthens across
questionnaire (MEQ; ( Katzenberg, Young et al., pubertal development, τ was longer than that mea-
1998) A single nucleotide polymorphism was iden- sured from an adult sample (mean = 24.12 hours;
tified, with a cytosine for threonine (C for T) sub- ages 21–41 years) in a separate laboratory (Czeisler,
stitution at the immediate 3′ region of the human Duffy et al., 1999). With respect to animal studies,
CLOCK gene (hClock; 3111C versus 3111T). a longer τ has been reported in the pubertal degu
Participants homozygous for the T allele were less (Hummer, 2007) and Long-Evans rat (McGinnis,
“evening type” than heterozygotes or all C carri- Lumia et al., 2007) in comparison to healthy adult
ers. Similarly, C allele homozygotes exhibited lower counterparts. These cumulative findings form the
but statistically insignificant MEQ values (greater basis of an intriguing etiological hypothesis for ado-
eveningness) when compared to T homozygotes, a lescent DSPD. Longitudinal studies with a larger
result perhaps influenced by the small sample size of number of participants at various stages of pubertal
the former group. A Japanese group demonstrated development are required for confirmation.
similar findings among adult subjects (Mishima,
Tozawa et al., 2005) but a separate British group Alterations of Response to Light
failed to identify an association with either circa- Although a light PRC for adolescent humans has
dian preference or DSPD (Robilliard, Archer et al., not yet been developed, an investigation by Aoki and
2002). Iwase and colleagues noted an infrequent colleagues (involving predominantly adults) supports
overall presence of hClock polymorphisms within an the possibility of hypersensitivity to nocturnal photic
adult Japanese DSPD cohort, and without differ- stimulation among select DSPD patients as com-
ences versus controls (Iwase, Kajimura et al., 2002). pared to unaffected counterparts, as assessed by the
Further studies are needed to clarify these and other degree of melatonin suppression with 2000 lux-hours
findings, with acknowledgment that multiple genes of light exposure (Aoki, Ozeki et al., 2001), resulting
could underlie circadian rhythm disorders and with in excessive stimulation of the phase delay portion
alterations in different genes potentially resulting of the PRC (see Figure 23.1). Such heightened sen-
in a similar circadian phenotype or a mutation in a sitivity was not supported with indirect assessments
different site of the same gene producing an oppo- within a separate study that examined evening light
site effect on the circadian system. In support of the exposure in association with various sleep parameters,
latter notion, a murine study showed that, depend- however (Auger, Burgess et al., 2011), nor within a
ing upon the site of Per2 phosphorylation, the separate study that assessed differences in sensitivity
expression, degradation, and/or nuclear entry and among (non-DSPD) adolescents at various stages of
retention of the protein can change, resulting in a pubertal development (Carskadon, 2002). The lat-
different degree of advance or delay in the circadian ter two studies may have been confounded by dif-
period (Xu, Padiath et al., 2005). ferences in daytime light exposure, which can alter
melatonin suppression to subsequent exposure and
Lengthening of the Intrinsic Period of the phase-shifting responses (reviewed in Crowley, Acebo
Circadian Clock et al., 2007). More work is needed to definitively
It has long been suggested that the intrinsic circa- explore the prospect of augmented responses to light
dian period (τ) of DSPD subjects is abnormally long, among DSPD patients.
which would require greater adjustment to entrain The notion of a blunted phase advance response
to the 24-hour solar day (Weitzman, Czeisler et al., among pubertal humans has also been proposed

332 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

(Hagenauer, Perryman et al., 2009). Potentially wavelengths as contributory, however. In a recent
supporting this contention, two multifaceted inter- proof-of-concept study involving adult insomnia
ventional studies (involving non-DSPD adolescents patients, participants who wore “blue-blocker”
aged 15–16 years and delayed young adults aged glasses during the 3 hours prior to habitual bedtime
18–30 years) failed to phase-advance subjects receiv- demonstrated improved subjective sleep quality
ing 1 hour of blue light exposure during two week- compared with the placebo intervention (Burkhart
end mornings (Crowley & Carskadon, 2010) or six & Phelps, 2009). Taking into account circadian sen-
consecutive days (Sharkey, Carskadon et al., 2011) of sitivity of the human eye to this shorter wavelength
post-awakening treatments. These results are unex- light (Brainard, Hanifin et al., 2001), this finding is
pected based on the PRC to short-wavelength light of considerable interest. Further investigations are
among adults, which was determined with light required to clarify the relative contribution of vary-
delivered by the same commercially available devices ing light intensities and wavelengths to the sleep
used for those protocols (but for a total treatment complaints associated with DSPD.
duration of 1.5 hours, administered intermittently),
with descriptions of 30–60 minute advances of the Alterations in Phase Relationships
circadian system in response to post-awakening Alterations in phase relationships between the
exposure (Revell, 2012). Since the intervention circadian timing system and sleep behavior could
studies delivered treatments in participants’ homes impact the ability of light to exert circadian-based
(without strict control by laboratory staff), observed changes in a manner predicted by the PRC (see
differences might be due to discrepancies in light Figure 23.1). Longer intervals from various mela-
delivery protocols (e.g., varying participant distance tonin parameters (Shibui, Uchiyama et al., 1999) and
from the light source, differing angles of gaze, etc.). MCBT (Ozaki, Uchiyama et al., 1996; Uchiyama,
Studies to understand normal developmental differ- Okawa et al., 2000a; Watanabe, Kajimura et al.,
ences in circadian phase-shifting responses to light 2003) to sleep offset have been frequently described
are ongoing. among adult DSPD patients as compared to con-
trols. These data lend support to a role of decreased
Changes in Light Exposure Patterns exposure to the phase-advance portion of the PRC
Independent of issues regarding sensitivity to as an etiological factor. However, this finding has
light, an increase in evening light exposure and/or not been demonstrated among protocols in which
a decrease in morning exposure could theoretically subjects are forced to maintain a more conventional
contribute to the DSPD phenotype (see Figure 23.1). sleep/wake schedule (Mundey, Benloucif et al.,
A study of non-DSPD adolescents demonstrated 2005; Chang, Reid et al., 2009), similar to the sce-
delayed circadian phase and sleep onset times dur- nario of adolescents suffering from this condition
ing spring as compared to winter months, related to whose wake times are inflexible on school days, sug-
extended daylight hours (seasonal differences were gesting that this observation may simply be a conse-
not observed with respect to electrical light usage quence of longer habitual sleep times.
subsequent to sunset; Figueiro & Rea, 2010a).
An investigation by Harada and colleagues (2002) Other Potential Etiological Contributors
demonstrated a negative correlation between high Uchiyama and colleagues contend that homeo-
school students’ propensity to seek outdoor light static sleep processes are impaired among (predomi-
and delayed circadian preference. Nevertheless, a nantly adult) DSPD patients, as their investigation
recently published prospective cohort study that demonstrated a lesser ability to initiate sleep follow-
investigated light exposure patterns among adoles- ing sleep loss compared with controls. (Uchiyama,
cents with rigorously defined DSPD demonstrated Okawa et al., 2000b) Isolated case reports describe
comparatively less pre-sleep light exposure (i.e., dur- the emergence of DSPD subsequent to traumatic
ing a period of time expected to impact the phase brain injury, including among adolescents (Patten &
delay portion of the PRC) and equivalent amounts Lauderdale, 1992; Nagtegaal, Kerkhof et al., 1997;
of post-sleep exposure (i.e., during a period of time Quinto, Gellido et al., 2000; Ayalon, Borodkin
expected to impact the phase advance portion of et al., 2007). Numerous exogenous factors, such
the PRC; see Figure 23.1; (Auger, Burgess et al., as increased autonomy with respect to sleep time,
2011) The negation of receipt of higher light inten- employment, and involvement in extracurricular
sity (lux) among these patients does not detract activities, have been identified as factors contribut-
from the possibility of higher exposure to blue ing to the general changes in the sleep patterns of

aug er, c rowl ey 333

adolescents (Crowley, Acebo et al., 2007) but have Ohta, Iwata et al., 1992; Thorpy, Korman et al.,
not been studied specifically among adolescent 1998; Nagtegaal, Laurant et al., 2000; Fernandez-
DSPD cohorts (Carskadon, 1990; Wyatt, 2004). Mendoza, 2010). In a large survey of high school
students, of the 63% who felt they needed more
Consequences and Comorbidities of sleep on school nights there was a significant “eve-
Adolescent Delayed Sleep Phase and DSPD ningness” preference as compared to the cohort that
Sleep Impairments described sufficient sleep, suggesting that some of
Observed delays in the preferred timing of sleep those complaining suffered from DSPD (Mercer,
and wakefulness in association with pubertal devel- Merritt et al., 1998). In a series investigating 22
opment significantly contributes to the reductions adolescents with DSPD, 59% demonstrated poor
in total sleep time associated with adolescence scholastic performance, and 45% displayed a vari-
(Andrade, Benedito-Silva et al., 1993; Wolfson ety of behavioral problems (Thorpy, Korman et al.,
& Carskadon, 1998; National Sleep Foundation, 1998).
2000, 2006; Laberge, Petit et al., 2001; Carskadon Reflecting the ongoing struggles associated with
& Acebo, 2002; Giannotti, Cortesi et al., 2002; this chronic condition, a study investigating qual-
Gau & Soong, 2003; Crowley, Acebo et al., 2007; ity of life impairments among DSPD adults dem-
Ouyang, Lu et al., 2009; Sadeh, Dahl et al., 2009). onstrated significantly worse scores as compared to
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and age and gender adjusted norms, and worse perfor-
Prevention Youth Risk Behavior Survey describe mance on two scales (social functioning and role
insufficient school night sleep (<8 hours nightly) disability due to physical problems) in compari-
among nearly 69% of respondents and optimal son to patients suffering from sleep apnea, clinical
sleep (≥9 hours nightly) among less than 8% (Eaton, depression, migraine headaches, and osteoarthritis
McKnight-Eily et al., 2010). An alarming 26% of (Nagtegaal, Laurant et al., 2000). Data regarding
adolescents from a separate survey study reported the long-term course of this condition among ado-
typically sleeping 6.5 hours or less (Wolfson & lescents is sparse. In a prospective study involving
Carskadon, 1998) One group demonstrated an 14 patients (5 adolescents) with DSPD, followed
objective degree of sleepiness (during the early peri- over a period of 5 years in a clinical setting, sub-
ods of school) equivalent to that of narcoleptics jects reported severe disability as a result of failure
(Carskadon, Wolfson et al., 1998). of morning arousal, with considerable educational,
The numerous adverse consequences associ- work, and social problems (Alvarez, Dahlitz et al.
ated with chronic sleep restriction have led to 1992). All had made attempts to adopt a conven-
adolescents’ characterization as a high-risk group tional sleep onset time, successfully achieved by
for problematic sleepiness by the US National only one patient. A Japanese adolescent case series
Institutes of Health (National Sleep Foundation, (Ando, 1994) involving seven participants (mean
2000). High school students with average or below age at study entry 16.9 years) collected responses
average grades report less sleep, later bedtimes, and to a questionnaire pertaining to ongoing sleep
more irregular sleep schedules than students report- disturbances and social adaptation (both deemed
ing higher grades (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998; impaired at the time of initial contact) subsequent
Saxvig, Pallesen et al., 2012). Such sleep complaints to completion of initial treatment (mean follow-up
have also been associated with increased use of stim- duration 3.9 years). Apart from noting that three
ulants and alcohol, symptoms of depression and participants (43%) no longer required treatment at
anxiety, and a higher frequency of behavioral prob- the time of follow-up (presumably due in large part
lems than those without complaints (Carskadon, to the fact that they no longer needed to arise at
1990; Wolfson, Tzischinsky et al., 1995; Wolfson a specified time in the morning), the authors pro-
& Carskadon, 1998; Noland, Price et al., 2009; vided no treatment details regarding the remaining
Negriff, Dorn et al., 2011; Urban, Magyarodi et al., patients. Nevertheless, only two participants (29%)
2011; Saxvig, Pallesen et al., 2012). Perhaps most endorsed continuing DSPD severity, one of whom
sobering, one study reported that drivers age 25 remained in school as a university student and was
or younger caused 55% of all crashes attributed to therefore presumably confined to a relatively rigid
sleepiness (Pack, Pack et al., 1995). rise time. The same individual continued to endorse
DSPD further increases students’ susceptibil- poor social adaptation at follow-up, as did one addi-
ity to chronic sleep restriction and associated del- tional individual (who actually described a diminu-
eterious outcomes (Alvarez, Dahlitz et al., 1992; tion of severity with respect to sleep onset and offset

334 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

times). In the sole adolescent case control study correlations with respect to chronotype (an innate
(published in abstract form) to investigate long-term trait), but not in relation to self-reported sleep onset
outcomes, questionnaires were obtained from 71 and offset times, suggesting that the findings are
DSPD subjects (median age of onset 13–14 years) independent of sleep complaints per se (Kitamura,
and compared to controls (Krahn, Kubas et al., Hida et al., 2010; Abe, Inoue et al., 2011). Of sig-
2003). During a follow-up duration ranging from nificant relevance in the clinical arena, the simul-
2 to 8 years, those afflicted exhibited psychosocial taneous occurrence of both conditions has been
impairment (e.g., truancy, social functioning) simi- reported to result in an antidepressant-refractory
lar to psychiatrically ill controls. depressive state, necessitating the introduction of
Daytime complaints related to DSPD may not be circadian-based interventions (Okawa & Uchiyama,
entirely related to chronic sleep restriction. In a pro- 2007).
spective study involving adolescents (10–18 years of Emerging adult research has supported a specific
age), there were no group differences in total sleep association between delayed circadian preference
time as compared to controls, as afflicted subjects and bipolar I disorder (in comparison to a control
routinely arose later (Auger, Burgess et al., 2011). group with schizophrenia) even after controlling for
Group differences in sleep quality and/or circadian age, with assertions that this chronotype may rep-
desynchronization (“social jet lag”) may therefore resent a trait characteristic of affectively ill patients
be implicated. An adult case control DSPD study even during periods of remission (Ahn, Chang et al.,
demonstrated objective decrements in sleep qual- 2008) This association has been limited to a singu-
ity measured polysomnographically (Campbell and lar case report in the pediatric literature (Faedda
Murphy 2007). and Teicher 2005). Interestingly, in addition to the
associations with increased eveningness described
Affective Instability above, bipolar adults carrying the C allele of the
Comorbid affective disorder was noted in the previously specified hclock gene polymorphism
initial description of DSPD (Weitzman, Czeisler demonstrate higher illness recurrence rates, in addi-
et al., 1981) and has subsequently been described tion to a higher incidence of comorbid insomnia,
among other adult cohorts (Regestein & Monk, suggesting the possibility of a shared pathophysiol-
1995; Takahashi, Hohjoh et al., 2000; Shirayama, ogy (reviewed in Staton, 2008). Future studies need
Shirayama et al., 2003; Kripke, Rex et al., 2008) and, to examine the directionality of these affective-cir-
to a lesser extent, adolescent cohorts (Dagan, Stein cadian relationships on a large scale, with rigorous
et al., 1998; Thorpy, Korman et al., 1998; Krahn, control for confounding variables.
Kubas et al., 2003). A US-based prospective case
control study involving adults demonstrated higher Other Psychiatric Comorbidities
current depression ratings as well as a greater life- Van der Heijden and colleagues compared atten-
time history of unipolar depression, depression tion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) pediat-
treatment, and antidepressant use than controls ric patients (ages 6–12) with and without sleep onset
(Kripke, Rex et al., 2008). A separate Japanese study insomnia and demonstrated phase delays in salivary
systematically investigated the association of depres- melatonin secretion in the former group, sugges-
sive symptoms among predominantly adult patients tive of comorbid DSPD (Van der Heijden, Smits
and found that 64% endorsed symptoms of at least et al., 2005). Various case reports similarly describe
moderate severity (Abe, Inoue et al., 2011). Other the occurrence of both conditions, with select dem-
adult groups have reported a significantly higher onstration of improvement in behavioral symptoms
prevalence of seasonal affective disorder (as assessed with the introduction of circadian-based interven-
by a standardized questionnaire) in comparison to tions (Dahl, Pelham et al., 1991; Gruber, Grizenko
controls (approximately threefold higher) (Lee, Rex et al., 2007; Khurshid & Khan, 2009). A study by
et al., 2011). Kissling and colleagues (2008) demonstrated an
Rahman and colleagues (2010) demonstrated a association with a specific hClock polymorphism
marked delay in the melatonin excretion rhythm (rs1801260) among adults with ADHD.
among depressed DSPD patients as compared to An uncontrolled study of adults with obsessive-
euthymic DSPD controls, suggesting a direct rela- compulsive disorder revealed a high frequency of
tionship between the degree of circadian misalign- comorbid DSPD, which correlated with increased
ment and mood severity, although their sample severity of disability (Turner, Drummond et al.,
size was small. At least two groups have described 2007) A separate retrospective study examining

aug er, c rowl ey 335

this comorbid relationship reported an earlier age Dahlitz, Alvarez et al., 1991; Nagtegaal, Kerkhof
of psychiatric symptom onset (Mukhopadhyay, et al., 1998; Kayumov, Brown et al., 2001; Cole,
Fineberg et al., 2008). Monteleone and colleagues Smith et al., 2002; Mundey, Benloucif et al., 2005;
(1994) found that nocturnal peak melatonin levels Lack, Bramwell, Wright, & Kemp, 2007) and case
were significantly lower in adult OCD patients than reports/uncontrolled studies (Czeisler, Weitzman
in healthy controls (and delayed by approximately et al., 1981; Uruha, 1987; Mizuma, 1991; Oren
two hours), but a separate case control study failed & Wehr, 1992; Ito, Ando et al., 1993; Oldani,
to demonstrate any phase differences among both Ferini-Strambi et al., 1994; Regestein & Pavlova,
physiologic and other parameters (Millet, Touitou 1995; Weyerbrock, Timmer et al., 1996; Dagan,
et al., 1998) Such studies have not yet been per- Yovel et al., 1998; Okawa, Uchiyama et al., 1998b;
formed within pediatric/adolescent populations. Watanabe, Kajimura et al., 1999; Kamei, Hayakawa
Circadian dysrhythmias may occasionally be et al., 2000) either consist entirely of adult popu-
medication-related. Among adult schizophrenic lations (Czeisler, Weitzman et al., 1981; Uruha,
patients, receipt of typical neuroleptics (haloperi- 1987; Oren & Wehr, 1992; Ito, Ando et al., 1993;
dol and flupenthixol) was associated with circadian Weyerbrock, Timmer et al., 1996; Nagtegaal,
dyssynchrony (including delayed and free-running Kerkhof et al., 1998; Watanabe, Kajimura et al.,
patterns), while receipt of clozapine was associated 1999; Mundey, Benloucif et al., 2005; Lack et al.,
with a highly regular rest–activity cycle (Wirz- 2007), include a significant minority of pediatric
Justice, Haug et al., 2001). Hermesh and colleagues subjects (Dahlitz, Alvarez et al., 1991; Mizuma,
(2001) described 10 cases of DSPD associated with 1991; Oldani, Ferini-Strambi et al., 1994; Regestein
initiation of fluvoxamine (the age of only one adult & Pavlova, 1995; Dagan, Yovel et al., 1998; Okawa,
participant was specified). There are no data that Uchiyama et al., 1998b; Kamei, Hayakawa et al.,
bear upon this association within younger patient 2000; Kayumov, Brown et al., 2001; Cole, Smith
populations. et al., 2002), or do not specify the demograph-
Finally, Dagan and colleagues (1966) found a ics of participants (Rosenthal, Joseph-Vanderpool
particularly high rate of personality disorders among et al., 1990).
(predominantly adult) DSPD patients in compari-
son to controls. No characteristic personality pat- Light Therapy
tern was identified. The authors suggest that these In a controlled treatment study (ages of partici-
disorders arise as a result of early-onset develop- pants unspecified), Rosenthal and colleagues (1990)
mental difficulties whereby the differing schedules demonstrated that properly timed post-awakening
of the child and the caretaker impair the attachment bright light therapy (≥ 2500 lux) can exert physiolog-
process. ically measured phase advances, objective improve-
ments in daytime alertness, and earlier reported
DSPD Treatments bedtimes as compared to controls. The minimum
DSPD treatments consist primarily of post- duration of treatment has not been determined (the
awakening bright light therapy and exogenous Rosenthal study administered therapy for 2 hours),
melatonin, in an effort to advance the internal clock but most begin with 30 minutes exposure, which
(reviewed in Sack, Auckley et al., 2007). Despite its has been deemed effective for the treatment of sea-
prevalence among adolescents, relatively few treat- sonal affective disorder (Wirz-Justice, Benedetti
ment studies solely involving this population have et al., 2009). Clinical experience suggests that lon-
been published, with identification of only four ger treatment lengths are impractical among adoles-
randomized placebo-controlled trials of melatonin cents. Despite claims by industry, there is currently
(Smits, Nagtegaal et al., 2001; Smits, van Stel et al., no evidence to support devices that solely deliver
2003; Weiss, Wasdell et al., 2006; Van der Heijden, blue light. A recent study of healthy adults demon-
Smits et al., 2007) and one multi-interventional strated no benefit with blue-enriched polychromatic
trial that employed light therapy (Gradisar, Dohnt light in comparison to standard polychromatic light
et al., 2011). Additional pediatric studies are retro- (Smith, Revell et al., 2009).
spective in nature or presented as case series (Dahl, Physiologic determinations of phase are not rou-
Pelham et al., 1991; Okawa, Uchiyama et al., 1998a; tinely performed in the clinical setting but can be
Szeinberg, Borodkin et al., 2006; Gruber, Grizenko estimated based upon the individual’s sleep timing
et al., 2007; Iwamitsu, 2007). Remaining controlled using published algorithms for adults (Burgess &
studies (Rosenthal, Joseph-Vanderpool et al., 1990; Eastman, 2005) or adolescents (Crowley, Acebo

336 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

et al., 2006). Light therapy should be timed to controlled adolescent trial (mean age approximately
occur after the estimated MCBT (∼7 hours subse- 15 years) implemented the treatment in combina-
quent to estimated DLMO; Lee, Smith et al., 2006; tion with multicomponent behavioral therapy (six
see Figure 23.1). Although the timing of light treat- 45–60 minute sessions, 8 weeks total treatment
ment is based upon healthy adult subjects, alternate duration) and demonstrated a respectable 12%
methods for children/adolescents cannot be recom- dropout rate, with 26% dropout from the waitlist
mended, as affiliated data are not yet available. As control group (Gradisar, Dohnt et al., 2011). Light
mentioned above, select studies have demonstrated exposure was obtained either from the outdoors
alterations in phase relationships among those with or from a broad-spectrum lamp (∼1000 lux) for a
DSPD (Ozaki, Uchiyama et al., 1996; Uchiyama, duration of 0.5–2.0 hours. Each participant initially
Okawa et al., 2000a; Watanabe, Kajimura et al., began treatment at his/her natural time of awaken-
2003), potentially altering strategic timing of circa- ing, with advances of 30 minutes daily until a target
dian-based interventions—but comparison studies time of 06:00 was reached or the 8-week protocol
involving young adults have demonstrated equiva- terminated. If the target time was reached prior
lent and persistent phase relationships in settings to study termination, multicomponent behavioral
where sleep times are not inordinately prolonged interventions ensued with a specific emphasis on
(Wyatt, Stepanski et al., 2006; Chang, Reid et al., stimulus control measures (Morgenthaler, Kramer
2009). et al., 2006). Relative to the control group, active
Bearing in mind that documented MCBTs of participants demonstrated improved sleep latency,
(primarily adult) DSPD patients occur between total sleep time, and earlier sleep onset and offset
approximately 07:30–08:00 (Ozaki, Uchiyama times (all subjectively determined). Concomitant
et al., 1996; Mundey, Benloucif et al., 2005; Chang, benefits in fatigue and sleepiness were also observed.
Reid et al., 2009) and that the typical occurrence At 6-month follow-up, a select group who received
is between 04:00–06:00 (Cagnacci, Elliott et al., active treatment demonstrated continual improve-
1992), the possibility exists to further provoke phase ments in sleep latency and sleep onset time on
delays if treatments occur before MCBT (Cagnacci, weekend days, as compared to baseline. Significantly
Elliott et al., 1992; Czeisler, 1999; see Figure 23.1). fewer participants in the active group met criteria
As the initial timing of light therapy (based on the for DSPD post-treatment (13% vs. 82% for cases
estimates described above) may be too late to occur and controls, respectively). Since physiologic phase
prior to school start times, it is sometimes necessary assessments were not employed (and because these
to commence treatment during extended breaks interventions were multi-armed), however, it is not
from school. A schedule that slowly advances morn- possible to definitively attribute these benefits to
ing light exposure each or every other morning is circadian advances.
recommended to accommodate gradual advances Important for implementation in the clinical
until the target time of awakening is reached (Lack realm, school nonattendance, unrestricted sleep
& Wright, 2007). There are no specific guidelines during vacation periods, and lack of motivation
to dictate maintenance treatment, but Lack and have all been noted to be barriers to successful out-
Wright (2007) recommend a minimum of seven comes with light therapy (Gradisar, Dohnt et al.,
additional treatment days. Subsequent strict adher- 2011). Relief from accompanying behavioral prob-
ence to a specified sleep/wake schedule is required, lems may provide a treatment incentive for patients
in addition to accompanying aspects of sleep and caregivers. A recent case report described a mis-
hygiene, with resumption of light therapy if phase diagnosis of ADHD in an adolescent with DSPD
delays reemerge. (Gruber, Grizenko et al., 2007). Behavioral symp-
Although knowledge of the effect of light therapy toms resolved with morning light therapy and a
on adolescent DSPD is limited, sparse data regard- concomitant advance in the sleep phase. Similar
ing compliance with the intervention paints a bleak benefits have been noted in adult studies (Rybak,
picture (Krahn, Kubas et al., 2003; Bjorvatn & McNeely et al., 2006).
Pallesen, 2009), perhaps because it requires yet an Others have attempted to surmount the compli-
earlier wake time among those already arising near ance barrier by eliminating the need for active par-
the physiologic nadir of sleepiness to attend school ticipation. Cole and colleagues (2002) used a light
(Ozaki, Uchiyama et al., 1996; Mundey, Benloucif mask that exposed participants to 2700 lux of white
et al., 2005; Chang, Reid et al., 2009). Recognizing light on closed eyelids (about 57 lux at the cornea)
this and other barriers, the sole randomized and, compared with placebo (0.1 lux of red light),

aug er, c rowl ey 337

demonstrated significant melatonin phase shifts 2006) Finally, among adult DSPD patients, an
among select adults (18–40 years) with DSPD. The open trial of 5 milligrams melatonin (given 5 hours
use of dawn simulators for this condition also shows prior to calculated DLMO) lasting 2 to 9 months
promise, but have not been studied specifically as demonstrated significantly improved health-related
a treatment for DSPD (Terman & Jiuan Su, 2010). quality of life scores on a standardized questionnaire
in all but one of the evaluated domains as compared
Melatonin to the pretreatment period (Nagtegaal, Laurant
Published American Academy of Sleep Medicine et al., 2000).
Practice Parameters (based primarily upon adult Select additional data describe melatonin treat-
data) support the role of properly timed melatonin ment among DSPD patients with comorbidities
to achieve phase advances among participants with other than ADHD. Wasdell and colleagues (2008)
DSPD (Morgenthaler, Lee-Chiong et al., 2007). performed a randomized, placebo-controlled cross-
Pediatric/adolescent data are not abundant. In a over trial of 5 milligrams controlled-release mela-
study with participants aged 6–12 years (some tonin in the treatment of DSPD (10 days per
with comorbid ADHD), 1-month treatment with treatment arm) among approximately 50 children
5 milligrams melatonin between 18:00–19:00 sig- (ages 2–18, mean 7.4 years) with neurodevel-
nificantly improved phase and sleep disturbances opmental disabilities (Wasdell, Jan et al., 2008).
(advanced sleep and melatonin onsets, sleep latency, Participants were recruited in part based upon sleep
and sleep offset) in comparison to placebo (Smits, latency ≥ 30 minutes in relation to the desired time
Nagtegaal et al., 2001; Smits, van Stel et al., 2003). of sleep onset, and melatonin was administered
A separate randomized controlled trial containing 20–30 minutes prior to this caregiver-determined
solely stimulant-treated children with ADHD + time. Significant improvements were observed in
DSPD (mean age = 10.3 years) described decreased subjectively and actigraphically recorded total sleep
sleep latency (subjectively and objectively assessed) time, sleep latency, and clinician- and caregiver-
with administration of 5 milligrams melatonin assessed overall sleep disorder severity and other
(taken 20 minutes before bedtime for a duration of functional and health dimensions. Decreases in
30 days) and implementation of sleep hygiene rec- family stress were also observed, as determined by
ommendations (Weiss, Wasdell et al., 2006). Mixed the Family Stress Scale. During the 3-month open-
results have been reported regarding isolated non- label phase of the trial, 58% escalated the melatonin
sleep-related behavioral effects of melatonin among dosage to 10–15 milligrams. Additive subjective
ADHD + DSPD patients abstaining from stimu- improvements were noted only with respect to
lant treatment. A study utilizing doses of 3 or 6 longest sleep episode and sleep efficiency, and no
milligrams (depending upon body weight) failed to changes were observed with respect to actigraphi-
demonstrate singular benefits with respect to emo- cally derived parameters. A follow-up open-label
tional and behavioral problems, cognitive perfor- prospective study (duration up to 3.8 years) dem-
mance, or quality of life with a treatment duration onstrated continued caregiver-reported benefits on
of 4 weeks (Van der Heijden, Smits et al., 2007). sleep, overall health, behavior, education, and learn-
When these same participants were followed longi- ing (Carr, Wasdell et al., 2007). Finally, despite the
tudinally (mean of approximately 4 years), however, documentation of depression in frequent coexistence
improvement of mood and behavior was reported with DSPD, only one randomized placebo-con-
in 71% and 61%, respectively. Although not pos- trolled trial has been published (involving adults).
sible to directly attribute these improvements to the Five milligrams melatonin (administered between
effect of melatonin and/or improved sleep, 65% 19:00–21:00) taken for 4 weeks was described as
continued to use the medication daily and 88% beneficial within both affective and sleep realms as
described the medication as persistently effective for determined by structured clinical assessments and
sleep-related difficulties (Hoebert, van der Heijden polysomnographic measures, respectively (Rahman,
et al., 2009). A retrospective study of adolescents Kayumov et al., 2010).
with DSPD (nearly 50% of whom had comorbid As for light therapy, estimates of phase are
ADHD) undergoing long-term treatment with 3 to required to optimize the timing of oral melatonin
6 milligrams melatonin (1–16 months), taken at a (to affect a maximal phase advance) in the absence
mean of nearly 2 hours prior to desired sleep onset, of physiologic circadian assessments. Best evidence
demonstrated decreases in behaviors detrimental (as extrapolated from the adult literature) would
to school performance (Szeinberg, Borodkin et al., appear to support dosing approximately 8 hours

338 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

after an individual’s natural (i.e., preferred) wake (Hoebert, van der Heijden et al., 2009). A follow-up
time (Burgess & Eastman, 2005; Mundey, Benloucif open-label prospective study of subjects with neu-
et al., 2005). Doses of 0.5 milligrams or less appear rodevelopmental disabilities comorbid with DSPD
optimal with respect to achievement of maximal receiving controlled-release melatonin (max dosage
chronobiotic effects among adults (Lewy, Emens 15 mg, duration up to 3.8 years) similarly described
et al., 2005). Although rather nonspecific in its no adverse events (Wasdell, Jan et al., 2008; Carr,
recommendations, a recent meta analysis (includ- Wasdell et al., 2007).
ing both children and adults with DSPD) vaguely
endorsed both recommendations, as it concluded Prescribed Sleep/Wake Scheduling
that “low dose” melatonin administered “as early Chronotherapy is a treatment whereby patients
as tolerable” was most effective (van Geijlswijk, are prescribed a sleep schedule that is delayed sev-
Korzilius et al., 2010). eral hours incrementally until sleep is aligned to
Among healthy adults, a synergistic effect can a target bedtime. After this goal is reached, the
be obtained when melatonin is used in combina- individual is advised to rigorously maintain a reg-
tion with light therapy (Revell, Burgess et al., ular sleep/wake schedule, repeating the process as
2006) Although physiologic phase assessments necessary. Although there are positive case reports
were not employed, a recent case series (n = 28) describing the use of this treatment for DSPD
described success with this treatment combina- (Czeisler, Weitzman et al., 1981; Dahl, Pelham
tion among DSPD patients in the field (age range et al., 1991), there have been no controlled trials
15–60 years, median = 22 years). Three milligrams of its efficacy or safety. One study reported that
melatonin was taken 2 hours prior to desired bed- relapse was common when adult patients were
time in conjunction with either outdoor or 5000 followed long-term (Ito, Ando et al., 1993). In
lux light exposure for a minimum of 30 minutes addition, there is one report of an adult patient
between 06:00–08:00. During a median follow-up who developed free-running circadian rhythms
period of 6.4 weeks, 82% reported improvements after engaging in this treatment (Oren & Wehr,
in sleep patterns, with a mean sleep phase advance 1992). In the sole pediatric case report, Dahl et al.
of approximately 2 hours (Samaranayake, Fernando (1991) described a 10-year-old girl with ADD
et al., 2010). and a 5-year history of sleep disturbance. A trial
Pediatric/adolescent patients and/or their care- of chronotherapy and accompanying behavioral
givers are frequently wary of melatonin use due to modifications resulted in significant improvement
concerns related to adverse effects on reproductive in the ADD symptomatology.
function and the regulation of growth hormone For the sufficiently motivated adolescent, strict
(Valcavi, Zini et al., 1993; Luboshitzky, Shen-Orr adherence to a fixed advanced sleep/wake may be
et al., 2002; Committee on the Framework for sufficient. Sharkey and colleagues (2011) studied a
Evaluating the Safety of Dietary Supplements, 2005; cohort that included older adolescents (age range
Szeinberg, Borodkin et al., 2006). A randomized pla- 18–30 years, mean 21.8) with subthreshold DSPD
cebo-controlled trial that investigated the toxicology (the social/occupational impairment criterion was
of “long-term” treatment (28 days) with 10 milli- not applied). Participants advanced sleep schedules
grams melatonin (solely comprising male adult par- by 1–2.5 hours earlier than the average bedtime
ticipants) revealed no group differences with respect prior to study entry, and continued this schedule
to adverse effects on polysomnographically recorded for 6 days (actigraphically and subjectively moni-
sleep, subjective sleepiness, numerous clinical labo- tored). Amber filters covered backlit screens after
ratory examinations, or other subjectively recorded sunset, to minimize competing delaying photic
events (Seabra, Bignotto et al., 2000). Data are more stimuli. An average phase advance of 1.4 hours was
limited within the pediatric population and do not observed with DLMO. As would be expected in an
specifically address concerns related to reproductive intervention of this duration, however, the major-
organs. A long-term follow-up study of patients ity of participants exhibited decreased sleep time.
with DSPD + ADHD utilizing melatonin doses up Pointing to the challenges inherent to those with
to 10 milligrams (mean follow-up time of approxi- the more extreme phenotype, Iwamitsu and col-
mately 4 years, mean age at follow-up 12.4 years) leagues (2007) demonstrated uniform sleep-related
detected no serious adverse events as a result of serial improvements with sleep/wake scheduling inter-
interviews with the children’s parents, and 65% of ventions among DSPD patients in the inpatient set-
participants continued to use the medication daily ting, but only 57% showed persistent improvement

aug er, c rowl ey 339

subsequent to discharge, such that they resumed If one can convince the adolescent to maintain
school attendance. Finally, recognizing that some regular rise times, he/she might be better served by
DSPD cases are refractory to treatment, Dagan and taking a midday nap to relieve sleep deprivation.
Abadi (2001) recommend implementation of reha- Naps taken during a window of 6 hours centered
bilitation and accommodation to the delayed sleep 12 hours from the midpoint of the unrestricted
schedule in select instances, including support for weekend sleep bout have been shown to have nil
disability from duties that require strict sleep/wake effects on circadian rhythms (Eastman, Gazda
schedules, and encouragement to pursue endeavors et al., 2005).
with more flexible scheduling.
Hypnotics DSPD is common among adolescents (particu-
There is limited evidence to support the use of larly in the United States), and may in part rep-
hypnotics in DSPD (Uruha, 1987; Ohta, Iwata resent an exaggeration of normal developmental
et al., 1992; Ito, Ando et al., 1993), and patients tendencies. Its characterization as a disorder hinges
may exhibit resistance to their effects (Mizuma, predominantly upon the degree to which the
1991; Yamadera, Takahashi et al., 1996; Auger, desired sleep/wake schedule conflicts with what is
2008). Nevertheless, in individuals with a concomi- externally required, and its severity therefore var-
tant conditioned insomnia, they can serve in some ies with the flexibility of the imposed schedule. A
instances to heighten confidence with respect to the multifactorial etiology is apparent, with contribu-
ability to initiate sleep. No hypnotics are approved tions from numerous endogenous and exogenous
by the US Food and Drug Administration for use factors. The eventual elucidation of various DSPD
within the pediatric population. subtypes will enable the development of more
sophisticated multicomponent interventions. The
Other Behavioral Approaches identification of successful treatments is an essen-
A later school start time may be sought if prac- tial “first step” in establishing whether resolution of
tical and available within the district (see Au, complaints can directly address other comorbidities
Appleman, and Stavitsky, Chapter 38). This inter- and may serve to further characterize directional
vention alone can significantly increase total sleep relationships, potentially in conjunction with
time and mitigate associated impairments (National emerging clock gene research. The most commonly
Sleep Foundation, 2000; Wahlstrom, 2002; Owens, utilized treatments consist of post-awakening light
Belon et al., 2010). A recent study reported an therapy and oral melatonin. Integration of physi-
approximately 17% drop in the average crash rate ologic circadian assessments into the clinical arena
for adolescents 2 years subsequent to a 1-hour delay could assist with optimal timing of these therapies
in school start times, in conjunction with increased and potentially also assist with diagnosis. Devices
mean hours of nightly sleep (Danner & Phillips, that deliver light stimuli during sleep and/or post-
2008). Unfortunately, the implementation of this awakening protocols with a more flexible schedule
policy change frequently encounters staunch politi- need to be further developed to address compli-
cal resistance (Wahlstrom, 1999), and is presently ance barriers and to accommodate adolescents’
available in select regions only. academic and social schedules. Equally relevant,
In all instances, external contributors to DSPD school lighting environments should be optimized
complaints should be pursued and addressed, for maximal circadian benefits to account for the
including poor sleep hygiene practices and/or sub- proportion of time adolescents spend within this
stance misuse. As can occur in anyone with chronic setting (Figueiro & Rea, 2010b). Although seri-
sleep initiation complaints, DSPD patients may ous adverse events have not been associated with
have a concomitant conditioned insomnia, which melatonin to date, definitive pediatric/adoles-
is often responsive to evidence-based behavioral cent data are lacking, particularly with respect to
treatments (reviewed in Morgenthaler, Kramer long-term effects on reproductive organs. In many
et al., 2006)). Implementation of non-extreme respects, clinical circadian research remains in its
wake times on weekends should be emphasized early infancy in comparison to the relative adult-
(perhaps varying no more than 30 minutes from hood of bench research. Increasing recognition of
the weekday time), as later rise times can them- DSPD and related funding will hopefully allow for
selves cause phase delays (Burgess & Eastman, increased evidence-based data for the oft-neglected
2006; Taylor, 2008; Crowley & Carskadon, 2010). pediatric/adolescent population.

3 40 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er

Future Directions Auger, R. R. (2008). Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Delayed
Sleep Phase Type (Pediatric Case) (pp. 195–199). Westchester,
• Examine, assess, and develop the most
IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
effective treatments for adolescent DSPD, Auger, R. R., H. J. Burgess, et al. (2011). Light exposure among
recognizing the current lack of evidence-based adolescents with delayed sleep phase disorder: A prospective
data. cohort study. Chronobiology International, 28(10), 911–920.
• Studies need to investigate and understand Ayalon, L., K. Borodkin, et al. (2007). Circadian rhythm sleep
disorders following mild traumatic brain injury. Neurology,
the predominant exogenous and exogenous
68(14), 1136–1140.
contributors to the development and perpetuation Bjorvatn, B., & S. Pallesen (2009). A practical approach to cir-
of adolescent DSPD, so that different DSPD cadian rhythm sleep disorders. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 13(1),
subtypes may be identified. 47–60.
• Examine whether successful treatment Borbely, A. A., & P. Achermann (1992). Concepts and models of
sleep regulation: An overview. Journal of Sleep Research 1(2),
of DSPD decreases the deleterious outcomes
associated with affective and other comorbidities. Bradshaw, D. A., M. A. Yanagi, et al. (2007). Nightly sleep dura-
tion in the 2-week period preceding multiple sleep latency
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3 46 c irc adian timing : del ayed s leep pha s e d i s o rd er


Nighttime Distractions: Fears,

24 Nightmares, and Parasomnias

Anna Ivanenko and Kymberly Larson

This chapter encompasses a discussion of nighttime fears, nightmares, and parasomnias in healthy,
normally developing children and among children with anxiety disorders. Prevalence, presentation,
differential diagnosis, and treatment are discussed from a developmental perspective. The relationship
between anxiety disorders and sleep is discussed, highlighting the anxiety disorders most commonly
associated with nighttime fears and nightmares: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), separation
anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Key Words: nighttime fears, nightmares, anxiety disorders, parasomnias, sleep disorders,
bedtime resistance

Introduction with both REM and NREM sleep, as well as transi-

Sleep disorders are common across the life span tions from one sleep state to another. Although for
and affect healthy individuals as well as those with the most part parasomnias have a benign clinical
compromised health. In children, sleep disorders course, they can present with dramatic behavioral
manifest in myriad ways, from fearfulness to the manifestations that can be potentially dangerous to
inability to sleep or the propensity to sleep too the child or his environment and require thorough
much, to autonomic, neuromuscular, respiratory, assessment and treatment. Nocturnal fears, night-
behavioral, social, and academic dysfunction. Two of mares, and parasomnias are more prevalent among
the most prevalent yet benign sleep disturbances in children with psychiatric disorders and should be
the pediatric population are the experience of night- addressed as part of a comprehensive evaluation and
time fears and nightmares. Nighttime fears are a het- treatment plan for those children who suffer from
erogeneous group of fears that children experience both sleep and psychiatric comorbidities.
before sleep onset and during nocturnal awakenings. This chapter will provide an overview of preva-
Nighttime fears are normal and typically short-lived. lence, clinical characteristics, evaluation, and treat-
The specific content of a child’s nocturnal fear(s) is ment of nocturnal fears and parasomnias in children
typically related to their neurocognitive develop- and adolescents across different stages of their devel-
ment. Nightmares are dream sequences of distressful opment. Interaction between nighttime fears, para-
content that occur during REM sleep and frequently somnias, and common psychiatric disorders will be
result in waking in an unpleasant emotional state. discussed.
Often children have difficulty falling back to sleep
after a nightmare, for fear the nightmare will con- Nighttime Fears
tinue. Parasomnias are sleep disorders that present In normally developing children, the experience
with behavioral or physiological events associated of nighttime fears is quite prevalent. Muris et al.

(2001) conducted a study of nighttime fears in chil- Factors associated with pediatric nighttime fears
dren and concluded that 58.8% of 4–6-year-olds, in healthy children include trauma, stress, family
84.7% of 7–9-year-olds, and 79.6% of 10–12-year- conflict, and parental anxiety. Children with anxiety
olds reported nocturnal fears. Mindell and Owens disorders (especially separation anxiety, generalized
(2010) report in a more recent study that 64% of anxiety [previously overanxious disorder of child-
children ages 8–16 had reported nighttime fears. hood], and specific phobias) are much more likely to
They describe a relationship between age and pro- experience severe nighttime fears. Girls (73%) are
pensity to experience nighttime fears, in that 79% also more likely to report nocturnal fears than their
of children reported nocturnal fears versus 49% male (55%) peers (Mindell & Owens, 2010).
of adolescents. Less common are severe nighttime The presentation of nighttime fears varies across
fears, reported in 20%–30% of children. For most chronological and developmental age, as well as
children, nighttime fears can be conceptualized as individual differences, but commonly includes
a normal and benign aspect of childhood, stressful bedtime resistance, prolonged sleep onset, night
at times but with no appreciable long-term effects. wakings, fearful behaviors, and frequent requests
However, if the child’s experience of nighttime fears for items or actions from caregivers after bedtime.
begins to interfere with his quantity and quality of Extended bouts of crying and panic are common-
sleep, or when found accompanying comorbid sleep place. Graziano and Mooney (1980) describe bed-
or psychiatric disorders, even nighttime fears may time as a “highly emotional and disruptive nightly
have deleterious effects upon a child’s physical and event, with delays and battles often lasting well
mental health, academic performance, impulse con- beyond midnight.” These children may also mani-
trol and risk-taking behavior, and/or social function- fest somatic complaints and/or diurnal fears. Often
ing (Alfano & Gamble, 2009; Mindell & Owens, children’s fears are alleviated by the presence of a
2010; Kushnir & Sadeh, 2011). Children with parent or sibling; consequently the entire family sys-
nighttime fears also present with accompanying tem may well be affected by one child’s nocturnal
sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep, fears (Kushnir & Sadeh, 2011, 2012).
frequent night wakings, and difficulty returning to
sleep (Gordon, King, Gullone, Muris, & Ollendick, Nightmares
2007a; Sadeh, 2005; Gordon, King, Gullone, Muris The experience of fear after the onset of sleep can
& Ollendick, 2007b; Blader, Koplewicz, Abikoff & be classified as nightmares or night terrors. Whereas
Foley, 1997). Kushnir and Sadeh (2011) conducted nightmares are ubiquitous in the pediatric popula-
an instrumental assessment of sleep using actigra- tion with 75% of children reporting such an experi-
phy and demonstrated that children with nighttime ence, night terrors are reported in only 1%–6% of
fears experience shorter periods of continuous sleep, children ages 4 to 12 (Mindell & Owens, 2010).
more frequent night wakings, less true sleep time, Nightmares are considered scary dreams that awaken
and a decrease in sleep efficiency. a child from REM sleep, whereas night terrors are
Nighttime fears are considered a normal part of described as “a sudden episode of terror (that)
development, typically surfacing around the ages occurs during sleep, usually initiated by cry or loud
of 3 to 6, as a child’s cognitive development sets scream that is accompanied by autonomic nervous
the stage for the realization of both real-world and system and behavioral manifestations of intense
imaginary harm (Stores, 2007). Younger children fear.” Night terrors are also associated with at least
tend toward more imaginary fears such as mon- one of the following: “1. Difficulty in arousing the
sters, whereas older children tend to fear burglars, person, 2. Mental confusion when awakened from
robbers, or other potentially real home invaders the episode, 3. Amnesia (partial or complete) for the
or natural disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes. episode and/or Dangerous or potentially dangerous
Children of all ages appear to be plagued by noc- behaviors” (AASM, 2005).
turnal fears of “the dark,” daily stressors, and the Nightmares are quite common, with 87%–96%
welfare of loved ones. Typically, parental reassurance of 7–9–years-olds reported experiencing bad dreams
is enough to quell the fears and the child grows out sometimes or often (Muris, Merckelbach, & Gadet,
of such nighttime fears by the end of grade school. & Moulaert, 2000). Many young children seek out
However, as mentioned before, if severe and/or fre- their parents for support following a nightmare.
quent enough, nighttime fears can affect a child’s Chronic nightmares are less frequent; with 24% of
daytime functioning as well as that of family mem- children aged 2–4 and 41% of children aged 6–10
bers (Keller, Buckhalt, & El-Sheikh, 2008). experiencing nightmares for 3 months or more.

3 48 nigh t t ime dis tractions

Parents of preschoolers indicate that only 1.9% to C. At least one of the following associated features is
3.9% of their children suffer from chronic night- present:
mares. There is a decreasing prevalence with age, 1. Delayed return to sleep after the episodes
with 28% of 5–8-year-olds, 23% of 9–11-year-olds, 2. Occurrence of episodes in the latter half of the
and 10% of 12–14-year-olds reporting nightmares habitual sleep period. (AASM, 2005)
at least once every 6 months (Simonds, Parraga
1982). Prior to age 13, the prevalence rates of night- For the most part, parental reassurance, a night-
mares is roughly equal in boys and girls; however, light, and/or security objects are all that is neces-
after age 13 girls are much more likely to continue sary to help a child who experiences nightmares. For
experiencing nightmares (Nielsen et al., 2000). preschool and school-age children, simple behav-
Like nocturnal fears, the content of a child’s ioral techniques can be used as well, such as retell-
nightmare is dependent, in part, upon the child’s ing the dream with a humorous ending (cognitive
neurocognitive development. Common childhood restructuring) or providing “monster spray,” “magic
nightmares include being separated from one’s wands,” dreamcatchers, or other protective items.
parents, enduring physical harm from imaginary Also, parents should utilize preventative measures
creatures like the boogeyman or “bad guys” from such as limiting scary stimuli prior to bed (stories,
television, or stressful recent and/or impending movies, pictures, etc.), relaxation techniques and
events. Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, sad- other stress-reducing activities, as well as ensuring
ness, anger, disgust, and embarrassment are associ- that the child gets enough sleep every night. The
ated with the experience of nightmares. Precipitating deleterious effects of sleep deprivation on children
factors include prior nightmares, daytime stressors include an increased propensity to experience these
and anxiety, trauma, sleep deprivation, insomnia, and other parasomnias (Kotagal, 2012). If such
and anxiety disorders. Certain medications like techniques do not alleviate the nightmares, refer-
antidepressants, benzodiazepines, or psychostimu- ral to a mental health provider is warranted to rule
lants effecting REM sleep may also increase the pro- out a psychiatric disorder, underlying stressors or
pensity for a child to suffer from nightmares (Stores, trauma, as well as to obtain recommendations for
2007). more substantive behavioral strategies.
When children experience nightmares they fre-
quently seek out parental support, fear returning Nocturnal Fears and Nightmares in
to sleep, and remember details from their fright- Preschool Children
ening dreams. They are typically lucid enough to As a child’s imagination develops, so too does
explain to their parent(s) portions of the dream and his or her arsenal of potential fears. Suddenly, being
their accompanying emotions. Daytime features of alone is stress-producing: “the dark” becomes a
children with chronic nightmares include bedtime playground for the unseen and insidious. Nighttime
resistance, nocturnal and/or diurnal fears, and other fears are common among preschool children:
symptoms of anxiety such as excessive worrying, 58.8% of 4_6-year-old children report nocturnal
restlessness, and irritability (Stores, 2007; Mindell fears (Muris et al., 2001). These frequently interfere
& Owens, 2010). with going to sleep and staying asleep, and cause
Nightmares of high frequency and/or intense nocturnal awakenings. Persistent nocturnal anxi-
severity may be classified as Nightmare Disorder ety has been associated with severe nighttime fears
(307.47) in the American Academy of Sleep (Gordon et al., 2007a, 2007b; King et al., 1997;
Medicine’s (AASM) International Classification Muris et al., 2001; Sadeh, 2005). Although night-
of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual, time fears do not constitute a formal diagnostic
2nd edition (ICSD-2). A diagnosis of Nightmare entity, they can cause development of behavioral
Disorder must meet the following criteria: insomnia. Anything and everything can become
scary: a well visit to the pediatrician can become the
A. Recurrent episodes of awakening from sleep with impetus for fears of blood, needles, strangers, and
recall of intensely disturbing dream mentation, pain. A summer storm through the eyes of a four
usually involving fear or anxiety, but also anger, year-old may be akin to Armageddon, with thun-
sadness, disgust, and other dysphoric emotions. der the death-knell warning of perilous winds and
B. Full alertness on awakening, with little bolts of fire to come. As creative as their fears, so too
confusion or disorientation; recall of sleep mentation are the preschoolers’ manifestations of reassurance-
is immediate and clear. seeking. Suddenly a child is thirsty, hungry, lonely,

i va n en ko , l a rs o n 349
itchy, hot, cold, and, of course, has to go to the of bad dreams showed a peak prevalence between 7
bathroom. Children are seeking the reassurance of and 9 years with 87% to 95.7% of children report-
their caregivers that they are safe and will continue ing having bad dreams often or sometimes (Hawkins
to be safe once their eyes are closed and they drift off & Williams, 1992). Other studies estimated preva-
to sleep. Parental presence in the child’s bedroom lence of bad dreams at 41% (Salzarulo & Chevalier,
is a common strategy to deal with nighttime fears. 1983) and 23% (Simonds & Parraga, 1982) among
Co-sleeping is another type of parental behavior 6–10–year-olds and 9–11-year-olds, respectively.
aimed to reduce nocturnal anxiety and to provide Children at this age seem especially concerned
reassurance. In some cases these strategies have been about robbers, burglars, and other home invaders,
associated with positive outcomes (Johnson, 1991; as well as natural disasters including hurricanes and
Rath & Okum, 1995) and in some they have rein- tornadoes (Mindell & Owens, 2010). They also
forced long-term co-sleeping (Medoff & Schaefer, succumb to fears about supernatural phenomena:
1993). witches, vampires, ghosts, and other beasties that
Most prevalence studies of nightmares concern may be lurking in the night. School-age children
children age 5 years or older. Studies of nightmares also begin to feel (and fear) social inequities, so per-
in preschoolers are based mainly on parental reports. formance anxiety related to academics, athletics, or
Longitudinal studies of nightmares across different social activities becomes relevant.
developmental stages are essentially absent. One Nightmares reflect this variety of real-world
small retrospective study indicated that 13.5% of fears as well as previous or upcoming stressors such
preschool children have bad dreams at least once per as first sleepovers, impending exams, or being sent
week (Hawkins & Williams, 1992). Longitudinal to the principal. Also, stories, movies, and books
logistic regression analysis models were used in a with frightening content are often played out in a
large study of bad dreams in preschool children to child’s dreams. Nocturnal fears manifest as bedtime
investigate prevalence, demographic characteristics, resistance or refusal and reassurance-seeking in the
risk, and protective factors (Simard et al., 2008). form of repetitive requests for drinks, snacks, the
The authors found lower than expected prevalence addition or removal of blankets, special toys, night-
of mother-reported frequent bad dreams (1.3% to lights, and so forth. In a recent study of school-age
3.9%). Early protective factors included parental children with sleep problems and normal controls,
practices favoring nurturance after nocturnal awak- bedtime resistance, sleep anxiety, night wakings
ening. Risk factors included sleep-onset emotional and nighttime fears were significantly predictive
nurturance, anxiousness, and difficult temperament of co-sleeping (Cortesi et al., 2008). Parental reas-
(Simard et al., 2008). surance and reinforcement for appropriate coping
Often children who experience recurrent bad strategies and limit setting are most beneficial for
dreams become afraid to go to sleep for fear of this age group.
nightmares (Mindell & Owens, 2010), although
the relationship between nightmares and insomnia Nocturnal Fears and Nightmares
has not been thoroughly studied in children. in Adolescents
Discussing the content of their nightmares can Prevalence of nightmares and nocturnal fears
be beneficial if done during the day, as well as giv- decreases during adolescence, but it is important to
ing a child a sense of control over their fears. A consider the variability in reporting styles of ado-
preschooler can learn to laugh at the silly monster lescents (Simonds & Parraga, 1982; Nielsen et al.,
that once terrified her, or look forward to the next 2000). In a recent large survey conducted among
storm while he visualizes his kite flying through the 90,081 Japanese adolescents, the prevalence rate
tumultuous skies. Relaxation techniques, systematic of nightmares was as high as 32.5% (Munezawa
desensitization, and cognitive behavioral modifica- et al., 2011). Multiple logistic analyses revealed that
tion can all be effectively used with preschoolers. female sex, use of alcohol, poor mental health, dif-
ficulty initiating sleep, low subjective sleep assess-
Nocturnal Fears and Nightmares ment, presence of excessive daytime sleepiness, and
in School-Age Children presence of sleep paralysis had higher odds ratios for
As children develop, their awareness of the real nightmares.
world increases exponentially and with it, their real- Often teens will not report to their parents or
ization of the numerous entities that can cause harm health care providers anything they may consider
to them and their loved ones. A cross-sectional study to be a weakness or something they “should have”

3 50 nigh t time dis tractions

grown out of. Adolescents who report nocturnal disorder of childhood, separation anxiety, social
fears and nightmares describe more future-oriented anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
and abstract fears, such as college acceptance or “the (Alfano & Gamble, 2009). In the last 10 years,
unknown” (Mindell & Owens, 2010). Adolescents research has shown that early childhood sleep dis-
also remain concerned with academic, athletic, and ruptions maybe predictive of later emotional and
social performance, which is reflected in the content behavioral symptoms and disorders, including anxi-
of their nightmares. Adolescents often attempt to ety and depression, inattention, and hyperactivity
avoid sleeping by distracting themselves with televi- (Gregory et al., 2004; Gregory & O’Connor, 2002;
sion, computers, reading, and so forth. They may Johnson et al., 2000).
also use wake-promoting or sleep-inducing sub- Anxiety is the most common childhood psy-
stances to avoid feeling sleepy and thus susceptible chiatric disorder, affecting up to 20% of children
to their fears. Parental involvement should include (Costello et al., 2005; Shaffer et al., 1996) and
a discussion of safety and the importance of sleep, includes GAD, separation anxiety disorder, PTSD,
limit setting, and reinforcement of appropriate panic disorder, social phobias (social anxiety disor-
coping strategies. der), agoraphobia, specific phobias, obsessive-com-
pulsive disorder, acute stress disorder, and others.
Anxiety Disorders and Sleep These disorders are concomitant with severe distress
Children with nighttime fears and/or nightmares and morbidity and frequently are associated with
often have comorbid sleep disruptions or disorders significant disruptions in a child’s home, school,
such as night terrors or behavioral insomnia, as and social lives. Children with anxiety disorders are
well as psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depres- more likely to suffer from mood and anxiety dis-
sion, and/or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder orders later in life and are also at an increased risk
(ADHD) (Alfano & Gamble, 2009). Many of these for future suicide attempts and psychiatric hospital-
disorders share symptoms such as bedtime resis- izations (Pine et al., 1998). In children with sleep
tance. To treat a child effectively, diagnostic accu- disorders, the most commonly associated comorbid
racy is paramount. Careful interviews with the child anxiety disorders include GAD, separation anxiety
and parent(s), as well as the use of parental and self- disorder, and PTSD.
reports, questionnaires, and sleep diaries, will help Alfano and colleagues (2007) found that 88% of
elucidate the diagnostic picture. If necessary, more children ages 6–17 with non-trauma-related anxi-
objective measures such as polysomnography (PSG) ety disorders experience at least one sleep-related
or neuropsychological testing will help to delineate disturbance; however, the majority experienced
psychiatric and physiological symptoms (Sheldon, three or more sleep problems (Alfano, Ginsgurg, &
2005). For instance, if a child is experiencing bed- Kingery 2007). Insomnia, nightmares, and refusal/
time-related anxiety, it is important to ask specific reluctance to sleep alone were the most frequently
questions regarding the nature of the anxiety: does mentioned sleep disturbances in her study. She also
it involve falling asleep or staying asleep? If so, it found that 95% of parents whose children have been
may be psychophysiologic insomnia (see Roane and diagnosed with an anxiety disorder report comorbid
Taylor, Chapter 22). Is the anxiety dream-related? If sleep disturbances (Alfano et al., 2007).
so, the child is more likely to be experiencing night- Biological and environmental factors also influ-
mares. Are the fears developmentally appropriate, ence the bidirectional relationship between sleep
short-lived, and benign? If so, it is likely nighttime disorders and anxiety. It is well known that there
fears. If the anxiety occurs during the day as well is a genetic predisposition for psychiatric disorders
as night, then the child should be assessed for an in general to be passed from one generation to the
anxiety disorder (Mindell & Owens, 2010; Alfano next. In addition to a biological predisposition,
& Gamble, 2009). childhood behaviors are also impacted by the envi-
Childhood psychiatric disorders are often found ronment in which the child is raised. For example,
in children with sleep disorders and, similarly, chil- an anxious parent may be so overinvolved in their
dren with sleep disturbances or disorders are often child’s daily routines that the child may not learn
found to meet criteria for a psychiatric disorder as independence. At bedtime this may result in the
well. This bidirectional relationship between sleep child never learning to self-soothe, manage devel-
and psychopathology is most commonly observed opmentally appropriate fears and stressors, or even
in childhood anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety to develop the ability to identify when she becomes
disorder (GAD), previously known as overanxious sleepy. When this child is confronted with a stressor

i va n en ko , l a rs o n 351
she will not have developed an appropriate coping a child’s bedtime resistant behaviors are alleviated
strategy and may likely react in an unhealthy and by the presence of the parent(s), then separation
anxiety-producing manner. This child, physiologi- anxiety is most likely the cause of his resistance.
cally predisposed to anxiety, now also has “learned” Similarly, if the child engages in similar diurnal
anxiety. There are also metabolic factors implicated behaviors when he is isolated from his parent(s),
in an anxious child’s propensity to experience sleep the behavior is most likely caused by his separation
disturbances. In Forbes’ 2006 study, the dysregula- anxiety. If the child’s diurnal experience of anxiety
tion of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) does not directly involve the presence of his parent,
loop was indicated in altering the timing and archi- than GAD is the most likely diagnosis.
tecture of children’s sleep, due to heightened corti-
sol levels just prior to sleep. Higher levels of cortisol Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
were found in neither the depressed nor the control In both adults and children the experience of
groups, indicating that the presence of extra cor- sleep disturbances following a traumatic event are
tisol may be a biological impetus for disorganized common and include insomnia as well as parasom-
sleep in anxious children. nias, such as nightmares, night terrors, sleep talk-
ing, and nocturnal enuresis. Sleep disturbances have
Generalized Anxiety Disorder/Overanxious been linked to numerous types of traumatic events
Disorder of Childhood in recent literature including war, sniper attacks,
The Forbes and colleagues’ study (2008) describes motor vehicle accidents, burn injuries, floods,
the physiological changes that children with gener- and—the most common—childhood maltreatment
alized anxiety disorder or overanxious disorder of and abuse (Charuvastra & Cloitre, 2009; Chimienti
childhood experience in sleep. These researchers et al., 1989; Kravitz et al., 1993; Nader et al.,
followed children with anxiety disorders, depres- 1990). Rimsza, Berg, and Locke (1988) found that
sion, and a control group for 3 consecutive nights childhood sexual abuse victims experienced sleep
in a sleep lab and compared their polysomnography disturbances that correlated positively with both
data. They found several differences between the the duration of abuse as well as the age of abuse
groups. The children with anxiety had more noctur- onset. Krakow et al. (2002) found in their longitu-
nal awakenings than the depressed children and less dinal study that 10 years after the report of abuse,
slow wave sleep than either the control group or the sleep disturbances correlated with depression and
depressed children. Whereas the control group and PTSD symptomology (see Spilsbury, Chapter 14).
the depressed children appeared to habituate to the Interestingly, the abuse itself predicted the girls’
sleep lab, the anxious children experienced greater sleep problems, even after controlling for symptoms
sleep latency and took twice as long to fall asleep of depression and PTSD. They purport it is the
on the second night. They further found that sleep- association between the environment in which most
related problems independently predict a child’s sexual abuse occurs and that in which sleep occurs
functioning at home, after controlling for severity (the bedroom, nighttime, sleep, the dark) that leads
of anxiety (Alfano et al., 2007). to sleep disturbances, because in order to achieve
normal sleep one must feel an adequate sense of
Separation Anxiety safety. Victims of sexual abuse are often deprived of
It is normal for older infants to experience sepa- this basic necessity, further sabotaging their sleep.
ration anxiety as their cognitive skills develop, often Glod et al. (1997) found that childhood victims of
accompanied by increased bedtime resistance. It trauma and/or abuse experience sleep disturbances
does not take long for the infant to realize, as object whether they meet the criteria for PTSD or not.
permanence crystallizes, that his parents still exist
and will soon return. This realization often quells Assessment of Nocturnal Fears and Anxiety
the fears of the older infant, and bedtime problems in Children and Adolescents
decrease again. However, if the child continues to Because inadequate sleep has been implicated
experience separation anxiety his bedtime resistance in numerous psychiatric, medical, academic, and
will likely remain and evolve alongside his neu- safety-related issues, it is imperative that clinicians
rocognitive development (Mindell, Kuhn, Lewin, learn to address sleep issues early and often through-
Meltzer, & Sadeh, 2006). Many children with out a child’s development. Currently sleep disorders
separation anxiety experience sleep disturbances as are frequently unrecognized and underreported
well, including nightmares and nighttime fears. If (Ivanenko & Patwari, 2009), which underscores the

3 52 nigh t t ime dis tractions

need for primary care providers to obtain detailed (CHSQ; Owens et al., 2000a), the Sleep Disturbance
and comprehensive sleep assessments. A full dis- Scale for Children (SDSC; Bruni et al., 1996), the
cussion of sleep assessment is beyond the scope of Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ; Chervin et al.,
this chapter; however, a description of the various 2000), and the Sleep Disorder Inventory for Students
tools used in sleep diagnostics is discussed below. (SDIS; Lugienbuehl, 2004) are widely used mea-
As mentioned previously, a thorough history and sures for parental report. Owens’ Sleep Self Report
description of a child’s sleep habits is imperative. (SSR; Owens et al., 2000b) is a child report that
Interviewing both the child and the parent(s) is corresponds with the CHSQ parental report. Other
necessary, as each reports their subjective experience child-report sleep measures include the School
of nighttime events. Parents tend to report prob- Sleep Habits Survey (SSHS; Wolfson & Carskadon,
lems that interrupt their own sleep, so they may 1998) and the Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale
be unaware of certain details regarding their child’s (PDSS; Drake et al., 2003).
sleep. Likewise, children often report experiences Sometimes the subjective ratings by the child
that their parents know nothing about. Parents of and his parents are not enough to provide a com-
children with anxiety tend to report that their chil- prehensive clinical picture of the child’s sleep habits.
dren experience more disruptive sleep than the chil- If more objective data were required, for example
dren themselves report (Alfano, 2010; Forbes et al., in cases with a comorbid sleep-related breathing
2008; Hudson et al., 2009). Parents and children or movement disorder, actigraphy, polysomnogra-
may not view particular behaviors as problematic phy (PSG), or a multiple sleep latency test (MSLT)
(i.e., snoring, inconsistent bedtimes, or limit set- would provide such data. Actigraphy is a system for
ting). It is crucial to ask specific questions regarding continuous monitoring of child movements used to
sleep hygiene, bed and wake times, the time it takes estimate measures of sleep/wakefulness using a small
a child to fall asleep (sleep latency), the difference device, typically worn on the wrist, for at least three
between weekday and weekend sleep duration, night consecutive 24-hour periods. Unlike actigraphy,
awakenings, time spent awake after sleep onset, and PSG and MSLTs are typically performed in a sleep
any other individualized information. Asking chil- lab. PSG is a nocturnal sleep study which includes
dren and adolescents about their television viewing an electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram
habits and the types of books they read and games (EMG), and electro-oculogram (EOG), as well
they play can be a fruitful conversation when the as measures of airflow, respiratory and abdominal
child is experiencing nighttime fears or nightmares efforts, oxygen saturation, end tidal CO2 level, and
related to the content of such. limb muscle activity (Ivanenko & Massie, 2006).
When assessing for sleep disorders, it is impera- The MSLT is a diurnal test that assesses levels of
tive to include neurodevelopmental, medical, and daytime sleepiness by having a child take successive
psychiatric data as well, as many conditions share naps every two hours following their last morning
symptoms with or exacerbate sleep disorders. Some awakening recorded on the PSG.
medications like psychostimulants used to treat
ADHD and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Treatment of Nocturnal Fears in Children
(SSRIs) used to treat anxiety and depression may and Adolescents
disrupt sleep. A great accompaniment to a thorough Like many other pediatric sleep disorders, night-
history is a sleep diary. Have the child and/or parent time fears and nightmares are treated nonpharma-
(depending on age and developmental ability) com- cologically. Cognitive and behavioral interventions
plete a sleep diary for one to two weeks. Many of include parental education regarding sleep hygiene,
the aforementioned questions regarding timing of limit setting, and consistent bedtime routines,
bed and sleep onset, wakings, and naps are answered as well as specific approaches such as extinction
in a graphical format to allow children and their and scheduled wakings. Therapy can help chil-
parents to see the patterns of their sleep cycles. dren acquire self-soothing and coping mecha-
Also of clinical utility is employing one of nisms that will prevent further distress and anxiety.
the many questionnaires available (see Spruyt, Developmentally appropriate guidelines regarding
Chapter 18). These not only allow for compre- sleep hygiene—bedtime, wake time, and nap times,
hensive assessment across several fundamental usage of caffeine or other stimulants as well as eve-
domains in pediatric sleep, but also allow for lon- ning use of television, video games, computers, and
gitudinal comparison over time in the same child. cell phones—should be reviewed with the child. The
Judy Owens’ Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire child should be an active participant in setting up a

i va n en ko , l a rs o n 353
new bedtime routine. Graziano and Mooney’s study Impaired arousal from sleep has been proposed
on the reduction of nighttime fears in children ages as a cause for these disorders. They are seen more
6–12 purports that parent-supervised self-control frequently among young children and tend to
techniques, consisting of muscle relaxation, guided resolve by adolescence, although some may per-
imagery, the recitation of “brave” self-statements and sist into adulthood and throughout the life span
token reinforcement, significantly reduce children’s (Klackenberg, 1987).
experience of nighttime fears (Graziano & Mooney,
1980). McMenamy and Katz (1989) replicated the Sleepwalking
study with children aged 4–5 with similar results, Sleepwalking is a common parasomnia, with
indicating that training children in relaxation, self- reported episodes in approximately 15% of children
guided coping skills, and guided imagery are effec- and with 1% to 6% of children having frequent
tive treatments for those with severe nighttime sleepwalking. Some children have nightly episodes of
fears. In their most recent study using both subjec- sleepwalking. The prevalence of sleepwalking peaks
tive and objective assessment of sleep with actigra- between ages 4 and 8 and gradually declines over
phy, Kushnir and Sadeh (2012) demonstrated that the preadolescent and adolescent years of develop-
simple doll interventions can reduce nocturnal fears ment (Anders & Eiben, 1997; Stores, 2009). Most
and associated sleep disruptions. A full discussion studies have shown equal distribution of sleepwalk-
of treatment is beyond the scope of this chapter; ing between sexes with one study indicating higher
for further reading please see Part 7: Prevention and prevalence among boys (Petit et al., 2007).
Intervention in this volume. Episodes of sleepwalking occur in NREM sleep,
usually during slow wave sleep (SWS). Because
Parasomnias most of the SWS is distributed during the first third
There are currently two main classification sys- of the night, sleepwalking tends to occur during the
tems of sleep disorders. In the psychiatric nosology, first 2 hours of sleep. Episodes may last up to 30
DSM-IV-TR defines parasomnias as “disorders char- minutes. For younger children, the episodes may
acterized by abnormal behavioral or physiological last only a few minutes. During the typical episode
events occurring in association with sleep, specific of sleepwalking the child gets out of bed and quietly
sleep stages, or sleep-wake transition,” (DSM- walks around the bedroom or goes to the bathroom.
IV–TR, 2000). Often sleepwalking is associated with urinating in
International Classification for Sleep Disorders, 2nd unusual places like a bedroom closet or hallway.
Edition (ICSD-2) defines parasomnias as “undesir- Older children may experience episodes of more
able physical phenomena that occur predominantly complex behaviors with sleep eating, wandering
during sleep” (AASM, 2005). According to ICSD-2, around the house, or even getting out of the house.
parasomnias are subdivided into four categories: Sleepwalking can be accompanied by vocalization
and children may even answer simple questions with
– Arousal disorders
no recollection of nocturnal events the next day.
– Sleep–wake transition disorders
Parents usually describe their children walk-
– Parasomnias usually associated with REM sleep
ing with eyes wide open but looking “confused.”
– Other parasomnias
Children occasionally exhibit agitation or distress,
Most common parasomnias seen in children especially if awakened from the sleepwalking epi-
include the following sleep-related behaviors: sleep- sode. Sleepwalking can be potentially dangerous, as
walking, sleep talking, confusional arousals, night the child may fall down the stairs or even out of the
terrors, nightmares, bruxism, rhythmic movement window. It is also possible for an episode of som-
disorder, and enuresis. The precise etiology of para- nambulism to become a confusional arousal, where
somnias remains unknown. However, genetic and the likelihood of accidental violence (to oneself or
developmental factors seem to play an important others) is much greater. There have been reports of
role in the pathophysiology of childhood parasom- accidental self-harm associated with sleepwalking,
nias, along with strong environmental and psycho- making safety precautions an important part of
logical influences (Mahowald & Schenck, 1992). treatment intervention.

Disorders of Arousal Sleep Terrors

Disorders of arousal usually occur from non- Sleep terrors (pavor nocturnus) are somewhat
REM sleep and share some clinical characteristics. less common than sleepwalking. Prevalence of sleep

3 54 nigh t t ime dis tractions

terrors has been difficult to study because parents of confusional arousal resemble temper tantrums
often confuse them with nightmares. The preva- in younger children or can be perceived by parents
lence of night terrors is estimated to be around 3% as convulsive seizures. Parents are often alarmed by
to 6% among pediatric patients, with a much lower their child’s apparent distress. The child is almost
prevalence rate in adolescents (Laberge & Tremblay impossible to awaken and responds negatively,
et al., 2000). There are no consistent sex differences with more severe agitation or combativeness, to the
among children with night terrors. parents’ attempts to comfort him.
Pathophysiology of night terrors is felt to rep- Confusional arousals, like other disorders of
resent an autonomic arousal with the admixture arousal, occur during the first third of the night dur-
of neurophysiological features of wakefulness and ing SWS and are associated with complete amnesia for
NREM sleep, with behavioral agitation (Mahowald the event on the next day. They last longer then sleep
& Schenck, 2005). The child typically sits up in bed terrors, sometimes up to 45 minutes, causing signifi-
abruptly with glazed eyes and screams inconsolably. cant distress for the family. The prevalence of confu-
Tachycardia, flushing, rapid respiration, and dia- sional arousals was reported to be 17% in a group
phoresis may accompany this behavior. Attempts to of children ages 3–13 years (Kotagal, 2009). The
comfort or awaken the child often only exacerbate incidence of confusional arousals decreases with age,
agitation and trigger combative behaviors. Episodes with fewer episodes reported during adolescence.
of sleep terrors generally occur during SWS within
the first third of the night. They are short in dura- Sleep Inertia
tion compared to confusional arousals and last Typically arising from deep SWS, incomplete
between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. awakenings have been also identified as sleep drunk-
Sleep terrors in susceptible children can be pre- enness or sleep inertia (Roth et al., 1972, Tassi &
cipitated by anything that stimulates arousal from Muzet, 2000).
sleep, either intrinsically or environmentally. The Sleep inertia refers to a period of impaired perfor-
examples of precipitating events include medi- mance and reduced vigilance and represents a disso-
cal illness, psychological stress, noises, other sleep ciative state following awakening from sleep (Roth
disorders like obstructive sleep apnea or certain et al., 1972; Dinges et al., 1989). Sleep inertia is a
medications. Sleep terrors can be very disruptive for clinical phenomenon that may last from minutes to
family members who awaken to the child’s scream- a few hours and is associated with impaired levels
ing in the middle of the night. Children usually lie of alertness, confusion, and disorientation with ele-
back down and fall asleep with little or no recollec- ments of microsleep. It has been frequently observed
tion of the episode upon waking in the morning. among adolescents, especially in the context of sleep
Sleep terrors are brief in duration and rarely deprivation.
associated with self-harm, since children usually
remain in bed. Attempts to awaken the child from Sleep–Wake Transition Disorders
a sleep terror may exacerbate agitation and precipi- Sleep–wake transition disorders are defined as
tate combative behaviors while the child remains in clinical conditions occurring on the transition from
a confused partially aroused state. Occasionally a wakefulness to sleep, on transition from sleep to
sleep terror can progress into confusional arousal or wakefulness, and on transition from one sleep stage
sleepwalking with more potential for self-injury. to another sleep stage. There are four sleep disorders
included in this category:
Confusional Arousals – Sleep talking
Confusional arousals are frequently seen in chil- – Sleep starts
dren of young age and tend to be more prevalent in – Rhythmic movement disorder
infants and toddlers. They are often misdiagnosed as – Nocturnal leg cramps
nightmares or sleep terrors, as they have similar clin-
ical presentations. However, there are some clinical Sleep Talking
characteristics that distinguish confusional arousals Sleep talking is extremely common among all
from other disorders of arousal. At the beginning of ages, and often occurs during sleep–wake transi-
an episode, a child may moan or cry, then may start tions. Sleep talking is defined as utterance of sounds
to thrash around and becomes increasingly agitated. during sleep without subjective awareness of the
Some children can get out of bed onto the floor, event. There are various degrees of severity in sleep
kicking and screaming during the episode. Episodes talking, ranging from occasional vocalization like

i va n en ko , l a rs o n 355
moaning in sleep to loud, frequent, nightly long stress has been proposed as precipitating factor in
speeches with elements of anger and hostility. The susceptible individuals.
sleep-talking episode does not in itself involve phys- Traumatic injury is uncommon in rhythmic
ical movement, although sleep talking is often asso- movement disorder; however, there have been cases
ciated with sleepwalking or confusional arousal. It of soft tissue injury reported. Violent movements
has been shown in a few studies that the prevalence can be very disturbing to other family members
of parent-reported sleep talking ranges from 55.5% (Newell et al., 1999; Vetrugno & Montagna, 2011).
among children ages 3–13 (Laberge et al., 2000) to Rhythmic movement disorder should be differen-
84% in preschoolers (Petit et al., 2007). While tiated from other stereotypical movements in sleep
the incidence decreases as children age, it remains like thumb sucking, tooth grinding, periodic limb
common in adulthood with 24% still reporting movements in sleep, or epileptic seizures. Although
occasional episodes of sleep talking (Ohayon et al., not required, video recording and polysomnogra-
1997). phy can help with differential diagnosis of rhyth-
Polysomnographic studies demonstrated that mic movements disorder from other sleep-related
sleep talking occurs in all sleep stages. A sleep study disorders.
is not required to diagnose sleep talking, as this
condition is observable and can be described by the Parasomnias Usually Associated with
parents. However, when it is associated with other REM sleep
sleep disorders, sleep talking my require polysom- Sleep related behaviors during REM sleep have
nographic monitoring in a sleep laboratory. been grouped together under this category and
Sleep talking is more frequently seen among include the following clinical conditions that are
patients with psychopathology or under stress. Petit seen in pediatric patients:
et al. (2007) demonstrated a connection between
– Nightmares
sleep talking and separation anxiety in children. – Sleep paralysis
– REM sleep–related behavior disorder
Rhythmic Movement Disorder
According to the ICSD-2 classification system, Nightmares and REM behavior disorder are dis-
rhythmic movement disorder “comprises a group of cussed in this chapter due to their high prevalence
stereotyped, repetitive movements involving large among children and adolescents.
muscles, usually of the head and neck; the movements
typically occur immediately prior to sleep onset and REM Behavior Disorder
are sustained into light sleep” (AASM, 2005). Rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD)
Rhythmic movements may occur during arous- is a sleep-related phenomenon characterized by the
als from sleep and can be observed during stages of intermittent loss of atonia (paralysis, which is a nor-
NREM sleep. The most common form of rhythmic mal feature of REM sleep) accompanied by extreme
movement disorder in children is head banging. The motor activity and dream mentation. Patients with
child may lie in a prone position, lifting the head REM behavior disorder enact their dreams while
and upper torso and forcibly banging the head into remaining asleep. They may become very vio-
the pillow or mattress. Some children bang their lent during the episode, kicking, punching, and
heads against hard surfaces like a wall, floor, or bed throwing things around them, posing significant
rails, resulting in soft tissue damage. risk to themselves and others. RDB was originally
Other forms of rhythmic movement disorder described in adults with neurodegenerative disor-
include head rolling with side-to-side head move- ders. However, there have been a number of cases
ments or body rolling that involves the full body indicating the presence of RDB in children and
rolling in bed. Body-rocking usually occurs in a sit- adolescents (Barros-Ferreira et al., 1975; Schenck
ting position or on hands and knees, rocking the et al., 1986; Herman et al., 1989; Turner & Allen,
entire body forward and backward. The frequency of 1990).
movements usually ranges from 0.5 to 2 per second. RBD is a rare condition with the prevalence esti-
Rhythmic vocalization like humming may some- mated to range from 0.38% to 0.50%. Prevalence
times accompany these movements. Some forms of of RDB is probably underreported because it can
rhythmic movements are seen in two-thirds of nor- easily be misdiagnosed as a disorder of arousal
mal infants, with a gradual reduction in prevalence like sleepwalking, confusional arousal, night ter-
by age 4 years (Klackenburg, 1971). Environmental ror or epilepsy due to the extreme and dramatic

3 56 nigh t t ime dis tractions

movements associated with it. The exact etiology least once per month in older individuals to qualify
of childhood RBD is not completely understood. as a disorder.
Certain neurological conditions, medications, and Children with primary enuresis have never been
alcohol use are thought to be predisposing factors dry since birth; alternatively, if they have been dry
(Schenck & Mahowald, 2002). for a period of at least 4 to 6 months and then begin
Diagnosis of RBD requires comprehensive to wet the bed, they are considered to have second-
clinical assessment and polysomnography. Patients ary enuresis. Occurrence of secondary enuresis is
frequently are able to recall dream content that cor- frequently associated with other medical, psychiat-
responds to the types of behaviors observed dur- ric, or sleep disorders (Mason & Pack 2007).
ing the RBD episode. Polysomnography usually Prevalence of enuresis is estimated between 15%
reveals loss of atonia during REM sleep in patients to 25% for children at age 5, with prevalence rate
with RDB. going down by approximately 15% for each year
RBD is also seen with other sleep disorders like after 5 (Mason & Pack, 2007). Enuresis was found
narcolepsy, sleepwalking, sleep terrors, and periodic to be more common in boys than in girls (Petit
limb movements. Treatments for RBD should be et al., 2007). Enuresis can occur during stages 2 and
diagnostically driven and frequently involve phar- 3 of NREM sleep, as well as REM sleep, with the
macological interventions along with safety precau- majority of enuretic episodes occurring during the
tions and sleep hygiene training. first half of the night. Although the exact causes of
enuresis are unknown, several pathophysiological
Other Parasomnias mechanisms of enuresis have been proposed includ-
This group of parasomnias includes clinical dis- ing immature arousal system, insufficient release of
orders that cannot be included into other categories antidiuretic hormone during sleep, and small func-
of parasomnias and consist of the following condi- tional bladder capacity.
tions seen among children and adolescents: Persistent enuresis may have a significant psy-
chological impact on child’s self-image and self-
– Sleep bruxism
esteem and should be carefully evaluated and treated
– Sleep enuresis
(Theunis et al., 2002).
– Sleep-related abnormal swallowing syndrome
Behavioral interventions have been shown to be
– Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia
most effective in the treatment of primary enuresis
– Primary snoring
among pediatric patients. Enuretic alarm systems
– Infant sleep apnea
utilize behavioral conditioning as a therapeutic
– Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
approach to achieve bladder control during sleep.
– Sudden infant death syndrome
For this system, an alarm signal goes off if any mois-
– Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus
ture is detected. This can help train the child to sense
– Other parasomnias not otherwise specified
the need to urinate. Scheduled awakenings have
Sleep enuresis and bruxism are the most prevalent been shown to decrease the incidence of enuresis.
disorders in children in this category of parasom- Parents are usually instructed to gently awaken their
nias. Sleep bruxism is tooth grinding and/or clench- child and lead him to the bathroom in the middle of
ing that occurs in an episodic fashion throughout the night. Daytime bladder exercises, mental imag-
the night, usually during light stages of sleep. Sleep ery, and hypnosis have also been helpful in reduc-
bruxism prevalence is reported to be as high as 20% ing bedwetting episodes (Zaffanello, Giacomello,
among children who complain of headaches or pain Brugnara, & Fanos, 2007). Pharmacological treat-
in the face (Stores, 2007). ments have been used for those children who failed
behavioral interventions and may include medica-
Sleep Enuresis tions like desmopressin (DDAVP), imipramine, or
Enuresis is a parasomnia in which involuntary oxybutynin. (Mathew, 2010).
loss of urine occurs during sleep only (see Caldwell
and Waters, Chapter 16). It is considered a normal Evaluation of Parasomnias
behavior for children under age 5, due to normal Evaluation of parasomnias should include a com-
maturational process of the central nervous system. prehensive medical, behavioral, developmental, and
According to the ICSD-2 (2005) diagnostic cri- sleep history, and physical examination (Sheldon,
teria, enuresis should be present at least twice per 2005). Detailed and careful history of sleep-related
month in children between 3 and 6 years and at behaviors should be obtained with the emphasis on

i va n en ko , l a rs o n 357
usual time of occurrence, duration of the episode, frightening to them are benign in their course and
description of movements and behaviors, presence will most likely resolve with age by later childhood
of precipitating events, and amnesia of the event. or adolescence.
Patients should be assessed for daytime behavioral Parents should be instructed not to attempt to
problems and developmental abnormalities; special awaken or restrain their child in cases of confusional
emphasis should be placed on a sleep routine, sleep arousal or sleepwalking, and instead gently redirect
and wake schedule, sleeping arrangements, presence the child back into bed.
of daytime sleepiness, and sleep-related respiratory It is critical to institute safety interventions to
symptoms or movement abnormalities. minimize the risk of injury that the episodes pose.
Polysomnography (PSG) is helpful in determin- These include sound alarms on the bed or door if
ing whether the disorder of arousal is secondary to the child gets up and begins to walk, locks on the
another sleep disorder or is a physiological condi- windows and entry doors, gates in front of stairs,
tion. For example, sleep apnea or periodic limb and so forth.
movements are frequently associated with disorders Implementing good sleep hygiene is crucial in
of arousal; epileptic seizures may also present with treating parasomnias, with a consistent bedtime,
clinical features similar to parasomnias. Video or elimination of caffeinated foods or drinks prior to
audio recording can be extremely helpful in docu- bedtime, restricting access to television and other
menting actual episodes (Stores, 2009). Video EEG electronics at bedtime, and avoiding exercise late in
or EEG telemetry can be used for differential diag- the evening. It is very important to minimize risks
nosis of epileptic seizures versus parasomnias. of sleep deprivation in the managements of para-
Family history of parasomnias is an important somnias. Behavioral intervention with scheduled
part of the evaluation process, since parasomnias awakenings has shown positive results for children
have family predisposition and tend to occur within who have regular episodes of parasomnia. Clinicians
several generations of the family (Lecendreux et al., should instruct parents to awaken the child 15–30
2003). minutes before the parasomnia typically occurs
and then allow him to return to sleep. Scheduled
Association between Parasomnias awakenings should be repeated on a nightly basis
and Psychiatric Disorders in Children for several weeks until parasomnias subside (Frank
and Adolescents et al., 1997).
Children with psychiatric disorders are shown to Since parasomnias frequently co-occur with
have higher rates of parasomnias. Sleep terrors and other sleep disorders like restless legs syndrome,
sleepwalking were found more frequently among periodic limb movement disorder, and obstruc-
children with anxiety disorders, phobias, and sui- tive sleep apnea, the child should be evaluated and
cidal ideation (Gau & Soong, 1999). Other stud- treated for comorbid primary sleep disorders.
ies have shown that sleepwalking and sleep terrors When behavioral interventions along with
are correlated with separation anxiety, hyperactive- the treatment for possible underlying medical or
inattentive symptoms, as well as other disorders of psychiatric conditions do not ameliorate disor-
arousal (Petit et al., 2007; Gau & Soong, 1999). ders of arousal, medication can be considered.
Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis is higher among Benzodiazepines such as clonazepam have been
children with psychiatric conditions. In a sample of shown to be effective when given approximately one
1155 children, Shreeram et al. (2009) found that hour before bedtime. Similarly, tricyclic antidepres-
those with enuresis had a 2.88 greater chance of sants like imipramine can reduce the frequency of
having ADHD as compared to children without parasomnias (Mason & Pack, 2007).
enuresis. Higher rates of enuresis have also been
found in children with autism spectrum disorders Conclusion
(Miano et al., 2007). Pediatric nighttime fears and nightmares are
common from infancy through adolescence and are
Treatment of Parasomnias typically quite benign. In normally developing chil-
Treatment for childhood arousal disorders dren they are relatively short-lived and remit with
includes both nonpharmacological and pharmaco- parental reassurance and simple behavioral strate-
logical interventions. Parents should be educated on gies. When frequent or severe enough, nighttime
the pathophysiology of parasomnias and reassured fears and/or nightmares can interfere with a child’s
that nocturnal events that appear dramatic and physical, social, and academic well-being, as well as

3 58 nigh t t ime dis tractions

create stress for his/her family members. Children – There is a clinical need to develop new,
with anxiety disorders, especially GAD, separation innovative, nonpharmacological treatment
anxiety, and PTSD, have a higher rate of sleep dis- approaches to parasomnias and nocturnal fears
turbances and suffer the same deleterious results as with well-designed and controlled clinical trials to
those with severe and frequent nighttime fears and test the effectiveness of these interventions.
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Future Directions
Anders, T., & Eiben, L. (1997). Pediatric sleep disorders: a review
Despite substantial progress in our current of the past 10 years. Journal of the American Academy of Child
knowledge of the neurobiological mechanisms and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(1), 9–20.
of sleep disorders, there is a significant gap in the Barros-Ferreira, M., Chodkiewicz, J.-P., Lairy, G. C., Salzarulo, P.
understanding of sleep-related disorders in children (1975). Disorganized relations of tonic and phasic events of
REM sleep in a case of brain-stem tumour. Electroencephography
and their impact on daytime functions and on over-
and Clinical Neurophysiology, 38, 202–207.
all psychological and physical development. These Blader, J. C., Koplewicz, H. S., Abikoff, H., & Foley, C. (1997).
are several suggestions for future research directions Sleep problems of elementary school children: A community
in the area of parasomnias and nighttime fears: survey. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 151,
– More epidemiological studies are needed to Bruni, O., Ottaviano, S., Guidetti, V., Romoli, M., Innocenzi,
investigate the prevalence of nocturnal fears and M., Cortesi, F., et al. (1996). The sleep disturbance scale for
parasomnias across different ages. children (SDSC) construction and validation of an instru-
ment to evaluate sleep disturbances in childhood and adoles-
– Psychosocial and environmental factors, as
cence. Journal of Sleep Research, 5, 251–261.
well as developmental factors, should be further Charuvastra, A., & Cloitre, M. (2009). Safe enough to sleep:
explored as part of the etiology of parasomnias and Sleep disruptions associated with trauma, post-traumatic
nocturnal fears. stress, and anxiety in children and adolescents. Child and
– It is important to investigate the impact Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18, 877–891.
Chervin, R. D. Hedger, K., Dillon, J. E., & Pituch, K.J. (2000).
of parasomnias and nighttime fears on daytime
Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ): Validity and reliability
neurobehavioral function of children and of scales for sleep-disordered breathing, snoring. Sleepiness,
adolescents. and behavioral problems. Sleep Medicine, 1, 21–32.
– Interface between parasomnias, nocturnal Chimienti, G., Nasr, J. A., Khalifeh, I. (1989). Children’s reac-
fears and psychopathology in pediatric patients tions to war-related stress: Affective symptoms and behav-
iour problems. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,
should be studied across different stages of a child’s
24(6), 282–287.
development. Cortesi., F., Giannotti., F., Sebastiani., T., Vagnoni., C., Marioni.,
– Prospective, large-scale studies are needed to P. (2008). Cosleeping versus solitary sleeping in children with
examine the impact of sleep-related behaviors on bedtime problems: Child emotional problems and parental
children’s neuropsychological development. distress. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 6(2):89–105.
Costello, E. J., Egger, H., & Angold, A. (2005). 10-year research
– There should be studies investigating the
update review: The epidemiology of child and adolescent
effects of psychopharmacological agents used for psychiatric disorders: I. Methods and public health burden.
the treatment of other psychiatric disorders on Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
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i va n en ko , l a rs o n 361

Pediatric Sleep Apnea and Adherence to

25 Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Therapy

Kristen H. Archbold

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children is a sleep disorder where the movement of air through
the upper airway (nose, mouth, trachea) is decreased due to an obstruction that is most commonly
caused by enlarged adenoids and tonsils. It results in disturbed and fragmented sleep and decreased
levels of blood oxygenation. In turn, children with OSA can experience enuresis, growth retardation,
and cognitive and behavioral difficulties. Treatment of pediatric OSA focuses on the removal of
adenoid and tonsil tissues where applicable. Secondary treatment of OSA is continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP), which has a series of issues regarding adherence and use that could
be addressed by cognitive-behavioral therapies or group therapy. Children with special medical
conditions such as Trisomy 21, other genetic syndromes, and psychiatric illness are at increased
risk for the development of OSA and should be closely monitored for the presence of the disease.
Future directions include delving deeper into an understanding of how CPAP effectively treats OSA in
children and strategies to improve adherence to CPAP therapy in the pediatric population.
Key Words: obstructive sleep apnea, sleep fragmentation, CPAP adherence, pediatrics

Introduction (hypopneas) and/or complete airway obstruction

Pathophysiology (obstructive apnea) events that disrupt sleep pat-
The pathophysiology of obstructive sleep apnea terns and normal ventilation during sleep (Loughlin
is focused around anatomical and physiological et al., 1996). Normal oxygen and carbon dioxide gas
issues that cause the diameter of the upper airway to exchange becomes impaired, resulting in intermit-
be decreased. This decrease in diameter then results tent and repetitive decreased blood oxygenation lev-
in a decreased ability to effectively move air in and els (hypoxia) and frequent arousals from sleep caused
out of the upper airway during sleep. Movement of by repeated disturbances throughout the sleep cycle.
air in and out of the upper airway can be impaired The most common cause of OSA in children
when the diameter of the airway is decreased and/ is enlarged adenoid and tonsillar tissues that block
or chest wall muscles cannot effectively support and subsequently decrease the diameter of the upper
the increased work of breathing during sleep. airway (Halbower & Marcus, 2003). Snoring, the
Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with an inabil- most common symptom of OSA in children from
ity to effectively move air in and out of the upper infancy through adolescence, results from turbu-
airway due to a decrease in airway diameter. lence in airflow through a narrowed upper airway.
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has Children who snore do not necessarily have OSA,
been defined by the American Thoracic Society as but may have some degree of upper airway obstruc-
a disorder of breathing during sleep where there tion (primary snoring, upper airway resistance syn-
are prolonged partial upper airway obstructions drome). However, snoring is not always present in

3 62
obstructive sleep apnea and cannot be relied upon as and rhythms of brain activity at any given point
a diagnostic hallmark in the absence of a polysom- (Rechtschaffen & Kales, 1968).
nographic (PSG) sleep study (Aurora et al., 2011). During stage N1, the brain is resonating at a
Overweight and obesity are increasingly sig- frequency of approximately 2–7 Hz, which is a rel-
nificant risk factors for OSA in children. The large atively low-voltage and mixed-frequency electroen-
increase in the proportion of obese children and cephalography (EEG) pattern. Stage N1 is relatively
adolescents is associated with increases in the inci- “light” sleep, whereby a person can be easily awoken.
dence and prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea N1 sleep most often occurs in the transition from
(Ross et al., 2009). This is a major public health wake to stage N2 and usually accounts for 5% of
concern, given the implications of both obesity and total sleep time during a typical pediatric sleep cycle
sleep apnea for metabolic and cardiovascular disor- (Chokroverty, 1995; Mindell & Owens, 2003).
ders (Kim et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2011). Stage N2 sleep is a bit deeper sleep and has hall-
This chapter will report and discuss the preva- mark EEG characteristics including sleep spindles
lence of OSA in the pediatric population, symp- and k-complexes (bursts of 12–14 Hz EEG activity).
tomatology, and also present a description of sleep N2 sleep comprises the majority of usual pediat-
staging and quantification. Discussion will then ric sleep architecture, accounting for 45%–50%
address current treatment strategies and the preva- of the total sleep time throughout the sleep cycle
lence of OSA in special populations of children (Chokroverty, 1995).
with different medical syndromes that can decrease The deepest stage of human sleep is N3 sleep,
airway diameter because of such issues as craniofa- where voltages are high-amplitude and slow-wave
cial malformations or enlarged tongue size. with EEG frequencies that range from 2–7 Hz.
During N3 sleep, a child is not easily awoken and
Prevalence can be considered to be in “sound sleep.” A child
Some reports suggest that between 1% and 3% with average sleep patterns will experience approxi-
of the pediatric population has obstructive sleep mately 25% of their total sleep time as N3 sleep
apnea, but investigators have found its symptoms in (Mindell & Owens, 2003).
up to 16% of children (Archbold, Pituch, Panahi, Rapid eye movement sleep, or REM sleep, is
& Chervin, 2002; Bixler et al., 2009). Whether also known as “dreaming sleep” and is when most
this discrepancy is a result of underdiagnosis is not dreams that can be remembered upon awakening
known. OSA affects boys and girls at the same rate occur. EEG amplitude during REM sleep is low-
throughout childhood, but it may be more preva- voltage and mixed-frequency and usually comprises
lent in boys during the teenaged years as body mass approximately 20% of the total sleep time during
index (BMI) and body composition change dur- childhood (Mindell & Owens, 2003).
ing puberty. African-American and socially disad- During a typical night of sleep, each one of the
vantaged children appear to be at a greater risk for NREM and REM cycles occurs during a period
developing OSA versus Hispanic or White children of approximately 90–120 minutes. This is known
and also may be subject to underdiagnosis because as the sleep “cycle.” During childhood, these sleep
of their African-American race or decreased access cycles occur approximately 4–6 times per night,
to health care (Boss, Smith, & Ishman, 2011; depending on the total sleep time length (Mindell
Mulvaney et al., 2006; Spilsbury et al., 2006). & Owens, 2003).
OSA is a sleep disorder that is associated with
Sleep Cycle Overview frequent arousals from sleep (i.e., shifting from a
At this point, a general description of sleep stag- deeper to lighter stage of sleep), which result in frag-
ing and scoring will be presented as evidence sug- mented sleep and prevent the child from experienc-
gests that certain stages of sleep are associated with ing a night of continuous sleep with normal smooth
different patterns of symptoms in pediatric OSA. transitions from stage to stage. In addition to sleep
Human sleep is commonly divided into 5 sepa- fragmentation, OSA has a series of other character-
rate stages that progress from light (N1) to inter- istic symptoms that can be identified to document
mediate (N2) to very deep, sound sleep (N3). It the presence of the disorder.
is also grouped into classification of non-rapid eye
movement (NREM sleep: N1, N2 & N3) and Symptoms of OSA
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Each stage of Primary nocturnal symptoms of OSA are the
sleep is mainly quantified based on the frequency presence of snoring on most nights during the week,

a rc hb o l d 363
witnessed apneas (where a witness reports hearing may be severe enough as to mimic diagnostic crite-
or seeing a child stop breathing during his or her ria for a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity
sleep), and needing to wake a child from sleep in disorder (ADHD; O’Brien et al., 2003).
order to get him or her to breathe again. Restless Regardless of etiology, children with OSA
sleep has also been reported in children with OSA as can display patterns of inattention and disturbed
a symptom of respiratory pauses. Observers report social skills that may be similar to conduct disor-
bedclothes twisted or disheveled in the morning, or der, oppositional defiant disorder, and other diffi-
the child preferring to sleep in awkward positions cult behaviors (Blunden & Chervin; Chervin et al.,
with the head back to facilitate patency of the upper 2002; Giordani et al., 2008; Kheirandish-Gozal, De
airway (Brooks, 2005). To confirm a diagnosis of Jong, Spruyt, Chamuleau, & Gozal; Montgomery-
OSA, these subjective symptoms must be verified Downs, O’Brien, Holbrook, & Gozal, 2004).
by polysomnography (PSG; full in-lab sleep study) Snoring in the absence of full OSA is also associated
in order to document the severity and frequency of with impaired scholastic and behavioral patterns
the events. (Chervin, Ruzicka, Archbold, & Dillon, 2005;
As a result of decreased upper airway diameter, Chervin et al., 2006; Melendres, Lutz, Rubin, &
oxygen flow is also decreased in OSA. When oxygen Marcus, 2004; Montgomery-Downs et al., 2004;
flow is decreased, blood oxygen levels fall to greater O’Brien, Mervis, Holbrook, Bruner, Klaus, et al.,
than 70% of baseline in severe cases. This type of 2004; also (see O’Brien, Chapter 29).
blood oxygen level decrease is known as hypoxia, a
hallmark diagnostic symptom associated with OSA. Other Symptoms Associated with OSA
During hypoxic events (apneas, hypopneas), lev- Children with OSA may have enuresis due to the
els of carbon dioxide build up in the bloodstream, decreased amount of N3 sleep, the stage in which
which subsequently will cause an arousal from urine is concentrated due to the release of antidi-
sleep in order to restore airflow within the upper uretic and growth hormones. Effective treatment
airway (Katz & Marcus, 2005). In OSA, hypoxic of OSA often eliminates enuresis and may lead to
events are repeated and intermittent and so are the growth spurts as a result of the increase amounts
subsequent arousals from sleep. Frequent arousals of N3 sleep and secretion of growth hormones
from sleep cause fragmentation of the sleep cycle (Chervin et al., 2006; Dillon et al., 2007; Caldwell
so that a child with OSA is not getting a continu- and Waters, Chapter 26). When a child presents to
ous pattern of sleep throughout the night. Frequent a clinic with enuresis as a complaint, evaluation of
hypoxic events and arousals from sleep combine to OSA symptoms should be performed to determine
purportedly produce the most commonly observed if OSA could be present in the child.
daytime behavior symptoms associated with OSA: OSA is also associated with inflammatory and
inattention, impulsivity, and in some cases extreme altered metabolic processes in children (Gozal,
daytime sleepiness. Kheirandish-Gozal, Bhattacharjee, & Spruyt;
In terms of behavioral symptoms of OSA, etiol- Gozal, Kheirandish-Gozal, Serpero, Sans Capdevila,
ogy seems to have a differential impact on daytime & Dayyat, 2007). Obese children with OSA have
functioning in children. When overweight or obesity increased levels of systemic inflammation and
is the main cause of OSA, children are most likely increased platelet-leukocyte-endothelial processes
to exhibit symptoms of excessive daytime sleepi- that have both been associated with cardiovascular
ness, failing or poor quality school work, behavioral disease (Tauman, O’Brien, & Gozal, 2007). It is
problems, and falling asleep in class (Bourke et al., currently not known the extent to which OSA in
2011; Gozal & Kheirandish-Gozal, 2009; Moore childhood relates to the presence or potentiation of
et al., 2009; Ross et al., 2009; Spruyt, Capdevila, cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Future studies
Kheirandish-Gozal, & Gozal, 2009; Spruyt et al., should attempt to address this issue.
On the other hand, children with enlarged lym- Treatment of OSA
phoid tissues or other non–obesity-related OSA adenotonsillectomy
etiologies are more likely to display hyperactive Adenotonsillectomy is considered the first line of
and disruptive behaviors in school and at home treatment for OSA and is considered curative in 60%
than to appear excessively sleepy during the day- of children ages 5–12. A landmark study (Gozal,
time (Dayyat, Kheirandish-Gozal, Sans Capdevila, 1998) found that scholastic performance (measured
Maarafeya, & Gozal, 2009). In fact, these symptoms by year-end grades) improved by an entire grade level

3 64 ped iatric s leep apnea and adheren c e to pa p t hera p y

one year after adenotonsillectomy, compared with for use in children and again, children who are less
children with OSA who did not have adenotonsil- than 30 kilograms have few FDA-approved options
lectomy. Subsequent studies have consistently dem- at this point in time. Despite these therapeutic hur-
onstrated the negative effects of persistent OSA in dles, PAP therapy is frequently prescribed to treat
children. These include alteration of endothelial OSA in children of all ages.
function and sleep architecture, decreased atten- Rates of adherence to PAP therapy in children
tion and mental flexibility, and impaired behavior have not been widely reported. Published studies
patterns (Archbold, Giordani, Ruzicka, & Chervin, available often include patients in their sample with
2004; Bhattacharjee et al., 2010; Bourke et al., 2011; developmental and/or genetic issues (i.e., Down
Chervin et al., 2003; Gozal et al.; O’Brien, Mervis, syndrome, Chiari malformation, craniofacial mal-
Holbrook, Bruner, Smith, et al., 2004). formation, etc.), which makes generalization of
Treatment of children who have OSA with ade- findings to normally developing populations dif-
notonsillectomy has led to decreases in serum c-re- ficult (Marcus et al., 2012; Marcus et al., 2006;
active protein and other inflammatory biomarkers O’Donnell, Bjornson, Bohn, & Kirk, 2006; Uong,
(Gozal & Kheirandish-Gozal, 2009). Recent data Epperson, Bathon, & Jeffe, 2007).
is emerging to show that following adenotonsil- Adherence to PAP therapy is generally measured
lectomy, children improve in the areas of cognitive and reported as the average numbers of hours per
function and behavior (Dillon et al., 2007; Giordani night of the week a PAP device is used. In a recent
et al., 2012) and sleep cycle continuity (Goodwin, study (Marcus et al., 2012) an adherence rate of
Vasquez, Silva, & Quan, 2010). 201 ± 135 minutes of PAP use per night over a
OSA can persist in 21%–73% of children fol- period of 24 ± 6 days per month was reported in a
lowing surgery (Bhattacharjee et al., 2010; Chervin sample of 56 children. This translates to an average
et al., 2006; Walker, Whitehead, & Gulliver, 2008; of about 3.5 hours per night of PAP use in children.
Wei et al., 2009) In particular, OSA most often Similar rates of adherence to PAP therapy have been
persists in children older than 7 years of age, those reported by Marcus et. al., 2006, O’Donnell et al.,
who are obese, and those with chronic asthma 2006, and Uong et al, 2007.
(Bhattacharjee et al., 2010). These children are most One study has been published which recom-
likely to require use of continuous positive airway mends strategies for improvement of PAP adherence
pressure (CPAP) to treat their OSA. in children (Koontz et al., 2003). In the Koontz
et al. (2003) study, children and their families
continuous positive airway were randomized into three groups: one received
pressure (cpap) behavioral therapy that consisted of positive rein-
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is forcement, another received graduated exposure to
a second-line treatment for OSA in children and PAP equipment, and a third received countercondi-
effectively treats OSA when used for 6 hours at tioning to use of PAP equipment with a distracting
least 5 nights per week (Koontz, Slifer, Cataldo, activity such as music. Children and caregivers that
& Marcus, 2003; Marcus et al., 1995). During received an average of 6 behavioral therapy sessions
CPAP use, positive pressure is generated by a small had significantly increased times of PAP adherence
machine attached to a mask worn over the nose and/ versus those children who did not have behavioral
or mouth and blows air at a prescribed pressure that therapy (Koontz et al., 2003).
is required to maintain the patency of the upper Most of the other available data on strategies to
airway. For obese and other children who are not investigate and improve PAP adherence have been
candidates for adenotonsillar surgery, PAP therapy researched and recommended for adults with OSA.
is the first line of treatment for OSA. Barriers to PAP adherence in adults include negative
Remarkably little data are available to illustrate marital and employment status (Gagnadoux et al.,
general CPAP treatment adherence patterns in chil- 2011), low socioeconomic background (Billings
dren. Moreover, the use of PAP therapy in children et al., 2011; Tarasiuk, Reznor, Greenberg-Dotan, &
less than 30 kilograms has yet to be approved by Reuveni, 2012), Black race (Billings et al., 2011),
the United States Food and Drug Administration practical problems with the equipment, and nega-
(FDA), making a prescription of PAP therapy off- tive attitudes toward the treatment (Brostrom et al.,
label for treatment of OSA in smaller children. 2010).
Furthermore, there are fewer than ten PAP masks Barriers to PAP therapy in children may be
that are specifically designed and FDA-approved similar to those reported in adults, including low

a rc hb o l d 365
socioeconomic background and Black race (Simon, 2008). Maxillofacial surgery is used in some chil-
Duncan, Janicke, & Wagner, 2012). Simon and col- dren to correct facial structures that contribute to
leagues (2012) have developed the Adherence Barriers a narrowed airway (i.e., micrognathia, retrognathia,
to CPAP Questionnaire (ABCQ) that measures genetic syndromes with facial morphologies),
patient and caregiver perceived barriers to PAP use. but other surgical procedures (i.e., uvulopalatal-
Findings indicate that the most frequently endorsed pharyngoplasty/UPPP) are not used in children
barriers to PAP usage in children were: the child who have normal craniofacial structure (Abad &
does not use the equipment when away from home; Guilleminault, 2009). Though dental appliances
child does not use the equipment when not feeling may not be the ideal intervention in pediatric OSA,
well; child forgets to use the equipment; child does diet, exercise, and education regarding the effects of
not feel like using PAP treatment; child just wants obesity on OSA and daily function are also impor-
to forget about having OSA; and child is embar- tant interventions (Fennig, 2006; Spruyt, Sans
rassed about having to use PAP therapy (Simon Capdevila, Serpero, Kheirandish-Gozal, & Gozal)
et al., 2012). When children endorsed ABCQ items and have additional health-related benefits.
themselves, the most frequent issues were not want- Effecting weight loss in obese children has been
ing to use the machine when away from home and shown to occur when interventions include high
just wanting to forget about having OSA (Simon intensity exercise in conjunction with nutritional
et al., 2012). Clearly, children have their own psy- education (Doyle-Baker, Venner, Lyon, & Fung,
chological profile of needs when it comes to usage 2011), when children can establish healthy rela-
of PAP therapy that clinicians should be aware of tionships with an athletic trainer who focuses on
when attempting to support their patients’ usage of improvements in physical ability rather than psy-
PAP for OSA. chological improvements (Twiddy, Wilson, Bryant,
Cognitive-behavioral therapy may be effective & Rudolf, 2012) and when weight loss interven-
to help with negative feelings relating to use of tions are closely tailored to address alterations in
PAP therapy, and group settings could permit the family dynamics and characteristics (Frohlich,
sharing of experiences thereby reducing embarrass- Pott, Albayrak, Hebebrand, & Pauli-Pott, 2011).
ment or feelings of awkwardness where use of PAP While a complete review of strategies for pro-
therapy outside of the home is concerned (i.e., over- moting successful weight loss in obese children is
night sleepovers away from the family home). The beyond the scope of this chapter, certain compo-
use of the ABCQ as a screening device to assess areas nents of behavioral interventions along these lines
of potential concern for adherence to PAP therapy may succeed in promoting weight loss in obese
may be of clinical utility when attempting to under- children that, in turn, could help alleviate OSA
stand potential barriers to PAP usage in pediatric symptomatology.
patients (Simon et al., 2012). There is a great need for further study of all of the
Children with developmental and genetic dis- treatments for OSA, including weight loss in obese
abilities may be slower to adapt to PAP therapy children and the ways in which treatment improves
than nondisabled children (O’Donnell et al., 2006). cognitive, physical, metabolic and cardiovascular
However, programs that focus on specialized desen- health outcomes for children with OSA.
sitization processes prior to initiation of PAP therapy
(i.e., sending the child home with PAP mask prior Special Pediatric Populations and OSA
to initiation of therapy in order to wear the mask at Children with developmental disabilities and
home for increasing time intervals) have shown util- genetic syndromes (e.g., Trisomy 21, Prader-Willi
ity in populations of children with special cognitive Syndrome, craniofacial abnormalities) are gener-
needs (O’Donnell et al., 2006). ally at greater risk for OSA due to many factors,
such as upper airway shape, alterations in airflow,
other treatments for osa in children and excessive weight gain that occurs with certain
There is little evidence to support the use of dental genetic profiles. Much has yet to be learned about
appliances to treat OSA in children (Guilleminault, the factors that place these children at increased risk
Quo, Huynh, & Li, 2008), but research is under- for sleep disorders and the impact of sleep disorders
way to assess the utility of upper palate distraction on the developmental trajectory in these children.
(use of dental bridgework to gradually expand the Nevertheless, it is important that health care pro-
width of the upper palate) in children with OSA viders pay special attention to the factors that may
who have high-arched palates (Guilleminault et al., place these children at risk for OSA.

3 66 ped iatric s leep apnea and adheren c e to pa p t hera p y

As many as 35% of children seen in pediatric • Development and assessment of interventions
psychiatric clinics have symptoms suggestive of which promote adherence to PAP therapy in
OSA (Chervin & Archbold, 2001). Children with pediatric populations
ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), • Exploring links between psychiatric illness
and conduct disorder (CD) are at increased risk and presence of OSA and how treatment for OSA
for OSA (Dillon et al., 2007; Gaultney, Merchant, may lead to improvement of behavior and mood in
& Gingras, 2009). Although there is a need for children with psychiatric illness
extensive research on the best ways to address this
problem, there is evidence that treatment of OSA
with tonsillectomy eliminated problematic behav- References
Abad, V. C., & Guilleminault, C. (2009). Treatment options
iors associated with ODD/CD diagnoses (Dillon for obstructive sleep apnea. Current Treatment Options in
et al., 2007). Although obstructive sleep apnea is Neurology, 11(5), 358–367.
not described on standard clinical algorithms used Archbold, K. H., Pituch, K. J., Panahi, P., & Chervin, R. D.
to identify and diagnose problems such as atten- (2002). Symptoms of sleep disturbances among children at
tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Reynolds & two general pediatric clinics. Journal of Pediatrics, 140(1),
Redline, 2010), the behavioral effects of OSA are Archbold, K. H., Giordani, B., Ruzicka, D. L., & Chervin,
often similar to those of ADHD. Children with R. D. (2004). Cognitive executive dysfunction in children
ADHD and those with problematic daytime behav- with mild sleep-disordered breathing. Biological Research for
ior patterns should always be screened for obstruc- Nursing, 5(3), 168–176.
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Morgenthaler, T. I., Auerbach, S. H., et al.. (2011). Practice
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Holbrook, Bruner, Klaus, et al., 2004). phy in children. Sleep, 34(3), 379–388.
Bhattacharjee, R., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Spruyt, K., Mitchell,
Conclusion R. B., Promchiarak, J., Simakajornboon, N., et al. (2010).
Adenotonsillectomy outcomes in treatment of obstructive
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a phenomenon
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that affects upwards of 3% of children worldwide. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,
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reduced blood oxygen levels, and cognitive and Billings, M. E., Auckley, D., Benca, R., Foldvary-Schaefer, N.,
behavioral difficulties. Treatment for OSA focuses Iber, C., Redline, S., et al. (2011). Race and residential socio-
economics as predictors of CPAP adherence. Sleep, 34(12),
on the removal of tonsil and adenoidal tissues where
applicable. Subsequent use of continuous positive Bixler, E. O., Vgontzas, A. N., Lin, H. M., Liao, D., Calhoun,
airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is indicated when S., Vela-Bueno, A., et al. (2009). Sleep disordered breathing
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not want to use the treatment when they are away dren: An exploratory comparison. Journal of Paediatrics and
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admit to or think about having OSA. These issues Boss, E. F., Smith, D. F., & Ishman, S. L. (2011). Racial/ethnic
can make adherence to CPAP therapy challenging. and socioeconomic disparities in the diagnosis and treat-
ment of sleep-disordered breathing in children. International
Other treatments for OSA in children may include
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but the effectiveness of these treatments remains A., Nixon, G. M., et al. (2011). Cognitive and academic
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such as Trisomy 21 and other genetic disorders may disordered breathing. Sleep Medicine, 12(5), 489–496.
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Future Directions Chervin, R. D., & Archbold, K. H. (2001). Hyperactivity and
• Determining the effectiveness of PAP therapy polysomnographic findings in children evaluated for sleep-
in the treatment of pediatric OSA disordered breathing. Sleep, 24(3), 313–320.

