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Mawlana Yahya Musa

Virtues of Hajj
➢ The reward of Hajj e Mabroor is Jannah itself

➢ Hajj is a fundamental pillar of Islam

➢ Whosoever performs Hajj for the pleasure of Allah

Ta’ala and does not engage in immoral
conversation or any immoral act, then he will
return home (as purified) as on the day he was
born to his mother (Bukhari & Muslim)

➢ Listen attentively and take notes

➢ Read Hajj Guides – Hajj sets have been


➢ Fazaa’il e Hajj : Create Spirit

A Few Important Points
➢ Intention
➢ Tawbah: Huquq-ullah + Huququl-ibaad
➢ Have tawakkul (trust and reliance) on Allah
➢ Choose good travel companions
➢ Luggage – do not take unnecessary items
➢ Save yourself from sin throughout the
➢ Make dua at every occasion, at all times
Before Leaving Home
➢ Perform 2 rakah Nafl Salah

➢ Make Dua

➢ Leave your family & belongings in the trust

of Allah

➢ Express joy rather than grief

What To Pack In Hand
➢ Some food
➢ Pocket Qur’an/ Du’a
➢ Hajj/Umrah Guide
➢ Travel Musallah
➢ Ihram
➢ Flip flops
➢ Itr/perfume
➢ medication
➢ Side bag
➢ Passport, Tickets & vaccine certificate
3 Types of Hajj
➢ IFRAAD – One enters into state of ihram
once with intention of Hajj only (no Umrah

➢ TAMATTU’- One enters into ihram twice.

Performs Umrah in 1st ihram, removes it,
then enters into ihram again for Hajj before
8th Dhul Hijjah

➢ QIRAAN – One enters into state of ihram

once and performs Umrah & Hajj in same
Most Rewarding Type of
According to the Hanafi School of Fiqh, Hajj e
Qiraan is the most virtuous, then Hajj e
Tamattu, then Hajj e Ifraad
Focus; Hajj e Tamattu’

➢ Most perform TAMATTU’. Therefore we will

focus on Tamattu’

➢ Anyone performing other type, do ask

3 Questions

When to come into Ihram?
3 Possibilities

➢ Going Madinah first – no need for ihram

➢ Going Makkah:
❖ Direct flight – wear ihram from home
but DO NOT make intention yet.
❖ Transit flight (minimum 3-4hr) – come
into ihram during stop over. Keep
ihram on hand!
What is Ihram?
➢ Ihram does not mean to wear 2 pieces of

➢ Ihram is a condition the person comes into

after intention and talbiyah. This makes
certain things that were lawful before
unlawful on himself.

➢ Hence if someone wants to change the

cloth of Ihram/clothes (woman) after
donning it, it is permissible.
Things to do from home
➢ Bathe before leaving the house (including
clipping nails & removing unwanted hair)

➢ Wear 2 cloths if ihram (males)

➢ After bathing, but before the niyyah it is

Mustahab to wear itr on body & ihram
How? Contnd…
➢ Pray 2 rakah sunnah salah (avoiding
makrooh time)
o First Rak’ah – Surah Kafiroon
o Second Rak’ah – Surah Ikhlaas
➢ Pray salah with head covered (make du'a)
➢ Remove head covering and make Niyyah for
➢ Recite Talbiyah loudly three times (for
males), once is a condition, thrice is Sunnah
➢ Send Durood upon the Prophet ‫ & ﷺ‬make
Note: Do not make intention and recite Talbiyah
if wearing ihram from home

‫لَ َّب ْیک اللّهُ َّم لَ َّب ْیک‬

‫َشْی َک لَ َک لَ َّب ْیک‬ ‫لَ َّب ْیک ال َِ‬
‫ا َّن الْ َح ْمدَ وال ِنّ ْع َم َة لَ َک َوالْ ُملْک‬
‫َشْی َک لَک‬ ‫ال َ ِ‬
Talbiyah; the beauty of Hajj

