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Hannah Vu

Ms. Valdenebro



Week 2 Writing Assignment: Racism according to Tatum and the films

1. What is racism according to Tatum? How is this different from the notion of prejudice? Is

this distinction new to you and why is it important? How do people participate in racism

according to Tatum (consider her moving sidewalk metaphor)?

Tatum uses David Wellman's definition of racism taken from the book Portraits of White

Racism. Racism is defined as “a system of advantage based on race.” (Tatum, 2017, p.87)

Another definition is “Prejudice plus power.” (Tatum, 2017, p.87) This distinction isn’t new to

me. This is different from the notion of prejudice because in my view prejudice is the unfair act

set upon others either individually or in groups where one has more privilege over others.

Prejudice in my view is also the view of others having on a certain group ethnic without fully

understanding the ethnic group.

Tatum explains prejudice as “A preconceived judgment or opinion, usually based on limited

information.” (Tatum, 2017, p.85) I learned about racism throughout my education in

elementary, middle, and high school and even now in college. Racism is a topic that is often

talked about. I have watched many documentaries about how racism has impacted our society. I

am reminded of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr as the topic of racism comes up. Rosa

Parks was jailed for refusing to give up her seat to a White Man. Martin Luther King Jr. was an

activist in the Civil Rights movement who fought for justice and equality. According to Tatum

people participate in racism by being exposed to misinformation about people different from


2. Using the film Race, the Power of an Illusion, Part 3, how has racism been embedded in

the US housing industry per the film? Consider the long-term impacts of such policies

(generational wealth for example).

Racism has been embedded in the US housing industry. Many of the housing was not offered to

those of Non-White even for those who had to serve in the war such as GI. The owner of the

development of housing was not offering to house those of Non-White families. The film stated

“The racial logic adopts the principle that an integrated neighborhood is a bad risk, is a financial

risk. That an integrated neighborhood is likely to be an unstable neighborhood. Unstable socially,

but therefore also unstable economically.” (Adelman, 2003) US housing industries were not

made for those of Non-white. Many real estate companies pay Whites to move out and inform

them that the African Americans are moving in next door.

3. Using the film Skin Deep, consider how far apart these students are in terms of

understanding racism: What are the students of color saying? What are the white students

saying? Are they using different definitions of racism? (quotes below to help you


Students of color are saying that they are afraid of being judged for the color of their skin. The

White students are saying that there are not many positive things about students of color. They

are in gangs. (Reid, 1995) Racism has to do with family beliefs and personal beliefs. Americans

have certain criteria and judgments of others of Non-White. There are different definitions of

racism. Racism is being set apart from a certain group.

4. What do you personally learn about the experience of racism from the films and the text?

How does this inform our work as educators?

I have learned from the films and the text is that from each perspective people are afraid of each

other. They are afraid to approach one another. They have different notions of each other. They

have different judgments and expectations of how one should act and speak. I had learned from

Tatums films that racism is a thing that others experience. Racism is a thing that people from

different ethnic groups are defined from and separated from each other. People from different

ethnic groups like immigrants are treated differently from White and natives in the land of

America. Immigrants work in factories for low pay and poor working conditions. I had learned

that many groups of immigrants were trying to fight for their rights but were denied by the

courts. Many court cases surrounded the topic of rights. The film had stated that there are certain

definitions of Whiteness and if one person or a certain racial group does not fit into the criteria of

Whiteness they are being isolated.


Adelman, L (Director) (2003) RACE: The Power of an Illusion - Episode 3 The House We Live 

In [Film] California Newsreel.

Reid, F. (Director). (1995). Skin Deep. Iris Films Production 

Tatum, B. D. (2017). Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? (2nd ed.). 

Basic Books New York. 

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