Filmit Themes 2021-22 For Students

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Filmit Themes 2021-2022

● This year students would make 2 minute films carrying a message.
● Do not end on a negative note
● Add a sense of humour to your film
● Make the message come out very subtly
● Try to give a dramatic touch to it
● Have an original song or your music but match the music to the film

Production of at least 5 short films on selected themes.
No maximum limit to the number of films
At least 3-4 films by 31st October 2021(in any order preferred by school)
The rest of the films before 15th Jan 2022
Films can be made individually or can be put together by a team

Theme 1 – Saving Nature

Part 1
● Trees Stories
● My Kitchen Garden
● Recycling things at home and saving water
● Traditional way of conserving energy, purifying air, and cooling in homes


Tree Stories
● Pick a tree and document it.
● Observe its leaves, bark and the season it blooms.
● Talk about its importance and heritage aspect, myths, and stories associated
with it.
● You can also create a neighbourhood tree guide or a school tree guide and
share with us.
My Kitchen Garden
● Tell us of the wholesome produce of your kitchen garden
● How do you take care of it?
● Grow vegetables and look at the birds, bees, butterflies and insects it attracts.
Notice the process of development and growth.

● What do you do with the waste water?
● How do you utilise the food waste?
● How are other things such as plastics, paper, and clothes reused in your
home? Do you compost at home too?

Traditional way of conserving energy, purifying air, and cooling

● How do you conserve energy at home in simple ways?

● Can purifying of air and cooling be done with simple methods? Share them…


Part 2 – Animal Stories


● A day in the life of your pet animal/bird

● What it likes to eat, what’s its favourite activity, what is it that makes
this pet special?
● About an individual or organisation that works for the welfare of animals.
● Any inspiring true story about an animal rescue or vice versa.
● Share your favourite animal and what you love about that animal.
● An interview with an animal expert
● The movie can be made using illustrations, pictures or any videos you have
on animals

Theme 2 – Virtual or On-site Monuments/ Heritage Sites/Museums/Art



● Recreate a scene when you visited a heritage site in the past and make a
short film on that.
● Make a virtual visit to any museum or art gallery. These days many art
galleries and museums have started the concept of virtual tours. You can refer
to them to get more ideas
● On-site visits to monuments/museums/art galleries if it is permitted
● Use of technology to create a virtual visit to a heritage site. You can design
and share with us. Animation can be used. Involve your family members
● Select any one artwork/artefact from a museum/gallery and focus your film
around it by weaving a story around that object

Theme 3 – Fun with Recreation

We are surrounded by art and images from history - be it our own,
or made by artists. Recreate these in creative ways!

● Recreate a painting made by any Indian artist. You can do this by painting it in
your own style, or even dressing up and posing like it! Talk about the painting
● Go through old family photos, recreate those photos by posing in the same
● In the film, you can show the process of how you recreated it.
● Talk about the background of the image. If it is a painting, talk about the artist
and the painting style.
● If it is a family photo, talk about or interview people in the photo about when
the photo was clicked, how old they were, what was happening, etc.
● Some photos that you can take are: wedding photos of your grandparents, a
group family photo (you can try recreating this virtually), photos of your
parents as children, etc.

Theme 4 – My Personal Heritage


• Covid times Special – Did you discover

anything new about your family heirloom
• Covid times special – Stories about family heirlooms from
• Any object that is very dear to you and is part of your personal heritage
• Family heirloom objects – document the history of objects like jewelry, books
and diaries, antique items etc. that you’ve inherited from your
parents/grandparents/other family members

Theme 5 - Story of a unique communication heritage

Our communication heritage is a very unique one as it consists of different media,

from paper to cameras. Document this heritage!


● Document the oldest camera in your house

● Make a film on the evolution of cameras from the bulky cameras of the past,
to the simple cameras in everyone’s phones
● How photography was a privilege in the past vs how it is now
● Film on an old newspaper that has been preserved in your house, for example
1947, 1984, etc.
● Film on an old gramophone
● Old ways of broadcasting information, from radios to now -- a notification on
our phones
● Old letters written by family members, perhaps letters between your
● Postcards and why they were so fascinating
● How communication has evolved, from long letters to very short instant text

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