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Internal das

External ivr

Function 3
Garbage record book entries
How you will train cadet and job u will alot for him
Chief mate duties as sso safety sto
As per mlc what u will enter in official log book as mate
How rpsl is benefited by seafarer
Recovery strap
Hanging pendent
How often life boat lowered
Load on realese mechanism
Oil leaking in hydraulic ram of steering gear action
What is solenoid
Dcp 40 how much spares required
Fsc and psc
Is das n ghosh are psc ya Fsc surveyor
Who takes Survey for fsc ship
What is piracy, armed robbery, hijacking, stoways
If ab complaints regarding his accommodation and recreation and u dont take action then he
went master n complaints still no action also he made complaint form... Tell me how he can
resolve the issue
Lifeboat requirements
Non conformity report

2 n 3 pass
1 come next time
Ext: Cpt. Somasundaram
Int: Cpt. Gosh
Func 3:
1. SOLAS CH.II -1, CH.VI and CH.IX contents
2. ISM code contents and some more questions in ISM
3. What is D1 , D 2 in Ballast water Management
4. Drydocking
5. Damage criteria for Container Ships
6. Stowage requirements for Class 3 DG onboard
7. Fire fighting as Chief Officer
8. Damage Control plan
9. Stability criteria
10. MLC
11. CBA
12. Anchor Dragging
13. Port state Control - Purpose, MOU
Ext ivr
Int ghosh
Date 15.03.2019

Class survey and certificate?
How class survey is carried out?
What is esp?
Mlc contents?
Stcw contents?
What is title2 of mlc and contents of it?
What are the types of insurance?
Is piracy covered under insurance?
Validity of few statutory certificate?
What is periodic survey?
What is probablistic method and deterministic method? What us attained subdivision Index?
Floodable length and permissable length?
What is parametric rolling?

Result: passed both

Ext: Cpt. Somasundaram

Int: Cpt. Gosh
Func 2 :
Func 3
1. KG cueve
2. Inclining experiment
3. Class certification and surveys

4. HSSC wat r the surveys under it.

5. Wat survey under solas ch4....

6. Iamsar vol 3 contents and some questions regarding on scene coordinator
7. Drydock questions....
8. MLC Titles and its contents
Ext: H Kumar
Ext: Cpt. Somasundaram
Int: Cpt. Gosh
Ext: H Kumar
Continued with commercial parts like
Principles of insurance
Role of P&I in ships insurance
Parametric and synchronised rolling, corrective action
Enclosed space entry what all checks- deep into it with a discussion over a recent incident
Crew injured badly- action
Same guy dead-action
Entries in official log book
Cleaning of cargo tanks in chemical tanker and discharge criteria
PMS and it’s importance, implementation
Critical equipment and spares
Pms for deck machinery
Pms for lsa/ffa equipment’s
Importance of training of crew and junior officers
That’s it guys
Das interrupts and asks about writtens results, asked external and declared result
Both functions PASS

Internal : Capt. Das

External : Capt. Deepak Kapoor

Function : 3
Prepare ur vessel for survey with respect to marpol
Marpol annex V discharge criteria in bulk carrier
Prepare ur vsl(bulk carrier over 15 yrs) for Special survey
Duties of Safety officer
What is Psc & duties
Prepare ur vsl for loadline survey
Master seriously injured and to be airlifted, how vil u anchor in arrival port?
Why two anchors used sometimes??
Letter of protest and note of protest difference
Ur responsibility under MLC
Who will make entry in chain register
Polar code
Anti fouling paints? how will you kno abt their toxicity?
Ballast water management

Few questions I forgot

Int-Azad, Ext-Yesvent

Function 3:
Drydocking preparation?
GA plan??
Critical period???
Anchor parts? ?
Anchor is not properly sitting in stow position? ?reason? ??
Marking in anchor???
Lifeboat lowering procedure??
Use of recovery strap??
Types of paints??
Sprinkler system in paint store??
What is enclosed space? ?
Enclosed space entry check list??
Official log book and entries??
ORB and entries??
What is near miss report?
What u discuss in safety meeting? ??
Why oxygen and acetylene cylinders stored in different place???
Mooring arrangement plan and contents? ??

