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Disorders of the Endocrine System

Addison’s disease Hypoglycemia

Caused by undersecretion of adrenal steroid Low blood sugar, which can cause anxiety,
hormones. Results in weakness, nausea, low tremors, weakness, and even
circulation, and bronzing of the skin. unconsciousness and death.
Adenoma Hypothyroidism
A tumor of a gland. Undersecretion of thyroxine, resulting in a
Adrenogenital syndrome very low metabolic rate and sluggish activity,
Oversecretion of adrenal sex hormones, sometimes accompanied by obesity.
resulting in intense masculinizing of the Myxedema
body. Accumulation of water in skin resulting from
Aldosteronism thyroid hormone deficiency in adults.
Overproduction of the adrenal hormone Pituitary dwarfism
aldosterone, resulting in a decrease in the Undersecretion of growth hormone from the
body’s potassium store. pituitary gland in childhood, resulting in
Cretinism smaller-than-average stature.
Dwarfism and mental retardation caused by Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
too little thyroxine in childhood. Condition resulting from changes in the
Cushing’s syndrome body’s level of the hormone melatonin. The
Caused by oversecretion of glucocorticoid level varies seasonally: it is higher in winter
hormones from the adrenals. Results in a and lower in summer, when increased
redistribution of body fat and other effects. daylight inhibits its production. Symptoms
include tiredness and depression.
Diabetes insipidus
Effect of underproduction of the hormone Simmond’s disease
ADH. Undersecretion of pituitary hormones during
adulthood, resulting in symptoms of
Diabetes mellitus
deficiency of thyroid, adrenal, and sex
Condition characterized by frequent thirst
and urination and due to excess amounts of
sugar in the blood. Results from a lack of Tetany
insulin. Muscle twitches, spasms, and convulsions
resulting from a lack of calcium in the blood.
It may be caused by a dysfunction in the
Oversecretion of growth hormone in
parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism).
childhood, resulting in taller-than-average
stature. If the oversecretion occurs in Thyrotoxicosis
adulthood, the condition is acromegaly, Overactivity of the thyroid gland, often due
resulting in a thickening of facial bones and to an autoimmune disease of the thyroid.
An abnormal growth of thyroid tissue due to
lack of iodine.
Excessive growth of the male mammary
gland caused by oversecretion of feminizing
Overproduction (of a hormone).
Underproduction is called hyposecretion.
Oversecretion of thyroxine, resulting in
increased metabolic and heart rates,
circulation, and blood pressure.

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