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JULLY 2019
I declare that this senior project entitled "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL
my own research except as cited in the references. The senior project has not been accepted for
any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Name of the Candidate:

Signature: ............................................................................................

Date: ............. /.................. /…………….............

I confirm that the work presented in this paper was carried out by the

Candidate...................................................................................under my supervision

Supervisor Name:

Signature: ___________________________

Date: _______ /________ /______________

This thesis entitled to the influence of organizational Justices on employee satisfaction in
performance appraisal prepared and submitted by: Faisal Omar Mohamed, in partial fulfillment
of the requirement forth degree of Bachelor of Business Administration has been examined and
approved by the panel

On oral examination with grade of: ................

Name of Chairman:


Signature: .................................................................................................................

Name of Supervisor:


Signature: .................................................................................................................

Name OF Panelist:


Signature: .................................................................................................................

Name of Panelist:


Signature: .................................................................................................................

Name of Deputy Dean:


Signature: ................................................................................................................

Name of Dean Faculty of:


Signature: ..............................................................................................................

Date: ......................................................................................................................

I dedicate this hard work to my parents my mother Dahabo Farah Abdi who has been with me
in every step in my life through good and bad times. And I give my thanks to all who supported
me either psychological or financial that helped me to become confident and successful.

I also dedicate this research to my all brothers and sisters who have been supportive financially
and spiritually which has enabled me through this study.

My brother: Dahir Abdi Abdirahman

My brother: Saciyo Abdi Abdirahman

I also express my deepest thanks to my dear friend Ahmed Hasan Omar, thanks my deepest big
brother Hasan Abdi Abdirahman who took great hand to my knowledge and supported me
different aspects of my life including; financially, morally spiritual and guidance to the future.

First and foremost, the researchers thank the Almighty Allah for his blessings, protection and
guidance throughout the study. The researchers wish to thank all academic staff of the faculty of
Business Administration, Horn of Africa University, whose contribution and assistance has made
the preparation of this dissertation real and possible.

Special thanks should go to Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan our supervisor for his tireless support
in providing constructive critics, guidance and encouragement during preparation of this
dissertation. Our heart full appreciation directed to our beloved family for continued
encouragement to this study through financial support which made this study feasible.


DECLARATION A............................................................................................................................................i
DECLARATION B...........................................................................................................................................ii
APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF TALES..............................................................................................................................................ix
LLIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................................x
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTIN....................................................................................................................................1
1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM.................................................................................................................5
1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY....................................................................................................................6
1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................6
1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS......................................................................................................................6
1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY........................................................................................................................6
1.6.1 Geographical scope: Firms of telecommunication in Mogadishu...............................................6
1.6.2 Time scope: It will be conducted between December 25, 2018 and March 30, 2019................6
1.6.3The content scope: The influence of organizational justice on employee satisfaction in
performance appraisal.........................................................................................................................6
1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................6
1.8 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF VARIABLES.......................................................................................7
1.9 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWOR................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................9
REVIEW OF RELATED LETERETURE...............................................................................................................9
2.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................9
2.2 CONCEPTS OF PERFOMANCE APPRAISAL........................................................................................12

2.4 SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................14
2.4.1 Organizational Justice in Performance Appraisal System:........................................................14
2.4.2 Work Performance...................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................15
3.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................15
3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN...........................................................................................................................15
3.2 TARGET POPULATION......................................................................................................................15
3.3 SAMPLE SIZE....................................................................................................................................16
3.4 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE....................................................................................................................17
3.5 RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS................................................................................................................17
3.6 DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................17
3.7 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY...............................................................................................................18
3.7.1 Validity......................................................................................................................................18
3.7.2 Reliability..................................................................................................................................18
3.7.3 Data Gathering Procedure........................................................................................................18
3.8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................19
3.9 THE ETHICAL CONSIDERATION.........................................................................................................19
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................20
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION.....................................................................................................20
4.0 Overview..........................................................................................................................................20
4.1.1What is your gender?....................................................................................................................20
4.1.2: what is your age?.........................................................................................................................21
4.1.3: What is your marital Status?........................................................................................................22
4.1.4: what is your Educational Level?...................................................................................................23
4.1.5: what is your experience?.............................................................................................................24
4.2 SECTION (B): DESTRIPUTIVE JUSTICE...................................................................................................25
4.2.1 Distributive justice helps the organizations to reach much profitability in the market................25
4.2.2: Distributive justice can really enhance the employee satisfaction..............................................26
4.2.3: Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about the employee performance appraisal
4.2.4: Distributive justice is the most important strategic that business helps to maximize profit......28
4.2.5: Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in a society..........................................29

4.2.6: Distributive justice decreases the threat of the competitors and improves the business growth
4.3 SECTION (C) PROCTURAL JUSTICE........................................................................................................31
4.3.1: Procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employee organizational commitment........31
4.3.2: Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good return by the shareholders................32
4.3.4: Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the organizational performance.....................33
4.3.4: Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that organizations rely on their business
4.3.5: Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive.....................................................35
4.3.6: Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain more customers in order to increase the
business growth.....................................................................................................................................36
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................37
FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDA..........................................................................................37
5.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................37
5.1 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS...............................................................................................................37
5 .2 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................38
5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................38
APPENDEX VI TIME FRAMEWORK.............................................................................................................42


Table 3. 1 Categories.....................................................................................................................17

Table 4. 1: What is your gender?..................................................................................................20

Table 4. 2 what is your age?..........................................................................................................21
Table 4. 3 What is your marital Status?.........................................................................................22
Table 4. 4 what is your Educational Level?..................................................................................23
Table 4. 5 what is your experience?..............................................................................................24
Table 4. 6 Distributive justice help the organizations to reach much profitability in the market..25
Table 4. 7 Distributive justice can really enhance the employee satisfaction..............................26
Table 4. 8 Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about the employee performance
Table 4. 9 Distributive justice is the most important strategic that business helps to maximize
Table 4. 10 Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in a society........................29
Table 4. 11 Distributive justice decreases the threat of the competitors and improve the business
Table 4. 12 Procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employee organizational
Table 4. 13 Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good return by the shareholders.32
Table 4. 14 Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the organizational performance......33
Table 4. 15 Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that organizations rely on their
business growth.............................................................................................................................34
Table 4. 16 Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive....................................35
Table 4. 17 Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain more customers in order to
increase the business growth.........................................................................................................36

Figure 4. 1 what is your gender?...................................................................................................20
Figure 4. 2 Age..............................................................................................................................21
Figure 4. 3 what is your marital Status?........................................................................................22
Figure 4. 4 Respondent educational level......................................................................................23
Figure 4. 5 what is your experience?.............................................................................................24
Figure 4. 6: Distributive justice helps the organizations to reach much profitability in the market
Figure 4. 7 Distributive justice can really enhance the employee satisfaction..............................26
Figure 4. 8: Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about the employee performance
Figure 4. 9 Distributive justice is the most important strategic that business helps to maximize
Figure 4. 10 Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in a society.......................29
Figure 4. 11 Distributive justice decreases the threat of the competitors and improve the business
Figure 4. 12 Procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employee organizational
Figure 4. 13 Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good return by the shareholders32
Figure 4. 14 Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the organizational performance....33
Figure 4. 15 Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that organizations rely on their
business growth.............................................................................................................................34
Figure 4. 16 Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive..................................35
Figure 4. 17 Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain more customers in order to
increase the business growth.........................................................................................................36

