Limand Mackinnon 2006

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Sports Med 2006; 36 (1): 39-64

REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/06/0001-0039/$39.95/0

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

The Roles of Exercise-Induced

Immune System Disturbances in the
Pathology of Heat Stroke
The Dual Pathway Model of Heat Stroke
Chin Leong Lim1,2 and Laurel T. Mackinnon1
1 School of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
2 Military Physiology Laboratory, Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, DSO
National Laboratories, Singapore

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1. The Definition of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2. The Endotoxaemia Model of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3. The Role of High Core Temperature in Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.1 Interpretation of Core Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2 Variation in Core Temperature Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3 Critical Core Temperature as a Protection Against Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4. Gastrointestinal (GI) Disturbances During Intense Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.1 Effects of Long-Distance Running and Hyperthermia on the Gut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 GI Disturbances in Long-Distance Runners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5. Endotoxaemia: the Primary Pathway of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.1 Lipopolysaccharide Binding and Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6. Hyperthermia: the Secondary Pathway of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
7. The Role of the Immune System in Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
7.1 Acute Immune Response to Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
7.2 Chronic Immune Response to Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.3 Opportunistic Infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8. The Role of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.1 Cytokine Response During Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.2 Exercise-Induced Cytokine Release and the Mechanism of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
9. T-Helper Cell 1 and 2 (Th1/Th2) Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
9.1 Possible Roles of Th1 and Th2 Immunity in the Mechanism of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10. Immune Disturbance and Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
11. The Dual Pathway Model of Heat Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
12. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Abstract Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that can be fatal if not appropriately
managed. Although heat stroke has been recognised as a medical condition for
centuries, a universally accepted definition of heat stroke is lacking and the
pathology of heat stroke is not fully understood. Information derived from autopsy
reports and the clinical presentation of patients with heat stroke indicates that
hyperthermia, septicaemia, central nervous system impairment and cardiovascular
failure play important roles in the pathology of heat stroke. The current models of
40 Lim & Mackinnon

heat stroke advocate that heat stroke is triggered by hyperthermia but is driven by
endotoxaemia. Endotoxaemia triggers the systemic inflammatory response, which
can lead to systemic coagulation and haemorrhage, necrosis, cell death and
multi-organ failure. However, the current heat stroke models cannot fully explain
the discrepancies in high core temperature (Tc) as a trigger of heat stroke within
and between individuals. Research on the concept of critical Tc as a limitation to
endurance exercise implies that a high Tc may function as a signal to trigger the
protective mechanisms against heat stroke. Athletes undergoing a period of
intense training are subjected to a variety of immune and gastrointestinal (GI)
disturbances. The immune disturbances include the suppression of immune cells
and their functions, suppression of cell-mediated immunity, translocation of
lipopolysaccharide (LPS), suppression of anti-LPS antibodies, increased macro-
phage activity due to muscle tissue damage, and increased concentration of
circulating inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines. Common symptoms of
exercise-induced GI disturbances include diarrhoea, vomiting, gastrointestinal
bleeding, and cramps, which may increase gut-related LPS translocation.
This article discusses the current evidence that supports the argument that these
exercise-induced immune and GI disturbances may contribute to the development
of endotoxaemia and heat stroke. When endotoxaemia can be tolerated or prevent-
ed, continuing exercise and heat exposure will elevate Tc to a higher level
(>42ºC), where heat stroke may occur through the direct thermal effects of heat on
organ tissues and cells. We also discuss the evidence suggesting that heat stroke
may occur through endotoxaemia (heat sepsis), the primary pathway of heat
stroke, or hyperthermia, the secondary pathway of heat stroke. The existence of
these two pathways of heat stroke and the contribution of exercise-induced
immune and GI disturbances in the primary pathway of heat stroke are illustrated
in the dual pathway model of heat stroke. This model of heat stroke suggests that
prolonged intense exercise suppresses anti-LPS mechanisms, and promotes
inflammatory and pyrogenic activities in the pathway of heat stroke.

Heat stroke is a fatal condition that can be life failure of the immune system to remove LPS from
threatening if not managed appropriately. Although the circulation, and the resulting activation of the
heat stroke is one of the oldest known medical immune cells (monocytes and neutrophils) and
conditions,[1] the pathophysiology of heat stroke is cytokines (tumour necrosis factor-α [TNFα] and
not fully understood.[2] Except for heat stress, the interleukin [IL]-1β) that promote inflammation, are
other clinical features of heat stroke are similar to centrally involved in the development of these
those observed in patients with sepsis,[3,4] suggesting clinical features of heat stroke.[7-11]
that the immune system is involved in the develop- It has been suggested that athletes performing
ment of heat stroke. Recent models of heat stroke strenuous training might be at a higher risk of infec-
suggest that it is triggered by systemic inflammation tion because of transient and possibly prolonged
in response to endotoxaemia, when endotoxins, also immune suppression.[12-18] It has also been proposed
known as lipopolysaccharides (LPS), migrate from that insufficient recovery between successive exer-
the gut into the sterile environment of the circula- cise bouts over a prolonged period of time may
tion.[3,5-7] This triggers the systemic inflammatory cause chronic suppression of the immune sys-
response (SIR) and leads to disseminated intravas- tem,[19,20] possibly increasing the risk of illness. Pro-
cular coagulation (DIC), necrosis of organ tissues, longed endurance running causes disturbances to the
and multi-organ failure (MOF), which are common- gastrointestinal (GI) system, with symptoms such as
ly observed in patients with heat stroke.[2,3,5-8] The cramps, GI bleeding, diarrhoea and vomiting.[21-27]

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 41

Athletes may show symptoms of endotoxaemia[28,29] mune disturbances with the endotoxaemia model of
(e.g. nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea) and suppres- heat stroke.[3,5,7]
sion of anti-LPS antibodies[30] after an endurance
event, such as a triathlon or ultra-marathon (89km). 1. The Definition of Heat Stroke
The combination of exercise-induced disturbance of
the immune system, GI symptomatology, and en- Although there is general agreement on the key
features of heat stroke, a universal definition of heat
dotoxaemia are consistent with the endotoxin-relat-
stroke has yet to be developed.[36] The characterisa-
ed mechanisms of heat stroke advocated by the
tion of heat stroke (table I) comes from reports on
current heat stroke models.[3,5,7]
the clinical and forensic descriptions of heat stroke
LPS is an endotoxin that resides in the cell wall victims.[34,37-39] Anderson et al.[40] defined heat
of Gram-negative bacteria, which are harmless to stroke as a state when core temperature (Tc) rises
the body as long as they remain within the gut above 40ºC, which is accompanied by hot, dry skin
space.[4,24] The gut normally blocks the movement of and abnormalities of the CNS. Others defined heat
bacteria into the circulation, but strenuous exercise stroke as a ‘form of hyperthermia, associated with a
and heat stress increase the permeability of the systemic inflammatory response leading to a syn-
paracellular epithelial tight junction, resulting in drome of multi-organ dysfunction in which en-
LPS translocation from the gut into the portal circu- cephalopathy dominates’.[5] Using these definitions,
lation.[3,4,24,31,32] The immune system scavenges and heat stroke can be characterised as a systemic condi-
clears LPS from the circulation, up to a point, tion that includes Tc >40ºC, an inflammatory re-
through the reticuloendothelial system (RES) of the sponse, CNS dysfunction (e.g. coma, delirium, con-
liver, high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and an- vulsion), DIC and MOF. Hot, dry skin and cardio-
ti-LPS antibodies.[10,11] Immune suppression during vascular deterioration may be observed at times.
prolonged strenuous exercise may compromise the These features merely characterise the observations
scavenging and removal of circulating LPS by de- of heat stroke patients (table I) and do not represent
creasing the concentration of circulating anti-LPS a universal definition of heat stroke.
antibodies.[28-30] Endotoxaemia develops when the
rate of LPS clearance cannot keep pace with the rate 2. The Endotoxaemia Model of
of LPS translocation, causing LPS to leak into the Heat Stroke
central circulation. Heat and exercise-induced en-
Heat stroke has been attributed to the effects of
dotoxaemia may trigger the symptoms of heat
extreme internal heat load on cardiovascular and
hypothalamic functions[34,37,44,50-55] and direct ther-
The occurrence of heat stroke in soldiers also mal injury on organ tissues.[37,56-59] However, these
coincides with periods of intense training and recent factors by themselves cannot explain fully the obser-
bouts of infection,[33-35] suggesting that heat toler- vation of systemic coagulation, massive haemor-
ance is compromised by a weakened immune sys- rhages, and other sepsis-like clinical symptoms in
tem. The common features of heat stroke, sepsis, heat stroke patients. The model for heat stroke has
immune suppression, GI disturbances and endotox- evolved to the current view that heat stroke is driven
aemia after prolonged intense exercise suggest the by septicaemia arising from the translocation of
existence of a common pathway between a compro- endotoxin from the gut into the circulation under
mised immune system and heat stroke. This review heat stress conditions.
discusses the literature on heat stroke, the immune The endotoxaemia model of heat stroke was
response to exercise, and endotoxaemia during exer- based on observations that heat stroke patients share
cise and heat stress, and provides evidence to sup- a similar clinical presentation as patients with sep-
port the argument that exercise-induced changes in sis,[8,34,38,60] and that the methods to treat sepsis
immune function are causally related to heat stroke. increase heat tolerance and survival in animals ex-
We also propose a dual pathway model of heat periencing heat stroke.[61-64] Moseley and Gisolfi[3]
stroke, which integrates the exercise-induced im- hypothesised that under heat stress, the permeability

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Table I. Definition and characterisation of heat stroke from 1967 to 2002

Original publication Tc (°C) CNS dysfunction Organ DIC Hot and Cardiovascular Others
(year) failure dry skin changes

Shibolet et al.[34] (1967) Hyperthermia Yes Yes Systemic


Clowes and O’Donnel[41] (1974) >41 Yes Yes Sweat glands

still active

Shvartz et al.[42] (1977) Elevated Yes Yes

Shapiro et al.[43] (1979) Elevated Yes Yes Yes

Costrini et al.[44] (1979) >40 Coma, delirium Yes Hypotension, Hyperventilation


Anderson et al.[40] (1983) Hyperthermia Coma, delirium, convulsion

Bouchama et al.[8] (1993) Yes Yes

Knochel and Reed[45] (1994) >40 Coma, delirium, convulsion Yes

CDC (US)[46] (1995) ≥40.6a

Barrow and Clark[47] (1998) ≥40.5 Yes

Yaqub and Al Deeb[48] (1998) ≥40 Coma Yes Rhabdomyolysis

Samarasinghe[49] (2001) >40 Delirium, coma, agitation, Yes

Bouchama and Knochel[5] (2002) Hyperthermia Encephalopathy Yes Inflammatory

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Lim & Mackinnon

a This is the definition for heat-related deaths, diagnosed together with other circumstantial evidences.