Dk fun3
Pms gangway anchor
Mlc survey preparation
Master died how take over
Seq survey
Who may entry in chain register
Statutory cert for oil tanker
Marpol discharge criteria
Crew fight
Master not available anchor in heavy traffic condition
Emergency procedure
Wat certificate documents under ch off should have
Few questions forgot

External: Ranganathan

Func 3:
1) Stealer Plate
2) Shell Expansion Plan
3) List of all plans available and explanation for each
4) Oil Record Book
5) Duties of Chief Mate as per STCW
6) PMS for windlass
7) Training of crew as a C/O
8) Grounding - actions as C/ O
9) Dry docking in detail - lot of cross questions
10) Ranging of anchor chain and what to check

Internal : Gosh
1) Marpol Annex V discharge criteria
2) Non Conformity
3) Critical Period
4) Stability requirements in Dry dock
5) Critical Period should be more or less - what is safe
6) Anchor Dragging
7) PSC codes - Example for Detain able deficiencies
Date: 28 Jun 18
Venue : Chennai MMD
Internal: Ghosh

Fun 3:
How will you assist master?
How will you assist master on bridge?
How will you train your crew?
Cargo leak into SBT, Action?
Collision , Action?
Drydocking ( they want everything in details)
Windlass PMS
How to do inspection of Anchor cable on Ship?
Name all plans available on ship.
How to lower Open Lifeboats?

Result: Pass.

Func 3
What dock labour regulations are important to you on a ship
I work in Mærsk so he asked about my companies sustainability action plan
Wanted to know about seemp and eedi
Why does seemp fall under marpol annex 6
What all gases fall under marpol annex 6
Vessel in dry dock, how will you prepare for departure
What will you check in the stability before flooding the dock
How will you prepare for emergencies
Aside from emergency procedures from company , where else will u find emergency procedures
- answer was emergency response manual
What contents in the emergency response manual
If there is an incident with no response procedures, how will you tackle it

That’s all I remember guys...

Got all 3 ... thanks for everything and all the best!
Survwyor capt yashwant

Drydocking with cargo and even keel
Chain register
Co2 testing requirements
Lifeboat droptest
Lowering lifeboat in heavy weather

Thats all i remember

Date- 04 Jun 2019

Ext- Capt. Yeshwanth Raj
Int- Capt. Ghosh

Date- 11 Apr 2019

Ext- Capt. Ajay Gangadaran
Int- Capt. Ghosh

Func 3:
DPA responsibility
Non conformity
Major non conformity
ISM Cerificates
Abt SMC and DOC
Certificates as per SOLAS with their validity and surveys req
Certificate of fitness
Fight between crew
AB comes on watch drunken, will u make entry in OLB
BMP 5 contents
Citadel space and equipments
Req fr emgcy fire pump and emgcy generator
Tell abt Near miss
A ship with less no of near miss or more no of near miss ,which one is safe
PMS fr winches and windlass
Tell abt PMS and their types
Loadicator tests
On/Off load mechanism in Life boat
Is rest hour deviation a non conformity
Angle of loll and action
Combination ladder req
Markings in a gangway
Does TPC change
What is DWA
GA Plan what information u gt
Critical period
ORB entries
Tell abt SOPEP
Plans in SOPEP manual
Brake holding and brake rendering
Define enclosed space
Diff btwn permit and checklist
Diff btwn procedure and checklist
Tell abt COSWP
Preparation fr letting go anchor
Restricted areas onboard
Running Moor
Ext : Capt Ramdas
Int : Capt Azad

Fun 3

Camper , Bilge keel, Bilge StrAke , Shell expansion plan and what is its use , Docking plan and
its Use , ISM and objectives of ISM , MLC , DMLC part 1 and DMLC Part 2 , PSC & FSC ,
Righting Lever , Angle of Loll, how to correct angle of loll. Vessel listed to 10deg at sea in fully
loaded condition action mate
Few more forgotten

Pass All 3 ......

Thanks for all your Valuable support 😊
As a choff actions
Load line survey
Foul anchor
Foul house
Shell exp plan
Cert as per solas and validity

Immigration free pratique

Sanitary cert

Hanging of anchor
Docking plan contents
Ground tacklerier

Date- 11 Apr 2019

Ext- Capt. Ajay Gangadaran
Int- Capt. Ghosh

Func 3:
DPA responsibility
Non conformity
Major non conformity
ISM Cerificates
Abt SMC and DOC
Certificates as per SOLAS with their validity and surveys req
Certificate of fitness
Fight between crew
AB comes on watch drunken, will u make entry in OLB
BMP 5 contents
Citadel space and equipments
Req fr emgcy fire pump and emgcy generator
Tell abt Near miss
A ship with less no of near miss or more no of near miss ,which one is safe
PMS fr winches and windlass
Tell abt PMS and their types
Loadicator tests
On/Off load mechanism in Life boat
Is rest hour deviation a non conformity
Angle of loll and action
Combination ladder req
Markings in a gangway
Does TPC change
What is DWA
GA Plan what information u gt
Critical period
ORB entries
Tell abt SOPEP
Plans in SOPEP manual
Brake holding and brake rendering
Define enclosed space
Diff btwn permit and checklist
Diff btwn procedure and checklist
Tell abt COSWP
Preparation fr letting go anchor
Restricted areas onboard
Running Moor

