What Image Does Apple Want To Communicate For Its Brand?: The Whole Working-From-Home Thing - Apple

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● What image does Apple want to communicate for its brand?

Empathy, assertiveness, innovation, positive social contribution, quality,

good management, and team spirit are among Apple's fundamental

● How does it consistently maintain its image across its ads and products?

Apple promotes iPhones through a variety of print and broadcast channels.

iPhones are advertised on billboards and on television. The majority of
households now have televisions. As a result, the company is certain of
reaching a large target audience. The advertising is set up in such a way
that they portray the iPhones' better quality.

● What are the different components of an advertising campaign? What

mediums are used and how are stye combined?

The Apple Company sells iPhones and other items through direct marketing. The firm
mostly communicates via email. It delivers targeted emails to consumers informing them
of the latest iPhones. Apple maintains a client database that includes both potential and
current customers. The firm utilizes direct marketing to promote new iPhones.

The best example I have that shows Apple’s consistency is a funny video published
during the covid-19 quarantine, presenting a working from home team and how their
employees use their apple gadgets to do business. They took advantage of the dark
times and turned the situation into a great advertisement.

The whole working-from-home thing — Apple

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