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Student number: Section:
Name and Surname: Signature:
Announced: July 13, 2020, 17:00 Due: July 13, 2020, 18:30
• Please obey the following rules: Make sure that you submit your own original work. Avoid
sharing answers with others. Report suspected violations.
• Please remember the code of conduct for KOM3712, I posted for the exams.
• This file is available in UZEM VC and also on my Avesis site during the exam.
• Please do not forget to spare at least 15 minutes for scanning and uploading your pdf file.
• Make sure that each paper has your name and student number together with problem numbers.
• You have to upload your exam files to UZEM.
• In case there is any problem in uploading your exam papers to UZEM, you can send them to with the subject containing your number, initials, and the word Final
as explained in the code of exam as 23015007_MPD_resit.pdf.
• I will send you another link for an UZEM meeting, which will be active during the exam, so that
you can ask your questions related to the exam problems by typing in chatbox.

Problem-1 (25p). Suppose that you as a Control Engineer are called-in to consult on a control system in a
piece of equipment in the field. No one could find the design report or test results from the original design of
the control system. Therefore, you needed to take the frequency response of the control system by opening
the feedback loop. You realized that the system has just a unit feedback and obtained the Bode plots below.

(a) Estimate the open-loop transfer function.

(b) Determine the system type and the steady-state error from the plots.
Make sure that you obtain the same steady-state error using the result of (a).

Wish you all good health and best of luck, 13rd July 2020, Dr. Ş. N. Engin page 1 of 4
Problem-2 (25p). Considering the Bode and Nyquist plots presented below, which are obtained for two
different values of gain of the same system whose open-loop transfer function is,
𝐺(𝑠) =
(𝑠 + 1)(𝑠 + 5)(𝑠 2 + 12𝑠 + 100)
Do the following for the closed-loop system,
(a) Determine the phase and gain margins from the Bode plot.
(b) Determine if the system is stable from the results of (a). Give reason.
(c) Determine the phase and gain margins from the Nyquist plot.
(d) Determine if the system is stable from the results of (c). Give reason.
(e) Determine the stability range for gain using the Bode plot.
(f) What is the value of gain driving the system to sustained oscillations?
(g) What is the frequency of oscillation in Hz when the system produces sustained oscillations?

Wish you all good health and best of luck, 13rd July 2020, Dr. Ş. N. Engin page 2 of 4
Problem-3 (25p). Considering the unity feedback system on the C(s)
R(s) +
RHS, where the open-loop transfer function is, 𝐺(𝑠)
𝐺(𝑠) = –
𝑠(𝑠 + 40)(𝑠 + 100)
find the value of gain K to yield a closed-loop step response with
20% overshoot (ζ=0.456) using frequency response techniques.
Then design a Lag Compensator for this system for K = 120,000 that will reduce the steady-state error 10
times while still operating with the same overshoot (20%).
You may follow the steps below.
1. Draw Bode diagram for a gain K so that the magnitude of G(s) is 0 dB at 𝜔 = 1rad/s.
2. Determine the Phase Margin to meet the maximum percent overshoot of 20%.
3. Find the value of K to yield this phase margin.
4. For the lag design, set the new gain, K, to the value that satisfies the new steady-state error
specification and plot the Bode magnitude and phase diagrams for this value of gain. 

5. Find the frequency where the phase margin is 10° greater than the phase margin that yields the
desired transient response. At this frequency, the magnitude plot must go through zero dB.
6. Now design the compensator by starting from drawing the high-frequency asymptote. Arbitrarily
select the higher break frequency to be about one decade below the phase-margin frequency.
Starting at the intersection of this frequency with the lag compensator’s high-frequency asymptote,
draw a – 20 dB/decade line until 0 dB is reached. Then find the lower break frequency. Select a gain
value to yield a dc gain of unity.

Wish you all good health and best of luck, 13rd July 2020, Dr. Ş. N. Engin page 3 of 4
Problem-4 (25p). Consider again a unity feedback system similar to that of Problem-3, with
20(𝑠 + 2)
𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠 (𝑠 + 4)(𝑠 + 6)
Design a controller to yield 10% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds. Place the third pole 10 times as
far from the imaginary axis as the dominant pole pair.
Required Steps:
1. Use controllable canonical form for full state-variable feedback.
2. Obtain the gain matrix of 𝐊 by means of coefficient matching method or Ackermann’s formula by
hand. You may validate your results with the “acker” or “place” function in MATLAB.

Problem 5. Bonus (10p)

(a) Design a Lead-Lag Compensator whose general expression is given below for the parameters of 𝛾 =
5, 𝑇1 = 0.05, 𝑇2 = 0.2, where K is to be determined to yield 0 dB at low frequencies.
(b) Sketch its Bode plots.
1 1
𝑠+𝑇 𝑠+𝑇
1 2
𝐺(𝑠) = 𝐾 ( 𝛾)( )
𝑠+𝑇 1
𝑠 + 𝛾𝑇
1 2

Wish you all good health and best of luck, 13rd July 2020, Dr. Ş. N. Engin page 4 of 4

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