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-General Pharmacy

1-l+aminar airflow hood is cleaned by

1. Alcohol
2+. bleaching tablet
3. ammonia
4. soap and hot water

+2- Which is false about handling anticancer drugs?

a) Gowns should be made of fabric that has low-permeability to the agents in use,
with closed-front and cuffs, intended for single use
b) Wear double latmex gloves
c) Negative pressure laminar flow hood should be used
d) Use positive pressure when withdrawing solution from vial

NB. Vertical laminar flow hood is used for antineoplastics

3-.The ethical principle of veracity requires that pharmacists:

a. respect the rights of others to make choices.
b. do good to patients, placing the benefit of the patient over other factors such
as cost.

c. avoid, remove or prevent harm.

d. act with fairness, to allow people to receive that to which they are entitled.
e. act with honesty, without deception.

NB.Autonomy: respect the person and their right to determine their own actions.which contains
Veracity: need to be honest with patients.
Confidentiality & privacy
Fidelity: promise to care
Nonmaleficence: need to avoid harm
Maleficence: need to do what benfits patients
Justice: need to treat patients fairly
4-Which of the following need. referral to doctor:
A- Diabetic patient with diarrhea more than 36 hrs.
B- 8 years old child with diarrhea more than 36 hrs and fever (38°C)
C- Adult with diarrhea more than 4 days.

5- which situation pharmacist should not dispense prescription :

Pharmacist suspect fraud
Pharmacist think it maybe harm to patient

5’-which are examples of situations a pharmacist, should not dispense a

A.he suspects cheating or fraud
B.he thinks that the medication might harm the patient
C.he does not know the doctor

6-a regular customer to your pharmacy came with a RX but from your record u
discovered a drug _drug interaction between the new and the old medications
.what is your best action:
A.refuse to issue the RX
B.tell the pt about the drug interaction and send him to the doctor the doctor and tell him to change the drug to avoid interaction

7-patient need to refill prescription but the dose is not appearing clearly what you should
do? Call the doctor and ask him about the dose

7’- a prescription come to you with a confusion dosage form with a different route
of administrations:
A.Return the Rxs to the doctor
B.Add details and instructions about the different route of administration in the
7”- For dosage that may develop confusion for the route of administration ; as
pharmacist as if what of the following you will do or act
A. Remove label and cancel it
B. Write the expiry date on the label
C. Write the right method of administration on the label
D. Return the whole prescription to the Dr

8-Which one of the following is not a chelate:

A- Hemoglobin
B- Lactulose
C- Amikacin

9- How to evaluate the professional pharmacy?

a. inventory turn over
9’- to determine professionality of the pharmacy
Inventory Turn over

10-not responsibility of HAAD :

a. door to door pharmacy

10’-Which is not a responsibility to haad?
B.drug store
C.scientific office
D.door to door pharmacy

10’’-Which is not a responsibility of HAAD?

a) 24 hrs Pharmacy
b) In patient pharmacy
c) Outpatient pharmacy
d) Drug store
e) Scientific Office
f) Door to door pharmacy
1. A & c
2. D & F
3. A only
4. F only

11- pharmacist do self-inspection to the pharmacy except

a. Sign it by himself
b. Send report to HAAD
c. Document and keep in pharmacy in a file
d. Let pharmacy owner sign it

12-About missed or broken ampoule .how to keep them in HAAD section in pharmacy?

a-use the facility(incidence form) (1st)

b-put them in disposal bag
c- ship them in secured bag

12”- if a controlled medication has been missed, returned ,expired or the ampule
broken ,How you will inform HAAD
a. Put in black disposable bag
b. put in secure bag then send it to HAAD
c. send report to HAAD (2nd)

13-you found that they issued an expired medication from your stock. what is your
A. call and inform the prescriber.
B. document the medication error to haad
C . Try to contact pt to return medication .

