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12 September 2018

Internal - Capt. Das

External - Capt. Bharathwaj
Function - 3

ISM complete including duties

ISPS complete including CSR
Use of CSR
Why CSR why CSR why CSR ( I told him what ever I knew and he just asked me why why why)
Annex 6 fully including SEEMP and how it happens onboard my ship. What is sox nox vos and
CO2 emissions how to control.
Risk assessment and how will I do it with example.
Occupation hazards and safety standards of how I as a chief officer will implement.
How will I be as a chief officer and work general questions.
Permit to work and use with example.
How to fill a checklist and who signs what checklist and why including engine room checklist.

Result: Pass
Ext Capt Bharathwaj
Int Das

Das did not ask me a single question, looks like bharathwaj is quiet a powerful guy like Capt
Deepak Kapoor

Function 3
Duties of mate, Contingency planning is company involved as per ism? How is company
Load line survey how will u prepare ur vsl as mate
Check and discard Wire rope
Difference between 6x12 and 6x36 wires
Where are these wires used?
(I said I don’t want to guess he was all cool with it and said guess guess and all smiles)
Paints - how to calculate paint required
Shell expansion plan
Drydock final checks as a mate before flooding

As such to me Capt Bharathwaj seemed to be a nice guy and was all cool....
Done and dusted with mate orals!!
14 sep 18
Internal : Das
External : Kalyanaraman

Started with which company and what type of ships

Function 3
Bi party tri party
Graving Yard undocking procedure
Rest hours as per mlc
Complaint procedure as per mlc
Deep water anchoring procedure
Slipping the anchor
Windlass maintenance
Galley fire. Action
Vessel in port. Master ashore and not reachable. Port tells u to go out due to squall. Actions as
a mate
Chain register
Safcon survey preparations
Official log book entries
What is PSC and fsc
What is code 30 in psc
If code 30 is given, can u appeal?

Result: FP

I did function 1 better than 3. But Das was like come next time.
Internal: Capt. Das
External: Capt. Kalyanaram

Function 3:
Preparation for SEQ survey
Vsl in port, squall approaching, port control asks you to proceed to anchor (Master ashore,
unable to contact him) action
Open moor and Baltic moor
MARPOL discharge criteria for all annexes outside special areas
Dry dock preparations before docking and before flooding
Criteria for discarding wires and chains as per dock labour regulations
HRA precautions
MLC complaint procedure
Entries in official log book
How will you assist Master when manoeuvering in congested waters
Galley fire, actions
Bi party and Tri party agreements
Procedure when port at different security level
Gangway PMS
Purpose of loadline zones

Result: Pass
Int: capt Das
Ext: capt. Deepak kapoor
Fuc 3: Pass
1. Duties of mate as per stcw and ism?
2. Cadet slapped second officer how do u deal with the situation? Step by step
3. U r alongside berth master died , wat is action? And port control inform you to shift to
anchorage how do u take the vessel out?
4. Pilot onboard for unberthing how do u manage with station? Whom vil u send? U and third off
on bridge. How do u rig pilot ladder
5. Company said u plz take vessel only upto ennore port new master vil join from der . After
dropping pilot and enroute and while 12 miles off chennai coast steering failure and also it s
monsoon season . Action?? Now u r the master
6. How do u unberth vessel ? Wat factors do u consider?
7. Deep water anchoring? Precaution? How do u do? Wat is equipment no?
8. Vessel aground action?
9. Dry dock preparation? Wat are the survry u carry out how do u prepare for all?
10. Wat are all the class surveys?
11. Why floating dock used? How is it different from other?
12. Prepare vessel for seq, safecon, iopp, safety radi and special survey
13. Enhances survey program? Complete inspection procedure?
14. Wat is cas? How is it different from esp?
15. Diff between drill and excercise? How do u conduct drill onboard?
16. Wat is damage control plan? Which regulation need this?? Wat does it contain?
17. Damage stability?
18. How do u train cadet as per shipboard training program?
19. How do u prepare bulkcarrier for surveys?
20. Difference between psc and fsc?
21. Difference between piracy and armed robbery?
22. Duties of chief officer if he is sso?
23. How security assessment is done? Who carries out?
24. Ssp contents?
25. How does company prepare for emergency as per ism? Give contigency plan for
26. Master over riding authority as per ism and isps?
27. How do u organise safety committee?
28. Role as a safety officer?
29. Aoa and cba?
30. M.s act 1958 ? Wat does it say about discipline?
31. How do u comply with mlc onboard?
32. Nop?
33. Rpsl? Duties?
34. Onboard compliant procedure?
35. Statutory certificates?
36. New update to garbage record book?
37. Nox tier?
38. Gmp? Contents?
39. How does marpol affect bulkcarrier?
40. Contents of oil record book?
41. Seemp? Iapp certificate?
42. Eu mrv? Imo data reporting? Why required?
43. How do u discharge food waste in polar water?

