Performance Appraisal

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Name of Article Author

The Social Context of Performance

A Review and Framework for the
Future Paul E. Levy, Jane R Williams

Performance Appraisal,
Performance Management
and Improving Individual
A Motivational Framework Angelo S. DeNisi and Robert D. Pritchard

Consequences of the performance

appraisal experience Michelle Brown, Douglas Hyatt and John Benson

Performance appraisal satisfaction

and employee outcomes:
and moderating roles of work
motivation Bard Kuvaas
Model of Framework Key Findings
1.Ratee Reaction
2.Feedback 3.Distal
Variables 1.Feedback Environment is important.
2.Appraisal effectiveness helps in
better evaluation of performance
appraisal. 3.The focus on rater and
ratee should be done simulatneously.
4.Rater training can improve the
performance appraisal.
1. Motivation 2.
Action 3. Results 4.
Evaluation 5.
Outcomes 6. Need 1. Adopting a motivational framework
Satisfaction will help to enhance performance
appraisal. 2.Transferability of
framework should happen in different
cultural context as well.

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