14- vaccines document kept for :

a)min. 2 yrs
b) min. 3 yrs
c) min. 5 yrs

15- Medication errors

a. Only dose error will documented
b. Communicate these error with patient
c. Documents all error in your pharmacy system

16- Diaphragm 1:
1. MTC mean: minimum toxic concentration
2. MTC means
a- Maximum toxic conc.
b- Maximum safe conc.

3. MEC mean : minimum effective concentration

4. clinical use therapeutic range ;
between MTC A& MEC
5. AUC; area under the
concentration time curve
6. ‫ﺟﮫ ﻧﻔﺴﮫ وﻛﻤﺎن‬area under MEC not

17-a-Cmax stands for:-

a-the maximum conc that drug conc
17-b-Tmax stands for:-
a- time at which plasma concentration reach maximum

18-AUC measured by
Tripzoidal method
In high therapeutic index:
b- a-more toxicity
c- b-no side effects

20-the drug conc above MTC indicate for

b-side effect

21-drug below MEC


22-Diaphragm 2

1. T max of IV curve : zero

2. Tmax of oral curve : 4 hr
3. Assume zero order for iv curve what will be the t half = 12hr
4. The colored area reflect ; AUC
5. Which is true; Onset of IV is faster than oral

23- IV in emergency: except

A. The fastest and the standard in Er
B. good for titrating the dose
C. convenient for the patient

Advantages of IV route over oral route:
1- safe and convenient, rapid onset, dose can be titrated, can be used in ER
2- safe and convenient, can be used in ER
3- rapid onset, dose can be titrated, can be used in ER
4- rapid onset, can be used in ER
23’’-Advantage of IV route is true: (without except)

a.used in emergency

b.dose can be titrated


d. safe and convenient

answer..A ,B,C

24-what is statement true

Iv solution has rapid onset time than oral

25- IV solution become cloudy :

warm it , stop it , complete it , slow infusion

26-Foam in pharmacy found as spray used for : (statements)

a. Topical
b. Burn dressing
c. Rectal

26’-Foam in pharmacy found as spray is used as:

1- Burn dressing and topical but not for rectal administration
2- Topical and rectal but not for burns
3- Topical, rectal and for burn dressing
4- Topical only

27-which is true about dry gum emulsion:-

a-ratio 4:2:1
b-water gum and oil are added together and triturated slowly
c-oil and gum are triturated and water added slowly.
d-none of the above

NB.4 parts of oil 2, parts of water, 1 part of gum

both 4.2.1 but difference in DRY (water added last & all at once), in WET (oil added last

28-The wet granulation method is "

Prepared as 4:2:1 ratio
Prepared by triturating of gum and oil and the adding water at once
Prepared by triturating of gum and water and then adding oil slowly

N.B.: DRY : gum and oil are triturated and water added at once

WET : gum and water are triturated and oil added slowly

29- emulsion dispersion phase : non- aqueous

Dispersion medium- aquesous

30-emulsion inversion:
a-conversion of W/O emulsion to O/w emulsion and vice versa
NB. if water is internal phase so classified W/O and if water is the external phase
then O/W

31-electrical conductivity is a feature of (or something like that)

a-W/O emulsion
b-O/w emulsion

31’-Conductivity in emulsion, the dispersed phase for such emulsion is:

1- Aqueous
2- Non aqueous
3- Aqueous and non aqueous
4- Oily

NB. As the dispersed phase is usually the oil droplets while the liquid is called the
dispersion medium or continuous phase
31”-If the emulsion passed the conductivity test, which one is the dispersed

- Non-aqueous
-Both aq and non-aq

32-velocity in dispersed phase affected by:-

a-particle size
b-particle homogeneity
c-elecrtic charge

33- Conductivity test – Dilution test – Dye test used for which dosage form :
a. Susp.
b. Emulsion
c. Foam
d. Gel

34-high temp is avoided in emulsion to prevent


34’-Emulsions undergoing different temperatures by increasing the temperature so

what the effect will happen to it

35-aggregation of oil droplets on glass (emulsion)

