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j axgona gagn228 sana mote eer [fielben sayy re. Hp 13ay, 1 7 ib eeereers it favs ae aor Siena a (Soe Seer ead escent? Satta ee ete rawon sree \marsiaese ae eRe oe 4 Ee i alll i ry tit i { HI Het Wh | renee oS NOM naar Pankaj Dedhiya ‘com, DIL, DBM, LLB, i ‘OVOCATE Guat Rat Na. (Office & Correspondence: rar. 26 ‘Rite Stage Kar Poy Sener of Si emt ang 160 ‘Ssinapa Para 4005 Vaeeons Sak pint Doted : 20072014 Sami Sager Whomsoever is concem Rel: SCHEDULE PROPERTY Al that pleces and porcel of the NA Plat. beaving Survey No.C-29, cdmeasuring 71448 seu 7.686 sa), out of the Survey No-33/2 to 35/9 ond 36//5, 8, 3, 10 ond 11, situated at Vilage KONDHWA KHURD, Taluka Havel, Distict Pune nd within Limit of Pune Municipal Corporation, in the Froject known @& "PINNACLE RIDGE’ ‘and bounded by : East: Plot C-27 South: Plot NOI and FS, West Road, thereatter Plet NowD-13 North : Road ond thereat Plot No.C-20 clongwith easementery right, the, inferest attached with the sais Propet That the sold Property. ot ime of lsuance of Pubic Notice in diy PRABHAT, doted 10052014, nas Been owned by ME.VEENA MRINAL SUMAN, | hod ined Puc Notice in Joc! of the above refered Property in the Daly "PRABHAT” dicted 1096:2014 for any objection from the PUBIC ot erge, TH today, | have not received any Objection fom Pubic ot frye in respect ofthe said Property othe sai Publi Notice, Titer Wissued as per your eaves! Atvacate Panka) Dedhiya Toray Pee Su Rach fc responses: ea 1187737, Shivajinagar, Karwar Pom aaare. OFF Choi Pune : 417 005, Beeanares amt Seren Soccer Stes Sonoma, ‘Snape Para 44208 Dated, July, sist 2014 TLE REPORT DESCRIPTION OF THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY") Al that pisce and parcel of the NA INon Agrcuture) Plot, bearing Survey No.39/2 to 19/52, admecsuring about 714.05 samt. having sanctioned layout Plot NoS2 [os per Agreement, dated 27.12.2008, Residentc! Property beating No.C-29 - Survey Nos.38/2, to 19/52] of Vilage KONDHWA - KHURD, Toivke Haveli, Dishict Pune and within the limits of Regitation Distict of Py Sub Registrar, Haveli ~ Pune ond the Municipal Cexporation of City ‘of Pune, and bounded by Fost Plot Ne.cra7 South Plot N/T and FS west Road and thereotter Plot No.B-13 North Road and thereafter Plot Na.c-30 together with the membership of the “CLOVER PINNACLE RIDGE Co-operative Housing Sociely Lic", Vide, Shore Certificate having Distinctive Nos. rom 291 to 295 Joth inclusive), together with MSEB meter, all the resticted rights attached to the sold Residential Property and rights te common facies, ancilory, consequent ‘ond other incidental ights thereto, oll he restricted rights attached to the said Residentiol Property, together with the easements, ‘oppurtenances ail other ancilery ond incidental rights, tie anc Interest therein ond together with ol rights os per the agreement ated 27.12.2008, (hereinafter, referred the "RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY® 2 INSTRUCTIONS: Iwas instructed by SAMIR KANUBHAI SAGAR, having address at Flat No.14, Polaciac, Utopio Co Operative HSG Society, Survey 'No.6®, Wanwadi, Pune : 411 040.0 take seorch and investigate the file to the scic Residential Property. 