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CS/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/2016-17 Matar Abed Kaien Amt ray @ er tee Cheaper MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : MHA-404 CLINICAL SERVICE AREAS Full Marks : 70 Time Allotted : 3 Hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10x 1=10 i) Progressive patient care consists of intensive care s unit, intermediary unit and b) critical unit d) tertiary unit. a) therapeutic unit a convalescent unit Ilumination in OT cavity should be b) 5000 LUX d) 500000 LUX. { Turn over ii) a) 500 LUX 2c) 50000 LUX MHA-900377(RP) Scanned by TapScanne CS/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/201 6-17 iii) Physical medicine includes ” Physical Therapy and Occupational therapy b) Physical therapy and Oral therapy. c) Physiological medicine and Oc cave ‘cupational a convalescent unit d) tertiary unit. ii) a) 7“ °c) MHA-900377(RP) 500 LUX 50000 LUX IWumination in OT cavity should be bp) 5000 LUX d) 500000 LUX. { Turn over aor Scanned by TapScan| CS/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/2016- 17 1) Physical medicine includes Physical Therapy and Occupational therapy Physical therapy and Oral therapy. c) Physiological medicine and Occupational therapy d) None of these. iv) PET is nothing, but a a) Photocopier —~b) Scanner Cc) Medicine qd) X-ray machine. v) In OT zoning pre-anesthesia is under “ a) sterile zone b) clean zone c) protective zone d) disposable zone. vi) Normal requirement of water in OT is a) 200 litres/bed/day b) 300 litres/bed/day #f 400 litres/bed/ day d) 500 litres/bed/day. vii) ICTU stands for a) Intensive Care and Trauma Unit Intensive Coronary and Therapeutic Unit ‘ gs c) Intensive Care and Therapy Unit Bc d) Invasive Care and Therapeutic —_— ieew WA LUCSE. iv) PET is nothing, but a a) Photocopier bd) Scanner ©) Medicine d) X-ray machine, vy) InoT zoning pre-anesthesia is under a) sterile zone b) clean zone c) protective zone qd) disposable zone, vi) Normal requirement of water in OT is a) 200 litres /bed/day b) 300 litres/bed/ day Ff 400 litres/bed/ day d) 500 litres/bed/: day. vii) ICTU stands for a) _ Intensive Care and Trauma Unit : Intensive Coronary and Therapeutic ¢) Intensive Care and Therapy Unit qd) Invasive Care and Therapeutic U; MHA-900377(RP) 2 Scanned by TapSca CS/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/ 2016-17 vili) Rowing machine is used in a) Critical care unit >) Physical medicine and Rehabilitation department ¢) Operation Theater d) Transplantation unit. ix) Cruciform design applies to =# Operation Theater b) Physical medicine department ¢) Transplantation unit d) Ward. Act was x) Transplantation of Human Organ x) xi) t was Transplantation of Human Organ Ac established in the year a) 1992 ) 1994 ce) 1996 d) 1990. Gamma camera is used in a) Radiology department S Nuclear medicine department c) Physiotherapy department d) Operation theatre. xii) Trolley bay is included in the a) auxiliary area b) primary area c) sanitary area d)_-ancillary area. MHA-900377(RP) 3 (Turn ove Scanned by TapSc: SS/MEA/EVEN/SEM-4/M11A-404/2019. 17 is) Pape GROUP _ 5 (Short Answer Type Questions ) Write short notes on any three of the following, 3x5. 15 Discuss the major issues in Management faced by the Process of Ward the Nurses, Features of IPD. Monitoring of OT Asepsis, Nightingale Warg, Occupational Therapy, GROup _ c (Long Answer Suestions ) Answer any three of the following, 3x15 = 45 — Nursing ae Outline the function of Nursin| S€rvices Scribe the Concept of w. Telation to Nursing . See a at the ©quipment needed to Tun a Physical medicine ehabili lion Partment > a PMR departme, it ger, what © the steps to be taken for Smooth functioning of the de lent ? What are the factors Tesponsible for dete, ig the number of total or Writ ‘Own the a tages of grouping of OT are the Policies ang AAminictenting 2 C8/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/2015-16 ‘nto A hats hand Uso “d ecemogy ot SG MAULAN. (A ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : MHA-404 CLINICAL SERVICE AREAS ime Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 in indicate full marks. The figures in the marg heir own Candidates are required to give their answers int ticable. words as far as prac GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) s for the following : Choose