Green Chemistry

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CSEC Chemistry Handout Pollution Pollution occurs when contaminating materials are introduced into the natural environment (land, air or water), having an unfavourable effect. Pollutant Source Harmful Effects | Prevention Carbon incomplete | Headaches, Breathing difficulties, | Fit catalytic converters monoxide | combustion of heart damage, death to cars fossil fuels Suiphur | Combustion of | Breathing difficulties, asthma | Treat waste pases with dioxide fossil fuels attacks, acid rain calcium oxide, fit catalytic converters 10 cars Hydrogen Volcano and ‘Tmpairs formation of bone, See | sulphide | mineral springs pigment and haemoglobin Nitrogen Tightning, | Breathing difficulties, acid rain, “| Fit catalytic converters oxides vehicle engines ozone formation to cars. Refrigerants, | Deplete ozone layer, skin cancer, | ~ Minimize/ban use in aerosol sprays eye cataracts aerosols and l a refrigerators Methane Decay of | Global warming, ozone formation | Improve diets of cattle vegetation, cows - Ground level | Unburnt Frritates eyes, throat and lungs; | Fit catalytic converters ozone —_| hydrocarbons and asthma attacks to cars, reduce vehicle | No, population Nitrates and | Fertilizers Eutrophication + Algae | Do not use fertilizers Phosphates overgrowth, kills water plants, near water bodies increase in aerobic bacteria, | decreases oxygen, kills aquatic | i: | animals : Solid waste | Glass, paper, Tnjury to animals Recycle solid waste plastic Water Water is a small polar molecule. It has a partial positive and negative charge on either end of the molecule. Unique properties of water Density of water ‘The density of most objects changes slightly as the temperature changes. In general, warmer temperatures tend to make substances less dense because the greater random Kinetic energy makes the molecules spread out. ‘The density of water, once again, is a special case, Water is most dense at 4°C (39°F), and as it cools or warms from this temperature, the water: ‘expands slightly. This means that ice is slightly less dense than cold water, which is why ice floats on the surface of bodies of water. ‘The floating ice slows the freezing process by insulating the water underneath, which contributes to the moderate temperatures on earth. In addition, the layer of ice prevents many lakes from freezing solid, allowing fish and other organisms to survive under the ice. High specific heat capacity Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius. Every substance has its own specific heat capacity, with the specific heat capacity of water being 4.2/(g°C). The specific heat capacity of water is much higher than that of other common substances. The high specific heat of water helps the earth's temperature remain moderate since water traps heat during the day and releases it slowly at night, As a result, the temperature on carth’s surface does not vary very widely. High Boiling Point (Low Volatility) ‘Water also has a very high boiling point, meaning that liquid water turns into water vapour at a higher temperature (100°C or 212°F) than would be expected due to the size and weight of the molecule. The high boiling point of water is due to the hydrogen bonds which tend to hold water molecules together, preventing them from breaking apart and entering the gaseous state. Since it takes such a large amount of energy to change the state of water, sweating is a very effective method of cooling the body. In order to evaporate, the sweat requires the input of a great deal of heat energy, some of which comes from our bodies. So, as out sweat evaporates, ‘we begin to feel cooler. Water as a solvent ‘Water is good solvent in everyday life as well as industry. Its polar nature allows it to dissolve both ionic and polar covalent compounds. Water is essential to life because many of the chemical reactions in living things take place in ‘aqueous solution. Dissolved ions play an important part in nerve conduction. Plants get nutrients from solutions in the soil. Too much water results in: «Leaching of nutrients from the soil © Washing out of fertilisers into water bodies causing eutrophication * Run off of pesticides into rivers and streams Hard water vs. Soft water The presence of these minerals is the difference between hard water and soft water. Hard water usually contains a lot of caleium and magnesium ions. Soap will not lather well in hard water, but hard water isn't usually dangerous. It can also cause lime scale deposits in pipes, water heaters and toilets. Permanent hardness: this is caused by dissolved calcium and magnesium sulphate from rainwater running over gypsum and anhydrite rocks. This hardness cannot be removed by boiling. ‘Temporary hardness: this is caused by dissolve calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonate from rain water running over limestone and marble. This can be removed by boiling. CaCOs 6) + HO. + CO) + Ca(HCOs) 206) Water Treament Water can be purified at home