Environmental Science U2 P1 2012

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FORM TP 2012179} AI rest cope 02220010 MAYJUNE 2012 CARIBBEAN E. ‘ONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, UNIT 2- Paper OF 90 mines 24 MAY 2012 (pam) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. “This test consists oF 45 items. You will hve 90 minutes to answer them, {In adition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet ‘Do not be concemed tha the answer shest provides spaces for more answers than there ate items in this tee. “Each temp this test has four suggested anowers eter (A),(B), (C),(D}. Read each itera ‘You ae about fo answer and decide which choice is best. ‘On your answer shoe, find the number swhich corresponds to your item and shade the space ‘having the same letter asthe answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample item Suspended particles in water eause ‘Sample Answer (A) avidity ® {B) alkalinity . ©86@ (©) ealiniy (D) turbidity "The best answer to this tem is “tusbidie, so answer space (B) bas been shaded. 1 you want to change your answer, erase it completely and fill n your new choice. ‘When you ae told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, |Fyou cannot answer an item, goon othe next one. You ray etum this item later Your seore wil be the tua numberof eorect answers. ‘You may use a silent, nop-programmable caloulaor to answer items, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO $0. Which ofthe following soil types has the GREATEST panmeabilty? Clay (B) ° Send (©) Loam © Site Pantng esas cropyear ae yeray (A) decreased sol erosion (B) improved crop yield {C) increased damage to crop by insects ‘and diseases (D) the retin of essenial mtrients inthe sil ‘The wse of inorganic ferilizers causes environmental problems because they (A) are quickly eached out of the soit by rain (B) aesloweractingandlonger esting (C) donot provide the sil with humus (©) have variable composition Environmentally sustainable practices in agricultural systems de NOT include (A) agroforestry (B) chemical pes contol (©) contour ming ©) temacing Anhigh Biochemical Oxygen Demand may result in (A) salinisation (®) acidification (©) eatrophication {D) —_photo-depradstion ‘ Which of the otloseing isan itmporent featureofecological integrity inthepractice of sustainable agriculture? a ® © co) ‘thebasicneeds ofall community members, Resources ae used in a manner 19 ‘minimize the lose of narents, ‘energy and biomass. “The yield of the produce justifies the inputs. ‘Sewage sludge would be unfit for use as ‘etliser iit is contaminated with “ ®) ©, © phosphates heavy metals ‘organi compounds WhichofthefellowingisNOTanadvantage of aquaculture? (A) is a reliable source of fish for consumption (B) Thereisa reduction of pressure for fish from natural sources. (©) Winvolvestheintrodvetion oF exotic species into anew environmen, (©) There isa decrease inthe effort cateh fish, A pig farmer collects spoiled tomatoes and ‘spsthem to feodhispigs, This sustainable agricultural practice is known as oy ®) © o cop rotation ‘contour farming ‘conservation tillage ‘postharvest management to. 2, Land space is becoming less available for agriculture. Togainhigh yieldeinreatvely ‘small areas, fermers should prac aw @ © wD) organic farming extensive farming intensive farming subsisonce farming Which of the following statement is/are NOT true of organo fertilizers? 1 1. IL ‘They are soluble and immediately available to plants. ‘They are slow seting. ‘They inerease the soil microflora 1) Tony (8) only (©) Vand tony ©) Eland ‘Which form of soil degradation may be caused by capillary ation? (A) Acidification ®) Salinization (©) Water logging ©) Soil compaction B. 14 tems 13-14 relates to the graph below: The graph shows how seed production ina lantspecies varied with population density ina fingmented tite oZem Lor Hh Popaaton Deny | 3 Tina fragmented habitat, seed produetion is areatet with a population density that is tow (B) high ©) sverage ©) faity high Which conclusion is BEST supported by ‘the data inthe graph. (A) Habitat fragmentation has more effect on seed production than oes population density. (B) Seed production is higher in dense populations. (©) Seed production is tower in dense populations (D) There is no relationship berwoen seed production and habitat fragmentation. 