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FE Revision Worksheet-1

(Paper 1)

Class:5 Subject: ENGR & ENWR Day: Date:

Student’s Name:___________________________________ Section:N/A


Section A: English Grammar (ENGR)

Advanced Linking Words / Linkers

What are linking words?
A linking word is a word or phrase which links parts of a sentence, or two sentences
“But,” “because,” “and,” "so," are examples of basic linking words (also called
conjunctions), which we use frequently.
“However,” “although,” “therefore,” "in spite of," "nevertheless," are examples of
advanced linking words.
We use these less frequently than the basic linking words.
Study following chart to learn some more examples advanced linking words and their

Q1. Fill in the gaps with one of the linking words on the right. Some can be
A. She does her best at work, ____________________ most of her workmates are
very lazy.
B. _________________ her salary was so high, she bought a new car every year.
C. Not only
________________ but
does telework increase productivity, ________________
it ________________ cuts the costs of commuting every day.
D. ________________ the position you applied for has been filled, we are going to
keep your CV for future reference.

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E. Some professionals post their work on the Net,
So that people all over the world can have access
to it.
Even if
F. ________________ I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t invest in
this country now.
G. ________________ she starts coming on time, she will be
H. She wanted to apply for a job in Australia,therefore
_____ she studied
English hard.
I. ________________he was very tired, he stayed in his office
till late to finish his work.
J. Applicants for this job should speak at least two other
European languages ________________ German.
K. She refused the job ________________ the payment wasn't
in order to
L. She arrives early every day, ________________ help her
M. ________________ being late, he was able to finish his work
in time.
N. ________________
Due to the rise of unemployment, families have
worse living conditions.
O. Some employers believe in incentive schemes,
because they want their employees to be more
P. Our company is doing well. ________________ we aren't
because of
going to expand, ________________ the economic crisis we
are facing.
Q. Taxes have gone up every year, ________________ our salaries have gone
R. ________________
Since/As our company is expanding we have to hire more workers.
S. We are interested ________________ in costs ________________
and in the
as long as
T. You can have a day off, ________________ you finish all the work you have to
do this week.
U. ________________ Musa arrives late for a meeting, his boss will be angry.

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in case
V. Take my car to work, ________________ there is a strike on public transport.
W. He ________________ nor
studies ________________ looks for a job. He wants to
go on living on his parents’ expenses.

Q2. Put the linking words in the appropriate places:

However In addition Overall Moreover Furthermore For example

An Important Possession

If I have to choose one thing that is important in my life, it is my notebook

computer. It is an Acer notebook running Windows 7. It’s a fairly cheap notebook
that I bought about four years ago. It’s black and thin and has rounded edges that
are soft and smooth when you pick it up. It’s also light enough for me to carry in my
backpack. A.___________________,
Moreover it can do nearly everything I need it to do.
For example
B.___________________, I can create documents, design new pages on my
website, make recordings and download TV shows.

In addition many files I have saved for my work, it contains a lot of
photos and music. D. __________________,
However it’s not a perfect computer. It crashed a
few years ago and since then it’s been much slower.
E.________________________, it has downloaded some programs that I hate. I
don’t know how to get rid of them. F_______________
Overall though, this computer is
pretty reliable, convenient and allows me to work anywhere I go.


What are quantifiers?

A quantifier is a word or phrase which is used before a noun to indicate the amount
or quantity:

'Some', 'many', 'a lot of'

and 'a few' are examples
of quantifiers.

Quantifiers can be used

with both countable and
uncountable nouns.

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Q3.Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifiers:
A. There aren't ________________car parks in the center of Oxford.

B. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't ______________ cheap restaurants.

C. There are______________ expensive new flats near the river.

Q4. Cross the correct option: Ex. a little / a few - We have got a few
A. (a little / a few) We have got _______________ money.
B. (any / much) She hasn’t got _______________ friends.
C. (much many) How _______________ cheese is there in the fridge?
D. (a little / much) Has Mrs. Masud got _______________ milk?
E. (some/ many) They have got _______________ butter in the tub.
F. (a few/ any) Mr. Bilal hasn’t got _______________ grandchildren.
G. (much / many) I haven’t got _______________ money this month.
H. (a little / a few) Gary has got _______________ pencils in his pencil box.
I. (any / a little) We need _______________ butter to make the cake.
J. (some / many) How _______________have you got?
Q5. Choose the correct alternative:
A. Have we got (any / a little) honey jars in the fridge?
B. There (are / is) (a little / many) ice cream.
C. Have we got (any / a few) cheese in the fridge?
D. We haven’t got (a little / any) apples in the basket.
E. There are (a little / a lot of) children in the garden.
F. Sandy has got (a few / a lot of) money in the bank.
G. Ahmed, is there (a few / any) milk in that bottle?
H. Susan, how (many / much) bottles of apple juice (is /are) there in the fridge?
I. They have got (a few / a little) cats in their garden.
J. There (are / is) (a little / many) ice cream cones in the box.
Q6. Choose the correct option:
I. This bag is very heavy because it has got __________ books in it.
A) a little B) a lot of C) a few
II. Meral and Almet have got _________ friends from America.
A) any B) much C) a few

