Semana 11 Ingles

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Hi! I am anclen.

I usually get
up early, around 7:00. I always
take a quick shower. Then I
havebreakfast with my family,
when I finish I start to prepare
to start my clases
Sometimes I finish before
12:00 and sometimes after,
when I finish earlier I take
advantageof it
to review my courses lunch at
1:00 In the afternoons I take
advantage of it to review my
courses with UGO and also to
distract myself by watching a
series at night I advance group
individual work.
then I have dinner at 9:00 and
then continue at 11:00 I go to
bed before because I need a
rest to have energy the next day
¡Hola! soy anclen.
Normalmente me levanto
temprano, alrededor de las 7:00.
Siempre me doy
una ducha rápida. Luego
desayuno con mi familia,
cuando termino me pongo a
para empezar mis clases
A veces termino antes de las
12:00 y a veces después,
cuando termino antes lo
aprovecho para
revisar mis cursos almuerzo a la
1:00 Por las tardes lo aprovecho
para repasar mis cursos con
UGO y también para distraerme
viendo un serie de noche
adelanto trabajo grupal e
luego ceno a las 9:00 y luego
continúo a las 11:00 me acuesto
antes porque necesito un buen
descanso para tener energía al
día siguiente
Hola, soy scarlen, soy
estudiante de ingeniería de
minas, todos los días me
despierto a las 7 am
y empiezo a prepararme hasta
las 8 am,
Desayuno y me voy al trabajo,
en el trabajo voy a mis clases
virtuales y luego comienzo a
unos deberes y regreso a casa a
las 6 de la tarde me
desinfecciono bien y comienzo
a preparar
la cena y finalmente veo la tele
y voy a dormir
DANIEL: Hi Diego nice to see you again
DIEGO: Hello Daniel my pleasure, tell me how you are doing at work.
DANIEL: I'm doing very well at work, and tell me, how are you doing at
DIEGO: I am very tired but I like what I do.
DANIEL: Oh I see, and tell me how is your family?
DIEGO: Well, lately there have been economic problems but we are fine
now, and you?
DANIEL: I am sorry, because with my family we have been fine.
DIEGO: How nice, every family has had its problems but you always have
an example to follow.
DANIEL: Of course, rather someone you admire and want to be like, in this
case my father.
DIEGO: In my case, the soccer player Lionel Messi.
DANIEL: And tell me, what was the daily routine of the person you
DIEGO: Lionel Messi gets up at 6 o' clock. He washes his face and brush his
teeth at 6:10. He takes a bath at 6:15. He dries himself with a towel at
6:25. He dresses himself at 6:30 and he combs his hair at 6:40. He eats
breakfast at 6:45. He goes to practice at 7 o' clock, and yours?
DANIEL: My father gets up at 5 am to go to work. He bathes, washes his
face and brush his teeth at 5:30. He eats breakfast at 6 o'clock. he goes to
work at 6:30 o'clock and returns at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. He has
lunch at 4:15, showers at 5 o'clock, dinner at 8 o'clock at night and sleeps
at 10 o'clock.
DIEGO: Oh good, Daniel I'm sorry but I have to go now, see you later.
DANIEL: No worries, see you later, nice talking to you.
DIEGO: The pleasure is mine.
Hi! I am anclen. I usually get up early, around 7:00. I always take a quick shower. Then I

havebreakfast with my family, when I finish I start to prepare to start my clases

Sometimes I finish before 12:00 and sometimes after, when I finish earlier I take advantageof it

to review my courses lunch at 1:00 In the afternoons I take advantage of it to review my

courses with UGO and also to distract myself by watching a series at night I advance group and

individual work.

then I have dinner at 9:00 and then continue at 11:00 I go to bed before because I need a good

rest to have energy the next day

¡Hola! soy anclen. Normalmente me levanto temprano, alrededor de las 7:00. Siempre me doy

una ducha rápida. Luego desayuno con mi familia, cuando termino me pongo a prepararme

para empezar mis clases

A veces termino antes de las 12:00 y a veces después, cuando termino antes lo aprovecho para

revisar mis cursos almuerzo a la 1:00 Por las tardes lo aprovecho para repasar mis cursos con

UGO y también para distraerme viendo un serie de noche adelanto trabajo grupal e individual.

luego ceno a las 9:00 y luego continúo a las 11:00 me acuesto antes porque necesito un buen

descanso para tener energía al día siguiente

Hola, soy scarlen, soy estudiante de ingeniería de minas, todos los días me despierto a las 7 am
y empiezo a prepararme hasta las 8 am,

Desayuno y me voy al trabajo, en el trabajo voy a mis clases virtuales y luego comienzo a

unos deberes y regreso a casa a las 6 de la tarde me desinfecciono bien y comienzo a preparar

la cena y finalmente veo la tele y voy a dormir

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