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Strategic Analysis of TATASolar Power

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................3

Industry Analysis........................................................................................................................5

Industry and Sector performance analysis.............................................................................5

Macro environmental analysis ( PESTEL Analysis)..............................................................7

Competitor analysis..............................................................................................................14

Industry forces analysis........................................................................................................15

Opportunities and Threats........................................................................................................16



Appendix 2: Industry and Sector Analysis...........................................................................24

Appendix 3: PESTLE Analysis............................................................................................27

Appendix 4: Competitor Analysis........................................................................................30

Appendix 5: Five Forces......................................................................................................31

Appendix 6: Cube Analysis..................................................................................................32

Appendix 7: 4 Action Framework........................................................................................33

Appendix 8: Stakeholder Mapping: Salience Model...........................................................34

Appendix 9: Governance Issues...........................................................................................35

Executive Summary

India has restricted ordinary energy assets in contrast with its fundamental energy requests,
which are driven by an enormous populace and a quickly developing economy. Be that as it
may, because it gets daylight for the vast majority of the year, India can profit from the
gigantic capability of sun-oriented energy as it additionally has huge potential in the
hydropower business, which is being concentrated in a few locales, especially in the upper

At the COP-26 Summit in Glasgow in November 2021, Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra
Modi vowed to support India's environmentally friendly power-producing ability to 500 GW
and fulfill half of India's energy interest through sustainable techniques by 2030. The increase
of renewable energy capacity in the first eight months of FY22 was 8.2 GW, compared to 3.4
GW in the same period last year. The non-customary energy area in India has become very
interesting to financial backers, with FDI inflows adding up to US$ 11.21 billion between
April 2000 and December 2021. Starting around 2014, more than Rs. 5.2 lakh core (US$ 70
billion) has been burnt through in India's sustainable effort area. The EY Renewable Energy
Country Attractive Index 2021 rated India third.

With a presented power cutoff of 395.07 GW as of January 2022, India has become the
world's third-greatest creator and second-greatest client of energy. Beginning around 2020,
India was evaluated fourth in wind power, fifth in daylight-based power, and fourth in
economic power presented limit. In January 2022, India's introduced environmentally
friendly power limit was 152.36 GW, representing 38.56 percent of the absolute introduced
power limit. Solar energy is expected to generate 50.30 GW, followed by wind power (40.1
GW), biomass (10.17 GW), and hydropower (46.51 GW). The increase of renewable energy
capacity in the first eight months of FY22 was 8.2 GW, compared to 3.4 GW in the same
period last year.

TATA Power Solar is a major player in the energy business with the mission to engage a
billion people through sustainable, reasonable, and innovative energy solutions. Its primary
goal is to keep the client at the center of everything it does, working resources and executing
projects at a benchmark level through innovation and developments, sustainable development

with an emphasis on benefit and market administration, creating an empowered labor force
driven by energy and reason, an initiative with care for all partners.

Industry Analysis

Industry and Sector performance analysis

The Indian sun-oriented energy market is supposed to record a CAGR of over 8% during
the figure time frame. The COVID-19 flare-up didn't fundamentally affect the Indian sun-
powered energy market, as development was seen in the sunlight-based PV introduced
limit in 2020 contrasted with 2019(Abubakar et al., 2019). The aggregate development in
power age by sun-oriented energy sources additionally sped up in 2020. The central point
driving the Indian sun-based energy market is the declining cost of sun-oriented power
innovation, the adaptability of these frameworks, and a greener technique for the power
age. Be that as it may, the sun-based energy market is controlled by issues like T&D
misfortunes (Transmission and Distribution) and unusualness in the progression of an
influence supply (Antony et al., 2018).
Solar-powered PVs are anticipated to rule the Indian sunlight-based energy market all
through the figure period since they are considerably less costly than other Solar oriented
innovations and have a less difficult establishment strategy (Brendel et al., 2019)
(Bhardwaj et al., 2018).
India has an overflow of sun-oriented irradiance and gets sunlight-based energy the entire
year, offering a couple of possibilities to gather sun-controlled energy from the country's
sunniest regions, including Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh(Bovesecchi et
al., 2019). This element, along with unfamiliar ventures and serious R&D drives to foster
innovation, gives little potential to the Indian sun-based energy industry to prosper
(Das et al., 2021).
Steady government approaches, quite those concocted by the MNRE to support the
inexhaustible-based power age, are additionally pushing the business (Gosavi et al., n.d).