The study is to determine the influence of organizational justices on employee satisfaction in
performance appraisal in Mogadishu Somalia. The research design in the current study is the
correlation design and correlation in an attempt to collect data from members of a population in
order to determine the current status of that population in respect to one or more variables.
Survey research is therefore an adopted of this study which requires the collection of quantitative
research information from the sample data. Table 4.1.1 shows that majority of the respondents
40(59.7%) were males, on the other hand the minority of the respondents 27(40.3%) were
female.. Table 4.2.1 demonstrates that the majority of the respondents 21(31.3%) Agree that
Distributive justices help the organizations to reach March profitability in the market, 17(25.4%)
Neutral the same concept, and 12(17.9%) were strongly agree, 10(14.9%) disagreed that the
career and 7(10.4%) were strongly disagree.



This is the first chapter that covers the following sections: the background, problem statement,
purpose of the study, research objectives, research questionnaire, hypothesis, and scope of the
study, significant of the study, operation definitions, and conceptual framework.


The organizational justice on employees’ performance is assumed to be basically economic
institutions where exchanges of monetary payment for the performance of concrete tasks are
basis for operation (Barley & Kunda, 1992). However, adherence to this thought without
consideration of other possibilities has problematic side effects. For example, merit pay is
sometimes ineffective (Pfeffer & Sutton, 2006), downsizing often has pernicious long-term
effects (Pfeffer, 1998), and bureaucratic management can straitjacket workers and reduce
innovation (Cropanzano, Bowen & Gilliland, 2007). Managements of workplaces sensing the
aforementioned negative effect of economic institutionalization of work are now looking into the
corollary points of sense of duty (Organizational justice) as operation parameters in the
workplace for greater benefits of trust and commitment of staffers.

Organizational justice is a personal evaluation about the ethical and moral standing of
managerial conduct. The implication is that producing justice at the workplace requires that
management should take the perspective of an employee (Cropanzano, Bowen & Gilliland,
2007). Also, Baldwin (2006) sees the term Organizational justice as referring to the extent to
which employees’ perceive workplace procedure, interaction and outcomes to be fair in nature.
These perceptions can influence attitudes and behavior for good or bad which in turn will have
impact on employees’ performance, commitment and Organizational success. People in all facet
of life are naturally attentive to the justice of events and situations in their everyday lives, across
a variety of contexts (Tabbinet, Statute & Lieberman, 2008).Furthermore, the concept of
Organizational justice has been discovered by various Work Psychologists under three distinct,
though overlapping, as distributive, procedural and interactional.
These three forms of Organizational justice tend to be correlated (Cropanzano, Bowen &
Gilliland, 2007). They can be treated as three components of overall fairness (Ambrose &
Arnaud, 2005; Ambrose & Schminke, 2007) and the three components can work together. Each
of the components has unique elements necessary for discussions in the utilization of
Organizational justice in the work place. Distributive Justice refers to outcomes being distributed
proportional to inputs based on equity principle. It is the subjective evaluation of the employees’
to the extent to which outcomes such as wages, promotions, work roles and workloads are
distributed fairly to the employees (Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter & Ng, 2001). To achieve
distributive justice if they are applied appropriately, three allocation rules are to be applied, they
are equality (to each the same), equity (to each in accordance with contributions) and need (to
each in accordance with the most urgency) (Cropanzano, et al., 2007).

Therefore, distributive justice focuses on the degree of perceived fairness in the distribution and
allocation of outcomes within an Organization based upon the inputs (Price, Mueller, 1986; Rani,
Garg & Rastogi, 2012). Procedural Justice (PJ): Procedural Justice refers to the
procedures/means by which outcomes are allocated, but not specifically to the outcomes
themselves (Cropanzones, et al., 2007). The emphasis here is on the importance of fairness of the
methods or procedure used (descision criteria, control of the process) at workplace (Thibaut &
Walker, 1975: Folger & Konovsky, 1989; and Greenberg, 1990). Leventhal (1980); Leventhal,
Karuza & Fry (1980) established core attributes that make procedures just. These are
consistency, lack of bias, accuracy, correlation, representation of all concerned and consistency
with ethical norms.

Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive, affective and behavioral reactions
at workplace, and enhances employees’ psychological wellbeing with reputation feeling of life
satisfaction by the employees (Elovainio, Kivimaki & Vahtera, 2002) and commitment to the
job. Kim and Mauborgue (2005) stated that fair processes lead to intellectual and emotional
recognition which in turn create the trust and commitment that build voluntary cooperation in
strategy execution of goals. Interactional Justice (IJ): Interactional justice exists when decision
makers treat people with respect and sensitivity and explains the rationale for decisions
thoroughly. Therefore, interactional justice is the treatment that an individual or employees
receives as decisions are made (Bies & Moag, 1986; Moorman, 1991 and Colquitt et al., 2001).

Colquitt et al., (2001) suggested that interactional justice should be broken into two components
namely interpersonal and informational justice. Interpersonal justice refers to the respect and
dignity with which one treats another while informational justice refers to whether one is truthful
and provides adequate justifications when things go badly.

Bies and Moag (1986) identify some key aspects of interactional justice which can enhance
people’s perceptions of fair treatments. They are truthfulness (information given must be realistic
and accurate, presented in an open and forth right manner), respect (employees treated with
dignity), propriety (statements and questions should never be improper or involve prejudicial
elements such as racism or sexism) and justification (when a perceived injustice has occurred,
giving explanation or apology can reduce or eliminate the sense of anger generated.
Organizational Commitment: Porter, Steers, Mowday and Boulian (1974) defined commitment
as the relative strength of an individual’s identification with and involvement in a particular
Organization. They indicated that commitment has three components namely: an employee’s
belief in and acceptance of Organizational goals and values; his/her willingness to work towards
accomplishing the Organization’s goals; his/her strong desire to continue as Organization

Meyer and Allen (1991) discussed three components of Organizational commitment namely:
affective, continuance and normative. According to them Organizational members who are
affectively committed to the workplace continue to work for the Organization because they want
to. Therefore, affective commitment is the employee’s emotional attachment to, identification
with and involvement in the Organization. Beck and Wilson (2000) stated that employees that
are committed to the Organization on the affective level because they view their personal
employment relationship have been congruent to the goals and values of the Organization. In
defining continuance commitment, Meyer and Allen (1991) looked at the calculative effect of the
individual’s perception or weighing of costs and risks associated with leaving the current
Organization. They further stated that continuance commitment of employees is based on their
commitment because they need to do so. So, continuance commitment is instrumental attachment
to the Organization based on individual’s association assessment of economic benefit gained
(Beck and Wilson, 2000).