Jaabir Ibn Abdullah (RA) narrates that ‫ ﷺ‬said: The

person who dons the Ihram in the morning, then
continues to recite the Talbiyah till the evening; his
sins are forgiven in such a way, that it will be as
though his mother has given birth to him today. (Ibn

➢ Talbiyah is the most virtuous zikr of Hajj

➢ Recite individually, not collectively

Prohibitions in Ihram
• Wearing perfume
• Using perfumed items, soap, toothpaste,
• Clipping nails or removing hair
• Covering the head (for Men)
• Wearing any sewn clothing, undergarments
(for Men)
• Killing lice or insect
• Intimate talk or actions even between the
husband and wife.
Permissible Acts in Ihram

• Wearing rings, glasses, hearing aids, money

• Changing ihram clothes
• Taking a bath/shower without rubbing
• Covering oneself when resting – avoiding the
face and head
• Odourless Vaseline
• Using miswaak but not tooth paste
During The Journey
➢ Continue with zikr and Talbiyyah
➢ Stay away from all sin and futile activities
➢ Be prompt with your Salah. Even on the
Aircraft. Because you are a Musafir you will
perform QASR - all the four Rakaats of Fardh
will be halved to two. The sunan and nafl will
remain the same.

Note: It is important to learn the masaail of a

Arrival at Jeddah
➢ BE PATIENT - Formalities will take a few
➢ Remain engaged in zikr and talbiyah on the
way to Makkah
➢ Enter Makkah...
o In pure state
o With TALBIYYAH on tongue
o With total humility & respect
o Du’aa & Istighfaar
o Thinking a sinner has come to be
At the hotel
➢ You will be taken to your hotels

➢ Settle down, eat. Take a rest if needed

➢ When you feel physically and mentally

prepared then only go to perform your

➢ Remember. You must go to the Masjid Al

Haraam for your Salah.
First sight of the ka ’bah!
➢ Enter the Masjid with the right foot
o Reciting bismillah, durood and the dua,
o Making niyyah for I’tikaaf

➢ Slowly walk towards the Ka'ba with the gaze lowered

➢ Move out of the pathway and stop at a quite spot

➢ once you see the Ka'ba for the first time, recite
o Takbeer x 3
o Tahleel x 3

➢ Make dua to your hearts content!

Acceptance of Dua
When Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
entered Makkah and saw the Baitullah, he
lifted his hands and recited the Takbeer.
(Fathur Rabbani Vol 12 Pg 7)

Abu Umamah RA narrates that Rasul

Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that dua is
accepted when sighting the Baitullah.
Components of Umrah

1. Ihram – Fardh

2. Tawaf – Fardh

3. Saee – Wajib

4. Halaq/Shaving - Wajib
Commencing the tawaf of

➢ Remember – wudhu is wajib for


➢ Reciting Takbeer, Talbiyah and

Durood shareef locate Hajar-e-
Initiating the tawaf
➢ Stop reciting the Talbiyah
➢ Observe Idhtiba
➢ Now proceed to the Hajar e Aswad in such a
manner that your right shoulder is in line with its
left corner
➢ Make niyyah for Tawaf, “O Allah I intend to make
Tawaf of your sacred house, seven circuits, for
your pleasure, make it easy for me and accept it
from me”.
➢ Now move a little to the right until your chest is
directly facing the Hajar e Aswad.
➢ Raise both hands up to the ears as when beginning
salah and recite the following dua:
Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa lillahil Hamd Was
Salaatu Wassalaamu ‘ala Rasulillah
➢ Then release the hands.
➢ Now lower the hands with palms facing out ward to the
height of Hajar ul Aswad and say:
Bismillahi wa Allahu Akbar

➢ Lightly kiss both the palms

➢ Turn on your spot so that your left shoulder is facing the
Hajar e Aswad, and commence Tawaf anti-clockwise.
➢ Upon completing one round, turn the face and the chest
towards the Hajar e Aswad and do Istilam reciting
Bismillahi wa Allahu Akbar,
then turn and continue with the Tawaf.