CDC = Center for Disease Control; DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; Tc = core temperature.
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 43

of the gut epithelium may be compromised by cuta- onset of heat stroke, then heat stroke would consist-
neous vasodilation and splanchnic vasoconstriction, ently be triggered once Tc rises to a specific level.
due to the effect of high temperature, oxidant injury, However, experimental evidence does not support a
ischaemia, reperfusion, and recruitment of inflam- linear relationship for hyperthermia-induced en-
matory cells. Increased gut permeability allows LPS dotoxaemia-driven heat stroke. Heat stroke can oc-
residing in the gut flora to migrate into the portal cur in trained and experienced athletes[70-73] and
circulation. This process overwhelms the liver with soldiers[34,38] performing work that had been previ-
LPS, which leaks into the central circulation (en- ously well tolerated, suggesting that the same level
dotoxaemia) and induces the SIR, resulting in necro- of exercise and heat stress may not always lead to
sis, DIC, MOF, and other symptoms commonly heat stroke in a given individual. Moreover, there is
observed in heat stroke patients. a great deal of overlap of Tc in heat stroke vic-
The endotoxaemia model advocates that heat tims,[74-76] and in healthy and conscious athletes[77-82]
stoke is triggered by hyperthermia, but its mecha- and soldiers[83] who did not develop heat stroke.
nisms are driven by septicaemia and systemic in- This evidence suggests that a high Tc does not
flammation. Direct evidence supports the link be- uniformly trigger the mechanisms of heat stroke and
tween an increase in gut permeability with intense that heat intolerance might be transient and some-
exercise and heat stress,[31,65,66] and LPS transloca- what dependent on other factors.
tion and endotoxaemia,[62,63,67] which trigger the de-
velopment of heat stroke in humans [34,38,60] and 3.1 Interpretation of Core Temperature
animals.[62,64] Once heat stroke is triggered, the pro-
gression of clinical symptoms in heat stroke patients Tc is a measure of the total heat storage within
is positively associated with inflammatory cytokine the body, which is a function of metabolic heat
activity, but not with Tc.[60] Endotoxaemia is also a production and heat exchange with the external en-
consistent clinical feature in heat stroke pa- vironment through the processes of conduction, con-
tients[34,38,60,68] and animals.[61-63,67,69] vection and radiation, and heat dissipation through
Other researchers have extended the endotox- evaporation.[51] The resting Tc of 37ºC is easily
aemia pathway to explain further the pathology of understood and remains relatively constant in nor-
heat stroke. For example, Hales and Sakurada[7] mal healthy individuals.[1] At the other extreme, a Tc
expanded the endotoxaemia model of heat stroke to of >40ºC can be considered dangerous because of its
include the role of fever in the development of heat association with tissue damage and mortali-
stroke. Bouchama and Knochel[5] attributed thermo- ty.[6,52,84,85] It is difficult to interpret a Tc ≥40ºC,
regulatory failure to an overdriven cardiovascular because it may occur under varied physiological
system that cannot dissipate heat fully, an exagger- states such as strenuous physical exertion (heat
ated acute phase response, and an attenuated heat- stress),[78,80-82] fever,[7,51] or the pathological
shock response in the endotoxaemia-driven pathway processes associated with heat stroke.[8,86,87] Some
of heat stroke. This topic has been discussed in authors have argued that the mechanisms of heat
greater details in previous reviews.[3,5,7] stroke differ from those of fever.[51] However, the
moderate increase in Tc in heat-stressed sheep in-
3. The Role of High Core Temperature in
duced by the injection of the anti-pyrogenic drug,
Heat Stroke
indometacin, suggests that heat stroke and fever
Although there is evidence showing a link be- share some common pathways.[7,66] Under exercise
tween heat stress, LPS translocation, endotoxaemia and heat stress conditions, the mechanism for deter-
and systemic inflammation during heat stroke, the mining the overriding physiological state (fever,
role of a high Tc remains debatable. The endotox- heat stroke, or heat stress) at Tc ≥40ºC is currently
aemia model views hyperthermia as a trigger, but not well understood, making accurate prediction of
not the driver, of heat stroke.[3,6,8] A high Tc causes heat illness based on Tc unreliable. By itself, Tc is
LPS leakage from the gut, which in turn drives the best used to quantify heat load in the body but is not
pathway of heat stroke. If a high Tc does trigger the a reliable predictor of the onset of heat stroke.

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
44 Lim & Mackinnon

3.2 Variation in Core Temperature Response that heat stroke may be triggered by a failure of the
anti-LPS mechanism to curb the increase in circulat-
Although heat stroke patients typically exhibit Tc ing LPS. High Tc is more likely to act as a facilitator
ranging from 40 to 43ºC,[87-89] emergency responses and not a trigger of heat stroke, although this role as
have been activated for those with Tc as low as a facilitator and not a trigger of heat stroke is re-
38ºC[75] (measured within 15 minutes of collapse) stricted to the Tc levels observed during endotox-
and as high as 47ºC.[39] The physiological signifi- aemia.
cance of a high Tc is further complicated by reports Animal studies have shown that preventing or
of healthy and conscious runners and soldiers with tolerating endotoxaemia during continued exposure
Tc of 40.6–41.3ºC,[77-83] whereas some heat stroke to heat stress may cause Tc to rise to an extreme
victims have died with a Tc of 40ºC.[86,87] In addi- level (>43.5ºC) when heat stroke can occur because
tion, only 10–20% of heat casualties were observed of the direct thermal effects of heat on tissue
to have Tc >42ºC (measured on site); the other heat cells.[61,62] Blocking LPS activities (e.g. via cortico-
casualties exhibited Tc similar to those reported in steroid, anti-LPS antibodies and antibiotics) in
healthy runners.[74,75] monkeys resulted in significantly higher thermo-
The clinical progression of heat stroke dissoci- tolerance than in control animals at Tc
ates from Tc once heat stroke has been trig- 43.5ºC.[61-63,67] Although all animals died when Tc
gered,[3,8,85] implying that although a high Tc is a was elevated to >43.5ºC, LPS concentration in
pre-requisite for heat stroke to occur, an elevated monkeys treated with anti-LPS agents were only
temperature alone does not trigger the onset of heat slightly elevated above resting level, whereas con-
stroke. It appears that heat stroke may be triggered trol animals had endotoxaemia. This evidence sup-
by intermediate mechanisms activated by a high Tc. ports the argument that heat stroke is driven by two
A high Tc may provide the necessary condition for different but connected pathways. The first pathway
heat stroke to occur by facilitating LPS translocation of heat stroke is driven by endotoxaemia and the
and the actual trigger of heatstroke might be influ- second pathway is driven by the direct thermal ef-
enced by the ability to tolerate LPS. For example, fect of heat on tissue cells. These two pathways of
endotoxaemia was detected at the end of the race in heat stroke and the relationship between them are
endurance athletes who displayed symptoms of en- discussed in detail in sections 5 and 6.
dotoxaemia but not heat stroke.[28,29] The degree of
3.3 Critical Core Temperature as a
endotoxaemia is inversely related to the concentra-
Protection Against Heat Stroke
tion of anti-LPS antibodies,[28,29] and the concentra-
tion of anti-LPS antibodies, in turn, is inversely A Tc >40ºC also represents a critical level where
related to the concentration of TNFα,[30] a pro- fatigue occurs, irrespective of initial Tc or the rate of
inflammatory cytokine induced by endotoxaemia. heat storage.[90] For example, under heat stress,
Data from animal experiments suggest that heat trained cyclists achieved volitional fatigue at a uni-
exposure alone may not fully explain the develop- form Tc of 40.1–40.3ºC,[90] which is known as the
ment of thermal tolerance.[85] Rats subjected to sub- ‘critical temperature’ (i.e. the Tc where fatigue sets
lethal intravenous injection of LPS for 5 days had a in). The Tc observed in these exhausted cyclists is
significantly higher RES clearance rate and thermo- consistent with that documented in military recruits
tolerance than control animals during a heat stress in the last phase of a 16km march and other military
test (Tc >42ºC). These were similar in rats treated training activities (unpublished data). In rats, the
with sub-lethal heat exposure (41.4–41.8ºC) for only critical rectal temperature of 42.2–42.5ºC was ob-
3 days, implying that besides heat exposure, thermo- served at the point of fatigue.[91] Variation in envi-
tolerance can be induced by the stimulation of RES ronmental conditions (33–38ºC) does not alter the
clearance through other means. Furthermore, be- critical brain (40.1–40.2ºC) and intra-abdominal
cause the RES of the liver is the main clearance site (39.8–39.9ºC) temperatures at the point of fa-
for circulating LPS, the concurrent increase in the tigue.[92] These studies support the concept of a
RES clearance rate and thermo-tolerance suggests critical body temperature beyond which exercise

