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‘Veni Pols dom » Moravské Ostraé: Hl nist, sana! an Galea The Esealishinen ofthe Polish lows a Moravian Osea the People, he Pls the Building Asan architectural ype with speci fineionl and formal reir raion hoses ma apiances in Aner Hungary in se acer hao the [ith eeu, They were import cull and soil centes, symbolically representing nations wth thi achtetral tle and decorations. The Poh hose n Morava Ox aan of hese. “Thepeopleconnected withthe exabishmencofehe Howe dctrsWacaw Sid, na Anton Knapeyk ining engines and pola Francis Brezowsi tn Henryk teacher Ara Sho architec Sai Bande ne repent ofthe Pash non revit movement it the coal-mining segion of Oss and Karvnk, which, frm vations eon (rainy der he fear Crchiction ofthe Pl ain thereon). eee any allan with ‘Gach and cooperating nse with Germans. The mut eaionships of he the nationals were ofcourse, ch nore complied siwsshown atthe ficial opeingof ce Polish Hosein Sepeemer 1900, whew all depres of the ‘dec groupe mein harmony. “The round or the Polish Honse was bought in nw pare of Moras Osta, inaquartertharhad beni since the 1908 0n renillan, Iwasa quarer of me sia str, the preva rata being workers and craispopl wn most resent th excepton of minor workshops grocery shops {nd dhe desloping indore near ee aw. rom he factional point of view the Palsh House endian important clone ofa plicit crete min owanls cule, mestings and education (here was aso 2 resarant imide), Moreover, altogther with the oppose spa Belonging to Wicaw Sil which was esate by th ume archiet ea represented sigan sncitectrallandourk, Whats ner he fic eae om the Basis ofthe “eosin the sounding of the Plish House did no develop inca a Polish ‘ sr acan ok Aguas Zac Ran a pl acl Nh Soa uae, js the oppose ~ the umber ofthe Pals nthe environment was a centage the same as daewhee inthe cand had een dropped before 1910. ‘Scan Badowsi~ 2.2. Stans Bandra aches of th ash louse, studied architec probably Waa, and hs fit sgn of he Polish House 12 made in the iorcing syle. However the plans wee son changed ino am inseretingvarltion on the reo Cracovian achicst Todor Talowsi That ‘28 to emphasise she connection Beewen the oles in Ona and the own ‘of Caco; andro expres Paine throgh at and architecture, The same leone by he paricpatin of Sais Dybick who crctd the atin and the group of sacs in the sympanm,poctaying an allgory of Polonia pang hese befre ute, nd completed with put anu ofan in smour and. woman with = bouquet of Rowers. Key Words Posh House ~ Osea ~ sory of arhiteture~ nationalism — Bash noisy ai mae oe ahi, Dom pol jal ada tn Mac Kur Sinem pote. (Mond ea rene 6 1997-1908, 217) [iro omy byly na Kone 19.2 podiha 20, sles speci stabi ‘em sede unkininpodadvky (GALETA2015.s.9-11), Maly od ‘haahorat miss pro datos spol aletaké nap exact, eprezentativn fey, nly tloevns a hla vey i, nae wa jen diva, ale ‘ieetelon pouitlay ¢ pro pledniky. pes koncert & zibury. Krom ofa ma Fike yi potadavek na fr, domy ven epreentora nied nae archickonickjm styem & vjadobou oka {nid hori ei moog ~ co obo riné demonsre pv Pals im (cbr I). ¥ dove szrce eo nirodich domech ap jako o radech ‘mi ve rch brid nod swebyenosU Plc dom io hse ahopejtleeambjehoocrenod Cael Akademie Loa teraz Wai worst oar noe kre wierd ple nebo pron oko pone lerstho reso sno Jana Miche ker pri e ali dm nom eth joan, slr eet bad” 5 san sr De Pig Mj Oi Gi Seg 48 moe dy Mo OO oer 0189190. 1st (Ob 1: aj dim na db poled, 1915 archi ator. Poli dim byl Ieraute probrin nl, jk» Neda eho osu (KOCUR 1969, 3, GRACOVA 1979, 5 294-31; RADLOWSKA 1992, 110-19) tk tchitebry(ZATLOUKAL 200, 459-467; VYBIRAL 2003 133-35,GALETA 2013s. 35-13). Teta line se provo amass, eee dopo nebyly pit zeny ~ 1m csobaost en sti v otic Pasko domo; 2 nab kl abt je var: 3.13 histo jay. side ¥ sumonjch poi Pakcho dom, ¥ tech 1899-1900, x oklo nj pohybowlo ele moat oso, sdeuenjch v Toren budowy Dom policy w Mores) Oren, hot wari sche proba 17. 