3 sbaRCH: Io} Accordingly. | hove caused a search to have been taken in the offices of the SubRegirar. Havel No.) and 2 ond 12. Pune relating to the scid Residential Property, vide opelication dated 91.07.2014, bearing receipt No.25923 of 2014, (fe) Except the transactions herein tecorded, no other transaction relating fo the or any transaction eneumbeting tne said Property were foune |e} The search however, s subject to the registers not available in the Offices, the some either having been sent for binding or in tom consition or not available, 4 DOCUMENTS: | perused the following documents for ihe purposes of investigating the title 10 the scid Propeny, + copies of the VENo.7/12 + Relevant extracts of VENS., called mutation enties + Copyottne Agreement Deed dated 21.12.2003 registered in the office of the Sub. Registrar, Haveli No.12, ot serial No.957 of 2003, with index and Registration Receit + Copy of Plan + Copy of Demareation Gps Fanka} Dedhiva NA bearing No.NA/SRIIV/269/2007, dated 25.07.2007 ‘Commencement Certificate No.CC/0924/07, dated 13.06.2007 Copy of ine Agizement dated 19.07.2014 registered in the office of the Sub. Regstrar, Havel No.2. ot serial No.S55S of 2014, with index and registration receits Sonetiones Plan PM chellan Society Registration Extract Publ Notice IME INCIDENTS: all those piece ond parcel of the “Lorger Land” bearing Suney Nos. 88/2 to 39/19. Survey No.36/5. 36/8, 34/9, 36/10 and 36/11, in ‘allacmeasuring about 86,200 sant, stuated at Vilage “KONDHWA, ~KHURD", Toluka Haveli, Dstiet Pune ond within the limit of Pune ‘Municipal corporation ond within the limit of Ragistration Disict Pune - Havel for shor said "Lorger Lond") has been owned by RojK Bhansal, Javed F Topia, Sevantic! Muichand Shah, Arn F Topia, Suryakont Mulchand Shoh and Chancfrakont Muichand Shah (as the said “Ownes"), who are also pertners of the Promoters, being the “Mis.Unity Enterprises", © partnership fms itor sort said Promoter). Sold Owners hove, purchased the sold Lorger Land ‘rom the funds of the Promoters. Soid Owners have also executed "Declaration" dated 24.04.1998, in favor of the said Promoters S0id Promoters, have Ceveloped the sold Larger Land. by putting tentative layout ofthe scid Lerger Lend. Accordingly the Promoters, have applied to the Hon'ble Tahasicar, Pune for sanctioning of the: tentative Pion, The Promoter have also apply to the Hon'ble Taluko Inspector Land Record (MLR) ~ Haval - Pune for sub cvsion fond falni of the said Larger Lone and accordingly as per order of the Hon'ble Tohaslder. Pune, beating Order No:2451/2001, doted 2409.2002 and ao os per the order of the Hon'ble Taluka Inspector Land Record ~ Havali - Pune, by its order bearing NoS12. 519 /02, dated 05.09.2003, scid Lorger Land has been sub vided nto votious Hise and rec has been mentioned in samt. fond the same has been recorded in. the various revenue records, vile ME No, 13331, seid Promoters, being MVS Unity Enterprises, a partnership fim, by ‘Arcles of Agreement", dated 27.12.2008, which is registered in the office of Sub Register, Havel No.12, at serial No. 957 of 2008 ‘on 12.03.2008, hove sold, tronstemed ond conveyed ail that plece and parcel f the Na [Non Agriculture] Plot, beating Suvey No39/2 to 19/62 comeasuting about 71405 samt. having sonctioned layout Plot No.2 [os per Agreement, dated 27.12.2008, Residential roperty bearing No.C-28, out of the Survey 'Nos.33/2 to 19/52] of Vilage KONDHWWA - KHURD, Taluka Hovel Ditict Pune. to the Ms.veeno Mrinal Suman (for short soid “Veena Suman") 50d Veena Suman hove poid, the entire agreed amount, os per the Agreement dated 27.12.2008, to the Promoters and eccorcingty Promoters have handed over the peacehl and ‘vocan! possession of tne scid Residential Property to