the correct alternative: 10x 1=10 ij) TSSU should be situated very close to the a) ITU pb) NICU <7 OT. ii) The level of illumination for general lighting of the patient areas is a) 150 lux b) 200 lux ¢) 100 lux San Jux. 4-90032 C | Scanned by TapScann ‘S$ /MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/201 5-16 iii) ETO machine is used in a) pharmacy b) laboratory ¢) OT CSSD. iv) The Transplantation of Human Organ Act y,. promulgated in the year of a) 1991 b) 1993 “9 1994 d) 1995. v) The operating rooms are situated in the a) clean zone x sterile zone ¢) protective zone d) disposal zone. vi) Day room is situated under a) Primary service fe service c) Sanitary service d) Ancillary service. vii) Ventilator is used to assist respiration in a a) ICU b) ¢) only (a) d) MHA-90032 2 Scanned by TapSc CS/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/2015-16 vill) Which of the equipment below is not a patient monitoring equipment ? a) oxymeter b) Capnograph Ventilator d) Cardiac monitor. ix) Physical Medicine department - organizes physical and mental disabilities b) organizes the discharge of the patient c) organizes the admission. x) Nuclear medicine has wide applications in the c) organizes the admission. x) Nuclear medicine has wide applications in the various branches of a) heart b) thyroid c) liver @) all of these. GROUP - B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Write short notes on any three of the following. 3x5=15 Importance of Nuclear Medicine. ms 3. Function of ward sister. 4. Equipment of ICU. 5. Zoning of OT. 6. Patient's right. MHA-90032 3 Scanned by TapScar C©S/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-404/2015-16 GROUP - C ( Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 3 * 15 = 45 7. Discuss in brief about the critical care units of a hospital. 8. Discuss about the location, layout and p eee and facilities of an OT. 9. Define nursing services. Outline the function of nursing services. Describe the concept of ward management in relation to nursing care. 10. Discuss the organization, staffing pattern and physical facilities of Nuclear Medicine. ol facilitiee ataffiinge ial conta . CS/MHA/Even/Sem-4th/MHA-404/2015 cot WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MHA-404 CLINICAL SERVICE AREAS Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70 The questions are of equal value. The figures in the margin indicate. full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, All symbols are of usual significance. GROUP A (Multiple Choice Type Questions) — i. Answer any fen questions. 10x1=10 (i) DyT(Deep Vein Thrombosis) patients are treated in A) Cardiac-Care Department (B) Haematology Department (C) Nephrology Department (D) Pathology Department (ii) The level of illumination of gen areas is eral lighting of the patient Seractge > (A) 150 lux (B)2001ux (C) 100 lux 6) 300 tux (iii) ETO machine is used in- (A) Pharmacy (B) Laboratory (Cc) OT : #5) CSSD ~ Scanned by TapScanner CS/MHA/Even/Sem-4th/MHA-404/2015 (iv) The transplantation of human organ act was promulgated in the year of (B) 1993 (A) 1991 619% (D) 1995 (v) The Operating rooms are Tetpr (A) clean zone sterile zone (C) protective zone (D) disposal zone (vi) Day room is situated under (A) Primary service ‘Auxilliary service (C) Sanitary service (D) Ancillary service (vii) Ventilator is used to assist respiration in (ficu (B) during anesthesia (C) providing first aid (D) both (A) and (B) (viii) Which of the equipment below is not a patient monitoring equipment? (A) Pulse oxymeter (B) Capnograph ©-¥entilator (D) Cardiac monitor (ix) Physical Medicine department is to (496tganize physical and mental disabilities (B) organize the discharge the patient (C) organize the admission (D) organize the daycare services (x) Wide application of Nuclear Medicine is done in various branches of (A) Heart (B) Thyroid (C) Liver (DyAII of these ia aoa 4004 2 Scanned by TapScanr CS/MHA/Even/Sem-4th/MH |A-404/2015 (xi) The generator set should Provide continuous service to the a ae the clinical areas. For a multispeciality ospital, identify the one which should get the maximum priority ‘A) Operation Theatre (B) OPD (C) Pharmacy (D) First Aid GROUP B (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer any three questions, 3x5 =15 \S/MAA/Even/4th Sem/MHA-404/2014 2014 Clinical Service Areas Time Alloted ; 