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III. Have we got _________milk in the fridge, mother?
A) many B) a few C) any
IV. How ______money have you got in your bag?
A) many B) any C) much
V. My mother has got _________ friends.
A) a little B) a lot of C) much
VI. We have got ________ apples and ________ oranges in the fridge.
A) a little / some B) many / a little C) a few / some
VII. Are there ________ children in the school garden? A) a little B) any C) much
VIII. My teacher hasn’t got _________ 6th grade student this year.
A) some B) any C) a few
IX. Sam, ____ there _____ milk in the fridge? A) are / any B) is / any C) is / a few
X. How _______ cheese has she got in the basket?
A) many B) much C) any
Modal verbs
Modal verbs help to express the certainty, ability or obligation of the main verb in a
sentence. For Example-

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Q7. Complete the sentences with the modal verbs from the box:

Can’t be might must be could

A. You __________________ exhausted after your long trip. Come in and have a
B. When I was younger, I ______________ run very fast.
C. Linda ____________________ over thirty. She graduated a year after me and
I'm only 26.
D. Don't leave your window open at night. Someone ___________ climb in.
Q8. Choose the correct conclusion for each sentence:
I. Tom’s gone home early.
A. He might be ill.
B. He can’t be ill.
II. I’m not sure where my phone is.
A. It might be in my bag.
B. It must be in my bag.
III. Sara’s shoes are black, but these ones are brown.
A. These could be Sara’s shoes.
B. These can’t be Sara’s shoes.
Q9. Now choose 5 modal verbs and write your own sentences:












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Imperatives / Imperative Verbs

Imperative verbs are also known as ‘bossy verbs’- they tell people what to do! e.g.
close the door; empty the bin; eat your dinner!
Q10.Look at the words below- colour in the words that could be used as
imperative verbs.

Q11. Look at the sentences below; and think of some imperative verbs
that you could put at the beginning in order to make an instruction:
A. ______________right at the traffic lights.

B. ______________the juice into the glass.

C. ______________the kettle in before you use it.

D. ______________on the television please.

E. ______________the window; it’s very cold.

Q12. Match each type of pronoun to its description:

Relative pronoun These words replace common or proper nouns.

Possessive pronoun These pronouns show ownership.

Indefinite pronoun These pronouns end in -self or -selves.

Demonstrative pronoun These pronouns refer to a noun that has been

mentioned before.

Personal pronoun These pronouns point out a noun.

Reflexive pronoun These pronouns ask a question.

Interrogative pronoun These pronouns refer to people or things in general

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Q13. Choose the correct type of pronoun for each of the following words:

A. They want to go to school early.

B. While cooking, Harry cut himself.

C. The flowers in the vase are hers.

D. The man who visited the zoo lost his wallet.

E. I hope someone will help create a vaccine.

F. Who was at the door?

G. That was a very interesting story.

Section B: English Writing (ENWR)

Q1.Writing to Instruct: Making a Sandwich

You are going out to school and your little alien will be left at home, all alone. To
stop them from going hungry you decide to leave some instructions for how to make
a sandwich.

In order to do these you need to think of what connectives you should use. Here is a
list to help you…

Firstly Secondly Thirdly Finally

Next Then After Meanwhile

You also will need to use imperative verbs. Here is a list to help you…

Put Add Mix Chop

Slice Place Cut Spread

Open Serve Season Get

Now, choose the type of sandwich you want them to make, and write your

Sandwich Recipe


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Q2. Read the Advertisement and answer the questions:

A. What is this advertisement for?

a. To sell a dog. b. To find a lost dog c. To invite you to an event where

you can adopt a dog.

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B. Which is the slogan of the above ad?

a. “Entrance free” b. “You will be their hero!” c. “”

C. When will this event be held (what day)?

a. October 19th b. October 29th c. September 19th

D. Where will this event take place?

a. In the Stadium b. In Petsmart of the Mall Center c. In the hospital

E. How much will it cost to enter the event?

a. $ 0 b. $ 5 c. $ 9

Q3. Write/Label the correct parts of an advertisement:

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