Item Nirman 26

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s'g kf7 jf s'g l;sfO{ pknlAwaf6 slt cf]6f, s'g k|sf/sf ljifout -clt 5f]6f] pTt/ cfpg], 5f]6f]

cfpg] / nfdf] pTt/ cfpg] _ jf j:t'ut -vfnL7fp eg]{, l7s / j]l7s 5'6\6ofpg], jx'j}slNks_, s'g ;+1fgfTds
txaf6 slt cf]6f -1fg, af]w, k|of]u / pRr bzIftf_ k|Zg lgdf{0f ug]{ eGg] ;Gbe{df k|Zg lgdf{tfnfO{ dfu{bz{g
ug]{ lqcfoflds tflnsf g} ljlzli6s/0f tflnsf (Specification grid) xf] . o;sf] d'Vo p2]Zo k|Zgkqdf
ljifout j}wtf ;'lglZrt ug{' xf] . o;n] k|Zgkq lgdf{0fsf] qmddf Ps?ktf sfod ub{5 . o;sf ;fy;fy}
d'Nofª\sg k|s[ofdf ;'wf/ Nofp5 . h:t} cfwf/e't tx kf7\oqmd -@)^(_ sIff ^—* sf] lj1fg ljifosf]
ljlzli6s/0f tflnsf b]xfo adf]lhd 5 .M
k0" ff{ª\ sM &%
;do M @ 3G6f !% ldg]6
pQL0ff{ª\s M #)

ljifo If]q tyf PsfO k|Zg pkk|Z k"0ff{ª\s 1fg af]w k|of]u pRr s}lkmo
If]q ;ª\Vo g tx tx tx tx t
f ;ª\Vof (K) (U) (A) (H.A
30% 40 20 )
% % 10%
ef}lts gfk, an / ult
lj1fg ;/n oGq, rfk, sfo{, zlSt
/ ;fdYo{ %
tfk, k|sfz
!) @% &=% !) % @=%
Wjlg, r'Das, ljb\o't
/;fo kbfy{
g ld>0
lj1fg f wft'
# ^ !% $=% ^ # !=%
cDn, Iff/ /
nj0f s]xL
hLj hLjx¿
lj1fg sf]if / tGt' # ^ ! $= ^ # !=%
% %
hLjg k|lj|mof

e" tyf cGtl/If k[YjLsf] agfj6 df};d / ! @ % !=% @ ) !=%

lj1fg xfjfkfgL k[YjL / cGtl/If

jftfj/0f lzIff jftfj/0f / o;sf] ;Gt'ng

jftfj/0f x|f; tyf o;sf] ;+/If0f # ^ !% $=% ^ # !=%
jftfj/0f / lbuf] ljsf;
hDdf !% #) &% @@=% #) !$ *=%
• hDdf !% cf]6f d'Vo k|Zgx¿ x'g] 5g\ / k|To]s k|Zgsf] b'O{ cf]6f pkk|Zg x'g] 5g\ . k|To]s d'Vo
k|Zgsf] cª\sef/ % / k|To]s pkk|Zgsf] cª\sef/ @ jf # x'g] 5 .
• k|Zg kq lgdf0{f ubf{ ;a} PsfOx¿nfO{ ;d]6\g'kb{5 .
• k|Zg lgdf{0f ubf{ 1fg, af]w, k|of]u / pRr tx -ljZnif0f, ;+Zn+if0f / d"Nofª\sg_ sf k|Zgx¿ lgdf{0f
ug'{kb{5 .
To:t} cfwf/e't txsf] kf7\oqmd @)&& sf cg';f/ lj1fg tyf k|ljlw ljifosf] ljlzli6s/0f tflnsf b]xfo
adf]lhd /x]sf] 5 .