Internal: No questions.

Ext Sahu
12th Oct 2018
Function 3
Int Capt Ghosh
Ext Capt Deepak Kapoor
1.Construction arrangements for Container ships.
2. Stabiltiy criteria for Container ships
3. Damage stability criteria for Container ships
4. Use of Damage control plan
5. Various survey requirement for a container ship of 20 years of age
6. Preparation for loadline survey
7. Preparation for SEQ Surrey
8. Entries into official log book
9. Role of Psc
10. What's operational Psc
11. Implementation of MLC ONBOARD
12. Pms for accommodation as per MLC
13. Preparation for vessel for all the surveys at Dry Dock
14. Preparation for PSC with regards to safety equipment
15. Role of safety officer as per ISM
16. Person responsible for making entries into Cargo gear register
17. Application of marpol on Container ships. Which annexes apply
18. Annex 6 briefly
Result: Pass
That's all I can recall as of now.
Date: 28 Jun 18
Venue : Chennai MMD
Internal: Ghosh

Fun 3:
How will you assist master?
How will you assist master on bridge?
How will you train your crew?
Cargo leak into SBT, Action?
Collision , Action?
Drydocking ( they want everything in details)
Windlass PMS
How to do inspection of Anchor cable on Ship?
Name all plans available on ship.
How to lower Open Lifeboats?

Best wishes and hope it is of some use 😃

Function -3
1. Statutory certificates, list the certificates,
2. About Aoa
3. Plenty abt dock labour act and chain register,
4.various test of loose gear and lifting appliance
5. Plenty question on ism
6. Stcw 2010 major amendments
7. PMS on winch and anchor
8. How u will train the crew on ism and various approach of training
9.what u will do for welfare of crew
10. Safety precaution on oil pollution
11. Banking effect
12. Definitions in anchoring
13. Critical instant and critical period
14. As a mate preparing for dry dock
15. Damage stability issued by whom, what all things in that, under what convention
16. What is strake.
Capt. Ranganathan (external) - func3
Drydock preparation, declivity of Dock, use of declivity for critical period.
Various anchoring terms, grounding actions, collided with vessel actions, Bank suction effect
and bow cushion effect, shallow water effects, squat

Internal sundaram-
Psc detainable deficiency example, safecon survey, ism objective, master overriding authority,
chief mate duties as per ism, lugless joining shackle, windlass breakband, port windlass motor
burnt how to pass lines, can manila rope be used as a mooring line, properties of polypropylene
rope, check before flooding of Drydock, condition of class, isps code, safety radio cetifacte
equipments, ssas testing, baltic Moor,

External_ Ranganathan
Internal_ Das
Dry dock preparation
Statutory certificates
Load line survey
Anchoring fully
Certificate issued by ism
Difference between flag and port state
Pms for crane
Pms for anchor
Anchor 3rd shackle weak in dry dock vessel has to sail immediately
Jobs in dry dock
Undocking procedures
He generally asks ur practical experience and not theoretical part
Thanks future mates
External_ Ranganathan
Internal_ Das

Vsl undocking sudden list

What action will u take
He wants to hear
stop undocking and dock the vsl again then bla bla bla

Statutory certificates he wants to hear some particular certificates will not stop us until we
mention those certificate

Load line survey

Anchoring fully

Certificate issued by ism

Pms for gangway

dynamic and static test for lifting appliances

What proofload and he wants proof loads values

Pms for anchor

As mate what all will u consider when planning drills.. what drills as per requirement

