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Moisture Load Calculation Sheet

Project Data Design Conditions

Customer Name: National Fertilisers Ambient conditions Room Conditions
Location: Panipat DBT 95 Deg F 86.00 Deg F
Altitude: 720 feet
Application / Area : SUBSTATION-1 Humidity Ratio 157 Gr/lb 86.00 Gr/lb
RH % NMT 50% set point 45 %
Design Factors Grain Difference 71.00 Gr/lb
Factor for grain difference F1 1.9 Room Size
Factor for space permeation F2 0.35 Area 1 135185.00 ft3
Factor for Construction F3 1 Area 2 0.00
Factor for vapor barrier F4 0.75 Area 3 0.00
Moisture Load through Permeation Total Room volume 135185.00 ft3
(Room volume/14) x grain diff. x F1 x F2 x F3 x F4
Total Room volume 135185 ft3
Total Permeation moisture Load 341933.56 Gr/hr
Moisture Load through Doors
(No of door openings per hr/7) x Door size ( sqft) x grain diff) x F1
No of openings/hr 5 No of doors 2 Nos
Door size 56 sq ft
Grain diff. from ambient to Room
71 Factor for grain diff.( F1) 1.9
Total Door moisture Load 10792.00 Gr/hr
Moisture Load through Fixed Openings
21.4 x (opening size sqft / wall thickness ft) x grain diff. for Fixed Open x F1
Fixed opening size sqft
Fixed opening wall thickness ft
No of fixed openings 0 Nos
DBT (DegF) WBT ( Deg F)
Fixed opening outside conditions
Abs.Hum(gr/lb) RH(%)
Grain diff. for Fixed opening area Factor for grain diff.
Total Fixed openings moisture Load 0.00 Gr/hr
Product moisture Load 0.00 Gr/hr
Infiltration load 243430.00 Gr/hr
Moisture load through occupants
No of Occupants x F5
No of Occupancy 4 Nos
Factor F5 : Factor for Latent heat disippated by person with light/ 4000
Total Occupancy Load 16000.00 Gr/hr
Fresh Air Moisture Loads Fresh air ( CFM) 0 Amb gr/lb 0 0.00 Gr/hr
Total moisture load-Room 612155.56 Gr/hr
Total GR/HR 612155.56
Safety Factor @ 5% 30607.78 Gr/hr
Additional Safety factors if any 0.00 Gr/hr
Total Room Moisture Load 642763.34 Gr/hr
Dehumidified CFM required
[14 (Total room moisture load/ 60)] / (Design grains - Deh leaving grains)
Room Design grains 86.00 gr/lb
Deh Process Outlet
Total DEH leaving grains 46 gr/lb Temp 125.00 DegF
Total Dehumidified CFM 3749 CFM
Selected CFM 4000 CFM

Heat Addition By Dehumidifier =( CFM x 1.08 x DELTA "T') BTUH 222912 BTUH
Heat Addition By Dehumidifier considering Safety Factor @ 10% 245203 BTUH
For Hygro Tech Engineers 20.4336 TR

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