Switchboard LTD: Tarot Manual

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Psychic switchboard ltd | Tarot Manual

Psychic switchboard ltd | Tarot Manual


s w i t c h b o a r d ltd


1) How to become a self-employed Tarot Reader Page 4
2) The job Page 5
3) Earnings Page 6
4) How to access the system Page 8
5) Working Hours Page 8
6) How the customers will access the system? Page 9
7) Can a customer call me again? Page 9
8) How to conduct the call? Page 10
9) Checking your statistics Page 11
10) A few more words… Page 11 WELCOME TO
11) Important guidelines, rules, and information Page 12
12) Conduct and discipline Page 13
1) Introduction Page 15
2) Tarot History Page 17
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Self-employed Tarot Reader.
3) Spreads Page 17 Psychic Switchboard Ltd. is an established telecommunications company
4) How to perform a good reading Page 20 and a service provider of high quality telecommunication services.
5) Tips Page 22
6) FAQ Page 22 This guide has two purposes:
7) Cards Meaning Page 25 • Explain how you can work as a self-employed Tarot Reader.
• Teach you to become a Tarot Reader.
a. Major Arcanas Page 25
b. Minor Arcanas Page 48
Have a good reading and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have
further questions.

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Psychic switchboard ltd | Tarot Manual

1) How to become a self-employed Tarot Reader 2) The job
Read carefully the Tarot Readers Guidelines to fully understand what the job Psychic Switchboard Ltd operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week and
involves. To join our team of self-employed Tarot Readers you must return we aim to ensure all our peak hours are fully covered by experienced
the following documents fully completed: Tarot Readers.
The aim of this is ultimately to offer a valued and quality service to callers,
• The information sheet with self-employed contractors encouraged to have as many conversations
• Independent Self-Employed Contractor Contract as possible. Good Readers are able to build up their own group of regular
(Psychic Switchboard Ltd copy) callers, thereby increasing their business and earning potential.

Once we have received this information, we will send you the Rider Waite The basic requirements for Readers are:
Tarot Pack (if you requested one). You will then be contacted to confirm all • Have a genuine interest in Tarot
your details over the phone and to schedule a Tarot test reading. • Be friendly and empathic
• Good intuition
IMPORTANT: Please note that you are not employed by • Be self-confident
Psychic Switchboard Ltd. You are a self-employed contractor working • Good verbal communication skills
independently for yourself. You are responsible for your own Tax and • Must be over 18 years old
National Insurance payments. You are paid • Regular availability
gross earnings and you must register as a • Flexibility
Self-employed person with the Inland • Willing to earn money with our service!
Revenue and the Contributions Agency
and ensure that all statutory obligations Different callers will have different questions. It is important that the
are fulfiled. caller is given the appropriate reading according to what they represent
to the Reader.
You will be asked to sign your contract
before commencement of your Different types of readings:
position confirming that you fully
Love & Relationships: Everyone worries about love. Shall I leave my
understand this
partner? Is he/she the right one? Will we have children? Etc.
fact. Various tax
relief measures Money and career: Will I get a promotion? Is this the right career for me?
are available Will my situation improve? Etc.
depending upon General: This will be more on the characteristics of the caller, where is
your circumstances he/she in his/her life? Worry too much? Etc.
and it may be
possible for you to You will learn how to inspire answers to these questions in the second
get reductions on your part of this manual.
electricity, water or gas,
as you will be working
from home.

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Psychic switchboard ltd | Tarot Manual

3) Earnings Bonus Scheme
Monthly bonuses will be rewarded to the best performers of the months…
Rates and Payments
These bonuses are based on two criteria that will help you build and
Psychic Switchboard Ltd reserves the
maximise your business if you stay aware of them.
right to increase/decrease these rates
at any given time with 1-week
• PIN Bonus
notification given to all readers.
You will quickly understand that returning customers are really
important as they permit you to build a good reputation and frequent
You are paid per minute spent in one
call backs… You might have some of your customers calling you
to one conversations with customers as follows:
more than twice a month! That is why it is important to perform a good
reading and give out your PIN number.
You will be paid each week on Friday. We operate an automated
We will reward the top two readers who have the most return
invoice and payment system. Please note that you will receive the payment
business on a monthly basis, which is having someone dialling your PIN
if it is over £10, otherwise you will receive it at the next payment date.
number in our menu and chatting with you for a minimum of 3 minutes.
If payday falls on a Bank Holiday then you will be paid at the nearest
possible date. You will not be paid for any length of time that you are
First performer on the PIN Bonus criteria will receive: £30
logged on to the system waiting for a call. You will only be paid for the
Second performer on the PIN Bonus will receive: £20
length of time you are talking to a caller.
• Call duration
Between 6pm and 6am (in pence per minute - ppm): A long call means you kept your caller interested enough to stay
talking to you and we want to reward this on a monthly basis.
Total 121 Duration Week days Weekends and
The reader who performs the most
Bank Holidays
conversations, of at least 20 minutes,
Less than 10 minutes 19.00 ppm 21.00 ppm will receive a bonus of £50.
Between 10 and 15 minutes 20.00 ppm 22.00 ppm
Between 15 and 20 minutes 21.00 ppm 23.00 ppm
More than 20 minutes 23.00 ppm 25.00 ppm

Between 6am and 6pm (in pence per minute - ppm):

Total 121 Duration Week days Weekends and

Bank Holidays
Less than 10 minutes 16.50 ppm 17.50 ppm
Between 10 and 15 minutes 17.50 ppm 18.50 ppm
Between 15 and 20 minutes 18.50 ppm 19.50 ppm
More than 20 minutes 20.50 ppm 21.50 ppm

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4) How to access the system 6) How the customers will access the system?
Once you have passed your Tarot Reading Test, you will be given a User The caller will dial one of our premium rate numbers or the free credit card
ID and a PIN Number that will let you access the system. telephone number.

To log into the system: On the premium numbers, they will listen to a short message that states that
• Call 0845 222 1313 (local call charge). the caller must be over 18, the rate of the call and that they must
• ...And follow the menu options. have permission from the person who pays the bill. They will then enter the
Main Menu.
To be able to log in you will need to record your personal introduction.
Here are some examples: From the Main Menu, the caller will either be able to connect to the first
available reader, listen to available readers on line, check to see if a
Hello, I am Michelle; I am an experienced Tarot reader. If you need to know specific reader is on line (thanks to the PIN number), listen to our texts
about Love, I am the right person to talk to so press the star key now. services or listen to their horoscope of the day. They will select the option
If you are concerned about Love or Career, I will inspire you, my name is they want from this menu.
Sonia, press star now.
Worried about Money, Love or Health? I am Paul and I can talk to you about
your problems, so press the star key. 7) Can a customer call me again?
You will be given a personal PIN number of 4 digits. This number will let
Note: Please try to avoid as much as possible the words: counsel, advice, you build a network of customers who will call again and again.
advise, predict, future, etc. and use instead words such as inspire, input,
talk about, listen to, etc. Do give your PIN at the end of the call if you can. This way your
customer can always select you when he/she rings the line. Maybe you
Once logged on, you might also receive a text message on your mobile would like to give this PIN number at the beginning of the call as well…
phone asking you to call back our 08000 750 150 free phone number. This
is to be transferred to a customer who bought a reading by Credit Card. THIS IS HOW YOU CAN MAXIMISE YOUR BUSINESS
You will have also a personal and unique nickname.
You can use your own first name if you want. If your name is already in use
5) Working Hours by another reader you will have to register a new one.
As you are self-employed you can work as little or as often as you wish. As
an example, working 20 hours per week you can earn up to £300 per week. NOTE: When the caller chooses no specific reader, the reader who
has been waiting the longest for a call will be the one chosen to answer
We operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and it is often hard to the call.
predict when our busiest periods will be.