cf_ pTt/s'l~hsf, dfls{ª l:sd / ?lj|S; M k|Zg lgdf{tfn] k|Zg lgdf{0f ;Fu;Fu} j:t'ut kZ|gx?sf]nfLu
pTt/s'l~hsf, ljifout k|Zgsf]nflu dfls{ª l:sd jf ?lj|S; lgdf{0f ug{' kb{5 . pTt/s'l~hsf, dfls{ª l:sd /
?la|ssf pbfx/0f ;+1fgfTds txsf k|Zgx?df lbOPsf] 5 .
O_ k|Zg kq lgdf{0f M
ljleGg k|Zgx?sf] ;]6nfO{ k|Zgkq elgG5 . k|Zgkq lgdf{0f k'j{ k|Zgx?sf] lgdf{0f ug{' kg]{ x'G5 . k|Zg lgdf{0f
ub{f b]xfPsf s'/fx?df Wofg lbg' kb5 M
k|Zgsf] k|sf/ M l;sfO pknlAw k'/f eof] jf ePg eGg] ;Gbe{df dfkgsf]nflu j:t'ut / ljifoutu/L
b'O k|sf/sf k|Zgx? lgdf{0f x'g] ub{5g .
!= j:t'ut k|Zg

c_ jx'j}slNks k|Zgx? (Multiple Choice Questions -MCQ) M

Pp6f dflg;n] w]/} cUnf] lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]df r95 . hj lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]df k'Uof] p;n] Knfli6ssf]
jf]tndf /fv]sf] ;j} kfgL lkP/ To;df ljsf]{ nufO lbof] . hj p pkTosfdf /x]sf] SofDkdf kmls{of]
p;sf] jf]tn k'/} s'lRrPsf] kfOof] . of] lsg eof] eg]/ tnsf dWo] s'gn] ;j} eGbf /fd|f] JofVof
u5{ <
a) lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]df eGbf pkTosfdf tfkqmd Go"g 5 .
b) lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]df eGbf pkTosfdf tfkqmd pRr 5 .
c) lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]df eGbf pkTosfdf xfjfsf] rfk Go"g 5 .
d) lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]df eGbf pkTosfdf xfjfsf] rfk pRr 5 .
Key: D
Cognitive level =Applying
A double negation is confusing!

Which of the following statements is not correct about a catalyst?

a) does not change the equilibrium constant for a reaction

b) does not undergo any net chemical change
c) increases the kinetic energy of the reactants
d) lowers the activation energy of a reaction

cf_ l7s j]l7s 5'6\6ofpg] k|Zg

o;df Pp6f egfO{ lbOG5 / 7Ls jf j]l7s s:tf] xf] 5'6\6ofpg nufOG5 . cyf{ of] b'Ocf]6f ljsNk
ePsf] k|Zg xf] . h:t} M

tnsf k|Zgdf l7s eP -_ lrGx / j]l7s eP -X_ lrGx nufpg'xf];\ .

!= ;u/dfyf /fli6«o lgs'~h g]kfnsf] ;j} eGbf k'/fgf] /fli6«o lgs'~h xf] . - _

@= hgfj/ sf]ifdf Snf]/f]Knfi6 kfOb}g . - _

O{_ hf]8f ldnfpg] k|Zg

o:tf k|sf/sf k|Zgx?df b'Ocf]6f :tDe x'G5g / ljBfyL{nfO{ klxnf] / bf];|f] :tDesf] ljrdf ;DaGw
b]vfpg lgb]{;g lbOG5 .

lbOPsf] b'Ocf]6f A / B :tDesf] lardf wsf]{ tfg]/ hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ .

@= ljifout k|Zgx? Constructed Response Item M w]/} 5f]6f] pTt/ cfpg], 5f]6f] pTt/ cfpg] / nfdf]
pTt/ cfpg] u/]/ ltg k|sf/sf ljifout x'g . lo k|Zgx? v'nf k|sf/sf k|Zgx? x'g . o;df
ljBfyL{sf] ljrf/ JoSt ug{ ;Sg] ub{5g\ .

k|Zgsf] ;+1fgfTds tx

c_ 1fg tx M ljBfyL{n] s07 u/]sf tYox?, cfwf/e't cjwf/0ffsf ;Demgfx? klxrfg ug{ 1fg
txsf k|Zgx? ;f]lwg] 5g\ .
Objective: Introduce pollination process

Item: Define self-pollination and cross pollination. 2 marks

Marking scheme:

1 mark for each correct definition total 2 marks as for example:

