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 programs on bamboo and natural resource management in Tanzania and East Africa.

On-farm and
off-farm value chain transformations, forests based micro enterprise and livelihood development,
preparation of business plan and country strategic action plan on bamboo resources, clean energy
promotion, microfinance, land restoration on the national and East Africa levels funded projects of t
IFAD-EC, INBAR, private sector and Tanzanian Governments.
 Well experienced on project cycle, sub-contract management, familiar with the bilateral and multi-
lateral donor’s projects procedures, rules and regulation as a national project coordinator and
evaluator. Coordinated multiple project implemented by INBAR in Tanzania, East Africa as a
technical consultants, produced technical reports, concept notes and consolidated reports for
donors in country level.
 Countries of work experience: Tanzania in East Africa and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

A. Current Work
Team leader of WODGRA Bamboo and Briquetting Company Limited. The company produce bamboo
briquettes charcoal, bamboo furniture and handcraft. Other services provided by company are:
Consultancies in Bamboo Nursery raising and management, Consultancies in Bamboo plantation and
management, Consultancies in bamboo furniture making and production of bamboo furniture,
Consultancies in bamboo handcraft making and production of bamboo handcraft and packaging,
Consultancy in bamboo housing and decoration construction and designing and Consultancies in
using bamboo for land restoration.

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