➢ After seventh round do Istilam for the eighth time, this is

Sunnat e Muakkidah.
Al Hajar-ul-Aswad
➢ In the first three rounds males are required to do
• to walk hastily,
• taking short steps,
• pushing the chest outwards
• and moving the shoulders.

➢ Women will walk normally.

➢ No ramal to be done in the remaining four rounds.

Note: If one forgot to do ramal in the first 3 rounds

then do not do ramal in the other rounds. As Ramal is
Sunnah only in the first three rounds.
Whilst performing tawaf you may do
the following :
➢ It is better to stay engaged in zikr and dua
➢ Recite Quran is also permissible
➢ Recite the following duas:
• whilst passing Rukn Al-Yamani:
Allahumma inni asalukal afwa wal aafiyata fid dunya
wal akhirah

Note: It is Sunnah to wipe both hands or just the right

hand over Rukn Al-Yamani without turning the chest and
face toward Baitullah. However due to perfume being on
it and rush this will not be possible. Do not make istilam of

• between Rukn Al-Yamani and Hajrul Aswad:

Rabbana aatina fid dunya hasanah wa fil akhirati
hasanah wa qina adhaban nar
Important Masaail Regarding
➢ Do not talk of worldly affairs

➢ Do not gaze at the Ka’bah. To turn the face and chest

towards Baitullah during tawaf is permissible only
while performing Istilam of Hajar e Aswad.

➢ Read in a low voice. It is impermissible to read very

loud or collectively in groups as this causes
inconvenience to others

➢ For the tawaaf followed by Sa’ee one will do Idhtiba as

well as Ramal in the first three rounds.
Important Masaail Regarding
➢ Do not touch Hajar e Aswad and Rukne yamani in the
state of Ihram as there is usually a lot of perfume on

➢ If Jamaat Salah commences whilst doing tawaf stop

and join the Salah then commence from where you
left off.

➢ Wudhu is compulsory for tawaf. If wudhu breaks,

leave the tawaf immediately, perform wudhu and
start from the circuit.

➢ Do not kiss or make istilam of Maqam e Ibraheem.

Note: It is not advisable to go for tawaf etc in large

groups as keeping up may effect focus.
After tawaf
➢ Cover the shoulders

➢ Perform two rakah Wajibut Tawaf behind Maqaam e

Ibraheem if it does not inconvenience anybody,
otherwise anywhere in the Haram Shareef.

➢ Ensure that it is not makrooh time.

➢ Make dua.

➢ Now make dua at Multazam or in front of it if possible.

➢ Drink Zam to your fill and make dua.

➢ Make Istilam of Hajar e Aswad for the ninth time. This

is mustahab.
➢ Proceed to place of Sa’ee (mas’a).

➢ Sa’ee literally means ‘to run, haste’

➢ Make intention of Sa’ee:

“O Allah I intend to make Sa’ee between
Safa and Marwah seven laps for the
pleasure of Allah, hence make it easy for
me and accept it from me.”
Sa’ee continued…
➢ Stand facing the Qiblah raising your hands in

➢ Do not raise your hands like in takbeer-e-


➢ Then:
• Recite Takbeer & Tahleel x 3 ,
• Durood Shareef
• 4th Kalimah then Dua
• Commence the Sa’ee.

➢ Do the same at Marwah.

Note: Make any zikr, dua during Sa’ee and refrain

from worldly talk. It is Sunnah to recite:
Rabbighfir warham, antal a’azzul akram
• Safa to Marwah is one lap and Marwah to Safa is the
second lap.
• One will start at Safa and finish at Marwah (seven laps)
• Between the two green pillars, Men are required to run
with a slow pace & Women will walk at a normal pace.
Important Points Regarding
➢ It is better to do Sa’ee on the ground floor
and permissible on the top floors

➢ Wudhu is preferable for sa’ee but not


➢ It is not necessary to climb right up Safa.