Normative commitment is a feeling of obligation to continue employment (Meyer and Allen,
1991). This normative component is viewed as the commitment employees consider morally
right to stay in the company regardless of the satisfaction derived from the Organization over
time. Therefore, briefly put, commitment reflects in the forms of employee’s intention to say or
leave the Organization, though it may be moderated with factors like opportunities available
outside and normative pressure to stay on the job (Arif Hassan, 2002).

Therefore, Meyer, Allen and Smith (1993) submitted that common to the three types of
commitment, is the view that commitment is a psychological state that characterizes the
employee’s relationship with the organization, and has implication for the decision to continue or
stop membership in the organization. Employees with a strong affective commitment remain
with an organization because they want to, those with a strong continuance commitment remain
because they have to, and those with a strong normative commitment remain because they feel
they ought to (stay). Lambert, Hogan and Griffin (2007) refers to Organizational commitment as
the state in which employees’ sense of loyalty with their respective Organization aligned
themselves with Organizational goals and values it. Therefore, fairness and justice offers
opportunity to employees to have sense of belonging which is an element of Organizational

However, some researchers have shown correlation between distributive justice, procedural
justice and interactional justice. For instance, Lambert et al., (2007) found that procedural justice
and distributive justice significantly contributed to employees’ Organizational commitment.
Sweeney and McFarlin (1993) in their two-factor model found that procedural justice is a better
predictor of Organizational commitment when compared with distributive justice. This finding
was further supported by the finding of Cohen-Charash and Spector (2001) that procedural
justice has significant positive relationship with Organizational commitment.

Arif Hassan (2002) while investigating how perception of equity and justice come to play on
employees’ commitment to the Organizational and intent to leave using the banking industry
found that both distributive and procedural jstice made significant contributions to employees’
Organizational commitment and intent to leave. Colquitt et al., (2001) in meta-analytical review
of Organizational justice literature, pointed out that distributive and procedural justice were
significant predictors of Organizational commitment. Also, Nazim and Shahid (2012) in

investigating the relationship between Organizational justice and Organizational commitment
and turnover intentions, established that both distributive justice perception and procedural
justice perception had a significant relationship with Organizational commitment and turnover

Fariha, Sardar and Mozafar (2013) in investigating the relationship between Organizational
justice and Organizational commitment of the staff of directorate of Youth and Sport of Chahar
Mahal va Bakhtiari established that distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional
justice have significant relationship with Organizational commitment. Furthermore, Akanbi and
Ofoegbu (2013) while looking into impact of perceived Organizational justice on Organizational
commitment of a food and beverages firm in Nigeria established that both distributive justice and
procedural justice have significant relationship with Organizational commitment.

In another study by Bakhshi, Kumar and Rani (2009) it was found that there is positive
relationship between distributive and procedural justice with Organizational commitment of
medical college employees in India. Interdem with other findings, Najafi et al., (2011) found that
educational experts of different universities had higher commitment levels by the provision of
Organizational justice. Ponnu and Chuah (2010) while investigating Organizational commitment,
Organizational justice and employee turnover in Malaysia established that there is significant,
strong and positive relationship between the Organizational justice (procedural justice and
distributive justice) and Organizational commitment.

Also, Rhodes and Strees (1981) in their research found that pay equity was the most important
contributor to the prediction of Organizational commitment for a group of cooperative
employees, but was not o significant predictor of commitment for a group of conventional
employees. Moreover, Quarles (1994), in examining promotion opportunities and evaluation
criteria as mechanisms for affecting internal auditors commitment, job satisfaction and turnover
intention found that satisfaction with promotion opportunities (distributive justice) and
satisfaction with evaluation criteria used (procedural justice) directly correlated with
Organizational commitment for the respective groups. It is also seen from the research conducted
by Zaman, Ali and Ali (2010) on private teachers in Pakistan that distributive justice and
procedure justice had positive impact on Organizational commitment.

Employees in the manufacturing sectors are usually susceptible to change of jobs based on the
fact that their skills are usually required in other similar firms and are usually enticed by would-
be employers. Hence, their rate of turnover may be more frequent. Efforts are being made by
management to retain these employees haven considered the cost of training and retraining when
employees leave and new once is employed. The commitment of employees to Organizations
therefore call for concern, it is against this background that this study will investigate whether
there is correlation between the influence of organizational justice on employee satisfaction in
performance appraisal firms in Mogadishu.


The purpose of this study is to determine and describe the influence of organizational justice on
employee satisfaction in performance appraisal companies for telecommunication in Mogadishu


To find out the effect of distributive justice on employee satisfaction in performance appraisal

To determine the effect of procedural justice on employee satisfaction in performance appraisal

To examine the effect of interactional justice on employee satisfaction in performance appraisal


How does distributive justice influence of employee satisfaction in performance appraisal?

How does procedural justice influence of employee satisfaction in performance appraisal?

How does interactional justice influence of employee satisfaction in performance appraisal?


1.6.1 Geographical scope: Firms of telecommunication in Mogadishu.

1.6.2 Time scope: It will be conducted between December 25, 2018 and March 30,

1.6.3The content scope: The influence of organizational justice on employee

satisfaction in performance appraisal.


It is expected that the study may yield numerous benefits among which include: the study May
help private business in getting information that may fetal in their program designed to
unidentified the employee performance on organizational justice.

The study may private fetal information to privately owned in situation an other relevant
agencies in understanding the need for and appreciating proper employee satisfaction on
organizational performance in their enterprises.

The study might also provide to be successful and achievement organizations higher
performance, productivity using organizational justice.

The Research may be useful to academics and researcher in adding to their knowledge on the
influence organizational justice on employee satisfaction in performance appraisal.


Organizational Justice The increasing-concern of most employees in many organizations
nowadays is the fairness at work, which is known also as
the organizational justice (Byrne & Cropanzano, 2001). This issue especially related to the
performance appraisal fairness and what is behind the different performance point of each
employee receives.

The issue of fairness is critical to performance administration and most

every phase of labor management. Employees will act to restore equity if they perceive an
imbalance. In evaluating the fairness of their performance appraisal employees will balance
inputs (e.g., work effort, skills) against outcomes (e.g. pay privileges).

Employee’s satisfaction: Every performance appraisal has to be done fairly where no bias
happens during the evaluation. How far this issue is followed is a concern because not every
manager or superior is evaluating their subordinates fairly; sometimes it depends upon their
relationship between each other. Performance appraisal has to be executed fairly so that the
organization can get affective and actual appraisal. According to Cook and Crossman (2004),
people will only be satisfied with the performance appraisal process if it fulfills the criteria of
fairness. An appraisal can be doomed to failure if the feelings of unfairness in the process and
inequity occur during evaluations (KellyAng Chong and Hu, 2008).


