Nervous System

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Autonomic & Centeral NS & disases

1-All of the following don't cross CNS except:


2-Which drug NOT cause CNS effect :(Not mention except)

a. Carbachol
b. Bethanicol
c. Physostigmine
d. Neostigmine

3-which of the following doesn't cross CNS :


4-All of the following are irreversible anticholinestrase except:


4”-All irreversible except:

A. Malathion
B. Ecothiophate
C. parathion
D. piperzidine

-Malathion is irreversible Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor

5-All of the following are non-competitive acetyl cholinesterase

inhibitors, except:
1- Donepezil
2- Rivastigmine
3- Galantamine (reversible and competitive ache inhibitor)
4- Tacrine

NB. galantamine is Reversible and competitive

6-Anticholinesterase is MOA of all except :

a. Galantamine
b. Memeantine
c. Carine
d. donepezil
NB. Memantine is NMDA receptor antagonist

7-Sumatriptan is
*5-HT agonist & not used in coronary artery diseases, patient may
suffer from another attack after the first dose
*5-HT antagonist + same as A
*other 2 choices start with 5-HT antagonist + ..........................
NB; Tryptans are serotonin agonists explained down

A- 5-HT1 receptor agonist.
B- 5-HT2 receptor agonist
C- 5-HT3 receptor agonist
D- 5-HT4 receptor agonist

7”-sumatriptan MOA or used as :

-Drug for coronary ---
-serotonin antagonist
-serotonin agonist \ 5-HT1 agonist

NB drug used in acute migraine:

 zolimitrpan
 Sumatriptan
 Frovatriptan
acute onset :
opoids , antiemtics, NSAID , triptan , ergots
prophylaxis :
amitriptilyne , propranolol , timolol, valproic acid, topiramate

8-A good advice for sumatriptan :

a. If the sumatriptan does not relieve the headache within four hours,
ergotamine may be used.
b. If no relief is achieved in two hours, sumatriptan may be repeated.
c. If the headache is relieved but another headache occurs eight hours
later, sumatriptan may be used for the second headache.
NB. If only one answer probably c explanation down as it says don’t
take for same migraine attack but take after 2 hours if pain returns
(no relief means it didn’t work I guess)

8’- The pharmacist fills a prescription for sumatriptan 100 mg tablets

for a patient with migraine. Appropriate information to provide to the
patient includes which of the following?
a. If the sumatriptan does not relieve the headache within four hours,
ergotamine may be used.
b. If no relief is achieved in two hours, sumatriptan may be repeated.
c. If the headache is partially relieved with a single tablet, the dose
may be repeated after two hours.
d. The maximum dosage of sumatriptan 100 mg in any 24 hour period is
six tablets.
e. If relief is not achieved, no other medication can be used for at
least 24 hours.

8’’-Agood advice for sumatriptan :

a. If the sumatriptan does not relieve the headache within four hours,
ergotamine may be used.
b. If no relief is achieved in two hours, sumatriptan may be repeated.
c. If the headache is relieved but another headache occurs 2 hours
later, sumatriptan may be used for the second headache
9- Sumatriptan use is contraindicated in patients
l. With a history of ischemic heart disease
ll. Taking phenelzine
lll. With uncontrolled hypertension
9’-In migraine management, which one of the following is
contraindicated in ischemic heart disease:
A)pizotifen (to prevent the frequency of recurrent migraine

NB. Sumatriptan------max dose-----300mg/day

10-Prophylaxis of migraine for patient suffers 4-5 attacks / month is

11- Migraine stages except


12- Dihydroergotamine use for migraine

13-Pt needs anesthesia for cardiac surgery a nd suffer from weak
cardiac activity (or something like this) ;
a. morphine
b. fentanyl
c. lidocaine
d. propoxaphene

13’- Anesthesia used for patient with atrial fibrillation:

- propofol

13”- Anesthesia for cardiac patient for surgery with cardiac problem
what can be used:
- propofol
- halosan

NB.During surgery: propofol or fentanyl (decrease risk of MI after

After surgery: morphine (longest duration + most potent)

14-Pt with electroconvulsent and severe psychosis best anesthesia?