by: Boiling for 15 minutes to kill most microorganisms Using a fine filter to trap larger particles and larger microorganisms, Bacteria and smaller microorganisms are not removed. * Chlorination. A chicrine-containing bleach or water purification tablets are added to the water, stirred, and then left for 30 minutes, The chlorine kills all microorganisms. Removal of hardness ‘Hard water can be softened with the removal of calcium and magnesium ions. ‘Water can be softened using the following methods: ‘Boiling (removes only temporary hardness) When water is boiled, the soluble Ca(1ICO3)z is converted 10 insoluble CaCOs, This is responsible for the Time scale that builds up in ketles and boilers. _ Ca(HCO3)2%a9 — CaCOs « + H20 + COx) «Using sodium carbonate (washing soda) ‘This emoves both temporary and permanent hardness. Dissolved Mg and Ca ions are precipitated as the insoluble carbonate: NaxCOaeas + Ca? oq) > CaCO3 «9 + Na“an «Use of ion-exchange resins ‘This contains absorbed sodium ions. The Ca and Mg ions in the water exchange with Ne ions as the pass through the column, Ca and Mg ions are now adsorbed onto the resin: C2?" ag) + 2Na-tesin > Ca-resin + 2Na" ag Green Chemistry Green Chemisty is the utilization ofa set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use of generations of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products. Trios this by improving the chemical processes and manufacturing techniques for making materials such as plastics, clothing and glass. ‘The main problems arising from the chemical industry are: «The use and production of hazardous substances ‘s Inefficient energy use, ¢.g. high temperatures and pressures «Low percentage yield and low atom economy ‘The twelve principles of green chemistry ~ 1. Prevention: It is better to reduce waste than to treat it after it has been formed. 2. Atom economy: The methods used for synthesis should use up as many of the materials as possible to form the required product, 3, Les huzardous chemical synthesis: The harm of reactants, products and catalysts to the environment and life should be minimised. 4. Safer chemical products: The effectiveness ofthe products should not be reduced atthe same time as decreasing their possible harm. 5. Safer solvents and agents: Harmful solvents catalysts and substances used in separation techniques are not tised or their use is minimised. 6. Minimum energy requirements: As little energy as possible should be used. Reactions ‘should be carried out at r:tp. if possible and energy released from exothermic reaction should be used for another job. 7. Use of renewable raw materials; Raw materials and feedstocks should be renewable instead of depleting natural resources. 8, Reduce use of additional chemicals and additional steps: Particular chemicals (blocking groups) are used to stop reactive groups reacting in unwanted ways. The blocking groups are removed after. 9. Use of eatalysts: Catalysts used to reduce energy costs asthe reaction takes place at lower temperature. 10, Nature of breakdown of products: Products should be designed so that they break down in the environment to form harmless substances 11, Monitoring to prevent pollution: Each step in a chemical reaction should be monitored for the presence of pollutants, 12. Minimise chemical accidents: Hazards presented by reactants and products should be taken into account. SSeS SS Practice Questions 1. There is an international effort to reduce the effect of pollution in the environment, Two main effects of pollution are ozone depletion and global warming. For EACH of the main effets of pollution (ozone depletion and global warming) (@_—_ Name the MAIN pollutant responsible (2) Gi) State TWO harmful effects (6) 2. A. “Scientists believe that without water all life would cease to exist.” Outline THREE properties of water and relate them to its funtion in maintaining life on earth. (6) B. (j) State the meaning of the term ‘hard water" i) Describe ONE way in which water can be softened, Include a chemical equation with the state symbols in your description. 3. (@) Sally and Ann live on opposite sides of an island. When Sally visits Ann she observed that the soap take longer to lather and produces more scum. () Explain to Sally why the soap produces more scum at Ann’s house than at her ‘house. (4) Gi) Do you expect that Sally would get the same result if she uses soapless detergent? State a reason for your answer. (2) (b) Second generation detergent contained phosphates but their use was banned because of the effect they had on the environment, particularly rivers and streams. Outline the harmful effect that second generation detergents had on the environment. (3) (©) In recent years, emphasis has'been placed on preserving the environment and as such anew area of chemistry, Green Chemistry, has evolved. (@) What is meant by the term ‘Green Chemistry"? (2) (ii) Discuss TWO benefits of utilizing the principles involved in Green Chemistry. (4)

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