As mate how will u support master

Date : 15.11.18
Surveyor : Capt. Kalyanaram & Capt. Das

Results: Pass
19 Nov 2018
Capt Das
Capt Deepak Kapoor

MLC duties of chief officer wrt accommodation maintenance

SEQ survey prep
SAFCON survey prep
All MARPOL annexes certification list and prep for survey
Is MLC for apprentice same as for others
Is Chief officer cabin different from others, why and according to what rule?
Many practical questions from MLC, ISM and ISPS
If vsl is in Manila and Indian Flag wants to conduct all annual surveys while Master is
unavailable, how will you prepare the ship
If Master is bedridden and he asks you to conduct abandonship drill, will you?
Difference between exercise and drill?
Why SOLAS has no exercises but only drills?
What steps can you take to prevent mishaps happening onboard when you have armed security
guards while transiting piracy areas?
What is the responsibility of the mate wrt SSP?
Master dies at sea, action?
Difference between Flag state and Port state inspections
How can you say that the ISM is in place and effectively used onboard without doing verification
of documents? Just by visually seeing?
Why are tankers better stable ships than other types? Mention the damage stability criteria.
Where is the damage stability criteria found? MARPOL?
Duties of mate in forward station?
How to prep before entering piracy area?
Onboard complaint procedure

Capt.soma sundaram
Abandon ship drill
Indisplinary action
Oil record book
Distressed seaman
Angle of loll
Negative gm
Unstable vsl
Scopic clause
Intact stability criteria
Open moor
Solas ch 5
Ballast water management d1 d2

Func 3
Goal base standards and contents
Special trade passenger ship example tell any one ship and its voyage
fresh water testing kit inventory name each one
Paint used in Fw tank
Whats was the latest imo conference based on
Annex 5 latest categories
Side schuttles
Explain units of Sf/Bm
contents of merchant shipping act
certificates under periodical survey
Procedure for ship construction after keel is laid
scantling calculations
Abandon ship drill as per solas
Bwm standards and contents
Capt Somasundaram:
Load density, hw ll u find it.
Wat r PV valves, PV breakers, mast risers. In which line system they r situated.
Contents of IMSBC.
Wat is angle of repose, how will you find it onboard.
Category if cargoes as per IMSBC.
Loading of category A, and exemptions.
How will we find category B cargoes.
Requirements of lodicator.
Various plans prepared prior loading cargo, like cargo plan, loading plan, etc.
How will you plan loading a bulk cargo, stability requirements of containers, under which
convention does it come
What is heavy lift
To what all ships does COW applicable, how often do we hv to perform COW and to which
KG curve.
Loadline zones and their areas and time it's applicable.

Goal Based Standards.
Certificate required as per SOLAS Ch 4. It's validity and associated surveys
Objectives of SMS
Duties of ch mate as per ISM
What does a non conformity mean.
When ll u send a casualty report, under which convention does it come
Contents of MLC
Definition of Certificate Of Competancy, under which convention does it come and which
chapter (given in our CoC!!!)
Psc, purpose and objectives.
What is a substandard ship.l

Date : 14 Dec 2018

Internal :capt ghosh External : T. r. Vengataragavan from massa

Func -3
1)sewage definition
2)sub division loadline
3)what is p1,p2,p3 ,c1 ,c2 under subdivision loadline
4)certificates under marpol
5)sewage certificate validity Nd whether need annual
6)about annex 6
11)condition of class
12)special work definition under ism and example
13)critical work definition under ism and example
14)difference between class , RO and flag ...who appoints whom
15)pms of windlass
16)functional requirements of ism
17)chain register and as chief officer inspection with respect to chain register
18)lodicator fail
19)use of bonjean curve
20)Loading manual contents
22)dry dock requirement
23)lifeboat 5 yearly winch test
24)pms gangway
25)lss plan
26)statutory and mandatory certificate difference

Tats all I remember guys ...

All d best
Date :19/12/2018

Date :19/12/2018
Ext: rangarajan
Int: Das

Function 3:
P&A manual

Oil discharge criteria both from eng room and cargo spaces

Orb contents

Garbage disposal criteria

Ballast water management.

