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Single RAN System, Rel. SRAN 20C,
Operating Documentation, Issue

Conguring Antenna Line Devices

Using WebEM

Issue 07B
Approved on 2021-02-24

© 2022 Nokia. Nokia Condential Information

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Configuring Antenna Line Devices Using WebEM

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Table of Contents

Summary of changes .................................................................................................................... 5

1 Triggering ALD detection ............................................................................................................. 6

2 ALD detection ................................................................................................................................ 8

3 Commissioning of MHA working in the CWA mode ................................................................ 13

4 Configuring MHAs ....................................................................................................................... 15

4.1 Configuring an MHA using a topology view of the current BTS configuration ....... 15
4.2 Configuring MHAs using the Commissioning Wizard step-by-step view ................ 18

5 Commissioning a multiband MHA ............................................................................................. 22

6 Configuring RETs ......................................................................................................................... 25

6.1 Configuring a RET using a topology view of the current BTS configuration .......... 25
6.2 Configuring RETs using Commissioning Wizard step-by-step view ......................... 28

7 Configuring and managing RAEs ............................................................................................... 32

7.1 Configuring RAEs ............................................................................................................. 32
7.2 Managing RAEs ................................................................................................................. 33

8 Switching MHA from AISG to CWA mode ................................................................................. 35

9 Centralized RET Management ................................................................................................... 37

10 Configuring passive device with an additional antenna line RX gain ................................ 38

11 MHA configuration verification ............................................................................................... 40

12 ALD software management in WebEM .................................................................................. 42

12.1 Preparing ALD software ............................................................................................... 42
12.2 Updating ALD software ................................................................................................ 43

13 Removing ALD ........................................................................................................................... 45

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List of Figures
Figure 1 Antenna Line Management configuration ................................................................... 7
Figure 2 Plan validation, no errors detected ............................................................................. 7
Figure 3 Detected ALDs in Antenna Line Management window .............................................. 9
Figure 4 Detected ALDs in Commissioning Wizard ................................................................. 10
Figure 5 Single-band MHA .......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6 Dual-band MHA ............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 7 Tri-band MHA ................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 8 Adding a new ALD device ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 9 Editing MHA properties ................................................................................................ 14
Figure 10 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 14
Figure 11 Checking which configuration port an MHA is connected to ............................... 16
Figure 12 Selecting the antenna line for LNA-1/LNA_R-1 ..................................................... 17
Figure 13 Selecting the antenna line for LNA-2/LNA_R-2 ..................................................... 18
Figure 14 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 18
Figure 15 Commissioning MHA .................................................................................................. 19
Figure 16 Selecting the controlling port for MHA-1 ............................................................... 20
Figure 17 Configuring LNA-1 ...................................................................................................... 20
Figure 18 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 21
Figure 19 Detected MHA in Site View ....................................................................................... 23
Figure 20 Selecting the power source for RET ........................................................................ 26
Figure 21 Assigning RET to antenna lines ................................................................................ 27
Figure 22 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 27
Figure 23 Commissioning RET .................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24 Selecting the power source for RET ........................................................................ 29
Figure 25 Configuring RET sharing common processor with other units ............................ 30
Figure 26 Configuring RETU-1 .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 27 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 31
Figure 28 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 33
Figure 29 Changing MHA parameters ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 30 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 36
Figure 31 Centralized RET Manager .......................................................................................... 37
Figure 32 Adding Passive Device ............................................................................................... 39
Figure 33 Plan validation, no errors detected ........................................................................ 39
Figure 34 Channel relations between ALD and antenna lines ............................................... 40
Figure 35 Calculated FEG ............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 36 Antenna Line Devices Software view ....................................................................... 43
Figure 37 Deleting ALD from configuration in topology view .............................................. 45

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Summary of changes
A list of changes between document issues. You can navigate through the respective
changed topics.

Changes between issues 07A (2020-11-20, SRAN 20C) and 07B (2021-02-25,

Commissioning a multiband MHA

The topic has been added.

Changes between issues 07 (2020-09-16, SRAN 20C) and 07A (2020-11-20,


ALD software management in WebEM

The topic has been added.

Preparing ALD software

The topic has been added.

Updating ALD software

The topic has been added.