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figure in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their Own words as far as Practicable GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives from any ten of the following: 10x1=10 i) Pre- g room is in Clean Zone by Protective Zone c) Sterile Zone d) Disposal Zone ii) Racing Track is one type of a) Diagnostic procedure b) Equipment c) Ward d) None of these iii) Essential physical requirements of surgical operating room are a) sub - clean up and recovery ward b)utility room and theater sub-sterilization unit Both (a) & (b) d) None of these 9156 1 [ Turn over] Scanned by TapScan GS/MHA/Even/4th Sem/MHA-404/2014 Fullform of MICU iv) 2) Medical Intensive Care Unit b) Major Intensive Care Unit c) Minor Intensive Care Unit d) None of these v) _ Indirect requirement of staffs on 24-hour call in ICU are a) Biochemistry Technician b) Blood Bank Technician L c) Physiotherapist and Radiographer —d)tdl of these vi) Medicine Ball is an equipment used in Ss —d).al of these vi) Medicine Ball is an equipment used in a) Occupational Therapy -b}Physiotherapy c) Physio - occupational Therapy d) None of these vii) PET is nothing, buta 28 a) photocopier canner c) medicine d) x-ray machine viii) SICU stands for a) Survical intensive care unit -6}-Surgical intensive care unit ¢c) All of these d) None of these ix) OT has following number of zones a)2 b)3 ow d)6 x) of the admitted patients need surgery. —Tis% b) 35% c)50% d) none of these 9156 2 —SSSS=— Scanned by TapSca CSIMHAIEven/ath Sem/MHA-404/204 4 Trolley bay is included in the a) auxillary area b) primar ry area c) sanitary area ancillary area xii) Physiotherapists treat problems like a) spinal cord injury b) back pain c) sports injury dpall of these GROUP -B ( Short answer type questions ) Answer any three questions 5x3=15 xi) write short notes on: reatures of IPD. Grouping of operation theatre. Policies and procedures in ICU administration. Guidelines for setting a nuclear medicine department. eo en Occupational Therapy. GROUP Cc Invigilator’s Signature : ....., CS/MHA/SEM-4/MHA-404/2013 2013 CLINICAL SERVICE AREAS Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks, Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10x 1=10 i) Which pattern of ward isolation of infected patient ts easier ? a) RIG's ward b) Nightingale ward ) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these. ii) Long term objective(s) of ward management includes a) specialty treatment —_—b) personnel training I~ both (a) and (b) @) 30632 (MHA) CS/MHA/SEM-4/MHA-404/201 3 ii) Grouping of OT minimizes cross infection. a) True 2 b) False. iy) Hhiminantion in OT cavity should be a) 500 LUX b) 5000 LUX —_cl 60000 LUX d) 500000 LUX. v) Staffs required indirectly on 24-hour call in ICU are all, except a) ward administrator b) physiotherapist AVG U> (RARELEEALELSCADEACIES BAA NB: SER URRY OPERA C83 err wr a) 500 LUX b) ©5000 LUX =clh—60000 LUX d) 500000 LUX. vy) Staffs required indirectly on 24-hour call in ICU are all, except a) ward administrator b) physiotherapist =F blood bank technician d) radiographer, vi) Nurse-patient ratio depends on a) layout of ward i b) availability of student nurses c) type of hospital-teaching, non-teaching or researct sete] of these. vii) Ideally psychiatric ward should be located on a) first floor wh cenit floor c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these. viii) Gamma era is used in a. medicine department b) physical medicine and rel ¢) operation theatre d) transplantation ui 30632 (MHA) on ao organizational stru :, PEN unit and ct hie cture are Open unit and Seml-open foiitt ad) open ui nit, semi-closed unit and closed unit. Ay ‘PProaches for rehabilitation of the pertierivare a comm sed unity b; a ased approach and institution ba: { ») outreach program Bee) obo th fa nan a eee AG) Semi-open unit ce) close ed unit ang Semi-closed unit dad) open PEN unit, Seml-closed unit and closed unit Approa s for » PProaches for rehabilitation of (he patient are community based approach and institution based approach b) outreach Program ©) both (a) and (b) d) none of these. xi) Patient waiting area of OT is under a) sterile zone b) clean zone CE STOVE zone d) disposal zone. GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Write short notes on any three of the following. 3x5 = 15 2. Nightingale ward. 8. Role of nursing services. 