16. sem 5 ceferst the results ilustrated inthe following gure, Theresultswere obsined hy students investigating the components ofa 500 gram eample of soi tain fom four efferent location Tan fv, ne TE] “) parton wf oc component ‘What is dhe percentage of sand inthe sei sample at Location? wie 20 © 70 . 9% Which ofthe following primary energy sources can be reparded 28 non-renewable? (A) Soler 1B) Necear (©) Geothermal {D) Ocean thermal 1 18 19, Which of the following can BEST be described as a socio-economic impact of the generation, tansporation end vse of energy? (A) Global warming (B)—Habiardestruction {C)_Disloeaion of eommnunices (D) Pollution ofthe environment A photovoltaic coll converts Tight energy Giectly 10 (A) heateneray (B) kinetic enersy (©) potential enerey (D) slectrical energy ‘The production of TWO useful forms of ‘energy from the SAME fuel is known as (®) cogeneration (B) conservation (©) energy coaversion (D) energy efficiency ‘Which of the following ere limiting fetors inthe supply of energy within a Caribbean country? L. Distance of power plants from IL, Topography of communities ML, availability of fossil fuels IV. Time ofthe year (A) Land IV only (8) Manat only (©) 1,Mand it onty D) EMand1V only 24, ‘Which of the following is the fuel used in «a nuclear fission powerplant? ()Belium @) Radium (©) Uranium (®) Deuteriam WhichoftefollowingdoesNOTcontribute ‘oan increase in energy efficiency? ca) ® © © Increasing the number of people ‘using the publi transportsystem in Caribbean counties. Increasing the number of ‘housebolds using only compact Buorescent bulbs. Manofacturing refrigerators. that ‘consume less energy than those ‘manufactured inthe past. Using heavier weight materials {the manuoturing of motor vehicles. Which energy source BEST fits the {ollowing characteristics? Must be concentrated 10 perform ‘many human activities. “Mast be converted to another form, to be easily uti Is not available continuously. Production of energy is non” polling. Wind Geothermal Direct solar Hydropower fem 24 refers to the igure showing per capita energy consumption in developed and developing courts in a certain year a m ‘Countries Which ofthe following countries are MOST likely tobe P,Q, R and S respectively? z e fz = (A) | Canada| “Mexico | Tain | Une States (5) | Canada | india | Mexioo | United States 1G) [United Stes [ Mexico | Canada} India (D) [United States | Canada| Mexico | Inca 25, ‘Which ofthe folowing are environmental benefits of using a hydrogen fuel cell? 1 0, 1m, N aw @) © @ ‘Water produced as a by-product. Carbon dioxide is emitted a¥ an ‘end-product. ‘Mostar pollution is eliminated, Hydrogen internal combustion ‘engines can be operated as desl cngines et very lean-air fuel ratios. Wand 1 only tend IV only and {V enly Ti, Mand 1 only Item 26 refers to the following diagram whieh shows a windmill chat is used 10 seocrate electicity. ‘The fmeton of the par labelled “T*on the iagram i to convert (A) wind energy o kinetic energy (B) wind enerzy wo potential energy (C)_potentatenersy welecticalenerey (D) kinetic energy to electrical energy 2, 29, 30, Which ofthe following plobal warming chemicals area direct esultof combustion of fosi fel? 1 Methane AL Nitrogen oxide WI, Carbon dioxide IN. Sulphur dioxide (A) Lend lfonly (®) Eland only (©) [.llland1V only {D) Wh. MandV only ems 28-30 refer (othe following diagrams which illustrate an activity in which students were Investigating the efficiency of 10 babs, ‘Which ofthe following is the MOST likely observationthat could be made ater three hours? (A) The temperature ofthe ait in Box 1 is higher than in Box 2. {B) The temperature of the air in Box 2 higher than in Box 1 (©) There is no change inthe temperature ofthe arin both boxes, (D) The increase inthe temperature ofthe arin both boxes ie the same. ‘Which ofthe following are some of the preceutons that are necessary for this activity? L. Use cardhoard boxes. II, Take at Teast thre readings. UL, Read the thermometer at eye level. 