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I I P. U.C.


Time :3.15 hours ENGLISH - 02 Max. Marks: 100

lnstruction: a) Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.

b) Write the correct questions number as it appears on the question paper.
c) One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
d) Answer to question number 24(a-i) and 25 (i-iv) should be in the sequence and at one place.
e) For multiple choice question choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

t. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. 12x1=12

1. Who can teach torches to burn bright, according to Romeo?
2. What was the population of Manaco?
3. How much did the prisoner receive as advance of his annuity?
4. According to Kahlil Gibran, parents may give their children
5. Whom does'living arrows' arrows refer to in, 'On Children'?
6. Where is the Earth University located?
7. Which is the native city of Don Gonzalo?
a) Physical beauty b) her admirers' beauty c) eternal beauty
9. When did Tammanna forget all his songs and ballads?
10. Name the rival of Basavaiah.
11. ln whose library did Borges educate himself?
12. Mention one the desires of the childs foot.
Answer any EIGHT of the foltowing (choosing at least two from poetry) in a paragraph of 80-100
words. 8x4=32
13. ln what way did the narrator describe, 'Toy kingdam' in'Too Dear'?
14. What suggestions did Gibran give to the parents to take care of their children?
15. Briefly describe Navadanya farm mentioned by Vandana Shiva.
16. How did both Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo narrate the sad love affairs of the Silver maiden and the
gallent lover?
17. Compare and contrast the love of the poet and other lovers in, 'When you are old'.
18. How did the rivalry develop between Thmmanna and Basavaiah? How did it end?
19. Explain the various stages of hardships faced by the child's foot.
20. Why does Borges say that book will never disappear? Explain.
21. "The prince of Monaco keeps on changing the death penalty of the criminal" Explain.
22. Discuss the opinion of Borges about poetry and poem.

lll. Answer the following in about 200 words. 1x6=6

23. Whose love is more passionate and intense in, "Bomeo and Juliet"? Explain.
Conversation of bio-diversity sustains both nature and cutture. Discuss in the view of Vandana Shiva's
Bringout the instances from the play, 'A Sunny Morning'to justify it as a blend of romance and comedy.
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lV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. '10x1=10
Sri Krishna Devaraya was the emperor of Vijayanagra. He had eight advisors. Tenali Flama was one
among them. He was very clever and spontaneous. Sri Krishna Devaraya had some special kind of brinjal
plants in his garden. The brinjalwas very rare kind and curry made out of it was very tasty which was loved
by the emperor. As it was a rare kind, the garden was guarded and no one was allowed to view the plants
without the emperor's permission.
Once the emperor had arranged dinner for his advisors and the brinjal curry was served. Tenali Flama
had enjoyed the brinjal curry very much and went home. But he was unable to forget the taste. He told his
wife about the taste of curry. Tenali Rama's wife also liked brlnjal curry, she asked Tenali Rama to bring few
brinjals so that she can prepare curry. But Tenali Rama knew that the ernperor was taking extreme care
about the Brinjal plants and he can easily detect a missing of even one brinjal from his garden. And, the
ernperor will punish such thief it caught stealing a brinjal from his garden.
Bul Tenali's wife pleaded him to bring a brinjal from the garden without telling anybody. Tenaii Rama had
no choice other than stealing a brinial from the emperor's garden. One night he went to the garden, jumped
the walland plucked few brinjals from the garden. By the god's grace, no one had seen him. His wife cooked
the brinjals and the curry was very tasty. Like all the mothers, she too loved her son very much and wanted
to serue a brinjal curry him. But Tenali Rama asked her not to do such thing because if their son reveals to
anybody that he had a rare brinjal curry, then they may get caught and get punished for stealing a brinjal
from the garden.
24. @) Who was the emperor of Vijayanagara?
(b) How many advisors did Krishna Devaraya have?
{c) What kind of brinjal was the curry made of?
(d) Which Curry did the emperor love?
(e) Who told Bamakrishna's wife about the taste of the Curry?
(f) Name the person who took extreme care of the brinjal plants.
(g) Who would punish the thief if caught stealing a brinjal from his garden?
(h) Why did Tenali Rama ask his wife not to serve the brinjalcurry to their son?
(i) Add a prefix to the word 'easy'to make its antonym.
0) When did Tenali Flama steal brinjals from the garden?
25. Read the lollowing line and answer the questions set on it. 4x1=4
The tree are in their autumn beauty
The woodland paths are dry
Under the October twilight the water
Mirrors a still sky
Upon the brimming water among the stones
Are nine and fifty swams
What are in their autumn beauty?
ii) What are dry?
iii) What does the water mirror?
iv) How many swams did the poet notice?
26. Filling the blanks with the right form of the verbs given in brackets. 5x1=5
Dona Laura (call) as the silver maiden in the locality. Many hours (spend) by her at
the wiridow of her room. A gallent young man (attract) by her beauty. A bouquet of llowers
(toss) by him. lt _ (catch) by her. --
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27. Heport the following conversation. Sxl =5
Don Ganzalo Will you have some snuff?
Dona Laura lf it is good.
Don Ganzalo It is the finest. You will like it.
Don Laura It clears my head.

28. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expressions given in the trrackets" 3x1 =3
The prince wanted of the Criminal. The neighboring countries were assistance
to lend a guillotine and an expert. Unable to bear the cost the death penalty life impressment.
(Ended up with, reached out for,
to get rid of)
29. Fill in the blanks with right linker. 4x1=4
There was competition between Tammanna and Basavaiah. all looked like healthy competition.
Basavaiah started filling his house with rnaterial wealth.
(But, nevertheless, later, to begin with)
30. Read the following passage and rnake notes by drawing and tilling the boxes given below. SxVz=4
The Ganges Delta is the largest delta in the world. lt is also called the green delta. lt is the result of the
sediment deposited by two mazor rivers. Ganga and Bramaputra. lt is the home to endangered animals
such as the Begal Tigers, Asian elephants and lndian phython. The mazor crops grown there are tea, jute
and sugarcane.
World's largest delta
l-1 -l
also called

Home Fon Major Crops

endangered animals

I s I I 6 I ItndianPrhonl

31. Write a letter of application for the following advertisement appeared in 'The Hindu' dated 8th
November 2017.
Trained graduate teachers to teach Mathematics
Qualification BSc, BEd.
Apply with in a week to the secretory
B.G.S. High School, Mandya
(Write XXX for name and YYY for address)

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32. What do the underlined words in the following extracl refer to? 6x1=6
The prisoner was kept in the prison. Ht (1) remained there (2) month after month. A watchman was
appointed who (3) had to bring food for the prisoner. After a year the king looked over the account of his (4)
income and expenditure and noticed a new item of expenditure. This (5) was to keep the criminal. He (6)
summoned his ministers.
1. He 3. who 5. This
2. there 4. his 6. He

33. Rearrange the jumble segments to form a meaningful sentence. 4x1=4

1. Along with / Basavaiah / his people lwent/200 acres/of /acquired/Tammanna's land /and
2. ln the / was / a murder / peace loving / committed / country
3. Had / brought / Dona Laura / to feed / bread - crumbs / birds
4. Of forest / knew / the real / the women / value

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