35’-Emulsion preparation and it is homogenous but with oil droplet on the glass, The
emulsion will reform on shaking this is called: ( this as segregation of the low
density particles at the top on the glass so:

35’’- Oil droplets on surface of emulsion and when mixed become homogenous what
is it called

36- 2 hydrophilic/hydrophobic particles mixed with water this is (can't remeber

the quest)

37-cold cream
a.w/o emulsion

38- positive & negative particles mixed together with water is called

39-which of the following is true about microemulsion

It is a homogenous translucent thermodynamically stable
It is a heterogeneous translucent thermodynamically stable
It is an opaque emulsion

40-not tests of stability of emulsions : (globular size, centrifugation, viscosity

Globular size
Viscosity test
41-particles size affects:
A. Dissolution
B. Uniformity in the tablets
C. solubility

41’-Particle size affects:

1- Suspend ability
2- Penetrability
3- Dissolution rate
4- Dose to dose uniformity
5- Uniformity of tablet
6- All of the above

42-Which of these affects dissolution rate, absorption rate, content uniformity,

and stability :

a. Particle size
b. Size distribution
c. Interaction with surface molecules
1)a only

43-Pharmaceutical equivalent EXCEPT:

-rate of extent and bioequivalence
-route of administration

43”- If two drugs are pharmaceutically equivalent which statement is not true (not
* they have the same active ingredient
* they have same dosage form
*they have same route of administration
* they are bioequivalent

NB.Bioequivalent: same rate & extent of drug absorption for the generics.

43”’-pharmaceutical equivalent have the same following characteristics except

*chemical form
*dosage form
*same AUC & extent
-Pharmaceutical Equivalents. Drug products are considered pharmaceutical equivalents
if they contain the same active ingredient(s), are of the same dosage form, route of
administration and are identical in strength or concentration (e.g., chlordiazepoxide
hydrochloride, 5mg capsules). Pharmaceutically equivalent drug products are formulated
to contain the same amount of active ingredient in the same dosage form and to meet the
same or compendial or other applicable standards (i.e., strength, quality, purity, and
identity), but they may differ in characteristics such as shape, scoring configuration,
release mechanisms, packaging, excipients (including colors, flavors, preservatives),
expiration time, and, within certain limits, labeling.

43’’’-if a drug has the same active ingredient like other drug but not contain the
same inactive ingredient this mean :-
a- Bioequivalent
b-pharmaceutical equivalent
c- pharmaceutical alternative
d- A,B
44- if a drug has the same action like other drug but not contain the same active
ingredient this mean
a- Bioequivalent
b- pharmaceutical equivalent
c- pharmaceutical alternative
d- A,B

45- What is a pharmaceutical alternative?

a-Drug products that contain the same therapeutic moiety but as different salts,
esters, or complexes.
b-Drug products that contain the same therapeutic moiety but as different
c- 1 and 2(True)

45’-What is a pharmaceutical alternative?

a) Same therapeutic moiety but as different salts, esters, or complexes.

b) Same therapeutic moiety but Different dosage forms and strengths within
a product line by a single manufacturer .
c) A+B

45’’- pharmaceutical alternative :

same active moiety, different in solubility
same active moiety, different strength
different active moiety, same action
b. a+b

46-The content of electrolytes in a solution is expressed by


47-A-faciliated diffusion

-Down conc gradient and similar to gylcoprotein and need transport

-similar to gylcoprotein and need transport

47-B- What need active hydrolysis of ATP
1ry active transport

47’-facilitated diffusion is
need transporter ,down chemical gradient required, glycoprotein used , all are true

48-albumin highly bind to :

b. weak acid
c. weak base

48’-Acidic drug carrier in plasma is; albumin

49-CDA written on Sunday , what’s the last day to dispense it on the week :
d. Tuesday
49’-a narcotic prescription written on Sunday. The last day to dispense :
2) A.tuesday
3) B wed
4) C.Thur

NB. The prescription must be written maximum 2 days earlier as only valid for 3 days.