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 45

performance is inhibited and which may also serve 4.1 Effects of Long-Distance Running and
to prevent over-heating.[93,94] Hyperthermia on the Gut
It is impossible to separate the dual role of a
critical temperature that both inhibits exercise per- Despite its critical role as a ‘gatekeeper’ of the
formance and prevents heat stroke because inhibi- sterile internal environment, the gut does not re-
tion of exercise reduces heat production and storage. spond well to prolonged exercise.[7,99] Blood flow to
The mechanism for the dual role of critical tempera- the intestine is reduced by about 80% during exer-
ture exists in the hypothalamus.[93-95] The critical Tc cise,[100,101] and this reduction is exacerbated by
inhibits exercise performance through increased hyperthermia.[3,66] Reduced blood flow to the gut
heart rate and skin blood flow, and decreased cardi- may persist for some time after prolonged exercise.
ac output, stroke volume[90,93] and neural drive.[93,94] For example, splanchnic blood flow was reduced by
These functions are also influenced by the hypothal- 60% for 90 minutes after a 20km run.[102] Splanchnic
amus through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and pH declined
(HPA) axis mechanisms.[96,97] An important patho- significantly and hypoxia-labelled cells (using
logical question, is whether the critical temperature {H}misonidazole) in the intestine increased signifi-
at which exercise is inhibited is equivalent to the cantly during hyperthermia.[103] Gut ischaemia and
critical temperature for heat stroke. Because the hypoxia increases the permeability of the paracellu-
hypothalamus also regulates body temperature,[51] it lar tight junctions in the gut epithelium,[3,6,7,65] As a
is possible that the critical Tc signals the hypothala- consequence, larger molecules in the gut space that
mus to initiate the inhibition of exercise perform- would not normally pass through the epithelial tight
ance through the moderation of cardiovascular and junction at rest can be translocated across the gut
neural functions.[51,93] Thus, although a high level of membrane into the portal circulation under exposure
heat stress may not play a direct role in triggering to exercise and heat stress.[31,65]
heat stroke, the critical temperature may function as
an important signal for the brain to activate its 4.2 GI Disturbances in
protective mechanisms against heat stroke by inhib- Long-Distance Runners
iting exercise performance.[90,93,98] The critical Tc Alterations in membrane permeability and is-
threshold, therefore, could be the buffer between chaemia in the gut accompany GI disturbances in
tolerable or sub-lethal heat stress and the trigger that long-distance runners. Symptoms of GI distur-
initiates the cascade of events leading to heat stroke. bances in endurance runners include abdominal
The breaching of this critical Tc level may set the cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea and bloody
conditions required to activate the endotoxaemia- stool.[21-23,25-27,104,105] A survey of 134 runners re-
driven pathway of heat stroke. ported that diarrhoea (47%), bloody stool (16%),
and severe lower abdominal cramps (36%) occurred
4. Gastrointestinal (GI) Disturbances
frequently after intense running.[26] Eichner[105] re-
During Intense Exercise
ported that 13–42% of marathon runners exper-
The GI mucosa separates the body’s sterile inter- ienced GI bleeding in six different marathons.
nal environment from the non-sterile environment Others have observed GI bleeding in 8–22% of
of the gut. A plethora of >400 species of bacteria marathon runners and 85% of ultra-marathon run-
live in the gut space;[24] LPS is located in the walls of ners.[25] Along with these GI symptoms, endotox-
Gram-negative bacteria.[66] These bacteria are harm- aemia has also been documented at the end of ultra-
less when confined to the gut, but can be harmful endurance events.[28-30] Marathon runners who de-
when they migrate across the gut epithelial tissue veloped bloody stools were significantly younger
into the circulation. Although a small amount of and ran faster times than those with normal
bacteria routinely leaks through the gut epithelium, stools.[23] An abrupt increase in training volume is
the bacteria are efficiently detoxified and cleared by also associated with GI bleeding.[21] High-intensity
the liver without affecting the central circulatory running at 80% maximum oxygen consumption
environment.[10,11,24,62,69] (V̇O2max) significantly induces greater gut epithelial

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
46 Lim & Mackinnon

Endurance exercise and hyperthermia

thermal effect Gut ischaemia, hypoxia,
with LPS acidosis and excessive jarring

Mucosa erosion, GI haemorrhages LPS translocation

LPS tolerance

Diarrhoea, bloody stool,

nausea and abdominal cramps
inflammatory response

Massive haemorrhage and death Heat stroke

Fig. 1. Gastrointestinal (GI) response during endurance exercise and heat stress. Endurance exercise and hyperthermia cause erosion of
the mucosa in the GI tract, and promote lipopolysaccharide (LPS) translocation from the gut into the portal circulation. Excessive LPS
translocation can result in endotoxaemia, which eventually leads to heat stroke. Athletes who are tolerant to LPS continue to exercise
intensely, which may cause other forms of GI disturbances (e.g. diarrhoea, bloody stool, nausea, abdominal cramps and haemorrhages)
that can be fatal in extreme cases.

permeability compared with no exercise, and with from the gut into the circulation (figure 1). This
running at 40% and 60% V̇O2max.[31] observation is consistent with the occurrence of
Bloody diarrhoea in runners has been attributed endotoxaemia[28,29] and heat stroke[74-76] reported
to hyperthermia-induced gut ischaemia.[22] This is among long-distance runners and triathletes.
consistent with the observation that rats with Tc of
42.5ºC had higher gut permeability than those with 5. Endotoxaemia: the Primary Pathway
lower Tc and with the histological analysis of gut of Heat Stroke
tissues that revealed intestinal epithelial damage in Endotoxaemia is septicaemia caused by endotox-
rats heated to Tc >41ºC.[65] Examination of mara- ins residing in the cell walls of Gram-negative bac-
thon runners 95–180 minutes after the race using GI teria. Endotoxaemia develops when there is an in-
endoscopy and a creatinine-labelled macromolecule crease in LPS concentration in the central circula-
biomarker revealed weaknesses of mucosal resis- tion. Heat stroke patients show symptoms of
tance, reflecting damage to the intercellular junc- endotoxaemia.[34,37,38,87,109] For example, one study
tions, increased intestinal permeability, gastric mu- reported plasma LPS level of 8.6 ng/mL in heat
cosal erosion, and bleeding in the abdomen and stroke patients,[60] which is much higher than the
small intestine.[102] In an extreme case, a 28-year-old lethal concentration of 1 ng/mL.[29] Animal studies
runner bled to death from haemorrhagic gastritis also associate heat stroke with endotoxaemia. For
while jogging.[106] The mechanical jarring of the GI example, plasma LPS concentration increased by an
associated with running, but not with lower-impact average of 4.8-fold (range 2.9- to 7-fold) in animals
activities, has also been implicated in causing GI subjected to heat stroke.[62,64,67,69,110] The clinical
disturbances.[25,27,104,107] Running induces twice the features of heat stroke are similar to those of sepsis
degree of vibration in the abdominal region com- caused by other conditions. Treatment for sepsis
pared with cycling.[108] with anti-LPS antibodies,[62] corticosteroid,[61] non-
The evidence presented in this section strongly absorbable antibiotics,[67] and gastric lavage[64] are
suggests that GI disturbances caused by long-dis- effective in attenuating the symptoms and progres-
tance running can promote the translocation of LPS sion of heat stroke in animals.