The more flexible you are and the more often you log on the better the
opportunity you will have to develop a higher gross earnings. The more
often you log on the better opportunity you will have for your regular
callers wanting to reach you, therefore maximising your business.

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8) How to conduct the call? 9) Checking your statistics
It is very important for you to keep the caller interested, as this will affect You will be able to check your stats and performance on a daily basis via
your earnings. Once you have the customer online, and before conducting the Internet or the telephone. You will log on to the Psychic Switchboard Ltd.
the reading, follow these steps: website and it will give you your log in time, your log out time, the amount
of revenue you have generated, the number of minutes worked and the
1) Greetings (Good morning, etc.) number of calls taken. You will be able to contact Psychic Switchboard Ltd.
2) Introduce yourself by giving your nickname (and PIN number via e-mail with any queries you may have. Psychic Switchboard Ltd. will
if you wish) also be able to post any update messages on this website for your
information. In the FAQ section, you can enter your query and it will be
3) Ask for the customer’s name
answered and saved. The terms and conditions will also be on this website.
4) Ask for the customer’s date of birth (ICSTIS* requirement): it will help
you to determine if the customer is under 18 and in that case you will
terminate the call; it can also give you also an idea on the caller’s
10) A few more words…
concerns according to his/her age. Don’t expect to be an expert straight away. You will need a lot of practice
5) Ask if he/she has gained permission from the phone bill payer to call before being able to be an expert Tarot Reader.
this number (ICSTIS* requirement). If the caller did not, you will have to
terminate the call. Before giving you your PIN number (and therefore be ready to take calls)
you will have to perform a reading to a representative of Psychic
6) Ask if it is the first time he/she is having a Tarot reading: it will give you Switchboard Ltd. Don’t worry too much about it. Read the second part of
an idea of the caller intention. If it is the first time, it will be really just the manual in details (you don’t have to wait for this in order to send your
to try out, or he/she can be to testing our service or he/she can be a contract).
person that will not trust what you say, etc.
7) Ask if the customer has a particular concern or question to ask: people Please note that £5 will be deducted from your first payment as a
can call about Love, Relationships, Career, Money, Health, etc. participation to the Tarot Deck if you requested one. We will send you the
Or simply want a general reading about their life. Tarot Pack once the contract is received.
8) Then you can start the reading and shuffling the cards (see explanation
of this part in details in the second part of this manual) The key word here is Practice Practice Practice!!!! Use friends and family to
become more proficient.
* ICSTIS is the Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone
Information Services. Complete regulations available at www.icstis.org.uk As with anything in life you need to gain experience. It takes time to learn
a new task and time to find out how you can perform at your best.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send it via the

website or by telephone on 0845 222 1515.

WARNING: Please do read the entire part B before trying to

perform a reading to yourself!

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11) Important Guidelines, Rules and information 12) Conduct and discipline
1) It is crucial that you deal with all calls correctly by following the The following will result in your contract being terminated:
guidelines outlined. 1) Giving out company access codes or system information to on callers.
2) It is not a good idea to read or eat while you are on line. This will 2) Any abusive behaviour towards callers, other readers or any member
distract you and you will not be able to give all your attention to of staff at Psychic Switchboard Ltd.
your caller.
3) Giving out any of your own personal details such as address, phone
3) Never, never give out any personal information about yourself or number etc.
anyone else who is a contractor for the line. Should a caller wish to
4) Giving callers other numbers or competitors’ numbers to call.
complain then direct them to the helpdesk number 0870 442 4202.
5) Knowingly taking part or instigating conversations that involve people
4) Before you log on prepare yourself. Relax, get yourself in the mood and
under the age of 18.
make yourself comfortable. You will be providing a service to customers
and therefore you should always be at your best. 6) Entering conversations discussing anything illegal.
5) Should a caller under the age of 18 come on the line you must 7) Under-performance or under-achieving after initial period.
disconnect the call. Tarot reading to underage callers is not permitted. 8) Anyone found in breach of any of the guidelines/regulations from
6) Should a caller start to get abusive then you must stay patient and calm this manual.
and try to direct the conversation in a different way. If this is not 9) Complaints received from callers (depending on the severity).
working then suggest to the caller that you are about to hang up and
10) Unacceptable level of log on times.
do so.
7) No personal contact is allowed with members of the public. This is for
You are not permitted to have CALL WAITING OR BT 1571 service while
your own safety. This includes leaving any personal details (such as
you are logged on.
address, telephone numbers, etc.) in your introduction. Should this
happen the introduction will be removed immediately.
If you have any issue with a caller, you can get his phone number by
8) In order to protect Readers and the company, please do not give out the dialling 1471 after you hung up with this caller. Then call someone from
office address. Please refer members of the public to the helpdesk our team to give us the reason for the problem and his/her phone number.
number 0870 442 4202.
9) All Readers are invited to contribute with ideas and suggestions at All calls are recorded and are reviewed on a regular basis to
all times. monitor performance and behaviour towards callers.
10) All calls must be answered within 4 rings.
11) You must arrange the payment of your own Tax and National Insurance.
12) You will be able to receive other personal calls while you are logged
on but in order for you to earn your full potential you should ask them
to call back later. Advise family and friends that you will be logged on
at certain times.

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Useful contact details B) TAROT READING

Website address

Log in phone number*

0845 222 1313

Customer helpdesk number*

0870 442 4202

Readers helpdesk number*

0845 222 1515

Helpdesk opening hours

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

In order to receive a prompt response it is advisable that you e-mail 1) Introduction

all your queries via the main website page.
This can be accessed via the main website by clicking on ‘Contacts’ Congratulations, you are about to become a Tarot Reader. Now, you need
to learn more about Tarot and how to perform a reading thanks to the Rider
Waite Tarot deck.
Company address: Psychic Switchboard Ltd. A standard Tarot deck is made of 78 cards divided into 22 major arcanas
167-173 Wandsworth High Street, (these are the heart of the deck because they are more powerful), and 56
London minor arcanas.
SW18 4JB
Your Querent (from now on we will talk about the Customer or Caller in
Fax number: 0870 345 1111 terms of Querent) will ask a question and you will help him in meditating
on his/her life thanks to the Tarot cards.
The Tarot opens your intuitive sense. Its pictures stimulate your gut feeling.
* 0845 at Local Call Rate and 0870 at National Call Rate The symbolism used gives us the meaning.

IMPORTANT: Never portray to a Querent that you are about to tell

them their future. If a Querent is hinting at whether Tarot Reading is true
or not, just explain that you believe it allows us to meditate on life and
see what might happen if no actions are taken!

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MAJOR ARCANAS The court cards have different personalities:

The Major Arcanas represent “The Fool’s Journey” which is a metaphor • King (Masculine): he represents authority and control.
for the journey through life. Each Major Arcana is a step in this journey. It can be an actual man.
This whole journey can be divided into four major steps:
• Queen (Feminine): she wants enjoyment more than result. It can be an
actual woman.
• Cards 0 to V: they show the Querent as a “beginner” who has not yet
been shaped by more mature societal forces. • Knight (Immature teenager): eager, sincere, and unbalanced.
• Cards VI to XI: this is where the Querent learns to apply the knowledge • Page (Playful child): pleasure, spontaneity, and open doors.
acquired to new challenges.
• Cards XII to XVI: The process of wrestling with our inner demons and of You now have the basic knowledge of how a Tarot Deck is structured and
beginning a process of regeneration and deeper learning. what each sort of card represents.
• Cards XVII to XXI: Group achievement, consciousness and
advanced life.
2) Tarot History
MINOR ARCANAS The origin of the Tarot is actually a mystery. It was used in Italy in the
fifteenth century as a popular game but this is the furthest we have been
The minor arcanas are divided into four suits (four elements): able to go back in time.