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Chervin, R. D., Archbold, K. H., Dillon, J. E., Panahi, P., Pituch, Goodwin, J. L., Vasquez, M. M., Silva, G. E., & Quan, S. F.
K. J., Dahl, R. E., & Guilleminault, C. (2002). Inattention, (2010). Incidence and remission of sleep-disordered breath-
hyperactivity, and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing. ing and related symptoms in 6- to 17-year old children—the
Pediatrics, 109(3), 449–456. Tucson Children’s Assessment of Sleep Apnea Study. Journal
Chervin, R. D., Clarke, D. F., Huffman, J. L., Szymanski, E., of Pediatrics, 157(1), 57–61.
Ruzicka, D. L., Miller, V., et al. (2003). School performance, Gozal, D. (1998). Sleep-disordered breathing and school perfor-
race, and other correlates of sleep-disordered breathing in mance in children. Pediatrics, 102(3 Pt 1), 616–620.
children. Sleep Medicine, 4(1), 21–27. Gozal, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Serpero, L. D., Sans
Chervin, R. D., Ruzicka, D. L., Archbold, K. H., & Dillon, J. E. Capdevila, O., & Dayyat, E. (2007). Obstructive sleep
(2005). Snoring predicts hyperactivity four years later. Sleep, apnea and endothelial function in school-aged nonobese
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Chervin, R. D., Ruzicka, D. L., Giordani, B. J., Weatherly, R. A., 2307–2314.
Dillon, J. E., Hodges, E. K., et al. (2006). Sleep-disordered Gozal, D., & Kheirandish-Gozal, L. (2009). Obesity and exces-
breathing, behavior, and cognition in children before and sive daytime sleepiness in prepubertal children with obstruc-
after adenotonsillectomy. Pediatrics, 117(4), e769–778. tive sleep apnea. Pediatrics, 123(1), 13–18.
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a rc hb o l d 369

Nocturnal Enuresis
Patrina HY Caldwell and Karen Waters

Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) is one of the most well-studied sleep disorders of childhood. This
common condition occurs in up to 20% of school children. Although most children will outgrow their
problem, nocturnal enuresis can persist into adulthood. Nocturnal enuresis is considered one of the
parasomnias and is diagnosed when the night wetting persists beyond the age of 5 in a child who has
attained daytime continence.
The etiology of nocturnal enuresis is multifactorial and occurs when the child is unable to
arouse from sleep in response to a full bladder sensation, with excessive nocturnal urine produc-
tion and/or reduced nocturnal bladder capacity commonly being a feature. An understanding of the
physiology of sleep and the relationship between sleep arousal and nocturnal enuresis is a first step
to understanding how treatments work. It will enable clinicians to identify the most appropriate
treatment for each individual and appreciate why some children fail treatment.
Key Words: enuresis, nocturnal enuresis, bedwetting, children, incontinence, urinary
incontinence, sleep

Introduction Definitions
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) has long been There are several terms used for bedwetting
recognized as a childhood disorder, with the earliest including nocturnal enuresis (the most commonly
reference found in the Ebers papyrus of 1550 bc. used term), enuresis, sleep enuresis and intermittent
Nocturnal enuresis was also mentioned in the first nocturnal incontinence. The American Psychiatric
book of diseases of children in 1472 by Paulus Association (APA) generally uses the term enuresis.
Bagallardus of Padua (Salmon, 1975). This com- The International Children’s Continence Society
mon condition not only affects the physical, psy- (ICCS) recommends the use of standardized ter-
chological, and social well-being of the child, but minology; therefore, definitions in this chapter will
also other members of the family. conform to the standards recommended by the
Nocturnal enuresis is defined as persistent International Children’s Continence Society and
bedwetting occurring during sleep in a child age the term nocturnal enuresis or enuresis will be used.
5 or older. This chapter will examine factors that Nocturnal enuresis is divided into primary and
contribute to nocturnal enuresis and the relation- secondary enuresis, with children who have pri-
ship between nocturnal enuresis and sleep. It will mary enuresis never having attained night dryness
also explore the impact of nocturnal enuresis on and secondary enuresis occurring after the child has
the child and family, and will discuss treatments attained night dryness for at least 6 months. The
used for managing this condition and analyze how majority of enuretic children have primary noc-
they work. turnal enuresis (Forsythe & Redmond, 1974). The

distinction between primary and secondary noctur- ICCS, a global multidisciplinary organization for
nal enuresis is important, since secondary nocturnal professionals involved with lower urinary tract func-
enuresis is more likely to be associated with a patho- tion and malfunction in children, define nocturnal
logical etiology (Neveus et al., 2006). enuresis as intermittent nocturnal incontinence in
discrete episodes while asleep. It is both a symptom
Diagnostic Criteria and a condition.
There are three commonly used diagnostic criteria The ICCS also recommends that noctur-
for nocturnal enuresis: The Diagnostic and Statistical nal enuresis be subgrouped into monosymptom-
Manual of Mental Disorders—IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR), atic or non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.
The International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis is not asso-
Revised (ICSD), and the criteria developed by the ciated with any daytime urinary symptoms, and
International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS). non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis is asso-
The different diagnostic criteria vary slightly, but ciated with urgency, frequency, or daytime urinary
common features for all are persistent wetting occur- incontinence. The distinction between monosymp-
ring during sleep in a child aged 5 years or older. tomatic and non-monosymptomatic nocturnal
enuresis is important for determining management.
the diagnostic and statistical manual The most common form of nocturnal enuresis is
of mental disorders primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis
The DSM-IV-TR, published by the American (Forsythe & Redmond, 1974), although there is an
Psychiatric Association, provides a classification argument that less than half the children with noc-
for mental disorders. The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic turnal enuresis are truly monosymptomatic (Neveus
criteria for enuresis are, “the repeated voiding of et al., 2010).
urine into the bed or clothes (whether involuntary
or intentional).” The behavior needs to be clinically Factors that Contribute to
significant, with a wetting frequency of at least twice Nocturnal Enuresis
a week for at least 3 consecutive months or where it Epidemiology
causes clinically significant distress or impairment Nocturnal enuresis is common in childhood,
in social, academic, or other functioning for the with a prevalence rate of up to 20% for 5-year-
child who is developmentally 5 years of age or more. olds, 7% for 7-year-olds, 5% for 10-year-olds,
The behavior should not be due to the direct physi- and 0.5–2% for adults (Bower, Moore, Shepherd,
ological effect of a substance (such as a diuretic) or & Adams, 1996; Hirasing, van Leerdam, Bolk-
a general medical condition (such as diabetes, spina Bennink, & Janknegt, 1997; Yeung et al., 2004).
bifida, or a seizure disorder). Most children outgrow their nocturnal enuresis,
with an annual spontaneous remission rate of 14%
the international classification until adulthood when the prevalence of noctur-
of sleep disorders nal enuresis remains static (Yeung et al., 2004).
The ICSD- Revised Diagnostic and Coding Children with mild symptoms were more likely to
Manual, produced by the American Academy of outgrow their nocturnal enuresis, and adolescents
Sleep Medicine, defines “sleep enuresis” as episodic and adults with nocturnal enuresis were more likely
involuntary voiding of urine during sleep at least to have severe symptoms (Yeung, Sreedhar, Sihoe,
twice per month in children aged 3–6 years and at Sit, & Lau, 2006). Nocturnal enuresis is also more
least once per month in older individuals (American common in boys, with a male to female ratio of 3:2
Sleep Disorders Association, 1997). The enuresis can (Forsythe & Redmond, 1974).
be associated with medical or mental disorders such
as diabetes, urinary tract infection, obstructive sleep Etiology
apnea syndrome, epilepsy, or other disorders. A diag- The etiology of nocturnal enuresis is multifac-
nostic polysomnography feature should include void- torial, with a complex interaction of genetic and
ing during sleep in the absence of epileptic activity. environmental factors, although the exact mecha-
nism of interaction is unknown. Proposed causes
the international children’s for nocturnal enuresis include delayed maturation
continence society of the micturition process, central nervous system
The ICCS’s Standardization of Terminology immaturity and developmental delay (Järvelin,
Document (Neveus et al., 2006), produced by the 1989), altered bladder physiology, psychiatric and

c a l dwel l , wat ers 371

behavioral disturbances, environmental factors, and the kidney to conserve water resulting in a reduc-
genetic factors (Mikkelsen & Rapoport, 1980). tion in overnight urine production, which explains
The symptom of nocturnal enuresis is thought to why most people do not need to wake during the
be caused by interplay between the three major night to void. In about two-thirds of children with
pathogenic mechanisms of defective sleep arousal, nocturnal enuresis there is a lower nocturnal level of
nocturnal bladder volume, and nocturnal urine ADH compared with non-enuretic children, result-
production. ing in the production of larger amounts of rela-
tively dilute urine during sleep (Rittig, Knudsen,
defective sleep arousal Norgaard, Pedersen, & Djurhuus, 1989), which
During sleep, an urge to void is experienced in increases the risk of nocturnal enuresis.
non-enuretic children when the volume of urine
produced reaches the bladder storage capacity, other risk factors for
which results in the child waking to void (nocturia). nocturnal enuresis
This arousal response is defective in many enuretic The risk of nocturnal enuresis is increased in
children (Kawauchi et al., 1998; Wolfish, Pivik, & children with sleep disordered breathing (discussed
Busby, 1997), who show polysomnographic changes in detail later; Brooks & Topol, 2003), attention-
from deep sleep to light sleep during bladder con- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Baeyens et al., 2005),
traction but without full awakening, resulting in and constipation (McGrath, Caldwell, & Jones,
wetting during sleep (Watanabe & Azuma, 1989). 2008; O’Regan, Yazbeck, Hamberger, & Schick,
Children with severe nocturnal enuresis and blad- 1986). These cause nocturnal enuresis by their
der instability appear to have more frequent cortical impact on arousal thresholds from sleep, bladder
arousals during bladder contractions but are unable capacity, or overnight urine production (including
to awaken completely (Yeung, Diao, & Sreedhar, through secretion of hormones relevant to urine
2008). production).
Nocturnal enuresis can also be an inherited dis-
reduced nocturnal bladder capacity order with a heterogeneous mode of inheritance,
Children with a defective arousal response who where several loci on different chromosomes have
have a reduced nocturnal bladder capacity may been identified to be associated with nocturnal
develop enuresis when their overnight urine volume enuresis. The odds for severe nocturnal enuresis
exceeds the bladder capacity. Usually these chil- are 3.63 times higher if the mother and 1.85 times
dren will also exhibit daytime bladder symptoms higher if the father had a history of nocturnal enure-
(presenting as non-monosymptomatic nocturnal sis (von Gontard, Heron, & Joinson, 2011).
enuresis), but curiously some children have noc-
turnal detrusor overactivity despite normal daytime The Relationship between Nocturnal
bladder function, resulting in urinary leakage only Enuresis and Sleep
during sleep (Yeung et al., 2002). The two main relationships between nocturnal
enuresis and sleep are the high arousal threshold
nocturnal polyuria noted in nocturnal enuresis and the link between
Nocturnal polyuria (high overnight urine pro- nocturnal enuresis and sleep disordered breathing.
duction) can result in nocturnal enuresis in children
with defective arousal when the volume of urine High Arousal Thresholds
produced exceeds the bladder capacity (Norgaard, Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis is con-
1991). Nocturnal polyuria may be caused by exces- sidered a form of parasomnia because it meets the
sive evening fluid intake. This commonly occurs in definition of disturbed behavior or experiences that
children who fluid-restrict for whatever reason during occur exclusively or predominantly during sleep.
the day (including those who fluid-restrict because However, children with enuresis do not have an
of concerns about daytime wetting) and then drink increased incidence or association with other para-
excessively in the evening because of thirst. somnias such as sleepwalking or night terrors. The
Nocturnal polyuria can also occur when there is distribution of sleep architecture is also equivalent
an alteration in the daily circadian secretion of antidi- between children with nocturnal enuresis and con-
uretic hormone (ADH, also known as arginine vaso- trols. Thus, the major finding pertinent to sleep in
pressin) by the pituitary gland. In the non-enuretic children with nocturnal enuresis is that they have
child, ADH secretion is highest at night, causing increased arousal thresholds.

372 noc tu rnal enures is

Well-documented studies indicate that enuretic sleep, while questionnaire self-reports indicate
episodes occur in all sleep stages (Cohen-Zrubavel, poorer sleep quality and reduced sleep efficiency
Kushnir, Kushnir, & Sadeh, 2011). In this context, and a higher incidence of periodic limb movements
children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enure- leading to arousals, associated with increased corti-
sis usually wet during the early phases of sleep. If cal arousability. Together, these studies suggest that
episodes of enuresis occur early in the night they the increased arousal threshold is likely to be sec-
are more likely to occur during non-REM and slow ondary to sleep deprivation (Cohen-Zrubavel et al.,
wave sleep (SWS) than in REM sleep (although 2011). The increased arousal threshold in children
they are not directly linked to any specific sleep with nocturnal enuresis may also reflect some delay
stage), since REM sleep tends to predominate in the in the maturation of brainstem arousal (Freitag,
early morning. The most likely explanation for why Röhling, Seifen, Pukrop, & von Gontard, 2006).
enuresis alarm therapy may precipitate sleepwalking
or confusional arousal episodes is that confusional Sleep Disordered Breathing
arousals with semi-purposeful behaviors arise out of Children with sleep disordered breathing,
slow wave sleep. including habitual snoring reported on question-
Normally, arousal and awakening from sleep naire and obstructive sleep apnea on polysom-
occur prior to physiological phenomena such as nography (Brooks & Topol, 2003), have a higher
cough, and pelvic visceral stimuli including colonic prevalence of nocturnal enuresis than controls who
and bladder distension. By term, normally develop- do not snore. In addition, children whose sleep
ing infants arouse before bladder emptying (Zotter, disordered breathing is treated with adenotonsil-
Sauseng, Kutschera, Mueller, & Kerbl, 2006). lectomy show improvement or resolution of their
Bladder distension results in increased stimulation nocturnal enuresis, although those whose noctur-
of the Barrington’s nucleus (the Pontine micturi- nal enuresis improves are more likely to be non-
tion center) in the locus coeruleus, which is impli- monosymptomatic (Basha, Bialowas, Ende, &
cated in arousal (Rouzade-Dominguez, Curtis, & Szeremeta, 2005). The links between OSA and
Valentino, 2001). Children with nocturnal enuresis enuresis are not restricted to initiation or exacerba-
are reported by parents to be difficult to arouse, and tion of reduced arousability through sleep depriva-
various methods have been used to demonstrate that tion, but are also linked to increased urine output.
the children have arousal deficits with additional evi- The main hormones affected by OSA include nati-
dence such as increased density of delta frequency in uretic peptides (atrial natiuretic peptide, or ANP),
their sleep and electroencephalogram supporting a aldosterone, and ADH. The large negative intratho-
decreased arousability (Kaditis et al., 2011). racic pressure swings that occur during OSA lead
Yeung and others postulated that in a subgroup to increased venous return followed by acute right
of enuretic patients the reduced arousability is due to atrial distension. This causes increased ANP, a hor-
an increased frequency of cortical stimulation from mone that regulates blood volume and pressure, to
bladder instability that led to lightening of sleep be released from the wall of the right atrium. The
and an increase in the proportion of light sleep, but ANP acts on the renal tubules to increase salt and
not to full arousal (Yeung, Diao, & Sreedhar, 2008). water excretion. The hypoxia caused by the apneas
Other studies including actigraphy, polysomnogra- also contributes to increased ANP secretion (Stone,
phy, and self-reports from the children with noctur- Malone, Atwill, McGrigor, & Hill, 2008). There is
nal enuresis demonstrate more sleep disturbance in a negative correlation between levels of ANP and
children with nocturnal enuresis, including: higher ADH in patients with OSA (Ichioka et al., 1992) so
sleep latency and lower sleep efficiency (Ertan et al., that children with OSA have reduced levels of ADH
2009); increased sleep latency and increased fre- correlated with higher urine volumes, both of which
quency of actigraphic awakenings (Cohen-Zrubavel improve after successful adenotonsillectomy (Yue,
et al., 2011); or periodic limb movements (Dhondt Wang, Xu, Li, & Wang, 2009). Other sequelae of
et al., 2009). The postulated abnormality in these OSA that may result in increased urine production
children is that frequent small sleep disturbances include hyperinsulinemia and type 2 diabetes.
cause a reduction in deep sleep and/or sleep quality
that reduces the child’s capacity to fully awaken in Impact of Nocturnal Enuresis on the
response to a full bladder, resulting in enuresis. On Child and Family
actigraphy, the children have lower percentages of Despite its benign nature, nocturnal enuresis is a
motionless sleep and shorter periods of continuous most frustrating and bothersome condition, which

c a l dwel l , wat ers 373

has significant impacts on the child and the child’s non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis, as treat-
family. Because of the stigmatizing nature of this ment for the daytime bladder symptoms should pre-
condition, only one-third of families seek help to cede treatment for the nocturnal enuresis (Neveus
address the problem (Bower et al., 1996). Children et al., 2010).
are embarrassed and ashamed about their nocturnal
enuresis and often decline sleepovers and overnight physical examination
school excursions, fearing detection by their peers. Physical examination in children with noctur-
At times, these children are subjected to bullying nal enuresis is usually normal. Examination should
and ridicule. Nocturnal enuresis negatively affects include urinalysis (to identify urinary tract infec-
children’s self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, tion, kidney disease, and diabetes mellitus), exami-
and quality of life (Warzak, 1993; Deshpande et al., nation of the spine (for neurological abnormalities
2011; Redsell & Collier, 2001; Morison, 1998). such as spina bifida occulta), the abdomen (to
When nocturnal enuresis continues into adult life, assess for constipation), and the external genitalia
the impact can be devastating (Stone, 1973). (to assess for urogenital abnormalities). Rectal and
Nocturnal enuresis can also affect other family genital examination is usually not necessary.
members. There are increased costs and work associ-
ated with the purchase of continence products and investigation
with extra washing of bedclothes. Parents are often A frequency volume chart (bladder diary) mea-
frustrated by the failure to attain night dryness and suring the time and volume of all fluid intake and
may feel guilty, anxious, and lose confidence in their urine output in a 24-hour period is one of the most
parenting skills (Warzak, 1993). Some parents erro- useful tools for assessing nocturnal enuresis. This is
neously believe that the child intentionally wet the an assessment tool commonly used by continence
bed or is too lazy to go to the toilet at night, result- clinicians, that can be used for any child who has
ing in conflict with the child and a stressful home been toilet trained. It provides objective, reliable
environment. Because bedwetting is outside of the data about the child’s fluid intake, frequency of
child’s conscious control, children can become frus- voiding during the day, bladder capacity (estimated
trated by their lack of success despite trying and may from the volume of each void), and total overnight
appear defiant to attempts of treatment. Parents urine production. A urine culture to exclude a uri-
frustrated with the lack of success and apparent lack nary tract infection is the only investigation indi-
of effort by their child may respond by belittling the cated for nocturnal enuresis. An ultrasound of the
child or harsh punishment. There is a higher risk child’s kidneys and urinary tract is usually not war-
of emotional and physical abuse among enuretics ranted, unless there is a suggestion of underlying
(Schmitt, 1987; Warzak, 1993; Morison, 1998). bladder dysfunction.

Management of Nocturnal Enuresis Treatment

ICCS recommends evaluation and treatment for Treatments for nocturnal enuresis target the
children over 5 years of age with nocturnal enuresis three major pathogenic mechanisms—defective
(Neveus et al., 2010). Accurate assessment is essen- sleep arousal, nocturnal bladder volume, and noc-
tial, as it directs management. turnal urine production. If a child and parents both
desire the child to achieve nighttime continence,
Assessment have a positive attitude to address the wetting prob-
history taking lem, and are motivated to engage in treatment, they
A thorough history is essential in the evaluation. are much more likely to achieve success (Morison,
It is important to identify the type of enuresis and 1998).
also any risk factors which may contribute to the
enuresis or treatment response. urotherapy
As somatic and psychological comorbid con- Urotherapy is a term used to describe all forms of
ditions (such as urinary tract infections, diabetes nonsurgical and nonpharmacological interventions
mellitus and insipidus, stress, sexual abuse, and used for treating micturition disorders (nocturnal
bladder dysfunction) are more common in second- enuresis and daytime urinary incontinence). This
ary nocturnal enuresis (Neveus et al., 2010), these includes educating the child and family about the
need to be sought in the history taking. It is also condition and the aim of treatment, as well as offer-
important to differentiate monosymptomatic and ing general advice about voiding (correct voiding

374 noc tu rnal enures is

Table 26.1 History Taking (adapted with permission from Neveus et al., 2010).

Assess for type of enuresis: Look for causes of secondary nocturnal enuresis. Did
Primary or secondary? occurrence of wetting coincide with any major event?
Monosymptomatic or non-monosymptomatic? Treat bladder symptoms first if non-monosymptomatic.

History of daytime voiding habits: Assess for bladder dysfunction which may need
Is there urgency, frequency, holding maneuvers? treatment or referral to a specialized center for further
Is there an interrupted or weak urine stream, continuous management .
urine leakage or the use of abdominal pressure to void?

History of nocturnal enuresis: Assess for severity of nocturnal enuresis and as a baseline
How often does it occur? to compare treatment response.
Does the child wake to void during the night? Nocturia would indicate that the child is not extremely
difficult to wake during the night.

History of fluid intake: Inadequate fluid intake can contribute to constipation.

Does the child drink adequate fluid? High evening fluid intake can cause nocturnal polyuria.
Does the child have a high evening fluid intake? Caffeine can cause bladder dysfunction in some children.
Does the child drink too much caffeinated drinks?

Assess for comorbid conditions: Bladder and bowel function are closely interrelated.
Does the child have constipation or fecal incontinence? Treatment of bowel disorder is important for optimizing
Does the child have ADHD (attention-deficit/ anti-enuretic therapy.
hyperactivity disorder)? Children with ADHD may need treatment for ADHD
Does the child have sleep disordered breathing? in parallel with anti-enuretic therapy.
Relief of upper airway obstruction can improve
nocturnal enuresis.

Assess for the general health of the child Childhood illness including kidney disease and diabetes
can affect bladder function and nocturnal enuresis.

What strategies have the family previously tried for If previous treatments have been tried, it is important to
their nocturnal enuresis? assess that they were used correctly.

postures and regular voiding [timed voiding], opti- enuresis alarms were placed on the bed (“bell and
mizing fluid intake [including ensuring adequate pad alarms”), and rang in response to contact with
fluid intake during the day, minimizing night time urine. This underlying principle remains unchanged.
fluid intake and minimizing caffeinated drinks such The newer alarms are worn in the child’s underpants
as cola and chocolate drinks], treating constipation, (“body worn alarms”), and both types appear to be
and ensuring adequate sleep (Neveus et al., 2006). equally effective. Enuresis alarms address the poor
Urotherapy aims to improve bladder function and arousal response in enuretics by conditioning the
compliance to treatment. child to either wake to urinate when their blad-
der is full or withhold urination while they sleep.
alarm training However, treatment failure commonly occurs when
Enuresis alarm training is the most effective children fail to respond and awaken in response to
treatment for nocturnal enuresis and is the first- the alarm stimuli. Alarms produce a gradual but
line treatment for it (Glazener, Evans, & Peto, more sustained improvement in bedwetting com-
2005b). About two-thirds of children become dry pared to other treatments (Glazener et al., 2005b).
with alarm training, and half sustain nighttime dry- Overlearning (giving additional fluids at bedtime
ness after completion of alarm therapy (Glazener while continuing alarm training) can reinforce alarm
et al., 2005b). Enuresis alarms are used to train training and further reduce relapse in a child who
the child to withhold urination while asleep or to has initially responded to alarm therapy (Glazener
wake to void. They were used as early as 1938 by et al., 2005b). Alarms are usually worn till the child
Mowrer (Mowrer & Mowrer, 1938). The earliest achieves 14 consecutive dry nights.

c a l dwel l , wat ers 375

desmopressin about using tricyclic antidepressants is the risk of
Desmopressin is second-line therapy for noctur- significant adverse effects such as cardiotoxicity and
nal enuresis. It is a synthetic analogue of antidi- hepatotoxicity in overdose. Given the availability
uretic hormone (arginine vasopressin, ADH) that of other, safer options, such as alarm training and
is normally secreted by the pituitary gland during desmopressin, tricyclics are now used as third-line
sleep. Desmopressin comes in a nasal spray, tablet, therapy in nocturnal enuresis.
and lyophilisate (melt) formulation. It exerts an
antidiuretic effect by increasing the water perme- anticholinergic medications
ability of the collecting tubules in the kidney. A In children with non-monosymptomatic noc-
significant proportion of enuretics have inadequate turnal enuresis or nocturnal detrusor overactivity,
ADH secretion and nocturnal polyuria, which can anticholinergic medications can improve the blad-
be treated with desmopressin (Rittig et al., 1989). der function by inhibiting bladder contractions
Care needs to be observed when using desmopres- and increasing bladder capacity. This is particularly
sin to ensure that fluid intake at night is not exces- helpful for enuretics with small bladder capacity
sive, as this increases the risk of water intoxication. who are resistant to therapy (Yeung et al., 2002).
There is also some debate about whether desmo- Anticholinergic medications commonly used for
pressin increases the arousability of children with children include oxybutynin and tolterodine.
nocturnal enuresis (Eggert, Fritz, Stecker, & Muller, Anticholinergics are also sometimes used in com-
2004; Rahm, Schulz-Juergensen, & Eggert, 2010). bination with alarm training or desmopressin for
When administered at bedtime, it rapidly helps to treating therapy-resistant nocturnal enuresis (Austin
reduce the volume of urine produced overnight. On et al., 2008).
desmopressin, children have on average one fewer
wet night per week, and 19% become dry on treat- other therapies
ment. However, this response is not sustained on Other therapies used for treating nocturnal
discontinuation of treatment (Glazener & Evans, enuresis include behavioral interventions such as
2002). Desmopressin is particularly useful when lifting (parents taking the child to void during the
a rapid response is required (such as for overnight night without waking them), waking (waking the
school excursions or sleepovers) and when alarm child up to void during the night), rewards (reward-
training is ineffective or difficult. It is also particu- ing the child for dry nights), bladder training (vari-
larly useful when the total overnight urine volume ous daytime drinking and voiding programs aimed
produced is large. It is effective in children of all at increasing the bladder volume, including encour-
ages and is generally recommended for children aging the child to drink and then to “hold on” and
aged 6 years and older. Desmopressin is sometimes delay going to the toilet), dry bed training and full-
used in conjunction with other therapies when spectrum home training (which involves the child
there is treatment resistance. There is some sugges- getting up during the night to void and getting him
tion that combination therapy using desmopressin or her to change their own bed after they have wet;
and alarm training is more effective than alarm Glazener & Evans, 2004a; Glazener, Evans, & Peto,
monotherapy (Glazener & Evans, 2002). 2004b), complementary and miscellaneous inter-
ventions such as hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and
tricyclic antidepressants chiropractics (Glazener, Evans, & Cheuk, 2005a),
Tricyclic antidepressants (such as imipramine and other medications (Glazener, Evans, & Peto,
and amitriptyline) have been used to treat nocturnal 2003a). There is currently insufficient evidence to
enuresis since the 1970s. The mechanism of action demonstrate whether any of these treatments are
is not known, although it is thought that the tricy- effective.
clics may exert its anti-enuretic effect by an anticho-
linergic effect on the bladder and possibly also by Conclusion
its effect on the sleep center of the brain, improv- Nocturnal enuresis is a common childhood sleep
ing arousability (Glazener, Evans, & Peto, 2003b). disorder that is largely a result of poor arousal to
Children on tricyclics have on average one fewer bladder contraction during sleep. As it is a benign
wet night per week and about one-fifth become condition that most children outgrow, it is reason-
dry on treatment. However, like for desmopressin, able to reassure parents of children aged 5 and below
the relapse rate on discontinuation of treatment is that no particular treatment is necessary. However,
high (Glazener et al., 2003b). The major concern in older children and adolescents who are less likely

376 noc tu rnal enures is

to outgrow their condition, if the child is particu- Brooks, L. J., & Topol, H. I. (2003). Enuresis in children with
larly distressed by the enuresis, or if it negatively sleep apnea. Journal of Pediatrics, 142(5), 515–518.
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affects the child’s life (resulting in low self-esteem, (2011). Sleep and sleepiness in children with nocturnal
bullying, and missed socializing opportunities such enuresis. Sleep, 34(2), 191.
as sleepovers and school excursions), treatment is Deshpande, A. V., Craig, J. C., Smith, G. H. H., & Caldwell, P.
recommended. Treatments target the three major H. Y. (2011). Factors influencing quality of life in children
pathogenic mechanisms of poor arousal from sleep, with urinary incontinence. The Journal of Urology, 186 (3),
nocturnal bladder volume, and nocturnal urine Dhondt, K., Raes, A., Hoebeke, P., Van Laecke, E., Van Herzeele,
production. Behavioral therapy focusing on alarm C., & Vande Walle, J. (2009). Abnormal sleep architecture
training and urotherapy will improve treatment and refractory nocturnal enuresis. The Journal of Urology,
response. Although there are many available treat- 182(4), 1961–1966.
ments, treatment failure is common. Many children Eggert, P., Fritz, A., Stecker, B., & Muller, D. (2004).
Desmopressin has an influence on the arousability of chil-
find treatment overwhelming (particularly alarm dren with primary nocturnal enuresis. The Journal of Urology,
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other family members), and support during treat- Ertan, P., Yilmaz, O., Caglayan, M., Sogut, A., Aslan, S., &
ment with strategies to improve compliance will Yuksel, H. (2009). Relationship of sleep quality and quality
help. A better understanding of what happens dur- of life in children with monosymptomatic enuresis. Child:
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378 noc tu rnal enures is

Consequences of
Insufficient Sleep
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Children’s Sleep and Internalizing and

27 Externalizing Symptoms

Erika Bagley and Mona El-Sheikh

This chapter reviews the growing literature on relations between sleep and externalizing and
internalizing symptoms in school-age children. Included are studies that have examined a wide range
of nonclinical sleep problems involving shorter duration, less optimal quality, and less consistent
sleep schedules and their association with internalizing and externalizing symptoms, also within the
nonclinical range. The primary goal of this chapter is to summarize and provide a synthesis of the
extant literature that documents associations between sleep and adjustment. A secondary goal is
to provide an overview of various conceptualizations and supportive research that may help explain
the link or moderate associations between sleep and internalizing and externalizing symptoms.
Most notably, the possible mediating role of emotion regulation is highlighted. Also considered are
vulnerability and protective factors (e.g., individual differences) that can exacerbate or ameliorate
adjustment problems in the context of poor sleep.
Key Words: sleep, adjustment, internalizing, externalizing, children

When a child acts out uncharacteristically, par- (e.g., depression, anxiety) symptoms in school-age
ents and strangers alike will wonder if that child children (5 to 11 years old). A secondary goal is to
needs sleep. The “cure-all” effects of sleep on chil- provide an overview of various conceptualizations
dren’s problem behavior have been touted for gen- and supportive research that may help explain the
erations; a straightforward association between link between sleep and adjustment. Most notably,
sleep and adjustment seems intuitive. However, it the possible mediating roles of emotion regulation
has only been within the past decade that research- and cognitive processes are highlighted; vulnerabil-
ers have begun in earnest to measure, describe, and ity and protective factors associated with sleep and
explain the link between sleep and adjustment in adjustment are also discussed.
normally developing children. And, as is often the Sleep problems considered in this chapter are
case, a critical examination of the association sug- nonclinical, conceptualized along a continuum and
gests that any simple, straightforward link is an indicated by shorter sleep duration, less optimal sleep
illusion. Thoughtful research has revealed dynamic, quality, and less consistent schedules; we use the
bidirectional relationships between sleep and term sleep duration to refer to this construct in gen-
adjustment that are moderated by individual and eral and not as it pertains to its very specific mean-
contextual factors. The primary goal of this chapter ing in actigraphy unless otherwise noted. We have
is to summarize the current understanding of the included studies that used subjective (e.g., self or par-
associations between sleep and externalizing (e.g., ent report) and/or objective (e.g., actigraphy) meth-
aggression, conduct problems) and internalizing ods for estimating sleep, as each provides important

information about different aspects of sleep and may patterns to emerge and provide some insight into
be differentially related to adjustment in meaningful possible mechanisms for future research.
ways (Sadeh, 2011; Sadeh & Acebo, 2002). In addi-
tion, this chapter focuses on the relations between Sleep Duration
sleep and internalizing and externalizing symptoms The amount of sleep a child attains on a nightly
in otherwise typically developing children. A more basis is probably the most salient aspect of sleep,
in-depth review of sleep in children with clinical and there exists a growing body of literature link-
diagnoses (e.g., depression or ADHD) is provided in ing shorter sleep duration to adjustment problems
separate chapters. (See Chapters 34 and 35) using correlational and, to a lesser extent, experi-
mental designs. Sleep duration has been assessed
Sleep and Adjustment: Documenting subjectively with single or a few questions that ask
Associations about the amount of sleep a child obtains on aver-
The greatest challenge to the study of relations age and also has been calculated using parent or
between sleep and adjustment is the lack of com- child report of bedtimes and wake times on a sleep
plete understanding regarding the function of sleep diary kept for a week or longer. Further, this con-
and thus the mechanisms that may explain the link. struct also has been assessed using objective means,
As Sadeh noted in a 2007 review of the literature, often with actigraphy that measures movement dur-
research has been focused on demonstrating links ing the night with a small wristwatch-like device
between sleep and behavioral domains, and the and applies an algorithm to estimate sleep and
majority of current research has continued in this waking. A nuance worth noting using actigraphy is
vein. As a result, what we think we know about that researchers are able to calculate both the sleep
the role of sleep is mostly a result of observing the period (time elapsed between bedtime and waking)
consequences of inadequate or problematic sleep. and total sleep minutes, which is the total minutes
However, despite this limitation, documenting scored as sleep during the sleep period.
associations between sleep and adjustment across In correlational studies of sleep duration, the
diverse samples and under a variety of conditions data collected on sleep are assumed to be a natural-
strengthens the assertion that sleep can contribute to istic sample of the amount of sleep a child typically
internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. receives and may relate to individual differences in
How one chooses to measure a construct of sleep need, the ability to regulate sleep patterns, and
interest is always a fundamental decision in social external forces that shape the hours available for
science research. However, when a construct can sleep. One of the earlier studies to examine links
be assessed through multiple methods and includes between children’s sleep duration and adjustment
various parameters, as is the case with sleep, the employed actigraphy and gathered data on child
consideration of measurement becomes critical to behavior from both teachers and parents (Aronen,
interpretation. A wide range of sleep variables and Paavonen, Fjallberg, Soininen, & Torronen, 2000).
different methodologies complicate the research The sample included 49 primary school children
related to the relation between sleep and adjustment ages 7 to 12 years and compared children with longer
and pose challenges to a straightforward synthesis (mean of 9.6 hours), average (mean of 8.9 hours),
of findings. Four sleep domains in nonclinical child and shorter (mean of 8 hours) total sleep minutes
sleep research are summarized in this chapter: sleep over the course of 3 nights. Significant group dif-
duration, sleep quality, variability of sleep schedules, ferences in the expected direction were found in
and what we refer to as sleep difficulties (a diverse mean levels of aggressive, delinquent, and inatten-
set of problems pertaining to falling asleep, staying tive behavior problems as reported by teachers; no
asleep, and experiencing nightmares and parasom- significant associations were observed between sleep
nias, which are typically reported by parents in the minutes and parent-reported behavior problems.
reviewed studies and may overlap with or result in In a correlational study with similar aims,
shortened sleep or poor quality sleep). From the El-Sheikh and colleagues used actigraphy col-
standpoint of research on relations between sleep lected over the course of one week to examine
and daytime adjustment, a more complete picture is links between fewer sleep minutes (defined as total
revealed when multiple sleep parameters are assessed number of minutes identified as sleep during the
objectively and subjectively. Careful consideration sleep period) and adjustment problems in school-
of the similarities and differences across research age children (El-Sheikh, Erath, & Keller, 2007).
utilizing different methodologies may allow for With a sample of 167 children between the ages of

3 82 slee p and internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s

8 and 9, findings revealed that fewer sleep minutes were evident. Specifically, children who were in the
were significantly associated with greater parent- 10th percentile for short sleep duration (less than
reported externalizing problems and greater child- 7.7 hours on average per night) were at higher risk
reported depressive symptoms while controlling for for having maternal-reported behavioral problems,
family socioeconomic status, gender, and ethnicity. thought problems, and ADHD symptoms and
Sample and methodological differences between paternal-reported rule breaking and externalizing
studies likely underlie, at least in part, why sleep was symptoms.
related to parent-reported adjustment outcomes in Holley, Hill, and Stevenson (2011) consid-
this study but not in the aforementioned Aronen ered the association between actigraphy-measured
et al. (2000) study. sleep variables and parent-reported behavior prob-
Using a single question, parent report of aver- lems indexed via the Strengths and Difficulties
age sleep duration, Paavonen, Porkka-Heiskanen, Questionnaire in 6- to 11-year-old children (SDQ;
and Lahikainen (2009) examined sleep as a cor- Goodman, 1997). The SDQ was completed by
relate of behavioral problems reported by parents parents and includes five subscales that assess emo-
and teachers. In a sample of nearly 300 children tional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity,
5 to 6 years old, the relations between sleep and peer problems, and pro-social behavior. Variables
behavior were stronger when using parent report were calculated for both the sleep period and sleep
of behavioral symptoms, showing that short sleep minutes (which excludes the time awake during the
duration (5–9 hr) significantly increased the likeli- sleep period). The authors found significant relations
hood of inattention problems, internalizing behav- only between conduct problems and sleep minutes,
iors, and total psychiatric symptoms on the Child but not for sleep period or other adjustment vari-
Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991a). ables. As these data were correlational, the direction
Using teacher report, only internalizing behaviors of effects remains unclear but it is interesting to
were related to sleep duration at a trend level. The note that the researchers come to a similar conclu-
lack of association for teacher report and significant sion as Sadeh, Gruber, and Raviv (2003) in their
findings for parent-reported behavior are in contrast study of the impact of an experimental manipula-
to Aronen et al.’s (2000) findings in which signifi- tion of sleep on neurobehavioral functioning that
cant associations between sleep duration and behav- “just an hour” can make a significant difference in
ior problems were found based on teacher but not children’s behavior. In addition, the fact that signifi-
parent reports. cant relations were observed only when considering
Avoiding some of the concerns related to sleep minutes suggests that research that relies solely
reporter bias, in a separate study Paavonen and col- on report of sleep onset and wake times or actigra-
leagues (2009) also examined the relations between phy to calculate total sleep period may fail to detect
sleep and inattentive and hyperactive symptoms in relations that might nevertheless exist.
7- to 8-year-old children using actigraphy. Children Biggs, Lushington, van den Heuvel, Martin, and
whose average sleep duration (i.e., time elapsed Kennedy (2011) examined associations between
from sleep onset to waking) was below the 10th per- sleep duration and behavioral problems in a very
centile (<7.7 hours) had significantly higher impul- large sample of over 1600 Australian children, ages
sivity scores and total attention-deficit/hyperactivity 5 to 10. Using parent-reported sleep diaries, their
symptoms reported by parents. Further, control- results showed that while controlling for demo-
ling for demographic characteristics, child body graphic characteristics, children who slept less than
mass, and other neurologic and somatic illnesses, 10 hours per night (the sample’s average duration)
short sleep duration predicted hyperactivity and were at double the risk for scoring in the 95th per-
impulsivity. centile of the hyperactive subscale of the Strengths
In a similar correlational study, Pesonen and col- and Difficulties Questionnaire. These same children
leagues (2010) considered the associations between were not found to be at higher risk for internalizing
actual sleep minutes, measured using actigraphy, symptoms, however.
and children’s behavioral problems as rated by In one of the few studies to consider longi-
mothers and fathers using the CBCL. When con- tudinal relations between objectively measured
sidering sleep minutes on a continuum, no sig- sleep and adjustment in childhood while control-
nificant relations between sleep and behavior were ling for autoregressive effects, El-Sheikh, Kelly,
found. However, when the authors looked at per- Buckhalt, and Hinnant (2010) reported that sleep
centiles of sleep minutes significant associations period did not predict change in either internalizing

b ag l ey, el - s hei k h 383

or externalizing behavior problems over 2 years. and findings showed that under restricted condi-
Although findings revealed that longer sleep dura- tions, children displayed significantly more atten-
tion was negatively correlated with parent-reported tion problems; however, children were not reported
internalizing symptoms, the cross-sectional associa- as more hyperactive or impulsive. On the contrary,
tion became nonsignificant after placing these vari- children in the restricted sleep condition were more
ables within a larger model that included other sleep hypoactive in the classroom setting compared to
parameters, externalizing symptoms, and control their own baseline (possibly due to fatigue), and no
variables of ethnicity and SES. Longitudinally, sleep significant differences were found between condi-
duration at T1 (mean age 8.7 years) was not predic- tions on oppositional-aggressive behaviors.
tive of either internalizing or externalizing behavior Rather than restricting sleep, another approach
problems at T2 (mean age 10.7 years), again as part to experimentally manipulating sleep duration is to
of the larger model. Conversely, as will be discussed enhance sleep in a group that has already demon-
in the following sections, this study did find lon- strated short sleep duration or other sleep problems.
gitudinal relations for sleep predicting adjustment Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone impor-
using other sleep parameters. tant for regulating the sleep–wake cycle, has been
Sleep duration is arguably the most easily manip- shown to be an effective treatment for symptoms
ulated of the sleep parameters and, as a result, all of of insomnia in children (Smits, Van Stel, Van Der
the studies in which sleep is experimentally manip- Heijden, Meijer, Coenen, & Kerkhof, 2003) In the
ulated (extended, restricted) assess effects of changes first study of its kind, van Maanen, Meijer, Smits,
in sleep duration. As opposed to the research that and Oort (2011) examined the effects of mela-
has experimentally implemented total sleep depri- tonin treatment on children’s sleep duration and, in
vation in adults, the experimental protocols used turn, on children’s behavior. Their sample included
with children are more modest and typically restrict children with an average age of 9 who were identi-
sleep by an hour for a period of a week to a few fied as having delayed dim-light melatonin onset,
weeks. Experimental studies eliminate concerns causing symptoms of sleep onset problems. These
about the substantial number of confounding influ- children were treated with melatonin following a
ences on sleep duration that also may be related to standard protocol for 3 weeks, followed by a “half-
adjustment difficulties. However, as summarized dose week” and finally the “stop week”; behavioral
by Beebe (2011) in his recent review of research measures were collected at the end of treatment and
on the effects of inadequate sleep on a broad range the final stop week. The results showed that mela-
of outcomes for children and adolescents, very few tonin treatment had significant effects on increas-
experimental studies of sleep restriction in children ing sleep minutes measured with actigraphy, and
exist and, unfortunately, even fewer have included those improvements in sleep duration were paral-
behavioral measures that tap into effects of sleep on leled by improved behavior as reported by parents
adjustment. on the CBCL (total problem score). The effects of
In the largest experimental study so far, Fallone, treatment were the strongest for the children with
Acebo, Seifer, and Carskadon (2005) recruited 74 less severe problems with delayed melatonin onset
healthy children, ages 6 to 12, for participation at baseline. Although the subset of children with
in a 3-week home-based protocol that allowed for delayed dim-light melatonin onset may be unique
children to be assessed under baseline, restricted, in terms of the etiology of their sleep problems, this
or optimized sleep conditions (each for one week). study represents an excellent example of the poten-
Sleep restriction was age-based, such that time in tial to examine the causal role of sleep on daytime
bed was restricted to 8 hours for children in first and behavior via experimental sleep enhancement.
second grades and to 6.5 hours for children in third
grade and above. Under the optimized sleep condi- Sleep Quality—Actigraphy-Based
tion, all children were assigned to no fewer than 10 Child sleep quality has been examined via objec-
hours of time in bed per night. The experimental tive and subjective measures. Because of the wide
manipulation of sleep was validated by actigraphy range of sleep quality parameters (e.g., lack of sat-
and showed that relative to children’s own baseline, isfaction, general disturbance, sleeps worse than
the optimized sleep condition resulted in 39 min- other children) indexed by parent and child reports,
utes more sleep and the restricted sleep condition we review the literature linking adjustment prob-
resulted in 139 minutes less sleep. Teachers rated lems with questionnaire-based sleep quality vari-
children’s behavior across these three conditions ables later, under the heading of Sleep Difficulties.

3 84 slee p and internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s

In this section we review the small body of litera- that sleep efficiency predicted externalizing or inter-
ture on associations between child adjustment and nalizing behavior cross-sectionally. The authors
actigraphy-based sleep quality indices. Information did find evidence of an interaction between sleep
regarding sleep quality obtained through actigra- efficiency and socioeconomic status (SES) cross-
phy pertains to the frequency and duration of night sectionally such that when sleep efficiency was low,
wakening and activity levels during the sleep period children from low-SES backgrounds were especially
and often includes sleep efficiency (% of motionless at risk for higher externalizing symptoms.
sleep); waking minutes after sleep onset, long wake El-Sheikh and colleagues (2010) also considered
episodes (usually > 5 min per episode); and the longitudinal relations between sleep efficiency and
activity index (% of epochs with activity). Therefore, behavior problems. Surprisingly, the authors found
the variables typically associated with sleep quality that increases in sleep efficiency over 2 years pre-
reflect the extent to which a child maintains motion- dicted increases in externalizing problems from 3rd
less sleep or quickly returns to sleep after a night to 5th grade. Longitudinal relations between sleep
waking. Of note is that some sleep variables such as quality and internalizing symptoms across time
latency may be classified in more than one category; only existed for African-American children in the
in this chapter we review the literature pertaining to sample, such that increases in sleep efficiency were
latency under the Sleep Difficulties heading. predictive of increases in internalizing problems.
Sadeh, Gruber, and Raviv (2002) examined These findings were surprising in that high sleep
the sleep of 135 children in 2nd, 4th, and 6th efficiency is typically considered to reflect good
grades using actigraphy and considered associa- biobehavioral regulation; however, it was found to
tions between a variety of sleep parameters and predict increases in problem behaviors. A possible
parent report of child problem behaviors on the explanation for this finding may be that high sleep
CBCL (Achenbach, 1991a). The authors calculated efficiency is a compensatory mechanism for insuffi-
sleep percentage by dividing the number of min- cient sleep over time. This explanation is supported
utes scored as sleep by the total number of minutes by the results of Sadeh, Gruber, and Raviv (2003),
between sleep onset and waking. In this study, 25 who found that children who had their sleep dura-
of 135 children were considered poor sleepers based tion experimentally restricted actually experienced
on low sleep percentage (90% or lower) and on improvements in sleep efficiency and fewer night
average at least 3 awakenings per night that lasted at wakings. Therefore, high sleep efficiency in this
least 5 minutes each. “Poor sleepers” were rated by observational study may reflect ongoing problems
parents as significantly higher than “good sleepers” that children have had with attaining sufficient
on delinquency and total problem behaviors. The sleep and a corresponding high level of chronic par-
findings were specific to externalizing behaviors, as tial sleep deprivation and sleep debt.
no significant relations were found between sleep
quality and internalizing problems, and specific to variability in sleep schedules
sleep quality as no relations were found between In addition to sleep duration and quality, the
sleep duration and problem behaviors. variability in sleep patterns is another sleep param-
The work of El-Sheikh, Kelly, Buckhalt, and eter that has shown significant associations with
Hinnant (2010) provides a look at both correla- adjustment. Lower levels of variability in sleep
tional and longitudinal relations between sleep qual- schedules reflect higher stability and consistency in
ity, as indexed by sleep efficiency, and adjustment. bedtime and wake time (or actual sleep onset and
Participants were 176 children in 3rd grade at the waking) on a night-to-night basis; variability in
first time point and in 5th grade at the follow-up. sleep schedules during week versus weekend nights
Children had their sleep assessed via actigraphy for has also been examined. Similar to sleep duration
a week at each time point, and parents reported on and quality, variability may reflect individual differ-
internalizing and externalizing symptoms using the ences in biobehavioral regulation, but may also be
Personality Inventory for Children (PIC; Lachar, strongly influenced by familial (e.g., routines, paren-
1982). Greater sleep efficiency in 3rd grade was tal work schedules) and sociocultural factors (e.g.,
correlated with both internalizing and externaliz- co-sleeping). In school-age children, in addition to
ing behavior problems, and with only internaliz- variability over the week, variability between week-
ing problems in 5th grade. However, when placed day and weekend sleep patterns may be meaning-
within a larger model that included all sleep param- ful in that it captures the differences in how a child
eters and control variables, there was no evidence sleeps under conditions that require a consistent

b ag l ey, el - s hei k h 385

wake time (e.g., school) and under less controlled (SDQ; Goodman, 1997). In their study, bedtime
conditions. It has been suggested that highly vari- variability between weekdays and weekends was
able sleep patterns may have a stressing effect similar strongly associated with problem behaviors; chil-
to jet lag, and variability might affect adjustment dren with a difference greater than 2 hours (more
through detrimental effects on attention and neu- sleep on weekends) were at six times the likelihood
rohormonal stress response systems (Weissbluth, of scoring in the 95th percentile on the hyperactiv-
1989). In addition to variability in sleep schedules, ity subscale. Variability of bedtimes and wake times
variability in sleep duration and other sleep param- on school nights of at least 1 hour also increased
eters may influence children’s functioning (Bates, the likelihood of scoring in the 95th percentile for
Viken, Alexander, Beyers, & Stockton, 2002). hyperactivity and internalizing behaviors.
Testing this suggestion, Bates and colleagues
(2002) considered the associations between sleep Sleep Difficulties
patterns (including variability in sleep duration and The largest body of literature in the area of
bedtimes) and school adjustments in 5-year-old children’s sleep and adjustment pertains to sleep
children across 4 months. Mothers reported on difficulties broadly construed. As a category, sleep
child sleep using a daily diary method, and pre- difficulties as defined in this chapter are unique in
school teachers reported on children’s positive and that they refer to a diverse set of problems involv-
negative classroom behaviors. Bivariate correlations ing falling asleep, staying asleep, satisfaction with
between sleep and adjustment revealed that both one’s sleep, perceptions of sleeping worse than other
variability in sleep duration and bedtime over the children, and experiencing nightmares and para-
course of 4 weeks were significantly positively asso- somnias. In the pertinent literature, these are typi-
ciated with teacher report on the Problem Behavior cally reported by parents and children and thus this
Questionnaire (PBQ; Behar, 1977), which assesses section of the chapter relates, mostly yet not exclu-
school adjustment using items related to child sively, to sleep problems based on such reports (the
compliance and externalizing behavior problems. few studies on sleep latency obtained via actigraphy
Structural equation modeling suggested that family are reviewed in this section). Worth mentioning is
stress contributed to variability in children’s sleep, that these problems may overlap with shorter sleep
which in turn significantly predicted school adjust- duration and poorer sleep quality.
ment. Interestingly, variability in sleep onset and The high proportion of studies that consider
duration were more predictive of negative behaviors sleep difficulties broadly construed and adjustment
than total hours of sleep. is not surprising, because the CBCL and other
On the other hand, two studies discussed previ- adjustment measures that have been widely used
ously showing significant associations between sleep to assess behavioral problems in normally develop-
duration (defined as actual sleep time) and adjust- ing children for decades also include items related
ment also found significant relations involving sleep to sleep. Researchers have created subscales from a
variability. Specifically, Pesonen et al. (2010) consid- variety of sleep items to examine relations between
ered variability in sleep duration between weekdays sleep problems and adjustment. Unfortunately,
and weekends, as well as the variability in bedtime this research stands on somewhat tenuous ground
and waking time between weekdays and weekends. because these “sleep problem subscales” were not
No significant associations were found between intended or validated to be used in such a man-
sleep variability and adjustment as reported by ner. In a recent 2011 publication, Gregory et al.
mothers on the CBCL; however, significant associa- addressed methodological concerns by compar-
tions existed for father-reported adjustment. Results ing the pertinent CBCL items with well-validated
revealed that a 1.0 standard deviation increase in methods, such as actigraphy and sleep diaries. The
weekday-to-weekend irregularity in sleep dura- authors excluded two CBCL items related to para-
tion was associated with a 0.2 standard deviation somnias and specifically focused on four items in
increase in internalizing and total problem scores, their analyses that may tap into sleep disturbance
and the significance of these findings held even after (“overtired,” “sleeps less than most kids,” “sleeps
controlling for actual bedtimes. more than most kids,” and “trouble sleeping”). The
Biggs et al. (2011), also discussed earlier, found findings did not support clear coherence between
support for significant relations between incon- these four CBCL items and other methodologies.
sistent sleep schedules and behavioral difficulties For example, the “overtired” and “trouble sleeping”
on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire items were only weakly to moderately correlated

3 86 slee p and internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s

with sleep latency measured using daily diary externalizing, and hyperactivity behaviors as rated
method or actigraphy. Overall, the authors con- by teachers, with odds ratios exceeding 2.0.
cluded that the CBCL should not be the measure Given that parents are not always aware of prob-
of choice, but may tap into some relevant aspects of lems that their children may have with sleep, children
sleep disturbance. Furthermore, it remains unclear may be important sources of information about their
how inclusion of the two items related to parasom- own sleep difficulties. Using the 13-item Sleep Self-
nias (“nightmares” and “talks or walks in sleep”) Report (SSR; Owens, Maxim, Nobile, McGuinn, &
may further bias the results of studies that include Msall, 2000), Gregory and Eley (2005) considered
all six CBCL items related to sleep. Given these cross-sectional associations between sleep problems
caveats, it should be said that the use of CBCL and child-reported anxiety symptoms assessed with
sleep items has allowed for important questions to the Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional
be addressed regarding sleep and adjustment in rich Disorders (SCARED; Birmaher et al.,1997). They
datasets (often longitudinal) that were not neces- found significant relations between specific sleep
sarily designed to examine sleep. problems included on the SSR (“fight with parents
Gregory and O’Connor’s (2002) study is an about bedtime,” “afraid to sleep alone,” “afraid of
excellent example of an investigation that made use dark,” and “have nightmares”) and the total anxi-
of the information available on sleep problems from ety score. Similarly, specific anxiety scales (somatic,
all six items on the CBCL to investigate associa- separation anxiety, school phobia, and general anxi-
tions with behavioral problems. Using a prospective ety) were significantly correlated with the total sleep
study of 490 children in adoptive and biological problems score. Using linear regression and after
families, the authors examined longitudinal asso- controlling for other symptoms of anxiety, school
ciations and developmental changes in associations phobias emerged as a significant statistical predic-
from age 4 into mid-adolescence. First, authors tor of sleep problems. Although single-reporter bias
did find evidence that sleep problems at age 4 pre- may have influenced the results of this study, it also
dicted changes in depressive, anxious, aggressive, highlights the possibility that certain important fac-
and attentional problems 11 years later. Testing the tors in the association between sleep and adjustment
reciprocal effects, they did not find evidence that may be best reported by the child.
early behavioral problems predicted sleep problems Gregory, Rijsdjik, Dahl, McGuffin, and Eley
in adolescence except in the case of attention prob- (2006) used a twin study design to assess the contri-
lems. The authors also examined changes in the butions of genetic and environmental influences on
associations between sleep problems and behavior the relation between sleep and internalizing prob-
problems, finding that the relation between sleep lems in 8-year-old children. Questionnaires were
and internalizing symptoms got stronger through- used for self-report of anxiety and depressive symp-
out childhood and into adolescence; no significant toms and parent-report of children’s sleep problems
changes in associations existed for other types of using the Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ;
behavioral problems. Owens, Spirito, McGuinn, & Nobile, 2000). The
In a very large sample of over 6000 children, CSHQ incudes a wide range of sleep problems with
Paavonen et al. (2002) examined the association subscales for bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay,
between the severity of sleep problems and problem sleep duration, sleep anxiety, night wakings, and
behaviors. They used an index of sleep problems, parasomnias. Parent-reported sleep problems were
which comprised one item that is included on the associated with internalizing symptoms although,
child-report Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI; overall, stronger relations were observed between
Kovacs, 1985) and one item from the parent-report sleep problems and depression compared to anxi-
Rutter scale (Rutter, Tizard, & Whitmore, 1997) to ety symptoms. Further, by comparing the univari-
create three groups representing children without ate and bivariate correlations across monozygotic
sleep problems, with mild sleep problems, and with and dizygotic twin pairs, the authors found evi-
severe sleep problems. These items are limited in dence that the association between sleep problems
their scope and in a single question ask children and depression symptoms is heavily influenced by
about the extent to which they have “trouble” genetic factors, suggesting that there is some overlap
with sleep and parents about their child’s “sleep- between the genes that are important for depression
ing difficulty.” Children with severe sleep problems, and for sleep problems.
approximately 5% of the sample, were significantly In another cross-sectional study, Coulombe, Reid,
more likely to display problematic internalizing, Boyle, and Racine (2010) examined associations

b ag l ey, el - s hei kh 387

between sleep and adjustment problems reported sleep problem score was created by summing parent
by both parents and teachers. This study is some- responses to four items from the CBCL (“overtired,”
what unique in that the authors also accounted for “sleeps less than most children,” “sleeps more than
a number of shared risk factors, including gender, most children,” and “trouble sleeping”), two from
age, family income, maternal education, maternal the RCADS (“trouble sleeping” and “tired a lot”),
negative affect, stressful life events, marital dishar- and one from the RCMAS (“worries when going to
mony, and family functioning. Furthermore, they bed”). In a sample of 88 children ages 6 to 11, there
also controlled for comorbid symptoms to exam- was evidence that sleep disturbance is more closely
ine the unique associations between sleep and associated with anxiety during childhood, whereas
specific behavioral problems. Using subscales of in adolescents ages 12–17 years the association was
both the parent-reported CBCL or the associated more evident for depression. The authors used hier-
Teacher Report Form (TRF; Achenbach, 1991b), archical linear regression to show that during child-
children’s aggression, attention problems, and anx- hood, anxiety symptoms were associated with sleep
ious/depressed mood were separately examined. To problems while controlling for demographic char-
assess sleep problems the authors used five items acteristics and, importantly, depressive symptoms.
from the parent-reported CBCL (“trouble sleep- Using a similar strategy, depressive symptoms were
ing,” “sleeps less than other children,” “nightmares,” not associated with sleep problems while control-
“talks or walks in sleep” and “sleeps more than other ling for anxiety symptoms, suggesting some speci-
children”). In addition, one parent-reported item ficity to the relations between sleep and adjustment
(“overtired”) and two teacher-reported items (“over- symptoms. In the case of this study, however, the
tired” and “sleeps in class”) were used as indicators of use of the sum score for sleep problems precludes
inadequate sleep. Using hierarchical regression, the any conclusions about the unique contribution of
association between each parent-reported and teach- different sleep difficulties to internalizing symptoms
er-reported behavioral problem and sleep problem in childhood.
were examined separately. Overall, the findings did In a longitudinal study with over 500 children,
show significant relations between some sleep vari- Goodnight, Bates, Staples, Pettit, and Dodge (2007)
ables and behavioral problems. Specifically, night- used cross-domain latent growth curve modeling to
mares and trouble sleeping were related to parent, test whether growth in sleep problems was related to
but not teacher, report of anxious/depressed mood. growth in behavior problem trajectories in children
“Overtired” predicted all behavioral problems from 5 to 9 years of age. This study is unique in
whether reported by parent or teacher. However, it that it is among the few that examined change in
should be noted that in this very conservative ana- sleep problems as they relate to change in behavior
lytic strategy, which controlled for shared risk and problems. Parent report on the “overtired,” “trou-
co-occurring behavioral problems, the variance in ble sleeping,” and “sleeps less than most children”
behavior accounted for by sleep was quite small (up items from the CBCL were used to assess sleep.
to 3%). By contrast, the shared risk and co-occurring Teachers reported on children’s externalizing behav-
symptoms accounted for 23%–53% of the variance ior problems. No main effects were found between
in behavioral problems. Unfortunately, in this study sleep problems and behavior problems. Further,
the measurement of each sleep difficulty consisted the authors also considered whether the relation
of a single CBCL/TRF item, and the behavioral between sleep problems and behavior was influ-
assessment came from the CBCL/TRF as well. It enced by early resistance to control, and found that
is not clear whether the measurement issues in this growth in sleep problems was positively associated
study had an impact on the results. with growth in externalizing behaviors only for chil-
The work of Alfano and colleagues (2009) pro- dren who were high on resistance to control. This
vides a more thorough assessment of relations finding highlights the importance of individual dif-
between sleep problems and anxiety and depression ferences and moderator effects in the link between
symptoms. Specifically, they examined internalizing sleep and adjustment.
symptoms using the 47-item Revised Child Anxiety In addition to sleep duration and quality,
and Depression Scales (RCADS; Chorpita, Yim, El-Sheikh, Kelly, Buckhalt, and Hinnant (2010)
Moffitt, Umemoto, & Francis, 2000), the 37-item also considered cross-sectional and longitudinal
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS; associations between adjustment and child-reported
Reynolds & Richmond, 1978) and the Child sleep problems (e.g., insufficient sleep as well as diffi-
Depression Inventory (CDI; Kovacs, 1985). A total culty initiating and maintaining sleep) examined via

3 88 slee p and internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s

the child report on the Sleep Habits Survey (SHS; few conclusions can be drawn. First, there is sub-
Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998) and parent report stantial evidence to support the idea that sleep and
using the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire adjustment are significantly associated during child-
(CHSQ). At both time points, when children hood in normally developing, nonclinical samples.
were 8 and 10, bivariate correlations revealed that This evidence comes from studies with community
parent-reported and child-reported sleep/wake samples of children from many countries including
problems were associated with higher levels of par- United States, Finland, Australia, New Zealand,
ent- and child-related internalizing and external- and Israel.
izing symptoms. When placed in a larger model From longitudinal work, it appears that sleep
that included multiple sleep parameters and control is more likely to predict adjustment, rather than
variables, child-reported sleep/wake problems were adjustment predicting sleep. Recent work by Kelly
positively associated with parent-reported internal- and El-Sheikh (2013), which utilized cross-lagged
izing symptoms—however, only for the children panel models to examine reciprocal relations
from lower SES backgrounds. When considering between sleep and adjustment in 176 children from
relations longitudinally, race/ethnicity was found to 8 to 13 years of age, came to a similar conclusion.
moderate the associations between sleep/wake prob- In addition, findings from the study suggest that the
lems and adjustment. Specifically, at higher levels influence of sleep on symptoms of depression and
of sleep problems, African-American children had anxiety may be stronger during late childhood/early
higher predicted means for internalizing and exter- adolescence (ages 10–13) as opposed to middle
nalizing behavior problems compared to European- childhood (ages 8–10). Future research of reciprocal
American children; race/ethnic-related effects were relations between sleep and adjustment across devel-
not evident when sleep was more optimal. In addi- opmental stages will be critical, as will examinations
tion to providing additional documentation of of these relations considered on a day-to-day basis to
longitudinal associations between sleep and adjust- fully capture the transactional processes that may be
ment, the findings also raise interesting questions at work. Further, the scarcity of longitudinal work
about biological, psychological, and/or contextual leaves many questions unanswered about potential
factors that may explain the vulnerability of chil- critical periods that may exist within childhood or
dren from poor or minority backgrounds to the how sleep and adjustment may interact differen-
effects of sleep on adjustment. tially across various developmental periods. Looking
Finally, symptoms of sleep disordered breathing forward, studies that include at least three waves of
(e.g., snoring) have been shown to impact the sleep data would permit the examination of trajectories
of children and be associated with externalizing of growth and change in both sleep and adjustment
behavior problems. A recent study by O’Brien et al. and their association. So-called “change on change”
(2011) examined the cross-sectional associations analyses would be useful to describe the develop-
between symptoms of sleep disordered breathing (in mental course of the relation between sleep and
the nonclinical range) and bullying behavior in ele- adjustment and may also be used to understand indi-
mentary school aged children. The authors found a vidual differences in development. Similar research
significant positive relation between the child’s score by Bub, Buckhalt, and El-Sheikh (2011) looking at
on the disordered breathing subscale and bullying relations between changes in sleep and changes in
behavior. Forty-two percent of children who were cognitive performance across 3 years has shown the
identified by the parent as participating in bullying importance of considering individual differences in
behavior were at risk for sleep disordered breathing, the growth of sleep problems and promises to be an
while only 17.5% of nonbullying children had such important next step in research with the increasing
risk. Although mono-reporter bias (most measures number of longitudinal studies in the field.
were parent-reported) and single time-point analyses A critical review of the extant literature suggests
are limitations of the study, this work broadens the that the associations between sleep and adjustment
scope of important outcomes to consider including are rather nonspecific. Although not always the case,
peer relations and social adjustment. researchers have shown that the different parameters
of sleep (i.e., duration, quality, variability, and dif-
Summary of Findings and Caveats ficulties broadly defined) collected using different
In consideration of the body of research that methodologies are generally associated with both
has documented associations within and across internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The lack
time between sleep and adjustment problems, a of specificity may suggest that different parameters

b ag l ey, el - s hei kh 389

of sleep are associated even if they reflect different Therefore, it is important for researchers in the field
conceptual constructs (e.g., sleep duration measures to address some of the same long-standing contro-
are frequently correlated with quality measures). versies regarding the conceptual and data analytic
Nevertheless, relatively few studies have examined issues that exist for understanding adjustment in
multiple sleep parameters as they relate to adjust- the context of comorbidity (Lilienfeld, 2003).
ment outcomes, and thus conclusions about such Conceptually, the co-occurrence of internalizing
potentially differential associations are not tenable. and externalizing behavior problems in associa-
As other reviews have pointed out (Blunden, tion with sleep could suggest several explanations.
Hoban, & Chervin, 2006; Sadeh, 2007; Beebe, First, it is possible that different pathways underlie
2011), the overwhelming majority of studies linking the associations for internalizing and externalizing
sleep and adjustment are correlational. Experimental symptoms; however, the research strategies used to
studies have the major advantage of reducing con- date have not been capable of identifying unique
cerns over potential confounding variables, such processes. Conversely, internalizing and external-
as family stress, which may serve as third variables izing behavior problems may stem from deficits
responsible for poor sleep and adjustment problems. in a common ability, such as emotion regulation
Therefore, experimental studies are necessary to (Eisenberg et al., 2009), which could either be
determine the causal role of sleep. Simultaneously, affected by or itself affect sleep (Dahl, 1996); the
even experimental studies have limitations that role of emotion regulation is discussed in more
make observational studies important as well. For detail later in the chapter.
example, the association between sleep and adjust- Apart from a few select studies (Gregory, Eley,
ment likely unfolds across time and may not be O’Connor, & Plomin, 2004; Coulombe et al., 2010;
captured with the typical (and ethical) protocols for El-Sheikh et al., 2010), the bulk of the literature on
sleep restriction with children. Even when effects of relations between sleep problems in typically devel-
experimental sleep restriction on daytime function- oping children and their adjustment outcomes has
ing are observed, the mechanisms that underlie the not sought to examine the “pure” relations between
effects may not be the same as those that are the sleep and individual dimensions of adjustment
result of chronic sleep deprivation. problems by controlling for externalizing behav-
One major obstacle to experimental research is iors when examining internalizing behaviors and
the ethical issues related to sleep restriction proto- vice versa. This approach is reasoned, because these
cols in children. In response to the major concern behavior problems naturally co-occur and control-
regarding the possibility that sleep restriction could ling would remove an important shared dimension
irreparably impact a child’s development, sleep of externalizing behaviors when examining inter-
has only been modestly reduced for short periods. nalizing symptoms and vice versa, thereby reducing
However, an alternative approach to dealing with the strength of associations. Nevertheless, in stud-
these concerns would be to develop protocols that ies in which researchers are interested in identifying
improve sleep and measure the benefits in experi- “pure” symptoms it may be useful to consider con-
mental versus control groups. Given the large num- trolling for the co-occurrence of behavior problems
bers of children who receive poor or inadequate to provide further clarity and explication of effects.
sleep, it would not be difficult to recruit samples of Yet, the cost-benefit ratio of such controls and the
children who would benefit from this type of inter- particular research question under consideration
vention. Sadeh et al. (2003) showed that even mod- ought to guide analyses.
est extension of sleep could have significant effects Controlling for potential individual differences
on neurobehavioral functioning. Alternatively, (age, gender, SES, body mass index, pubertal status,
research could capitalize on naturally occurring etc.) that may influence the relation between sleep
sleep deprivation. Finally, the wider use of longi- and adjustment problems represents a more conser-
tudinal data will allow for statistical approaches, vative approach to examining relations than studies
such as cross-lag analyses and growth curve model- that do not control for such potential confounds
ing, which can better assess directionality of effects (Coulombe et al., 2010). Controls for possible
between sleep and adjustment while still using data influential variables across studies are very inconsis-
from observational studies. tent, hindering comparisons across investigations.
Across and within studies, sleep has been shown Improving the precision of analytic techniques and
to be associated with internalizing, externalizing, consistent application of controls across studies may
and with both problem behaviors concurrently. serve the field by allowing for a greater synthesis of

390 sle ep a nd internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s

findings and deepening of understanding regarding a great deal of social engagement, interpretation of
relations between sleep and adjustment problems. environmental cues, and the acquisition of new cog-
nitive skills. In many societies, sleep regulation is
Pathways and Moderators of Effects in the a process that is highly scaffolded during infancy,
Context of Sleep and Adjustment but expectations for independent regulation of sleep
Emotion Regulation increase rapidly during early childhood. Therefore,
The very suggestion that sleep could play a causal emotional regulation can also be seen as a predictor
role in the development of adjustment problems is of sleep; however, research has yet to fully consider
exciting because it raises the possibility that improve- the complex reciprocal relations that likely exist.
ments in sleep could lead to significant reductions Breakthroughs in understanding connections
in problem behavior. Indeed, limited longitudinal between sleep and emotion regulation may come
(Gregory & O’Connor, 2002; El-Sheikh et al., from research that broadly considers interactions
2010) and experimental studies (Fallone et al., 2005; across cognitive, emotional, and physiological
van Maanen et al., 2011) do support the suggestion levels of functioning. For example, researchers in
that sleep predicts both internalizing and external- cognitive neuroscience have begun to describe the
izing behavior problems. Dahl (1996; 1999; Dahl effects of sleep deprivation, particularly of REM
& Lewin, 2002) has written extensively on the close sleep, on neurocognitive functioning (Walker &
relationship between sleep and adjustment, suggest- van der Helm, 2009). From this research it appears
ing that poor emotion regulation is a primary con- that sleep may play a vital role in the “way we pro-
sequence of insufficient sleep. Emotion regulation, cess, consolidate, and buffer our daily [emotional]
which involves both the evaluation of emotional experiences” (Vandekerckhove & Cluydts, 2010).
cues and modulation of emotional and behavioral Specifically, studies using experimentally induced
responses (Gross & Thompson, 2007), has been sleep deprivation in adults have shown that, as
widely discussed as a risk factor for the development opposed to memories with neutral and positive
of internalizing and externalizing behavior (Cole & affective content, negative memories were relatively
Deater-Deckard, 2009). Emotion regulation could resistant to the effects of sleep deprivation on reten-
provide a plausible explanation for how sleep could tion (Phelps, 2004). Although this type of research
lead to internalizing and externalizing problems, as certainly needs replication in children, one can start
each has been suggested to result from poor effort- to make some hypotheses about how the tendency
ful regulation of behavior and emotion (Eisenberg, to forget positive information and remember nega-
et al., 2001). tive information might play into the development
Emotion regulation is thought to be largely of adjustment problems over time.
dependent on processes of executive control, pri- A promising area of research has sought to exam-
marily located in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). ine the effects of sleep on specific emotion regula-
Importantly, insufficient sleep has been shown to tory processes. A recent study by Berger et al. (2011)
disrupt processes mediated in the PFC, including shows the consequences of sleep restriction on the
executive processes necessary for controlling emo- emotional experiences of toddlers. In an experimental
tion (Muzur, Pace-Schott, & Hobson, 2002). It is design, normally developing 30–36-month-old chil-
also thought that long-term sleep disruptions may dren were assigned to napping and no nap conditions
have especially detrimental effects during childhood for an 11-day protocol. At the end of the protocol
when the brain is undergoing rapid development. that resulted in sleep restriction for the toddlers in the
Jan and colleagues (2010) provide an excellent no nap condition, researchers coded observations of
review of the research based on adult, child, and facial responses to solvable and nonsolvable tasks to
animal models showing how persistent sleep prob- gauge emotionality. Children in the sleep restriction
lems can cause permanent neuronal cellular stress group showed more negativity to neutral and nega-
and damage over time, which may result in long- tive conditions, and less positivity to positive condi-
term adverse socioemotional outcomes, especially tions, compared to children who were allowed time
when they occur during critical periods of brain to nap daily. The authors concluded that as a result
development. of sleep restriction, toddlers were neither able to take
At the same time, initiating and maintaining full advantage of positive experiences nor were they as
sleep are important tasks for children that draw adaptive in challenging contexts.
on emotional regulatory abilities and may stand in Not only may sleep influence the emotional
contrast to daytime challenges, which often involve experience of the child, but also may impact the

b ag l ey, el - s hei kh 391

ability of children to interpret the emotional experi- This is unfortunate because, in the process, the field
ences of those around them. In a sample of nearly may be ignoring important protective mechanisms
100 10-year-old children, Soffer-Dudek and col- related to sleep. Instead of focusing on negative
leagues (2011) considered the effect of sleep on the outcomes of insufficient sleep, Lemola et al. (2011)
ability to process emotional information yearly for suggest another pathway for sleep to be related to
3 years. On a cognitive neurobehavioral task, partic- children’s adaptation by looking at the association
ipants were tested on their ability to identify gender between sleep and markers of positive adjustment
(neutral emotion) and emotion of presented faces. (optimism and self-esteem) in 8- year-old children.
The authors found children with elevated night While controlling for age, sex, body mass index,
waking and decreasing sleep efficiency from 10–13 and parental education, they found a significant
had poorer ability to accurately interpret emotional nonlinear relationship between sleep duration and
information, but poor sleep had no effect on the optimism (inverse J-shaped curve). Although the
ability to process the neutral task. Taken together cross-sectional nature of the study does not allow
with the research from Berger et al. (2011), this determination of direction of effects, it nonetheless
work suggests that sufficient sleep is necessary for supports the hypothesis that processes that occur
optimal social functioning, which in turn may be during sleep may shape the lens through which
an important determinant of adjustment. A poten- daily interactions are interpreted.
tially fruitful avenue for research is explicating how
the effects of insufficient sleep on daily interactions Sleep as a Protective and Vulnerability
might play out to affect children’s ability to manage Factor for Adjustment Problems
emotional situations, and how less adaptive micro- It is likely that the behavior of all children is not
transactions on a day-to-day basis may place chil- equally affected by sleep disturbance. However, few
dren at risk for long-term emotional and behavioral studies have examined interactions between sleep
problems. and other variables in the prediction of behavior
Consistent with the idea that poor regulation problems (i.e., moderation effects). Consideration
may underlie the association between sleep problems of variables that can enhance or ameliorate the risk
and adjustment, El-Sheikh and Buckhalt (2005) for adjustment problems otherwise associated with
investigated the role of vagal regulation indexed by sleep is imperative to clarify for whom and under
respiratory sinus arrhythmia, which is considered a which conditions sleep is likely to be associated with
measure of parasympathetic nervous system activity, adjustment problems. Several studies investigated
and emotional intensity in predicting subjectively the role of sleep as a protective or vulnerability fac-
and objectively assessed sleep parameters in a small tor in the context of risk. Risk variables examined
sample of 6- to 12-year-old children. Results showed included individual differences (e.g., physiological
that increased dispositional emotional intensity regulation, gender) as well as familial (e.g., marital
predicted fewer sleep minutes and increased night conflict) and socioeconomic factors (e.g., income,
activity. Similarly, a lower level of vagal withdrawal, ethnicity, living environment). When examined in
suggestive of less apt vagal regulation, was predictive the context of risk variables (e.g., familial problems
of increased sleep problems as assessed through both or economic disadvantage), such examinations are
subjective and actigraphy-based measures. The find- frequently based on the premise that aggregation
ings of this study suggest that children’s emotionality of risk (e.g., sleep problems in conjunction with
and physiological regulation predict unique vari- economic disadvantage) could exacerbate adjust-
ance in the amount and quality of children’s sleep. ment problems (Buckhalt, 2011; Marco & Wolfson,
Given what is also known about the importance of 2012).
these factors for overall adjustment (Thompson & Gender may be an important moderator of
Calkins, 1996), the findings may also shed light on associations between sleep and adjustment. The
how emotional and physiological dysregulation may previously mentioned Bub et al. (2011) study that
mediate or moderate the association between sleep considered change over time in sleep and cogni-
and adjustment. tive performance demonstrated that across the
The research considering relations between sleep three assessment points, girls were most sensitive
and adjustment has almost solely focused on asso- to the negative effects of increases in sleepiness on
ciations between poor sleep and poor adjustment to verbal comprehension. El-Sheikh, Bub, Kelly, and
the exclusion of examining the effects of sleep on Buckhalt (under review) has similarly examined
other, positive facets of socioemotional adjustment. the change over time in sleep and adjustment,

392 slee p and internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s

again finding that gender moderated the associa- higher levels of maternal negativity, lower levels of
tion between sleep and adjustment, such that girls maternal sensitivity, and less maternal–child close-
who had the greatest growth in sleepiness over the ness had greater growth in sleep problems over the
course of 3 years had the greatest increase in depres- course of the 3 years. Furthermore, other work has
sive symptoms over the same period of time. Going found that authoritative parenting (Johnson &
forward, considering gender and other important McMahon, 2008) and attachment security (Keller
individual differences as moderators of the relations & El-Sheikh, 2011) are both related to less prob-
between sleep and adjustment will likely lead to a lematic sleep in children. Finally, family conflict
better understanding of who is at greatest risk. that is associated with worse developmental out-
Several studies have shown that better sleep can comes for children has also been shown in com-
serve as a protective factor (or poor sleep can func- munity samples to have detrimental effects on
tion as a vulnerability factor) in the context of risk. sleep (El-Sheikh, Buckhalt, Mize, & Acebo, 2006).
For example, in a longitudinal study of children at Together, these studies suggest that the same family-
high genetic risk for depression, Silk et al. (2007) level variables that have been shown to be potent
found that short sleep latency at the initial assess- predictors of adjustment in children also are signifi-
ment (age 6–11), when none of the children were cantly associated with sleep.
diagnosed with depression, predicted membership
in the depression-resilient group in early adulthood
Future Directions
(age 18–29). El-Sheikh, Hinnant, Kelly and Erath
Research on links between children’s sleep and
(2010) considered the moderating effect of sleep on
adjustment is continuing to grow at a rapid pace,
the relation between maternal psychological control
and one hopes that this will be accompanied by a
and children’s depressive symptoms. The authors
thoughtful integration of findings. Gaining greater
found that maternal psychological control was posi-
insight into the processes that occur during sleep
tively related to depressive symptoms, but only for
will be critical to furthering the field and will allow
children with poorer sleep. In the context of better
the next generation of research to test hypotheses
sleep, children were protected against the negative
that result from this knowledge. The scarcity of
effects of psychological control on their adjustment
longitudinal and experimental studies and the fre-
problems. Furthermore, as reviewed previously, SES
quent use of non-nuanced measures to examine
and ethnicity interacted with sleep problems to pre-
sleep problems in children are significant chal-
dict adjustment problems and this association was
lenges to the field. However, the challenges imposed
more evident for either African Americans or chil-
by understanding the complex relations between
dren from lower SES backgrounds (El-Sheikh, Kelly
sleep and adjustment in children are offset by the
et al., 2010). Furthermore, physiological regulation,
potential rewards of this work. The following are
indexed by respiratory sinus arrhythmia, has been
recommendations for research that will help further
shown to interact with sleep in the prediction of
understanding of the association between sleep and
adjustment problems (El-Sheikh, Erath, & Keller,
adjustment in children.
2007) and poor sleep had its most pronounced
links with adjustment problems for children with • Experimental studies that either restrict or
less optimal vagal regulation. However, this area of enhance sleep are necessary to better assess the
study is still very young and much more stands to extent to which shorter-term sleep problems are
be learned about moderation effects associated with causally linked to behavioral problems in children.
individual differences and sleep as they relate to • Longitudinal studies are necessary to better
adjustment problems in children. understand the effects of chronic sleep problems,
It is possible that common risk factors explain at identify critical periods, and capture reciprocal
least a portion of the association between sleep and relations between sleep and adjustment overtime.
adjustment. For example, a range of family-level Such studies of sleep and adjustment should assess
factors with established links to children’s adjust- competence in other pertinent areas (e.g., social,
ment have been shown to influence children’s sleep. academic) to capture possible cascading effects of
Using the NICHD Study of Early Childcare, Bell sleep across multiple domains of functioning.
and Belsky (2008) examined a wide range of par- • A better understanding of risk factors for
ent characteristics and their effect on the growth in sleep problems in children could provide insights
sleep problems from age 8 to 11. Children who had for intervention but also allow for improved
an absent father or younger mother and experienced methodology that would account for common

b ag l ey, el - s hei k h 393

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This work was supported in part by National inadequate sleep, psychopathology, and shared risk factors
in a population-based sample of healthy Ontario children.
Institutes of Health Grant R01-HL093246.
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396 slee p and internalizing and ext ern a l i zi n g s y m p to m s


Sleep in Preschoolers: School

28 Readiness, Academics, Temperament,
and Behavior
Victoria J. Molfese, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, and Dennis L. Molfese

Kindergarten readiness is characterized by important achievements in the acquisition of content
knowledge and development of self-regulation skills—effortful control and executive function—
needed for controlled and focused behaviors. Development of these readiness skills begins in the
preschool period, and there is now strong evidence that these preschool skills are critically important
for children’s academic performance in kindergarten and through elementary grades. Therefore, the
focus of this chapter is on the preschool and early elementary periods (kindergarten through third
grade) and the roles that sleep habits and sleep problems play in the development of cognitive skills,
temperament, and executive functions. Research models, methods, measures and findings reported in
published literature involving young children are reviewed and integrated into a framework identifying
the influence of sleep on children’s skills and behaviors and suggesting that, at least for temperament,
child characteristics may influence sleep.
Key Words: self-regulation, effortful control, executive function, cognitive skills, school readiness,
sleep habits, sleep disordered breathing, actigraphy, sleep questionnaire, sleep log

Introduction The importance of kindergarten readiness skills

Kindergarten is an important developmental is highlighted by clear evidence that the cognitive
transition for children, as it represents the first year skills children develop through participation in
of formal education and the point at which most high quality preschool education programs influ-
children are first evaluated for school readiness. ence their academic proficiencies when measured at
School readiness has many different definitions, but kindergarten entry and in later grades (Denton &
often this term refers to the social-emotional, physi- West, 2002; National Association of the Education
cal, behavioral, and cognitive skills children need to of Young Children and National Council of
learn and function successfully in school. Children’s Teachers of Mathematics, 2002). Indeed, there is
school readiness is also related to the mechanisms growing evidence that the development of conven-
and readiness of their families, communities, and tional reading and mathematics skills are linked
schools to support and prepare young children to with specific emergent or precursor cognitive skills
learn in school (Getting Ready, 2005). Thus, the developed in the preschool period. For reading,
skills and support mechanisms that children bring the important cognitive skills include alphabetic
with them to kindergarten are critical to academic knowledge, phonological awareness and short-term
success. This reality has motivated intense interest memory, rapid automatized naming, and writing
in the preschool period as researchers, parents, edu- (National Early Literacy Panel, 2008). For math-
cators, and policy makers seek to better understand ematics, the important cognitive skills for young
how to enable children to succeed in school. children include understanding the concepts and
processes involving number, relations, and opera- Chapter 16). Actigraphs are small, portable devices
tions (National Research Council, 2009). Yet, there that sense physical motion and record information
is a growing awareness that school readiness requires useful for determining sleep onset time, sleep offset
more than emergent content knowledge. Children time, sleep duration, true sleep time (sleep duration
need to begin to develop the self-regulation skills with night wakefulness subtracted), sleep efficiency
that will enable them to successfully transition from (ratio between true sleep time and sleep duration),
prekindergarten to kindergarten and elementary longest sleep interval (longest continuous period
classrooms. Boyd and colleagues describe these scored as true sleep without identified wakening),
self-regulation skills as the ability to “pay attention, activity level (level of activity during true sleep),
remember information on purpose (and) function and number of arousals during the night. These two
socially by getting along with others, and delaying sources of information on children’s sleep can be
gratification” (p. 2, Boyd, Barnett, Bodrova, Leong, compared.
& Gomby, 2005). Self-regulation has been concep- In our research (Dayyat, Spruyt, Molfese, &
tualized as both temperamentally and cognitively Gozal, 2011) with 110 typically developing chil-
based; however, they are not interchangeable con- dren aged 3 to 9.5 years old (M = 6.6 years), sleep
structs. In a recent article, Liew (2011) conceptu- duration data were obtained using parent sleep
alized effortful control and executive functions as logs and actigraphs. Sleep duration across a 1-week
distinct constructs that are also overlapping and period averaged 8.17 hours based on actigraph data
complementary. Temperamental self-regulation, or and 10.10 hours when sleep log data were used. On
effortful control, is biologically based yet evolves average, parent sleep logs overestimated sleep dura-
through interaction with environmental forces. tion by 111 minutes when compared to actigraph
Cognitive self-regulation, or executive function, data. It appears that actigraphy might provide more
encompasses higher-order skills that are neurologi- accurate measures of sleep duration, but the use of
cally based, begin to develop in early childhood, daily sleep logs and sleep questionnaires provide
and are malleable via training or intervention (Liew, additional information from parents about a variety
2011). School readiness, then, is a combination of of dimensions of young children’s sleep (e.g., sleep
the development of cognitive skills as well as the disruptions related to illness or specific sleep habits
development of self-regulation skills needed for the related to sleeping arrangements) that are needed
controlled and focused behaviors that contribute to to obtain a fuller understanding of sleep and sleep
early academic performance. impacts on behavior.
There is evidence in a growing number of studies
Sleep in Early Childhood that many young children experience sleep prob-
The focus on this chapter is on sleep in pre- lems such as snoring or difficulty breathing, diffi-
school children and how this relates to their school culty getting to sleep at night, night awakenings,
readiness, academics, temperament, and daytime. and daytime sleepiness. This is concerning because
There is a growing body of research on the char- children with sleep problems are characterized
acteristics of sleep in this age group. It is estimated by more health and behavior problems and with
that the average 3- to 6-year-old child requires higher rates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
10 to 12 hours of nighttime sleep (Bates, Viken, der (Hiscock, Canterford, Ukoumunne, & Wake,
Alexander, Beyers, & Stockton, 2002; National 2007; V. Molfese, 2008). Hiscock et al. (2007) used
Sleep Foundation, 2004; Thiedke, 2001). However, parental reports to document sleep behaviors and
there is some uncertainty regarding how much sleep behavioral sequelae in a nationally representative
young children are actually getting at night. Sleep sample of Australian preschool children (4 to 5 years
duration is often measured in two ways. One way of age). They report that nearly 20% of children had
involves the use of parent logs to record day-by-day mild and 14% had moderate to severe sleep prob-
information across a specific period of time, such as lems. Compared to children without sleep prob-
a week. Typical information includes daily bedtime lems, those with sleep problems were more likely
and rise time, but sleep logs can also contain infor- to have physical and psychosocial problems and to
mation on hourly periods across nighttime, such as have problems related to conduct, peer relations,
between 6 pm and 6 am, in which the parent may emotions, hyperactivity/inattention, and proso-
be asked to report on whether the child is “out of cial behaviors. Sleep problems also are negatively
bed,” “in bed,” and “asleep.” Actigraphs also are used associated with children’s learning and behavior
to measure sleep duration (see Horne and Biggs, (Archbold, Giordani, Ruzicka, & Chervin, 2004;

398 slee p in pres choolers

Blunden, Lushington, & Kennedy, 2001; O’Brien daytime performance. An estimated 10% to 66%
& Gozal, 2004; Sadeh, Gruber, & Raviv, 2003). of 4- to 5-year-old children experience one or more
Understanding how this essential, biologically based SH problems (Hiscock et al., 2007; Johnson &
behavior of sleep influences young children’s cog- McMahon, 2008; Ottaviano, Giannotti, Cortesi,
nitive skills and self-regulatory behaviors enables a Bruni, & Ottaviano, 1996; Goodlin-Jones, Tang,
broader conceptualization of the critical elements Liu, & Anders, 2009; Pollock, 1994; Tikotzky &
that influence education in early childhood. Sadeh, 2001). Children characterized by SH prob-
lems in the infancy/toddler period are likely to have
Sleep Insufficiency SH problems later in the preschool period (Lam,
Sleep insufficiency, or not sleeping enough to Hiscock, & Wake, 2003; Kataria, Swanson &
be fully alert the next day, in childhood has been Trevathan, 1987; Zuckerman, Stevenson, & Bailey,
ascribed to a variety of conditions, including sleep 1987).
disordered breathing (SDB) and poor sleep habits
(SH). SDB is a condition marked by periodic apnea Sleep and Cognitive Skills
and intermittent hypoxia that is a relatively common Studies of sleep behaviors in young children
occurrence in children who are otherwise healthy. have shown the effects of sleep on cognitive skills
The symptoms of SDB include nighttime restless- (see Blunden et al., 2001 for a review, and O’Brien,
ness, daytime sleepiness and, most often, habitual Chapter 29). For example, Jones (2006) studied
snoring. While reports of snoring history are not 448 preschool and school-age children (ages 3 to
sufficient for a diagnosis of SDB, snoring is reliably 8 years) in an investigation of the relation between
present in sleep study–based diagnoses of obstruc- SH, literacy activities in the home, and children’s
tive sleep apnea (OSA); indeed, snoring indicates verbal, nonverbal, language, and visual-spatial skills.
the presence of increased upper airway resistance, Parents completed a sleep questionnaire (Gozal,
a distinctive symptom of SDB (Kuehni, Strippoli, 1998; Montgomery-Downs, O’Brien, Holbrook,
Chauliac & Silverman, 2008; Carroll, McColley, & Gozal, 2004) and a home literacy environment
Marcus & Loughlin, 1995). In population-based questionnaire (the STIM Q: Dreyer, Mendelsohn,
studies, parents report symptoms of SDB in 9% to & Tamis-LeMonda, 1996) that asked about literacy
25% of preschool children (Ali, Pitson & Strandling, materials in the home, parent–child reading activi-
1993, 1994; Castronovo, Zucconi, Nosetti, ties, availability of language-related toys and materi-
Marazzini, Hensley, Vegia, et al., 2003; Gottlieb als, and reading-related activities. SH was measured
Vezina, Chase, Lesko, Heeren, Wesse-Mayer, et al., using items from the sleep questionnaire reflecting
2003; Hiscock et al., 2007; Montgomery-Downs, sleeping arrangements (sleep alone, sleep with one to
Jones, Molfese, & Gozal, 2003). more than three others), sleep duration (4–5, 6–7,
8–9, 10–11, more than 11 hours, bedtime/wake
Sleep Insufficiency and Sleep Habits times), and sleep behaviors and symptoms of sleep
Sleep insufficiency may also arise due to prob- disorders. The verbal and nonverbal cognitive skills
lems related to the child’s resistance to going to bed/ outcome measures were assessed using Differential
sleep, multiple nighttime awakenings that require Abilities Scale scores (DAS: Elliott, 1990), and the
parental interactions, difficulty initiating or main- language and visual-spatial skills were assessed using
taining sleep, fears associated with sleeping, and a the Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment
child’s poor sleep schedule. The most common sleep (NEPSY: Korkman, Kirk, & Kemp, 1998). The
problems of young children are frequent nighttime children’s cognitive skills were related to the quality
awakenings and difficulty initiating sleep (Sadeh, of home literacy environment, but the effects of the
Mindell, Luedtke & Wiegand, 2009). Sleep prob- home literacy environment were mediated by SH.
lems such as these are described as poor sleep hab- A strong correlation (r = .78) was found between
its (SH). Poor SH are associated with “daily living SH and the home literacy environment in contrast
activities that are inconsistent with the mainte- to the weaker relation between SH and cognitive
nance of good quality sleep and full daytime alert- skills (r = .22). These findings were interpreted as
ness,” according to the International Classification showing that home literacy environment and SH
of Sleep Disorders, Revised (ICSD, 2005, p. 18). together play important roles in the development
SH is used here to refer to poor sleep habits that of cognitive skills of young children. In a follow-up
lead to insufficient nighttime sleep due to a vari- to this study, Dayyat and colleagues reported on
ety of reasons that may contribute to non-optimal race differences in the measures (Dayyat, Newland,

m o l fes e, rud a s i l l , m o l fes e 399

Bennett, Gozal, Spruyt, Molfese, & Jones, 2010). verbal, nonverbal, and overall cognitive skills using
When compared to White parents, parents of the DAS. The children’s parents completed a sleep
African-American children reported lower scores on questionnaire (Gozal, 1998; Montgomery-Downs
all the measures of the home literacy activities except et al., 2004) that requested information about the
the reading subscale and on the SH measures, and child’s typical bedtime and rise times, duration of
these scores were related to the children’s perfor- sleep, and sleep behaviors and questions related
mance on the cognitive assessments. A structural to SDB, such as snoring frequency and loudness.
equation model revealed that SH and the home lit- The sleep questionnaire also included questions
eracy environment mediated the relation between about the child’s health history (the presence of
race and cognitive scores. allergies, asthma, poor appetite, ear infections, fre-
V. Molfese and colleagues investigated the rela- quent colds/flu, constant runny nose, vision and
tion between SH (sleep duration, bedtime and rise hearing problems) and eight questions from the
time), children’s problem behaviors using items from CBCL (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000) that asked
the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL: Achenbach parents to report on their child’s characteristic lev-
& Rescorla, 2000), and children’s learning of letter els of activity. We expected to find that children
names in preschool, an important emergent cogni- grouped (high, low) based on sleep behavior scores
tive skill known to predict conventional reading reflecting SH (e.g., less than 10 hours of night time
at school age (Molfese, Beswick, Molnar, Jacobi- sleep, bedtime after 9 pm, and rise time before
Vessels, & Gozal, 2007). The children in the study 7 am) and SDB (snoring frequency and loudness)
were 4 year olds from high-poverty families who would evidence differences in their cognitive per-
were enrolled in Head Start or public prekinder- formance. This expectation was supported for the
garten programs. Parents completed a sleep ques- children with high SDB scores, who had signifi-
tionnaire (Gozal, 1998; Montgomery-Downs et al, cantly lower DAS verbal, nonverbal, and overall
2004), as well as eight questions from the CBCL to cognitive scores compared to children with low
obtain information about concentration, hyperac- SDB scores. However, group differences were not
tivity, confused behavior, involvement with others, found when children were grouped based on SH
predictable behavior, frustration tolerance, coopera- scores. While the lack of relation between SH and
tion, and energy level of the child. The study inves- cognitive scores might be due to the relatively few
tigated whether the gains children made across the SH items on the questionnaire (7 items compared
school year in learning letter names were related to to 17 items for SDB), it is clear that sleep problems
their sleep habits and the presence of behaviors that reflecting SDB were related to the measures of cog-
might interfere with classroom learning. The results nitive skills.
showed that children making small gains in letter Results from a larger longitudinal study of
identification across the school year (fall to spring Australian children reported by Hiscock et al. (2007)
gains of 0–3 letters out of a total of 15 letters) were showed that a parental report of SH was not related
characterized by shorter sleep durations (less than to children’s cognitive skills. In that study, parents
10 hours) and more problem behaviors (scores of evaluated their 4- to 5-year-old children’s sleep
“very true” on two or more of eight behaviors) com- according to whether they considered their children
pared to children making big gains (fall to spring to have a sleep problem. Parents provided holistic
gains of 4 or more letters). In this study, the associa- ratings of their children’s sleep as reflecting “no,
tion of risk conditions related to sleep duration and mild, moderate, or severe” problems. Children were
evaluations of problem behaviors show combined assessed on receptive vocabulary (Peabody Picture
relations to children’s alphabet learning. Vocabulary Test III, Dunn and Dunn, 1997) and
In some studies, direct links between sleep performance on a cognitive assessment (Who am I;
behaviors and measures of cognitive skills have not de Lemnos & Doig, 1999) that included items
been found. In one of our studies (Montgomery- related to literacy and numeracy skills. No associa-
Downs et al., 2004), we investigated the relation tion was found between the parent ratings of sleep
between sleep behaviors and general cognitive skills problems and cognitive performance. However,
in a group of 67 children (28 males, 39 females) these findings might well be due to using the holis-
aged 42 to 59 months (M = 50.52 months) who tic evaluations of sleep rather than using a question-
were at academic risk due to family poverty. The naire containing a series of questions about different
children were enrolled in Head Start and public types of sleep behaviors and a range for evaluating
prekindergarten programs and were assessed on the magnitudes of those behaviors.

40 0 slee p in pres choolers

Other researchers studying older children (9 to Gottlieb and colleagues (2003) report similar links
14 years of age) have reported somewhat mixed between parents’ ratings of child SBD behaviors and
results in relating sleep measures to different mea- behaviors in 5-year-olds in a population-based sam-
sures of cognitive skills. In the study by Meijer, ple of 205 children (Gottlieb et al., 2003). Parents
Habekothe, and van den Wittenboer (2000), 449 completed the Conners Parent Rating Scale (1997)
children completed questionnaires related to time in to evaluate attention deficit/hyperactivity and other
bed and sleep quality. The children also participated problem behaviors. Children with SDB symptoms
in an attention task and answered a questionnaire were significantly different from children without
about school functioning. The researchers reported SBD symptoms on the ADHD Index and cogni-
that the sleep questionnaire responses were not tive/inattention scales, but not on the hyperactivity
related to performance on the visual attention task scale. Montgomery-Downs et al. (2003) studied a
but were associated with general school function- community sample of 101 children ranging in age
ing, and suggested that the lack of relation between from 3 to 5 years (M = 4.2 years) from low-income
sleep and the attention task might have been due families. Children were evaluated for risk for SDB
to the nature of the task, which was short and rela- based on parental reports from a sleep questionnaire
tively simple. using two indicators: the presence of habitual snor-
ing (3 or more days per week), and snoring loudness
Indicators of Sleep Disordered Breathing (ranging from medium to extremely loud). Children
and Behavior Problems at risk for SDB were more likely to be evaluated by
There is strong evidence linking symptoms of their parents as evidencing symptoms of ADHD or
SDB and SH with problem behaviors of young chil- hyperactivity.
dren that are likely to influence learning in the class- Barnes, Huss, Garrod, et al. (2009) have also
room, particularly hyperactivity and inattention. In examined sleep quality and behaviors in 44 chil-
a study of a general pediatric population involving dren aged 4 to 8 years (M = 6.92). Based on the
866 children, Chervin, Hedger Archbold, et al. results of parental reports from a sleep questionnaire
(2002) reported that 2- to 13.9-year-old children and follow-up polysomnography, the children were
characterized by habitual snoring, daytime sleepi- identified as either “rarely” or “occasionally” snoring
ness, and overall SDB traits were more likely to be or as never snoring (the control group). While the
rated by their parents as inattentive and hyperactive snoring children did not meet diagnostic criteria for
on two scales, one derived from the Diagnostic and SDB, parents rated these children as having more
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (American behavioral problems than control children. The
Psychiatric Association, 2000) and the other from snoring children scored higher on Conners Parent
the Conners Parent Rating Scale (Conners & Rating Scales-Revised: Long (Conners, 2000) sub-
Barkley, 1985). The predicted association between scales for restlessness, cognitive problems/inat-
snoring and hyperactivity was particularly strong tention, ADHD inattentive subtype, and ADHD
among boys who were younger than 8 years old. combined subtype. Half of the snoring children
Similarly, Ali and colleagues (1994) studied a scored one standard deviation or more above aver-
longitudinal sample of children across two time age on one or more subscales. The participants
points—Time 1 when they were 4 to 5 years of also took part in an “oddball” attention task that
age (N = 782) and Time 2 when they were 6.5 to included the recording of event-related potentials
7.5 years old (N = 507). These researchers reported (ERPs). Children exhibiting snoring showed evi-
that prevalence of habitual snoring remained the dence of altered brain processing beginning very
same (roughly 12%) across the time span, as did the early in the brain response. The oddball task was
prevalence of ratings of children as hyperactive (20% more cognitively demanding for the snoring chil-
to 24%). Interestingly, the researchers reported on dren, whose brain responses reflected more delayed
cases of children who were habitual snorers at Time and effortful processing. In contrast, control chil-
1 but were no longer snoring at Time 2 (around dren who were reported to never snore processed the
50% of the cases resolved) and children who were tones more quickly, engaging higher brain regions
not reported as habitual snorers at Time 1 but who at an earlier latency than snorers. Interestingly, there
were reported as snoring at Time 2 (around 6% of were no significant differences between snoring and
the children). At both time points, children rated control children in the number of correct responses
as habitual snorers also received high ratings on or the average reaction time for correct responses
hyperactivity. during the oddball task. The attention resources of

m o l fes e, rud a s i l l , m o l fes e 401

the snoring children that were allocated to the pro- at risk for SDB may be more likely to develop day-
cessing of novel stimuli appear to be sufficient for time behavior problems related to poor SH.
behavioral responding, but required more effortful Bates and colleagues (2002) studied a com-
brain processing compared to control children. munity sample of 202 4- to 5-year-old children.
Parents completed sleep logs recording daily sleep
Sleep Habits and Behavior Problems and rise times, and sleep disruptions character-
SH problems also are associated with daytime ized by measures related to SH, such as total sleep,
sleepiness and problem behaviors. Goodlin-Jones amount and variability in nighttime sleep, bedtime
et al. (2009) studied a sample of 3- to 4-year-old variability and late bedtimes. Teachers evaluated
typically developing children (N = 69) as well as chil- school adjustment using the Preschool Adjustment
dren with autism (N = 68) and children with devel- Questionnaire (Jewsuwan, Luster & Kostelnik,
opmental delays (N = 57). Actigraphs were used to 1993) and the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire
measure sleep patterns, and parental questionnaire (Behar, 1977). Children who were reported by their
responses (Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire: teachers as having more behavioral and adjustment
Owens, Spirito, & McGuinn, 2000) were used to problems in preschool also had more sleep disrup-
measure sleep problems such as parasomnias (sleep- tions. This relation was seen even when characteris-
walking/talking, night terrors, bedwetting, restless tics that might influence children’s sleep problems,
legs) and SDB. Daytime sleepiness was measured such family stress and family management prac-
using parental responses to questions about their tices, were factored out. Touchette and colleagues
child falling asleep in everyday situations, and conducted a large longitudinal study involving over
behavior problems were measured using the CBCL 2000 families and used parental reports to obtain
(Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000). After controlling yearly measures of nighttime sleep duration on chil-
for diagnostic group and developmental age, signifi- dren between 2.5 and 5 years of age and quarterly
cant associations were found between SH, CBCL reports on children’s hyperactive behaviors between
behavior problem scores, and daytime sleepiness. 1.5 and 5 years of age (Touchette, Cote, Petit, Liu,
Interestingly, children whose parents reported that Boivin, Falissard, et al., 2009). Significant asso-
they currently had a sleep problem were more likely ciations were reported between persistent short
to fall asleep during their laboratory visit when nighttime sleep durations and high incidence of
given an opportunity to rest. hyperactive behaviors. Although the study is corre-
Witcher, Gozal, Molfese, and Crabtree (2007) lational, the authors suggest that it is hyperactivity
investigated the relationship between SH, SDB, and that interferes with nighttime sleep duration rather
problem behaviors in a sample of 100 children aged than sleep problems leading to hyperactivity.
5 to 8 years (M = 6.87 years). Parents of the chil- The Touchette et al. interpretation is interesting
dren completed the Children’s Sleep Hygiene Scale because other researchers studying children with
(CSHS; Harsh, Easley & LeBourgeois, 2002) that SBD report that treatment involving adenotonsil-
included questions on sleep behaviors rated on a six- lectomy (removal of adenoids and tonsils) resulted
point scale and the Conners Parent Rating Scales- in significant improvements in children’s behaviors,
Revised (CPRS-R: Conners & Barkley, 1985), including reduction in reported hyperactivity and
which uses a seven-point scale for ratings of physio- other externalizing behaviors and/or internalizing
logical, cognitive, emotional, and bedtime routines. behaviors (Ali, Pitson, Stradling, 1996; Friedman,
SDB status of the children was determined based Hendeles-Amitai, Kozminsky, Leiberman, Friger,
on parental reports that the children “frequently” Tarasiuk & Tal, 2003; Mitchell & Kelly, 2005,
to “almost always” snored at night. A comparison 2007; Wei, Bond, Mayo, Smith, Reese, & Weatherly,
group of 30 children (M = 7.44 years) whose parents 2009) as well as significant improvements in school
reported that they “never” snored at night was also performance measured by grades (Gozal, 1998;
studied. In the SDB group, the overall SH score was O’Brien & Gozal, 2002). While dramatic improve-
strongly and negatively correlated with many of the ments are reported for children with SDB following
CPRS-R subscales, including the ADHD Index. No adenotonsillectomy, not all children show improve-
such relations were found between the SH and the ments (Mitchell, 2007), which might be due to the
CPRS-R scores in the control group. The children presence of AHDH as suggested by Touchette et al.
with SDB had poorer SH, which also was related (2009) and Hiscock et al. (2007). However, compel-
to high ratings on daytime behavior problems. The ling evidence reported by Hiscock et al. (2007) on
findings were interpreted as showing that children the changing relations between symptoms of SBD

40 2 sle ep i n pres choolers

and the resolution of these symptoms, and the pres- the classroom, as it is associated with the ability to
ence or absence of hyperactive behaviors, reflects persist on difficult tasks, work in the face of distrac-
the interdependence of these two variables. tions, follow classroom rules, inhibit inappropri-
ate behaviors, and attend to classroom activities
Temperament (Alexander, Entwisle, & Dauber, 1993; Kendall,
Temperament is an individual’s general style of 1993; Veldman &Worsham, 1983). Recent research
responding to stimuli in the environment and refers by Rudasill, Gallagher, and White (2010) shows that
to constitutionally based individual differences children rated by mothers as having higher levels
in reactivity and regulation (Rothbart, Derryberry, of attentional focusing on the Children’s Behavior
& Hershey, 2000). According to Rothbart and Questionnaire (CBQ: Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey, &
Derryberry (1981), temperament is constitutional Fisher, 2001) at age 4.5 years performed better on
because it is, “the relatively enduring biological standardized reading and mathematics tests in 3rd
makeup of the [individual], influenced over time by grade than their peers with lower attention ratings.
heredity, maturation, and experience” (p. 40). There Findings also indicated that attentional focusing
is ample support for the stability of temperament buffered children from the negative effects of class-
through early elementary school and beyond (Caspi rooms with low levels of emotional support. Martin
& Silva, 1995; Kagan, Resnick, Snidman, Gibbons, and Holbrook (1985) examined the relationship
& Johnson, 1988; Resnick, Kagan, Snidman, between teacher ratings of 1st-grade children’s
Gersten, Baak, & Rosenberg, 1986; Rimm-Kaufman temperament using the Temperament Assessment
& Kagan, 2005; Rothbart & Posner, 2005), and its Battery (Martin, 1984) and their academic achieve-
evolution from environmental influences. ment (using grades and standardized test scores
Temperament is often conceptualized as a two- on the American School Achievement Test). They
system construct: one system is a reaction to stim- found more persistence and less distractibility were
uli in the environment (reactivity), and the other significantly and positively related to grades and
system is the regulatory function that operates on standardized achievement scores. Nelson, Martin,
reactivity (regulation) (Rothbart & Posner, 2005). Hodge, Havill, and Kamphaus (1999) examined
A child’s ability to regulate may be most critical for associations between children’s parent-rated tem-
success in school and, therefore, relevant when con- perament using the Temperament Assessment
sidering the influence of sleep and early academic Battery for Children (Martin, 1988) at age 5 and
performance. Temperamental regulation comprises their teacher-rated school performance using the
the ability to both focus and shift attention, and to Behavior Assessment System for Children (Reynolds
inhibit reactions that are not appropriate. Together, & Kamphaus, 1992) in 3rd grade. Children’s poor
these skills are often termed effortful control, “the self-regulation was positively linked to school
ability to inhibit a dominant response to perform performance problems (e.g., failure to complete
a subdominant response” (p. 137, Rothbart & assignments, difficulty following directions). Taken
Bates, 1998) and are considered to be indicators of together, existing research shows clear links between
school readiness skills, such as attention, task per- children’s temperamental regulation and academic
sistence, and constraint. To illustrate, a child who achievement in early elementary school.
displays high effortful control in the classroom will
be focused on the teacher during classroom instruc- Temperament and Sleep
tion and on task during class activities. Children Links between temperament and sleep have
experience rapid growth in regulation from age 4 to been identified in the literature (Ednick, Cohen,
7 years, concurrent with their transition to formal McPhail, Beebe, Simakajornboon, & Amin, 2009;
school (Rothbart & Bates, 2006). Goodnight, Bates, Staples, Pettit, & Dodge, 2007;
Hall, Zubrick, Silburn, Parsons, & Kurinczuk,
Temperament, Academic Achievement, 2007; Sakimura, Dang, Ballard, & Hansen, 2008;
and Sleep Simard, Nielsen, Tremblay, Boivin, & Montplaisir,
There is a long history of researchers investigating 2008). Yet it remains unclear whether temperament
relations between temperament and school perfor- influences sleep, sleep influences temperament, or
mance, and a growing literature that relates tem- there is a bidirectional relationship between the
perament and sleep habits. For example, research two. Given the conceptualization of temperament
relating temperament and school performance shows as biologically based individual differences in reac-
that children’s effortful control has implications in tivity and regulation (Rothbart & Bates, 2006) that

m o l fes e, rud a s i l l , m o l fes e 403

inform affect, attention, and behavior (Rothbart, Researchers examined cortisol levels as correlates of
Ahadi, & Evans, 2000), it seems natural to expect problematic napping. Actigraph information was
temperament to influence sleep. Indeed, Scher, Hall, collected on children for 3 consecutive nights. In
Zaidman-Zait, and Weinberg (2010) and Sadeh, addition, parents completed a sleep diary and the
Lavie, and Scher (1994) have found support for Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (Bloom,
this relationship. For example, a child who is highly Owens, McGuinn, Nobile, Schaeffer, & Alario,
sensitive may be more likely to experience sleep dis- 2002). Observers measured naptime sleep behav-
ruptions from fears or environmental noises (Carey, iors at daycare during 15-minute intervals across a
2005). On the other hand, the regulatory compo- 2.5-hour period. Children were coded during this
nent of temperament develops across time, particu- period as sleeping, lying still, restless, or receiving
larly during early childhood, in part as a result of teacher attention. Salivary cortisol was collected in
children’s experiences (Rothbart & Bates, 2006). the morning and after naptime on two consecutive
In this way, sleep may be conceptualized as con- days. Parents completed a short-form of the CBQ
tributing to downstream regulatory development. (Rothbart et al., 2001) to assess children’s tempera-
For instance, a tired child is more likely to display ment. Parents rated problem nappers as higher in
inappropriate classroom behavior than a child who negative affect and lower in effortful control than
is properly rested (Lavigne, Arend, Rosenbaum, & nonproblem nappers.
Smith, 1999; Owens-Stively et al., 1997). Indeed, Bruni, Ferini-Strambi, Russo, et al. (2006)
temperament is dynamic and temperamental pre- examined connections between sleep quality and
dispositions are not blueprints for outcomes, but children’s academic skills and temperament with a
rather risk or protective factors that interact with sample of 264 older children, ages 8 to 11 years.
other environmental features leading to outcomes. Sleep quality was assessed through parent report on
Therefore, it is critical to consider temperament the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children, a 26-item
when seeking to understand associations between scale querying parents on children’s sleep behavior
sleep and self-regulation, as literature supports tem- and problems over the past 6 months. Academic
perament as a predictor (e.g., Novosad, Freudigman, skills were assessed with teacher report on four items
& Thoman, 1999), an outcome (Ednick et al., measuring reading ability, reading comprehen-
2009), and a moderator (Goodnight et al., 2007) of sion, mathematics, and executive ability. Academic
sleep in childhood. behavior was measured via teacher report on the
Teacher Temperament Questionnaire (Thomas &
Concurrent Associations between Sleep and Chess, 1977). Results indicated that sleep quality
Temperamental Self-Regulation was negatively related to task orientation, a tem-
Several studies have shown connections between perament dimension where a higher score suggests
mother reports of temperament (particularly nega- a child has better skills at paying attention and stay-
tive emotionality) and mother reports of sleep prob- ing on task. In addition, poorer sleep was a negative
lems in children from preschool to 8 years (Carey, predictor of academic skills. Together, these studies
1974; Owens-Stively et al., 1997; Sadeh et al., provide support for concurrent associations between
1994; Schaefer, 1990; Van Tassel, 1985; Weissbluth, sleep and children’s self-regulation. However, the
Davis, & Poncher, 1984; Weissbluth & Liu, 1983; correlational nature of these studies leaves the direc-
Zuckerman et al., 1987). For example, a recent study tion of this relationship unclear.
with 27 healthy toddlers aged 12–36 months was
reported by Scher and colleagues (2010) to show Longitudinal Studies of Sleep and
clear associations between sleep quality measured Temperamental Self-Regulation
with actigraphy over 3 nights and self-regulatory Mounting evidence points to the likelihood that
behavior in daycare based on two measures: par- indicators of sleep problems measured early in life
ent reports on the Toddlers’ Behavior Assessment are related to temperamental regulation measured
Questionnaire (Goldsmith, 1996) and teacher in later childhood or adolescence. For example, a
reports on the Teacher Daily Report (Bates et al., recent longitudinal study of 25 mothers and their
2002). Children with more efficient sleep (i.e., less children by Van den Bergh and Mulder (2012)
fragmented) had less anger and more inhibitory examined fetal transitions from quiet to active sleep
control, based on parent report. as measured by 2-hour monitoring of fetal activity
Ward, Gay, Alkon, Anders, and Lee (2008) stud- when mothers were near the end of gestation. When
ied 54 children ages 3 to 5 years in full-time daycare. the children were 8 to 9 years old, and again when