Key Market Trends

On account of the dropping expenses of sun based controlled modules and the
adaptability of these systems for different applications, for example, energy creation and
water warming, the sun-oriented PV area are anticipated to have the greatest portion of
the overall industry over the projection time frame (Chandak et al., 2021).

As indicated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the introduced
sun-oriented PV limit in India was around 38.98 GW in 2020, up from 34.86 GW in 2019,
addressing a year-on-year increment of around 11%. The development was driven by
monstrous organizations of sunlight-based PV plants in India, outstandingly for utility
tasks. The Indian government has extra intention to support the sun-oriented PV
introduced limit (Gupta et al., 2020).
MNRE mentioned passages for the Expression of Interest for undertaking the evaluation
examination of Phase II of the Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Program in December
2021. The drive is essential for the National Solar Mission, which tries to convey 40 GW
of lattice-associated sun-powered roof establishment frameworks by 2022 (Jagadale et
al., 2022).
Reliance Industries (RIL) reached an accord with the Gujarat government in January 2022
to spend INR 5 lakh crore in Gujarat throughout the following 10-15 years to assemble
100 GW of sustainable power plants and a green hydrogen eco-framework. Sunlight-
based power plants on a utility scale are instances of environmentally friendly power
plants. RIL plans to put INR 60,000 crore in the foundation of assembling offices for sun-
powered PV modules, electrolyzers, batteries, and energy units for approaching
inexhaustible tasks (Choné et al., 2021).
Because of these headways, the sun-oriented PV fragment is anticipated to hold India's
most noteworthy portion of the overall industry over the projection time frame
(Jaraniya et al., 2020).

Supportive Government Policies to Drive the Market

As of late, the nation reported various taxpayer-supported initiatives pointed toward
expanding sun-oriented energy's future extent of India's sustainable power by creating the
blend. MNRE approved a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, named 'Public
Program on High-Efficiency Solar PV Modules,' in April 2021, with a venture of INR 4,500
crore(Buiet al., 2020). The arrangement incorporates numerous components that energize the
foundation of coordinated assembling offices of high-productivity sun-based PV modules by
giving a PLI on deals of such sun-powered PV modules. It plans to further develop
homegrown assembling capacities and commodities before long (Choudhury et al., 2019).
Various undertakings shipped off during the beyond three years by the Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE) consolidate the Solar Park Scheme, the 300 MW protect Scheme

and the 500 MW VGF (Viability Gap Funding) Scheme. India set a forceful goal of 450 GW
of reasonable power by 2030 in January 2020. The public government made the statement,
which is as of now dealing with a plan to introduce about 100 GW of sunlight-based energy
by 2022 (Chowdhury et al., 2021).
The Gujarat government sent off "the Surya Urja Rooftop Yojana" plan in December 2020,
fully intent on introducing sun-oriented rooftops for 8 lakh private clients by March 2022.
This plan will give a 40% state sponsorship for introducing frameworks up to 3 kW and a
20% appropriation for 3 kW-10 kW frameworks. Later on years, such developments are
projected to fortify the Indian sun-powered energy area (Garg et al., 2019).

Macro environmental analysis ( PESTEL Analysis)


Government stability
Solid political designs and organizations cultivate development and improvement for the
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Power.
Government solidness likewise empowers endeavors, for example, Sustainability and
Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Power to create both provincially and around the
Due to administrative dependability and strength, endeavors, for example, Sustainability
and Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Power may promptly and effectively support
seaward business associations (Goyal et al., 2021).

Tax policy
Tax guidelines that favor endeavors like Sustainability and Corporate Social
Responsibility of Tata Power permit them to openly extend.
Government appropriations and lower tax rates would likewise assist Tata Power
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in withholding its intensity by bringing
down its working costs (Gulai et al., 2020).

Competition regulation
It is basic for government and political associations and gatherings to administer modern

This guarantees that organizations utilize fair play for their items, as well as business
techniques and plans (Jha et al., 2019).

Trade blocks
Organizations, for example, Tata Power Corporate Social Responsibility and
Sustainability could profit from exchange alliances and arrangements created and
sanctioned by the applicable country of beginning.
Exchange squares might assist associations to prefer Tata Power Corporate Social
Responsibility and Sustainability by reducing asset costs, bringing down the operational
expense, and extending the accessibility of imaginative people (Irfan et al., 2021).


Inflation rate

For organizations such as Tata Power Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
to thrive, the economy should have a modest growth rate.