Changes between issues 06 (2020-05-29, SRAN 20B) and 07 (2020-09-16,


Centralized RET Management

The Centralized RET Manager figure has been updated and planned and actual angle
values have been replaced by only one value.

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1. Triggering ALD detection
Actions that need to be taken to detect ALD in configuration

Before you start

To detect Antenna Line Devices (ALD), BTS must be commissioned.

1 In the top menu, go to Configuration ► Configuration
Management ► Commissioning Wizard.

2 In the Navigation Panel select Steps tab and go to Radio Module ► Antenna
Line Management.

3 For antenna lines or remote electrical tilt (RET) ports, to which ALDs are connected,
mark the check-box to enable 3GPP/AISG communication. If there is ALD
connected to antenna line, change the DC voltage level value from OFF to AUTO,
LOW or HIGH. If ALD is connected to RET port, set the DC voltage level to true.


In case of fALU radios:

all ports are enabled/disabled together. If you enable one they all get enabled.
the default value of the DC voltage level is not set to OFF, so it does not
require a change.

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Figure 1: Antenna Line Management configuration

4 Click Done.

5 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 2: Plan validation, no errors detected

6 Click Activate Plan.

After activating the configuration plan, BTS triggers the ALDs scan.

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2. ALD detection
ALD detection rules

To detect Antenna Line Device (ALD) working in AISG mode, it is necessary to set the ANTL
DC voltage level (dcVoltage) and the ANTL HDLC communication allowed
(hdlcCommunicationAllowed) parameters. ALD units are not detected with default
parameters. For more information, see Triggering ALD detection.

In Current Window Alarm (CWA) mode, detection isn't performed automatically. The ALD
must be added manually. For more information on how to manually add an ALD to the
configuration, see Commissioning of MHA working in the CWA mode.

Detection of MHA depends on:

the operating mode of masthead amplifier (MHA):
Antenna Interface Standards Group (AISG) mode
CWA mode
the MHA type:
Single-band MHA
Dual-band MHA
Tri-band MHA
the control mode:
Single-Port Control Mode
Dual-Port Control Mode

For more information, see Antenna Systems Operating Documentation > Masthead Amplifier
Product Description and Antenna Systems Operating Documentation > MHA Commissioning


Check if the powering and cabling between MHA and BTS is correct. For more
information, see Antenna Systems Operating Documentation > Masthead Amplifier
Product Description > MHA powering, control and alarms > MHA powering.

Number of detected ALDs per antenna/RET port can be checked in Commissioning

Wizard. To view them, go to Configuration ► Configuration
Management ► Commissioning Wizard. In the Navigation panel to the left, go to
Steps ► Radio Module ► Antenna Line Management.

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Figure 3: Detected ALDs in Antenna Line Management window

Detected ALDs are visible in:

BTS Status ► Site Runtime View ► Site View or Detailed Site View
Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning Wizard

All the detected, but not configured devices, are displayed with the icon. Go to
Navigation Panel ► Objects ► ALDS

to see a list of all the ALDs detected. Selected list items are highlighted in Commissioning
Wizard tab.


The name of an ALD consists of two parts: ALD-x is an ID given during commissioning
(configured object), while ALD_R-x is an ID detected by WebEM (runtime object).

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Figure 4: Detected ALDs in Commissioning Wizard

Verifying MHA type

It is possible to verify if an ALD is a single-band, dual-band or tri-band MHA by checking the
product code (PC) and serial number (SN) in the MHA technical specifications. For Nokia
products, see Antenna Systems Operating Documentation > Masthead Amplifier Product
Description > MHA product ordering codes. In the case of other vendors, check in the
appropriate documentation. The last digits after the "_" sign in the SN represent operating
bands and indicate which unit is dual-band and which is tri-band. Examples of SNs:

dual-band MHA - UY162181620_0.8 and UY1621816620_0.9

tri-band MHA - AJ172911713_1821 and AJ172911713_26

Single-band MHAs are represented by only one ALD object in WebEM.

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Figure 5: Single-band MHA

Dual-band MHAs are represented by two ALD objects in WebEM.

Figure 6: Dual-band MHA

Tri-band MHAs are represented by two ALD objects in WebEM.