Fn 3 - 13 Aug 2019
Ext. Ajay Gangadhar

ORB entries
Machin. space disch. cri.
Combination ladder as an officer what are the checks will you carry out before pilot
When pilot requests to rig the ladder 5m above the water lever, how will you do it precisely
Why do they carry out PSC inspection
What is IACS and their fns
Hanging off anchor
While heaving up anchor chain is twisted and not passing through the windlass, action
And why it happens
DPA responsibilities
PMS for windlass and mooring winch
Screening of navigation lights
External: Ranganathan

Func 3:
1) Stealer Plate
2) Shell Expansion Plan
3) List of all plans available and explanation for each
4) Oil Record Book
5) Duties of Chief Mate as per STCW
6) PMS for windlass
7) Training of crew as a C/O
8) Grounding - actions as C/ O
9) Dry docking in detail - lot of cross questions
10) Ranging of anchor chain and what to check
Internal : Gosh
1) Marpol Annex V discharge criteria
2) Non Conformity
3) Critical Period
4) Stability requirements in Dry dock
5) Critical Period should be more or less - what is safe
6) Anchor Dragging
7) PSC codes - Example for Detain able deficiencies

Date: 28 Jun 18
Venue : Chennai MMD
Internal: Ghosh

Fun 3:
How will you assist master?
How will you assist master on bridge?
How will you train your crew?
Cargo leak into SBT, Action?
Collision , Action?
Drydocking ( they want everything in details)
Windlass PMS
How to do inspection of Anchor cable on Ship?
Name all plans available on ship.
How to lower Open Lifeboats?

Fun 3 : parametric rolling

Safety construction cert
Chain register
Certificate of class
Load line cert content
Free fall life boat drop test
Buoyancy of life boat
On load off load
Triparty agreement
Floating dry dock
Critical period

Result: PFF
External: Ajay Gangadharan

Function 3:
Load line exemption
Load line zone
Various certificates
Dock labour competent person and responsible person
Testing period and load test of lashing appliance
Standing moor and running moor
Various anchor terminologies
MARPOL annex 5 discharge criteria
On load release system of life boat
DPA and some more questions from ISM
MLC contents
New work /rest hours
Diff of time and voyage charters
How will you carry out loadicator testing, what are the inputs and what results u check
Grain stability criteria
3 sep 19
External : ivr

Function 3

Disc criteria of marpol annex 1 Cargo

Pms for anchor
Ism code
What is the reqt for co2 catridges for extinguisher
What is non conformity
Psc deficiency code
What checklist psc officer ll carry on board for inspection
Competent person and responsible person
Stel and twa
Ballast water exchange , method
What method yu use ? Y use ? How yu do ballast exchange
Foul anchor and foul hawse
Eta? How yu deploy fwd eta
When do yu condemn rope
Chain register
Dry dock repair list as c off
On anchor and chain wat all maintenance
How do safety meeting on-board

Internal : Capt. Das

External : Capt. Deepak Kapoor

Function : 3
Prepare ur vessel for survey with respect to marpol
Marpol annex V discharge criteria in bulk carrier
Prepare ur vsl(bulk carrier over 15 yrs) for Special survey
Duties of Safety officer
What is Psc & duties
Prepare ur vsl for loadline survey
Master seriously injured and to be airlifted, how vil u anchor in arrival port?
Why two anchors used sometimes??
Letter of protest and note of protest difference
Ur responsibility under MLC
Who will make entry in chain register
Polar code
Anti fouling paints? how will you kno abt their toxicity?
Ballast water management

Few questions I forgot

Function : 3
Safety meeting, ism compliance as a c/o, isps certificate, 4 months wages pending how to
recover, 3 Rd officer not doing the job properly wat to do, how to assist master in critical
situation, vessel aground
Action, how to refloat aground vessel, master dead how to take over, haegue & haegue visby


Fun 3
What type of ships you have sailed. Bulk carrier.
What type of construction you'll find in a bulk carrier.
Difference between CDC and Sid , something like that..
Interval of changing lifeboat davit wires.
Prepare your ship for SEQ survey.
As per MLC he asked something.
How will you conduct a safety meeting.
List of statutory certificates.
And some more qns, I don't remember that.
Function 3
Definition of Seawage
Marpol Annex 4 dish criteria
Annex 5 latest ammendments
Annex 6 latest ammendment, smeep and eedi
What is Risk assesment
Risk assesment of enclosed space
Internal : Gosh
External: Bharatwaj
Capt: Bharathwaj
Capt: Gosh

Function 3: He is very interested in SEEMP. Lot of questions in that.