Anchor ranging

Different plans onboard

Explain in detail docking plan

Then das asked these question after rangarajan finished,

Frontal depression

Weather associated with frontal depression

Isobar pattern in a frontal depression

Limitations of ecdis

How will u correct ecdis

Limitations of radar equipment

South cardinal bouy characteristics

Identify south cardinal bouy with out its top mark

Errors of gyro how correction of them is done.

Fishing vsl NUC Underway making way and anchor LIGHTS?.


question from ivr....
Action taken during heavy lift got struck at the middle of hoisting...
Units of vhm....
Gm fluid of timber, grain, and other vessels.....
Ship to shore checklist.....
Sitco from tankers......
As layman how u will describe the types of ship in gas carrier....
Pv valve n Pv breaker.....
Loaficator alarms.....
When u will change or condem the wire rope......
Breaking strength for 6x 37 wire rope.....
Grain loading criteria.....
Intact stability criteria for all ships....
What chief mate does during loading grain.....( he expected complete procedure of loading grain
Precautions for loading coal.....

Ghosh question...
How u will save owner from cargo claims....
Gm fluid of different ships.....
Isgott expansion.....
Iron ore, nickel ore or high density hazards.....
Heavylift precautions.....(3 basic points he needs most is 1. Crane opertor is well experienced 2.
Gm should be high 3. Space that going to occupy by heavy lift cargo is sufficient)......
How u will load improper size of cargo on board also which code n manual u refer to secure the

Function 1 and 3
ROR - total no of ROR rules (41). Newly add rule 39 40 41
Cards - trawler with shooting net underway
What light trawler will show when not underway
NUC underway , NUC when stopped not making way lights
RV rule 19 code , situation when u seen vessel exactly in abeam startboard side in RV what
action ?
What is different btwn head on and end on ?
Ecdis- he asked me completely abt it ..
Karoshima current
MLC - he asked deeply inside abt it
ISM- he asked deeply inside abt it
As per which convention safety meeting s conduct on board
Steering gear NFU emergency steering gear test procedures
FAL convention
Dry docking what work you ill do for anchor maintenance
Social responsibility as ch mate
Dock labour act as per Wat convention
Mostly Wat all I remember I had told
Result : passed function 1 and 3
Thank you guys cleared mates .. am leaving tis grouplculation

Func 1:

Func 3
What dock labour regulations are important to you on a ship
I work in Mærsk so he asked about my companies sustainability action plan
Wanted to know about seemp and eedi
Why does seemp fall under marpol annex 6
What all gases fall under marpol annex 6
Vessel in dry dock, how will you prepare for departure
What will you check in the stability before flooding the dock
How will you prepare for emergencies
Aside from emergency procedures from company , where else will u find emergency procedures
- answer was emergency response manual
What contents in the emergency response manual
If there is an incident with no response procedures, how will you tackle it

That’s all I remember guys...

Got all 3 ... thanks for everything and all the best!

That's it guys
Survwyor capt yashwant

Drydocking with cargo and even keel
Chain register
Co2 testing requirements
Lifeboat droptest
Lowering lifeboat in heavy weather

Thats all i remember

Guys Rangarajan questions from yesterday,
Function 1
No cards
Restricted visibility situations
Rule 2 understanding
Various types of position fix
Gyro principle
Gyro properties
TRS formation, why it doesn’t form near the equator

Function 2

Loading different type of bulk cargo- coal, iron ore, sulphur, cotton bales and metal coils.
Angle of repose
Timber stability criteria
Reserve buoyancy in timber stability
Grain stability criteria
How to load timber on deck
Load density
Stowage factor

Function 3

Oil record book for tankers n non tankers

Different methods to ballast
PMS for crane, how many wires does a grab have
Dry dock repair list
Anchor cable maintenance
Critical period
Block placement in dry dock

That’s all I remember guys.


Function 3
Bill of lading
Solas chapters
Statutory certificate
Preparation for SEQ survey
Heavy weather preparation
Chain register
Docking plan uses.
Date : 8/feb/2018 ext:kalyanaraman ,int:Das
Function 1:
Passage planning in ecdis
Nite order and standing order
Gyro errors
Rule 9 : quote
R/ v situation
Ror cards abt 10 cards
Leading lights
Watckeeping as a mate
Ecdis maintenance

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