Independent variable

Organizational Justice
Dependent Variable

1) Distributive justice
Employee Satisfaction

2) Procedural Justice

3) Interactional Justice




This study was aimed to investigate the effects of employee’s perceptions of organizational
justice in performance appraisal system, and towards performance appraisal satisfaction and how
it further affects the work performance. Further, the study identified the most common or main
perceptions that employee would have on performance appraisal system and the reliability of
this system. Besides, the studies have encompasses on the effects of employee perceptions
toward work performance. Hence, this review of literature will be divided into following parts,
(1) performance appraisal system (2) organizational justice in performance appraisal system (3)
performance appraisal satisfaction,and (4) work performance.


Every performance appraisal has to be done fairly where no bias happens during the evaluation.
How far this issue is followed is a concern because not every manager or superior is evaluating
their subordinates fairly; sometimes it depends upon their relationship between each other.

Performance appraisal has to be executed fairly so that the organization can get affective and
actual appraisal. According to Cook and Crossman (2004), people will only be satisfied with the
performance appraisal process if it fulfills the criteria of fairness. An appraisal can be doomed to
failure if the feelings of unfairness in the process and inequity occur during evaluations (Kelly,
Ang, Chong and Hu, 2008).

These show the importance of an appraisal because by using appraisal result the human resource
department can evaluate and do the necessary activities such as preparing the development plans,
rewards, succession plans, bonus, promotion, increment and so on. Employees are satisfied with
their performance appraisal systems when there is trust in the supervisor and when the
supervisors are supportive of their subordinate’s feedback, particularly in the area of skill
development, pay for performance, etc. Career advancement occurs during the appraisal session,
and subordinates feel that they are given enough time to express their perspectives, have
opportunity to influence the outcome and sufficient explanation of their ratings is provided
(Whiting, Kline and sulsky, 2008).

Furthermore, a study was conducted by Kelly, Ang, Chong, and Hu (2008), on teacher appraisal
and its outcomes in Singapore primary schools.
The objective of this study was to examine the attributes of the performance appraisal system,
how those attributes affect satisfaction; stress experienced with appraisal system, attitudes
towards performance bonus, job satisfaction, and motivation, and perceived cooperativeness
among teachers. The study was conducted via the questionnaire method and was
distributed to 125 teachers but only 85 were retrieved because they responded to the survey on a
voluntary basis. The questionnaire asked about their demographic data, attitudes towards job,
desirability of having performance appraisal system, current performance appraisal system, and
satisfaction of the system.

Researchers used factor analysis to identify factors of appraisal system attributes and factors of
teacher’s attitude and perception, step wise multiple regression were used. The results from the
finding indicated that fairness and clarity of performance appraisal system are related to greater
satisfaction with the appraisal system. In conclusion, this study gave insight on how various
attributes of the performance appraisal system are related to important outcomes such as job
satisfaction and motivation. The finding may help to design and implement more effective

performance appraisal system. Another study had been carry out on procedural justice and
supervisors personal power bases effects on employee’s perceptions of performance appraisal
sessions, commitment and motivation (Steensma and Visser, 2007).

This study was done to predict personal power bases of supervisors contributed to employee
procedural justice perceptions, perceived procedural justice correlated positively with
satisfaction with performance appraisal session, organization commitment, and motivation. A
sample was drawn from employees of the Dutch treasury department. From 399 employees who
were approached, only 178 participated. A five point liker scale format was used. The
questionnaire is about performance appraisal sessions, several procedural justice aspects,
personal power bases of supervisors who administer the performance appraisal session,
motivation, satisfaction, commitment and a few demographic variables.

The findings of the study reveal that perceived procedural justice of performance appraisal
sessions correlated positively with subordinate’s satisfaction with the performance appraisal
sessions, organizational commitment, and motivation of subordinates to perform well. The
strongest correlation was found with satisfaction, mean while correlation between procedural
justice and commitment. In the conclusion people are motivated by two social laws, which are
selfishness and considerations of fairness.

From the observation, organization which use fair performance appraisal procedures do not only
get good valuable information but also succeed in promoting feelings of satisfaction,
commitment and motivation of their employees. A performance appraisal system will not be
effective unless it is perceived to be fair by all those involved in
the process. This was indicated by Cook and Crossman (2004). The levels of stated satisfaction
with performance appraisal system are clearly related to the perceived fairness to the system. The
concept of fairness within organizations has been defined as organizational

The fairness of any organizational system which provides a reward is related to two main
components, namely distributive justice which is an individual’s perception about their rewards
in relation to their contributed effort and comparison with others effort and procedural justice
which is an individual’s perception about the fairness of the procedures used to make decisions
about rewards. Distributive and procedural justice contributed equally to perceptions of fairness

in performance appraisal system. It is based on the previous study to identify the level of
satisfaction of performance appraisal which had discovered the relationship between a person’s
function within a KALEEM ET AL. International Journal of Management and Organizational
Studies Page 32 performance appraisal system and the expressed level of satisfaction.

The study examines two aspects of procedural justice and combined with the level of satisfaction
with the appraisal interview process and interactions with supervisor (interactional justice).
processes and practices are assumed to influence the behavior and work outcomes. It comprised
of three different components which are distributive, procedural, and interactional justice
(Robbins and Judge, 2007). An important element affecting fairness perceptions is the judgment
bases on evidence, where raters must be seen to apply performance standards consistently across
employees without distortion by external pressure, corruption or personal biases (Poon, 2004).
There is past evidence that procedural justice is related to employee satisfaction and turnover
intention. There had been a lot of studies already done regarding the application of performance
appraisal system satisfaction in the organization and its effect to work performance. Despite all
of the studies, there is still no clear understanding of performance appraisal system satisfaction
that its existence has created a lot of perceptions. Even there do not have clear picture on how
this performance appraisal satisfaction will affect work performance.


Performance appraisal involves measuring job performance whereby the view captures an
essential element of the performance appraisal process without specifying the actual techniques
used for measurement (Kavanagh, Benson and Brown, 2007). In order, for appraisal system to be
effective they need to be accepted and supported by it employees. According to Shen (2004),
performance appraisal is the process of identifying, observing, measuring and developing human
resources in organizations. Sabeen and Mehboob (2008) on the other hand, indicate that
performance appraisal is a process of judgment and evaluation of subordinate’s performance by
the supervisor and Aquinas (2007) believed that performance appraisal is a once a year event that
is often driven by human resource department. Meanwhile, one important function of
performance appraisals is to encourage and guide improved employee performance.

If performance appraisals are perceived as unfair however, they can diminish rather than enhance
employee attitudes and performance (Heslin and Walle,2009). Specifically, perceptions of

procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employees organizational commitment, job
satisfaction, trust in management, performance as well as their work related stress, organizational
citizenship behavior, theft and inclination to litigate against their employer. Hence, performance
appraisal is not the same as performance
management. Performance management is a year round way of managing business that is driven
by managers(Aguinis, 2007). Whereas performance appraisal emphasizes the assessment of an
employee’s strengths and weakness while it does not include strategic business considerations.
Performance appraisal does not include extensive and ongoing feedback that an employee can
use to improve his performance in the future.