4. Factors determining number of OT. 5. Functions of ICU. 6. Objectives and approaches of rehabilitation. over 30632 (MHA) 3 (ta Scanned by TapSca C8/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-401/2016.17 a a fae me MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : MHA-401 UTILITY SERVICE AREAS Time Allotted : 3 Hours Pull Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidatee are ramircd ta sine their answers in their own ee sul EE aoe eS Ve TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : MHA-401 ale UTILITY SERVICE AREAS 2 Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Cc i s andidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP - A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10% 1=10 i) | Which of the following is not a utilization index % a) Bed occupancy rate b) Infant mortality rate c) Bed turn-over rate d) Average length of stay. [| Turn over MHA-900369 Scanned by TapScanne. -.401/2016-17 ¢/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-401/ c department is SUpposed to fi) ThE sarsveessisvest and issue those instr, 5 tain sterile, main ials and garments which reguire to b¢ Sterile. ee sabia bf central Sterile g,, a) jou: Pply Stor, c) maintenance d) laundry. iii) HIPAA is % “27"Health Insurance Portability ana Accountability Act b) Health Insurance and Pre-natal Assessmen; Act c) Hospital Information for Patient Assessment activity d) Health Insurance Profitability and Accountability Act. iv) Equipment commissioning are all, except a) delivering b) unpacking ¢) assembling dq) calibrating. vy) Methods of equipment Procurement are all, except a) limited tender -bL. close tender ¢) open tender d) rate contract. vi) Break-even analysis is the relation between a) Cost-loss-volume “A—evst-profit-volume c) Sell-profit-volume 4d) none of these, MHA-900369 Ole as MHA-900369 CS8/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-401/2016-17 vii) Infusion pump is a) on i 7 risk device b) =medium risk device at SI high risk device a) very high risk device. ii wshll bas erasers) pharmacy is a new concept nvolving a pharmacy at each floor of hospital. a) Floor b) Ward SE a Satellite. ix) HVAC pertains to oY Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning b) High Voltage, Air-conditioning c) Heating, Ventilation, Air-cooling d) none of these. x) Full from of SOP is a) Standard Operative Procedure b) | Starting Operating Preparations c) Starting Omitting Procedures. GROUP - B ( Short Answer Type Questions } Write short notes on any three of the following. 3x5=15 Occupational Hazards Hospital formulary Organ transplantation , Hospital safety. MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code: MHA-401 UTILITY SERVICE AREAS Time Alictted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP - A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions } lowing : rrect alternatives for the fol 10x 1=10 1. Choose the co evel in 4 post-mortem room i) The illumination 1 should be a) 300 lux b) 400 lux c) 500 lux d) 600 lux. ii) Recommended floor area of a pharmacy for a 100 bedded hospital is a) 8 sq.ft per bed b) 7 sq.ft per bed o— 10 sq.ft per bed dj, 4 sq.ft per bed. [| Turn over MHA-90029 Scanned by TapScanner CS/MHA/EVEN/SEM-4 yMHA-401 /2019-*" MY THE aeneydncecsiee should be the c ittee- Drug and Therapeutic Commi “ Medical Superintendent b) Head of Pediatric department hairman of the c) Chief pharmacist d) NS. iv) As a general rul sic experts for 150 autopsies- ie a mortuary needs Foren: a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 Hh 2. vy) UPS stands for 2 Tninterruptible Power Supply b) Unlimited Power Supply c) Uninvited Power Supply d) none of these. vi) The temperature range of the operating rooms should be between a) 23 - 24°C b) 20-21°¢ o...18,- 19°C d) 15- 16°C. vii) ERCP is done by —y Gastrocope b) c) Colonoscope d) MHA-90029 ‘ Scanned by TapSca cs/M /MHA/EVEN/SEM-4/MHA-401/2015-16 viii) Which of the f i ollowing is not i 0) Batty ay ies a function of OPD ? b) Medical and Nursing care c) Health Promotion aining; / Education. ix) A it standerd pharmacy service performs the i acl purching b) storage and dispensing c) compounding d) planning of clinical trials. x) The height of principal mortuary room should not be less than a) 10ft b) 128 c) 8ft d) none of these. GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions )} Write short notes on any three of the following. 