• Wands (Fire): a suit of creativity, action, enthusiasm, Later, in the eighteenth century, the images on the cards started to be
and confidence. considered powerful and a link was made between them and Egyptian
Mysteries, Hermetic philosophy, the Kabbalah, alchemy and other mystical
• Cups (Water): a suit of emotions, relationships and systems.
spiritual experiences.
In the twentieth century the Tarot was incorporated into the practices of
• Swords (Air): a suit of intellect, thought and reason, several secret societies.
which are a valuable asset but can lead us astray.
3) Spreads
• Pentacles (Earth): a suit of practicality, security and
material concerns. Associated with Nature, and The most common spread is called the “Celtic Cross” (see page 18).
physical experiences. This is the most complete spread as it contains all the information you need
to answer any questions, using 10 cards.
Each minor arcana is structured from Ace to 10 and with court cards (Page,
Knight, Queen, King). Here again they have a different meaning. The Aces That is why we will use this spread for our Tarot Reading.
introduce the theme of the suit that comes to its achievement in the 10.

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To interpret the Celtic Cross you can use the following approach:
5 10
1) Examine the cards in pair:

Outside Immediate situation

• Cards 1 & 2: to find out the central dynamic.
1 • Cards 3 & 5: to find out what is going on in the conscious/
4 6 9 unconscious.
• Cards 4 & 6: to see how events and people are flowing through
your Querent’s life.
Past Future
2) Examine then the Staff (Cards 7 to 10) part:
3 8 • Cards 7 & 8: to see the relationship between the Querent and
his/her environment.
Unconscious • Card 10: the projected outcome and what you feel about it.
7 3) Review all the cards leading to the outcome
• Compare the projected outcome (Card 10) to the alternative
outcome (Card 5).
• How the near future (Card 6) contributes to the projected
Celtic Cross Spread outcome (Card 10).
• Does Card 9 tell you something we need to know?
This spread is shared in two parts:
When examining cards together, by pairs or more, try to ask yourself the
following questions:
The Circle/Cross part (Cards 1 to 6):
• The Card 1 and 2 represent the heart of the matter, meaning what is • Do the cards seem to belong together?
the most important thing to you. And what turns around (Cards 3 to 6) • Do the cards feel as if they don’t combine well? (opposite meaning)
represents your life. • Do they contain similar symbols?
• The horizontal line (Cards 4, 1-2, 6) represents the time moving from
the past (left) to the future (right). Once you have done all this, you have to create a story.
• The vertical line (5, 1-2, 3) is the awareness moving from your
With all this in mind you should have the pattern to memorise easily the fol-
unconscious on the bottom to your conscious mind on the top.
lowing keywords for the position of each cards:

The Staff part (Cards 7 to 10): these four cards comment on your life and
lie outside of the immediate situation.

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First of all you must ask what is your Querent’s particular concern.
1 • Heart of the matter 7 • You as You Are
Is it about love in general, or to know about the current partner?
• Present Environment • You as You Could Be
Money or possible career changes?
• Primary Factor • You as You Present Yourself
Be aware that the more precise your Querent is about his/her question,
• You as You See Yourself
the more precise you will be in the answer.
2 • Opposing Factor 8 • Outside Environment
• Factor for Change • Another’s Point of View
• Goal or Purpose • Another’s Expectation By telephone you will have to choose them for the Querent, but you could
• Alternative Future • You as Others See You follow these steps to influence the choice of the cards:

3 • Root Cause 9 • Guidance 1) Shuffle the cards, and ask the Querent to say stop when he/she feels
• Unconscious Influence • Key Factor the cards have been shuffled enough
• Deeper Meaning • Hopes and Fears 2) Ask the Querent if the cards have to be cut 1, 2 or 3 times
• Unknown Factor • Overlooked Factor 3) Choose the cards randomly yourself

4 • Past 10 • Outcome: CREATING A STORY

• Receding Influence - Inner State The secret of creating a story is getting from intellectual understanding, to
• Resolved Factor - Actions knowing from a piecemeal grasp, to unified vision. To do this, you need to
• What’s Unnecessary - Overall recognise and honour your feelings. Feelings are the language of your
inner-guide. To achieve this, just think out loud, don’t organise your
5 • Attitudes and Beliefs thoughts, just say what comes into your mind. Don’t rush or talk too fast or
• Conscious Influence too much though!
• Goal or Purpose
• Alternative Future Don’t be concerned if you can’t always create a beautiful narrative, the
most important factor here is to trust yourself and your intuition completely!
6 • Future
• Approaching Influence
• Unresolved Issue
• What will be useful Provide constructive counsel. If anything looks “negative”, work with the
Querent to turn the negativity around.
Use the cards to empower the Querent to make his or her own personal
judgements and decision without your input.
4) How to perform a good reading Be aware that you’re helping a person to find out more about his or her
To perform a good reading you need to interpret the cards as accurately as past and that you have to be gentle with that process.
possible. The knowledge of your spread is really important here. Remember: “there is no such thing as good cards or bad cards”.
Note that, in the Celtic Cross, most of the people place the second card
below the first one to make it easier to read.

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5) Tips The Rider Waite Tarot deck does not really “talk” to me…
Can I choose another deck?
1) Work in a quiet environment as much as possible. It will permit you to Of course, no problem, as long as you can fully train yourself to interpret
concentrate better on the Querent, the reading and the cards. that other Tarot deck.

2) Don’t forget that for some of your Querents the ideal partner can be of Sometimes I have cards showing up upside-down, what does
the same sex. Don’t hesitate to ask… it mean?
Some books about Tarot will give a meaning completely different of the
3) When telling the story, place your Querent in the landscape of the card: card if indeed they are reversed. You can have different approaches to this:
if the Querent was drawn to this card, where would he/she be or what • Don’t really pay attention to this and just move the card upright.
would he/she be doing? • Learn the Meaning of the reversed position from a book
• Or simply think that the meaning of the card upright might happen
4) You can spread the cards in Celtic Cross (or another spread) as many with some delays that can be explained with the cards next to this
times as you want with the same Querent if he/she changes subject or reversed card.
has another question. Once again go with your instinct on this.

6) FAQ I have questions about health but I am not sure how to read
on the subject.
Is the Tarot really about knowing the future? Health issues can be read through the pictorial imagery. I give you some
The Tarot is above all a tool to know your true self. It helps you to get in examples here:
touch with yourself. You can use the Tarot to enhance your experience and
active participation in the events and emotions of your life. • 10 of Swords: internal bleeding, nervous disorder, back surgery,
slipped disk, exhaustion, immune system.
How do I get to know the cards? • 2 of Cups: Fertility/infertility; venereal disease.
Instead of trying to learn by heart each meaning, try to understand the • 9 of Cups: indigestion, cravings, cancer, and chronic illness.
symbolic that leads to the meaning. What the card itself tells you? What do • 9 of Wands: Head injury, shoulder, and knee.
you feel looking at the card? It will be much easier to learn that way. What • VII: Paralysis, paraplegia, delusions.
you feel about a card is more important than the meaning you just read. • XV: Chain-smoking, negative self-image.
• XIX: Healthy Sun
I don’t interpret the meaning of the card, the same way it is
written in your manual. How do I handle a quiet Querent who does not want to
This is fine, and I would encourage you to actually let your intuition work interact with me because he/she thinks I should tell him
as much as possible. You are the reader and the interpreter! everything?
The best here is to clarify who you are, that you don’t know the truth about
What if the answer does not seem to fit the question? his/her future but you can help to think about his/her life and indeed see
Maybe the Querent was actually thinking of something else when what could happen.
you chose the cards. For example if the Querent asked about career and If you don’t tell a doctor where you have an issue, the doctor won’t
loves seems to come up more, ask the Querent if his/her question was not guess it!
really about love?