50-the expiration date on original package NOV 2015 today is 1 DEC 2014 : the
pharmacist repackaged the medicine with FDA guidelines :25% of remaining time on
the original package to max. 6 months what is the new expiration date :
FEB 2015
May 2015
Jan 2015
June 2015
NB. The ans. Is feb.2015 ( cause it mentions 25% u will add 3 months ) and if it doesnt
mention so the ans. Will be may 2015 ( add 6 months)

NB.The general rule for expiray of drugs after open is max 6 months but some times they mentioned
the percent of remaining as 25% for example if the remaining time for expiry as mentioned by the
manufacture is 12 months the 25% of it is 3 months

so if u open it you have only 3 months to use but if this remaining is much more and after calculating
the 25% of remaining u found it more than 6 months for example it was 8 months u have max 6
months to use

51- Junior pharmacist asked about refill of prescription :

a) Controlled drugs should be dispensed under strict condition
b)no time limit to dispense other prescriptions

52-bioavailability F= 1-E refer to :

Extraction ratio
Excretion ratio
Elimination ratio

53- Rx : timolol 25% eye drops i.o.d BID M 15ml :

Apply one drop into right eye twice daily
NB. Od: right eye everyday , BID: twice daily M:mix

53’-RX : Timolol 25% eye drop , S: i.o.d . BID , M : 15 ml

on prescription label should read as :
a- apply 1 drop into both eyes twice daily
b- apply 1 drop into left eye twice daily
c- apply 1 drop into right eye twice daily
d- shake will and instill drop into left eye twice daily

54-semi control is
Controlled Drug class B no need for control prescription like control
drug class A.

55-Semi control drugs :

a. CD A
b. CD B of group 3
c. CD B of group 5
d. narcotic drugs

55’-semi controlled drug is


56-Semicontrol drug what is true :

Licensed GP can prescribe for 30 days with no refill
Specialist prescribe for 30 days with one refill
the Rx valid duration is no more than 3 days from the date of Rx
all ( answer is all)

NB. Consultant or Specialist in neurology and psychiatry shall prescribe up to 90 days

(30 days plus two refill)also this true if it comes in choices

57-Controlled drug:
licensed GP can prescribed for only 3 days
refill must not be issued for control medicine
duration of Rx to be dispense is no more than 2 days from the Rx date
all (answer is all)
NB. A HAAD licensed Specialist must only prescribe up to 15 days of Controlled
medicines. 6.3.3 A HAAD licensed Consultant and specialist in Neurology or
Psychiatry must only prescribe up to 30 days of controlled medicines(also these
choices true if come in question)

58-maximum duration for a GP to dispense a CDa and CDb drug is

a- 1 day
b- 3 days
c- 5 days
d- 7 days

59-Xanax‫ ®آ‬alprazolam (CDA) must store in:

a. Steel cupboard well closed
b. Cupboard opened by 2 person

59’- Storage of alprazolam controlled drug:

Steel cupboard well locked

59’’-Controlled drug A (alprazolam Xanax) recommended storage conditions:

1- Kept in refrigerator all the time

2- Opened by two people
3- Must be stored in a cupboard made of steel with the proper locks
4- Only one month’s stock should be available in the pharmacy

60-Generic names means:

-Chemical name

61-generic drug is
a-drug not under protection of generator company
b- Drug not manufactured by the generator company

61’-generic drug:
a-name of active ingredient
b-drug that has same active ingredient but differ in excipient
c-drug that is not manufacture by the generator or a company that belong to

62-benzyl alcohol is added to medical prep. As :


NB. Diluents: provide bulk to the tablet (also in capsules): Dextrose, Lactose, sucrose, starch &
microcrystalline cellulose
-Glidant: Improve flow properties of powders and granules also during filling capsules
[ Starch, colloidal silica , Silica, & talc]
-Lubricants: Mg stearate (capsules & tablets), talc stearic, PEG, SLS
-Preservatives: Methylparaben, potassium sorbate, benzyl alcohol, benzalkonium chloride
-Solvents: Ethanol & PEG polyethylene glycol.
63- Which of the following ingredient will help in mixing the whole ingredients
together by process of gliding
a. Talc
b. Sugar
c. Titanium oxide
d. SLS
NB. Talc is a glidant.

