Freedom24 Affiliate Program - Quick Start Guide

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Freedom24 affiliate program - quick start guide

To start earning with Freedom24 affiliate program for publishers, the key steps are:

1) registration in the affiliate program

2) filling in the partner’s profile information
3) providing the URL of your traffic source
4) getting your affiliate tracking link

These steps are described in more detail below.

Registration and login in the affiliate program

1) First of all, please create your affiliate account at Freedom24 Affiliate Program.

Press the “Sign Up” button in the upper right corner.

2) At the registration form, fill in your full name and email.

Read and accept the Affiliate Program Agreement, and press the “Register” button.

3) You will be redirected to the login page.

In order to proceed, find the activation email with your login and password in your mailbox.
Enter your personal Affiliate area, using the credentials from the e-mail at the login page
Filling the profile information
1) Please open your Profile section (Information -> My Profile)

2) Choose your account type (individual or corporate account).

Press the “Change account type” button to confirm your choice.

3) Fill in your preferred contact method and address details in the “Your profile” section.
Press the “Save” button to confirm.

4) You can fill in your “Payment method and details” later.

Filling the traffic source information

1) Please open your Traffic sources section (Promo -> Traffic sources)
2) Press the “Add new traffic source” button to add your traffic source for Freedom24 offer.

3) Fill in the required fields for your traffic source.

Press the “Add” button to confirm.

Getting your affiliate link

1) To get the affiliate link, you need to get connected to the Freedom24 Offer at first: open
the Offers section in the left menu (Promo -> Offers)
2) Press the “Get the link” button in the Freedom24 affiliate program section.

3) Examine the rules of the affiliate program carefully,

including the affiliate content guidelines

Please note that violations of the affiliate program rules or content discrepancies with the
advertising policies mentioned in the guidelines, may cause affiliate commissions
cancellation or termination of the affiliate collaboration.
Proceed with the “Agree” button to accept the Offer rules.

4) In the link creation pop-up appeared, choose the language of the landing page needed

Choose the landing page you want to send traffic (for example, Freedom24 Main page)
name your affiliate link and select your traffic source.
Press the “Create a link” button to complete the link creation.

5) Your personal affiliate link is created and ready to be placed at your traffic source.

Copy it and paste in your Freedom24 article or video description.

Please don’t modify the link parameters and their values.
For the advanced tracking purposes, you are able to assign the unique click_id to each
outgoing click from your website, transferring it through the s_id parameter. If you don’t need
the click_id parameter, please leave the &s_id=click_id value without modifying.

The previously created links are always available at the Tools -> Links section.

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