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My Querent does not have a specific question… 7) Cards’ meaning
In that case just ask yourself: “what does the Querent need to know?”
Before going through each single card, try to determine a particular
My Querent always asks me about a timeline… method to learn this. At any time during the reading, you will be able to
It is always hard to give a timeline; nevertheless you can get an use our “cards meanings tables” but you really need to know more in depth
approximation. the basic meaning of each card.
To do this, look at the suits and see which suit is the more represented. Try to understand its symbolism, because it leads to the general meaning of
Then each suits corresponds to a certain period of time: the card.
• Wands: Noon, summer, days.
• Swords: Morning, spring, weeks. DO HAVE YOUR TAROT DECK NEXT TO YOU WHILE
• Cups: Evening, autumn, months. READING THIS PART
• Pentacles: Midnight, winter, a year or more. IT IS IMPORTANT YOU LOOK AT THE CARD WHILE STUDYING IT!

The Major Arcanas represent “The Fool’s Journey” which is a metaphor for
IN ANY CASE REMEMBER: THE ANSWER TO ANY OF YOUR QUESTIONS the journey through life. Each Major Arcana is a step in this journey. This
IS ALREADY INSIDE YOU! IT IS ALL ABOUT INTUITION!!!!! whole journey can be divided in four major steps:

• Cards 0 to V: they show the Querent as a “beginner” who has not yet
been shaped by more mature societal forces.
• Cards VI to XI: this is where the Querent learns to apply the knowledge
acquired to new challenges.
• Cards XII to XVI: The process of wrestling with our inner demons and of
beginning a process of regeneration and deeper learning.
• Cards XVII to XXI: Group achievement consciousness and
advanced life.

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0. The Fool I. The Magician

• New start • Action

• Unlimited • Conscious Awareness
• Pleasure, Passion • Concentration
• Thoughtlessness, Rashness • Creative authority
• Naivety • You already know what to do!
• Innocence
• Look before you jump!

Facing left: Direction of the unknown. Red Roses: Symbolising desire.
Precipice: Stepping down from spiritual heights to physical manifestation. Cup: Knowledge and preservation.
Dog: Evolution from the lower to the higher nature, the dog evolved Sword: Activity, either destructive or constructive.
from the wolf. Can also indicate that nature is happy to follow in the foot- Wand: Will and power. A phallus symbol.
steps of man. White Lilies: Abstract thought.
Wallet: This carries universal instinct and memory. Robe: His inner garments are the white of purity, while his outer robe is the
White Rose: Free from animal desires. red of desire, activity and passion.

If you are facing a period of doubt, the Fool is here to tell you to follow The Magician symbolises the power to tap universal forces and use them
your instincts, even if you choose an original path. The Fool is innocent, for creative purposes with the help of divine inspiration (right arm extend-
free, unpredictable and full of surprises. ed). He is confident, believes in himself, and is determined.
The Fool is an optimist and brings hope. This card implies you have the primary forces of creativity with you if you

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II. The High Priestess III. The Empress

• Non-action • Abundance
• Unconscious Awareness • Senses
• Capability • Fertility
• Secrecy • Mothering
• Intuition
• Go with your gut!

Crescent Moon: Inner illumination, spiritual enlightenment. Blooming Garden: the fruitful mother, Mother Nature.
Full Moon Crown with Waxing and Waning Moons: Subconscious mind. Crown of Twelve, Six Pointed Stars: her reign over the macrocosm.
Red Roses: Desire. Sceptre topped by a Globe: dominion over the world.
Scroll: Esoteric wisdom, sometimes inscribed with the word ‘Tora’ Cyprus Trees, Shield and pearls: Venus.
(divine law).
DETAILS The Empress represents the fertile, life-giving Mother who reigns over the
The High Priestess appears to get you to open you intuition and feel the bounty of nature. From her come pleasures and joys of the senses.
energy around you. You should listen to yourself without analysing too She can suggest material reward.
much or being too emotionally attached to the matter. She asks you to embrace the principles of life and enjoy its bountiful
Look beyond the obvious and recall the vastness of your potential. goodness.
Sometimes you can achieve something by letting time do its job.

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IV. The Emperor V. The Hierophant

• Fathering • Instruction
• Organisation • Belief Systems
• Influence • Traditionalism
• Regulation • Group identification

Ankh: Egyptian symbol of life and wisdom. Also known as the Crux Ansata Triple Crown of a Pope: on the head of the Hierophant. The lower trefoil
or the Cross of Life. Held in the right, male, or active hand. design represents the lower material world. The middle represents the
The Globe of Domination: held in the left, female, or passive hand. Only formative world. The top tier represents the creative world.
through the feminine power of love can the Emperor balance spirit and mat- Pillars: from the Tree of Life (Kabalah), one represents Mercy, the other
ter and truly rule. Severity. Another interpretation is that the one on the right represents the
Mountains: The aspirations of man. law, and the one of the left the freedom to obey or disobey. The design
Throne: A ruler. crowing the pillars may represent sexual union.
Triple Staff: represents the spirit, soul and body.
You’ll learn to develop your leadership skills and the masculine side of your DETAILS
nature. This card gives you the power to use logic and reasoning well and The Hierophant is the educator who teaches the tribes one common
to receive good counsel advice. You can use your authority to gain positive language so all can communicate through one language, one religion or
recognition; you are learning to develop your powers. one common money denomination for trade.
You might have to deal with your boss, your doctor, the president or This card is also the need for social approval, you learn how to conform to
your father. a given situation.

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VI. The Lovers VII. The Chariot

• Relationship • Success
• Principles • Will
• Sexuality • Self-Assertion
• Personal Beliefs • Strong Control

Apple tree: representing the temptation, taken from the Garden of Eden. Stars: the celestial influences that have played a role in his victory.
Leafless tree: behind the man, it bears trefoil flames of the 12 signs of the Chariot: the human personality, which can be a vehicle for the expression
zodiac, each divided into three decans. This has also been interpreted as of self.
the tree of flame representing the tree of life. Crown: mental dominion.
Naked Figures: Adam and Eve, from the story of Genesis. Sceptre: his will, the self-conscious and subconscious. His success being
Nudity: nothing to hide. due to this successful combination.
Serpent: the tempter, again from the Garden of Eden myth. Sphinx: the pillars of the Tree of Life. In this case representing nature. Note
they pull in different directions. They require the will of the charioteer.
With this card there is always a possibility of a new romance or a new DETAILS
direction for the heart. This card indicates success and victory through hard work and effort,
This card also points towards harmony with others around you. Family and ending in triumph over enemies of any kind.
personal relations are really important to you, and you want them balanced You have a responsible and kind nature that might be very intensely
and intimate. You might also be trying to make choices and decisions for focused on your goal.
the highest good in your life. This card comes up in relation to travel.