An inconspicuous growth rate will likewise aid companies to thrive and will contribute to
an increase in consumer certainty and purchasing propensities.

As a result, the economy will benefit and discretionary cash flow will climb(Jacob et al.,

Interest rate

A cheap financing cost would aid enterprises and corporations in obtaining bank credits,
such as Tata Power Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

This organization's progress would be employed for growth and development.

Business advancements would also aid in the course of events and the development of
industrial foundations on a large scale(Jhunjhunwala et al., 2020).

Consumer spending trends

Buyer purchasing designs are critical for companies like Patagonia Gold Plc and their

Higher customer spending patterns are appealing since they lead to increased purchases
and use of Tata Power Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability products.

Increased buyer spending represents increased purchasing power, which is critical for
enhancing general usage designs and the economy's overall health(Kalita et al., 2019).

Unemployment trends

Increased joblessness patterns would result in less total additional cash in the economy,
impacting the presentation of ventures like Patagonia Gold Plc(Mehraet al., 2018).



A larger proportion of the younger population is beneficial to Tata Power's Corporate

Social Responsibility and Sustainability since it provides the firm with a more diverse
client base.

Moreover, the young generation will provide Tata Power Corporate Social Responsibility
and Sustainability by providing more competent and educated workers and HR, therefore
increasing and strengthening the ability pool(Lhazom et al., 2019).

Population education is beneficial for a variety of reasons, including Sustainability and
Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Power.
Advanced education means that the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility of
Tata Power workforce pool contain cleverer, fit, and individuals with knowledge.
A more significant level of schooling additionally suggests that the populace's clients are
more aware of their buying and utilization proclivities (Choné et al., n.d).

Family size and structure

The repeat and character are not entirely settled by the family construction and size;
This is additionally significant for grasping use plans.
The guardians are the major leaders, although they consider their children's comments
and demands (Mishra et al., 2020).

Health consciousness
In response to client research and conduct investigations, Goodbye Power Corporate
Social Responsibility and Sustainability has included wellbeing-related features into its
promotion and has incorporated wellbeing-related highlights in its goods (Manohar et al.,
In light of expanding well-being awareness, Tata Power Corporate Social Responsibility
and Sustainability has formed organizations and tried CSR exercises centered on not only
physical but also mental and deep wellbeing and prosperity.


Technological infrastructure

Tata Power is known as India's largest integrated power company always aimed to stay
compatible through constant up-gradation and adaptation of different technological
innovations. They continuously emerge new technologies in their projects that play a very
important role in conditioning customer experience, especially in the essential services
space.(Mohan et al., 2018).

Internet penetration

The web is frequently employed in private and public activity, as well as for professional
functions.The majority of the populace has a mobile phone with a web association and
also approaches PCs and PCs.The extended web entryway targets a more moderate and
educated audience, which enhances Tata Power's CSR and sustainability
efforts(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2020).

Use of social media

The population has a higher proportion of young and middle-aged people, who rely
heavily on internet entertainment for communication.Organizations, for example, Tata
Power Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, are increasingly employing
internet entertainment to gather customer information and pieces of knowledge(SINGH et
al., 2020).

Investment in R &D

There is significant local and international interest in the country's specialized R&D.

The massive venture helps firms advance by providing them with innovative, more
flexible, and viable solutions for organizational activity and other commercial activities.

Expanded ventures and related research have additionally brought about a quicker pace of
progress (Palchak et al., 2022).



Tata is concerned about the matter of India’s rising invasion of solar waste as it needs a
concerted focus. There is a lot of green energy produced from solar energy but the
products used for it are not environmental-safe. Tata Group and the Indian Government
are trying to start an integrated policy framework to handle the waste of solar technology
(Rao et al., 2021).

Waste management

The country has strict waste administration and control regulations.Good riddance Power
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability should collaborate with and register
with waste executives, specialists, and associations to comply with regulations, keep up
with checks, and avoid future issues(Tripathi et al., 2020).

Green consumption

The growing emphasis on environmental management has resulted in a growth in the

green way of living.Customers in the country and throughout all commercial centers are
increasingly preferring eco-friendly and practical things and administrations, for example,
those provided and advanced in eco-friendly and sustainable ways and
techniques.Businesses are also committed to delivering green products to customers(Rath
et al., 2018).

Renewable energy investments

The country as a whole, and each of its firms, is steadily moving toward the use of
renewable energy for chores and commercial operations. The goal of lower the market's
ecological footprint as well as its carbon footprint(Saji et al., n.d).