40 4 slee p in pres choolers

they were 12 to 14 years old, mother reports of temperament (Novosad et al., 1999). Goodnight
their children’s effortful control were obtained using et al. (2007) examined resistance to control, a tem-
the CBQ (Rothbart et al., 2001) and the Early perament construct conceptualized as encompass-
Adolescence Temperament Questionnaire (Capaldi ing both reactivity and regulation, as a moderator
& Rothbart, 1992). Faster fetal transitions (i.e., of the association between sleep difficulties and
greater sleep maturity) from quiet to active sleep downstream externalizing behaviors. With a longi-
predicted better effortful control, above and beyond tudinal sample of 556 children followed from 5 to
the effects of other correlates of self-regulation 9 years of age, Goodnight et al. (2007) found child-
such as maternal education, as well as the effects of hood resistance to control, rated by mothers when
maternal age, use of alcohol or tobacco during preg- children were approximately 5 years old using the
nancy, neonatal birth weight, and 5-minute Apgar Retrospective Infant Characteristics Questionnaire
scores. This evidence suggests that effortful control (Bates, Pettit, Dodge, & Ridge, 1998), was posi-
and sleep maturity may stem from the same mecha- tively related to parent-reported sleep problems
nism. Rather than one influencing the other, it is using three items from the CBCL at 5, 6, and
possible that they amplify each other. 8 years of age. Sleep problems were also positively
Zuckerman et al. (1987) studied 308 mothers related to externalizing behaviors, as reported by
and their children from age 8 months to 3 years. teachers using the CBCL, at ages 5 to 9 years. For
Sleep difficulties at 8 months were assessed with a children with higher levels of resistance to control
semistructured interview with mothers querying at age 5, the link between growth in sleep problems
infant sleep behavior over the previous 7 days and and externalizing behavior was stronger than for
at age 3 years, behavioral outcomes were assessed children with lower levels of resistance to control
with mother reports on the Behavioral Screening at age 5.
Questionnaire (BSQ: Richman & Graham, 1971), Indicative of the uncertainty in the field as to
without the sleep items. The BSQ items measured whether temperament is a predictor or result of sleep
behaviors such as peer and sibling relationships, problems, Reid, Hong, and Wade (2009) investi-
attention span, activity level, difficulty in manage- gated temperamental difficulty as a predictor of
ment, temper tantrums, and fears. Children with sleep problems and emotional/behavioral problems.
persistent sleep problems (i.e., problems at both Thus, Reid et al. (2009) conceptualized temperament
8 months and 3 years) were more likely to have self- as a predictor of sleep problems, sleep problems as
regulation problems at 3 years; specifically, these predictors of self-regulation, and difficult tempera-
children were more likely to be rated as difficult to ment as a predictor of behavior problems including
manage and to have more temper tantrums than those characteristics of self-regulatory challenges
children with sleep problems at 8 months only. such as impulsivity and inattention. With a large
Gregory and O’Connor (2002) provide evidence sample of 3050 children ages 2 and 3 years, Reid
of sleep problems as influencing later issues with et al. (2009) used parent report on CBCL to assess
self-regulation, as measured with the CBCL with emotional and behavioral problems of children,
a sample of 490 children and their parents. Sleep such as clinginess, sadness, impulsivity, and inatten-
problems at 4 years of age measured with parent tion. Parents rated children’s problems in getting to
report on the sleep problems scale of the CBCL sleep and staying asleep with four items measuring
were positively related to attention and aggression trouble falling and staying asleep. Difficult temper-
problems in mid-adolescence (using attention and ament was assessed based on parent report on 10
aggression scale items of the CBCL) after control- items from the Infant Characteristics Questionnaire
ling for sex, measures of attention or aggression at (Bates, Freeland, & Lounsbury, 1979). Difficult
4 years of age, and adoptive status. Although these temperament was found to be a predictor of both
studies cannot definitively point to sleep problems sleep problems and emotional/behavioral problems.
as causing self-regulatory difficulties, their longitu- Difficult temperament also was significantly associ-
dinal nature provides temporal evidence to support ated with both emotional and behavioral problems,
this direction of effects. and sleep problems were significantly associated
with both emotional and behavioral problems. In
temperament as a moderator or addition, difficult temperament was a positive pre-
mediator of sleep and self-regulation dictor of behavior problems.
It has been proposed that sleep problems Together, these studies highlight the complexity
amplify traits that are indicative of more difficult of children’s sleep and temperamental regulation,

m o l fes e, rud a s i l l , m o l fes e 405

suggesting that they bidirectionally influence each cases, sleep restriction usually arises from late bed-
other while simultaneously setting the stage for times rather than from early rise times. Sleep restric-
amplified effects in conditions where sleep or tem- tion is hypothesized to result in sleep insufficiencies
peramental regulation is less than optimal. that impact the child’s ability to attend to classroom
studies or other activities that place heavy process-
Sleep and Preschool Executive ing demands on the child’s cognitive abilities and
Function Skills increase incidence of poor task performance, acting
There is a large body of research investigating out, and restless behaviors. Increases in processing
the role that executive function (EF) skills play in demands related to sleep restriction were studied
problem solving and task performance (see O’Brien, by examining children’s performance during two
Chapter 29). Executive function skills include the study phases. Phase one was a 1-week baseline
ability to initiate, shift, inhibit, and sustain atten- period in which children followed their typical sleep
tion, as well as to plan, organize, and develop strate- routines. This baseline phase was followed by the
gies or rules. An extensive research literature links second phase during the following week in which
EF skills and neuropsychological (brain region) the children’s sleep routine was restricted by 1 hour
functioning and identifies developmental changes in per night for 1 week. During this phase children
EF skills with notable changes occurring between 2 went to bed 1 hour later than they did when they
and 5 years (e.g., Baddeley, 1998; Zelazo & Muller, followed their usual sleep routine but the children
2002). Indeed, it is now evident that EF skills in the got up at the same time, effectively reducing their
preschool years resemble those of older children and sleep duration. This sleep-time, rise-time routine is
that EF skills are directly linked to academic perfor- “family friendly,” because by utilizing the children’s
mance (e.g., Espy, McDiarmid, Cwik, Senn, Hamby, usual rise time family routines can be maintained
& Stalets, 2004; Klein & Bisanz, 2000). The early in the mornings when children must depart for
childhood years appear to constitute a unique period school/daycare and parent(s) must depart for work.
of development in which sleep adequacy may be par- Children’s compliance with the study phases were
ticularly important to brain functioning, especially verified in this research using sleep logs kept by par-
in the prefrontal cortex (Gozal, Row, Schurr, & ents and actigraphs worn by children that record a
Gozal 2001). A theoretical framework has linked the variety of sleep and activity measures.
effects of sleep to prefrontal cortex function, a par- Molfese, Ivanenko, Fonaryova Key, et al. (2012)
ticularly important brain region due to its involve- used this methodology to study six children ranging
ment in executive function and other complex in age from 6.6 to 8.3 years. The children underwent
cognitive skills (Horne, 1988; Harrison & Horne, polysomnographic screening to establish that their
1997; Sadeh, Gruber, & Raviv, 2002). Indeed, since sleep patterns were normal and then participated in
the prefrontal cortex matures later than other corti- the two phases of the study. The impact of typical
cal regions, it is possible that differences in the rates sleep compared to restricted sleep on brain process-
of maturation of different brain regions enhance the ing was investigated using event-related potentials
vulnerability of the prefrontal cortex to the effects of (ERPs). These ERPs were recorded using a geodesic
sleep deprivation (Fuster, 1997). 128 high-density array electrode net that measured
Molfese, Gozal, and Molfese (2004) have brain responses evoked during the children’s per-
engaged in several investigations of the impact of formance on three tasks that varied in processing
sleep on brain processes and behaviors in commu- demands. Task 1 utilized the standard oddball para-
nity samples of typically developing young children digm (Sangal & Sangal, 1997) known to measure
(6 to 9 years of age). The purpose of these studies attention-related neurocognitive components. The
was to gain information from manipulating sleep oddball paradigm is based on the detection of infre-
adequacy through “mild sleep loss”—defined in quent tones (1000 Hz tones presented on 30% of
these studies is a 1-hour reduction in sleep time per trials) that appear among a series of frequent tones
night for one week. Children frequently face mild (1500 Hz tones presented on 70% of trials). Task 2
sleep restrictions due to a host of pressures, such as involved a simple speech perception task in which
demands of homework, school activities, peer inter- six consonant-vowel (CV) syllables (ba, da, ga, bu,
actions, and family activities. These events work du, gu) were used to measure auditory discrimina-
to reduce the number of hours of nighttime sleep tion (D. Molfese, 1978). Task 3 used a Directional
that children experience from day to day or week to Stroop paradigm to measure two executive function
week, as well as children’s sleep schedules. In such skills—working memory and inhibitory control

40 6 sle ep i n pres choolers

(Davidson, Cruess, Diamond, O’Craven, & Savoy, peak brain waves reflect increases in brain activation
1999). The Directional Stroop paradigm is specifi- due to the task condition. These findings confirmed
cally designed for young children who cannot read the earlier findings that sleep loss negatively impacts
and is a nonreading form of the classic Stroop task the cognitive functioning of children engaged in
(Stroop, 1935) that involves reading color words tasks with high demands on working memory and
correctly regardless of the color of the printed word. inhibition.
The Directional Stroop task has three conditions: Barnes, Gozal, and Molfese (2012) studied 14
in the congruent condition, the child presses a but- children (9 females) aged 4 to 8 years (M = 6.2
ton on the same side of the display that a stimulus years) with suspected obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
appears (e.g., a gray circle presented on the right side and 14 matched controls. All children underwent
of the screen requires pressing the right button); in several assessments, including overnight polysom-
the incongruent condition, the child presses a but- nography to verify sleep classification as OSA or
ton on the opposite side of the display when a dif- control, neurocognitive testing on the scales within
ferent stimulus is presented (e.g., a striped circle on the NEPSY domains of attention/executive func-
the right side of the screen requires pressing a button tion and memory and learning, as well as partici-
on the left); and in the mixed condition there are pation in the Directional Stroop test while ERPs
randomly ordered presentations of congruent and were recorded. Children with OSA were found to
incongruent trials. Changes in ERP brain responses score significantly lower on NEPSY subtests. The
following the 1-week baseline condition were ERP responses during the Directional Stroop task
compared to ERP responses following the 1-week were found to reflect increased activation across
restricted sleep condition. Overall, the pattern of more brain areas, possibly reflecting more effortful
ERP activation showed reductions in ERP ampli- processing relative to the controls. Further, the ERP
tudes across brain regions for all tasks following the variables were found to be related to group differ-
week of restricted sleep. The most marked changes ences (OSA versus controls) in scores on NEPSY.
were noted for the Directional Stroop task on the Gottlieb and colleagues (2003) also investigated
mixed condition, which has the most processing the relation between SBD and young children’s per-
demands. Marked decreases in ERP activation were formance on executive function tasks. They stud-
particularly identifiable, and were interpreted as ied 5-year-old children with and without parental
reflecting impairments in the children’s abilities to reports of SBD (habitual snoring, loud or noisy
respond to heavy demands on memory, attention, breathing, and witnessed apneas). The NEPSY assess-
and inhibitory skills following sleep restriction. ments in the attention and executive core domain
A second study (Osborne, Romas, Gozal, (tower, auditory attention, visual attention) and the
Molfese, & Molfese, 2008) examined the effects of memory core domain (memory for faces, memory
sleep restriction on the performance of 25 children for names, and narrative memory) were used along
between 5 and 8 years old (M = 6.69 years) on a with a continuous performance test (Catch the Cat)
visual attention task. The NEPSY (Korkman et al., as a measure of sustained attention. The children
1998) visual attention task is appropriate for chil- also completed the Wechsler Preschool and Primary
dren aged 5 to 12 years and is designed to measure Scale of Intelligence, Revised (WPPSI-R: Wechsler,
the speed and accuracy with which a child can scan 1989). The children with SBD had significantly
an array and locate a target. Children also partici- poorer scores on all of the NEPSY measures, as well
pated in the Directional Stroop (described above), as lower scores on the WPPSI, but not on the con-
in which 128 high-density array electrode nets were tinuous performance test. These findings reinforce
used to record brain processing during the task. the important connections between SBD and per-
Results showed no differences due to sleep restric- formance on assessments of executive function as
tion on the visual attention tasks, possibly because well as on assessments of the general cognitive skills
the task demands were not sufficiently complex, reflected in tests of intelligence.
but there were differences in the expected direction Other researchers have investigated the relations
in brain responses during the Directional Stroop between quality and quantity of sleep and perfor-
task. Specifically, children generated larger positive mance on working memory tests. Working memory
amplitude peaks during the mixed condition over refers to the ability to hold information in mind and
the frontal and central brain regions, while generat- work with it to relate one idea to another, doing
ing larger negative peaks over parietal and occipital mental problem solving, or holding a string of facts
brain regions. The increases in the amplitudes of the in memory. Steenari, Vuontela, Paavonen, Carlson,

m o l fes e, rud a s i l l , m o l fes e 407

Fjällberg, and Arone (2003) studied a nonclini- link between SDB and poor cognitive performance
cal sample of 60 children ranging in age from 6 to is more consistent. Several studies report that sleep
13 years (M = 9.9 years). Measures of sleep quality habits in combination with other variables (such
and quantity were determined from actigraphy and as activities in the home environment) influence
parents kept logs of sleep and wake times. Children children’s performance on the cognitive measures.
wore the actigraph for a 3-day period beginning one Investigations of the relations between tempera-
day before participation in the working memory mental self-regulation and sleep provide evidence
tasks, and continuously until the task participation of concurrent and predictive associations, as well
was completed. The working memory tasks were as evidence of bidirectional effects on measures of
visual and auditory versions of the n-back task with children’s behavior problems. Studies indicate that
three different memory load levels. In n-back tasks, the specific measures used to document sleep hab-
children hear a list (e.g., a string of letters or num- its and SDB influence findings such that the use of
bers) and must repeat the item corresponding to more detailed questionnaires and combinations of
“n” steps earlier in the list. Both low sleep efficiency measures of sleep (e.g., questionnaires, sleep diaries
and long sleep latency were associated with poorer or logs, actigraphs, and polysomnography) are more
performance on the working memory tasks. Shorter consistently related to the children’s task perfor-
sleep time was related to poorer performance on the mance than those employing holistic evaluations or
memory tasks but only at the most difficult level. questionnaires with few items. Results from some
The findings from both studies show that brain studies showed that the effects of mild sleep restric-
processing is less than optimal during periods of tion are detectable in measures of brain processing
even minor sleep reduction or shorter sleep time. reflecting increased processing effort and poorer
Mild sleep restriction procedures may mimic condi- performance on executive function tasks involving
tions occurring in children’s real lives and appear to working memory, inhibitory control, and attention.
impose substantial alterations in brain responses on While the work reviewed here strongly suggests that
cognitive tasks with increasing processing demands. young children’s sleep influences their cognitive
The long-term implications of sleep restrictions or skills and behaviors, there is still much to be learned
short sleep time on synaptic organization and func- in order for a coherent picture to emerge.
tion during critical periods of brain development
are currently unknown. However, the findings Future Directions
described here provide initial insights and a major There is a growing interest in and understanding
impetus to investigate this important topic further. of the preschool period as a critical developmental
period with implications for academic performance
Conclusions in kindergarten and the early elementary grades.
The studies reviewed in this chapter were selected Yet, just as development in the preschool period is
to highlight our understanding of how sleep habits related to and often predictive of development in
and sleep problems are related to the cognitive skills subsequent periods, so too is the development in
and the controlled and focused behaviors that are infancy and toddlerhood (or roughly from the age
important for young children’s success in school. at which motor skills develop that enable the child
The articles reviewed have included young children, to have more independent explorations), which
roughly 3- to 8-year-olds, and their families in their are critical parts of the developmental progres-
studies of sleep problems, including snoring and sion. There is still relatively little published sleep
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), and sleep habits research on infants and toddlers. The critical impor-
that result in sleep insufficiency. From these studies tance of this developmental period is related to the
there is a preponderance of evidence that sleep prob- rapid growth of cognitive and motor skills as well
lems and sleep habits are associated with health and as changes in self-regulation behaviors and sleep
behavior problems such as hyperactivity, inatten- habits. However, few studies have been published
tion, and school adjustment, and with poorer cog- that explore longitudinal and predictive relations
nitive skills. However, there also is evidence across between early sleep habits and temperamental and
studies that the associations are not always straight- cognitive self-regulation.
forward. For example, not all of the studies reviewed A study by Bernier, Carlson, Bordeleau and
show the expected relations between poor sleep hab- Carrier (2010) demonstrates the importance
its and poor cognitive performance, although the of the infancy and toddlerhood period in

40 8 slee p in pres choolers

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of sleep on executive functions “(set) in motion a Barnes, M. E., Gozal, D., & Molfese, D. L. (2012). Attention
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Neurocognitive Implications
Louise M. O’Brien

Childhood sleep disruption is highly prevalent in today’s society due to multiple school and personal
demands, clinical sleep disorders, and family schedules. Accumulating literature suggests that sleep
disruption is associated with multiple behavioral, emotional, and cognitive deficits. Clearly, insults
during childhood that affect learning and academic performance have great potential to impact
educational achievement and subsequent career direction later in life. Although longitudinal studies
are lacking and it is currently unclear whether sleep disruption truly causes cognitive deficits, small
studies suggest that treating the underlying sleep disorder may improve cognitive ability. If so, poor
sleep during the childhood years could have a major impact on public health. This chapter will review
current literature that has investigated the associations between sleep disruption and cognition
in children.
Key Words: intelligence, memory, executive function, sleep disruption, sleep disordered breathing

Introduction is also a significant risk factor for obstructive sleep

In recent years there has been a focus on the con- apnea. Unsurprisingly, poor sleep in childhood has
sequences of poor sleep in children. Sleep disruption, a significant impact on parental sleep and thus sub-
whether attributable to a clinical sleep disorder, a sequent family functioning. Pediatric sleep distur-
medical disorder, or to poor sleep hygiene, is associ- bances affect a large proportion of families (Owens,
ated with a wide range of behavioral, cognitive, emo- 2008) yet few health care providers are equipped
tional, and cardiovascular outcomes (Bhattacharjee, with the knowledge or training to screen, identify,
Kim, Kheirandish-Gozal, & Gozal, 2011; O’Brien, and treat such problems. Adequate sleep is consid-
2009). Academic achievement may also be affected, ered essential for development and while multiple
which has a potentially long-term impact on future studies have shown associations with poor school
success (Beebe, 2011). Over the past several decades performance and neurocognitive assessments—
the amount of time that children devote to sleep- see Beebe, 2011, for a comprehensive review—the
ing has declined, likely related to demanding school particular cognitive domains affected by poor sleep
schedules, after-school activities, and significant use are not well characterized in children. This chapter
of technology in the bedroom. Moreover, in paral- will focus on neurocognitive consequences of sleep
lel with the reduction in sleep duration, the preva- disruption in children.
lence of obesity has risen across age groups (Van
Cauter & Knutson, 2008). Obesity has been pos- Prevalence of Sleep Disruption
tulated to be a direct consequence of sleep restric- As reviewed in earlier chapters, sleep prob-
tion (Knutson, Spiegel, Penev, & Van Cauter, 2007; lems are common in children. Although highly
Landhuis, Poulton, Welch, & Hancox, 2008) and it prevalent—with estimates suggesting around 25%

of all children (Blunden et al., 2004; Owens, episodic memory (memory for past events) and
2008)—such difficulties are rarely queried at pedi- semantic memory (memory for general knowledge)
atric visits nor brought up by the parents (Blunden (Tulving, 1985). In contrast, nondeclarative mem-
et al., 2004). Data from the National Sleep ory may be considered nonconscious and includes
Foundation’s Sleep In America Poll 2004 (www. procedural memory, the learning of habits and
sleepfoundation.org), a telephone survey of a rep- skills, as well as priming, or perceptual memory. In
resentative sample of the United States, found that addition, there is also working memory, a form of
70% of parents reported sleep difficulties in their short-term memory for manipulation of informa-
child at least a few nights per week but <15% were tion in order to perform tasks such as reasoning and
asked about a sleep problem by their pediatrician. comprehension (Becker & Morris, 1999). The cog-
In addition, approximately one-third of parents nitive processes involved include the executive and
reported that their child sleeps less than the parent attention control of short-term memory, which pro-
believes they should. Lack of awareness of appro- vides for the integration, processing, and retrieval of
priate sleep durations and difficulty in recognition information.
of clinical sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep
apnea, restless leg syndrome, insomnia, circadian Executive Function
rhythm disorder, or even narcolepsy, suggests that Executive function is essentially a cognitive
a large proportion of children have unrecognized system that controls and manages other cognitive
sleep deprivation or disruption. Such disruption has processes, such as planning, working memory, atten-
been shown to be associated with many morbidities tion, problem solving, verbal reasoning, inhibition,
including cognitive dysfunction. mental flexibility, and multitasking (Lezak, 1995).
The term executive function is used to describe the
Cognition ability to develop and sustain an organized and flex-
There are many definitions of cognition. For ible approach to problem solving (Goldberg, 2001;
the purposes of this chapter, cognition is defined Lezak, 1995). Executive functions are located pri-
as a mental process by which knowledge and com- marily in the prefrontal areas of the frontal lobe,
prehension are acquired. This includes awareness, particularly the prefrontal cortex. Such areas have
perception, intuition, thinking, remembering, rea- many connections with other areas of the brain.
soning, and problem solving. These are higher-level
functions of the brain and encompass language, Intelligence
imagination, perception and planning. One of the The term cognition is often used interchangeably
fundamental roles of sleep is believed to be in learn- with intelligence although they are not the same.
ing, memory consolidation, and brain plasticity Cognitive processes typically show an age-dependent
(Walker, 2009), and thus sleep disruption has the performance increase, whereas intelligence typically
potential to impair cognition during wake. refers to developmental differences between indi-
viduals (Anderson, 2005). Furthermore, cognitive
Memory processes can be influenced by intelligence. While
There are now a wealth of data on the associa- lower-order cognitive processes, which include per-
tions between sleep and memory, mostly from adult ceptual motor learning, visual short-term memory,
subjects. Evidence is strongly supportive of a role and selective attention, can be measured by tasks
for sleep in memory and in the underlying neu- such as reaction times or problem solving, intelli-
ral plasticity of animals and humans (Stickgold & gence, on the other hand, is indirectly inferred via
Walker, 2005a, 2005b; Walker & Stickgold, 2006). psychometric testing. A detailed discussion of the
Few studies exist in children and most of these focus associations between sleep, cognition, and intelli-
on memory impairment as a consequence of sleep gence is beyond the scope of this chapter but can
disordered breathing (see later in this chapter for a be found in a recent article (Geiger, Achermann, &
full discussion). The term “memory” is rather broad Jenni, 2010).
since it includes several distinct abilities that can be
tested individually and can be selectively impaired. Neurocognitive Assessment
Memory is typically classified as a distinction Most forms of cognition involve multiple cogni-
between declarative and nondeclarative memory tive functions working together. Nonetheless, tests
(Squire & Zola, 1996). Declarative memory— can be organized into broad categories based on
fact-based memory—can be subcategorized as the particular cognitive function that they assess.

o’ b ri en 415
Of note, different aspects or different versions of Sleep Deprivation and Restriction
the same test may be used to assess different cog- The vast majority of literature regarding sleep
nitive functions. The main cognitive domains deprivation and restriction has come from studies
include intelligence, memory, language, visuospa- of adults (Pilcher & Huffcutt, 1996; Reynolds &
tial, attention, and executive functions. Each one Banks, 2010). Of note, sleep fragmentation is now
of these domains has been shown to be impacted believed to exert a similar effect on daytime function
by sleep disruption and will be summarized below. as does sleep deprivation (Bonnet & Arand, 2003).
Commonly used neurocognitive tests are shown in With today’s 24-hour lifestyle and social media use
Table 29.1. even in young children, there is likely to be a huge

Table 29.1 Summary of Frequently Used Neurocognitive Tests

Test Description

Children’s Memory Scale (CMS) Validated measure of general, verbal, and visual memory.

Continuous Performance Test (CPT) Can be visual and/or auditory. Validated computer test
to assess attention, impulsivity, vigilance, and executive
functions. Common CPTs include the Conners CPT, the
Integrated Visual and Auditory CPT (IVA), and the Test
of Variables of Attention (TOVA). The TOVA is often
used in the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity

Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment Validated series of neuropsychological tests across several

(NEPSY) domains, designed to test cognitive functions not typically
covered by general ability or achievement batteries.
Domains include attention/executive function, language,
sensorimotor, visuospatial, learning, and memory.

Differential Ability Scales (DAS) Validated scale which measures a variety of cognitive
abilities including verbal and visual working memory,
immediate and delayed recall, visual recognition and
matching, processing and naming speed, phonological
processing, and understanding of basic number concepts.
Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) Validated tool for assessing cognitive ability and mental
processing, with minimal language requirements.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) Validated tool for assessing verbal intelligence
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Validated intelligence/IQ test designed to test intelligence
in four areas including verbal reasoning, quantitative
reasoning, abstract and visual reasoning, and short-term
memory skills.
Test of Everyday Attention for Children, The Measure to assess the ability of children to selectively attend,
(TEA–Ch) sustain, divide, and switch attention.
Wechsler Individualized Achievement Test (WIAT) Tool to assess the academic achievement of children,
adolescents, college students, and adults.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 3rd edition Validated intelligence/IQ test that does not require reading
(WISC-III) or writing. Includes full scale IQ as well as verbal and
performance IQ.
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Validated intelligence/IQ test for young children. Includes
3rd edition (WPPSI-III) full scale IQ as well as verbal and performance IQ.
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning Tool to assess memory function in children, adolescents,
(WRAML-2) and adults. Includes a general memory index as well
as a verbal and visual memory, and an attention/
concentration index.

416 neu rocog nitive implications

personal, societal, and economic impact of insuf- between the ages of 2–6 years, short sleep duration,
ficient sleep on behavior, emotional regulation, especially before the age of 41 months, was associ-
and cognition at critical developmental periods. ated with externalizing problems and lower cogni-
Insufficient sleep can result from socially induced tive performance on neurodevelopmental tests at
reduction of sleep time that occurs in many children school entry (Touchette et al., 2007). Specifically,
related to homework requirements, after-school after adjustment for covariates, short sleep duration
activities, increased television, cellphone, and social in early childhood tripled the risk for low perfor-
media usage (see Gradisar and Short, Chapter 11). mance on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, a
Insufficient sleep in children has been shown to com- test of receptive vocabulary, and more than doubled
promise school performance with poorer learning, the risk for scoring low on a block design test to
memory, and attention, and unfortunately occurs evaluate nonverbal intellectual skills. The authors
at a time when successful academic performance is postulated that language acquisition and consolida-
essential; for review see Beebe, 2011. Furthermore, tion of new words into memory may be significantly
there are many homes where both parents need to impaired by chronic short sleep duration through-
work, and good childhood sleep hygiene practices out childhood and further suggested that there may
are often overlooked while juggling work, shifts, be a critical window for cognitive development that
and raising a family. may be jeopardized by short sleep duration.
Most work on pediatric sleep deprivation, restric- Subsequent work has shown that there are strong
tion, and fragmentation has been conducted on associations between sleep disturbances in kinder-
older children and adolescents; however, there are garten and failure to qualify for first grade (Ravid,
several reports that suggest sleep in both preterm and Afek, Suraiya, Shahar, & Pillar, 2009a). In addition,
term newborns is correlated with mental develop- children who failed 1st-grade achievement tests
ment later in infancy (Beckwith & Parmelee, 1986; were more likely to have sleep disturbance such as
Borghese, Minard, & Thoman, 1995; Freudigman increased sleep latency, increased arousals, and lower
& Thoman, 1993; Piteo, Kennedy, et al., 2011; sleep efficiency compared to other children (Ravid,
Piteo, Lushington et al., 2011; Scher, Steppe, & Afek, Suraiya, Shahar, & Pillar, 2009b). In the latter
Banks, 1996). Although a recent study did not find study, significant positive correlations were found
a relationship between infant sleep and cognitive between sleep quality and quantity with continuous
development at 12 months, it did find a relation- performance tests of attention and IQ, and signifi-
ship with emotional regulation (Spruyt et al., 2008). cant negative correlations were found with noctur-
Infant sleep regulation using parent sleep diary at nal awakenings and sleep latency. Notably, children
12 and 18 months old and subsequent executive with sleep disturbances suggestive of insomnia or
functions at 18–26 months old found that higher parasomnias had significantly lower performance
proportions of total sleep occurring at night at both IQ, verbal IQ, and global IQ, and shorter attention
12 and 18 months of age were related to better per- span. Excessive daytime sleepiness was also associ-
formance on executive tasks, especially those involv- ated with lower intelligence test scores. Perhaps
ing a strong impulse control component (Bernier, somewhat counterintuitive is the finding that greater
Carlson, Bordeleau, & Carrier, 2010). Most asso- daytime napping in young children is associated
ciations were independent of family socioeconomic with worse cognitive performance (Lam, Mahone,
status, prior mental development, and concurrent Mason, & Scharf, 2011). However, this study also
verbal ability. These findings add to previous results found that daytime napping was negatively associ-
with school-age children in suggesting that sleep ated with nighttime sleep, suggesting that perhaps
favors the development of higher-order cognitive greater nighttime sleep facilitates cognitive perfor-
functions requiring prefrontal cortex involvement, mance and reduces the need for daytime napping,
with the possibility that sleep–wake may be inde- after accounting for developmental stage.
pendently related to later neurocognitive develop- The majority of work on reduced sleep time and
ment. However, there is currently insufficient data associated daytime sleepiness and cognitive dysfunc-
to conclude that a causal relationship exists. For a tion has been conducted in school-age children and
review on this topic the reader is referred to Ednick adolescents. In a large community study of 1000
et al., 2009. elementary school children, designed to investi-
Few studies have investigated the relationships gate sleep quality and quantity, Kahn et al. (1989)
between sleep and cognition in young preschool chil- found that those with parentally reported poor
dren. In one study of almost 1500 young children sleep had worse academic performance and 21%

o’ b ri en 417
had failed one or more years at school compared of words) and other tasks of cognition and atten-
to those without reported sleep difficulties. These tion, but another study from the same authors
findings have been supported in subsequent work (Carskadon, Harvey, & Dement, 1981b) found a
where later bedtimes and shorter sleep duration significant reduction in working memory following
were associated with lower academic achievement total sleep deprivation. The authors concluded from
in high school students (Wolfson & Carskadon, this that children appear to tolerate a single night of
1998). Even among students without a history of sleep restriction relatively well, and that relevant dif-
academic difficulty, reduction of sleep opportunity ferences might only emerge after prolonged periods
has a direct effect on teacher-rated academic per- of restricted sleep or total sleep deprivation. To date,
formance (Fallone, Acebo, Seifer, & Carskadon, most studies support the hypothesis that sleep facili-
2005; see Buckhalt, Chapter 21; Molfese, Rudasill tates both working memory and memory consoli-
and Molfese, Chapter 28; and Au, Appleman, and dation in children and adolescents, with complex
Stavitsky, Chapter 38). tasks involving higher cognitive functions showing
Objective measures of sleep using actigraphy a stronger decline than simple tasks following sleep
confirm a high prevalence of fragmented sleep in restriction and deprivation (Kopasz et al., 2010).
2nd–6th-grade students, with almost one-fifth of Of particular concern in today’s 24–7 environ-
children found to have sleep fragmentation (Sadeh, ment, electronic media use has become highly prev-
Raviv, & Gruber, 2000). Children with fragmented alent even in very young children. Data from the
sleep demonstrate lower performance on neurobe- National Sleep Foundation’s 2006 Sleep In America
havioral measures, particularly those associated Poll (www.sleepfoundation.org) showed that almost
with more complex tasks such as a continuous per- all adolescents (97%) have at least one source of
formance test and a symbol-digit substitution test, electronic media in their bedroom (see Gradisar and
a test of declarative memory (Sadeh, Gruber, & Short, Chapter 11). Even a significant proportion of
Raviv, 2002). Longer sleep latency and poor sleep primary school children are reported to have televi-
efficiency have been associated with worse auditory sions or computers in their bedrooms (S. Li et al.,
and visual working memory at all memory loads in 2007; Oka et al., 2008). In a study of 5–6-year-olds,
children between 6–13 years (Steenari et al., 2003). even the number of hours that the television was
However, shorter sleep duration was associated with switched on during a child’s waking hours when
lower working memory only at the highest load, the child was not actively viewing was inversely cor-
suggesting that sleep quality rather than duration related with sleep duration (Paavonen, Pennonen,
is related to working memory. Even a single night Roine, Valkonen, & Lahikainen, 2006). In addition,
of sleep restriction (5 hours in bed compared to such passive exposure was associated with disorders
11 hours in bed) has shown deficits on measures of initiating and maintaining sleep, as well as overall
of verbal creativity and the Wisconsin Card Sorting sleep difficulty. Computer game playing has been
Test, a measure of executive function (Randazzo, associated with sleep difficulties such as increased
Muehlbach, Schweitzer, & Walsh, 1998). No defi- sleep onset latency and less slow wave sleep with
cits were found on less complex memory tasks, subsequent deficits in verbal memory performance
implying that higher cognitive functions may be (Dworak, Schierl, Bruns, & Struder, 2007). Strong
more sensitive to sleep disruption. A study of a emotional responses during computer or video game
4-hour sleep restriction in 8–15-year-olds did not playing could influence memory consolidations,
find any impact on sustained attention, although since recently acquired knowledge is sensitive dur-
children were more sleepy and had increased behav- ing the subsequent consolidation period (Maquet,
ioral inattention (Fallone, Acebo, Arnedt, Seifer, 2001). However, the content of the media may be
& Carskadon, 2001). Notably, one extra hour of more influential than the media itself, as negative
sleep extension has been shown to improve reaction associations between total electronic media use and
time as well as well as a digit forward memory test academic achievement are abolished when other
(Sadeh, Gruber, & Raviv, 2003). factors such as socioeconomic status and media con-
Several studies have assessed the effects of sleep tent are taken into account (Schmidt & Vandewater,
restriction on memory. In children aged 11–13 years, 2008). Nonetheless, data generally support a nega-
the impact of a single night of restricted sleep tive effect of media use on childhood sleep (Cain &
(4 hours) was investigated (Carskadon, Harvey, & Gradisar, 2010) with associated worsened cognitive
Dement, 1981a). This study found no significant performance (Dworak et al., 2007; see Gradisar and
effects on declarative memory (short-term recall Short, Chapter 11).

418 neu rocog nitive implications

Delayed Sleep Phase C grades or below (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998).
Optimal sleep occurs when the internal circa- In a groundbreaking study of 18,000 children con-
dian cycle is aligned with the external sleep–wake ducted over 5 years and designed to investigate the
schedule and when this alignment becomes desta- impact of delayed school start times, children were
bilized, circadian rhythm sleep disorders can occur. followed from 2 years before until 3 years after
Delayed sleep phase disorder is a common circadian schools delayed start times from 7:15am to 8:40am
disorder, particularly in adolescent children, where (Wahlstrom, 2002). Multiple improvements were
the sleep period is delayed in relation to the required observed, from decreases in tardiness to increases in
or desired sleep–wake times. Biologically, during graduation rates, improved academic performance,
development as children reach puberty there is a and higher morale. These findings underscore the
natural tendency to fall asleep at later times with serious impact of early school start times on chil-
the subsequent increased difficulty in waking early. dren’s and adolescent’s school performance, yet the
Puberty is associated with a phase preference for majority of schools still have start times that are
eveningness (owl), as opposed to morningness (lark) not conducive to good performance. For reviews
(Carskadon, Vieira, & Acebo, 1993) and delayed see O’Malley & O’Malley, 2008, and Wolfson &
sleep phase syndrome may be an extreme variant Carskadon, 2003.
of these developmental shifts (see Carskadon and
Tarokh, Chapter 8). Indeed, anecdotally, the vast Sleep Disordered Breathing
majority of adolescents have great difficulty waking While experimental studies of sleep deprivation
for school and many are unable to wake without the have provided important data, the vast majority of
help of a parent. information regarding the effects of sleep distur-
Adolescents, including children with delayed bance on cognition in children is from studies of
sleep phase syndrome, often have difficulty with sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Studies of the
daytime sleepiness, behavior, and emotional regula- associations between SDB and behavioral difficul-
tion, and several studies show that this is extended ties are vast and demonstrate robust associations
to poor school achievement, attention deficit, and (Beebe, 2006; O’Brien, 2008) but the cognitive
conduct disorder, as well as adolescent risk-taking impact of SDB is less well understood.
behaviors (Cardinali, 2000; Giannotti, Cortesi,
Sebastiani, & Ottaviano, 2002; Holm et al., 2009; Intelligence
Ming et al., 2011; O’Brien & Mindell, 2005). Many Although many studies have investigated the
adolescents with delayed sleep phase are labeled as intelligence quotient (IQ) in children with SDB,
having behavioral problems, but if they are allowed the findings are inconsistent. Multiple stud-
to sleep until later in the morning their symptoms ies report lower IQ scores in children with SDB
abate (Millman, 2005). compared to controls, although these scores are
Since the biological delay in the circadian sys- typically still within the normal range (Beebe et al.,
tem of adolescents coupled with early school start 2004; Blunden, Lushington, Kennedy, Martin, &
times has been associated with impaired school Dawson, 2000; Bourke et al., 2011; Emancipator
performance, school start times have come under et al., 2006; Ezzat, Fawaz, & Abdelrazek, 2010;
scrutiny. There is a growing literature regarding the Friedman et al., 2003; Gottlieb et al., 2004;
timing of the school day in middle school and high Halbower et al., 2006; Kaemingk et al., 2003;
school students, and several studies suggest that Kennedy et al., 2004; Kohler et al., 2009; Miano
more time in bed is related to better school grades et al., 2011; Montgomery-Downs, Crabtree, &
(Wolfson & Carskadon, 2003). In a group of 800 Gozal, 2005; O’Brien et al., 2004a, 2004b; Suratt
preadolescents, children who started school before et al., 2006). A recent study of snoring children
7:15 am were compared to those who started at awaiting adenotonsillectomy found that, compared
8:00 am. Daytime sleepiness, dozing off in class, to healthy controls, snorers had a 10-point reduc-
and attention and concentration problems were tion in IQ (Kohler et al., 2009). While this may
more frequent in children who started class ear- not be clinically relevant in a child with a high IQ,
lier (Epstein, Chillag, & Lavie, 1998). Similarly, the implications are obvious in a child function-
in a study of over 3000 students, those reporting ing at a lower level. Nonetheless, although several
B grades or better were more likely to go to bed studies have failed to find overall differences in
between 10–50 minutes earlier and obtain 17–33 full-scale IQ (Aronen et al., 2009; Calhoun et al.,
minutes more sleep than their peers who obtained 2009; Hill et al., 2006; Lewin, Rosen, England, &

o’ b ri en 419
Dahl, 2002) some find lower scores for verbal IQ when an objective measure of working memory was
(language skills) in children with SDB (Aronen utilized (Biggs et al., 2011). The authors found that
et al., 2009; Lewin et al., 2002). Notably, one study parents of children with less severe SDB appeared to
(Emancipator et al., 2006) found an attenuation of have a tendency to overestimate the level of work-
effects between SDB and cognition once socioeco- ing memory deficit, and postulated that this may
nomic status was accounted for, which supports ear- be a reflection of behavior. They suggested that this
lier work demonstrating that socioeconomic status raises the possibility that observation of working
is a consistent and independent predictor of perfor- memory deficits may be somewhat dependent on
mance (Chervin et al., 2003). Furthermore, stron- the assessment method, and children with SDB may
ger associations in preterm children suggest that not be as impaired as previously thought. Further
birth outcomes may also play an important role in limitations to memory assessments are that many
these relationships (Emancipator et al., 2006). reports provide only a cumulative memory score
Nonetheless, a fundamental problem with the rather than addressing specific processes involved in
use of composite IQ tests is that they measure a memory acquisition.
child’s combined performance across a variety of In a recent study (Kheirandish-Gozal et al.,
tasks and fail to address critical domains of cogni- 2010) 54 children with varying degrees of SDB and
tion (Lezak, Howieson, & Loring, 2004). 17 controls completed a pictorial memory task and
Of particular interest, one group of investiga- had their recall assessed both immediately and the
tors argued that score differences from standardized following day. Memory recall on both occasions was
vocabulary tests—a measure of IQ—in children impaired in children with SDB and the latter chil-
with and without SDB are equivalent to the impact dren also exhibited declines in recall performance
of lead exposure (Suratt et al., 2007). These authors that were absent in controls, suggesting that those
noted that vocabulary tests are the single best pre- with SDB require more time and additional learn-
dictor of general cognitive functioning and are a ing opportunities to reach immediate and longer-
strong predictor of academic success. The implica- term recall performance. Furthermore, it has been
tions are potentially of great significance for future suggested that children with SDB may have slower
career achievements. Although ability to stay on information processing and/or secondary mem-
task and pay attention in class may underlie learn- ory problems and that inefficient encoding may
ing ability, biological contributors including socio- account for the primary deficit (Spruyt, Capdevila,
economic status, genetics, and obesity also play a Kheirandish-Gozal, & Gozal, 2009). This is sup-
role in cognitive outcomes (Beebe, Ris, Kramer, portive of data from an investigation of event-related
Long, & Amin, 2010; Montgomery-Downs, Jones, potentials, which found no performance deficits
Molfese, & Gozal, 2003; Spruyt & Gozal, 2011). on standard measures of attention and memory
but did find changes in basic perceptual processes
Memory that provide a foundation for the development of
Differences in memory have been found in higher-order functions (Key, Molfese, O’Brien, &
children with SDB, although results are inconsis- Gozal, 2009). Additional research is clearly required
tent with several studies failing to find evidence in order to understand the SDB-related impact on
for memory impairment (Blunden, Lushington, memory processes in children.
Lorenzen, Martin, & Kennedy, 2005; O’Brien
et al., 2004a, 2004b;). In one study, memory was Academic Performance
found to be impaired in children with SDB with a Academic performance can be assessed by various
dose-response effect (Rhodes et al., 1995) although, means including mathematical abilities, spelling,
in general, most studies that find differences in reading, writing, and overall school grade. Studies
memory do not find a dose-response (Kaemingk have shown that symptoms of SDB in young chil-
et al., 2003; Kennedy et al., 2004; Kheirandish- dren are associated with lower grades in mathemat-
Gozal, De Jong, Spruyt, Chamuleau, & Gozal, ics, spelling, reading, and science (Kim, Lee, Lee,
2010). Inconsistencies in memory findings are likely Hong, & Cho, 2011; Ravid et al., 2009b; Urschitz
related to the type of memory measured (such as et al., 2005) even when intermittent hypoxemia is
verbal memory or working memory). Interestingly, absent (Urschitz et al., 2003). In 1st-grade children,
recent data in children with varying degrees of SDB a 6–9-fold increase in gas-exchange abnormalities
severity found that working memory was impaired was found in those with poor school performance
compared to controls by parental report, but not (Gozal, 1998). The presence of hypoxemia may

420 neu rocog nitive implications

affect the threshold of respiratory events associ- difficult to isolate certain executive functions from
ated with performance deficits, as the threshold for other cognitive abilities; nonetheless, executive dys-
respiratory disturbances associated with learning function is found in many studies of pediatric SDB,
problems may be lower in the presence of hypox- particularly in school-age children with SDB com-
emia (Goodwin et al., 2003). Children with SDB pared to controls (Archbold, Giordani, Ruzicka, &
have been found to perform lower than controls Chervin, 2004; Beebe et al., 2004; Halbower et al.,
on a phonological processing test (Lundeborg, 2006; Lewin et al., 2002). Even snoring preschool
McAllister, Samuelsson, Ericsson, & Hultcrantz, children have substantially lower performance on
2009; O’Brien, 2004a,b) which measures phono- executive function dimensions such as inhibition,
logical awareness, a skill that is critical for learning working memory, and planning (Karpinski, Scullin,
to read. However, not all studies find an association & Montgomery-Downs, 2008). The latter study
with SDB and academic achievement, particularly was the first to include a multidimensional con-
when other confounders such as socioeconomic sta- ceptualization (e.g., planning, inhibition, working
tus and preterm birth are accounted for (Chervin memory) and work relating executive function to
et al., 2003; Emancipator et al., 2006; Kaemingk SDB in preschool populations. As expected, per-
et al., 2003; Mayes, Calhoun, Bixler, & Vgontzas, formance on the planning, inhibition, and work-
2008). ing memory dimensions of executive functions all
Interestingly, symptoms of SDB in early child- showed marked improvements between the ages
hood have been associated with future risk for poor of 3 and 5 years. Notably, children with parent-
performance in middle school (Gozal & Pope, reported risk for SDB performed significantly lower
2001), again suggesting that there may be a window on each executive function dimension. These find-
of vulnerability whereby an insult at a key devel- ings underscore the need to identify SDB risk in
opmental time period may manifest phenotypically young children. The importance of executive dys-
later on. A recent carefully matched study found a function and the involvement of the prefrontal cor-
complex verbal skill profile in children with SDB tex in SDB was recently reviewed (Beebe & Gozal,
(Honaker, Gozal, Bennett, Capdevila, & Spruyt, 2002) and a model linking sleep disruption, hypox-
2009). Preschool children with SDB had difficul- emia, and disruption of the prefrontal cortex has
ties in processing information with increasing lin- been proposed.
guistic complexity, whereas the school-age children
had reduced vocabulary ability/knowledge. The Does SDB Cause Cognitive Deficits
authors postulated that their findings may support in Children?
a longitudinal adverse effect of SDB. Notably, the Most studies in the literature provide cross-sec-
vast majority of current literature does not include tional data on associations between SDB and cog-
adolescents, a developmental stage where challenges nition. While the growing number of such studies
differ considerably from those of young children appears to support a relationship between SDB and
and where SDB-associated behavioral difficulties cognitive dysfunction, cross-sectional data cannot
may result in significant impairment in school per- in itself prove that a causal relationship exists. This
formance at a critical time for future success (Beebe question can only be addressed by data from ran-
et al., 2010). In addition to verbal problems, poor domized controlled intervention trials. To date, no
academic achievement may also be affected by inat- such studies have been published although a multi-
tention difficulties due to the complex brain associa- center randomized controlled trial to address these
tions involved. Measurement of school performance issues is currently underway (Redline et al., 2011).
is inherently difficult, and the role of SDB difficult Current data in support of a causal relationship
to tease out, as it really represents a number of factors come from both longitudinal and interventional
that include age, SES, home environment, genetics, studies. In 2001 Gozal and Pope (Gozal & Pope,
behavior, and cognition (Beebe et al., 2010). 2001) showed that middle school children with
academic performance in the lowest 25% of their
Executive Functions and Higher class were more likely to have snored during their
Cognitive Reasoning preschool years and to have required adenotonsil-
As mentioned earlier, executive function encom- lectomy for snoring compared with schoolmates in
passes cognitive processes that are crucial for nor- the top 25% of class. These findings support the
mal psychological and social development (Lezak, hypothesis that SDB-associated cognitive morbidity
1995). Executive function is complex and it is may be only partially reversible or that a “learning

o’ b ri en 421
debt” may develop with SDB during early child- adenotonsillectomy (Kohler et al., 2009). The
hood and impair subsequent school performance. magnitude of the deficits persisted at the 6-month
The same group (Gozal, 1998) also conducted follow-up with a mean full scale IQ difference of
one of the first studies to assess the impact of sleep- 10 points between children with SDB and con-
associated gas exchange abnormalities on school trols. Furthermore, the fluid reasoning, knowledge,
academic performance in 1st-grade children. Two quantitative reasoning, visuospatial, and working
hundred ninety-seven 1st-grade children whose memory composite scores, as well as corresponding
school performance was in the lowest 10th percen- verbal and nonverbal subtest scores, were all signifi-
tile of their class ranking were screened for SDB cantly reduced in children with SDB compared to
using a parental questionnaire and a single night controls at both baseline and follow-up. In general,
recording of pulse oximetry and transcutaneous effects were greatest for the verbal component of
partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Parents of chil- tests, and specifically for measures of knowledge and
dren with sleep-associated gas exchange abnormali- working memory. Moreover, composite scores for
ties were encouraged to seek medical intervention. attention/executive function (specifically planning,
School grades of all children for the school year pre- inhibition, auditory and visual attention), language
ceding and after the overnight study were obtained. (phonological processing), sensorimotor function,
Gas exchange abnormalities were found in 18% of and memory (especially narrative memory) were
children, approximately half of whom underwent significantly reduced in children with SDB at both
adenotonsillectomy, and the others declined inter- baseline and follow-up. The finding that measures
vention. At follow-up in second grade, overall mean of executive function remain significantly lower in
grades increased from 2.4 to 2.9 in those who under- children with SDB following adenotonsillectomy
went treatment, but no significant changes occurred compared to controls is supported by another study
in those who did not seek treatment (mean grades (Hogan et al., 2008). Figure 29.1 summarizes the
in 1st and 2nd grade were 2.4 and 2.5, respectively). effect sizes across several studies for changes in cog-
These data were the first to suggest that a subset of nitive measures after surgical intervention for SDB.
children with poor academic performance could These findings may be somewhat unexpected
have SDB and may benefit from prospective medi- given the increasing number of studies showing
cal evaluation and treatment. improvement to control levels as described above.
Subsequently, there have been a number of small Nonetheless, it has been shown that children under-
treatment intervention studies showing that cogni- going adenotonsillectomy for non-SDB reasons as
tive function in preschool and school-age children well as SDB perform worse on specific cognitive
with SDB appears to improve to control levels measures such as short-term attention, visuospatial
6–12 months following adenotonsillectomy on mul- ability, memory, and arithmetic academic achieve-
tiple subtests including general conceptual ability, ment compared to controls (Giordani et al., 2008).
verbal and nonverbal ability, phonological process- Of note, comparisons between the two surgical
ing and naming (Montgomery-Downs et al., 2005), groups and controls revealed that those undergoing
IQ (Ezzat et al., 2010), cognitive attention index intervention for non-SDB reasons had larger and
as measured by continuous performance assessment more consistent deficits across tests than did those
(Chervin et al., 2006), visual attention and pro- who had adenotonsillectomy for SDB. Interestingly,
cessing speed (Hogan, Hill, Harrison, & Kirkham, children who were undergoing surgery for non-
2008), matrix analogies, sequential and simultane- SDB reasons showed significantly lower ability in
ous processing scales, and mental processing scales, the matrices subtest than did children undergoing
with medium to large effect sizes (Friedman et al., surgery for SDB. The authors postulated that this
2003). finding may reflect a combination of factors includ-
However, not all studies report significant ing age, daytime sleepiness, and measures of SDB
improvement in cognitive measures, including cog- that are not apparent on polysomnography and that
nitive attention (Galland, Dawes, Tripp, & Taylor, require more sensitive methodologies.
2006; Li, Huang, Chen, Fang, & Lee, 2006). A The same authors (Giordani et al., 2012) recently
recent study from Australia of 44 snoring children provided data on a comprehensive 1-year follow up
aged 3–12 years compared to 48 controls showed of neuropsychological outcomes in children who
a wide range of cognitive deficits at baseline, underwent adenotonsillectomy for both SDB and
including IQ, language, and executive function, non-SDB reasons. These data extend the find-
which did not improve to control levels following ings of the original cohort previously discussed

422 neu rocog nitive implications


1.4 Attention
Academic performance
Measures of intellect





Avior 2004 (cognitive attention)

Hogan 2008 (visual attention)

Chervin 2006 (cognitive attention)

Hogan 2008 (processing speed)

Kohler 2009 (phonological processing)

Kohler 2009 (auditory attention)

Gozal 1998 (school grade)

Kohler 2009 (visual attention)

Montgomery-Downs2005 (general conceptual ability)

Giordani 2012 (mathematics)

Friedman 2003 (mental processing)

Giordani 2012 (spelling)
Giordani 2012 (reading)

Ezzat 2010 (IQ)

Kohler 2009 (full scale IQ)
Giordain 2012 (sustained attention)


Figure 29.1 Summary of Effect Sizes for Changes in Several Key Cognitive Abilities following Adenotonsillectomy.

(Giordani et al., 2008). Results of the 1-year follow confirmed. Given these findings, the authors sug-
up were mixed in regards to academic and cognitive gested that concern about the public health burden
achievement between both groups undergoing ade- of childhood SDB, or adenotonsillar hypertrophy
notonsillectomy after controlling for developmental more generally, may be much larger than may have
and retest issues (Giordani et al., 2012). For verbal been expected based on previous literature that
ability there was a decline rather than an increase focuses only on children with clearly abnormal
in children’s performance, with small to moderate baseline measures of cognition. Furthermore, they
effect size; visuospatial ability showed no increase advocate that effective treatment of SDB could
post-intervention; matrices showed an improve- conceivably mean the difference between average
ment for the non-SDB group but not for the SDB and excellent school performance for one child, or
group post-treatment. Regarding executive func- between excellent and exceptional performance for
tion, although lower mean scores in both adenoton- another. Clearly such differences in childhood have
sillectomy groups were not significantly different the potential to translate into significant lifetime
from controls at baseline, both groups significantly impact for adults.
increased their ability at 1 year, with moderate effect
size. Similarly, academic achievement, spelling, Potential Mechanisms
reading, reading comprehension, and mathematics The majority of work regarding mechanisms of
demonstrated significant improvements after inter- cognitive morbidity in pediatric sleep disruption
vention for both adenotonsillectomy groups, with has focused on SDB and its main components of
small to large effect sizes. Overall, although cogni- sleep fragmentation and hypoxemia. The latter
tive abilities in general improved across both groups likely impact the prefrontal cortex, an area of the
of children who underwent adenotonsillectomy brain implicated in planning complex cognitive
(despite some declines), the initial hypothesis that behavior and executive functions, of which a recent
improvements would be most evident in children model has been proposed (Beebe & Gozal, 2002).
with objective evidence of SDB was not consistently This model suggests that hypoxemia and sleep

o’ b ri en 423
fragmentation may alter the neurochemical sub- currently inadequate to make firm conclusions.
strate of the prefrontal cortex, which then manifests Similarly, although there are significantly more
as executive dysfunction. Hypoxemia is known to data on the relationship between SDB and
impair cognition regardless of the presence of SDB cognitive outcome, existing findings are not clear
(Bass et al., 2004). Animal models demonstrate that enough to confirm a causal relationship. There is
intermittent hypoxia during sleep induce neuronal an urgent need to perform randomized controlled
cell loss and impair spatial memory (Gozal, Daniel, trials, one of which is currently underway (Redline
& Dohanich, 2001; Nair, Dayyat, Zhang, Wang, & et al., 2011). The results of this trial will be a
Gozal, 2011; Row, 2007) and that early develop- significant step forward for the field.
ment may be a particularly vulnerable time (Row, • A further limitation to current knowledge is
Kheirandish, Neville, & Gozal, 2002). Interestingly, the lack of longitudinal studies that assess children
data from a brain imaging study have shown that across development. This is important, since there
neuronal metabolites are altered in children with are a number of animal and human studies that
SDB in the hippocampal and right frontal cortical suggest a developmental window of vulnerability
regions (Halbower et al., 2006), the very areas that where an early insult may not manifest until a later
are implicated in executive function and cognition. age. The currently available cross-sectional data
Sleep fragmentation or deprivation, however, would miss these potential associations.
do not exclusively affect those with SDB; indeed, • More translational studies are clearly
non-SDB related sleep disruption has been shown warranted, and should be a research priority, in
to impact cognition in several studies (Randazzo order to understand the biological mechanisms
et al., 1998; Sadeh et al., 2002, 2003; Steenari and neural substrates that explain how sleep
et al., 2003). Sleep disruption is associated with disruption may cause cognitive dysfunction.
inflammatory markers (Clinton, Davis, Zielinski, Results from translational studies would play a
Jewett, & Krueger, 2011; Meier-Ewert et al., 2004; major role in the development of appropriate
Vgontzas et al., 2004) and rodent models show interventions, which could have substantial public
associations with sleep deprivation and oxidative health impact.
stress (Silva et al., 2004), hippocampal-dependent
learning (Hairston et al., 2005; Nair, Zhang, et al., References
2011), and dysfunction of systems that are involved Anderson, M. (2005). Marrying Intelligence and Cognition—a
Developmental View. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Andrzejewski, Harder, Kelley, & Benca, 2005). R. D. (2004). Cognitive executive dysfunction in children
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Conclusion Nursing, 5(3), 168–176.
There is a growing literature suggesting that Aronen, E. T., Liukkonen, K., Simola, P., Virkkula, P., Uschakoff,
A., Korkman, M., et al. (2009). Mood is associated with
sleep disruption, whether due to sleep deprivation/
snoring in preschool-aged children. Journal of Developmental
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cits in children across the age spectrum. Current Bass, J. L., Corwin, M., Gozal, D., Moore, C., Nishida, H.,
data are mixed with regards to the reversibility of Parker, S., et al. (2004). The effect of chronic or intermittent
such dysfunction, perhaps due to brain plastic- hypoxia on cognition in childhood: A review of the evidence.
Pediatrics, 114(3), 805–816.
ity or genetic/environmental interactions. Despite
Becker, J. T., & Morris, R. G. (1999). Working memory(s).
the current lack of definitive data in the form of Brain and Cognition, 41(1), 1–8.
randomized controlled trials, in light of increasing Beckwith, L., & Parmelee, A. H., Jr. (1986). EEG patterns of
cross-sectional and treatment studies it would seem preterm infants, home environment, and later IQ. Child
pertinent to ensure that education and awareness Development, 57(3), 777–789.
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regarding good sleep practices reaches health care
the prefrontal cortex: Towards a comprehensive model linking
providers, parents, and children themselves. nocturnal upper airway obstruction to daytime cognitive and
behavioral deficits. Journal of Sleep Research, 11(1), 1–16.
Future Directions Beebe, D. W., Wells, C. T., Jeffries, J., Chini, B., Kalra, M.,
• Does sleep disruption cause cognitive deficits? & Amin, R. (2004). Neuropsychological effects of pedi-
atric obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of the International
While there are growing clinical data suggesting
Neuropsychological Society, 10(7), 962–975.
that this may be the case in some cognitive Beebe, D. W. (2006). Neurobehavioral morbidity associated
functions, findings are relatively inconclusive. with disordered breathing during sleep in children: A com-
For nonrespiratory sleep disruption the data are prehensive review. Sleep, 29(9), 1115–1134.

424 neu rocog nitive implications

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428 neu rocog nitive implications


Weight Control and Obesity

Chantelle N. Hart, Nicola Hawley, Elizabeth Kuhl, and Elissa Jelalian

Over the past several years, there has been considerable interest in the association between
children’s sleep duration and obesity risk. Mounting epidemiological evidence suggests that short
sleep is associated with concurrent and prospective risk of obesity during childhood. Studies have
further suggested plausible mediators for the sleep–weight association, including hormones and
eating and activity behaviors. Despite the convincing data, no pediatric experimental or treatment
studies targeted at changing sleep length have been published. Thus, whether short sleep causes
weight gain or changes in children’s weight status remains unknown. Beyond sleep duration, there is
also evidence for an association between obesity and sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in children
with some evidence that weight loss may improve SDB symptoms. The present chapter reviews the
extant literature on the association between pediatric sleep duration and obesity risk, the association
between pediatric obesity and SDB, and concludes with suggestions for future research.
Key Words: sleep duration, insufficient sleep, sleep disordered breathing, obesity, dietary intake,
sedentary activity, physical activity

Introduction through which sleep duration may impact obesity

Insufficient sleep, which can be due to short sleep status. In addition, mounting evidence demon-
duration and/or poor quality of sleep (Knutson, strates an association between pediatric obesity
2012), has been associated with a number of del- and sleep disordered breathing (SDB). The present
eterious effects in children and adolescents, includ- chapter will review the extant literature on the asso-
ing cognitive and behavioral impairments (Beebe, ciation between insufficient sleep and weight status
2011) and increased risk-taking behaviors (see in children and adolescents and discuss possible
Hershner, Chapter 31). Although these conse- implications for treatment of SDB. Limitations
quences of insufficient sleep have been well docu- of studies conducted thus far and areas in need of
mented, less is known regarding how sleep may future research will also be reviewed.
impact health. Of particular interest over the past
several years is the role that insufficient sleep may Pediatric Obesity: Definition
play in the current obesity epidemic. This interest and Significance
has been spurred by epidemiological studies with Pediatric obesity has risen dramatically in recent
children and adolescents, as well as experimental decades to become a worldwide epidemic. The
investigations with adults, which suggest not only most current prevalence reported in the United
an association between short sleep and increased States, in 2009–2010, indicates that 31.8% (95%
obesity risk, but also point to possible mechanisms Confidence Interval, [CI]: 29.8–33.7) of children

aged 2–19 years were overweight or obese (body sleep apnea (OSA). More specifically, while the prev-
mass index [BMI] ≥ 85th percentile) based on sex- alence of OSA in the general pediatric population is
specific Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated at 2% to 6% (Daftary & Kotagal, 2010;
(CDC) 2000 BMI-for-age references (Ogden, Guilleminault, Lee, & Chan, 2005), one study found
Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2012). Obesity (BMI ≥ the prevalence of OSA in children who are over-
95th percentile) was present in 16.9% (95% CI: weight or obese to range from 19%–41% (Verhulst
15.4–18.4) of this age group, with males and chil- et al., 2007). An additional study found that after
dren from ethnic minority backgrounds at slightly controlling for family history of SDB, those children
elevated risk (Ogden et al., 2012). The most current with a BMI > 28 kg/m2 were at almost a five-fold
estimates for the global prevalence of childhood increased risk for SDB compared to children with
overweight and obesity were made in 2004 when BMIs ≤ 28 kg/m2 (Redline et al., 1999). The associa-
it was estimated that 150–160 million school-age tion between obesity and SDB is compounded by
children (5–17 years) were overweight (85th ≤ BMI the decreased success of adenotonsillectomy (T&A)
< 95th percentile for age and sex), with 35–40 mil- among children who are obese (Costa & Mitchell,
lion of these children classified as obese using the 2009) and, in turn, the increased risk of weight
established International Obesity Task Force cut- gain following the procedure (Jeyakumar, Fettman,
offs (Cole, Bellizzi, Flegal, & Dietz, 2000; Wang & Armbrecht, & Mitchell, 2011; Roemmich et al.,
Lobstein, 2006). Despite recent suggestions for a 2006; Soultan, Wadowski, Rao, & Kravath, 1999).
plateau in the US obesity rate, revising these global Taken together with the fact that SDB is associated
estimates today would likely show an even greater with possible metabolic dysfunction as well as car-
proportion of children to be overweight or obese diovascular disease risk factors (Witmans & Young,
based on trends reported in both developed (Ogden 2011), along with the documented medical risks of
et al., 2012; Stamatakis, Zaninotto, Falaschetti, obesity noted above, the need to enhance current
Mindell, & Head, 2010) and developing nations treatment approaches for obesity is clear.
(Gupta, Goel, Shah, & Misra, 2012). Beyond medical risks, the detriment of obe-
Obesity in childhood carries a number of health sity on psychosocial functioning is evident as well.
risks both immediate and long term. Immediate Numerous studies have documented significantly
risks include high blood pressure (Daniels, 2006; lower health-related quality of life for obese youth
Freedman, Dietz, Srinivasan, & Berenson, 1999), compared to their healthy weight peers by both child
high cholesterol and dyslipidemia (Freedman et al., self-report and parent proxy report (Tsiros et al.,
1999; McMurray, Harrell, Levine, & Gansky, 2009). Social functioning appears to be particularly
1995), as well as impaired glucose tolerance, insulin impaired, with as many as 30%–90% of obese youth
resistance, and type II diabetes (Cruz et al., 2005; reportedly experiencing weight-based teasing from
Daniels, 2006; Hannon, Rao, & Arslanian, 2005; peers (Griffiths, Wolke, Page, & Horwood, 2006;
Sinha et al., 2002; Valente, Strong, & Sinaiko, Neumark-Sztainer et al., 2002; Neumark-Sztainer,
2001) or clustering of multiple risk factors (Nathan Story, & Faibisch, 1998). Findings that peer victim-
& Moran, 2008). Musculoskeletal problems ization may begin as early as age 3 (Holub, 2008;
(Wearing, Hennig, Byrne, Steele, & Hills, 2006), Margulies, Floyd, & Hojnoski, 2008) are particu-
gallstones (Cuevas, Miquel, Reyes, Zanlungo, & larly concerning, given the potential negative impact
Nervi, 2004; Lugo-Vicente, 1997) and nonalco- on social and emotional development. Even more
holic fatty liver disease (Fishbein, Miner, Mogren, & surprising is that 34%–47% of obese youth may also
Chalekson, 2003; Roberts, 2005) are other poten- be recipients of weight-based teasing by family mem-
tial health risks. Longitudinal studies have shown bers (Neumark-Sztainer et al., 2002). Behavioral
that overweight and obese children are more likely problems, depression, anxiety, higher body dissatis-
to become obese adults than their normal weight faction, and lower self-worth have also been noted
peers. Approximately one-third of children who are in treatment-seeking obese children and adolescents
overweight and approximately half of adolescents compared to non–treatment-seeking obese and
who are overweight become obese adults (Power, healthy weight youth (Wardle & Cooke, 2005).
Lake, & Cole, 1997; Serdula et al., 1993). Collectively this evidence highlights the urgency of
Of particular relevance to the focus of this chap- developing effective obesity prevention and inter-
ter is that the increasing prevalence in pediatric obe- vention programs for children and adolescents.
sity over the past 20–30 years has been associated It is believed that obesity results from an energy
with an increased prevalence in SDB and obstructive imbalance (i.e., greater energy intake than what is

43 0 we igh t control and obes it y

expended). Thus effective pediatric obesity preven- provided below. In addition, the reader is referred to
tion and treatment approaches have typically tar- a number of recent reviews and meta-analyses for
geted both sides of this equation: eating and activity additional details on studies to date (Cappuccio
behaviors. Although evidence to date suggests that et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2008; Hart et al., 2011;
prevention approaches, particularly ones that target Patel & Hu, 2008).
both eating and activity behaviors, are promising
(Brown & Summerbell, 2009) and behavioral inter- Cross-Sectional Studies
ventions for treatment of obesity are effective (Oude With few exceptions, cross-sectional stud-
Luttikhuis et al., 2009; Epstein, Valoski, Wing, & ies conducted worldwide have reported negative
McCurley, 1994), these efforts do not typically yield associations between sleep duration and obesity in
large enough weight losses to help most children children. Our own review of the pediatric literature
achieve healthy weight status. The identification of (Hart et al., 2011) identified 24 original empirical
novel, modifiable behaviors that can impact weight studies of sleep and weight status in children from
status is thus of high interest, as they may enhance birth to 18 years. While the methodology employed
efforts to achieve this goal (Keith et al., 2006). to measure sleep duration, the referent values for
Children’s nocturnal sleep length has been short sleep, the obesity classification used, and the
identified as one such novel target (Keith et al., confounders controlled for varied between studies,
2006) for several reasons. Paralleling increasing rates the vast majority reported significant negative asso-
of obesity in recent years are decreases in children’s ciations between sleep duration and obesity risk.
reported sleep duration (Dollman, Ridley, Olds, & After controlling for several potential confound-
Lowe, 2007; Iglowstein, Jenni, Molinari, & Largo, ers Sekine et al. (2002) reported that obesity risk
2003; Matricciani, Olds, & Petkov, 2011). In addi- in 6–7-year-olds sleeping less than 8 hours/night
tion, mounting epidemiological evidence supports was nearly triple that of those sleeping 10 hours or
an association between insufficient sleep and obesity more/night (OR: 2.87 [1.61–5.05]). Eisenmann
risk in children and adolescents (Cappuccio et al., et al. (2006) found consistent results for children
2008; Chen, Beydoun, & Wang, 2008). These find- 7–15 years old (OR: 3.06 [2.11–4.46]) using the
ings taken together with experimental studies with same referent values. Wing et al. (2009) showed
adults, which document potential changes in appe- that 5–15-year-olds sleeping less than 8 hours/night
tite-regulating hormones that would favor increased were at greater risk for overweight or obesity than
food intake upon insufficient sleep (Brondel, Romer, their peers who slept for 10 or more hours/night
Nougues, Touyarou, & Davenne, 2010; St-Onge during the week (OR: 1.74 [1.23–2.45]), while
et al., 2011), make a compelling argument for the Ozturk et al. (2009) replicated these findings in
role that insufficient sleep may play in the current boys only (OR: 2.06 [1.31–2.72]).
pediatric obesity epidemic. Epidemiological evi- While the majority of cross-sectional studies rely
dence for the association between sleep and weight on parent report for sleep duration (or self-reported
status will be reviewed below. sleep duration in older children), actigraphy has
been used to assess sleep duration in two studies.
Pediatric Epidemiological Studies Assessing Although they used only a single night of actigraphy
Short Sleep and Weight Status recording, Nixon and colleagues (2008) reported
A number of epidemiological studies have now a three-fold increase in obesity risk in 7-year-olds
considered the association between children’s sleep sleeping less than 9 hours/night compared to those
length and obesity risk, both concurrently and sleeping longer. Also using only a single record-
prospectively. Meta-analyses of these studies dem- ing night with actigraphy, Gupta, Mueller, Chan,
onstrate that shorter sleep duration in childhood is and Meininger (2002) reported that obese adoles-
associated with a 58%–89% increased risk of obe- cents slept less than their non-obese peers, and that
sity (Cappuccio et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2008). for each additional hour of sleep obesity risk was
Although these studies are not without limitations, reduced by 80% after controlling for behavioral and
the consistency in findings across racial and ethnic demographic variation.
groups and children of all ages is striking (Hart, Several recent studies have also considered the
Cairns, & Jelalian, 2011). It is particularly compel- relationship between sleep and other measures of
ling given that findings typically persist after statis- body composition. Having a shorter sleep duration
tical control for relevant confounding factors (Hart is associated in several pediatric studies with greater
et al., 2011). Highlights of study findings to date are waist circumference (Chaput & Tremblay, 2007;

ha rt, hawl ey, kuhl , j el a l i a n 431

Eisenmann, Ekkekakis, & Holmes, 2006; Hitze Hu, 2008). These include changes that may occur
et al., 2009; Ozturk et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2007). within the neuroendocrine system, potential changes
Shorter-sleeping 5–7-year-old children have been in food intake and energy expenditure (via changes
shown in two studies to have higher percentages of in both physical activity and sedentary behaviors),
body fat as assessed using bioelectrical impedance and additional underlying factors that may simul-
analysis (Nixon et al., 2008; von Kries, Toschke, taneously affect change in both sleep duration and
Wurmser, Sauerwald, & Koletzko, 2002), while weight status. Each of these areas will be reviewed
shorter-sleeping 7–9–year-olds, whose percentage below.
body fat was estimated with skinfolds, were also
at greater risk (Padez et al., 2009). Adolescent girls Neuroendocrine Changes
sleeping less have also been shown to have greater Perhaps the best-supported pathway between
total and truncal body fat and less lean mass when sleep duration and weight status is a neuroendo-
body composition was assessed using dual-energy crine pathway in which changes in sleep duration
x-ray absorptiometry (Yu et al., 2007). are associated with changes in the secretion of hor-
mones associated with eating behaviors and obe-
Prospective Studies sity risk. Several experimental studies have assessed
Prospective studies have demonstrated temporal this pathway by comparing partial sleep restriction
associations between sleep duration and obesity risk. with rested conditions (Knutson, Spiegel, Penev,
One study found that for children 0–4 years (but & Van Cauter, 2007; Schmid, Hallschmid, Jauch-
not 5–13 years), sleeping less at night was associated Chara, Born, & Schultes, 2008; Spiegel, Leproult
with increased risk of overweight and obesity 5 years et al., 2004; Spiegel, Tasali, Penev, & Van Cauter,
later (Bell & Zimmerman, 2010). Additional pro- 2004). To date, these studies have typically been
spective studies with older children have found sig- conducted with healthy young adults, with no
nificant associations between sleep duration during published experimental studies, to our knowledge,
middle childhood and obesity risk in adolescence being done with children. Although these findings
(Seegers et al., 2011) and adulthood (Landhuis, are from experimental studies with adult samples, it
Poulton, Welch, & Hancox, 2008). Furthermore, is important to highlight main findings in an effort
Snell and colleagues (2007) found that irrespective to identify mechanisms that could translate to pedi-
of age at baseline (3–12 years), there was a 0.75 kg/ atric populations.
m2 decrease in BMI at 5-year follow-up for each Compared to rested conditions, partial sleep
additional hour slept at baseline (Snell, Adam, & restriction (e.g., 4–5 hours/night) in adults is asso-
Duncan, 2007). ciated with a number of neuroendocrine changes
Additional studies assessed the influence of con- including decreased glucose tolerance and thyrotro-
sistent short sleep on future obesity risk. The first pin concentrations, elevations in evening cortisol
found that children who were consistently short concentrations, and increased activity of the sym-
sleepers from 2.5 to 6 years of age had almost a pathetic nervous system (Spiegel, Leproult, & Van
three-fold increased risk of obesity when they were Cauter, 1999). The hormones leptin and ghrelin,
6 years old (Touchette et al., 2008). A more recent which are associated with the regulation of hunger
study found similar results. Consistent short sleep and appetite (Cummings, 2006; Levin et al., 2006),
duration between 1.5 and 2 years was associated are also influenced by sleep duration (Mullington
with development of a greater amount of fat mass et al., 2003; Shea, Hilton, Orlova, Ayers, &
(FM) during childhood independent of early life Mantzoros, 2005; Spiegel, Leproult et al., 2004;
factors (gestational age, weight status in infancy, Spiegel, Tasali et al., 2004; Taheri, Lin, Austin,
feeding) and socioeconomic factors (FM measured Young, & Mignot, 2004).
at 7 years; Diethelm, Bolzenius, Cheng, Remer, & Extant epidemiological studies with children
Buyken, 2011). There was no effect for either BMI suggest that short sleep may be associated with simi-
or fat-free mass in this study. lar hormonal profiles as found in adults (Flint et al.,
2007; Tian et al., 2010; Verhulst et al., 2008). For
Potential Mechanisms Linking Short Sleep example, children who were reported to be shorter
Duration and Obesity Risk sleepers evidenced higher fasting C-peptide (Verhulst
Several reviews have outlined the potential path- et al., 2008) and increased risk for hyperglycemia
ways linking short sleep with obesity risk (Hart (Tian et al., 2010), and insulin resistance (Flint
et al., 2011; Knutson & Van Cauter, 2008; Patel & et al., 2007) than their more rested counterparts.

43 2 we igh t control and obes it y

Furthermore, Bornhorst and colleagues (2012) glycemic index and load, but no overall differences
found that when a negative association between in reported caloric intake (Beebe et al., in press).
sleep duration and BMI status was identified in Despite these studies with adolescents and adults,
children, insulin levels attenuated this significant to our knowledge no published experimental stud-
association—particularly for children with higher ies have been conducted with school-age children
weight status. This suggests that insulin may, in part, or younger. Recent correlational work suggests
mediate the association between sleep duration and that short sleep duration may be associated with
BMI status. Finally, an additional study found that less healthy eating behaviors, and certain eating
children with shorter and more variable sleep had behaviors may mediate the association between
higher C-reactive protein levels, and altered insu- sleep and weight status. One study that measured
lin and low density lipoprotein (Spruyt, Molfese, & sleep with actigraphy found that adolescents with
Gozal, 2011). In sum, although these correlational shorter weekday sleep reported consuming a higher
studies parallel findings from experimental studies percentage of calories from fat and lower percent-
with adults they are limited because of their cross- age from carbohydrates (Weiss et al., 2010). Shorter
sectional designs, which cannot demonstrate actual reported sleep has also been associated with greater
changes in hormones due to changes in sleep. food cravings (Landis, Parker, & Dunbar, 2009),
greater consumption of energy-dense foods (par-
Both Sides of the Energy Balance Equation: ticularly on weekends, and for males; Westerlund,
Eating and Activity Behaviors Ray, & Roos, 2009), inadequate consumption of
Given strong evidence from these experimental fruits, vegetables, and fish (Garaulet et al., 2011;
studies that partial sleep restriction may promote Tatone-Tokuda et al., 2011), and greater intake of
increased food intake, recent studies have begun sugar-sweetened drinks/less intake of milk products
to explore eating behaviors. Similar to our under- (Tatone-Tokuda et al., 2011).
standing of the neuroendocrine changes associated Less attention has been paid to the other side of
with sleep duration, experimental research regard- the energy balance equation: energy expenditure,
ing eating behaviors has focused on adults. In short, yet it has been hypothesized that individuals who
these findings have been mixed with two experi- are chronically partially sleep-deprived may hold
mental studies finding no effect of sleep duration less of a propensity to be active (Reilly & Edwards,
on food intake (Benedict et al., 2011; Schmid et al., 2007). It also makes intuitive sense that insufficient
2009), and three other studies finding that partial nocturnal sleep could result in greater daytime
sleep deprivation was associated with increased ad sleepiness, which could lead to increased time spent
libitum food intake when compared with a rested in sedentary activities such as watching television.
condition (Brondel et al., 2010; Markwald et al., Two experimental studies with adults demonstrated
2013; St-Onge et al., 2011); there was an associated that partial sleep restriction, compared to a rested
increase in weight during the sleep restriction condi- condition, was associated with decreased physical
tion in one of these studies (Markwald et al., 2013). activity/energy expenditure (Benedict et al., 2011;
An additional laboratory-based study found mixed Schmid et al., 2009). Similar to eating behaviors,
results for partial sleep restriction on food intake. others have not found an association between partial
Although there were no changes in overall energy sleep restriction and energy expenditure (St-Onge
intake from meals between the partial restriction et al., 2011).
and rested conditions, there was a greater intake of Beyond these experimental findings with adults,
calories from snacks upon partial sleep deprivation there is considerable evidence from pediatric studies
(Nedeltcheva et al., 2009). that greater television viewing and having a televi-
Two experimental studies have been conducted sion in the bedroom is associated with less sleep and
with adolescents. Similar to studies with adults, with greater difficulties with sleep both concurrently
findings have been mixed. In one study, compared and prospectively (Owens et al., 1999; Thompson
to a rested condition, sleep restriction was associ- & Christakis, 2005; Van den Bulck, 2004; Johnson,
ated with decreased caloric intake at an ad libitum Cohen, Kasen, First, & Brook, 2004; see Gradisar
meal in adolescent males (Klingenberg et al., 2012). and Short, Chapter 11). Less is known regarding
The second study, which was conducted with ado- the association between sleep duration and chil-
lescent males and females found that, compared to dren’s engagement in subsequent physical activity.
a rested condition, sleep restriction was associated One study with adolescents found that those who
with a reported increased intake in foods high in reported sleeping more also reported exercising

ha rt, hawl ey, k uhl , j el a l i a n 433

more regularly (Chen, Wang, & Jeng, 2006), while of study findings to date. Finally, the pathways of the
a second study found no effect for measured sleep sleep–obesity relationship remain largely unclear,
length on activity level (Gupta et al., 2002). Thus, especially within pediatric samples.
although there is some signal for an association A favored interpretation of observational find-
between children’s sleep duration and engagement ings is that we should begin to enhance sleep dura-
in sedentary and physical activity, the strength of tion to help combat the obesity epidemic (Ayas,
this signal is unclear. Furthermore, it is possible that 2010; Sivak, 2006). Unfortunately, due to limita-
activity level underlies difficulties with both sleep tions noted above, epidemiological findings cannot
and weight rather than mediating this association effectively argue for a sleep intervention to help
(e.g., watching more television leads to increased with weight control. Findings do provide suffi-
sleep disturbance and increased weight difficulties). cient evidence to suggest that this line of research is
However, more work is needed to delineate the true important to pursue and presents a unique opportu-
role of activity in the sleep-weight relationship. nity for building the necessary research foundation
for an innovative approach to weight control. Key
Review of Study Limitations and Areas for questions that could help shape intervention devel-
Future Research opment are outlined below.
With few notable exceptions studies have con-
sistently found that insufficient or short sleep dura- What Sleep Variables Should We Target
tion is associated with an increased risk for obesity. in Interventions Aimed at Decreasing
Consistency in study findings across heterogeneous Obesity Risk?
groups varying in age, sex, race, ethnicity, and Although extant pediatric studies only sup-
nationality is striking. Furthermore, the persistence port associations (rather than a causal relationship)
of a significant finding despite statistical control between sleep and weight, when considered in light
for a number of potential confounding factors sug- of experimental studies with adults the argument
gests that there is a strong signal between children’s that enhancing sleep could help with weight con-
sleep length and risk for being overweight or obese. trol is more compelling. The vast majority of studies
Despite this impressive consistency, a number of conducted to date have focused on sleep duration.
study limitations are important to note. Thus, investigating the role of duration of sleep—
First, from a methodological perspective, pre- particularly through experimental manipulation
vious pediatric studies have relied heavily upon and/or intervention—on weight and weight-related
observational studies (Cappuccio et al., 2008. Hart behaviors is important. Beyond sleep duration,
et al., 2011; Hart, Kuhl, & Jelalian, 2012; Nielsen, recent studies have begun to explore the potential
Danielsen, & Sorensen, 2010). Although pro- effect of additional sleep variables, including sleep
spective studies can help to establish associations timing and variability, on weight status (Maddah,
between short sleep and higher weight status, they Rashidi, Mohammadpour, Vafa, & Karandish,
cannot demonstrate that if a child were to sleep 2009; Olds, Blunden, Dollman, & Maher, 2010;
more he/she would either lose weight or maintain Sekine, Yamagami, Hamanishi, et al., 2002; Sekine,
his/her current weight status. Self-report has also Yamagami, Handa et al., 2002). Exploration of
been the primary mode of collecting data regard- the potential influence of these variables is sup-
ing children’s sleep duration, which is only moder- ported by findings from animal models suggest-
ately associated with objective assessments of sleep ing that circadian clocks play an important role in
(Lockley, Skene, & Arendt, 1999). Additionally, it is metabolism and obesity (Bray & Young, 2007), and
important to note that some studies have not found from emerging data from adult experimental stud-
an association between sleep duration and obe- ies, which suggest circadian influences on hunger
sity status (Hiscock, Scalzo, Canterford, & Wake, and appetite (Scheer, Morris, & Shea, 2013) and
2011) or have found that the significance of find- increased food intake (Markwald et al., 2013). It has
ings either remitted once confounding factors were also been suggested that changes in sleep duration,
accounted for (Hassan, Davis & Chervin, 2011) or which are often accounted for by earlier bedtimes,
varied based on how sleep was measured (Knutson may also reflect a better alignment with endogenous
& Lauderdale, 2007). It has also been noted that circadian rhythms. Findings from pediatric studies
sleep needs may vary from one individual to the suggest that later bedtimes (as opposed to rise times)
next (Gozal & Kheirandish-Gozal, 2012), which are associated with increased obesity risk (Maddah
may have important implications for interpretation et al., 2009; Olds et al., 2010; Sekine, Yamagami,

43 4 we igh t control and obes it y

Handa, et al., 2002; Snell et al., 2007). They have obesity risk in infants that targeting parenting
also found that irregular sleep habits are associated practices could be effective for promoting healthy
with obesity risk, be it weekday/weekend sleep vari- weight status (Paul et al., 2011). Although part of
ability being associated with concurrent obesity risk a multicomponent intervention, one core interven-
(Spruyt et al., 2011) or parent report of irregular tion component in this study included the provi-
sleeping habits predicting their child’s obesity risk in sion of skills to help parents soothe their child in
young adulthood (Al Mamun et al., 2007). Finally, an effort to minimize non–hunger-related feeding
there is evidence suggesting that “catching up” on and maximize sleep. When incorporated with other
sleep on weekends and/or holidays may be protec- parenting skills aimed at appropriate feeding behav-
tive against a higher weight status (Lytle, Pasch, & iors, the combined intervention showed promise
Farbakhsh, 2011; Wing, Li, Li, Zhang, & Kong, at effectively lowering weight status at 1 year (Paul
2009). et al., 2011).
Accumulating evidence suggests that duration
of sleep may not be the only sleep factor associ- Who Should Be Targeted in
ated with pediatric obesity risk. Rather, it may be Sleep Interventions?
important to assess how changing a number of A number of studies to date have not only sug-
sleep-related factors affects children’s weight status. gested that different sleep variables may be impor-
In particular, it will be interesting to try and recon- tant to target in future investigations, but also that
cile the potential benefit of “catching up” on sleep certain groups of individuals may particularly ben-
on weekends/holidays with the benefit of regular- efit from sleep interventions. Two groups seem to
ity of sleep, given that each may be associated with stand out the most: younger children and males.
particular benefits for weight status (Hart et al., Reviews and meta-analyses demonstrate that the
2011; Hart et al., 2012). It may be that a balance association between sleep duration and obesity
is needed between maintaining some consistency in risk is stronger and more consistent in younger age
an effort to promote good sleep hygiene practices groups (Cappuccio et al., 2008; Patel & Hu, 2008).
while also allowing for limited sleep extension when Thus, interventions targeted at younger children
children’s schedules allow (such as on weekends and may reap greater benefits than those targeting older
holidays). children and adolescents.
Similarly, a meta-analysis found a stronger asso-
Should We Consider Targeting Possible ciation between sleep duration and obesity in boys
Factors that May Underlie Problems with than in girls (Chen et al., 2008). However, subse-
Sleep and Obesity? quent studies have been mixed (Ozturk et al., 2009;
Several pathways linking short sleep with obesity Tatone-Tokuda et al., 2011; Hitze et al., 2009; Sun,
status have been hypothesized, including the possi- Sekine, & Kagamimori, 2009). It is possible that the
bility that a shared underlying factor exerts simulta- noted effects for younger age and male gender may
neous influence on both sleep duration and weight. reflect an underlying influence of pubertal status
Thus, it is possible that we should intervene on some on the sleep–weight association (Hart et al., 2012).
third factor that could affect change in both sleep However, this remains unknown at this time.
and weight simultaneously. In this way, short sleep
and obesity should be considered comorbid condi- What is the Impact of Weight Loss on
tions that could benefit from a common interven- Improving Treatment and Overall Health
tion (Hart et al., 2011; Hart & Jelalian, 2008). Outcomes for Children with Comorbid
Parenting styles have been associated with Obesity and SDB?
both sleep and weight status (Adam et al., 2007; Given the association between obesity and
Arredondo et al., 2006; Meltzer & Montgomery- SDB, including the risk of weight gain following
Downs, 2011; Sleddens et al., 2011). Furthermore, adenotonsillectomy, it is important to consider
empirically supported treatment approaches for whether weight loss treatment could be an effective
both sleep difficulties and behavioral weight loss treatment option for children with comorbid obe-
intervene upon common parenting variables, sity and SDB. Although evidence is sparse, there is
including positive reinforcement, effective limit set- some data suggesting that weight loss treatment may
ting, and self-monitoring (Hart et al., 2011; Hart be effective at decreasing SDB symptoms in obese
& Jelalian, 2008). In addition, there is evidence children (Van Hoorenbeeck et al., 2012; Verhulst,
from a recent intervention designed to decrease Franckx, Van Gaal, De Backer, & Desager, 2009).

ha rt, hawl ey, kuhl , j el a l i a n 435

Specifically, in children 10–18 years old, one study • Who will benefit the most from interventions
found a 71% remission rate in SDB following a to enhance sleep duration?
residential weight loss program (Van Hoorenbeeck
et al., 2012). A second study conducted by the same References
group found that a residential weight loss program Adam, E. K., Snell, E. K., & Pendry, P. (2007). Sleep timing
and quantity in ecological and family context: a nationally
was also effective at reducing SDB symptoms in
representative time-diary study. Journal of Family Psychology,
adolescents. In that study, 62% of adolescents who 21(1), 4–19.
had SDB prior to treatment no longer had SDB fol- Al Mamun, A., Lawlor, D. A., Cramb, S., O’Callaghan, M.,
lowing residential weight loss treatment (Verhulst Williams, G., & Najman, J. (2007). Do childhood sleep-
et al., 2009). It is important to note that both studies ing problems predict obesity in young adulthood? Evidence
from a prospective birth cohort study. American Journal of
were conducted in residential settings where weight
Epidemiology, 166(12), 1368–1373.
losses are much higher than what is seen in standard Arredondo, E. M., Elder, J. P., Ayala, G. X., Campbell, N.,
behavioral treatment (SBT) for weight loss. Thus, Baquero, B., & Duerksen, S. (2006). Is parenting style
it is likely that SBT for weight loss will not have as related to children’s healthy eating and physical activity in
large an impact on SDB symptoms. Nevertheless, Latino families? Health Education Research, 21(6), 862–871.
Ayas, N. T. (2010). If you weigh too much, maybe you should
the promise of weight loss in treatment of SDB
try sleeping more. Sleep, 33, 143–144.
deserves further study. Beebe, D. W. (2011). Cognitive, behavioral, and functional con-
sequences of inadequate sleep in children and adolescents.
Conclusions Pediatric Clinics of North America, 58(3), 649–665.
Epidemiological studies demonstrate that inad- Beebe D. W., Simon S, Summer S, Hemmer S, Strotman D, Dolan
equate sleep is associated with increased risk of obe- LM. (2013). Dietary intake following experimentally restricted
sleep in adolescents. Sleep, 36, 827–834.
sity in children. Additional work suggests that short
Bell, J. F., & Zimmerman, F. J. (2010). Shortened nighttime sleep
sleep is associated with neuroendocrine profiles duration in early life and subsequent childhood obesity. Archives
concomitant with increased weight status, as well of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 164(9), 840–845.
as eating and activity behaviors that favor increases Benedict, C., Hallschmid, M., Lassen, A., Mahnke, C., Schultes,
in adiposity. Despite the consistency in findings, it B., Schioth, H. B., et al. (2011). Acute sleep deprivation
reduces energy expenditure in healthy men. American Journal
is still unclear whether enhancing children’s sleep
of Clinical Nutrition, 93(6), 1229–1236.
could have a significant impact on our current obe- Bornhorst, C., Hense, S., Ahrens, W., Hebestreit, A., Reisch,
sity epidemic and consequent potential increase L., Barba, G., von Kries, R., & Bayer, O., on behalf of the
in pediatric SDB. However, a number of avenues IDEFICS Consortium (2012). From sleep duration to child-
appear worthy of future exploration, including the hood obesity-what are the pathways? European Journal of
Pediatrics, 171, 1029–1038.
potential role of parenting behaviors in promot-
Bray, M. S., & Young, M. E. (2007). Circadian rhythms in the
ing both longer sleep and decreased obesity risk, development of obesity: potential role for the circadian clock
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but also minimizing variability (while maximizing Brondel, L., Romer, M. A., Nougues, P. M., Touyarou, P., &
the ability to “catch up” on sleep when needed), Davenne, D. (2010). Acute partial sleep deprivation increases
food intake in healthy men. American Journal of Clinical
and consideration of targeted sleep intervention
Nutrition, 91(6), 1550–1559.
approaches (i.e., directed at younger children and Brown, T., & Summerbell, C. (2009). Systematic review of
males) to decrease obesity risk. It is clear that the school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary
field is at a point where we need to move beyond intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood
correlations. What remains unknown is how signifi- obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obesity
cant an impact enhancing sleep will have on effect-
Reviews, 10(1), 110–141.
ing changes in children’s weight. Cappuccio, F. P., Taggart, F. M., Kandala, N. B., Currie, A., Peile,
E., Stranges, S., et al. (2008). Meta-analysis of short sleep dura-
Future Directions tion and obesity in children and adults. Sleep, 31(5), 619–626.
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on changes in children’s weight and/or obesity status? favor abdominal adiposity in children? International Journal
of Pediatric Obesity, 2(3), 188–191.
• What additional underlying factors might
Chen, M. Y., Wang, E. K., & Jeng, Y. J. (2006). Adequate sleep
account for the association evidenced between among adolescents is positively associated with health status
sleep duration and obesity risk? and health-related behaviors. BMC Public Health, 6, 59.
• Other than sleep duration, are there Chen, X., Beydoun, M. A., & Wang, Y. (2008). Is sleep duration
additional sleep parameters that might influence associated with childhood obesity? A systematic review and
meta-analysis. Obesity (Silver Spring), 16(2), 265–274.
obesity risk?

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Impact of Sleep on the Challenges

31 of Safe Driving in Young Adults

Shelley Hershner

Driving may well be the most dangerous activity for young adults. In 2007, motor vehicle crashes
were the leading cause of death among 13–19-year-olds in the United States (Insurance Institute
for Highway Safety, 2009). Contributing factors for this high rate of accidents include: driving
inexperience, age of licensing, high risk driving situations, presence of passengers, substance use,
drowsy driving, and risk-taking behaviors. This chapter will review the literature on certain key
aspects of driving performance with an emphasis on how sleep deprivation, drowsy driving, and sleep
may impact driving performance.
Key Words: adolescents, teenagers, drowsy driving, motor vehicle accidents (mvas), risk-taking
behaviors, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythms, alcohol, driving

Introduction sleep deprivation may change risk-taking behaviors

Driving is an inherently dangerous activity for and contribute to the use of substances such as alco-
everyone but is especially perilous to teenagers; dur- hol that worsen driving performance. This chapter
ing 2009, 3466 teenagers (ages 13–19) died in the will review some of the non-sleep-related risk factors
United States from motor vehicle accidents (MVAs; for motor vehicle accidents, explore in greater depth
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2009). In the causes of sleep deprivation and how it impacts
2006, car accidents resulted in the death of a teen- driving safety, and look at the legal implications
ager every hour during the weekend days and every of drowsy driving. Potential interventions including
two hours during weekdays. (National Highway driver education and prolonged driving training, as
Traffic Safety Administration). There are many rea- well as unexpected interventions such as changing
sons for the increased risk of motor vehicle accidents school start times, will also be reviewed.
and deaths in this population. Teenage drivers are Teenager drivers are hazardous both to themselves
inexperienced and may drive in high-risk situations and to other drivers, as approximately 20% of all pas-
including driving at night and with distractions both senger fatalities involve a teenage driver (Insurance
in the form of passengers and technology, including Institiute for Highway Safety, 2005). Teenagers have
the use of cell phones, texting, and global position- a disproportionately high percentage of motor vehi-
ing devices. Sleep is a risk factor that is not often cle accidents, as young adults aged 15–20 years-old
considered in the risk analysis of teenage driving. account for 8.4% of the population but 11.6% of
Sleep deprivation and drowsy driving increase the MVAs. Although the frequency of motor vehicle–
risk of motor vehicle accidents. Certain times of the related fatalities and accidents are concerning, over-
day and night, which may relate to circadian system, all fatalities in young adults have decreased by 15%
may also increase the risk of accidents. Additionally, from 2008 and by 60% from the 1960s.

Factors that Increase the Risk of (McCartt, Shabanova, & Leaf, 2003). Males have
an Accident more overall accidents than females, with an odds
Psychosocial Issues ratio of 3.3 (CI = 1.8–6.1 p<.0001), and males
Several defining features of MVAs relate to the account for two out of every three teenagers killed
psychosocial circumstances of adolescents (Shope, (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2006
2006). Weekends are the riskiest days, as 54% of (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2009; Pizza
MVAs occurred on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday et al., 2010). When accident rates are calculated by
(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2006a). person miles driven (PMD), women may have more
Half of accidents occur between the hours of 6:00 accidents compared to males (Rice et al., 2003). In
pm and 3:00 am. Many accidents are in context Michigan, teenage males have 14.9 accidents per
of socializing; 62% of teenage passenger deaths 100,000 PMD compared to 22.5 for female teen-
occurred in vehicles driven by another teenager, age drivers (Shope & Bingham, 2008). To contrast,
most within 5 miles (66%) of home with the pur- in adult drivers (aged 45–65) men averaged 6.2 per
pose of the trip for socializing with friends or family 100,000 PMD versus women’s 12.8.
(Braitman, Kirley, McCartt, & Chaudhary, 2008).
Passengers increase the risk of a crash, although this is Smoking
not a consistent finding in the literature (Hutchens, Smoking increases the risk of MVAs. In a tele-
Senserrick, Jamieson, Romer, & Winston, 2008; phone survey of drivers aged 14–22 years, smok-
Preusser, Ferguson, & Williams, 1998; Williams, ers had a 54% greater odds of involvement in a car
2003). Half of all MVA deaths of 16–17-year-olds accident than nonsmokers (Hutchens et al., 2008).
occurred when passengers under 20 years of age were After controlling for gender, race, ethnicity, income,
present without an adult (Williams & Ferguson, length of licensure, and geography, current cigarette
2002). Males were 27% more likely to have an smokers (smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days) were
accident if three or more passengers were present in twice as likely to be involved in a crash. Smoking
the vehicle. In this study, passengers in the car did marijuana was also associated with a higher risk
not increase the risk for women (Rice, Peek-Asa, & (36%) of crashes. Even after taking into account
Kraus, 2003). The presence of females as passengers other general health-risk behaviors, (drinking alco-
may decrease the risk of MVAs (Simons-Morton hol and nonuse of seat belts) current smoking (both
et al., 2011). cigarettes and marijuana) had a strong association
with crash risk. Why smoking impacts driving per-
High-Risk Driving Situations formance is not known, but may correlate to dis-
Driver distractions from using cell phones and tractibility, one-handed steering (in order to hold
texting escalate the risk of crashes (Beede & Kass, the cigarette), an effect of nicotine (direct toxic-
2006; Kass, Cole, & Stanny, 2007). Eighteen ity), increased propensity for risk-taking, or other
percent of teen accidents are thought to be due unknown confounders. As smoking cigarettes and
to driver distraction (National Highway Traffic marijuana are both modifiable risk factors, further
Safety Administration, 2011). Alcohol, not surpris- research is needed to better understand the relation-
ingly, augments the risk of an MVA significantly, ship with smoking and crash risk.
as does driving in wet conditions and at higher
speeds (Preusser et al., 1998; Rice et al., 2003). Alcohol
Age and inexperience are also factors. Teenagers All states and the District of Columbia have
are most likely to be involved in a motor vehicle 21-year-old minimum drinking-age laws, with “alco-
accident immediately after licensure, which is hol-impaired” defined as a blood alcohol concentra-
typically between the ages of 16–18 years of age in tion (BAC) of 0.08 grams per deciliter (g/dL). In
the United States and at 18 years of age in other 2009, 28% of the young drivers (15 to 20 years old)
countries. The highest risk of accidents is at age 16 killed in crashes had a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher
(Williams, 2003). In fact, the crash rate per mile (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
driven is twice as high for 16-year-olds as it is for 2009). Teenagers drink and drive less often than
18–19-year-olds (Insurance Institute for Highway adults, but their risk of a related MVA is higher
Safety, 2009). The first month of driving may be for all blood alcohol levels (Williams, 2003; Zador,
the riskiest period, with self-reported accidents of Krawchuk, & Voas, 2000). Students in grades 9–12
2.3 per 10,000 miles traveled; this declined to 0.5 admit to a lifetime alcohol use of 47.9% and cur-
crashes per 10,000 miles 11 months after licensure rent use of 30.4%. Alcohol-impaired driving was

442 im pac t of s leep on driving in yo un g a d ults

reported by 13.9%. Thirty-four percent of teenagers have a delayed circadian preference. The nocturnal
were a passenger with a driver that had consumed preference, or shift of the circadian system to a later
alcohol (Nelson, Naimi, Brewer, & Nelson, 2009). time, has been associated with puberty. The circa-
In a study of Italian teenagers, 14% of teenagers dian system is an endogenous oscillating rhythm
involved in a crash believed that alcohol was caus- that helps to regulate sleep/wake cycles, feeding,
ative (Pizza et al., 2010). and hormonal secretions. Melatonin, secreted by
the pineal gland, helps regulate and entrain the
Drowsy Driving: circadian rhythm to the environment. Light, even
Sleep, sleep deprivation, and daytime sleepiness as low 200–300 lux (room lights) can suppress
are not often considered among the typical adoles- endogenous melatonin (Zeitzer, Dijk, Kronauer,
cent risk factors for motor vehicle accidents. But Brown, & Czeisler, 2000). This is important, as
these underappreciated risk factors are significant young adults often use technology prior to sleep.
and can have considerable impact on daytime sleep- The other major component of the sleep/wake
iness and driving performance. Most importantly, cycle is the homeostatic sleep drive. This process is
these sleep factors may be modifiable; reducing conceptualized as a sleep drive, meaning the longer
sleep deprivation and improving daytime alertness the period of wakefulness the stronger the drive to
may decrease accidents. sleep. The interaction of these two systems is termed
Drowsy driving is prevalent among adolescents the Two-Process Model of sleep regulation (Borbely,
and young adults and is associated with increased 1982). Adolescents’ nocturnal preference correlates
fatal and nonfatal accidents. In the 2011 Sleep in with physical development as ascertained by their
America Poll, 30% of 13–18-year-olds and 66% of Tanner stage (Trockel, & Taylor, 2009; Carskadon,
adults aged 19–29 admitted drowsy driving within Vieira, & Acebo, 1993). In other words, physically
the last month (National Sleep Foundation, 2011). more mature adolescents have a preference for later
By the 12th grade, 62% of students are driving daily, activities and bedtimes. The typical adult circadian
with 9% having fallen asleep at the wheel (National period is 24.1 hours, compared to an adolescent’s
Sleep Foundation, 2006). Sleepiness while driving circadian period of 24.27 hours (Crowley, Acebo, &
increases the risk of an accident two-fold (Pizza Carskadon, 2007; O’Brien & Mindell, 2005). This
et al., 2010). longer circadian period, or intrinsic day, allows the
circadian system to more easily shift to later times.
Etiology of Sleep Deprivation Sleep latency, which is a measure of sleep pressure or
To better understand drowsy driving, it is impor- the homeostatic sleep drive, is also dependent upon
tant to understand the etiology of drowsiness in this physical maturity: subjects with a Tanner stage of 1
demographic. Drowsiness can occur for multiple fall asleep faster than subjects with a Tanner stage
reasons, including sleep deprivation, sleep disor- 5 (Taylor, Jenni, Acebo, & Carskadon, 2005). The
ders, and normal circadian rhythms. As discussed in net effect of these physiologic changes appears to
detail in Chapters 8, 17, and 23, daytime sleepiness contribute to the nocturnal preference that develops
and inadequate sleep are common among teenagers. during adolescence.
Most (61%) get less than 8 hours of sleep, while
59% wake non-refreshed in the morning (National Sleep patterns from adolescence
Sleep Foundation, 2011). Concurrently, as young to adulthood
adults curtail their sleep they have an actual increase Exactly when this nocturnal preference or
in sleep requirement (Carskadon, 1990). In a study “night owl” tendency diminishes remains unclear
by Oginska and Pokorski (2006), 36% of adoles- (see Thacher, Chapter 40). When sleep patterns
cents and 50% of college students admit having were evaluated longitudinally for 10 years, week-
daytime sleepiness compared 36% of adults. Sleep day bedtimes delayed until around 19 years of
deprivation is not the only cause of daytime sleepi- age (Thorleifsdottir, Bjornsson, Benediktsdottir,
ness; sleep disorders and circadian rhythms may also Gislason, & Kristbjarnarson, 2002). Weekend
contribute. bedtimes remained late until the early 20s when it
started to shift to earlier bedtimes. Across the transi-
Circadian and Homeostatic Factors tion from high school to college, a significant delay
Several factors work synergistically to place ado- in bedtime was reported with college students going
lescents at risk for sleep deprivation and daytime to bed 75 minutes later than high school students
sleepiness (see Carskadon, Chapter 8). Adolescents (Lund, Reider, Whiting, & Prichard, 2010). This

hers hn er 443
delayed school-night bedtime continued until the 2:00–5:00 pm coinciding with the commutes to
junior and senior years of college. school and to after-school activities. The increased
Oversleeping or catch-up sleep on the weekend rate of accidents in the morning might also be a
is a hallmark of a delayed circadian sleep phase. manifestation of sleep inertia, while the afternoon
Sleep duration is normal when a person is on his rise might be indicative of increased sleepiness due
or her preferred sleep schedule without external to circadian rhythms. A change as small as 30 min-
obligations such as morning employment or classes. utes later in school start times decreased teenage
Individuals with a delayed sleep phase often have crash rates (Danner & Phillips, 2008). Other stud-
inadequate sleep during the week and sleep later ies have shown this small change can decrease day-
on the weekend to catch up on missed sleep. This time sleepiness and increase sleep duration (Owens,
delayed circadian rhythm and early-morning school 2010). These studies denote a relationship between
start time can cause insufficient sleep leading to MVAs and school start time but do not provide a
drowsy driving. causal relationship.
Emerging adults are also at risk for drowsy driv-
Drowsy Driving ing. Among 1039 undergraduate students in one
Insufficient Sleep survey, 16% reported falling asleep while driving
Adolescents 14–22 years of age who sleep less and 2% had had a motor vehicle accident due to
than 8 hours per night have a 28% increased risk of sleepiness. Men were more likely to fall asleep than
an MVA (Hutchens et al., 2008). Nighttime driv- women (16% vs. 14%) (Taylor & Bramoweth,
ing is risky for all drivers, but the risk is much more 2010). A school in Utah had 86 student deaths
pronounced in drivers under 25 years of age, with due to motor vehicle accidents in a 15-year period;
increased risk during later hours (Williams, 2003). dozing/sleepiness was thought to be causative in
Among 16–17-year-olds in California, an 86% 44%–72% of the cases. When asked about their
increased risk of accidents occurred between the “closest call” for a motor vehicle accident due to
hours of 12:00–2:00 am compared to 8:00–10:00 sleepiness, freshman and sophomore college stu-
pm (Rice et al., 2003). Early morning hours of dents were at greatest risk. Peak hours were between
4:00–6:00 am have an astounding 929% increased 11:00 pm and 1:00 am; 40% of the events occurred
risk (OR 9.29). This high risk in the early morning within the first hour of driving. Nearly half (48%)
hours may signify both circadian factors and acute of students had a less intense dozing episode dur-
sleep deprivation. Details of individual accidents ing the same drive, while 68% of students contin-
were not provided, but very early mornings may ued their drive (Lindsay, Hanks, Hurley, & Dane,
reflect near 24 hours of sleep deprivation as young 1999). Teenagers also minimize or ignore drowsi-
adults with “all-nighters” are returning to home, ness while driving, as 81% kept driving despite feel-
work, or school. Vigilance decreases in the early ing sleepy (Pizza et al., 2010). It may be that young
morning hours and this effect can be augmented adults minimize the warning signs of drowsiness.
by alcohol (Lucidi, Devoto, Bertini, Braibanti, &
Violani, 2002). The higher frequency of accidents Sleep Deprivation and Alcohol
during typical school commute times may relate to Sustained wakefulness can impair driving per-
the higher number of students driving from school formance to an extent similar to that produced
to work or extracurricular activities (Hellinga, by blood alcohol levels. Sustained wakefulness of
McCartt, & Mandavilli, 2007). The overall trend 17 hours was equivalent to a blood alcohol level
for increased accidents with later hours may be the of 0.05%, and 24 hours was equivalent to 0.1%
result of several different factors including drowsi- (Dawson & Reid, 1997). The legal level for intoxi-
ness, sustained wakefulness, and circadian patterns. cation is 0.08% in most of the United States, while
other countries are quite variable, ranging from
School Start Time 0.0 (below detection) up to to 0.8% (International
Further elucidating the association between high Center For Alcohol Policies, 2013). Similar find-
school start time and MVAs (see Au, Appleman, and ing were reported in males ages 19–35 years
Stavitsky, Chapter 38), a school with an earlier start where 18.5 and 21 hours of wakefulness produced
time had a higher community accident rate among changes in driving performance similar to 0.05%
16–18-year-olds when compared to a school with and 0.08% blood alcohol concentration. Alcohol,
a later start time (Vorona et al., 2011). Accidents when compared to prolonged wakefulness, pro-
were most common between 7:00–8:00 am and duced greater changes in speed deviation and off-

444 im pac t of s leep on driving in yo un g a d ults

road occurrences. Prolonging wakefulness even as worse vehicle control the longer they drove (Paul,
little as 3 hours (equivalent to 18.5 hours of wake- 2005). Sleepiness causes a decrease in awareness
fulness) can impair driving to a similar extent as of the environment and a slower reaction time; an
alcohol (Arnedt, Wilde, Munt, & MacLean, 2001). average reaction time during alertness is 100–400
Sleep restriction in combination with alcohol has a milliseconds, which decreased during sleepiness to
synergistic effect on driving performance. To evalu- 800–1200 milliseconds or longer (Culp, Gindy,
ate these effects, young male college students were & Haque, 2008). The addition of alcohol to sleep
sleep-restricted to 4 hours in bed; they then con- deprivation can increase lane variability and the
sumed alcohol until they attained blood BACs of presence of theta waves in the EEG (Horne, Reyner,
0.025 g/dL or 0.035 g/dL (Vakulin et al., 2007). & Barrett, 2003).
These blood alcohol levels can be achieved with
about one drink in most individuals and are below Microsleep Episodes
the legal limit of 0.08%. A simulated driving task Microsleep episodes are changes in the electro-
at 2:00 pm monitored crashes, speed variability, encephalogram (EEG) frequency from the alpha
and deviations. Crashes occurred in 23% and 33% rhythm (8–13 Hz) to the theta rhythm (4–7 Hz)
of the subjects (BAC = 0.025g/dL and 0.035 g/dL lasting 3–14 seconds. It indicates a brief sleep onset
respectively). and is characterized clinically by loss of attention
Alcohol consumption in young adults is com- and blank stares (Boyle, Tippin, Paul, & Rizzo,
mon. Surveys have reported that 46% of teenag- 2008). Microsleep episodes are associated with
ers have consumed alcohol (McKnight-Eily et al., impaired ability to respond appropriately to the
2011). Emerging adults often drink alcohol, and driving situation and increased lane and speed
driving after drinking is commonplace; up to 34% of variability (Paul 2005). They have been associated
students reported driving after drinking within the with poor simulated driving performance (Risser,
past 30 days (American College Health Association, Ware, & Freeman, 2000). During driving simula-
2007). The combination of sleep deprivation and tion, microsleep episodes accompany a concurrent
drinking may be especially common in college stu- decrease in speed as subjects fail to maintain con-
dents, as they may be sleep-deprived after studying trol over the accelerator pedal. Although not meet-
for exams and are more likely to drink alcohol. The ing the strict criteria for a microsleep episode, brief
dangerous combination of sleep deprivation with 3- second or longer changes in the EEG to a mix
alcohol could compromise driving performance of increased alpha and theta can be associated with
even in young adults who are not legally intoxi- attention lapses (Risser et al., 2000).
cated. Alcohol may also impair the ability to predict
crash risk. University students from Australia were Determining Sleep Onset
sleep-restricted to 5 hours time in bed and provided Understanding the onset of sleep is important
alcohol to a mean alcohol concentration of 0.35 ± when reviewing the risks of drowsy driving and
0.015g/dl. When compared to sleep deprivation potential interventions. During a polysomnogram,
alone, low-dose alcohol decreased female partici- sleep onset is defined as the start of the first epoch
pants’ ability to predict crashes from 85% to 38%. scored as any stage other than wakefulness; nor-
Sleep-deprived men’s ability to predict crash risk was mally this is stage 1 (N1) sleep (Iber, Ancoli-Israel,
substantially less than sleep-deprived women’s (37% Chesson, & Quan, 2007). The EEG consists of
compared to 85%) and the addition of alcohol to low-amplitude theta activity (4–7 Hz) with slow
sleep deprivation produced essentially no change in eye movements and possibly the presence of vertex
men’s performance (33%; Banks, Catcheside, Lack, waves. Slow eye movements are conjugate, regular
Grunstein, & McEvoy, 2004). sinusoidal eye movements. However, this definition
of sleep onset depends on the presence of an EEG
Changes in Driving Performance with and is rarely practical in real world driving circum-
Sleep Deprivation stances. Other markers of sleep onset are of inter-
Simulated Driving est for both research and as possible interventions.
Driving while sleepy causes several changes in One such marker of sleep onset is the decrease in
driving performance. During driving simulation, eyelid movements and the emergence of slow rolling
prolonged wakefulness increases speed variability, eye movements (SEM) during the transition from
tracking variability, and off-road events, although to wakefulness to sleep (Atienza, Cantero, Stickgold, &
a lesser extent than alcohol. Sleepy drivers showed Hobson, 2004). The presence of SEM correlates with

hers hn er 445
consequences resulting from current actions and
to choose actions and modulate social responses
(Pharo, Sim, Graham, Gross, & Hayne, 2011). The
net sum of these factors is that adolescents may not
be more risk prone, but rather more vulnerable to
emotional influences affecting their risk while mak-
>50% of Monitoring ing decisions (Steinberg, 2004).
Epoch Sleep Sleep may also impact risk-taking behaviors.
onset and Some aspects of risk-taking behaviors may also be
about sensation seeking and loss of self-regulation
(Steinberg, 2004). Sleep deprivation may have an
effect on the prefrontal cortex impairing execu-
Decrease in SlowRolling tive function and resultant decision making and
Eyelid Eye self-control (Catrett & Gaultney, 2009; Horne,
Movements Movements
1993). Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality can
increase irritability, aggression, and impulsivity. In
Figure 31.1 Sleep Onset and Sleepiness: Potential Options to a survey of incarcerated juvenile and young adult
Determine Sleep Onset and Decreased Alertness in Drivers males offenders, less total sleep was associated with
(Akerstedt & Gillberg, 1990; Atienza, Cantero, Stickgold, & Hobson, increased aggression and impulsivity (Ireland &
2004; Iber, Ancoli-Israel, Chesson, & Quan, 2007), 2007; Kryger MH., Culpin, 2006). Poor sleep quality predicted hostil-
2011; Mitler & Miller, 1996).
ity. It is not implausible that increased aggression
and hostility may exacerbate risky driving behaviors
decreased alertness (Akerstedt & Gillberg, 1990). of speeding, lane changing, and failing to maintain
Microsleep episodes can indicate sleep onset, but distance between vehicles.
detecting them also requires the presence of an EEG.
Pupillography may be an option to evaluate sleep Risk-taking Behaviors, Substance Use,
onset in drivers (Kryger & Dement, 2011; Mitler and Sleep
& Miller, 1996). At the transition to sleep, parasym- Risk-taking behaviors are prevalent in young
pathetic activation constricts the pupil. Sleepiness is adults with reported use of alcohol (46%–81%),
also associated with pupil size instability and speed marijuana (20%–47%), cigarette (21%–70%), and
of constriction. How pupillography could translate sexual behaviors (35%–49%; Kann et al., 2000;
into monitoring drivers while driving is not clearly McKnight-Eily et al., 2011; O’Brien & Mindell,
known, but monitoring pupil size could help alert 2005). As students progress through high school,
drivers of potential drowsiness (see figure 31.1). less sleep is obtained on school nights; in other
words, 12th-graders get less sleep than 9th-graders
Risk-Taking Behaviors and 6.58 versus 7.44 hours; O’Brien & Mindell, 2005).
Sleep Deprivation Risk-taking behaviors also mirror these results,
Risk taking and sensation seeking behaviors with increased risky behaviors of tobacco, alcohol,
increase MVAs in adolescence (Shope & Bingham, and marijuana use, and sexual behaviors in higher
2008; Shope, Raghunathan, & Patil, 2003). As a grades. Correlating total sleep time and risk-taking
delay in the circadian system is linked to puberty, behaviors showed only a limited relationship with
so are risk-taking behaviors, sensation seeking, and alcohol use and sexual behaviors. Students who slept
novelty seeking (Dahl, 2008). Physiologic changes less than 6 hours and 45 minutes on school nights
interact with psychological and social factors, were more likely to use alcohol than students who
increasing risk-taking behaviors. Adolescents may slept at least 8 hours and 25 minutes. Weekend delay
not become immune to fear, but instead be more is the difference between self-reported weekend bed-
motivated to act boldly to enhance their social con- time and school bedtime defined as: low ≤ 1 hour,
text. Developmentally, there also may be enhanced moderate 1–2 hours, and high≥2 hours. A larger
reward processing in the adolescent’s brain when weekend delay correlated with risk-taking behaviors
compared to the brain of an adult. Less activation is of substance use (alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, drugs)
noted in the frontal cortex, an area responsible for and safety and sexual behaviors. Catch-up sleep on
executive function and self-control (Shope, 2006). the weekends was not connected with increased risk-
Executive function is the ability to recognize future taking behaviors.

