WiFi Panorama Camera

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3« How to Connect Camera Add Device

Cloud WiFi Camera Main Function Description

3.1 Register a c c o u n t
Operation Manual

CLOUD-BASED STORAGE SERVICE ^Wb«n vo>d thM app th« rm *. you n«cdc I S

3 0 D AY S F R E E E X P E R I E N C E accovm, a passwonl accpntf^ i precedm.or thoew lo f n

with mob4* phert* muntbrr

IHIGHER-END AND SAFER STORAGE | ●If you forfrt your pMxwrd. you itn en*i your jusi dck MitwonT

P«*word ihouU b* at iMst 6th»f»ctn^ and not ler^tfuA »th»«t*n.K shogld be

j<«<T>btna(ion of leften and nsmbm.

aws V

H. Wdcom* DhSl totwm

E D r = i

2% How To Download APP

●Seaith *VCC36Snu«* biA{v»

●icanihe QRcodeand downkiad

4 I

O n l y u i p g p r t m e b d s p h o n a r u Ti b e f r v p t f r a t i o a i
Dear uterv. you are welcome to choose this product Before using the product
r ud (e r«>smsr t> sthw a*tt$
please read the instrucliDn manual carefuly aryl keep it toi later reference
Conrwcl di* csm«r«

Csm«fs only »ueps*U 24G brkxe «4dmc dWKn. mac' r » 7 « < 3

I , a n d y e w r p h e n s n t a r w w c i s d t o 2 4 < J VA - F i ,
3^.1, Scon code to Add Addrtlon bv cofWMvOon <aWo {Only (upoott Laa port tfowtCA) 3J.3 AddlUon tA AP taltpot

itheWnft ●CM th* button mth* wpp«r ApphomepA^ ●Oct iht button u<tN uppof como» on tht <pp h<t«p>p
Pleaw make your phene connect

Select your 2AGWI'Fi er>d er your esASiword {SG network' supported) ●Qioosc tte device tnw corTwn.Cioot« the 94^K)(i by uxtnvctmc d C h o o s e 1 A « A d d 4 « n o f A P f » o t Yp o T, P K % i n t h e p o n e t o t h « c o To r AW j o p A t ) « ' * y h r
netnvrt oMe
the camera lowerd tl Q A c o ( f e o f t h e p f t o r w. t A l ^ n I f t e Q f t c o d e w i t h c a m e r a tb* bevtco l«ht 10 bbnk or heir ●tone.Okii Neit wherdone

l e n s adistance of J(S2Ccm)Hear a«o«e prompt.aicli^When you hear abeep OPhjf in t^o powtt lo the <om«ro.Owfc« po<t it co*umt«d to CK« r>«twvk c«b*« ●If yew don’t w« Any 0(n.irY mettir^ your devtcf,fnd»e rtsMbutUrvLont press ^or M
possible >the rowtec. Sesn drvKe tMXhf QH co^.put th« QJt eo4« on the dcwaco body imo ttte box xrM kjst St.cfkk neti after prompted
green lin*hl*«ftet r>«jnn* me Deep, Mto Ihe amva ca» t»oi*
wilt hear welcome to o Mt*enthr ,H>f cennodfon DfccMi Uk«i About l*2(T>tnui«i.Aftef ●pk»c go CO the Wi Fi Im and connect the Wi ft mIhtHuerteh 'aOUOCAM.OUX*
The connecinn ptixeit laket iCnul l'2mlnule>.after
w g k o m e
C A r r i e r a . Select the WmFi that mitchet the pre * and connect fkun toAPf after swceesiliil
c o n n e c t i o n

●After connecting the donee wccesi allY el'Ck neat.ChMa your router Wkftfmer Wi Ir

pauwofd.ClKk <on rm.Addition nsucceit jl.then you :»> pepnewtha screen

O 0

0 - . *p ^ o
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o o -

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3.3 AP Direcimotfft {*p«cial) 4.2 Video playback
4^ Function introduction A: S«lMt “View Playback*
bCbrr>ih«nC36SphAappi the toftn Hiterlece. dick “local lecm*. the bettom risht earner pi live interface view the
playback yideo of the camera
●Odth»h.tor nthe upper nfM%* on the apphorrwp^
I c h o o s e :
bOck 'AP newerkM device preview* and dick *Nevt* Raal4lme preview Interface Br Switch playback path. w a l t dPMd ptayback/memerv playback.

bGoo <e»t Netweirt clKk ypi# phone connect to “ClDUOCAM.XXKir network.

e h c Ti v o i t j ^ a i e l t h e W i * hat been cennecietf with thn device artQ Ock *Me>t* .
bEteer I lame jj-●' bauwerd Ock‘‘Nevt'then your Ipreview the

i i V I d a e iNky

HcWeIccna t a l k r:Vl4ee

B a r t

oloud alUa
>4\fm d;VI<


5 P r o f o r e n c o s

Click *
I 'In Ih* pr*vl*w Kra*n check the perametkr

X .

4.1 PTZ/Preset

e P T 7
[ By shdmf neerm^ wheel slkdif^ Che screen the live prewew I Icontrol (he camera's

r e t a l i e n

1 . Tu r n o ff c a m e r a ,

a. PT?i

). dick the presets tf >enter the preset manofemem interface.

] 4. ucht.