Health and safety law

There are severe principles set up to safeguard representatives' wellbeing and security at
work.Reputable organizations and foundations check in with businesses regularly to
ensure that security nets, drills, and precautionary measures are in place(Sherasiya et al.,

Employment laws

Work contracts should be drafted following public standards, with these agreements being
certified by reputable government offices and covering all areas of work.Employment
contracts provide a reasonable relationship between every interested people, as well as the
absence of misunderstanding or agreement(Singh et al., 2021).

Anti-discrimination law

The country's population and market are diverse; there are numerous migrants, and the
country's businesses operate in a variety of seaward locations.As a result, Tata Power
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability has always been fine with worker
variability and has defined internal business procedures to foster variety.From enrolment
to advancement, the organization adheres to anti-separation regulations in its overall
ways(Yadav et al., n.d).

Competitor analysis

Last week, the first round of offers was gotten for Solar Energy Corporation of India's (Seci's)
750 MW fragile at Bhadla Solar Park, Rajasthan. A sum of 33 specialists is considered to
have made offers for a complete limit of 8,750 MW - an almost 12x oversubscription.
Following cutthroat offers in the Rewa and Kadappa tenders, there are signs that opposition
to new pursuits is turning out to be more extreme, especially as the reserve of new pursuits
has been decreased somewhat recently (Patel et al., n.d).
The monstrous oversubscription in Bhadla might be ascribed for the most part to the
deferment of new touchy declarations and expanded private area interest nearby.
The monstrous oversubscription in Bhadla might be ascribed for the most part to the
deferment of new touchy declarations and expanded private area interest nearby.
It is anticipated that a minor decline in new solar limit expansion in India in 2018, with
movement picking up again in 2019.
The overwhelming majority of India's active undertaking engineers have participated in this
delicate, including Adani, ReNew, Acme, Azure, Solaire Direct (Engie), FRV, Sembcorp,
EDF, Canadian Solar, Aditya Birla, Shapoorji Pallonji, Mytrah, Fortum, and Trina Solar.
Welspun has returned to the saddle admirably after offering its resources to Tata Power.
Reestablish, SoftBank, and Saudi-based Alfanar have all filed bids for the entire 750 MW
capacity. Adani and Solaire Direct have made separate bids for 550 MW and 500 MW. It has
been agreed that the massive oversubscription in Bhadla delicate is mostly due to a slowdown
in new delicate issuance, but SECI's improved FICO score is also a key factor (Solar et
al., 2020).
The Indian government's declaration of a 100 GW sun-based objective prodded a surge of
new delicate declarations in H2/2015 and H1/2016 for a few monstrous states to propel their
sun-oriented power obtaining projects. SECI offers were oversubscribed by around 2x
(Maharashtra 450 MW, Andhra Pradesh 400 MW) or even undersubscribed during the
pinnacle of the sensitive development in 2016. (Odisha 300 MW, Karnataka 950 MW).
Notwithstanding, developing interest from numerous huge global and homegrown sunlight-
based engineers nearby, alongside an overabundance in new agreements, is causing what is
going on for project originators (Rezvani et al., 2019).
The main difficulty here is enabling a higher level of new sunlight-based power interest from
governments at a time when many of them are confronted with power oversupply. Sun-based

responsibilities in the sub-INR 3.50/kWh (USC 5.4) range ought to supply a massive interest
push to solar power in the long haul, however unexpectedly; decreased taxes have prompted
specific complications for the time being. The focal and state legislatures are reexamining
their acquisition agreements, resulting in the postponement of some tenders. In the meantime,
some DISCOMs are contemplating marking PPAs after completing barter with increased
taxes (particularly in Jharkhand and Odisha) (Sridhar et al., 2019).

Industry forces analysis

The primary goal of strategists and pioneers at Tata Power Co. is to aid the organization in
gaining a practical advantage and overcoming competitive challenges from other competitors
in the electric utility business(Muhammadet al., 2022).

Defining an essential industry for Tata Power Co. With the end aim of this article in mind,
Tata Power Co. does the majority of its operations in the Electric utility industry.

Recognize Tata Power Co.'s competitors and group them according to their roles in the
Utility industry(Sridhara et al., 2019).

Examine the Porter Five Forces model for the electric utility business and determine
which forces have substantial areas of strength and which are feeble.