There are four activities in performance appraisal cycle in organizations, namely, definition of
performance, performance measurement, and evaluation, feedback to the employee and
application of the results in different organizational systems. By using this performance appraisal
method an organization can evaluate the level of performance of an employee and also keep
record of their performance achievement. Shen (2004) has conducted a study on international
performance appraisal policies, practices, and determinants in the case of Chinese multinational
companies. The purpose of this study is to examine the Chinese international performance
appraisal model by exploring performance appraisal policies and practices and the associated
factors in Chinese multinational companies. Data for this study is derived from ten leading
Chinese multinational companies.

Total number of employees participated or about 18280 from local and international employees.
This study used semi structured interview based survey. In each company there will be one
general manager; one human resource manager and one executive manager in U.K subsidiaries
have been interviewed.


There are a lot of employee perceptions on performance appraisal system that will affect the
organizational performance. In this study, I will focus on three independent variables in the
organizational justice that are, distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice.
Specifically, organizational justice is concerned with the ways in which employees determine if
they have been treated fairly in their jobs and the way in which those determinations influence

other work related variables (Moorman, 1991). The globalization trend, technology development,
new business practices and technology continuously influence organizations in Pakistan.

Many companies are also facing intensive challenge of improving employee’s job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, to gain competitive advantage and retention of key employees in
organization. Further, employees were more satisfied when they felt they were rewarded fairly
for the work they have done by making sure rewards were for genuine contributions to the
organization and consistent with the reward policies (Fatt, Khin andHeng, 2010).Further, Fatt,
Khin and Heng(2010), considered the justice climate of procedural, distributive and interactional
and suggested that the provision of training of managers to ensure that all of their employees
perceived fair treatment. According to Suliman (2007), the concept of organizational justice has
been driven from different angles by different writers. Most researchers agree that it is “a
dominating theme in organizational life”.

Generally, organizational justice is overall perceptions of fairness in all organizational inspire

feelings of loyalty to one’s team or group, legitimize the authority of leaders, and help to ensure
voluntary compliance with the rules. In general, procedural justice in organization decision
making has been shown to have positive impact on variety of employees decision and some
emotional and behavior reactions. These consequences of procedural justice include variables
such as organizational commitment, trust, satisfaction, compliance with decision and
performance. According to Heslin and Walle, one defining element of procedural justice is
providing individual with voice in making decisions that affect them.

Further, they have proposed that fair procedures also include, where for instance, bias
suppression rather than decisions based on perceptions, accuracy in terms of reflecting all
variables and relevant information and correct ability in light of employee input. In addition,
when looked in the context of performance appraisals, procedural justice pertains to the apparent
fairness of the procedures by which an individual’s performance is evaluated.


2.4.1 Organizational Justice in Performance Appraisal System:

There are a lot of employee perceptions on performance appraisal system that will affect the
organizational performance. In this study, I will focus on three independent variables in the

organizational justice that are, distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice.
Specifically, organizational justice is concerned with the ways in which employees determine if
they have been treated fairly in their jobs and the way in which those determinations influence
other work related variables (Moorman, 1991).knowledge, procedural knowledge, and

2.4.2 Work Performance

Performance is determined by combination of declarative performance which are task and
contextual. Task performance or work performance refers to the specific activities require by
one’s job According to Aguinis (2007), performance is about behavior or what employees do and
not about what employees produce or the outcomes



This chapter describes the research methodology used in this study. Firstly, research design,
research population, sample size, sampling technique, Research instrument\ Data collection, Data
Analysis; Validity and reliability, Limitation and Ethical considerations of the study are also
presented in this chapter.


The design of this study is a survey. A survey is a method of collecting information directly from
respondent in an organized, standardized way. Surveys are commonly used in psychological
research to collect self-report data from study participants. A survey may focus on factual
information about individuals, it might aim to collect the opinions of the survey takers, surveys
are generally standardized to ensure that they have reliability and validity, (Neuman, 2009).
Therefore the researcher chose this design because surveys are skilled of obtaining information
from large samples of the population and mainly it is also suitable for gathering demographic
variables that describe the sample.

This Study will use quantitative research design. It was chosen because of the descriptive nature
of the study. It examined to look into the influence of organizational justice on employee
satisfaction in performance appraisal.


Population refers to the sum total group of people, actions or things of interest that the researcher
hopes to explore (Sekaran, 2003). The study will be conducted on some of employees who live
in Mogadishu-Somalia. The target population is unknown since there is no real statistical
calculation that was made the number of Somali employee. The researcher chose some Somali
companies employee especially Hormuud and Nationlink. Because we consider these group are
most appropriate to provide needed information and have ability to answer the interview
questions as well as access eligibility for the researcher.

This study also chose employee since they are influenced by their organizational performance
and are most suitable to be aware of employees’ daily activities

To determine the target population of this study the researcher used random sample with the
researcher used 50 of Hormuud Staff and 30 of Nationlink staff.


The sample size of this study represents the whole population of the study being observed by the
researcher. The confidentiality of the findings will directly be affected by the sample size for that
the statistical analysis of the sample size usually requires a minimum sample size of 30
respondents (Saunders, 2009)

Researcher selected Hormuud and Nationlink companies in which those questionnaires will be
distributed to the 42 Hormuud normal staff and some other managerial level staff and 25
Nationlink normal staff and some other managerial level staff.

Hormuud and Nationlink companies and distribute about 67 questionnaires to the respondents.
To determine the ideal sample size for a population, the study used Slovene’s formula which is

N= Number of population

n = Sample size

e= Margin of error.

Therefore in the following formula we will use as 95% confidence level of my research.

n 
(1+N (e^2)

n  

N =N/ (1+ (N*e^2)), where n= sample size, N= population size, 80 and e = margin of error
of5%. N=80/ (1+ (80*0.05)) 2 = 67 respondents.

Table 3. 1 Categories

Categories Population Sample Size

Hormud 50 42
Nationlink 30 25
Total 80 67


This study was employed non probability sampling technique which is purposive sampling
(purposive sampling is a type of none probability sampling technique, purposive sampling also
known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling) .During purposive sampling, researchers
consciously decide whom to include in the sample. The main benefit of purposive sampling is
that it is designed to collect focused information. It is preferred for this study because of its
efficiency particularly it saves time and money.


The questionnaire included both strategic and more operational issues, offering plenty analysis
possibilities. Though there would have been lots of possible constructs to include in the
statistical analysis, this study has its focus on factors that have potential to provide positive long-

term performance impact for companies. At the core of the analysis are different marketing-
related capabilities and company orientations. Consequently, both inner and outer perspectives
are dealt within the study.


In This study, the researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze primary data.

