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CIEG206: Engineering Hydrology and Sedimentology

[3 Credit]


To understand the basic fundamental of engineering hydrology and its impacts to the design of civil
engineering structure. It covers the flow measurement of the natural streams by different technique.

1. Introduction

Definition, scope

Importance and history of hydrology

Hydrologic cycle

Hydrologic system model

Hydrologic model classification

Earth’s water, Water budget

Global warming and Climate changes

Opportunities in the discipline

2. Transport process

Reynold’s Transport Theorem

Continuity and Momentum Equations

Meteorological Parameters

Hydrologic processes

Transport Process: conduction, convection and radiation

3. Evaporation

Evaporation process,
Factors affecting evaporation
Methods of estimation of evaporation: Energy Balance Method, Aerodynamic
Method and Combined Aerodynamic and Energy Balance Method

Pan evaporimeters

Empirical evaporation equations

4. Evapotranspiration

Transpiration and evapotranspiration processes

Measurement of evapotranspiration
by Lysimeters and field plots
Evapotranspiration equations
Penman and Thornthwaites’s equations
Potential evapotranspiration

Reference crop evapotranspiration

5. Precipitation

Atmospheric water vapor

Thunderstorm cell model

Weather System and rainfall data of Nepal Causes, types and forms of

Site selection, network density of rain gauge

Methods of average depth calculation


Methods for rainfall estimation (depth &, intensities)

Estimation of missing data
Double mass curve analysis

6. Infiltration

Infiltration process, depression storage and soil moisture

Infiltration capacity, Infiltration indices

Infiltration Models: Horton’s Equation, Philip’s Equation and Green-Ampt’s


Ponding time

Measurement of infiltration: Single ring and double ring infiltrometers

Flooding type infiltrometer

Rainfall simulator

7. Runoff and Hydrograph analysis

Concept and components of runoff

Catchment characteristics and climatic factors affecting runoff

Horton’s overland flow

The contribution of base flow to stream discharge

Separation of base flow and runoff

Unit Hydrograph

Volume and duration of runoff (flow duration and flow mass curve techniques)
Basic concept of hydrological models

Rainfall runoff correlation

Prediction on Ungauged Basins in Nepal

Runoff cycle

8. Stream flow

Classification of streams

Gauging site selection

Measurement of stages

Techniques of stream flow measurements

Direct measurement by surface float, current meter and salt dilution method

Indirect method by slope area method

Rating curve: its determination, adjustment and extension

9. Statistical Hydrology

Frequency and probability concepts

Frequency analysis and recurrence intervals

Normal distribution

Log Pearson Type III distribution

Log Normal Distribution

Gamma distribution, and their application in hydrology

Gumbel Distribution

Gumbel’s method in estimation of extreme flood value

10. Groundwater
Definition, occurrence, types and properties of aquifers

Steady and unsteady flow in aquifers

Darcy’s law

Basic equations of ground water

Recharge of ground water

Well hydraulics

Water wells and their types

11. Hydrology of floods

Definition, causes and effects of floods

Hydro-geomorphological characteristics of rivers

Seasonal, annual and extremes floods and methods of estimations.

Regional flood frequencies and Flood formulae

Recurring flood estimation/ prediction techniques,

Choice of design return period, design value and probability of encountering

design floods during design life

Risk, reliability

Methods of mitigating floods

Flood routing: Concept, Basic equations, Reservoir routing by Modified Pul’s


12. Sediment Transportation

Source of sediment
Geo-morphology of rivers

Seasonal variation of sediment load

Types of sediment; physical and chemical characteristics of water (turbidity,

color, conductivity etc.)

Measurement of sediment; bed load; suspended load

Sediment yields; sediment yield modeling;

Musgrave equation; Universal Soil-Loss Equation (USLE); runoff-sediment


sediment concentration graph; unit sediment graph; reservoir and lake


Estimation of bed load and suspended load; estimation of sediment load in the
absence of local data

13. Reservoir sedimentation

Silt load estimate for reservoir
Problems posed by reservoir sedimentation
Distribution of sediment in reservoirs
Life of reservoirs

Sediment management in hydropower projects

14. Snow and Glacier Hydrology

Definition, classification
Snow density, Snow water equivalent
Snow survey & measurement, snow melt
Mass balance, Glacial lake outburst flood
Effect of climate change

Assignments and tests: Assignments, 2 Internal tests

Field works:

1) Field visit to a hydrological station at KU

2) Visit to Hydro-Lab, Pulchowk (Sediments, sediment samples and sediment sampling)
Field Trip (Hydrology and Geology combined) 10 (Malekhu, Dhading/Panauti ,Kavre)
3) Discharge measurement by float method
4) Discharge measurement by area-velocity method
5) Discharge measurement by salt dilution method
Reference Books

1) Subramanya, K. Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd. New Delhi

2) Ven Te Chow Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co. New York


Internal: 50

External: 50

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