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An Assignment on

Sample Job Interview Question and Answer

Course: - HR Planning (HRM-5502)

Md. Mahi Uddin

Associate Professor

A. A. M. Faisal Kutubi
Matric No.: M191105
Major in HRM

Date of Submission
March 29, 2019
International Islamic University Chittagong
Department of Business Administration
Interview Questions with Answer: Interview like a
Professional HRM

1. Tell us about yourself.

This the most common question to begin interview. It is so important that we are prepared
for this question so we can give a solid first impression before the interviewer moves onto
the more challenging question. It is a question to start the ball rolling for the interview. We
can answer the question by providing some information about our working experiences,
technologies we have worked upon, education qualifications.

Sample Ans:“Well, I am a confident, hardworking and a very professional individual. I

have always carried out all the tasks assigned to me without hesitation, provided the
instructions from my Reporting Managers or seniors were clear. I have also been a good
mentor to my juniors and never hesitate to guide them. On the other hand, I am a creative
person and I love to test my boundaries. In order to do so, I keep pushing myself to think
out of the box!”

2. Why are you leaving your current Job?

We may want to our present job for any reason but make sure that we do not talk bad
about our manager or company or job. It reflects our complaining attitude. Provide a
sincere reason. Such as – Professional growth, New Challenges, Changing profile.

Sample Ans:“I’ve learned a lot from my current role, but now I’m looking for a new
challenge, to broaden my horizons and to gain a new skill-set – all of which, I see the
potential for in this job.”

3. Could you have done better in your last job?

Sample Ans: Definitely Sir, I’ill do. Because I have performed well most of area of my job.
Whaterver work has been given to me that work was done through my straight,honesty and
smart with hard work. Of course there is always a room for improvement, which I am
working on it, to be even more better.

4. What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

Hard work is delivering work on time with more effort and smart work is delivering work
on time, with lesser effort. For example: Reaching the building through lift is smart work
and reaching the building through steps is hard work.

Prepared By Faisal Kutubi, HRM, IIUC

5. Did you ever had a dificulty working with a manager?
Be careful how we answer this question. Interviewers don't like to hear our elaborate too
much (or much at all) about bad bosses because it could be someone from their company
that we are talking about next time around.

Sample Ans: I have been very lucky to have had manager during my career so far and my
manager always seem to appreciate the job I'm doing.

6. What are your strengths?

The best way to respond is to describe the strengths that we have which directly
correlate with the job you are applying for. If our strength are not relevant to the job,
they are just meaningless to the interviewer.

Sample Ans: My greatest strength is my ability to focus on my work. I like to make sure
that my work is perfect, I am not distructed, and ability to resolve what code be dificult
situations. Or My greatest strength is adapting and quick learning abilities. I take on any
new job knowing that I can learn the required skills in relatively short time. It gives me the
confidence I need to face any challenge knowing that with training and focus I can learn
and execute the task.

7. What are your weakness?

Allways trying to turn a negative into a positive. Best way to answer this question
will be to tern one of our strengths as a weakness.

Sample Ans: I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little
too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to
ensure everything is done correctly the first time.

“I am a perfectionist and that is my main weakness, which I also think is my strength.”

8. What is your biggest achievement is in your HR & Admin

We should talk our professional achivement, if we were recognised as a higher performer
or we got a good feedback from our manager.

We can also discus our annual ratings, promotions etc.

9. What motivates you?

To answer this question, we can mention things like – New challenges, Good environment,

Prepared By Faisal Kutubi, HRM, IIUC

10. Can you work under pressure?
In this question the interviewer wants to know the how we handle pressure. Give the
positive answer, alogh with work related example.

Pressure is generally an opportunity to step one more feet higher than current position.

11. Why should we hire you from the outside when we could
promote someone from within?
Yes, sir, it is very nice of you to have a positive approach in promoting an existing
employee within your company/organization. However hiring from outside brings new
talent, new ideas and a new strategy to do things to your company. Also, new employed
are more energetic. Also, hiring from outside is just like upgrading to new technology.

12. Explain how would you be an asset to this organization?

I firmly believe, the growth of an organization is based on the employee's dedication to
grow as a leader and make sacrifices for the team, the determination to finish the job and
the discipline to do the task safely and efficiently while on a hostile and remote
environment. With that said, I can say that I can be an asset to the organization.

13. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

As long as company’s need my service. (Sometimes it depends upon the opportunities in
company for my personal growth.

14. How much salary do you expect?

Try to put the ball back in interviewers court by asking him about the salary they offer for
the position like this. If this is negotiable, we will have more negotion power if we are

Sample Ans: I am expecting 30% increase from my current salary because I am expecting
that based on my skill, qualification also my experienced in this position. Besides that I
believe this is the standard range of rate today's market.

15. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Sample Ans: I see my self as become more skilled, more efficient and more professional,
batter person and at high position in the company that would loose me at any cost.

Prepared By Faisal Kutubi, HRM, IIUC

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