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 47

During heat stress, the gut becomes is- centrations are inversely correlated with the concen-
chaemic[66,102,111] and hypoxic,[102,103] altering the tration of plasma endotoxins.[28-30] These relation-
permeability of its epithelial layer and promoting the ships reflect the degree of anti-LPS antibody bind-
translocation of LPS from the gut flora into the ing to free LPS[30,63] and the protective roles of anti-
sterile environment of the circulatory sys- LPS antibodies against endotoxins, which may af-
tem.[65,102,110,112-115] Most studies agree that LPS is fect heat tolerance. The concentration of anti-LPS
first translocated from the gut into the portal veins IgM is inversely correlated with the magnitude of
before gaining entry into the central circulation via increase in TNFα after a triathlon race, suggesting
the liver.[3,24,28,29,65] However, Gathiram et al.[110] that the response of TNFα to intense exercise is
suggested that severe heat stress might cause LPS to down-regulated by anti-LPS IgM.[30] This is impor-
leak into the circulation by other routes (e.g. lym- tant in preventing heat stroke, since TNFα plays an
phatic vessels). orchestrating role in the inflammatory response to
heat-induced endotoxaemia.
5.1 Lipopolysaccharide Binding Researchers agree that trained athletes have a
and Clearance higher concentration of circulating anti-LPS antibo-
Endotoxin is degraded in the liver by hepatic dies than untrained individuals, which may be due to
Kupffer cells and other cells (e.g. monocytes neutro- frequent exposure to sub-lethal LPS transloca-
phils, basophils, eosinophils and mast cells) in the tion.[28-30,85] This could explain the higher degree of
RES.[10,11,24,85,115-117] The liver has a limited capacity heat tolerance among endurance athletes who can
to neutralise and remove LPS; once this threshold is tolerate Tc >40ºC without succumbing to heat
reached, LPS spills over into the central circulation stroke.[80-82] The post-exercise concentration of anti-
resulting in endotoxaemia.[4,24,29,69] Free (unbound) LPS antibodies, however, remains lower than pre-
circulating LPS becomes inactivated when bound to exercise values for 24 hours,[30] suggesting that anti-
HDL in animals and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) LPS capacity may be compromised over an extend-
in humans.[10,11,110,118,119] For example, LDL inhibits ed period. Tolerance against heat-induced endotox-
in vitro production of monokines induced by LPS; aemia might be further compromised if multiple
HDL also inhibits monokine production, but to a bouts of intense exercise are undertaken without
lesser degree.[118] Anti-LPS antibodies of the immu- sufficient opportunity for the concentration of anti-
noglobulin (Ig)G and IgM subclasses also helps LPS antibodies to be restored. The concentrations of
control the level of circulating LPS.[30] Anti-LPS serum and plasma IgG and IgM are suppressed
antibodies binds to biologically active sites of LPS during an intense phase of training in endurance
and promotes its opsonisation and clearance in the runners, swimmers and various other ath-
liver.[11,30,117] The efficacy of anti-LPS antibodies in letes.[17,120,121] The extended suppression of anti-LPS
preventing endotoxaemia was demonstrated in heat- antibodies arising from multiple bouts of intense
stressed monkeys. When Tc of monkeys was elevat- exercise could partly explain the transient heat intol-
ed to 43.5ºC, the survival rate was significantly erance and occurrence of heat stroke in trained indi-
higher in those treated with anti-LPS antibodies viduals
(100%) than in control animals (16%).[62] Although LPS concentration starts to rise in the central
all the monkeys died when Tc was elevated to circulation when the anti-LPS mechanisms are una-
43.8ºC, those treated with anti-LPS antibodies sur- ble to cope with the LPS flux from the gut.[7] The
vived five times longer than control animals. In both appearance of translocated LPS in the central circu-
instances, treatment with anti-LPS antibodies atten- lation is a critical step in the development of heat
uated the rise in plasma LPS concentration from pre- stroke, and is also considered the critical stage in the
heat exposure levels, whereas control animals ex- progression from heat stress to the pathological heat
hibited endotoxaemia. stroke.[7] Heat stroke occurring through endotox-
In humans, serum concentrations of anti-LPS aemia may be more appropriately labelled as ‘heat
IgG and IgM significantly decrease after strenuous sepsis’ since the pathology reflects that of sepsis and
endurance exercise, and anti-LPS IgG and IgM con- not of stroke under high heat stress.

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
48 Lim & Mackinnon

6. Hyperthermia: the Secondary foothold and cause an infection. Cumulative im-

Pathway of Heat Stroke mune suppression through insufficient opportunity
for recovery between each exercise bout may result
The evidence presented in section 5 supports the in chronic immune suppression[19,20] and increased
argument that breaching the critical Tc may trigger risk of infection. Heat sepsis results from the failure
the primary pathway of heatstroke (i.e. endotox- of the anti-LPS mechanisms to curb the increase in
aemia). Blocking or controlling the primary path- circulating LPS.[10,24] Because prolonged intense ex-
way of heat stroke by pharmaceutical agents causes ercise is associated with immune suppression and
Tc to rise with continuing exposure to heat stress at heat stroke commonly occurs during periods of in-
an extreme level, at which heat stroke occurs tense exercise, it is possible that exercise-induced
through the direct effect of heat on the cells of immune suppression may contribute to the develop-
organs. The blocking of endotoxaemia with cortico- ment of endotoxaemia in heat stroke.[3,24,116]
steroid, non-absorbable antibiotics, and gastric lav-
age protected animals from heat stroke at lower Tc 7.1 Acute Immune Response to Exercise
(<43.5ºC), but not higher Tc (>43.8ºC) with no
significant increase in plasma LPS concentra- The immune response to a single bout of exercise
tion.[61,62,64,67,122,123] In these studies, the deleterious has been investigated in exercises such as running
effects of heat stroke appear to arise from the direct (1–3 hours), rowing (2 hours), interval swimming,
effects of heat on tissue cells[61,62,64,67,122,123] and not cycling and weight training (table II). Most studies
from endotoxaemia. The evidence supports the ar- have documented leukocytosis (+53% to +261%),
gument that heat tolerance can be induced by con- monocytosis (+18% to +256%), granulocytosis
trolling or blocking endotoxaemia up to a certain Tc; (+32% to +396%), neutrophilia (+78% to +260%),
at extremely high Tc (>43.8ºC). However, heat and lymphopaenia (–19% to –60%), which persist
stroke may occur via the direct effects of heat (i.e. for ≥1 hour after exercise. The lymphopaenia is
the secondary pathway of heat stroke). accompanied by reduced concentrations of natural
In a classic experiment, rat organ tissues were killer (NK) cells (–60% to –80%), B cells (–8% to
–40%), T cells (–14% to –50%), T-suppressor cells
exposed to temperatures of 40–47ºC in vitro and
tissue damage was noted at temperatures between (–40% to –60%), and T-helper cells (–5% to –52%).
43–45ºC.[124] The temperature tolerance limit of These immune changes are transient and resting
43–45ºC agrees with the temperature range of heat values are restored within 6–24 hours.[14,130]
stroke occurring through the direct effect of heat in Two immune functions affected by prolonged
vivo studies.[50,125] It is possible that heat shock exercise are NK cell cytotoxic activity (NKCA) and
proteins (HSP) protect cells from the effects of heat the proliferative response of lymphocytes when
stress at temperatures <43ºC, but that HSP lose their challenged with a mitogen in vitro. NKCA de-
protective functions as Tc rises above 43ºC.[5] If so, creases by 43% to 61% for up to 2 hours after
this supports the argument that heat stroke can be strenuous exercise.[137,139,142,144,151] NK cells may be
triggered at extremely high temperature by the direct shifted from the circulation into other lymphoid
effects of heat on tissue cells. Heat can denature and compartments through the effects of cortisol,[144] or
unfold cytoskeletal and cellular proteins, causing may enter damaged skeletal muscles as part of the
cell death,[126-128] which can also trigger the SIR. The tissue repair process.[153] Lymphocyte proliferation
outcomes of necrosis, DIC and MOF are similar to in response to phytohaemagglutinin and Con-
those caused by the primary pathway of heat stroke. canavalin A stimulation declines after strenuous ex-
ercise.[141,142] The decline in lymphocyte function
7. The Role of the Immune System in was attributed to the disproportionate increase in the
Heat Stroke ratio of NK to T cells in the circulation.[148,149] NK
cells are involved in scavenging LPS from the blood
Immune cell concentration and function can be and T cells activate B cells, which are essential for
suppressed for up to 72 hours following intense anti-LPS antibody production.[10,11,30] Acute sup-
exercise,[129] when dormant pathogens can gain a pression of NKCA and the lymphocyte proliferative

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke

Table II. Immune response during exercise
Study Study design Immune cell type and Post-exercise ≥1h post-exercise
functions (post – pre) [%] (>1h post – pre) [%]
Low-intensity exercise
Nehlsen-Cannarella et n = 12 women (24–45y) Leu +27 +22 (3h)
al.[131] walking 45 min at 60% Lym +18 –4 (1.5h)
V̇O2max T cell +9 –5 (1.5h)
Lym pr (Con A) +3 +76 (23h)
Lym pr (PHA) +26 –49 (1.5h)
Nieman et al.[132] n = 12 women (24–45y) Leu +27 +22 (3h)
walking 45 min at 60% Lym +18 –4 (1.5h)
V̇O2max Gra +31 +35 (3h)
Mon +29 –16 (1.5h)
Neu +34 +33 (1.5h)
T cell +9 –5 (1.5h)
NK +89 –23 (3h)

High-intensity exercise
Nieman et al.[133] n = 10 marathon runners Leu +153 +178 (1.5h)
performed 3h run on a Lym +19 –19 (1.5h)
treadmill Gra +136 +291 (1.5h)
Mon +67 +79 (1.5h)
T cell +6 –14 (1.5h)
B cell +5 –8 (1.5h)
Gabriel et al.[134] n = 10 cyclists exercised at Gra +20 (EX1); +20 (EX2) +29 (1h) [EX1]; +26 (1h) [EX2]
110% of anaerobic Gra phago activity NC (EX1); NC (EX2) + 9 (1h) [EX1]; +17 (1h) [EX2]
threshold before (EX1) and % Gra phago +2 (EX1); +1 (EX2) NC [EX1]; +2 (1h) [EX2]
7–8d after (EX2) 240km
Nieman et al.[135] n = 22 marathon runners Leu +100 +125 (3h)
ran 2.5h run at 70–75% Mon +50 +56 (3h)
V̇O2max Neu +186 +260 (3h)
Lym +9 –41 (1.5h)
T cell –4 –37 (1.5h)
Neu/Lym ratio +147 +503 (1.5h)
Singh et al.[136] n = 14 subjects. 3 × run to Leu +62 (dex); +60 (hyd); +100 (pl) Data for ≥1h post-exercise was not
exhaustion; they consumed Lym +147 (dex); +197 (hyd); +154 (pl) reported
either dex, hyd or pl T cell +94 (dex); +153 (hyd); +86 (pl)
NK +487 (dex); +506 (hyd); +391 (pl)
B cell +76 (dex); +133 (hyd); +80 (pl)
Neu +39 (dex); +35 (hyd); +51 (pl)
Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)