Climb to a height where you can see the

➢ Dam will become wajib by doing Sa’ee on

wheelchair without excuse
Halq or Qasr
➢ Do HALQ - Shave the entire head. Halq is
more virtuous

➢ or QASR - Trim the hair of the ENTIRE head

at least equivalent to the first joint of the
forefinger (1 inch)

➢ Umrah is now complete and all the

restrictions of ihram will be lifted

Note: It is permissible to trim/shave your own

hair or someone else's after all rituals have
been completed
May Allah Ta’ala accept your Umrah and
bestow you with it’s blessings!
Whilst in Makkah
➢ Remain in Makkah until the 7th of Dhul
➢ Refrain from all sins
➢ Continue to be prompt with Salah
➢ Perform Nafl Tawaf
➢ Engage in ibaadah
➢ Even just looking at the Ka’bah is
➢ Go for Ziyaarah

Note: Do not over work yourself so you can

perform well in Hajj
5 Days of Hajj

❖ 8th - Tarwiyah
❖ 9th - Arafah
❖ 10th - Nahr/Eid
❖ 11th & 12th - Tashreeq
What To Take
Travel light, however there are a few essentials
that may be taken:

• Qur’an, Dua books

• Musallah, tasbeeh
• Snacks (biscuit, nuts etc)
• One additional pair of cloths
• Sleeping bag for Muzdalifah,
• Soap/shower gel, tissue and towel
• Muallim card that shows which group you
are in Mina and Arafah
Day 1 – 8th Dhul Hijjah
Yawmut Tarwiyah
• It is Sunnah to depart for Mina after sunrise.
However a lot tour operators decide to leave the
night before to avoid rush.

• Wear the Ihram in hotel room. It is not necessary to

go to Masjidul Haraam, however it is preferable to
make niyyah of the ihram of Hajj in Masjidul Haraam.
You will not go to Meeqaat

• Make intention for Hajj. Followed by Talbiyyah

Mas’alah: If one wishes to perform Saee of Hajj which is

normally performed after Tawaf e Ziyaarah, you may do
so. However, a saee cannot be performed without tawaf,
hence, you will perform a nafl tawaf and then saee.
Mina – 8th Dhul Hijjah
• Perform 5 salah – Zuhr, asr, maghrib and esha of 8th
Dhul Hijjah and Fajr of 9th Dhul Hijjah

Note: If one is a Shar’ee traveller he will perform qasr in

Mina and Makkah

• It is sunnah to spend the night in Mina

• Whilst in Mina:
o Recite Qur'an,
o Zikr, Talbiyah, Istighfaar, Tasbeeh
o Reflect
o Rest
o Prepare for the next important day

• Always be patient. Avoid arguing and complaining

Mina Encampment
Inside View of Tents
Day 2 – 9th Dhul Hijjah
Yawmul Arafah
Most important Day of Hajj. Even a moments stay from
Noon till the dawn of the next day is sufficient to fulfil
the obligation

• Pray fajr salah in Mina. From this salah (fajr)

Takbeeraat e Tashreeq will commence until after Asr
on the 13th. First read the Takbeer then the Talbiyah.

• Leave for Arafah after sunrise. To leave before is

against Sunnah.

• Rest and relieve yourself of all necessities before

Plain of Arafah
Wuqoof of Arafah
Ruling & Timing of Wuqoof

• Fardh

• Time: Zawaal – Subh Saadiq

• Wajib Time: Zawaal - Maghrib

Masjid Namirah
Method of Wuqoof
• Perform wudhu (ghusl is preferable if possible)
and read zuhr salah at beginning time. Wuqoof
has now started.
• Engage in tilawah, zikr, durood, istighfar, talbiyah
etc. Do not waste a single moment.
• Cry and repent. Make as much dua as possible
having trust that Allah will surely forgive and
accept your duas.
• It is best to stand and worship facing the Qiblah
with hands raised. One may sit if tired. However,
to lie down is makrooh.
• Zuhr and Asr to be performed…
• Jabal al Rahmah…
Day 2 – 9th Dhul Hijjah
Arafah - Muzdalifah

• It is wajib to stay in Arafah until after sunset.