 Self-pollination: The process of transferring pollen grains of one flower to the stigma of
same flower is called self- pollination. 1 mark
 Cross pollination: The process of transferring pollen grains from anther of one flower to
the stigma of different flower of same species is called cross pollination. 1 mark

cf_ jf]w tx M j}1flgs ljrf/ jf cjwf/0ffsf] JofVof ug]{, t'ngf ug]{, lrqsf] JofVof ug]{ h:tf
k|Zgx? ljBfyL{sf] jf]w Ifdtf klxrfg ug{ ;f]lwg] 5 .
Objective: Introduce pollination process

Item: Which of the following group is the best agents for pollination?

A) Soil, water, wind

B) Animals, Soil, wind
C) Wind, water, animal
D) Plants, water, wind
6. Key answer:

C) Wind, water, animal

;f}o{ kl/jf/sf] sG;]K6 Dofkdf ck'0f{ qmdsf] lrq b]vfO{Psf] 5 .
o;df W, X, Y / Z jfs;x? k'/f ug{'xf];\ .
marking scheme:

1 mark for each correct response maximum 4 mark

 W= Mercury
 X= Earth
 Y= Jupiter
 Z= Uranus

O_ k|of]u M Application

 sIffdf l;s]sf] 1fg tyf cjwf/0ffnfO{ ckl/lrt cj:yfdf k|of]u

 k|bz{g ug]{, JofVof ug]{, lrq sf]g]{, u|fkm, kfOrf6{ jf lx:6f]u|fkmaf6 JofVof ug{ ;Sg] cfbL
s'/fsf] k/LIf0f ug{ k|of]u txsf k|Zgx?sf] k|of]u ul/g] 5 .
 lx;fj ug]{
Item: The picture shows the position of a fish at point X in water. W and Y are two different
points in the water.


1. At which point will the fish appear to the person on ground?

Explain your answer. (2)

2 (Full Credit) Full credit to the response for mentioning that the light rays coming
from the fish bends away due to refraction as it passes from water to
air. So, the fish appears at a different position.

- The fish will appear at point Y.

- Refraction of light rays take place when light passes from one
medium to another. / Light rays get refracted as they pass from
water to air. / Any other valid response.

1(Partial Credit) Partial Credit to the responses for mentioning any of the following

- The fish will appear at point Y.

- Refraction of light rays take place when light passes from one
medium to another. / Light rays get refracted as they pass from
water to air. / Any other valid response.

0 (No Credit) No credit for wrong response or no response

@= lbOPsf] tflnsfn] s]xL tTjx¿, of}lusx¿ / ld>0fx¿ b]vfpF5 . k|To]ssf] 5]pdf pko'Qm
:tDedf Yes /fv]/ ltgLx¿nfO{ juL{s[t ug{'xf];\ . [4]
Kfbfy{ tTj of}lus ld>0f

Marking Scheme
Kfbfy{ tTj of}lus ld>0f
xfjf Yes
;'g Yes
lrlg Yes
g'g Yes

 1 mark for each correct answer

lrqdf lj?jfdf ltg xKtfdf dn k|of]u gubf{, xdf]{gn dn k|of]u ubf{, /;folgs dn k|of]u ubf{ /
lrqdf ljleGg k|sf/sf dnx? k|of]u ubf{ lj?jfsf] prfOdf cfPsf] kl/jt{g b]vfOPsf] 5 .
o;sf cfwf/df b]xfPsf k|Zgx?sf] pTt/ lbg'xf];\ . [1+1+1+1=4]

1. s:tf] cj:yfdf lj?jfsf] prfO ;j} eGbfa9L 5 <

2. xdf]{gn dnsf] k|of]u eGbf dnsf] k|of]u gug{' g} plrt x'G5 lsg <
3. h}ljs dn gePsf] cj:yfdf lj?jfsf] prfO j9fpg s'g dnsf] k|of]udf k|fyldstf lbg'x'G5
sf/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
4. lj?jfsf] prfO / dnsf] k|of]usf] ;Gbe{df lrqsf] lgZsif{ n]Vg'xf];\ .