Nieman et al.[137] n = 30 ran 2.5h; n = 17 Lym +15 (CHO); +33 (pl) –24 (1.5h) [CHO]; –26 (3h) [pl]
consumed CHO drink; n = Mon +21 (CHO); +62 (pl) +55 (1.5h) [CHO]; +31 (6h) [pl]
13 consumed pl drink Neu +100 (CHO); +214 (pl) +182 (3h) [CHO]; +257 (3h) [pl]

Continued next page

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Table II. Contd
Study Study design Immune cell type and Post-exercise ≥1h post-exercise
functions (post – pre) [%] (>1h post – pre) [%]
Gannon et al.[138] n = 6 male competitive Leu +191 +188
cyclists during a 250.5km Gra +356 +396
race Mon +78 +127
Lym +3 –26
T cell –10 –34
NK –22 –38
B cell +58 NC
Miles et al.[139] n = 6 subjects ran 60 min NK +129 –61 (1.5h)
at 80% V̇O2peak Tcell +8 –48 (1.5h)
NKCA +63 –43 (1.5h)
Green et al.[140] n = 12 ran for 60 min at Leu +49 (run); –2 (con) +58 (1.5h) [run]; –3 (1.5) [con]
90% ventilatory threshold; Mon –4 (run); NC (con) –3 (1.5h) [run]; NC [con]
repeated trial design Lym +69 (run); –14 (con) –44 (1h) [run]; –14 (1h) [con]
Neu +65 (run); +7 (con) +170 (1.5h) [run]; +8 (1.5h) [con]
Henson et al.[141] n = 30 ran 2.5h on a Leu +59 (CHO); +127 (pl) +104 (3h) [CHO]; +124 (3h) [pl]
treadmill. n = 17 consumed Mon +21 (CHO); +62 (pl) +66 (3h) [CHO]; +31 (6h) [pl]
CHO drink; n = 13 Lym +5 (CHO); +33 (pl) –24 (1.5h) [CHO]; –26 (3h) [pl]
consumed pl drink B cell +31 (CHO); +29 (pl) +23 (1.5h) [CHO]; +14 (3h) [pl]
NK +26 (CHO); +81 (pl) –63 (1.5h) [CHO]; –58 (3h) [pl]
Neu +100 (CHO); +214 (pl) +182 (3h) [CHO]; +257 (3h) [pl]
Lym pr (Con A) –4 (CHO); NC (pl) –8 (1.5h) [CHO]; –24 (1.5h) [pl]
Lym pr (PHA) –11 (CHO); –35 (pl) –17 (1.5h) [CHO]; –32 (1.5h) [pl]
Lym pr (PWM) +19 (CHO); +34 (pl) +11 (6h) [CHO]; –24 (6h) [pl]
Nieman et al.[142] n = 15 elite female rowers Neu +31 (CHO); +89 (pl) +21 (1.5h) [CHO]; +78 (1.5h) [pl]
consuming CHO or pl on Lym –24 (CHO); –18 (pl) –17 (1.5h) [CHO]; –17 (1.5h) [pl]
separate training sessions T cell –18 (CHO); –16 (pl) –11 (1.5h) [CHO]; –13 (1.5h) [pl]
Th –19 (CHO); –20 (pl) –8 (1.5h) [CHO]; –11 (1.5h) [pl]
Ts –19 (CHO); –12 (pl) –12 (1.5h) [CHO]; –15 (1.5h) [pl]
B cell –20 (CHO); –16 (pl) NC (1.5h) [CHO]; –12 (1.5h) [pl]
NK –50 (CHO); –27 (pl) –53 (1.5h) [CHO]; –40 (1.5h) [pl]
NKCA –67 (CHO); –72 (pl) –73 (1.5h) [CHO]; –43 (1.5h) [pl]
Kappel et al.[143] n = 8; cycled for 60 min at Leu +90 (cycle); +58 (EP) +113 (2h) [cycle]; +44 (2h) [EP]
75% V̇O2max; received EP Lym +104 (cycle); +39 (EP) +43 (2h) [cycle]; +13 (2h) [EP]
infusion over 60 min Neu +78 (cycle); +75 (EP) +243 (2h) [cycle]; +93 (2h) [EP]
Nieman n = 22 marathon runners Mon +25 (run); NC (con) +256 (3h) [run]; –10 (3h) [con]
et al.[144] ran for 2.5h on a treadmill Lym +9 (run); –4 (con) –41 (1.5h) [run]; –NC (1.5h) [con]
at 70–75% V̇O2max; n = 10 NK +51 (run); –16 (con) –60 (1.5h) [run]; –12 (1.5h) [con]
Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)

inactive control subjects NKCA ET 40 : 1 +4 (run); –6 (con) –40 (1.5h) [run]; +4 (1.5h) [con]

Lim & Mackinnon

NKCA ET 20 : 1 +6 (run); –14 (con) –45 (1.5h) [run]; –4 (1.5h) [con]
NKCA ET 10 : 1 +4 (run); –20 (con) –54 (1.5h) [run]; –14 (1.5h) [con]

Continued next page

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke

Table II. Contd
Study Study design Immune cell type and Post-exercise ≥1h post-exercise
functions (post – pre) [%] (>1h post – pre) [%]
Nieman et al.[145] n = 30 marathon runners Leu +100 (CHO); +214 (pl) +182 (3h) [CHO]; +257 (3h) [pl]
ran 2.5h on a treadmill at Mon +21 (CHO); +62 (pl) +66 (3h) [CHO]; +62 (1.5h) [pl]
75–80% of V̇O2max. n- = Lym +5 (CHO); +33 (pl) +24 (1.5h) [CHO]; –26 (3h) [pl]
17 consumed CHO; n = 13 NKCA ET 40 : 1 +6 (CHO); +119 (pl) –33 (1.5h) [CHO]; –31 (1.5h) [pl]
consumed placebo NKCA ET 20 : 1 +13 (CHO); +22 (pl) –45 (1.5h) [CHO]; –39 (1.5h) [pl]
NKCA ET 10 : 1 +19 (CHO); +39 (pl) –48 (1.5h) [CHO]; –42 (1.5h) [pl]

Mixed intensity
Gabriel et al.[146] n = 16 subjects cycled at Gra NC (85%); +2 (100%) +32 (2h) [85%]; +36 (2h) [100%]
85% and 100% of Mon +6 (85%); –6 (100%) –22 (2h) [85%]; –34 (2h) [100%]
anaerobic threshold until Lym +2 (85%); NC (100%) –45 (2h) [85%]; –66 (2h) [100%]
exhaustion T cell –10 (85%); –14 (100%) NC (2h) [85%]; NC (2h) [100%]
NK +48 (85%); +68 (100%) –46 (1h) [85%]; –40 (1h) [100%]
B cell –19 (85%); –21 (100%) +27 (1h) [85%]; +28 (1h) [100%]
Kargotich n = 8 performed interval Leu +16 (70%); +91 [95%] –NC (2.5h) [70%]; –42 (2.5h) [95%]
et al.[147] swim at 70% and 95% of Mon +16 (70%); +115 [95%] –13 (2h) [70%]; –11 (1h) [95%]
maximal exercise intensity Lym +14 (70%); +133 [95%] –30 (1h) [70%]; –42 (1h) [95%]
on separate days T cell –10 (70%); +77 [95%] –28 (0.5h) [70%]; –47 (2.5h) [95%]
B cell –18 (70%); +42 [95%] –37 (0.5h) [70%]; –48 (2.5h) [95%]
NK +74 (70%); +426 [95%] –41 (2.5h) [70%]; –46 (1h) [95%]
Neu +8 (70%); +58 [95%] –14 (2.5h) [70%]; +120 (2.5h) [95%]

Tvede et al.[148] n = 6 subjects cycled at T cell –23 (25%); –17 (50%); –26 (75%) –13 (25%); –6 (50%); –17 (75%)
25%, 50% and 75% NK +30 (25%); +113 (50%); +83 (75%) –30 (25%); –25 (50%); –8 (75%)
V̇O2max on separate B cell NC (25%); –NC (50%); –29 (75%) NC (25%); NC (50%); –29 (75%)
occasions Lym pr (PHA) –10 (25%); –26 (50%); –37 (75%) +10 (25%); +50 (50%); +8 (75%)
Nieman et al.[149] n = 10 subjects ran 2.5h at Leu +15 (50%); +52 (80%) +9 (3.5h) [50%]; +70 (2h) [80%]
50% and 80% V̇O2max on Mon +27 (50%); +40 (80%) –15 (1h) [50%]; –5 (1h) [80%]
2 separate occasions Lym +8 (50%); +68 (80%) –41 (2h) [50%]; –58 (2h) [80%]
T cell +3 (50%); +53 (80%) –40 (2h) [50%]; –57 (2h) [80%]
Th NC (50%); +39 (80%) –36 (2h) [50%]; –52 (2h) [80%]
Ts +7 (50%); +74 (80%) –44 (2h) [50%]; –62 (2h) [80%]
NK +50 (50%); +152 (80%) –66 (2h) [50%]; –79 (2h) [80%]
B cell NC (50%); +64 (80%) –24 (1h) [50%]; –40 (2h) [80%]
Neu +21 (50%); +48 (80%) –52 (3.5h) [50%]; +207 (2h) [80%]