However do not read maghrib salah yet as
you will combine maghrib and esha at esha
time after reaching Muzdalifah.

Note: Fulfil your needs meaning Wudhu/istinja

in Arafah after sunset.

• Continue with Talbiyah and dua whilst

departing for Muzdalifah,
Day 2 – 9th Dhul Hijjah
Night in Muzdalifah
• Once in Muzdalifah combine Maghrib and Esha (in
Esha time) as follows:
A. Adhan
B. Iqamah
C. Fardh of maghrib
D. Fardh of esha
E. Sunan of maghrib
F. Sunan of esha
G. Witr

Note: You will combine regardless of whether you are a

munfarid or muqtadi

• Fulfil your needs (food, drink, toilet etc) then do

some ibadah and rest/sleep. It is Sunnah to sleep.

Note: There are no tents in Muzdalifah

Day 2 – Dhul Hijjah 9th

Night in Muzdalifah
Collect 49 pebbles:

• 7 for 10th of Dhul Hijjah

• 21 for 11th of Dhul Hijjah
• 21 for 12th of Dhul Hijjah

Or collect 70 pebbles including;

• 21 for 13th of Dhul Hijjah (optional)

Size: size of a chick pea

It is not permissible to collect:

o Najis (filthy) pebbles
o Pebbles from around jamaraat

Note: Collect some extra pebbles in case of error during

Wuqoof of Muzdalifah
➢ It is helpful to note the salah times when in
Makkah. Do not blindly follow others as this may
jeopardise your wuqoof

➢ Wuqoof is Wajib (subh sadiq – sunrise)

➢ Remaining in Muzdalifah even for a little while

after subh sadiq will suffice for the Wuqoof

➢ Perform Fajr Salah then remain in Muzdalifah till

just before sunrise

➢ Just before sunrise (about 5-10 minutes)

proceed back Mina.
Day 3 – 10th Dhul Hijjah
Yaumun Nahr

4 important things to do on this day:

1. Ramy – Pelting only the big Jamarah (wajib)

2. Nahr - Animal Sacrifice (wajib)
3. Halaq/Qasr – Shaving or trimming hair (wajib)
4. Tawaaf e Ziyaarah (fardh)

Time for 2-4: 10th Subh Sadiq till Sunset of 12th Dhul
Remember the acronym ‘PAST’ to remember the
things that need to be done on this day and to PASS
your Hajj:

o P elting (big Jamarah only)

o A nimal Sacrifice (Dame Shukr)
o S having of the hair
o T awaafe Ziyaarah

Note: It is wajib to do the first 3 actions in order

➢ Once in Mina now our duty for today is to pelt the big
Jamarah only with seven pebbles.

Note: People usually leave their belongings in the Mina tent

before leaving

➢ Everyone who is fit must pelt

➢ Timing of pelting Jamaratul Uqbah:

• Makrooh: Subh Sadiq to Sunrise
• Sunnat: Sunrise - Zawaal
• Mubaah (allowed): Zawaal – Sunset
• Makruh: Sunset – Subh Sadiq

Note: Due to excessive crowding, it will not be makrooh for

women, to go after sunset and also for those who
accompany them.

Note: Timings do not apply for old or weak

Method of Ramy
➢ Come to the big Jamarah (Jamarat ul Aqabah)
➢ Stop Talbiyyah with the throwing of the first pebble
➢ Hold the pebbles in between thumb and index finger
➢ You will pelt the Jamarah with seven pebbles, thrown
one at a time, reciting:
“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar raghman lish shaytan wa
ridhan lir Rahman”
Mas’alah: Pebbles should land in the boundary wall. If the
stone bounces back or does not enter the boundary wall
then you will have to repeat. Take extra pebbles!