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VIII. Strength IX. The Hermit

• Force • Introspection
• Patience • Searching
• Compassion • Guidance
• Soft Control • Isolation

Cosmic Lemniscates (infinite symbol above her head): eternal life, in control Staff: a patriarchal staff used for navigation on the narrow path
thanks to the powers above. of initiation.
Chain of Roses: union of desires so strong that the wild unconscious forces Lighted Lamp of Truth: to guide those below.
bow before it. Cloak: the mantel of discretion. In some versions the Hermit holds the cloak
Lion: the passions and lower nature of man. The zodiac sign of Leo, which partially over the lamp to protect the truth from profane eyes.
is why this card has often been renumbered to 8.
White Robe: purity. DETAILS
This card indicates that silent counsel and wise advice is given and
DETAILS received. You’ve learned many lessons thus far, and now you have the
We need strength and courage to face our fears, and because love is experience under your belt to know much more clearly which way to turn
always stronger than fear or hate, the ability to develop courage despite in your life. This card shows open-mindedness and a willingness to be of
overwhelming odds is an outgrowth of love. Facing your fears can, in turn, help, and it can either represent that you will seek counsel or that someone
help you evolve: as you free yourself of your fears, you become freer to do wants to help you on your path of life. You might need to meditate on your
more with your life. life.
It can mean also unconditional love and understanding.

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X. Wheel of Fortune XI. Justice

• Destiny • Justice
• Turning Point • Decision
• Development • Cause and effect
• Personal Vision • Responsibility

Sphinx: the principle of equilibrium, stability within movement, mystery and Pillars: to be between the positive and negative forces.
hidden knowledge. Scales of Gold: balanced judgement. Also the symbol of Libra.
Animals: 4 beasts from Revelations 4:7-8 “The first animal was like a lion, Sword: held up in defence of justice. Pointing upward, it stands for victory.
the second like a bull, the third animal had a human face, and the fourth Being double edged, it symbolises that action destroys as well as builds,
animal was like a flying eagle.” A footnote in the Jerusalem Bible states that and that the false must be cut away from the true.
following Iraeneus the four beasts came to symbolise the four evangelists. Veil: between the pillars, some knowledge is hidden from man.
Letters: TARO an anagram which spell Tarot or Rota (wheel) or Orat
(to speak) or Tora (the law). DETAILS
Fair and honourable, Justice will make certain that the right thing is done
DETAILS in the end. Open-mindedness will be present to weigh the pros and cons,
You’re entering into a lucky period in your life. You’re lucky now no matter and fair decisions will be made to the satisfaction of all parties.
what you want to do; things just seem to go your way. Nothing can stop This is a card of cool, rational, decision-making, where intellect is key.
you now!

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XII. The Hanged Man XIII. Death

• Letting Go • Eradication
• Suspension • Ending
• Sacrifice • Transition
• Reversal • Inexorable Forces

Cross and Triangle: created by the man’s arms and legs, the sign of Banner with a Five Petals Rose: symbol of Mars and the life force.
accomplishment of the great work, the overcoming of personality and the Skeleton Riding a Horse: Death, more the Apocalyptic version than the
transformation of the lower passions into pure gold. The inverted hanged standard skeletal reaper.
man can finally see and understand things the way they really are. Sun: represents immortality.
Radiant Halo: the initiate is now consciously taking on the mission of the Path and Tower atop a Cliff: the mystical journey to the New Jerusalem.
mystic. In traditional terms, he has taken an oath to follow the path of the In Renaissance art, the “new earth” (i.e. following the apocalypse) is
“saint” - hence the traditional halo. typically represented as a city, the New Jerusalem.
‘T’ Cross of Living Wood: by this the man is still earthbound.
DETAILS Renewal, transformation or total change in your life cycle. An old chapter
Spiritual growth and surrender to a higher wisdom. By accepting the is coming to a close when this card shows up. For one thing to live, anoth-
decision he’s tied to, the Hanged Man is finding his enlightenment. Heaven er must die, and Death is really about major change and the leaving
has many things to offer, and the Hanged Man is ready for the new behind that comes with it.
direction being shown to him.
Leave the past behind and move on.

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XIV. Temperance XV. The Devil

• Temperance • Bondage
• Sense of balance • Materialism
• Health • Lack of knowledge
• Combination • Despair

Crown: at the end of the path, representing excellence and attainment. Bat Wings, Goat Legs, Horns, and Bird Feet: a combination of animals to
Cups: he pours the essence of life from the silver cup of the subconscious show an animalistic, instinctive nature.
to the gold cup of the conscious. From the seen, to the unseen, and back Chains: self-imposed servitude, bondage and restriction. Note the chains
again. The entry of spirit into matter and the influence of matter on spirit. are loose and could be easily removed by the wearers.
The flowing of the past, into the present, into the future. Donkey Ears: stubbornness.
Feet: one rests on land, the other in water, to be equally comfortable in the Naked Figures: chained by their own wrong choices.
conscious or subconscious. Torch: pointing at earth representing will directed at the material plane.
Water: in a pool, the subconscious of man and the universe.
DETAILS Sensuality, bondage to fears, or sexual energy that seems a little out of
Self-control or a good sense of balance with people management. control. It could indicate an addiction to someone or something. You could
Temperance is able to coordinate the work of many and to work in be paranoid.
harmony with others. This card indicates good management skills and an This card can also mean the wrong use of force or abusive conditions.
understanding of other people’s skills. However all these “chains” can be released.
Have patience with others, work with and not against them.

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XVI. The Tower XVII. The Star

• Rapid Change • Hope

• Collapse • Inspiration
• Release • Generosity
• Revelation • Peacefulness

Crown: excellence and attainment. Eight-Pointed Star: radiant cosmic energy. Power and material success.
Lightening: inspiration and great power. Divine fire that only destroys what Five Rivulets of Water: the five senses.
is evil and purifies what is good. Feet: one rests on land, the other in water, to be equally comfortable in the
People Falling: from the tower of material security, after a brilliant glimpse conscious or subconscious.
of truth. Ibis: resting on a tree, it is sacred, and represents thought and the mind.
Tower: being destroyed represents ambitions built on false pretenses. Seven Stars: the seven main Chakra points of the body, or the seven ancient
Yod (drops of light): the life force from heaven. planets.
Water: the unconscious mind.
This card represents the unexpected events that can change your life or DETAILS
your perception of things. The clearest aspect of this card is the element of Courage, hope and inspiration from above are this card’s messages.
surprise. The Tower indicates a rude awakening of some sort, whether it’s She believes all things can come into being and anything can manifest
your old way of life coming suddenly to an end or a release from the simply because you wish so.
situation in which you were stuck. This card also indicates that great love will be given and received.
Can be a wonderful unexpected event or not! An insight is being made here into the meaning of life.

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XVIII. The Moon XIX. The Sun

• Apprehension • Enlightenment
• Illusion • Eminence
• Imagination • Vitality
• Confusion • Assurance

Crayfish: primordial and primitive. The unconscious. Early stages of Naked Child: nothing to hide.
conscious unfoldment. Horse: solar energy, which is now controlled without bridle or saddle.
Dog: domestication, having been tamed and adapted by man. The super Red Banner: action and vibration.
conscious. Sun: warmth and light, all life depends on the sun. There are 21 rays to
Moon: in all three phases at once, body, mind and spirit. symbolise the 21 Major Arcana cards, with the centre representing the fool.
Wolf: primitive and wild nature, untamed creation. The conscious. Sunflower: sacred to the sun, four of them to represent the four elements.
Yod (drops of light): the life force from above. Wall: a division between spaces, the child is beyond the wall, so he is
beyond limitations.
This card can herald unforeseen events or a new turn of events already in DETAILS
motion. Sometimes it can mean a disagreement with a loved one over This card promises happiness and success now you have learnt all your
something very little, making a mountain out of the molehill. lessons. You’ll have a good marriage, a good home life, and success in all
The moon also reflects psychic ability, dreams, and intuitive powers. you do. Success is also indicated in such areas as higher education,
This card also indicates nocturnal activity, or things that happen at night. agriculture, the sciences, and the arts. You’ve become a master of your talent.
Travel and the freedom to move around are also represented here. It could
mean new career offers or simply happiness.
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XX. Judgement XXI. The World