S . S h c r e f a m i l y.
Picture for reference

Since different cameras have different mctions. the actual display interface shall prevail
Frvqusnlly ask«d questions If lh« TF csrtf UA «>wsy^ wofX. but th« vidM le diuppesred, please check (he Check

TF cerd* suTus.

is Can*t add the device? If It rs nomul in the application but no vwleg hn been recorded, please format the TF

aMease make' ra has been reset. Areas the MsaC button unta hear i card rf It stil carwiot be used, pteasc replace I w r i h a n e w T F c a r d a n d t r y « d « k n .

o prompt torse Cannot read the wiretess nstworfc name after connecting to (he iphone
e I . O r P r s u p p o r t T. 4 Q H 2 W i - F i , i f y o u r ' ft rowtcv fS SCH2. please switch 2.4/SGH2 eFt t.iOS and Android devices need to enable lecat^n permcttrom.
dual mode eConnect the iFhone to the Wi*Fi rietwork throucb conhgurahon. arid then add the
C . P l e a s e ' GPS service before addu^ the device on the iUidroid moOil phone. camera, which can automabcaSy the network name.
t h e
After installation hcomplete, you wdl be asked to .GPS service when' 9« Why can*! 1switch to another account to con gure the camera WIFI?
Ihe camera I
« 0 P :the rst lane, if' Ichoose not the GPS service, please urvimtaH arid only be bound a c e e u n l . er accounts can only be viewed

reinstaC the app agam. through thesharina mechanism, if other accounts need to recon gure the camera,
N « t .
oD. Pleese cors rni the camera wasn't bmdmg by the other accourX please the. the delete camera rsi
●There are foul vD<e prompts in the pregress 10% How lo conned my campm to other WI*FI?
o1' *Please con ture cameo by AP hotspot or tcanrunf code*, Tmowpya
another Wi'Fi without the focation
o;rSelect your Wi Fi and lofv> with your password, after the devsce makes anehe hhe A: When you rseed to change
'Network informaUon
'beep'vew wM hear (his 'Please 'wad far Wt Fi <ennectm«'. Parameter settini Select

● } I'Please wart for internet cortnectmd'after pettmg the Internet 9address ●When she camera nreplaced and ottker WIFI be fewrsd.please try resetting
● 41 'Internet connected wekonse to use cloud camera' devKe.i t h e homepage wil prompt 'dMisce elthne*. cl<k 'Troubleshooiing*. t h e

PKlure for reference

oa, Tf yew can't go to the second step, please check yow Wt-Fi channel hnot Ivdden. and camera, and then add' a g a i n

Vk rdHeivt cameras haw dr etent functions. 1ha actual display interlace Shan prevail W» Fi router can't be so far from Ihe camera. If tM way doesn't work, please

the OA code to add the camera

6. Split screen to watch ‘Only for multiple equipment under e. If s‘t go I I t h e t h i r d s t e p , p l e a s e r e d u c e 'humber of the' Fi users.
After-aaloB Instructions

tho same account) delete Ihe spectal characten of your Wi Fi password J Tht product it subject Ihe actual product. Ihis manual for referenceonly

dCHck eothe split screen bulion to realire simultaneous preview of multiple devices ●C. II you can't go to the forth step, please try agam. if it siS deesnT work, please contact The product Is updated in real time.rf there any upgrades without notlcejtlease

H o r r : Ihe saber check the of cial website.

«More than >machines, with spirt screert function. 2% WIsy do«s It IntbrmiRsnt vWoc recording ? 3 . ThM manual introduces the basic fursetiom of the product.pleaso check and operate by

f. Howtougg acamerg on acomputer

P v c c a o a i
“ Q - ●The sue of The video le ts lin«ed.OrKe the video sue dose us the critical value, the yewrtetf

Mdeo fbe wdl be created and tho fwit v«deo conenwe to be t, there rs a If y«u have any problems when using the camera, please contact the supplier
log !n svwu.uclouckam^om mteoal but so short. comparty In time
» a S We have trsad b e s t t h e
●Enterwuricceunt number and passwerd.dUk to login 3. Why do«* tiM c«m«ra !● dl»coni>«ct*d7 ensure the completaness and accuracy of the contents
Mease check Wi-Fi ' W h e t h e r t h e p c Tw e r s w s U h r s n o r m a l . r t M ' s n e r m a l . F l e a s e M e s t a n manual, but some data tnay stHI ewsi
camera.Or delete the camera Pw Afp arid Please reconnect the camera ●I there rs any deviation, if you have any questions disputes, please refer to the nal

●oqh 4« Heyw to add family email account ? esplanation of Ihe company

●Comer on the App homepage.Click iettmgs to choose ashared dmnce>dd famtfy Email 7 Hyoudo fobow the instructiora t h e m a n u a l , y o u w i l l b e a r a n y r e s p o n s i b i l i t y.

5s How many people acceae an account el the aarrse time?

eThere nno bmit to the number of people who can access (he accowrt.But the same

A . c a m e r a

6, Cannot recognize TF card?

Support 3peoples I the same'

This manual applies to consumer products.

eMease check whether the TF card meets (he quakty requtremcntkif the Wt*Fi signal

peor.M >be Chat the card carwtec be read

7. After the cloud aervice expiree, the recording timeline bblank.

●After the doudsetvsee expires, the video carvwt be replayed tf there IS no tf card e

tfw cunera. the video cannot be recorded.


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