➢ After pelting this Jamarah depart from the area without


Note: One may appoint someone for pelting only if there is

a valid Shar’ee excuse. Congestion is not an excuse
Qurbani & Halq/Qasr
➢ Wait for organisers to inform you that your Qurbani is

➢ This is Dame shukr and not Eid Qurbani. Therefore, the

intention should be accordingly

➢ A person who is muqeem and sahibe nisaab will have to

do both Qurbanis (Dame shukr + Eid Qurbani). The Eid
Qurbani does not have to be in Haram.

➢ Now do Halq/Qasr as explained before

➢ Everything is now Halal except the relationship with wife

which only becomes Halal after Tawafe Ziyarah
Makkah – Tawaf-e-Ziyarah
➢ Return to Makkah to perform Tawaaf e Ziyarah + Sa’ee.
This is Fardh

Time : 10th Subh Sadiq till sunset of the 12th


❖ If Sa’ee was not done before, then Ramal will be done

❖ If Halq was done then Idhtiba will not be made,
otherwise it will
❖ If Sa’ee was done before then only tawaf will be
performed without Ramal

Note: It is Sunnah Muakkadah to spend the night in Mina

Day 4 – 11th Dhul Hijjah
Only one thing required on this day which is Ramy of
all 3 Jamaraat

o Sunnah: Zawal – Maghrib
o Makrooh: Sunset – Fajr

➢ Pelt 7 pebbles at all 3 Jamaraat

➢ Make dua after the first 2 Jamaraat

➢ Return to Mina tents

Note: Ensure to maintain the spirituality of Hajj

Day 5 – 12th Dhul Hijjah
Pelt all 3 Jamaraat on this day in the same manner as
mentioned above

Masa’alah: Try to leave the border of Mina before Maghrib

adhan. To leave after maghrib is makrooh. However if one
does not leave by Subh Sadiq then it is wajib to stay in
Mina and do Ramy on the 13th of Dhul Hijjah

Note: If one leaves late due to congestion (but before subh

sadiq) then insha Allah karaahat will be lifted due to

• Be punctual in Salah during the commute to Makkah

• A water bottle may come in handy for wudhu
Day 6– 13th Dhul Hijjah
Do Ramy of all 3 Jamaraat as mentioned previously

Subh Sadiq – Zawal: makrooh
Zawal – Sunset: masnoon

▪ Proceed to Makkah

Note: Takbeer-e-Tashreek will be recited for the last

time after asr on this day
Makkah – Tawaf-e-Wida
➢ Whilst in Makkah, value every second and engage
in tawaf, zikr and ibadah.

➢ Tawaaf e wida (farewell tawaf) is Wajib

Time: Starts immediately after Tawaaf e Ziyaarah.

However it is better to perform it at the very time of

➢ After Tawaf e wida, one can enter Al Masjidul

Haraam for salah or tawaf

➢ When leaving Al Masjidul Haraam, keep glancing

back at the Ka’bah and leave the blessed city with
a heavy heart.
Alhamdulillah, all the rites of
Hajj are now complete. May
Allah Almighty accept your Hajj
and shower His blessings on you
and your family. Ameen
Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
Preparing For Madinah
Traveling to visit the grave of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is among the best
deeds and the greatest acts of worship that draws one nearer
to Allah Almighty.

The Noble Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬has emphasised the importance of

visiting his grave in numerous ahadeeth. Some are produced
“Whosoever visits my grave, intercession on his behalf
becomes compulsory upon me.”
“Whoever visits me after my demise is as though he visited
me in my life.”
“Whoever performs Hajj and doesn’t visit me has mistreated

Logic too dictates that we pay our respects to our guide and
saviour and the saviour of mankind at his grave, as he is alive in
his grave.

