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Equation of time

• The Sun as a Time-Keeper. Because the

Earth’s orbital motion is not uniform, there are
corresponding variations in the apparent
speed of the Sun as it travels round the
Mean sun
• a fictitious sun used for timekeeping that
moves uniformly along the celestial equator
and maintains a constant rate of apparent
motion equal to the average rate of apparent
motion of the real sun.
• The Mean Sun is an imaginary body which is
assumed to move at a uniform speed round
the Earth thereby giving a uniform progression
of time.
Solar Time.
• The true sun gives us apparent solar time
while the mean sun gives us mean solar time.
• Mean solar time is sometimes ahead (fast) and
• behind (slow) of the apparent solar time. This
• difference is called the equation of time. The
equation of
• time's minimum value is near -14 m 13 s in mid-
• and its maximum value is near 16 m 26 s in early
• November.
• The equation of time gives the offset in
minutes applied
• to mean solar time, as may be determined by
a chronometer, to calculate the apparent solar
time; specifically
• at the Sun's apparent passage at the local
• The navigator most often deals with the equation of time
• when determining the time of upper meridian passage of the
• Sun, called Local Apparent Noon (LAN). Were it not for the
• difference in rate between the fictitious mean and apparent Sun,
• the Sun would always appear on the observer's meridian at 12h
• (noon) local time. Except for four unique times of the year related
• to the interaction of the Earth's eccentric orbit and inclination
• to the ecliptic, the LAN will always be offset from exactly noon
• mean solar time. This time difference, which is applied as the
• equation of time at meridian transit, is listed on the right hand
• daily pages of the Nautical Almanac.
• Equation of Time = mean solar time –
apparent solar time
• In other words, the equation of time is the
difference between apparent solar time and
mean solar time taken at the same instant at
one place.
• The sign of the equation of time is negative if
apparent time is behind mean time; it is positive
is apparent time is ahead of mean time.
• In either case, the equation is:
• Apparent Time = Mean Time + (equation of time).
• A negative equation of time is indicated by
shading in the
• Nautical Almanac.
• Mean time > Apparent time
• It is positive

• Mean time < Apparent time

• It is negative
Example 1:
• Determine the local mean time of the Sun's
• meridian passage (Local Apparent Noon) on
June 16, 2016.
• Solution: See the Nautical Almanac's right
hand daily page for June 16, 2016 (Figure
1601b). The equation of time is listed in the
bottom right hand corner of the page.
• There are two ways to solve the problem,
depending on the accuracy required for the
value of meridian passage. First, for minute
accuracy, the time of the Sun at meridian
passage is given to the nearest minute in the
"Mer. Pass.“ column. For June 16, 2016, this
time is 1201.
• Mean time > Apparent time
• It is positive

• Mean time < Apparent time

• It is negative
• Second, to determine the nearest second of
time of meridian passage, use the value given
for the equation of time listed immediately to
the left of the "Mer. Pass." column on the daily
pages. For June 16, 2016, the value is given as
• negative 00 m 47 s. (Use the "12 h" column
because the problem asked for meridian
passage at LAN.)
• Using the equation Apparent Time = Mean
Time + (equation of time), we have 1200 =
Mean Time + (-0047). Rearranging, we get
Mean Time = 1200 + 0047. The exact mean
time of meridian passage for June 16, 2016, is
12 h 00 m 47 s.

MEAN TIME = 12h 00m 00s

EOT += - 00m 47 s
APP TIME 12 h 00 m 47 s

Latitude on Meridian Passage
• On january 2, 2022, in DR Position Latitude 10
degrees North Long 120 degrees East, at GMT
04h00m00s, officer of the watch obtained the
sextant altitude of the sun’s Lower limb 56 °
52.5’. Index error 3’ off the arc. Calculate the
observed altitude of the sun. Keel to bridge
distance is 15 meters. Draft 6 meters.
Atmospheric pressure of 1010 mb.
Temperature of 28 degrees Celcius.
Longitude at Meridian Passage
Longitude on Meridian Passage
• On january 2, 2022, in DR Position Latitude 10
degrees North Long 120 degrees East, at GMT
04h00m00s, officer of the watch obtained the
sextant altitude of the sun’s Lower limb 56 °
52.5’. Index error 3’ off the arc. Calculate the
observed altitude of the sun. Keel to bridge
distance is 15 meters. Draft 6 meters.
Atmospheric pressure of 1010 mb.
Temperature of 28 degrees Celcius.
Determine the time of Merpas in
(LAN) Nautical almanac
• Time of Merpas is called LAN or Local
apparent noon.
• Jan 2, 2022 … 12:04 in nearest minute

• or equation of time – 04 min 00 sec

MEAN TIME = 12h 00m 00s
EOT += - 04m 00 s
MERPAS LAN 12 h 04 m 00s
Calculate the time of Merpas (LAN) in
your DR position
• Convert DR longitude into time
• Long 120° 00.0’E / 15
• = 0800H

LMT of LAN = 12h 04m 00s

Long in time= 08h 00m 00s East minus
GMT of LAN = 04h 04m 00s

If the observer is located exactly at the
DR position longitude Merpas will be
exactly on the GMT of LAN
• But for example if the actual meridian passage
happens on Deck watch time (GMT clock of
the observer) 04h 03m 30s
• What is the actual longitude of the observer?
• Deck Watch Time = 04h 03m 30s GMT
• MERPAS LAN = 12h 04m 00s
• Time diff = 08h 0m 30s Long East

Convert time into arc

08h 0m 30s x 15
=120° 07’ 30’’ East Longitude

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