446 im pac t of s leep on driving in yo un g a d ults

This relationship between sleep and risk-taking or emotional in content: emotional words were
behaviors is supported by other studies. In a survey positive (smile) or negative (frown). Sleep-deprived
of 12,154 students, many engaged in risky behaviors participants failed to inhibit a response to negative
with 46% reporting alcohol, 20.9% marijuana, and word stimuli. A possible physiologic explanation for
21.2% cigarette use (McKnight-Eily et al., 2011). the failure of inhibiting a response is that the pre-
Insufficient sleep on school nights (<8 hours) cor- frontal cortex, responsible for executive function,
related to a 64% increased risk of alcohol, 52% is diminished by sleep deprivation (Thomas et al.,
marijuana, and 67% cigarette use. In a large popu- 2000; Yoo, Gujar, Hu, Jolesz, & Walker, 2007).
lation survey, the presence of possible insomnia cor- Care is needed interpreting these results, as these
related with increased risk of cigarette use, drinking studies are not on adolescents but primarily young
and driving, and delinquency (Catrett & Gaultney, adults, and it is possible that adolescents may have
2009) (see Table 31.1 and Figure 31.2). a different impulsive response to sleep depriva-
tion. These results do not prove a causal relation-
Sleep Deprivation and Impulsivity ship between risk-taking behaviors, sleep, and sleep
Not all studies support increased risk-taking behaviors. It could be that young adults with a more
in association with sleep deprivation. The Balloon erratic sleep schedule are more susceptible to risky
Analogue Risk Task (BART) is designed to evaluate behaviors, have less parental involvement, or there
risk-taking and impulsive behaviors. Participants are unmeasured, unknown confounding variables.
“pump-up a series of balloons” on a computer, with
each pump being worth a specific amount of money. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Driving Risk
As the balloon expands more money is accumulated, Obstructive sleep apnea can compromise driv-
but at the risk that the balloon would occasionally ing performance, with an increase in accidents. In
explode with a resultant loss of the accumulated adults, obstructive sleep apnea with an apnea-hy-
money; therefore, more pumps are an indicator of popnea (AHI) of 10 or higher had an odds ratio of
greater risk-taking behaviors (Acheson, Richards, 6.3 for an accident compared to subjects without
& de Wit, 2007). The majority of participants in obstructive sleep apnea (Tiran-Santos, Jimenez-
this study were college students in their early 20s. Gomez, et al. 1999). Severe obstructive sleep apnea
Participants were sleep deprived for 24–36 hours. (AHI > 30) is associated with a 2-fold increase in
Significant gender differences were found: sleep MVAs (Aldrich, 1989). These findings are sup-
deprivation decreased risk taking in women, but not ported by a large meta-analysis which also indicated
men. Sleep deprivation has been shown to increase a 2–3-fold increase in accidents (Ellen et al., 2006).
impulsivity to negative stimuli such that there was These studies need to be interpreted with restraint
failure to inhibit a response. In the Go/No Go task, as they are on adults, some of whom report being
participants were presented words that were neutral professional drivers; therefore, the results may not

Table 31.1 Prevalence and likelihood of health risk behaviors for students with <8 hours of school night sleep
(McKnight-Eily et al., 2011). Adjusted for sex, age, and race/ethnicity.
Percent of students Adjusted Odds Ratio Confidence Interval and p value

Alcohol use 50.3 1.64 (1.46–1.84) p = 0.00

Cigarette use 24.0 1.67 (1.45–1.93) p = 0.00

Marijuana use 23.3 1.52 (1.31–1.76) p = 0.00

Currently sexually active 39.1 1.41 (1.25–1.59) p = 0.00

Drank soda> 1 day 35.7 1.14 (1.03–1.28) p = 0.02

Physical fight in the last year 36.9 1.40 (1.24–1.60) p = 0.00

Felt sad or hopeless 31.1 1.62 (1.43–1.84) p = 0.00

Considered or attempted suicide 16.8 1.86 (1.60–2.16) p = 0.00

McKnight-Eily et al. (2011).

hers hn er 447
be directly applicable to young adults for several Additionally, the law mandates that drivers’ educa-
reasons: (1) the accident risk is higher in younger tion courses will include the effects of sleep depriva-
subjects, regardless of the presence of a sleep disor- tion on driving performance (Transportation, 2012;
der; (2) professional drivers have more driving train- Massachusetts Department of Transportation,
ing than young adults; (3) adults and professional 2012) (see table 31.2).
drivers commute more miles than young adults; (4) The Drowsy Driving Act of 2011, submitted from
obstructive sleep apnea in teenagers can be defined Massachusetts, is not yet in effect. It is also referred
by different criteria, either as an adult or as a child to as “Rob’s Law,” in memory of Major Robert
(Iber, Ancoli-Israel, Chesson, & Quan, 2007). Raneri, a US Army Reserve officer who was killed
Therefore, the best interpretation may be that the on June 26, 2002, by an admitted drowsy driver. The
presence of obstructive sleep apnea in young adults 19-year-old driver admitted that he had stayed up
will increase the risk of MVAs but to what degree is all night playing video games. Despite the accident
difficult to quantify. resulting in a death, the driver was sentenced only
In a study comparing untreated obstructive sleep to a misdemeanor since drugs and alcohol were not
apnea, 24 hours of sleep deprivation, and alcohol involved in the accident. In part, the provisional law
consumption, obstructive sleep apnea participants states (The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2011;
when treated had improvements in steering error, Sleep Research Society):
mean reaction time, and off-road events (Hack,
[A driver] who has fallen asleep while operating a
Choi, Vijayapalan, Davies, & Stradling, 2001). As
motor vehicle, or who was impaired by drowsiness
a comparison, untreated obstructive sleep apnea
of which the person was aware or could reasonably
participants had steering performance that ranged
be expected to be aware shall be punished by a fine
between that of normal subjects consuming alcohol
of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 or by
and sleep deprived participants.
imprisonment for not more than 2 1/2 years, or
both such fine and imprisonment. Evidence that
Legal Implications of Drowsy Driving
the operator of a motor vehicle was awake for at
Drowsy driving is a considerable public health
least 22 of the 24 hours prior to said operation of a
issue with mounting attention in the media and
motor vehicle or at least 140 hours of the 168 hours
the medical literature. The legal ramifications of
prior to said operation of a motor vehicle that is
drowsy driving have changed in recent years; within
involved in a crash that results in death, debilitating
the United States, many states have developed
injury, or property damage in excess of $50,000,
legislation to combat this growing problem with
shall constitute sufficient evidence to conclude
increasingly strict consequences for drowsy driving.
that said motor vehicle operator was impaired by
Below are some examples of current legislation in
the United States, some enacted and others under
consideration. Maggie’s Law, from the state of New Jersey, was
The Junior Operators’ Bill from Massachusetts passed after the death of 20-year old college student
is a version of graduated driving licensure that was Maggie McDonnell, who was killed when a driver
developed after the Drowsy Driving Law of 2005 crossed three lanes of highway traffic and hit her
failed to be passed; it went into effect January 2007. car head-on (Grunstein & Rogers, 2005). The male
Graduated driving licensure is a program where driver admitted he had been awake for 30 hours,
independent driving occurs in stages; for example, but lack of sleep was not considered a “crime” at
teenagers may be able to drive only during certain that time; therefore, he received only a suspended
hours and without passengers. After a certain time, jail sentence and $200 fine. “Maggie’s Law “estab-
these restrictions are lifted and the driver has unre- lishes driving while fatigued as recklessness under
stricted driving privileges. The Junior Operator’s vehicular homicide statute (State of New Jersey
Bill limits some higher-risk driving situations. No 210th Legislature, 2002). For this state law, driving
driving is allowed from 12:30 to 5:30 am and it pro- while fatigued is defined as “being without sleep for
hibits the use of mobile electronic devices (i.e., cell 24 continous hours” and can result in up to 10 years
phones) for operators under the age of 18 while driv- in jail and up to $100,000 in fines.
ing. Steep penalties, including a suspended license Since May 1, 2010, New Jersey has required all
and fees, may occur if a junior operator is found drivers younger than 21 with learner’s permits or
talking on a cell phone or writing, sending, or read- probationary licenses to display red reflective decals
ing text messages while operating a motor vehicle. on their license plates when they drive (Lockwood,

448 im pac t of s leep on driving in yo un g a d ults

Potential Interventions to Reduce Motor
Risk- Vehicle Accidents
Driving is a complex activity and mastery takes
time, maturity, physical, social, and psychological
skills. Reducing the rate of teen accidents is ham-
Total Sleep
pered by a lack of data on effective interventions.
This section will focus on interventions that may
decrease drowsiness while driving and will discuss
Weekend a few brief non-sleep based interventions (Graham
Delay & Gootman, 2008). Inadequate sleep is common
among young adults and is known to worsen driv-
ing performance; therefore, one possible interven-
tion to reduce accidents is to decrease young adults’
Figure 31.2 Sleep Variables Related to Increased Risk-
sleep deprivation. There are some intriguing trends
Taking Behaviors: Increased risk-taking behaviors were seen in the literature that suggest modifying school start
for decreased total sleep time, depending on the study less than time may be an effective intervention. A change in
6.45–8 hours. Weekend delay is the difference between week- one particular high school’s start time from 7:30 am
end bedtime and school bedtime. Increased weekend delay of to 8:30 am increased sleep duration and decreased
≥2 hours was associated with more risk-taking behaviors when
compared to subjects with a weekend delay of < 1 hour (Catrett
teenage average crash rates by 16.5% in the 2 years
& Gaultney, 2009; McKnight-Eily et al., 2011; O’Brien & following the time change. In comparison, the teen
Mindell, 2005). crash rate increased by 7.8% in the concurrent time
period for the rest of the state (Danner & Phillips,
2008). Two communities in Virginia with signifi-
2010; Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, cantly different high school start times had different
December 15, 2011). It is a part of “Kyleigh’s Law,” rates of MVAs. The community with a 75–80-
named after a teenager who was killed while rid- minute earlier start time had 4.5 times more crashes
ing as a passenger. It appears that the decals are among 16–18-year-olds in the community com-
frequently not used, nor is the law enforced, as pared to the school with a later start time (Vorona
surveys of high school students showed that only et al., 2011). More definitive research is needed to
25%–64% of high school students displayed the determine if a later high school start time would
red decal (see figure 31.3). decrease accident rates. Knowledge of the effects

Table 31.2 Penalties for violations of Junior Operators’ Bill (Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, 2012)

Violation 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense

Passenger Restriction 60 day suspension $100 180 day suspension Driver 1 year suspension Driver
reinstatement fee Attitudinal Retraining Attitudinal Retraining
Course $100 fee Course Full Exam $100 fee

Time Restriction 60 day suspension $100 fee 180 day suspension Driver 1 year suspension Driver
Violation 12:30 am-5am Attitudinal Retraining Attitudinal Retraining
Course $100 fee Course Full Exam $100 fee

Operating to Endanger/ 180 day suspension $500 fee 1 year suspension $500 fee 1 year suspension $500 fee
Recklessly or Negligent

Drag-Racing 1 year suspension Driver 3 year suspension Driver 3 year suspension Driver
Attitudinal Retraining Attitudinal Retraining Attitudinal Retraining
Course $500 fee Course $1000 fee Course $1000 fee

Speeding 90 day suspension Driver 1 year suspension Driver 1 year suspension Driver
Attitudinal Retraining Attitudinal Retraining Attitudinal Retraining
Course $500 fee Course $500 fee Course $500 fee
Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. (2012). JOL License and Permit Violations and Penalties. Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Retrieved from on 4/15/2013 http://www.massrmv.com/rmv/jol/jol_penalties_chart.htm and http://www.massrmv.com/rmv/jol/index.htm.

hers hn er 449
of drowsy driving may decrease the incidence of •Fines -$500-
•Fines up to
drowsy driving. Driving training courses educate $100,000 5,000
most (69%) adolescents to the consequences of •Prison
Maggies Robs
drowsy driving (National Sleep Foundation, 2006). Law
However knowledge of the risks of drowsy driving Law
may not be adequate to change behavior. A study
of college students found that 68% of young adults Junior
Kayleighs Operator
continued to drive despite having a near-accident Law Bill
on that same drive (Lindsay et al., 1999). Since •No cell phones
•Red decals for
obstructive sleep apnea can worsen driving safety, it license plates
•No night driving
•No passengers
can be presumed that treatment of obstructive sleep
apnea would improve driving. There are no stud-
ies on young adults to conform this, but treatment Figure 31.3 Legal Implications for Drowsy Driving
of obstructive sleep apnea improves driving perfor- (Grunstein & Rogers, 2005; Lockwood, 2010)
mance in adults to some degree, although abnor-
malities may still be present with driving simulation
(George, 2001; Hack et al., 2001; Sassani et al., performance and potential interventions to avoid
2004; Vakulin et al., 2011). Caution is needed in an accident. In general, these are research based and
interpreting these results as they again pertain to may not be commercially available. A lane departure
adult subjects. warning system monitors the position of the vehicle
within the lane; a warning is given if the vehicle
Graduated Driving Licensing appears to be leaving the lane or roadway. SafeTRAC
Graduated Driving Licensing (GDL) allows is an example of this technology (Federal Motor
driving independence to occur in stages before a full Carrier Safety Administration, 2013; Shropshire,
unrestricted license is obtained. In practice, novice 2006). Slow eye movements and eye blinking can
drivers progress from less risky to more risky driv- herald the onset of sleep. PERCLOSE monitors the
ing situations (Foss, R. & Evenson, 1999). The gen- proportion of time in a minute that the eyes are 80%
eral framework is supervised driving for a period of closed. Studies have used this in association with
time, progression to unsupervised driving with spe- various software systems to try to design an effec-
cific limitations (i.e., no passengers, no nighttime tive warning system. Other devices have evaluated
driving) and the final stage of unrestricted licensure. the driver’s steering angle; when drowsiness occurs
These programs address some specific situations the algorithm can detect the presence of prolonged
that increase the risk of MVAs such as limiting the pause before a correction in the driver’s steering.
presence of passengers and prohibiting nighttime AWAKE (the effective Assessment of driver vigilance
driving. It may also address behavioral and devel- and Warning According to traffic risK Estimation) is
opment aspects with a graduated and conceivably a multisensor approach evaluating both traffic and
longer time frame before an unrestricted license. In the driver’s performance (Wang, Q. 2006). It moni-
other words, more time may lead to more matu- tors, in part, speed, eyelid movement, lane tracking,
rity and better decision-making ability. There is changes in steering grip and vehicle position, while
considerable variability among different graduated also monitoring the current traffic risk from maps,
driving license programs among different states in anti-collision devices, driver gaze sensors, and odo-
the United States and other countries. This vari- motor readings. Monitoring both car and driver
ability makes analysis of effectiveness problematic, components are utilized to create the warning sys-
but results are promising with an 8% reduction tem. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is a com-
in crashes in New Zealand and a 5% reduction plex of interconnected processing elements that are
in Maryland after enactment. In North Carolina, meant to function like a neuron, hence the “neural”
the GDL reduced fatal crashes by 57%, nighttime name. Driver drowsiness detection occurs in a com-
crashes by 43%, and daytime crashes by 20% (Foss, plex network that in part analyzes steering angle. On
Feaganes, & Rodgman, 2001). a simulated driving course, the AWAKE network was
able to classify driving performance into drowsy and
Technology to Monitor Driving Performance nondrowsy with 89.9% accuracy. It detected drowsy
Technological advancements are being designed driving 3.5 minutes before a crash occurred on the
that may allow both monitoring for poor driving simulated course (Sayed & Eskandarian, 2001).

450 im pac t of s leep on driving in yo un g a d ults

Table 31.3 Potential interventions for drowsy driving teenagers obtain, and delaying the start of high
(Foss and Evenson 1999; Culp, El Gindy et al. 2008; school may decrease the community rate of accidents
Danner & Phillips, 2008) among teenagers. More states and countries need to
Intervention for drowsy driving develop graduated licensure programs, as these have
been shown to decrease accidents. Since graduated
Graduated driving licensure licensure programs are so variable, research is needed
Drivers education on affects of drowsy driving to determine which key features (limiting passen-
gers, night driving, and age of licensure) are most
Later school start times effective. Alerting drivers to the effects of drowsiness
is vital, as it appears many young adults continue to
Technology to monitor drowsy driving
drive despite feeling drowsy. Advances in technology
Enhanced safety features of vehicles may become an asset, as cars of the future are able to
analyze and intervene when dangerous driving pat-
Culp, Gindy, & Haque (2008).
Danner, F. & Phillips, B. (2008). Adolescent sleep, school start terns are present. Future research is vital to better
times, and teen motor vehicle crashes.” Journal of clinical sleep understand modifiable risk factors as they pertain
medicine: JCSM: official publication of the American Academy of Sleep to sleep and sleep disorders and to develop effective
Medicine, 4(6), 533–535.
Foss, R., & Evenson, K. (1999). Effectiveness of graduated driver interventions for the serious public health issue of
licensing in reducing motor vehicle crashes. American Journal of drowsy driving and accidents in young adults.
Preventive Medicine, 16(1, Supplement 1), 47–56.

Future Directions
Automotive manufacturers have developed collision- • Further research is needed to determine if
avoidance technology, also termed forward collision a later school start would decrease motor vehicle
warning systems, which are available in some models. accidents in young adults.
Each company’s system has different features, but • Investigation into the increased rate of
some can signal if the driver is following another motor vehicle accidents around the start and
car too closely or if a lane change occurs without end of school is crucial, as there may be certain
proper preceding signals. The system can be primed transportation modalities, such as busing, that are
in high-risk driving situations so that seat belts and optimal for safety of students.
the braking system are more effective (Bosch, 2010; • The development of cost-effective technology
Danielson, 2008; Ford Media.com, 2009). Further that can analyze driving patterns and behaviors
research is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of and potentially intervene during the presence
these technologies (see Table 31.1). of concerning or hazardous driving behaviors
(increased lane variability, speed, and tracking) is
Conclusion needed.
Driving in young adults has an unacceptably • The presence of gender differences with risk-
high rate of motor vehicle accidents and deaths. taking behaviors and individuals ability for risk
Driving is a complex task with many variables con- self-warrants further research.
tributing to the risk of accidents, including physi-
ological, neurocognitive, and psychosocial factors.
Improving sleep is not often considered as an area References
Acheson, A., Richards, J. B., & de Wit, H. (2007). Effects of
for potential interventions because sleep depriva- sleep deprivation on impulsive behaviors in men and women.
tion and sleep disorders may not be considered as Physiology & Behavior, 91(5), 579–587.
risk factors for accidents. Key sleep-related factors Akerstedt, T., & Gillberg, M. (1990). Subjective and objec-
for increased risk of accidents are young adults’ tive sleepiness in the active individual. [Research Support,
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wakefulness on driving performance, and the cir- Aldrich, M. S. (1989). Automobile accidents in patients with
cadian influences change on to of heightened risk sleep disorders. Sleep, 12(6), 487–494.
of accidents during the early morning hours. Sleep Arnedt, J. T., Wilde, G. J. S., Munt, P. W., & MacLean, A. W.
may also influence less tangible risk factors such as (2001). How do prolonged wakefulness and alcohol compare
risk-taking behaviors and substance use. in the decrements they produce on a simulated driving task?
Accident Analysis &amp; Prevention, 33(3), 337–344.
Effective interventions to reduce accident risk American College Health Association. (2007). National college
need to be developed and instituted. The timing health assessment Spring 2006 Reference Group data report.
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Atienza, M., Cantero, J. L., Stickgold, R., & Hobson, J. A. Foss, R., & Evenson, K. (1999). Effectiveness of graduated driver
(2004). Eyelid movements measured by Nightcap predict licensing in reducing motor vehicle crashes. American Journal
slow eye movements during quiet wakefulness in humans. of Preventive Medicine, 16(1, Supplement 1), 47–56. 3
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Banks, S., Catcheside, P., Lack, L., Grunstein, R. R., & McEvoy, effects of graduated driver licensing on 16-year-old driver
R. D. (2004). Low levels of alcohol impair driving simulator crashes in North Carolina. Journal of the American Medical
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Sleep Difficulties
Associated with
Developmental and
Behavioral Risks
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Asthma, Allergies, and Sleep

Daphne Koinis Mitchell and Robin Everhart

Children with chronic illnesses often experience sleep problems as a result of disease symptoms
(e.g., itching, wheezing) or nighttime disease management (e.g., blood glucose monitoring). Poor
sleep has negative implications for daytime functioning, including academic performance and quality
of life. As asthma and allergic diseases (e.g., allergic rhinitis) are the most common chronic diseases
in childhood, associations between sleep and these chronic conditions are of particular concern for
researchers and health care providers. Disease-specific factors associated with asthma and allergic
disease (e.g., severity, treatment adherence), as well as factors associated with cultural background
and the family context (e.g., urban poverty, sleep practices, caregiver functioning) can affect child
sleep patterns. Given the consequences of poor sleep on child functioning, clinical recommendations
and interventions for children with asthma and allergic disease should focus not only on disease
management, but also on family and environmental factors that may impact child sleep.
Key Words: chronic illness, allergic rhinitis, asthma, pathophysiology, adherence, culture,
family context, sociocontextual factors

Introduction: Sleep and Chronic Illness found to have less parent-reported daytime and
in Children nighttime sleep than healthy children (Mindell,
As emphasized throughout this book, sleep is Spirito, & Carskadon, 1990). Children with chronic
important for all children for promoting optimal disease are vulnerable to sleep disruptions due to
physical health, mental health, daytime function- factors related to the illness and illness management
ing, learning, and development. Sleep depriva- process, including the variability in symptom pat-
tion can negatively influence immune function in tern that may be more pronounced during night-
healthy children (Ozturk et al., 1999) and it has time hours and the potential for poor adherence to
been shown to delay wound healing in animal mod- treatment recommendations (see Meltzer & Walsh,
els (Gumustekin et al., 2004). Conversely, adequate Chapter 13). Such factors (e.g., variability in symp-
sleep may assist recovery from illness or injury tom pattern, poor adherence) can disrupt nighttime
through secretion of melatonin, which increases sleep patterns and challenge children’s abilities to
the immune response, and growth hormone, which initiate and maintain sleep.
promotes healing (Yarrington & Mehta, 1998). A growing body of research has attempted to
Pediatric populations with acute or chronic medical further understanding of the impact of chronic
conditions are at increased risk for sleep disruption. illnesses on sleep in children, and several factors
Over 26.6% of children experience a chronic illness that may influence variations in sleep in pediatric
in the United States (Van Cleave, Gortmaker, & populations have been identified. These factors have
Perrin, 2010). Children with chronic illnesses are focused on biological mechanisms (e.g., change in

inflammatory mediators at night), illness-related problems are more common in children with ill-
factors (e.g., severity, treatment components), family nesses compared to healthy children.
factors (e.g., caregiver functioning) and, to a lesser
extent, environmental factors (e.g., poverty, neigh- Asthma and Allergic Disease in Children:
borhood context, cultural factors). Understanding Prevalence and Morbidity
how chronic illnesses can affect sleep patterns and Before examining how asthma may influence
behaviors is a topic of developmental and clinical sleep in children, it is important to review its preva-
importance; it provides a context for understand- lence in US children and the burden that it may
ing an important influence that can affect children’s present to children’s functioning. Over 12.6% of
sleep behaviors and offers an opportunity to iden- children in the United States have asthma. Children
tify avenues for intervention to enhance the quality over the age of 5 years seem to be most affected,
of sleep in children with specific health needs. and males are at increased risk for asthma preva-
In this chapter, we focus on the most common lence and morbidity compared to female children
pediatric health conditions that are chronic in (14.7% vs. 10.7%; Centers for Disease Control and
nature, asthma and allergies, and examine the influ- Prevention, 2010). Asthma burden (e.g., emergency
ence of these illnesses on sleep in children. We also department use) is particularly high in African-
focus on asthma because of the alarming racial and American and Latino children compared to non-
ethnic health disparities that exist in the prevalence Latino White children (Lara et al., 2006). Puerto
levels and morbidity of the illness, and sleep quality Rican children have the highest rates of asthma
may be at particular risk in these groups. We begin morbidity of children from any other ethnic group
with a review of the pathophysiology of asthma and (Lara et al., 2006). Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a com-
the unique way in which asthma can affect night- mon comorbid condition in children with asthma.
time sleep due to the presence of allergic symptoms For example, approximately 80% of all children
during the night. Specific focus is on the pathophys- with asthma have coexisting AR, and nearly 40% of
iological mechanisms involved with allergic diseases those with AR have coexisting asthma (Grossman,
that may be relevant at night for children and ado- 1997). AR affects up to 40% of children (Derebery
lescents, and how adherence to treatment is critical et al., 2008). Roughly one-third of all individuals
to improve illness control and, in turn, sleep quality. with AR are less than 17 years of age (Blaiss, 2004).
We then review the current state of the literature on Similarly, other atopic diseases, such as atopic der-
allergic disease and sleep in children. The unique matitis (AD), are common and increasing in preva-
issues related to the family and social context, which lence in children (Kelsay, 2006).
may play a role in sleep disruption in chronically ill
children, are also highlighted. We end with a discus- Morbidity Associated with Allergic Disorders
sion of future directions for research and interven- The burden from allergic disorders such as
tions focusing on allergic conditions and sleep in asthma in the United States has increased over the
children and adolescents. past two decades, despite advances in asthma treat-
ment. Increases in asthma morbidity and mortal-
How Do Chronic Illnesses Affect Sleep in ity are overrepresented in the pediatric population
Children? (Centers for Disease Control, 2002). Uncontrolled
Chronic illness may affect sleep in children asthma can also impose serious limitations on daily
through various pathways of influence. Some ill- life. For example, asthma is the leading cause of
nesses (e.g., asthma and epilepsy) may have worsen- school absenteeism due to chronic illness, with
ing symptoms at night, and others (e.g., diabetes) approximately 14.7 million school days missed
may require nighttime medication (see review by per year due to asthma symptoms in children
Boergers & Koinis Mitchell, 2010). Further, pain, 5–17 years of age (National Institutes of Health,
hospitalization, and side effects of medications 2002). Guidelines-based treatment for asthma and
may all interfere with sleep (Valrie, Gil, Redding- AR in children (National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Lallinger, & Daeschner, 2007). Unique features of Institute, 2007; Bousquet et al., 2008) identi-
the hospital environment, such as noise, light, and fied missed sleep due to symptoms as a key indi-
nocturnal disruptions related to nursing care, can cator of morbidity. Clinical guidelines for AR use
interfere with children’s sleep routines (Boergers the degree of sleep impairment due to symptoms
& Koinis Mitchell, 2010). Because of the chal- to classify AR severity. Furthermore, the National
lenges related to managing chronic illnesses, sleep Center on Sleep Disorders Research has recognized

458 asth m a , allerg ies , and s leep

sleep disturbances as an important factor contribut- overall quality of life (National Heart, Lung, and
ing to racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities Blood Institute, 2007). Other outcomes of illness-
in health outcomes (National Institutes of Health, related morbidity that can be affected by frequent
2003). Poor sleep quality is an indicator that allergic symptoms include an increase in school absences for
disease is in poor control given the potential pres- children, missed work for adults, and an increase in
ence of nocturnal symptoms, and has particular emergency department visits and hospitalizations.
relevance for children’s daytime functioning and For children and adults, the presence of symptoms
overall quality of life (Blaiss, 2004; Juniper, Buist, can also impair concentration. If untreated and/
Cox, Ferrie, & King, 1999; Koinis Mitchell, Craig, or severe, asthma, in particular, can result in death
Esteban & Klein, 2012; see reviews Mullol, Maurer, (Lara et al., 2006).
& Bousquet, 2008; Nathan, 2007). Allergic rhinitis (Bousquet, Van Cauwenberge, &
Khaltaev, 2001) and atopic dermatitis (Fernandez-
Pathophysiological Characteristics of Mayoralas, Caballero, & Garcia-Marcos, 2004) have
Allergic Diseases been shown to be risk factors for asthma. Asthma
To provide more context for how asthma may and allergic rhinitis (AR) have the same underlying
affect sleep in children, it is important to first describe immunopathology because a range of inflammatory
briefly the hallmark characteristics of the disease. mediators (e.g., histamine, leukotrienes) contribute
Asthma is a complex disease of the airways, character- to inflammation in both the upper and lower airways
ized by both episodic and chronic features. The guide- (Grossman, 1997). Both conditions are affected by
lines for the diagnosis and management of asthma, similar allergens (e.g., molds) and involve similar
developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood treatment procedures: consistent use of medica-
Institute, define asthma as a chronic inflammatory tions and trigger control. Despite the similarities
airway disorder, in which many cells and cellular ele- between asthma and AR, there are important dis-
ments play a role (National Heart, Lung, and Blood tinctions. AR results in upper airway compromise
Institute, 2007). Asthma involves bronchial hyperre- because of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, postnasal
sponsiveness (i.e., an exaggerated bronchoconstrictor drainage, sneezing, and pruritus of the eyes, nose,
response to stimuli) and bronchospasm, leading to ears, and throat (Fisher, Ghaffari, Davies, & Craig,
airflow limitation and intermittent and variable peri- 2005). The impact of asthma is more focused on
ods of airway obstruction. Chronic inflammation of lower airway compromise. AR symptoms may add a
the airways, even in milder forms of the disease, is unique burden to individuals with asthma and can
also recognized as a core feature. Guidelines-based contribute to increased disruptions in sleep in chil-
asthma treatment approaches highlight the need for dren (Koinis Mitchell et al., 2012).
ongoing management for all forms of the disease to Atopic dermatitis appears to result from the
enhance lung function and minimize the burden of complex interplay between defects in skin barrier
nighttime asthma symptoms on sleep, participation function, environmental and infectious agents, and
in activities, and overall functioning. immune abnormalities (Watson & Kapur, 2011).
Specifically, the pathophysiology of asthma Successful management of the disorder involves
involves multiple overlapping processes, including optimal skin care practices, anti-inflammatory treat-
smooth muscle dysfunction, airway inflammation, ment with topical corticosteroids and/or topical cal-
airway hyperresponsiveness to various triggers, swell- cineurin inhibitors (TCIs), the use of first-generation
ing of the airways, and mucus production (National antihistamines to help manage sleep disturbances,
Institutes of Health, 1997). Smooth muscle con- and the treatment of skin infections. Individuals
traction causes bronchial constriction. An influx of with concomitant atopic conditions such as asthma
inflammatory cells (i.e., mast cells, eosinophils, and and AR are at an increased risk for sleep disruption
Type 2 helper T lymphocytes) is associated with air- because of both the burden associated with manag-
way inflammation. Airway inflammation and bron- ing multiple diseases and the higher potential for
choconstriction can result in a range of symptoms, symptoms to occur during sleep if the illnesses are
including coughing, wheezing, breathlessness, and poorly managed (Watson & Kapur, 2011).
chest tightness, particularly at night or early in
the morning. If not properly treated, symptoms Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Allergic
of asthma and allergic diseases can persist and can Disorders Affecting Sleep
impose limitations on physical functioning, includ- Symptoms related to allergic disease are more
ing a restriction of activities, missed sleep, and frequently experienced during nighttime hours

ko i n i s m i tc hel l , everha rt 459

(Meijer et al., 1995). A dip in cortisol levels at night episodes. Long-term control medications are
can increase inflammatory cytokines and other intended for daily use for extended periods of time
mediators, which can bring on nighttime symptoms. to control persistent asthma symptoms. Children
Further, there is an association between inflamma- and adolescents with persistent asthma symptoms
tion and circadian rhythms; there is an increased are typically prescribed both quick-relief medica-
inflammation during the night which can influence tion and some form of long-term control medica-
airway obstruction in asthma, more nasal conges- tion, and adherence to these medications is crucial
tion in allergic rhinitis, and more itching/scratch- for control of symptoms at night (National Heart,
ing in atopic dermatitis (Martin & Banks-Schlegel, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2007).
1998). Histamine, an inflammatory mediator Child and adolescent patients are instructed that
released during allergic reactions, may contribute to adherence to these treatment recommendations
sleep disruption as it is involved in the regulation can lead to greater symptom control, decreased
of the sleep–wake cycle and arousal (Tashiro et al., need for urgent health care visits, better sleep qual-
2002). Circadian rhythms in nasal mucosa conges- ity, and enhanced overall quality of life (National
tion have also been found to peak in adults during Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2007). The more
early morning hours, adversely affecting sleep qual- complex a treatment regimen becomes, however,
ity (Ferguson, 2004). the more challenging it becomes for patients and
Sleep posture can also facilitate an increase in families to follow it effectively. If individuals with
mucus production for individuals with asthma and allergic disease do not adhere to daily treatment,
increased nasal congestion for individuals with AR whether it be daily use of a topical corticosteroid
(Craig, Sherkat, & Safaee, 2010). Additional fac- or daily controller medication use, or if individuals
tors in asthma include increased airway resistance are symptomatic prior to bedtime and avoid using
at night and increased pollen counts during the rescue medication, this can also result in increased
nighttime hours. Typical sleep-related problems symptoms during nighttime hours. In general, if
seen in AR include sleep disordered breathing, nighttime symptoms related to allergic disorders are
sleep apnea, and snoring, all of which are associated not well controlled, children can experience sleep
with nasal congestion/obstruction (Rappai, Collop, loss and secondary daytime fatigue, which may
Kemp, & deShazo, 2003; see Craig et al., 2010, contribute to missed school days, missed work for
and Mullol et al., 2008 for a detailed explanation parents, diminished quality of life, decreased activ-
of mechanisms of sleep impairment involved in ity participation, and concentration and learning
AR). For children with atopic dermatitis, disease problems (International Conference on Allergic
flare-ups can result in itching and discomfort for Rhinitis in Childhood, 1999; Juniper, Guyatt, &
the patient and, as a result, sleep can be disrupted Dolovich, 1994). When controller medications are
(Leung et al., 2007). used consistently in children with asthma, lower lev-
els of sleep problems have been observed (Garrison,
Nonadherence to Treatment Lozano, & Christakis, 2011).
Adherence to recommended treatment is an
integral component for promoting sleep quality in Studies Examining Sleep and Allergic
children who are chronically ill. For children with Disease in Children
allergic disorders, effective management requires Despite wide recognition that night waking due
acceptance of the chronic, episodic nature of the ill- to allergic symptoms is a common problem with
ness, and belief in the efficacy of medications used potentially significant consequences, sleep distur-
for treatment (McQuaid et al., 2005). Typical rec- bance in individuals as a result of nighttime symp-
ommendations for asthma include separate medica- toms, particularly in pediatric populations, has been
tions for symptom control and for management of relatively neglected (Strachan, Anderson, Limb,
exacerbations, and identification of environmental O’Neill, & Wells, 1994).
triggers and measures to avoid or minimize expo-
sure to them (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Asthma
Institute, 2007). Quick-relief medications (e.g., Few studies have examined sleep in children with
short-acting beta2–agonists, and systemic corticos- asthma, despite the high potential for disrupted
teroids for more severe asthma episodes) are used sleep due to nocturnal symptoms (National Heart,
to provide prompt relief of symptoms associated Lung, and Blood Institute, 2007). In one study,
with bronchoconstriction, a core feature of asthma data from a night of polysomnography indicated

460 asth m a, allerg ies , and s leep

that the primary sleep abnormality associated with chronic nonrestorative sleep than those who rarely
asthma symptoms at night is the disruption of sleep or never have such symptoms (Young, Finn, &
due to frequent awakenings (Stores, Ellis, Wiggs, Kim, 1997). As in studies with asthma, sleep qual-
Crawford, & Thomson, 1998). This study also ity as assessed by subjective measurement is worse
showed that awakenings due to asthma were associ- in individuals with more severe AR (Bousquet
ated with impairments in children’s quality of life. et al., 2006; Colas et al., 2012).
Fewer studies include representative groups of Studies using objective methods to assess sleep,
children, despite the fact that asthma prevalence such as actigraphy, are less common. One study
and morbidity is disproportionately present in chil- demonstrated that adults with perennial allergic
dren of Puerto Rican and African-American descent rhinitis have more sleep disturbance than healthy
(Lara, Akinbami, Flores, & Morgenstern, 2006). control participants (Rimmer, Downie, Bartlett,
One study including non-Hispanic White and Gralton, & Salome, 2009). Another prospective
African-American children from middle to upper study compared questionnaire responses to a sleepi-
class backgrounds showed associations among the ness scale and polysomnography results between
number of asthma-related awakenings (1–7 times children with AR and 25 controls (Stuck et al.,
per week), more school absences, and poorer school 2004). Results indicated an association between
performance (Diette, Markson, Skinner, Nguen, daytime sleepiness and quality of life measurements
& Algatt-Bergstrom, 2000). Other studies includ- correlating with severity of rhinosinusitis.
ing representative samples of children show that It appears that individuals with AR are more
nocturnal symptoms (Strunk, Sternberg, Bacharier, prone to poor sleep because of an increase in the
& Szefler, 2002) and parent report of poorer sleep number of micro-arousals during sleep that are
quality are more likely in children with more severe attributable to disordered breathing, upper airway
asthma (Fagnano, Bayer, Isensee, Hernandez, & resistance, and increased nasal discharge (Craig
Halterman, 2011). Poor sleep in children with et al., 2010). Some early studies also point to nasal
asthma has also been linked with high levels of congestion associated with AR as a primary con-
behavioral problems by caregiver report (e.g., dis- tributor to disturbed sleep and daytime fatigue
ruptive behaviors; Fagnano et al., 2009), worse (e.g., Lavie, Gertner, Zomer, & Podoshin, 1981).
asthma control, and poorer quality of life (Dean A common measure used to assess the impact of
et al., 2010; Luyster et al., 2011). Finally, asthma AR symptoms on quality of life is The Nocturnal
symptoms such as wheezing and coughing have Rhinoconjunctivities Quality of Life Questionnaire
been associated with parent report of the child’s dif- (NRQLQ; Juniper, Rohrbaugh, & Meltzer, 2003).
ficulty falling asleep, disturbed sleep, and daytime Results from studies using this assessment have
sleepiness (Desager, Nelen, Weyler, & De Backer, linked sinus congestion caused by AR with sleep
2005). disturbances (Juniper et al., 2003). Other symptoms
such as sneezing, rhinorrhea, and nasal pruritus may
Rhinitis also contribute to reduced sleep quality and sleep
Several large-scale survey studies have been con- disturbances in AR (Camhi, Morgan, Pernisco, &
ducted in the area of rhinitis and sleep. One study Quan, 2000). Further, individuals with concomi-
estimated that up to 88% of pediatric patients tant asthma and AR appear at greater risk for poor
with AR have sleep problems (Juniper et al., sleep (Janson et al., 1996).
1994). In a recent survey of individuals with AR,
68% of respondents with perennial allergic rhini- Atopic Dermatitis
tis and 48% with seasonal AR reported that their Fewer studies have focused on sleep quality and
condition interfered with sleep (Blaiss, 2004). In atopic dermatitis. Disturbed sleep in individuals
the Pediatrics Allergies in America Survey, sleep in with AD has been corroborated by several observa-
individuals with rhinitis was altered with 40% tional studies demonstrating that children with AD
reporting that allergies affected their sleep, 32% awaken more often and sleep less during the night,
reporting having difficulty getting to sleep, and and adults with AD show a similar pattern (Bender
26% reporting being awakened in the night due to & Leung, 2005). One small study examined sleep
symptoms (Meltzer et al., 2009). As a consequence efficiency and scratching by polysomnography,
of poor sleep due to AR symptoms, individuals actigraphy, and self-report in 20 adults with atopic
with rhinitis have been shown to be more likely dermatitis (Bender, Ballard, Canono, Murphy,
to have chronic excessive daytime sleepiness or & Leung, 2008). Decreased sleep efficiency was

ko i n i s m i tc hel l , everha rt 461

related to disease severity and increased scratching. seasonal AR (e.g., Craig, Teets, Lehman, Chinchilli,
Associations between poorer sleep by self-report & Zwillich, 1998; Stuck et al., 2004).
and actigraphy and increased daytime fatigue in Several other studies have linked AR and aller-
adults with AD compared to healthy controls has gic sensitization with snoring in children (e.g.,
also been shown (Bender, Leung, & Leung, 2003). Sogut et al., 2005). One study found atopy was the
Dahl and colleagues (Dahl, Bernhisel-Broadbent, strongest risk factor for habitual snoring; the effect
Scanlon-Holdford, Sampson, & Lupo, 1995) found was cumulative, such that a child with comorbid
that children with atopic dermatitis reported more asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis was
nighttime waking, frequent daytime sleepiness, and seven times more likely to snore (Sogut et al., 2005).
irritability compared to children without atopic der- Children with asthma and AR are at increased risk
matitis. The severity of child dermatitis symptoms for sleep disordered breathing, particularly children
was also correlated with more daytime behaviors with more severe disease. This has implications for
that were indicative of disturbed sleep (Dahl et al., children’s daytime functioning, although more stud-
1995). ies are needed in this area.
In summary, children with allergic disease are
more susceptible to disrupted sleep due to the pres- Sleep Behaviors and Duration
ence of potential nighttime symptoms and/or poor Limited studies have examined specific sleep
disease control. Children with more severe disease behaviors and the quantity of sleep in children with
are at further risk for sleep impairment. Disrupted asthma and allergic diseases. In the context of chil-
sleep due to nocturnal symptoms has negative con- dren’s sleep practices, rates of napping among chil-
sequences for daytime functioning, particularly dren without chronic illnesses have been found to
quality of life. Compared to studies including indi- vary by race and ethnicity, with African-American
viduals with asthma and AD, more research has been and Latino children often napping more fre-
conducted in the area of AR and disrupted sleep. quently than non-Latino White children (Crosby,
LeBourgeois, & Harsh, 2005; Lavigne et al., 1999).
Sleep Disorders Caregivers also reported that African-American chil-
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), snoring, and dren slept less on weekday nights and had shorter
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are common sleep nocturnal sleep durations. Less time sleeping at
conditions in individuals with asthma and AR night among African-American children, as well as
(Craig et al., 2010; Leger et al., 2006; Mullol et al., differences in the cultural acceptance of naps, may
2008) based on subjective criteria, although more explain differences in napping by cultural back-
studies are needed in this area. Moreover, current ground (Crosby et al., 2005). Napping also appears
findings suggest wide racial and ethnic differences in to be a more common behavior than expected in
sleep-related disorders, although these specific stud- children with asthma of minority ethnicity, poten-
ies have not examined incidence of asthma or AR tially related to later bedtimes and inadequate
in these samples. SDB (snoring, upper airway resis- nighttime sleep (Kieckhefer, Ward, Tsai, & Lentz,
tance, obstructive sleep apnea) is twice as likely in 2008). Further research including ethnic minority
young African Americans as in non-Latino Whites children with asthma is needed to examine whether
(Redline, Tichler, Hans, Tosteson, & Strohl, 1997). napping behaviors may be more likely in this group
Furthermore, parental reports of witnessed apneas, to make up for inadequate sleep, or due to more
snoring, and excessive daytime sleepiness are signifi- severe disease.
cantly more likely in Latino than non-Latino White A host of factors associated with allergic disor-
children (Goodwin et al., 2003). ders (e.g., variability in symptom pattern, potential
In studies of asthma, individuals with SDB have for nocturnal symptoms, higher severity level, non-
an increased risk of having severe asthma (Ross et al., adherence to medications) can affect sleep patterns
2012) and AR (Canova et al., 2004). Children with in children. The general consensus among find-
SDB in this study also had more behavioral prob- ings indicates that children with allergic disorders
lems compared with children without SDB. In stud- are more susceptible to disrupted sleep due to the
ies assessing sleep using polysomnography in adults presence of potential nighttime symptoms that can
with seasonal allergic rhinitis and healthy adults, awaken children and affect sleep quality. There are
differences were found in an increased apnea and additional factors related to the family such as the
hypopnea index, increased snoring time, amount of family climate, caregiver functioning, and family
REM sleep, and sleep latency in individuals with cultural background and socioeconomic status that

462 asth m a , allerg ies , and s leep

may be affected by the child’s allergic disease (and to a control group of caregivers of children without
vice versa), and, in turn, influence the child’s sleep a chronic illness, caregiver depression and anxiety
behaviors, routines, and sleep quality. were found to disrupt caregivers’ sleep in those who
had children with asthma (Yilmaz et al., 2008).
The Family Context The burden and worry associated with caring for a
The family plays a paramount role in managing child with a chronic illness, as well as the task of
the child’s allergic disorder (McQuaid, Walders, managing the child’s symptoms through the night
Kopel, Fritz, & Klinnert, 2005), especially for chil- may contribute to poor sleep in caregivers (Ziaian
dren who are younger than school age. As children et al., 2006). Sleep loss in parents has been associ-
develop, they gain increasing independence man- ated with a parent’s ability to adequately manage a
aging the illness; however, the family still strongly child’s illness and to make important medical deci-
affects daily decisions about illness management, sions (Scott, Hwang, & Rogers, 2006; Yilmaz et al.,
and consistent findings show that effective family 2008), as well as with missed days of work and lost
management behaviors are linked with lower levels wages for parents (Diette et al., 2000).
of illness-related morbidity (e.g., McQuaid et al., As the association between caregiver sleep and
2005). In the context of sleep, aspects of the fam- caregiver mood is likely cyclical, poor sleep quality
ily environment, such as the family climate, have in caregivers may intensify poor psychological func-
emerged as contributing factors in sleep distur- tioning and increase their sensitivity to depression
bances among children with chronic illnesses. For and anxiety (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). Studies
instance, in pediatric asthma, the negative mood of have found a significant association between sleep
the caregiver, parenting hassles, and disruptions in and psychological functioning in caregivers of chil-
bedtime routines increase the risk of child awaken- dren with asthma (Yuksel et al., 2007). The pres-
ings at night (Fiese, Winter, Sliwinski, & Anbar, ence of depressive symptoms in mothers of children
2007). Using daily diary data collected via the tele- with asthma has also been associated with decreased
phone, Fiese and colleagues (2007) found that the adherence and increased rates of emergency depart-
degree to which a parent felt hassled by a daily event ment visits (Bartlett et al., 2004). Consideration
(e.g., changing plan because of unexpected child of the caregiver’s distress level and psychologi-
need, children not listening), but not the daily event cal functioning is important when attempting to
itself, was associated with the greater likelihood that address sleep disruption in children with allergic
a child with asthma would awaken at night. A par- disorders. Caregiver level of distress can likely chal-
ent who is already sleep deprived from nighttime lenge the effective management of children’s disease,
awakening due to the child’s asthma symptoms may which may disrupt the child’s and the caregiver’s
have a lower threshold for children’s misbehaviors, sleep if more symptoms are experienced at night.
which may contribute to a caregiver’s negative mood. Furthermore, parent distress leads to fluctuations in
Children may also sense such changes in the parent family climate, which has the potential to impact
and may resist bedtime at night or may experience child sleep (Fiese et al., 2007; see Meltzer and
fluctuations in mood as a result of an unhappy par- Walsh, Chapter 13). In addition to caregiver mood,
ent, which can make it more difficult for the child frequent disruptions in the caregiver’s sleep are also
to fall asleep at night (Fiese et al., 2007). likely due to the child’s asthma and allergy symptoms
experienced throughout the night (Ziaian et al.,
Caregiver Emotional Distress Related to the 2006). More nocturnal asthma symptoms have also
Child’s Illness and Caregiver Sleep been related to poorer caregiver quality of life, with
Results from other studies also highlight the caregivers reporting feeling more burdened by their
importance of caregiver functioning when consid- child’s asthma (Fagnano, Bayer, Isensee, Hernandez,
ering the sleep of chronically ill children. It is well & Halterman, 2011). The sleep of caregivers with
established that across chronic conditions, the stress children who have severe illness is an important area
of caring for a child with a chronic illness can lead of focus, as more support in maintaining adherence
to higher rates of parent emotional distress (Frankel to the child’s treatment may be warranted.
& Wamboldt, 1998). Caregiver mood and stress
have been linked to poor sleep quality in caregiv- Caregiver Monitoring at Night
ers, which may have adverse consequences for a Chronic illnesses that require medical monitor-
child’s daily illness management (Dobbin, Bartlett, ing during the night have also been found to disturb
Melehan, Grunstein, & Bye, 2005). As compared caregiver sleep, including those who have children

ko i n i s m i tc hel l , everha rt 463

with asthma (Diette et al., 2000; Horner, 1997). functioning of parents. Although factors related to
In fact, nighttime monitoring may lead to multiple the family’s sociocontextual background are not
nighttime visits to check on their child’s illness sta- often included as cultural factors, they do play an
tus. This has also been observed in studies including important role in child health and sleep behaviors.
children with diabetes (Monaghan, Hilliard, Cogen, Thus, in addition to studies focused on co-sleeping
& Streisand, 2009; Sullivan-Bolyai, Deatrick, and sleep behaviors, we also include a review of the
Gruppuso, Tamborlane, & Grey, 2003) and epi- literature focused on sociocontextual factors and
lepsy (Williams et al., 2000). Co-sleeping behaviors sleep in children with allergic disease.
may be more likely in these circumstances, when Co-sleeping (see Burnham, Chapter 12). Most of
caregivers are fearful of their children’s breathing the literature focused on co-sleeping in ethnically
problems during the night and, as a result, choose to diverse families has found that African American
sleep with the child. This pattern has been observed families are more likely to co-sleep than other ethnic
in caregivers of children with epilepsy; increased groups (Fu, Moon, & Hauck, 2010; Joyner, Oden,
rates of co-sleeping following diagnosis have been Ajao, & Moon, 2010; Shields, Hunsaker, Muldoon,
found, which can affect both parent and child sleep Corey, & Spivack, 2005). Further, bed sharing has
(Becker, Fennell, & Carney, 2003). been associated with a higher risk of SIDS and risk
In summary, overall family climate, caregiver of accidental suffocation, especially among African
emotional stress, and caregiver sleep have emerged American infants (Fu et al., 2010). Reasons for co-
as areas within the family context that ultimately sleeping often include parental work schedules, lim-
have implications for child sleep and daily illness ited space due to financial constraints, and a belief
management (see Meltzer and Walsh, Chapter 13). in interdependence over autonomy (Morgan &
In particular, caregiver sleep may be disturbed by Johnson, 2001).
nighttime management of symptoms or by monitor- There are limited studies specifically focused on
ing the child’s illness during the night. Interventions co-sleeping among children with chronic illnesses.
to improve sleep among children with chronic ill- Co-sleeping in children with health conditions
nesses should focus on factors related to the family, appears to arise in response to a need to keep an eye
especially caregiver functioning. Findings related to on the child, such as in children who have devel-
child sleep in chronic illnesses speak to the need for oped seizures (Williams et al., 2000). For instance,
health care providers to focus on the parent in addi- Williams et al. (2000) found that parents were more
tion to the child, and make referrals and recommen- likely to co-sleep after an initial diagnosis of epi-
dations for the parent as appropriate. lepsy (22%) versus diabetes (8%). Parents may have
been motivated to co-sleep by their own anxiety
Family’s Cultural Background about their child’s condition. Furthermore, 38%
Limited studies have considered cultural-related of the sample that initiated co-sleeping following
processes related to sleep behaviors among chil- diagnosis was African American whereas 19% of the
dren with chronic illnesses (Boergers & Koinis- sample that co-slept was non-Latino White.
Mitchell, 2010). Specific groups of families may Co-sleeping in pediatric chronic illness has also
experience factors related to ethnic background, emerged as a way to help manage symptoms dur-
such as discrimination, acculturative stress, and ing the night. In a study of children with atopic
health care system challenges (e.g., language barri- dermatitis, 30% of parents reported co-sleeping
ers) that may affect child health and sleep (Boergers (Chamlin et al., 2005). Further, 66% of these par-
& Koinis-Mitchell, 2010; see Super and Harkness, ents described being bothered by co-sleeping and
Chapter 9). Cultural beliefs may impact how the that doing so helped their child manage symp-
child’s illness is managed, which ultimately can toms such as itching and scratching. With respect
have an influence on the quality of a child’s sleep. to ethnic differences, Chamlin et al. (2005) found
For example, cultural beliefs related to co-sleeping that co-sleeping was more prevalent among Asian-
and sleep behaviors (e.g., napping) have emerged as American families of a child with atopic dermatitis
important aspects of sleep that can differ by cultural versus African-American, Caucasian, or Hispanic
background. As ethnic minority families are often families. Although the literature on co-sleeping in
more likely to live in urban settings, daily stressors families with a child with asthma and allergic dis-
such as lack of financial resources, neighborhood ease is sparse, it appears that co-sleeping is mostly
safety, child level of stress, and lack of social sup- utilized to keep a closer watch on the child and to
port may affect the family climate and psychological assist with the child’s symptoms. It is also likely that

464 asth m a , allerg ies , and s leep

cultural values related to co-sleeping or sociocontex- depression and anxiety (Lavigne & Faier-Routman,
tual factors related to crowding may lead to higher 1992; McQuaid, Kopel, & Nassau, 2001). Ethnic
rates of co-sleeping among ethnic minority families, minority children and children from urban settings
although more research is needed to determine such are also at risk for increased psychological problems,
associations. often due to acculturative stress and discrimination
as well as limited financial resources (Vera et al.,
Sociocontextual Factors 1991). Behavioral and emotional difficulties have
Family Socioeconomic Status been associated with problems in falling and stay-
In considering factors related to the context ing asleep among children with chronic illnesses
within which a child lives, socioeconomic status (Hysing, Sivertsen, Stormark, Elgen, & Lundervold,
(SES; see Hale, Parente, and Phillips, Chapter 10) 2009). Taken together, these findings suggest chil-
can affect poorer sleep outcomes in children with dren with asthma and allergic conditions may be at
a chronic illness. For example, in pediatric obesity, increased risk for sleep problems and may benefit
neighborhood income and short sleep duration from behavioral strategies to decrease stress and
emerged as important predictors of increased odds anxiety, which may in turn decrease psychological
of child obesity status (Ievers-Landis, Storfer-Isser, as well as illness-related symptoms.
Rosen, Johnson, & Redline, 2008). The stress of
limited family resources may contribute negatively Future Directions for Research
to the overall family climate and level of stressors, Pathophysiological mechanisms associated
perhaps making sleep routines and maintaining with asthma and allergic disease can contribute
good sleep hygiene as well as illness control diffi- to disrupted sleep in children. Although research
cult among children with chronic illnesses. Limited has furthered our understanding on the impact of
financial resources have been linked with poorer these conditions on sleep quality, there are many
medication adherence in children with asthma important avenues to pursue in future research.
(McQuaid et al., 2009), which can affect the poten- Given the risk for poorer health outcomes in chil-
tial for nighttime symptoms. dren with comorbid atopic conditions, examin-
A higher proportion of poor families tend to live ing the effects of co-occurring symptoms on sleep
in urban environments where asthma prevalence quality in children is an important research pri-
rates are higher, and there is greater exposure to ority to determine how to reduce the impact of
allergens and low-quality housing, which can make each disease and identify appropriate and specific
it difficult for families to control asthma symp- targets for intervention (e.g., identifying which
toms (Koinis-Mitchell et al., 2009; Koinis Mitchell symptoms to treat first).
et al., 2007). Such conditions have been found Many of the studies reviewed tend to be cross-
to relate to more psychological distress and more sectional in nature and involve short time periods
symptoms in children with asthma (Wright et al., of assessment. There is a need for prospective, lon-
2004). Mechanisms underlying the associations gitudinal studies examining the co-occurrence of
between SES and sleep in children with chronic symptoms and sleep patterns in children in order
illnesses are not well understood in the literature to provide more causal evidence for the effects of
and require future research to investigate potential allergic disease on sleep. Further, more focus on the
targets for intervention. It is likely that stress levels consequences of impaired sleep on different areas of
related to living in an impoverished context may functioning relevant to various developmental lev-
challenge consistent bedtime routines, appropriate els, beyond quality of life, are needed.
sleep hygiene, and effective management behaviors, Studies including children with asthma and
which are all necessary ingredients to high quality allergic diseases tend to use a range of terminol-
sleep in children with asthma and allergic diseases. ogy to describe sleep affected by nighttime symp-
toms, such as sleep impairment, sleep disturbances,
Child Stress Level sleep problems, sleep efficiency, sleep quality, and
Another important factor that can explain poor so forth. This is likely influenced by the range of
sleep among children from lower SES families methods used to assess sleep (subjective vs. objective
might be related to the increased level of stress the methods) and the specific issues relevant to these ill-
child is experiencing. Stress can affect psychologi- nesses (e.g., sleep disruptions or number of wakings
cal functioning and in fact, children with chronic due to symptoms). More clarity is needed with how
illnesses are often at risk for increased levels of sleep is defined and measured, as each term used has

ko i n i s m i tc hel l , everha rt 465

a specific meaning and may have a different impact whether illness-related symptoms may influence the
on health outcomes. presence of psychological conditions and, in turn,
Most methods for assessing both symptoms and affect quality of sleep. Medications used to treat
sleep rely on self-report assessments, which are sub- conditions such as ADHD (e.g., stimulants) need
ject to poor recall and bias. These include assess- to also be considered.
ments of daily atopic symptoms, sleep problems, Treatments that improve symptoms (of nasal
daytime somnolence, fatigue, and quality of life. congestion in AR particularly), such as intranasal
On the other hand, there are benefits to using these corticosteroids can enhance children’s sleep (Craig
instruments; subjective questionnaires are easy to et al., 2010) and may improve daytime sleepiness
use, inexpensive and have demonstrated reliability, and quality of life (Lunn & Craig, 2011). For chil-
validity, and reproducibility. dren with asthma, fewer sleep problems have been
The use of more objective assessments of sleep observed in children who are more adherent to daily
quality in the form of actigraphy and polysomnog- controller medications (Lunn & Craig, 2011). In
raphy in children with chronic diseases, such as contrast, sedating antihistamines can increase day-
asthma, is less common. Although these methods time sedation and fatigue (Craig et al., 2010). In
are expensive and increase burden to participants general, the role of effective management behaviors
and on study resources, they do allow for more in promoting high quality sleep practices in chil-
sophisticated indicators that are relevant to asthma dren with allergic disease needs to be studied further
and allergic disease (frequency and duration of night in research. More attention to the role of medica-
wakings lasting a particular length of time; number tion adherence on sleep quality in children with
of minutes spent asleep). These methods also allow allergic diseases, who are at increased risk, is clearly
for a more precise assessment of changes in sleep needed. For children who have overlapping asthma
quality across specific sleep periods (sleep onset and AR symptoms, balancing the management of
latency, rest period, sleep period). Further, an accu- both disorders through effective trigger control and
rate diagnosis of asthma and/or AR and classifica- continued medication adherence may be key to pre-
tion of disease severity and control are necessary to venting impairments in sleep and improving day-
inform the most appropriate therapeutic interven- time functioning.
tions determined by guidelines-based approaches Focusing sleep research on other comorbidities of
and minimize nocturnal symptoms. asthma and AR, such as obesity, which seems to be
Sample sizes in the studies focusing on allergic linked with sleep disordered breathing, is an impor-
disease and sleep in children tend to be small, and tant area for further research (Gozal & Kheirandish-
not representative of specific ethnic groups at high Gozal, 2009). Treating these comorbidities, such as
risk for illness-related morbidity. Further study of SDB, may improve asthma morbidity and sleep.
differences in sleep patterns, timing and duration
of sleep, sleep disruptions and sleep disorders in Conclusions
specific ethnic groups is needed. Mechanisms across In summary, sleep impairment associated with
multiple levels (pathophysiological, cultural/fam- allergic diseases such as asthma, AR, and atopic
ily, individual/psychological, environmental) that dermatitis can have a significant impact on chil-
may underlie ethnic and racial differences in sleep dren’s quality of life and on their concentration and
in children with allergic disease need to be pursued physical activity levels. The sleep disturbance can be
in further depth in order to guide more tailored caused by symptoms associated with the illness such
interventions. In addition, given sleep behaviors as wheezing or coughing in asthma, nasal congestion
are highly variable across the developmental period, in AR, and itching in AD. Inflammatory cytokines
studies should focus on whether sleep disruptions and other mediators can also directly disturb sleep
or patterns differ across specific age groups in indi- and cause daytime somnolence in children, fatigue,
viduals with allergic disease. For example, caregiv- decreased cognitive and psychomotor abilities, and
ers may monitor younger children more closely, increased difficulty concentrating.
and bed sharing may be more common in families Therapeutic interventions related to guidelines-
where children have more persistent disease. based treatment for asthma and allergic disorders
Psychological problems are also more preva- have demonstrated improvement in symptoms
lent in children who have atopic conditions such and quality of life. Bolstering adherence to specific
as asthma, yet they have been overlooked in sleep treatment recommendations that may be particu-
research. Future research is needed to examine larly relevant to sleep (medication use and trigger

466 asth m a , allerg ies , and s leep

control) is important for future interventions with • The role of effective management behaviors,
children, particularly those with more severe dis- including medication adherence, in promoting
ease or comorbid atopic conditions. A range of fac- high quality sleep practices in children with allergic
tors associated with allergic disease and treatment disease needs to be studied further.
behaviors (e.g., severity, adherence to treatment), • Researchers should consider the impact of
as well as a child’s and family’s cultural background comorbid conditions, such as pediatric obesity, on
and context (e.g., caregiver functioning, factors sleep in children with asthma and allergic disease as
related to urban poverty, and family sleep practices) treating these comorbidities may improve asthma
can disrupt sleep and affect sleep patterns and need morbidity and sleep.
to be considered when working with children who
have allergic disorders. Multilevel interventions that References
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D. Y. (2008). Disease severity, scratching, and sleep quality
targets for interventions to reduce disease impact
in patients with atopic dermatitis. Journal of the American
and improve sleep quality. Academy of Dermatology, 58(3), 415–420.
• Prospective, longitudinal studies examining Blaiss, M. (2004). Allergic rhinitis and impairment issues in
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in children are needed to provide more causal and Opinions, 20, 1937–1952.
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evidence for the effects of allergic disease on sleep.
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• Studies should also aim to address the on asthma (ARIA) 2008 update (in collaboration with the
consequences of impaired sleep on different World Health Organization, GA2LEN and AllerGen).
areas of child functioning, as well as how these Allergy, 63(Suppl. 86), 8–160.
consequences may differ by developmental level. Bousquet, J., Van Cauwenberge, P., & Khaltaev, N. (2001).
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• As studies including children with asthma
report. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 108(5),
and allergic diseases tend to use a range of S147–S334.
terminology to describe sleep affected by nighttime Bousquet, J., Neukirch, F., Bousquet, P. J., Gehano, P., Klossek,
symptoms, more clarity is needed as to how sleep is J. M., Le Gal, M., et al. (2006). Severity and impairment of
defined and measured across studies. allergic rhinitis in patients consulting in primary care. Journal
of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 117(1), 158–162.
• Researchers should strive to incorporate
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actigraphy) as they allow for more precise Psychology, 35, 915–926.
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specific sleep periods. Factors affecting sleep disturbances in children and adoles-
cents. Sleep Medicine, 1(2), 117–123.
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underlying ethnic and racial differences in sleep in Tamm, M., & Leuppi, J. D. (2004). Increased prevalence of
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ethnic groups are often at high risk for illness- apnea. Respiration, 71(2), 138–143.
related morbidity. Centers for Disease Control. (2002). Surveillance for asthma—
United States, 1980–1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
• Future research is needed to examine whether
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illness-related symptoms may influence the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Behavioral
presence of psychological conditions and, in turn, Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Questionnaire. Atlanta,
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47 0 asth m a , allerg ies , and s leep


Autism and other Developmental

33 Disabilities

Amanda L. Richdale

Parents of children with a developmental disability more commonly report sleep problems than
parents of typically developing children. These sleep problems include difficulties getting their child
to bed, and that their child takes a long time to fall asleep, wakes frequently, and/or wakes for
long periods during the night. These reports are generally supported by objective findings. Sleep-
disordered breathing is more common in children with specific developmental disorders such as
Down syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome, where craniofacial features associated with the disorder
place them at high risk. Poor sleep in children with a developmental disability is generally associated
with more severe daytime behavior difficulties, lower IQ, poorer adaptive behavior, compromised
parent sleep, and increased parent stress, placing parents at risk for increased symptoms of anxiety
and depression. Such sleep problems are likely to be multifactorial and are best viewed within a
biopsychosocial context. Further research on the etiology, impact and intervention for sleep problems
in children with a developmental disability is required.
Key Words: autism, sleep disorders, developmental disability, children, sleep

Introduction Sleep, as has been discussed in other sections

This chapter considers sleep issues in children of this book, is a developmental phenomenon (see
with developmental disorders, including children Part 1) which is important for children’s physical
with an intellectual disability (i.e., IQ < 70 and poor development, learning, behavioral regulation, and
adaptive behavior). The disorders included here are emotional well-being (e.g., Dewald, Meijer, Oort,
not exhaustive, but serve to illustrate similarities Kerkhof, & Bögels., 2010; Gregory & Sadeh, 2012;
and differences in sleep problems across a range of see Part 5). Children’s sleep is also influenced by
developmental disorders. A primary focus is sleep in family and environmental factors and, when prob-
autism spectrum disorders, as they are more com- lematic, can negatively impact families, especially
mon than other developmental disorders and poor mothers (e.g., Meltzer & Mindell, 2007). As readers
sleep is a common comorbid condition (American already will have noted from other chapters in this
Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000; Richdale & book, sleep disturbances are a common occurrence
Schreck, 2009). Effects on families and approaches in childhood and adolescence, being most prevalent
to intervention for common sleep problems in in infants and young children, decreasing in middle
children with developmental disabilities are also childhood, and increasing in prevalence again with
addressed. Readers are directed to Stores (2001) for the onset of the physiological and social changes that
a description and overview of sleep issues associated begin with puberty. At all ages, evidence suggests that
with a range of disorders of development, including sleep problems are more common in children with
developmental disabilities not covered here. a developmental disability than in children who are

typically developing (Quine, 2001). Physiological a developmental disability (Robinson & Richdale,
features intrinsic to some developmental disorders 2004; Wiggs & Stores, 1996a) and may be lifelong
(e.g., Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, (Bramble, 1996). Keenan, Wild, McArthur, and
Smith-Magenis syndrome) carry with them a high Espie (2007) reported that parents believe that sleep
risk for specific sleep disorders. Nevertheless, in problems are “chronic” with “severe consequences.”
general the most common sleep problems reported The average parent-reported duration of sleep diffi-
by parents of children with a developmental disabil- culties in children with a developmental disability is
ity relate to settling and night waking—that is, they up to 8.8 years (Robinson & Richdale, 2004).
are sleep problems and behaviors associated with In a structured review of 61 papers examining
insomnia, in particular the Behavioral Insomnias sleep problems in children with a range of disor-
of Childhood (International Classification of Sleep ders of development, excluding autism spectrum
Disorders, 2nd Ed. [ICSD-2]; American Academy disorders, Tietze et al. (2012) concluded that more
of Sleep Medicine [AASM], 2005). than two-thirds of children with developmental dis-
abilities presented with sleep problems, exceeding
Sleep Problems in the rates of sleep difficulties reported in typically
Developmental Disabilities developing children and children with psychiat-
Children aged 6 years and over with an IQ < 70 ric disorders. Children with severe neurodegenera-
and who have similarly poor adaptive behavior have tive disorders were almost universally likely to have
an intellectual disability (or mental retardation), sleeping difficulties. Insomnia was most common;
while a similar presentation in younger children sleep apnea and severe sleep–wake cycle disturbances
is generally referred to as a global developmental were also frequent, with the latter more common
delay. These are a heterogeneous group of children, in children with severe global brain damage; there
including children who are presumed to have low did not appear to be any disorder-specific sleep
IQ and adaptive behavior in the absence of any problems. The authors thus concluded that degree
comorbid condition that may explain their delay as of brain damage was more likely to be related to
well as children with disorders known to be associ- sleep disturbances. The heterogeneity of sleep prob-
ated with low IQ and poor adaptive behavior, such lem definitions and methods of sleep ascertainment
as Down syndrome or Fragile X syndrome. As most made comparisons difficult, and they noted a clear
sleep research regarding children with an intellec- need for well-validated assessment tools to facilitate
tual disability or developmental disability uses het- both etiological and intervention research.
erogeneous groups of children and adolescents, the
term developmental disability is used in this chapter Impact of Poor Sleep on
to refer to this mixed group regardless of their age or Daytime Functioning
specific developmental disorder. Poor sleep can have a range of negative conse-
Reports of high but variable rates of parent-re- quences for children with a developmental disability
ported sleep disturbance in children with a develop- (Doran, Harvey, & Horner, 2006), and in particu-
mental disability have appeared in the literature for lar more severe behavioral difficulties are associated
over 30 years. Prevalence figures range from 23.7% with sleep problems (Clements et al., 1986, Didden
(Didden, Korzillius, van Aperlo, van Overloop, & et al., 2002, Quine, 1991; Richdale et al., 2000;
de Vries, 2002), 34% (Clements, Wing, & Dunn, Wiggs & Stores; 1996a). Poor sleep has also been
1986), 57.7% (Richdale, Francis, Gavidia-Payne, & associated with a range of child factors, including
Cotton, 2000), and 77%–86%, with the higher rate communication, poor adaptive behavior, and poor
in those under 6 years of age (Bartlett, Rooney, & academic skills (Quine, 1991; Stores, 1992). Quine’s
Spedding, 1985). Similarly, Quine (2001) reported 1991 study remains the most comprehensive, exam-
that the rate of sleep onset (41%) and night wak- ining the interrelationships between sleep, child,
ing (45%) problems was much higher in children and family factors in children with a developmen-
with a developmental disability than in children tal disability. However, in a sample of 76 children,
who were typically developing (27% and 13% Robinson (2007) found that while children with a
respectively); restless sleep (53%) and bedwetting developmental disability and parent-reported sleep
(33%) were also common (Quine, 2001). Unlike problems had poorer adaptive behavior and more
typically developing children, where sleep problems behavior problems, these were not significantly
generally resolve after early childhood, sleep prob- worse than those reported for children who did not
lems can continue for many years in children with have a sleep problem.

47 2 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

Impact of Poor Child Sleep on Families associated comorbid conditions, thus assisting in
Parents of children with a developmental dis- formulating approaches to prevention and inter-
ability report that their own sleep is disrupted by vention. Tietze et al. (2012) also noted the need to
their child’s sleep difficulties (Didden et al., 2002; consider the impact of physical and psychosocial
Robinson & Richdale, 2004) and express concern factors on sleep in children with developmental dis-
over the impact that their child’s sleep problems orders to better understand poor sleep and develop
may be having on both the child and other family effective treatments. However, when developmental
members (Cotton & Richdale, 2006). These parents disorders have a very low prevalence or incidence
are also more likely to report fatigue, irritability, and (rare chromosomal disorders), obtaining larger sam-
difficulty coping (Didden et al., 2002). Maternal ple sizes to investigate sleep may be difficult. The
sleep and psychological well-being have been asso- following sections will address the sleep issues cur-
ciated with poor sleep and difficult behavior (Chu rently reported for specific developmental disorders
& Richdale, 2009) in children with a developmen- and autism spectrum disorder.
tal disability, and with parental stress (Gallagher,
Phillips, & Carroll, 2010). In mothers of children Sleep in Specific Developmental Disorders
with a developmental disability, children’s sleep Down Syndrome
quality and behavior problems predicted maternal Down syndrome results from the presence of an
sleep, while mothers’ sleep and children’s behavior extra 21st chromosome (trisomy 21) and is the most
together predicted maternal stress with mothers’ common noninherited cause of intellectual disabil-
sleep predicting both maternal anxiety and mater- ity, averaging 1.08 births per 1000 (Irving, Basu,
nal depression (Chu & Richdale, 2009). Richmond, Burn, & Wren, 2008); a majority of
children with Down syndrome have an intellectual
Conclusion disability. As well as the characteristic facial features,
Overall, the available evidence leads to the con- physical characteristics include short stature, poor
clusion that for children with a developmental dis- muscle tone, tendency to excess weight gain, and
ability, poor sleep is related to a range of adverse a protruding tongue. Children are also at risk for a
consequences for both the children and their fami- range of medical conditions associated with the dis-
lies. Nevertheless, in considering mixed disability order, including heart defects, visual and auditory
groups researchers may be confounding a range problems, pulmonary hypertension, and lowered
of child and parent issues related to poor child immunity (R. Stores, 2001).
sleep (Stores, 1992). First, the intrinsic behavioral In Down syndrome, physical characteristics
or medical conditions associated with a specific and poor muscle tone predispose these children to
developmental disorder (e.g., sleep apnea in Down obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This will generally
Syndrome) will affect the sleep or behavioral issues require medical treatment (see Mclaughlin Crabtree,
reported in any study depending on the composition Rach, and Gamble, Chapter 19). Parents commonly
of the sample under study. Similarly, parents will be also report behavioral sleep disorders (see R. Stores,
under varying degrees of stress associated with sup- 2001, for an early review). While not significantly
port needs, including behaviors associated with their different from parent-reported rates for compari-
child’s developmental disability, social supports, son groups, rates of sleep problems in children
child-related stress, associated medical conditions, with Down syndrome range from 40% (Cotton &
education needs and supports, and finances; family Richdale, 2006) to 65% (Stores & Stores, 2004) and
income and professional support are of particular these children were likely to be reported as sleepy
importance (Davis & Gavidia-Payne, 2009). For during the day (Cotton & Richdale, 2010).
example, families in which a child has autism are Stores, Stores, and Buckley (1996) surveyed the
more likely to suffer significant economic burden population of children with Down syndrome (age 4
than families of children with other developmental to 19 years) in one English county, compared with
disorders (Cidav, Marcus, & Mandell, 2012). These their siblings, with typically developing children,
factors will likely affect parent psychological well- and with a mixed group of children with develop-
being and sleep. mental disabilities. Both disability groups slept less
Thus, it is preferable to investigate sleep within than the siblings and typically developing children.
specific developmental disorders. This approach Increased settling, night waking, early morning wak-
may provide some understanding of the etiology of ing, and co-sleeping problems were found in Down
specific developmental disorders and any commonly syndrome as compared with siblings and typically

ri c hd a l e 473
developing children, but high levels of these sleep Down syndrome was highly fragmented and his
issues also occurred in the children with a develop- apnea subscale score on a standardized sleep ques-
mental disability. Behaviors associated with sleep tionnaire was high. His parents reported that the boy
disordered breathing (SDB) and OSA were more had previously had his adenoids removed to treat
common in Down syndrome. Both disability groups sleep apnea. A behavioral intervention improved
had more settling and sleep maintenance problems, settling, co-sleeping, and sleep latency, as well as
bedwetting, and daytime sleepiness behaviors than sleep efficiency, but night waking did not improve,
the two typically developing groups. Sleep issues actigraphy indicated highly fragmented sleep, and
were more common in the 4- to 7-year-old children his apnea score on the questionnaire remained high.
with Down syndrome. Thus, both a behavioral and a medical component
Subsequent research by the same group (Stores, appeared to contribute to this child’s sleep issues,
Stores, Fellows, & Buckley, 1998) confirmed that and earlier sleep apnea treatment may not have
children with Down syndrome may present with been successful. This is consistent with Shete et al.’s
sleep problems in three primary areas: (1) settling (2010) report regarding often poor long-term suc-
to sleep, (2) night waking, and (3) SDB and OSA, cess of adenotonsillectomy to treat OSA in Down
with sleep difficulties being associated with poorer syndrome.
daytime behavior and increased maternal stress. Behavior management for sleep issues surround-
Further actometry (Stores & Stores, 2004) showed ing settling and night waking can assist parents in
that children with Down syndrome slept less, had the management of their child with Down syn-
poorer sleep efficiency, spent longer awake after sleep drome. Psychologists and other health profession-
onset, and had a higher activity score than typically als need to be aware of the potential contribution
developing children. In a recent survey of 255 (241 of medical issues associated with Down syndrome
completed all questions) parents of children with to any presenting sleep difficulties, including that
Down syndrome (median age 5 years) the high rate removal of tonsils and adenoids may not ultimately
of sleeping difficulties was confirmed (Rosen et al., be successful in addressing sleep apnea. Thus, a
2011). Over half the parents (59.2%) had discussed medical referral may be needed.
their child’s sleep with their family doctor; 51.8% of
children were reported to have at least some settling Fragile X Syndrome
difficulties, 69.4% at least some difficulty maintain- Fragile X syndrome is the most common inher-
ing sleep, 54% had excessive daytime sleepiness, and ited cause of intellectual disability and involves a
44% of parents had discussed their child’s breathing mutation on the X chromosome where there is a
with the family doctor (Rosen et al., 2011). CGG trinucleotide repeat expansion. There are
In children, the removal of tonsils and adenoids both full and partial mutation forms; the full muta-
is typically undertaken to treat more severe OSA tion involves >200 CGG repeats, while the partial
(see McLaughlin Crabtree, Rach, and Gamble, mutation involves >50 CGG repeats. This muta-
Chapter 19). However, this procedure has been tion silences the FMRI gene resulting in suppres-
reported as a less effective treatment in Down syn- sion of the production of the FMRP protein, which
drome than in non–Down syndrome children, with appears to be the causative factor in the expression
only 3 of 11 Down syndrome children requiring no of intellectual disability or learning difficulties that
further treatment for OSA following the operation occur in Fragile X (Kronk, Dahl, & Noll, 2009).
(Shete, Stocks, Sebelik, & Schoumacher, 2010). The estimated prevalence of Fragile X full muta-
Similarly, Rosen and colleagues (2011) reported that tion carriers is 1:2500 (Hagerman, 2008). Males are
of children who had undergone adenotonsillectomy, generally more severely affected than females, and
47.5% still had apneas and 28.9% still gasped and there is a high risk for comorbid diagnoses includ-
choked during sleep. Nevertheless, while night wak- ing anxiety and autistic disorder. In a 2001 review,
ing episodes in Down syndrome may be associated G. Stores noted that there was little research on
with SDB or OSA, whether or not the child settles sleep problems in Fragile X even though sleep diffi-
easily to sleep at bedtime or is able to return to sleep culties were reported to be common. This situation
after waking without disturbing others in the house- has not improved.
hold is a generally likely to be a behavioral issue and Two studies give a parent-reported prevalence
may be amenable to behavioral treatment. of current sleep problems of around 30% in chil-
In one case (Thackeray & Richdale, 2002), actig- dren with Fragile X (Kronk, Bishop, Raspa, Bickel,
raphy showed that sleep in a 5-year-old boy with Mandel, & Bailey, 2010; Richdale, 2003). Parents

47 4 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

primarily reported that their child had difficulties sleep problems being severe enough in at least 30%
with sleep onset and night waking. Kronk and col- of cases for parents to report their child’s sleep as
leagues (2009) investigated sleep in 90 children problematic. Given that Kronk et al. (2010) noted
(ages 3–17 years) with Fragile X using a 14-day an association between sleep problems and health
sleep diary as well as a standardized sleep question- problems, practitioners should remain alert to the
naire. Clinically relevant sleep difficulties on the potential need for a medical referral when treating
questionnaire were exhibited by 47% of their sam- sleep issues in these children.
ple and, on the 14-day diary, 50% of children had
sleep onset delay and 53% exhibited night waking. Chromosome 15 Disorders
Irregular bedtimes (86%) and irregular morning prader-willi syndrome
arousal (83%) were very common across the diary Prader-Willi syndrome results from a failure in
period. Furthermore, on the questionnaire, caregiv- the expression of specific paternally derived genes
ers reported that 79% of children woke once (52%) at 15q11–13 with deletion in 70%–75% of cases
or more (27%) per night, 41% had sleep onset and maternal uniparental disomy in the majority of
delay, and 57% were restless sleepers. remaining cases (Bruni, Verrillo, Novelli, & Ferri,
Kronk et al. (2010) examined 1295 children and 2010; Õiglane-Shlik et al., 2006). A recent popula-
adults with Fragile X full mutation but only gathered tion study found a population prevalence of 1 in
further sleep information about those individuals 30,606 children and adolescents (Õiglane-Shlik
(32%) with a current, parent-reported sleep prob- et al., 2006). Children have poor muscle tone, are
lem. There was some variability in sleep problems short with small hands and feet, obese, and have
with age; in particular, younger children were more an intellectual disability. Disruption in hypotha-
likely to wake at night. Poor sleep was associated with lamic development and function occurs. Due to
poorer behavioral development and poorer health. the physical features of Prader-Willi syndrome,
Difficulty falling asleep, night waking, and restless the hypotonia, and the hypothalamic dysfunction,
sleep were common in both males and females, but these infants and children are at risk for sleep apnea
males were more likely to wake up to early (68%) (see Chapter 19, this volume), which can be of cen-
and females (21%) were more likely to have difficulty tral origin (Schlüter, Buschatz, Trowitzsch, & Aksu,
waking in the morning. Richdale examined parent- 1997; Bruni et al., 2010), and excessive daytime
reported sleep issues in 13 children with Fragile X sleepiness (Cassidy, McKillop, & Morgan, 1990;
and found that despite only 4 parents (30%) report- Bruni et al., 2010). There are also abnormalities in
ing a sleep problem, 10 (77%) children had evidence REM sleep (Bruni et al., 2010; Joo et al., 2009).
of current sleep difficulties. According to parents, Research on sleep in Prader-Willi syndrome is
7 (53.8%) children had had a sleep problem in the largely confined to an examination of sleep EEG
past, with sleep problems beginning in infancy in 6 (REM and NREM sleep) and the sleep apnea asso-
cases. Parent-report of a current sleep problem was ciated with the disorder (Joo et al., 2009; Bruni
associated with more severe child behavior problems et al., 2010; Verrillo et al., 2009). Verrillo et al.
and increased levels of parent stress. (2009) found abnormalities in sleep architecture
Using a 14-day sleep diary, Gould, Loesch, including sleep microstructure in children with
Martin, Hagerman, Armstrong, and Huggins (2000) Prader-Willi syndrome. They concluded that sleep
reported that 13 boys with Fragile X exhibited more microstructure differed from normal, supporting a
variable sleep patterns than a comparison group general hypoarousal state in Prader-Willi syndrome
of children. Melatonin levels were also examined associated with hypothalamic dysfunction. A com-
in eight of the Fragile X boys and compared with parison of children with Prader-Willi syndrome and
typically developing boys, and melatonin showed an same-aged obese but otherwise typically developing
elevated night peak as well as elevation during the children showed that children with Prader-Willi
day. Normally melatonin levels begin to rise prior to syndrome fell asleep more quickly, with an earlier
sleep onset, peaking in the early hours of the morn- onset of their first REM sleep episode, than the
ing (dark), and production is suppressed by day- comparison group. Increased total sleep, decreased
light. This finding of elevated melatonin requires REM sleep latency, and decreased NREM sleep in
replication and its relationship with sleep difficulties the Prader-Willi syndrome children were associated
in Fragile X remains unclear. with increased adiponectin levels (the hormone
Overall, these findings indicate that poor sleep involved in glucose regulation and fat catabolism;
is quite common in children with Fragile X, with Joo et al., 2009).

ri c hd a l e 475
Report of sleep behaviors and daytime behavior sleep-related breathing problems, and excessive
in children and adults with Prader-Willi syndrome daytime sleepiness, with overall sleep quality being
(Richdale, Cotton, & Hibbit, 1999) found exces- poor (Bruni et al., 2004; Didden et al., 2004; Walz
sive daytime sleepiness (EDS), more severe snor- et al., 2005). Between a fifth and a third of indi-
ing, and early morning waking in Prader-Willi viduals may require sleep medication to fall asleep
syndrome compared with age- and gender-matched (Bruni et al., 2004; Didden et al., 2004). Only a
controls. Excessive daytime sleepiness distinguished weak association between sleep problems and epi-
those with Prader-Willi syndrome from the com- lepsy has been reported (Didden et al., 2004).
parison group; EDS began prior to 1 year of age on Fifty-four percent of individuals (M = 15.2 years)
average and was associated with significant daytime with Angelman syndrome were reported to have a
behavior difficulties. An examination of the chil- current severe sleep problem. Night waking (3 or
dren and adolescents from Richdale et al. (1999) more nights per week) occurred in 37% of children
as compared with other developmental disorders and adults, and about half remained awake for an
and typically developing children found that 44% hour or more; 93% of the sample had incontinence
of parents reported a sleep problem (Cotton & at night. Parents (40%) rated night waking as the
Richdale, 2006) and that children with Prader-Willi most problematic of their child’s sleeping difficul-
syndrome woke earlier and were more likely to nap ties. Sleep problems were present on average for
than other children (Cotton & Richdale, 2010). 9.7 years, and parents reported that their own sleep
Thus, the primary sleep issues in Prader-Willi was significantly affected (Didden et al., 2004).
syndrome are associated with central sleep apnea Similarly, Bruni et al. (2004) reported that com-
and hypothalamic dysfunction, abnormalities in pared with typically developing children, children
the structure of the sleep EEG, and EDS (Bruni with Angelman syndrome (2.3–14.8 years) woke
et al., 2010), and the latter may be associated frequently (62.2%). Difficulty with going to bed
with significant behavior problems. From a non- (59.5%), sleep transition behaviors, restlessness
medical perspective, psychologists and other health (67.6%) and unusual movements (48.6%), enure-
professionals may be able to assist with behavior sis (35%), bruxism (21.6%), snoring (32.4%),
management but the primary sleep complaints in shortened night sleep (70.3% slept < 8 hours), and
Prader-Willi syndrome are biological in origin. daytime sleepiness (24%) were among other com-
mon issues reported. Restlessness and movement,
angelman syndrome along with EDS, were suggested to be specifically
Angelman syndrome is also a disorder associated associated with Angelman syndrome. Walz et al.
with chromosome 15q11–13. There is disruption in (2005) reported a similar range of sleep issues, with
the expression of the UBE3A gene caused by the the exception of waking screaming; sleep problems
deletion of maternally derived genes at 15q11–13 were present in 50% of their sample of 300 chil-
(70% of cases). In a further 15% of cases paternal dren, adolescents, and young adults with Angelman
uniparental disomy, a mutation of the maternal syndrome.
UBE3A gene, or an imprinting failure of the mater- The most recent survey of 16 children and ado-
nally derived gene resulting in the expression of the lescents with Angelman syndrome (Goldman et al.,
paternally derived gene occurs, while the molecular 2012) collected both PSG and actigraphy data, as
abnormality has not been determined in 10%–15% well as using a standardized sleep questionnaire to
of cases (Õiglane-Shlik et al., 2006; Williams, 2010). confirm sleep problems. Both objective measures
Children have a severe developmental delay, a dis- of sleep indicated problems with sleep onset (sleep
order of movement or balance, severely impaired latency >30 minutes), night waking of an hour or
speech, and a unique behavioral phenotype that more, poor sleep efficiency, and high sleep fragmen-
includes excessive laughter and excitability; epilepsy tation index. Average scores on all subscales on the
is also common (Williams, 2010). The population sleep questionnaire exceeded normative values, as
prevalence of Angelman syndrome is estimated as 1 did the total score. Poor child sleep was associated
in 56,112 children and adolescents (Õiglane-Shlik with insomnia and daytime sleepiness in parents,
et al., 2006). and increased parent stress.
Significant sleep problems are one of the asso- Despite the presence of significant sleep prob-
ciated conditions reported as present in Angelman lems, only a minority of parents (33%) of children
syndrome (Williams, 2010). Parents report sleep with Angelman’s syndrome are offered treatment for
onset and maintenance difficulties, parasomnias, their child’s sleep difficulties (Didden et al., 2004).

47 6 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

Medication was the most common treatment and children. While a high rate of medical issues was
few had received psychological (behavioral) interven- reported, in general these were not significantly
tion, which was rated as most effective. However, no associated with poor sleep. The presence of asthma
intervention was highly endorsed by these parents. and allergies was perhaps not surprisingly associ-
Thus, there appears to be scope to address at least ated with sleep onset delay, and cardiac problems
some aspects of poor sleep in Angelman syndrome affected sleep duration. Parents also reported high
(e.g., settling) using behavioral approaches. rates of snoring and enuresis. Total night sleep was
highly variable for the Williams syndrome group,
Williams Syndrome and 55% of parents felt that their child got insuf-
Williams syndrome occurs as a result of a deletion ficient sleep.
of about 25 to 30 genes on chromosome 7q11.23 In the second child study (Mason et al., 2011),
(Annaz, Hill, Ashworth, & Holley, 2011; Mason overnight PSG and parent sleep questionnaires were
et al., 2011). Characteristic facial features and medi- used to examine sleep in 35 children (M = 9.34 years)
cal abnormalities, including cardiovascular abnor- with Williams syndrome as compared with 35 gen-
malities, are generally present (Annaz et al., 2011; der- and ethnicity-matched typically developing
Gombos, Bódizs, & Kovács, 2011). Children with children (M = 9.52 years); symptoms of ADHD
Williams syndrome are likely to have a mild to mod- were also examined. According to parents, children
erate intellectual disability with significant visual- with Williams syndrome had more difficulty falling
spatial abnormalities, relative strengths in expressive asleep, and had restless sleep with leg movements
language, anxiety, and comorbid ADHD; children and prolonged night waking. Behavioral symptoms
with Williams syndrome are generally highly socia- associated with ADHD were also significantly more
ble (Goldman, Malow, Newman, Roof, & Dykens, common in the Williams syndrome group. PSG
2009; Gombos et al., 2011). Incidence estimates confirmed parent reports of night waking, with
vary from 1:20,000 live births (Annaz et al., 2011) to poorer sleep efficiency, higher respiratory-related
1:7500 live births (Mason et al., 2011). arousal index, and more slow wave sleep occur-
While sleep problems are not reported in descrip- ring in children with Williams syndrome. Parental
tions of abnormalities and behaviors associated with reports of restless legs and restless sleep were vari-
Williams syndrome, given the high rate of sleep ously associated with periodic limb movement mea-
difficulties found in children with developmental surements during PSG for the Williams syndrome
disabilities, sleep patterns and sleep problems have children, but the presence or absence of ADHD did
become a focus of interest in recent years (Annaz not differentiate the sleep of the Williams syndrome
et al., 2011; Goldman et al., 2009; Gombos et al., children. Decreased total sleep and REM sleep,
2011; Mason et al., 2011). Goldman and colleagues increased slow wave sleep, lower sleep efficiency,
(2009) examined sleep in 23 adolescents and adults and increased leg movements as compared with a
(17–35 years) with Williams syndrome. Problems control group were also reported by Gombos et al.
with sleep were acknowledged by 36.4% of par- (2011) in a smaller group of 9 young people with
ticipants and while they averaged 7.6 hours sleep, Williams syndrome aged 14–28 years.
sleep efficiency was poor. Daytime sleepiness was Thus, the available evidence suggests a pattern
reported by 77.3% of the cohort, 34.8% had EDS, of sleep problems in Williams syndrome that likely
and 90.5% had nocturia. continue into adulthood. These include settling
In 2011, two papers were published examining issues, restless sleep with periodic limb movements,
sleep patterns in children with Williams syndrome and prolonged night waking with consequent
(Annaz et al., 2011; Mason et al., 2011). Annaz et al. decreased total sleep, sleep efficiency, and increased
looked at parent-reported sleep problems on a stan- daytime sleepiness. While limited, data also suggest
dard sleep questionnaire in 64, 6–12-year-old chil- that the sleep EEG may differ from age-matched
dren with Williams syndrome as compared with 93 typically developing young people. The role of asso-
similar-age typically developing children. Children ciated medical conditions in exacerbating or causing
with Williams syndrome had a significantly higher sleep difficulties is uncertain, but cardiac problems
total sleep score and significantly higher subscale have been implicated. It is likely that behavioral
scores for bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay, sleep interventions will be helpful in addressing some of
anxiety, night waking, and daytime sleepiness than these sleep issues, but the potential for comorbid
the typically developing children; daytime tiredness medical conditions or ADHD to affect sleep should
was reported for 61% of the Williams syndrome not be ignored.

ri c hd a l e 477
Smith-Magenis Syndrome Smith-Magenis syndrome and poor sleep may show
Smith-Magenis syndrome involves chromosome an inversion of the normal melatonin rhythm asso-
17 with interstitial deletion at 17p11.2, resulting ciated with their sleeping difficulties (Boudreau
in distinctive craniofacial features, short stature, et al., 2009).
hypertonia and failure to thrive in infancy, language
delay, significant behavioral problems, intellectual Rett Syndrome
disability, and significant sleep disturbances which Rett syndrome is currently classified as a perva-
begin early in life; other medical problems may sive developmental disorder (APA, 2000), but does
also occur (De Leersnyder, 2006; Smith, Dykens, not appear in the draft revisions of the fifth edition
& Greenberg, 1998). Sleep problems in Smith- of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Magenis syndrome are almost universal and have Disorders (APA, http://www.dsm5.org/propose-
been attributed to an inverted melatonin rhythm, drevision/Pages/NeurodevelopmentalDisorders.
which has been found in almost all cases (Boudreau aspx). Rett syndrome predominantly occurs in
et al., 2009; De Leersnyder, 2006). Additionally, females with an estimated prevalence of 1.09 per
total sleep problems have been reported as the most 10,000 females (Young et al., 2007). The disorder is
significant predictor of maladaptive behaviors on progressive, with a loss of skills. Stereotypic move-
the CBCL in 35 children and adolescents (M = 9 ments, slowing of head growth, gait abnormalities,
years) with Smith-Magenis syndrome (Dykens & and autistic behaviors commonly occur (Glaze 2004;
Smith, 1998). Young et al., 2007). Thus, Rett syndrome needs to
Early bedtime, night waking, early morning be considered in young, more severely delayed girls
waking, and daytime sleepiness were reported in 39 who may be suspected of having autism. Rett syn-
children, adolescents, and young adults (M = 10.5 drome involves mutations in the MECP2 gene, with
years) with Smith-Magenis syndrome (Smith et al., at least 200 identified mutations to date, and the
1998). Most commonly, parents reported bedtime specific mutation found affects the severity of the
rituals, enuresis, night waking, napping and day- clinical picture (Young et al., 2007).
time sleepiness, and snoring; taking sleep medica- Sleep problems have been identified as associ-
tion was common. Morning waking could occur as ated with Rett syndrome for over 20 years (Glaze,
early as 2:00 am with the average wake time being Frost, Zoghbi, & Percy, 1987), though there is sur-
5:30 am. Similar sleep problems have been reported prisingly little research. Piazza, Fisher, Kiesewetter,
by other researchers (G. Stores, 2001); thus, sleep is Bowman and Moser (1990) conducted an exami-
phase-advanced in these children. nation of sleep in 20 females (1–32 years, median
Subsequent research showed that children with age 8 years) with Rett syndrome, training parents to
Smith-Magenis syndrome have a phase-shifted undertake momentary time sampling of behaviors
melatonin rhythm. The normal pattern of a mela- during the day and at night. Parents also recorded
tonin peak at night after sleep onset and low lev- when they were woken up or disturbed by their
els during the day is inverted, and this is associated child during the night. Late sleep onset (11:00 pm),
with the sleep and daytime behavior problems night waking and early morning waking (4:00 am)
(De Leersnyder, 2006). De Leersnyder and col- were observed, as was more frequent daytime nap-
leagues (2003) showed that a single bedtime dose ping. Additionally, the expected decrease in total
of controlled-release melatonin in conjunction sleep with age did not occur due to a tendency for
with a morning dose of a β-adrenergic antagonist increased daytime naps with age. The girls slept
to block daytime melatonin production resulted in less at night than expected for their age. Delayed
relatively normal melatonin rhythms. The treatment sleep onset was the most prominent feature and was
phase delayed sleep onset by about 30 minutes and shown by 85% of girls.
wake time by an hour, reduced night waking and Using a questionnaire format, Young et al. (2007)
increased total night sleep, improving sleep in 8 of examined sleep at three time points over a 4-year
10 children ages 4 to 18 years. Daytime behavior period in 237 cases of girls with Rett syndrome,
also reportedly improved with this treatment. with 131 completed questionnaires returned at all
Thus, the usual behavioral approaches to assist time points. Sleep was examined across four age
sleep in children may not have a significant impact groups: 0–7, 8–12, 13–17, and 18+ years. Sleep
in children with Smith-Magenis syndrome; these problems were frequent in all age groups, at all
children will primarily need a pharmacological time points (range 71.7% to 95.2%), with 90.4%,
intervention. However, not all individuals with 82.4%, and 83.1% of girls having sleep problems

47 8 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

at each time examined. Laughing at night (58.9%), have an intellectual disability, whereas around 70%
night screaming (35.6%), teeth grinding (55%), of children with autistic disorder and many children
night seizures (26.2%), and frequent daytime naps with PDDNOS have a comorbid intellectual dis-
(77%) were most commonly reported across the ability (APA, 2000). Poor sleep is among a number
sample. Night laughing decreased and daytime naps of comorbid conditions reported to occur in autism
increased with age. or autism spectrum disorder (APA, 2000, Richdale
Sleep EEG studies have been conducted, mostly & Schreck, 2009). Regardless of age or intellec-
in the 1990s. For example, Marcus et al. (1994) tual ability, sleep problems are common with half
examined overnight PSG including both respiratory or more of these children having a parent-reported
patterns (hyperventilation and breath-holding have sleep problem at some time (Miano & Ferri, 2010;
been reported in Rett syndrome) and sleep architec- Richdale & Schreck, 2009); for example, 86.2%
ture in 30 girls (ages 1–32 years) and 30 matched of 167 children with an autism spectrum disorder
controls (ages 1–17 years). Overall they found no were reported to have a sleep problem in one recent
difference in sleep architecture or sleep efficiency study (Liu, Hubbard, Fabes, & Adam, 2006). The
between the two groups, though a small number most common problems meet ICSD-2 (AASM,
of Rett syndrome participants exhibited decreased 2005) criteria for behavioral insomnia of childhood
REM or slow wave sleep or abnormalities associ- (Richdale & Schreck, 2009; Souders et al., 2009).
ated with Stage 2 K-complexes and sleep spindles Insomnia, including difficulties with sleep onset,
(see Lushington, Pamula, Martin, and Kennedy, sleep maintenance, and co-sleeping are most com-
Chapters 5 and 6, this volume). Normal respira- monly found (Allik, Larsson, & Smedje, 2006a,
tory patterns were found in NREM sleep and near- 2006b; Liu et al., 2006; Malow et al., 2006;
normal patterns in REM sleep, but Rett syndrome Souders et al., 2009; Wiggs & Stores, 2004). Sleep
girls showed abnormal breathing patterns when onset difficulties differentiated children with autism
awake. The authors postulated that hyperventila- from children with Down syndrome, Prader-Willi
tion was from an “organic defect” (p. 223) rather syndrome, developmental disability, and typically
than being a behavioral manifestation. Glaze et al. developing children (Cotton & Richdale, 2006). At
(1987) noted similar normal breathing patterns at bedtime children with autism spectrum disorder are
night but abnormal breathing during wakefulness, less likely to be sleepy, are likely to be noncompli-
but also found a reduction in REM sleep. ant, may follow problematic bedtime routines, and
Thus, girls with Rett syndrome have distinc- may have reduced night sleep (Malow et al., 2006;
tive features to their sleep problems, laughing and Patzold, Richdale, & Tonge, 1998, Paavonen et al.,
screaming during night waking, as well as daytime 2008). Other sleep problems include extended
sleepiness and difficulties with sleep onset and sleep periods of night waking, often accompanied by
problems, and these problems occur across age behaviors that disturb the rest of the family (e.g.,
ranges. Treatment studies in this population are few laughing, screaming, playing; Richdale, 1999);
and have largely been confined to the use of mela- irregular sleep/wake patterns with variability in sleep
tonin (McArthur & Budden, 1998; Miyamoto, onset and waking (Inamura, 1984); early morning
Oki, Takahashi, & Okuno, 1999). It is likely that waking (Richdale & Prior, 1995); and reduced sleep
behavioral approaches would assist with bedtime efficiency (Allik, Larsson, & Smedje, 2006b; Malow
and settling issues. et al., 2006; Wiggs & Stores, 2004) compared with
typically developing peers. Using both actigra-
Autism Spectrum Disorders phy and a sleep questionnaire to compare sleep in
The term autism spectrum disorder refers to three autism spectrum disorder and typically developing
pervasive developmental disorders—autistic dis- children aged 4 to 10 years, Souders et al. (2009)
order (autism), Asperger’s disorder, and pervasive concluded that in autism spectrum disorder sleep
developmental disorder-not otherwise specified problems were likely to be associated with the dis-
(PPDNOS)—that involve delayed and/or devi- order; that is, these children had insomnia due to
ant development in three areas of development: pervasive developmental disorder.
communication, social interaction and repetitive,
stereotyped or ritual behaviors (APA, 2000). The Settling and Sleep Onset
global median reported prevalence of autism spec- Settling and sleep onset issues, including
trum disorder is 0.62% (Elsabbagh et al., 2012). increased sleep latency, occur more frequently in
Children with Asperger’s disorder typically do not children and adolescents with autism spectrum

ri c hd a l e 479
disorder than they do in typically developing chil- Other Sleep Disturbances
dren (Cotton & Richdale, 2006; Malow et al., Besides the more common settling and night
2006) or children with Prader-Willi syndrome, waking difficulties, parents of children with autism
Down syndrome, or intellectual disability (Cotton spectrum disorder also report a number of other
& Richdale, 2006). Nevertheless, similar rates of sleep difficulties. Recent research using sleep ques-
sleep problems in young children with autism and tionnaires containing subscales measuring behav-
young children with a developmental disability iors associated with parasomnias suggest that these
have been reported (Goodlin-Jones et al., 2009). sleep phenomena may be relatively common in
Difficult and challenging bedtime behaviors, non- children with autism spectrum disorder (Goldman
functional or challenging bedtime routines or ritu- et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2006; Polimeni, Richdale,
als (Liu et al., 2006; Marquenie et al., 2011), sleep & Francis, 2005; Schreck & Mulick, 2000). Parent
habits, or comfort objects, and long sleep latency concerns about a range of behaviors including symp-
(>30 minutes)—that is, difficulty settling in bed toms of psychopathology, sensory issues, self-injuri-
and readily falling asleep—are most frequently ous behavior, and attention were related to elevated
reported by parents (Liu et al., 2006; Patzold et al., parasomnia scores in children and adolescents with
1998). For example, a parent wrote in a sleep diary: autism spectrum disorder (Goldman et al., 2011).
“He won’t sleep at night until conditions are right Parasomnias may also relate to parent reports that
for him—this usually means his older brother must some of these children wake screaming, possibly
have walked past his room to go to bed.” Children suggesting a susceptibility to night terrors.
with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
(i.e., the children do not have an intellectual dis- Total Sleep
ability) also self-report difficulty falling asleep with On average, children with autism spectrum dis-
longer sleep latency than typically developing chil- order show a reduction in total night sleep compared
dren and adolescents (Paavonen et al., 2008). with compared with typically developing children or
age- and IQ-matched controls, and this difference is
Night Waking often significant (Inamura, 1984; Paavonen et al.,
While night waking is commonly reported by 2008; Patzold, Richdale, & Tonge, 1998; Richdale
parents of children with autism spectrum disorder & Prior, 1995). However, not all studies report sig-
(Malow, Marzec, et al., 2006; Krakowiak, Goodlin- nificantly reduced night sleep time in comparison
Jones, Picciotto, Croen, & Hansen, 2008, 2012; to other children (Malow, et al. 2006; Schreck &
Schreck & Mulick, 2000), the frequency of night Mulick, 2000; Souders et al., 2009). Total 24-hour
waking appears similar to that reported by parents sleep may also be significantly reduced in children
of children with other developmental disabilities with autism (Cotton & Richdale, 2010; Inamura,
(Richdale & Schreck, 2009). On waking, some chil- 1984; Krakowiak et al., 2008, 2012). Thus, there
dren with autism spectrum disorder also engage in is likely to be a subgroup of children with autism
a range of disturbing night waking behaviors with spectrum disorder that get insufficient sleep.
waking periods that last an hour or more. Behaviors
that parents report include screaming, talking, sing- Naps
ing and laughing, crying, getting up and roaming According to sleep diary studies, nap frequency
the house, playing (Patzold et al., 1998), or co- may be lower in young children with autism,
sleeping with parents (Cotton & Richdale, 2006; though reports can be contradictory and are likely
Liu et al., 2006). These behaviors appear to rep- related to age variation in the samples, the use of
resent a subgroup of night wakers and when they mixed disability groups for comparison, sample size,
occur, obviously are very disturbing. Reasons for and the time period over which data are collected.
their occurrence remain unknown, but these behav- Children with autism aged 4 years or younger slept
iors may be associated with night terrors, other less in a 24-hour period than typically develop-
parasomnias, or epilepsy in some children, as such ing children, despite napping (Inamura, 1984),
phenomena occur in association with these disor- and young children with autism spectrum disor-
ders in pediatric populations (Sheldon & Glaze, der (< 6 years) napped less frequently and for a
2005). Night waking also occurs in conjunction shorter period than children with mixed disabilities
with enuresis or toileting, and the child may then or typically developing children (Schwichtenberg
find it difficult to return to sleep, further disturbing et al., 2011). However, when children with autism
the household. (mean age 7.2 years) were compared to similar-

480 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

age children with specific disabilities or who were Psychopathology
typically developing, nap frequency only differed Anxiety and depression are associated with sleep-
from children with Prader-Willi syndrome, while ing difficulties in typically developing children
total 24-hour sleep was significantly less than for (Gregory & Sadeh, 2012; see also Chapter 35), and
typically developing children (Cotton & Richdale, sleeping problems are common in children with
2010). Therefore, young children with autism spec- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD;
trum disorder may take shorter naps or fewer naps, Owens, 2005; see also Corkum and Coulombe,
thus sleeping less over a 24-hour period than other Chapter 34). Thus, comorbid anxiety, depression,
children. This is important in terms of determining or ADHD symptoms may precipitate or maintain
the origin of sleep problems and whether the child sleep difficulties, particularly symptoms of insom-
is getting sufficient sleep, as it is the total sleep each nia. High levels of anxiety and depression are com-
24 hours that determines whether the child’s sleep mon in autism spectrum disorder (DeVincent,
is sufficient. Gadow, Delosh, & Geller, 2007; Liu et al., 2006;
Mayes & Calhoun, 2009; Mayes, Calhoun, Murray,
etiology of settling and night waking Ahuja, & Smith, 2011; van Steensel, Bögels, &
problems in autism spectrum disorder Perrin, 2011). Parents reported that in 117 low-
It is likely that sleep problems in autism spec- functioning and 233 high-functioning children
trum disorder are multifactorial and will include with autism aged 6–16 years, anxiety (67% and
biological, behavioral, and/or environmental con- 79% respectively) and depression (42% and 54%
tributions. Thus, causal factors may vary from child respectively) symptoms were highly prevalent com-
to child. The communication, social, and ritual- pared with typically developing children or children
istic behaviors that form the basis of a diagnosis with brain injury or intellectual disability; anxiety
of autism spectrum disorder may also predispose symptoms were more frequent than in children with
these children to sleeping difficulties (Richdale & depression (Mayes et al., 2011a). Similarly, while an
Schreck, 2009). As illustrated in a recent examina- ADHD co-diagnosis cannot be given (APA, 2000),
tion of 1784 children and adolescents with autism around 50% of children with autism spectrum dis-
spectrum disorder, poor sleep was significantly order nevertheless meet DSM-IV-TR criteria (APA,
associated with a range of parent-reported difficult 2000) for ADHD (Gadow, DeVincent, & Pomeroy,
behaviors, symptoms associated with autism spec- 2006; Leyfer et al., 2006).
trum disorder, and psychopathology (Goldman Several studies have reported that ADHD symp-
et al., 2011). toms and sleep problems are associated in chil-
dren with autism spectrum disorder, in particular
Daytime Behavior symptoms of hyperactivity or ADHD (DeVincent
The high incidence of comorbid behavioral prob- et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2006; Mayes & Calhoun,
lems in autism spectrum disorder—comorbid intel- 2009). Children with autism spectrum disorder
lectual disability, poor communication, and poor aged 8–12 years and insomnia had more teacher-
adaptive behavior—are likely to differentiate cases reported hyperactive behaviors than did those with-
with autism spectrum disorder from typically devel- out insomnia (Allik, Larsson, & Smedje, 2006a).
oping cases and to result in sleep problems in autism Parent-reported symptoms of anxiety, depression,
spectrum disorder that continue long after they or emotional problems are reported as associated
have resolved in most typically developing children. with sleep problems or insomnia in children and
Significant behavioral difficulties are associated with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (Allik
poor sleep in children with autism (Goldman et al., et al., 2006a; Mayes & Calhoun, 2009; Wiggs &
2011; Patzold et al., 1998); moreover, daytime Stores, 2004), while self-reported sleep fears and
behavioral difficulties have been reported as asso- negative attitudes toward sleeping have been found
ciated with parent-report of both current and past in children aged 5–17 years with Asperger’s disorder
sleeping problems (Patzold et al., 1998). Parents of (Paavonen et al., 2008). Successful treatment of sleep
1784 children with autism spectrum disorder aged problems has also been reported to improve both
2 to 18 years who reported behavioral concerns and, internalizing and externalizing behavior in children
in particular self-injury, aggression, mood swings and adolescents with Asperger’s disorder (Paavonen,
and compulsive behaviors in their child, were more Nieminen-von Wendt, Vanhala, Aronen, & von
likely to report that their child was a poor sleeper Wendt, 2003). However, Mayes, Calhoun, Murray,
(Goldman et al., 2011). and Zahid (2011b) reported that increased autism

ri c hd a l e 481
severity, older age, and higher verbal IQ were the including reduced night sleep, parasomnias, and
best predictors of anxiety or depression in autism sleep disordered breathing (Hoffman et al., 2005;
spectrum disorder, but not sleep. Schreck, Mulick, & Smith, 2004). Autism sever-
ity as measured by the Gilliam Autism rating scale
Cognition and Adaptive Behavior was reported as associated with reduced night
Using questionnaires (Krakowiak et al., 2008, sleep (Hoffman et al., 2005; Schreck et al., 2004).
2012), sleep diaries (Patzold et al., 1998; Richdale Poor sleep has also been associated with commu-
& Prior, 1995) and actigraphy (Wiggs & Stores, nication abnormalities (Elia et al., 2000; Schreck
2004), research has consistently found that sleep et al., 2004), social-relatedness, or socialization
problems in autism spectrum disorder are common (Hoffman et al., 2008; Malow, Marzic et al., 2006;
regardless of the child’s age or IQ. Most recently, Malow, McGrew, Harvey, Henderson, & Stone,
Mayes and Calhoun (2009b) reported that IQ did 2006, Schreck et al., 2004), and repetitive behav-
not differentiate poor and good sleepers with autism iors and rituals (Gabriels, Cuccaro, Hill, Ivers, &
spectrum disorder. Goldson, 2005; Hoffman et al., 2008; Liu et al.,
However, in examining specific areas of prob- 2006; Schreck et al., 2004). However, Gabriels et al.
lematic sleep, Taylor, Schreck, and Mulick (2012) (2005) found that once IQ was controlled for, the
found that children with autism spectrum disorder association between sleep and repetitive behaviors
and poorer cognitive skills were more likely to have was removed.
reduced nocturnal sleep. Risk for sleep problems About a third of children with autism show
in autism spectrum disorder was higher in tod- regression or loss of previously acquired skills, usually
dlers with autism or PDDNOS as compared with during latter half of their second year. This has been
atypically developing children (Kozlowski, Matson, associated with more severe sleep problems than in
Belva, & Rieske, 2012), and toddlers with autism the non-regressed autism group. Both autism groups
were the most likely to have sleep difficulties. While had more sleep problems than typically developing
sleep problems were associated with lower DQs, children (Giannotti, Cortesi, Cerquiglini, Vagnoni,
those with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis & Valente, 2011).
(autism or PDDNOS) still had more sleep prob-
lems than atypical children after developmental Age
quotient was accounted for. What has not been sys- While research has primarily examined preschool
tematically investigated is whether the etiology or and primary school-aged children with autism spec-
type of sleep problem with which children present trum disorder, sleep problems are common regard-
differs with IQ. less of age (Richdale & Schreck, 2009; Goldman,
The impact of adaptive behavior on sleep has Richdale, Clemens, & Malow, 2012), while the type
been less consistently examined, but Krakowiak et al. of sleep difficulty may change with age (Goldman
(2008, 2012) found no association between adap- et al., 2012) and may persist into adulthood (Tani
tive behavior and sleep in autism spectrum disorder. et al., 2003). The 2012 Goldman study examined
Conversely, in 335 children with autism spectrum parent-reported sleep problems using a sleep ques-
disorder with IQ in both the intellectual disability tionnaire, with data available from 1859 children
and normal range, children with better adaptive and adolescents available for analysis. Issues includ-
behavior had more sleep over 24 hours; children who ing bedtime resistance, sleep anxiety, parasomnias,
slept more per night with less disturbed sleep had and night waking were more common in younger
better communication skills (Taylor et al., 2012). children, while symptoms of sleep reduction includ-
Thus, while it seems clear that at all cognitive ing shortened night sleep, long sleep latency, and
levels children with autism spectrum disorder are daytime sleepiness were more common in those
at an increased risk for sleep problems compared ≥ 11 years.
with typically developing children, the relationships
between sleep, cognitive skills, and adaptive behav- Families
ior within the autism spectrum disorder population Mothers of children with autism report higher
are unclear and require further examination. levels of stress and depression compared to mothers
of other children (Ingersoll et al., 2011). Stress has
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder been shown to independently predict depression in
Increased autism severity symptoms are associ- these mothers, and reduced parenting efficacy may
ated with poor sleep (Mayes & Calhoun, 2009a) result (Hastings, 2002). Parents report high levels of

482 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

stress when their child with autism has sleep difficul- It has been hypothesized that alterations in mela-
ties (Doo & Wing, 2006). Research by Marquenie, tonin synthesis, a phase-advanced melatonin
Rodger, Mangohig, and Cronin (2011) has shown rhythm, or reduced night melatonin secretion may
that settling and challenging bedtime routines can be related to insomnia in autism spectrum disorder
be difficult and stressful for mothers if they are not (Bourgeron, 2007; Johnson et al., 2010; Richdale
performed exactly. Parents of children with autism & Schreck, 2009; Souders et al., 2009). It also has
spectrum disorder also report poor sleep quality been hypothesized that circadian timing is altered in
and quantity (Lopez-Wagner et al., 2008; Meltzer, autism spectrum disorder. Circadian timing involves
2008). Mothers’ poor sleep and increased stress are, the Clock Genes Per1 and NPAS2 (Bourgeron,
in turn, are associated with poor sleep and behavior 2007; Richdale & Schreck, 2009; Souders et al.,
problems in children with autism (Doo & Wing, 2009), variants of which have been associated with
2006; Hoffman et al., 2008). The impact on parents autism (Nicholas et al., 2007).
of their child’s sleep problem therefore needs consid-
eration when nonpharmacological sleep interven- Medical Factors
tions are proposed. Parents may be too exhausted to As well as the factors described above, children
implement any strategies. with autism spectrum disorder may present with
sleep problems associated with comorbid medical
Biological Mechanisms Underlying Sleep conditions. Like all children, children with autism
Over a period of about 40 or more years, a number spectrum disorder may have asthma, allergy, SDB,
of studies have examined the sleep EEG in children, or OSA, and these and other medical conditions
adolescents, and adults with autism spectrum disor- may disturb their sleep (see Koinis-Mitchell and
der. Findings vary; sample sizes are generally small Everhart, Chapter 32). The resolution of acute
and often heterogeneous with regard to age and intel- medical conditions or the control of chronic con-
lectual functioning, which may confound findings ditions may not lead to a resolution of sleep dif-
and makes conclusions difficult to draw. Researchers ficulties, as new routines, habits, and expectations
have found reduced REM latency, reduced REM eye will have been set during the illness. Given the com-
movement, decreased sleep spindles in stage 2 sleep, munication and social difficulties that are present in
alterations in the amount of stage 1 sleep (mainly autism spectrum disorder it is likely that changing
increased), decreased slow wave sleep, and alterations these sleep associations will require the support of
to sleep microstructure (Richdale & Schreck, 2009). a health professional, particularly when symptoms
Giannotti et al. (2011) reported that young children of autism spectrum disorder are severe. Treatment
with autism had reduced REM latency, less slow wave of OSA may lead to significant behavioral improve-
sleep, more stage 2 sleep, less time in REM sleep and ment (Malow et al., 2006).
altered sleep microstructure compared with age- and About 20%–40% of children with autism spec-
gender-matched typically developing children, with trum disorder have epilepsy (seizure disorder;
the differences generally more pronounced in chil- Giannotti et al., 2008), and this may be associated
dren with autistic regression. Thus, current evidence with sleeping difficulties. Additionally, sleep depriva-
suggests altered sleep EEG in children with autism tion can provoke seizures (Malow, 2004). However,
but how this is related to problematic sleep remains the role of epilepsy in the precipitation or mainte-
to be determined. nance of sleep problems in autism spectrum disor-
Several authors have also speculated that the neu- der has received little attention. Both sleep problem
rotransmitter serotonin may be implicated in the severity and epilepsy have been associated with regres-
poor sleep patterns found in autism spectrum disor- sion in autism (Giannotti et al., 2008). Recently, Tsai
der. Hypersecretion of serotonin is one of the most et al. (2012) reported that sleep problems were more
replicable neurotransmitter findings, and researchers common in children with autism spectrum disorder
have speculated about the role of serotonin or other than in children with epilepsy. Malow (2004) pro-
neurotransmitters that may be implicated in autism vides a review of the potential role of epilepsy in the
spectrum disorder (e.g., GABA) in the development sleep problems found in autism spectrum disorder.
and maintenance of sleep difficulties (Johnson,
Giannotti, & Cortesi, 2009). Serotonin is also a Treating Sleep Problems in Children with
precursor to melatonin, a neurohormone that is a Developmental Disability
involved in signaling sleep onset and synchronizing Although sleep problems in children with a
circadian rhythms to their normal 24-hour cycle. developmental disability are common, there is a lack

ri c hd a l e 483
of evidence-based treatments targeting insomnia or to bed, music, adjusting light levels, and co-sleeping
other sleep difficulties in these children. In particu- with parents. Regular bedtime, co-sleeping with
lar, clinical trials examining pharmacological treat- parents, wrapping the child in a blanket, and noise
ments are required (Mindell, Emslie et al., 2006;). masking were rated as the most effective. There is
Behavioral interventions are the primary treatment little or no objective research on the use of most of
for common causes of pediatric insomnia in typi- these approaches to treat sleep in autism spectrum
cally developing children and have best empirical disorders or other developmental disorders.
support (Mindell, Kuhn, Lewin, Meltzer, & Sadeh, Parent beliefs about child sleep problems influ-
2006). Tikotzky and Sadeh (2010) concluded that ence how parents cope with these problems and
cognitive-behavioral treatments had strong empiri- how they respond to them emotionally (McDougall,
cal support (p. 690) for treating childhood insomnia Kerr, & Espie, 2005). Parents may believe that sleep
and improving parent well-being. However, despite problems are part of the disability or medical con-
the limitations of current evidence, medications are dition (Didden et al., 2004; Keenan et al., 2007;
often prescribed for common pediatric sleep prob- Robinson & Richdale, 2004); may be offered poor
lems, especially for children with a developmental treatment advice or support (Robinson & Richdale,
disability (Mindell, Emslie et al., 2006). 2004; Wiggs & Stores, 1996b); may not know how
Research on behavioral interventions for sleep they might obtain treatment, may think the child
problems in children with a developmental disabil- gets sufficient sleep, or may believe they can “fix”
ity is still “in its infancy” (Richdale & Wiggs, 2005). the problem themselves (Robinson & Richdale,
The best support is for behavioral interventions for 2004); or the treatment may be unacceptable
insomnia based on extinction procedures, with little (Wiggs & Stores, 1996a). As a result, many chil-
research on interventions for other sleep disorders dren go untreated (Robinson & Richdale, 2004;
including parasomnias. In a review of behavioral Wiggs & Stores, 1996b). Perceived control over the
treatments for sleep problems in children with child’s sleep behavior has also been found to influ-
autism spectrum disorder, Vriend, Corkum, Moon, ence whether or not they report that their child has
and Smith (2011) similarly concluded that: “despite a sleep problem (Wiggs & Stores, 1998; Robinson,
the high prevalence of sleep problems in children 2007). Additionally, parent knowledge about nor-
with autism, evidence for effective treatment is mal sleep development, children’s sleep problems,
sparse (p. 10). And further that: The high preva- and good sleep hygiene is reported to be poor, and
lence of sleep problems in children with autism, parent education is needed (Jan et al., 2008; Owens
and the negative consequences of inadequate sleep, & Jones, 2011; Schreck & Richdale, 2011). Thus,
make appropriate intervention an urgent priority parent education should be a component of any
for many families” (p. 10). Melatonin is the only sleep intervention.
pharmacological intervention for which some evi- Of further concern is that pediatric sleep is not
dence of efficacy is reported for children with a a prominent topic in health professionals’ train-
developmental disability (e.g., Rossignol & Frye, ing (Meltzer, Phillips, & Mindell, 2009; Owens,
2011; Sajith & Clarke, 2007). 2001). While health professionals may rely on par-
In the absence of evidence-based guidelines for ents reporting their child’s sleep problems, parents
treating insomnia, parents of children with a devel- often fail to discuss this with a health professional
opmental disability often try, or are recommended, (Blunden et al., 2004) and health professionals may
a range of interventions (pharmacological, behav- not enquire about sleep in older children (Owens,
ioral, or complementary and alternative treatments) 2001). Thus, there may be a failure by both parents
to alleviate their child’s sleep problems. Many of and health professionals to: (1) recognize when sig-
these treatments have little or no empirical support, nificant sleep problems are present; (2) the contri-
and parents do not always rate their effectiveness bution that poor sleep, including sleep apnea, can
highly (Keenan et al., 2007; Kronk et al., 2010; make to presenting daytime behavioral problems;
Robinson & Richdale, 2004; Williams, Sears, & and (3) a tendency to think that little can be done
Allard, 2006; Wiggs & Stores, 1996b). Williams to assist children with a developmental disabil-
et al. (2006) reported that 204 parents of children ity and their families. It is therefore important to
with an autism spectrum disorder used a variety of question parents of children with a developmental
nonpharmacological approaches to assist their child’s disability regarding their child’s sleep. Given that
sleep. Common treatments used included a range of parents have poor knowledge of childhood sleep, a
sleep hygiene practices, bedtime stories, taking a toy simple question such as “Does your child have any

484 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

sleep problems?” (p. 4, Owens, 2001) is unlikely to children with autism spectrum disorder and insom-
suffice. More detailed questioning about the child’s nia symptoms about sleep and sleep problems as
sleep habits and patterns is required if children well as a range of behavioral techniques, followed
are to receive appropriate treatment (Schreck & by individual consultation in Session 3 about their
Richdale, 2011). child. The intervention produced improvements in
sleep in 20 children with autism spectrum disorder,
behavioral treatments and there was some evidence for improvement in
Before any choice can be made about an appro- behavior (Reed et al., 2009). A random controlled
priate sleep treatment, a thorough assessment of the trial (RCT) of a behavior intervention for 66 chil-
presenting issues and a diagnosis of the sleep prob- dren with a developmental disability and sleep
lem is required (see Part 3). As noted under specific problems compared a booklet teaching about chil-
developmental disabilities, settling and night wak- dren’s sleep, behavior management, and behavioral
ing (insomnia) are common sleep complaints and approaches to sleep treatment (media intervention)
are likely to have a behavioral origin or component. with a face-to-face session with the therapist directly
Behavioral interventions, including standard extinc- teaching these principles. Results showed that the
tion, are acceptable to parents of children with a devel- media intervention was as effective as the therapist
opmental disability (Bramble, 1996; Keenan et al., session (Montgomery et al., 2004), with about 67%
2007; Wiggs & Stores, 1996b), autism, or Fragile X of children showing improvement in their sleep. A
(Weiskop et al., 2005), and have been shown to be 90-minute group session plus information booklet
successful in treating behavioral insomnia in children (media) on children’s sleep for mothers of children
with developmental disabilities (Richdale & Wiggs, with Down syndrome that included opportunity
2005) or autism (Vriend et al., 2011). Compared for the discussion of individual problems showed
with medication, behavioral treatments for children’s that as measured by a composite sleep problems
sleep are generally, but not always, rated more highly score, children’s sleep improved at a 6-month fol-
by parents of children with a developmental dis- low-up compared with children whose mothers did
ability (Keenan et al., 2007; Robinson & Richdale, not receive training. Information that the mothers
2004; Wiggs & Stores, 1996b). found useful included consistency, learning about
Children may learn to fall asleep under specific sleep structure, behavioral reinforcement, bedtime
conditions and if these are not present at bedtime, routines, and persistence of their efforts to address
or if the child wakes at night, then the child is likely the sleep issues (Stores & Stores, 2004).
to disturb his/her family (see Polimeni, Richdale, & Thus, these group and media programs demon-
Francis, 2007). Like typically developing children, strate the potential usefulness of teaching parents
children with a developmental disability may: (1) be about children’s sleep, behavior management, and
attached to comfort objects (e.g., falling asleep with the application of behavior intervention principles
a bottle); (2) have learned to fall asleep with a par- to improve insomnia. However, most sleep inter-
ent present; (3) not have well-established routines vention research in children with a developmental
around sleep, or have dysfunctional routines (e.g., disability uses single case study designs; there are
requiring specific pajamas; only accepting a bed- few RCTs. Richdale and Wiggs (2005) provide a
time drink from a specific person); or (4) Only be comprehensive review of behavioral interventions
able to sleep if their regular bedtime routine is fol- for children with a developmental disability and
lowed exactly. If the child wakes during the night sleep problems up to 2005.
and, for example, a parent is not present then the
child may not be able to self-soothe and return to Sleep Hygiene
sleep. Therefore, many children with a developmen- As for other children, the first important consid-
tal disability and sleep problems will meet ICSD-2 eration for any sleep intervention for children with
criteria (AASM, 2005) for behavioral insomnias of a developmental disability is the implementation
childhood. Like typically developing children, chil- of good sleep hygiene (appropriate sleep habits).
dren with a developmental disability may also be Good sleep hygiene—in particular appropriate bed-
anxious or fearful at night (e.g., Wiggs & Stores, time, a comfortable bedroom and bed, and a regu-
2004) or exhibit nightmares, night terrors, or other lar bedtime routine—is an important part of any
parasomnias (e.g., Liu et al., 2006). intervention and in some cases may be sufficient to
Reed et al. (2009) used a 3-session manualized resolve less severe sleep difficulties. A sleep inter-
parent education program, which taught parents of vention may fail if children’s daytime and pre-sleep

ri c hd a l e 485
habits that can impact night sleep are not changed waking, and co-sleeping variously improved, and
(Jan et al., 2008). However, published behavioral changes were usually maintained at follow-ups vary-
intervention case studies suggest that sleep hygiene ing from 2 to 12 months.
alone may not be sufficient for improving sleep There is also a range of other behavioral inter-
in children with a developmental disability. For ventions that have been shown to be efficacious
example, Weiskop, Richdale, and Matthews (2005) for treating insomnia in children with a develop-
and Thackeray and Richdale (2002) provided data mental disability. These include faded bedtime
on bedtime routines prior to the introduction of with and without response cost (Piazza, Fisher, &
extinction and found that with the exception of one Sherer, 1997, Moon et al., 2011), sleep restriction
child with Fragile X, sleep hygiene alone was not (Christodulu & Durand, 2004), stimulus fading
successful in alleviating sleep problems in children (Howlin, 1984), and desensitization for bedtime
with autism, Fragile X, Down syndrome, or intellec- fears (Didden et al., 1998).
tual disability. Nevertheless, sleep hygiene principles In a variation on extinction, Moore (2004) used
should be incorporated in any sleep intervention a social story about bedtime in conjunction with
(Jan et al., 2008). implementing the bedtime routine and graduated
extinction and reported it was successful for a child
Parent Education with autism. Reed et al. (2009) incorporated use of
Given that parents have poor knowledge of nor- the bedtime pass into their parent training program
mal sleep development and children’s sleep problems for children with autism and sleep problems. The
(Owens et al., 2011; Schreck & Richdale, 2011), bedtime pass has been found effective in address-
parent education is an important component of any ing sleep onset issues in young typically developing
sleep intervention. Many sleep interventions that children by providing children with a pass that can
have reported successful treatment outcomes have be exchanged for one pre-sleep disturbance (Moore,
therapist/parent manuals and incorporate parent Friman, Fruzzetti, & MacAleese, 2007).
education about pediatric sleep into their interven- Two recent papers have reported improved sleep
tion programs (Cortesi et al., 2012; Montgomery latency in children with autism spectrum disor-
et al., 2004; Moon, Corkum, & Smith, 2011; Reed der when using a behavioral treatment (Cortesi,
et al., 2009; Stores & Stores, 2004; Thackeray & Giannotti, Sebastiani, Panunzi, & Valente, 2012;
Richdale, 2002; Weiskop et al., 2005). Moon et al., 2011). Moon et al. found that sleep
latency was improved in three children with autism
Behaviorally Based Procedures using a faded bedtime with response cost, and gains
Extinction and graduated extinction (ignoring were maintained 12 weeks later. In such procedures
problematic behaviors; see Part 7) have been shown children are put to bed when they would be expected
to be successful in treating settling and night waking to be very tired (later than typical sleep onset time)
in children with a range of developmental disabili- and if not asleep within 20 minutes are removed
ties, primarily using single case designs, and thus from bed for 20 minutes (response cost). When a
may be considered as probably efficacious treat- bedtime is established where the child falls asleep
ments (Richdale & Wiggs, 2005). In children with within 20 minutes over a two consecutive nights,
autism, Vriend et al. (2011) rated both extinction the child’s bedtime is moved 20 minutes earlier.
and faded bedtime with response cost as possibly This procedure is repeated until the child reaches
efficacious treatments. the desired bedtime and is able to fall asleep within
Behavioral interventions, based on a functional 20 minutes.
assessment of the presenting problems, that use A 4-week behavior intervention based on
extinction or graduated extinction techniques and Montgomery et al. (2004) and Weiskop et al. (2005)
incorporate a bedtime routine have been shown formed part of a large RCT trial (160 children with
to successfully address settling and night waking autistic disorder aged 4–10 years) comparing a
problems in children with a range of developmen- behavior intervention and melatonin alone and in
tal disabilities (e.g., Bramble, 1997; Didden, Curfs, combination (Cortesi et al., 2012) to treat insomnia
Sikkema, & de Moor, 1998; Didden, de Moor, & in children with autistic disorder. The behavior inter-
Curfs, 2004; Durand, Gernott-Dott, & Mapstone, vention was successful in improving sleep latency in
1996; Thackeray & Richdale, 2002; Weiskop et al., particular, while melatonin in conjunction with a
2005) as well as in an RCT (Montgomery et al., behavioral intervention was superior to either treat-
2004). Bedtime disturbances, sleep latency, night ment alone in treating symptoms of insomnia.

