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Date -

Respected Shri Narendra Modi ji,
Honorable Prime Minister of India

Subject :-Regarding implementation of National Commission

for De notified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes.
(Idate commission)

Honorable Prime Minister ji, we are almost 1658 de notified,

nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes, nearly the 15 crore population of
our country but since the pre-independence era, we are still neglected.
After independence, we had to get justice but beyond receiving the
reports, nothing happened by all the governments.
History has witnessed all us Denotified and Nomadic Tribes as
a revolutionaries against all armed foreign invaders including the
British. As a result, the British government proved our freedom fighter
De notified tribes as the Criminal Tribes by law. Whereas the
Augmenters of our ancient diverse Indian culture, specially Hindu
culture, the Nomadic Tribes have been proved as a Beggars, which is
still a stigma to our lives.
Most of us have not our self identity. Most of us have not
Caste Certificates, Ration cards, Aadhar cards, Bank accounts or
Voting cards. We are still homeless, landless and jobless. Our literacy
rate is minimal. Due to unfair policies of all the governments, the laws
and modernization, industrialization and atomization, the development
in technology, we have lost our traditional jobs and businesses like
Acrobatics, Puppetry, Singing, Dancing, Acting, snake monkey and
bear Charming, Hunting, Handicrafts, Artisanship, Fortune Telling,
traditional Medico and Herbal Medicine Selling, Mendicancy, Herding,
Construction and Earth Work, Goods Carrying, Sculpture and stone
breaking, fishing and preparing brewing liquor.
Infact no business of it has been closed, actually only our
conventional ownership has been exhausted by law. Now as the
capitalists have entered into these areas, we are just helpless to
compete with such huge industries. Our genetic, congenital, ancestral
properties do not benefit us, now these are just worthless.
Our representation in democracy is almost null because of
illiteracy, superstition, lack of resources, minoritism and Wanderluster.
Nobody picks up our problems in the Halls. Our life is ruined due to
mob lynching, rapes, murders, arson, social exclusion and police
Promulgation of some inhumorous laws has given permission
to police system to file false cases and take action against our
innocent youth, women and kids. It creates social discrimination.
Rumors are being spread. The uncontrollable crowd is crushing us as
if we are criminals. Nobody shows faith in us Nobody offers us
prestigious jobs. We are optionless and being forced to do rag picking
and waste collection, child labouring, street vending and an
unorganized labouring. In some places, some of our tribes are
optionlessly and desperately forced themselves towards prostitution.
Majority of our population is homeless, landless and unemployed. Even
today, in the 21st century, we are living in huts and tents at the
banks of rivers, drainages and rail tracks.
We are far behind the world. We are far away from the main
stream of society. Though, all the study groups, committees and
commissions till date have been recognized us as the most backward,
deprived and down trodden group of our country, nothing is being
done in our favour.
Respected Modiji, It is very unfortunate for us that
circumstances have occurred to revolutionize against self-religion and
self-government on the big historical background of revolution against
foreigners. Only due to not being untouchables, the Constitution
makers ignored us. Today, we are experiencing the consequences of
being touchables, very badly. Despite of having all the evidences of
our backwardness, no decision is taken by the government.
It is our misfortune that we are incompetent to fight against
the government. We are too weak to display the exhibition of strength
on streets as we are pathetic, unorganized and unstable. Consistent
negligence, poverty and abjection can compel us to check the options
like Conversion and Naxalism.
Fortunately, second National Commission for De notified,
Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes constituted by the Ministry Of
Social Justice and Empowerment of your Government in January 2015
under the chairmanship of Mr. Bhiku Ramji Idate, has submitted its
report to the government on 8th January 2018. It is understood from
the newspapers that the commission has made some twenty
recommendations for us. The most prominent of which are, to provide
constitutional protection, permanent commission with constitutional
status and a separate third schedule for our communities.
All our de notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes believe
that after commission's recommendations are implemented, our majority
of questions and anxieties will come to an end and we will get very
well waited justice. We believe that implementation of various
measures suggested by the commission for our overall development,
will reconstruct our life. Moreover, We believe that your Government is
so sensitive about the Patriotism and Hinduism. So all our tribes
believe that your government will give us an identification, an identity
as a citizen of a Constitutional and Democratic India by
sympathetically considering it and will provide us all a chance to live a
prestigious life as a human being.
Sir, currently we are being counted among OBCs in the
center. However, the government should understand that we are the
traversing tribes on all the levels from year to year and hence we are
disabled to compete in more than 2500 OBCs. The principle of
substantive and social equality does not reach to us. We will get more
opportunities for development if your government creates an
independent schedule in the Center. Consequentially the weak
communities will not have to compete with strength varieties. If the
reservations and financial provisions are made available in the
proportion of our population, it will help to fill our backlog of
development. Therefore, creation of separate third schedule for us is
justifying and ethical measure for the purpose of bringing equality in all
Indian citizens.
Honorable Modi ji, under the chairmanship of Mr.
Balakrishna Renke, the previous government had also formed the first
National Commission for De Notified, Nomadic and semi-nomadic
Tribes and collected the status of our communities but commission's
report was not implemented, that we all heartily pray for. Therefore all
we De Notified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes of India politely
request you to implement Idate Commission with the all necessary
constitutional, technical and administrative procedure before the
forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. If you listened our sincere request,
we will be grateful for lifetime.


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