The questionnaire included both strategic and more operational issues, offering plenty of analysis
possibilities. Though there would have been lots of possible constructs to include in the
statistical analysis, this study has its focus on factors that have potential to provide positive long
term performance impact for companies. At the core of the analysis are different marketing-
related capabilities and company orientations. Consequently, both inner and outer perspectives
are dealt within the study. After the administration of the questionnaires data collected was
organized, summarized, and analyzed statistically treated and drafted in tables using the
statistical package for social sciences(S P S S: 1.6 version).


3.7.1 Validity
Test validity refers to the degree to which the test actually measures what it claims to measure.

Test validity is also the extent to which inferences, conclusions, and decisions made on the basis
of test scores are appropriate and meaningful. The 2000 and 2008 studies present evidence that
Ohio's mandated accountability tests are not valid, that the conclusions and decisions that are
made on the basis of OPT performance are not based upon what the test claims to be measuring.

3.7.2 Reliability
Test reliability refers to the degree to which a test is consistent and stable in measuring what it is
intended to measure. Most simply put, a test is reliable if it is consistent within itself and across
time. To understand the basics of test reliability, think of a bathroom scale that gave you
drastically different readings every time you stepped on it regardless of whether your had gained
or lost weight. If such a scale existed, it would be considered not reliable.

3.7.3 Data Gathering Procedure
Before administration of the questionnaires to be able to collect data the researcher was required
permission letter from admission and to record office of UNIVERSITY OF HORN of Africa

When accepted, the researchers secured a list of the qualified respondents from the company’s
employee. Distribute questionnaires to the respondents. During the administration of the
questionnaires the researcher asked respondents to answer all questions, to check all returned
questionnaires if all are answered. The researcher helped respondents to fill in the questionnaires,
after t he respondents full file the questions or they give the needed information, the researcher
was collected questionnaires from the respondents as to make statistical analysis. After the
administration of the questionnaires data collected was organized, summarized, and analyzed
statistically treated and drafted in tables using the statistical package for social sciences(S P S S:
1.6 version).

In This study, the researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze primary data.

The questionnaire included both strategic and more operational issues, offering plenty of analysis
possibilities. Thou gh there would have been lots of possible constructs to include in the
statistical analysis, this study has its focus on factors that have potential to provide positive long
term performance impact for companies. At the core of the analysis are different marketing-
related capabilities and company orientations. Consequently, both inner and outer perspectives
are dealt within the study.


The study suffers from the use of questionnaires because; the questionnaires have some
limitations such as poorly completed answers, poorly response rate, limited answers. The
language is also the greatest parries ingesting the most correct answers of the questionnaire.

Although terms “strategic marketing” and “marketing strategy” are very close to each other
literally, they refer to considerably different phenomena; marketing strategy is more about how
to conduct operational marketing in long term (cf. Kotler, 2003). Intuitively, since the concept is
not named as “operational marketing” but strategic marketing, suggestion is made that more
importance should be put on doing the right things than on doing things right (Drucker, 1966).

Nevertheless, at least sufficiently high levels in both efficiency and effectiveness are naturally
needed for a business to become success.

It therefore is natural that strategic marketing builds on both “operational” marketing and
strategic perspectives, adopting perhaps the best parts out of both of them.


A marketing strategy details how a business can offer products and services to satisfy the needs
of members of a target market. Ethical marketing ensures that the needs are real and that the
products and services meet those needs. Over the long term, an ethical marketing strategy is
effective because customers derive the benefits they expect from using the products or services
your company offers.



4.0 Overview
67 Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and all returned from the respondents. It
gives a response of 100%. This was a good result and as a result of follow up and the retrieved
questionnaires was as a result of ministry of fishing and natural resource of sea staffs to fill their
received questionnaires.

4.1 Respondent’s information

4.1.1What is your gender?

Table 4. 1: What is your gender?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Male 40 59.7 59.7 59.7

Female 27 40.3 40.3 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In the above Table and figure below shows The Majority of the Respondents 40(59.7%), Were
Male, and While 27(40.3%).Only Were Female, However this Table shows The Majority of
Respondents is Male.

Figure 4. 1 what is your gender?

4.1.2: what is your age?

Table 4. 2 what is your age?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

20-30 30 44.8 44.8 44.8

31-40 15 22.4 22.4 67.2

Valid 41-50 17 25.4 25.4 92.5

50 above 5 7.5 7.5 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

I n table above and figure below summarizes the age of respondents, which are categorized the
age between 20-30 which had 30(44.8%),the total respondent aged between 31-40 which had
15(22.4%). The second ages are between 41-50, which had 17(25.4%), the third ages are above
51, which had 5(7.5%).

20-30; re 4.
Series1; 2
31-40; Series1;
Series1; 17
50 above;
Series1; 5

4.1.3: What is your marital Status?

Table 4. 3 What is your marital Status?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Single 30 44.8 44.8 44.8

Valid Married 37 55.2 55.2 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In table above and figure below summarizes, in Marital Status the results shown that single
which respondents of the distributed questionnaire which respondents’ rate 30(44.8%) were
single, the second respondent were marriage which respondent rate 37(55.2%) ware married.

single; Series1; 30; 45%

married; Series1; 37; 55%

single married

Figure 4. 3 what is your marital Status?

4.1.4: what is your Educational Level?

Table 4. 4 what is your Educational Level?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

secondary level 10 14.9 14.9 14.9

diploma 15 22.4 22.4 37.3

Valid bachelor degree 35 52.2 52.2 89.6

master degree 7 10.4 10.4 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2018

In table above and figure below summarize the level of education the respondent categorized
secondary level, diploma, bachelor degree, Master Holder. Secondary level which respondent

rate 10(14.9%), the second respondents were diploma which respondent rate 15(22.4%) and the
third respondents were bachelor degree which respondent rate 35(52.2%) and the four
respondents were Master Holder which respondent rate 7(10.4%).

master degree; Se-

ries1; 7

bachelor degree;
Series1; 35

diploma; Series1;

secondray level;
Series1; 10

Figure 4. 4 Respondent educational level

4.1.5: what is your experience?
Table 4. 5 what is your experience?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

les than 6 month 18 26.9 26.9 26.9

6 month - 1 year 12 17.9 17.9 44.8

Valid 1-2 years 20 29.9 29.9 74.6

2 years above 17 25.4 25.4 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In table above and figure below summarizes the experience the respondent categorized,
18(26.9%) less than 6 month, the second 12(17.9%) where 6 month up to 1 year, the third
20(29.9%) where 1-2 years and 17(25.4%) where 2 years above.

2 years ubove; Se- les than 6 month; Se-
ries1; 17; 25% ries1; 18; 27%

les than 6 month

6 month - 1 year
1-2 years
2 years ubove

6 month - 1 year; Se-

ries1; 12; 18%
1-2 years; Series1;
20; 30%

Figure 4. 5 what is your experience?