486 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

Despite these reports of effective treatments for a developmental disability (Holloway & Aman,
insomnia in children with a developmental disabil- 2011).
ity the literature remains limited, with few interven- Randomized, crossover, double-blind place-
tion papers published concerning sleep treatments bo-controlled trials have shown that melatonin
for parasomnias and circadian rhythm sleep disor- can be useful for treating insomnia (e.g., Cortesi
ders in this population. Richdale and Wiggs (2005) et al., 2012; Malow et al., 2012; Wasdell et al.,
provide a review of these interventions. 2008; Wirojanan et al., 2009). Fifty children
with a developmental disability and chronic and
medication severe sleep problems, including sleep latency >30
Medication is appealing because it is ostensi- minutes and/or significant night-waking, and who
bly a faster and simpler alternative to a behavioral had not responded to a sleep hygiene interven-
treatment and may result in an immediate, positive tion, completed a randomized, placebo-controlled,
impact on sleep. However, sleep medications lack double-blind crossover trial of 5mg of controlled-
appropriate management guidelines for pediatric release melatonin to treat their insomnia. There
use and require research into safety and efficacy were significant improvements in both total night
(Mindell, Emslie, et al., 2006). Thus, there is no sleep and sleep latency in response to treatment
strong evidence base to support the long-term use (Wasdell et al., 2008). In Wirojanan and col-
of sleep medications for the treatment of insomnia league’s (2009) study 12 children with autism and/
in children (Mindell, Emslie et al., 2006) or chil- or Fragile-X also completed a randomized, placebo-
dren with a developmental disability (Holloway controlled, double-blind crossover trail using 3mg
& Aman, 2011). Additionally, parents of children melatonin and again, improvements were seen in
with a developmental disability may not like their sleep latency and total night sleep for these chil-
child being prescribed medications (Keenan et al., dren. Using a placebo-controlled RCT across 160
2007). children with autistic disorder, Cortesi et al. (2012)
Parents in Williams et al.’s (2006) survey showed that a dose 3 mg of controlled release mela-
also reported on medication use for sleep prob- tonin treatment at 21:00 hours each night was
lems in children with autism spectrum disorder: superior to a behavior intervention but not a com-
Medication was used less frequently than other bined behavior/melatonin treatment for insomnia.
treatments. While Benadryl (diphenhydramine) Similarly, Malow et al. (2012) showed that either
was the most commonly used (35% of cases), it 1 mg or 3 mg of melatonin was useful for treating
was not rated as effective as Catapres (clonidine), sleep latency difficulties in 21 children with autism
Noctec (chloral hydrate) and Atarax (hydroxyzine), spectrum disorder, with three children responding
which were most frequently reported as effective. to 6 mg.
Melatonin and Desyrel (trazodone) were least Thus, there is some support for using melatonin
effective. Parents in Keenan et al.’s (2007) study to treat insomnia in children with a developmen-
rated behavioral intervention and melatonin as tal disability. Nevertheless, in relation to its use in
equally acceptable, but were likely to endorse the autism spectrum disorder, Guénolé et al. (2011)
use of melatonin for more severe sleep problems. concluded that the small number of melatonin stud-
Other than melatonin there is little sound evidence ies to date, limitations associated with study research
to support the use of medications to treat sleep design, lack of large scale multisite RCTs, and the
problems in the developmental disabilities, which lack of long-term safety data mean that melatonin
is consistent with pharmacological treatment for presently cannot be considered as an evidence-based
pediatric sleep problems in general (Mindell, treatment for insomnia. These issues likely apply to
Emslie et al., 2006). the use of melatonin to treat sleep insomnia in other
developmental disabilities. Additionally, melatonin
Melatonin has both soporific and circadian altering properties
Most research attention has been given to mela- and its mode of action in children with a develop-
tonin for treating sleep in children with a devel- mental disability and sleep problems has not been
opmental disability (see Guénolé et al. 2011; Jan determined.
& Freeman, 2004; Phillips & Appleton, 2004;
Rossignol & Frye, 2011; Sajith & Clarke, 2007 for Conclusions
reviews), and it has better empirical support than Sleep problems in children with a develop-
other medications for treating sleep in children with mental disability may be complex, with medical,

ri c hd a l e 487
psychological, behavioral, and/or environmental criteria are rarely used to examine the presence of
components potentially needing to be considered. specific sleep disorders. Definitions of sleep prob-
Factors associated with specific developmental dis- lems are often based on questionnaires, which have
orders may predispose children to some sleep prob- been developed based on sleep in typically develop-
lems, in particular SDB and OSA. Even when a ing children and may fail to meet adequate criteria
medical condition that affects sleep is present, other for questionnaire development. Readers are referred
factors including anxiety or bedtime fears, parental to Spruyt and Gozal for advice on sleep question-
attention, poor sleep routines, or the sleeping envi- naire development (2011a) and a critical review of
ronment can contribute to the presentation of poor published pediatric sleep questionnaires (2011b).
sleep patterns. These psychological, behavioral, and Standardization of definitions and approaches
environmental factors, if resolved, may improve to measurement would facilitate comparison of
the child’s sleep or at least the child may no lon- research findings across studies and developmental
ger disturb other family members, thus resulting in disorders and aid in the development of prevention
improved sleep for them. and intervention strategies.
There is a growing body of evidence support-
ing the usefulness of behavioral interventions that Randomized controlled trials (RCTs):
include sleep hygiene and parent education compo- A focus on prevention and intervention research
nents to successfully treat insomnia in children with for sleep problems in children with developmental
a developmental disability, particularly settling and disability is needed. RCTs that examine the efficacy
sleep onset issues. However, intervention research of pharmacological and behavioral interventions to
on treatment of parasomnias is sparse. Melatonin treat sleep problems/disorders in children with a
is the only pharmacological intervention that has developmental disability are required; effectiveness
some support as useful for insomnia treatment in studies are also needed. Case study designs can also
these children, and it may be more effective in com- provide good evidence about the efficacy of behav-
bination with a behavioral treatment (Cortesi et al., ioral interventions. Targeted pediatric sleep research
2012). As has been stressed in other sections of this funding is needed that places a high priority on
book it is most important that a thorough assessment sleep problems in children with a developmental
and diagnosis of the presenting sleep issues, as well disability.
as family preferences and stressors, forms the basis
of intervention choices. Currently, best support is Etiology may inform practice/intervention:
found for the use of behavioral techniques based on A clearer understanding of the etiology of
extinction principles or melatonin to treat insomnia the sleep problems/disorders found in children
in young children with a developmental disability. with specific developmental disorders is required.
Intervention is an area badly in need of research. Whether or not there are disorder-specific etiologi-
Few intervention studies have examined cal factors would inform assessment protocols and
improvement in children’s daytime behavior in the development of more effective prevention and
response to sleep intervention, and any effects of intervention strategies.
intervention on children’s behavior remain unclear.
Positive impacts on mothers and children have been Families and children:
reported (e.g., Reed et al., 2009), but others have Families of children with a developmental dis-
found no consistent change in children’s daytime ability are often under more stress than other fami-
behavior (e.g., Thackeray & Richdale, 2002; Wiggs lies, and poor child sleep is associated with increased
& Stores, 1999). The impact of a child sleep inter- vulnerability to fatigue, anxiety, and mood disorders
vention on parents’ sleep, parenting efficacy, or par- in mothers. More needs to be understood about the
ents’ mental health in response to improvements in impact of these children’s poor sleep on family func-
sleep for children with a developmental disability, tioning and individual family members. In addition,
requires further exploration. as children’s development is already compromised by
their disability, we need to understand more about the
Future Directions impact of poor sleep on their daytime functioning.
Definitions of sleep problems, standardization
of measures: Education:
Studies use a range of definitions to define sleep Education needs to occur in two areas. First,
problems and their severity; ICSD-2 (AASM, 2005) health professionals require information about the

488 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es

assessment and treatment of sleep problems in chil- Chu, J., & Richdale, A. L. (2009). Sleep quality and psycho-
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49 4 au tism and other developmenta l d i s a b i l i t i es


Sleep in the Context of ADHD: A Review

34 of Reviews to Determine Implications for
Research and Clinical Practice
Penny Corkum and J. Aimée Coulombe

The relationship between sleep and ADHD is not well understood. To identify research and practice
priorities, meta-analytic, systematic, and narrative reviews were examined. Consistent findings across
meta-analyses and systematic reviews (Level 1) included a discrepancy between parent-reported sleep
problems and those identified on objective measures, increased motor movements during sleep, the
absence of an ADHD-specific sleep architecture profile, and the need to consider confounding variables
(e.g., age, comorbidity). Findings with some consistency across reviews (Level 2) included negative effects
of medication on sleep, increased daytime sleepiness, and higher, but nonpathological, increases in sleep
apnea indices in children with ADHD. Narrative reviews give comparable emphasis to Level 1 and 2 find-
ings, underplaying confounding or moderating variables. Given the results of our review, we believe that
it is important to conceptualize ADHD as a chronic and pervasive disorder that affects children not only
during the day but also during the night. That is, ADHD is a 24-hour disorder.
Key Words: ADHD, sleep, children, assessment, intervention

Introduction narrative reviews. Our final section presents a dis-

Few topics in the pediatric sleep literature have cussion of clinical implications and recommenda-
received the level of interest as the questions of tions for future directions. These recommendations
whether and how sleep and attention-deficit/hyper- include a call for future research to include large-
activity disorder (ADHD) are related and the impli- scale studies that adequately address confounding
cations of this for clinical practice. Despite this focus variables, and increased involvement of psycholo-
and effort, an understanding of the relationship of gists and other behavioral specialists in the provision
sleep to ADHD remains elusive. The purpose of of sleep-related care for children with ADHD.
the present chapter is to review the existing litera-
ture on sleep in children with ADHD and provide Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
an integrated method of assessing and addressing ADHD is a common and complex neurobio-
sleep problems in this population. First, we provide logical disorder occurring in approximately 5% of
an overview of ADHD and its treatment. We then school-age children (Schachar, 2009). Males are
explore the research specific to sleep in children with diagnosed more frequently than females, with sex
ADHD. Given the large number of studies and ratios ranging between 4:1 and 9:1, although these
reviews conducted in this area, we decided to con- rates may be somewhat controversial given that
duct a review of reviews, comparing results presented there is some evidence that girls are underdiagnosed
in meta-analyses, qualitative systematic reviews, and (Reid et al., 2000).

Diagnostic Criteria subtypes. This is an area requiring further research.
According to DSM-IV TR (American Psychiatric Differences and fluctuations in the expression of
Association [APA], 2000) criteria, a diagnosis of ADHD symptoms across contexts, developmental
ADHD can be made when an individual often periods, and between sexes also add to the com-
experiences six or more symptoms of inattention plexity of understanding this disorder (see Barkley,
(ADHD-predominantly inattentive subtype; e.g., 2003) and its association(s) with sleep. High rates
difficulty organizing tasks, easily distracted), six of psychological comorbidity present a further chal-
or more symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity lenge. Most children with ADHD have at least one
(ADHD-predominantly hyperactive/impulsive sub- comorbid psychological disorder (for review see
type; e.g., fidgets), or six or more symptoms in both Taurines, Schmitt, Renner, Conner, Warnke, &
domains (ADHD-combined subtype). Symptoms Romanos, 2010). In addition to sleep problems,
must have persisted for at least 6 months, be mal- the most common comorbidities associated with
adaptive, and be inconsistent with developmental ADHD in children and adolescents are oppositional
level. Although these symptoms are frequently the defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD),
focus of research—where group membership is often anxiety and mood disorders, and learning disorders
based on questionnaire data that assesses symptoms (see Gau, Shang, Soong, Wu, Lin, & Chiu, 2010;
only—their presence is only the first of five cri- Schachar, 2009). Many of these disorders have them-
teria that must be met for diagnosis. Evidence of selves been associated with poor sleep (e.g., Alfano
symptoms causing impairment must have appeared & Gamble, 2009). Associations between sleep and
before the age of 7 years (criterion B), impairment internalizing problems (e.g., anxiety, depression) are
must be present in two or more settings (e.g., school fairly well established (e.g., Lofthouse, Gilchrist, &
and home; criterion C), and evidence of clinically Splaingard, 2009); however, relationships between
significant impairment in social, academic, or sleep and externalizing problems (e.g., ODD, CD)
occupational functioning—as a result of ADHD have received much less research attention and
symptoms—must be clear (criterion D). ADHD- require further investigation (Lindberg, Tani, Sailas,
related impairments in children include difficulties Virkkala, Urrila, & Virkkunen, 2008). As such, the
interacting with parents, teachers, and peers; poor potential influence of both comorbid internalizing
emotion regulation (Wehmeier, Schacht, & Barkley, and externalizing problems on sleep and ADHD
2010); difficulties in daily living and adaptive skills should always be considered.
(Anastopoulos et al., 2011); and poor academic
achievement (Daley & Birchwood, 2010). Sleep Etiology and Risk
is also an area that might be impaired by ADHD The etiology of ADHD is complex, with multiple
and, as will be discussed, inadequate sleep may also hypotheses proposed at the neurochemical, genetic,
contribute to many of the impairments just listed. and cognitive levels (e.g., Schachar, 2009). Although
Finally, to meet criterion E, ADHD symptoms the disorder is highly heritable, environmental fac-
should not occur exclusively during the course of a tors also contribute to the development and mani-
pervasive developmental disorder or psychotic disor- festation of ADHD (e.g., parental psychopathology
der, or be better accounted for by another disorder. and distress, low parental involvement, family con-
As effects of inadequate sleep may mimic symptoms flict; see Deault, 2010; Schachar, 2009). From a the-
and impairments often associated with ADHD, oretical perspective, the cognitive-energetic model
sleep disorders should always be included in the provides a relatively comprehensive explanation of
list of potential differential diagnoses (Corkum, ADHD (Sergeant, Geurts, Huijbregts, Scheres, &
Davidson, & Macpherson, 2011). Oosterlaan, 2003), integrating deficits in top-down
control (i.e., executive functions), specific cognitive
Heterogeneity, Comorbidity, and ADHD processes, and state or energetic factors (i.e., effort,
A notable clinical and research challenge in arousal, activation). This theory may be of particu-
the field of ADHD, relevant to understanding the lar relevance to researchers whose interests in sleep
association between sleep and ADHD, is the het- and ADHD include the effects of sleep depriva-
erogeneity of its presentation. This is reflected in tion on executive functions and cognitive, affective,
its current diagnostic criteria, which include the and behavioral regulation (e.g., Corkum, Panton,
three recognized subtypes described above. Thus, it Ironside, Macpherson, & Williams, 2008). The
is important to consider that associations between hypoarousal (Weinberg & Brumback, 1990) theory
sleep and ADHD may not be consistent across is also relevant to a discussion of sleep and ADHD.

49 6 sle ep i n the contex t of adhd

This theory suggests that children with ADHD are sleep in children with ADHD, we decided to con-
hypoaroused, and hyperactive behaviors are mani- duct a review of reviews. This approach was taken
festations of stimulus-seeking attempts to regulate because systematic reviews provide the highest level
arousal and stay alert. It is often presented as a ratio- of evidence to direct clinical practice (Canadian
nale underlying the effectiveness of stimulant medi- Psychological Association, 2012). After an extensive
cation. Studies examining daytime sleepiness in literature search, we found eight systematic reviews
children with ADHD draw upon this theory (e.g., (i.e., three quantitative and five qualitative). We
Cortese, Faraone, Konofal, & Lecendreux, 2009). then extracted relevant information from the sys-
tematic reviews. A narrative overview of these find-
Treatment of ADHD ings is provided below. (The systematic reviews are
Empirically supported treatments for ADHD indicated by double asterisks in the reference list.)
include stimulant medications (Kaplan & Newcorn, In addition to reviewing the eight systematic
2011) and behavioral interventions (e.g., parent reviews, we also thought it would be important to
training, school-based interventions, peer interven- evaluate the existing narrative reviews, given that
tions; Chronis, Jones, & Raggi, 2006). An impor- these types of reviews are often read by clinicians
tant consideration in the use of medication is their and as such may have a greater impact on clinical
perceived and documented side effects (Katragadda practice (Loke & Derry, 2003). After an extensive
& Schubiner, 2007), particularly in regard to sleep literature search we found 16 narrative reviews pub-
(Corkum, Moldofsky, Hogg-Johnson, Humphries, lished in peer-reviewed journals. (The 16 narrative
& Tannock, 1999). Side effects include reductions reviews are identified with a single asterisk in the
in total sleep time and increased sleep onset latency reference list.) Each of the narrative reviews was first
(Corkum et al., 2008) and may be influenced by read by the authors of this chapter to ensure appro-
the timing of medication administration (Ironside, priateness of including the narrative review in the
Davidson, & Corkum, 2010). Parent training, review of reviews. Next each narrative review was
which teaches parents how to alter negative inter- read by two university students in Dr. Corkum’s
actional patterns and child behavior by altering research lab, who rated the article in terms of the
their parenting strategies, has demonstrated success main messages presented about the relationship
in treating not only ADHD (Chronis et al., 2006; between ADHD and sleep and the potential con-
Eiraldi, Mautone, & Power, 2012), but also many of founding variables. The students who reviewed the
its comorbid psychopathologies (e.g., conduct prob- narrative reviews included both undergraduate and
lems and behavior problems; Dretzke et al., 2009). graduate students. The main findings are described
Parents are taught behavior modification tech- below.
niques such as making changes to the environment
to encourage positive child behavior (e.g., structure Systematic Reviews
and routines), planned ignoring, and using rewards. Systematic reviews provide a summary of the
Very similar behavioral techniques are employed research literature using an objective and trans-
in evidence-based sleep interventions (Vriend & parent approach for research synthesis and can be
Corkum, 2011). Once they have developed a work- divided into two broad categories: quantitative (i.e.,
ing knowledge of sleep and its measurement, psy- meta-analyses) and qualitative. We located three
chologists and clinicians who are comfortable with quantitative and five qualitative reviews of ADHD
the behavioral treatment of ADHD should not have and sleep. It is important to note that the authors
difficulty applying these concepts to improve their of these reviews did not indicate if they had fol-
patients’ sleep. lowed the reporting standards set forth by PRISMA
(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
Review of the Literature on ADHD and Meta-Analyses), or its predecessor QUOROM
and Sleep (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses), which
We conducted a review of the literature focusing outline the necessary components and content
on sleep problems in children with ADHD (but did required for a systematic review. Therefore, the qual-
not include the literature examining sleep disorders ity of these meta-analyses cannot be readily assessed.
resulting in ADHD-like symptoms). Moreover, we Across these eight systematic reviews, there were a
did not provide a general overview of sleep, as this total of 78 studies reviewed. No single study was
can be found in Section 1 of this book. Rather than included in all eight reviews. In fact, more than half
reviewing individual research studies examining of the studies (44 studies, 56%) were included in

co rk um , co ulo m b e 497
only one review, 18 (23%) in two reviews, 7 (9%) in colleagues et al. (2006) controlled for some potential
three reviews, 4 (5%) in four reviews, 3 (4%) in five confounds by excluding studies from their analyses,
reviews and 2 (3%) in six reviews. This sets the stage whereas Sadeh and colleagues included all high qual-
for inconsistent findings across reviews. ity studies but examined the moderating effects as
part of their analyses. In total, Sadeh and colleagues
quantitative systematic reviews included 12 samples of children with ADHD and
(meta-analyses) normal controls. The only significant difference
Meta-analyses use statistical approaches to com- found between the ADHD and control groups was
bine data across a number of studies in order to that the ADHD groups had higher rates of periodic
determine which findings are consistent. Typically, limb movements. There were no differences in any
the literature is thoroughly reviewed to find rel- other sleep variable, including sleep architecture.
evant research studies and then the methodological Importantly, the analyses conducted by Sadeh
rigor of each study is evaluated. Only those studies et al. underscore the role of a number of important
considered to be high quality research are included moderating variables (e.g., sex, age, comorbidities,
in the analyses. Meta-analyses provide the high- sleep lab adjustment). For example, these authors
est level of research evidence (CPA, 2012). Three found that although there was no overall differ-
meta-analyses were found in our literature search ence between ADHD and normal control groups
(Cortese et al., 2009; Cortese, Konofal, Yateman, on sleep duration, there was in fact a difference if
Mouren, & Lecendreux, 2006; Sadeh, Pergamin, & broken down by age (e.g., groups with younger chil-
Bar-Haim, 2006). dren with ADHD had longer sleep durations and
An overview of the three meta-analyses can be groups with older children with ADHD had shorter
found in Table 34.1. The first meta-analysis, con- sleep durations compared to controls), sex (e.g.,
ducted by Cortese and colleagues in 2006, consisted ADHD groups with just males had a greater effects
of a meta-analysis of objective measures and a quali- than ADHD groups with both males and females),
tative analysis of subjective measures. The meta- comorbidity (e.g., sleep onset latency was longer in
analysis consisted of eight studies that used a range groups of children with ADHD without comor-
of objective measures, including PSG, actigraphy, bidities), and sleep lab adaptation night (e.g., when
and videosomnography. The analyses were collapsed there was an adaptation night, the ADHD groups
across these different types of sleep assessment. As had longer sleep duration than control groups, but
can be seen in Table 34.1, children with ADHD, this was not the case when there was no adaptation
relative to the control group, did not evidence any night).
differences in their sleep architecture. However, In 2009, Cortese and colleagues published an
children with ADHD did have more daytime sleep- updated meta-analysis of findings from objective
iness and higher mean values on a measure of sleep measures as well as conducted a meta-analysis of
apnea. As well, more movements during sleep were subjective measures. In regard to objective mea-
noted, although this variable was not included in sures, 13 studies were analyzed, which included
the actual meta-analyses. While these are interest- the eight studies from their 2006 paper (Cortese
ing results, it is important to note that these find- et al., 2006) along with four additional studies.
ings were based on a small number of studies; for Unlike their previous meta-analysis, Cortese et al.,
example, two studies addressing daytime sleepiness (2009) reported the analyses separately for PSG and
and three studies addressing sleep apnea. Moreover, actigraphy. The results of the meta-analysis of the
the mean values for the sleep apnea variable were PSG studies were similar to those in Cortese et al.,
all in the nonpathological range and so while the (2006), in that the sleep apnea index and daytime
mean apnea score for the ADHD groups were ele- sleepiness measure were both higher for ADHD
vated relative to the normal controls, these were not groups than control groups. This is not surprising,
indicative of clinical levels of sleep apnea. as these results are based on the same studies as in
Also published in 2006 was another meta-anal- the previous meta-analysis. Also similar to their
ysis of objective measures (Sadeh, Pergamin, & previous results, it is reported that children with
Bar-Haim, 2006). In this meta-analysis, Sadeh and ADHD have more movements in sleep. Again, this
colleagues included only PSG studies, but from was based on a qualitative review, as this variable
a wider time frame relative to the meta-analysis was not included in their meta-analysis. The main
by Cortese and colleagues et al. (2006). The selec- differences in findings between the two meta-anal-
tion criteria was also different in that Cortese and yses conducted by Cortese and colleagues is that in

49 8 sle ep i n the contex t of adhd

Table 34.1 Overview of key design criteria and findings of objective measures from the three meta-analyses
Cortese, Faraone, Konofal, & Lecendreux, 2009 Sadeh, Pergamin, & Bar-Haim, 2006 Cortese, Konofal, Yateman, Mouren, &
Lecendreux, 2006

Search criteria Searched PubMed (1987–Nov 2008) using keywords. As Searched PsycInfo, PubMed, and ISI Web Searched PubMed (Jan 1987–Oct 2005) using
well, searched references from obtained articles and references of Science (Jan 1980–Oct 2005) using keywords. References from relevant papers were
from known systematic reviews and meta-analyses for relevant keywords and authors’ names. As well, reviewed to find any additional studies.
studies. Also searched abstracts from relevant conference searched all references of the obtained
proceedings and contacted experts in the field to find relevant articles and references of relevant review
articles. Used, after confirming, articles utilized for their 2006 papers for relevant studies.

Selection Participants 18 yrs or under; DSM diagnosis of ADHD Compared sleep parameters between Needed to have completed rigorous clinical
criteria based on standardized criteria (DSM-III-R or later); an ADHD/ADD group and normal interviews according to DSM-III-R or DSM-IV
inclusion of a control group; at least one subjective and one control group; ADHD group could not criteria; study had to exclude or control for
objective measure of sleep; study provided data conducive be first selected due to sleep problem; psychiatric comorbidity and medication; no
to a meta-analysis; only included studies that excluded PSG recordings of relevant variables; case reports or descriptive reports; studies that
comorbid psychiatric disorders that would have impact study provided data needed to conduct examined sleep in medicated participants were not
on sleep (e.g., anxiety, depression); excluded studies where meta-analysis. included.
participants were treated with medication; excluded studies
that looked at specific populations (e.g., obese children).

Final sample 16 samples from 16 journal articles 12 samples from 11 journal articles 13 studies, both objective (8) and subjective (5),
– PSG (9 studies) – 271 ADHD, 200 NC 333 children with ADHD, 231 NC retained
– Actigraphy (4 studies) – 160 ADHD, 228 NC children 280 children with ADHD, 228 NC children
– Subjective (6 studies) – 404 ADHD, 372 NC – 6 PSG (2 also had MLST, 1 also had video
722 children with ADHD, 638 NC children analyses) – 218 ADHD, 139 NC
– 2 actigraphy – 62 ADHD, 89 NC
Note: Meta-analysis of both objective and subjective mea- Note: Subjective measures were not included in
sures was conducted by authors. Only the meta-analysis for Note: Meta-analysis of PSG studies only. meta-analysis, but rather a qualitative review was
objective measures is reported in this table. conducted of these studies.

(continued )
Table 34.1 (Continued)

Cortese, Faraone, Konofal, & Lecendreux, 2009 Sadeh, Pergamin, & Bar-Haim, 2006 Cortese, Konofal, Yateman, Mouren, &
Lecendreux, 2006


PSG/Video Actigraphy PSG only Mix of PSG, actigraphy, & video

Sleep onset ADHD=NC (n=7) ADHD>NC (n=4) NS (n=10) ADHD=NC (n=6)


Total Sleep time N/A “True Sleep” ADHD=NC (n=10) N/A

(TST) ADHD<NC (n=3)

Sleep efficiency ADHD<NC (n=7) ADHD=NC (n=3) ADHD=NC (n=11) ADHD=NC (n=6)

Night Wakings N/A ADHD=NC (n=3)

PLM N/A N/A ADHD>NC (n=7) ADHD>NC (n=?)

Sleep Apnea ADHD>NC (n=3) N/A ADHD=NC (n=5) ADHD>NC (n=3)


Arousals N/A N/A ADHD=NC (n=6) N/A

MSLT ADHD<NC (n=2) N/A N/A ADHD>NC (n=2)

# stage shifts in ADHD=NC (n=3) N/A N/A ADHD=NC (n=3)

# stage shifts/hr ADHD>NC (n=2) N/A N/A N/A

% stage 1 ADHD=NC (n=7) N/A ADHD=NC (n=8) ADHD=NC (n=4)

% stage 2 ADHD=NC (n=7) N/A ADHD=NC (n=8) ADHD=NC (n=4)

% SWS ADHD=NC (n=7) N/A ADHD=NC (n=11) ADHD=NC (n=4)

REM latency ADHD=NC (n=6) N/A ADHD=NC (n=10) ADHD=NC (n=4)

% REM ADHD=NC (n=7) N/A ADHD=NC (n=11) ADHD=NC (n=4)


Children with ADHD have more sleep problems than con- Children with ADHD are more likely to Children with ADHD have more sleepiness
trols based on most of the subjective measures and some have PLMS. No other variable was sig- during the day, more movements at night and
objective measures. Hypothesized that sleep in children nificantly different between ADHD and increased AHI, but no differences in macro-archi-
with ADHD was more fragmented, potentially as a result of controls. Moderator analyses indicated the tecture or continuity of sleep.
abnormal movements. important role of confounding factors (e.g.,
age, sex, comorbidity).
Notes: In the “Results on objective measures” section of the table: N/A=not assessed, ADHD>ND = ADHD displays more/longer of (sleep variable) than normal controls; ADHD<ND = ADHD displays less/shorter of
(sleep variable) than normal controls; (n=X) = number of studies that examined the specific sleep variable.
the 2009 review they found that the ADHD group Qualitative systematic reviews apply similar
had poorer sleep efficiency (although this change review standards as meta-analytic reviews, but use
from a nonsignificant to significant finding hap- qualitative methods (e.g., comparing and contrast-
pened as the result of one additional study being ing) rather than statistical approaches to determine
added) and more stage shifts per hour (which was which results are consistent across studies. An over-
not examined in the earlier meta-analysis). Similar view of the five qualitative reviews can be found in
to Cortese et al., 2006, there were no differences in Table 34.2. In 1998, the first systematic review was
sleep architecture between the groups. conducted by Corkum and colleagues. This review
Interestingly, for some variables the findings included 16 peer-reviewed studies published after
from the meta-analysis of actigraphy variables were 1970 and used a box-score approach to examine
in contrast to the findings from PSG. Based on findings across studies. The only consistent finding
actigraphy, children with ADHD had longer sleep across studies was an increase in nocturnal move-
onset latency and shorter sleep duration but no dif- ments in children with ADHD. Also, medication
ference in sleep efficiency and night wakings. This was found to negatively impact sleep. The review
is in contrast to the PSG results, which found that also highlighted the differences in findings between
children with ADHD had lower sleep efficiency and subjective and objective measures, with parents
no difference in sleep onset latency. The reason for reporting many more sleep problems than what was
these contradicting findings is unknown; however, confirmed based on objective measures. Moreover,
it may be that there were too few studies included this review underscored the important role of some
in the meta-analyses (only 3–4 actigraphy studies potential confounding variables, such as ADHD
depending on the variable assessed), or it may be diagnostic procedures and ADHD subtype, comor-
that the validity of actigraphy relative to PSG is not bidity, and treatment with stimulant medication.
as strong in children with ADHD as it has been Since this initial review, three other qualitative
shown to be in typically developing children. systematic reviews have been published, one in
Cortese and colleagues et al. (2009) conducted a 2004 (Cohen-Zion & Ancoli-Israel), one in 2005
separate meta-analysis of subjective measures, which (Bullock & Schall), and most recently in 2011
included six studies. Based on this analysis, the (Jan, Yang, & Huang). These three reviews echo
ADHD groups were reported to have many more the conclusions reached by Corkum et al. (1998)
sleep problems compared to the normal control and underscore the significant differences in rates
groups (i.e., more bedtime resistance, night wak- of sleep problems based on parent-report compared
ings, and difficulties with morning awakenings, as to objective measures of sleep, as well as the find-
well as longer sleep onset latency, increased daytime ings of increased motor movements during sleep in
sleepiness, and higher rates of sleep apnea). children with ADHD. However, some differences
The only consistent findings across the three in findings between these qualitative reviews are
meta-analyses were that in comparison to normal also evident. Cohen-Zion and Ancoli-Israel (2004)
controls, children with ADHD: (1) have higher concluded that there was also evidence for reduced
rates on a wide range of parent-reported sleep prob- REM sleep and daytime sleepiness in children with
lems, (2) evidence increased nocturnal movements, ADHD. Bullock and Schall (2005) also report
and (3) do not present with differences in sleep decreased REM as well as increased sleep latency.
architecture. Although there were other significant These authors, in contrast to Corkum et al. (1998),
findings in the two meta-analyses by Cortese (e.g., report that treatment with medication for ADHD
ADHD groups having lower sleep efficiency, higher (i.e., stimulant medications) does not affect objec-
mean sleep apnea index scores, and increased day- tive measures of sleep. The most recent systematic
time sleepiness), these were not found in the meta- review by Jan et al. (2011) concludes that although
analysis by Sadeh and as such are not consistent sleep problems and ADHD symptoms are often
across the meta-analytic reviews. It is also impor- comorbid, there is little objective evidence for a
tant to underscore that the authors of the three unique pattern of sleep problems in medication-
meta-analytic reviews all caution the reader that naïve children with ADHD.
their results are tentative given the small number of The only other systematic review was one con-
samples included in the analyses and the high level ducted by Cortese et al. in 2005, but this review was
of variability. focused exclusively on restless leg syndrome. Samples
(n = 8) from seven studies (one of which consisted
qualitative systematic reviews of adult ADHD participants) were reviewed. The

502 slee p in the contex t of adhd

Table 34.2 Overview of five qualitative systematic reviews
Corkum et al., 1998 Cohen-Zion & Ancoli-Israel, 2004 Bullock & Schall, 2005 Jan et al., 2011 Cortese et al., 2005

Search criteria Searched Medline Searched Medline and PsycInfo, used Searched National Library of Searched PubMed; used Searched PubMed, used
using key words, cross- keywords, cross-checked references in Medicine and the Cochrane keywords; cross-checked keywords, cross-checked
checked references of articles found Library, used keywords references in articles found, references in articles
articles found including existing review found. Review focused
articles on RLS & ADHD only.

Selection criteria English; 1970 onward; English; Published between 1980 English; published between Published between 1994–May Up to Feb 2005, child
peer-reviewed journals (DSM-III) and March 2004; partici- 1999–June 2004; employed 2011; and adult; studies
pants ages 3–19; English; Articles were objective measures of sleep, case reports and descriptive excluded if no measure
excluded if they were single case reports, alone or in combination with reports without data analysis of RLS
descriptive reports with no statistical objective measures were excluded from the review
analyses of data, or open-label clinical
trials. Studies excluded if comorbid-
ity (except LD, ODD, CD). Studies
excluded that did not follow a preset
data collection protocol or in which sleep
may have been artificially affected by
external stimuli (e.g. auditory stimuli);
Treatment studies were limited to those
using stimulant medications.

Final sample 16 studies 47 studies – naturalistic studies with no 10 articles which used objec- 33 studies included in tables 8 samples in 7 studies;
planned intervention (n=34) and stimu- tive measures (6 PSG, 2 in the paper 1 adult study, remaining
lant intervention studies (n=13); total of actigraphy, 1 both, 1 video- 7 studies included child
1138 children with ADHD and 1133 recording and PSG; (16 stud- participants
controls were included. Note: 9 of these ies met criteria but 6 of these
studies were counted twice, therefore, included only subjective
n=38. reports of sleep)

(continued )
Table 34.2 (Continued)

Corkum et al., 1998 Cohen-Zion & Ancoli-Israel, 2004 Bullock & Schall, 2005 Jan et al., 2011 Cortese et al., 2005


Although many parents- High rates of parental reports of sleep Parents report high levels of Sleep problems and ADHD- Found an associa-
reported sleep problems, disturbances; majority not confirmed by sleep difficulties that were not related symptoms frequently tion between RLS and
these were not verified objective data. Unmedicated children verified by PSG or actigraphy. co-occur; not much objective ADHD, with up to 44%
on objective measures. with ADHD demonstrated increased It was concluded that while support for unique rela- of subjects with ADHD
The only consistent nighttime activity, decreased REM sleep, children with ADHD do show tionship of sleep and “pure exhibiting RLS or RLS
findings were that chil- and increased daytime sleepiness in com- increased sleep latency and unmedicated” ADHD. symptoms, and up to
dren with ADHD move parison to TD controls. noctural activity, along with 26% of subjects with
more in their sleep and decreased REM sleep, initial RLS exhibiting ADHD
their sleep duration evidence suggests that stimu- or ADHD symptoms.
was not different than lant medication for ADHD
TD children. Stimulant does not have a significant
medication led to some impact on objective sleep
changes. characteristics.
Notes: (n=X) = number of studies that examined the specific sleep variable.
authors concluded that there was a link between the fact that narrative reviews are not as scientifi-
RLS and ADHD, with up to 44% of participants cally rigorous as systematic reviews, these are often
with ADHD presenting with RLS or symptoms. read by clinicians and as such may influence prac-
tice. We were interested in determining whether the
conclusions from systematic reviews information contained in the 16 narrative reviews
Our review of reviews was able to capture the that we found in peer-reviewed journals was consis-
consistent findings across eight systematic reviews, tent with the findings of the systematic reviews, as
including three meta-analyses and five qualitative described above. (The 16 narrative reviews are iden-
reviews. We grouped the findings into two levels: tified with a single asterisk in the reference list.) Each
Level 1, where there is consistent evidence across of the 16 narrative review articles was read by two
all meta-analyses and qualitative systematic reviews; students familiar with the field of ADHD and sleep,
and Level 2, for which there is some evidence in at but not experts in this field. After reading each arti-
least one of the meta-analyses and in one or more of cle, these individuals completed a survey about the
the qualitative systematic reviews. narrative review. The survey included two primary
Level 1: Findings that are consistent across system- questions—the first focused on the main messages
atic reviews put forth in the paper in terms of the relationship
between ADHD and sleep, and the second question
1. Parents of children with ADHD report many
focused on the emphasis the authors placed on the
more sleep problems than what is verified based on
role of potential moderators of this relationship.
objective measures.
In terms of main messages of these reviews (see
2. Children with ADHD have abnormal levels
Table 34.3), students rated ten statements about
of motor movements during the night.
sleep in children with ADHD using a four-point
3. There is no specific sleep architecture profile
Likert scale. A low score indicated that the students
that is consistently found in children with ADHD.
believed that the authors of the reviews presented
4. There are many confounding variables
the variable as having strong research evidence,
that moderate the results of studies (e.g., sex,
whereas a high score indicated that the authors pre-
age, diagnostic procedures, ADHD subtype,
sented the variable as having limited evidence (i.e.,
comorbidity, treatment with medication, sleep lab
based on speculation). As can be seen by examining
adaptation differences).
Table 34.3, no variable was rated as being presented
Level 2: Findings with some consistency across as a confirmed fact, which is appropriate given the
reviews current state of the literature. The variable that was
rated as being the most factual (i.e., parents of chil-
1. Medication may result in some sleep
dren with ADHD report that their children have
problems, but the severity and chronicity of these
many sleep problems compared to parents of typi-
problems is unknown.
cally developing children) was appropriate given
2. Daytime sleepiness in children with ADHD
that this statement would be considered a Level 1
compared to controls has been found, but there
finding based on the systematic reviews. However,
have only been two studies addressing this.
the variable rated second as the most factual was
3. Sleep apnea index is higher in ADHD
daytime sleepiness in children with ADHD, which
groups, but the elevation is not clinical.
is considered a Level 2 finding. Importantly, the
Moreover, the meta-analyses were inconsistent
variable considered to have the least evidence (i.e.,
in their findings with this variable and only
children with ADHD have different sleep architec-
included a few well-designed studies addressing
ture) was consistent with a Level 1 finding from
this variable.
the systematic reviews. Based on the students’ rat-
ings, it would seem that both Level 1 and Level 2
Narrative Reviews findings are being given equal weighting in terms
Narrative reviews are generally not as rigorous as of significance across the narrative reviews. As such,
systematic reviews, but rather provide a general sum- there were some variables that were under-endorsed
mary of the relevant literature based on the author’s (i.e., the relationship between ADHD and PLM/
perspective. There is usually no attempt to locate all restless legs/nocturnal movements; the discrep-
relevant literature or to evaluate primary research ancy between subjective and objective measures in
studies for quality, but rather pivotal papers known terms of identifying sleep problems in children with
to the authors are included in the review. Despite ADHD) and some variables that were over-endorsed

co rk um , co ulo m b e 505
Table 34.3 Student Ratings of Narrative Reviews in terms of their Impressions of the Evidence for Ten Potential Findings
related to ADHD and Sleep
Question Mean Rating Ranking

1. For a significant number of children, ADHD might be caused by sleep apnea 2.83 8

2. For a significant number of children, ADHD might be caused by periodic limb 2.54 6
movement disorder and/or restless leg syndrome

3. For a significant number of children, ADHD might be caused by another 2.84 9

intrinsic sleep disorder (e.g., narcolepsy)

4. Children with ADHD have different sleep architecture (i.e., REM/NREM) 3.11 10
than typically developing children

5. The parents of children with ADHD report that their children have lots of 1.58 1
sleep problems (e.g., bedtime resistance, sleep onset, night wakings, trouble
waking in the morning, poor sleep efficiency) in comparison to typically
developing children

6. Objective measures of sleep (such as actigraphy and polysomnography) 2.54 7

demonstrate that children with ADHD have lots of sleep problems (e.g.,
bedtime resistance, sleep onset, night wakings, trouble waking in the morning,
poor sleep efficiency) in comparison to typically developing children

7. Daytime sleepiness is a problem for children with ADHD 1.84 2

8. Children with ADHD move more during the night 2.03 3

9. Medication for ADHD often causes sleep problems 2.31 4

10. Sleep duration is different in children with ADHD 2.47 5

Note. Mean Rating based on the following rating scale: 1. This finding was clear and presented as a fact. Based on the author(s) statements,
it would appear that the evidence for this finding must be very good; 2. This finding was presented as a fact, with some potential limitations
in interpretation. It would appear that the evidence for this finding must be good; 3. This finding was presented as a potential finding that
required more research. It appeared that there was some evidence, but not enough to draw any conclusions; 4. This finding was presented
as a speculation. It would appear that there is limited research to draw any conclusions. Rank: Each statement was given a ranking, with the
statement that was thought to have the most evidence ranked as “1” and each following rank was given to the next closest number down to a
rank of 10 which indicated the least evidence for the statement.

(e.g., objective measures demonstrating sleep prob- by the authors as important to consider when inter-
lems in children with ADHD). preting the results of research in this field. The two
Students also rated 12 potential confounding highest rated variables were the diagnostic proce-
variables as to the importance they believed that the dures used to identify children for the ADHD group
author inferred to each variable in understanding and the comorbidities associated with ADHD, both
and evaluating the literature on sleep in ADHD (see which have been underscored as important in the
Table 34.4). It is important to note that our stu- systematic reviews.
dent reviewers indicated that some of the potential
confounding variables were rarely discussed in the conclusions from narrative reviews
reviews (i.e., where the research participants were Narrative reviews in this field appear to be giving
recruited from [e.g., sleep clinic, ADHD clinic], significance to both Level 1 and 2 findings. This is
child’s age, sex, and ADHD subtype). Unfortunately, concerning, as these reviews may be underempha-
many of the variables rarely discussed in the narra- sizing Level 1 findings that have been consistently
tives are the variables known to have a significant found through systematic reviews and overemphasiz-
impact based on the meta-analyses by Sadeh and ing Level 2 findings that have not been consistently
colleagues et al (2006). Based on the students’ mean found. Moreover, some of the key confounding vari-
ratings, the majority of variables identified in previ- ables are often not noted in the narrative reviews. It
ous research as potential confounds were presented is important to underscore that the students’ ratings

506 slee p in the contex t of adhd

Table 34.4 Student Ratings of Narrative Reviews in terms of their Impressions of the Relevance of Twelve Potential Confounding
Variable Number of Studies Mean Rating
Noting Variable

1. Recruitment sources for participants 3 2.13

2. Diagnostic procedures used to determine ADHD 12 1.94

3. Comorbidities related to ADHD 14 1.68

4. Using polysomnography to measure sleep 15 1.99

5. Using actigraphy to measure sleep 14 2.33

6. Using questionnaires completed by parents to measure children’s sleep 15 2.39

7. Using questionnaires completed by the child to measure his/her sleep 10 2.41

8. Using sleep diaries as a way of measuring sleep 10 2.38

9. Whether the child was on medication or not 13 2.04

10. Child age 6 2.97

11. Child sex 4 3.00

12. Possible differences associated with ADHD sub-type 7 2.22

Note. Ratings based on the following scale: 1. This variable was mentioned as one of the most important variables to consider when evaluating
the research on sleep in ADHD; 2. This variable was mentioned as an important variable to consider when evaluating the research on sleep in
ADHD; 3. This variable was mentioned but no importance was given in terms of relevance to understanding sleep in children with ADHD;
4. This variable was mentioned but presented as not relevant in terms of understanding sleep in children with ADHD

were across narrative reviews, and therefore some with ADHD, it is important to conceptualize sleep
reviews may be presenting information very accu- problems/disorders as one would conceptualize any
rately while others may not be as accurate. other potential differential or comorbid disorder.
Therefore, the full range of sleep problems and sleep
Conclusions from the Review of Reviews disorders should be included in the differential diag-
There is no doubt that parents report frequent nosis related to ADHD and should be considered as
and pervasive sleep problems in their children with potential comorbid disorders. Clinicians can use the
ADHD. Despite this high rate of parent-reported results of the ADHD and sleep literature to guide
sleep problems, verification of these sleep prob- their assessment and treatment practices.
lems on objective measures of sleep has not been
consistently documented. In fact, the only con- Clinical Implications
sistent finding across all systematic reviews is that We believe that, with some increased knowledge
children with ADHD not only move more during of sleep and sleep measurement, psychologists and
the day but also move more during the night. This other behavioral clinicians who work with children
highlights the importance of viewing ADHD as a with ADHD should have no difficulty addressing
chronic and pervasive disorder that affects children many of the sleep-related service needs of their
not only during the day but also during the night. patients (see Chapter 19, this volume). In fact,
The significance of this increase in nocturnal move- where sleep problems are behavioral in nature it
ments has not been determined. It may be that these may be preferable for a single clinician (or clinical
nocturnal movements disrupt sleep, which in turn team) to provide services addressing children’s day-
reduces overall sleep quality. This could result in time and nighttime difficulties (vs. referral to a sepa-
increased daytime impairment, thus exacerbating rate clinician or clinical team)1. This should increase
existing ADHD core and associated symptoms. efficiencies at multiple levels of service delivery, as
Given that there is no convincing evidence for there is likely substantial overlap between the fac-
a unique and specific sleep profile for children tors associated with the maintenance and treatment

co rk um , co ulo m b e 507
of sleep problems and those associated with the or exist within the context of parent–child interac-
maintenance and treatment of ADHD at the indi- tions and can be useful in the identification of envi-
vidual and family level (e.g., temperament, parent- ronmental factors contributing to children’s sleep
ing, influence of comorbidity). In this section, we problems (e.g., pets, noise, light, media). Clinical
focus on the development of diagnostic and clini- interviews can provide further clarification about
cal formulations and treatment plans that integrate the information contained in subjective measures
ADHD and sleep. and behaviors observed in the videos (e.g., under-
lying cognitions, motivations, history, patterns).
Screening, Assessment, and Diagnostic Sleep diaries, which can be used to document how
and Clinical Formulation often and when target behaviors occur, are particu-
The diagnostic approach should begin with larly useful for treatment planning and tracking
screening for the primary disorder(s) of interest treatment progress. For a thoughtful discussion and
(i.e., ADHD) and other problems that present with review of pediatric sleep questionnaires (see Spruyt,
it or contribute to a differential diagnosis (i.e., sleep Chapter 18), clinicians may refer to Lewandowski,
problems, internalizing and externalizing prob- Toliver-Sokol, and Palermo (2011). For a measure
lems), followed by in-depth assessment as indicated of parents’ sleep-related knowledge, clinicians may
by the results of the screener. wish to read Owens and Jones (2011). Measures
of parents’ beliefs about sleep (Bessey, Coulombe,
screening Smith, & Corkum, 2013) and about sleep strategies
All children with ADHD or suspected of hav- (e.g., Coulombe & Reid, 2012) have also recently
ing ADHD should be screened for sleep problems been developed.
(see Spruyt, Chapter 18). An example of a popular
screening measure is described in Owens and Dalzell diagnostic and clinical formulations
(2005). Clinicians who suspect that a child might At the end of the information-gathering pro-
have an organic sleep problem (e.g., snoring/apnea, cess, the clinician should have enough data for
restless legs/periodic limb movements) should a diagnostic formulation related to sleep and
arrange for further investigation. Where available, ADHD. There are many formulations possible,
referral should be made to a pediatric sleep clinic including but not limited to the following: (a)
with access to PSG technology. Similarly, clinicians ADHD, no sleep problems; (b) sleep problems,
who believe that sleep problems may be related to no ADHD; (c) ADHD and sleep problems; (d)
an underlying medical condition (e.g., asthma, epi- ADHD, sleep problems, and comorbid psychopa-
lepsy, pain) should also make a referral to a health thology. For the remainder of this chapter we will
professional who can assess and treat the underlying assume that either scenario C or D is true. The
condition. Psychologists and other behavioral clini- clinician should also be able to describe a typical
cians who suspect that a child might have a behav- day and night for the child and his or her fam-
ioral insomnia,2 however, will have many of the core ily, as well as a typical week. This description will
competencies to permit further assessment (e.g., serve as the foundation for an integrated clinical
skill at integrating multiple sources of information, formulation. The primary objective of the clinical
interviewing). The competencies that they may not formulation is to better understand the nature of
possess as part of traditional clinical training are the sleep difficulty experienced within the context
most likely knowledge-based (i.e., knowledge of of the child (e.g., temperament, psychological
sleep processes) rather than skill-based and as such comorbidity), his or her ADHD, and the family
can be easily acquired. environment over the full 24-hour period. This
would include consideration of how sleep prob-
assessment lems and symptoms of ADHD may overlap and
If screening provides evidence of behavioral sleep interact, including the role that sleep problems
problems, further evaluation can be conducted using may play in further impairing the functioning
questionnaires, sleep diaries, and video recordings. of children with ADHD. Experimental restric-
Assessment should include information about sleep tion of sleep in children and adolescents without
history, sleep problems, sleep quality, sleep beliefs ADHD has been found to result in poorer per-
and knowledge, and sleep hygiene and routines. formance on tasks related to attention, learning,
Video recordings can assist with the evaluation of memory, executive function, and emotion regula-
behaviors that occur outside of parents’ awareness tion (e.g., Fallone, Acebo, Seifer, & Carskadon,

508 sle ep i n the contex t of adhd

2005; Gruber, Wiebe, Montecalvo, Brunetti, more detail (e.g., Meltzer, 2010; Vriend & Corkum,
Amsel, & Carrier, 2011; Kopasz, Loessl, Hornyak, 2011; Weiss, 2006). To illustrate how they can be
Riemann, Nissen, Piosczyk, & Voderholzer, 2010; integrated into ADHD treatment, we will group the
Vriend, Davidson, Corkum, Rusak, McLaughlin, strategies according to the following levels: (a) psy-
& Chambers, 2012).3 Given the impact of inad- choeducation, (b) providing an environment that
equate sleep on healthy children, it is likely that fosters success, (c) using behavioral contingencies,
inadequate sleep may increase the impairment and (d) teaching coping skills. Additional informa-
experienced by children with ADHD. tion about modifying evidence-based sleep inter-
The role of ADHD medication in the develop- ventions for children with ADHD can be found in
ment or exacerbation of sleep problems should also Corkum et al. (2011).
be considered, as should any overlap between sleep
problems, ADHD, and symptoms of comorbid psychoeducation
psychopathology. A child with ADHD who experi- It is likely that parents’ sleep-related knowledge
ences difficulty falling asleep at night due to wor- influences their sleep-related beliefs, strategies, and,
ries associated with comorbid anxiety, for example, as a result, children’s sleep (Coulombe, Corkum,
may require a different treatment approach than a Reid, & Bessey, 2012; Owens & Jones, 2011; see
child with ADHD who has difficulty falling asleep Chapter 39, this volume). Providing parents with
at night due to restlessness, or a child with ADHD psychoeducation about sleep is an important com-
whose refusal to go to bed is consistent with oppo- ponent of behavioral sleep interventions (Vriend &
sitional behavior. Further, because parental reports Corkum, 2011). Psychoeducation is also routinely
of sleep problems in children with ADHD are often provided to parents as a component of effective
higher than sleep problems measured using objec- interventions for ADHD in children (Young &
tive measures, efforts should be made to identify Amarasinghe, 2010). Psychoeducation provided to
factors that could contribute to parents’ increased parents of children with ADHD and sleep problems
perceptions of their child’s sleep as problematic should be integrative and include a discussion of
(e.g., parenting stress, fatigue). Clinicians who are potential relationships between sleep and ADHD,
familiar with the child and family may have already potential effects of ADHD medication on sleep,
built a significant portion of their clinical formu- and the role that treating sleep problems may play
lation through the process of completing an exist- in improving children’s overall functioning. Parents
ing ADHD assessment. One way of integrating should be informed about what to expect during
sleep problems into an existing clinical formulation treatment, including discussion of the additional
may be to ask, “What might this child’s symptoms effort required when making changes to children’s
look like at bedtime, through the night, and in the sleep, the typical response burst that can be expected
morning?” prior to extinction of maladaptive sleep behav-
iors, and how symptoms of ADHD and comorbid
Treatment psychopathologies may be exacerbated during the
Medication is generally not recommended as initial treatment period. Psychologists and other
a first line of intervention for behavioral sleep behavioral clinicians with cognitive and affective
problems in children (for discussion of pharmaco- training (e.g., motivational interviewing, behavior
therapy, see Mindell et al., 2006). Behavioral inter- change) will also be able to help parents identify
ventions are highly effective in treating behavioral any beliefs or concerns that may interfere with treat-
sleep problems in typically developing children ment. For example, parents of children with ADHD
(Meltzer, 2010; Vriend & Corkum, 2011)4 and may have been found to hold stronger beliefs that their
be effective in treating behavioral sleep problems in children’s sleep problems are less modifiable, more
children with ADHD (Mullane & Corkum, 2006). intrinsically driven, and less responsive to treat-
Some modifications, however, are advisable. ment than parents of typically developing children
At the core of behavioral sleep interventions is the (Bessey et al., 2013); these beliefs may make parents
principle that healthy sleep is a behavior that must less likely to see a role for behavioral sleep interven-
be learned. This is achieved in several steps, each of tions in their child’s treatment plan. Research does
which is consistent with the behavioral techniques suggest, however, that behavioral sleep interventions
used in psychosocial interventions for ADHD and can work for children with ADHD (Mullane &
its psychological comorbidities. There are a number Corkum, 2006; Sciberras, Fulton, Efron, Oberklaid
of excellent resources describing these techniques in & Hiscock, 2012).

co rk um , co ulo m b e 509
providing an environment that fosters bedtime fading (Meltzer, 2010). In this strategy, a
success child’s bedtime is moved closer to the time that he
Evidence-based psychosocial interventions for or she typically falls asleep, reducing prolonged time
ADHD often require changes to the home and in bed before sleep onset and providing less oppor-
school environment that facilitate the child’s ability tunity for bedtime struggles. A consistent wake time
to regulate his or her behavior (e.g., Eiraldi et al., is maintained to ensure, in part, that the child is suf-
2012). Examples include designating separate areas ficiently tired at night to fall asleep quickly; napping
within the child’s home for play and for work; rou- is discouraged unless age-appropriate. Once the child
tines; and the consistent use of techniques such as is falling asleep with less difficulty, the bedtime is
leaving time for transitions, giving short and direct moved earlier by 15 minutes every 2 to 3 nights, until
instructions when making requests, and using the child is settling easily at the target bedtime. There
“when-then” statements. Sleep hygiene, a core com- are several factors to consider. First, this technique is
ponent of evidence-based sleep interventions, can partially dependent on temporary sleep deprivation.
be easily integrated with daytime modifications to Given the effects of sleep deprivation on children’s
the environment. The “ABCs of SLEEPING”5 can functioning, parents of children with ADHD should
be used to remember key sleep hygiene principles: be prepared to expect some additional daytime chal-
(1) Age appropriate Bedtimes and wake-times with lenges during the course of the protocol. Parents
Consistency, (2) Schedule (including meal times) should also be careful to ensure that children do not
and routines, (3) Location (dark, quiet room; engage in sleep-interfering behaviors prior to the later
comfortable bed; consistent location), (4) Exercise bedtime (e.g., watching television or playing video
(regular exercise, nothing too exciting close to bed) games, engaging in rough or exciting play), thereby
and diet (no caffeine, no big meals before bed), (5) circumventing treatment mechanisms. Further, clini-
no Electronics in the bedroom or before bed, (6) cians will need to work closely with parents to ensure
Positivity and relaxation (positive time together that the later bedtime is not reinforcing for the child.
during the day, positive and relaxing routines at This said, it should be noted that bedtime fading
bedtime), (7) Independence when falling asleep was included as a key component in one of the only
(after a relaxing routine and pleasant goodnight), published intervention studies of sleep problems in
(8) Needs of child met during the day (e.g., affec- children with ADHD (Mullane & Corkum, 2006).
tion, attention, activity), and (9) all together equals A clinically significant decrease in insomnia severity
Great sleep! was reported in this study.
Parents should be encouraged to use the same
principles to help children learn bedtime and morn- using behavioral contingencies
ing routines that they use to help them learn and Behavioral contingencies (i.e., planned ignoring,
adhere to daytime routines (e.g., visual remind- rewards) are at the core of behavioral interventions for
ers). Further, routines should follow a logical, goal- sleep (see Meltzer, 2010) and for ADHD (see Young
oriented sequence that minimizes distractions and & Amarasinghe, 2010; see Blampied, Chapter 15).
opportunities to get “off track”; this can be particu- When applied at night, and in response to sleep-
larly important for children with ADHD, who can interfering behaviors (e.g., calling out, leaving the
be particularly vulnerable to distraction. For exam- bedroom), planned ignoring is known as limit setting
ple, a bedtime routine should move closer to the or extinction (see Meltzer, 2010). After the bedtime
child’s bedroom with each step. A notable challenge routine has been completed, parents should say good-
for some families, particularly those with comorbid night to their child and minimize further interactions.
externalizing problems, may be maintaining a posi- Permissible interactions include simple and non-re-
tive and relaxing tone to bedtime routines; this is inforcing reminders of what is expected (e.g., walk-
critical, however, to helping a child settle to sleep. ing a child back to his or her room, reminding him
Similarly, children should not be sent to bed or to or her that it is time to sleep). Parents should avoid
their bedroom as a punishment; nor should children arguments or explanations. Children with ADHD
who become frustrated with academic challenges be who leave the room frequently or who make multiple
expected to complete homework in their bedrooms requests may benefit from a concrete reminder about
or immediately before bed. what is appropriate (e.g., a “bedtime pass” that allows
Children who continue to have difficulty set- one glass of water or trip to the bathroom; Moore,
tling to sleep at night, after sleep hygiene and con- Friman, Fruzzetti, & MacAleese, 2007). Careful atten-
sistent routines have been applied, may benefit from tion to sleep hygiene, such as taking electronic devices

5 10 slee p in the contex t of adhd

out of the bedroom, may minimize the opportuni- after more than a decade of fairly intensive investiga-
ties for children to engage in inappropriate behaviors tion into this area. At this point in time, there is no
at night. Rewards for appropriate sleep-facilitating convincing evidence for a unique and specific sleep
behaviors (e.g., staying in bed, not calling out, lying in profile for children with ADHD. However, parents
bed with eyes closed) should also be used. A detailed of children with ADHD report significant sleep
discussion of the development of reward systems is problems in their children and objective measures
beyond the scope of this chapter; however, Meltzer provide consistent evidence of increased movement
(2010) provides an excellent overview of the use of during the night. It is likely that the behaviors and
rewards in the treatment of behavioral sleep problems. processes underlying the daytime challenges experi-
Psychologists and other behavioral clinicians working enced by children with ADHD present comparable
with children with ADHD should be well-versed in challenges at night. As such, we believe that it is
the successful use of rewards in this population and, important to conceptualize ADHD as a chronic and
with professional guidance, parents who are already pervasive disorder that affects children not only dur-
using rewards as part of a behavioral program during ing the day but also during the night (i.e., ADHD
the day should have little difficulty applying similar is a 24-hour disorder). Therefore, sleep problems/
principles to encourage sleep-promoting behaviors at disorders should be conceptualized similarly to
night. A recent meta-analysis of nonpharmacological other potential differential or comorbid disorders.
interventions for children with ADHD (Hodgson, The full range of sleep problems and sleep disor-
Hutchinson, & Denson, 2012) found behavior mod- ders should be included in the differential diagnosis
ification techniques to be effective across a range of related to ADHD as well as be considered as poten-
functional domains; unfortunately, sleep and sleep tial comorbid disorders. Sleep problems/disorders
behaviors were not examined as outcomes in this should be integrated into the treatment plan for
study. ADHD. Psychologists and other behavior special-
ists are in a perfect position to treat sleep problems
teaching coping skills in children with ADHD, given their expertise in
Although pediatric sleep interventions do not usu- the area of behavioral interventions. Opportunities
ally include the use of coping skills (e.g., relaxation, to enhance knowledge of sleep and sleep problems
cognitive restructuring, emotional regulation), these would allow more psychologists to treat ADHD as a
skills are often components of other psychosocial disorder that results in impairments not only during
interventions for children (e.g., Simpson, Suarez, the daytime but also at nighttime.
& Connolly, 2012) as well as behavioral interven-
tions for insomnia in adults (Taylor & Roane,
Future Directions
2010). They have also been successfully included Additional research needs to be conducted in
in interventions for children with ADHD (e.g., order to better understand the relationship between
Waxmonsky et al., 2012; Webster-Stratton, Reid, ADHD and sleep; however, it is important that future
& Beauchaine, 2011). Clinicians who are work- research moves the field ahead rather than continu-
ing with children with ADHD, particularly those ing to conduct studies that have similar limitations in
with comorbid psychopathology, may wish to help terms of methodology. To this end, we recommend
their patients apply these strategies to their sleep that upcoming research include the following:
problems. For example, school-age children with
anxiety may benefit from opportunities to discuss • Large-scale studies powered and designed
and address daytime worries as well as maladaptive to statistically address potentially confounding
cognitions about sleep before they begin their bed- and moderating variables (e.g., can test the role
time routine. Many children will dislike some of the of each confounding variable in this relationship,
sleep hygiene principles (e.g., removal of electronic such as sex differences, subtypes of ADHD, and
devices from the bedroom) and changes to bedtime comorbidities).
routines (e.g., independent settling) required to • Studies that have strong methodology and
ensure healthy sleep; the use of coping skills may controls for confounding variables (e.g., samples
assist parents and children with these changes. with narrower age ranges, more closely age-
and sex-matched samples, rigorous diagnostic
Conclusion procedures for ADHD, gold standard sleep
The exact nature of the relationship between assessment procedures such as inclusion of an
ADHD and sleep has continued to elude us, even adaptation night when using PSG).

co rkum , co ulo m b e 511

• Studies that examine why different results basic/foundational interventions (e.g., sleep hygiene) and the
are found with different sleep measures (i.e., PSG, reduction of anxiety and stress. Video recording and diaries
are very helpful in their assessment.
actigraphy, sleep diaries, parent questionnaires). 3. Notably, experimental sleep restriction in children has not
• Experimental studies that manipulate sleep been consistently observed to result in symptoms of hyper-
to determine the impact on children with ADHD. activity/impulsivity (Fallone et al., 2005; Poirer, Gendron, &
This would include treatment intervention studies Corkum, 2012).
that target sleep and evaluate the outcome in 4. The most common sleep problems experienced by children
are behavioral in nature. Given that this type of sleep prob-
regard to sleep and daytime functioning. lem can be addressed effectively in non–sleep specialty set-
Clinically, it is important that psychologists and tings, we will restrict our discussion of treatment to these
other behavioral specialists learn more about sleep 5. The “ABCs of SLEEPING” mnemonic was created by Ms.
problems and sleep disorders and include sleep in Melissa Gendron, MSc. Project Coordinator, Corkum
their assessment and treatment plans for children LABS, Dalhousie University.
with ADHD. To this end, we recommend the fol-
lowing practices: References
Alfano, C.A., & Gamble, A.L. (2009). The role of sleep in child-
• All children being assessed for ADHD should hood psychiatric disorders. Child Youth Care Forum, 38,
also be screened for sleep problems/disorders. 327–340.
• ADHD be conceptualized as a 24-hour American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and
disorder and that sleep as well as daytime behaviors Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (4th ed., Text
Revision). Washington, DC: Author.
be taken into consideration when conducting an Anastopoulos, A. D., Smith, T. F., Garrett, M. E., Morrissey-
assessment and developing and implementing Kane, E., Schatz, N. K., Sommer, J. L., et al. (2011).
treatment plans. Self-regulation of emotion, functional impairment, and
• Training programs for psychologists and comorbidity among children with AD/HD. Journal of
other behavioral specialists include curriculum and Attention Disorders, 15(7), 583–592.
Archbold, K. (2006). Sleep disorders and attention-deficit hyper-
practicum experiences in order to build knowledge activity disorder in children: A missing differential diagnosis.
and skills in the area of sleep. This training will Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 12(4),
allow the practitioner to address sleep problems 216–224.
across a range of mental health and physical health Ball, J. D., & Koloian, B. (1995). Sleep patterns among ADHD
problems. children. Clinical Psychology Review, 15(7), 681–691.
Barkley, R.A. (2003). Issues in the diagnosis of attention-deficit/
• Intervention research should focus on the hyperactivity disorder in children. Brain & Development, 25,
impact of psychological comorbidity on treatment 77–83.
of sleep problems in children with ADHD, as Bessey, M., Coulombe, A., Smith, I. & Corkum, P. (2013).
well as determine what order treatments should be Assessing parental sleep attitudes and beliefs in typically
delivered in; for example, should sleep problems be developing children and children with ADHD and ASD.
Children’s Health Care. 42(2), 116–133.
addressed first? Bullock, G. L., & Schall, U. (2005). Dyssomnia in children diag-
• There is a paucity of research regarding nosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A criti-
sleep in children with behavioral problems cal review. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,
(i.e., Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant 39(5), 373–377.
Disorder). Further research is needed, and these Canadian Psychological Association, Task Force on Evidence-
Based Practice. (2012). Report of the CPA Task Force on
studies should be designed to avoid the problems the Definition of Evidence-Based Practice of Psychological
that have been identified in the ADHD and sleep Treatment. Retrieved April 3, 2012, from: http://www.cpa.
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Notes based psychosocial treatments for children and adoles-
1. Given the limited access to behavioral sleep specialists and cents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clinical
clinics, the most realistic scenario is not a choice between Psychology Review, 26(4), 486–502.
(a) “treat both ADHD and sleep in this clinic” or (b) “treat Cohen-Zion, M. & Ancoli-Israel, S. (2004). Sleep in children
ADHD in this clinic and have sleep treated by a behavioral with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A
sleep specialist,” but rather a choice between (a) and not review of naturalistic and stimulant intervention studies.
having a child’s sleep addressed at all. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 8(5), 379–402.
2. In some cases, parasomnias (e.g., nightmares, night terrors, Corkum, P., Tannock, R. & Moldofsky, H. (1998). Sleep distur-
sleepwalking) might also be addressed without immedi- bances in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
ate referral to specialty clinics. These problems are beyond der. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent
the scope of this chapter but may be ameliorated with Psychiatry, 37(6), 637–646.

5 12 slee p in the contex t of adhd

Corkum, P., Moldofsky, H., Hogg-Johnson, S., Humphries, among children and adolescents with and without persistent
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American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 38(10), lescents with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Child
1285–1293. and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18(4),
Corkum, P., Panton, R., Ironside, S., Macpherson, M., & 863–876.
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children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal havioral functioning of children with attention deficit hyper-
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5 14 slee p in the contex t of adhd


Mood Disorders
Allison G. Harvey, Candice A. Alfano, and Greg Clarke

Mood disorders are prevalent and concerning, particularly among children and adolescents. Sleep
disturbances, particularly insomnia and hypersomnia (but also delayed sleep phase and sleep need),
often co-occur with the mood disorders. Evidence has accrued suggesting that sleep disturbances
are important pathways contributing to the mood disorders. The risk of depression is increased by
preexisting insomnia, sleep problems interfere with depression treatment success, and in depressed
adults treating the depression and insomnia is markedly better relative to treating depression alone.
An evidence base is growing for the use of psychosocial treatments for sleep disturbance in youth.
We describe the protocol we have developed for treating insomnia in depressed youth. Potential
advantages for delivering psychosocial treatments for sleep disturbance, over medication treatments,
are reviewed. We also discuss the importance of working with parents, the slight tip toward
eveningness with the onset and progression through puberty, and the role of technology (cell phones,
video games, etc.) in contributing to sleep disturbance.
Key Words: depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia, hypersomnia, adolescence, children

Mood disorders in youth are alarmingly common. loss or gain, agitation or retardation, fatigue or loss
The goal of this chapter is to review the growing lit- of energy, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of
erature indicating the importance of disturbed sleep worthlessness. Bipolar (BP) disorder is characterized
in the mood disorders. This is important because by episodes of mood shifts. Bipolar I disorder is char-
sleep disturbances are among the most prominent acterized by one or more manic or mixed episodes,
correlates of mood episodes and inadequate recov- and usually episodes of depression, too. A manic
ery. Moreover, the evidence is increasingly com- episode lasts for at least 1 week and can include the
pelling that sleep disturbances may be important following symptoms: inflated self-esteem, talkative-
pathways contributing to mood problems. ness, distractibility, and excessive involvement in
pleasurable activities with high potential for nega-
Mood Disorders Among Youth: A Critical tive consequences. A mixed episode is diagnosed
Public Health Problem when the criteria for both mania and depression are
Mood disorders are severe, impairing, and poten- met. Bipolar II disorder is characterized by one or
tially life threatening conditions. The two most more episodes of depression as well as one hypo-
studied mood disorders will be our focus; namely, manic episode which is a period of 4 days in which
depression and bipolar disorder. Major depressive the symptoms of mania are experienced (American
disorder (MDD) is characterized by one or more Psychiatric Association, 2000). Note that early-
episodes of depressed mood or loss of interest for onset bipolar disorder is often characterized by very
at least 2 weeks, along with symptoms like weight rapid cycling (Geller et al., 1998), with coexisting

irritability and elation (Geller et al., 2003), as well 11% of bipolar adolescents meet full criteria for
as significant mood lability and aggression (Faedda, bipolar I, with the remainder meeting diagnostic
Baldessarini, Glovinsky, & Austin, 2004b; Geller, criteria on the bipolar spectrum (bipolar II disorder,
Zimmerman, et al., 2002). In fact, many child and cyclothymia or bipolar disorder NOS). Even with
adolescent BP cases appear to be marked less by the inclusion of those who did not meet full criteria
“classic” cycles of mania and depression and more for bipolar I disorder, youth with bipolar spectrum
by rather chronic displays of irritable, explosive, disorders have twice the rate of suicide attempts and
and “mixed” mood states (Biederman, Faraone, significantly worse levels of overall functioning com-
Wozniak, Mick, Kwon, & Megan, 2004). pared to adolescents with major depressive disorder.
In this chapter, we focus on mood disorders dur- Diagnosis of bipolar spectrum disorders in young
ing adolescence because the age of onset for these children remains controversial. However, youth
disorders is often during this developmental phase. meeting criteria for bipolar disorder NOS appear to
Indeed, it is well established that adolescence is a be similar to those with bipolar 1 disorder on many
high-risk time for the onset of mental health diffi- factors, including age of onset, duration of illness,
culties, with at least 50% of all adult disorders hav- rates of comorbid diagnoses, suicidal ideation, prior
ing their onset during the adolescent years (Belfer, major depressive episodes, family history, and the
2008). Mood disorders among youth have become a types of manic symptoms that were present during
significant public health priority because early onset the most serious lifetime episode (Axelson et al.,
of unipolar and bipolar depression is associated with 2006).
poorer prognosis (Klein et al., 1999). Also, several
complex biological, psychological, and social inter- Sleep Disturbance is a Prominent Feature
actions render this a particularly important phase of Mood Disorders
for mechanistic and clinical research relating to Sleep disturbances are among the most promi-
associations between sleep and the mood disorders. nent correlates of mood episodes and inadequate
Unipolar depression is one of the most com- recovery (Ehlers, Kupfer, Frank, & Monk, 1993;
mon disorders in adolescence; 20% of adoles- Harvey, 2008b; Kupfer, 1995; Wehr, Sack, &
cents will have had a depressive episode by age 18 Rosenthal, 1987). There are various types of sleep
(Lewinsohn, Hops, Roberts, Seeley, & Andrews, disturbances that co-occur with the mood dis-
1993) with as many as 75% of these experiencing orders. Insomnia and hypersomnia are listed in
a second episode within 5 years (Kovacs, Fienberg, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Crouse-Novak, Paulaukas, & Finkelstein, 1984a, Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) as symptoms of major
1984b). Depression is associated with substantial depressive disorder, and reduced need for sleep is
impairment in all domains and an alarming 30-fold listed as a symptom for a manic episode (American
increased risk of completed suicide (Birmaher et al., Psychiatric Association, 2000). It may seem impos-
1996; Brent, 1993; Brent et al., 1988). It is impor- sible for insomnia and hypersomnia to co-occur,
tant to also note that preadolescent children can but it’s clear that they often do (Liu et al., 2007).
and do experience depression as well, although rates Although not listed in the DSM-IV-TR, other sleep
are much lower. Prevalence of unipolar depression difficulties that commonly co-occur with the mood
in school-age children ranges from .03% to 3.0% disorders include night-to-night variability in sleep
(Costello, Foley, & Adrian, 2006). Depression not and delayed sleep phase. Moreover, given the phasic
otherwise specified (NOS) appears to be diagnosed nature of the mood disorders—there are depressed
more commonly than MDD or dysthymia in pre- episodes, manic episodes, hypomanic episodes, and
teens (Costello, et al., 2006), suggesting that symp- mixed episodes as well as inter-episode periods—
tom profiles may be more varied in this age group. the nature of the sleep disturbance may be different
Depression rates in adolescent and adult females across these phases.
are approximately two times that of males, whereas It’s very clear that sleep disturbances are fre-
boys and girls are equally likely to be diagnosed quently comorbid with depression (Brunello et al.,
with depression during the preteen years (Angold & 2000; Dahl & Harvey, 2007), and there is evidence
Rutter, 1992; Twenge & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002). that these conditions have bidirectional, mutually
Prevalence rates of early onset bipolar disor- maintaining influences (Harvey, 2008a, 2008b;
der are similar to adults and stand at 1%–2% Wehr et al., 1987). In a recent study of 553 youth
(Lewinsohn, Klein, & Seeley, 1995). However, only with major depression, 72.7% also reported a sleep

5 16 m ood dis orders

disturbance, mostly insomnia; these youth (age A number of methodological issues arise from
range 7.3 to 14.9 years) were also more severely research on sleep and mood disorders in teens
depressed. More specifically, 73% reported sleep (Harvey, et al., 2006). First, there is a need for psy-
problems including insomnia (54%), hypersomia chometrically validated self-report and/or obser-
(9%) and both insomnia and hypersomnia (10%; vational methods of assessing sleep disturbance in
Liu, et al., 2007). Estimates of hypersomnia in the youth, as discussed earlier in this handbook. In
mood disorders vary widely across ages and stud- addition, there is a need for more studies to include
ies, ranging from as low as 8.9% in childhood objective estimates of sleep such as PSG and actig-
(Williamson et al., 2000) to as high as 75.8% in raphy. Other limitations include the absence of
young adulthood (Parker, Malhi, Hadzi-Oavlovic, comparison groups to tease out specificity of find-
& Parker, 2006). ings, as well as limited assessments of comorbidity.
Objective sleep data do not always correlate Given high comorbidity rates in youth, it will be
with subjective reports of sleep (Harvey & Tang, important for future studies to track comorbidity so
2012). In a comprehensive review of studies that as to determine interactions with sleep disturbance.
included polysomnography (PSG), only 15 out of Finally, the strategies for dealing with medication
27 reported the presence of significant PSG dif- confounds vary across studies, with several studies
ferences in depressed compared to healthy adoles- not reporting these details. The impact of medica-
cents (Ivanenko, McLaughlin Crabtreec, & Gozald, tions on sleep is an important methodological issue
2005). Even fewer studies reported PSG abnormali- (Harvey, Talbot, & Gershon, 2009).
ties among depressed children. These findings stand
in contrast to the well-established trait-like sleep Is Sleep Disturbance a Mechanism in the
abnormalities found in adults with MDD, includ- Mood Disorders?
ing an increased percentage of rapid eye move- As already highlighted, sleep disturbance is
ment (REM) sleep, shortened latency to REM, highly comorbid with the major mood disorders.
increased REM density, and reduced slow wave An important shift in perspective has taken hold
sleep (Reynolds & Kupfer, 1987). Although not over the past decade. The accumulated evidence
the focus of this chapter, developmental differences has refuted the idea that the sleep symptoms are
in objective sleep patterns likely relate to a number merely an epiphenomenon of mood disorders, but
of potentially synergistic factors including, most instead supports the view that sleep is an important
prominently, perceptual issues as well as neurodevel- yet understudied mechanism in the complex and
opment and sleep–wake processes (Harvey & Tang, multifactorial causation of the symptoms and func-
2012; Pillai, Kalmbach, & Ciesla, 2011). Overall, tional disability associated with the mood disorders
it is clear that associations between objective sleep (for review see Harvey, 2001b; Harvey, et al., 2009;
abnormalities and depression become stronger as McCrae & Lichstein, 2001; NIH, 2005; Smith,
children mature into adolescents and adults. Huang, & Manber, 2005). Although the research
Sleep disturbance is also a prominent feature reviewed below has tended to emphasize the impor-
of bipolar disorder in youth, with rates estimated tance of insomnia as a mechanism contributing to
between 40% and 60% (Harvey, Mullin, & mood disorders, there’s increasing interest in the
Hinshaw, 2006). A decreased need for sleep is com- possibility that hypersomnia, delayed sleep phase
mon with a weighted average of 72% across stud- and reduced sleep need may also be mechanisms
ies (Kowatch, Youngstrom, Danielyan, & Findling, (Kaplan & Harvey, 2009).
2005). Among preadolescent children with bipolar Several lines of evidence have emerged in sup-
spectrum disorders, sleep difficulties most frequently port of the hypothesis that sleep disturbances may
occurred during depressive periods (82%) but were contribute mechanistically to mood disorders.
also common in relation to mania symptoms (58%; Several aspects of the relationship between sleep
Lofthouse, Fristad, Splaingard, & Kelleher, 2007). disturbances and child/adolescent mood disorders
Objective estimates of sleep (i.e., PSG, actigraphy) are briefly reviewed below.
have been included in only a few studies. Findings
indicate that compared to healthy controls, youth Insomnia Contributes to Risk of
with bipolar disorder exhibit lower sleep efficiency, Depression Onset/Severity
longer slow wave sleep, and reduced REM sleep Evidence has steadily accrued indicating that
(Mehl et al., 2006). insomnia is an independent risk factor for first and

ha rvey, a l fa n o , c l a rk e 517
recurrent episodes of depression (Ford & Kamerow, 112 children with well parents. Decreased sleep was
1989; Harvey, 2001a; Perlis et al., 2006; Riemann, one of the distinguishing features of the high-risk
Berger, & Voderholzer, 2001; Taylor, Lichenstein, & group.
Durrence, 2003). For example, community residing
youth (N = 4500) who reported frequent trouble Specific Types of Sleep Disturbance
sleeping were more likely than normal-sleeping May Be a Distinguishing Feature of
controls to report anxiety or depression (odds ratio Bipolar Disorder
= 22.7; Johnson, Breslau, Roehrs, & Roth 1999). Several studies raise the possibility that sleep
A similar study of 1014 teens found that chrono- disturbances may help to distinguish manifesta-
logically primary insomnia significantly predicted tions of bipolar illness from the early develop-
future depression (hazard rate = 3.8) but that pri- ment of other psychopathology. First, compared
mary depression did not predict subsequent insom- to children with ADHD and healthy controls,
nia (Johnson, Roth, & Breslau, 2006). Insomnia children diagnosed with bipolar disorder have sig-
symptoms also predicted subsequent depression nificantly higher rates of sleep difficulties (Geller,
in another large adolescent community panel Zimerman, et al., 2002). Second, a decreased need
(Roberts, Roberts, & Chen, 2002); elevated insom- for sleep is more common among children with
nia at Wave 1 predicted greater depression severity at bipolar profile symptoms than in children with
Wave 2 even when controlling for Wave 2 insomnia. comparable levels of psychopathology exclud-
There also is substantial evidence that sleep prob- ing bipolar disorder symptoms (Holtmann et al.,
lems emerging during early childhood are indepen- 2007). Finally, youth with unipolar depression
dently predictive for the later onset of depression who had undergone PSG assessment as adoles-
(Gregory et al., 2005; Ong, Wickramaratne, Tang, cents (1990) were followed up for 7 years (into
& Weissman, 2006). their early 20s). Clinical interviews were admin-
istered to determine disease course (Rao et al.,
Sleep Disturbance as an Early Marker for 2002). Five of the 26 patients who were diagnosed
Bipolar Disorder with unipolar depression at the first assessment
There is evidence that sleep disturbance may be had switched to bipolar disorder by the time of
an early marker for bipolar spectrum disorders in the follow-up. Based on these new categoriza-
youth. Compared to children of control parents, tions, the original PSG data were reanalyzed. The
children of parents with bipolar disorder exhibited results indicated that depressed participants who
shorter sleep latency measured via actigraphy but followed a unipolar course showed reduced REM
lower Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score, as well latency, higher REM density, and increased overall
as a trend toward less variable sleep and greater sleep REM sleep, whereas those who moved to a bipolar
duration via actigraphy (2006). This discrepancy course demonstrated increased stage 1 sleep and
between subjectively perceived sleep and objec- decreased stage 4 sleep. These findings raise the
tively estimated sleep is an ongoing puzzle in the possibility that sleep abnormalities, in adults, may
field (Harvey & Tang, 2012). On the one hand, it distinguish bipolar from unipolar trajectories.
may be that objective estimates of sleep, like actig-
raphy, are not capturing the subjective sleep com- Sleep Disturbance Contributes to Relapse
plaint. Or perhaps these findings reflect a tendency There are several lines of evidence, mostly based
toward hypersomnia or a mechanism related to on adults, suggesting that sleep disturbance con-
sleep pressure. In a study of early onset bipolar dis- tributes to relapse. First, a systematic review of 73
order (n = 82), sleep disturbance was reported by reports of prodromal symptoms in bipolar disorder
about half of the parents as one of the earliest symp- and unipolar depression (Jackson, Cavanagh, &
toms observed (Faedda, Baldessarini, Glovinsky, & Scott, 2003) finds that the majority of patients (over
Austin, 2004a). In another study, sleep disturbances 80%) reported sleep disturbance as one of the most
(and anxiety disorders) were identified as an ante- common of early symptoms. In a follow-up study
cedent to the onset of bipolar disorder in a subset of of children and adolescents successfully treated for
high-risk youth (Duffy, Alda, Crawford, Milin, & MDD, longer sleep onset latency and lower sleep
Grof, 2007). Further evidence is provided by find- efficiency at post-treatment predicted recurrence
ings reported in a study (Shaw, Egeland, Endicott, of depression within 1 year (Emslie et al., 2001).
Allen, & Hostetter, 2005) of 100 at-risk children Second, a handful of experimental studies and case
with a parent with bipolar I and a control group of reports have found induced sleep deprivation to be

5 18 m ood dis orders

associated with the onset of hypomania or mania educational achievements (so reliant on cognitive
in a proportion of patients (Colombo, Benedetti, function) will have far reaching and long-term
Barbini, Campori, & Smeraldi, 1999; Wehr, et al., consequences.
1987). There is an urgent need for research pro-
grams to test the presumed generalizability of these Sleep and Obesity
findings to youth with a mood disorder. Mood disorders are associated with a wide range
of medical problems in adults, with the most com-
Sleep is Critical for Affect Regulation mon being cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus,
There is robust evidence in adults that sleep and thyroid disease (Krishnan, 2005; Patten et al.,
deprivation undermines emotion responding and 2008; Whooley et al., 2008). The physical health
regulation the following day (Pilcher & Huffcutt, of youth with mood disorders has been less stud-
1996; Yoo, Gujar, Hu, Jolesz, & Walker, 2007), ied, although there is evidence of weight problems
with similar findings in fewer studies with youth and obesity and indications that obesity is associ-
(McGlinchey et al., 2011; Talbot, McGlinchey, ated with worse outcomes (Jolin, Weller, & Weller,
Kaplan, Dahl, & Harvey, 2010). A study by Zohar 2007). Detecting an association between mood
et al. (2005) suggests that the context in which the disorder and medical problems is difficult in youth
emotion is experienced is important for determin- because most disorders of interest have a later life
ing the direction of the effect of sleep disturbance onset; in adolescence they may only present as ele-
on affective functioning. Studies experimentally vated prodromal states. Further, it is unclear whether
restricting sleep in healthy youth have reported the observed association is attributable to depression
decrements in affective functioning as a function itself, or the treatment (particularly antidepressants)
of sleep loss (Leotta, Carskadon, Acebo, Seifer, & or other epiphenomena. For example, many of the
Quinn, 1997; McGlinchey et al., 2011; Talbot medications used to treat mood disorders are associ-
et al., 2010). Conversely, better quality sleep may ated with weight gain (Elmslie, Silverstone, Mann,
buffer against affective risk. For example, a prospec- Williams, & Romans, 2000; Zimmermann, Kraus,
tive study of children at high risk for MDD found Himmerich, Schuld, & Pollmacher, 2003). It also
that a greater percentage of slow wave sleep during seems likely that depressive symptoms may be asso-
childhood was protective against the development ciated with physical inactivity, which is also a con-
of depression during adolescence and young adult- tributor to obesity (Whooley, et al., 2008). Another
hood (Silk et al., 2007). The reciprocal relationships possible explanation, given that sleep deprivation
between sleep, early brain development, and affec- increases appetite, weight gain, and insulin tolerance
tive regulation may in part explain these findings. (Spiegel, Tasali, Penev, & Van Cauter, 2004), is that
sleep disturbance may be an additional contributor.
Sleep is Important for Indeed, in a recent meta-analysis involving 30 stud-
Cognitive Functioning ies (12 in children) and 634,511 participants, an
Deficits in neuropsychological performance have association between short sleep and obesity was
been demonstrated in youth with a mood disorder observed across the age range. Specifically, there was
(Dickstein et al., 2004; Doyle et al., 2005). The a 60%–80% increase in the odds of being a short
extent to which sleep disturbance partially accounts sleeper among children who were obese (Cappuccio
for these findings should be examined. It seems plau- et al., 2008). Further, experimentally induced short-
sible that sleep disturbance may contribute, given term sleep deprivation in normal weight college-age
that adverse and severe effects of sleep deprivation volunteers is associated with disturbed appetite
on cognitive functioning have been clearly dem- hormones (grehlin, leptin) in a direction associated
onstrated (Van Dongen, Maislin, Mullington, & with obesity (Spiegel, Tasali, Penev, & Van Cauter,
Dinges, 2003; Walker & Stickgold, 2006). In 2004).
addition to the acute effects of sleep loss, cognitive
impairments may persist over time. In one prospec- Sleep Deprivation is Associated with
tive study, parent-reported sleep problems during Substance Use
childhood significantly predicted neuropsycho- Several studies indicate that the presence of a
logical functioning in early adolescence (Gregory, mood disorder in adolescence is associated with ele-
Caspi, Moffitt, & Poulton, 2009). Adverse effects vated risk for alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and ciga-
in this domain are likely to be particularly critical rette smoking. This finding cannot be attributed to
for youth diagnosed with a mood disorder, whose comorbid conduct disorder (Wilens et al., 2004),

ha rvey, a l fa n o , c l a rk e 519
attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, or mul- and symptoms of mood disorders among youth.
tiple anxiety disorders (Wilens et al., 2008). Again, Accordingly, treatments targeting sleep may repre-
the contributors to these high rates of comorbidity sent unique opportunities for intervention that may
with substance use problems are going to be com- improve sleep, health, and cognitive functioning,
plex and multifactorial. One possibility is that the and reduce risk for suicide and improve mood.
sleep disturbance characteristic of the mood dis-
orders may be one contributor. Indeed, among a Current Options and Practices for
Finnish sample of adolescents, irregular sleep sched- Treatment of Sleep Disturbance
ules and daytime sleepiness accounted for 26% of The adult cognitive-behavior therapy for insom-
the variance in substance use in 15-year-old boys nia (CBT-I) treatment literature is relatively well
and 12% in 15-year-old girls (Tynjala, Kannas, & established, with numerous clinical trials conducted
Levalahti, 1997). Another large study of 4500 ado- over the past few decades. The evidence base for
lescents ages 12 to 17 year found that those who CBT for adults with insomnia has been summa-
had trouble sleeping reported greater use of alcohol rized in multiple meta-analyses (Morin, Culbert,
(odds ratio of 2.6), marijuana (odds ratio of 2.4), & Schwartz, 1994; Murtagh & Greenwood, 1995;
and cigarettes (odds ratio of 2.2; Johnson, Breslau, Smith et al., 2002) and two practice parameters
Roehrs, & Roth, 1999). It is possible that the effects papers commissioned by the American Academy of
of drugs and alcohol may be sought out for the Sleep Medicine (Morin et al., 2006; Morin et al.,
sedation and/or emotional regulatory effects or for 1999). The clear conclusion is that CBT for insom-
rewarding and/or stimulating effects. nia produces reliable and durable changes in sleep.
The research literature on the treatment of sleep
Sleep Deprivation Contributes to Suicidality disturbance using psychological interventions in
Youth with mood disorders have high rates of children and adolescents is small but promising,
suicide attempts (Bellivier, Golmard, Henry, & as are the data on the behavioral and/or emotional
Leboyer, 2001; Tsai, Lee, & Chen, 1999). Sleep improvements after the treatment of sleep prob-
disturbance may be relevant. Teens with more lems. Bootzin and colleagues developed a 6-session
insomnia and nightmares reported more suicidal (90 minutes per session) group treatment for sleep
ideation (Choquet & Menke, 1989), and insom- disturbance in adolescents with substance-related
nia and hypersomnia were independently associ- problems (ages 12 to 19). The intervention was
ated with suicidal ideation (Choquet, Kovess, & based on CBT-I for adults but was developmentally
Poutignat, 1993). Poor sleep has also been associ- adapted to enhance the motivation, commitment,
ated with suicide attempts. Eighty-one percent of and compliance of the youth. In an uncontrolled
teens presenting to an emergency room following pilot study participants who completed four or
a suicide attempt reported difficulty falling asleep more sessions showed improved sleep (Bootzin &
or early morning waking immediately preceding the Stevens, 2005), and improving sleep led to a reduc-
attempt. Nightmares were associated with increased tion in substance abuse problems at the 12-month
risk for suicide attempts and those who slept less follow-up. In a separate report, improvements in
than 8 hours were three times more likely to attempt sleep were associated with significant decreases in
suicide (Liu & Buysse, 2006). Poor sleep has also aggressive thoughts and actions (Haynes et al.,
been associated with suicide completion. Insomnia 2006). Another small (n = 18) uncontrolled
also predicts adolescent hospitalization for suicide pilot (Schlarb, Liddle, & Hautzinger, 2010) of a
attempt (Gasquet & Choquet, 1994). 6-session insomnia behavioral therapy (BT-I) found
Using a psychological autopsy protocol in improvement in numerous sleep parameters. While
which parents, siblings, and friends were inter- both of these trials have been limited by the lack of
viewed between 4 and 6 months after the suicide, a randomized control condition, the generally posi-
Goldstein et al. (2008) compared adolescent suicide tive results are encouraging. These data show the
completers (n = 140) to an age/sex matched con- feasibility of improving sleep through a short-term
trol group (n = 131). Suicide completers had higher psychological intervention in adolescents and pro-
rates of overall sleep disturbance, insomnia, and vide promising preliminary results suggesting that
hypersomnia within the past week. improved sleep in youth can contribute to improve-
Taken together, these lines of evidence indi- ments in behavioral and emotional functioning.
cate that sleep disturbance may contribute in sev- Gradisar et al. (2011) evaluated 6 sessions of CBT-I
eral direct and indirect ways to core problems plus morning bright light therapy to advance sleep

5 20 m ood dis orders

onset (CBT-I plus BLT) versus waitlist for adoles- the development of the visual system in kittens
cents diagnosed with delayed sleep phase disorder 28–41 days old. As expected, zolpidem increased
(DSPD). CBT-I plus BLT was associated with NREM sleep by 27% and increased total sleep over
reduced sleep latency, earlier sleep onset and rise the 8-hour period. However, rather alarmingly,
times, total sleep time (school nights), wake after zolpidem reduced cortical plasticity by 50%. The
sleep onset, sleepiness, and fatigue. At 6-month fol- authors concluded that hypnotics that produce more
low-up, these improvements were sustained. Also, “physiological” sleep based on EEG may actually impair
Cain et al. (2011) attempted to address common critical sleep-dependent brain processes during develop-
problems of low motivation for treatment, poor ment. This finding should stimulate new research
treatment adherence, and attrition among adoles- into the safety of certain pharmacologic agents, par-
cent patients by using the school classroom as an ticularly regarding impacts on the developing bod-
alternative arena for sleep intervention. A total of ies and brains of children and adolescents. There
104 youth from intervention or control classrooms may also be implications for adults who continue
were included in the sample. Students receiving the to need sleep for growth, repair, learning, plasticity,
motivation-based sleep intervention attended four and optimal emotional functioning.
50-minute sleep education classes once per week Other advantages of developing psychological
for one month. At post-treatment, students in interventions such as CBT-I to improve sleep in ado-
intervention classes reported significantly increased lescents with mood disorder, as compared to phar-
knowledge about sleep relative to the control macological interventions, include: (1) the absence
group. Despite self-reported increases in motiva- of adverse side effects; (2) the fact that youth with a
tion to improve their sleep, sleep patterns and day- mood disorder are often already taking one or more
time functioning were not significantly different psychotropic medications, so adding an additional
between the groups at post-treatment. Although medication to target sleep has the potential to lead
promising, these findings might be interpreted to to drug interactions and complicated medication
suggest that even in the face of adequate motiva- regimens; (3) evidence that depressed youth and
tion, adolescents require parental and/or clinician their parents favor psychotherapy over pharmaco-
assistance in regulating and maintaining healthy therapy (Jaycox, Asarnow, Sherbourne, & et al.,
sleep schedules. 2006); and (4) lacking evidence of efficacy and fea-
The use of medications to promote sleep onset sibility for sleep medications in youth. For these rea-
is perhaps the most contentious issue in treating sons our discussion below will focus on psychosocial
sleep problems in children and adolescents with dif- treatments.
ficulty going to sleep (Owens, Rosen, & Mindell,
2003). Adult sleep pharmacology has seen numer- Current Options and Practices for
ous advances, including new-generation agents Treatment of Sleep Disturbance in Adults
with a much better specificity for sleep, duration with a Mood Disorder
of action, and relatively low risk and side effects. There are already encouraging findings on treat-
However, much of this research has yet to be con- ing sleep among adults with major depressive disor-
ducted in youth beyond a few small trials of mela- der. Manber, Edinger, Gress, et al. (2008) recruited
tonin supplementation for childhood insomnia patients who were currently depressed. All patients
(Smits, Nagtegaal, van der Heijden, Coenen, & received the antidepressant medication escitalo-
Kerkhof, 2001; Smits et al., 2003; Weiss, Wasdell, pram. Half also received CBT-I, while the other half
Bomben, Rea, & Freeman, 2006). One might received placebo psychotherapy for sleep. CBT-I is a
argue that some of these medications represent multicomponent treatment typically comprising var-
better treatment options for insomnia in children ious components including stimulus control, sleep
and adolescents. However, until there are empirical restriction, sleep hygiene education, relaxation, and
data and controlled trials using these medications in cognitive therapy (Morin et al., 2006). The addition
youth (including dosing, side effects, and efficacy) of CBT-I to the antidepressant treatment resulted
it seems unwise to advocate any specific medication in greater remission from insomnia (50% vs. 7.7%
at this time. Indeed, it’s possible that pharmaco- in the control condition) and a substantially higher
logically induced sleep may not provide the health rate of remission of depression (61.5% vs. 33.3%).
benefits that humans have specifically evolved to These are startling outcomes that add to the already
obtain from sleep. For example, Seibt et al. (2008) large evidence base indicating the efficacy and effec-
investigated the impact of zolpidem (Ambien) on tiveness of CBT-I (Morin et al., 2006) and the value

ha rvey, a l fa n o , c l a rk e 521
of joint treatment of sleep disturbance and depres- reducing the other hypothesized adverse outcomes
sion where they coexist. we described earlier.
To the best of our knowledge there are no clini- Given all of the above plus the evidence that
cal trials of interventions for sleep disturbance in insomnia interferes with depression treatment, and
adults or youth with bipolar disorder. However, that residual insomnia is a major component of
several of the psychological adjunctive interven- incompletely remitted depression, we have hypoth-
tions for bipolar disorder include one or more com- esized that treating youth insomnia simultaneously
ponents targeting sleep. Interpersonal and social with depression treatment may improve both sleep
rhythm therapy includes instruction in behavioral and mood outcomes (Clarke & Harvey, 2012).
techniques designed to regularize routines and Elsewhere we have described our careful process of
reduce social rhythm disruption (Frank, Swartz, developmentally adapting insomnia treatments for
& Kupfer, 2000). Cognitive-behavior therapy pro- teens with depression (Clarke & Harvey, 2012). We
vides education about the importance of a regular have also been working on developing sleep treat-
social routine and sleep–wake cycle via the monitor- ment for bipolar disorder (Harvey, 2008b) and
ing of mood and sleep as well as the use of activity hypersomnia (Kaplan & Harvey, 2009).
scheduling. It also involves identifying prodromes In the section that follows we review three
or trigger situations, which typically include sleep developmental considerations. We then summarize
disturbance, and developing effective coping strat- the general treatment themes covered within the
egies for such prodromes (e.g., Lam et al., 2003; treatment approaches, including some of the spe-
Patelis-Siotis et al., 2001). Family interventions cial considerations for adaptations for youth with
(Miklowitz & Goldstein, 1997), group psychoedu- bipolar disorder. Several formal evaluations of these
cation, and individual psychoeducation (Miklowitz treatments are in progress, the results of which are
& Johnson, 2006) also encourage sleep/wake stabili- eagerly awaited.
zation. Although these approaches have been shown
to reduce relapse in adults and youth (Craighead, Developmental Considerations
Miklowitz, Frank, & Vajk, 2002; Frank et al., 2005; 1. Parents. The extent to which parents are
Lam, Hayward, Watkins, Wright, & Sham, 2005; involved in bedtimes and choice of evening activi-
Miklowitz et al., 2000), at present there are no data ties and bedtimes varies across development. Sleep
on sleep-specific outcomes. Also, these approaches disturbance is often amplified during adolescence
have yet to draw from advances in knowledge on vis-à-vis increasing levels of independence from
the psychological treatment of sleep disturbance in parental and adult influences on sleep-relevant deci-
adults with insomnia (Morin et al., 2006). sions. Clinical decision making about the extent of
involvement in the intervention should be made on
Toward a Psychological Intervention for the basis of the youth’s age and level of maturity,
Sleep Disturbance in Adolescents with although an emphasis must be placed on the young
Mood Disorders person taking responsibility and initiative and invit-
Given the prevalence of sleep disturbance among ing the parent or caregiver for support and/or struc-
youth with mood disorders, the associated adverse ture when needed.
consequences, and the lack of empirically tested 2. Eveningness. Eveningness is an important
treatments, a high priority for future research is to contributor to, and maybe even cause of vicious
develop an intervention for the sleep disturbance cycles of escalating vulnerability and increased risk
experienced by youth with mood disorders. An for mood problems and disorders among youth
intervention for sleep may be particularly accept- (Caci, Bouchez, & Bayle, 2009; Chelminski,
able to youth as the payoffs of improving sleep are Ferraro, Petros, & Plaud, 1999; Gaspar-Barba et al.,
immediate, and sleep is often perceived by patients 2009; Gau et al., 2007; Kitamura et al., 2010). A
to be an aspect of health that is free of the strong biological shift in the circadian system at puberty
stigma associated with mental health. In fact, deliv- in the direction of a delayed sleep phase (later onset
ering such an intervention to youth with a current of sleep) (Carskadon, Acebo, & Jenni, 2004; Lee,
or past mood disorder may help protect this high- Hummer, Jechura, & Mahoney, 2004) is com-
risk group against the potential negative vicious pounded by social changes such as less parental con-
cycles of escalating sleep disturbance and emotion trol, increased access to stimulating social activities
dysregulation leading to school failure, unemploy- (music, Internet, text messaging etc.), the impor-
ment, and withdrawal of social supports, along with tance of peers and socialization, and increased use

5 22 m ood dis orders

of alcohol and substances that contribute to sleep Chapter 15). For homework we ask youth to com-
disruption. Together, the social influences are syner- plete a daily sleep diary, supplementing standard
gistic with biological tendencies toward phase delay sleep diary questions with additional probes to
and can spiral quickly into a pattern of extremely enable the collection of information on the psy-
delayed bedtimes. Yet, school/work usually requires chological and contextual variables that might be
a fixed early wake-up time (Hansen, Janssen, Schiff, contributing. If available, actigraphy can be a useful
Zee, & Dubocovich, 2005). These biopsychosocial adjunct. It may be helpful to enlist a parent’s help in
and behavioral forces converge to constrain time sleep diary completion, particularly for early adoles-
available for sleep, resulting in very high rates of cents and younger children.
youth obtaining insufficient sleep (Carskadon, 2002; 2. Motivational Interviewing. This involves a
Carskadon, Mindell, & Drake, 2006; Hansen et al., straightforward review with the young person to
2005). This tendency toward eveningness neces- explore how he or she sees the pros and cons of
sitates components of an intervention for sleep to working toward managing the sleep disturbance
incorporate timed light exposure and use of power- (Miller & Rollnick, 2002). By using motivational
ful nonphotic cues such as regularizing meal times interviewing techniques, the patient’s motivation
and exercise. can be clarified and enhanced. Many sleep-incom-
3. Technology. The National Sleep Foundation patible/interfering behaviors are rewarding, such as
(NSF) Poll focused on technology this year. In the text messaging with friends into the nighttime hours
13–19-year-old age group, 54% watched television, or freely surfing the Internet once parents have gone
72% used their cell phones, 60% their laptops, 64% to bed. Moreover, parental influence over bedtime
their music player, and 23% played video games and bedroom activities wanes during adolescence.
every night or almost every night within the hour Hence, following other treatments for youth with
before going to sleep. These behaviors have multi- sleep disturbance, it is likely to be necessary to begin
ple potential adverse impacts in sleep. The artificial treatment with a motivational component designed
light exposure suppresses release of the sleepiness- to assist the young person to find his or her internal
promoting hormone melatonin, enhances alert- motivation for enhancing sleep.
ness, and shifts circadian rhythms to a later hour. The search for motivating influences is inevita-
Technology is also highly arousing and engaging bly influenced by the factors relevant to and mean-
and facilitates the much-loved contact with peers. ingful for the individual adolescent (as opposed to
These influences are so potent that it is very dif- the clinician or parent). Given the intense focus on
ficult for many teens to switch media devices off physical appearance, peer perceptions, and roman-
at night, delaying bedtimes still further (National tic relationships that characterizes adolescence,
Sleep Foundation, 2011). Moreover, cell phones results from a recent experimental study provide
are, too often, a source of sleep disturbance during one example of a possible innovative avenue for
the night. About 1 in 10 of 13–19-year-olds in the increasing motivation to improve sleep. Axelsson
NSF poll reported being awakened after they go to et al. (2010) asked participants to rate the per-
bed every night or almost every night by a phone ceived health and attractiveness of participants pho-
call, text message, or email. Clearly, these are modifi- tographed after a normal night’s sleep and after a
able sources of sleep disturbance. night of sleep deprivation. Sleep-deprived partici-
pants were consistently perceived as less attractive
Treatment Components and less healthy, with effects mediated in large part
As will become evident, the sections below are by apparent tiredness. Although adequate sleep is
derived from various sources of empirical evidence. associated with a host of benefits, socially relevant
However, it must be emphasized that we are still benefits such as these may serve to facilitate motiva-
awaiting the evaluation of the full multicomponent tional enhancements in youth.
approach, and there is a need to determine which 3. Sleep and Circadian Education. This mod-
of the components are responsible for any positive ule aims to target specific factors and behaviors
outcome that is reported. that interfere with good sleep (Stepanski & Wyatt,
1. Functional Analysis and Case Formulation. 2003). Erratic sleep/wake schedules, including
This involves a detailed clinical interview in which large discrepancies between wake time on school
the clinician probes the frequency, intensity, and days (typically 6:00–7:00 am) versus weekends and
duration of the sleep disturbance as well as its ante- holidays (typically 11:00 am–2:00 pm) constitute a
cedents, behaviors, and consequences (see Blampied, weekly experience of severe “jetlag” and contribute

ha rvey, a l fa n o , c l a rk e 523
to high rates of insufficient sleep in adolescents in includes the fact that that among adults as well as
general, and may represent a particularly important youth, most mornings there is a period between 5
target for youth with a mood disorder. This module and 20 minutes when we feel dazed and sleepy, and
has three core aims: to correct unhelpful sleep habits that this is a normal transitional state between a state
(e.g., surfing the Internet until late) while develop- of sleep and a state of wakefulness. Acknowledging
ing new healthy sleep habits (e.g., on waking up be that these feelings are not pleasant and that the feel-
active and, if possible during the day, have bright ings are not necessarily indicative of having had a
light exposure such as walking outdoors), and to poor night of sleep can be helpful.
maintain these new healthier habits. After an ini- 4. Regularizing the Sleep–Wake Schedule.
tial education session, we follow two steps to cor- Delayed sleep phase is common in teenagers, par-
rect habits: behavioral contracting, and monitoring ticularly those with bipolar disorder. Indeed, a sig-
healthy sleep behaviors and sleep-interfering behav- nificant delay in the circadian sleep–wake cycle has
iors on a daily basis. The maintenance of healthy been hypothesized to be a core deficit of pediatric
habits will be achieved by regular check-ins on bipolar disorder (Staton, 2008). It often begins
progress throughout the remaining sessions and by with a tendency to stay up late at night, sleeping in
including the targets of change in the relapse pre- late, and/or taking a late afternoon nap. This pro-
vention plan. cess often starts on weekends, holidays, or summer
There are two additional core parts to this mod- vacations. Problems become apparent when school
ule for youth with a mood disorder. These are added schedules result in morning wake-up battles and
in recognition of two sets of empirical findings on difficulties in getting to school. Often, these ado-
sleep in the mood disorders. First, based on the lescents cope by taking afternoon naps and getting
finding that sleep disturbance is the most common catch-up sleep on the weekends. Although some
prodrome of mania and the sixth most common of these behaviors occur in many adolescents, in
prodrome of depression (Jackson, et al., 2003), we extreme cases the circadian system can become set
include a discussion of sleep disturbance as an early to such a late time that even highly motivated ado-
warning of an episode and aim to develop effective lescents can have difficulty shifting their sleep back
coping strategies for such prodromes (drawing on to an earlier time.
Lam & Wong, 2005). This needs to be individual- An adapted version of Bootzin’s stimulus con-
ized for each patient, as some youth with bipolar trol intervention (Bootzin, 1972), which was a
disorder appear to be characterized by less “clas- core component of the sleep intervention admin-
sic” cycles of mania and depression and more by istered to youth with substance-related difficulties
chronic displays of irritable, explosive and “mixed” (Bootzin & Stevens, 2005), is an important com-
mood states (Biederman, Faraone, Wozniak, Mick, ponent for regularizing the sleep–wake cycle. The
Kwon, & Aleardi, 2004). Second, on the basis that aim of this intervention is strengthening the asso-
bipolar disorder is a disorder of emotion regulation ciation between the bed and sleeping by limiting
(Hyman, 2000), along with the evidence suggest- sleep-incompatible behaviors within the bedroom
ing that sleep has a key mood regulatory function environment, while developing a consistent sleep–
(Cartwright, Luten, Young, Mercer, & Bears, 1998; wake schedule (Bootzin, 1972). The traditional
Perlis & Nielsen, 1993), we draw a link between components of the intervention involve the thera-
sleep disturbance and daytime mood dysfunction. pist providing a detailed rationale for and assisting
In the patients treated thus far, these two aspects the patient to achieve the following: (a) use the bed
have been addressed by education and appear to only for sleep (i.e., no TV watching or talking on
serve to increase the internal motivation for work- cell phones); (b) go to bed only when sleepy, (c) get
ing to enhance sleep. out of bed and go to another room when unable to
For those with hypersomnia it can also be help- fall asleep or return to sleep within approximately
ful to educate the young person about two addi- 15–20 minutes, and return to bed only when sleepy
tional domains (Kaplan & Harvey, 2009). The first again; and (d) arise in the morning at the same time
involves education about the operation of the cir- each day (no later than plus-2 hours on weekends;
cadian system, the environmental influences acting Bootzin & Stevens, 2005). The goal is to gradu-
on it (e.g., light), the tendency if left unchecked to ally move toward a regular schedule 7 days a week.
move toward a delayed phase, and the difficulty of In the bipolar and unipolar depression youth we
achieving fast shifts in circadian patterns. The sec- have treated thus far, we have retained (a) and (d)
ond involves education about sleep inertia. This but considered, on a case-by-case basis, omitting