Marking scheme

1. Use of organic fertilizers 1

2. better increase of height by not using fertilizer than hormonal fertilizers
1 marks
3. Chemical fertilizers increase the height better than the use of hormonal
fertilizers so we prefer chemical fertilizers than hormonal fertilizers 1

4. It can be concluded that the use of organic manure is the best way to increase the height

of plants. 1 marks

Objective: Give the general introduction to universe


tflnsfdf X, Y, Z / W ljleGg /ª\sf anx?sf] ;d'x b]vfOPsf] 5 .


;'Gtnf, /ftf], lgnf] ;'Gtnf, xl/of], lgnf] xl/of], /ftf], lgnf] ;'Gtnf xl/of], /ftf]

;f}o{ kl/jf/sf] df]8]ndf ;"o{, dª\un / k[YjL agfpgsf]nflu s'g ansf] ;d'x pko'St x'G5 <

A) X
B) Y
C) Z
D) W

6. Key answer/marking scheme:

O{_ pRr bIftf

 sfo{sf] ljZn]if0f / d'Nofª\sg ug]{ ;Lk

 k|fKt u/]sf] 1fg, ;Lk / cjwf/0ffx? gof cj:yfdf s;/L k|of]u ug{ ;S5g < eGg] ;Gbe{df
k/LIf0f ug]{ 5 .
Item: One metal rod and one metal pot are shown in the figure

You have to put metal rod in a hole of metal pot which is very tight. Which would be the best
strategy to make the rod fit.

A) Heat the rod and pot

B) Heat the rod and cool the pot
C) Cool the rod and pot
D) cool the rod and heat the pot

Key: D
tflnsfdf A, B, C / D kbfy{x?sf] ef}lts u'0fx? lbOPsf] 5 . ltlgx?dWo] wft' s'g xf] <
sf]7fsf] tfkqmddf ef}lts 7f]; t/n t/n Uof;

/8\ ;]tf] rfFbL h:tf] /8\ulxg /8\ulxg

ljB'tsf] rfnstf crfns Rffns Rffns crfns

Correct answer: B substance is a metal

Cognitive skill: HOTS
Item type: Very short

kf7 M sfj{g / o;sf of}lus

lrqdf vfgf ksfpFbf efF8fsf] tNnf] aflx/L efu sfnf] x'Fb} uPsf] b]vfOPsf] 5 .

o;sf] cy{ s] xf] <

A) vfgf k"0f{ ¿kdf ksfOPsf] 5}g
B) OGwg k"0f{ ¿kdf hln/x]sf] 5}g
C) OGwg k"0f{ ¿kdf hln/x]sf] 5
D) OGwg leh]sf] 5
Answer Key

B) OGwg k"0f{ ¿kdf hln/x]sf] 5}g

tflnsfdf W, X,Y / Z u|xx?sf] kl/e|d0f / kl/qmd0fsf] cjlw b]vfOPsf] 5 .

u|x kl/e|d0fsf] cjlw kl/qm|d0f sf] cjlw
W 58.6 days 87.97 days

X 243 days 224.7 days

Y 0.99 days 365.26 days

Z 1.03 days 1.88 years

:f"o{af6 ;j} eGbf 6f9f /x]sf] u|x s'g xf] < sf/0f ;lxt JofVof ug{'xf];\ . 2 mark
6. Key answer/marking scheme:

 Farthest planet from the sun – Z 1 mark

 Perimeter or total size of orbit of Y is biggest among W, X, Y and Z or revolution period
of Z is highest among all so it is farthest from the sun.
1 mark

kfgLjf6 s:tf] k|sf/sf lj?jfx?df k/f;]rg x'G5 < kfgLaf6 lj?jfdf x'g] k/fu;]rg k|sofsf] JofVof ug{'xf];\
Key answer/marking scheme (in English only):
1 mark for each correct point total 2 marks as for example:

- Aquatic plants submerged in water undergo pollination by water.