Nieman et al.[150] n = 10 subjects ran at 50% Mon +49 (50%); +40 (80%) –15 (1h) [50%]; –5 (1h) [80%]
and 80% V̇O2max for 45 Lym +8 (50%); +68 (80%) –41 (1h) [50%]; –58 (2h) [80%]
Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)

min on separate days T cell –5 (50%); –8 (80%) +3 (1h) [50%]; +5 (1h) [80%]
NK +36 (50%); +50 (80%) –39 (2h) [50%]; –56 (1h) [80%]
B cell –10 (50%); –3 (80%) +30 (2h) [50%]; +44 (2h) [80%]

Continued next page

52 Lim & Mackinnon

response after intense exercise may reflect compro-

leukocyte; Lym = lymphocyte; Lym pr = lymphocyte proliferation; Mon = monocyte; NC = no change; NE = norepinephrine; NKCA = natural killer cell cytotoxic activity; Neu =
B cell = B lymphocyte; CHO = carbohydrate; con = control; Con A = Concanavalin A; dex = dexamethasone; EP = epinephrine; Gra = granulocyte; hyd = hydrocortisone; Leu =

neutrophil; NK = natural killer cell; PHA = phytohaemagluttanin; phago = phagocyte or phagocytic; pl = placebo; PWM = pokeweed mitogen; rep = repetition; RM = repetition
mised anti-LPS activities. If so, athletes performing
prolonged intense exercise may have reduced capa-
bility to scavenge and neutralise LPS translocated
during exercise and heat stress, which will increase
the risk of endotoxaemia-driven heat stroke and
(>1h post – pre) [%]

NC (sal)
NC (sal)
+6 (sal)
–4 (sal)

–3 (sal)
reduce heat tolerance.
≥1h post-exercise

maximum; sal = saline; Th = T-helper cell; Ts = T-supressor cell; V̇O2max = maximum oxygen consumption; V̇O2peak = peak oxygen consumption.
7.2 Chronic Immune Response to Exercise


Epidemiological studies suggest that prolonged






intense exercise increases the risk of upper respira-

tory tract infection (URTI).[154-157] For example, in
the 2 months before the Los Angeles Marathon,
43.2% of runners sampled (n = 2311) reported at
least one bout of URTI; 12.9% of those who were
well before the race experienced symptoms of URTI
in the week after the race.[158] Two other studies
reported that 28–33% of runners had symptoms of
+220 (NE); +17 (sal)
+42 (NE); +12 (sal)
+40 (NE); NC (sal)
+33 (NE); NC (sal)

+39 (NE); NC (sal)

URTI in the 2 weeks following a 56km race; these

(post – pre) [%]

rates were significantly higher than in non-athlete


control subjects (2.9–15.3%) who lived in the same

household as runners but did not participate in the




Other researchers have directly observed long-
term adaptation of the immune system to exercise by
imposing an exercise regime over a period of time.
For example, 4 weeks of anaerobic training and
Immune cell type and

8–15 weeks of moderate intensity aerobic training

did not significantly change immune cell concentra-
Lym pr (PHA)

tions and functions in untrained, middle-aged to


elderly subjects.[131,159-161] In trained runners, no sig-

B cell
T cell




nificant changes in the capacity of neutrophils to




produce reactive oxygen species were observed af-

subjected to NE (1 mg/mL)

ter 800km of running during a 1-month training

and sal infusion over 2wk
performed squat exercise

camp.[162] In contrast, elite swimmers undergoing 7

at 65% 1RM, at 1 rep/6
n = 10 male subjects

months,[121] but not 12 weeks,[163] of intensive train-

n = 8 subjects were
sec until exhaustion

ing exhibited a 57% reduction in NK cell concentra-

Study design

tion and 35% reduction in NK cell proportion of

lymphocyte cells. Long-term aerobic training en-

hanced NKCA and lymphocyte proliferative re-

Other exercise/interventions

sponses in the elderly, compared with age-matched

counterparts who had undergone 12 weeks of aero-
bic training.[161] These results suggest that short-
term (4-week) high-intensity and medium-term
Nieman et al.[151]

Kappel et al.[152]
Table II. Contd

(8–15 weeks) moderate-intensity training do not

significantly alter the immune system. High-intensi-
ty training for >6 months may reduce NK cell con-

centration. However, exercise habits that are sus-

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 53

tainable over the long term (years) appear to en- and tissue repair.[20,167,169,172,174,175] Inflammatory
hance NK and lymphocyte cell functions.[161] cytokines induce the synthesis of IL-6 and pros-
taglandin (PG)E2, both of which have anti-inflam-
7.3 Opportunistic Infection matory effects. PGE2 inhibits the biological activity
of IL-1[174] and TNFα.[176] IL-6 stimulates the re-
The ‘open-window’ hypothesis suggests that the lease of other anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10,
immune system is suppressed for a period of time IL-1ra, sTNF-r1, and sTNF-r2) and proteins (e.g. C-
after intense exercise[129,130,164] and that dormant reactive protein) by the liver.[171] Together, these
pathogens (especially viruses) in the body can gain a anti-inflammatory cytokines and proteins counter-
foothold in the body during the ‘open-window’ peri- regulate the pro-inflammatory effects of IL-1 and
od, thus increasing the likelihood of an infec- TNFα.[117,169] This process of pro- and anti-inflam-
tion.[12,15,129,130,165,166] The period following each ex- matory responses during tissue injury and infection
haustive bout of exercise might increase the vulnera- is known as the acute phase response, which is
bility to opportunistic infection.[129,130,165] An targeted at localised tissue repair and preserva-
existing infection is likely to induce a higher inflam- tion.[171,177]
matory and pyrogenic response to LPS and a lower
anti-LPS capacity.[10,11,30,116,167] Heat tolerance may 8.1 Cytokine Response During Heat Stroke
be compromised when exercise is performed while
harbouring a sub-clinical infection.[35,168] The lack Whereas heat-induced endotoxaemia triggers the
of overt symptoms in sub-clinical infections does onset of heat stroke, the SIR, which is activated by
not allow the athlete to take specific precautions the increasing level of circulating LPS, drives the
against conditions that might arise from the infec- clinical progression to heat stroke (figure 2). Endo-
tion, including heat stroke.[35] Increased concentra- toxin is a potent inducer of neutrophils and mono-
tions of inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines in cytes, which, in turn, produce cytokines, including
the presence of an infection during intense exercise TNFα,[30,116,178] IL-6[117,179] and IL-1;[116,118] TNFα
may increase the athlete’s risk of heat stroke. The release also induces IL-1 synthesis.[60,180] IL-1 and
infection may further reduce the responsiveness of TNFα promote inflammation and induce fe-
the body’s defence against translocated LPS.[10,11,116] ver.[30,173] As mentioned in section 8, the synthesis
and actions of IL-1 and TNFα are counter-regulated
8. The Role of Pro-Inflammatory by anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10,
Cytokines in Heat Stroke IL-1ra, sTNF-r1 and -r2, and IL-6.[169,171,181]
Heat stroke increases the concentrations of pro-
Cytokines are defined as ‘a diverse family of (IL-1 and TNFα) and anti-inflammatory cytokines
intercellular molecules that exerts important influ- (IL-6, IL-1ra, and IL-10) in humans[8,60,182-184] and
ences on inflammatory and immune responses or animals.[185-187] This concomitant increase in both
haematopoiesis’.[169] Cytokines are generally cat- classes of cytokines indicates activation of conflict-
egorised into pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokines. ing immune processes. Whereas inflammatory
Pro-inflammatory cytokines include IL-1α and -1β, cytokines help control endotoxaemia, their activa-
IL-2 and TNFα.[169,170] Anti-inflammatory cytokines tion in the central circulation leads to other compli-
include IL-6, IL-10, IL-1 receptor antagonist (ra), cations such as systemic inflammation and coagula-
and soluble TNF-receptor (sTNFr) 1 and 2.[169,171] tion. At the same time, inhibiting the activities of
The pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines counter- these cytokines allows endotoxaemia to progress.
regulate each other in sequence to maintain homeo- During heat stroke, the body’s systems act to
stasis of the cytokine milieu.[20,169,172] The anti-in- counteract the immediate threat of endotoxaemia,
flammatory cytokine, IL-6, induces pyrogenesis to- favouring the pro-inflammatory cytokines, and sep-
gether with IL-1 and TNFα.[117,173] sis, systemic inflammation, DIC and MOF may
Both neutrophils and monocytes are key result.[184] This sequence of systemic inflammation
synthesisers of inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-1 highlights the consequences when a local inflam-
and interferon [INF]-α) during local inflammation matory response occurs in the central circula-

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
54 Lim & Mackinnon

Intense exercise
Tissue damage

Anti-LPS is ¯ Th1 and Th 2 ­


Gut tissue Inflammatory and

ischaemia and hypoxia pyrogenic cytokines

Activation of LPS and neutrophil Augmentation of
anti-LPS translocation inflammatory and
pyrogenic cytokines
Inhibits rise Anti-LPS <
in plasma LPS plasma LPS

Clearance of Endotoxaemia
LPS by liver

Fever Systemic Hypotension ­ Vascular

IL-1, IL-6, inflammation IL-1b permeability
TNFa IL-1 and TNFa TNFa

Heat storage · Systemic coagulation Haemorrhagic shock

· Necrosis
· Cell death
· Organ damage
Fig. 2. Cytokine and lipopolysaccharide responses during intense exercise. Intense exercise suppresses anti-lipopolysaccharide antibodies
(anti-LPS) and T-helper cell 1 (Th1) immunity, and promotes LPS translocation and T-helper cell 2 (Th2) immunity. The suppression of anti-
LPS facilitates the accumulation of LPS in the circulation, which induces an increase in inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines. The
suppression of Th1 and promotion of Th2 immunity, along with exercise-induced muscle tissue damage also induce the synthesis and
release of inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines. These cytokines promote pyrogenesis, systemic inflammation, increased vascular
permeability and hypotension, which contribute to the symptoms of heat stroke. IL = interleukin; TNFα = tumour necrosis factor-α.