5 24 m ood dis orders

(b) and (c). Point (b) is sometimes omitted because goal is achieved (see Kaplan & Harvey, 2009, for
patients with bipolar disorder often need to get into further details).
bed, even though not yet sleepy, in order to begin 6. Wind-down, Wake-up, and Regularity.
the process of down-regulating sufficiently to fall off Often youth need assistance to devise a “wind-
to sleep. Point (c) was omitted to avoid sleep depri- down” period of 30–60 minutes prior to sleep in
vation during the early phase of treatment; getting which to engage in relaxing, sleep-enhancing activi-
out of bed risks getting caught up in rewarding ties. A central issue influencing bedtime is the use
and arousing activities that reduce the potential for of electronic media (Internet, cell phones, MP3
sleep. The latter is key for patients with bipolar dis- players) for entertainment and social interaction
order where hypomania and mania is often related at night. A crucial aspect of achieving earlier sleep
to elevated achievement motivation, ambitious goal onset requires a behavioral contract by each indi-
setting, and excessive goal pursuit (Johnson, 2005). vidual wherein they voluntarily choose a time for
To achieve (a) and (d) we use the standard CBT turning off all access to these devices; e.g., in the
manualized methods (Morin & Espie, 2003) that hour just prior to bedtime. Equally important is
include providing a rationale, setting goals for bed- the “wake-up protocol” (e.g., not hitting snooze on
time and wake time, a daily sleep diary to moni- the alarm, making the bed so the incentive to get
tor progress toward goals, and a review of the diary back in is reduced, get in the shower, take a quick
on a weekly basis. For difficulty falling asleep we brisk walk, get sunlight). Finally, we emphasize the
sometimes replace the traditional stimulus control importance of minimal fluctuation in the sleep–
instruction (e.g., get up out of bed) with train- wake schedule across weekday and weekend nights.
ing in imagery (Harvey & Payne, 2002), savoring 7. Behavioral Experiments. Educational
(McMakin, Siegle, & Shirk, 2011), and relaxation/ approaches are often very helpful, but there is evi-
mindfulness (Bootzin & Stevens, 2005; Morin & dence that arranging situations that allow clients
Espie, 2003) with the goal of reducing arousal and to experience the issues being discussed can bring
promoting sleep onset. about more profound change (Bennett-Levy et al.,
5. Hypersomnia. In our experience, excessive 2004). To give one example, hypersomnia patients
daytime sleepiness is common among youth, espe- typically believe that the only way they can feel less
cially youth with a mood disorder. In addition, dur- tired is to try to sleep more. Telling them that being
ing phases of depression patients commonly suffer active can generate energy is less effective than set-
from periods of hypersomnia (Kupfer et al., 1972). ting up an experience that allows them to experi-
Hypersomnia has adverse consequences for school ence the energy-generating effects of activity. Here
attendance and performance, relationships, mood, is a brief description of a behavioral experiment we
and sense of self-worth. There is very little exist- recently conducted with a hypersomnia patient to
ing literature on the mechanisms that contribute provide them with experience. Over two days the
to hypersomnia in mood disorder, nor the meth- patient tested his belief that the only way to get
ods to treat it (Kaplan & Harvey, 2009). In our energy is to keep sleeping or go back to sleep. On
clinical experience, treating hypersomnia is likely the first day he spent one 3-hour block conserving
to begin with goal setting, which involves reduc- energy (e.g., sleeping in each morning, going back
ing nightly sleep as well as setting goals for life. The to bed, when out of bed attempting only mundane
latter is based on our clinical experience that “hav- tasks) and then a 3-hour block using energy (e.g.,
ing nothing to get up for” can be a key contributor taking a 10-minute walk, arranging to see a friend).
to hypersomnia in patients with mood disorders. The following day he did this in the reverse order.
Often the combination of the mood disorder and Contrary to his beliefs, his mood and energy were
the sleep disorder has led to school disengagement/ improved by “using” energy. As a result of this exper-
drop-out, unemployment, and/or disrupted social iment, “using” energy became synonymous with
networks. After setting the “sleep” and “life” goals “generating” energy and this became one strategy
for the treatment, the young person is asked to for managing daytime tiredness. There are many
identify one small step toward these goals for the behavioral experiments already developed for treat-
coming week. After a detailed discussion of how to ing sleep (Ree & Harvey, 2004), with much room
achieve those goals, possible obstacles are identified. for further innovation.
We engage in problem solving to limit the impact of 8. Unhelpful Beliefs about Sleep. Holding dys-
these obstacles on reaching the goal, and a method functional beliefs about sleep is an important main-
is developed for monitoring the extent to which the tainer of insomnia in adults (Edinger, Wohlgemuth,

ha rvey, a l fa n o , c l a rk e 525
Radtke, Marsh, & Quillian, 2001). In our clinical achievements. Areas needing further intervention
work with youth it has become clear that altering are addressed by setting specific goals and creating
beliefs about the sleep–wake cycle is important for a specific plan for achieving each goal. The over-
reducing sleep disturbance. Typical unhelpful beliefs arching aim of this relapse prevention module is to
about sleep held by youth include: “there is no point ensure progress continues into the future.
going to bed earlier because I won’t be able to fall Finally, it is often necessary to highlight that dif-
asleep,” “sleep is a waste of time,” “sleep is boring,” ferent behavioral strategies may be needed for the
and “getting more sleep doesn’t help me.” Hence, current sleep problem versus other sleep problems
we suggest that including a module to target such that have been experienced in the past and will pos-
beliefs will be important. The intervention for dys- sibly be experienced again in the future (e.g., hyper-
functional beliefs typically involves a 4-step process: somnia, reduced sleep need, delayed phase). Hence,
(a) identification of dysfunctional beliefs; (b) use of we seek to adapt each sleep principle for current
guided discovery and Socratic questioning to chal- sleep problems as well as other sleep problems that
lenge the beliefs; (c) individualized experiments to may emerge. By the end of treatment we aim to have
test the validity and utility of dysfunctional beliefs a well developed decision tree and menu of options
and to collect data on new beliefs; and (d) the iden- for managing sleep problems. This is particularly
tification and dropping of safety behaviors that pre- pertinent for mood disorders.
vent disconfirmation of dysfunctional beliefs. The
foundation of this module is manualized (Harvey, Summary and Conclusion
2005a; Ree & Harvey, 2004). Adaptations for ado- Sleep disturbance in youth with a mood disorder
lescents include several vignettes of youth describ- is critically important, yet surprisingly understudied.
ing their sleep problems and the unrealistic beliefs We have reviewed evidence on the prevalence and
that maintain them; youth are asked to identify the nature of sleep disturbance in youth with depres-
beliefs and generate realistic alternative thoughts. sive and bipolar disorders. Evidence pointing to the
9. Bedtime Worry, Rumination, and Vigilance. importance of sleep includes that sleep disturbance
Youth with a mood disorder often attribute diffi- (1) appears to be an early marker; (2) is a distinguish-
culty getting to sleep to excessive negative (worry/ ing feature; (3) contributes to relapse, affect dysregu-
rumination) and positive cognitive activity (Harvey, lation, and deficits in cognitive functioning; and
Schmidt, Scarna, Semler, & Goodwin, 2005). (4) may also contribute to weight problems, comorbid
As anxiety (Espie, 2002) and cognitive activity substance use problems, and suicide. The implications
(Harvey, 2005b) are antithetical to sleep onset, it for intervention are explained and a multicomponent
will be important to include a module to help the sleep intervention is outlined. At a simple pragmatic
young person manage bedtime worry, rumination, level, one can make a compelling argument for the
and anxiety. This intervention includes Beckian cog- advantages of implementing cognitive and behav-
nitive therapy to teach methods to assist the patient ioral interventions to improve sleep and regularize
to evaluate worry and rumination, diary writing or sleep/wake schedules in ways that are likely to have
scheduling a “worry period” to encourage the pro- a positive impact on mental and physical health (and
cessing of worries several hours prior to bedtime, affect regulation) in youth with a mood disorder.
creating a “to do” list prior to getting into bed to At a scientific level, there is an equally compelling
reduce worry about future plans/events, training to case regarding the potential advances for mechanistic
disengage from pre-sleep worry, use of savoring to understanding of the interactions between sleep and
redirect attention to pleasant (distracting) imagery, affect regulation in the mood disorders. Clearly, there
and/or demonstrating the adverse consequences of is an urgent need for research to delineate the specific
thought suppression while in bed, and scheduling genetic, neurobiological, and psychosocial contribu-
a pre-sleep “wind-down” period prior to bedtime tors to sleep disturbance in youth.
to promote disengagement from daytime concerns.
The foundation of this module is already manual-
Future Directions
ized (Harvey, 2005a; Morin & Espie, 2003).
10. Relapse Prevention. The goal is to consoli- • While an initial multicomponent treatment
date and maximize maintenance of gains and to approach is presented, future research is needed to
set the young person and his or her parent(s) on a evaluate efficacy and effectiveness.
trajectory for continued improvement. It is guided • Treatment “experiments” to determine which
by an individualized summary of learning and components within the multicomponent package

5 26 m ood dis orders

are effective is one pathway toward developing a suicide. A comparison of adolescent suicide victims with sui-
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ha rvey, a l fa n o , c l a rk e 531

Substance Use: Caffeine, Alcohol,

36 and Other Drugs

Richard R. Bootzin, Jennifer C. Cousins, Monica R. Kelly, and Sally Stevens

Sleep plays a central role in physical, emotional, and cognitive development. The increasing exposure
to and use of substances has major effects on sleep and thus on development. In this chapter, we
review the current status of illicit substance use and abuse in adolescents, the effects of prenatal and
postnatal exposure and use of substances on the sleep of infants, children, and adolescents, the effect
of disturbed sleep on subsequent substance use, and the effect of substance use and disturbed sleep
on mental health. Expanded attention is given to substances that are widely available to adolescents
including caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana. The chapter concludes with a description of a
successful demonstration project in which sleep disturbances in adolescents with a substance abuse
history were treated.
Key Words: substance use, substance abuse, prenatal exposure, sleep disturbance, insomnia,
cognitive behavioral therapy, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana

There has been an expanding adult literature data from the 2011 Monitoring the Future study
on the effects of substance use and abuse on sleep (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, & Schulenberg,
and circadian rhythms (e.g., see reviews by Hasler, 2012), a large longitudinal study that included
Smith, Cousins, & Bootzin, 2012; Roehrs & Roth, 46,700 students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades in
2011). In this chapter we will review the literature 400 schools nationwide, indicates that while alcohol
for infants, children, and adolescents of both the use among adolescents generally decreased in recent
effects of substance use on sleep and the effect of years, marijuana use has increased. During the prior
disturbed sleep on subsequent substance use (see 3 years marijuana use increased for all three grades
Bootzin & Stevens, 2005, for an earlier review). We surveyed, resulting in a total of 6.6% of adolescent
will give expanded attention to caffeine, nicotine, marijuana users reporting daily use—the highest
alcohol, and marijuana, as these are substances com- percent since 1981 (Johnston, et al., 2012). Use
monly available to adolescents. of illegal drugs other than marijuana had gradually
declined since 2001, but there have been only slight
Illicit Substance Use and Abuse or no declines since 2009 (Johnston, et al., 2012).
in Adolescents In 2011, 15.2% of high school seniors used
Before discussing the bidirectional effects of sub- prescription drugs for nonmedical purposes in
stance use on sleep and vice versa, it will be help- the past year. Data indicate that the most com-
ful to examine the extent to which substance abuse monly abused prescription drugs by adolescents
is a current problem among adolescents. Recent were Vicodin, a brand name pharmaceutical pain

reliever, and Adderall, a brand name pharmaceutical compared to 3.6% for females. Recent research
psychostimulant typically used to treat attention- indicates differences in reasons, motivation, use,
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; National and consequences of use between male and female
Institute on Drug Abuse, 2012). Illicit use of psy- substance users (Walitzer & Dearing, 2006; Stevens,
chostimulants is of particular concern given the 2006; Stevens, Andrade & Ruiz, 2009) and there is
recent increase in abuse by both high school and some evidence of a faster transition from marijuana
college students (Clegg-Kraynok, McBean, & initiation to regular use in females when compared
Montgomery-Downs, 2011; National Institute of to males (Schepis et al., 2011).
Mental Health, 2011). Use of psychostimulants has Substance abuse treatment outcomes for adoles-
numerous negative side effects, including effects cents have generally demonstrated reductions in use
on sleep. Research indicates that college students following treatment exposure (Dennis et al., 2003;
who use psychostimulants more frequently engage Hser et al., 2001). Recent outcome data supports
in additional risk behaviors, such as the use of earlier findings. Those who remain in treatment
other illicit substances (McCabe, Knight, Teter, & show greater positive outcomes (Austin & Wagner,
Wechsler, 2005) and report worse subjective sleep 2010; Stevens, Schwebel & Ruiz, 2007; White &
quality and more sleep disturbance (Clegg-Kraynok, McLellan, 2008). In addition, for those who have
McBean, & Montgomery-Downs, 2011). completed substance abuse treatment, engagement
Data from adolescents entering substance abuse in continuing care is important. As noted by Ruiz,
treatment programs indicate that youth are pre- Korchmaros, Greene, and Hedges (2011) and Scott
dominately marijuana and alcohol users, although and Dennis (2009), each continuing care session
a substantial percentage of youth entering inpatient counts; the greater the engagement in continuing
treatment centers are being treated for harder drugs care the less likelihood of relapse to substance use.
(Dennis, Muck, Dawud-Noursi, & McDermeit, The outcomes from treatment of substance abuse
2003). This trend has continued for the past decade. in adolescents are important to consider when devel-
Treatment entry data continues to show that mari- oping treatments for sleep disturbances in those with
juana is the primary substance for which adolescents a substance abuse history. The next two sections will
enter treatment. In 2005, on any given day 68% of focus on issues of risk and resilience by examining the
adolescents age 12 to 17 admitted to treatment pre- reciprocal effects of substances on sleep and of dis-
sented with marijuana as the primary substance of turbed sleep on the development of substance abuse.
abuse (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, 2007), and in 2009 this percent Effects of Substances on the Sleep of
increased slightly to 70% for 12- to 14-year-olds Children and Adolescents
and 72% for those 15 to 17 years of age. However, In this section we will discuss the effects that dif-
adolescents entering inpatient treatment continue to ferent substances have on sleep and sleepiness with a
report higher rates of harder drug use, including both focus on caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana.
heroin and nonmedical use of prescription opioids,
along with higher rates of substance abuse disorders Caffeine
and dependency (Fishman, Winstanley, Curren, We are in an era of new and seemingly end-
Garrett & Subramaniam, 2010; Stevens, 2004). less and exciting energy-boosting drink options
The younger the person is at drug use onset, that are targeted directly to youth populations.
the more likely he or she is to develop a substance Consequently, it should be no surprise that chil-
use disorder and to have the disorder continue into dren and adolescents are the fastest growing popu-
adulthood (Dennis, et al., 2003). In fact, the risk lation of caffeine users with an estimated 75% of
of addiction goes up to about one in six among adolescents using caffeine daily (National Sleep
those who start using as adolescents, and upwards Foundation, 2006). According to self-report evalua-
of 25%–50% for daily users (National Institute on tions, energy drinks are consumed by 30% to 50%
Drug Abuse, 2011). of adolescents and young adults in the United States
With regard to sex differences in adolescent (Seifert, Schaechter, Hershorin, & Lipshultz, 2011).
substance use, data from Monitoring the Future Caffeine is the most readily available and commonly
(Johnston et al., 2012) indicates that among 12th- consumed psychoactive substance throughout the
grade students, males are more likely to use most world. It is considered a stimulant, as it has arousal
illicit drugs and with higher frequency levels. In effects on the central and peripheral nervous system
2010, daily marijuana use was 8.8% for males (Roehrs & Roth, 2008). Caffeine is an antagonist

b o ot zi n , co us i n s , kel ly, s t even s 533

for adenosine receptors, and the blockade of these to 0.02% or 71 mg/12 fluid oz. (Food and Drug
receptors is related to caffeine’s stimulating effects. Administration, 2013). However, energy drinks
Thus, adenosine promotes sleep and when caf- have not been monitored as well. Many energy
feine blocks adenosine, sleep disruptions can occur drinks exceed the 0.02% limit and can range from
(Roehrs & Roth, 2008). 50 mg to 505 mg of caffeine. Some manufactur-
In adults, caffeine can have effects that last 6 to ers of energy drinks can skirt the limit by using the
8 hours after consumption; however, this rate is not 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education
fully known in children or even adolescents. Many Act, which states that substances that derive from
children and adolescents consume caffeine in the natural sources or herbs, such as guarana, are
afternoon and evenings (Temple, 2009), which is dietary supplements not psychoactive substances.
likely to impact their quality of sleep. The primary Currently, the US FDA does not require warn-
effect of caffeine is to increase arousal (Temple, ing labels or guidelines of proper caffeine use and
2009), and many people who consume caffeine use has not regulated the amount of caffeine in energy
it as a means to increase energy and arousal and to drinks (Reissig, Strain, & Griffiths, 2009).
combat daytime sleepiness (Temple, 2009; Ludden Bernstein, Carroll, Thuras, Cosgrove, and Roth
& Wolfson, 2010). Moderate doses of caffeine (2002) examined the likelihood of caffeine depen-
(200–300 mg), which is approximately two to three dence based on criteria from the DSM-IV in a US
cups of coffee, may produce improved concentra- adolescent population. They found that adolescents
tion and cognitive performance, increased arousal between the ages of 13–17 were consuming 3.2 caf-
and energy, as well as good feelings in children feinated beverages daily (244.4 mg/day). Over 22%
and adults (Bernstein et al., 1994; Smit & Rogers; of the adolescents met three of the four criteria for
2000). However, high doses (>400 mg) can produce substance dependence based on the DSM-IV crite-
feelings of anxiety, nausea, and jitteriness (Garrett & ria. Furthermore, those adolescents reporting higher
Griffiths, 1997). As a reference, a typical soft drink levels of caffeine use were more likely to also use
in the United States contains approximately 45 mg other substances such as marijuana and nicotine. A
of caffeine (Orbeta, Overpeck, Ramcharran, Kogan 1-year follow-up study from the same research group
& Ledsky, 2006)—substantially less than even one focused on those adolescents who used caffeine indi-
cup of coffee. On average in the United States, the cated that out of 21 adolescents, 23.8% met criteria
caffeine intake is around 60 to 70 mg/day but can for caffeine dependence according to the DSM-IV.
extend up to 800 mg/day; most of this is from soft In addition, similar to adults, adolescents reported
drinks, but the use of energy drinks continues to withdrawal symptoms that included tiredness, slug-
grow (Seifert, et al., 2011). gishness, and headaches (Oberstar, Bernstein, &
Warzak, Evans, Floress, Gross, and Stoolman Thuras, 2002). Giannotti, Cortesi, Sebastiani, and
(2011) found that in a small Canadian sample of Ottaviano (2002) examined circadian preferences
children ages 5–12, the younger children ages 5–7 in a large sample of Italian high school students.
consumed approximately 52 mg of caffeine per day They found that those who described themselves as
and the older children ages 8–12 consumed approx- having evening rather than morning preferences in
imately 109 mg of caffeine per day. The Canadian activities reported more caffeine use, naps, daytime
guidelines of daily caffeine use are ages 4–6 = sleepiness, attention problems, and emotional dis-
45 mg/day, ages 7–9 = 62 mg/day, and ages 10–12 = ruptions. Partially, this may be due to those with
85 mg/day. Although the differences between the evening preferences consuming more caffeine later
average use by age and the Canadian guidelines are in the day. Further evidence has shown that evening
relatively small, many children were consuming types may display more risk-taking behaviors such as
caffeine at higher than the average levels, and even the use of and higher amounts of illegal substances,
small differences are likely to add up to significant nicotine, and caffeine compared to morning-types
effects over the long run. There are only a handful of (Negriff, Dorn, Pabst & Susman, 2011; Preckel
countries that provide caffeine consumption guide- et al., 2013).
lines, and the specificity of the guidelines also varies. The amount of caffeine consumed on a daily or
The European Union, for example, requires a “high regular basis appears to have an impact on sleep out-
caffeine content” label on energy drinks. comes. Heavy caffeine use during a particular day
In the United States, if caffeine is considered was associated with more reports of sleep distur-
“food” as it is in soft drinks, the FDA deems it safe bance that night in an early adolescent population
and limits the amount of caffeine in soft drinks (Pollak & Bright, 2003). High school students who

534 c af f e in e, alcohol, and other drug s

reported high caffeine use from multiple sources combined effects of caffeine
(i.e., soda and/or coffee) were more likely to use and technology
caffeine earlier in the day, get up early on school The use of technology in youth populations has
days, and report more daytime sleepiness (Ludden increased dramatically (see Gradisar and Short,
& Wolfson, 2010). Orbeta and others (2006) Chapter 11). For many adolescents there is a con-
found in a sample of over 4000 adolescents in the stant presence of communication with friends via
United States that a high caffeine intake, greater cell phones, Internet, and social media. These tech-
than one caffeinated beverage daily, was associated nologies have an impact on sleep and on behaviors
with a two-fold increase in difficulty sleeping and that negatively influence sleep. In a sample of United
more morning tiredness compared to adolescents States school children (6–10 years of age), children
with very low caffeine use, one or fewer caffeinated who consumed caffeinated beverages had an aver-
beverages a week. A large national Icelandic poll age of 15 minutes less total sleep time during the
(n = 7377) of 9th- and 10th-graders found that night. Those children who consumed caffeine and
increased caffeine consumption, as measured by had a TV, computer, and telephone in their bed-
types of beverages consumed per day, was associated room had 45 minutes less total sleep time than chil-
with greater reports of daytime sleepiness assessed dren with no technology in their rooms (Calamaro,
with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and worse aca- Yang, Ratcliffe & Chasens, 2012). In a study of
demic achievement scores (James, Kristjansson & adolescents, caffeine consumption combined with
Sigfusdottir, 2011). technology-related activities, such as watching TV,
Furthermore, an inverse relationship was found texting, being on the Internet, and so forth, was
for caffeine consumption and reported hours of associated with a marked increase in reports of fall-
sleep at night. According to the National Sleep ing asleep during school, increased reports of dif-
Foundation (2006), adolescents who consumed two ficulty falling asleep on school nights, and feeling
or more caffeinated beverages per day were more tired as they drove, which is a risk for vehicular acci-
likely to report more sleep disturbance, less sleep dents (Calamaro, Mason & Ratcliffe, 2009).
time during the week, and more sleepiness than
those adolescents who drank less than one caffein- caffeine and mental health disorders
ated beverage per day. Mental health disorders such as anxiety and
depression often are associated with sleep difficul-
cognitive performance ties in adults and, consequently, disturbed sleep
Caffeine is commonly used to boost attention, is listed as one of the diagnostic criteria for some
has been shown to increase cognitive performance mental health disorders (American Psychiatric
in adults in a dose-dependent manner (Smit & Association, DSM-IV-TR, 1997). In youth, sleep
Rogers, 2000), and reduce cognitive deficits and problems have been found to increase anxiety and
spontaneous sleep episodes during extended periods depressive symptoms and contribute to further
of wakefulness (Wyatt, Cajochen, Ritz-De Cecco, sleep problems (Cousins et al., 2011; Luebbe &
Czeisler, & Dijk, 2004). Less is known, however, Bell, 2009). Children and adolescents with depres-
about the cognitive effects of caffeine on children sion may be drawn to caffeine for its uplifting effects
and adolescents. Heatherley, Hancock, and Rogers (Bernstein, Carroll, Thuras, Cosgrove, & Roth,
(2006) examined outcomes on a number search 2002), but when caffeine is added to the mix it can
cognitive task before and after the administration of cause even worse sleep patterns. Whalen and col-
50 mg of caffeine. The sample of 9-11-year-olds was leagues (2008) examined the effect of caffeine con-
divided into groups based on high and low caffeine sumption in youth between the ages of 7 and 17,
use. After one night of abstaining from caffeine, with and without major depressive disorder, on sub-
children who were considered habitual or high-dose jective reports of nighttime sleep. The youth with
users performed worse on the task than the low or major depressive disorder reported more caffeine
non–caffeine users prior to caffeine intake. After use, more feelings of anxiety associated with caffeine
caffeine intake, the high-dose users had improved use, and more sleep problems compared to healthy
performance, but not better than the low-dose or controls. Adolescents aged 13–17 with frequent
non–caffeine users. In this case, caffeine may have migraines and/or chronic headaches had more sleep
improved performance in the high-caffeine users problems and depressive symptoms and reported
that was at suboptimal levels due to overnight more caffeine use (Pakalnis, Splaingard, Splaingard,
withdrawal effects. Kring, & Colvin, 2009). In addition, increased

b o ot zi n , co us i n s , kel ly, s t even s 535

daily caffeine consumption was positively correlated a nonsignificant relationship has been found for
with reports of morning headache as assessed from sleep disordered breathing and ADHD symptoms
the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, but not sleep dis- (Melendres, Lutz, Rubin, & Marcus, 2004). In a
ordered breathing as assessed from the Child Sleep community sample of over 500 children between
Habits Questionnaire (Pakalnis, et al. 2009). the ages of 5 and 8, parent reports of caffeine intake
A particularly vulnerable population for the was not associated with excessive daytime sleepiness,
effects of caffeine may be youth with attention- a common symptom of sleep disordered breathing.
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; see Corkum Objective measures of sleep derived from polysom-
and Coulombe, Chapter 34,). There are numerous nography were also not associated with excessive
reports that youth with ADHD often report sleep daytime sleepiness (Calhoun et al., 2011).
disturbance; however, the data are mixed (Mayes Caffeine can be quite detrimental to sleep in
et al., 2009; Owens, 2005). The type and extent of children and adolescents. The studies reviewed have
sleep problem may be associated with the subtype reported negative associations between increased
of ADHD and the presence of comorbidities rather caffeine use and fewer reported hours of sleep at
than just having an ADHD diagnosis (Mayes, et al., night, reduced sleep quality, increased self-reported
2009). Since the most common method to treat sleep problems, difficulty falling asleep, difficulty
ADHD is with the use of a stimulant, most often waking, and more daytime sleepiness. Despite these
methylphenidate and atomoxetine, the effect of caf- general findings, there are still research problems
feine on sleep in this population may compensate to be addressed. For example, there are few studies
for lower levels of arousal and may even enhance employing objective measures of sleep or adminis-
cognitive performance compared to youth with- tering or more accurately measuring the amount of
out ADHD (Walker, Abraham, & Tercyak, 2010). caffeine being consumed.
Mayes and colleagues (2009) found that the medi- There have been many laboratory studies that
cated children from kindergarten to 5th grade with examined caffeine and sleep in adult populations.
a diagnosis of ADHD had higher total sleep prob- Caffeine in moderate amounts results in increased
lems at night compared to children who were not sleep latency, reduced sleep efficiency, and reduced
being medicated; however, those children who were slow wave sleep as assessed by polysomnography
being medicated tended to have more severe ADHD (Roehrs & Roth, 2008). In studies with children
symptoms, which may be a contributing factor to and adolescents, however, there are relatively few
the sleep disruptions. Barry, Clarke, McCarthy, and studies that use objective assessments of sleep such
colleagues (2012) examined the effect of a single oral as actigraphy or polysomnography. Research on
dose of caffeine (.9 to 3.2 mg/kg based on weight) the effects of caffeine on sleep and performance is
on arousal as measured by skin conductance level particularly important given the abundance of food
(SCL) in a controlled double-blind study in chil- and beverage products that contain caffeine and are
dren (ages 8–13) with and without a diagnosis for being marketed specifically to youth populations.
ADHD. The youth with ADHD had a lower SCL
across the conditions compared to controls, sug- Nicotine
gestive of hypoarousal. It was also noted that the Nicotine, like caffeine, is a stimulant and individ-
increase in arousal induced by caffeine for youth uals who smoke experience a dose-related increase
with ADHD was positively related to their Connor’s in wakefulness during sleep (Roehrs & Roth, 2011).
hyperactivity/impulsivity score. A review of recent In a 4-year longitudinal, population-based study of
literature of ADHD and cognitive performance by 7960 adolescents, 28% of the 4866 adolescents who
Leon (2000) found that children with ADHD often did not report sleep problems at time 1 reported
show improvements from caffeine on measures of sleep problems 4 years later (Patten, Choi, Gillin,
impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggression, cognitive & Pierce, 2000). Cigarette smoking status at time 1
functioning, and adult reports of behavior when showed a dose-response relationship with the devel-
compared to no treatment. However, commonly opment and maintenance of self-reported sleep dis-
prescribed stimulant medications produced more turbances, as did being female and having depressive
improvement than caffeine only (Leon, 2000). symptoms. The social context in which smoking
The data for the effects of caffeine on sleep dis- occurs is also important. In a study of 6553 Hong
ordered breathing is unclear. It has been reported Kong adolescents aged 13 to 18, the smoking sta-
that children with ADHD have a higher apnea/ tus of parents and having a best friend who smoked
hypopnea index (Huang et al., 2004); however, were independently associated with the adolescent’s

536 c af f e in e, alcohol, and other drug s

smoking behaviors including current smoking, his- In a study of postnatal nicotine exposure, infants
tory of ever smoking, and the intention to smoke were studied polysomnographically, at 2–4 weeks,
(Mak, Ho, & Day, 2012). 2–3 months, and 5–6 months of age (Richardson,
Smokers attempting to withdraw from nicotine Walker, & Horne, 2009). Infant exposure to mater-
experience increased sleep disturbance over those nal smoking was associated with decreased cortical
who continue to smoke or who use nicotine patches arousal and increased subcortical activation. A simi-
overnight (Roehrs & Roth, 2011). Because sleep lar pattern of arousal processes is seen in infants who
involves withdrawing from smoking each night, die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
sleep disruptions appear to be due to both the The authors hypothesize that this pattern may be
stimulant effect of nicotine and withdrawal-caused related to impairment in the brainstem-cortex
disturbances. Adolescent self-reported nicotine arousal process.
withdrawal symptoms are consistent with adult self- In a study of the effect of smoking during breast-
reported nicotine withdrawal symptoms. However, feeding, infant sleep was assessed by actigraphy 3.5
adolescent boys report higher levels of sleep-related hours after breast feeding. Results were obtained
problems during attempts to quit and adolescent when mothers were asked to smoke as usual com-
girls report more irritability and hunger (Pergadia pared to when they were asked to refrain from
et al., 2010). smoking prior to breast feeding. Infants consuming
In a study of 219 asthmatic children 6 to 12 years breast milk containing nicotine experienced a reduc-
of age, second-hand smoke exposure was related tion in quiet, active, and total sleep time (Mennella,
to parent-reported sleep problems of their chil- Yourshaw, & Morgan, 2007).
dren. These problems include increased sleep onset
latency (especially in girls), parasomnias, sleep dis- Alcohol
ordered breathing, daytime sleepiness, and general Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.
sleep disturbance, as well as sleep anxiety in boys Alcohol, like other depressants, suppresses rapid
(Yolton, Xu, Khoury, et al., 2010). In a study of eye movement (REM) sleep. Acute effects involve
29,397 Chinese adolescents, current and infrequent sedation at the beginning of the night followed by
smokers had a higher odds ratio of snoring and dif- sleep fragmentation later in the night. Tolerance
ficulty breathing compared to nonsmokers (Mak develops and the individual may increase alcohol
et al., 2010). Current smokers also experienced an intake leading to an increase in sleep fragmentation.
increase in sleep maintenance problems. Withdrawal from heavy drinking produces a REM
The effect of both prenatal and postnatal nico- rebound effect that is accompanied by restless sleep
tine exposure on sleep has been studied in infants. and nightmares (Bootzin, Manber, Loewy, Kuo, &
Evidence is accumulating that there is a negative Franzen, 2001).
impact on the sleep of infants whose mothers smoke. In a study of 4187 boys and girls 15 years of
Neonates born to heavy-smoking mothers had a age, use of nicotine and alcohol was associated
birth weight that was 21% less than those born to with delayed and erratic sleep schedules as well as
nonsmoking mothers (Stéphan-Blanchard, Telliez, perceived tiredness (Tynjälä, Kannas, & Levälahti,
Léké, et al., 2008). Prenatal exposure resulted in 1997). Similarly, Johnson and Breslau (2001) found
reduced total sleep time and quiet sleep, as well as that use of alcohol, cigarettes, and other substances
increased active sleep and sleep fragmentation in (i.e., marijuana, cocaine, inhalants) was related
newborns. to self-reported sleep disturbance in adolescents
Long-lasting effects into childhood of prenatal between 12 and 17 years of age. When internalizing
exposure to nicotine, cocaine, and other drugs on and externalizing symptoms were statistically con-
sleep have also been found. Prenatal nicotine and trolled, this relationship was maintained for poly-
cocaine exposure predicts later maternal-reported drug use and regular alcohol use, defined as having
sleep problems in children 18 months to 9 years of used alcohol more than 12 days per month.
age (Stone, High, Miller-Loncar, LaGasse, & Lester In addition to the effects on sleep of the use of
2009); children 1 month to 12 years of age experi- alcohol in children and adolescents, the effects on
ence a dose-response effect specifically from prenatal sleep of prenatal and postnatal alcohol exposure has
nicotine exposure on later development of maternal been studied in infants. Infants of mothers classi-
reported sleep problems. This effect was observed fied as heavy drinkers throughout pregnancy dem-
even when controlling for postnatal nicotine expo- onstrated reduced total sleep time versus infants of
sure (Stone et al., 2010). mothers who reduced or abstained from alcohol by

b o ot zi n , co us i n s , kel ly, s t even s 537

the 3rd trimester. Additionally, infants of mothers difficulty, and depressed mood (Vandrey, Budney,
who drank heavily experienced more fragmented, Kamon, & Stanger, 2005). In addition, severity of
restless sleep than infants of mothers who abstained sleep difficulty was highly related to the severity of
from alcohol (Rosett, Louis, Sander, et al., 1979). In other withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symp-
other studies of the prenatal effects of alcohol, infants toms, including sleep disturbance, may result in
exposed to alcohol prenatally experience alterations an increased likelihood of relapse if effective sleep
in sleep-state cycling compared to infants of moth- interventions are not provided.
ers who abstained from alcohol during pregnancy
(Stoffer, Scher, Richardson, Day, & Coble, 1988), The Effects of Sleep on Substance Use
and infants exposed to alcohol prenatally demon- Sleep problems can become part of a vicious
strate EEG hypersynchrony in all stages of sleep cycle in which substance abuse leads to sleep dis-
(D’Angiulli, Grunau, Maggi, & Herdman, 2006). turbance, and daytime sleepiness leads to further
In mothers who used alcohol or marijuana daily substance use to counter these effects. In a long-
versus mothers who abstained from these substances term longitudinal study of sons of alcoholic men,
during pregnancy, prenatal alcohol exposure during Wong, Brower, Fitzgerald, and Zucker (2004)
the 1st and 2nd trimester was related to increased found that sleep and overtiredness problems as rated
arousals and increased transitional sleep (Scher, by mothers when the boys were 3 to 5 years old
Richardson, Coble, Day, & Stoffer, 1988). Prenatal predicted the early onset of cigarette, alcohol, and
marijuana exposure, regardless of trimester, was other drug use, as well as the development of atten-
related to increased nocturnal body movements and tion problems and anxiety or depression at 12 to
reduced quiet sleep. 14 years of age. As part of a follow-up to this study,
There are long-term effects of the prenatal expo- daughters were recruited to participate when they
sure to alcohol and marijuana. Children at 8 years were between the ages of 6 and 11. A majority of
of age who were prenatally exposed to alcohol are the eligible daughters joined the study. Analysis of
at greater odds of short sleep and reduced sleep the full sample, 292 boys and 94 girls, found that
efficiency than children who were not exposed to those with trouble sleeping in childhood were twice
alcohol prenatally (Pesonen, Räikkönen, Matthews, as likely to have the same sleep problems in ado-
et al., 2009). lescence (Wong, Brower, Nigg, & Zucker, 2010).
Importantly, overtiredness in childhood predicted
Marijuana poor response inhibition in adolescence as well as
Although marijuana often has a reputation for increased alcohol use and alcohol-related problems
being sedating, physiological arousal during sleep in young adulthood.
has been observed in both children exposed in utero Similarly, in a 1-year longitudinal study of 11- to
and adolescent marijuana users. At 3 years of age, 17-year-old adolescents sampled from managed care
children prenatally exposed at least weekly to mari- rosters, Roberts, Roberts, and Chen (2002) found
juana demonstrated increased arousals, wake after that sleep disturbances were significantly associated
sleep onset, and reduced sleep efficiency compared with a wide range of health, interpersonal, and psy-
to children who either were not exposed or were chological variables one year later. Moreover, once
exposed less than once per week to marijuana (Dahl, sleep problems developed they tended to be main-
Scher, Williamson, Robles, & Day, 1995). Studies tained. These results indicate that the treatment
of objective changes in sleep have found that mari- of sleep disorders may be of benefit as prevention
juana use in adolescents is associated with a reduc- before problems develop and as treatment if prob-
tion in slow wave sleep and an increase in periodic lems do develop. Since many adolescents who abuse
limb movements during sleep, a sleep disorder that substances are also anxious and depressed, target-
produces frequent arousals during sleep (Jacobus, ing sleep disturbance for treatment has the potential
Bava, Cohen-Zion, Mahmood, & Tapert (2009). benefit of increasing treatment success for both sub-
Sleep disturbances are also observed during stance abuse and emotional regulation.
withdrawal from marijuana, as seen in substance Parental involvement with their children has
abuse treatment programs. In a marijuana treat- been found to be a protective factor reducing sub-
ment study for adolescents, the four withdrawal stance use, particularly among younger adolescents
symptoms endorsed by more than 30% of the (Ellickson, Tucker, Klein, & Saner, 2004; Tang &
adolescents as being of moderate or greater sever- Orwin, 2009). In an analysis from our research with
ity were craving for marijuana, irritability, sleep adolescents (Cousins, Bootzin, Stevens, Ruiz, &

538 c af f e in e, alcohol, and other drug s

Haynes, 2007), we found that lower levels of paren- Bryant, 2001), while younger substance using ado-
tal involvement were associated with higher levels of lescents have higher rates of comorbid psychiatric
psychological distress in adolescents. Higher distress disorder and are at higher risk for “injury to self ”
was associated with lower sleep efficiency and more (Unger, Kipke, Simon, Montgomery, & Johnson,
time in bed. 1997).
Distress and sleep, like substance abuse and sleep, Mental health issues among adolescent substance
has bidirectional causal pathways. As described ear- users enrolled in treatment are often linked with
lier, adolescents who were depressed were more likely past experiences of traumatic stress (Cavaiola &
to develop subsequent sleep problems than controls Schiff, 2000; Titus, Flores, Perez, & Stevens, 2012).
(Patten, et al., 2000) and, as described in this sec- Stevens and Murphy (2000) found that adoles-
tion, sleep problems in adolescents have been found cents presenting for substance abuse treatment who
to increase the risk for anxiety disorders, depression, reported traumatic stress also reported problems
and substance abuse. associated with their sleep (i.e., daytime sleepiness,
not able to fall asleep, nightmares). In fact, 76%
Substance Abusing Adolescents and of males and 88% of females reported sometimes
Mental Health using alcohol or drugs to help them sleep.
As seen in the previous section, disturbed sleep As seen throughout this chapter, disturbed sleep,
leads to a broad range of subsequent problems substance use, and mental health symptoms are
including increased risk for substance abuse, anxi- often intertwined. The successful treatment of sleep
ety, depression, and other mental health problems. disturbances in adolescents who abuse substances
In contrast, improved sleep could lead to resilience may also have beneficial effects on mental health
in the face of stress and reduced risk for developing symptoms and emotion regulation.
mental health symptoms. Consequently, sleep dis-
turbance could be a critical target for the treatment Treating the Sleep Disturbances of
of adolescents who have a substance abuse history. Adolescents with a Substance Abuse History
Many adolescents enrolled in substance abuse To evaluate whether treating the sleep and day-
treatment report that they have mental health symp- time sleepiness problems of adolescents who have
toms (Oshri, Tubman, & Jaccard, 2011; Stevens, had a history of substance abuse could result, first,
Estrada, Murphy, McKnight, & Tims, 2004). Those in improved sleep, and second, in lowered risk for
enrolled in treatment represent a heterogeneous substance abuse relapse, our research laboratory
population and vary not only with regard to sub- embarked on an evaluation of a multicomponent
stance use patterns but also in psychiatric symptoms cognitive-behavioral treatment program for insom-
and maltreatment experiences (Tubman, Oshri, nia and daytime sleepiness in adolescents (Bootzin
Taylor, & Morris, 2011). Dennis and colleagues & Stevens, 2005).
(2012) report that 50% of substance using youth Participants were 55 adolescents, both male and
enrolled in juvenile drug courts present with 5 to 12 female, average age of 16.09 years, of whom 23
major clinical problems based on self-report count (42%) attended four or more sessions and were clas-
of alcohol use disorder, cannabis use disorder, other sified as completing the sleep treatment. Participants
drug use disorder, depression, anxiety, trauma, sui- all had completed outpatient substance abuse treat-
cide, ADHD, conduct disorder, and violence/illegal ment programs within the previous 12 months but
activity. continued to have sleep or sleepiness problems.
The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among The sleep treatment was a 6-session multicompo-
adolescents in substance abuse treatment programs nent small group cognitive-behavioral therapy for
not only varies by type of treatment, but also by age insomnia with two to six adolescents in each group.
and sex. In childhood, rates of depression are equiva- The sessions were 90 minutes long and were held
lent in boys and girls, but by adolescence, girls show weekly, with a 2-week break between the fifth and
dramatic increases in anxiety and mood disorders sixth sessions to help shift the focus to the mainte-
while boys are more likely than girls to exhibit exter- nance of gains made during the treatment period.
nalizing symptoms such as anger and conduct prob- Treatment components were selected to have maxi-
lems (as reported in Cauffman, Lexcen, Goldweber, mal impact on the sleep problems of adolescents.
Shulman, & Grisso, 2007). Females with substance The components included stimulus control therapy
abuse disorders are twice as likely to be diagnosed (Bootzin & Epstein, 2011), the use of bright light
with depression (Grella, Hser, Joshi, & Rounds- to change sleep/wake circadian rhythms (Lack &

b o ot z i n , co us i n s , kel ly, s t even s 539

Bootzin, 2003), sleep education, cognitive therapy Two additional analyses were done to evalu-
(Morin, 1993), and mindfulness-based stress reduc- ate changes in emotional and mental health
tion (MBSR) including mindfulness meditation functioning. Because conduct disorder problems
(Kabat-Zinn et al., 1992). are sometimes associated with substance abuse,
To measure the adolescents’ sleep–wake circadian the first analysis was on the relationship between
rhythms, dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO) was increased total sleep duration as a result of treat-
assessed before and after treatment (Hasler, Bootzin, ment and the adolescents’ reports of aggressive
Cousins, Fridel, & Wenk, 2008). The median thoughts and behaviors. Those who reported
DLMO was 9:45 pm with many earlier than 9:00 decreased aggressive thoughts and behavior at the
pm, suggesting that there may be different etiologies end of treatment had improved their total sleep
for the sleep problems in those who had early and by more than an hour to an average of more than
late DLMOs (see Chapters 17 and 23, this volume). 8.5 hours of sleep a night at the post-treatment
Those with early DLMOs may regularly stay up, due assessment. In contrast, those who reported that
to social activities, past their optimal biological time they still had aggressive thoughts or engaged in
to fall asleep. In contrast, those adolescents with late aggression toward others at the end of treatment
DLMOs may be exhibiting the more typical sleep did not improve their total sleep significantly from
phase delay and have trouble falling asleep because baseline (Haynes et al., 2006). These findings sug-
they are not yet at their biological time to fall asleep. gest that adolescents may require at least 8 hours
The phase-delayed adolescents are also likely to have of nightly sleep to effectively regulate aggressive
to awaken before they are biologically ready to do so ideation and behavior.
because of school schedules. Having a late DLMO The second analysis of mental health function-
appears to be a signal of vulnerability because those ing examined anxiety symptoms as a result of the
with late DLMOs had more severe substance abuse multicomponent sleep treatment. Both the amount
problems than those with early DLMOs (Hasler of initial baseline total sleep and the amount of
et al., 2008). improvement in time to fall asleep during the treat-
Among those who completed at least four of the ment period were associated with improvement
six sessions, there was significant improvement in in symptoms such as fear of sleeping and having
sleep on total sleep time, time to fall asleep, minutes nightmares (Stevens, Haynes, Ruiz, & Bootzin,
of wake time after sleep onset, and the adolescents’ 2007). Improvement in falling asleep is a goal of
ratings of sleep quality (Britton et al., 2010). the stimulus control component of the treatment.
Although the multicomponent sleep therapy was In this instance, improvement in falling asleep had
not designed to be a substance abuse treatment, it a powerful effect in reducing emotional distress
is possible that there would be positive effects on in those who had already been getting more total
drug use and recidivism. The participants were sleep at baseline. Thus, more total sleep provided
interviewed before and after the multi-component the opportunity, either directly or in combination
sleep treatment, and at three and 12 months fol- with falling asleep faster, for improvement of both
lowing treatment. There was a sex difference on aggression and emotional distress.
the two major measures of substance use, i.e., the An important component of our multicom-
number of days in the preceding month that the ponent treatment was the incorporation of mind-
adolescent used substances and on a measure of fulness meditation practice. An analysis of the
problems caused by substance use (Britton, et al., mindfulness component of the treatment (Britton
2010). Female completers showed decreases on et al., 2010) found that the frequency of mindful-
both measures from pretreatment through the ness meditation practice was related to increased
3-month follow-up, but returned to baseline at sleep duration during treatment and improvement
the 12-month follow-up. The male completers, in self-efficacy about substance use. Increased sleep
although showing considerable improvement in duration was associated with improvements in psy-
sleep, did not improve on the substance use mea- chological distress, relapse resistance, and reductions
sures. Rather, they increased substance use and in substance use–related problems.
substance problem scores throughout the study. In this exploratory study there were a number
Noncompleters, whether female or male, similarly of positive, encouraging findings, including sub-
had increased substance use and substance problem stantial improvement of the sleep of both female
scores at the end of the sleep treatment period and and male treatment completers, improvement on
at the follow-up interviews. substance abuse measures through the 3-month

5 40 c af f e in e, alcohol, and other drug s

follow up assessment for females, and reductions Future Directions
in thoughts of aggression, aggressive actions, and • Can stimulant use by children and
emotional distress in both female and male treat- adolescents be reduced to the point that sleep is
ment completers. For this study, adolescents had not disturbed?
been recruited after they had completed outpatient • Can programs for mothers and families be
treatment for substance abuse but were still report- developed that will reduce prenatal and postnatal
ing sleep disturbances. More powerful effects on exposure to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana,
substance use may occur if the sleep and substance and other drugs?
abuse treatments are integrated and occur together. • Can prevention programs be developed that
This project was but a first step. It is critical to con- involve child and adolescent peers in improving
tinue to develop sleep treatments for children and sleep and decreasing use of psychoactive
adolescents with comorbid problems such as sub- substances?
stance abuse. • Is an integrated treatment for sleep and
substance abuse in adolescents more efficacious
Conclusion than sequential treatments?
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5 44 c af f e in e, alcohol, and other drug s

Prevention and
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The Impact of Behavioral

37 Interventions for Sleep Problems
on Secondary Outcomes in Young
Children and Their Families
Melisa Moore and Jodi A. Mindell

Childhood sleep problems are common, occurring in up to one-third of young children. Although
behavioral treatments are effective at decreasing night wakings and bedtime problems, parents and
clinicians may have concerns about the impact of these interventions on the child and on the parent–
child relationship. Empirical evidence of the impact of behavioral interventions on other domains
of the child and family is less well documented. Thus, an investigation of child sleep interventions
reporting outcomes beyond child sleep was conducted. Significant improvements in child domains
including mood and daytime behavior were found post-intervention. Parental factors, including sleep,
well-being, marital satisfaction, mood, and mental health were also found to be improved following
treatment of young children’s sleep disturbances. Additionally, improvements in the parent–child
relationships, bonding, and attachment were found. No systematic negative effects were described for
parents or children. This review indicates that improving child sleep via behavioral interventions has
implications that go far beyond sleep.
Key Words: sleep, bedtime problems, night waking, child sleep, behavioral intervention, treatment

Introduction Sleep problems in young children tend not

It is estimated that sleep problems occur in about to go away on their own. Kataria, Swanson, and
30% of children (Liu, Liu, Owens, & Kaplan, Trevathan (1987) found that 84% of 1–2-year-olds
2005; Mindell & Owens, 2009), with bedtime with a sleep problem had the same problem at age
difficulties and frequent night wakings, two of the 3, indicating the importance of intervention. There
most common issues, occurring in 20%–30% of is a vast literature that has shown behavioral inter-
children under the age of 3 (Mindell, Kuhn, Lewin, ventions to be efficacious. Mindell and colleagues’
Meltzer, & Sadeh, 2006; Sadeh, Mindell, Luedtke, & (2006) review of 52 treatment studies for bedtime
Wiegand, 2009). A myriad of studies have provided problems and frequent night wakings found that
solid evidence that sleep problems affect emotional, 94% of studies were efficacious, with over 80% of
cognitive, behavioral, and academic functioning children treated demonstrating clinically significant
(Fallone, Acebo, Seifer, & Carskadon, 2005; Sadeh, improvement. These improvements were main-
Gruber, & Raviv, 2002, 2003) and also relate to tained for 3 to 6 months.
critical public health concerns such as pediatric Despite this evidence, there are many who are
obesity (Hart, Cairns, & Jelalian, 2011). In addi- resistant to behavioral interventions because of
tion, sleep problems in children and adolescents can beliefs about iatrogenic effects. Anecdotally, they
affect both parent sleep and parent daytime func- cite concerns about the impact on attachment, secu-
tioning (Meltzer & Mindell, 2007). rity, and mental health (Blunden, Thompson, &

Dawson, 2011; Narvaez, 2011). Many parents worry behavioral treatment program. The researchers
about the effects of interventions that involve infant reported significant improvement in mood in 15
crying (Tse & Hall, 2008), and thus the popular- of the 19 infants who were described as irritable
ity of parenting books promising approaches that prior to the start of treatment. These infants were
improve children’s sleep without crying. Semantics described as being “happier, more playful, more
also likely play a role in these beliefs, given that calm, more cheerful, and more easy to please” at
behavioral sleep interventions are often referred 2-month follow-up. There was no control group
to in terms that have negative connotations. For in this study, and all results are based on pre- and
example, extinction is often referred to as the “cry it post-testing; however, the existing evidence sug-
out” method, implying that babies are being left to gests improved mood following a behavioral sleep
cry on their own for long stretches (see Blampied, intervention.
Chapter 15). Others refer to “sleep training,” which
at times leads to parents equating these behavioral Daytime Behavior
approaches to “animal training.” Improvements in daytime behavior concurrent
Thus, while it is known that behavioral interven- with improvements in sleep have been evaluated in
tions decrease bedtime problems and night wak- a number of studies. Seymour, Bayfield, Brock, and
ings, as well as increase sleep duration, empirical During (1983) found that based on parental report,
evidence of the impact of behavioral interventions 73% of a sample of 208 children (ages 0–6 years)
on other domains of the child and family is less well were found to have positive changes in their child’s
documented. For this chapter, Medline and Psych daytime behavior once their child’s sleep improved,
info searches for pediatric behavioral sleep interven- including being “happier,” “easier to handle,” and
tion studies were conducted and the bibliographies “less aggressive.” Only one parent (2%) reported a
of each study were further culled. Studies were negative outcome (“more grizzly”). Sanders et al.
excluded if the intervention was not clearly behav- (1984) also found positive outcomes in daytime
ioral or if no outcomes were reported beyond child behavior in the four children they treated, with sig-
sleep outcomes, and the 35 studies that remained nificant improvements reported in both home and
are discussed in this review. Secondary outcomes community settings. France (1992) found improve-
were grouped according to the effect on the child, ments in agreeableness, likeability, and emotionality/
parent(s), parent–child relationship, and interven- tension, based on the Child Behavior Characteristics
tions conducted in special populations will be dis- Scale, in a group of 35 infants (6–24 months) com-
cussed. Furthermore, a section is devoted to studies pared to no changes seen in controls. These improve-
that have specifically looked at potential negative ments were seen during the treatment phase and up
effects of behavioral sleep interventions. to 18 months post-treatment.
Richman, Douglas, Hunt, Lansdown, and
Child Levere (1985) conducted a study of 35 children
As previously cited, research has clearly dem- (ages 1–5 years) with severe sleep disorders treated
onstrated that behavioral interventions are effec- with behavioral strategies (e.g., positive reinforce-
tive in treating behaviorally based sleep issues in ment of appropriate behaviors, implementation of
young children (Mindell et al., 2006). Some stud- a bedtime routine). They found that although there
ies, however, have also looked at the impact in were too few children with concomitant behavioral
other domains, including any negative sequelae of problems to statistically assess outcomes, of the
treatment. All studies reported here found signifi- nine children with behavioral problems three also
cant improvements in sleep. Although the specifics showed marked improvement in behavior with sleep
of these improvements are not presented, positive improvement, three continued to have behavioral
sleep outcomes should be assumed for all studies difficulties but no longer sleep problems, and three
unless otherwise stated. had no improvement in sleep or general behavioral
Mood Eckerberg (2004) utilized visual analogue scales
Only one study has assessed child mood in to assess five behavioral dimensions (alert-tired;
relation to behavioral interventions for sleep dis- good-poor appetite; happy-depressed; secure-
turbances. Skuladottir and Thome (2003) found anxious; accommodating-obstinate) at baseline,
improvement in sleep outcomes in 33 infants (ages 2 weeks after intervention implementation, and
6–23 months) who participated in an inpatient at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. They found

5 48 im pac t of behavioral intervent i o n s fo r s eco n d a ry o utco m es

in the 95 families studied that parents rated their and conduct problems subscale), nor on psychoso-
children (ages 4 to 45 months) as significantly more cial functioning based on the Pediatric Quality of
alert, happy, secure, and accommodating at 2 weeks Life Inventory. Thus, successful behavioral treat-
post-intervention, with continued improvements in ment of sleep disturbances in all these studies was
alertness and security at 3-month follow-up. In a found to have a positive effect on both sleep and
small sample study of the use of positive routines general behavior.
for bedtime noncompliance in low-income families Although unusual in the United States, other
whose children attended Head Start, improvements countries such as Australia provide residential facili-
were noted in daytime behavior based on parent- ties that help parents in the early years with infant
report using the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and child problems such as sleep and feeding. One
at post-treatment and 2-month follow-up (Ortiz & study assessed infant behavior following behavioral
Bodkin, 2008). No significant changes at either treatment in a residential center (Fisher, Feekery, &
time point, however, were seen in teacher report on Rowe, 2004). One hundred ninety mothers of
the Sutter-Eyberg Behavior Inventory-Revised. infants up to age 12 months reported that infant
A number of studies have utilized the Child crying and fussing behavior in 24 hours decreased
Behavior Checklist (CBCL) to assess general behav- from 151 minutes at baseline to 72.5 minutes
ioral outcomes. In one study (Burke, Kuhn, & 1 month post-discharge.
Peterson, 2004), a storybook that modeled appro- Thus, improvements in daytime behavior have
priate bedtime behavior with tangible rewards was been found in a number of studies, using a variety
used to successfully treat four children (ages 2 to of methods and measures concomitant with behav-
7 years) with disruptive bedtime behaviors. In addi- ioral treatment of sleep disturbances. Of all child
tion to the significant improvements in bedtime outcomes investigated, daytime behavior is well
behaviors and night wakings, parents reported sig- studied and the most robust.
nificant improvements in daytime behavior in three
of the four children. At baseline, all four children Temperament
scored in the clinical range for total problems on the Temperament is another child outcome of inter-
CBCL. At post-treatment, scores were in the nor- est, as behavioral interventions should not negatively
mal range for two of the four children, improved affect a child’s disposition. Pinilla and Birch (1993)
in one child, and unchanged for one child. Another investigated the efficacy of behavioral entrainment
study (Reid, Walter, & O’Leary, 1999) included (including a focal feed, increasing intervals between
CBCL to assess side effects of treatment of sleep feeds, and maximizing day/night environmental
disturbances on daytime behaviors in 43 children cues) in 26 newborns randomly assigned to inter-
(ages 16–48 months) utilizing standard or gradu- vention or control over the first 8 weeks of life. By
ated ignoring treatment. No changes in internaliz- 3 weeks of age, significant differences were seen in
ing or externalizing behaviors were found for either longer sleep episodes of the intervention group. By
intervention between baseline and post-treatment. 8 weeks, 100% of the treatment infants were sleep-
A study of 28 toddlers with serious sleep problems ing through the night compared to just 23% of
who were treated with the institution of a bed- controls. Assessment of infant temperament (Bates’
time routine and a checking method also utilized Infant Characteristics Questionnaire) by mothers
the CBCL to assess behavioral outcomes (Minde, and fathers was conducted at 1 week and 8 weeks
Faucon, & Falkner, 1994). At baseline these children of age. No differences were found across time and
had significantly higher scores on the CBCL and across groups; however, the infants in the interven-
Child Behavior Checklist compared to 30 matched tion group were rated as more predictable at both
controls, with scores significantly improving at week 1 and week 8. Hiscock et al. (2007) also
3-month and 6-month follow-up. Finally, Hiscock assessed temperament in their study of the efficacy
et al. (2008) assessed longer-term outcomes of a of behavioral interventions for infants recruited at
behavioral intervention conducted at 8–10 months 7 months of age (n = 174 intervention; n = 154
of age. At 2 years of age, no differences in internal- matched controls). At 10 months and 12 months
izing or externalizing behaviors based on the CBCL there were no significant differences in temperament
were found between the intervention group and ratings using a 5-point Global Infant Temperament
control group. At 6 years of age, there continued to Scale between intervention and control infants. The
be no differences between groups on the Strength findings that behavioral sleep interventions resulted
and Difficulties Questionnaire (emotional problems in either no change in temperament or an increase

m o o re, m i n d el l 549
in predictability make sense given that temperament a primary aim. Utilizing the Flint Infant Security
is considered a relatively stable trait. Scale (excluding sleep items), she found a signifi-
cant improvement in security scores at day 3 of
Health Outcomes treatment, with further improvements at the end
There has been very limited research on health of treatment (week 6). No changes in security
outcomes following treatment of behaviorally based were noted in untreated and normal sleep controls.
sleep disturbances. One particular area of focus, Eckerberg (2004) also utilized the revised Flint
given the recent epidemic of childhood obesity, is Infant Security Scale in assessing security at baseline,
the link between obesity and sleep. A recent pilot during intervention, and at follow-up. Compared
study (Paul et al., 2011) found that a behavioral to a nonreferred community comparison group, the
intervention targeting feeding as well as sleep 95 infants referred for treatment in their study had
resulted in lower weight-for-length percentiles at significantly lower scores at baseline. After the inter-
1 year of age. Given that obesity has become an epi- vention, at 1-month follow-up, these differences
demic in the United States, with more than 20% were eliminated, with significant improvements in
of children between the ages of 2 and 5 being over- dependent trust and self-trust, as well as total secu-
weight, it is recommended that measures of obe- rity. Interestingly, the lower the security score at
sity such as BMI (body mass index) be included as baseline the greater the increase after intervention.
outcomes of behavioral sleep interventions in chil- Additionally, as mentioned above, parents reported
dren. With regard to illness, Skuladottir and Thome significant improvements on a visual analogue scale
(2003) found fewer recurring illnesses in 33 infants for “secure-anxious” by 2 weeks post-intervention.
(ages 6–23 months) who participated in an inpa- Parent–child interactions have also been evalu-
tient behavioral treatment program. Those infants ated. Minde et al. (1994) assessed play and feeding
whose sleep improved more were reported to have interactions of toddlers with their mothers using
fewer illnesses, such as ear infections, asthma, and the Parent-Child Early Relational Assessment Scale.
reflux, 2 months post-treatment. Because there was Following treatment for sleep disturbances utilizing
no control group, it is difficult to assess the impact a graduated extinction approach with 28 toddlers
of intervention on health outcomes in this study. (and 30 matched controls), improvements were
It can be argued that sleep problems persisted as a seen in child characteristics including “infant orga-
result of these health issues, rather than improved nization, attentional, and social skills” and “infant
sleep leading to fewer illnesses. Although there is lit- dysregulation, irritability, and negative behavior.”
tle evidence in this area, given the potential impact Similar results were found for mother–child inter-
on areas of public health concern such as obesity, actions, with significant improvements seen for
health and illness variables should be considered in “dyadic mutuality and reciprocity” and “dyadic
future research. tension.” Additionally, the sleep-disturbed toddlers
scored lower at baseline on these indices indicating
Parent–Child Relationship poorer initial child behavior and dyadic interac-
A primary concern for parents and practitio- tions, with treatment of sleep issues ameliorating
ners is whether interventions will negatively impact these interactional difficulties. Furthermore, those
parent–child relationships. This issue has received children who were most problematic at baseline in
attention in academic journals (Blunden et al., terms of their sleep and daytime behaviors showed
2011) and even more so in blogs and magazines the largest improvements in their interactions 6
aimed at the public (Narvaez, 2011), with claims weeks post-treatment.
that behavioral interventions cause long-term dam- Following a 5-day inpatient intervention
age. Several studies have looked specifically at secu- (Matthey & Speyer, 2008), items from the Being
rity/attachment, maternal bonding, parenting style, a Mother and Bonding Scale (BaMB) were assessed
maternal confidence/competence/efficacy, percep- including “I have felt close to my baby,” “My baby
tion of behavioral control, and parent cognitions. seemed to like me,” and “I have regretted having
A number of studies have examined the issues this baby.” Scores on these three items improved
of security and attachment as outcomes of behav- significantly at 5 weeks post-discharge, and this
ioral sleep interventions, primarily during infancy. change remained stable at 4 months post-discharge.
For example, France and colleagues (France, 1992; Hiscock et al. (2008) also asked mothers 17 months
France, Blampied, & Wilkinson, 1991) looked at post-recruitment whether behavioral interventions
the impact of behavioral treatment on security as had affected their relationship with their child.

5 50 im pac t of behavioral intervent i o n s fo r s eco n d a ry o utco m es

Of those mothers who responded, 84% indicated Finally, parental behavioral control has been
that behavioral interventions had a positive effect evaluated in one study. Pritchard and Appleton’s
on their relationship with their child. Additionally, (1988) study of a health visitor intervention for
there was no difference in parenting style (harsh infants and toddlers with bedtime problems and
discipline or nurturing) between the intervention frequent night wakings found that at week 3, moth-
and control groups at this long-term follow-up time ers felt their level of behavioral control significantly
point. These same children were followed up at age increased compared to baseline. This was also true
6 to assess for any long-term negative implications at 3-month follow-up (although slightly decreased
(Price, Wake, Ukoumunne, & Hiscock, 2010). from week 3).
Again, there were no differences on the Child- As reviewed here, the data refute the frequent
Parent Relationship Scale between the intervention claims and suppositions that behavioral interven-
and control group, suggesting no negative outcomes tions harm security, attachment, and parent–child
regarding attachment. interactions. Rather, young children and their fami-
In terms of parenting style, one small study (Reid lies with sleep disturbances score lower on these
et al., 1999) found that mothers of infants in a stan- factors compared to good sleepers and treatment
dard extinction group reported less verbose parent- actually improves security, attachment, and parent–
ing (a positive effect), and mothers in a graduated child interactions. Denying or avoiding treatment
extinction group reported improved interactions may actually result in more problems instead of
with their children. Both of these effects were found causing them. That is, not treating sleep problems
post-treatment within subjects, as well as compared may result in continued problems with parent–
to waitlist controls. child relationships, whereas treatment results in
Another study investigated parental cogni- rectifying not only sleep but also improving family
tions around sleep (Hall et al., 2006). They used relationships.
the Maternal Cognitions about Infant Sleep Scale
(MCISQ) within a pre–post design of a group inter- Parent
vention. At 6-week follow-up they found significant As with the child outcomes previously dis-
improvements in parental cognitions regarding limit cussed, all studies reported here found significant
setting around infant sleep, feeding at night, anger improvements in child sleep, although results are
about infant sleep, and doubts about handling infant not presented. When the child’s sleep improves via
sleep. At 16 weeks, however, the parents unexpect- a behavioral intervention, studies demonstrate that
edly had a significant increase in anger around their aspects of parent sleep improve as well. The forth-
infant’s sleep. The authors’ potential explanation is coming sections review the impact of sleep-related
that parents initially experienced an improvement, behavioral interventions on parent sleep and health,
which they thought would be a “magic bullet” for parent well-being, and parent mood and mental
their child’s sleep and behavior. At 16 weeks new health.
problems may have emerged, such as teething,
which interfered with the child’s sleep. Parent Sleep and Health
Maternal competence has also been assessed. A child’s sleep problem clearly impacts domains
Wolfson, Lacks, and Futterman (1992) found that of parent sleep and health including duration, fre-
an intervention consisting of two prenatal and two quency of night wakings, sleepiness, fatigue, and
postnatal sessions resulted in higher parental efficacy general health. Thome and Skuladottir (2005)
scores for the intervention group as compared with looked at both mothers’ and fathers’ responses to an
controls. From the prenatal period to the follow-up inpatient intervention for infants ages 6–23 months
period, both the control and intervention groups who were hospitalized for sleep problems in
significantly increased their sense of competence. Australia. Pediatric nurses, who met with the fami-
Mindell et al.’s (2011a) study of an Internet-based lies 2–4 hours per night for 4 nights, carried out the
intervention also found a significant increase in behaviorally based intervention. The parents left the
maternal confidence from baseline to week 2 and hospital each night while the infants stayed. They
from week 2 to week 3. At 1-year follow-up, mater- found decreased fatigue and stress related to fatigue
nal confidence was still significantly improved as compared to baseline in both mothers and fathers
compared to baseline, though in the Internet-plus- 2 months following this inpatient intervention.
routine group this improvement was not as large as The majority of other studies in this area have
it was at week 3 (Mindell et al., 2011b). assessed outpatient interventions. One study of

m o o re, m i n d el l 551
39 families pre- and post-intervention included intervention groups (ES = 0.51). One-year follow-up
group education, phone calls, and completion of of this same cohort found improvements as com-
sleep charts, and found significant improvements in pared to baseline, but these improvements were not
parent self-reported sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep as high as at week 3 (Mindell et al., 2011b).
Quality Index, PSQI) and a reduction in fatigue via Only one study utilized actigraphy for estimat-
the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue Scale ing maternal sleep outcomes. Stremler et al. (2006)
(MAF), but not on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale investigated a 45-minute behavioral/educational
(Hall et al., 2006). A Swedish study of 95 children intervention delivered by a nurse in a hospital post-
(ages 4–45 months) divided the intervention into partum unit to 15 first-time mothers. In addition
two steps: bedtime behavior (step 1) and night wak- to the meeting, participants were provided with a
ings (step two). Both mothers and fathers reported booklet reviewing this information and with weekly
being less tired as early as 2 weeks after the first step phone contact to reinforce the information and
(Eckerberg, 2004). Mindell and Durand (1993) problem-solve. At 6 weeks postpartum, the moth-
found significant improvements in maternal and ers in the intervention group averaged 57 minutes
paternal sleep following an intervention with six more nighttime sleep than controls (433 vs. 376
children including implementing a bedtime rou- minutes) via actigraphy. Additionally, significantly
tine and graduated extinction. First, participants fewer rated their sleep as problematic on the General
received treatment for bedtime problems and then Sleep Disturbance Scale as compared with controls.
night wakings were addressed. Five families received Many other variables were studied, including noc-
one session and one family received two sessions. turnal awakenings, longest nocturnal sleep period,
All of the mothers reported night wakings (aver- daytime sleep, fatigue, and bed sharing, and none
age of 1.38 per night), and these were significantly of these yielded significant differences.
decreased following treatment and sustained at The studies reviewed here demonstrate that
1-month follow up. No significant change was found improvements in children’s sleep via behavioral
in mothers’ sleep onset latency or total duration of interventions relate to improvements in parent
nighttime sleep. Fathers’ number of night wakings sleep including longer sleep duration, fewer night
was also significantly reduced, but there was little wakings and sleep problems, and better overall sleep
improvement in duration of night wakings, sleep quality, although potentially not to parents’ general
onset latency, or nighttime sleep duration. health.
Randomized trials include Hiscock et al.’s (2007)
infant sleep intervention including extinction and Parental Well-Being
found that fewer mothers in the intervention group Indicators of parental well-being, including
reported poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep at distress, stress, and marital satisfaction, are com-
both 10 and 12 months compared to the control mon parental outcome measures in studies of child
group. An unexpected finding was that with regard behavioral sleep interventions and generally improve
to physical health on the SF-12, the groups were concurrent with improvements in children’s sleep.
the same at 10 months but intervention mothers Both total stress and “role restriction” (e.g., not
had poorer health at 12 months. A behaviorally having time for oneself, feelings of restraint) were
based Internet intervention designed to improve reduced in a Swedish study following improvements
infant and toddler sleep (Mindell et al., 2011a) in a in the sleep of 4–45-month-olds (Eckerberg, 2004).
nonclinical population randomly assigned 264 par- Similarly, a study (Reid et al., 1999) of 16–48-
ticipants to an Internet intervention alone, Internet month-olds with sleep problems randomly assigned
intervention plus a prescribed bedtime routine, or to standard extinction (n = 16), graduated extinction
a control group. The investigators found signifi- (n = 17), or an age- and sex-matched control group
cant improvements for both intervention groups in (n = 16), found that for both intervention groups,
maternal sleep, including sleep onset latency, dura- parenting-related distress was significantly reduced
tion, sleep efficiency, and total sleep quality as mea- post-intervention as compared to waitlist controls.
sured by the PSQI. No changes in bedtime or wake Thome and Skuladottir (2005), in their previously
time were found. Mothers in the control group described inpatient intervention, found that 83%
were also found to have fewer night wakings and of parents in the study reported reduced distress (as
improved global sleep quality at week 3 compared measured by a composite construct including par-
to baseline, though the effect sizes were smaller for enting stress, symptoms of depression and anxiety,
the control group (ES = 0.27) as compared with the and fatigue and stress regarding fatigue) at 2-month

5 52 im pac t of behavioral intervent i o n s fo r s eco n d a ry o utco m es

follow-up. Specifically, they found a reduction in expanded this approach to six children with similar
parenting stress for both mothers and fathers on the findings (Mindell & Durand, 1993). Though the
Parenting Stress Index (PSI). parents did not report significant marital distress at
Wolfson and colleagues (1992) also assessed baseline, significant increases in marital satisfaction
parental stress as a secondary outcome to behavioral were found.
intervention. They randomly assigned first-time In sum, the studies reviewed found increases in
parents to a 4-session training group (2 sessions parental sleep and well-being, decreases in stress,
prenatally, 2 booster sessions when the infants were and increased marital satisfaction. Thus, interven-
“settling age”) or a control group. Mothers’ and tions for pediatric sleep issues result not only in
fathers’ stress and marital satisfaction were mea- improved sleep for the child but also subsequent
sured via the Hassles and Uplifts Scale. While both improvements in parental well-being, including
groups reported increased hassles from the prena- not only sleep but other general measures of well-
tal time point to post-birth, only the control group being.
demonstrated a statistically significant increase. No
significant increases were found in uplifts. Parent Mood and Mental Health
Parental emotional state and marital satisfac- While not studied as often as parental well-
tion have also been assessed. A study of 31 children being or distress, parent mental health (specifically
(ages 9 months to 3.5 years) referred for bedtime symptoms of anxiety and depression) has also been
problems and/or frequent wakings utilized an indi- shown to improve with improvements in child sleep,
vidualized behaviorally based program (Pritchard & especially for mothers who have more symptoms at
Appleton, 1988). Health visitors visited the families baseline. A study (Hiscock & Wake, 2002) inves-
every 2–3 days for 3 weeks in one group, and in tigating the impact of a 3-session infant sleep
the second group families were seen only at week 3. intervention including graduated extinction found
There were no differences between the groups on improvements in depression via the Edinburgh
any of the outcome measures, and they were com- Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) for all mothers
bined for the analyses. Maternal emotional state at 2-month and 4-month follow-up, with greater
as measured by the General Health Questionnaire improvement in the intervention group. When
was significantly improved from baseline to the end looking more specifically at baseline scores, the
of the 3-week intervention. At 3 months, moth- mothers who met criteria for depression (EPDS ≥
ers’ emotional state was also significantly improved 10) experienced significantly greater improvements
from baseline, though slightly poorer compared to than those who were less depressed. In fact, control-
3 weeks post-intervention. ling for other professional services and other factors
With regard to the parental relationship, a South typically associated with depression, the only factor
African study of 20 families (Leeson, Barbour, that predicted an increase in depressive symptoms
Romaniuk, & Warr, 1994) found that 68% of par- was the persistence of the infant’s sleep problem.
ents reported that their relationship was “better” or A similar intervention (Hiscock et al., 2007) again
“much better” 1 month after a residential behavioral found significant improvements in EPDS scores for
sleep intervention for their 8–12-month-old infants; mothers in the intervention group compared to
32% reported it was the same, and none reported it controls, but this improvement was most significant
was worse. A study of 36 toddlers and preschoolers in those with baseline scores ≥ 10. Mothers in the
(Adams & Rickert, 1989) who were assigned to a intervention group also had higher mental health
positive routines intervention, a graduated extinc- scores at both 10 and 12 months on the SF-12 (indi-
tion intervention, or a control group found that cating better mental health) post-intervention when
parents in the positive routines group reported a compared with controls. This research group has
significant positive change in marital satisfaction on conducted the only studies investigating the long-
the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). They attrib- term effects of infant behavioral sleep interventions.
uted this improvement to less family stress and more At 2 years of age (Hiscock et al., 2008) the odds
time spent together. Finally, Durand and Mindell’s of reporting depressive symptoms was 59% lower
(1990) single case design of a behavioral sleep for mothers in the intervention group as compared
intervention with a 14-month-old found increased to controls. When the children were age 6 years,
maternal and paternal marital satisfaction on the there were no differences between the intervention
DAS, and this improvement was concurrent with group and controls (Price et al., 2010) with regard
improvements in the child’s sleep. The investigators to maternal depression. This latter finding was

m o o re, m i n d el l 553
interpreted by the researchers as implying no long- vigor, and confusion. Mothers of toddlers signifi-
term negative effects of behavioral interventions cantly improved on tension, anger, fatigue, and
that occurred during infancy. The Swedish study confusion.
previously mentioned also found both mothers and Matthey and Speyer (2008) studied 116 mothers
fathers to be significantly happier, more hopeful, in Australia who were recruited following admission
and less depressed 2 weeks after the intervention for a 5-day inpatient stay for infant sleep problems.
(Eckerberg, 2004). Of note, prior to the interven- In addition to education about infant sleep and par-
tion mothers reported feeling more depressed, tired, enting support, nursing staff encouraged “progres-
and discouraged than fathers, and after the interven- sive waiting,” a strategy similar to controlled crying
tion there was no difference between mothers and or graduated extinction but with a quicker response
fathers. These improvements were stable at 3-month time. Following the intervention, mothers had sig-
follow up. Similarly, France and colleagues (1991) nificantly improved with regard to symptoms of anx-
studied mothers of 35 children (ages 7–27 months) iety and depression as measured by the Edinburgh
using extinction (n = 13), extinction plus a placebo Postnatal Depression Scale and the Hospital Anxiety
(n = 12), or extinction plus medication (n = 10) for and Depression Scale (HADS) anxiety subscale. Of
infant night wakings. One week post-intervention, the 55% who had clinically significant scores on
the mothers in the intervention groups were signifi- either the EPDS or the HADS anxiety subscale at
cantly less anxious. Interestingly, fathers were not baseline, more than half had recovered at 5 weeks
significantly anxious at baseline and there were no post-discharge and this improvement was stable at
significant differences in anxiety post-intervention. 4 months.
At least one single case study (Durand & Other studies conducted in other countries uti-
Mindell, 1990) of a 14-month-old found improve- lizing a residential model have also noted signifi-
ments in both maternal and paternal depressive cant improvements in parental outcomes. A South
symptoms on the Beck Depression Inventory African study involving a residential 4-night inter-
(BDI) that occurred following decreases in the vention (Leeson et al., 1994) followed 23 infants
child’s night wakings. Similarly, the same investi- (ages 8–12 months) and their families and found a
gators in a multiple baseline study of six children decrease in depressive symptoms (via the CES-D)
found significant improvements in both maternal at 1-month follow-up as compared to baseline for
and paternal depressive symptoms on the BDI, both mothers and fathers. Another study utilizing
even though the parents had not been clinically the CES-D found decreases in depressive symptoms
depressed (Mindell & Durand, 1993). for mothers, but not for fathers, following a group
Even a behavioral sleep intervention as simple sleep intervention for 6–12-month-old infants, with
as instituting a bedtime routine has been found follow-up phone calls (Hall et al, 2006). Thome
to improve maternal mood. In one study of both and Skuladottir’s (2005) inpatient intervention
infants and toddlers, mothers were randomly at an Icelandic hospital found parents’ depressive
assigned to an intervention group (3-step bedtime symptoms (as measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal
routine for 2 weeks) or a control group (Mindell, Depression Scale) and symptoms of anxiety (mea-
Telofski, Wiegand, & Kurtz, 2009). Following 1 sured by the State Trait Anxiety Inventory) were at
week of baseline data collection, mothers of inter- clinically elevated levels prior to the intervention. In
vention infants (n = 134) were told to give their their pre–post design previously described, parents
baby a bath, a massage, and quiet activities (lullaby, demonstrated significant improvement 2 months
cuddle, sing) with lights out within 30 minutes of post-intervention, with the participants returning
the end of the bath. The infants were then put to bed to nonclinical levels on both measures.
as usual. Intervention toddlers (n = 133) received Contrary to the previously reviewed studies, one
the same intervention with the exception of the study (Stremler et al., 2006) did not find any change
massage, which was replaced by putting on of in maternal depression (via the Edinburgh Postnatal
lotion. Improvements in maternal mood (Profile of Depression Scale) or anxiety (via the State Trait
Moods Scale) were found for both the infant and Anxiety Inventory) following a sleep intervention
toddler intervention groups from baseline to both as compared to controls. Thirty mothers and their
week 2 and week 3, while no changes were noted newborn infants from a postpartum unit were ran-
in the mothers in the control groups. Significant domized to either an intervention (n = 15) or con-
improvements for mothers of infants were found trol group (n = 15). The sleep intervention involved
on all subscales: tension, depression, anger, fatigue, an individual meeting where sleep was discussed in

5 54 im pac t of behavioral intervent i o n s fo r s eco n d a ry o utco m es

addition to provision of an 11-page booklet about (Reed et al., 2009) of 20 children with ASDs (ages
infant sleep. Families were called each week for 5 3–10 years), whose parents attended a 3-part work-
weeks post-discharge to discuss sleep difficulties. shop on treatment of sleep issues, found significant
The control group was given individual information improvements in hyperactivity and self-stimulatory
about maternal sleep hygiene and basic information behavior subscales as measured by the Parental
about infant sleep, and a 1-page handout review- Concerns Questionnaire (13 total subscales), in
ing this information. They were also called at weeks addition to significant improvements in sleep. On
3 and 5 post discharge. Though the infants in the the Repetitive Behavior Scale, the restricted behav-
intervention group had improved sleep at 6 weeks, ior scale total score improved with treatment, with-
there was no difference between groups on mater- out significant improvement in the total score or the
nal depression or anxiety. This result may be due to other 5 subscale scores.
the fact that the intervention was conducted during Regarding parent outcomes of behavioral
the newborn period, prior to the entrainment of the sleep interventions for children with ASDs, Reed
infants’ circadian rhythm. et al. (2009) conducted an intervention (three
The data from multiple studies show that not 2-hour intervention sessions focusing on educa-
only do behavioral sleep interventions improve sec- tion) with parents of 20 children with autism (ages
ondary outcomes in children, but they also lead to 3–10 years). No improvements in parenting stress,
positive outcomes in parents. As might be expected, parental distress, or parent–child interactions were
improvements in children’s sleep relate to improve- found despite improvements in the children’s sleep
ments in parent sleep (duration, quality, and night and daytime behavior.
wakings). In addition, better child sleep relates to Although not limited to children with autism,
improved parental well-being, decreased stress, Wiggs and Stores (2001) conducted a randomized
increased marital satisfaction, and better mood and controlled trial of a behavioral sleep intervention in
mental health. It is likely that the positive effects 15 children with severe intellectual disabilities com-
of improving children’s sleep lead not only to bet- pared with 15 controls. This intervention was based
ter parent health and functioning but also to better on a functional analysis of the sleep problem and was
parenting. tailored to the family using a variety of behavioral
techniques (e.g., extinction, positive reinforcement,
Special Populations and stimulus control). Compared with controls,
While sleep disturbances are common in typi- mothers had significantly reduced stress (Malaise
cally developing children, children with conditions Inventory), increased satisfaction with their own
such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and sleep (on a Likert scale asking about sleep satisfac-
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tion), and increased ability to cope with their child’s
are at increased risk for problems with sleep. Thus, sleep (Internality/Externality Control Scale). Fathers
investigating child and parent outcomes of inter- demonstrated increased satisfaction with their own
ventions to improve sleep in children with ASDs sleep, though they reported feeling less control over
and ADHD is critical. their child’s sleep (visual analog scale asking about
perceived control of the child’s sleep problem)
Autism following the intervention. Maternal sleepiness
Though behavioral interventions may be less (Epworth Sleepiness Scale) and maternal perception
well-studied, more difficult to implement, and of control over their child’s sleep improved in both
offered less frequently than medications, parents the intervention and control groups.
of children with ASDs prefer behavioral interven-
tions to sleep medications (Stores & Wiggs, 1998; ADHD
Wiggs & Stores, 1999). One study evaluated the Even fewer studies have been conducted on
efficacy of faded bedtime with response cost, com- behavioral interventions for sleep problems in
bined with positive reinforcement, in three chil- children with ADHD, with minimal assessment
dren with ASD (Moon, Corkum, & Smith, 2011). of other outcomes beyond sleep. There has been
Sleep onset latency improved in all cases during one recent randomized control trial of behavioral
treatment and 12 weeks later. Daytime behavior intervention for 27 children (ages 5–14 years) that
as measured by the CBCL improved, with scores found minimal change in ADHD symptom scores
moving from borderline clinical range to average from baseline to 5-month post-treatment follow-
range in two of the three children. Another study ing either a brief or extended treatment of sleep

m o o re, m i n d el l 555
issues (Sciberras, Fulton, Efron, Oberklaid, & With regard to negative effects of behavioral
Hiscock, 2011). sleep interventions on parents, no systematic con-
Parent outcomes have only been studied in clusions can be drawn, as the negative findings are
one small pilot study of children (ages 5–14) with inconsistent across studies. The only study to spe-
ADHD. A brief behavioral sleep intervention (1 cifically investigate negative parent outcomes of
session, n = 13) was compared to an extended ses- a behavioral intervention found that parents did
sion (2–3 sessions, n = 14). While both interven- not become more anxious from implementing the
tions improved the child’s sleep, only the extended intervention (France et al., 1991), even when using
intervention resulted in improvements in parent standard extinction. Hiscock et al. (2007) found
anxiety at 5 months and better work attendance at that with regard to physical health on the SF-12,
2 months post-intervention (Sciberras et al., 2011). the intervention mothers had slightly poorer health
at 12 months as compared to controls. This find-
Negative Effects ing was thought to be unrelated to the intervention.
There have been very few studies that have spe- Hall et al. (2006) found at 16 weeks post-interven-
cifically investigated the negative side effects of tion that parents unexpectedly had a significant
behavioral sleep interventions. No studies in this increase in cognitions relating to anger around their
review had a priori hypotheses that negative effects infants’ sleep, although earlier follow-up time points
of behavioral sleep interventions would be found; found an improvement. As previously mentioned,
however, all studies presented here assessed for the authors suggest the parents may have thought
potential negative secondary outcomes using the the improvement in their child’s sleep was a “magic
measures described. Sanders, Bor, and Dadds (1984) bullet” and that further disruptions in the child’s
treated four children (ages 2–5 years) for bedtime sleep due to such issues as teething, illness, and
difficulties, utilizing a planned bedtime cue, planned family stress were unexpected. Finally, Wiggs and
ignoring, time out, and rewards for not waking dur- Stores (2001) found that fathers of children with
ing the night. Based on the Child Behavior Problem severe intellectual disabilities reported feeling less
Checklist, three of four children had a reduction in control over their child’s sleep (visual analog scale
problem behaviors in the home and community set- asking about perceived control of the child’s sleep
ting, with one child having a slight increase in the problem) following the intervention.
number of problem behaviors in the community
but not at home. France (1992; 1991) specifically Conclusion
looked at negative effects of behavioral interven- While it is clear that behavioral interventions
tions in 35 infants (ages 6–24 months) treated with are effective at increasing sleep duration, decreasing
extinction compared with 13 untreated and 15 nor- night wakings, and decreasing bedtime problems in
mal sleep controls. Negative impact was assessed in young children, such interventions also positively
terms of security (Flint Security Scale) and behavior impact multiple other domains of child and par-
(Child Behavior Characteristics Scale). Improved ent functioning. Overall, looking at the literature
security scores were found for the treatment group, in its entirety (e.g., 35 studies that measured sec-
with no similar change in the two control groups. ondary outcomes), almost every study found sig-
For behavior, there were no changes in the two con- nificant improvements rather than negative effects.
trol groups but a significant improvement for the Furthermore, in certain domains (e.g., depression,
intervention group both at the end of treatment infant security) the research to date indicates that
and at follow-up (up to 18 months). Thus, this those with more symptoms or more problematic
study did not find any negative effects, but rather relationships prior to the intervention improve the
that infants were more secure, less emotional/tense, most across all domains. In other domains (marital
and more likeable after treatment. Eckerberg (2004) satisfaction), it may be that even those who do not
similarly aimed to investigate potential negative report significant dissatisfaction at baseline expe-
effects of sleep training, given the claim of harm- rience improvements post-intervention. In sum,
ful effects. However, in their study of 95 families while parents and practitioners may be concerned
they also found positive effects on daytime behav- about the implications of behavioral approaches to
ior and family well-being as early as 2 weeks after childhood sleep problems, few if any negative effects
implementation of the intervention, again refuting were uncovered in this systematic review. In terms
claims that behavioral treatments are detrimental to of child and child–parent relationship factors, there
children. were no negative outcomes described immediately

5 56 im pac t of behavioral intervent i o n s fo r s eco n d a ry o utco m es

post-intervention or at long-term follow-up. The Durand, V. M., & Mindell, J. A. (1990). Behavioral treatment
only parental negative effects (increased cognitions of multiple childhood sleep disorders. Effects on child and
family. Behavior Modification, 14(1), 37–49.
about anger related to infant sleep, longer-term Eckerberg, B. (2004). Treatment of sleep problems in fami-
maternal health, and decreased paternal control) lies with young children: Effects of treatment on family
described across the plethora of studies conducted well-being. Acta Paediatrica, 93(1), 126–134.
were inconsistent and, in fact, none of the negative Fallone, G., Acebo, C., Seifer, R., & Carskadon, M. A. (2005).
effects were replicated in any other study. Given the Experimental restriction of sleep opportunity in children:
Effects on teacher ratings. Sleep, 28(12), 1279–1285.
solid foundation of evidence, it is clear that improv- Fisher, J., Feekery, C., & Rowe, H. (2004). Treatment of mater-
ing child sleep via behavioral interventions has wide- nal mood disorder and infant behaviour disturbance in
spread positive effects on the child and the family. an Australian private mothercraft unit: a follow-up study.
Furthermore, as previously stated, not intervening Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 7(1), 89–93.
may actually result in more negative outcomes for France, K. G., Blampied, N. M., & Wilkinson, P. (1991).
Treatment of infant sleep disturbance by trimeprazine in
children and their relationships with their parents. combination with extinction. Journal of Developmental and
Behavioral Pediatrics, 12(5), 308–314.
Future Directions France, K. G. (1992). Behavior characteristics and security in
Studies, as noted above, have primarily assessed sleep-disturbed infants treated with extinction. Journal of
longer-term outcomes in children, whether weeks Pediatric Psychology, 17(4), 467–475.
or months or later. No studies to date, though, Hall, W. A., Clauson, M., Carty, E. M., Janssen, P. A., &
Saunders, R. A. (2006). Effects on parents of an interven-
have assessed immediate outcomes. That is, does tion to resolve infant behavioral sleep problems. Pediatric
sleep training on a given night result in nega- Nursing, 32(3), 243–250.
tive outcomes the next day or next several days. Hart, C. N., Cairns, A., & Jelalian, E. (2011). Sleep and obesity in
However, although studies specifically designed to children and adolescents. Pediatric Clinics of North America,
measure negative outcomes, such as the one just 58(3), 715–733.
Hiscock, H., & Wake, M. (2002). Randomised controlled trial of
described, may seem to be a logical next step, given behavioural infant sleep intervention to improve infant sleep
the existing evidence it would be difficult to gen- and maternal mood. British Medical Journal, 324(7345),
erate a priori hypotheses that sleep interventions 1062–1065.
have any negative effects. A different future direc- Hiscock, H., Bayer, J., Gold, L., Hampton, A., Ukoumunne,
tion is to conduct a meta-analysis across all inter- O. C., & Wake, M. (2007). Improving infant sleep and
maternal mental health: A cluster randomised trial. Archives
vention studies, as is currently being conducted by of Disease in Childhood, 92(11), 952–958.
the authors, which will provide objective evidence Hiscock, H., Bayer, J. K., Hampton, A., Ukoumunne, O. C., &
to the strength of these behavioral interventions as Wake, M. (2008). Long-term mother and child mental
well as the lack of harm to children and families. health effects of a population-based infant sleep interven-
Furthermore, the results of such analysis may show tion: cluster-randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics, 122(3),
that not only are these interventions not harmful, Kataria, S., Swanson, M. S., & Trevathan, G. E. (1987).
but that they actually lead to overall improvements Persistence of sleep disturbances in preschool children.
across multiple child and family domains. In addi- Behavioral Pediatrics, 110, 642–646.
tion, as is evidenced by the few studies conducted Leeson, R., Barbour, J., Romaniuk, D., & Warr, R. (1994).
with children with special needs, more studies of Management of inflant sleep problems in a residential unit.
Child: Care, Health and Development, 20, 89–100.
behavioral interventions for sleep issues in children Liu, X., Liu, L., Owens, J. A., & Kaplan, D. L. (2005). Sleep
with autism, ADHD, obesity, and other chronic patterns and sleep problems among schoolchildren in the
conditions are needed. United States and China. Pediatrics, 115(1), 241–249.
Matthey, S., & Speyer, J. (2008). Changes in unsettled infant
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5 58 im pac t of behavioral intervent i o n s fo r s eco n d a ry o utco m es


Systematic Strategies: Case of

38 School Start Times

Rhoda Au, Erica R. Appleman, and Karina Stavitsky

Insufficient sleep in adolescents is widely regarded as a public health concern that can negatively affect
students’ academic achievement, as well as impact physical and emotional wellbeing. While a num-
ber of social and biological dynamics contribute to sleep deprivation in this population, research is
increasingly pointing to early school start times as a significant modifiable factor. The consensus across
researchers is that delaying school start times is an effective intervention in successfully attenuating
sleep deprivation and may foster positive benefits for physical and mental health, student safety, and
academic performance. Despite compelling results, the issue remains emotionally and politically con-
tentious, with both pragmatic considerations and passionately held beliefs acting as barriers to change.
Future research is needed to dispel myths and provide sufficient objective data to elucidate the ben-
efits of later start times for both students and communities.
Key Words: school start times, sleep deprivation, sleep patterns, adolescents, education

Introduction may exacerbate the challenge of adolescents obtain-

While the developmental process during child- ing the needed amount of sleep on school nights
hood and adolescence is defined by biological (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998).
change, daily life is more fixed, structured in large Within the United States there is, however, a ris-
part by the ubiquitous school schedule. Although ing trend of school leaders and the lay community
schools within the United States and throughout recognizing that school start times are contributing
the world differ in many ways, the vast majority of to the documented sleep deprivation of adolescents
schools follow a highly choreographed schedule of across the country and, as a result, schools have
activities determined by a specific start time. A num- begun to consider implementing changes to their
ber of financial and logistical factors are involved schedule (Kirby, Maggi, & D’Angiulli, 2011). Calls
in determining school start times, with many dis- to change school start times often ignite a firestorm
tricts having their high schools start the earliest. of emotions both within the school system and the
Empirical data often plays an underrepresented role community it serves, which has brought to light seri-
in school start-time decisions, even though research ous barriers to enacting change. Despite the inex-
has indicated that adolescents biologically need plicable turmoil that frequently ensues, a growing
approximately 9.25 hours of sleep a night, which is number of schools have successfully implemented
consistently not being met (Wolfson & Carskadon, later middle school and high school start times, and
1998; National Sleep Foundation, 2006). Studies the evidence supportive of these changes is consis-
have further indicated that early school start times tently growing (Kirby, Maggi & D’Angiulli, 2011).

Yet, even with the growing amount of research tout- students surveyed in Rhode Island was only 7 hours,
ing the benefits of later start times, public opinion 20 minutes (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998). Further,
remains divided on the plausibility and need for the problems of sleep deprivation appear to extend
change. Thus, as researchers continue to build the to the college years, with reports from students of
case for later school start times for adolescents, the excessive daytime sleepiness (Wolfson, 2010).
question is not if schools should change their start One factor that accounts for the diminishing
times but whether proponents of this change can amount of sleep is that as students go through
overcome the numerous competing fiscal, logistical, the adolescent years, they report increasingly later
and psychological factors. bedtimes. Within the Rhode Island sample, 45%
of 10th–12th-graders reported going to bed after
Adolescent Sleep Patterns and midnight on school nights; this number increased
Sleep Deprivation to 90% for weekend nights (Wolfson & Carskadon,
The biological evidence is clear that an individ- 1998). The gap between weekday and weekend total
ual’s sleep needs change significantly from infancy sleep time widens with increasing age, with a 30–60
through childhood and from adolescence to adult- minute differential in 10–14 year olds to over 2
hood (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998). It was once extra weekend hours in 18 year olds (Bearpark &
believed that children required fewer hours of sleep Michie, 1987; Petta, Carskadon & Dement, 1984;
as they progressed through puberty, and that by their Strauch & Meier, 1988). The students surveyed in
late teens they needed equal amounts of sleep as the Rhode Island study reported weekend bedtimes
adults (Carskadon, Harvey, Duke, Anders, Litt, & that were 2 hours later than weeknight bedtimes,
Dement, 1980). In 1980, Carskadon and colleagues with weekend wake-up times up to 3.5 hours later
conducted the first study to refute this commonly than weekdays (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998).
held belief. As discussed at length in Carksadon’s This research provides evidence that adolescents
chapter in this volume (Carskadon and Tarokh, are attempting to recuperate from weeknight sleep
Chapter 8), they conducted a 6-year longitudinal deprivation through increased weekend sleep, which
study that demonstrated adolescents’ biological is counter to the recommendation that sleep/wake
need for 9.2 hours of sleep across the entire puber- cycles should remain consistent throughout the
tal stage, substantially more time than the 8 hours week to maximize the restorative benefits of sleep
recommended for adults (Carskadon et al., 1980). (Dahl & Carskadon, 1995; Dahl & Lewin, 2002).
Additional research has confirmed these findings in Other social and environmental factors have been
both the United States (Mercer, Merritt, & Cowell, implicated in the increasingly late bedtimes for ado-
1998) and across 11 European countries (Tynjala, lescents. These include decreased parental regulation
Kannas, & Valimaa, 1993). such as enforced bedtimes, increased scholastic and
Since the seminal Carskadon study, subsequent extracurricular demands, part-time employment,
investigations have consistently demonstrated that use of caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs, increased
adolescents are not getting enough sleep on school participation in later night social engagement and
days (Carskadon, 1990; Eaton, McKnight-Eily, activities, and most recently use of technology that
Lowry, Perry, Presley-Cantrell, & Croft, 2010; further exacerbates the problem of late-night social
Hansen, Janssen, Schiff, Zee, & Dubocovich, interactions (Carskadon, Wolfson, Tzischinsky, &
2005). Total reported sleep time of children reli- Acebo, 1995; Wolfson, 2002; Calamaro, Mason, &
ably decreases with age, with high school students Ratcliffe, 2009).
reporting significantly shorter total sleep times than Consistent sleep deprivation on school nights leads
younger children. Sleep times are found to dwindle to the development of significant sleep debt during
from 10 hours in middle childhood to less than the week, measured as lengthening of weekend sleep
7.5–8 hours by age 16 (Allen, 1992; Carskadon, durations, as students try to make up for insufficient
1982, 1990; Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998); National sleep during the weekdays. Research indicates that
Sleep Foundation, 2006; Au, 2010). In their large- extra sleep on the weekend cannot solely make up for
scale survey of 1602 adolescents, the 2006 Sleep in reduced sleep during the week (Petta, Carskadon, &
America poll reported that respondents were getting Dement, 1984). But advocating for earlier bedtimes
an average of 7.6 hours of sleep per night, well short to combat sleep deprivation is not a feasible solu-
of the 9 recommended hours of sleep each night tion given the biological evidence that many teenag-
(National Sleep Foundation, 2006). Similarly, the ers are simply unable to fall asleep before 11:00 pm
average total sleep time for over 3000 high school or later (delayed sleep phase) due to developmental

5 60 syste matic s trateg ies : cas e of s c ho o l s ta rt t i m es

shifts in their melatonin levels, the hormone that (before 8:00 am) and late-starting (8:00 am and
regulates sleep/wake cycles. Thus, the compen- later) high schools. Early-starting schools main-
dium of scientific results supports Carskadon’s rec- tained their early status over the 20-year time period
ommendation that middle school and high school (Carskadon & Acebo, 1997). A sampling of 1996–
start times should occur after 8:00 am (Carskadon, 1997 school year schedules posted on the Internet
Acebo, Richardson, Tate, & Seifer, 1997; Wolfson, from 40 high schools throughout the United States
Spaulding, Dandrow, & Baroni, 2007). found that 48% had start times of 7:30 am or ear-
Researchers in other countries have also found lier, with only 12% starting between 8:15 am–8:55
evidence of sleep deprivation and its effects in their am (Wolfson, 2002). Another assessment of 50 high
respective adolescent populations. A survey of stu- schools from around the country for the 2001–2002
dents in a Japanese international school utilized the school year found 35% of schools posted start times
Epworth Sleepiness Scale and found that 25% of before 7:30 am and 16% between 8:15 am–8:55 am
students reported excessive daytime sleepiness (Ng, (Acebo & Wolfson, 2005).
Ng, & Chan, 2009). Further, sleep deprivation was In 2005, Wolfson and Carskadon conducted a
negatively associated with performance in math- comprehensive analysis of factors that contributed
ematics. Specific sleepiness variables, such as sleepi- significantly to the determination of high school
ness upon rising and sleepiness during third and start times and whether these times changed across
fourth lessons, were associated with poorer English the decades (Wolfson & Carskadon, 2005). Over
and Math grades. 4000 public high schools representing 10% of pub-
A survey including over 3000 Canadian high lic high schools in the United States were randomly
school students also utilized the Epworth Sleepiness selected from the National Center for Education
Scale and found that scores indicating greater sleep- Statistics’ online database and asked to complete a
iness were associated with students reporting falling brief survey regarding the pattern of school sched-
grades, being late for school, being extremely sleepy ules and student demographics. Additionally,
in school, and participating in fewer extracurricular schools were asked about whether or not they had
activities (Gibson et al., 2006). A group of Korean considered changing the school start times and
students in grades 5 through 12 were administered perceived barriers to making the change. The final
the School Sleep Habits Survey, a modified version data set yielded information from 345 schools, for
of Wolfson and Carskadon’s (1998) instrument, and academic years 1986–1987 through 2001–2002.
results showed similar patterns to American ado- Results indicated that school start and end times
lescent sleep habits, including increasing bedtimes remained stable across this 15-year time span.
with age and profound sleep deprivation on school Factors associated with earlier start times were
nights (Yang, Kim, Patel, & Lee, 2005). Early higher socioeconomic status, urban environment,
school start time was one of the most commonly and larger student populations with busing systems
cited reasons for sleep deprivation for students in that operate multiple routes at different times each
10th, 11th, and 12th grades. day (Wolfson & Carskadon, 2005).
These international studies agree largely with
those of the United States, and indicate that the Research on Delayed High School
problem of sleep deprivation is epidemic across the Start Times
world. The implications are generations of students Since the 1990s, researchers have examined the
not being permitted to achieve their full academic, effects of school start times on measures of sleepiness
physical, and mental health potential. and academic performance. Dexter and colleagues
(2003) compared high school students in early-
Early High School Start Times: starting (7:50 am) versus late-starting (8:35 am)
Decades of Precedence schools and reported reduced total sleep time and
Little research exists to explain why high schools increased daytime sleepiness based on the Epworth
historically start earliest, followed by middle schools Sleepiness Scale. Allen and colleagues have demon-
or junior high schools, and why elementary schools strated that students from early-starting compared
traditionally start the latest (Wolfson & Carskadon, to late-starting schools reported shorter sleep times
2005). High school start times across the United and a longer sleep phase delay (Allen, 1991). A fol-
States have been informally and formally surveyed low-up study indicated that students at an earlier-
on several occasions in recent years. One pilot study starting school (7:40 am) slept less on weeknights
compared data from 1975–1996 for 59 early-starting and woke up later on weekends than students at a

au, a p p l em a n , s tav i ts k y 561

later-starting school (8:30 am; Allen, 1992). Later a start-time delay from 7:15 am to 8:40 am dur-
weekend bedtimes were associated with poorer ing the 1996–1997 school year in seven public high
grades in all students, with a higher percentage of schools within an urban district. The district enlisted
students with “average grades” reporting bedtimes the Center for Applied Research and Educational
after 2:30 am compared to students that reported Improvement (CAREI) in the College of Education
receiving the highest grades. Another investiga- and Human Development at the University of
tion examining early (7:20 am) versus late (9:30 Minnesota to oversee the data collection and analy-
am) starting schools found that students at both sis effort. The strength of the methodology was in its
schools reported similar bedtimes, but students at comprehensiveness, which included data from over
the earlier-starting schools had shorter total sleep 18,000 students spanning 2 years prior to and up to
times and more irregular sleep schedules, which 3 years after the delay in school start times. Measures
were also related to poorer grades (Kowalski & included both self-report outcomes (e.g., the norm-
Allen, 1995). A large sample of Rhode Island stu- referenced School Sleep Habits Survey), as well
dents who reported that they were failing or strug- as objective indices provided by the district, such
gling academically (receiving Cs, Ds, and Fs) also as grades and enrollment and attendance records.
reported later bedtimes, increased sleepiness, and Importantly, it focused on the effects of school start
more irregular sleep schedules than students who time changes on the community as a whole, analyz-
reported receiving higher grades (e.g., As and Bs; ing results from focus groups with students, teach-
Wolfson & Carskadon, 2003). ers, and other community members.
The first longitudinal study to examine the effect Self-reported sleep variables were assessed through
of school start times on sleep patterns in adoles- two administrations of the School Sleep Habits
cents did an initial evaluation of 9th-grade students Survey after the time change in year 1 (December
in a junior high with a start time of 8:25 am and 1997) and year 4 (January 2001). Additionally, a
repeated the examination when they were in 10th random sample of high school students from an
grade at a high school with a start time of 7:20 am anonymous but demographically similar district
(Carskadon, Wolfson, Acebo, Tzischinsky, & Seifer, with a school start time of 7:30 am was also sur-
1998). The study protocol included both actigra- veyed at both time points for comparison purposes.
phy and sleep diaries completed at home, as well Importantly, wake-up and bedtimes did not statis-
as 22-hour evaluations in the sleep laboratory with tically differ from 1997 to 2001. Students in the
saliva sampling, sleep monitoring, and the multiple urban Minneapolis high schools were documented
sleep latency test (MSLT). Results found that while to sleep an average of 1 hour more per night than
these students reported similar bed times in the 9th students from the district with a start time at 7:30
and 10th grades, they woke up earlier in 10th grade am in 1997, and this difference remained signifi-
to accommodate the earlier school start time and cant in year 4 after the change. This translates into
thus experienced shorter sleep durations. These stu- students in the Minneapolis high schools getting
dents were also found to have significantly greater 5 extra hours of sleep per week compared to students
daytime sleepiness as evidenced by results of the at the schools with an earlier start time. This finding
MSLT in 10th grade compared to when they were countered the concerns of parents at the outset of
in the 9th grade. For some students, sleepiness levels the study that later start times would lead to later
reached pathological levels similar to those suffering bedtimes in students; survey data obtained the year
from narcolepsy. following the change, as well as 4 years later, refuted
The groundbreaking prospective study examin- this belief.
ing effects of delaying school start times on school Other significant differences in survey responses
performance was conducted in the mid-1990s in were found for students with earlier versus later
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. Initial data were school start times. Students at the Minneapolis high
gathered from a suburban school district in Edina, schools reported less overall daytime sleepiness,
Minnesota, that delayed start times at their high more frequent alertness in class, and fewer feelings
school by 65 minutes (from 7:25 am to 8:30 am). of sleepiness while in class, during tests, and while
In comparison to the year before the change was completing homework. Additionally, students at
implemented, they found improved performance in later-starting schools noted fewer depressive feelings
attendance, mood, and academics. This initial study on a questionnaire querying their overall emotional
was expanded into the full-scale School Start Time state compared to students at schools with earlier
Study, with the goal of documenting the effects of start times (CAREI, 1998).

5 62 syste matic s trateg ies : cas e of s c ho o l s ta rt t i m es

Further analyses uncovered positive relation- high schools cited that they could not imagine
ships between later start times and student enroll- returning to the earlier start times and anecdotally
ment, attendance, and academic performance. The reported less sleepiness and morning stress. Reports
percentage of high school students who remained of negative consequences from the urban schools
continuously enrolled in the same school or same largely focused on the impact to athletics, in which
district increased significantly in the years follow- students occasionally were required to leave school
ing the time change. While students may elect to early in order to travel to competitions in neighbor-
change schools for a variety of reasons, the policy ing areas.
within this district mandated that students with The survey of teachers was particularly compre-
excessive tardiness to class be dropped from those hensive. Before the change, in 1996, 578 high school
classes, prompting students to switch schools to teachers in 17 suburban school districts responded to
avoid documentation of dropped classes on tran- a survey in which 64% classified between 8:00 and
scripts. The later school start time was postulated to 8:30 am as the optimal start time, despite the fact
contribute to decreased tardiness and subsequently that most were teaching in high schools that started
fewer students needing to switch schools to cover between 7:15 and 7:35 am. In a survey administered
up dropped classes. to the urban Minneapolis high school teachers after
Results concerning enrollment in a high–risk the start change, 57% reported more alert students
population were also encouraging. Although 9th– during the first two periods of the day and 51%
11th-graders who were continuously enrolled in the believed fewer students were sleeping at their desks.
same school for 2 or more years demonstrated high Teachers were, however, evenly divided on opinion
and relatively unchanged attendance rates before as to whether students were positive toward the
and after the change, a different pattern emerged for change and if it positively affected their teaching.
students with discontinuous enrollment. Students In contrast to urban teachers, those surveyed from
who moved between multiple high schools through- the suburban schools in Edina were nearly unani-
out their 4 years had increased attendance after the mous in the positive effects it had on their schools.
change in school start times, with the most signifi- Coaches’ responses were more variable, with some
cant gains seen in the 11th-graders. A gain in atten- vocal about their dislike for the change and its effect
dance rates for students in 12th grade, however, was on practice and travel, but a majority was supportive
not seen after the change in school start times. Since and believed students were more alert at the end of
many students in 12th grade are above the age of the day after the change. Despite the fact that some
mandatory school attendance, the greater variability programming was shortened and students returned
in attendance for this age may mask the more mod- home later than before the change, participation in
est gains attributable to school start times. extracurricular activities remained consistent across
Grades were a highly anticipated source of objec- the 4 years after the change.
tive data; however, results only indicated a trend A sample of eight high school principals in the
toward improved academic performance after the urban schools were interviewed and cited increased
time change. The study revealed a number of chal- calmness in their schools, with 5 of the 8 reporting
lenges to utilizing grades as an outcome measure, fewer disciplinary referrals. Seventeen school coun-
including difficulty of comparing courses, schedules, selors and three nurses in the urban schools were
and grading periods across various schools; student also interviewed and agreed with this assessment,
transience between schools; data entry errors on the reporting fewer students expressing problems with
part of school personnel; and missing data within peer or parent relationships. Reactions from par-
the recording system. ents in the urban schools were mixed during focus
Focus groups were also conducted with stu- groups, while suburban parents who completed
dents, and a number of other groups were also sur- written surveys were overwhelmingly positive, with
veyed and interviewed, including teachers, coaches, 93% reporting being “pleased” with the later start
administrators, principals, counselors, parents, and time for high school students. Both sets of parents
other members of the community. For comparison did indicate that their children were “easier to live
purposes, similar surveys and focus groups were with” after the change and that the morning house-
conducted with the suburban Edina schools that hold routine was positively impacted as well.
initially delayed their school start times. These inter- Since this set of studies in urban and suburban
views elucidated both negative and positive con- Minnesota, only a limited number of other pub-
sequences of the change. Students from the urban lished results exist that document the effects of

au, a p p l em a n , s tav i ts ky 563

changes in school start times, and no other stud- fatigue-related complaints; but medical and psycho-
ies examine changes on such a widespread scale. logical complaints did not differ between the two
However, a handful of more recent studies have survey time points.
reported similar findings within the past decade. Although the New England boarding school
Students at Wilton High School in Wilton, plans were for a temporary change in school start
Connecticut, were surveyed in 2001 and 2002 and time, there was an overwhelming consensus among
again in 2004 after a school start time change from teachers, parents, and students to make the delay in
7:35 am to 8:15 am (O’Malley & O’Malley, 2008). start time permanent. While this particular school
Average total sleep times increased by 34 minutes population is not typical of large urban school dis-
after the change. Although student bedtimes did tricts, results corroborated previous reports dem-
not change, additional sleep was gained from stu- onstrating that sleep deprivation problems are
dents being able to extend their morning sleep time. widespread and the start time solution can be ben-
These results suggested again that parental fears of eficial. While this study sample may not generalize
students delaying bedtimes due to later start times to those of public schools, the relative control this
were unfounded. While there was an overall reduc- school had over students’ sleep and wake schedules
tion in self-reported daytime sleepiness in students, provided useful insights.
one-third of students still frequently reported occa- Recent research suggests that the age range in
sional “problem sleepiness” even after the change, which sleep deprivation occurs among adolescents is
pointing to the magnitude of the sleep deprivation widening to include middle school–age students. A
problem in adolescent students. study of students from one early-starting (7:15 am)
In 2010, Owens and colleagues examined the and one late-starting (8:37 am) middle school
impact of a 30-minute start delay on sleep durations within the same public northeastern district found
of students attending a Rhode Island private board- that students at the late-starting school obtained
ing high school. Students were surveyed utilizing 50 more minutes of sleep each night (Wolfson,
the Sleep Habits Survey (Wolfson & Carskadon, Spaulding, Dandrow, & Baroni, 2007). Students
1998) both before and after a school start-time at the late-starting school reported wake times over
change from 8:00 to 8:30 am. Total average school 1 hour later than those at the early-starting school,
night sleep times increased 45 minutes, from 7 and also reported less sleepiness and tardiness than
hours 7 minutes to 7 hours 52 minutes. In addition students at the early-starting school.
to students sleeping later in the morning (6:54 am The issue of school start times and its role in
vs. 7:25 am), they also reported significantly earlier adolescent sleep deprivation is not limited to
bedtimes (11:39 pm vs. 11:21 pm). This finding research within the United States. A case con-
contrasts with reports from the Minnesota sample, trol study in Israel examined the effects of a
which found consistent bedtimes before and after temporary delay in school start times for middle
the change. Researchers postulated that results may school students on measures of attention (Lufi,
have been impacted by seasonal variations in bed- Tzischinsky & Hadar, 2011). Students in an
times and cited anecdotal reports from students that experimental group had school start times delayed
a heightened awareness of potential benefits from by one hour for one week and then reverted to
increased sleep may have been a motivating factor their original schedule for a second week, while
in changing sleep habits. Importantly, the percent- the control group remained at the original sched-
age of students reporting 8 or more hours of sleep ule for both weeks of the study. Students were
increased, from 16.4% to 54.7%, while the percent- assessed using measures of sustained attention at
age reporting less than 7 hours of sleep decreased the end of each week. All students were instructed
by 79.4%. to maintain the same bedtimes they were accus-
Additional self-reported survey results demon- tomed to before the change. Students wore acti-
strated that students felt less daytime sleepiness, graphs and kept sleep diaries throughout the two
feelings of fatigue, and depressed mood. The num- weeks of the study. Results demonstrated that stu-
ber of students requiring some type of assistance to dents in the experimental group slept an average
wake significantly decreased. Feelings of fatigue or of 55 minutes longer each night during the week
lack of motivation were also reported by fewer stu- of delayed school start time. Those students who
dents after the change. The Student Health Center slept longer demonstrated better performance on
documented that between the before and after sur- measures of attention, impulsivity, and perfor-
veys, fewer students came to the health center with mance rate on the sustained attention tasks.