2.methohexital-electroconvulsent and severe psychosis
15-Action of dobutamine
*interact with alpha & beta receptors
* act on the dopaminergic receptors
*increase release of presynaptic NE

NB. Dobutamine is a sympathomimetic drug used in the treatment of

heart failure and cardiogenic shock. Its primary mechanism is direct
stimulation of β1 receptors of the sympathetic nervous system so if no
B1 only so answer a

16-Mepredine not suitable for long time because???

2-neurotoxicity (elderly)

17-Phenoxybenzamine is: non-slective, irreversible ALPHA antagonist

18-Phenoxybenzamine is irreversible adrenergic antagonist used in:

C- pheochromocytoma (is a neuroendocrine tumor of the medulla of
the adrenal glands (originating in the chromaffin cells), or extra-adrenal
chromaffin tissue that failed to involute after birth)

19-Which of the following drugs is with no intrinsic sympathomimitic


20-a-case about patient recently widowed, is suffering from severe

depression, is taking imipramine(TCA) block the reuptake of :
1- serotonin
2- norepinephrine
3- serotonin and norepinephrine
4- dopamine

20-b-same case about the widow

TCA metabolized by:
a-CYP 450
b-amine hydroxlase
c-alcohol dehydrogenase

20-c-Same case about the widow

TCA block all of the following receptors except:
1- Histaminic receptors
2- Alpha adrenergic receptors
3- Beta adrenergic receptors
4- Muscarinic receptors (cholinergic)

20-d-Same case about the widow:

TCA used in all of the following except:
1- Panic disorders
2- Schizophrenia
3- Migraine
4- Neuropathic pain

20-f- desipramene work on which receptors

beta, serotonin, NE in the CNS

21-Metabolic effects of BB include all of the following except:
1- Decreased glucagon release
2- Decreased glycogenolysis
3- Hypertriglyceridemia
4- Hyperglycemia

22-Least effect for BB in :

1- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
2- Myocardial infarction
3- Arrhythmia
4- Angina pectoris
23-All of the following decrease the effects of BB except:
1- Phenytoin
2- Phenobarbital
3- rifampin
4- Fluoxetine (increase effect of BB)

24-Female patients suffering from absence seizures, which of the

following is not indicated:
1- Ethosuximide
2- Lamotrigine
3- Diazepam
4- Carbamazepine
Absence seizures also called petit mal seizures nd most commonly
occurred in children. It can occur at any age but Is uncommon to
continue in adulthood. Symptoms: still, stopping activity and then
continue back, jerking doesn’t occur.
1. Ethosuximide (only in absence seizures 2. Valproic acid (all
types of absence seizure, myoclonic, tonic nd partial seizures)
Lamotrigine, topiramate, clonazapem, levitaracetam
Carbamzaprine exacerbate absence seizure and gabapentin are
Preganancy: absence seizures: ethosuxamide with folic acid 1-
5mg/day. After first sem switch back to valproic acid.
Generalized tonic-clonic: lamotrigine with folic acid
24’-we are using all to treat absence seizure except:
a- phenytoin
b- valproic acid
c- ethosuximide
d- lamotrigine
25-What is the drug of choice for status epilepticus :
1- Phenytoin
2- Carbamazepine
3- Lamotrigine
4- Valproate

NB. As explained in below picture is lorazepam or diazepam is there

they will be first choice. Phytoin, rectal diazepam and IV vaproate
26-which of the following is /are generalized seizures
tonic clonic seizures
febrile seizures
absence seizures
all of the above

27-All of the following anti-epileptic drugs are avoided in pregnancy

1- Phenytoin
2- Valproate
3- Diazepam
4- clonazepam
NB. DOC for eplipsey in pregnancy Carbamazepine 1st, Clonazpine 2nd
28-A child unconscious in starting or cessation of activity that last less
than 30 seconds , what is the type of seizures he has ?
a. simple partial (localized to one area on one side of the brain, but may
spread from there. Consciousness is not lost during asimple partial
b. complex partial (A complex partial seizure, now known as a focal
impaired awareness seizure [1] starts focally within the brain and causes
impairment of consciousness
c. absence
d. myoclonic