64- A formula is prepared by a pharmacist contains:

A- The formula is used for
Nausea and vomiting
Cold and cough

B- silica gel use


B’-Q about Role of silica gel sachet?

4-glident agent

C- used as filling material:

C’- which is used as filler to strengthen mixing???
a-sofenticer sugar
b-zinc oxide
D- used as glidant

65-For tablet preparation all can be used except :

- Wet granulation method
- Dry granulation method
- Compressed
- Incompressed
65’-not used in tablet preparing
In direct compressed

66-All can be as a Coat of tablet except :

- Solvent.
- Effervescent ( or volatile )
66’-Not typical coating for tablet: volatile coating
66”- In preparing ideal aqueous tablets coating cannot use
Volatile solvent

67-Tablet not using disintegrating, lubricant agent

effervesant tablet

68-all of the following properties of controlled release drug except;

a- low cost
b-high cost

68’-all properties of controlled release drug except

Low expensive

69-Hard gelatin capsule is not suitable for filling material :

70- Sodium lauryl sulfate is used as :
anti foaming effect
Solubilizing agent

NB. SLS uses

1. Solubilizing agent 2. Foaming agent 3. Detergent
4. Cleaner 5. Surfactant 6. Wetting agent

71-Patient came to the pharmacy, he was angry and shouting he want to buy a
medicine but as a pharmacist following the rules only can give (medicine Sold)
-Original Packet

NB. they said there was a choice of giving the pt the drug with a copy of the leaflet and
they choose it

71’-medicine sold as
- Pack
- Part with name and expire
- Patient take copy of leaflet

71”- medicine can be Sold;

-in Original Packet
-if part is given it should be include the batch no, drug name and expiry date
-if part is given a copy of the leaflet should be given to patient

72-Refregireater temperature is : 2-8C

72’-what is the lowest degree in refrigerator :
2degree celecious
73-Cooling temperature of medicine
-0 – 2
-2 – 8
-2 – 10
Refg temp: 2-8
Cooling temp: 8-15
Room temp: 15-25

74-two equal drug used together what their action called


75-expiry of the inhaler

3 month from opening with proper storage

NB. Inhaler 3 months Eye drops 28 days . 1 month

76- In which phase of drug investigation is the efficacy and the dose of drug
determined to be used in further trials?
a) Phase 1
b) Phase 2
c) Phase4
d) phase3

77- In which phase of drug investigation is the dose of drug determined to be used
in further trials?
a) Phase 1
b) Phase 2
c) Phase4
d) phase3
NB. Steps of new drug investigations:
Preclinical: on animals pharmacology and toxicology.
Phase 1: : assessment of safety , drug tolerability , dose usually in healthy volunteers
Phase 2: assessment of efficacy & safety in patients with the disease or condition
Phase 3: large scale, multi centered study.
Phase 4: after FDA submitting clinical studies on the finished, marketed product, post marketing surviliience
Phase 5: after FDA approval modifications in formulation.

77’- Regarding FAD Regulations, When the manufacturer (developer) must register
the item in FDA:
A- From the beginning (Raw material)
B- Before you test in patient
C- Before you test it in human volunteers
D- Before you make a toxicology test in lab animals

78- Pub med definition:

Database that access Medline freely and concern about science researches and
biomedical life.

79- what is the definition of a formulary

1- list of drugs to be used in hospital, clinics and pharmacies
2-don’t remember other choices

79’- Definition of formulary:

An official list of drugs approved for prescription or administration to patients of
a hospital and clinic and pharmacy.