Determine the overall utility sector construction and test inquiry for uniformity.

Examine recent and prospective developments in each of the Electric Utilities industry's
powers. This can aid in forecasting the trend in the broader Utility sector.

Differentiate elements of the industry structure based on Porter's Five Forces that may be
influenced by Tata Power Co. competitors and new entrants in the electric utility market.

Opportunities and Threats

Tata Power is known as one of the top-rated brands in the field of energy and power. Tata
Power SWOT analysis inquiries the brand by some points like its strength, weakness,
chances, & threats. In this analysis, the strengths and weaknesses are the domestic factors
while chances and threats are the extraneous matters. This analysis is proved as a
management framework that is enabled a brand like Tata Power to standardize it's business
and performance as correlated to its competitors.

Tata Power Opportunities

The Opportunities in Tata Power SWOT Analysis are as follows:

1. Power is gaining popularity

2. Power sources that are not traditional

3. Investment in developing countries and global development(TIWARIet al., 2021).

Tata Power Threats

The risks identified in Tata Power's SWOT Analysis are as follows:

1. International coal prices fluctuate

2. Changes in foreign rules governing the import of coal and oil

3. Policies and regulations of the government(Waseemet al., 2019).


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Appendix 1

Appendix 2: Industry and Sector Analysis

Industry Sector- Solar Energy Market

Attractiveness of Industry- The Solar Energy Market is the fourth most attractive one
within the energy sector. The Solar Power industry has gained a total Budget allocation of
2.57 billion USD within the union budget of 2022 (ibef, 2022). In addition, the Solar Energy
market in India has also achieved the highest score (62.7) within the global market as per the
ranking of “Ernst & Young’s Renewables Attractiveness Index” (pv-magazine, 2022).
Growth Rate- In 2019, the Industry has exhibited an 11% growth rate with total PV capacity
around 38.98 GW (ibef, 2022).
● In 2020, the sector contributed only 3.6% to country’s total energy production
(thehindu, 2022)
● High cost for land management, T&D loss and Grid integration (thehindu, 2022)
● Financial instability of Power Distribution Associations
● Fourth most popular sector within the industry
● Renewable source ensures sustainability and unlimited resources
● Increased investment from the Government
● Fluctuation of Coal prices both in national and international markets
● Mismatched demand and supply
● High cost for buying solar system and its storage
● Depends highly on weather
Future Shift
The industry has been expected to generate 100,000 MW power by the end of 2022 and may
attract a total investment of 128.24 to 135.37 billion USD within 2023. In addition, the Solar
Energy industry may also surpass coal by 38% and other renewable sources by 44% by the
end of 2027 (, 2022).
Whether industry is worth staying- Yes, the market is supposed to achieve a total CAGR of
8% by 2027 (, 2022)
● Fast pace of Off-grid power

● Total sales of INR 329,000 for off-grid power in India (ibef, 2022)
● Potential capacity around 363GW (ibef, 2022)
● Being located in the tropical region receives 3000 hours of total sunshine in India
GDP Count Analysis

Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

GDP rate 6.8% 6.45% 3.74% -6.6% 8.95%

Table 1: GDP growth in India
(Source: Statista, 2022)

Appendix 3: PESTLE Analysis


Factor Implication to Organisation Opportunity


Largest Democracy Being largest democracy, it would provide the Opportunity

company a stability within the market

Government Policies Government policies such as “PM KUSUM” would Opportunity

help the industry to to increase production and
distribution capacity (mnre, 2022)

Taxation System The Government has levied 12% to 15% tax for PV- Threat
grid solar energy production and 16% to 20% tax for
off-grid production (astralegal, 2022)

Privatisation With increased Foreign Direct Investment most of the Opportunity

organisations have been privatised and avoided
Government control

Trade Block Exchange squares have assisted sustainability and Opportunity

responsibilities of the sector (Irfan et al. 2021)

Competition Regulation Promotes fair competition between rivals Opportunity


Factor Implication to Organisation Opportunity/


Inflation Rate The inflation rate may benefit the company with Opportunity
discretionary cash flow

Interest Rate Cheap cost in financing matt help Tata Solar Power Opportunity
to easily avail credits and loans from native

Consumer Spending Higher trends of Customer spending may help Opportunity

Rate organisation to increase sales

Unemployment rate Increased unemployment has affected additional Threat

cash in economy


Factor Implication to Organisation Opportunity/

Demographic High density of young population may increase the Opportunity

workforce (Lhazom et al., 2019)

