Week 3 Date 3/4/2022 - 7/04/2022 ISSUE Preparation For Practicum 1. Focus Issue

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DATE 3/4/2022 – 7/04/2022
ISSUE Preparation for Practicum
1. Focus issue
Today (3rd May 2022), I encountered a problem as I could not prepare . I couldn’t
prepare sufficient learning materials with more variety and interest as what as I had in my
mind previously when I was planning. This thing happened because of the constant changes
in my personal timetable as well as the class time table. Due to the latest changes in the
Ministry of Educations Curricular that do not allow phase 1 students to have subject more
than 4 a day and phase 2 students 5 subjects a day. This made the school management to
keep on changing the timetable to suits everyone’s time and at the same time my school
was face teachers shortage. As the timetable kept on changing I did not have enough time
to prepare additional learning materials to get my kids attention. I was always busy with
additional programs under every senior assisting teachers with data and files to be
submitted. Relief periods were given to me as well as the other teachers.

2. Analysis of focus issue:

Based on the problem I faced I did some readings on how should I overcome this
matter. I have to plan and arrange thing wiser.According to Shahabudin Hashim, et al (2003)
explains that good planning will maximize the use of the time allocated. Every minute
should be used to provide knowledge and skills to students. The only need to plan with
distribute time for each step and activity effectively.
Time management for each step and activity should be reasonable and able to achieve its
objectives. As I need to equip myself to face any situations and problems as I have
mentioned above ahead to avoid any last minute preparation. I do need to talk to my senior
assistant teachers to explain that I do need time to get my Practicum class preparation
done. Fortunately my school administration and my mentor are helping me a lot and
cooperating in resolving this issue. 

3. Literature Review on the issue:

Alistair Cox (2019) quoted in his jurnal, to succeed in these difficult situations, not to
end the story in his head, to succeed in the present and future workplaces. All of us need to
be much better. We need to tackle problems that would once have been stalled if we had
finally given up. You need to be good at drawing inspiration from those who would have
previously protected you. In essence, we all need to change our mindset to see the world
and everything in it as endless learning opportunities. That way, we are much more likely to
demonstrate our skills and expertise in the future.
4. Suggestion for Follow-up Action
Based on the findings, I found out that it is important to acquire a positive way of
thinking and face challenges no matter how unprecedented the situation are. A list of
things to do, a checklist is important to make sure I'm doing everything. With proper time
management and emotion management by talking to the senior assistants and my mentor it
would help to solve my problem.

5. Time Duration for Solution

1 week.

6. Follow-up Action
I must ensure to develop a good mindset to embrace all the challenges to complete
the tasks of practicum.

7. Date that conducts Follow-Up Action

4.4. 2022-7.4.2022

8. Efficiency of Suggested Solutions 

Actions that have been implemented using the proposed solution have I identified
has had a positive impact and needs to be sustained. I am planning my daily lesson
plan to be more efficient and easy for me to follow everything that has been planned
through the daily lesson plan which has been prepared before the teaching and
learning process takes place. Besides, with changes from my daily lesson plan I will
be more careful as the teaching and learning process takes place.

9. Conclusion/ Reflection
Identifying the teaching and learning problems faced, I have analyse the problem by
finding the cause of the problem and take appropriat measures of improvements in the
teaching and learning process such as ensuring that teachers are on time as allotted in the
Plan Daily Teaching. Teachers also take into account some follow -up actions to overcome
teacher weaknesses in classroom time management and prepraring additional learning
10. Reference
Stone .(2007). The Effects of Token Economy System to Improve social and academic
behavior with a primary aged child with disabilities. International Journal of Special
Razali, M., Jantan, R., & Hashim, S. (2003). Psikologi pendidikan. PTS Professional.

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