However, it is important to point out that hajj will be perfectly

complete even if one does not visit Madinah.
En route to Madinah
• Leave all sin.
• Ensure to adopt Sunnah clothing
• Ones appearance should be in accordance to
Sunnah. That which pleases Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬-
• Carry out every action according to Sunnah
• Study a book on Seerah
• Study chapter of ziyarah from Fadhaile Hajj
• Increase Durood
• Think ‘I am going to see the best man on the
face of this Earth…’
• Recite poetry and naat
• As you get closer…increase durood and
Arrival in Madinah
Once in the city, head for your hotel
room after securing your luggage. If it is
time for Salah, pray in the closest area of
the Masjid and return to your hotel.

Prepare yourself by taking a bath,

wearing your best clothes and applying
your best perfume.
Leaving for
• Remain engaged in Salat and Salam.
• Lower your gazes out of humility and respect.
• Try to imagine the Madinah of the Noble
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and his Companions.
• Give sadaqah – expiation of sin
• Send reward of ibadah (Isale thawab) to
Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬- Quran etc
• Do NOT criticise anything of Madinah
Entering Masjid un Nabawi
• Enter the Masjid from the Door of Salam (the
Eastern door near the front of the Masjid) if
• Enter the masjid with aadaab and sunan
• Proceed towards Riyadhul Jannah (Garden of
Jannah). Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“The area between my house and my minbar is
one of the gardens of Paradise.” (Bukhari and
• Read 2 rakah Tahiyyatul Masjid here.
Otherwise anywhere in the Haram
• Now proceed towards the Rawdha
Proceeding to the Rawdha
There will be directions in place or stewards who will direct you
towards the appropriate area for saying Salam.

Keep moving with the flow of people with gazes low and Salat on
your lips. Towards your right will be the front wall of the Masjid
and towards your left the old Masjid with a barrier.

Keep moving with the flow of people with gazes low and Salat on
your lips.
When you can see the Grave Precinct towards your left, know
that you are approaching the Noble Grave. (see image on next

The front face of the Precinct is divided into three sectors by two
pillars. The first and the third sectors are empty. The noble
bodies of the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and his two Companions are all
buried in the middle sector. There are three holes in the metal
fence covering this sector. These holes are directly opposite the
blessed faces of the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and his Companions. (see
image on next slide)


1. Blessed grave of the Noble Messenger ‫ﷺ‬

2. Blessed grave of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr-as-Siddiq (RA)
3. Blessed grave of Sayyiduna Umar Al Faruq (RA)
Salaat & Salaam
Here you will convey your Salam to the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and his
Companions and pay your respects to them. Remember that the
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬is alive in his grave and can hear your Salam or it is
conveyed to him.

Once you are opposite the Messenger’s ‫ ﷺ‬face, pause and with
utmost respect, say with a very soft voice:
Whilst in Madinah
• Fix an amount of durood daily
• Present yourself for Salaam daily
• Try to read 40 salah with Jamaah – freedom
from nifaaq and freedom from Jahannam
• Perform salah and make dua at the various
significant places within Masjid-un-Nabawi
• It is Sunnah to visit Masjid Quba on
• Go for Ziyaarah of Madinah
• Do not waste time in shopping
• Read all your salah with takbeer-e-ula
• Spend as much time as you can in the
As the time for departure nears, the hearts of the pilgrims will
fill with sorrow and grief at the thought of departing from such
blessed lands. This condition of the heart is very pleasing to the
Almighty, so these last few hours must be spent in repentance,
gratitude and supplication.

For the final time, the pilgrim will approach the Noble Precinct
with love and humility and convey his last Salam to the Noble
Messenger ‫ﷺ‬.

At this moment, we should all make a firm resolution in the

court of the Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that we will never go back to our
old ways again. We will accept him as our only role-model in life
and emulate his lifestyle in every aspect.

This is the best tribute a visitor to the Radiant City can give to
the one who gave it its radiance –Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

May the almighty always keep us steadfast upon his religion.

May Allah Almighty make your
journey easy, accept all your duas
and grant you Hajj e Mabroor.

Please remember this humble

one, my parents, family and
teachers in your precious Dua’s
throughout this sacred journey.

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