• Judgement • Integration
• Regeneration • Accomplishment
• Inner Calling • Involvement
• Absolution • Fulfilment

Coffins: floating on the water representing an awakening. Dancer: her legs form the cross, her head and hands form the triangle.
Gabriel: the archangel of water (spirit and emotions). The triangle of spirit now surmounts the cross of the material. The World
People: the physical standing to hear the angel. Man and Woman for card completes the cycle of life.
conscious and subconscious. The Child is the regenerated personality. Oval Wreath: forming an ‘O’, balancing this card with the Fool card at the
Trumpet: emitting seven blasts shown by the seven lines. These blasts are beginning. Unity and eternity, the mystery of creation.
the creative word that liberates man from material limitations. Ribbons: wrapped around wreath, representing the cosmic lemniscates.
Water: the subconscious. Wands: the powers of involution and evolution.
Red Solar Cross: on the flag is the solar symbol of balance of forces.
DETAILS The World promises the fulfilment of all desires and goals as well as an
Judgement signals an awakening, a coming alive to a change of understanding of all the lessons you’ve been through. Here’s the freedom
awareness. This card indicates self-actualisation, a life well lived, and work to move ahead and continue your growth the way you want to. You now
well done. You’re on the verge of blending with the universe and have have all the talents and all the tools, so go for it!
renewed energy now that you’re so close. There might be travel. This card indicates the freedom to come and go as
you please.

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The minor arcanas are divided into four suits (four elements): • Emotional Force
• Wands (Fire): suit of creativity, action, enthusiasm, and confidence. • Intimacy
• Cups (Water): suit of emotions, relationships and spiritual experiences. • Love
• Swords (Air): suit of intellect, thought and reason, which are a valuable • Intuition
asset but can lead us astray.
• Pentacles (Earth): suit of practicality, security and material concerns. SYMBOLS
Associated with Nature, and physical experiences. Five Streams of water: the five senses, never
ending supply.
Each minor arcanas is structured from Ace to 10 and with court Water lilies: psychic unfolding.
cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King). Here again they have a different Cup: feminine object – a receptacle designed to
meaning. The Aces introduce the theme of the suit that comes to its hold nourishing liquid.
achievement in the 10. DETAILS
A seed of emotional awareness has been planted in your life although you
may not recognise it. This card represents the direct knowing that comes
The court cards have different personalities: from your heart. Trust what your feelings are telling you. Allow the power
• King (Masculine): he represents authority and control. It can be an of your emotion to guide you in a new direction.
actual man.
• Queen (Feminine): she wants enjoyment more than result. It can be an 2 of Cups
actual woman.
• Knight (Immature teenager): eager, sincere, and unbalanced. MAIN MEANING
• Page (Playful child): pleasure, spontaneity, and open doors. • Connection
• Treaty
• Attraction
• Harmony in Partnership

Serpents twined around a staff: emblem of male and
female energy.
Lion with wings of spirit: good balance between
spiritual and earthy love.
Woman and Man: they celebrate their new friendship.
Understanding and balanced friendship are developing here. Together, you
can achieve your plans. Sharing with this person will make things easier
and better.
This card also predicts a letter, a gift or a happy event on the horizon.

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3 of Cups 5 of Cups
• Exuberance • Loss
• Friendship • Bereavement
•Community • Regret
• Party Time!
SYMBOLS Black cloak: loss, restrictions.
3 maidens: hold their cups full of promise and Spilled wine: wine of life.
celebration of good friends and family. Three tipped cups: he does not even notice the two
Garlands and vines: fruitful. upright cups.
Tower: Fallacy of personal isolation, false ideas.
Bridge: the ability to overcome what is happening.
This card represents the happy conclusion of an undertaking and the This card represents the loss of something or someone you were attached
success and recognition that follow. to. You have troubles to express what you feel inside. You are experiencing
Good food, good friends, happiness. grief, loss or heartache. The advice here is to get the emotions out, to cry.
Attachment to a group. The bridge shows that it will pass with time.

4 of Cups 6 of Cups
• Self-Absorption • Good Will
• Apathy • Purity
• Introversion • Childhood

Apple tree: the temptation, taken from the Cottages in the background: good memories of
garden of Eden. our childhood, past, or hometown.
Hand: offers a fourth cup that the man still Cup with flowers: the one given to the young girl
refuses to take. is a gift of the heart, as are all the cups around.
Man: wonders if he should go into anything.
Arms and legs crossed: protection.
Lack of motivation, introverted, looking for a spiritual level to connect to. Someone from you past will meet with you. It can be an old love, old friend
You might feel as if nobody understands you, that is because you have or a family member. If you’re presented with an opportunity to grow into a
inner work to do. new relationship or a new job, it will have some connection to the past too.
It can also be a gift from this person from your past, or something that will
resurface or be returned to you.

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7 of Cups 9 of Cups
• Wishful Thinking • Wish Fulfilment
• Choices • Contentment
• Debauchery • Sensual Pleasure
This card is also called the “Wish Card”
Man: trying to make a choice. SYMBOLS
Cups: each one contains different things: jewels, Man: well satisfied.
castle, wreath of victory, dragon, etc… and a Cups: 9 on the arched shelf behind him.
person ready to reveal her/his identity.

Your imagination might be working overtime and you’re having difficulty This is the wish card, meaning that you will have a yes to your answer.
making a decision. This card can indicate a selfish indulgence in dreams Your dreams will come true and your future will be secure. You’ll have much
instead of actions. happiness from obtaining your wish.
Your forces are dissipated and you are confused. Let it go…

8 of Cups 10 of Cups
• Deeper Meaning • Delight
• Moving On • Peace
• Lassitude • Family

Moon: feminine astrological symbol of Family: they celebrate their happiness.
personality, subconscious mind, reflected light of Rainbow: good fortune, perfection, and
subconscious. protection.
Mountains: attainment, realisation, path leading
to the heights, and abstract thought.

You are dissatisfied with your present mode of life and want something You’re experiencing the happiness you’ve always wanted. You’ve realised
more. You might abandon your present routine to find out if the grass is your personal hopes, dreams and desires. Lasting happiness.
greener on the other side of the mountain. This can be the indication of a marriage, the start of a family, or a family
This is about the spiritual side of your heart: it is a spiritual quest. reunion. It could be also a new home. You will really live happily ever after!

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Page of Cups Queen of Cups
• Be Emotional • Loving
• Be Intuitive • Tender-hearted
• Be Intimate • Intuitive
• Be Loving & caring • Psychic
• Spiritual
Fish: Dedication to spiritual service, creativity, SYMBOLS
pregnancy, virgin birth, increase, this is arising Cup: This is the cup of her imagination, but it is
from one’s own subconscious, idea or thought. closed.
Man: he says: “ Wake up and notice there’s love Sea: universal principles.
in the air and in your heart”.
This card indicates a message concerning romance, help from others, and This sensitive Queen of Cups devotes herself to the matters of the heart. Her
devoted friends and family. This young page wants to offer help and attachment to others is strong, as well as the need to help. She could be an
cooperation. He has a gentle and good nature. He brings joy and artist, a nurse or a caretaker.
happiness. Romantic and encouraging letters might be arriving. Good Her imagination is her most powerful talent. She is really intuitive.
news arriving. Arts come with him as well.