5 64 syste matic s trateg ies : cas e of s c ho o l s ta rt t i m es

The previously described studies provide consis- hour of sleep missed. The hours immediately fol-
tent evidence that delaying school start times can lowing school release times have been found to have
lead to increased total sleep time for adolescents, the highest rates of juvenile delinquency (National
and counters the myth that later start times lead Archive of Criminal Justice Data, 2008). Thus, later
to later bedtimes. Changing school start times can release times may lead to some reduction in com-
also have a constructive influence on students’ aca- munity crime.
demic and emotional well-being, and does relatively Recent educational policy research has examined
quickly garner support from administrators, par- data surrounding school start times and academic
ents, teachers, and students. achievement in an attempt to construct a cost-bene-
While there is much consensus on the benefits fit ratio for later start times. In the Hamilton Report,
of delayed high school start times from a limited (Jacob & Rockoff, 2011) economists calculated a
number of research studies, analyses are based on 9:1 benefit to cost ratio for later start times. They
self-reported surveys, which carry inherent response utilized studies conducted by Carrell and colleagues
bias. The volatile nature of this issue also makes sys- (2011) and Edwards (2011) to show that delaying
tematic longitudinal studies difficult to conduct. start times by one hour could increase test scores
Lack of parental and school cooperation, scalabil- by an average of 0.175 standard deviations. Carrell
ity, and costs have been barriers to studies seeking and colleagues utilized first-year students in the Air
to use more objective assessments such as academic Force academy who have varying regimented sched-
performance or cognitive performance on neurop- ules and standardized assessment examinations and
sychological tests. found that students beginning classes before 8:00
am performed worse in all of their courses. A 1-hour
Additional Benefits of Later High School delay corresponded to a 0.5 standard deviation
Start Times increase in performance. Edwards (2011) exam-
Sleep deprivation in adolescents contributes to ined data for a number of schools with varying start
a range of negative outcomes that include poorer times in Wake County, North Carolina, and found
cognitive functioning, disruptive sleep patterns, and that variation in start times at schools over time
physical and mental health issues (Anderson, Petros, corresponded to a 2-point percentile gain in math
Beckwith, Mitchell, & Fritz, 1991; Dahl, 1996; and 1-point percentile gain in reading performance,
Carskadon, 1994; Wolfson & Carskadon, 1996; with increased benefits seen for disadvantaged stu-
Poirel & Larouche, 1987; Maas, 1995; Wolfson & dents. The report calculated the potential increase in
Carskadon, 1998; O’Brien & Mindell, 2005; Pack, academic achievement to correspond to an 8% rise
Pack, Rodgman, Cucchiara, Dinges, & Schwab, in future earnings per student, or $17,500 annually
1995). Most recently, studies have examined the in today’s value. Transportation costs for changing
link between school start times and sleep depriva- school start times were estimated based on recent
tion and its impact on risky behaviors in adolescents, research to range from $0 to $1950 per student over
such as drowsy driving and juvenile delinquency. their entire school career, putting the benefit to cost
A study in Virginia found that schools with later ratio at a minimum of 9:1.
start times reported lower teen car crash rates than
schools with earlier start times (Vorona, Szklo-Coxe, Barriers to Changing School Start Times
Wu, Dubik, Zhao, & Ware, 2011). Researchers Despite research evidence on the significant
in Kentucky found that average teen crash rates benefits of delaying middle and high school start
decreased 16.5% in the two years following a 1-hour times, there are also documented challenges associ-
delay in high school start times when compared to ated with implementing a change, particularly in a
the 2 years prior to the change, while rates for the large public school district. The School Start Time
rest of the state increased during the same period Study in Minnesota identified a diverse group of
(Danner & Phillips, 2008). Another study reported individuals that would be affected by school sched-
a positive correlation between sleep deprivation in ules, including teachers, administrators, custodial
adolescents and the volume of violent and property staff, transportation and food service employees,
crime (Clinkinbeard, Simi, Evans, & Anderson, community members involved in before- and after-
2011). Sleeping just one hour less (7 hours) than school childcare, and local business owners that
the recommended reference group (8–10 hours of employ students (Center for Applied Research and
sleep) contributed to increased likelihood of prop- Educational Improvement [CAREI], 1998). School
erty delinquency, and the effect increased for each start times evolved, in part, to accommodate these

au, a p p l em a n , s tav i ts ky 565

various scheduling needs, which in turn affected the is also a particular issue for athletic directors who
schedule of the surrounding community. Thus, the are faced with the challenge of coordinating inter-
prospect of changing start times is not something school collaboration and competition with other
that can be undertaken without an extensive, time- districts. Results from the School Start Time Study
consuming effort involving various stakeholders. in Minnesota indicated that later start times did not
The School Start Time Study conducted inter- alter student participation in after-school activi-
views with a broad range of affected individuals ties; however, there were reports of students leav-
who voiced concerns ranging from the impact on ing school early to allow travel time to events when
local traffic patterns to the use of shared community competing against schools with earlier dismissal
facilities for athletics and extracurricular activities. times.
In addition to interviewing those in the suburban The School Start Time Study also examined con-
Edina district and urban Minneapolis high schools cerns of local business owners that employ students
that delayed their start times, a total of 17 suburban after school. Students with later start times worked
districts were included in an analysis to determine fewer hours at paid jobs compared to students from
potential barriers to change. Many schools share earlier starting schools; however, future research is
the use of facilities with community groups, such as necessary to eliminate other factors that may have
adult continuing education, services for seniors, and contributed to this difference.
independent organizations for athletics and the arts. Parental biases that persist despite contrary sci-
Schools usually take priority for use of these facili- entific evidence offer another significant barrier to
ties in the hours immediately following school dis- enacting change within a district. One of the most
missal times. Later school start times consequently salient parental biases is the belief that later start
delay the start times of community activities that times will simply lead to later bedtimes for older
share these spaces, which can limit the amount of students, eliminating any increase in total sleep
programming that can be offered. time (Au, 2009). Although research has not sup-
Costs also are a significant barrier for change that ported this contention (Wolfson, 2002; Wolfson,
affects the district as a whole, with student busing Spaulding, Dandrow, & Baroni, 2007; O’Malley &
costs being one of the most commonly cited expenses O’Malley, 2008; Owens, Belon, & Moss, 2010), the
(Kirby, Maggi, & D’Angiulli, 2011). Multi-tiered belief persists among parents in communities con-
busing schedules used to lower transportation costs sidering making a change.
can be difficult to alter; however, the School Start The decision to delay high school start times
Time Study found that delaying start times did not while minimizing costs to the school system often
increase transportation costs in either the suburban involves changing to earlier start times for younger
district in Edina or the urban district in Minneapolis students, generating another set of concerns and
(Wahlstrom, 2002). The 2005 survey published by additional barriers from parents of these students.
the National Sleep Foundation found that switching While this solution may keep costs minimal for
bus schedules between elementary and high schools the school, it can lead to higher before- and after-
can eliminate an increase in transportation cost, and school childcare costs. Teachers who are parents to
one district reported saving money by eliminating young children may find their new work sched-
the busing for high school students in favor of uti- ule askew from existing childcare options. Other
lizing public transportation, a potential option for working parents may confront similar childcare
urban schools but not likely for suburban schools. scheduling mismatches, particularly for those that
Transportation options and costs vary significantly have relied on high school students for after-school
across the country and require analysis by each indi- babysitting.
vidual district considering a change in school start Low-light conditions due to early start times
times. Other financial considerations include school or late dismissal times prompt parental concerns
schedule shifts that can misalign hours specified over safety (CAREI, 1998). Some states and dis-
in teacher contracts, leading to increased costs to tricts have implemented structured bus pick-ups
accommodate new schedules (CAREI, 1998). and drop-offs around “civil twilight,” which is
For older students, the scheduling of before- defined as when the geometric center of the sun is
school and after-school extracurricular activities is 6 degrees below the horizon (Fairfax County School
one of their most salient concerns (CAREI, 1998). Board Transportation Task Force Final Report,
Any change in school start times would necessi- 2008). Practically, this time period is the limit of
tate corresponding changes to these activities. This illumination at which objects can be sufficiently

5 66 syste matic s trateg ies : cas e of s c ho o l s ta rt t i m es

distinguished in clear weather conditions and var- whole and the impact on high school students’ after-
ies day to day throughout the school year (Fairfax school schedules (Wahlstrom, 2002). Additional
County School Board Transportation Task Force research has documented the relationship of school
Final Report, 2008). Reports from the Minnesota start times and school bus safety, transportation
sample indicated that transportation directors did costs, and energy efficiency (Humphres & Vincent,
not voice any problems regarding safety in low- 1981; Mawdsley, 1996; Miller, 1988; Transportation
light conditions (CAREI, 1998). A Fairfax County Research Board, 1989).
Virginia Task force that was investigating a possible Taken together, the studies suggest that schools
change in school start times found that the majority make policy decisions based on historical precedent,
of participants wanted civil twilight to be consid- perceived and demonstrated efficacy, and cost-
ered, but not utilized as a barrier when establish- effectiveness. Of less import to the decision-making
ing busing schedules (Fairfax County School Board processes is consideration of health and science
Transportation Task Force Final Report, 2008). research (Wolfson & Carskadon, 2005). Having
In addition to safety, parents of elementary-age to accommodate many stakeholders including par-
children facing the possibility of earlier start times ents, teachers, administrators, childcare providers,
express a number of other fears. One of their central coaches, instructors, employers, bus drivers, other
arguments is that this switch simply transfers the school employees, community organizations, com-
problem of sleep deprivation from the older stu- munity facilities used and shared with the schools—
dents to the younger ones. Consequently, younger not to mention the students themselves—it is
students’ ability to learn will be diminished because not surprising that policy makers often overlook
they will be too sleepy to be alert and attentive research, particularly when its findings are at odds
throughout the school day (Au, 2009). When called with majority opinion. To enact any type of change
upon, sleep researchers and experts, in an effort to requires compromise and acceptance of potential
dispel these parental reservations, offer the observa- consequences (including disadvantages to some,
tion that there is no biological rationale that pre- which may or may not be temporary) as well as will-
vents younger children from falling asleep earlier. ingness to wait for longer-term benefits to become
They posit that parents can establish consistent bed- evident.
time routines to ensure that their children obtain These barriers to change create a politically
enough sleep each night. The science, however, falls contentious environment that present obstacles
short in allaying parental anxieties because, to date, to researchers as well as administrators (Wolfson,
there are no published studies of the impact of early 2002). Implementing scientifically appropriate
school start times on elementary-age students. study designs that will generate results generaliz-
The research community’s recommendation of able to the larger population depends on identify-
earlier bedtimes for younger students to offset ear- ing heterogeneous study samples, using validated
lier school start times creates another potential issue instruments, and administering these tests on
for parents, particularly for those who work out- a time-sensitive schedule longitudinally. While
side of the home. These parents cite that the altered school districts around the country share the com-
routine will disrupt family time and decrease the mon problem of too-early start times, each dis-
already limited number of hours they can spend trict and its community feels that its situation is
with their children (Au, 2009). Additionally, if par- contending with its own unique barriers and thus
ents rely on older siblings to watch their younger cannot be subjected to the rigorous conditions of
children during the initial after-school hours, they a research-based evaluation. Researchers must bal-
may be faced with new childcare needs during the ance the demands of proper research methodology
gap between elementary and high school release to produce reliable and valid results with the reali-
times (Au, 2009). Schools may want to consider ties of trying to do so in an emotionally charged
how to alleviate these particular concerns by offer- environment. As research in this area continues
ing convenient options for before- and after-school to evolve, future projects will need to share both
childcare. the strengths and limitations of their findings, and
Wolfson and Carskadon (2005) and others have likely pool their results to generate a comprehen-
corroborated the initial findings of the Minnesota sive database comprising districts from varying
School Start Time Study addressing barriers to geographical regions and students from differ-
change, particularly the issues related to schedul- ent socioeconomic backgrounds. Also necessary
ing and financial concerns affecting the school as a is the inclusion of other mitigating factors, such

au, a p p l em a n , s tav i ts k y 567

as parental demographics and schools’ academic education policy issues. Effective administrators
standing. seek to institute policy change with minimal con-
Wolfson (2002) further counsels that researchers flict between themselves, teachers, students, and
need to be open to developing collaborations with families. The educational system is designed on a
educators focused on interdisciplinary communi- foundation of routine, with school start times act-
cation, mutual respect, and support from others ing as the bedrock. Wahlstrom (2002), in describ-
in the fields of sleep research and medicine. While ing her experiences with the School Start Time
researchers may find daunting the task of designing Study, noted that it could be particularly unsettling
a scientific protocol that aligns with the goals of the to change something as fundamentally accepted as
district while trying to maintain the integrity and local school start times. Natural resistance leads oth-
validity of the data collection process, achieving this erwise rational, well-meaning people to succumb to
balance will likely require compromises on the part myths rather than facts. For example, despite consis-
of both the district and the research group. However, tent contrary evidence, parents and administrators
Wolfson contends working toward accomplishing still frequently cite that a reason for not delaying
these goals should both strengthen the field and lead high school start times is because students will stay
to more informed decision making regarding edu- awake later if they are allowed to sleep in later.
cational reforms. The experiences of researchers in Another common assumption is that changing start
the School Start Time Study demonstrated that suc- times will be costly because it often involves altering
cessful implementation of a change involves coordi- busing schedules; however, research in a number of
nated communication between all parties involved districts has shown that busing transportation can
and a focus on hard data rather than theories and be modified to accommodate the changes without
assumptions about what is possible within a school increasing costs.
district (Wahlstrom, 1999). Despite the noteworthy work to date, there
are still significant gaps in the research literature
Conclusion related to school start times and its impact on sleep
The research described in this chapter has docu- in school-age children. There are few longitudinal
mented consistent and significant positive effects on studies in general and fewer that have data on the
academic performance and on social and psycholog- effects of a change in school start times beyond the
ical behaviors when middle school and high school initial year or so. Further, most of the studies cen-
start time delays have been implemented. Anecdotal ter around schools in the Midwest and Northeast.
and subjective reports from opinion surveys and The paucity of studies lends to the problem of not
focus groups have echoed these encouraging results enough representative samples of different types
with generally affirmative sentiments. While some of school districts and of demographically diverse
dissenting voices remain in each group, negative student populations. The lack of representative data
opinions largely center on discomfort with the idea exacerbates the disconnection between what sleep
of a change in general, or on specific concerns with researchers are finding and what information school
disruptions in the before-/after-school schedules, policy decisions are based on.
particularly related to athletics. Even those that As more communities examine the issue of
maintain opinions in opposition to changes in start school start times, the lack of data on younger chil-
times are frequently willing to admit to positive dren is creating an almost insurmountable barrier
effects on student behavior (CAREI, 1998). for differentiating real versus perceived impact.
Apart from the demonstrated increased sleep Since many school districts operate on a multiple
durations that occur when high school start times bell schedule in which elementary, middle, and high
are delayed, the pragmatic factors create challenges school start times are staggered, a frequent solution
that the beneficial findings cannot overcome. For to delaying high school start times is to swap the
many school administrators, the emotional toll that start times between high schools and elementary
is exacted from trying to overcome the many real schools. This allows districts to leave busing sched-
and perceived barriers is too high a cost, regardless ules intact and avoid any significant increase in costs,
of the potential benefit. Administrators also have to removing a key financial barrier to change. Research
assess other proposed district-wide policy changes on prepubescent children indicate that earlier rise
and make decisions as to which are of greatest pri- times are not problematic for younger students, but
ority. How these battles for change are fought also additional research looking at the impact of school
sets a precedent of conduct for addressing other start times on younger-age students would reinforce

5 68 syste matic s trateg ies : cas e of s c ho o l s ta rt t i m es

the biological data. The availability of objective evi- • More research examining the longer-range
dence across the school-age spectrum would be of longitudinal effects of delaying start times is
benefit to school administrators, school committee warranted, using methods that include valid
members, teachers, and parents, in addressing the measures of sleep habits, emotional and physical
needs of their entire school population. Currently, well-being, risky behaviors, attendance and
lack of data on the impact of school start times on enrollment, and indices of academic achievement
younger children is resulting in far fewer schools collected more years before and after a change is
willing to consider or able to enact change. implemented.
Researchers, policy makers, educators, and • To increase the generalizability of data,
health providers each have an important role in investigations need to cast a larger net to better
moving forward the debate of school start times capture a wider range of demographics, particularly
for younger and older students. For researchers, in geography, school size, socioeconomic status,
continued advancement in the understanding and other related variables.
of the benefits and consequences of delayed start • As communities consider whether to change
times for high school students will enhance the their school start times, it is important to have
objective data already available today. But there available scientific data that addresses the range of
should be a call for studies focused on the impact perceived as well as biological, psychosocial, and
of school start times on younger children as well. academic concerns.
While the biological changes that motivate the • Proper and comprehensive education of all
argument for delayed start times for adolescents stakeholders is an important initial step. Researchers
do not uniformly apply for these younger students must find effective methods for disseminating study
(Werner, LeBourgeois, Geiger, & Jenni, 2009), outcomes, and educators and health providers
the public policy consequences of not doing this should promote the importance of developing
research can be equally compelling. Policy makers healthy sleep habits in students of all ages.
need to be vigilant in the separation of real from
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au, a p p l em a n , s tav i ts ky 571


Preventative Intervention:
39 Curricula and Programs

Reut Gruber, Evelyn Constantin, Jamie Cassoff, and Sonia Michaelsen

A substantial body of evidence indicates that an appropriate quantity and quality of sleep is necessary
for healthy physical development as well as optimization of cognitive growth, academic success, and
emotional well-being. These are key features of successful development. Inadequate or poor sleep
impairs health, emotional regulation, and cognitive development. The many negative impacts of sleep
deprivation and disturbance emphasize the need to provide health care professionals with the educa-
tion and tools required to assist parents and their children to achieve the sleep required for healthy
development. In the present review, therefore, we include sections for each of the traditional pediatric
age groups: early postpartum and infancy, toddlers and preschoolers, school-age children, and adoles-
cents. For each age period, we first briefly describe normal sleep behavior (which is more extensively
reviewed in the first section of this book) and identify primary sleep issues of particular importance
during different developmental periods that should be the focus of educational interventions. We then
review and evaluate evidence-based pediatric sleep intervention curricula and programs that target
such sleep issues. Next we suggest sleep promotion strategies that may be effective within particular
areas of need. Finally, we discuss potential future directions for relevant health care professionals,
including pediatricians and psychologists.
Key Words: sleep promotion, preventative interventions, prevention, sleep deprivation,
sleep education, sleep hygiene, pediatric health care, sleep programs, sleep curricula

Introduction Nakazawa, Nakamura, & Yoshikawa, 2001). In addi-

A substantial body of evidence indicates that an tion, poor sleep has been shown to impair learning,
appropriate level of sleep is necessary for healthy memory, and general cognitive ability as reflected
physical development, optimization of cognitive by IQ test scores and other measures, especially in
growth, academic success, and emotional well- the context of activities essential for academic suc-
being, which are key elements of successful devel- cess (Alhola & Polo-Kantola, 2007; BaHammam,
opment. Sufficient sleep ensures that metabolism is Al-Faris, Shaikh, & Saeed, 2006; Horne, 1988;
normal and physiological functioning is appropri- Linde & Bergströme, 1992; Meijer, 2008; Meijer,
ate, whereas sleep deprivation has been empirically Habekothé, & Van Den Wittenboer, 2000; Nilsson,
linked to an increased risk for the development Söderström, Karlsson, Lekander, Åkerstedt,
of obesity and, in adulthood, diabetes, hyperten- et al., 2005; Shin, Kim, Lee, Ahn, & Joo, 2003).
sion, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular Inadequate sleep creates a low threshold for expres-
problems (Dinges & Chugh, 1997; Hasler, Buysse, sion of negative affect (irritability and frustration)
Klaghofer, Gamma, Ajdacic, et al., 2004; Magee, and is associated with difficulty in modulation of
Huang, Iverson, & Caputi, 2010; Shigeta, Shigeta, impulse and emotion. Earlier research showed that

short sleep duration and sleep disruption are associ- the absence of measurement of sleep behavior was
ated with emotional dysregulation (Gruber, Cassoff, considered to be weaker. We further distinguished
Frenette, Wiebe, & Carrier, 2012a; Walker & Van between objective (e.g., actigraphy) and subjec-
Der Helm, 2009) and development of psychiatric tive (e.g., parental reporting) measurement of sleep
disorders (Lin, Tung, Hsieh, & Lin, 2011) in chil- behavior. Inclusion of both measures was consid-
dren. Collectively, therefore, the multiple negative ered to be a feature of the strongest design; use of
impacts of sleep deprivation emphasize the need objective measures only was considered to be quite
to provide health care professionals with education strong, whereas inclusion of subjective measures
and tools that assist parents and their children to only was viewed as less strong. Reports were consid-
achieve the extent and quality of sleep required for ered weaker if no blinding occurred and stronger if
healthy physical and emotional development, and the reporter of the outcome measure was blinded to
that optimize the cognitive potential of the child. the intervention. We also considered the reported
An understanding of what constitutes a normal levels of effectiveness in terms of changes in out-
sleep pattern during development and the identifica- come measures and durability of any effects noted.
tion of factors affecting child sleep, are prerequisites
if healthy sleep is to be achieved and maintained. Evidence-Based Pediatric Intervention
The goals of the present review are, therefore, (1) to Curricula Targeting Early Postpartum and
use a developmental perspective to review and evalu- Infancy
ate current evidence-based pediatric sleep interven- Normative Pattern of Sleep
tion curricula and programs that target such sleep In humans, the most rapid shift in terms of sleep
issues; (2) to suggest potential sleep promotion strat- consolidation occurs during the first year of life
egies that may be effective when no evidence-based (Davis, Parker, & Montgomery, 2004). The sleep
program is yet available within a particular area of loss tolerance of newborns is rather low; infants
need; and (3) to discuss potential future directions cannot endure long periods of wakefulness. A major
for research and for relevant health care profession- developmental milestone achieved by most infants
als, including pediatricians and psychologists. by age 6 to 9 months is the ability to “sleep through
the night” (i.e., to sleep for at least 8 hours a night).
Review And Evaluate Current Evidence- In addition to intrinsic changes in the circadian and
Based Pediatric Sleep Intervention homeostatic timing systems, behaviorally guided
Curricula And Programs That Target changes in the timing of light exposure, changes in
Sleep Concerns family habits, and changes in environmental cues
In the following section we will briefly describe associated with sleep and wakefulness may interact
normal sleep behavior at various ages (which are directly with the phase-resetting mechanism of the
covered in detail in the chapters of the first section circadian timing system. Such changes affect sleep
of this book) to highlight sleep issues that are rele- timing and consolidation and, hence, the ability of
vant during particular developmental periods. Next, a child to fall asleep at a desired time and to sleep
we will review and evaluate current evidence-based through the night.
pediatric sleep intervention curricula and programs
that target such sleep issues. Key features sought Primary Sleep Issues to be Targeted in a
were first, identifiable interventional components Sleep Intervention/Prevention Program
and second, methodological issues (study design, The development of the infant’s circadian system
use of a control group, randomization, and reporter and the process of sleep consolidation, which leads
blinding). Studies employing randomization, with to a gradual reduction in sleep need and an increase
control groups, and wherein informants reporting in wake periods, highlight this period. Therefore,
on outcome measures were blinded, were rated as prevention strategies during this developmental
the strongest. An intervention that did not feature stage are aimed at helping parents make behavioral
any of the above qualities was considered to yield choices that support the infant’s ability to develop
only marginal or weak evidence. In terms of the a sleep pattern that is consistent with the consoli-
significance of primary and secondary outcomes, dation of longer sleep during the night. As further
we distinguished between measurement of sleep described below, there is evidence to support the
knowledge and sleep behavior. Measurement of idea that sleep intervention programs and sleep pro-
both factors was considered the strongest, whereas motion strategies are effective in improving sleep in
measurement of changes in sleep knowledge in infants and their families.

g ruber, co n s ta n t i n , c a s s o ff, m i c ha el s en 573

Evidence-Based Sleep Intervention/ Carskadon, 2005). Whereas night awakening is
Prevention Programs “normative” (Davis, Parker, & Montgomery, 2004),
Several studies have been conducted aimed at the ability of the child to return to sleep without
assessing the impact of behavioral and/or edu- parental intervention determines whether a sleep
cational interventions designed to improve both disorder might develop. Several defining charac-
maternal and infant sleep in the early postpartum teristics of this developmental period impact sleep
period—these studies have highlighted the positive behavior, as well as the manner in which parents
impact of early prevention (Mindell, Du Mond, respond to their child’s nighttime behavior. First,
Sadeh, Telofski, Kulkarni, & Gunn, 2011b; Mindell, rapid cognitive development may lead to devel-
Telofski, Wiegand, & Kurtz, 2009; Pinilla & opment of normative nighttime fears (Moore,
Birch, 1993; St James-Roberts & Gillham, 2001; Meltzer, & Mindell, 2008), and the development of
Stremler, Hodnett, & Lee, 2006; Symon, Marley, normative emotional attachments can create sepa-
Martin, & Norman, 2005; Wolfson, Lacks, & ration anxiety at bedtime (Blum & Carey, 1996).
Futterman, 1992). Such emerging themes may lead to development of
In particular, four well-designed randomized dependency on a caregiver and, thus, problematic
controlled trials have demonstrated effectiveness nighttime behavior may ensue; either sleep onset
of sleep behavior and education intervention pro- association insomnia or “reactive” co-sleeping may
grams for parents of newborns (Pinilla & Birch, develop (Miller & Commons, 2010). Whether
1993; St James-Roberts & Gillham, 2001; Symon such behaviors become “problematic” or they are
et al., 2005; Wolfson et al., 1992). There is robust addressed in a manner allowing for the develop-
evidence that these intervention programs lead to ment of healthy sleep behavior depends greatly on
improvements in sleep outcome measures, particu- parental expectations and responses. The normative
larly more consistent sleep patterns and longer sleep developmental issues that can affect sleep behavior
duration (Pinilla & Birch, 1993; St James-Roberts & must be considered when planning a preventative
Gillham, 2001; Symon et al., 2005; Wolfson et al., sleep intervention (see Burnham, Chapter 12).
1992). One study also showed a positive impact on
parents, with the parents who received the educa- Primary Sleep Issues to be Targeted in a
tion intervention reporting improved self-efficacy Sleep Intervention/Prevention Program
and decreased stress (Wolfson et al., 1992). All of Developmental milestones particular to tod-
the studies offered parents personalized sessions dlers and preschoolers that may impact sleep and
(individual or in groups) with individuals trained in sleep behavior include rapid cognitive development
sleep education, and several of the studies provided leading to nighttime fears (Moore et al., 2007) and
parents with written documentation on sleep. The separation anxiety (Chorney, Detweiler, Morris, &
outcome measures for all of the studies were subjec- Kuhn, 2008) at bedtime and, ultimately, to difficul-
tive reporting from parents using parent diaries/logs ties in sleep onset and more frequent night waking.
and/or questionnaires. Although the subjective par- With the developmental onset of independent loco-
ent reporting provides rich data, there are inherent motion (Jenni & Carskadon, 2005), children have
weaknesses to subjective measures. Further studies the tendency to seek consolation for these nighttime
are needed and would be strengthened by using fears (Moore et al., 2007) and anxieties through co-
both subjective and objective measures for deter- sleeping with their parents or guardians (Chorney
mining sleep quality and quantity. et al., 2008). Alteration of napping schedules also
comes into play in this age group, with gradual
Evidence-Based Pediatric Intervention weaning of the daytime nap. Most children no lon-
Curricula Targeting Toddlers and ger have scheduled naps by age 3 to 5 years (Blum &
Preschool-aged children Carey, 1996).
Normative Pattern of Sleep There are some important signs that require par-
Following rapid development during the first ticular attention, where parents and clinicians must
year, a gradual decline in daytime napping is evi- be vigilant to assess for symptoms of underlying sleep
dent and sleep becomes consolidated into a single disorders that may hinder toddlers and preschoolers
nighttime period (Weissbluth, 1995; Wolfson, from quality sleep. Symptoms of snoring, difficulty
1996). In addition, although a longer period of con- breathing at night, mouth breathing, and observed
solidated sleep is achieved, night awakening is com- obstructive pauses during sleep, as well as daytime
mon (Acebo, Sadeh, Seifer, Tzischinksy, Hafer, & hyperactivity or daytime fatigue, can be related to

574 preve n tative intervention: cur ri c ul a a n d p ro g ra m s

obstructive sleep apnea (American Thoracic Society, have demonstrated improvements in sleep patterns
1999). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and behaviors (Martin, Barajas, Brooks-Gunn, &
recommends that primary care physicians routinely Hale, 2011a; Mindell, Du Mond, Sadeh, Telofski,
inquire about snoring and sleep symptoms for all Kulkarni, & Gunn, 2011a; Mindell et al., 2011b;
children 1 year of age or older and, furthermore, Mindell et al., 2009). The parenting programs for
that primary care physicians should send referrals to this age group have focused on establishment of a
a sleep specialist for diagnostic tests (see McLaughlin regular bedtime and nightly bedtime routines; for
Crabtree, Rach, and Gamble, Chapter 19) for chil- example, the three-step program by Mindell and
dren who have symptoms or signs suggestive of colleagues: (1) bath; (2) massage; (3) quiet activi-
obstructive sleep apnea (Farber, 2002). ties (Mindell et al., 2009); and the Early Head Start
Environmental factors and family dynamics, Program by Martin and colleagues (Martin, Barajas,
such as those previously discussed, are also impor- Brooks-Gunn, & Hale, 2011b). With the wide-
tant in this particular age group of toddlers and spread availability and accessibility of the Internet,
preschool-aged children and should be emphasized Internet-based behavioral interventions have been
in preventative interventions strategies. recently implemented and have shown significant
improvements in quality of sleep (i.e., less night
Impact on Maternal and Infant Sleep waking, improved sleep continuity, more rapid sleep
Two research groups studied the impact on onset; Mindell et al., 2011a). Although these stud-
maternal health (Hiscock, Bayer, Hampton, ies were well designed and demonstrate solid results
Ukoumunne, & Wake, 2008; Stremler et al., 2006). for these innovative programs, there are only a few
Using a cluster-randomized trial design, Hiscock and published studies. Future studies are needed to fur-
colleagues (2008) examined the impact of a brief ther evaluate sleep education programs for this age
behavior modification program to improve sleep in group. Two studies are currently underway. Corkum
8–10-month-old infants on symptoms of mater- and colleagues’ Canadian Pediatric Sleep Team has
nal depression. They demonstrated that at a 2-year recently developed another web-based intervention,
follow-up, only 15% of mothers of infants who the Better Nights/Better Days program, (Corkum,
received the sleep intervention reported symptoms Coulombe, Chambers, Godbout, Gruber, et al.,
of clinical depression compared to 26% of mothers 2012). The program targets children with behavioral
who did not receive the sleep intervention. insomnia ages 1 to 10 years and will be delivered
In addition, Stremler and colleagues assessed over the Internet, with added telephone support.
the impact of a behavior and educational inter- Corkum and colleagues will examine whether par-
vention on both maternal and infant sleep (2006). ents make good use of this program, whether it is
The intervention, called TIPS (Tips for Infant and effective in improving sleep among children, and
Parent Sleep), included a 45-minute behavioral and whether improved sleep results in better daytime
educational session with a trained research nurse, functioning for children and for the sleep and func-
as well as an 11-page booklet highlighting the sleep tioning of parents. Reid and colleagues have com-
issues discussed. Stremler and colleagues’ random- pleted a study evaluating a parenting intervention
ized controlled trial demonstrated that such an for parents of children 2 to 5 years old (Reid, 2011).
intervention implemented to primiparous mothers Their trial intervention, called the Parenting Matters
during the early postpartum period (first 6 weeks) Treatment Program, included self-help treatment
improved both maternal and infant sleep with lon- booklets—one on sleep issues, the other on disci-
ger sleep duration and fewer night awakenings. pline problems—and two telephone coaching calls
Although these are essential studies highlight- at the second and fifth week of the program. To our
ing the importance of maternal sleep on maternal knowledge, the results of this study have not yet
health and maternal and infant sleep behavior, fur- been published.
ther studies need to be done focusing on fathers and Of the six interventional studies that have been
other family members. conducted with toddlers and preschool children,
all examined sleep behavior and none explored
Evidence-Based Sleep Intervention/ sleep knowledge. Only one study used an objec-
Prevention Programs tive measure to document changes in sleep behav-
Similar to the sleep intervention/prevention pro- ior; two studies employed randomization and two
grams for infants, the education programs imple- studies had control groups. All studies reported
mented for toddlers and preschool-aged children positive outcomes. Future research should feature

g ruber, co n s ta n t i n , c a s s o ff, m i c ha el s en 575

randomization, comparison of outcomes to those to involve influential individuals such as parents
of a control group, the use of objective measures of and teachers in these sleep promotion initiatives, as
sleep, and blinding of evaluators yielding subjec- they play a strong role in behaviors related to sleep
tive outcome measures. This is challenging, as the for children at this age (Meltzer & Mindell, 2007).
parents are both the reporters and those who per- Finally, because sleep is the result of bidirectional
form the intervention. Potential ways to overcome interactions among various characteristics of the
this problem include the use of video photography child, their family, school, community, and societal
to document both the intervention and the out- levels, it is recommended that proposed interven-
come. The video would be viewed and scored by tions target multiple contexts, among which both
an observer blinded to the intervention and who schools and families are important (Gruber, Wiebe,
had no personal connection with the parents or the Wells, Cassoff, & Monson, 2010).
child. Of the four studies conducted in the inter- Sleep promotion strategies for school-age chil-
val from just after birth to infancy, all had a strong dren feature the imparting of sleep knowledge via
research design; control groups were used and ran- interactive experiential learning activities. Methods
domization was performed. No study used objective of delivery include interactive discussion using a
measures to evaluate sleep outcomes. variety of teaching tools, such as PowerPoint pre-
sentations (Blunden, 2007b) or animated cartoon
Evidence-Based Pediatric Sleep narratives with characters demonstrating the impor-
Intervention Curricula Targeting tance of sleep (Gruber, Sommerville, Brouillette, &
School-Age Children Monson, 2009). Programs targeting school-age
Normative Patterns of Sleep children have engaged the children only (Blunden,
The school-age years are a period of transition of 2007b), or children and some or all of their parents,
neural systems that govern the capacity for self-reg- teachers, and school administrators (Gruber et al.,
ulation (Grolnick & Farkas, 2002). Because these 2009). Although few evidence-based interventions
changes occur just before development of a biologi- have been conducted in health care settings, the
cal tendency toward phase delay, this period affords results of school-based interventions are promising.
a unique window of opportunity to help children Strong empirical evidence supports the notion
to learn, refine, and consolidate good sleeping hab- that healthy sleep improves academic performance
its. Such work may prevent the establishment of (Gruber et al., 2010), mood regulation (Dahl &
unhealthy habits that can spiral into a pattern of Lewin, 2002), and the general health and well-being
extremely delayed bedtimes and the associated sleep (Cappuccio, Taggart, Kandala, & Currie, 2008;
deprivation that is seen in many adolescents (Dahl, Smaldone, Honig, & Byrne, 2007) of school-age
2004). Sleep education should seek to provide children. However, to the best of our knowledge,
children and their caregivers (i.e., parents, school evidence-based sleep promotion programs target-
officials [see Buckhalt, Chapter 21], and health ing individual children or their parents are lacking.
care professionals) with the knowledge and tools School-based sleep promotion programs (Blunden,
needed to help children prioritize sleep as “child” 2007b; Gruber et al., 2009) that target classrooms
life becomes characterized by an increasing level of of students show promise; such programs seem to
autonomy, participation in an increasing number of prevent sleep deprivation by delivery of education
extracurricular activities, the beginnings of a social on healthy sleep to school-age children. Although
life, and the increasing demands of schoolwork. health care professionals cannot implement such
programs acting alone, it might be beneficial if they
Primary Sleep Issues to be Targeted in a collaborated with school personnel to facilitate pro-
Sleep Intervention/Prevention Program gram implementation.
In consideration of the developmental milestones
of school-age children, including the development Evidence-Based Sleep Prevention/
of circadian sleep phase preference and the growing Intervention Programs
“competition” between a variety of activities for the To date, only two known sleep promotion pro-
child’s time, such as social life and extracurricular grams have been created for school-age children and
activities, it is crucial to develop sleep promotion both have been evaluated in pilot studies (Blunden,
strategies that empower children to make sleep a 2007b; Gruber, Sommerville, Bergmame, Enros,
priority in their life (Carskadon, Vieira, & Acebo, Kestler, et al., 2012b). Both programs targeted
1993; Kataria, 2004). Additionally, it is important elementary school students in the school setting,

576 preve n tative intervention: cur ri c ul a a n d p ro g ra m s

and one study featured a control group. The sleep Primary Sleep Issues to be Targeted in a
education program delivered by Blunden and col- Sleep Intervention/Prevention Program
leagues (2007b) successfully improved sleep knowl- Adolescence is a developmental period during
edge. The sleep promotion program of Gruber which individuals become increasingly independent.
and colleagues (2012b) effectively improved sleep Adolescents, and not their parents, determine when
behavior, as measured by parental reporting and they go to sleep (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998).
actigraphy, and positively affected daytime func- Because of this decrease in parental influence, it is
tioning and mood. Current research focuses on important to create sleep promotion strategies that
primary developmental considerations for this help adolescents internalize the importance of sleep,
age group, including the need to establish healthy permitting the making of decisions that are conducive
sleep habits and a sleep knowledge base during to healthy sleep hygiene. It is not enough to provide
the primary school years to potentially minimize adolescents with sleep education alone (Blunden,
sleep problems in adolescence. Future work should 2012); it is important to include other cognitive-
seek to replicate existing promising findings and behavioral and/or motivational strategies enhanc-
to expand on such preliminary evidence by using ing the desire to prioritize sleep over other activities
appropriate sample sizes and by employing both including social gatherings, participation in online
objective and subjective measures of sleep behav- chat rooms, playing of computer games, watching
ior and knowledge. Given that school-age chil- television, doing homework, engaging in extracur-
dren become increasingly busier as they develop, ricular activities, and enjoyment of social media, all
and assume more responsibility, it may be useful of which often occur at late at night. This concern
if future work addresses such developmental issues is supported by other research on health promotion;
by offering school-age children rationales for mak- the results suggest that enhancement of knowledge
ing sleep a priority in life, and strategies to assist on the negative effects of alcohol use is not enough
toward this end. to make adolescents sufficiently motivated to make
healthy behavioral changes (Tobler, 2000).
Evidence-Based Pediatric Sleep Strategies used to promote sleep have been
Intervention Curricula Targeting explored in studies with early-stage adolescents
Adolescents (Johnson, Harkins, Marco, Ludden, & Wolfson,
Normative Sleep Patterns 2012) and/or those who were older (Moseley &
Puberty is a critical maturational phase charac- Gradisar, 2009). Using a social learning, self-efficacy
terized by delayed sleep phase, where adolescents approach, the Young Adolescent Sleep-Smart Pacesetter
show an endogenous preference for much later Program for early-stage adolescents (Johnson et al.,
bedtimes than children and adults (see Carskadon 2012) included the delivery of a sleep curriculum
and Tarokh, Chapter 8). This phase delay may to 7th–8th-grade students, the completion of sleep
result in insufficient sleep time during the school diaries by adolescents, and the distribution of sleep
week and a need for “catch-up sleep” on week- newsletters for parents to review and reinforce their
ends. Similarities among adolescent sleep patterns child’s sleep education. The work with older ado-
across various cultures suggest that maturational lescents (Moseley & Gradisar, 2009) featured sleep
changes in biological sleep processes underlie education delivered via collaborative and experien-
the sleep phase delay associated with adoles- tial learning and/or conventional teacher instruc-
cence (Carskadon, 2002). However, such changes tion with the aid of cognitive-behavioral techniques.
are augmented by psychosocial influences. These Specific strategies included reducing the anxiety
include variation in family configuration, adoles- associated with good sleep behavior (Meltzer &
cent need for increased autonomy and indepen- Mindell, 2004); the imparting of stimulus control
dence, elevated academic demands, influence of tools such as removal of stimulating technological
peer culture, social expectations, employment devices from the bedroom (thus ensuring that use
opportunities, time spent on extracurricular of the bedroom was associated solely with sleep
activities, and use of electronic devices (Andrade, (Meltzer & Mindell, 2008); and delivery of strate-
Benedito-Silva, Domenice, Arnhold, & Menna- gies allowing adolescents to overcome barriers asso-
Barreto, 1993; Carskadon, 2005; Carskadon & ciated with getting to sleep at an early hour despite
Acebo, 2002; Dahl & Lewin, 2002; Edgar, the demands of competing activities (Noland, Price,
Dement, & Fuller, 1993; Saarenpää-Heikkilä, Dake, & Telljohann, 2009). Recently, motivational
Rintahaka, Laippala, & Koivikko, 1995). interviewing, a nonconfrontational therapy that

g ruber, co n s ta n t i n , c a s s o ff, m i c ha el s en 577

attempts to facilitate the intrinsic motivational essential that adolescents are intrinsically motivated
capacity within each individual to allow that indi- to change sleep habits; sleep must be accorded pri-
vidual to personally decide to change behavior, has ority over competing activities. In addition, future
been integrated in school-based sleep promotion adolescent sleep promotion programs should con-
programs. This approach seeks to translate sleep sider employing an objective measure of sleep
knowledge acquisition into actual sleep behavior behavior (e.g., actigraphy or polysomnography),
improvements (Cain, Gradisar, & Moseley, 2011). in addition to self-report, to validate and enrich
Although the preventative strategies discussed above the quality of research findings. To the best of our
can be implemented in both health care and school knowledge, objective assessments of sleep have yet
settings, most have been delivered in school settings. to be conducted within the context of sleep inter-
This may be because health care professionals have ventional programs targeting adolescents. Finally,
less contact with adolescents than do teachers, and future work should seek to fill gaps evident in cur-
the former professionals are thus not in a position to rent programs; both sleep knowledge and behavior
impart preventative health care strategies to adoles- should be recognized as important outcome mea-
cents (Elster, 1993; Gans, Alexander, Chu, & Elster, sures. Also, the experimental design should always
1995; Klein, McNulty, & Flatau, 1998). be meaningful, in that control and experimental
groups treated identically (except for delivery of the
Evidence-Based Sleep Intervention/ sleep program) must be employed.
Prevention Programs
Of the eight sleep promotion programs that General Summary
have been created for adolescents, three programs Overall, across all age groups from postpartum
only assessed sleep knowledge (Bakotić, Radošević- to adolescence, 20 interventional studies have been
Vidaček, & Košćec, 2009; Blunden, 2007a; Cortesi, conducted. Most studies documented positive
Giannotti, Sebastiani, Bruni, & Ottaviano, 2004); changes in either sleep knowledge or sleep behav-
two evaluated sleep behavior only (De Sousa, ior, suggesting that promotion of sleep knowledge,
Araujo, & De Azevedo, 2007; Wolfson et al., 2012); education on healthy sleep, and prevention of sleep
and three programs assessed both sleep knowledge problems are indeed feasible. Whereas interven-
and behavior (Brown, W. C., & Soper, 2006; Cain tional studies in the early postpartum period used
et al., 2011; Moseley & Gradisar, 2009). Although research designs yielding high-quality evidence
most studies featured control groups, all such (control groups were included and participants
groups were “classes as usual” (i.e., no alternative were randomly allocated to control and interven-
educational program was offered). One interven- tional groups), studies with children of other age
tion (Brown et al., 2006) featured an attention groups have been less rigorous. With a few excep-
control group consisting of a presentation about tions, most studies did not use objective measures
the scientific method conducted by the same inter- to evaluate changes in sleep behavior and no study
ventionist from the experimental condition. When blinded reporters of subjective sleep data. Again
sleep knowledge was assessed, it appeared that the with a few exceptions, the studies did not include
level of knowledge improved during and after the outcome measures of daytime functioning of chil-
sleep promotion program. The impact of programs dren or their families. Future studies would benefit
in terms of improving sleep behavior have been less from the use of a research design that allows inter-
consistent; some studies failed to document any ventional effectiveness to be determined and that
significant improvement in such behavior despite yields high-quality evidence. Control groups should
the fact that sleep knowledge was enhanced (Cain be included; randomization of participants to con-
et al., 2011). A few programs have attempted to trol and interventional groups is required; report-
enhance personal motivation toward improvement ers should be blinded; objective methods should
of adolescent sleep habits (Cain et al., 2011). Future be employed; and daytime measures that improved
work should prioritize motivation as a key element sleep should affect (mood, attention, and behavior)
of such programs (Blunden, Chapman, & Rigney, should be evaluated.
2011); motivation is uniquely an adolescent chal-
lenge. Specifically, given that many activities more Sleep Hygiene Strategies
inherently enjoyable than sleep (e.g., socializing The following section will review developmen-
with friends, computer use, participation in extra- tally appropriate sleep hygiene strategies. Health care
curricular sports) are available to adolescents, it is professionals have suggested sleep hygiene strategies

578 preve n tative intervention: cur ri c ul a a n d p ro g ra m s

that can be used by parents to help their child 5. If your toddler stalls at bedtime, be sure to
develop healthy sleep habits. In addition, resources set clear limits (Mindell, 2005).
for information about sleep that healthcare profes-
sionals can use to reinforce and supplement the pro- Sleep Hygiene Recommendations to Parents
posed sleep hygiene strategies are described below. of Preschoolers
Sleep Hygiene Recommendations to 1. Follow through with a consistent sleep
Parents of Newborns and Infants schedule (Blum & Carey, 1996).
2. Follow through with a consistent bedtime
1. Place your baby in the crib when they are routine every night (Blum & Carey, 1996).
sleepy, not when they are already asleep (Blum & 3. Your child should have a sleep-friendly
Carey, 1996), and encourage your baby to fall environment every night, which should be cool,
asleep on his/her own (Meltzer & Mindell, 2008). quiet, dark, and without electronic devices such as
2. Ensure that your baby’s room is quiet and computers and televisions (Blum & Carey, 1996).
dark (Blum & Carey, 1996). 4. Observe your child’s sleep and watch
3. Ensure that the room is at a comfortable for difficulty breathing, unusual nighttime
temperature and place your baby on his/her back awakenings, chronic sleeping difficulties, and
with his/her face and head free from blankets and behavioral and attention problems throughout the
other items (part of the “Back to Sleep Campaign” day and night (Muñiz, 2012).
and other recommendations to help in prevention
of sudden infant death syndrome; Pollack &
Frohna, 2002). Sleep Hygiene Recommendations to
4. Be aware of your child’s sleep patterns in School-Age Children and Adolescents
order to identify signs of sleepiness. It is important 1. A fixed bedtime and wake time is important.
to note your child may manifest fatigue not just The body adapts to falling asleep at a certain
by yawning and slowing down, but by being time, but only if the sleep schedule is relatively
hyperactive and less able to control their emotions, consistent, with no more than 1 hour of bedtime
which may be misleading when trying to identify difference between school nights and weekends or
their fatigue levels (Muñiz, 2012). holidays (Meltzer & Mindell, 2008).
5. Create a consistent and enjoyable bedtime 2. Recommend a consistent, calm, bedtime
routine for your baby (Blum & Carey, 1996). routine that includes relaxing activities over the
6. Develop a consistent daily bedtime and span of about 20 to 30 minutes in the room where
wake time schedule for your baby (Blum & Carey, the child sleeps (Morgenthaler, Owens, Alessi,
1996). Boehlecke, Brown, et al., 2006).
3. The ideal sleeping environment is quiet,
Sleep Hygiene Recommendations to
dark, and cool in the evening, and well lit in
Parents of Toddlers
the morning. It is important that the sleeping
1. Continue developing a regular sleep–wake environment should be associated with positive
schedule for your toddler that is consistent on experiences and emotions and, therefore, parents
both weekdays and weekends (Meltzer & Mindell, should not use the bedroom or going to bed early
2008). as punishments (Meltzer & Mindell, 2008).
2. Continue developing a regular and relaxing 4. Heavy meals within the 2 hours before
bedtime routine for your child (Blum & Carey, bedtime should be avoided, but a small snack close
1996). to bedtime is acceptable so that the child does not
3. Your toddler’s sleep environment should be go to bed hungry (Kataria, 2004).
consistent every night and throughout the night 5. Caffeine should be avoided in the late
(i.e., he/she should not be moving from a crib to afternoon and evening. Examples of caffeinated
a bed or from one bed to another throughout the beverages and foods include coffee, tea, energy
night; Mindell, 2005). drinks, sodas, hot chocolate, and solid chocolate
4. Encourage your toddler’s use of a security (Meltzer & Mindell, 2008).
transitional object throughout the night to help 6. Television, computers, and cell phones
with the transition from crib to bed (Blum & should not be present in the bedroom.
Carey, 1996). Furthermore, Internet use should be kept to a

g ruber, co n s ta n t i n , c a s s o ff, m i c ha el s en 579

minimum in the evening (Cain & Gradisar, 2010; Resources Regarding Pediatric Sleep for
Meltzer & Mindell, 2008). Psychologists, Educators, and Health Care
7. Napping during the day may create difficulty Professionals
in nighttime sleeping (Meltzer & Mindell, 2008). Many resources (e.g., online information, pam-
8. Regular exercise in the afternoon can phlets, sleep education curricula, books, articles,
help deepen sleep, but intense exercise (e.g., conference proceedings, health recommendations)
soccer practice) within 2 hours before bedtime regarding pediatric sleep are currently available
can prevent the ability to fall asleep (Bowden, and continue to be developed for psychologists,
Lorenc, Robinson, Quintanilha, Cruz, Corso, educators, and health care professionals by organi-
et al., 2010). zations in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
9. Each child should attempt to maximize For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics
bright light exposure in the morning and limit it (AAP; www.aap.org), the American Academy of
in the evening, as this will help align their internal Sleep Medicine (AASM; www.aasmnet.org/), and
circadian rhythm with the external environment the National Sleep Foundation (NSF; http://www.
thus rendering them more alert during the day and sleepfoundation.org/) are in the United States.
fatigued at night (El-Sheikh, 2011). Canadian initiatives include the Canadian Sleep
10. Be aware of signs of chronic difficulty Society (CSS; www.canadiansleepsociety.ca/) and
sleeping, excessive and loud snoring, breathing Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS; http://www.cps.
problems, unusual nighttime awakenings, and ca/). The European Sleep Research Society (ESRS;
recurrent daytime sleepiness (Kataria, 2004). www.esrs.eu) has developed materials as well.
Sleep promotion strategies appropriate for ado-
lescents are similar to those suitable for school-age
Future Directions
The goals of this section are, first, to discuss
children (see list above), but include a few additional
potential future directions that could be taken to
components specific to the adolescent lifestyle.
improve the effectiveness of sleep promotion pro-
1. Given the high prevalence of sleep grams; second, to identify methodological concerns
deprivation in adolescence and the natural and barriers that should be considered in future
tendency toward delayed rising and bedtime, it is studies; third, to discuss potential strategies facili-
important to advise adolescents on the importance tating dissemination of such programs and enhanc-
of healthy sleep habits over the weekend. Although ing collaboration among health care professionals,
waking up late on the weekends is reasonable, it to promote healthy sleep and the benefits thereof
should be limited to no more than 90 minutes and to combat pediatric sleep problems.
past the usual wake time in order to prevent sleep
onset difficulties and erratic sleep/wake schedules Potential Future Directions Aimed at
(Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998) Improving the Effectiveness of Sleep
2. Adolescents should avoid stimulating Promotion Programs
activities and the use of stimulants (e.g., caffeine, • Acquiring Empirical Evidence to Support
difficult homework, text messaging, online Widely Used Sleep Hygiene Recommendations
chatting, computer games) in the hour before that are not Evidence-Based
bedtime (Cain & Gradisar, 2010; see Gradisar and “Sleep hygiene” is a set of key practical strategies
Short, Chapter 11). frequently recommended to parents and to subjects
3. It is important for adolescents and their of all ages to optimize sleep and to prevent sleep
parents/guardians to understand the increased risk deprivation (Hauri, 1969; Hauri, 1992). Although
for and dangers associated with drowsy driving these strategies seem sensible and are considered to
in adolescence (see Hershner, Chapter 31). The be effective in improving sleep and preventing sleep
combination between an increased prevalence of deprivation and associated problems, substantial
sleep deprivation, an increased sleep need, and empirical evidence supporting these recommenda-
an age at which a driver’s license can be obtained tions, or allowing adjustment of recommendations
renders adolescents prone to being drowsy while to suit the changing developmental needs of chil-
driving during the morning, afternoon, and/ dren of different ages, is lacking. Future research
or evening (Curry, Hafetz, Kallan, Winston, & is needed to support existing sleep hygiene recom-
Durbin, 2011). mendations, to provide a scientific rationale for

5 80 preventative intervention: curri c ul a a n d p ro g ra m s

such suggestions, to better describe how the recom- well as earlier extracurricular activities and school-
mendations should be implemented, and to intro- sponsored social events (e.g., school dances).
duce a developmental perspective. This research
may potentially identify ways in which the recom- Methodological Concerns and Barriers
mendations could be optimized and adjusted to suit 1. Measuring the Impact of Sleep Promotion
children of different ages. Programs on the Health and Success of Children
• Individualizing Standard Recommendations and Parents.
to Accommodate the Varied Needs Of Parents Whereas several prevention programs developed
Parenting and attachment styles, parental cogni- to improve sleep in infants and newborns have used
tion and beliefs, parents’ personalities, and family empirical approaches to document changes in sleep
situations vary considerably (Sigel, McGillicuddy- behavior, and a few have measured maternal mood,
De Lisi, & Goodnow, 1992). These factors may research into the beneficial impact of such pro-
influence how parents follow routine recommenda- grams on the daytime functioning of children and
tions regarding nighttime behavior. This is particu- their parents is lacking. Studies exploring parental
larly true when parents respond to children who cry productivity at work; family relationships; paren-
during the night; when handling children’s protests tal mood and attention levels; and child daytime
(again, frequently articulated by crying behavior); behavior, mood, and performance, are needed to
and when a clinician recommends that parents cre- measure and document the impact of sleep promo-
ate and follow consistent routines. It is therefore tion programs on the health and success of children
important that future research identify family and and their families.
parental factors that might affect the implementa- 2. Distinction between Changing Sleep
tion of preventative interventional strategies and Knowledge and Changing Sleep Behavior
then develop strategies tailored to accommodate Sleep promotion programs that seek to change
individual differences in parental styles and family the sleep behavior of parents, and programs con-
backgrounds. structed to help school-aged children and ado-
• Individualizing Standardized Recommen- lescents, frequently include a sleep education
dations to Accommodate Adolescent Needs component. Although this is important, it is critical
and the Ability of Adolescents to Implement to draw a distinction between increasing knowledge
Preventative Strategies on the one hand, and instilling actual change in
Given the high prevalence of sleep deprivation behavior on the other. Whereas knowledge acqui-
during adolescence and the natural tendency of sition provides an important basis for behavioral
adolescents to delay both bed and rise times, it is change, mere learning is not sufficient to ensure
important to help adolescents develop healthy sleep behavioral change and can indeed be frequently
habits. A key barrier impeding preventative sleep noted in the absence of such change. It is there-
interventions in adolescence is the development of fore important to clearly distinguish between sleep
increased autonomy (associated with less parental knowledge and sleep behavior, and to measure and
supervision and reduced parental involvement in carefully document the effectiveness of sleep pro-
the setting of bedtime) combined with a reluctance motion programs in changing actual sleep behavior
to prioritize sleep over social activities and school- or sleep priorities.
work. Given this combination of factors, a key 3. Facilitating Dissemination of Sleep Promo-
challenge in developing effective sleep promotion tion Programs to Parents, Psychologists, Nurses,
programs for adolescents, and an important future Pediatricians, and Educators
research direction, is the identification of strate- Despite the extent and strength of evidence dem-
gies that motivate adolescents to prioritize sleep onstrating the critical importance of sleep, and the
and healthy sleep behavior on the one hand, but adverse impacts of sleep deprivation, such knowl-
support the natural development of autonomy and edge is not widely available to children or their
independence on the other. Furthermore, it is nec- families. The existence of problems that may poten-
essary that the environment reinforce healthy sleep- tially be remedied upon application of healthy sleep
ing habits among adolescents. This would involve education, and the difficulties currently experienced
making schools more “sleep friendly” by having in addressing such problems, constitute a “transla-
later start times (Owens, Belon, & Moss, 2010; tion gap.” Given the critical nature of the domains
Wolfson, Spaulding, Dandrow, & Baroni, 2007) as adversely affected by sleep restriction, the delivery

g ruber, co n s ta n t i n , c a s s o ff, m i c ha el s en 581

of sleep education within the community and in of partnerships among health care providers, edu-
the consulting rooms of primary care pediatricians, cators, and the families such professionals serve.
psychologists, nurses, and school personnel offers Future work should focus on the building of skills
unique opportunities to close the gap in sleep educa- enabling health care providers, parents, and youth
tion. This would significantly improve youth health to facilitate and maintain child and adolescent sleep
and well-being and reduce the preventable burden behavioral changes. In addition, the acquisition of
of disease caused by sleep deprivation. Key infor- empirical evidence supporting recommended sleep
mation and resources to be disseminated include hygiene strategies, and the tailoring of individual
general information on the importance of sleep, programs to the unique needs and characteristics of
best-practice papers for health care providers, and particular families, would enhance the effectiveness
evidence-based educational tools. Professional col- of the work.
laboration, involving the exchange of information
among health care professionals who have ongoing References
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specific developmental milestones in the develop- Arnhold, I. J. P., & Menna-Barreto, L. (1993). Sleep char-
ment of sleep, describe a variety of sleep promo- acteristics of adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of
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improved sleep in a way that is age-appropriate. education programs successful? The case for improved and
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One year follow-up. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 7(5), educational inter-vention to promote maternal and infant
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5 84 preve n tative intervention: cur ri c ul a a n d p ro g ra m s

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Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, a good night’s sleep for young adolescents. Behavioral Sleep
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g rube r, co n s ta n t i n , c a s s o ff, m i c ha el s en 585


Late Adolescence and Emerging

40 Adulthood: A New Lens for
Sleep Professionals
Pamela V. Thacher

Researchers have increasingly identified the ages of 17–23 as a separate developmental stage, referred
to as “emerging adulthood,” distinct from our understanding of what it is to be in adolescence or
to have reached adulthood. This chapter extends and deepens what is known about treating adults
and middle adolescent patient populations to clarify the practice parameters in treating the late
adolescent/emerging adult (LA/EA). With a focus on sleep disorders that will appear in this population,
the chapter also highlights important developmental elements such as the LA/EA’s consideration
of risk and reward, approaches to decision making, and goal-directed behaviors. Both practical
and contextual aspects of clinical practice are outlined for the clinician with respect to the unique
demands of this clientele.
Key Words: adolescence, late adolescence, emerging adulthood, sleep disorders, young adult, risk,
reward, decision making

“ . . . I would there were no age between ten and three-

and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for
there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with
child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting . . . ”
W. Shakespeare, “The Winter’s Tale,” 3.3.58–61.

Developmental approaches to sleep and mental first noted, many variables that characterize adult-
health have recognized the passage out of high school hood are still in flux during emerging adulthood as
and into a new and more independent setting as a contrasted to young adulthood. In emerging adult-
unique and important transitional stage, not well hood, stability in occupational path and financial
characterized by either of the terms “young adult” independence have not been achieved; marital sta-
or “adolescent.” Arnett has offered the term emerging tus is typically “single” during this time—although
adulthood to better describe this very dynamic stage meaningful romantic relationships are more com-
of life (Arnett, 2000). Arnett conceptualizes emerg- mon (Giordano, Manning, & Longmore, 2010)—
ing adulthood as distinct from late adolescence and those who have had a child are exceptions to the
(“the second decade of life,” Arnett, 2000, p. 476) rule at this age (Arnett, 2000, p. 477). In most ways,
and from young adulthood because individuals in including other less tangible aspects (e.g., non-role-
this life phase (between 17 and 25) largely do not oriented identifications), individuals in this group
self-identify as “adults” (Arnett, 2001). As Arnett feel less than fully adult and yet not children, either.

5 86
They cherish independence, yet also engage in many resembles adults more closely in the range of their
behaviors that betray lingering immaturity. sleep need, and need closer to 8 hours (Wehr,
Parental control over behavior in the late ado- 1991). More research on the specific parameters of
lescent/emerging adult (LA/EA) group is incom- sleep in this population is needed, however, as this
plete at best, and thus parents cannot compel their group has only recently emerged as a distinct devel-
children to cooperate with the family’s health care opmental stage. In fact, considerable research has
provider. Thus clients in this group may need to be focused on college students who fit into the LA/EA
encouraged to move closer to accepting the respon- demographic, as their ages range from 17–23 years
sibilities of adulthood and to participate in the treat- old, and thus we do have useful data regarding the
ment suggestions. Providers working with this age middle range of this demographic. Studies on col-
group need to understand not only the psychiatric lege and university students consistently report that
and behavioral problems that LA/EAs bring to their total sleep time is between 6.7 and 7.7 hours of sleep
practice, but must also comprehend the develop- per night (Pilcher & Ott, 1998; Pilcher, Ginter, &
mental aspects that are salient as this group moves Sadowsky, 1997), suggesting that the majority are
fully into adulthood. not getting enough sleep. Few studies have exam-
This chapter will consider three broad areas to ined sleep in the emerging adult who has entered
help providers anticipate and manage the challenges the working world (or who is both working full-
and the rewards of working with this age group time and attending college). For the purposes of this
who evidence problems with sleep. Because some discussion, the emerging adult who is working will
readers will be primarily sleep clinicians interested be considered as needing the same amount of sleep
in expanding practice parameters to include the as a college student in this age group.
LA/EA clientele, and others will be clinicians who
treat adolescents and wish to develop expertise in Chronotype and Circadian factors
addressing sleep problems, the information of inter- Circadian systems affect virtually all of the body’s
est may vary. Thus the chapter is organized so that functions (see Auger and Crowley, Chapters 17
first I present a general overview of sleep require- and 23). The system that has the most immediate
ments and consequences of inadequate sleep. In this relevance to circadian influence is the sleep/wake
section, psychologists and other clinicians who do cycle. One of the easiest markers of the circadian
not have primary expertise in sleep can gain the nec- system’s ebb and flow is found in the times that
essary “basics,” so that the remainder of the chapter a person chooses for bedtime and for rise time).
is more coherent. The second section of the chapter Individual differences influence bedtime/rise times,
directly addresses diagnostic and treatment issues such that some of us consider ourselves “night owls”
that arise in this age group; that is, the late teen and and some “morning larks”; these preferences are
emerging adult. Lastly, and potentially of interest operationalized in scores obtained from question-
to all readers, I offer a brief review of the context naires and other measures and are usually referred to
of the brain and mind in this age group, sometimes as “morningness” and “eveningness” (Roenneberg,
loosely referred to as the “neuroscience” of develop- Wirz-Justice, & Merrow, 2003).
ment and psychopathology. In addition to individual differences that persist
throughout adulthood, developmental influences
Overview of the Sleep/Wake Cycle in the are also prominent, particularly in the first three
Late Adolescent/Emerging Adult decades. Throughout early and middle childhood,
Sleep Requirements of the Late Adolescent “morning preference” dominates. For the LA/EA
and Emerging Adult population, circadian preference steadily delays due
Although sleep requirements can be generally to changes in both biological and social systems
described for children, adolescents, and adults as (Carskadon Vieira, & Acebo, 1993; Carskadon,
“between 6 and 9 hours per night,” in fact, sleep Acebo, Richardson, Tate, & Seifer, 1997). The
requirements vary significantly and systematically by gradual development of earlier circadian preference
both age and developmental stage: children in early (an “advance” in the circadian clock) may provide
and middle adolescence (ages 7–11 and 12–16 years a rough estimate of the true onset of adulthood, at
old, respectively) need about 9 hours of sleep at night least with respect to the sleep/wake cycle as it inter-
(Carskadon, Harvey, Duke, Anders, & Dement, acts with the adulthood phenotype in the circadian
1980); the late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/EA; system (Roenneberg, Kuehnle, Pramstaller, Ricken,
about ages 17–23), on the other hand, apparently Havel et al., 2004). Chronotype refers to metabolic

t hac her 587

or hormonal markers (e.g., melatonin) of this bio- likely encounter clients whose mental health issues
logical system; circadian preference is the behavioral may be in part exacerbated by inflexible schedules.
feature of this system, in which individuals arrange For high school students (late adolescents), the
their schedules (if possible) to coincide with pre- single most important factor that determines RT is
ferred hours of wake and sleep. The provider should their school start time; the length of their sleep cycle
consider circadian preference whenever possible follows this variable closely (Carskadon, Wolfson,
when treating the LA/EA. Tzichinsky, & Acebo, 1995; Owens, Belon, &
Circadian preference moderates many aspects of Moss, 2010; Szymczak, Jasinska, Pawlak, &
sleep schedule choices, particularly among students Swierzykowska,1993; Wahlstrom, 2002; Wolfson,
who can choose their own schedules. Those with Spaulding, Dandrow & Baroni, 2007; also see
a morning circadian preference have earlier bed- Au, Appleman, and Stavitsky, Chapter 38). When
times, earlier rise times, and complain of fewer sleep- students have more freedom to set bedtimes (vaca-
related problems (Giannotti, Cortesi, & Ottaviano, tions, weekends), most keep later bedtimes and
1997, Giannotti, Cortesi, Sebastiani, & Ottaviano also stay asleep for a longer duration (Wolfson &
2002; Onyper, Thacher, Gilbert, & Gradess, 2012; Carskadon, 1998). This is true for both high school
Wolfson & Carskadon, 2003). “Larks,” as those with students (Owens et al., 2010; Szymczak et al., 1993;
morning circadian preference are sometimes called, Wahlstrom, 2002) and college students (Onyper
have better scores on formal tests of cognitive ability et al., 2012).
and have higher GPAs (Gray & Watson, 2002; Trockel, In this age group, then, sleep schedules follow
Barnes, & Eggett, 2000). The provider may want to from academic schedules. Later class times result
inquire, therefore, about the direction and strength of in delayed bedtimes and rise times but also longer
the client’s circadian preference (e.g., “Owl” or “Lark”), sleep and reduced daytime sleepiness. Specifically,
especially if the client shows a strong preference for one for every one hour of delay in class start time, col-
extreme chronotype or the other. lege students gained, on average, 22 minutes of sleep
Providers should also directly inform students on weekday nights (Onyper et al., 2012), consistent
with strong tendencies towards “owlish” prefer- with findings from studies that utilized high school
ence—staying up late and rising later—of the students. Later start time for academics (school start
impact that this behavior may have on their aca- times or college class start times) increases the total
demic performance. Although it is unlikely that sleep time, improves daytime energy and motiva-
these students will be able to change their circadian tion for academics, and improves school attendance
preference simply by being informed, they should for both late adolescents and for emerging adults
know that actions which may exacerbate this pref- (Carskadon, Wolfson, Acebo, Tzischinsky, & Seifer
erence (frequent or extreme delays of bedtime on 1998; Onyper et al., 2012; Owens et al., 2010;
weekends; excessive oversleeping on the weekends) Wahlstrom, 2002; Wolfson et al., 2007).
are likely worsen daytime function, which for the Later circadian preferences generally accompany
majority of this age group coincides with times they increased difficulty in early rise times. Nonetheless,
are in class. Providers working with this age group in most communities school start times are set earlier
should engage their clients in a focused conversa- as students move from middle school to high school
tion about findings that suggest earlier rise times are (e.g., Wahlstrom, 2002). As a result, students report
associated with higher GPA (Gray & Watson, 2002; that they get less sleep than they need beginning at
Onyper et al., 2012; Trockel et al., 2000; Wolfson & about age 13 (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998).
Carskadon, 1998). In this way, although they may Rise times are set by school or work, and bed-
not be able to “choose” to be “larks,” individuals times are driven later by biological and social influ-
may take measures to keep sleep schedules similar ences. The treating professional must keep these
to those that larks might choose. This choice is more contextual aspects—biological and social—in
likely to occur if the client is aware of the repercus- awareness as they devise treatment plans. Despite
sions of delayed schedule on weekends than if he or the client’s possible reluctance to change their
she remains ignorant of these connections. weekend pattern (e.g., sleeping in late), the LA/EA
who habitually delays his or her bedtime, and sleeps
Sleep Schedules in the LA/EA later on weekends, is likely to experience problems,
School schedules—high school start times or col- some quite serious, during the week. These include
lege class times—largely determine the parameters increased sleepiness, poorer motivation to engage
of the sleep cycle. Providers who treat LAs/EAs will in classwork and other academic or work-related

5 88 l ate adoles cence and emerg ing a d ult ho o d

tasks, irritability, anxiety and depression, more tru- hopes of increasing their GPA, as is somewhat more
ancy and tardiness, increased drop-out rates, and likely to occur with a younger student (e.g., a high
problems in regulating mood (Dahl & Lewin, 2002; school student). Onyper et al.’s findings (2012)
Manber, Bootzin, Acebo, & Carskadon, 1996; indicated that fatigue and alcohol use, rather than
Onyper et al., 2012; Talbot, McGlinchey, Kaplan, absolute length of sleep, contributed the most to low
Dahl, & Harvey, 2010); Wolfson & Carskadon, GPA. For some clients, fatigue should be addressed
1998). Although little research has examined work directly rather than focusing the client on when
absences in this age group, it may be the case that a college class is offered. In other words, students
emerging adults who have obtained a job are more should be encouraged to consider attending earlier
likely to either lose that job or miss work if they, classes, eschewing drinking to the greatest extent
too, delay sleep on weekends. Because of these con- possible, and addressing issues of fatigue through
sistent links between poor or inadequate sleep and regular, adequate sleep schedules, rather than sim-
mood dysregulation, providers should ask clients ply trying to sleep longer in the mornings (Onyper
who complain of these daytime sequelae about their et al., 2012) Many studies have identified the dra-
sleep, even if clients do not identify sleep depriva- matic and negative effects of sleepiness and fatigue
tion as a concern. The provider cannot afford to on academic performance (Link & Ancoli-Israel,
ignore the disparity between weekend and week- 1995; Rodrigues, Viegas, Abreu e Silva, & Tavares,
day patterns for the teen or emerging adult client 2002; Singleton & Wolfson, 2009).
who complains of daytime sequelae that typically Moving beyond simple GPA, other studies
accompany this pattern. have demonstrated that shorter sleep—rather than
sleepiness—has important implications for well-
LA/EA and School Schedules: being. Shorter sleep and lower quality sleep are
Total Sleep Time and Sleepiness both strongly tied to subjective reports of decreased
For both high school students and college stu- health (Pilcher et al., 1997; Pilcher & Ott, 1998) as
dents, later school or class start times improve func- well as poorer immunological response in both
tioning across many of the same domains. Daytime experimental (Spiegel, Sheridan, & Van Cauter,
sleepiness lessens, total sleep time increases, and 2002) and naturalistic studies (Prather, Hall, Fury,
depressed mood, irritability, and stress concerns all Ross, Muldoon et al.2012). More recently, reports
decrease. For college students, however, a later class of the role that total sleep time plays in cellular and
start time may not be critical. Findings from one metabolic health have begun to appear in the lit-
study found that class schedules were only weakly erature (Buboltz, Loveland, Jenkins, Brown, Soper
associated with semester GPA when the influence of et al., 2006; Spiegel, Leproult, & Van Cauter,
other variables was controlled: Onyper et al. (2012) 1999). Poor quality sleep also results in problems in
found in a path analysis that for every hour that mental health and mood regulation (Dahl & Lewin,
classes started later, GPA declined slightly. Earlier 2002; Talbot et al., 2010). For some clients the aca-
class start times thus were associated with improved demic issue may be more important than issues of
academic performance, although this relationship health, specifically. For others, whose complaints
was small, about two-tenths of a point (the dif- focus more on adequate sleep, the fatigue, depressed
ference between, for example, a 78% for a course, mood, or frequent illnesses may be more press-
which might equate to a grade of a C+, and an ing. The client and provider together might have
80%, which might equate to a B-. Note however a conversation that weighs the various issues when
that for many students, this kind of difference—the designing a treatment plan.
difference between a “B” and a “C”—is meaningful Certainly, then, inconsistencies between effects
across many domains. For example, GPA cut-offs of decreased total sleep time (TST) and increased
are invoked for such diverse resources as financial sleepiness introduce some uncertainty into this lit-
aid, scholarships, and special programs (e.g., appli- erature. It may be the case that sample characteristics
cations to study abroad). Thus, although the abso- and/or specific definitions of the variables and their
lute difference in grade may be slight, it may be measurement might account for the findings that
important to individual students. suggest TST and sleepiness have different, and not
This difference may only be important, then, entirely consistent, effects on well-being and aca-
when student grades are at the border of one grade demic performance. These subtly different vari-
and another. The overall message might be that stu- ables should be examined further to ascertain more
dents should not necessarily choose later classes in about how they operate to affect the client whose

t hac her 589

daily functioning is the focus of intervention or Brand, 2004). Peers influence the LA/EA’s choices
medication. regarding activities in a number of domains.
Decisions about when and how much to sleep,
Affective, Cognitive, and Academic issues when and how many substances to ingest, in fact
Related to Sleep Loss and Sleepiness whether and when to engage in virtually all activi-
Some students deny feeling sleepy after short ties that are not mandatory (e.g., school attendance)
TST, or deny any particular cognitive or emotional will likely bear the stamp of the peer group’s influ-
strain from losing sleep. Results from studies that ence. High school and college settings may inadver-
examine sleep loss under controlled conditions and tently increase the salience of the peer group, as the
with careful attention to valid dependent measures, ratio of student to adult tends to be skewed heavily
however, commonly detect serious problems: wors- toward the student. Students have fewer opportuni-
ening reaction time, poorer mood regulation, and ties to experience the guidance or influence of adults
increased attention/memory deficits among oth- when ratios are so one-sided. Furthermore, research
ers (Durmer & Dinges, 2005; Nilsson, Derstro, regarding parental influence on college students’
Andreas, Karlsson, Akerstedt et al.,2005; Pilcher & choices is nearly nonexistent, despite the common
Huffcutt, 1996). Deficits in cognition build both lament in the popular media about the involvement
acutely (after a single night of total sleep depriva- of parents in college student’s lives (Hofer, 2010).
tion) and over time (chronic sleep deprivation). No In working with this age group, therefore, inter-
evidence for accommodation to sleep loss is seen ventions and recommendations should take into
in experimental protocols (Van Dongen, Maislin, account the client’s strong ties to a variety of social
Mullington, & Dinges, 2003). networks including friends, fellow team members,
These cognitive deficits mount in most (although and workplace friends or acquaintances. Providers
not all) experimental participants in spite of con- may want to include a brief inventory of the sleep
fidence in their continued abilities. The provider schedules of the client’s closest friends, romantic
should keep in mind that the client may deny pos- partners, or teammates, in order to anticipate and
sible problems from sleep deprivation, even going respond to potential peer influences on bedtime
so far as to claim that they have become accustomed (and, less commonly, on rise time). For example,
to less sleep in spite of evidence to the contrary (e.g., as providers are likely well aware, bedtime may be
irritability, poor memory, mood dysregulation, etc.; quite delayed in order to both send and receive elec-
Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011). Although the tronic communications from a close friend or from
combination of inadequate sleep and increasing aca- larger groups of peers. If the clinician can engage
demic, social, and emotional demands on the LA/ the client in a serious discussion about texting, and
EA may be difficult to negotiate, most LAs/EAs do arrange for the client to choose a “cut-off” time,
not develop major psychopathology (Merikangas, late-night texting can be anticipated and managed
He, Burstein, Swanson, Avenevoli, et al., 2010). if not eliminated. Even moderate reductions in this
However, some types of psychopathology develop behavior may improve sleep and should not be over-
at this stage, with unipolar and bipolar depression, looked as a point of intervention
anxiety, impulse control disorders, eating disor-
ders, and substance abuse being the most common Cognitive Functioning and
(Kessler, Berglund, Demler, Jin, Merikangas, et al., Academic Achievement
2005; Swanson, Crow, le Grange, Swendsen, & Students who sleep less, who have more irregu-
Merikangas, 2011). The electronic media in which lar sleep, and who have the latest bedtimes typi-
many LAs/EAs immerse themselves, furthermore, cally have lower grade point average (GPA; Kelly,
create permanent records of the choices, outcomes, Kelly, & Clanton, 2001; Trockel et al., 2000;
and disasters that occur. Thus, although there is Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998, 2003) but the effect
room for hope and positive expectations, the pro- sizes can be small. In addition, insufficient sleep
vider needs to quickly determine the best path and leads to detriments in sustained attention (Kamdar,
the interventions most likely to succeed. Kaplan, Kezirian, & Dement, 2004), critical
For later adolescents, peer influence is strong and thinking (Pilcher & Walters, 1997), problem solv-
interacts with parental influence, especially in fami- ing (Campos-Morales, Valencia-Flores, Castano-
lies where parents both monitor their adolescents’ Meneses, & Castaneda-Figueira et al., 2005;
activities and value time spent with them (Laible, Wagner, Gais, Halder, Verleger, & Born, 2004),
Carlo, & Roesch, 2004; Wood, Read, Mitchell, & and overall cognitive ability (Buboltz et al., 2006).

590 l ate adoles cence and emerg ing a d ult ho o d

Students with an evening circadian preference and depression (Galambos et al., 2009; Jacobus
find it particularly challenging to perform well in et al., 2009), and depression is certainly among the
morning schedules (Fernandez-Mendoza, Ilioudi, most common reasons that a student is referred for
Montex, Olavarrieta-Bernardino, Aguirre-Berrocal, professional help to a sleep center. Furthermore,
et al., 2010; Guthrie, Ash, & Bendapudi, 1995). alcohol is associated with both delayed sleep
Unmet sleep needs have the potential to affect a schedules and lowered GPA (Onyper et al., 2012;
wide range of behaviors critical to success in aca- Wolaver, 2002) although some studies report mixed
demic settings in ways that include but certainly results for these variables and their relationships to
also go beyond GPA. academic performance (e.g., Paschall & Freisthler,
2003). In many studies, the number of drinks con-
Role of Substance Use and Alcohol sumed on a typical weekend night is the strongest
Similar to younger students, college students predictor of academic performance—Onyper et al.
complain that their sleep is too short, is of poor (2012) found that an increase of 1 standard devia-
quality, and is quite irregular (Carney, Edinger, tion in alcohol use (approximately 4 drinks) was
Meyer, Lindman, & Istre, 2006; Manber et al., associated with a .28 SD decline in semester GPA
1996). Providers may find that increased substance (approximately .13 points).
abuse parallels these complaints. Students in college If students in college drink heavily during the
report using more substances than students in high weekends, further compensatory actions during
school (White, Lavouvie, & Papadaratsakis, 2005, the week may become necessary. For students who
White, McMorris, Catalano, Fleming, Haggerty drink to the point of inebriation on the weekends,
et al., 2006), including alcohol (see Bootzin, sleep/wake and study/recreate schedules become
Cousins, Kelly, & Stevens, Chapter 36), stimulants irregular and ineffective for continued academic
generally, caffeinated beverages and substances spe- achievement (Taylor, Wright, & Lack, 2008). One
cifically, tobacco, and also more illegal substances compensatory strategy for some students might be
including marijuana and sedative/depressant sub- “pulling an all-nighter” to make up for lost study
stances. Emerging adults both use and abuse more time over the weekend. In one study examining this
prescription medication, particularly pain medica- practice, about 60% reported engaging in this form
tions, than younger or older groups (SAMHSA, of sleep deprivation at least once during the previ-
2006). Prescriptions target problems with pain and ous semester. Use of “all-nighters” predicted lower
also sleep, attention deficits, mood, and anxiety most GPA, a more “evening” circadian preference, and a
commonly (SAMHSA, 2006). One in five admit to later BT. Students who endorsed this practice also
using prescription medications that were intended reported they were “sure” that they could “recover”
for others or that were for different purposes than from a night of total sleep deprivation in “about a
originally prescribed (e.g., methylphenidate pre- day” (Thacher, 2008), although other research sug-
scribed for ADHD being used to help study; Clegg- gests this is unlikely (Van Dongen et al., 2003).
Kraynok, McBean, & Montgomery-Downs, 2011; The use of all-nighters, in fact, may disadvantage
Wu, Pilowsky, & Patkar, 2008). Many substances the student’s ability to function for several days and
disrupt both the quantity and quality of sleep may worsen attention, memory, and motivation in
(Galambos, Dalton & Maggs, 2009; Jacobus, Bava, important ways. Effects in these domains may com-
Cohen-Zion, Mahmood, & Tapert, 2009; Morin & prise the mechanism of lower GPA for students who
Wooten, 1996). Sedatives, which may also decrease engage in this behavior, and further research in this
the quality of sleep, are habit forming and may cre- practice is needed. (Thacher, 2008; Onyper et al.,
ate dependency and addiction. 2012). All-nighters may serve as a marker for other
Alcohol use in particular has a dramatic effect on poor sleep habits that together increase risk for poor
both sleep and academics: alcohol use commonly sleep. If the provider asks about sleep habits and the
leads to poor sleep and poorer academic achievement client cites numerous all-nighters, this may be an
(e.g., Onyper et al., 2012; Singleton & Wolfson, entrée into a longer conversation about how the cli-
2009). Thus, one of the most important questions ent’s weekly study patterns are being affected by an
a provider can ask of a student who is complaining irregular and unpredictable sleep/wake cycle.
of problems in college or in a first job must be with Other compensatory actions for lost sleep may
respect to substance use, particularly alcohol, as this include taking naps, or delaying rise time and
is by far the most common drug for this age group advancing bedtime (that is, going to bed earlier)
to abuse (White et al., 2006). Alcohol worsens sleep to extend sleep. If other tasks are pressing and tests

t hac her 591

or other assignments are looming, students may Health Insurance Portability and
miss class in order to complete an assignment or Accountability Act (HIPAA),
study for an exam, or may miss class unintention- Confidentiality and Record-Keeping
ally because of falling into an unscheduled nap or Considerations
sleeping past an alarm (Thacher, 2008). All of these One arena in which critical differences arise when
events suggest that a student is not in control of his comparing treatment of children and adolescents
or her schedule. Likewise, frequent and binge types versus emerging adults is that of record-keeping and
of drinking worsen sleep and increase sleepiness and confidentiality. For clinicians who are accustomed to
fatigue on the days following a drinking episode, seeing clients exclusively from a pediatric or family
secondary to alcohol’s depressive effects (Roehrs & population it is axiomatic that records and appoint-
Roth, 2001). One way that students may compen- ment details are, of necessity, open to the parent/
sate for subsequent alcoholic “hangovers” could guardian and access to the child’s records is granted
be the choice to sleep in later on weekdays (hence as a matter of course. In adult practice, by contrast,
possibly missing class) or to miss study time dur- only the client himself or herself has access to the
ing the evening hours or weekend days and instead records without written consent, and this practice
make up the lost sleep in extended nights or naps is also a matter of course. Practitioners who work
(Wolaver, 2002). with a late adolescent population from high school,
college, or early adulthood, however, may need
Interventions Regarding Sleep Schedules in to become either more or less flexible with record
the LA/EA access as the legal constraints and requirements dif-
How have providers addressed these problems? fer and become more complex. The adolescent cli-
In one prospective longitudinal study, the authors ent may have one set of expectations, while his or
asked students to “regularize” their sleep–wake her parents or guardians may have different expec-
schedule in addition to other, more general, sugges- tations regarding access. For example, in the case
tions to improve sleep hygiene (e.g., decrease use of of a client who is 17 years old—legally a minor—
caffeine) for 4 weeks. Compliance was good and par- parents may expect to have continued access to all
ticipants reported significant improvements in both records on demand. However, depending on the
sleep quality and quantity (Manber et al., 1996). country, state, and the practice, some minor chil-
In a similar study that utilized e-mail communi- dren (especially during the late teen years) may have
cations to students with sleep complaints, fewer certain rights with respect to keeping details of their
depressive symptoms and better quality sleep were treatment private and confidential. A minor client,
both reported, and at extremely low cost (Trockel, therefore, may raise issues about privacy that do
Manber, Chang, Thurston, & Tailor, 2011). Thus not arise with either pediatric or adult populations,
it seems clear that the LA/EA is capable of seeking necessitating careful navigation on the part of the
out and executing suggestions to improve their sleep treating professional about how to handle these dif-
quality and quantity. ferent expectations and preferences. In each case of
a minor or a client who recently reached the age
Treatment Issues for Sleep and of majority (e.g., a child who has turned 18), the
Sleep-Related Disorders in the Late provider must familiarize himself or herself with
Adolescent/Emerging Adult the relevant laws regarding access to records. The
Most clients in this age group bring into treat- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
ment a number of issues unique to adolescence of 1996 (HIPAA; http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/
and emerging adulthood. Providers who work with hipaa/administrative) provides guidelines for practi-
this client population on a regular basis will find tioners to follow with respect to privacy of records.
the issues familiar, but for the sleep specialist who These vary by state and change as new legislation is
is new to the LA/EA population these consider- adopted. In cases where state law is more restrictive
ations could prove helpful as they begin to work than federal law, state laws will prevail (English &
with them. For providers who are familiar with the Ford, 2004). Providers must understand and apply
population but who are new to sleep treatments, I appropriate practice guidelines if in private prac-
provide a brief overview of the most common ele- tice, or must familiarize themselves with their sites’
ments of disordered sleep that might be encoun- application of relevant laws regarding access, confi-
tered. These deserve careful consideration from the dentiality, and exceptions. In addition to the pro-
treating provider. vider’s needing absolute clarity regarding these legal

592 l ate adoles cence and emerg ing a d ult ho o d

guidelines, both parents/guardians and the LA/EA symptoms appeared. During this stage of life, the
should be made explicitly aware of who has access LA/EA considers issues of selfhood, contemplates
to the records, under what conditions access to future goals for occupation, and engages in a bal-
records will occur, how the issues of confidentiality ancing act as he or she considers demands from
regarding therapy and records about therapy will be family of origin and his/her own desire for more
handled, and possible exceptions to these decisions autonomy. An important consideration during this
and guidelines. developmental time includes emerging sexual iden-
In most cases, any client over the age of 18 will tity and the consideration of possibly “coming out”
be presumed to be an adult and although parents as a gay or lesbian individual, and the LA/AE may
may be paying for treatment (or the treatment may be actively considering how to go about this pro-
be covered under a parent’s or guardian’s health cess. Lastly, a new feature of identity at this time in
insurance plan), the records remain protected life is frequently how to create and sustain a lasting,
under both state and federal law. Written consent intimate relationship, as opposed to exploration of
from the LA/EA is required before records can be sexuality per se (Giordano et al., 2010). All of these
shared with parents/guardians. This should also avenues to increased independence carry the risk
be made explicit, as parents or guardians may be for missteps, false starts, painful mistakes, and the
accustomed to a pattern of access to records which chance of rich and rewarding experiences.
they experienced before children reached majority Some LA/EA clients are eager to begin the expe-
age. Although they are designated adults in some rience of counseling. Providers will be able to inter-
settings (e.g., in the provider’s office or at college), vene directly and effectively. Others, however, may
in other settings, such as in their parents’ home not arrive at the first appointment with as much
and in an insurance company’s records, the client motivation. For these clients, conversations about
is designated as a “dependent.” With care to delin- eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, etc., can be dif-
eate the relationship up front and before disclosure ficult. The client may be reluctant to broach or sus-
has begun, however, providers can avoid or lessen tain a conversation around these topics. With these
problems that might arise as a result. Although most clients, a more indirect or general approach will
parents will not be surprised to learn that guidelines be called for. One possible starting point lies with
and restrictions change when children reach 18, the sleep/wake cycle, and the provider may want to
clear explanations and statements, documented in begin there, using sleep as a kind of gentle starting
writing if possible, will help to avoid possible mis- point to reach into areas that otherwise might feel
understandings, misplaced expectations, or compli- too contested, fraught or otherwise “tender.”
cations more generally. Sleep may be uniquely situated for this kind of
indirect therapeutic approach. Sleep-related prob-
General Diagnostic and Treatment Factors lems in adolescents with anxiety complaints, for
in LA/EA: Contexts of Treating for example, may be as high as 90% (Chase & Pincus,
Sleep Disorders 2011); sleep related problems for depression are
Although providers may focus practice parame- a close second at about 80% (Taylor, Lichstein,
ters on sleep disorders generally, many LA/EA clients Durrence, Riedel, & Bush, 2005), and both of
who present for treatment may have other com- these (anxiety and depression) often are comorbid
plaints in addition to sleep dysfunction. Prevalence with substance abuse. Given the increased stigma
data for disorders in adolescent and adult popula- attached to major mental illness, and to substance
tions reveal similar patterns: mood disorders, anxiety abuse/addiction (Hinshaw & Stier, 2008), the
disorders, and substance abuse problems represent provider may find an easier path to begin a thera-
the diagnoses with the highest rates for both ado- peutic alliance and treatment suggestions that cen-
lescents (13–18 year olds in this study; Merikangas ter on sleep-related symptoms as a starting point.
et al., 2010) and for adults (DHHS, 2006). Furthermore, treating sleep can have a cascading
Providers should keep in mind that adolescents are effect on other problems. For example, treatment of
likely to have experienced fewer years of symptoms, insomnia and daytime sleepiness has been shown to
although some adolescents exhibit symptoms, espe- reduce substance use problems even after 12-month
cially for anxiety and depressive disorders, in the follow-up (Bootzin & Stevens, 2005). In a study
pubertal and even prepubertal stage (e.g., from age that examined rates of anxiety after sleep depriva-
6–13; Merikangas et al., 2010). In some cases the tion, both self-reports of anxiety and ratings of the
provider may be seeing the client soon after the first likelihood of catastrophic events occurring increased

t hac her 593

(Talbot et al., 2010), suggesting that restoring sleep difficulties secondary to the shift back and
to clients who are anxious may be an effective way forth between weekday and weekend patterns,
to address that disorder as well. sometimes referred to as “social jet lag”
In any case, since many older adolescents and
emerging adults are getting insufficient sleep or Other Sleep-Related Symptoms/Foci
have erratic sleep/wake patterns, providers and – Snoring (other family members are more
counselors can use sleep factors to begin a conversa- reliable reporters of this than the client) (see
tion about well-being without immediately having McLaughlin Crabtree, Rach, and Gamble,
to ask about behaviors that touch on more stig- Chapter 19)
matized or defended symptoms, such as purging, – Nightmares (see Ivanenko and Larson,
obsessive-compulsive rituals, and so forth. Other Chapter 24)
topics to introduce as entrees to a broader discus- – Hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations
sion of psychiatric functioning could include usual with or without sleep paralysis
bedtimes, wake times, and incidents of middle-of- – Obsessive/compulsive bedtime rituals
the-night awakenings. These discussions can open
Past trauma may continue to influence sleep,
conversations about jobs, sports, homework/project
creating sleep phobia, nightmares, etc.
and work time, and evening pre-bedtime rituals,
Asking about trauma may help alleviate
including any problems that regularly arise dur-
symptoms, through respect and acknowledgement
ing these activities. The provider can suggest to the
ofpast traumatic events (Felitti & Anda, 2009).
LA/EA that the techniques for addressing anxious
The provider is not obligated to make the
aspects of the sleep/wake cycle can or could be used
trauma history the focus of the treatment (unless
to address anxiety in other situations as well, such as
abuse is ongoing), but research suggests that
at a job or at school.
acknowledgement that such a history may be
Another disorder that can be treated under the
affecting one’s health can provide significant
umbrella of sleep is depression. Many LAs/EAs
relief to clients, without in-depth discussion or
who are at risk of developing a mood disorder will
treatment focus.
experience their first episode of depression and/
or mania during adolescence and early adulthood
Sleep Complaints as a “24 hour”
(Dahl, Ryan, Matty, Birmaher, Al-Shabbout et al.,
1996; Benca, Obermeyer, Thisted, & Gillin,1992).
It can be helpful to conceptualize sleep disor-
Because stigma is always a consideration when a cli-
ders, and the symptoms that are described by cli-
ent describes psychiatric symptoms (Sirey, Bruce,
ents, as covering the full 24 hours of a day. With this
Alexopoulos, Perlick Raue et al., 2001) it may feel
approach the client can more easily grasp the impact
less shameful for some clients if the clinician initially
that sleep disorders can have on their lives. In any
asks about sleep rather than, for example, depres-
case, the provider needs to ask about both day and
sion or binge eating. oadly, the provider has a vari-
night features.
ety of topics with which to start off discussion, but
for most clients the following variables should be
Daytime Sleep Problems
inquired about as part of a thorough intake session.
As with adults, the teen and emerging adult should
be asked to describe any problems in these arenas:
Brief Summary of Intake Foci for
Treatment of the LA/EA with Primary – Tardiness to class or school on a regular basis
Sleep Complaints due to sleeping too late to leave the house and
Sleep Schedule arrive on time
• Bedtime [BT] and Rise time[RT] – Falling asleep during the day
° Ask about BT and RT for both weekdays – Mood instability that is interfering with
and weekends (e.g., when school/work daytime functioning. This can take the form of
constrains BT/RT and when little or nothing irritability, feeling very sad, feeling very “raw” or
constrains BT/RT) reactive.
° Calculate the difference between weekdays – Strong afternoon “dip” in alertness,
and weekends; interfering with ability to function
• Differences of about two or more hours – Frequent napping during the week (especially
indicate that the client may be experiencing if unintended)

594 l ate adoles cence and emerg ing a d ult ho o d

• Excessive reliance on caffeine or other total sleep time (TST), etc., when awake, including
stimulant to “get through the day,” especially if clock watching; catastrophizing; changing plans
used in the later afternoon/evening. for the next day (“I won’t be able to go out with
friends [for example] now that I’m getting so little
The LA/EA may not believe that caffeine is inter-
sleep, I’ll just be too tired, so I’d better cancel
fering with sleep because they fall asleep and stay
that activity”). See Harvey, 2002 for an excellent
asleep during the night. They may, therefore, resist
summary of cognitive contributions to insomnia.
suggestions to decrease the amount of caffeine they
are ingesting, or suggestions to cease using caffeine – “Bad dreams” and nightmares
after some point in the early afternoon. Thus the – Nighttime eating
provider should be ready to ask “do you think caf- – Sleepwalking
feine use is interfering with your sleep?” in order to – Panic attacks that arise or waken the client
highlight the findings in sleep research that although from sleep
sleep may be initiated without noticeable problems,
Daytime sequelae of all sleep issues mentioned
or that it may not be noticeably interrupted during
may be immediately tied together by the LA/EA as
the night (see Bootzin, Cousins, Kelly and Stevens,
he or she describes the difficulties in the 24-hour
Chapter 36), nevertheless problems in the depth and
sleep cycle. It may also be the case, however, that
quality of sleep are common and may be marked.
these connections are opaque to the teen and the
The provider should ask about caffeine products and
client may even strongly resist that daytime prob-
substances with care, as this may be underestimated
lems are in any way related to sleep.
by many late adolescents and emerging adults.
Daytime sequelae include moodiness, irritabil-
When caffeine intake is higher than about 400 mg
ity, general feelings of malaise or tiredness, problems
per day (about 4 caffeinated sodas), it is important
with attention, memory difficulties, difficulties with
for the clinician to discuss how caffeine use maybe
impulsivity, problems with inhibiting responses that
interfering with sleep and to work with the client on
are pre-potent (shouting/fighting, aggressive behav-
slowly weaning him/her from caffeinated products.
ior generally), and difficulty in arriving to class or
Although many clients may believe that since they
other appointment on time, especially if scheduled
can fall asleep with relative ease they must not be
for the morning (afternoon tardiness may be much
affected by caffeine, caffeine’s effects on sleep depth
less of a problem or nonexistent, so that the client
and on sleep architecture can be described. Once
can arrive on time to sports/team activities, work-
the client understands the cycle of fatigue → caf-
related activities, etc.).
feine use → poor sleep quality → increased fatigue
(Roehrs & Roth, 2008), he or she may be more will-
ing to cut back or eliminate caffeine use. Substance Use
– Caffeine intake: type, (including soda,
caffeine-concentrated beverages such as Rock Star,
Nighttime Sleep Problems Monster, etc; “energy drinks”); amount; timing
– Early morning awakenings – Nicotine: type (including cigarettes/cigars,
– Extreme lethargy upon rising; inability to chewing tobacco); amount; timing
function adequately after WT+30 minutes – Alcohol: Frequency and amount, including
– Use of multiple alarms to waken/sleeping asking about binge drinking; including
past two or more alarms combinations of alcohol and caffeine
– Getting in bed earlier than one otherwise – Marijuana
might in order to “leave enough time to sleep” – Sedatives: inquire regarding benzodiazepines
° This behavior contributes to excessive sedatives (e.g., diazepam [Valium®], etc., and
sleep onset latency periods. Early BT is often non-benzodiazepine sedativesme.g., Eszopiclone
chosen for an evening following a bad night. [Lunesta®], etc.)
Thus, once in a while this behavior may be – Herbal substances
rewarded with rapid onset of sleep. – Melatonin; amount, timing
– Shortened SOL (<5–10 minutes) paired
with later fragmentation during the night—often It is not necessary to decide whether or not the
followed by one or more periods of extended wake presenting problem is primarily due to sleep prob-
periods after sleep onset (WASO), frequently lems or to depression. The fortunate fact is that
accompanied by worry and apprehension about treating sleep—making it longer if it is too short

t hac her 595

and making it better quality if it is unsatisfying— meaningful targets for any interventions. Context is
can yield changes in mood, decreased anxiety (espe- also important: consideration of the LA/EA’s cogni-
cially as nighttime/BT approaches) and less daytime tive and emotional development, how they see their
tiredness. Increasing the teen’s sense of control, or problems, and how they weigh their choices going
at the very least their understanding of how these forward can make an enormous difference to the
symptoms are interrelated, can help decrease sub- success of the therapy.
jective stress levels, which may also help the overall Health choices, including choices about how to
picture and increase the client’s ability to function manage sleep and the sleep/wake cycle, are the focus
during the day and night. of much of the literature with respect to decision
For each of the above scenarios, the teen/emerging making because poor decision making can have
adult may be having multiple problems during the long-term consequences—and even may result in
day that are consequences of lost sleep, part of a death. In many instances, the decision-making pro-
symptom profile that may not be primarily a sleep cess fails to consider poor outcome as a real possi-
disorder. Although the diagnosis itself may need to bility. Fortunately, the decision-making process that
be pinned down for a variety of reasons, the relative adolescents use with respect to risky behaviors is
unambiguously positive goal of improving sleep qual- often “outgrown”—abandoned without any specific
ity and sleep quantity can give the provider a straight- intervention to help this to occur. Driving without
forward path to a therapeutic alliance and progress seatbelts, choices about drinking (binge drinking,
toward improved function. For an excellent summary driving drunk, etc.), failing to use protection during
of behavioral treatments of sleep and related disor- sexual activity, and so on, all become less common
ders, several texts can be of use to the professional as the LA/EA grows in age and experience into a full
working with sleep patients. Each of these texts pro- adult role.
vides the reader with case studies, clinical examples,
specific protocols, and treatment procedures that can Age as a Proxy for Adulthood
be followed in lieu of formal training (or as guides In examining how issues of the law and various
during formal training. Texts include: legal aspects of roles that society regulates, it may
be helpful to realize that many considerations of
1. Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A
“adulthood” take capabilities—both cognitive and
Comprehensive Primer of Behavioral Sleep Medicine
emotional—into account. For example, the ages
Interventions. (2011). M. Perlis, M. Aloia, & B.
and restrictions for marriage, alcohol purchase, vot-
Kuhn, eds. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
ing, and driving are presented. These represent just
2. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia:
a few of the roles and obligations that society leg-
A Session-by-Session Guide. (2008). 2nd edition. M
islates carefully with consideration of age to be the
L. Perlis, C. Jungquist, M. T. Smith, & D. Posner,
dominant defining variable.
eds. New York: Springer.
In considering this age group, providers can
3. Anxiety and Sleep. (2008) A. G. Harvey, I.
choose between two general approaches. The first
S. Hairston, J. Gruber & A. Gershon. In Oxford
might be described as a “wait and support” stance,
Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders. M. M.
given that the LA/EA client may “outgrow” or sim-
Antony & M. B. Stein, eds. New York: Oxford
ply leave behind the behavior. In this approach, the
University Press.
provider may monitor the LA/EA’s decisions, but
in general act more as a supportive trusted adult,
Social and Behavioral Neuroscience: encouraging judicious limit setting and monitoring
Context of Working with Late Adolescents by parents or other adults. When adults can men-
and Emerging Adults tor or supervise adolescents through their transi-
When clients arrive at a sleep clinic, mental tion to adulthood, the hope is that adults will help
health clinic, or general health clinic they typically the client to avoid catastrophic results. If this path
have one or two “presenting complaints” that pro- is chosen for therapy, providers should encourage
vide a crisp focus for the provider. Because most pro- parents especially, but all adults generally, to “weigh
viders have only three to four sessions to convince in” where possible in frequent, supportive, and con-
a client that the time and money spent on therapy structive ways on the kinds of decisions that the LA/
are worthwhile (McCay & Bannon, 2004), provid- EA is making. This can be difficult (perhaps more so
ers need to very quickly gather information and with some teens than others), to say the least. The
explore whether other problems may serve as more input of adults into the decision-making process

596 l ate adoles cence and emerg ing a d ult ho o d

may help the late adolescent understand and emu- Example: Sleepy Driving
late a more adult decision-making approach. One example of a health-related behavior that
If the client is unwilling to discuss decisions with can be very risky is that of driving in a sleep-deprived
a parent or coach, the provider can serve as a model state. (see Hershner, Chapter 31) Professional drivers
for the client, using the session to engage in appro- (for example, long-haul truck drivers) describe the
priate and supportive conversations that explore intense fear they experience after falling asleep while
the possibility of a catastrophic outcome of a poor driving and narrowly avoiding a catastrophic acci-
choice. On the other hand, if the client is reluctant dent. The truck driver will not need to be convinced
to engage in a discussion of decision making with by a provider of the risk of sleep deprivation and the
the provider, the provider can encourage the client connection of choices regarding sleep schedules to
to broach the subject with another trusted adult. the risk of falling asleep at the wheel. By contrast,
A second approach lies in helping the adolescent for the LA/EA the risks of driving sleepy may feel
to understand and directly emulate the pathways so trivial that a conversation about them may not
and processes that adults use to identify problem register as real risk at all. Thus, such a conversation
behaviors and set goals for the future. The provider may very well be required in order to motivate the
can strategically and transparently help the LA/EA LA/EA client toward changing this behavior.
to use these same component processes to help them In this example, the LA/EA may require a
achieve adult goals such as increased independence, summary of statistics of fall-asleep accidents, the
better employment, more success at such tasks as increased cost of car insurance that results, time
academic achievement or athletic performance, and away from school or work, and possible injury
so on. To help in this process, the provider should or death. It is unlikely that one conversation will
understand both adolescent and adult decision- change the client’s mind, but with repeated conver-
making rubrics. One important difference between sations and when other considerations are added—
adolescent and adult approaches is how these two the chance of improved grades, of better mood, of
groups consider cost-benefit and risk, especially decreased feelings of stress, better ability to get to
with respect to sleep-related decisions. class or work on-time—the likelihood of changed
Providers working with the LA/EA to improve behavior increases.
sleep may find that their approach to scheduling
decisions regarding bedtime and rise time may Sleep Schedule Decisions
fall prey to a clear cost-benefit approach. Most of In a less dramatic—but perhaps more com-
the time, of course, we don’t consciously “weigh” mon—example, the LA/EA may consider an ear-
costs versus benefits. The decision is made beneath lier BT as he or she begins to understand the costs
the level of consciousness, ingrained in habits. of inadequate sleep. However, the LA/EA is likely
In any case, when the provider raises the topic of to be more conversant with the benefits of a late
sleep schedule for a consideration of how choices bedtime, which might include increased connec-
and consequences may be linked, the LA/EA will tion with peers, decreased likelihood of having the
need the provider’s guidance to slow the decision conversation turn to gossip about himself or herself,
making down so that different choices might be increased knowledge about the events and opin-
considered. ions that are important to the client and his or her
Changes that might be discussed include chang- friends, and the release of tension from trying to fall
ing usual bedtime or rise time, or thinking more asleep. Although any or all of these may be trivial
carefully about naps, delayed schedules on the week- or minimal on a given night, from time to time the
ends, and use of substances. The provider should be value of one of these factors will spike, providing an
prepared for the LA/EA to weigh the “risk” of con- unpredictable—and thus highly reinforcing—pat-
tinuing to go about their daily activities in a chroni- tern of reward for having stayed up later in order to
cally sleep-deprived state against the “rewards” of stay “in the loop.” The costs—increased tiredness,
doing so. decreased motivation, low energy, or emotional
For some clients, the willingness to make changes dysregulation—may be important only under spe-
will be slow or even nonexistent. As with any client cific circumstances, such as anticipation of taking
population, the provider needs to be willing to point an important test or participating in an athletic
out that the client must make these changes, and if contest.
the client is simply not willing to make changes the Without conveying, at least in part, the poor
therapy is essentially over. outcomes that become likely—including risk of

t hac her 597

death or injury that might accompany the choices speed in the vehicle they drive: “If I drive as fast
that are made with respect to sleep—the provider as possible and I get into an accident, I could suf-
will find that motivating change will be difficult at fer pain, legal consequences, loss of the car . . . but if
best. At the same time, once that risk is commu- I don’t have an accident, I gain peer approval, self-
nicated it is likely that the teen will then use the esteem, confidence in driving; I gain a better reputa-
same approach to this risk as is used to weigh the tion in the school at large, which may increase my
risk of death or injury when driving fast or driv- choice of friends, romantic partners; either way,
ing under the influence. In these situations, the my sense of boredom is removed . . . ” and so forth.
teen doesn’t just ask him or herself about the cost/ Both positive reinforcement (gain of reputation, for
benefit. They also ask: what are the chances? Several example) and negative reinforcement (relief of bore-
studies show evidence that teens actually overesti- dom) are engaged as they weigh possible benefits.
mate risk rates as compared to accurate real-world The risk of failure seems real, but at any rate avoid-
statistics about risk (Reyna & Farley, 2006; Reyna, ing it is not the main goal: the primary goal at this
Estrada, Demarinis, Myers, Stanisz,et al., 2011). age is the gain of the good, not, as is the case for adults,
The challenge for the provider is to encourage the the avoidance of the bad.
client to eschew the riskier schedule and commit Late adolescents and emerging adults see the risk
to a more regular and generous sleep schedule in clearly, but may decide to “play the odds.” The “play
order to enable the sleepiness to dissipate over time. the odds” approach is much rarer in adult popu-
This can be difficult for this age client to endorse lations. Adults base decisions more commonly on
and execute, partly because of the nature of many of a process called gist-based decision making. This is
their decision-making processes. the type of decision making process that the LA/
EA should be guided toward by a strategic and
Assessment of Risk empathic provider.
Much has been written of the teen’s relationship
to risk (for an excellent review on the extensive lit- Gist-Based Decision Making
erature, see Reyna & Farley, 2006). Early research The ability to make decisions based on “gist”
focused on attempts to educate, and for many understanding increases with age. Making decisions
decades adolescent researchers remained convinced based on gist means to use the underlying meaning
that education could improve decision making in or risky outcome of the behavior under consider-
adolescents and alter the adolescent’s apparent dis- ation without deliberating about tradeoffs; adults
regard for safety. It seemed as if teens simply did not say “no” to the entire process of deliberating about
grasp the risks involved in, for example, excessive engaging in risky behaviors, whereas the LA/EA
speed or dangerous driving, frequent or excessive is likely to weigh cost/benefit and make decisions
drug use and experimentation, risky sexual-emo- based on the risk for having a bad outcome in a par-
tional relationships, or seeking out intense novelty. ticular instance, rather than on a general principle
Current research indicates that statements such (Reyna & Farley, 2006; Reyna et al., 2011).
as “They think they’re invincible!” or “They think The ability to avoid risk, especially to avoid
they’ll live forever!” fail to capture the adolescent engaging in what is assessed as a small risk for a
perspective and comprehension of risk. In fact, as potentially catastrophic outcome increases with age.
Steinberg (2008) has observed, “Adolescents’ greater By contrast to analytic decision making, in
involvement in risk-taking does not stem from which we see that the “odds” of a bad outcome are
ignorance, irrationality, delusions or invulnerability, quite small, gist-based decision making uses experi-
or faulty calculations.” (p. 80) Adolescents’ greater ence to construct impressions of the memory, on the
involvement in risk-taking is the logical outcome of whole. Examples include “I go to bed at midnight”
an affective system that seeks out and values reward or “I could get into an accident when I drive sleepy,”
far more than it fears punishment (Steinberg, 2004). both of which describe the “gist” of a decision or an
The cost-benefit calculus is over-weighted to the outcome. In contrast, analytic thinking uses specific
benefit of risk: not “What happens if I fail—crash, instances. Examples include the experience as a sam-
die, lose?” but rather, “What happens if I succeed— ple of one possible choice: “Last night, I went to bed
connect, discover, achieve?” at midnight” and “I did not get into an accident the
In assessing risk, then, LA/EA are also assess- last time I drove when I was very sleepy.” Adolescent
ing reward: here they weigh the benefit/good of a decision making is different than that of adults on a
successful engagement with, for example, excessive number of features: specifically, it leads to more risk

598 l ate adoles cence and emerg ing a d ult ho o d

taking, especially as experiences wherein the “cost” time or whether these habits and problems fall by
was not incurred mount in frequency, as is likely to the wayside. Are adult patterns natural extensions
happen (until it doesn’t). of sleep patterns in late adolescence, or are adults as
distinct from LA/EA clients as pediatric clients are
Encouraging a More Adult Perspective on from adults? What are the health implications of a
Behavior in the LA/EA: A Specific Role for transition to adulthood in which sleep is subordi-
the Treating Professional nated to all other activities? Do these individuals
The adult world presents goals for the adolescent: take longer to reach adult goals? Does their health
jobs, independence, freedom of choice in a myriad suffer? Answers to these questions would inform
of domains (what to wear, what to do as a job, peer both practice and policy, potentially, for schools
groups with whom the adolescent chooses to associ- and colleges.
ate). These appealing goals are leveraged for influ- Another area in which future research might
ence by parents, teachers, and employers to support focus is the success of current efforts to educate and
the adolescent in his or her attempts to move into persuade this age group to have respect and care for
adult roles. In other words, parents offer (for one their sleep. Educational outreach could help at the
example) the use of a car if the college student can high school level as well as education at the college
drive themselves back and forth to school, obviat- level if it is effective and if it is targeted to individu-
ing the time spent by the parent on such a task. In als who are open to such communications. Research
this way the parent uses the LA/EA’s desire for a that addresses how and when education and preven-
more adult role—having access to a car—in order to tive educational approaches influence sleep hab-
encourage increasing responsibility. its, currently rare, would help to point educators,
When working with the LA/EA on issues of bed- parents, and practitioners in the right direction
time or rise time, the provider may also leverage the (see Gruber, Constantin, Cassoff, and Michaelsen,
emerging adult’s desire for a more fully adult per- Chapter 39).
sona. Although the client may not want to admit In formal research protocols, one improvement
that sleep habits need to be changed to address that could be made with relatively little cost would
problems in mood or fatigue, the provider would be to assign participants in this age group—17–
do well to address the issue as one of adult choices 23—a separate participant category distinct from
to attain adult goals. both “adolescence” and from “adulthood.” If results
In general, then, the context in which older for research studies and experimental protocols
adolescents and emerging adults function can be a included a category for “emerging adult,” results
powerful stimulus, either to move the teen toward, might then be broken out for this developmen-
or hold the teen back from, a more mature and con- tal stage. With more precision about this popula-
sidered action. Roles that might enhance the adult tion’s habits, preferences, and challenges, progress
values and adult ways of making decisions will only in developing a deeper understanding of this age
move the adolescent toward a more adult way of group would come faster.
behaving when the adolescent can closely witness,
observe, and utilize the processes used by an adult— Conclusion
whether that adult is a provider, teacher, coach, In this chapter I have considered treatment
employer, college professor, or even a parent. of sleep problems in the late adolescents and the
emerging adults so that providers may find areas of
Future Directions interest whether their primary area of expertise is
A primary consideration for comprehensive in the field of sleep disorders or in working with
progress in understanding the sleep and wake late adolescents/emerging adults. For both sets of
issues in this population is that of navigating the readers, certainly, it is clear that sleep is a complex
transition to adulthood. To help clients in this age behavior with far-reaching consequences for young
group to successfully navigate the transition into and developing adults. Clients in this developmen-
adulthood with healthy sleep patterns, clinicians tal stage often experience therapeutic change as
need to know more about the challenges of get- life altering, certainly, as the late adolescent is just
ting adequate sleep in this age group, as well as beginning to experience adult life with all of its
more about the benefits of doing so. Not known complications and rewards, and improvements to
is whether patterns developed in college or at one’s their health may set the stage for good habits and
first job persist into adulthood for any length of good health for decades to come.

