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Name: Hà Thanh Hồng Phúc I.D. 2100578

Class: EAP5–0921WSB-1
Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full)

Summerhill is an ideal school. Do you agree?
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Due date: 20/09/2021 Date submitted: 19/09/2021

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Hà Thanh Hồng Phúc – EAP5-0921WSB-1

Summerhill is an ideal school
Conventional schools often teach all required subjects to pupils whether they like it or not.
However, things are completely different at Summerhill – an exceptional school for students. There
are, of course, some controversial about Summerhill, but its benefits are undeniable. The following
paragraphs will articulate the advantages of the freedom environment and optional lessons further.

The first feature which makes Summerhill an ideal school is implementing unlimited
freedom. It fosters an environment beyond grade and coercion, where pupils can make their own
choices with limitless creativity and imagination. For instance, Weekly Meeting is where laws are
made or changed by learners and teachers. Thus, students do not need to follow any unnecessary
disciplines. Additionally, Summerhill promotes children having a joyful upbringing above living
under parental coercion. "The absence of fear is the finest thing that can happen to a child," Neill.s
once stated. Certain counter-argument must, of course, be considered, such as providing freedom
excessively. Those arguers claim that this system may create an irresponsible, disciplined person.
Nevertheless, many psychological issues, such as depression, would not exist if children could
develop independently. Therefore, Summerhill, as a democratic school, is an excellent choice for
any student.

The second advantage of Summerhill is optional lessons. Students are not only allowed to
take their interested classes, but they can also be flexible in time management. Consequently, there
are more time for sports activities, family or friends times, and others. One surprising fact in
Summerhill, although lessons are elective, the student, at least, joining some class. Furthermore,
some people suppose that there should be a compulsory for studying. In fact, without any
obligation, Summerhill's students, at least, take some classes. By contrast, some experts consider
that this optional learning might not fully develop the learner's potential since studying its favorite
subject and omit some that found difficult or bored. Admittedly, this point may be reasonable, but
when a child is passionate about anything, they will not easily give up, even if it is an ambitious
subject. Thus, there is no coercion's need for a learner's learning.

In conclusion, Summerhill provides students with several benefits in both studies and daily
life. Allowing pupils freedom and optional lessons creates a new learning pattern that makes them
more pleasant. That may be the potential to make it become a model school in the future.

Hà Thanh Hồng Phúc – EAP5-0921WSB-1

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