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Time:3.15 hours CHEMISTRY - 34
CI{IIMISTRY 34 Max. Marks : 70

Part - A
l. Answer ALL questions (Answer each question in one word or one sentence )
Each question carries ONE mark. 10x1=10

1) What is the co ordination number of a crystal ?

2) Define mole fraction.
j.L State Raoult's law of relative lowering of vapour pressure'
4) What are electrolYtes ?
5) Detine half life Period.
6) What are crystalloids?
7) What is a flux ?
8) Write the structure of XeFo
9) Halo alkanes are insoluble in water. Give reason
10) What is absolute alcohol ?

t!. Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries Two marks. 5x2=10
,frT-Write any two differences between crystalline and amorphous

' lhytbtate Henry's law. Write its mathematical expression.

13) What is pseudo first order reaction ? Give an example'

14) State Kohlrausch's law..
15) What is heterogeneous catalysis ? Give an example.
swarts reaction with an example.
tff Explain Kolbe's reaction with an example.
1!)--. How are ethers prepared by williamson's method ?

lll. Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries THREE marks. 5x3=15
zones during extraction of iron in the blast furnace.
t -;1.*fExplain the reactions occurring at various
7Af ilUrite the neat labelled diagram of Hall-Heroult's cell. Write anodic and cathodic reactions'
a) Explain refining of Zirconium by Van- Arkel method'
b) Define ore.
V{Uo* is ammonia manufactured by Haber's process?
2A) Write the reactions involved in the manufactured of nitric acid by Ostwald's process.
24) Write any three anomalous behaviour of Oxygen over the other elements of the same group.
the ol lowi n g reactions.

a) NOtr)* O,,, -+ + -------

b) 2NaOI{1"0; * SOr,,, -+ + -------

c) SO. +H,S04 -)
26) Write any three uses of sulphuric acid.


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lV. Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 3x5-15
27).-61 Calculate the packing efficiency of FCC. unit cell 3
b) What is Schottky defect ? What happens to the density of the crystal ? 2

28) a) A solution of 0.6216 g of an unknown solute in 50$ of carbon tetra chloride yields a boiling point
elevation of 0.6470C. Find the molecular mass of the unknown solute if, the molal elevation
constant is 5.02 K kg mol-1. 3
,bf Wrile any two differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions. 2

29) a) The equilibrium constant for the following cell reaction was found to be 6.509 X 108.
Calculate the standard ceil potential.
Cd,.,+Snfi, + Cd2* +Sn1,1 3
b) State Faraday's first law of electrolysis. 2

30) -zY^ Derive an expression for the velocity constant of a zero order reaction. k
b) Write Arrhenius equation and explain the terms involved. 2

31) a) Give any two differences between physical and chemical adsc rption. 2

What is Brownian movement ? How it is caused ? 2

c) What is the catalyst used in hydrogenation of oils to form vanaspathi ? 1

V. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 4x5=20
32) a) Explain the preparation of alkyl chlorides from PC|S with an example. 2

abl Explain the S"1 mechanism of hydrolysis of tertiary butyl bromide. 32

33) a) Haloarenes are less reactive towards nucleophillic substitution reactions.
Give any two reasons. 2
b) Explain wurtz- fittig's reaction with an example. 2
c) What is retention of configuration ? 1

a) What are grignard's reagents ? Give an example.
Write one use of each of the following. i) DDT ii) Chloroform i ii) carbon tetra chloride

35) a) Explain the mechanism of acidic dehydration. of ethanol to ethene. 3

Explain esterification reaction with an example. 2

36) a) How is phenol manufactured by cumene process ! 3

b) Explain Reimer-Tiemann reaction of phenol. 2
37) a) How does diethyl ether reacts with hydrogen iodide ? 2
Explain Friedel-craft's reaction-of anisole. 2
(c)f ldentify'X' in the reaction CH,COOCH, + NaOH -+ X + CH3OH 1

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