3x5=15 Theft in Pharmacy. Protocols of unclaimed bodies. Welfare service of employee's. Housekeeping service in Hospital. Rehabilitation of the patient. Ans wN MHA-90029 3 | Tarn over Scanned by TapScanr CS/MBA/Even(Setietthi 1H A SOR 200507 = ceed WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF MHA-401 UTILITY SERVICE AREA TECHNOLOGY Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70 The questions are of equal value: The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. All symbols are of usual significance. GROUP A (Multiple Choice Type Questions) 1, Answer any fen questions. 10x1 =10 is the health profession that li ee sciences with the chemical sciences. (A) Mortuary & Hospital planning (C) Pharmacy (D) Hospital security the following denotes the formal compilatio sed in a hospital (B) Pharmacology (D) Clinical trials (i) inks the health n of the (ii) Which of list of the drug to be u: (A) Formulary (C) Pharmacy Turn Over 4001 Scanned by TapScan. CS/MHA/Even/Sem-4th/MHA-40 1/2015 ii) Identify the variant of pharmacy practice of preparing drugs in new forms (A) Clinical (B) Veterinary QD Compounding 4 through financial (iv) What ky information is communicate st ents? (B) Accounting (C) Consultant CS/MHA/Even/Sem-4th/MHA-401/2015 sth : ring drugs (iii) Identify the variant of pharmacy practice of prepa in new forms Bs inary A) Clinical (B) Veterinary Compounding (C) Consultant | ted through financial (iv) What ki information is communica st ents? (A) Financial (C) Clinical (B) Accounting (D) Liabilities (v) Full form of SOP is : (AepSTandard Operative Procedure (B) Starting Operating Preparations (C) Starting Omitting Procedures (D) Standard Omitting Preparation (vi) As a general rule a mortuary etd experts for 150 autopsies (A)5 (B)4 (C)3 De (vii) UPS tands for : setts ewan power supply (B) Unlimited power supply (C) Uninvited power supply (D) Unreliable power sources forensic (viii) In opergting rooms temperature range should be in between ¥23°— 24°C (B) 20°— 21°C (C) 18°- 19°C (D) 15° — 16°C (ix) ERCP. is done by Gastrocope (B) Deodenoscope (C) Colonoscope (D) None of these 2 4001 epee CS/MHA/Even/Sem-4th/MHA-401/2015 (x) Which are the following is not a function of OPD? (A) Early diagnosis (B) Medical a Rata anew ants fica and Nursing care ) Training/Edueation (xi) A standard pharmacy service performs the following except. —¢teppurchasing (B) storage and dispensing (C) compounding (D) planning of clinical trials (xii) The height of a principal mortuary room should not be less 001 than (A) 10 ft Mire (Cyst (D) 4 ft GROUP B (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer any three questions. 3x§ = 15 State the role and function of hospital pharmacy. Mention the purpose of various utility services in hospital. Highlight the objectives of financial accounting in hospital planning. List the various functions of Mortuary services. Write down the importance of equipment management in hospital. alam) ee CS/MHA/Even/4th Sem/MHA-401/2014 2014 Utility Service Area ne Alloted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 the margin indicate full marks. The figure in rs in their Candidates are required to give their answe: own words as far as practicable GROUP -A (Multiple Choice Type Question) Choose correct alternative for any ten of the following: (10 x 1 = 10) is number of hours the equipment is actually used divided by number of hours it can be maximally used multiplied by 100 a) break down maintenance index i) b) Use coefficient ©) Usitization indices d) awareness index ji) | SEITON in Japanese mean a) shine/ sweep " sorting c) standarization d) segregation + u [ Turn over] Scanned by TapSca CS/MHA/Even/4th Sem/MHA-401/2014 ili) RAO committee has recommended for 200-300 beds hospital —— amby a)3 b)4 "ana * ae lv) Down time up to of accepted total Utilization tim, re i a)5% bana wy) vi) vil) vill) 9153 *) xi) o)5 are” Down time up to _______. of total utilization time j accepted 8 a)5% b) 8% c) 10% 4) 12% The equipment carrying a use coefficient of less than is generally regarded bad investment a) 25% b)35% c) 50% d) 60% The records all daily transactions of the business into the order in which they KA a) ledger journal c) trial balance d) balance sheet. Roles performed by today’s pharmacist are except. a) Medication