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Figure 7: Tri-band MHA

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3. Commissioning of MHA working in the CWA mode
Masthead amplifiers (MHAs) in current window alarm (CWA) mode aren't detected
automatically. They must be added manually.

Before you start

Commissioning of MHA working in CWA mode can be done only for radios that support
passive MHA. Check radio specification before starting the procedure.

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 Click the + icon in the Add MHA field. Select the type of the device from the drop-
down list.

Figure 8: Adding a new ALD device

3 Go to Navigation Panel ► Steps ► Antenna Line Devices ► Antenna

Line Devices MHA.

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It is possible to add an MHA directly in the Antenna Line Devices MHA tab. To do
that, click Add MHA and select its type from the drop-down list.

Figure 9: Editing MHA properties

4 Fill in the serial number.

5 Set the Control protocol to CWA.

6 Click LNA and select the power source and amplified antenna line for the low-noise
amplifier (LNA).

7 Click Done.

8 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 10: Plan validation, no errors detected

9 Click Activate Plan.

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4. Configuring MHAs
Available methods for commissioning and configuring MHAs

There are two ways to commission masthead amplifiers (MHAs) working in the Antenna
Interface Standards Group (AISG) mode. One is by using a topology view of the current BTS
configuration and the other is by using Comissioning Wizard step-by-step view.


MHA in AISG mode is not supported for antenna lines that have more than one cell
with different band number configured.

The exception is when you have a tri-band MHA with low-noise amplifiers (LNA)
supporting two different bands, for example 1800 Mhz and 2100 Mhz, and the cells
have the same bands configured. In this case MHA can work in AISG mode.

4.1 Configuring an MHA using a topology view of the

current BTS configuration
Instructions to commission and configure an ALD

Before you start


For more information on how to use topology view, see Singe RAN Operating
Documentation > Single RAN System > Single RAN Administration Tools > WebEM User
Guide > Commissioning Wizard.

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 Click the button next to the device that you want to commission or click
button to commission all the devices (system module (SM), baseband module (BB),

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radio (RF), antenna line device (ALD).

3 Click the button in the ALD-x/ALD_R-x box to check which configuration port the
MHA is connected to.


To assign amplified antenna line to external, do not create a data loglink between
LNA and ANT port.

Figure 11: Checking which configuration port an MHA is connected to

4 Click the button in the LNA-1/LNA_R-1 box and select the antenna line that powers
up the device and the one for which the MHA provides data enhancement (choose
Data, DC or Data/DC from the drop-down list).

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Figure 12: Selecting the antenna line for LNA-1/LNA_R-1


To delete previously created link, click the x icon next to antenna line.

5 Repeat step 4 for LNA-2/LNA_R-2. LNA-1 and LNA-2 can be powered from one
antenna line.


All LNAs must be powered.

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Figure 13: Selecting the antenna line for LNA-2/LNA_R-2


To delete previously created link, click the x icon next to antenna line.

6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the rest of the MHAs.

7 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 14: Plan validation, no errors detected

8 Click Activate Plan.

4.2 Configuring MHAs using the Commissioning Wizard

step-by-step view
Instructions to commission and configure the masthead amplifier (MHA)

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1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 In the Navigation Panel, go to Steps tab and select Antenna Line

Devices ► Antenna Line Devices MHA.

3 Click the + button next to the uncommissioned MHAs.

Figure 15: Commissioning MHA

4 Select MHA-1.

5 Choose Controlling port from the drop-down list. If the MHA has already been
detected, Controlling port is completed automatically.

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Figure 16: Selecting the controlling port for MHA-1

6 Click the LNA-1 and select Amplified antenna line and DC power sources
from the drop-down lists. Fill in the additional parameters.

Figure 17: Configuring LNA-1

7 Repeat step 6 for LNA-2.

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In the case of tri-band MHAs, one of the antenna line devices (ALDs) handles two
bands. Depending on the required configuration, configure ALD handling the first
band as in the previous steps. The ALD handling the second band must be
configured as a passive device. For more information, see Configuring Passive
Device with an additional antenna line RX gain.

8 Repeat steps 5 through 7 for the remaining MHAs.

9 Click Done.

10 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 18: Plan validation, no errors detected

11 Click Activate Plan.

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5. Commissioning a multiband MHA
Instructions to commission a multiband masthead amplifier (MHA) to a radio with cells
configured on two different bands of one antenna line.