tion.[117] Whereas local inflammation promotes tis- cating that TNFα plays an orchestrating role in the
sue repair, the activation of inflammatory cytokines clinical progression of heat stroke.
in the circulation leads to systemic inflammation, IL-1 induces hypotension, which destabilises the
resulting in shock. cardiovascular system[185,187] and stimulates the re-
During heat stroke, circulating endotoxins acti- lease of neutrophils through IL-8 or directly from
vate the inflammatory response in the circulation, the bone marrow, which promotes inflamma-
leading to systemic inflammation and shock. Heat tion[173,174,189] (e.g. inhibition of IL-1 by IL-1ra in
stroke patients continue to exhibit elevated levels of rats undergoing heat stroke increased survival by
pro-inflammatory cytokines even after recovery.[184] 5.4-fold compared with rats treated with saline solu-
Besides promoting inflammation, TNFα induces ac- tion).[190] This implies that IL-1 and TNFα act syner-
idosis, widespread necrosis, and vasodilation, which gistically in the acute-phase response during heat-
are consistent with the clinical presentation of heat induced endotoxaemia.
stroke.[5,34,39,173] TNFα also causes the loss of plas- Although IL-6 directly inhibits the expression of
ma volume by increasing vascular permeability, IL-1 and TNFα,[171,191] it also induces fever, as do
leading to haemorrhagic shock.[117] Blocking the the other pro-inflammatory cytokines.[173,191] IL-6
TNFα in gene-knockout mice prevented the induc- may function as the ‘messenger’ between the site of
tion of acute-phase proteins by endotoxins,[188] indi- inflammation and the brain.[180,192] IL-6 is produced

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 55

in response to IL-1 and TNFα, and its concentration This might stimulate greater production of Th2
is positively correlated with the severity of heat cytokines, such as TNFα and IL-6.[4,112]
stroke[8] and sepsis.[173] The regulation of pro- and
anti-inflammatory cytokines in response to endotox- 9.1 Possible Roles of Th1 and Th2 Immunity in
aemia is critical in the clinical progression of heat the Mechanism of Heat Stroke
Th1 is associated with increased levels of IL-2,
IL-12, INF-γ and TNFβ, and the suppression of Th1
8.2 Exercise-Induced Cytokine Release and
immunity increases the risk of an infection, which
the Mechanism of Heat Stroke
may reduce the ability of the immune system to
scavenge and remove circulating LPS. Th2 is associ-
Strenuous exercise increases plasma concentra-
ated with the release of IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10,
tions of IL-1, IL-6 and TNFα. For example, running
IL-13 and TNFα,[20] which play important roles in
a marathon, or running or cycling for 1–6 hours at
the SIR.
60–75% V̇O2max significantly increases concentra-
Heat stroke and strenuous exercise are associated
tions of plasma IL-1α and -1β (up to 14.75-fold),
with the up-regulation of Th2 cytokines (IL-1, IL-6
TNFα (1.3- to 1.9-fold) and IL-6 (1.6- to
and TNFα),[8,60,171,182,184,204] which is attributed to
>100-fold).[171,181,193-198] Exercise usually causes less
muscle tissue damage and its ramifications.[20,167]
of an increase in plasma cytokine concentrations
This is consistent with the post-exercise neutrophilia
than heat stroke does. However, the two conditions
documented after strenuous exercise,[136,137,140,141,143]
induce a similar pattern of cytokine release (i.e.
presumably as part of the tissue repair process.
increases in IL-1, TNFα and IL-6). The sub-clinical-
Rhabdomyolysis, the extreme of exercise-induced
ly increased levels of IL-1, IL-6 and TNFα during
tissue damage, also occurs in heat stroke pa-
intense exercise indicate a higher basal level of
tients.[38,184,205-208] This evidence implies that exer-
inflammatory cytokines, which may activate the SIR
cise-induced tissue damage contributes to cytokine
at the onset of endotoxaemia. Elevation of circulat-
involvement in the development of heat stroke. The
ing IL-1, IL-6 and TNFα levels may also impair
up-regulation of Th2 immunity is also consistent
central temperature regulation under heat stress
with the presence of endotoxaemia, as humoral im-
through their pyrogenic effects, suggesting that the
munity would be a more appropriate response to
cytokine profile induced by intense exercise may
septicaemia than would cell-mediated immunity.
serve as a precursor of the cytokine response during
We postulate that exercise-induced tissue damage
heat stroke.
and endotoxaemia stimulate the up-regulation of
Th2 cytokines, similar to that in heat stroke patients.
9. T-Helper Cell 1 and 2 (Th1/ The dominance of Th2 cytokines with intense exer-
Th2) Balance cise suggests that the immune system is more in-
clined towards a state of inflammation (IL-1 and
Exercise-induced immune suppression has been TNFα) and pyrogenesis (IL-1, TNFα and IL-6),
attributed to a shift in the balance between the T cell which may become exaggerated during heat stroke.
subsets (Th1 and Th2 cells).[20] Th1 cells function
primarily in cell-mediated immunity, promoting 10. Immune Disturbance and
phagocytic activities against intracellular patho- Heat Stroke
gens.[199] Th2 cells function in humoral immunity
and are closely associated with B cells.[199] Intense Reduced heat tolerance may be associated with
endurance exercise suppresses Th1 immunity, but immune disturbances,[34,53,87,116] although this has
does not change Th2 immunity.[200,201] The suppres- not been extensively studied. In this review, the term
sion of Th1 immunity may be specific to activities ‘immune disturbance’ describes the immune re-
involving long-distance running, which causes more sponses during intense exercise that might contrib-
physical trauma[108] and damage[22,27,104,105] to the ute to heat intolerance. ‘Immune suppression’ refers
intestines and muscle tissues[202] than cycling.[203] to the down-regulation of immune cell concentra-

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
56 Lim & Mackinnon

Table III. Immune disturbances during intense exercise and its influence on heat tolerance
Immune parameters Regulation during Effects on heat tolerance
intense exercise
Plasma endotoxin ↑ Causes endotoxaemia; triggers the mechanisms of heat stroke
Triggers the release of macrophages, neutrophils and inflammatory/pyrogenic cytokines
Inflammatory/pyrogenic ↑ Drives systemic inflammation, vascular coagulation, necrosis and tissue-cell death
cytokines (IL-1, IL-6 and Promotes systemic hypotension
TNFα) Promotes haemorrhagic shock
Promotes pyrogenesis and heat storage
Th2 immunity ↑ Promotes pro-inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines
Th1 immunity ↓ Inhibits anti-inflammatory cytokines
Increases the risk of an infection
Anti-LPS antibodies (IgG ↓ Reduces surveillance and scavenging of endotoxins
and IgM) Reduces tolerance against plasma endotoxins
Lymphocyte T- and ↓ Indirectly reduces the concentration of anti-LPS antibodies when responding to plasma
B-cells endotoxins
IL = interleukin; LPS = lipopolysaccharide; Th1 = T-helper cell 1; Th2 = T-helper cell 2; TNFα = tumour necrosis factor-α; ↓ indicates
decrease; ↑ indicates increase.

tions and functions, which do not directly affect heat continuum. This is supported by data on athletes and
tolerance. Immune disturbance includes an increase soldiers who experienced heat stroke.[33,70,73,205]
in the concentration of plasma endotoxins (endotox- When trained individuals succumb to heat stroke, it
aemia), up-regulation of inflammatory cytokines is unlikely to be because of a lack of fitness or
and Th2 cells, and down-regulation of Th1 cells and acclimatisation because they would have been ex-
anti-LPS antibodies (table III). Because these im- posed to and have tolerated the same physical stress
mune responses threaten homeostasis of the immune and heat stress before. These heat stroke victims
system, the term ‘immune disturbance’ is more ap- would have trained intensely for an extended period
propriate to describe their roles in exercise and heat before the bout of heat stroke and would have exper-
tolerance. ienced some degree of immune disturbances similar
The American College of Sports Medicine rec- to that in heat stroke; such immune disturbances
ommends that physical activities should be avoided may lead to transient heat intolerance.[35]
after a recent bout of infectious illness because it At present, there is no empirically based model to
increases the risk of heat-related illness.[168] Sleep explain the occurrence of heat stroke in well trained
deprivation and fatigue, which suppress immune individuals performing usual exercise. Most re-
function,[129,165,199,209] have been identified as risk searchers suggest that heat stroke during exercise
factors in soldiers who died of heat stroke.[34,53] Pre- arises from hot weather conditions, dehydration, and
existing or sub-clinical infection has also been iden- lack of acclimatisation,[1,33,87,168,210,211] although
tified as a contributing factor to repeated bouts of there is little supporting empirical evidence. After
transient heat intolerance in the military.[35] Among prolonged exercise, healthy athletes may exhibit
military recruits, 16–18% of those who experienced Tc[78,80-82,90] similar to that documented in heat
heat stroke showed symptoms of URTI before be- stroke patients[74,87] but without any symptoms of
coming ill.[33,53] The association between heat stroke heat stroke. This suggests that well trained individu-
and immune disturbance in these recruits may be als can normally tolerate a high level of heat stress
stronger, since the data did not include recruits with and that heat stroke may result from transient heat
pre-symptomatic infections. Thus, there appears to intolerance, possibly because of a transient altera-
be a plausible positive relationship between exer- tion of the physiological state. Prolonged intense
cise-induced immune disturbances and vulnerability exercise may lead to a state of extended immune
to heat tolerance despite the lack of experimental disturbance that is qualitatively similar to, but of a
evidence. lower magnitude than, heat stroke;[4,28-30] these im-
We hypothesise that immune disturbances during mune disturbances may transiently reduce heat tol-
intense exercises and heat stroke exists in the same erance.