79’’-Definiton of formulary:

a) An official list of drugs approved for prescription or administration to

patients of a hospital.
b) List of formulas used for the calculation in hospital

80- what is the definition of Randomized clinical trials?

a- randomly assigning patients into study groups.
b- randomly assigning treatment into patients
c- random segregation of patients upon treatment
d- randomly assigning physicians.

81-International drug compendium:

a. Martindale
b. Merck manual
c. chemical abstract

82- Electronic database:


83-Primary clinical data, the pharmacist can find in:

a. Abstract
b. abstract
c. journal or literature

84- How can you get medication information resource?

a. literature
b. chemical abstract ,international
c. pharmaceutical abstract
d. Medline

*some notes:
1-drug international compendium >>>>martindale
2-to obtain chemical information and drug information >>>>>medline
3- to search for purity and chemical structure >>>>pharmacopiea
4- free engine research ,online books >>>>pubmed
5- primary literature >>>>>>journal and clinical data (abstract)
6-electronic data base >>>>medescape

85- Which of the following is considered as illegal?

a) Asking a demographic question for a patient with hypertension
b) Discussing a rare genetic disease case of a patient with other colleagues in the
c) Advising a patient to see a consultant because you think the treatment given by
his resident is ineffective
D ) B+C

86-Which is NOT an example of adulteration?

1-Wrong number of pills in a bottle
2-Change in the tab expient
3-Manufacture change the dose

87- After circulation of certain drug, it proven that it cause severe hemorrhage
the FDA decide to stop this circulation, this is called:
1-drug recall class I
4-none of these

 Drug recall classification: assigned by the FDA.

 Class I: potential for serious SE and death.
 Class II: potential for temporary or reversible SE or when serious SE are unlikely.
 Class III: not likely to cause serious SE
NB. From FDA site Class I recall: a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or
exposure to a violated product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.

Class II recall: a situation in which use of or exposure to a violative product may cause temporary or
medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health
consequences is remote.

Class III recall: a situation in which use of or exposure to a violative product is not likely to cause adverse
health consequences.

88-if an interaction decreases the Bioavailability of other drug , this means that
a- absorption of the drug increase
b- renal excretion of the drug increase
c- metabolism of the drug decrease
d-dose of this drug may need to be increased.

88’- If drug have low bioavailability its mean??

1-low gastric absorption
2-low metabolism
3-low renal excretion
4-high dose must be taken

89-A- A drug degrades at pH=5.5, traverse muco-cutaneous membranes. Which of

the following preparations should be used to ensure maximum bioavailability:
a) IV solution
b) Capsule
c) Suspension
d) Aerosol

89-b- Aerosol is a colloid of fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in


90- a solution of lugols solution 5% labeling :

a- may stain
b- shake well
c- external use only

91-in 24 hrs pharmacy we need :

3 pharmacists and unlimited number of assistants

92-What is the pore size for cold sterilization:

NB. 0.22micron for bacterial remove while 0.45micron for particulate matters

93-Saline flush is used for:

Small volume of saline is used to flush active drug into circulation
94-High volume of distribution means:
High tendency to bind to tissues

95-which route of administration is not used with parenteral suspensions:

b -IM
c –intradermal

95’-Small volumes of suspensions shouldn't be given in which route:


96-normal prescription valid for:

a. no limit
b. 6 month
c. 9 months
d. 1 year

97- medicines that are sensitive to light should be put in :

a- Amber container

98-otic is a word used for which part of body :


99- if a patient has a disease in his eye he should be referred to a :


100- Which of the following is direct method test of non-compliance?

Pill count, self report, therapeutic outcome
patient interview
Marker or trace
101-The most poisoning of children happens in :

102-The most important poisoning treatment measure is :


NB. Controversial either prevention or supervision

103-A pharmacist in a busy pharmacy is making counseling session with a patient

what he should do:
Ending the session early
Asking the staff to be quit to concentrate with the patient

104-As a pharmacist how can you know that a patient comes to your pharmacy has a
vision problem:
Wearing thick glasses
Looking as doggy eyes
Wearing black glasses
All of the above
105-The aim of auxiliary label is to : or cautionary or advisory label
" provide additional information about a drug

106-An indirect test for calculating bacteria …??