5 TV. “Tale resgings within the same time period (A) 1.Mand Mt oaly (B) Land tv only (©) [land V only ©) Hi, Wand V only ‘A possible imitation ofthis aetvity is that (A) some of the beat will be loa othe environnient (B) —_thesame observer is used for each reading {C) the temperature ofthe room cannot be controlled (D) the dimensions of the boxes are the same Which ofthe folowing is NOT a primary 36. Which layer in the atmosphere protects pols tamans an ter fos tom br Seeman @ © ® xo (4) Meher oO & Seawpome so (© Tyrie 3 oom Which ofthe following is NOT a parameter ‘Items 37-38 refer wo the following ding ‘ih bused mont wats fag? Hamat feria owing nga thy ooluapeteasta ‘sharpie tomon tna (2) Chemicel oxygen demand (©) Biochemical oxygen demand (D) Mass per unit volume of liquid Y Armaphere Which of the following metals is NOT considered to be x toxic pollatant? (a) Lead B) Mowery {C)Potassiam () Cadmium Ozone, O,, is an air polluntant that is classed a5 37, Whatoategories of pollutant are located at Points X and Y ifthe pollutant at X reacts (A) primary in the troposphere ‘with another chemical inthe atmosphere (B) primary inthe suratospbere to form? (©) secondary inthe troposphere - (D) secondary inthe stratosphere (A) Primary Secondary (®) Persist Primary = ©) Secondary Primary ‘What greenhouse gs is produved by rice face (©) Secondary Persist cree @ oem 38. | WiatenofextomcompomtisL RELY (D) Water vapour to be released at Point X? (A) carbonic acids (@) carbon monoxide (©) carbon tetrachloride {D)__ehloroftuorocarbons 39, ‘ain39 refers o be following experiment which was conducted to investigate the cbt of tate density onthe level of soot (carbon particles) inibe it. Four locations were chosen; dhe other ‘vere close to thee different roadways and one inthe middle of naional park. The desertion Aang talc density ofeach Ioeation i shown in the table below. ‘Description ofocation | Tralife density «Cars per hour) 1 Anajorhignway 0 Ti__Anwtban road 120 TA ural, minor toad 10 IV. Midale of a national perk 0 “The Soot inthe air was cotlecod hy drawing Sin! of ar through after at each loation, I was assumed thatthe dark colour on the Biter was due tothe soot inthe a. ‘One ofthe locations was ased asa control, The sage of each fer is shown inthe diggrams, 1 Mand TV respectively. “The conclusion which can be drawn from the experiments that (8) the teve of soot increases wale doasity decreases eB ry increases KC) the fevel oF sont decreases atthe trafic density increases (D) here iso relationship between the level of sgot and the trafic density 4 -10- Wem 40 refers to the following diagram which shows sources of pollution, M Lagi ee ‘Which ofthe flowing statements is rue about the above digrain? w @ © o ‘Wand X are examples of point sources of pollution, YY and Z are examples of point souices of pollution. X and ¥ are examples of now-point sources of poluution. ‘Wand Z are examples of non-point sources of pollution, ‘Which ofthe following methods can be 42, When the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of a waterbody increases, the dissolved oxygen evel (DO) forthat water. Increase ata stendy rate ‘increase rapidly and then decrease decrease since the relationship is remain constant since BOD does pot affect DO level ‘sed orehabiltaesoilscontaminatod with. (op) snide ol? ‘body will L. Bioremediation 1. Biomagnitiestions w UL Phytoremediation @ IV. Bicescurnlstion oO (A) Land only o (®) Tandittealy (©) [and IV enty @) 1.0 Mand tv ne Wam3 refers tothe following graph which shows the changes in density ofa populaticn of algae and pond fish. The pond water is supplied by a community river. Pore 2s 0st popslation ‘hundred’ km’) a 82 8 Deal of alga popelaion ‘Gendron 43. Which of the following statements BEST describes the variations ofthe algse population? (A) Theslgae population increases sharply after the fish population decrease below 200k, (B) _Thealgae popolation decreases from SOO? to Ok? (©) Thealgue popaiation decreases significantly while the fish population decreases, (D) The algre population inereases significantly, asthe density of the fish increases above Toole ‘tems 44-45 refer to the following graph which shows how the dissolved oxygen concentration ‘na river varied with time after a poflutant was accidentally introduced into the ever. TEsssetasw “Time (ay) 44 Onwhichdaywasthepotiatintascideataly 45. ~ How many days dd it take for the oxygen introduced into the river? levels to stabilize? aia w 3 @ 3 @ 4 © 4 © s sO 9 ©) 6 END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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