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Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 57

11. The Dual Pathway Model of and Th2 immunity, and down-regulation of Th1 im-
Heat Stroke munity and anti-LPS mechanisms. The ‘dual path-
way model’ integrates the current understanding of
Disturbance of immune function during heat
the pathology of heat stroke and evidence of im-
stroke shares some common aspects with that aris-
ing in response to intense exercise.[24,116] Such com- mune disturbances, endotoxaemia, and GI distur-
mon responses include endotoxaemia, up-regulation bances associated with intense exercise (figure 3).
or over-expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines This model suggests that endotoxaemia (heat sepsis)

Prolonged Pyrogenic cytokines Exercise and heat stress

exposure to promote heat storage
intense training
­ Heat storage
Th1 immunity ¯ ¯
Th2 immunity
­ GI stress

­ Intestinal epithelial
Blunted immune Exercise permeability
response and heat
to pathogens stress

LPS migrates to liver

Suppressed immune via portal circulation
surveillance for LPS

LPS overwhelms LPS neutralised
the liver in liver/circulation
Pathogen and heat
stress Endotoxaemia Exercise continues

Inflammatory Acute phase response

cytokines exaggerate IL-1 and TNFa Voluntary/involuntary
3 acute phase response
exercise cessation

Systemic inflammatory
response; DIC, MOF:
heat stroke
Heat stroke caused by direct effect of
heat at very high Tc, when endotoxaemia
is tolerated or prevented

Fig. 3. The dual pathway model of heat stroke. Right side of model (thermoregulation component): exposure to intense exercise increases
heat storage and permeability of gut epithelial tissue. This promotes lipopolysaccharide (LPS) translocation from the gut into the portal
circulation, which transports the LPS to the liver to be neutralised and removed from the body. Exercise continues until voluntary cessation
or exhaustion if the anti-LPS system is able to cope with the magnitude of LPS translocation. When the liver is overwhelmed by LPS, LPS
leaks into the central circulation, resulting in endotoxaemia, which can trigger the acute phase response, resulting in heat stroke. Left side of
model (immune-regulation component): prolonged exposure to intense exercise suppresses cell-mediated T-helper cell 1 (Th1) immunity,
reduces the immune response to pathogens, and increases the risk of an infection. These exercise-induced immune disturbances can
contribute to heat storage and endotoxaemia by promoting pyrogenesis (1) and inflammation (3), and suppressing immune surveillance
against LPS (2). When endotoxaemia can be tolerated or prevented, continuing exercise and heat exposure will elevate Tc to a point where
heat stroke can occur via the direct effect of heat on tissue cells (4). DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; GI = gastrointestinal; IL =
interleukin; MOF = multi-organ failure; Tc = core temperature; Th2 = T-helper cell 2; TNFα = tumour necrosis factor-α; ↓ indicates decrease;
↑ indicates increase.

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58 Lim & Mackinnon

occurring under heat stress is the primary pathway sponse to the appearance of LPS in the circula-
for heat stroke.[3,5,7] In instances where endotox- tion,[3,5] adding to the inflammatory response. A
aemia is prevented or well tolerated, heat stroke may suppressed immune system also reduces immune
occur through the secondary pathway, which is driv- surveillance against LPS in the portal and central
en by the direct effect of heat on organ tissues (heat circulation,[10,30] which increases the opportunity for
stroke).[62,63,124] This model is based on exposure to endotoxaemia to occur. Athletes who are presented
multiple bouts of exercise over an extended period to the exercise environment with these immune dis-
of time; chronic and acute immune disturbances act turbances are likely to have transient heat intoler-
synergistically with each bout of intense exercise to ance.
compound the risk of heat stroke.
The dual pathway model of heat stroke (figure 3) 12. Conclusion
builds on the endotoxaemia model of heat stroke by The current model of heat stroke suggests that
integrating immune disturbances induced by intense heat stroke is triggered by hyperthermia but driven
exercise with the endotoxaemia pathway. The pri- by endotoxaemia. Although the manifestation of
mary thesis of this model is that heat intolerance is endotoxaemia during heat stress can explain the
transient and arises when intense exercise is under- central mechanisms of heat stroke, the role of
taken under a state of immune disturbance. This hyperthermia as the sole trigger of heat stroke re-
model includes both the thermoregulation and im- mains debatable. The level of Tc reported in heat
mune-regulation components. The thermoregulation stroke patients overlaps with that experienced by
component recognises that some degree of LPS healthy athletes and soldiers during intense exercise
leakage occurs routinely during intense exercise and without showing symptoms of heat stroke. Athletes
heat stress, but the circulating LPS is cleared effi- and soldiers who experienced heat stroke would
ciently by a normally functioning immune system. have been exposed to the same level of heat and
This allows the exercise to proceed even when Tc is physical stress before without succumbing to heat
substantially elevated, as observed in healthy run- stroke. Evidence from research on the concept of
ners.[77-83] The exposure to both exercise and heat critical Tc (about 40ºC in humans) as the trigger of
continues until exercise stops voluntarily or when central fatigue suggests that the critical Tc may
the anti-LPS system starts to fail and LPS starts to function as a defensive mechanism against heat
accumulate in the central circulation. stroke. Animal studies also show that at Tc <43.5ºC,
The immune-regulation component recognises heat stroke can be prevented by blocking the effects
that exposure to multiple bouts of intense exercise of LPS; at Tc >43.5ºC, heatstroke can occur through
compromises Th1 immunity,[20,169] suppresses im- the direct effects of heat on tissue cells, without the
mune cell concentration and function,[15,129,164,166,212] occurrence of endotoxaemia. Therefore, the physio-
and anti-LPS mechanisms,[10,28-30] (discussed in sec- logical significance of Tc in the pathology of heat
tions 7 and 8). A decrease in Th1 immunity and a stroke shifts from that of a protector to that of a
suppressed immune system increases the likelihood facilitator of heat stroke as Tc shifts from about
of an infection.[20,213] Muscle tissue damage sus- 40ºC to >43.5ºC.
tained from previous exercise bouts and the exis- The evidence presented in this review supports
tence of an infection (including sub-clinical infec- the argument that heat stroke is driven by two con-
tion) are associated with an increase in inflammato- nected pathways. The primary pathway is facilitated
ry cytokine concentration.[167,171,172,176] During by heat stress but triggered and driven by endotox-
exercise and heat stress, these cytokines may com- aemia. When endotoxaemia can be prevented or
pound heat storage through the pyrogenic path- tolerated, continuing exercise and heat exposure ele-
way[7,66] and cause the thermoregulation pathway to vates Tc to a point where heat stroke can occur
operate at a faster rate. This process increases LPS through a secondary pathway that is triggered and
translocation and the likelihood of LPS leakage into driven by the direct effects of heat on tissue cells.
the central circulation. An elevated inflammatory This evidence supports the argument that heat intol-
cytokine level also exaggerates the acute phase re- erance is transient and results from a transient shift

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)
Intense Training, Immune Response and Heat Stroke 59

in physiological state. We postulate that this shift in research to better understand the complex mecha-
physiological state can be induced by immune dis- nisms of heat stroke. One question might focus on
turbance resulting from intense exercise training. whether other avenues, besides the gut, for LPS
Immune disturbance includes the suppression of translocation are activated by exercise and heat
immune cell count and function, suppression of cell- stress. Gathiram et al.[110] suggested that LPS may
mediated immunity, GI mucosal damage and symp- leak into the circulation through lymphatic vessels
toms (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea and bloody stool), during heat stress. Another area of future research is
and elevated inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines. the transition between the endotoxaemia-driven and
The hypothetical pathway through which this im- heat-driven pathways. We believe that there is an
mune disturbance may contribute to heat stroke is overlap between these two pathways during the tran-
proposed in the dual pathway of heat stroke. This sition, but at present there is no information to
model of heat stroke recognises that LPS routinely identify its mechanisms. Finally, one practical appli-
leaks into the circulation during intense exercise and cation would be to determine whether pharmaceuti-
heat stress, but the circulating LPS is efficiently cal and nutraceutical products that enhance immune
removed through the RES of the liver in a normally function and cleanse the gut of bacteria might im-
functioning immune system. This allows the exer- prove heat tolerance. Information from such re-
cise and heat exposure to continue until exercise search will contribute significantly to the refinement
performance is stopped voluntarily or when the LPS of the current paradigm in heat stroke research and
starts to accumulate in the circulation because of a management.
failing anti-LPS system. A period of intense exer-
cise training may compromise the anti-LPS system Acknowledgements
and reduce the ability of the RES to remove circulat-
ing LPS during intense exercise, thus reducing heat The authors are grateful to the Defence Science Organisa-
tion National Laboratories, Singapore, for supporting the
tolerance. preparation of this manuscript. The views expressed in this
The dual pathway model suggests that prolonged manuscript are those of the authors. They do not represent the
exercise training may compromise the anti-LPS sys- views of the Ministry of Defence, Singapore.
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 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (1)

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