-direct is coulter counter

-colorimetery test

107-Who is responsible for filling instruction for a prescription

NB.some forms say refill

108-Which are problems in counseling a healthcare with patient regarding cultural

Food habits
verbal and nonverbal communication


109-Counseling a patient with hearing problem "

You should remove the label
You should add auxillary label
Put a blue dot line around the label

110-Counseling a foreign language patient ….

-You should add auxiliary label

111-An old Indian system of medicine :

Ayurvedic medicine

112-the agent that can destroy microbes in or on an inanimate object is:

A. Bactericidal
B. Antiseptic (preventing growth of microorganism on living tisuue)
D.Antiseptic&disinfectant Antioxidant

113- syrups can resist microbial growth because of :

Osmotic effect

114-the study of liquid


115-Interadermal injection is take


115’- hypodermal injection:

Under skin
In mucles

116- suppository base except:

a. cocoa butter
b. gelatin
c. poly ethylene glycol
d. ascorbyl

117- Pretender to medicine skill


118- glycerin soluble in

Water ,, Alcohol,, Water and alcohol ,,none

119- flat, scale-like,can be multi-layered

Stratified Squamous Epithelia

120-asif is pharmacist make counseling, why

To monitor therapy out come

Reduce side effect

Improve compliance


121-the term (drug miss use) means:

Taking more than giving dose
Taking less than giving dose
Taking other people medication
All of the above

122-adjusting PH &buffering of ophthalmic preparation to:

To be more comfortable,,
To improve solubility
To improve bioavailability

123- If drug is taken by incorrect route, what will happen:

a. Ineffective
b. Toxicity
c. Drug interaction
d. Omission of doses

124-Which part in aerosol press on valve:

a. Actuator
b. House
c. Dip tube
124’- Which part in aerosolyou press to get aerosol:
a. Actuator
b. House
c. Dip tube

125-Which part of the component considered as the heart of the can ?


126-Which of the following gases are used as a propellant in aerosol container?

A.carbon dioxide
B. Hydrocarbon
nitrous oxide, nitrogen
127-Increased volume of distribution mean?
A-Too much drug bind to tissue
B- Binds to plasma protein
C-Increase the excretion
D-Too little drug bind to tissue

128-patient came to pharmacy and bought a UTI indicator test, which of the
following is true?’s a test that convert dietary nitrite to nitrous
B. it’s a test that indicate anaerobic bacteria only’s a case that indicate gram positive bacteria only’s a kit that contains 30 dipstick in a packet

129-which of the fallowing considered as Narcotic according to UAE regulations:

A.methylphenidate 5mg tab
B.bupernorphin 500 inj
C.buprenorphen 200 mcg tab

130-Morphine can be dispensed in:

A) regular prescription prescribed by psychologists
B) registered prescription prescribed by psychologists
C) narcotic prescription prescribed by psychologists
D) narcotic prescription prescribed by a licensed pharmacist

131-Antiphlogistic agent are used for

-Cooling by evaporation

132- first thing we test in product before submission ( Fundamental test for new
Intrinsic solubility and dissolution constant

133-phenol is a
Carboxylic acid
Carbolic acid
Carbonic acid

NB. phenol is carbolic not carboxylic (the carboxylic form is called benzoic acid)

134- patient injured by wire what question you ask

1. when did happen
2. was the wire dirty ( is the blade is clean or dirty)
3. did u take tetanus vaccines in last10 years
4. Are you have allergy to any medicines

135-abtout Clearance law :*k
d- all
136- Alcohol may be incorporated at which of the following dermal preparations
a- lotions
b- ointments
c- suppositories

137-Most drugs are

a- Strong electrolytes
b- Weak electrolytes
c- Non electrolytes
d- Highly ionic
e- None of the above

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