As an example we use AHPMDA radio that supports Band20 (800 MHz) and Band28 (700
MHz) on antenna ports 1 and 3, to which MHA is connected. MHA working in antenna
interface standards group (AISG) mode is not supported on antenna lines with more than
one cell with different band number configured. Therefore, it's not possible to commission
multiband MHA to AHPMDA in the manner described in Configuring MHAs, because the 1807
Invalid frequency channel for the BTS HW fault is raised.

1 Start WebEM.

2 Go to Commissioning Wizard.

Select from the available options

Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning
Use the CW keyboard shortcut.
Click the Commissioning Wizard icon in the top menu.

3 Select Steps in Navigation Panel.

4 Go to the Antenna Line Management.

Step path: Radio Module ► Antenna Line Management

4.1 Expand AHPMDA.

4.2 Mark the 3GPP/AISG communication check-box next to ANT1 and ANT3.

4.3 Select AUTO in the DC voltage level column to ANT1 and ANT3.

4.4 Click Done.

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5 Validate and activate the plan.

Step result
MHA is detected as other MHA, but not configured.
Figure 19: Detected MHA in Site View

6 Go to Commissioning Wizard.

7 Select Steps in Navigation Panel.

8 Go to the Antenna Line Settings.

Step path: Radio Module ► Antenna Line Settings

9 Set Total loss on ANT1 and ANT3.

10 Go to the Antenna Line Devices MHA.

Step path: Antenna Line Devices ► Antenna Line Devices MHA

10.1 Select LNA.

10.2 Set Amplified antenna line to external.

10.3 Set DC power sources.

11 Go to the Passive Devices.

11.1 Click Add Passive Device.

Create passive devices for both antenna lines.

11.2 Select PASSDEV.

11.3 Fill in Type and Vendor.

11.4 Choose the Gain/Attenuation from the Passive device type drop-

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down list.

11.5 Select an antenna line from the Connect passive device to drop-down

11.6 Calculate and fill in the Additional antenna line RX gain.

Additional antenna line RX gain is calculated as follows:

Additional antenna line RX gain = Gain - Total loss

12 Click Done.

13 Validate and activate the plan.

After successful commissioning, MHA is configured, cells are in On Air state, the 1807
Invalid frequency channel for the BTS HW fault doesn't appear and the
Calculated front end gain is correct.

The multiband MHA is controlled by AHPMDA, so AISG alarms are reported to the BTS in the
usual way.

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6. Configuring RETs
Available methods for commissioning and configuring remote electrical tilt (RET)

There are two ways to commission RETs. One is by using a topology view of the current BTS
configuration and the other is by using Commissioning Wizard step-by-step view.

6.1 Configuring a RET using a topology view of the current

BTS configuration
Follow these steps to commission and configure a RET

Before you start


For more information on how to use topology view, see Singe RAN Operating
Documentation > Single RAN System > Single RAN Administration Tools > WebEM User
Guide > Commissioning Wizard.


Assigning served antenna lines to external is not possible while configuring a RET
using a topology view. In that case follow the Configuring RETs using Commissioning
Wizard step-by-step view procedure.


For configuring RET sharing common processor with other units use the Configuring
RETs using Commissioning Wizard step-by-step view instructions.

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 Click the button next to the device that you want to commission or click the

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button to commission all the devices (SM, BB, RF, ALD).

3 To configure the Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) device, click the button in the
corresponding ALD-x/ALD_R-x box and check which configuration port the RET is
connected to. Change Conf to DC/Conf in order to configure power source of the
device and enable the antenna interface standards group (AISG) communication


For radios with shared AISG modem (for example fALU, FRGQ) configuration port
can be different than the port to which RET was physically connected. DC loglink
should be in line with HW connection.

Figure 20: Selecting the power source for RET


To delete previously created link, click the x icon next to antenna line or RET port.

4 Click the button in the RETU-1/RETU_R-1 box to assign RET to antenna lines.

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Figure 21: Assigning RET to antenna lines


To delete previously created link, click the x icon next to antenna line or RET port.

5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all RETs.