the Veena Suman and accordingy Veena Suman have accepted the possession of the said Residential Property fram the Promoters ‘thereofter Municipol Corporation City of Pune, sanctioned plans for constuction of builing, on the sold Residenticl Property, vide commencement cerificate No.CC/0924/2007, dated 13.08.2007. Sub Divisione! Officer ~ SD — Pune Sub Division, Pune, oy is orders beating No. NA/SR/269/2007 dated 25.07.2007 under Section 44 of the Mahoroshtra Land Revenue Code, 1966, permitted the use of the said Residential Property for nonagricullual pupeses of oe Panik 2 Sid Promoters have formed the tenant coparinesship type Cooperative Housing Society of the unite buyers of the said scheme, in the name and style cf “CLOVER PINNACLE RIDGE” Co- ‘operative Housing Society Umiled”, beoring —Reaisrotion NO.PNA/PNA/(4HSGITC)/1309/2009/2010, dated 08.05.2009. with the Deputy Registrar, Co-operative Societies; Pune City, Pune, Under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1940 [for shor, s0id “Seeiely") ond Veena Suman has been admitted the Membership and snarehoising in the seis Society and the Society have allotted § five) shores, of Rs. 50 /- euch, vide share: Ceriicate beoring cstincive Nos. 291 to 295 [both incisive), Fh. Said Veene Suman, hos been fuly seized and possessed of anc is ‘otherwise, ented to ond in occupation of the scid Resicéntioh Property ond except the Veena Suman no ether person has any "ight tite, interest or clcim en and aver and relating to the sold Residential Property 1 Soid Veena Sumon hos executed the Agreement to Assign dated! 19.07.2014, which s registered inthe office ofthe Sub Resistor Havel 'No2 at serial No.SSSS of 2014 in respect of the suid Resitentio! Properly in favor of Some Kenubha! Sagar and Mis.Neha Sam Sogar {ft appeered that the Adition! Collector, Pune Division, Pune have gronted, NA~Non Agriculture Permission uncer section 44 of MURC, vide NA order bearing No.NA/SR/IV/269/2007, dated 25.07.2007. in espect of ine said Residential Propedy. [9] toppecred that, the Pune Municioal Comporation has sonetioned ‘the building Plans. vide Commencement Cerificate number (€C/0724/2007, dated 13.04.2007. in respect of the soid Resident! (h) | have issued Public Notice in respect of the said Property in the dally news paper Frabhot doted 10.06.2014, fil today | have not received any ebjection. 6 opiwion: (On the bass of perusal of the documents refemted to above, and the information collected! by me os has been mentioned above, 1 ‘am of he opinion thot, The said Resicentiol Property as described in paragroph | above, '5 owned by Mis.Veena tinal Sumon and same free kom encumbrances and is marketable, subject to the right, tile and Interest of the Samir Kanuiohal Sager and Mrs. Neha Samir Sogar, as er the duy execuied Agreement te Assign dated 19.07.2014, whichis registered in the olfice of the Sub Registar Hovell No.2 at Seria! NO.SSSS of 2014 in expect of the said Residenfil Property, oy Mrs.Veene Mrinal Sumon in favor af Samir Kanubhoi Sagar ond Mes.Neha Some Sagar, SS Fanko) Dedhiva Advocate Pankal Dedhiya mrt te oo 23 fee aly 1AV mr femme is upto eee eee dae Cee oom a aaa esi) FBTR EY yl | Bee “8 AR 7. 331at ae S'/ me em ey eer owe seam net OTT | ‘ween sie mn (oe ss) (toh) BCE (rhe es) or CT AT YS oo : (Bal come [ayyTF I ote ss x Oe ee en er 7 Pees eter if ne Rte ener "AEE sh soe 4 Ta eon Pace ae, Ga Paes ERE Ag (eh -ogaont de oni o adh 90, FRAT

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