King of Cups
Knight of Cups
• Romantic • Overemotional • Diplomatic
• Imaginative • Fanciful • Caring and Tolerant
• Sensitive • Temperamental
• Refined • Over-refined SYMBOLS
• Introspective • Introverted Dolphin (on the left above the sea): ancient
friend of men.
SYMBOLS Ship (on the right above the sea): activity, mate-
Winged helmet: imagination. rial treasures, that which is beyond our control.
River: They are about to cross it. Golden fish (necklace): domination over the sea
Horse: Vitality, 5 senses, fertility, controlled. (turbulent here).
Man of genuine character who’s offering an invitation or proposal. It can The King of Cups is wise and understanding. He speaks from the heart and has
represent the beginning of romance and falling in love. He is skilled in the a quiet power. He wants to do humanitarian work or some kind of work with
arts and has a good understanding of human needs. The horse symbolises people. He is into arts or careers related to the ocean. He covers his emotional
an issue or condition (heart matter?) being brought closer to you. nature with calm exterior and enjoys watching progress from behind the scenes.

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Ace of Pentacles 3 of Pentacles
• Material Force • Teamwork
• Prosperity • Planning
• Practicality • Ability
• Faith
SYMBOLS Man: he receives approval from a monk and a
Path: State of becoming, steps to the heights. nun. He finished a Masonry piece; his skills and
Arch: A new life or beginning, a birth portal. ability are rewarded.

The financial reward is on its way: prosperity, wealth and new business. Recognition of your skills is coming.
You’ll find it arising when you’re seeking a new direction in your career Congratulations are due to you.
and also when you’re curious about matters concerning money, investments Material gain and successes are due to you through hard work and effort.
and loans. You’re slowly making headway with your finances. You are about to be accepted in a group, club or other organisation.

2 of Pentacles 4 of Pentacles
• Juggling • Possessiveness
• Flexibility • Be in charge of
• Amusing • Blocked Change

Ribbon: represents life, it connects the two City: thought centres.
pentacles. Man: Sat on solid foundations.
Juggler: knows he can handle the situation.

Ability to handle several projects at once. New projects might be difficult Good judgement in business matters as well as many talents you can bring.
to get started, but you have the stamina and the strength to get through Love of earthly possessions. You feel comfortable when you have them
them. It is important that harmony is maintained and that you don’t let around you. You are ready to work really hard to get more possessions.
disturbing news set you back. Strong attachment to money. Be careful to not being ungenerous.

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5 of Pentacles 7 of Pentacles
• Harsh conditions • Assessment
• Ill Health • Recompense
• Rejection • Change of direction

Homeless: they are in front of the church in Farmer: he contemplates how much his crops
the snow: are they willing to enter or do will bring this year.
they want help? They are cold, hungry, sick
and tired.

This card shows some kind of impoverishment. This card suggests you’ve put your time and labour into something and will
It can be financial, spiritual or simply that you don’t feel connected to your now reap the rewards.
community. You might have neglected your health or spiritual needs. This is not a prediction of wealth, but of solid accomplishments in your
Might mean loss of a job, unemployment. investments and workplace, as well as satisfactory rewards.
One pentacle is not yet in the pile though: you need to give a final touch.

6 of Pentacles 8 of Pentacles
• Having / Not Having • Diligence
• Resources • Knowledge
• Erudition • Detail
• Power
SYMBOLS Artisan: he worked hard on the previous 7
Homeless: receive money from an honest man. pentacles and he is now working on the eighth
one. He is quick and sharp.

It can indicate a happy union with fellow employees, a raise in pay, a You have the ability to move ahead quickly because your talents and
possible promotion or profit sharing opportunities. skills are well rounded. Your past expertise has culminated in profit and
Practice makes perfect.

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9 of Pentacles Page of Pentacles
• Discipline • Have an Effect
• Self-Reliance • Be Practical
• Refinement • Be Wealthy
• Be Trusting / Trustworthy
Woman: calm and peaceful. SYMBOLS
Bird: freedom, messenger. Man: he loves and studies the pentacle.

This card indicates self-sufficiency, independence, and self-mastery of your The Page of Pentacles can be a young, persevering scholar, generous, and
financial/material world. kind with everyone he meets. He’s enthusiastic about education, progress,
Road to prosperity. and the material rewards that come with both.
Strong connection to the environment: might be strong love of wildlife and Careful and cautious, he studies everything before he makes a decision.
wide open spaces.
Knight of Pentacles
10 of Pentacles MAIN MEANING
• Affluence • Unwavering • Stubborn
• Stability • Cautious • Unadventurous
• Convention • Thorough • Obsessive
• Realistic • Pessimistic
SYMBOLS • Hardworking • Grinding
Family: They worked hard for a long period
of time and now reached financial stability for SYMBOLS
generations. Dark horse: plods along the fields of life,
cultivating and developing new horizons.

DETAILS This Knight is trustworthy and honest. He will take his time to do a good
This card often comes with the purchase of a large item, such as a house job, the way you like. Stable and solid, he can bring good news about a
or a car. You have the money or the financing to be able to attain pay increase, a new job offer, an investment that will increase in value or
your dream. a loan that’s been approved.
Great wealth and great security.

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Queen of Pentacles Ace of Swords
• Nurturing • Mental Force
• Bighearted • Truth
• Down-to-Earth • Justice
• Resourceful • Strength
• Trustworthy
SYMBOLS Olive branch: peace.
Throne: has symbols of animals and nature. Palm: victory.
Nature: Fertility and abundance. Crown: Creativity, attainment.

Creative, she knows how to take care of a family and financial issues. She’s This card is the sign of possibility in the area of intelligence, reason, justice,
good at business careers, and is really productive. truth, clarity and fortitude. In readings, it shows that a seed of clear
Quiet personality and easygoing. understanding has been planted in your life although you may not yet
recognise it. When the seed sprouts, it might be a compelling idea, desire
for truth, call to justice, an opportunity or a need to be honest.

King of Pentacles 2 of Swords

• Enterprising • Blocked Emotions
• Reliable • Avoidance
• Supporting • Impasse
• Steady
SYMBOLS Woman: she does not want to see what is in
Bulls’ head: Taurus, element of Earth, indicating front of her.
the heavenly sperm that fertilised the earth, Jagged rocks and new moon: instability.
Vineyard: abundance, wisdom and life.

The King of pentacles represents a father with a kind disposition, a Need for well-balanced life. You feel probably on hold, delayed or
businessman of prosperity or a reliable married man focused on the confused. You are not accepting some truth about yourself or a situation.
security of his family and friends. Maybe rather than taking action you should think first. You need guidance
He’s also accomplished at math, science, banking and real estate. and directions.

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3 of Swords 5 of Swords
• Heartbreak • Self-Interest
• Isolation • Argument
• Betrayal • Open Dishonour

Pierced heart: loss of a loved one, grief or Storm clouds: unwise thinking, human thoughts
sorrow in life. in discord.
Rain: sorrow.

An argument could lead to a separation or break-up of a relationship. Unfair application of power, degradation, or disgrace.
There is pain and sorrow that you need to express Deceptive actions or manipulating either people or a situation to suit one’s
own needs.
It can indicate developing a bad reputation, an unethical victory or just
plain destructive behaviour.
4 of Swords
6 of Swords
• Take a break MAIN MEANING
• Contemplation • The Blues
• Quiet Preparation • Recovery
• Take a trip
Tomb: body, rest. SYMBOLS
Boat: a personal journey or progress trough life.
Ferryman: he is rowing a sorrowful woman and
child away from the rough water.

This card represents someone on vacation or on retreat. It can mean DETAILS
convalescence after surgery or coming home from the hospital and resting A difficult period of your life is about to come to an end.
comfortably there. It can also be a trip away from a sad condition.
Time to renew your energies, both physical and mental. Healing process will begin now. An unpleasant work situation or a family
difficulty or sorrow will give way to peace once more.