All RETs must be assigned to Served antenna lines to activate the BTS

6 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 22: Plan validation, no errors detected

7 Click Activate Plan.

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6.2 Configuring RETs using Commissioning Wizard step-
by-step view
Follow these steps to commission and configure the remote electrical tilt (RET)

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 In Navigation Panel, go to the Steps tab and select Antenna Line

Devices ► Antenna Line Devices RET.

3 Click the + button next to the uncommissioned RETs.

Figure 23: Commissioning RET

4 Select the first RET.

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Figure 24: Selecting the power source for RET

5 Check which antenna line is automatically set in Controlling port field and
choose the same one for DC power sources.

6 Fill in additional parameters (optional).

If RET is sharing common processor with other units, mark the Shared Remote
Control Unit check box and fill SRCU ID. The same SRCU ID should be used for
related RETs. This optional configuration is required for proper antenna line device
(ALD) software update.

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Figure 25: Configuring RET sharing common processor with other units

7 Click RETU-1 and select Served antenna lines.

Figure 26: Configuring RETU-1

8 Fill in additional parameters (optional).

9 Repeat steps 4 to 8 for all RETs.

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All RETs must be assigned to Served antenna lines to activate the BTS

10 Click Done.

11 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 27: Plan validation, no errors detected

12 Click Activate Plan.

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7. Configuring and managing RAEs
Procedures on configuring and managing remote antenna extensions (RAEs)

7.1 Configuring RAEs

Instructions to configure remote antenna extension (RAE)

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 In the Navigation Panel go to Steps tab and select Antenna Line

Devices ► Antenna Line Devices RAE.

3 Click the + button next to the uncommissioned RAEs.

4 Select the first RAE.

5 Check which antenna line is automatically set in Controlling port field and
choose DC power sources.

6 Fill in additional parameters (optional).

If RAE is sharing common processor with other units, mark the Shared Remote
Control Unit check box and fill SRCU ID. The same SRCU ID should be used for
related RAEs. This optional configuration is required for proper antenna line device
(ALD) software update.

7 Click RAEU-1 and select Served antenna lines. Fill in the additional parameters.

8 Repeat steps 5 to 7 for all RAEs.


All RAEs must be assigned to Served antenna lines to activate the BTS

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9 Click Done.

10 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 28: Plan validation, no errors detected

11 Click Activate Plan.

7.2 Managing RAEs

Instructions to manage remote antenna extension (RAE)

1 Go to Configuration ► Centralized RAE Management.

2 Select the frequency range.

3 Set the values for the vertical and horizontal beamwidth.

4 Click the Get Angles button.

5 Set the values for the downtilt and azimuth angles.

6 Click the Get Weight Factors button.

7 Set the group for the weight factors.

8 Select the weight factors file and click the Save button.

9 Select the antenna pattern file and click the Save button.

10 Click the Update Weight Factors button.

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11 Select the weight factor file.

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8. Switching MHA from AISG to CWA mode
Follow these steps to change the mode of the masthead amplifier (MHA)

1 In a top menu, go to Configuration ► Configuration
Management ► Commissioning Wizard. In the Navigation Panel on the left,
go to Steps ► Antenna Line Device ► Antenna Line Devices MHA.


This step may not be available if no MHAs were detected.

2 Change Control protocol from AISG 2.0 to CWA.

3 Set None in the Controlling port window.

Figure 29: Changing MHA parameters

4 Click LNA-1, set DC power source and Amplified antenna line. Repeat this
step for LNA-2, if necessary.

5 Click Done.

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6 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 30: Plan validation, no errors detected

7 Click Activate Plan.

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9. Centralized RET Management
Remote control options for remote electrical tilt (RET) in Centralized RET Management

To access Centralized RET Management go to Configuration ► Centralized RET


Centralized RET Management allows you to:

load antenna configuration file.
modify an additional data.
set RET angles remotely. This action is possible both before and after commissioning the
calibrate the antenna.
see Action state, Action error description, Antennas and local cells.

The main option of Centralized RET Management is setting RET angles:

Mechanical angle is the angle at which a RET is mounted on the site.
Min. angle and Max. angle represent the lowest and highest values that can be
used. These are determined by the device specifications.
Angle is an angle to be set on the device. It must be defined between Min. angle and
Max. angle.