- Plants that have their flowers submerged in water release their pollen in the water that drifts
in the water and are caught by the feathery stigma of female flowers.
Pp6f ljBfyL{n] r'Djssf] Ifdtf k/LIf0f ug{sf] nflu Pp6f cg';Gwfg tof/ u5{ . pxf;Fu ljeGg
cfsf/, :j?k / lk08sf cg]s r'Djsx? 5g . pxFfn] wft'sf] sfuh RofKg] sFf6f prfNgsf nflu
r'Djssf] k|of]u ug{' x'G5 . cg';Gwfgdf s;/L r'Djssf] Ifdtf kl/eflift ul/G5 <
a) wft'sf] sfuh RofKg] sfF6f p7fpg] r'Djssf] lk08 4f/f
b) wft'sf] sfuh RofKg] sfF6f p7fpg] r'Djssf] cfsf/ 4f/f
c) r'Djs 4f/f p7fOPsf wft'sf] sfuh RofKg] sfF6fsf] ;ª\Vof 4f/f
d) r'Djsn] wft'sf] sfuh RofKg] sfF6fnfO p7fO /fVg] ;do 4f/f
Key: C
lrqdf ljleGg efux? b]lvg] u/L Pp6f km'n b]vfO{Psf] 5 .

s'g s'g b'O efux? k/fu;]rgdf ;+nUg x'G5g <

A) P and T
B) S and Q
C) P and R
D) T and Q
6. Key answer/marking scheme (in English only):

Key = C = P and R

lrqdf W,X,Y / Z rf/cf]6f hgfj/x? b]vfOPsf] 5 .

lo hgfj/x? dWo] X km/s x'gfsf] sf/0f s] xf] ?

A) o;n] cfGtl/s uef{wfg ub{5 .
B) o;n] jfx\o uef{wfg u5{ .
C) of] cf]leKof/; hgfj/ xf] .
D) of] leleKof/; hgfj/ xf] .
Key answer/marking scheme (in English only):
Key = C : it is oviparous.
tflnsfdf ljpsf b'O ;d'xsf ljz]iftf lbPsf]sf] 5 .
Group "X" Group "Y"
- lolgx?sf] jflx/ sfF8f h:tf] ;+/rgf x'G5 . - xn'sf x'G5g .
- w]/} lrKnf] / ;fgf x'G5g . - e'Fjf h:tf x'G5g .
- -

o;sf cfwf/df ;d'x X / ;d'x Y sf ljpx? s;/L 5l/G5g xf]nf JofVof ug{'xf];\ .
6. Key answer/marking scheme (in English only):

1 mark for correct explanation each group total 2 marks

- Due to presence of spikes seed of group A attached with animals and dispersed from one
place to another. similarly, slippery and small nature animals eat and dispersed during
excretion so group A seeds dispersed by animals
- Due to higher and fur like structure characteristics group Y seeds dispersed by wind.

7'nf ;x/x?df ;jf/L ;fwgsf] j[l4 ;Fu} xfjfdf sfj{g 8fOcS;fO8sf] dfqf j9L /fv]sf] 5 . gu/
k|d'v j[Iff/f]k0f ug{ rfxGf'x'G5 . s] tkfO gu/ k|d'vsf] ;Nnfx l;t ;xdt x'g' x'G5 . JofVof
ug{'xf];\ .
#== k|Zgkq Jojl:yt ug]{
k|Zgx? lgdf{0f eO;s] k5L ltlgx?nfO{ Pp6} ;]6df /fVg' kb{5 . o;nfO{ kZgkq Jojl:ys/0f elgG5 . k|Zgkq
Jojl:yt ubf{ lgDg cg';f/ ug{' kb{5 .
 ;dfg 9fFrfsf ;j} k|ZgnfO{ ;Fu} ;d'lxs[t ug]{
 k|Zgx?nfO{ ;se/ ;/n b]vL hl6nsf] qmddf /fVg' kb{5 .
 k|Zg / ljsNknfO{ Pp6} k]hdf /fVg' kb{5 .
 k|Zgkqdf k|i6 l;t lgb]{zgx? lbg' kb{5 .
 k|Zgsf] z'4fz''l4 x]/]/ q'l6/lxt agfpg' kb{5 .

Item creation is an art in itself.

Some are more creative than others, but nobody is born as an item
You can only learn it by doing, doing it often and doing it again and

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