28’-a small boy that has a short period of 5 seconds starring and
blanking out .What is the type of seizure ?
Febrile seizure

28’-a- What is the drug of choice

a. Valproate
b. Ethosuximide
c. Lamotrigine
d. Lithium

29’-b- Which drug causes hepatotoxicity and pancreatitis:

a. Valproate (hepatotoxicity and pancreatitis)
b. Ethosuximide
c. Lamotrigine
d. Lithium

30-A case about seizure …a.a is a healthy boy came to emergency with
a very high temperature and convulsions. what type of seizure he has:
Febrile siezure
Tonic clonic

In the tonic phase the body becomes entire rigid, and in

the clonic phase there is uncontrolled jerking. Tonic-clonic
seizures may or may not be preceded by an aura, and are often
followed by headache, confusion, and sleep.

31-a-A patient with a period of muscle stiffness and losing

consciousness followed by periods of muscle contraction and relaxing
rapidly, what is the type of seizure?
Tonic clonic

31’-b-1-Tonic-colonic seizures DOC is

1. phenytoin,
2. Ethosuxi1mide,
3. Valproate

31’-c- DOC in myoclonic seizure

(valproate, phenytoin , phenobarbiton, Ethoxumide)

NB. Tonic clonic siuzure

1. Sodium valproate 2. Lamotrignine 3. Carbamezabine 4. Phenytoin
Myoclonic siuzure
1. Valproate 2. Clonazepam 3. Lamotrignine
Absences siuzure
1. Ethosuximate 2. Lamotrignine 3. Valproate

32-teenager , wake at night he has contraction in muscle

myoclonic seizures

33-Doctor wants to discontinue anti-epileptic drug for female patient,

which of the following guarantees low recurrence:
1- EEG
2- History of frequent seizures
3- Onset in childhood
4- MRI

34-Patient with epilepsy the doctor decide to stop the drug based on
what :
a- EEG
b-frequent seizure
c-cerebral lesion
d-history of family
NB. Low recurrence: seizure start at early age.
Stop medication: EEG
Confirm diagnosis :all

35-To confirm the diagnosis of a patient with epilipsy the following

tests are used :
Neurologic history
Magnetic resonance imaging
electroencephalogram (EEG)
Ct scan
all of the above

36- Anti cholinergic used for motion sickness :

10- scopalamine
2- ipratropium

36’-DOC for motion sickness..

a. dimenhydramine
b. cyclizine
c. meclizine

36”-Which of the following is most effective drug in motion sickness

Cinnarizine OR CYCLIZINE
37-Patients develop tolerance against all of the following effects of
morphine except:
1- Respiratory depression
2- Euphoria
3- Analgesia
4- Pinpoint pupil (miosis)

NB. Tolerance Euphoria , If least tolerance pin point pupil

38-Which of the following narcotics have the most analgesic effect:


38’-Which of the following is used as analgesic

Pentazocin (moderate to severe pain, activation k receptor and block u

39- which longest duration

morphine ,
fentanyl, (rapid and short duration)
meperidine (rapid but slightly short)

40-Patient on rehab program, all of the following are used for

detoxification of morphine except:
1- Methadone (tapering of opioid dependence, detoxification)
2- Bupropion (antidepressant and smoking cessation, block dopamine
3- Clonidine (alpha2 agonist)
4- Codeine

40’- All used for Morphine dependence except :

a. Methadone
b. Codeine
c. Clonidine
d. Buprenorphine

41- Codeine is metabolized by:

A – sulfonyltransferase
B – glucouronyltransferase
C – Nmethyltransferase
D – a+b

41-Case about patient suffering from severe skeletal muscle rigidity

and is diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, which of the following is NOT
1- Diagnosed by edrophonium
2- Glucocorticoids are not useful in this condition
3- Autoimmune disease caused by antibodies against ACH receptors at
motor endplate
4- Treated by acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors

NB. Diagnosis of myasthensia gravis =edrophonium

Treatment of myasthensia gravis = that the first choice is
pyridostigmine, then neostigmine..
While glucocorticoids can be used as immunosuppressants

42- How to differentiate between cholinergic crisis and Myasthenia


a. CT scanning and MRI

b. Ice Pack Test
c. Edrophonium test
d. atropine test

43-All of the following are used for treatment of acute mania except:
1- Lorazepam
2- Chlorpromazine and phenytoin
3- Lithium
4- Valproate
NB. This Q not sure answer but most said C

Risperidone, olanzapine, and haloperidol should be considered as among

the best of the available options for the treatment of manic episodes.

Lithium, valpric acid, carbamazapeine, lamotrigine

44-Toxicity of morphine can be reversed by:

1- Naloxone
45-Which drug is not used in parkinson’s disease:
1- Chlorthalidone, clopromazine and haliparidol
2- Bromocriptine
3- Amantadine
4- Rasagiline

46-Which of the following is CI in Parkinson:

1- Haloperidol

47-a-Long case about Parkinson patient:

What is the effect of carbidopa on levodopa:
1- Decrease its metabolism in the CNS
2- Decrease its peripheral decarboxylation to dopamine
3- Cant remember rest of the choices but they were so wrong

47-b-What are the symptoms of parkinson:

1- Tremors and agitation
2- Inability to initiate voluntary movements
3- Abnormal posture and gait
Ans: all

47-c-Which of the following vitamins decreases the effects of

levodopa when taken concomitantly :
1- Vit B6 puridoxine
2- Vit B12
3- Vit B1
4- Vit B5

47-d-The decrease in the effect of levodopa occurs within:

11- After 5 years
2- After 3 years
3- After 2 years
4- From the 3rd to the 5th year

48-Case of patient having Parkinson disease,

This patient is talking selegiline , this drug should be taken along with
C. buspirone

49-Which of the following is irreversible :

1-parkinson like symptom
3-tradive dyskinesia

50- β-amyloid damage is mark able in:

A- Alzheimer Disease
B- Parkinson Disease
C- Seizures
D- Paget's Disease (bone disease)

51-Another name for the disease paralysis agitans :


52-Pilocarpine is used in all of the following except:

1- In narrow angle glaucoma
2- Alternatively with mydriatics to separate the iris
3- In closed angle glaucoma
4- Standard one for open glaucoma

53-patient using pilocarpine for 3 years without medical supervision,

suddenly experienced loss of breath Management?

54-patient using pilocarpine for 3 days without medical supervision,

suddenly experienced loss of breath Management?
NB. If the question states that 3 years then management will be
(epinephrine) as it is considered shock
While patient suffer for 3 days then the management will be atropine

55-Phenytoin side effects are all of the following except :

1- Gingival hyperplasia
2- Acne.
3- Hirsutism
4- Nephrotoxicity
5-Steven jhonson syndrome
6- nystagmus

55’-phenytoin side effect ,all except

a) gingival hyperplasia
b) nystagmus
c) nephrotoxicity
d) steven-gohnson syndrome

56-case about a patient had an organophoshorous toxicity , all of the

following are side effect except:
B-Miosis, increase saliva, tear production
C-Skeletal muscle weakness and tremors
D-GIT disturbance (diarrhea and vomiting)

57-which one of the following is true about botulinum toxicity :

A-Acetylcholieterase receptors blockade
B-Treated with choline infusion
C- act on preganglionic ends

NB. Not sure from answer but Antidote for botulinum toxin..... choline
Also botulinum toxin act on synapse nerve ending and prevent release if
acetylcholine I think C