Education Advanced education system would help to increase Opportunity

skilled labours within the company as well as the

Family Size Complex and large family structure with moral Threat
values (Mishra et al., 2020)

Health Consciousness Health consciousness among the Indian Mass may Opportunity
help to increase CSR practices of the organisation
and ensure sustainability (Manohar et al., 2019)


Factor Implication to Organisation Opportunit


Infrastructure Emergence of new technologies may bring Opportunity

consistency in innovation and upgradation

Penetration of Internet Increased internet penetration has widened the Opportunity

access to a larger customer base

Social Media Popularity Popularity of Social media has enhanced promotion Opportunity
and marketing strategy

R&D investment Increased invest in R&D may help to increase Opportunity

innovation and sustainability


Factor Implication to Organisation Opportunit


Health and Safety issues Assures security of internal and external Opportunity

Employment Provides emphasis on fair management of human Threat

Regulations resources and avoids exploitation

Anti-discriminatory This law would bring diversity within the workforce Opportunity


Factor Implication to Organisation Opportunit


Emphasis on Recycling Recycling policy would add up to organisational Opportunity

sustainability and cost reduction

Waste management Strict waste management policies may help further Opportunity
policies environmental risks

Green Consumption Popularity of Green consumption may enhance Opportunity

brand image and include sustainability

Investment in renewable This may help to reduce digital carbon footprint Opportunity

Appendix 4: Competitor Analysis

Factors Bhadla Solar Mahindra Vikram Solar TATA Solar

Park Susten Power

Strategy Conversion Rate Reputation Organic Sustainable

optimisation Marketing marketing Green Marketing

Objectives Maintain the Collaborate with Attract research Sustainable,

existing PV-grid rivals to gain grants from affordable and
production stability government Innovative

Assumptions Increased Value-added Longer range of Increase capacity

network approach to product through hybrid
resources marketing demands

Resources and Solar thermal solar solar heating solar

Capabilities electricity photovoltaic photovoltaic
electricity electricity

Mkt Share 7% 5.9% 6.8% 12%

Consumer Moderate Sustainable Moderate Strong


Brand image Low Moderate Moderate Strong

Pricing Low Moderate Moderate Moderate

CAGR 60% 20% 53.91% 69%

Financial 30.7 million 50 billion USD 157.7 billion 110.15 billion

Analysis USD USD USD

Appendix 5: Five Forces

Competitive Rivalry Concentration Density of Solar energy companies

are high

Growth of Industry Fast rate of growth with 11%

Competitors Bhadla Solar Park, Mahindra Susten,

Vikram Solar and many more

Threat of New Entry Govt Spending Increased investment attracts


Capital Investment Increased capital investment

increases threat

Tax Reform High tax rate may discourage the

new comers

Threat of Substitution Increased competition With increased competition,

collaboration may decrease the risk

Government policies Government policies of PM KUSUM

may help smaller companies to grow

Financial Analysis Competitors with low to moderate

financial performance poses less

Power of Buyers More buyers Reduces the bargaining power of

Limited Sellers

Power of Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers are abundant, so reduced

bargaining power

Limited Competition

Appendix 6: Cube Analysis

Scenario 1 Consumer Lifestyle

Green Consumption Sustainable approach Non-sustainable


Low Moderate Carbon Average waste

Footprint emission management

High Increased Waste Increased Carbon

reduction policy, footprint
lesser pollution

Scenario 2
Government Spending

Government Policies Less More

Low Easy credits and Less production


High Smooth operation Increased CSR

policies and

Appendix 7: 4 Action Framework

Eliminate Reduce

Existing Technology Price

Use of Coal in operation

Raise Create

Brand value Social Media Promotion

Market Share Enhanced Cyber Security system

Solar Panels

Appendix 8: Stakeholder Mapping: Salience Model

Stakeholder Power Legitimacy Urgency Type

Suppliers y N Y Definitive

Employees Y Y Y Dependent

Consumers Y Y Dominant

EPC Companies N Y Y Definitive

Utility Companies N N Y Demanding

Appendix 9: Governance Issues

Who Involved- Internal and External Stakeholders

Governance issues- High manufacturing Costs, Diverse Supply, financing issues
Governance Chain- Investors, Developers, Utility Companies, EPC companies
Board Members- CEO, CFO, Chairman, President, vice president, Zonal heads
Stakeholders- Employees, Suppliers, Consumers, Utility companies


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