Persuasive Essay - Altering Children's Genes

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Should parents be allowed to scientifically alter their children's genes?

The rapid advancement of technology has altered virtually all fields of science. People
nowadays can take a deeper look at human genes and understand it’s structure. For that
reason, some experts recommend that parents have permission to change their sons’ or
daughters’ genes. However, this, in some way, is not the right thing to do for several
reasons. The following paragraphs will articulate the two majors regarding price and
morality problem that this issue should be banned. 

First and foremost, genes are a sophisticated biological issue that scientists may take many
years to investigate. Thus, the price to alter such children’s genes while they are living in
their mother’s body is tremendous. Instead of investing tons of money in altering children’s
genes, parents should try to educate their children. Some society’s vices are caused by the
education problem not because they are initiating a bad person. Therefore, funding into
genes but forgot to teach their kids in long term, they might become bad people although
they have been changing to gains positive genes. Nevertheless, many scientists claim that
this is a beneficial investment. In case conducting the alternation, the doctor can omit such
disadvantaged genes for the development of a kid, and also know some of their health
issues. At that point, they can have some strategies timely prevent that. Notwithstanding
the evidence to the contrary, the bulk of the evidence lies in support of the issue. For those
reasons, parents should concern about the expensive price to change their children’s genes
and they should educate them instead of that. 

Another top concern for this issue is morality when it comes to conducting in the human
body. In modern society, after many wars around the world to protect human legislation,
this kind of issue should not be allowed. Initially, everybody has the right to protect their
freedom, equality, and body. Even they are the children’s parents, yet they also do not have
permission to change the genes. For instance, the parents prefer their kids to become a
scientist so that they have altered their children’s genes, but the children love to play
musical instruments. This is no different from coercion. However, parents who conduct on
this kind of issue assert that they do this for the good of their son and daughter. Admittedly,
parents always want to give their children the best thing, yet what actually is good for
them? Or this is just their expectation of their child? Only itself knows what is best, parents
are just the supportive for children to go on the right path. Therefore, this, in some way,
should be banned because of the morality problem. 

Ultimately, parents should not be allowed to alter their children’s genes. The two main
reasons are due to the high cost and the morality problem. It is recommended that parents
would invest in education rather than children’s genes. In the future, this issue may still in
discussed but it is hard to jump into reality. Thus, it can be assumed that the disadvantages
of this issue outweigh the advantages.

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