58-epinephrine cause all except:

a- increase systolic pressure
b- hyperglycemia...
CNS (headache, tremor, anxiey), Hemorrhage, cardiac arryhtmia
(hypokalemia), pulmonary edema
Epinephrine acts on both alpha and beta receptors, vasodialtion (low
dose beta effect) ,bronchodialation, vasoconstriction (high dose alpha
effect), lipolsysis
58’-Patient taken epinephrine cause all except?
58”-patient taken epinephrine cause all except:
a. tachycardia
b. bronchodilator
c. hyperkalemia
d. hypoglycemia
NB. It is highly debatable which one to use if only 1 is wanted
Epinephrine and all sympathomimetic causes hypokalemia so used in
Hyperkalemia treatment
They also stress hormones so decrease the insulin release and increase
glucose levels causing hyperglycemia

58”’- epinephrine cause all except:

a- increase systolic pressure
b- hyperglycemia....
c- Lipogenisis

59- Patient had gone through cardiac transplantation what of the next
has the least effect on the transplanted organ
a. nor epinephrine

NB. the least effect on the transplanted organ is ( nor epinephrine )

- the most effect on the transplanted organ is ( epinephrine)

60-Ephedrine stimulates the release of ...

1. Epinephrine
2. Norepinephrine
3. Dopamine
4. Ach
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine is mixed action adrenergic
agonist release nor epinephrine form pre and activate adrrnergic
(alpha and beta) receptors from post
61-what is the physiological antagonist of histamine:
1)cromolyn sodium
62-a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced
peripheral awareness and enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion
: Hypnosis

63-Loss of cognitive skills


64-Which of the following is an old generation antipsychotic most

potent: -fluphenazine
NB. Fluphenazine belongs to a class of psychoactive drugs called

65- Most potent 1st generation antipsychotic?

a. Haloperidol
b. Phenothiazine
c. Fluphenazine

65’- Which is not atypical antipsychotics ??


NB. antisychotic drugs have 2 main classification

1- typical antisychotic e,g haloperidol
2- atypical antisychotic e,g clozapine, resperidone

66-Side effects of antipsychotics ( in general )

A ) Sedation
B )extrapyrimidal
c) seizure
d ) postural hypotension
a& B & c
67-S/E of antipsychotics (nortryptyline) all except
_ short breath
_ postural hypotension
_extra pyramidal

68-Non compliant schizophrenic adult ask to give

depot antipsychotic how long will it affect?
1-4 wks
1 year
69-Atypical antipsychotics are used in first diagnosed schizophrenia.
Olanzapine causes stroke in elderly with dementia.
A-Both statements are true and the second one explain the first one
B- Both statements are true and the second one doesn’t explain the
first one
C-The first statement is true and the second is false
D- The first statement is false and the second is true

70-Which of the following is ultra-short barbiturates:

Penobarbital (long action)

71-Least sedative action


72-To help a patient to get into sleep and he has no problem in

wakening during sleep
73-Patient with bipolar disorder and she is pregnant what is the drug
hat not affect the baby and reduce the symptoms:


NB. Carbamezpine is 1st choice, Clonazepam 2nd choice

74-In the elderly, an antipsychotic drug such as Haloperidol is likely to

A) Hyperthermia
B) Hypertension
C) Hypotension
D) Hypoprolactinaemia

75-Which used in alcohol dependence


76- Treatment of schizophrenia

Positive symptoms: 1st generation
Negative symptoms: 2nd generation

77-Inhibit parasympathetic receptor means

Sympathomimetic , ,sympatholytic , ,parasympathomemetic,


78-Regarding Fluxetine :

a. half life is 50 hrs

b. have a metabolite as active as the prodrug
c. used in bulimia nervosa
d.undergo first pass effect
answer... ALL
78’-which true about fluxotine: (statements)
a-have long half life
b- used in ttt of bulimia nervosa
c- its metabolite have the same potency as a parent drug
d- drug undergo first pass metabolism
e all

79- ephedrine not to be taken with?

a) MAOI b)SSRI c) snri

80- All of the following are uses of cholinergic agonist except:

a. Glaucoma
b. Atony of bladder
c. Megacolon
d. Sjogren's

81- Clozapine blocks which receptor (s):

a. Serotonin
b. Dopamine
c. Serotonin and dopamine
d. Dopamine and norepinephrine

82-Which is true statement about Alprazolam:

a. Short-acting anyxiotylic BDZ
b. Doesn’t need dose adjustment in elderly
c. Doesn’t have interactions with drugs
d. Dose is 0.25-0.5 microgram 3times
83- noceptive pain... nortyptilline

NB. Nociceptive pain is caused by damage to body tissue and usually

described as a sharp, aching, or throbbing pain. This kind of pain can be

due to benign pathology; or by tumors or cancer cells that are growing

larger and crowding other body parts near the cancer site. Nociceptive

pain may also be caused by cancer spreading to the bones, muscles, or

joints, or that causes the blockage of an organ or blood vessels.