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7 of Swords 9 of Swords
• Running away • Be concerned
• Lone-Wolf Style • Guilt
• Hidden Dishonour • Anguish

Man: stealing 5 of the 7 swords belonging to Woman crying: loss of hope, bad dreams,
men in the encampment. depression, and nightmares.

Things might not work the way it was planned. Someone might be stealing Sadness, loss of a loved one, or just plain depression is in this card, but
something that’s important to you. whether it’s coming or going depends on the surrounding cards.
Unreliability can be indicated or that perhaps someone’s not telling you the
truth or is hiding it from you.

8 of Swords 10 of Swords
• Restriction • Bottoming Out
• Bewilderment • Victim Mentality
• Powerlessness • Martyrdom

Woman: 8 swords surround her but none pierce
her. She is bound and blindfolded.
Castle: future refuge.

Our fears can render us helpless and put us in the very position in which End of a circle: divorce or quitting a job.
the woman in the card finds herself. Fear of moving out of a situation The conditions are obsolete and could lead to sudden misfortune if they
or leaving something because we don’t know what will replace it. Bondage don’t reach their natural conclusion.
of fear. Deep sense of loss (maybe exaggerated), which could be about a legal,
You created your own prison. work or social situation.

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Page of Swords Queen of Swords
• Use Your Mind • Honest
• Be Truthful • Astute / Witty
• Have Fortitude • Forthright
• Be Fair • Experienced

Page: hold the sword with both hands. Bird hovers: messages coming through.
Cypress tree: wisdom.
Upright sword: spirit penetrating matter and
informing us with knowledge.

The Page of Swords is a messenger who urges us to look into the meaning She is an excellent teacher, counsellor, psychologist or lawyer.
of a situation. He has the qualities of grace, dexterity, and inquisitiveness. Good public speaker or organiser.
He has the desire to help the others. Clear and direct way of speaking about issues.
Delay in the plan or some disappointment possible.
Courage will be needed.
King of Swords
Knight of Swords MAIN MEANING
MAIN MEANING • Intellectual
• Direct • Blunt • Articulate
• Authoritative • Overbearing • Fair
• Incisive • Cutting • Ethical
• Knowledgeable • Opinionated
• Logical • Unfeeling SYMBOLS
Bird hovers: messages coming through.
SYMBOLS Cypress tree: wisdom.
Man: off on a journey on his beautiful Air movement: turbulence
thoroughbred racehorse.
DETAILS The King of Swords has the power to command because he always knows
Pay attention to coming events. what’s at the core of the situation.
There can be a person coming into your life. Good counsel and good advice help him come to a fair and
He tells the truth, and it might hurt. rational decision.
Urgency to get things moving in your life.

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Ace of Wands 3 of Wands
• Self-belief • Investigation
• Creative Force • Foresight
• Enthusiasm • Leadership
• Courage
SYMBOLS Man: looking toward the future of his
Leaves: vitality, growth. developments.

The seed of bold enthusiasm has been planted in your life although you More established in business and education.
may not recognise it. When the seed sprouts, it might be a creative idea, Events are moving along much better.
surge of optimism or a need to act boldly. Benefits from effort.
It could even be an opportunity. Proud of the work done.
Be daring and brave. Success not far away.

2 of Wands 4 of Wands
• Personal • Celebration
• Self-assurance • Freedom
• Originality • Excitement

Globe: Universe, Cosmic egg. People: Family and friends gathering to
celebrate a joyful time of life.

You are waiting for results. You’ve set things in motion. Harmony, peace and fulfilment of your ideals are occurring at this time in
You have to wait patiently for your rewards. your life. Satisfaction. Enjoy Rewards.
It can also represent someone who will help you along the way. The foundations of a good life and stable conditions at home or work are
evident here.

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5 of Wands 7 of Wands
• Discord • Aggression
• Competition • Defiance
• Hassles • Certainty

Five men fighting: competitive action. Man: in defensive stance: he protects what he
believes in and feels the need to fight for those
ideals and beliefs.

This card represents oppositions or struggles. They are not sure why they You have the inner strength and stamina, as well as the ability to stand your
are fighting but they feel they have to defend something. ground whatever the circumstances. Your courage is evident, and you can
They are confused, agitated, under constant stress, or simply disorganised. work through adversity and all sorts of pressure. Stiff competition in
Something’s gone awry. More clarity must be found. Look for advice. business or in personal issues might be indicated or someone or something
might feel like an enemy.
6 of Wands
8 of Wands
• Acclaim • Quick Action
• Pride • Closing stages
• News
Laurel wreath: two are present in this card. They SYMBOLS
are the symbol of victory. The journey is circular; Wands: travelling though the air across an open
the Fool begins again after completing a countryside.
previous circle.
Horse: Vitality, five senses, fertility, controlled.

This card describes the recognition you receive when you come through a DETAILS
difficult time successfully; you’ve won a battle and become a good Everything will take flight and land in happiness and pleasure. The
example for others. It can also represent upcoming good news and success movement is in the right direction and you’ll get what you’ve desired.
right around the corner. Relationships will improve with this card. Guests or Progress is being made toward a goal, a business idea, a new education,
family might arrive soon. If you travel, everything will go well. a new relationship or possibly a positive change in the environment.

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9 of Wands Page of Wands
• Defensiveness • Be Creative
• Determination • Be Enthusiastic
• Stamina • Be Confident
• Be Brave
Bandage: wounds from past conflicts. SYMBOLS
Man: waiting for someone or something that Three pyramids: body, mind and spirit.
appears to be an enemy. Page: messengers: phone call, fax, e-mail,
regular mail or a face to face conversation. He
is contemplating.

You are well prepared to handle adversity and hostility. Hold on to what This Page brings good news: passing an exam, got a job, a new baby
you believe in philosophy you’ve developed through your experience. coming, etc.
Perseverance, stamina, strength of character, and ability to defend yourself
or others are indicated with this card.

10 of Wands Knight of Wands

• Burdens • Charming • Superficial
• Struggle • Self-Confident • Cocky
• Daring • Reckless
SYMBOLS • Adventurous • Restless
Man: not only he has taken on many • Passionate • Hot-Tempered
responsibilities from all areas of his life, but he’s
chosen to take on others’ responsibilities as well. SYMBOLS
Now he has too many wands to carry. Three pyramids: body, mind and spirit.
Horse: strong, vitality, fertility, controlled.

Oppressive burden, both physically and mentally. Rash and impatient in all he does, this Knight is strong and always
You want to help others, but at what cost? You might shoulder these burdens enthusiastic. He can be a generous friend or lover and does everything in
well, but not for long. You need to take a look at how much you’re a big way. This card can also represent a change of residence, a journey
carrying and decide which wands are important to keep an which ones that you are about to undertake (sometimes unexpected) or a major change
you should drop. Keep your priorities clear and straight. in your life for which you’ll want to be ready.

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Queen of Wands
• Eye-catching
• Wholehearted
• Energetic
• Cheerful
• Self-Assured

Sunflower: nature at its fullest, sacred to the sun.
Black Cat: Good eyesight, witchcraft, good
Lion: all powerful sub-human force, desire body.
She sits facing us and has strong features, which show us her power of
command and her power to create new directions. Actions and movement
will take place when she’s around. Ambition, growth and development of
any idea or plan are the name of the game here. She can develop anything
in something greater.

King of Wands
• Creative
• Inspiring
• Vigorous
• Charismatic
• Bold

Salamanders: growth and new beginnings.
Lion: has the pride and passion to follow
through on those beginnings.

The King of Wands is a proud, confident, enthusiastic & kind soul, with the
presence that comes with these qualities. He’s also a proud father and eager to
be of help. He is passionate about all he believes in, and he
carries himself well. He has excellent leadership qualities and can delegate well.

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