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Behavioral Sleep Medicine: Training,

41 Credentialing, and the Role in
Sleep Laboratories
S. Justin Thomas, Kristin T. Avis, and Kenneth L. Lichstein

Behavioral sleep medicine (BSM) is defined by the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (SBSM) as
“the field of clinical practice and scientific inquiry that encompasses the study of behavioral, psycho-
logical, and physiological factors underlying normal and disordered sleep across the lifespan; and,
the development and application of evidence-based behavioral and psychological approaches to the
prevention and treatment of sleep disorders and co-existing conditions.” BSM plays an integral role in
the assessment and treatment of a variety of sleep disorders and patient populations. Thus, training of
BSM practitioners has become an increasingly important focus for the field of BSM. Formal training is
best accomplished through accredited BSM training programs. In lieu of participating in an accredited
BSM training program, two tracks have been established to allow qualified individuals to take the BSM
credentialing examination. BSM practitioners have an important role in comprehensive sleep disorders
centers, particularly in pediatric populations, and play a critical role in the diagnosis and treatment
of sleep disorders. This chapter will provide an overview of BSM, information on BSM training and
credentialing, and the role of BSM in sleep laboratories.
Key Words: behavioral sleep medicine, training, credentialing

Introduction sleep disorders and may impede the ability to achieve

The Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (SBSM) or maintain sleep (e.g., individuals with insomnia
defines behavioral sleep medicine (BSM) as “the who fear that they will never sleep well). Behavioral
field of clinical practice and scientific inquiry that approaches address behaviors that either facilitate
encompasses the study of behavioral, psychological, or exacerbate sleep disorders (e.g., individuals who
and physiological factors underlying normal and dis- linger in bed to make up for a poor night of sleep).
ordered sleep across the lifespan; and, the develop- Behavioral approaches to sleep disorders may be
ment and application of evidence-based behavioral most helpful in child and adolescent populations,
and psychological approaches to the prevention where behavioral perspectives are critical in diagno-
and treatment of sleep disorders and co-existing sis and treatment. Lastly, developmental approaches
conditions” (Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, to both normal and disordered sleep are important
2011). BSM plays an integral role in the broader across the life span and are critically important in
field of sleep medicine by providing a psychologi- working with children and adolescents.
cal approach to health care, research, and education.
Specifically, BSM applies cognitive, behavioral, and Overview of Behavioral Sleep Medicine
developmental approaches to both normal and dis- What Is Behavioral Sleep Medicine?
ordered sleep. Cognitive approaches focus on mal- BSM, as it is known today, was born from early
adaptive thoughts that often exist in the presence of behavioral interventions. Many treatments currently

used by BSM clinicians, including stimulus control, Although much of the early research on treat-
sleep compression and restriction, and relaxation ments for sleep disorders focused on insomnia in
training, were initially described and researched adult populations, BSM addresses a variety of sleep
within the past 80 years. These treatments may disorders (e.g., parasomnias and circadian rhythm
be used individually; however, they are more fre- disorders) and patient populations (both pediatric
quently combined into a treatment package based and adults). In fact, many of the earliest behavioral
on an individual’s symptoms and treatment prefer- treatments were developed for pediatric sleep dis-
ences (Chesson et al., 1999; Lacks & Morin, 1992; orders (Mowrer, 1938; Watson, 1928). Kuhn and
Morin, Bastien, & Savard, 2003; Smith, Smith, Elliott (2003) provide a thorough review of the
Nowakowski, & Perlis, 2003). efficacy of behavioral treatments for pediatric sleep
Bootzin (1972) introduced stimulus control. disorders.
Since that time, stimulus control has become the BSM is a result of early cognitive and behavioral
most thoroughly researched of all BSM treat- research into both normal and disordered sleep,
ments and is a powerful tool for clinicians treat- which is acknowledged by the SBSM definition of
ing individuals with difficulties initiating and/ BSM. Additionally, according to Stepanski and Perlis
or maintaining sleep (Chesson et al., 1999; (2003), BSM involves “the identification of the psy-
Lacks, Bertelson, Gans, & Kunkel, 1983; Lacks, chological (e.g., cognitive and/or behavioral) factors
Bertelson, Sugerman, & Kunkel, 1983; Lacks & that contribute to the development and/or mainte-
Morin, 1992; Morin, Bastien, & Savard, 2003; nance of sleep disorders and developing and provid-
Morin, Kowatch, & O’Shanick, 1989; Reidel et al., ing empirically validated cognitive, behavioral, and/
1998; Smith, Smith, Nowakowski, & Perlis, 2003). or other non-pharmacologic interventions.” These
Stimulus control is based on learning theories and two definitions highlight the importance of research
limits the amount of time individuals spend awake into both normal and disordered sleep, evidence-
in the bed/bedroom, thus reducing any association based clinical practice, a developmental approach to
between the bed/bedroom and sleep difficulties. A sleep research and clinical practice, and the role of
specific treatment protocol is provided by Bootzin psychological principles in sleep medicine.
and Perlis (2011). The development of BSM as a formal field of
Sleep restriction therapy (SRT) was introduced by sleep medicine in the United States essentially
Spielman, Saskin, and Thorpy (1987) and is effective began with the creation of a presidential commit-
in treating both sleep-onset and sleep-maintenance tee, by then American Academy of Sleep Medicine
insomnia (Friedman, Bliwise, Yesavage, & Salom, president Daniel Buysse, in 2000. This presidential
1991; Morin, Bastien, & Savard, 2003; Smith, committee was tasked with the promotion of BSM
Smith, Nowakowski, & Perlis, 2003; Spielman, through accreditation of practitioners, development
Saskin, & Thorpy, 1987). Sleep compression ther- of BSM training and education, and investigation
apy (SCT) is akin to SRT and differs mainly in the of reimbursement for BSM services. The formation
method of reducing time in bed (Lichstein, Riedel, of this presidential committee ultimately resulted
Wilson, Lester, & Aguillard, 2001). Both SCT and in the creation of the SBSM in 2010. The SBSM
SRT reduce time in bed closer to an individual’s self- currently comprises a number of members who
reported total sleep time. Treatment protocols for have made significant contributions to the under-
SCT and SRT may be found in Lichstein, Thomas, standing of normal and disordered sleep through
and McCurry (2011) and in Spielman, Yang, and research. In 2011, the SBSM announced the adop-
Glovinsky (2011), respectively. tion of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, which reports on a
Jacobson (1929) invented progressive muscle wide range of behavioral sleep research, as its official
relaxation to address physical arousal as a result journal (McCrae, Perlis, Smith, & Taylor, 2011).
of stress. Relaxation techniques are effective in Grants for BSM research are available from a vari-
improving sleep in a variety of populations (Lacks, ety of sources including the National Institutes of
Bertelson, Gans, & Kunkel, 1983; Lacks & Morin, Health, the American Sleep Medicine Foundation,
1992; Lichstein, 2000; Lichstein & Johnson, 1993; and the Sleep Research Society. Overall, research
Lichstein, Riedel, Wilson, Lester, & Aguillard, is an important aspect of BSM, as this emphasis
2001). There is no standardized relaxation tech- on research guides evidence-based clinical prac-
nique, and many forms of relaxation therapy likely tice. BSM has established validated treatments for
exist. A relaxation treatment protocol may be found a number of sleep disorders. Thus, any evidence-
in Lichstein, Taylor, McCrae, and Thomas (2011). based approach to sleep disorders will likely include

604 b e h avi oral s leep medicine: trai n i n g , c red en t i a l i n g

a number of BSM approaches. For example, image Lastly, psychological principles (both cogni-
rehearsal therapy (IRT) is a validated approach of tive and behavioral) are important factors govern-
using imagery to treat nightmares. Additionally, ing both normal and disordered sleep. Cognitive
stimulus control is a validated application of learn- and behavioral factors have been associated with
ing theories to treat insomnia (Chesson et al., 1999; the development and maintenance of sleep disor-
Kuhn & Elliott, 2003; Lichstein & Nau, 2003; ders, and cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBTs)
Morgenthaler et al., 2006). have been shown to be highly effective in a vari-
BSM also relies on a developmental approach to ety of sleep disorders (Edinger & Means, 2005;
normal and disordered sleep. Thus, BSM focuses on Kuhn & Elliott, 2003; Morgenthaler et al., 2006;
a variety of developmental aspects such as normal Morin, Culbert, & Schwartz, 1994; Murtagh &
sleep development, deviations from normal sleep Greenwood, 1995; Sadeh, 2005). However, BSM
patterns, changes in sleep across the life span, and treatments are not restricted to CBT. Psychological
the role that one’s environment plays in sleep (for principles that play a role in the treatment of both
additional information, see Gradisar and Short, pediatric and adult sleep disorders include learn-
Chapter 11). Developmental approaches are par- ing theories, behavioral extinction, systematic
ticularly important in the diagnosis and treatment desensitization, imagery, and mindfulness-based
of pediatric sleep disorders, as much of normal and treatments. These principles are the basis of a num-
disordered pediatric sleep must be considered from ber of empirically validated treatments including
a developmental perspective (Mindell & Owens, IRT, stimulus control, and relaxation techniques
2010; Sadeh, 2005). For example, a strictly cogni- (Chesson et al., 1999; Kuhn & Elliott, 2003,
tive-based approach to treatment of a sleep disorder Morgenthaler et al., 2006).
would not be helpful in most pediatric populations,
as children of young ages have not developed the Who Practices BSM?
cognitive skills necessary to carry out the interven- As of the summer of 2012, close to 170 indi-
tion. Ecological systems theory, which considers viduals from a variety of health care disciplines have
environmental impacts on development, is also been credentialed through the American Board
utilized in pediatric sleep disorders diagnosis and of Sleep Medicine (ABSM) to practice BSM. A
treatment (Bronfenbrenner, 1974). It is extremely majority of these individuals are psychologists
difficult to separate the child from environmental and include practitioners from the United States,
influences. Therefore, when instituting behavioral Canada, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea (American
changes one should take into account the impact Board of Sleep Medicine, 2012). For additional
that the child’s environment (e.g., immediate family information on credentialed BSM practitioners,
members) may have on treatment. It is often neces- see the ABSM website (http://www.absm.org/).
sary to engage the caregivers in treatment to assist Additionally, a census project was started in 1997
with treatment implementation and to address any to identify practitioners of behavioral treatment for
environmental factors that affect the child’s sleep. insomnia (S. D. Nau, personal communication,
Additionally, cultural factors and institutional poli- January 6, 2012). The individuals identified during
cies may both play an important role in assessing the census have been invited to join the Behavioral
and treating sleep disorders in pediatric populations. Treatment for Insomnia Roster. The Roster is a refer-
For example, a number of factors such as school ral communications tool for people who see adult,
enrollment sizes, socioeconomic status, and geo- adolescent, or pediatric clients. Posting a request for
graphic setting have been found to influence school referral help to the Behavioral Sleep Medicine list-
start times (Wolfson & Carskadon, 2005). In turn, serv (http://www.behavsleepmed.com) or contact-
school start times may affect sleep duration and day- ing Dr. Nau (nau@bellsouth.net) for referral help
time functioning in young children and adolescents are the current ways to access the contents of the
(Carskadon, Wolfson, Acebo, Tzischinsky, & Seifer, Roster. Greater dissemination of the Roster to prac-
1998; Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998). Furthermore, titioners is planned. The Behavioral Treatment for
the practice of BSM is not restricted to pediatric Insomnia Roster currently lists 160 practitioners, of
populations, as BSM developmental approaches are which 101 practitioners report offering behavioral
also important in diagnosing and treating sleep dis- insomnia treatment for adolescents and/or children.
orders across the life span. For example, BSM plays The pediatric practitioners on the Roster are located
an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of in 28 US states, Canada, and Australia. Fifty-seven
late-life insomnia (Lichstein & Morin, 2000). are certified in behavioral sleep medicine (by the

t ho m a s , av i s , l i c hs t ei n 605
American Board of Sleep Medicine) and 44 are not an accredited BSM training program (American
certified. The Roster is growing. Board of Sleep Medicine, 2012). It should be noted
Sleep disorders are highly prevalent in the gen- that BSM training and credentialing described in
eral population and in a number of health care this chapter generally refer to training and prac-
settings (Ford & Kamerow, 1989). Therefore, cre- tice in the United States. The majority of work
dentialed BSM clinicians may provide a valuable toward establishing BSM as a formal field has been
service by assisting in the diagnosis and treatment accomplished in the United States; however, other
of a variety of sleep disorders (e.g., insomnia, cir- countries and regions are also involved in these pro-
cadian rhythm disorders, and nightmares). In gen- cesses. For example, a Latin America Behavioral
eral, clinicians would likely be interested in BSM Sleep Medicine association has been established.
training to broaden their scope of practice and Additionally, an online BSM program has been
improve their efficacy in treating common sleep created at the University of Glasgow. This online
disorders (Mindell, Moline, Zendell, Brown, & Fry, program, as developed by Colin Espie, has three
1994). For example, primary care clinicians may levels of training: a certification (a minimum of
be interested in incorporating BSM therapies in 400 hours of didactic training), a diploma (1800
conjunction with or in place of pharmacotherapy didactic hours), and a master’s degree in BSM
for individuals with sleep disorders. Additionally, a (1800 didactic hours and a research portfolio) (A.
credentialed BSM clinician within a sleep disorders Ginda, personal communication, May 24, 2012).
center may allow individuals to receive BSM treat- Further information may be found at the University
ments without requiring additional referrals. Lastly, of Glasgow Sleep Centre’s website (http://www.gla.
pediatric sleep laboratories may benefit the most ac.uk/researchinstitutes/neurosciencepsychology/
from a credentialed BSM clinician due to the grow- glasgowsleepcentre/).
ing prevalence of sleep disorders and the efficacy of The SBSM is responsible for accrediting BSM
behavioral interventions in pediatric populations training programs in the United States and there are
(Kuhn & Elliott, 2003; Morgenthaler et al., 2006). currently nine accredited BSM training programs
For more information, see McLaughlin Crabtree, (Table 41.1). The ultimate goal of accrediting BSM
Rach, and Gamble, Chapter 19. training programs is to provide exemplary train-
ing while fulfilling the requirements to sit for the
BSM Training BSM certification examination. In general, accred-
The demand for BSM treatments has far exceeded ited BSM training programs provide a minimum
the supply, prompting a call to increase the number of 1000 hours of supervised clinical BSM train-
of credentialed BSM practitioners (Taylor, Perlis, ing or 500 hours of BSM training and 500 hours
McCrae, & Smith, 2010). To answer this call the in general behavioral medicine. However, many
SBSM, in cooperation with the American Board accredited programs provide more than the mini-
of Sleep Medicine (ABSM), has created training mum required clinical training. For example, the
guidelines and a credentialing examination. At this University of Alabama’s accredited BSM train-
time there is no consensus on who should be eligible ing program provides approximately 1250 clinical
for BSM training and credentialing (Taylor, Perlis, training hours, 700 research hours, and 200 didac-
McCrae, & Smith, 2010). Currently, the eligibility tic hours for a total of 2150 training hours in sleep
requirements for the BSM examination are as fol- research and clinical practice. These training hours
lows: possession of a doctoral degree in psychology, are specifically accomplished through the following:
nursing, social work, or equivalent health-science participation in a 20-hour per week BSM clinical
field, a valid license to provide mental-health related practicum at an AASM accredited sleep disorders
services, experience as defined in the next section center, supervised by a BSM certified clinical psy-
on training, and a supervisor’s signed acknowledge- chologist and a board-certified neurologist and
ment that these criteria have been met (American ABSM diplomate; BSM-focused research under the
Board of Sleep Medicine, 2012). direction of a BSM certified clinical psychologist;
There are currently two routes to fulfill BSM and didactic training ranging from sleep physiology
training criteria prior to taking the ABSM certifi- and development to sleep diagnosis and treatment.
cation examination: (1) a standard track, requir- Assessment in this BSM training program is multi-
ing the completion of an accredited BSM training modal, incorporating both written and oral exami-
program and (2) an alternative track, which allows nations on case work and reading assignments. It is
for clinical experience to replace the completion of important to note that the current accredited BSM

606 b e h avi oral s leep medicine: trai n i n g , c red en t i a l i n g

Table 40.1 Accredited Behavioral Sleep Medicine Programs
Program Address Contact Information

University of Alabama Department of Psychology Kenneth Lichstein, Ph.D.

Box 870348 (205) 348–4962
University of Alabama lichstein@ua.edu
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487–0348

Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic Rachel Manber, PhD
401 Quarry Road, Suite 3301 (650) 724–2377
Stanford, CA 94305–5547 rmanber@stanford.edu

Rush University Medical School Sleep Disorders Center Jason Ong, PhD
Rush University Medical Center (312) 942–5440 jason_ong@rush.
1653 West Congress Parkway edu
Chicago, IL 60612–3833

Johns Hopkins University Behavioral Sleep Medicine Michael T. Smith, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellowship (410) 614–3396
600 N. Wolfe Street/Meyer msmith62@jhmi.edu
Baltimore, MD 21287–7613

University of Rochester Sleep and Neurophysiology Wilfred Pigeon, PhD

Research Laboratory (585) 275–3374
University of Rochester wilfred_pigeon@urmc.rochester.edu
300 Crittenden Blvd
Rochester, NY 14642

University of Michigan University of Michigan Sleep J. Todd Arnedt, PhD

Disorders Center Deirdre A. Conroy, PhD
1500 East Medical Center Dr. (734) 764–1234
Med Inn C728 tarnedt@med.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48109–5845

Hospital of the University of Penn Sleep Centers Jodi Mindell, PhD

Pennsylvania 3624 Market Street Philip Gehrman, PhD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 746–3578

University of North Texas Department of Psychology Daniel J. Taylor, PhD

PO Box 311280 (940) 565–4682 djtaylor@unt.edu
Denton, TX 76203–1280

Willford Hall Medical Center San Antonio Military Medical Lt. Col. Ann S. Hryshko-Mullen,
Center PhD
Dept. of Behavioral Medicine Phone: (210) 292–5968
59 MHS/SGOWMP ann.hryshko-mullen@lackland.
2200 Bergquist Dr. Ste 1 af.mil
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Note: Programs in grey indicate pediatric BSM training

training programs differ in clinical experience with been established to allow for individuals with less
varying clinical populations. It is recommended formal supervised BSM training to sit for the BSM
that clinicians contact each BSM training site for certification examination.
an idea of typical clinical populations. There is a The alternative track, which allows for current
paucity of accredited BSM training programs at this clinicians to obtain BSM certification, requires
time. Therefore, an alternative training track has a licensed clinician to complete a minimum of

t ho m a s , av i s , l i c hs t ei n 607
two years of clinical practice with 25% of his/her and experience that fulfills either the Standard Track
practice consisting of behavioral medicine (e.g., or Alternate Track requirements. The BSM exami-
pain management, smoking cessation, stress man- nation covers clinical aspects (including advanced
agement, etc.). Under this alternative track, two diagnostic assessments and therapeutic techniques),
clinical waivers have been established. In the first, as well as establishing and maintaining standards,
the clinician must complete three months (480 conducting clinical research, assimilating new
hours) of supervised BSM experience. In the sec- knowledge and skills into the BSM domain, and
ond, clinical activity in BSM is required for at least supervising BSM certification candidates. The BSM
two years following completion of all internship certification examination demonstrates minimum
and postdoctoral experience/training required for knowledge in BSM; however, the credentialing
licensure, with the cumulative of six months (960 examination does not convey expertise in the field
hours) clinical experience in BSM. The activity in of BSM. Rather, it is encouraged that taking and
behavioral sleep medicine must be comprehensive passing the BSM credentialing examination is one
and sustained throughout the most recent 2-year of many steps to becoming adept at BSM.
period—specifically, the equivalent of a half day
per week. Both waivers require 32 hours of AASM Role of BSM in Sleep Laboratories
or SBSM sponsored continuing education units in BSM has an integral role in the assessment and
BSM (8 hours in an overview of sleep, 8 hours in treatment of sleep disorders, as BSM is the optimal
normal sleep and assessment, 8 hours in adult treat- treatment, either as monotherapy or in combination
ment, and 8 hours in child treatment). Detailed with other therapies, for disorders such as insom-
information regarding accredited training programs nia and circadian rhythm disorders (Chesson et al.,
is available on the SBSM website (http://www. 1999). Beyond treatments for a variety of sleep dis-
behavioralsleep.org). orders, BSM techniques are effective in enhancing
Both the standard and alternative tracks meet other forms of treatments and addressing treatment
eligibility criteria for taking the BSM certification adherence (e.g., continuous positive airway pres-
examination. Although the standard track may be sure; Haynes, 2005). The ability to assist in the
the preferable method for gaining initial supervised diagnosis of sleep disorders, act as a first-line treat-
experience in BSM, the alternative track allows for ment, and enhance other forms of treatments makes
established clinicians to gain BSM experience and BSM an integral part of a comprehensive sleep cen-
sit for the BSM certification examination without ter. In fact, it has been suggested that sleep centers
having to complete an accredited BSM training incorporate a BSM clinician to achieve the status of
program. For the latter, the SBSM offers many addi- “Academic Program of Distinction” (Taylor, Perlis,
tional training opportunities, including the annual McCrae, & Smith, 2010).
SBSM meeting, to learn about BSM and maintain BSM is valuable in comprehensive pediatric sleep
knowledge. laboratories in which treatments are designed after
consideration of the child, family, environment, and
Credentialing Through Exam developmental level of the child. Different success-
The ABSM is an independent, nonprofit orga- ful models exist across the country depending on
nization that oversees the credentialing process of the structure of the sleep center and whether or not
sleep clinicians and technologists in the United the clinic is multidisciplinary in nature or its own
States. This organization administers three creden- behavioral sleep clinic. For example, one model
tialing examinations, one of which is the BSM cer- consists of employing a BSM provider to participate
tification examination (American Board of Sleep in the sleep center in the assessment and diagno-
Medicine, 2012). The only other formal BSM cre- sis of pediatric sleep disorders, and then the BSM
dentialing process occurs through the University of provider also conducts individual treatment ses-
Glasgow online program that, as discussed previ- sions. Typical BSM pediatric services, just to name
ously, provides three levels of training. a few, include CBT for insomnia, behavioral treat-
The ABSM BSM certification examination is ments for pediatric insomnias, parasomnias, adher-
open to applicants who possess a postdoctoral degree ence to positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy in
or equivalent in a health-related field, a currently children with sleep-related breathing disorders, and
valid doctoral license granted by a state, provincial, desensitization to the sleep study equipment or PAP
or federal authority in the United States or Canada therapy. In addition, BSM providers offer a positive
to provide mental-heath related clinical services, training opportunity for the Accreditation Council

608 b e h avi oral s leep medicine: trai n i n g , c red en t i a l i n g

for Graduate Medical Education accredited fellow- Carskadon, M. A., & Wolfson, A. R., Acebo, C., Tzischinsky,
ship programs in which training in behavioral sleep O., & Seifer, R. (1998). Adolescent sleep patterns, circadian
timing, and sleepiness at a transition to early school days.
medicine practices should be provided to future Sleep, 21, 871–881.
sleep specialists. Chesson, A. L., Anderson, W. M., Littner, M., Davila, D.,
Hartse, K, Johnson, S., et al. (1999). Practice parameters for
Conclusion the nonpharmacologic treatment of chronic insomnia. Sleep,
The application of psychological principles to 22, 1128–1133.
Edinger, J. D., & Means, M. K. (2005). Cognitive-behavioral
both normal and disordered sleep practice, research, therapy for primary insomnia. Clinical Psychology Review, 25,
and education is a key component of BSM. BSM 539–558.
has proven to be an integral part of any interven- Ford, D. E., & Kamerow, D. B. (1989). Epidemiologic study of
tion plan addressing a variety of sleep disorders sleep disturbances and psychiatric disorders: An opportunity
(e.g., insomnia, parasomnias, and circadian rhythm for prevention? Journal of the American Medical Association,
262, 1479–1484.
disorders), such that BSM has demonstrated its Friedman, L., Bliwise, D.,Yesavage, J. A., & Salom, S. R. (1991).
salience in mainstream sleep medicine. A preliminary study comparing sleep restriction and relax-
BSM has grown as a subspecialty in the past ation treatments for insomnia in older adults. Journal of
decade, primarily with the formation of a society, Gerontology, 46, 1–8.
formal accredited training opportunities, and a cre- Haynes, P. L. (2005). The role of behavioral sleep medicine in
the assessment and treatment of sleep disordered breathing.
dentialing exam. Despite the obvious importance to Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 673–705.
sleep medicine practice, research, and education, a Jacobson, E. (1929). Progressive Relaxation. Chicago: University
number of hurdles exist in the application of BSM of Chicago Press.
to the broader field of sleep medicine. Training Kuhn, B. R., & Elliott, A. J. (2003). Efficacy of behavioral inter-
qualified BSM practitioners remains an obstacle in ventions for pediatric sleep disturbance. In K. L. Lichstein &
M. L. Perlis (Eds.), Treating Sleep Disorders: Principles
providing more clinicians. Until this is achieved, and Practice of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (pp. 415–451).
there will continue to be a disparity between the Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
limited supply of BSM clinicians and the demand Lacks, P., Bertelson, A. D., Gans, L., & Kunkel, J. (1983).
for BSM. Furthermore, despite the obvious efficacy The effectiveness of three behavioral treatments for differ-
and need for BSM treatments in the sleep disorders ent degrees of sleep onset insomnia. Behavior Therapy, 14,
center, billing for BSM treatments needs further Lacks, P., Bertelson, A. D., Sugerman, J. L., & Kunkel, J. (1983).
development. The treatment of sleep maintenance insomnia with stimu-
lus control techniques. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 21,
Future Directions 291–295.
• Address the disparity in supply and demand Lacks, P., & Morin, C. M. (1992). Recent advances in the assess-
ment and treatment of insomnia. Journal of Consulting and
for BSM by training qualified BSM practitioners.
Clinical Psychology, 60, 586–594.
• Support growth of current BSM practitioners Lichstein, K. L., & Johnson, R. (1993). Relaxation for insomnia
through education. and hypnotic medication use in older women. Psychology and
• Address billing issues for BSM. Aging, 8, 103–111.
• Increase emphasis on research in areas related Lichstein, K. L. (2000). Relaxation. In K. L. Lichstein & C. M.
Morin (Eds.), Treatment of Late-Life Insomnia (pp. 185–206).
to BSM.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication, Inc.
• Increase emphasis on dissemination of Lichstein, K. L., & Morin, C. M. (Eds.) (2000). Treatment of
treatments in a variety of domains. Late-Life Insomnia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication,
References Lichstein, K. L., Riedel, B. W., Wilson, N. M., Lester, K. W., &
American Board of Sleep Medicine. (2012). Behavioral Sleep Aguillard, R. N. (2001). Relaxation and sleep compression
Medicine Specialists. Retrieved May 2012 from http://www. for late-life insomnia: A placebo-controlled trial. Journal of
absm.org/BSMSpecialists.aspx. Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69, 227–239.
Bootzin, R. R. (1972). Stimulus control treatment for insomnia. Lichstein, K. L., & Nau, S. D. (2003). Behavioral-cognitive sci-
Proceedings, 80th Annual Convention, American Psychological ence: The foundation of behavioral sleep medicine. In K. L.
Association, 395–396. Lichstein & M. L. Perlis, Treating Sleep Disorders: Principles
Bootzin, R. R., & Perlis, M. L. (2011). Stimulus control ther- and Practice of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (pp. 3–26).
apy. In M. Perlis, M. Aloia, & B. Kuhn (Eds.), Behavioral Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A Comprehensive Primer of Lichstein, K. L., Taylor, D. J., McCrae, C. S., & Thomas, S. J.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine Treatment Protocols (pp. 21–30). (2011). Relaxation for insomnia. In M. Perlis, M. Aloia, &
Burlington, MA: Elsevier, Inc. B. Kuhn (Eds.), Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1974). Developmental research, public policy, Comprehensive Primer of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Treatment
and the ecology of childhood. Child Development, 45, 1–5. Protocols (pp. 45–54). Burlington, MA: Elsevier, Inc.

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Lichstein, K. L., Thomas, S. J., & McCurry, S. M. (2011). Sleep Reidel, B., Lichstein, K. L., Peterson, B. A., Epperson, M. T.,
compression. In M. Perlis, M. Aloia, & B. Kuhn (Eds.), Means, M. K., & Aguillard, R. N. (1998). A comparison of
Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A Comprehensive the efficacy of stimulus control for medicated and nonmedi-
Primer of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Treatment Protocols cated insomniacs. Behavior Modification, 22, 3–28.
(pp. 55–60). Burlington, MA: Elsevier, Inc. Sadeh, A. (2005). Cognitive-behavioral treatment for childhood
McCrae, C. S., Perlis, M. L., Smith, M. T., & Taylor, D. J. (2011). sleep disorders. Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 612–628.
Editorial: Society of behavioral sleep medicine announces the Smith, M. T., Smith, L. J., Nowakowski, S., & Perlis, M. L.
adoption of Behavioral Sleep Medicine as the society’s official (2003). Primary insomnia: Diagnostic issues, treatment, and
journal. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 9, 1–3. future directions. In K. L. Lichstein & M. L. Perlis (Eds.),
Mindell, J. A., Moline, M. L., Zendell, S. M., Brown, L. W., & Treating Sleep Disorders: Principles and Practice of Behavioral
Fry, J. M. (1994). Pediatricians and sleep disorders: Training Sleep Medicine (pp. 214–261). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &
and practice. Pediatrics, 94, 194–200. Sons, Inc.
Mindell, J. A., & Owens, J. A. (2010). A Clinical Guide to Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (2011). Society of Behavioral
Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems Sleep Medicine. Retrieved May 2012 from http://www.behav-
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Wilkins. Spielman, A. J., Saskin, P., & Thorpy, M. J. (1987). Treatment
Morgenthaler, T. I., Owens, J., Alessi, C., Boehlecke, B., of chronic insomnia by restriction of time in bed. Sleep, 10,
Brown, T., Coleman, J., et al. (2006). Practice param- 45–56.
eters for behavioral treatment of bedtime problems and Spielman, A. J., Yang, C. M., & Glovinsky, P. B. (2011). Sleep
night wakings in infants and young children. Sleep, 29, restriction therapy. In M. Perlis, M. Aloia, & B. Kuhn (Eds.),
1277–1281. Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A Comprehensive
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Behavioral management of sleep disturbances secondary to (pp. 9–20). Burlington, MA: Elsevier, Inc.
chronic pain. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Stepanski, E. J., & Perlis, M. L. (2003). A historical perspec-
Psychiatry, 20, 295–302. tive and commentary on practice issues. In K. L. Lichstein &
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Nonpharmacological interventions for insomnia: A meta- Practice of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (pp. 3–26). Hoboken,
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Perlis (Eds.), Treating Sleep Disorders: Principles and Practice Medicine, 8, 63–70.
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79–89. 47–66.

6 10 b eh avioral s leep medicine: trai n i n g , c red en t i a l i n g


Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs

The overarching purpose of The Oxford Handbook is to both inform readers about the current
state of our science in infant, child, and adolescent sleep and behavior, and to inspire additional,
innovative contributions. These contributions will come from current members, and ideally also from
behavioral scientists in related disciplines who are interested in dedicating energy to this remarkable
field. The goal in this concluding chapter is to share a compilation of the chapter authors’ collective
view on the most urgent future directions in infant, child and adolescent sleep. Represented here are
eight cross-cutting goals that were identified by 25% or more of the chapter authors as imperative
to advancing the field: increase research using longitudinal and/or experimental designs; more
in-depth focus on individual differences; more systems and family-oriented research; more thorough
validation of instrumentation and equipment; innovative behavioral interventions; more integration of
environmental contributions; and greater sleep education.
Key Words: education, environmental contribution, experimental design, future directions,
individual differences, intervention, longitudinal design, systems, validation

It has been a privilege to work on this volume An additional and unexpected benefit has been that
with Amy Wolfson and all of our contributing through Oxford’s formalized Future Directions sec-
authors, whose passionate dedication to our field is tion for each chapter we were able to capture each
evident through the care and thoughtful approach author’s perspective on where our science needs to
in their chapters. By design, each chapter stands go from here. Independently, our authors’ Future
alone as a comprehensive state-of-the-science review Directions follow closely from the work they pre-
of each author’s area of expertise within infant, sented in their chapter. Cumulatively they show a
child, and adolescent sleep and behavior. To com- pattern that sets an agenda for the field. This where-
pliment the depth within each chapter, we have now and where-to synergy played perfectly into our
worked to ensure that extensive cross-referencing aim of using this volume not only as a platform to
gives our readers the opportunity to follow themes describe the state of the field, but additionally to
across chapters. Thus, it is our hope that a signifi- inspire novel, innovative contributions. Our specific
cant and lasting contribution of this volume will be hope is that both long-time contributors and behav-
a pathway through converging topical areas that will ioral scientists relatively new to child and adoles-
facilitate insight into the field. cent sleep will both find through these chapters that
I have valued the opportunity that reviewing our there are tremendous questions remaining, and that
authors’ collective work has given me to update and their contributions are critical to answering them.
refine my understanding of several areas distinct My goal in this concluding chapter is to share
from my own laboratory’s primary research focus. with you the results of my compilation and analyses

of our authors’ collective view on the most urgent issues pertain to adolescents within the chapters as
future directions in child and adolescent sleep. Here often as possible.
I have represented each of eight cross-cutting Future
Direction themes that were identified by 25% or Individual Differences
more of our authors. Closely related to longitudinal work is the need,
identified by about a quarter of our authors, for
Longitudinal Studies increased empirical evaluation of individual dif-
The need for longitudinal studies, identified by ferences within infant, child, and adolescent
more than half of our authors, was the most fre- sleep. This differential psychology approach can
quently cited priority area. Of note, these authors yield rich insight into how—and sometimes
point not simply to normative, descriptive work why—different people have different trajectories
(which is certainly needed), but also to the impor- or responses. Traditionally seen as error variance,
tance of establishing sleep duration needs across unique responses can instead inspire novel insight
the child and adolescent age span, how these needs into human behavior. It is important to study indi-
change over time, developmental trajectories in vidual differences from the perspective of normal
both macro and micro structure of sleep, and the development, but it is also important when examin-
long-term behavioral and biomedical consequences ing risk factors for disorders, protective factors that
of early sleep disorders. In other words, knowing promote resilience, and factors that may be used
how much infants, children, and adolescents sleep to predict responsivity or resistance to behavioral
is not enough; we need to know what sleep dura- and other treatments. This approach has been infre-
tion, consolidation, and timing are optimal and quently applied to pediatric and adolescent sleep;
how these change across development. its ability to reveal interesting truths is exemplified
Two ends of the age spectrum are worth highlight- by St James-Roberts and Plewis (1996) in their
ing. The earliest period of development, prenatal, is study describing changes in and relations between
generally underrepresented in sleep science and thus infant sleep, feeding, and crying behaviors during
excluded almost entirely from this volume. However, the first 40 weeks after birth.
new technologies such as high-resolution ultrasound
are increasingly used to identify human prenatal Family Systems, General Systems, and
physiologic state and development. Importantly, Biopsychosocial Approaches
fetal observation can inform us about both the cur- Nearly half of our authors note that more work
rent status of the maternal-fetal system and predict reflecting a dynamic systems approach is needed.
infant outcomes (Salisbury, Fallone & Lester, 2005; One example of this is the increasing use of mul-
Salisbury, Ponder, Padbury & Lester, 2009). In addi- timodal assessment strategies. Mothers have one
tion, exciting behavioral neuroscience approaches perspective on their child’s sleep, but the profile
are increasingly applied by investigators using ani- becomes much more revealing when both parents
mal models to examine sleep behaviors, as well as report independently, in conjunction with the
waking behaviors that are facilitated by sleep, even school or daycare teacher and, for older children
during prenatal development (Tiriac, Uitermarkt, and adolescents, their self-report (for example, see
Fanning, Sokoloff, & Blumberg, 2012). Beebe, Ris, Kramer, Long, & Amin, 2010). Another
The latter end of our age span—adolescence—is example is that little work has currently been done
equally important. At the intersection between to address the sleep of postpartum fathers or the
“child” and “adult,” work on adolescents and emerg- impact of sleep disturbance on their contributions
ing adults continues to emphasize the uniqueness to the workplace or family; their potential role
of this developmental period. Specifically, chapters for mitigating the impact of sleep disturbance on
by Mary Carskadon, Shelly Hershner, and Pamela postpartum mothers is almost entirely unexplored.
Thatcher and their colleagues highlight the changes More work is clearly needed to balance a cultur-
that occur during this period to the circadian system ally sensitive and practical approach to co-sleeping
of adolescents,, the high-stakes risks to which this when considering infant sleep interventions—both
exposes them, and the challenges in their treatment, of which are often-controversial issues in our field
respectively. Amy Wolfson (2007) has long been an (see Chapter 37 on interventions by Melisa Moore
advocate for policy changes to benefit adolescents and Jodi Mindell and Chapter 12 on co-sleeping
(and, as a consequence, the rest of us) and made a by Melissa Burnham). A truly biopsychosocial
point of encouraging authors to address how sleep approach that uses a systems approach to include

6 12 ove rview
simultaneous assessment of biological, behavioral, sensitivity to the family’s situation, resources, and
and environmental influences on pathology is as history—both developmentally and culturally.
important now as when it was originally conceptu-
alized nearly 40 years ago (Engel, 1977).This doesn’t Environmental Contributions
make such work any less challenging. A quarter of our authors noted the need to
account for the environment in our science. This
Valid, Standardized Subjective and point is quite important to me professionally because
Objective Assessment Measures my training background and way of thinking are in
Over one-third of the authors emphasized the developmental psychobiology; within this field, the
urgency of demand for improvement of both objec- need to consider nonobvious influences on the devel-
tive and subjective assessments we use for screening, oping system is critical (Miller, 1997). That the con-
assessing, estimating, and measuring sleep behaviors. text in which sleep takes place influences the sleeper
Since polysomnography became established as the should no longer be nonobvious—but our authors
gold standard for identification of sleep states, the point out that there are much deeper potentials for
field has seen a surge of technologies and approaches investigation within “environment.” Profoundly
to measuring and collecting parent and self-report important is the broader environment; a marked
of child and adolescent sleep. The chapters by Karen weakness in our field currently is our lack of under-
Spruyt on survey validation (Chapter 18) and by standing of the influences of poverty and social class
Rosemary Horne and Sarah Biggs on actigraphy on sleep duration, quality, and timing. On another
(Chapter 16) indicate how far we have come—and level of environment, several authors specifically
how far we still have to go. mentioned epigenetics, the study of how history
I want to particularly emphasize that the qual- and environment influence our genome, an impact
ity of our science depends on the quality of these that can be transmitted across generations (Meaney,
measurement techniques, so it is in the interest of 2010; Roth, 2012). A Medline search for the con-
all sleep researchers that we insist on tools with the currence of the terms “epigenetic*” and “sleep” (on
strongest validity for use with our infant, child, and November 28, 2012) revealed that 55 such papers
adolescent populations—both normative and dis- have been published to date, none of which are on
ordered. This is particularly true for methods such young humans or animal models. Investigators with
as actigraphy that are now in wide use and, due to the resources to incorporate developmental sleep
decreasing costs, likely to become even more fre- into their epigenetic research programs, develop-
quently used. However, pediatric and adolescent mental sleep researchers who can address epigenet-
sensitivity and especially specificity are generally ics, or (best yet) collaborations between the two, will
very low with these devices, and we currently have be well-positioned for discovery and innovation.
no professional standards (Meltzer, Montgomery-
Downs, Insana, & Walsh, 2012). This issue is com- Experimental Design
pounded when parent report and child self-report More than one quarter of the chapters discussed
measures are then validated against actigraphy. the need for more studies that use experimental
Researchers and clinicians should insist on the designs or randomized control trials to establish
highest standards for their recording equipment the mechanisms of action—particularly underly-
and refuse to accept or support anything inferior. ing treatment effects. I suspect that more authors
would likely have identified this as prominent gap
Intervention Efficacy and Novel Therapies in our science were it not so challenging to imple-
One-third of our authors also highlighted ment this type of study in child and adolescent
that interventions—and specifically behavioral populations. Obvious ethical concerns aside, the
interventions—should undergo rigorous evalua- logistics of experimental manipulation and account-
tion for efficacy among pediatric and adolescent ing for a multitude of influences (see section on sys-
populations. In addition, they point out that novel, tems approach above) can seem insurmountable.
innovative therapies are needed. As described by Collaboration and formation of multisite studies
Charles Super and Sara Harkness in their chapter is one way to overcome this, which has been done
on Culture and Children’s Sleep, and by Melissa successfully over the past decade by top investiga-
Burnham in her chapter on Co-Sleeping and Self- tors studying the efficacy of adenotonsillectomy, the
Soothing during Infancy, it is essential that inter- current front-line treatment for childhood obstruc-
ventions be developed from a perspective of genuine tive sleep apnea (Redline, Amin, Beebe, Chervin,

m o n tg o m ery - d own s 613

Garetz, Giordani, et al., 2011). To my knowledge, set the research agenda for the future (Zerhouni,
at this time no such large-scale collaboration on 2003) and that has been incorporated as a way
evaluating behavioral therapy of any kind in pediat- of thinking among researchers around the world
ric and adolescent sleep has been initiated. (Woolf, 2008). These priorities identified by our
chapter authors also reflect current national health
Education care agendas around the world. As an example, three
Finally, 20% of our authors indicated a greater of the four target Sleep Health priorities outlined
need for education about infant, child, and adoles- in the United States objectives for Healthy People
cent sleep. They specify that the target audiences 2020 are directly relevant to pediatric and ado-
include parents, children and adolescents, health lescent sleep: evaluation for obstructive sleep apnea
care providers, and school personnel. To these I will (including pediatric patients); vehicular crashes due
add that legislators also need us to teach them more to drowsy driving (particularly relevant to adoles-
about sleep and its importance among their young- cents); and sufficient sleep among 9th through 12th
est constituents. There have been several success- graders (Healthy People 2020).
ful approaches to prevention and education; these As my co-editor, Amy Wolfson, aptly described
are well-described in Chapter 21, Role of Schools at the beginning of this handbook, we hope that
in Identification, Treatment, and Prevention of psychologists and other behavioral scientists who
Children’s Sleep Problems by Joseph Buckhalt, and are drawn to this volume will continue to work in
in the chapter Preventative Intervention: Curricula sleep and become greater contributors to this fasci-
and Programs by Reut Gruber and colleagues. nating field. There are many ways to get involved
Sleep is well-loved by the media. As sleep sci- with sleep research. Collaborating is great; although
entists we are well poised to take advantage of the I also like to tell, or even warn, colleagues that I
public’s general fascination with (and, if our gen- don’t collaborate . . . I infiltrate. Sleep research-
erally anti-sleep culture and rampant mythology ers are a remarkably friendly group of researchers
about sleep is any index, a perseverating ignorance and clinicians, perhaps owing in some part to the
about) our field. Sleep science is fun, sleep facts are relative newness of our field. There are national and
cool, and sleep is linked to danger in the form of regional sleep societies too numerous to list here—
disorders that cause morbidity and mortality as well and every year new groups are formed. Attending a
as increased risk behaviors. Sleep is also something nearby conference or joining a professional society
that every person does. In short, our field includes is an excellent way to start. There is also an ever-
all of the prerequisites to “arouse and fulfill”—the growing list of high-quality peer reviewed journals
not-so-secret method for effective science com- with editorial boards that are remarkably recep-
munication (Olson, 2009). It is incumbent upon tive to receiving submissions from those outside
sleep scientists to ensure that the message of the the mainstream sleep field who have incorporated
good work we are doing is represented—and rep- sleep into their research programs. Those looking
resented accurately—to those who need to hear it: for information about adult sleep are also referred
the public, health care providers, parents, schools, to our “sister book”: The Oxford Handbook of Sleep
policy makers. I suggest we find a poster child for and Sleep Disorders. Our volume was developed to
pediatric sleep; someone as effective at “getting the complement the success of Morin and Espie (Eds.)
message out” about infant, child, and adolescent volume, and the interested reader will find there a
sleep as Arianna Huffington has been for women’s compendium of the state-of-the-science of adult-
sleep (Huffington, 2011). Such a voice is desper- hood and aging (2012).
ately needed to counter the anti-sleep culture that is In closing, a brief message to trainees in our
endemic in—as a popular example—advertisement field. The Sleep Research Society (based in the
campaigns aimed at selling caffeine-laden drinks to United States) invests the majority of its revenue
adolescents. in a “Trainee Day” pre-meeting preceding the
Addressing these priority areas is necessary annual meeting of the Associated Professional
toward advancing our basic behavioral science, as Sleep Societies; in 2012 they hosted the 17th
well as translating that science into improved inter- annual pre-meeting for undergraduate, graduate,
ventions to advance sleep health care. Of note, these postdoctoral, and medical trainees. While work-
priority areas reflect each of the four areas of trans- ing on this chapter it surprised me to realize that
lational research depicted in the 2003 United States I began attending this conference prior to the first
National Institutes of Health roadmap, designed to Trainee Day. Two of the most important lessons

6 14 ove rview
I learned were at these training days, both from Meltzer, L. J., Montgomery-Downs, H. E., Insana, S. P., & Walsh,
then-editors-in-chief of the top-tier journal in our C.M. (2012). Use of actigraphy for assessment in pediatric
sleep research. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16, 463–475.
field, SLEEP, the official journal of the Associated Miller, D. B. (1997). The effects of nonobvious forms of experi-
Professional Sleep Societies. The messages were: ence on the development of instinctive behavior. In C. Dent-
(1) do not do “me too” research that reiterates the Read & P. Zukow-Goldring (Eds.), Evolving Explanations
work of others and (2) do publish your work in of Development. Ecological Approaches to Organism—
journals other than those focused on an exclusively Environment Systems (pp. 457–507). Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
sleep-science readership. In other words, do excit- Morin, C. M., & Espie, C. A. (Eds.). (2012). The Oxford
ing, risky research and then tell everyone about Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders (Oxford Library of
it—not just your friends. Psychology). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Currently, pediatric sleep is a field in which Olson, R. (2009). Don’t be Such a Scientist; Talking Substance in
important discoveries are rapidly reshaping how we an Age of Style. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Redline, S., Amin, R., Beebe, D., Chervin, R. D., Garetz, S. L.,
think about sleep development and disorders, their Giordani, B., et al. (2011). The Childhood Adenotonsillectomy
antecedents and consequences. There is tremendous Trial (CHAT): rationale, design, and challenges of a random-
opportunity in the field now, and we have an urgent ized controlled trial evaluating a standard surgical procedure
need for others to lend their time, energy, and exper- in a pediatric population. Sleep, 34, 1509–1517.
tise toward answering key developmental questions Roth, T. L. (2012). Epigenetics of neurobiology and behav-
ior during development and adulthood. Developmental
in the field. Above all, it was with the goal of energiz- Psychobiology, 54, 590–597.
ing our field by introducing it to others that we began Salisbury, A. L., Fallone, M. D., & Lester, B. (2005).
thinking about this volume. It is our hope that this Neurobehavioral assessment from fetus to infant: the NICU
collection of chapters by some of the world’s experts Network Neurobehavioral Scale and the Fetal Neurobehavior
will serve as a vehicle for this purpose. Coding Scale. Mental Retardation and Developmental
Disabilabilities Research Reviews, 11, 14–20.
Salisbury, A. L., Ponder, K. L., Padbury, J. F., & Lester, B. M.
References (2009). Fetal effects of psychoactive drugs. Clinics in
Beebe, D. W., Ris, M. D., Kramer, M. E., Long, E., & Amin, R. Perinatology, 36, 595–619.
(2010). The association between sleep disordered breathing, St. James-Roberts, I., & Plewis, I. (1996). Individual differences,
academic grades, and cognitive and behavioral functioning daily fluctuations, and developmental changes in amounts of
among overweight subjects during middle to late childhood. infant waking, fussing, crying, feeding, and sleeping. Child
Sleep, 33, 1447–1456. Development, 67, 2527–2540.
Engel, G. L. (1977). The need for a new medical model: A chal- Tiriac, A., Uitermarkt, B. D., Fanning, A. S., Sokoloff, G., &
lenge for biomedicine. Science, 196, 129–136. Blumberg, M. S. (2012). Rapid whisker movements in sleep-
Healthy People 2020. Retrieved April 4, 2013, from http://www. ing newborn rats. Current Biology, 22, 2075–2080.
healthypeople.gov/2020/ Wolfson, A. R. (2007). Adolescent sleep update: Narrowing the
Huffington, A. (2011). Arianna Huffington: Sleep Your Way to the gap between research and practice. Sleep Review: The Journal
Top. The Daily Muse. Retrieved April 4, 2013, from: http:// for Sleep Specialists, 8, 28–32.
www.thedailymuse.com/career/arianna-huffington-sleep/) Woolf, S. H. (2008). The meaning of translational research and
Meaney, M. J. (2010). Epigenetics and the biological definition why it matters. Journal of the American Medical Association,
of gene x environment interactions. Child Development, 81, 299, 211–213.
41–79. Zerhouni, E. (2003). The NIH Roadmap. Science, 302, 63–72.

m o n tg o m ery - d own s 615

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A future directions, 393–394 relaxation therapy, 319

academic achievement sleep as protective and vulnerability sleep compression therapy, 319
cognitive abilities after factor, 392–393 sleep deprivation, 560–561
adenotonsillectomy, 422, 423f sleep difficulties, 386–389 sleep diaries and actigraphy, 199
late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ sleep duration, 382–384 sleep disturbance treatment of, with
EA), 590–591 sleep quality, 384–386 substance abuse history, 539–541
school-aged children, 417–418 adjustment insomnia, 305 sleep hygiene, 320, 579–580
sleep, 27, 572 adolescent development sleep patterns, 560–561
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), circadian timing system, 73f sleep restriction therapy, 318–319
420–421 future directions, 75–76 stimulus control therapy, 318
temperament and sleep, 403–406 multiple sleep latency tests (MSLT), substance abusing, and mental health,
Accreditation Council for Graduate 72f 539
Medical Education (ACGME), 12, process C, 72–74 treatment of nocturnal fears, 353–354
608–609 process S, 71–72 validation studies in, 197–198
actigraphy, 4, 189 puberty and circadian timing, 73–74 adulthood. See also late adolescent/
clinical use of, and sleep diaries, sleep behavior, 74–75 emerging adult (LA/EA)
200–201 sleep patterns, 70 age as a proxy for, 596–597
comparison of sleep diaries and, adolescents. See also delayed sleep phase behavioral perspective, 599
198–199 disorder (DSPD); late adolescent/ sleep behavior during emerging,
example actigram, 192f emerging adult (LA/EA) 74–75
maternal sleep, 60 assessment of nocturnal fears and sleep disorder referrals, 246
objective sleep measure, 418 anxiety, 352–353 affective disorder, , 335
parents of children with/without behavioral treatments for insomnia, affect regulation, sleep, 519
chronic illness, 145f, 146f 317–318 Africa, bedtime routines, 83
postpartum sleep, 58, 59, 60 bright light therapy for insomnia, 320 African-American children
sleep assessment, 190–191 cognitive therapy for insomnia, asthma, 461
sleep duration, 398 319–320 co-sleeping, 129
sleep quality, 384–386 computer and Internet use, 115–116 napping, 27, 91, 462
validation studies of, 192, 195–198 coping strategies, 291t sleep, 101
active sleep (AS), 35 delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), sleep duration, 90
during development, 39 334–336 agreement rate (AR), definition, 192
infants, 37–38 delayed sleep/wake timing, 329 alarm training, nocturnal enuresis, 375
acute stress disorder (ASD), 151, 154 development, 315 alcohol
Adderall, 533 developmental considerations, 285t late adolescent/emerging adult
adenotonsillectomy ethnicity and sleep, 102 (LA/EA), 591–592, 595
cognitive abilities after, 422, 423f evidence-based sleep intervention, motor vehicle accidents (MVAs),
Down syndrome, 474 577–578 442–443
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), household characteristics, 105–106 sleep and substance abuse, 537–538
364–365, 430 illicit substance use and abuse, 532–533 sleep deprivation and, 444–445
Adherence Barriers to CPAP individualizing recommendations, 581 allergic diseases, 457–458, 466–467
Questionnaire (ABCQ), 366 neighborhood characteristics, 106–107 allergic rhinitis (AR), 460, 461
adjustment and sleep, 389–391 nocturnal fears and nightmares, asthma, 460–461
co-occurrence of internalizing and 350–351 atopic dermatitis (AD), 460, 461–462
externalizing behavior problems, normative sleep patterns, 577 caregiver emotional distress, 463
390 pediatrician, 246–247 caregiver monitoring at night,
emotion regulation, 391–392 processes regulating timing of sleep, 314 463–464

allergic diseases (Cont.) artificial neural networks (ANN), driving obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 364,
child stress level, 465 performance, 450 367
cultural background of family, 464–465 arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase psychoeducation, 509
family context, 463–464 (AANAT), 209, 331 qualitative systematic reviews, 502,
future directions for research, 465–466 Asian children. See also China; Japan 503–504t, 505
future research questions, 467 co-sleeping, 464 quantitative systematic reviews, 498,
morbidity associated with, 458–459 sleep, 102 499–501t, 502
non-adherence to treatment, 460 Asperger’s disorder, 479, 481. See also school problems, 294, 295
pathophysiological characteristics of, autism spectrum disorders screening, 508
459–460 assessment sleep disordered breathing, 401
sleep behaviors and duration, 462–463 attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder sleep disruption, 53, 250
sleep disorders, 462 (ADHD), 508 sleep study assessment, 274
socioeconomic status (SES) of family, valid subjective and objective measures, student ratings of narrative reviews,
465 613 506t, 507t
allergic rhinitis (AR) Associated Professional Sleep Societies, systematic reviews, 497–505
pathophysiological characteristics, 459 614–615 teaching coping skills, 511
sleep disorders, 462 Association for the Advancement of treatment, 497, 509–511
sleep in children with, 461 Behavior Therapy (AABT), 2 autism spectrum disorders, 30, 294. See
Ambien (zolpidem), 521 asthma, 30, 140, 458. See also allergic also developmental disorders and
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), diseases sleep
120, 575, 580 pathophysiological characteristics, 459 age, 482
infant sleep practices, 131 sleep and smoking, 537 behavioral interventions, 555
Task Force on Sudden Infant Death sleep behaviors and duration, 462 biological mechanisms underlying sleep,
Syndrome, 127, 128, 130 sleep disorders, 462 483
American Academy of Sleep Medicine sleep in children with, 460–461 cognition and adaptive behavior, 482
(AASM), 12, 18, 190, 249, 299, Atarax (hydroxyzine), 487 comorbid medical conditions, 483
308, 349, 520, 580, 604 atopic dermatitis (AD), 460, 461–462 daytime behavior, 481
American Board of Family Medicine, 12 atrial natiuretic peptide (ANP), 373 etiology of settling and night waking,
American Board of Internal Medicine, 12 attachment theory 481–483
American Board of Medical Specialties, co-sleeping, 132 families, 482–483
249 parental presence, 176 insomnia and, 314
American Board of Otolaryngology, Head self-soothing, 134 medical factors, 483
and Neck Surgery, 12 attention naps, 480–481
American Board of Pediatrics, 12 cognitive abilities after night waking, 480
American Board of Psychiatry and adenotonsillectomy, 422, 423f psychopathology, 481–482
Neurology, 12 sleep restriction, 54 settling and sleep onset, 479–480
American Board of Sleep Medicine attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder sleep disturbances, 480
(ABSM), 11, 605, 606, 608 (ADHD), 1, 30, 351, 466, 477 sleep study assessment, 274, 276
American Psychiatric Association (APA), ABC’s of SLEEPING, 510, 512n.5 symptoms of, 482
370 actigraphy and sleep diaries, 200 total sleep, 480
American Psychological Association, 3 assessment, 508 AWAKE (Alert, Well, and Keeping
American Sleep Disorders Association, behavioral contingencies, 510–511 Energetic), 450
189 behavioral interventions, 555–556
American Sleep Medicine Foundation, 604 caffeine, 536 B
American Thoracic Society, 362, 575 clinical case example, 251 baby book, Dutch National Health
amitriptyline, nocturnal enuresis, 376 clinical implications, 507–511 Service, 85
Angelman syndrome, sleep and, 476–477 comorbidity, 496 baby feeders, 9
anticholinergic medications, nocturnal comorbidity with autism spectrum Back to Sleep Campaign, 579
enuresis, 376 disorders, 481 Bali, “fear sleep” phenomenon, 92–93
anxiety, 30 delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), 447
assessment, 352–353 and, 335, 338, 339 baseline, observation, 170
children’s sleep and, of parents, 103 diagnostic and clinical formulations, basic personality, 25
disorders and sleep, 351–352 508–509 Bates’ Infant Characteristics
insomnia and, 314 diagnostic criteria, 496 Questionnaire, 549
late adolescent/emerging adult environment fostering success, 510 Battelle Developmental Inventory, 241
(LA/EA), 593–594 etiology and risk, 496–497 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler
sleep study assessment, 274 future directions, 511–512 Development, 241, 409
Apgar scores, 405 insomnia and, 314 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), 180,
applied behavior analysis, 170, 173 light therapy for, and DSPD, 337 554
applied functional analysis, 177–182 literature review, 497–507 bed sharing
architecture, sleep, 53 meta-analyses, 498, 499–501t, 502 co-sleeping, 128
arousal, technology use and sleep, narrative reviews, 505–507 culture, 87
120–121 neurological disorder, 495–497 infant sleep location, 61–62

6 18 inde x
negative impacts of, 132–133 sleep/wake patterns, 208–209 biological day, 204
rates by country, 130 behavioral model of insomnia, 305–306, biological delay, circadian system, 419
bedtime fading, pediatric insomnia, 312 316–317 biological night, 204
bedtime pass, pediatric insomnia, 311 behavioral outcome, sleep, 27 biopsychosocial models, sleep, 18,
bedtime routines Behavioral Screening Questionnaire 612–613
bed preparation chain, 175 (BSQ), 405 bipolar disorder, 515–516
culture, 87 behavioral sleep medicine (BSM), 15, 603 sleep disturbance, 518
maturing children, 306 accredited programs, 607t sleep disturbance as early marker for, 518
pediatric insomnia, 311–312 clinical case examples, 250, 251 Bland Altman analysis, 196, 199
Bedtime Routines Questionnaire (BRQ), communicating need for referrals, body mass index (BMI). See also obesity;
226, 227t, 230t, 235t, 236t 251–252 pediatric obesity
bedtime worry, adolescents with mood credentialing through exam, 608 obstructive sleep apnea, 363
disorders, 526 description, 603–605 pediatric obesity, 430
bedwetting. See enuresis; nocturnal enuresis development, 604–605 Bosnia, sleep in children, 153, 159
behavioral analysis, 169–173 future directions, 253–254, 609 Bosnia-Herzegovinian refugees, 152
going to bed and falling asleep, indicators of need for referral, 249t brain
174–176 interdisciplinary treatment, 253 maturation and function, 49–50
infant and child sleep, 173–177 model of stepped care delivery of sleep and developing, 48–49
night waking, 176–177 insomnia, 249f Brazil, sleep problems, 88
behavioral assessment, 177–182, 178 models of pediatric sleep practice, breastfeeding
behavioral case formulation, 181–182 252–253 co-sleeping, 131, 132
direct functional analysis, 180–181 need for stepped care model, 248–251 infant feeding, 59–61
future directions, 183 patient referrals, 245–247 Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ),
indirect methods, 178–180 patients for referral, 247–251 19, 179
interviews, 178–179 pediatricians’ decision tree for referrals, bright light therapy (BLT), pediatric
questionnaires, 179–180 250t insomnia, 320
ratings, checklists, self-report measures, pediatricians’ knowledge, 246–247 bruxism, 245, 253, 357
179 practitioners, 605–606 building-block conflicts, development, 27
behavioral contingencies, attention deficit/ primary care physicians’ knowledge, burst measurement design, 28
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 245–247
510–511 referrals from pediatricians, 247 C
Behavioral Evaluation of Disorders of referrals from primary care in adult caffeine
Sleep Scale (BEDS), 226, 227t, 231t, patients, 246 adults, 534
238t role in sleep laboratories, 608–609 cognitive performance, 535
behavioral insomnia of childhood (BIC) support for interventions, 244–245 late adolescent/emerging adult
bedtime fading, 312 training, 606–608 (LA/EA), 595
bedtime pass, 311 Behavioral Sleep Medicine (journal), 604 mental health disorders, 535–536
extinction with parental presence, Behavioral Sleep Medicine listserv, 605 sleep of children and adolescents,
310–311 behavioral therapy-insomnia (BT-I), 533–536
graduated extinction, 310 520–521 technology and, 535
limit-setting type (BIC-LST), 307–308 Behavioral Treatment for Persistent Call of Duty 4, 117
parent education and prevention, 309 Insomnia, Lacks and Bertelson, 2 Cameroon, sleeping practices, 83
positive routines, 311–312 behavioral treatments Canada
scheduled awakenings, 312–313 adolescents with mood disorders, 525 caffeine, 534
sleep-onset association type (BIC- evaluating, for sleep problems in sleeping practices, 83
SOA), 307 children, 17–18 Canadian Pediatric Sleep Team, 575
unmodified extinction, 309–310 behavior-analytic service delivery, 173 Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS), 580
Behavioral Insomnias of Childhood, 472 Behavior Assessment System for Children, Canadian Sleep Society (CSS), 580
behavioral interventions 294, 403 cancer patients, 143
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavior chains, 174 Canterbury earthquakes, 183
(ADHD), 555–556 behavior problems, sleep habits and, Canterbury Sleep Project, 183
autism, 555 402–403 caregivers. See also pediatric chronic illness
child, 548–550 Being a Mother and Bonding Scale beyond parenting, 140, 141–142
children with developmental disorders, (BaMB), 550 daytime functioning, 144
20, 486–487 Belgium disturbance of child’s sleep, 143
future directions, 557 sleep duration, 90 emotional distress, 144, 146, 463
negative effects of, 556 video games, 119 emotional stress, 143
parent, 551–555 Benadryl (diphenhydramine), 487 location of child’s care, 143
parent-child relationship, 550–551 benzodiazepines, 595 medical management responsibilities,
sleep problems in developmental Best Practice Project Management, Inc., 321 142–143
disabilities, 484, 485–487 Better Nights/Better Days program, 575 night monitoring, 463–464
behavioral measures bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), potential causes of sleep disruptions,
chronotype, 205–208 245, 251 142–143

i n d ex 619
caregivers (Cont.) Children’s Memory Scale (CMS), 416t endogenous melatonin, 209–215
prevalence of sleep disruptions, 142 children’s sleep. See also culture and factors affecting melatonin, 211–212
psychology of, 84–85, 144, 146 children’s sleep; social determinants future directions, 217
sleep diary and actigraphy, 196 of sleep; violence and light, 327–328
sleep quality, 144 behavior analysis, 173–177 measuring intrinsic circadian period
Catapres (clonidine), 487 ecology of, 81–85 (tau), 215–216
Caucasian children, sleep architecture, 91 household characteristics, 102–106 measuring phase shifts, 215
cell phones, technology and sleep, 117 marital conflict, 105–106 melatonin assay, 212
Center for Applied Research and marital status, 104 morningness/eveningness, 205–208
Educational Improvement (CAREI), parental behavior, 102–106 physiological measures, 209–215
562, 565–567 physical and social settings, 82–83 plasma and salivary melatonin phase
Centers for Disease Control and terrorist attacks, 153–154 markers, 213–214
Prevention (CDC) war and displacement, 152–153 postpartum, 59
pediatric obesity, 430 Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire salivary melatonin overnight data,
Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 334 (CHSQ), 19, 353, 389, 402, 404 213f
central nervous system (CNS), sleep Children’s Sleep Hygiene Scale (CSHS), sampling melatonin, 210–211
ontogenesis, 34 402 schematic of circadian timing system,
cerebral palsy, 143, 274 Children’s Sleep Wake Scale (CSWS), 226, 206f
Child Behavior Characteristics Scale, 180, 227t, 230t, 236t sleep deprivation, 443
548, 556 Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire sleep regulation, 71
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), 30, (CSHQ), 387, 536 sleep/wake patterns, 208–209
180, 240, 383, 400, 549, 556 Child Uplift, Inc., website, 299 urinary aMT6s phase markers,
Child Depression Inventory (CDI), 388 China 214–215
Child Development, Wolfson and Internet addiction, 116 circadian system, late adolescent/emerging
Carskadon, 2 IQ testing in children, 54 adult (LA/EA), 587–588
Child Life Council, 261 sleep duration, 90 Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness
Child-Parent Relationship Scale, 551 sleep patterns, 88 Questionnaire (CASQ), 226, 228t,
child psychology, conceptual models of chloral hydrate (Noctec), 487 232t, 239t
sleep and sleep dysfunction, 18–19 chromosome 15 disorders climate therapy, 10
children. See also children’s sleep; sleep Angelman syndrome, 476–477 clinical behavior analysis, 173
study experience Prader–Willi syndrome, 475–476 CLOCK gene (gClock), 207, 332, 340
actigraphy, 199 chronic illnesses. See also pediatric chronic clonidine (Catapres), 487
assessment of nocturnal fears and illness cognition, sleep disruption, 415
anxiety, 352–353 family’s cultural background, 464–465 cognitive ability, sleep, 572
behavioral treatments for insomnia, family socioeconomic status, 465 cognitive/behavioral functioning
317–318 morbidity associated with allergic brain maturation and function, 49–50
daytime behavior, 548–549 disorders, 458–459 future directions, 55
evaluating behavioral treatments for sleep in children with, 457–458 role of sleep in memory and learning,
sleep problems in, 17–18 chronic sleep deficits, 29–30 50
health outcomes, 550 chronobiotic chaos, 144, 145f, 146f sleep and developing brain, 48–49
mood, 548 chronotherapy, delayed sleep phase sleep disruption and children’s, 51–54
outcome of behavioral interventions, disorder (DSPD), 339–340 sleep quality and behavior, 54
548–550 chronotype cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia
parent-child relationship, 550–551 adolescence, 75 (CBT-I), 317, 318–320, 520–521
pediatrician, 246–247 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ cognitive therapy (CT), 319–320
progressive independence of, 306 EA), 587–588 relaxation therapy, 319
school readiness, 397–398 morningness/eveningness, 205–208 sleep compression therapy, 319
sleep diary, 193f, 199 Munich Chrono Type Questionnaire sleep restriction therapy, 318–319
sleep difficulties, 386–389 (MCTQ), 74f stepped care model, 248, 249f
sleep disruption and neurocognitive/ cigarette smoking, sleep and substance stimulus control therapy, 318
behavioral functioning, 51–54 use, 536–537 cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT),
sleep duration, 382–384 circadian, term, 73 605
sleep quality, 384–386 circadian clock cognitive deficits
temperament, 549–550 lengthening the intrinsic period of, 332 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
treatment of nocturnal fears, 353–354 phase of, 41–42 EA), 590
validation studies, 196–197 circadian education, sleep and, 523–524 sleep disordered breathing (SDB),
variability in sleep schedules, 385–386 circadian rhythms 421–423
witnessing violence, 150–151 allergic disorders, 460 cognitive performance
Children’s Behavior Questionnaire behavioral measures, 205–209 caffeine, 535
(CBQ), 403 chronotype, 205–208 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
Children’s Chronotype Questionnaire, 208 circadian timing system, 204–205, 419 EA), 590–591
Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), core body temperature, 209 sleep and, 399–401, 519
387 disturbance, 245 sleep disordered breathing (SDB), 421

6 20 inde x
cognitive therapy (CT), pediatric core body temperature (CBT), circadian alterations of response to light,
insomnia, 319–320 output, 209 332–333
Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring corticosteroids changes in light exposure patterns,
Evaluation (CHIME), 196 allergic diseases, 459 333
collective violence, 150 cancer, 143 circadian disorder, 419
objective measures, 154–155 cortisol circadian rhythms and light, 327–328
subjective measures, 151–154 napping, 25 clinical presentation, 329–330
terrorist attacks, 153–154 sleep after childhood, 92 cognitive-behavioral therapy, 521
war and displacement, 152–153 co-sleeping. See also bed sharing consequences and comorbidities,
Comfort Measure model, 277. See also alternative viewpoints, 131–133 334–336
Rainbow Comfort Measures© attachment theory, 132 delayed sleep/wake timing, 329
(RCM©); sleep study experience controversies, 130–133 diagnosis and assessment, 329–330
Comfort Positioning, 266–267, 268f cultural patterns, 88–89 epidemiology, 330–331
guidance and praise, 271–272 culture or ethnicity, 132 etiological contributors, 333–334
guiding principles, 258, 259t dangers of, 130–131 future directions, 341
medical team, 260, 262t family’s cultural background, 464–465 hypnotics, 340
preparation supplies and diversional future directions, 137 lengthening intrinsic period of circadian
items, 265t infant sleep, 128, 136–137 clock, 332
community violence, interpersonal, origins by culture, 82 light therapy, 336–338
157–158 prevalence, 129–130 melatonin, 338–339
comorbidities sleep study experience, 273 molecular genetics, 331–332
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder craniofacial abnormalities, obstructive mood disorders, 517
(ADHD), 496 sleep apnea (OSA), 366 phase response curve (PRC), 328, 328f
autism spectrum disorder, 483 Croatia, sleep in refuges, 152, 153, 159 prescribed sleep/wake scheduling,
delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), cross-cultural research, sleep, 82 339–340
334–336 crossover point, human phase response psychiatric comorbidities, 335–336
pediatric insomnia, 313, 314, 320–321 curves, 328 role in insomnia, 320
sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and culture sleep impairments, 334–335
obesity, 435–436 adolescent sleep, 75 treatments, 336–340
sleep study, 274 bedtime routines, 83–84 delta waves, 35, 51
Composite Morningness Scale (CMS), co-sleeping, 132 depression, 1, 30. See also mood disorders
207 customary practices, 83–84 children’s sleep and, of parents, 103
computer, technology and sleep, 115–116 developmental niche, 85–86 insomnia and, 314, 315
conceptual behavior analysis, 173 developmental research, 87 insomnia and risk of, 517–518
conditioned response, 171 exploring variation, 82–85 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
conditioned stimulus, 171 family and chronic illnesses, 464–465 EA), 593–594
conduct disorder (CD) future directions, 93 postpartum, 62–63
comorbidity of, 496 identifying, in development, 85–93 sleep and adjustment, 393
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 367 individualism and collectivism (I/C) unipolar, 516
confidentiality, late adolescent/emerging contrast, 86 Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale–
adult (LA/EA), 592–593 napping, 91, 462 Short Form (DASS–21), 180
confusional arousals, 355 physical and social settings, 82–83 desmopressin, nocturnal enuresis, 376
Connecticut, school start time, 564 psychology of caretakers, 84–85 Desyrel (trazodone), 487
Conners Parent Rating Scale, 401, 402 sleep after childhood, 92–93 Developmental Assessment of Young
Conners Rating Scales, 240 sleep architecture, 91–92 Children, 241
constant conditions, 73 sleep duration, 90–91 developmental disorders and sleep,
constitutional temperament, 403 sleep problems, 87–90 471–472, 487–488. See also autism
Consumer Products Safety Commission sleep variation, 27 spectrum disorders
(CPSC), 130 sleep timing, 91 Angelman syndrome, 476–477
Continuous Performance Test (CPT), 416t sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), autism spectrum disorders, 479–483
continuous positive airway pressure 89–90 behavioral interventions, 486–487
(CPAP), 11, 245, 251 uses of, in sleep research, 86–87 behavioral treatments, 485–487
children, 272, 278 customary practices chromosome 15 disorders, 475–477
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), caretakers, 84–85 Down syndrome, 473–474
365–366, 367 culture and children’s sleep, 83–84 education, 488–489
coping strategies cystic fibrosis, 140 Fragile X syndrome, 474–475
ADHD, 511 future directions, 488–489
adolescents, 291t D impact on daytime functioning, 472
infants, 289t default technologies, 182 impact on families, 473
preschoolers, 290t delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), 204 medication, 487
school-aged children, 290t adolescent, 316, 327 melatonin, 487
sleep study, 265–270 affective instability, 335 parent education, 486
toddlers, 289t alterations in phase relationships, 333 Prader–Willi syndrome, 475–476

i n d ex 621
developmental disorders and sleep (Cont.) dominant posterior alpha rhythm, 36 low-voltage irregular EEG pattern
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), Down syndrome, 39, 472, 479, 480 (LVI), 37–38
488 parent education, 485 sleep cycle overview, 363
Rett syndrome, 478–479 sleep and, 473–474 sleep ontogenesis, 34–40
sleep hygiene, 485–486 sleep study assessment, 274 sleep organization and EEG patterns in
sleep problems, 472–473 Dream Content Questionnaire for neonatal period, 37–38
Smith–Magenis syndrome, 478 Children (ChDCQ), 226, 228t, sleep study, 276
treatment of children, 483–487 232t, 239t electromagnetic fields, technology use and
Williams syndrome, 477 driver distractions, motor vehicle accidents sleep, 121–122
Developmental Neuropsychological (MVAs), 442 electromyogram (EMG), 353
Assessment (NEPSY), 399, 407, 416t drivers education programs, 5 electro-oculogram (EOG), 353
developmental niche, 82, 86f driving. See drowsy driving emerging adulthood, 586–587. See also
culture, 85–86, 128 driving accidents, 5 late adolescent/emerging adult
immigrant families, 128–129 drowsy driving. See also sleep deprivation (LA/ EA)
developmental polysomnography, 11 future directions, 451 emotional distress, caregivers, 144, 146
developmental psychopathology, 25 insufficient sleep, 444 emotional stress, pediatric caregivers, 143
developmental science, 24–26 late adolescent/emerging adult, 597 emotion regulation, sleep and adjustment,
future directions, 31 legal implications, 448–449 391–392
integrating sleep and developmental potential interventions, 451t energy balance
research, 29–30 school start time, 444 equation for eating and activity,
sleep study, 26–29 sleep deprivation and, 441 433–434
diabetes, 140 sleep deprivation and alcohol, 444–445 imbalance and obesity in children,
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Drowsy Driving Act of 2011, 448 430–431
Disorders, 4th Edition Dutch families England, Internet addiction, 116
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder sleep architecture, 92 entrainment, 205
(ADHD), 496 sleep timing, 91 enuresis, 357, 370. See also nocturnal
caffeine and mental health, 535 Dutch National Health Service, baby enuresis
circadian rhythm sleep disorder, 331t book, 85 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 364
hypersomnia, 516 Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), 553 environmental contributions, sleep
insomnia, 305, 516 Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about science, 613
nocturnal enuresis, 371 Sleep Scale, 319 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Rett syndrome, 478 (ELISA), melatonin, 212
sleep and behavior problems, 401 E epidemiology
diazepam (Valium), 595 Early Adolescence Temperament delayed sleep phase disorder, 330–331
Dietary Supplement Health and Questionnaire, 405 nocturnal enuresis, 371
Education Act (1994), 534 Early Childhood Special Education epilepsy, 483
Differential Ability Scales (DAS), 399, (ECSE), 240 Epworth Sleepiness Scale, 116, 535, 552,
400, 416t Early Head Start Program, 575 561
dim light melatonin offset (DLMOff), Early Learning Accomplishment Profile- eszopiclone (Lunesta), 595
213–214 revised, 241 ethnicity, 107t
dim light melatonin onset (DLMO), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale adolescent sleep, 102
73–74, 213–214 (EPDS), 553, 554 asthma in children, 461
adolescent insomnia, 316 education. See also medical education co-sleeping, 132
adolescents with substance abuse children with developmental health risk behaviors, 447t
history, 540 disabilities, 488–489 infant sleep, 100
circadian rhythms and light, 328 materials for sleep education, 299 napping, 101
computation of, 214, 217 parent, and prevention of pediatric school-aged children’s sleep, 101–102
diphenhydramine (Benadryl), 487 insomnia, 309 school problems, 296
direct functional analysis, behavior, 180–181 parents of developmentally disabled sleep duration, 384
Directional Stroop paradigm, 406, 407 children, 485, 486 toddler and preschooler sleep, 100–101
discriminated operant, 170 sleep and temperamental self- European-American children, napping, 27
discriminative stimulus, 171 regulation, 404–406 European Sleep Research Society (ESRS),
disorders of arousal, 354–355 sleep science, 614–615 580
confusional arousals, 355 temperament, academic achievement European Union, caffeine, 534
sleep inertia, 355 and sleep, 403–406 eveningness
sleep terrors, 354–355 electroencephalography (EEG), 353 adolescents with mood disorders,
sleepwalking, 354 development of sleep EEG, 37 522–523
displaced children, collective violence, EEG changes during first twelve chronotype, 205–208
152–153 months, 38–40 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
displacement hypothesis, technology use EEG changes from one to five years, 40 EA), 587
and sleep, 120 EEG patterns, 36 questionnaires, 207, 208, 332
domestic violence, children witnessing, high-voltage, slow-frequency EEG event in context, 28
150–151, 160 pattern (HVS), 37, 38 event-related potentials (ERPs)

6 22 inde x
sleep and brain processing, 406, 407 behavior, 170 Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
sleep quality, 401 behavioral assessment and, 177–182 Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) direct, 180–181 607t
adolescents, 522–523 indirect, 178–180 hospitals, location of child’s care, 143
Angelman syndrome, 476 functional assessment, 178 household characteristics, 107t
late adolescent/emerging adult, adolescent sleep, 105–106
589–590 G infant sleep, 102–103
pediatric scale, 353 gender school-aged children’s sleep, 103–105
Prader–Willi syndrome, 475, 476 health risk behaviors, 447t toddler and preschooler sleep, 103
Smith–Magenis syndrome, 478 sleep and adjustment, 392–393 Huggy Puppy intervention, 163
Williams syndrome, 477 technology use, 119 human leukocyte antigen (HLA), delayed
executive function General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), sleep phase disorder (DSPD), 331
future directions, 408–409 180, 553 hydroxyzine (Atarax), 487
school and preschool, skills, 406–408 generalization gradient, 171 hypersomnia
school readiness, 398 generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), sleep adolescents with mood disorders, 524,
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), 421 and, 351, 352 525
sleep disruption, 415 General Sleep Disturbance Scale, 552 mood disorders, 517
experimental analysis of behavior, 173 girls, Rett syndrome, 478–479 hypertension, 10
experimental design, sleep science, gist-based decision making, late hypnotics, delayed sleep phase disorder
613–614 adolescent/emerging adult (LA/EA), (DSPD), 340
externalizing behavior. See also adjustment 598–599 hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA),
and sleep global developmental delay, 472 352
children, 294 Global Infant Temperament Scale, 549 hypoxemia, 423–424
emotion regulation, 391–392 grade point average (GPA), late
sleep and children, 54, 381, 387 adolescent/emerging adult (LA/EA), I
extinction, 172, 510 588, 589, 590, 591 Iceland, napping, 27
extinction with parental presence, graduated driving licensing (GDL), 450 IDEFICS (Identification and prevention
pediatric insomnia, 310–311 graduated extinction, pediatric insomnia, of Dietary and lifestyle induced
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory, 30, 549 310 health Effects In Children and
Guided Participation Model, 179 infantS) study, 90
F Gulf War, sleep in refugee children, 153, 154 illness. See pediatric chronic illness
fall asleep at the wheel, driving accidents, The Handbook of School Psychology, 296 image rehearsal therapy (IRT), 605
5 imipramine, nocturnal enuresis, 376
familial advanced sleep phase disorder H immigrant families, developmental niche,
(FASPD), 330 Hassles and Uplifts Scales, 64 128–129
families Hawaii Early Learning Profile, 241 impulsivity, sleep deprivation and, 447
autism spectrum disorder, 482–483 Head Start, 400, 549 indeterminate sleep (IS), 35, 37–38
children with developmental health care. See behavioral sleep medicine India
disabilities, 488 preparation considerations for, 262t sleep duration, 90
impact of poor child sleep on, 473 health disparities, children’s sleep, sleeping practices, 83
managing child’s allergic disorder, 107–108 indirect methods, behavioral assessment,
463–464 health education, schools, 293 178–180
sleep science, 612–613 Health Insurance Portability and Individuals with Disabilities and
structure of, and children’s sleep, 103 Accountability Act (HIPAA), 592 Education Act (IDEA), 240, 241
technology recommendations, 123–124 Healthy People 2020, 296, 614 Infant Behavior Questionnaire, Japanese
Family Stress Scale, 338 Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, 12 version, 84
fear sleep, phenomenon in Bali, 92–93 Helping Your Child Sleep Through the Night, Infant Characteristics Questionnaire, 405
females, Rett syndrome, 478–479 Cuthbertson and Schevill, 2, 12 infants
Finland, television watching, 115, 121 hippocampal-neocortical dialogue, care responsibilities, 62
Flint Infant Security Scale (FIS), 180, memory, 50–51 cognitions around sleep, 62
550, 556 Hispanic children coping strategies, 289t
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 321 co-sleeping, 464 developmental considerations, 281t
caffeine, 534 sleep, 101–102 feeding method, 59–61, 129
CPAP, 365 sleep architecture, 91 maternal health and sleep, 575–576
forced desynchrony, 73, 216 histamine, 460 normative pattern of sleep, 573
formula, infant feeding, 59–61 history taking, nocturnal enuresis, 374, 375t sleep deprivation, 417
forward collision warning system, 451 homeostasis sleep diaries and actigraphy, 198–199
Fragile X syndrome sleep deprivation, 443 sleep hygiene recommendations, 579
melatonin, 487 sleep-wake (process S), 71–72 sleep intervention/prevention program,
sleep and, 474–475 Hong Kong, sleeping practices, 83 573
free-running intrinsic period, circadian hormones, sleep and obesity risk, 432–433 sleep location, 61–62
rhythm, 216 Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale sleep organization and EEG patterns,
functional analysis, 178 (HADS), 554 37–38

i n d ex 623
infants (Cont.) physical and sexual abuse, 155–156 adult perspective for treatment, 599
validation studies, 195–196 sexual abuse, 158–159 affective, cognitive and academic issues,
validation studies of preterm, 195 subjective measures, 155–158 590
infant sleep. See also co-sleeping; self- interventions. See also preventative age as proxy for adulthood, 596–597
soothing interventions alcohol, 591–592
behavior analysis, 173–177 children with developmental disorders, chronotype and circadian factors,
contextual factors, 129 486–487 587–588
co-sleeping, 128, 129–133 child’s sleep study night, 272–277 cognitive functioning, 590–591
ethnicity, 100 efficacy, 613 confidentiality and record-keeping,
household characteristics, 102–103 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ 592–593
neighborhood characteristics, 106 EA), 592 daytime sleep problems, 594–595
parental expectations, 128–129 reducing motor vehicle accidents, diagnostic and treatments factors,
research diary, 193f 449–451 593–594
self-soothing, 128, 133–136 sleep and obesity, 435 future directions, 599
Infant Sleep Questionnaire (ISQ), 179 sleep program, 5 gist-based decision making, 598–599
insomnia, 2 support for behavioral sleep, 244–245 Health Insurance Portability and
autism spectrum disorders, 479 interviews, behavioral assessment, Accountability Act (HIPAA), 592
children with developmental 178–179 intake information for treatment,
disabilities, 484–485 intimate partner violence. See also violence 594–596
depression risk, 517–518 children witnessing, 151 interventions regarding sleep schedules,
melatonin, 488 interpersonal violence, 156–157, 159 592
mood disorders, 517 intrinsically photosensitive retinal nighttime sleep problems, 595
parental, 64 ganglion cells (ipRGCs), 205 parental control, 587
pediatric populations, 305–307 IQ (intelligence quotient), sleep risk assessment, 598
treatment approaches, 246 disruption, 52 school schedules, 588, 589–590
Institute of Medicine, 296 Iraq War, sleep in refugee children, 153 sleep complaints, 594
insufficient sleep Israel, sudden infant death syndrome sleep requirements of, 587
drowsy driving, 444 (SIDS), 89 sleep schedule, 588–589, 594
pediatric obesity, 429 Israel–Lebanon War, children’s sleep, 152 sleep schedule decisions, 597–598
intelligence Italy sleepy driving, 597
cognitive abilities after sleep aids, 84 social and behavioral neuroscience, 596
adenotonsillectomy, 422, 423f sleep problems, 88 substance use, 591–592, 595–596
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), sleep routines, 27 total sleep time (TST) and sleepiness,
419–420 sleep timing, 91 589–590
sleep disruption, 415 trauma, 594
interdisciplinary treatment, sleep J treatment for sleep and sleep-related
disorders, 253 Japan disorders, 592–593
intermittent nocturnal incontinence, 370. bedtime routines, 83 Law of Effect, Thorndike, 171
See also enuresis; nocturnal enuresis Infant Behavior Questionnaire, 84 learning
internalizing behavior. See also adjustment sleep duration, 90 role of sleep, 50
and sleep sleep patterns, 88 sleep, 572
children, 294 sleep routines, 27 learning disability (LD), 294
emotion regulation, 391–392 Johns Hopkins University, 607t lifespan perspective, development, 25
sleep and children, 54, 381, 387 Junior Operators’ Bill, 448, 449t light
International Air Transport Association alterations of response to, 332–333
(IATA), 212 K changes in light exposure patterns, 333
International Children’s Continence Kaufmann Assessment Battery for circadian rhythms and, 327–328
Society (ICCS), 370, 371 Children (K–ABC), 416t human phase response curves, 328f
International Classification of Disease, 9th K-complexes, 36, 40, 479 melatonin synthesis, 211–212
Revision (ICD-9), 247 Kenya technology use and sleep, 121
International Classification of Sleep American embassy bombing, 153, 154 light therapy, delayed sleep phase disorder
Disorders (ICSD–2), 305, 329t, 349, sleep duration, 90 (DSPD), 336–338
354, 371 sleeping practices, 83 Likert scale, tools, 225, 226
International Classification of Sleep kindergarten, readiness skills, 397–398 limit setting, 510
Disorders, Revised (ICSD), 399 Korea. See South Korea longitudinal studies, sleep science, 612
Internet Kyleigh’s Law, 449 long-term potentiation (LTP), memory, 51
addiction treatment, 116 Louisville Behavior Checklist, 240
technology and sleep, 115–116 L Lunesta (eszopiclone), 595
interpersonal violence, 150 language, sleep study environment, 263,
community violence, 157–158 286–288t M
intimate partner violence, 156–157, late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/EA), Maggie’s Law, 448
159 586–587, 599–600 major depressive disorder (MDD), 515
objective measures, 158–159 academic achievement, 590–591 Malaysia

6 24 inde x
dream work, 93 Smith–Magenis syndrome, 478 suicidality and sleep deprivation, 520
sleep architecture, 92 urinary aMT6s phase markers, treatment components, 523–526
Manual for Standardized Techniques 214–215 treatment options and practices for
and Criteria for Scoring of States of memory sleep disturbance, 520–521
Sleep and Wakefulness in Newborn role of sleep stages, 50–51 treatment options and practices for
Infants, 11 short-term, 52 sleep disturbance in adults with,
Manual of Standardized Terminology, sleep, 572 521–522
Techniques, and Scoring System for sleep disordered breathing (SDB), 420 morningness/eveningness
Sleep Stages of Human Subjects, 11 sleep disruption, 52, 415 chronotype, 205–208
marijuana sleep restriction, 54, 418 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ mental health, 2 EA), 587
EA), 595 mental health disorders morningness/eveningness questionnaire
sleep and substance abuse, 538 caffeine and, 535–536 (MEQ), 207, 332
marital conflict substance abusing adolescents, 539 Morningness/Eveningness Scale for
child with chronic illness, 141 meta-analyses, attention deficit/ Children, 208
quantity and quality of sleep, 105–106 hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 498, mothers. See also parents; postpartum
marital satisfaction, 63–64 499–501t, 502 depression and sleep, 63
marital status, children’s sleep, 104 microsleep episodes, driving performance, infant and sleep of, 575–576
Maternal Cognitions about Infant Sleep 445 sleep quality, 63
Questionnaire (MCISQ), 226, 227t, mild sleep loss, 406 motivational interviewing, adolescents
229t, 234t, 235t, 551 Milwaukee Health Department, 127 with mood disorders, 523
maternal sleep. See mothers minimum core body temperature motor vehicle accidents (MVAs). See also
measurement. See also surveys and (MCBT) drowsy driving
screening circadian rhythms and light, 328 alcohol, 442–443
framing questions, 30 light therapy, 337 drowsy driving, 443
future directions, 31 Minnesota, School Start Time Study, factors increasing risk of, 442–443
sleep behaviors, patterns and disorders, 562–564, 565–568 future research directions, 451
19 Missouri Children’s Picture Series Graduated Driving Licensing (GDL),
sleep in developmental system, 28–29 (MCPS), 240 450
media devices, technology and sleep, 118. mixed-frequency EEG pattern (M), 38 high-risk driving situations, 442
See also Internet models obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and
medical education behavioral sleep medicine practice, 253t driving risk, 447–448
pediatric specialists, 252 conceptual, of sleep and sleep potential interventions to reduce,
sleep disorder knowledge, 245–246 dysfunction, 18–19 449–451
medical management responsibility, pediatric sleep practice, 252–253 psychosocial issues, 442
caregivers, 142–143 stepped care delivery of insomnia sleep deprivation, 441
medication interventions, 249f smoking, 442
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder stepped care for pediatric behavior sleep technology for monitoring driving,
(ADHD), 509 medicine, 251f 450–451
children with developmental disorders, molecular genetics, delayed sleep phase Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue
487 disorder (DSPD), 331–332 Scale (MAF), 552
medicine. See also behavioral sleep Monitoring the Future study, 532, 533 multimedia use, technology and sleep, 118
medicine monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis, multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), 72,
pediatrics as discipline, 9–10 372–373 353
sleep, as discipline, 10–13 mood disorders Munich Chrono Type Questionnaire
melatonin, 595 affect regulation, 519 (MCTQ), 74f, 208
assay, 212 cognitive functioning and sleep, 519 muscular dystrophy, 143
autism spectrum disorder, 483, 487 developmental considerations, 522–523 music, technology and sleep, 117–118
circadian pattern, 209 future directions, 526–527
delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), insomnia and depression risk, 517–518 N
338–339 psychological intervention for sleep napping
factors affecting endogenous, 211–212 disturbance in adolescents with, age and culture, 27
Fragile X syndrome, 475, 487 522–526 autism spectrum disorders, 480–481
human phase response curves, 328f public health problem, 515–516 cortisol, 25
insomnia, 488 sleep and obesity, 519 culture, 91, 462
measuring endogenous, 209–215 sleep disturbance and relapse, 518–519 ethnicity, 101
metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin sleep disturbance as bipolar disorder narcolepsy, 245, 250, 253
(aMT6s), 211 marker, 518 narrative reviews, attention deficit/
plasma and salivary, phase markers, sleep disturbance as mechanism in, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
213–214 517–520 505–507
postpartum, 59 sleep disturbance in, 516–517 National Academy of Sciences, 296
salivary, data collected overnight, 213f substance use and sleep deprivation, National Assembly on School Based
sampling, 210–211 519–520 Health Care (2011), 293

i n d ex 625
National Assessment of Educational evaluation of parasomnias, 357–358 treatment, 374–376
Progress (NAEP), 294 future directions, 359 tricyclic antidepressants, 376
National Center for Education Statistics, late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ urotherapy, 374–375
561 EA), 595 nocturnal polyuria, 372
National Center on Sleep Disorders nightmares, 348–351 Nocturnal Rhinoconjuctivities Quality of
Research, 458 nighttime fears, 347–348 Life Questionnaire (NRQLQ), 461
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, parasomnias, 354. 358 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep,
459 parasomnias associated with REM 10, 35
National Institute of Child Health and sleep, 356–357 brain maturation and function, 49–50
Human Development (NICHD), preschool children, 349–350 sleep cycle, 363
4, 5, 393 psychiatric disorders, 358 nursing care, schools, 293
National Institute of Mental Health, 248 REM behavior disorder, 356–357
National Institutes of Health, 334, 604, rhythmic movement disorder, 356 O
614 school-age children, 350 obesity. See also pediatric obesity
National School Lunch Act (1946), 293 sleep enuresis, 357 future research for variables, 434–435
National Sleep Foundation (NSF), 294, sleep inertia, 355 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 364,
321, 535, 580 sleep talking, 355–356 366
Sleep in America Poll (2004), 415 sleep terrors, 354–355 potential mechanisms linking sleep
Sleep in America Poll (2006), 418, 560 sleep-wake transition disorders, duration to risk of, 432–434
Sleep in America Poll (2011), 4, 116, 355–356 sleep and, 519
117, 122, 306, 443, 523 sleepwalking, 354 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
website, 299 treatment of, in children and 335–336
negative reinforcement, 171–172 adolescents, 353–354 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 10, 245,
neighborhood characteristics, 107t treatment of parasomnias, 358 251. See also pediatric obesity
adolescent sleep, 106–107 nighttime fears, 347–348. See also adenotonsillectomy, 364–365
infant sleep, 106 nighttime distractions continuous positive airway pressure
school-aged children’s sleep, 106 adolescents, 350–351 (CPAP), 365–366
toddler and preschooler sleep, 106 assessment, 352–353 Down syndrome, 473–474
Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics, 12 preschoolers, 349–350 driving risk, 447–448
Netherlands school-age children, 350 future directions, 367
childrearing, 85 treatment in children and adolescents, insomnia and, 315
Internet addiction, 116 353–354 obesity, 364, 366
neurocognitive assessment, sleep night-to-night variability in sleep, mood pathophysiology, 362–363
disruption, 415–416 disorders, 517 prevalence, 363
neurodevelopmental disabilities, 1 night waking referral for polysomnography, 313
sleep study assessment, 274, 276 Angelman syndrome, 476 sleep cycle overview, 363
neuroendocrine changes, sleep and obesity autism spectrum disorder, 481–483 sleep insufficiency, 399, 430
risk, 432–433 autism spectrum disorders, 480 special pediatric populations and,
neuroscience, late adolescent/emerging behavior analysis, 176–177 366–367
adult, 596 Down syndrome, 474 symptoms of, 363–364
newborns, sleep hygiene Rett syndrome, 479 treatment of, 364–366
recommendations, 579. See also Smith–Magenis syndrome, 478 treatments in children, 366
infants Williams syndrome, 477 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS),
New England, school start times, 564 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 294 17
New York City, children’s sleep after 9/11 Noctec (chloral hydrate), 487 ontogeny, sleep EEG, 34–40
attacks, 153–154 nocturnal enuresis, 370, 376–377. See also operant behavior, 170
New Zealand, sleeping practices, 83 enuresis oppositional defiant disorder
nicotine alarm training, 375 comorbidity of, 496
late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ anticholinergic medications, 376 insomnia and, 314
EA), 595 assessment, 374, 375t obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 367
sleep and substance use, 536–537 definitions, 370–371 overanxious disorder of childhood, 348,
nightmares, 347, 348–351. See also desmopressin, 376 351, 352
nighttime distractions diagnostic criteria, 371 Oxford Library of Psychology, 1
adolescents, 350–351 epidemiology, 371 oxybutynin, nocturnal enuresis, 376
preschoolers, 349–350 etiology, 371–372
school-age children, 350 high arousal thresholds, 372–373 P
nighttime distractions history taking, 374, 375t Pacific Islanders, sleeping practices, 83
adolescents, 350–351 impact on child and family, 373–374 pain, sleep, 19
anxiety disorders and sleep, 351–352 management, 374–376 parasomnias, 245
assessment in children and adolescents, relationship between, and sleep, associated with rapid eye movement
352–353 372–373 (REM) sleep, 356–357
confusion arousals, 355 risk factors, 372 definition, 354, 359
disorders of arousal, 354–355 sleep disordered breathing (SDB), 373 evaluation of, 357–358

6 26 inde x
REM behavior disorder (RBD), future directions, 147 Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, 180,
356–357 location of child’s care, 143 549
sleep enuresis, 357 medical management responsibilities, Pediatrics Allergies in America Survey, 461
treatment of, 358 142–143 Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ), 19,
parental behaviors, infant sleep, 102–103 psychological distress, 144, 146 226, 227t, 230t, 237t, 353, 536
Parental Concerns Questionnaire, 555 sleep disruption prevalence among Ped-IMMPACT consensus group, 19
Parental Interaction Bedtime Behavior caregivers, 142 peer influence, late adolescent/emerging
Scale (PIBBS), 226, 227t, 229t, 233t, sleep disruptions, 140–141 adult (LA/EA), 590
234t sleep disruptions in parents, 141 PERCLOSE, driving performance, 450
parental presence, bedtime routine, sleep quality, 144 periodic limb movement disorder
175–176 Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PLMD), 320
Parent-Child Early Relational Assessment (PDSS), 353 Personality Inventory for Children (PIC),
Scale, 550 pediatric insomnia 385
Parenting Matters Treatment Program, adolescence (age 10–18), 314–321 pervasive developmental disorder, 314,
575 bedtime facing, 312 479, 482. See also autism spectrum
Parenting Stress Index (PSI), 553 bedtime pass, 311 disorders
parents. See also pediatric chronic illness; behavioral insomnia of childhood pharmacological treatment, pediatric
postpartum; sleep study experience (BIC), 307–308 insomnia, 321
adolescents with mood disorders, 522 behavioral treatments for children (age phase-response curve (PRC), 41–42
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 1–5), 308–313 bright light therapy for insomnia, 320
(ADHD), 510 behavioral treatments in older children, light, 205
books for, 299 317–318 physical abuse, interpersonal violence,
cognitions around infant sleep, 62 bright light therapy, 320 155–156
individualizing recommendations, 581 cognitive and behavioral therapies for Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI),
infant care responsibilities, 62 insomnia(CBTi), 318–320 64, 65, 552
infant feeding method, 59–61 cognitive therapy (CT), 319–320 plasma melatonin, 210–211
infant sleep location, 61–62 comorbid conditions, 313, 314, 320–321 polysomnography (PSG), 10
insomnia education and prevention, extinction with parental presence, developmental, 11
309 310–311 maternal sleep, 59
interaction with infant, 59–62 future directions, 321–322 parasomnias, 358
mood and mental health, 553–555 graduated extinction, 310 referral for obstructive sleep apnea
outcome of behavioral interventions, middle childhood (age 6–10), 313–314 (OSA), 313
551–555 parent education and prevention, 309 sleep assessment, 189, 275, 276
parent-child relationship, 550–551 pharmacological treatment, 321 sleep study, 256, 258
postpartum depression, 62–63 positive routines, 311–312 study setup, 264–265
relationship with partner, 63–64 preschoolers (age 1–5), 307–313 video games and sleep patterns, 119
sleep and health, 551–552 relaxation therapy, 319 Williams syndrome, 477
sleep and obesity, 435 scheduled awakenings, 312–313 pontogeniculooccipital (PGO) waves,
sleep difficulties of children, 386–389 sleep compression therapy, 319 35, 51
sleep disruptions of typically developing sleep hygiene education, 320 positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy, 608
children, 141 sleep restriction therapy, 318–319 positive reinforcement, 171–172
sleep in postpartum, 58–59 stimulus control therapy, 318 post-extinction response bursts, 172
technology use, 120 unmodified extinction, 309–310 postpartum. See also parents
warmth and rules, 106 pediatric obesity. See also obesity consequences of disturbed, sleep, 62–64
well-being, 552–553 areas for future research, 434–435 definition, 58
pari passu, 51 children with obstructive sleep depression, 62–63
Pavlovian behavior, 170 apnea (OSA) and sleep disordered evidence-based pediatric intervention,
Pavlovian response, 171 breathing (SDB), 430 573–574
Pavlovian stimulus, 171 cross-sectional studies, 431–432 future directions, 67
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), definition and significance, 429–431 interventions to improve, sleep, 64–66
400, 416t, 417 eating and activity behaviors, 433–434 normative pattern of sleep, 573
pediatric chronic illness. See also allergic energy balance equation, 433–434 parental sleep in, 58–59
diseases future directions, 436 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 64
actigraphy for parents of children with impact of weight loss for comorbid, and relationship with partner, 63–64
and without, 145f, 146f SDB, 435–436 sleep intervention/prevention program,
caregiving ability, 144 neuroendocrine changes, 432–433 573
caregiving demands, 141–142 potential mechanisms linking sleep socioeconomic status (SES), 66
co-sleeping, 464–465 duration to risk of, 432–434 weight retention, 64
daytime functioning after sleep prospective studies, 432 postpartum women, 2
disruptions, 144–146 sleep and weight status, 431–432 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 1,
disturbance of child’s sleep, 143 sleep intervention targets, 435 151, 154
emotional distress, 144, 146 sleep variables for targeting, 434–435 abused children, 156
emotional stress, 143 targeting underlying factors for, 435 sleep and, 351, 352

i n d ex 627
Prader Willi syndrome, 472, 479, 480 future directions, 580–582 quiet sleep (QS), 35
napping, 481 resources, 580 during development, 39
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 366 school-aged children, 576–577 infants, 37–38, 131
sleep and, 475–476 sleep and health optimization, QUOROM (Quality of Reporting of
sleep study assessment, 274 572–573, 578, 582 Meta-analyses), 497
predictive value for sleep (PVS), 192 sleep hygiene strategies, 578–580
predictive value for wake (PVW), 192 toddlers and preschoolers, 574–576 R
pregnant women, 2 PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items radical behaviorism, 172
prenatal exposure for Systematic Reviews and Meta- Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, 20
alcohol, 537–538 Analysis), 497 Rainbow Comfort Measures© (RCM©).
nicotine, 537 Problem Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ), See also Comfort Measures model;
Preschool Adjustment Questionnaire, 402 386 sleep study experience
Preschool Behavior Questionnaire, 402 process-C (circadian phase) benefits, 278t
preschoolers adolescent development, 72–74 model of care, 256, 257, 258–259
bedtime facing, 312 adolescent sleep, 314 preparation considerations, 262t
bedtime pass, 311 sleep and, 41–42 randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
behavioral treatments for insomnia, sleep and wakefulness, 327–328 children with developmental
308–313 sleep regulation, 71 disabilities, 488
coping strategies, 290t process-S (time spent awake) postpartum sleep, 64–66
developmental considerations, 283t adolescent development, 71–72 rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 10
ethnicity, 100–101 adolescent sleep, 314 brain maturation and function, 49–50
extinction with parental presence, sleep and, 41 discovery of, 48
310–311 sleep and wakefulness, 327–328 EEG of, 36
future directions, 408–409 professionals, technology infants, 35
graduated extinction, 310 recommendations, 123–124 mood disorders, 517
Head Start, 400 Profile of Mood States (POMS), 180, 554 sleep cycle, 363
household characteristics, 103 progressive muscle relaxation, 604 ratings, 179
kindergarten readiness skills, 397–398 proportional integration mode (PIM), 197 reactivity, 403
neighborhood characteristics, 106 psycho-cultural model, sleep, 81 record-keeping, late adolescent/emerging
nocturnal fears and nightmares, psychoeducation, attention deficit/ adult (LA/EA), 592–593
349–350 hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 509 refugees, sleep and violence, 152
normative pattern of sleep, 574 psychological distress, caregivers, 144, 146 regulation, 403
parent education and prevention, 309 psychological intervention, sleep reinforcement, 171
parents as agent of change, 309 disturbance in adolescents with relapse
pediatric insomnia, 307–313 mood disorder, 522–526 prevention in adolescents with mood
positive routines, 311–312 psychopathology disorders, 526
preschool executive function skills, autism spectrum disorder, 481–482 sleep disturbance, 518–519
406–408 developmental, 25 relaxation therapy, 319, 604
scheduled awakenings, 312–313 psychosocial issues, motor vehicle reliability, 225
sleep and cognitive skills, 399–401, 417 accidents (MVAs), 442 respondent behavior, 170
sleep and temperamental self- puberty, circadian timing, 73–74 response in context, 28
regulation, 404–406 Puerto Rican families, sleep timing, 91 rest-activity cycle, sleep, 10
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), punishment, 171 restless legs, Williams syndrome, 477
401–402, 421 restless legs syndrome, 245, 253
sleep habits and behavior problems, Q comorbid with insomnia, 320
402–403 qualitative systematic reviews, attention insomnia and, 315
sleep hygiene recommendations, 579 deficit/hyperactivity disorder Restless Legs Syndrome/Periodic Limb
sleep in early childhood, 398–399 (ADHD), 502, 503–504t, 505 Movement Disorder (RLS/PLMD),
sleep insufficiency, 399 quality of sleep 241
sleep intervention/prevention program, behavior, 54 retinal hypothalamic tract (RHT)
574–575 caregivers, 144 pathway, 72, 73f
temperament, 403 child’s sleep, 384–386 Retrospective Infant Characteristics
temperament, academic achievement event-related potentials, 401 Questionnaire, 405
and sleep, 403–406 marital conflict and, 105–106 Rett syndrome, sleep and, 478–479
unmodified extinction, 309–310 mothers, 63 Revised Child Anxiety and Depression
prescription medication, late adolescent/ Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, 64, Scales (RCADS), 388
emerging adult (LA/EA), 591 65, 552 Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
preventative interventions. See also school performance, 17 (RCMAS), 388
interventions quantitative systematic reviews, ADHD, Rhode Island, school start times, 562, 564
adolescents, 577–578 498, 499–501t, 502 rhythmic movement disorder, 356
early postpartum and infancy, 573–574 questionnaires. See also surveys and risk-taking behavior
evidence-based pediatric sleep curricula, screening late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
573 behavioral assessment, 179–180 EA), 598

6 28 inde x
sleep deprivation and, 446–447 Screen for Children Anxiety-Related electrophysiological characteristics of,
sleep variables, 449f Emotional Disorders (SCARED), 35–37
substance use, and sleep, 446–447 387 memory and learning, 50
Rob’s Law, 448 screening. See also surveys and screening nocturnal enuresis and, 372–373
room sharing, infant sleep location, 61–62 attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder obesity and, 519
rumination, adolescents with mood (ADHD), 508 risk-taking behavior, substance use and,
disorders, 526 screen time, technology and sleep, 118, 446–447
124 social context, 99–100
S seasonal affective disorder, 336 special populations, 19–20
SafeTRAC, driving performance, 450 secondary outcomes of behavioral SLEEP (journal), 615
salivary melatonin, 210–211, 213f interventions, 547–548, 556–557 sleep aids, culture, 87
scheduled awakenings, pediatric insomnia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Sleep and Its Disorders in Children, 12
312–313 (ADHD), 555–556 Sleep and Settle Questionnaire (SSQ),
school-aged children autism, 555 226, 227t, 229t, 233t
academic performance and sleep, child, 548–550 sleep apnea. See also obstructive sleep
417–418 future directions, 557 apnea (OSA)
common complaints, 248 negative effects, 556 obstructive, 10, 11
coping strategies, 290t parent, 551–555 Prader–Willi syndrome, 475–476
developmental considerations, 284t parental well-being, 552–553 sleep architecture, 53, 91–92
ethnicity, 101–102 parent-child relationship, 550–551 sleep assessment
evidence-based sleep intervention, parent mood and mental health, actigraphy, 190–191
576–577 553–555 adolescent development and emerging
household characteristics, 103–105 parent sleep and health, 551–552 adulthood, 74–75
neighborhood characteristics, 106 Second Intifada, sleep in refugee children, clinical use of actigraphy and sleep
nocturnal fears and nightmares, 350 153 diaries, 200–201
normative patterns of sleep, 576 security blanket, sleep aids, 84 comparing sleep diaries and actigraphy,
pediatric insomnia, 313–314 seizures, sleep study assessment, 274 198–199
pediatric obesity, 430 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors future directions, 201
sleep disturbances, 134 (SSRIs), 314, 353 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
sleep fragmentation, 134–135 self-regulation EA), 594–596
sleep hygiene recommendations, 579–580 future directions, 408–409 measurement, 19
schools sleep and temperamental, 404–406 polysomnography (PSG), 189
assessment of sleep problems, 298–299 transition skills, 398 validation studies of actigraphy, 192,
dealing with sleep and behavior self-report 195–198
problems, 296–298 measures, 179 sleep compression therapy (SCT), 319, 604
extent of children’s problems, 294 sleep diary, 194f sleep cycle, overview, 363
future directions, 298 self-soothing sleep deficits, chronic, 29–30
nursing care, 293 behavior analysis, 173–174 sleep deprivation. See also drowsy driving
performance and sleep quantity/quality, controversies, 135–136 adolescents, 560–561
17 future directions, 137 adolescents and later high school start
readiness of preschoolers, 397–398 infant sleep, 128, 136–137 times, 565
resources for educators, 298–299 night waking, 176–177 changes in driving performance with,
schedules for late adolescent/emerging prevalence, 133 445–446
adult (LA/EA), 589–590 research, 133–135 circadian and homeostatic factors, 443
sleep behavior of adolescents, 75 sleep diaries and actigraphy in infants, determining sleep onset, 445–446
sleep in relation to school problems, 198–199 drowsy driving, 441
294–296 separation anxiety, sleep and, 351, 352 etiology of, 443–444
sleep problems and role of, 292–294 September 11 attacks, sleep in children, future directions, 451
School Sleep Habits Survey (SSHS), 353, 153–154 impulsivity, 447
561, 562 serotonin, autism spectrum disorder, 483 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
school start times, 559–560, 568–569 sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, EA), 593–594
adolescent sleep patterns and sleep 155–156, 158–159 microsleep episodes, 445
deprivation, 560–561 simulated driving, 445 risk-taking behaviors and, 446–447
barrier to changing, 565–568 Singapore, sleep patterns, 88 simulated driving, 445
benefits of later high school, 565 sleep. See also adjustment and sleep sleep onset and sleepiness, 446f
future directions, 569 affect regulation, 519 sleep patterns from adolescence to
late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ circadian education, 523–524 adulthood, 443–444
EA), 588, 589–590 cognitive functioning, 519 substance use, 446–447, 519–520
Minnesota study, 562–564, 565–568 conceptual models of, and dysfunction, suicidality, 520
motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), 444 18–19 sleep development, 37
precedence of early high school, 561 cultural variation, 27 EEG (electroencephalography)
research on delayed high school, developing brain, 48–49 changes during first twelve months,
561–565 developmental perspective, 24–26 38–40

i n d ex 629
sleep development (Cont.) future directions, 424 determining, 445–446, 446f
EEG for one to five years, 40 insomnia and depression risk, 517–518 video game playing, 116–117
EEG patterns in neonatal period, intelligence, 415 sleep organization, 40–43
37–38 mechanism in mood disorders, process–C (circadian phase), 41–42
future directions, 43 517–520 process–S (time spent awake), 41
sleep diaries. See also surveys and screening memory, 415 thermoregulation, 42–43
assessment, 190, 191 neurocognitive assessment, 415–416 ultradian rhythms, 43
clinical use of actigraphy and, 200–201 neurocognitive tests, 416t sleep patterns
comparison to actigraphy, 198–199 potential mechanisms, 423–424 adolescence to adulthood, 443–444
diaries and logs, 240 prevalence of, 414–415 adolescents, 560–561
direct functional analysis, 180–181 relapse, 518–519 measurement, 19
example, 193f sleep deprivation and restriction, sleep problems
infant sleep, 193f 416–418 developmental study of, 26–29
self-report, 194f sleep disordered breathing (SDB), pattern differences by culture, 88–89
sleep disordered breathing (SDB), 16–17, 419–423 prevalence and impact of, 15–17
52–53 treatment in adults with mood disorder, rate differences by culture, 87–88
academic performance, 420–421 521–522 sleep promotion programs, concerns and
adolescents, 198 Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children barriers, 581–582
cognitive deficits, 421–423 (SDSC), 19, 404, 226, 228t, 231t, sleep quantity, cognition and behavior, 54
cognitive reasoning, 421 238t, 353 sleep regulation, two-process model, 71,
Down syndrome, 474 sleep duration, 381 443
ethnicity, 101 assessing short sleep and weight status, Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder (SRBD)
executive functions, 421 431–432 scale, 226, 228t, 231t, 238t
impact of weight loss for comorbid culture, 90–91 sleep research
obesity and, 435–436 potential mechanisms linking, to conceptual models, 18–19
indicators, 401–402 obesity risk, 432–434 education, 614–615
intelligence, 419–420 sleep and adjustment, 382–384 environmental contributions, 613
memory, 420 sleep enuresis, 370 experimental design, 613–614
nocturnal enuresis and sleep, 373 Sleep Habits Survey (SHS), 19, 389 family systems, general systems, and
pediatric obesity, 430 sleep hygiene, 88, 91, 124 biopsychosocial approaches, 612–613
sleep insufficiency, 399 adolescents, 579–580 future directions, 21
Sleep Disorder Inventory for Students attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder individual differences, 612
(SDIS), 353 (ADHD), 510 intervention efficacy, 613
sleep disorders. See also nighttime behavior for healthy sleep, 113–114 longitudinal studies, 612
distractions children with developmental measurements, 28–29
late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ disabilities, 485–486 novel therapies, 613
EA), 593–594 education and insomnia, 320 prevalence and impact of problems/
measurement, 19 going to bed and falling asleep, disorders, 15–17
medicine, 11 174–176 special populations, 19–20
pediatricians’ knowledge of, 246–247 parasomnias, 358 subjective and objective assessment
primary care physicians knowledge of, parents of newborns and infants, 579 measures, 613
245–246 parents of preschoolers, 579 uses of culture in, 86–87
screening measures, 16 parents of toddlers, 579 Sleep Research Society, 604, 614
Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students– recommendations, 580–581 sleep restriction therapy (SRT), 318–319,
Adolescents (SDIS–A), 225, 228t, school-age children, 579–580 604
232t, 239t strategies, 578–580 sleep schedule, late adolescent/emerging
Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students– sleep impairments, adolescent delayed adult (LA/EA), 588–589, 594,
Children (SDIS–C), 225, 227t, 230t, sleep phase, 334–335 597–598
236t, 237t Sleep in American Poll (2004), National Sleep Self Report (SSR), 353
sleep disruption/sleep disturbance Sleep Foundation, 415 Sleep-Smart program, 5
adolescents with substance abuse Sleep in American Poll (2006), National sleep spindles, 35, 36
history, 539–541 Sleep Foundation, 418, 560 infant, 39
bipolar disorder, 517, 518 Sleep in American Poll (2011), National Rett syndrome, 479
children’s neurocognitive/behavioral Sleep Foundation, 4, 116, 117, 122, sleep study experience, 256–257, 277
functioning, 51–54 306, 443, 523 addressing needs of children and
children with developmental disorders, sleep inertia, 355 parents, 259–272
20 sleeping arrangements, cross-cultural building rapport, 271
cognition, 415 variability, 82–83 child and parent needs, 257–258
current options and practices for sleeping through the night, 128. See also comfort positioning, 266–267, 268f
treatment, 520–521 self-soothing coping strategies, 265–270, 289–291t
delayed sleep phase, 419 sleep medicine, medical discipline, 10–13 creating supportive environment,
early marker for bipolar disorder, 518 sleep onset 270–272
executive function, 415 autism spectrum disorders, 479–480 diversional items, 265t, 269

630 ind ex
future directions, 277–279 health disparities, 107–108 late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/
guidance and praise, 271–272 household characteristics, 102–106 EA), 591–592, 595–596
hands-on demonstration and visual neighborhood characteristics and sleep, marijuana, 538
aids, 264–265 106–107 nicotine, 536–537
individual needs, 261 overview, 107t risk-taking behavior, and sleep,
interventions prior to child’s study social jet lag, 75 446–447
night, 272–277 social networks, late adolescent/emerging sleep deprivation, 519–520
language and word choice, 263, adult (LA/EA), 590 treating adolescents with sleep
286–288t Society for Research on Child disturbances and, 539–541
medical team definition, 260 Development (SRCD), 2 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS),
participation and involvement, Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine 11, 39, 82
260–261 (SBSM), 603, 604, 606, 608 culture, 89–90
preparation considerations for health Society of Pediatric Psychology Assessment task force by American Academy of
care professionals, 262t Taskforce, 179 Pediatrics, 127, 128, 130
preparation supplies, 265t socioeconomic status (SES) sudden unexpected infant death (SUID),
pre-procedural daytime visit, 275–277 ethnicity and sleep, 102 130
pre-procedural telephone all with family with chronically ill child, 465 suicidality, sleep deprivation, 520
parent, 274–275 household characteristics and sleep, 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (αMT6s), melatonin
psychological preparation, 261–265 102–106 metabolite, 211, 214–215
Rainbow Comfort Measures© model of postpartum, 66 suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), 41, 72,
Care (RCM©), 258–259 school problems, 296 73f, 205
sleep talking, 102, 355–356 sleep duration, 384 Sweden, video gaming, 117
sleep terrors, 102, 354–355 sleep efficiency, 385 systematic reviews, attention deficit/
sleep timing, culture, 91 technology use and sleep, 119–120 hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
sleep-wake behavior Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems, Ferber, 497–505
adolescents, 70–71 2, 12
emerging adulthood, 75 somnambulism, 245 T
ultradian rhythms, 43 South Korea Taiwan
sleep-wake cycling, 13, 25, 29 adolescent sleep, 75 Internet addiction, 116
adolescents with mood disorders, bedtime routines, 83–84 sleep duration, 90
524–525 Internet addiction, 116 sleep patterns, 88
delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), sleep diaries, 191 Tayside Children’s Sleep Questionnaire
339–340 sleep duration, 90 (TCSQ), 226, 227t, 229t, 235t
homeostasis, 71 special populations, study of sleep in, Teacher Daily Report, 404
late adolescent/emerging adult (LA/ 19–20 Teacher Report Form (TRF), 388
EA), 587–592 spina bifida, 143 Teacher Temperament Questionnaire, 404
measurement, 208–209 Standards of Practice Committee technology use
sleep-wake states, definition, 35 American Academy of Sleep Medicine, adolescents with mood disorders, 523
sleep-wake timing, adolescents, 73 190 arousal mechanism, 120–121
sleepwalking, 102, 245, 354 American Sleep Disorders Association, caffeine, 535
sleep-walk transition disorders, 355–356 189 cell phone usage, 117
rhythmic movement disorder, 356 Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale, 416t computer and Internet use, 115–116
sleep talking, 355–356 Stanford University School of Medicine, displacement hypothesis, 120
sleepy driver, 5. See also drowsy driver 607t electromagnetic fields as mechanism,
slow rolling eye movements (SEM), State Normal School, 293 121–122
445–446, 446f State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), 180 future research directions, 122–124
slow wave activity (SWA), sleep stepped care model light as mechanism, 121
regulation, 71 insomnia interventions, 248, 249f limitations of prior research, 118–119
slow wave sleep (SWS), 36, 40 pediatric behavioral sleep medicine, listening to music, 117–118
memory, 51 251f moderating factors, 119–120
nocturnal enuresis, 373 stimulus control, 171 monitoring driving performance,
sleepwalking, 354 stimulus control therapy (CBT), 318 450–451
smart phones, 113 stimulus generalization, 171 multimedia use and screen time, 118
Smith–Magenis syndrome, 472, 478 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire potential mechanisms, 120–122
smoking (SDQ), 180, 383, 386 proposed model for effects on sleep,
children’s sleep and parents’ behavior, 103 stress, chronically ill child, 465 123f
motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), 442 substance use, 532, 541 recommendations for families and
sleep and substance use, 536–537 adolescents and mental health, 539 professionals, 123–124
snoring, 102 alcohol, 537–538 relationship to sleep, 114–119
social context, sleep, 99–100 caffeine, 533–536 sleep hygiene recommendations,
social determinants of sleep effects of sleep on, 538–539 579–580
ethnicity, 100–102 future directions, 541 sleep interruption, 122
future directions, 108 illicit, in adolescents, 532–533 television watching, 114–115, 120

i n d ex 631
technology use (Cont.) traumatic brain injury, 333 children witnessing, 150–151
theoretical implications, 119–120 traumatic stress, 151 future research directions, 162–163
video gaming, 116–117 trazodone (Desyrel), 487 sleep and exposure to virtual, 161
television tricyclic antidepressants, nocturnal sleep of children in environments of
sleep and exposure to virtual violence, enuresis, 376 collective, 151–155
161 Trisomy 21, obstructive sleep apnea sleep of children in environments of
technology and sleep, 114–115, 123 (OSA), 366 interpersonal, 155–159
technology use and sleep, 120 two-process model, sleep regulation, 71, video gaming, 117, 121
Teminar, Malaysia, 93 443
temperament, 25 two-stage model, memory consolidation, W
children, 549–550 50 wake-up protocol, 525
self-regulation, 398 War, collective violence, 152–153
sleep and, 403–404 U Washington DC, children’s sleep after
Temperament Assessment Battery for Uganda, sleep in refugee children, 159 9/11 attacks, 153–154
Children, 403 ultradian rhythms, sleep organization, 43 websites, resources for educators, 299
terminal link, 174 unipolar depression, 516 Wechsler Individualized Achievement Test
terminology, sleep stage, 43n.1 unmodified extinction, pediatric (WIAT), 416t
terrorist attacks, collective violence, insomnia, 309–310 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
153–154 urotherapy, nocturnal enuresis, 374–375 3rd edition (WISC–III), 416t
Test of Everyday Attention for Children US Centers for Disease Control and Wechsler Preschool and Primary
(TEA-Ch), 416t Prevention (CDC), 212 Scale of Intelligence, 3rdedition
texting, technology and sleep, 117 US Military Academy, sleep-wake (WPPSI– III), 416t
Thailand, 89 behavior, 75 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
thermoregulation, sleep and, 42–43 US National Survey of Children’s Health Intelligence, Revised (WPPSI–R), 407
theta waves, memory, 51 (2003), 156 weight loss, obstructive sleep apnea
Thorndike’s Law of Effect, 171 (OSA), 366
three-term contingency, 170 V weight retention, postpartum, 64
time above threshold (TAT), 197 validation studies weight status, assessing short sleep and,
Tips for Infant and Parent Sleep (TIPS), actigraphy, 192, 195–198 431–432
575 adolescents, 197–198 White American families, co-sleeping, 129
toddlers children, 196–197 Wide Range Assessment of Memory and
coping strategies, 289t infants, 195–196 Learning (WRAML-2), 416t
developmental considerations, 282t preterm infants, 195 Williams syndrome, sleep and, 477
ethnicity, 100–101 validity, 225 wind-down period, 525
household characteristics, 103 Valium (diazepam), 595 word choice, sleep study environment,
neighborhood characteristics, 106 Vicodin, 532 263, 286–288t
normative pattern of sleep, 574 video gaming wrist actigraphy, paternal sleep, 59
sleep hygiene recommendations, 579 sleep and exposure to virtual violence,
sleep intervention/prevention program, 161 Y
574–575 technology and sleep, 116–117 Young Adolescent Sleep-Smart Pacesetter
Toddlers’ Behavior Assessment violence, 117, 121 Program, 5, 577
Questionnaire, 404 vigilance, adolescents with mood young adults. See drowsy driving
tolterodine, nocturnal enuresis, 376 disorders, 526
topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs), 459 violence. See also collective violence; Z
tracé alternant (TA), 37, 38, 53 interpersonal violence zeitgebers, 205
translational behavior analysis, 173 children’s sleep in environments of, zero crossing mode (ZCM), 197
trauma sleep, 88 159–161 zolpidem (Ambien), 521

632 ind ex

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