Neuropathic pain occurs when there is actual nerve damage. Nerves

connect the spinal cord to the rest of the body and allow the brain to

communicate with the skin, muscles and internal organs. Nutritional

imbalance, alcoholism, toxins, infections or auto-immunity can all

damage this pathway and cause pain. Neuropathic pain can also be

caused by a cancer tumor pressing on a nerve or a group of nerves.

People often describe this pain as a burning or heavy sensation, or

numbness along the path of the affected nerve.

Cancer Pain can be nociceptive or neuropathic.

84- Medication is preferred to be used in neuropathic pain rather than

nociptive pain:
a. Nortryptillin
b. Ibuprofen
c. Tramadol
85-The anxiolytic of BZD is usually attributed to their ability to do
which of the following
a. Potentiate the effects of GABA
b. Alert the sodium ion influx
c. Alert the calcium ion influx
d. Interfere with amine

A-blocking of GABA
B- something related to insomnia
C-have high therapeutic index
D-all are lipid soluble

A. Are all lipid soluble (OR: None are water-soluble)
B. Are all renally excreted unchanged
C. Causes retrograde amnesia (they cause anterograde amnesia)
D. Lorazepam is more lipophilic than midazolam
E. Block GABA receptors
F. Have high therapeutic index

If one answer then high therapeutic index only according to


A. Substituted phenothiazine
B. Reliably produces mental tranquility
C. Does not act (directly) on CTZ
D. Alpha-blockade with hypotension is not a problem with 2mg dose
E. Slows alpha rhythm on EEG

87-cholinergic toxicity case work in which receptor:

A.muscarinic (cholinergic)
D.nor adrenergic

88-What is the side effect of taking alcohol and benzodiazepine?

CNS stimulation
CNS depression

89-Insecticide poisoning, which antidote should be given


90-Which of these drugs cause hypotension and syncope at the first

doses? a. Terazocin

91- Treatment of hiccup:

A-baclofen(muscle relaxant)

Chlorpromazine 1st. haloperidol and metaclopramide

92-morphine overdose causes :

a) constipation
b) resp. depression
c) pupil dilation

93-Which drug of choice in treatment of Trigeminal neuralgia?

1. Phenytoin.
2. Carbamazepine (10,11 epoxide)
3. Tobramate
4. Diazepam.

94-succinyl choline metabolism :

 Ester hydrolysis

95-drug which induce cytochrome p450:

 Phenytoin
 Erythromycin
 Carbamazepine
 Cimetidine

96- pt. undergoing mech. Ventilation, which is used to reduce unwanted

random resp. movements :
a) succinyl choline
b) vancururium

96’- patient undergoing mechanical ventilation, which is used to reduce

unwanted random resp. movements:

a) pancururium
b) succinyl choline

97- the use of leukotriene antagonist followed with B2 agonist?

Physiological antagonist

98-Haloperidol is classified structurally as a;

a): benzodiazepine
b): phenothiazine
c): butyrophenone
d): diphenylbutylpiperidine

99-How to differentiate between typical and Atypical antipsychotic

A.extrapyramidal Side effects

100-negative symptoms apathy and blunted are benefit with:

101- the least effect of norepinephrine on which receptor
Norepinephrine cause greater vasoconstriction than epinephrine
because of less effect on b2
102-Which consider as opoid agonist :

103)T/F & the second statement explain the first one or not
-Dopamenergic drugs: caution with driving
-Dopamenergic drugs may cause sudden onset of sleep at daytime or

Ans: both true and 2 explain 1

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