5.19992 146 1899 ly glo zpsino we k- kro soudav Novem in Hail toi edie Waskw Sei » Némecké Lay, Fancick Fil x yh, Jan Ocho r Moraskt Ost Andra Slik» Moraské Osta, et Driewuskiz Moré Oca, ‘owo ral: Henryk Scotts Mors Oxy, Micha nik, Roman Rigs Sul Rosen, Michal Wiel Seanisew Helvich, dol Hoppe! [asc 6 5.1900 dik non voli sade by set: Rediclev: piheds Anton Krapeyk x Bohumina (prj jen po data sh mieepicbeds Samoa Rosca = Move (Orn on et Ung Shek Onray (ne Andre Showa, ie ecole Towa, Francik Friedel |: Dew Nien: Stanilaw Bandrowski x Moranké Ontray, Ferdinand Komgold 1 Morr Onan Zak Doubray Dorota: Francie Brezomaki Pivra, Hengk Scrot Mora Onan, Adolf Huppert x Moraské Osa, acy Jnuszewsk «Bahu, Aon! Misr = Poblt Onnarg. Roman Rie = Doutr, Laduik Nowicky Nike: Henryk Sir, Samuel Brodanks 4 Pore Fankcwicr (ihn 2 Morsiké Oma)? Podlejnchoadtoje dl je nab ee jas Kota: Pads uBohumina ‘ic ppni plone pochirel veka ze wed poetry bl meni pole afi ink ndei edn, Hos le tal mei det Mock ich yl severed ti Tsk, abot sna Poskdo don tga prseeovina jbo vf ech Poll ous Sena jk clare map tajaa webu: Sgeay! Pape = oma oar he Dom pie se Ouraete diesen na mal) pany b esas Koncchonebonteerichbychom stn ni, ine nse uP bogachebo prac dotal (Silvie BROZEK 1995-1996 » BROZEK 2002, x 92, 97-98, Brezowsks ve PREYBYLOVA 2007, «. 572-59 Bandrowsi vie GALETA 2013,» 35-40; Fk ic BROZEK 1948-1958 « GRUCHALA 196). Ssnoréans waent Tonarapewa viak plechizly find nine alse dec eho lent. ' roc 197 zl ve Fy eat Wich Sida baiel Fanci Fede slat noiny les Lad lig Ob ley Fitch ean nod oc dr enrraletarvind er chine, A ry, Glos Lad Sligo 8 om Ni Mor Orn 5a Seg 3, 182.7 19% un poten evan piahovacs Haley sang protspolapric Paty (PITRONOVA 1987, s. 112-116, NOWAK 2014, GAWRECKL 1502-508) © rok poi vn 26.2. v TRS cmdsoy spol Jaded ery elepjovae Play veh zn ester pod orient Spek ma Tsk rpm poke kaon, divas wsoupent sky pro analy {lene privy spol Jodo al Se, eel byl pedo isco oben s Fak! co sekicie xsi wel Andre Slowik® Poni (1907) eda soja scnganiac Matos Slane dle Kista icy, vee Tod pom sole ak guowa a ps Polen dome, aso opt Seid Then Za, Fed Sow ae ranciech eros led cy Janzen a eka Anton Krapcryk (SPRAWOZDANIE 190.55.6,9) \V Morinké Ose plik oes! pei pork pik nso ‘bs fedoik Fanciack Brcaovaki, pit Kk zabadulim krakowcho Timers dow (SPRAWOZDANIE 1909s 57), de obo {Jan Ochsner ae ok 1898 spol se Slate zak propo ier? linden nrg Seroj spl» Brczowskin Jedinémcxeavkéoa plan spolk, oki 1895 salad Cent pole (AIPTT 1997-42) inden by Wasa Sei “ke x Sel plestthoval « Nemeské (Doli) Lute do Moraké Osa, alti es 10,5, 1898 pth Tomasi sho ad. Koo ion, ‘rim doe byl akin’ a podporspolkch skal (BARON 2006» 26). Sid se sal phen, sition byl Showik, poadsiem J. Ocho" 4 not nap: yedouleimesicht ly Jue Daiwa Vale sebe «0 tak aly dh propojend pot organize, Ceti a pbotta Tsorys eich let enon mpi sil poseni Posteo dom Ze moohd T Plik propaonaly pielké way, doi nap. oe Henryk Shs byl mote dn racks Braeowakcho (PRZYBYLOVA 2007,» 877, 4 Breeaek zi Sunshoes Bandrowskems eo sare zal na soe bora voz GRMELA 1901, 5.92) e Banda pole $éncem Urygo poi ve rob bare!” erwin nef ie Lady 2 25,58 1025. hr Oars ade iy 115.976 "wes la le 7.24 RA. Paige sah mei nasi Pliy. acy Nm postin rich osoh. © prscekch 4 pronimechich nizrech nékcfch # nich informovaly nirwonecky oktvin Eek novny ul ped vaitem Pasko domu. Cea ya ntl oxen. je manent nin Cin apr det mcr any 6 nt onestent wpknh poo ‘ele spojn!« NEnc! Ta ea ake dl, okie ach Cele 99ers oct nd informal nemeck novi tho slo alent te sta sbtpet mec poll soy, nlexeorven Gono Peder i pina Masks Stassman,« pi pilebtost: HeneykSebote ode taodie Feder pro doplitiny si ich enon pl deck ronumi”V ce 1897 md Wachw Sila Fancinek Pied! pia prota polsku chr ohlednévyotowacto jaykav Doub" oe 1898 pef wie Anse Slowik wud Moraké Oe ngraoand Paik ols pls, te nénchy” «rok 1900 bl tena any Seidl opi kcrfn waa Polihy I narien Sekt schive pri ponémécn say» Dobra Cesky sik sored obvi Seidl Slowik «podpory ponénovin il (ve Vb, Michiovkch, Zablat) «rostvsin’ Cech a Pliki” Sci byl dakonce conan pith

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