distribution b) Controlling drug samples c) Optimizing medication therapy 4) Surveillance of epidemics assets are immediately convertible to cash a) Intangible b)-efquid ¢) Current d) Fixed Scanned by TapSc CSIMHAIEven/ath SemiMHA-antra914 The term ——— Include indirect material, indirect tabor and indirect expenses Ar @rerheads b) Differential costs ¢) Primary costs d) Recurrent costs Non-Medico Legal Cases of postmortems are conducted by an authorized ical man when asked by the investigation officer. a) True b) False prepares medication by combining, mixing or altering two or more ingredients for a patient based on the "ee | atid prescription 2. 3. 4. 6. ix) x) xi) 9153 CS/MHA/Even/4th Sem/MHa-404 f2 014 The term ———— include indirect materi \ and indirect expenses al, indirect labor pr Gverheads b) Differential costs c) Primary costs d) Recurrent costs Non-Medico Legal Cases of postmortems are conducted b an authorized ical man when asked by the investigation officer. a) True b) False ___—— prepares medication by combining, mixing or altering two or more ingredients for a patient based on the receipt of a valid prescription harmacist b) Doctor c) Nurse d) Sister GROUP -B Answer any three questions: (5x3 = 15) Briefly describe the roles and functions of hospital pharmacy. Discuss the problem areas of pharmacy and its probable solutions. Briefly describe the mortuary storage chambers of mortuary department? What are the advantages and disadvantages of out-sourcing vs in house equipment services? State the objectives of maintenance program in hospital equipment department. 3 [ Turn over ] CS /(MHA)/SEM -4 /MHA- 2013 401/2013 UTILITY SERVICE ARE AS rime Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP-A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1, Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10x1=10 4) agate ences is an art of recording, classifying and summarizing data in a significant manner and interpreting the result a Accounting b) Costing c) Financing d) Cost accounting. Rese streec! is a calculation of the approximate ies volume require to just cover costs, below ich production would be unprofitable and above wj ich it would be profitable ) Break-even analysis b) Cost Benefit analysis c) Ratio analysis da) ABC analysis. SO ZOMEA) | Turn over FL, TR Peete ey ee c) Ratio analysis d) ABC analysis. 30629(MHA) CS/(MHA)/SEM-4/MHA-401 (2013 iii). «. {8 a method or process by which the relationship of items or groups are compared a) Cost-benefit analysis b) Ratio analysis cf = Financial analysis d) Data analysis. WW)... at order from a doctor, dentist, veterinary surgeon for the supply of a medicine dressing or surgical appliance to a patient Prescription b) Formulary c) Unit does d) Case sheet. ¥) VED stands for ............ ? a) Vital Effective and Defective b) Very Essential Drugs c) Verify Emergency Drugs -#— Vital Essential and Desirable. vi) SN stands for .............. ‘ Fast moving, slow moving and Non moving b) First moving, Second moving and Never moving ce) Forward moving, Side moving and Non-stop moving d) Frequent moving, Sudden moving and Non moving. vii) PDCA stands for ............. a Plan, DO, Check and Act b) Preservation, Demonstration, Communication and Action c) Planning, Directing, Communicating and Action d) Plan, Direct, Cooperate and Act. viii) LIFO stands for ............ 5 ays Last in First Out b) Latest Indian Fashion Organization ec) Letter for International Food Order d) Last in Force Out. 30629(MHA) 2 CS/(MHA)/SEM-4/MHA-401/2013 Bling Piaesecae stds: is done by the hospital to find out clinical cause of death af Autopsy b) Post Mortem ce) ECG d) MRI. x) IPHS stands for ............ vw ) Indian Public Health Standards b) International Publication of Hospital Standards c) Indian Publication of Healthcare Status d) none of these. xi) According to 5S technique, Seiri means == a) Sorting b) Segregation ec) Sweep d) “Standardization. xi) Arrears tea piece, OF cardboard normally attached with string to the big toe of a dead body a) Toe tag b) Triage c) Tagging d) ID card. GROUP -B (Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 2. Preventive management of Medical equipment. dia eee i 3. Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940. 4. Management of dead bodies in the Mortuary ‘Se *> 30629(MHA)

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