What is Dock labour act what is the purpose
What are statuory certificate
What are certificate carried in gas tanker.
A space which has
1.Limited no of openings, entry n exit
2.Insufficient ventilation
3.Not suitable for continuous worker occupancy.
Capt. Yeshwant Raj
- What are all surveys under Safety Construction Certificate
-Content of Safety construction certificate and what are all will check
-what are all checks will carry out to obtain certificate of class
-Certificate of registry
- How u will lower lifeboat in heavy weather
-Seafarer abondonment
-Chain Register
-How to do proof load of crane
-How to dock the ship when down by head
-Critical period in detail
-Bilge Block and Bilge Shore
-Certificate under ISPS
- who will sign collective bargaining agreement
- Grounding action as a chief officer
- Chief officer duties in Narrow channel

Result : Pass
No question asked by internal

Thank you mates.

Environmental protection
What is seawage
List of cert to carried as per marpol annex 6,how will you safe energy efficiency while taking
ballast,Freefall lifeboat requirement,Crew is come and complaining how will you take
action,Dock labour act,List of place you will not paint,What are all will you check before u
docking as a chief mate.
What is BDN.

10 Oct 2019

External : Capt Deepak Kapoor

Internal : Capt Ghosh

No questions asked by internal.

Function 3

IOPP content. Firm A and B

Validity of certificates
Preparing ship for drydock, and ship is 20 year old
Preparing for IOPP survey
Preparing for MLC survey
Discipline onboard
Safety officers duties
Master dead. Action
How will you treat stowaways.
Action when stowaways found onboard
Anchor chain PMS
Accomodation ladder PMS
Unable to heave anchor. Actions.
Procedure when releasing Anchor chain.
Preparing fornl ship Safety equipment cert.
Contents of form E of Ship safety certificate.

Internal : capt.Goesh
External: capt.depak kapoor.

1.container freeboard marks as per load lines.

2.container stability criteria.
3.container construction
4.prepar 20yrs container ship for survey will u prepare container ship for dry dock
6.damage stability contents
7.IOPP certificates form A & B it's contents.
8.who will endorse SEEMP & it's validity.
9.deaign of container with respect of EEDI. will u train your cadet as per SSCT (ship specific construction type)
11.subdivision load lines.
12.what are equipments should carry in container ship as per MARPOL annex 1& 3 .
13.CBA & it's contents.
14.AOA & it's contents. r sleeping in your cabin ,ship collision, your actions.
16.master orders you to let go anchor from bitter end ,your actions.
17. Abandon ship drill.
18.heavy weather,main engine failure, actions.
19.PCS & Flag state Inspection.
20. MOU
21.PMS for accommodation
22.MLC inspection.
23.preparation for SEQ survey.
24.preparation for bottom survey.
25.different type of clauses.
26.Fire fighting equipments for different types of ships.(container & tankers)
27.LSA equipments for different types of ships.(container & car carrier)
Date : 11 Oct 2019
External : capt .deepak kapoor
Internal : capt. Gosh

Fun 3 :
Crew fight , action
Cert of registry
Oil record book
Official log book
Additional survey
Duties of chief officer
How u implement safety culture onboard as a safety officer
Duties of ssp
Onboard training by chief officer
Non conformity
P&I Club
Classification society
certificates required as per marpol
Annex 6 some cross questions
IOPP contents , Form A , Form B
Seq survey and form E
Srq survey and form R
Cargo ship safety Construction cert
Purpose of dry docking
Prepare for dry dock surveys
PMS for Winches
Grounding action as chief officer

And some more questions.. cannt able to remember ..!!

Result : P P
Internal Ghosh
External Deepak Kapoor
Function 3:
What is tanker
Loadline convention ( condition of assignment of freeboard)
Vessel aground.
Engine failure in heavy weather.
Master died on board u hve to take command.
Duties of safety officer.
Minimum freeboard as per loadline.
According to marpol which annexes applicable to oil tankers.
What is desing and construction arrangements of oil tanker with respect to Marpol annex 1.
How will u conduct safety meeting.
What is employment of agreement, CBA and AOA and it's contents.
Gyro failure in port, action?

Result: Pass
2 dec 19
Fun 3
External - Capt Bharadwaj
Bwmgt in detail
What is dock labour act
Pump room exhaust fan requirement
How to do risk assessment
How to avoid lifeboat accidents
Mates duty during undocking drydock

Internal - Capt ghosh

On oil tanker how cargo claims can occur
How to avoid cargo claims also how to prevent owner from cargo claims
Result - p
External H Kumar
Internal Asad

Fun 3
How will u comply with dock labour act in port
List of surveys for ships
What is ESP
Synchronised rolling and parametric rolling
Broching and surfing
Vessel listed suddenly - cause - expecting angle of loll
What is SMPEP
Preparation for imminent collision
Action upon collision
Master inable, act taking command for passage in singapore straits
External: H Kumar
Internal Azad

function 3
general average
social life on board upkeeping as c/o
condition of class
dry docking
grain code stability criteria
loadline survey how will you prepare
loadline convention
solas chapters
gmdss battery req
ecdis battery req and why is it needed

thats all i remember

result: PPP

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