To implement the changes, click the Send button. The Send button is active only when the
angles for all the devices are set.

Figure 31: Centralized RET Manager

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10. Configuring passive device with an additional antenna
line RX gain
Instructions to add additional RX gain

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 Click Navigation Panel ► Steps ► Passive Devices.

3 Click the Add Passive Device button.

4 Select PASSDEV.

5 Fill in Type and Vendor.

6 Choose the Gain/Attenuation from the Passive device type drop-down list.

7 Select an antenna line from the Connect passive device to drop-down list.

8 Fill in the Additional antenna line RX gain.

9 Click Done.

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Figure 32: Adding Passive Device

10 Click Validate Plan.

Step result
Figure 33: Plan validation, no errors detected

11 Click Activate Plan.

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11. MHA configuration verification
Perform this procedure to check the masthead amplifier (MHA) configuration

1 Click BTS Status ► Site Runtime View ► Detailed Site View.

2 Select one of the low-noise amplifier (LNA) fields.

3 In the Details window click the Show Channel Relation button.

Figure 34: Channel relations between ALD and antenna lines

4 Click on the antenna line that is connected to the selected LNA.

5 In Details panel click on Info tab and check if Availability status is Online
and if calculated FEG value is as expected.

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Figure 35: Calculated FEG


The generic FEG calculation algorithm is presented by the following formula:

FEG = MHA gain + additional RX gain - antenna total loss

For more information, see Single RAN Documentation > TS-BTS-SW-0227 FEG
calculation in SBTS technical note.

6 In the Faults tab check if there are any alarms on MHA or RX level.

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12. ALD software management in WebEM
The antenna line device (ALD) software update capability in SRAN through WebEM is
introduced by the SR001101: SBTS ALD SW Management feature. It provides software
download for the ALD compliant with AISG 2.0 standard.

The ALD, such as Masthead Amplifier (MHA) and Remote Electrical Tilting (RET), require
software updates to fix the software bugs or to introduce new software functionalities
provided by ALD vendors. The ALD software update is handled independently from the BTS
software update. This can be performed without impacting the SBTS operation or an update
of the SBTS software.


During the ALD software update the ALD functionality is limited.

12.1 Preparing ALD software

Instructions to prepare Antenna Line Device (ALD) software

1 Go to Software Management ► Antena Line Devices Software.

2 Click Restore HW Info without SN or Restore HW Info with SN to extract

data from the configuration file to the table.

3 Remove the ALDs that you don't want to update from the table.

4 Insert missing data to the table.

Information required for ALD software creation:

Software file
Product code
Serial Number
Hardware version
Target software version

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Software update option:

Figure 36: Antenna Line Devices Software view


Open details panel and select ALD to check the current software version installed
on ALD.

The initial content of ALD software creator depends on working mode (online or offline)
and availability of configuration file:

In online mode it is initially populated with data retrieved from BTS. This includes
commissioned ALDs (including not detected ones) and not commissioned but
detected ALDs.
In offline mode:
If the configuration is available the table is automatically filled with ALD hardware
units defined in the configuration.
If the configuration is not available provide all the required information.

5 Click Save.

12.2 Updating ALD software

Instructions to update antenna line device (ALD) software

Before you start

The FEATCADMActivate ALD software update (actAldSwUpdate) parameter is set

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to true.

1 Prepare ALD software.

2 Go to Software management ► Software update.

3 Click Browse... and select previously prepared software package.

4 Mark Activate software after download (may require reset) checkbox.

5 Click Start.

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13. Removing ALD
Instructions to remove antenna line device (ALD) from the configuration

1 Go to Configuration ► Configuration Management ► Commissioning

2 Use the bin icon to delete ALD from the configuration.

Figure 37: Deleting ALD from configuration in topology view


Removing ALD from configuration without switching off AISG communication

causes ALD uncommissioning, however runtime object is still visible.

3 In the Navigation Panel select Steps tab and go to Radio Module ► Antenna
Line Management.

4 Unmark 3GPP/AISG communication checkbox next to the antenna or port with

ALD connected to disable communication.

5 Click Done.

6 Click Validate Plan and then Activate Plan.

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