4.2.1 Distributive justice helps the organizations to reach much profitability in the market
Table 4. 6 Distributive justice help the organizations to reach much profitability in the market

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 7 10.4 10.4 10.4

Disagree 10 14.9 14.9 25.4

Neutral 17 25.4 25.4 50.7

Agree 21 31.3 31.3 82.1

strongly agree 12 17.9 17.9 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are Agree
21(31.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Neutral17(25.4%), the third
respondent are Strongly Agree 12(17.9%), the fourth respondent are Disagree 10(14.9%), the
fourth respondent are strongly disagree 7(10.4%).

agree; Se-
ries1; 12
agree; Se-
ries1; 21

neutral; Se-
ries1; 17

disagree; Se-
ries1; 10
Series1; 7

Figure 4. 6: Distributive justice helps the organizations to reach much profitability in the market

4.2.2: Distributive justice can really enhance the employee satisfaction

Table 4. 7 Distributive justice can really enhance the employee satisfaction

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 15 22.4 22.4 22.4

Disagree 15 22.4 22.4 44.8

Neutral 22 32.8 32.8 77.6

Agree 8 11.9 11.9 89.6

strongly agree 7 10.4 10.4 100.0

Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are Neutral
22(32.8%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Disagree 15(22.4%), the third

respondent are strongly disagree 15(22.4%), the fourth respondent are agree 8(11.9%), the fourth
respondent are strongly agree 7(10.4%).

neutral; Series1;
strongly disagree; disagree; Series1;
Series1; 15 15

agree; Series1; 8 strongly agree;

Series1; 7

Figure 4. 7 Distributive justice can really enhance the employee satisfaction

4.2.3: Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about the employee performance
Table 4. 8 Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about the employee performance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 7 10.4 10.4 10.4
disagree 10 14.9 14.9 25.4
neutral 17 25.4 25.4 50.7
agree 21 31.3 31.3 82.1
strongly agree 12 17.9 17.9 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are Agree
21(31.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Neutral17(25.4%), the third
respondent are Strongly Agree 12(17.9%), the fourth respondent are Disagree 10(14.9%), the
fourth respondent are strongly disagree 7(10.4%)

strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

Figure 4. 8: Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about the employee performance
4.2.4: Distributive justice is the most important strategic that business helps to maximize
Table 4. 9 Distributive justice is the most important strategic that business helps to maximize

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 10 14.9 14.9 14.9
disagree 5 7.5 7.5 22.4
neutral 9 13.4 13.4 35.8
agree 16 23.9 23.9 59.7
strongly agree 27 40.3 40.3 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 27(40.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Agree 16(23.9%), the third
respondent are strongly disagree 10(14.9%), the fourth respondent are Neutral 9(13.4%), the
fourth respondent are Disagree 5(7.5%).

strongly agree; Se-
ries1; 27

agree; Series1; 16

strongly disagree;
Series1; 10 neutral; Series1; 9

disagree; Series1;

Figure 4. 9 Distributive justice is the most important strategic that business helps to maximize
4.2.5: Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in a society
Table 4. 10 Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in a society

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 12 17.9 17.9 17.9
disagree 10 14.9 14.9 32.8
neutral 13 19.4 19.4 52.2
agree 11 16.4 16.4 68.7
strongly agree 21 31.3 31.3 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019
In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 21(31.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Neutral 13(19.4%), the third
respondent are Strongly disagree 12(17.9%), the fourth respondent are Agree 11(16.4%), the
fourth respondent are Disagree 10(14.9%).

strongly disagree; Series1; 12;

strongly agree; Series1; 21;


strongly disagree
disagree; Series1; 10; 15% neutral
strongly agree

agree; Series1; 11; 16%

neutral; Series1; 13; 19%

Figure 4. 10 Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in a society

4.2.6: Distributive justice decreases the threat of the competitors and improves the
business growth
Table 4. 11 Distributive justice decreases the threat of the competitors and improve the business
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
strongly disagree 10 14.9 14.9 14.9
disagree 5 7.5 7.5 22.4
neutral 9 13.4 13.4 35.8
agree 16 23.9 23.9 59.7
strongly agree 27 40.3 40.3 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 27(40.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Agree 16(23.9%), the third

respondent are strongly disagree 10(14.9%), the fourth respondent are Neutral 9(13.4%), the
fourth respondent are Disagree 5(7.5%).

strongly agree;
Series1; 27

agree; Series1;

neutral; Series1;

disagree; Se-
ries1; 5

strongly dis-
agree; Series1;

Figure 4. 11 Distributive justice decreases the threat of the competitors and improve the business


4.3.1: Procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employee organizational

Table 4. 12 Procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employee organizational


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 7 10.4 10.4 10.4
disagree 10 14.9 14.9 25.4
neutral 17 25.4 25.4 50.7
Agree 21 31.3 31.3 82.1
strongly agree 12 17.9 17.9 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are Agree
21(31.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Neutral17(25.4%), the third
respondent are Strongly Agree 12(17.9%), the fourth respondent are Disagree 10(14.9%), the
fourth respondent are strongly disagree 7(10.4%)

strongly disagree disagree neutral strongly

agree disagree;
agree 7; 10%
strongly agree; Series1; 12; 18%

disagree; Series1; 10; 15%

agree; Series1; neutral; Series1;

21; 31% 17; 25%

Figure 4. 12 Procedural justice unfairness can adversely affect employee organizational

4.3.2: Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good return by the shareholders
Table 4. 13 Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good return by the shareholders

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 22 32.8 32.8 32.8
disagree 18 26.9 26.9 59.7
neutral 10 14.9 14.9 74.6
agree 10 14.9 14.9 89.6
strongly agree 7 10.4 10.4 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
disagree 22(32.8%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Disagree 18(26.9%), the
third respondent are Neutral10(14.9%), the fourth respondent are agree 10(14.9%), the fourth
respondent are strongly agree 7(10.4%

strongly agree; Series1; 7; 10%

strongly disagree; Series1; 22;

agree; Series1; 10; 15% 33%

neutral; Series1; 10; 15%

disagree; Series1; 18; 27%

strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

Figure 4. 13 Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good return by the shareholders

4.3.4: Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the organizational performance
Table 4. 14 Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the organizational performance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 10 14.9 14.9 14.9
disagree 5 7.5 7.5 22.4
neutral 9 13.4 13.4 35.8
agree 16 23.9 23.9 59.7
strongly agree 27 40.3 40.3 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 27(40.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Agree 16(23.9%), the third
respondent are strongly disagree 10(14.9%), the fourth respondent are Neutral 9(13.4%), the
fourth respondent are Disagree 5(7.5%).

re 4.

strongly disagree
strongly agree

Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the organizational performance

4.3.4: Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that organizations rely on their
business growth
Table 4. 15 Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that organizations rely on their
business growth

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 8 11.9 11.9 11.9
disagree 13 19.4 19.4 31.3
neutral 8 11.9 11.9 43.3
agree 10 14.9 14.9 58.2
strongly agree 28 41.8 41.8 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 28(41.8%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Disagree 13(19.4%), the third
respondent are agree 10(14.9%), the fourth respondent are Neutral 8(11.9%), the fourth
respondent are strongly Disagree 8(11.9%).

strongly disagree; Series1; 8; 12%

strongly agree; Series1; 28; 42% disagree; Series1; 13; 19%

strongly disagree
strongly agree

neutral; Series1;
8; 12%

agree; Series1; 10; 15%

Figure 4. 15 Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that organizations rely on their
business growth

4.3.5: Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive

Table 4. 16 Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 10 14.9 14.9 14.9
disagree 5 7.5 7.5 22.4
Neutral 9 13.4 13.4 35.8
Agree 16 23.9 23.9 59.7
strongly agree 27 40.3 40.3 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 27(40.3%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Agree 16(23.9%), the third
respondent are strongly disagree 10(14.9%), the fourth respondent are Neutral 9(13.4%), the
fourth respondent are Disagree 5(7.5%).

Figure 4. 16 Procedural justice is positively associated with the cognitive

4.3.6: Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain more customers in order to
increase the business growth
Table 4. 17 Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain more customers in order to
increase the business growth

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree 11 16.4 16.4 16.4
disagree 8 11.9 11.9 28.4
neutral 15 22.4 22.4 50.7
agree 11 16.4 16.4 67.2
strongly agree 22 32.8 32.8 100.0
Total 67 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data: 2019

In The above table and figure below shows that the majority of total respondents are strongly
agree 22(32.8%) of total respondents, the second respondents are Neutral 15(22.4%), the third
respondent are Agree 11(16.4%), the fourth respondent are Strongly Disagree 11(16.4%), the
fourth respondent are Disagree 8(11.9%).

12% Valid strongly disagree
Valid disagree
Valid neutral
Valid agree
16% 22% Valid strongly agree

Figure 4. 17 Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain more customers in order to
increase the business growth



Performance appraisal is an integral part of the Human Resource Management system
(Longenecker & Goff, 1992). An organization implements the performance appraisal system to
allocate rewards for the employee, provide development advices well as to obtain their
perspectives, and justice perception about their jobs, department, managers, and organization.
Performance appraisal is an ongoing communication process between employees and
supervisors. Supervisors should set expectations, monitor performance, and provide feedback to
employees. By having this information, they will direct and develop employee performance by
identifying training and development needs, correcting,

The fact that businesses rely on performance management systems to evaluate how well
employees perform becomes a center of stage of many human resource managers’ focus in
winning the heart of talented employees, retaining to keep working for the company, and
maintaining them to perform productively and innovative. The employee appraisal
processes can provide useful information to employers, as well as positively and negatively
affect employee performance. As prior studies partially and individually have explored the
relationship between employee’s perception of the fairness of performance appraisal system and
work performance, in this study, we proposed employee’s satisfaction on performance appraisal
would moderate the effect of the fairness-perceived on the performance appraisal system on
work performance. The theoretical framework is built from these variables and its’ supporting
empirical findings. Conclusion this study is deemed to have offered a reliable and valid
instrument for organizations to examine and improve the productivity of their employees. It is a
well-known fact that human productivity (productivity and motivation) of any sort is improved
by increase in motivation. Going by the findings of this study, it can be easily inferred that
workers package matters a lot and should be a concern of both the employers and employees.
The study shows that organizations embraces the concept of compensation administration but
there has been difficulty in compensation programs because of the many unforeseen legal, social
and economic constraints as well as improper definition of compensation programs. Based on the
findings of this research, it would be recommended that organizations that want to ensure an
enhance productivity among the workers should ensure that the company’s compensation system
must include policies, procedures and rules that provide clear and unambiguous determination
and administration of workers compensation. PJ theories

This study is deemed to have offered a reliable and valid instrument for organizations to examine
and improve the productivity of their employees. It is a well-known fact that human productivity
(productivity and motivation) of any sort is improved by increase in motivation. Going by the
findings of this study, it can be easily inferred that workers package matters a lot and should be a
concern of both the employers and employees. The study shows that organizations embraces the
concept of compensation administration but there has been difficulty in compensation programs
because of the many unforeseen legal, social and economic constraints as well as improper

definition of compensation programs. Based on the findings of this research, it would be
recommended that organizations that want to ensure an enhance productivity among the workers
should ensure that the company’s compensation system must include policies, procedures and
rules that provide clear and unambiguous determination and administration of workers
compensation. PJ theories.

5.3 Recommendation
Overall, the result from this study indicated that there was no significant relationship between the
organizational justice and work performance. However, past researchers have led us to believe
that there is an influential relationship between organizational justice in performance appraisal
system, performance appraisal satisfaction and work performance. This research has shown the
concern of employees towards performance appraisal satisfaction, especially on the performance
appraisal feedback. Interactional justice is the most important factor for them during and after the
performance appraisal process. A serious attention on this matter Journal of Human Resources
Management Research 16 to obtain a better employees work performance should be given by
management. This study also conch uded that employee perception of organizational justice
(distributive, procedural and interactional justice) in the performance appraisal system did not
significantly contribute or have no impact to work performanc

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Chapter one Decembers 2018 Junay 2019

Chapter two Junay 2019 February 2019

Chapter three February 2019 March 2019

Chapter four March 2019 march2019

Chapter five March 2019 march2019

Dear respondents,

I am conducting academic research study entitled “The influence of organizational justice on

employee satisfaction in performance appraisal” I request for your co-operation by helping to
answer the questionnaire as per the instructions at the beginning of each section.

It isn’t taking much time from you – probably 10 minutes to fill out this questionnaire. I promise
that the data you provide will be used only for academic purpose and the information you
provide will be treated with greatest confidentiality.

Your charitable participation is highly appreciated.

SECTION (A): Personal Information:

Please provide your Personal information in the questionnaire and tick (√) where

1- Gender

Male Female

2- Age

20-30 31- 40

41-50 Over 50 years

3-Martial state

Single Married

4-Your education level

Secondary level Diploma

Bachelor degree Master degree

5- Experience

Less than 6 months 6 months- 1 year

1-2years 2 years and above


Please Read the following statements and check the box that best reflects your opinion of the

Where, 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

N Distributive justice

Distributive justice help the organizations to reach much
profitability in the market
Distributive justice can really enhance the employee
Distributive justice helps managers to take decision about
the employee performance appraisel
Distributive justice is the most important strategic that
business helps to maximize profit
Distributive justice is addresses the ownership of goods in
a society
Distributive justice decreases the threat of the
competitors and improve the business growth


N Procedural justice
Procedural justice unfaimess can adversely affect
employee organizational commitment
Procedural justice helps the organization to gain a good
return by the shareholders
Procedural justice usually done in order to gain the
organizational performance
Procedural justice is the most strategic methods that
organizations rely on their business growth
Procedural justice is positively associated with the
Procedural justice usually is made companies to gain

more customers in order to increase the business growth


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