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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain Strata One (S1)

Degree on English Education Department



Reg. No. 2314.098







A. Background of the Problem

Education always changes every year in accordance to the current

development. Especially in 21st century, students have to know, to do, to

be, and to live together about life and career, digital literacy, information

and learning to encounter globalization era. In an era where information is

a potential asset which presents itself in abundance, ssstudents should not

only have ability to grasp the contents of the information but also exercise

critical reasoning to select pieces that are most appropriate and valuable

for the students purpose. The teacher should be sensitive to the changes

that occur particularly in the field of education and teaching.

To be able of educations development there needs to be a change in

evaluation system. According to ministry of education “External defiance

(globalization) for the advancement of international education needs

improvement in the content and evaluation system of education”. 1 Means

there needs to be a change in the evaluation system for example item

development. Evaluation is the last step in the learning process. It is action

or process to determine the value of everything related to education.

Furthermore ministry of education said that 2013 curriculum in

evaluation system need to develop items by using Higher-Order Thinking

Ministry of Education and Culture. (2014). Curriculum 2013 SMA / Madrasah Aliyah.
Skills.2 Higher Order Thinking Skills is to measure the student ability in

thinking skill. According to Bloom, “Cognitive process contained six

major classes, they are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing,

evaluating, and creating. 3

The cognitive aspect or domain is the realm

includes activities mental (brain). Anderson and Krathwohl stated that

among six major classes divided into two groups there are Lower-Order

Thinking Skills which are remembering, understanding, and applying and

Higher-Order Thinking Skills there are analyzing, evaluating, and


The students should master all of the thinking skills in learning

process. According to Susan, “They are three categories of Higher Order

Thinking Skills the categories are (1) those that define higher-order

thinking in term of transfer, (2) those that define it in terms of critical

thinking, and (3) those that define it in terms of problem solving”. 5 Higher

Order Thinking Skills is how the students can transfer one concept to

another, processing and applying information, looking the connection of

the different information, using information for problem solving, and

examining idea and information critically.

Ministry of Education and Culture. Developing of item.
Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) and Friends. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook
1: Cognitive domain. New York: David Mckay, P. 18
Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl (Eds). (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and
Assessing: A Revision of loom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman. P
Brookhart, S. (2010), How to Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills in your Classroom.
P. 10
Higher Order Thinking Skills comes from evaluation system.

Mustafa sees evaluation as “Process of providing important information on

the merits of goals, designs, introduction, content and the effectiveness of

educational activities, for students, teachers, textbook, authors and other

decision makers”6. It means evaluation is the last step in learning process

to get the information of students’ ability toward educational activities. It

can be seen when the teacher make items require Higher Order Thinking

Skills to gets English test result.

Test is the way to measure the students’ knowledge in learning

activities. There are two kind of test they are oral and written test. The

teacher can use one of them or both of them to know the students’

knowledge. The teacher also know how deep the students’ knowledge and

how good their ability in understanding all of material in learning process.

The researcher saw that most of the test just to know how the students

remembering, understanding, and applying that is call (Lower Order

Thinking Sills) rather than Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating that is call

(Higher Order Thinking Skills) toward students’ knowledge.

Related to the above phenomenon, the researcher did preliminary

research from 15th of August 2018 until 24th of September 2018, at the

third grade students of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi. The researcher found that

the teacher has applied 2013 curriculum in teaching English where in

evaluation system teacher used Higher Order Thinking Skills in the items
El Mustafa, A. (1988). An Evaluation of TEFL Textbook (PETRA) for Preparatory
Class in Jordan. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University, Irbid: Jordan. p. 10
toward English test result. Besides, government also provided teachers’

handbook, students practice book, syllabus, lesson plan and goals setting

to make teacher easier in teaching. Then, there was socialization for the

teachers who will apply Higher Order Thinking Skills it helped them to

understand of Higher Order Thinking Skills.

In fact, after interviewing the teacher and some of the third grade

students of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi in the academic year 2018/2019, the

researcher found some problems about Higher Order Thinking Skills

question and students’ test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills. First,

the students lack of enthusiasm in learning process. It means some students

did not respond the teacher question in learning process. For example,

when the teacher asks about “what is the meaning of spectrum and

raindrop” no one of the students try to answer. Last, some students also

still lack of expressing their idea in answer Higher Order Thinking

question. It means some students answer without adding the information

from their opinion. For example, when the teacher asks about “What do

you see in the picture?” some of students answer “rainbow” or “raindrop”

without adding their opinion of the picture.

By seeing and understanding the problem above, the researcher

conducted a research about analysing students’ test result of Higher Order

Thinking Skills of the third grade students of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi. It will

be covered in a research entitled “An Analysis of students’ test result of

Higher Order Thinking Skills for the third grade students of SMAN 1

Bukittinggi in academic year of 2018/2019.

B. Problem and Focus of the Research

Based on background of the problem above, the researcher found

some problems toward students’ test result of Higher Order Thinking

Skills for the third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in the academic

year of 2018/2019 which could be as follow:

1. Students lack of enthusiasm in learning process.

2. Some students still lack of expressing their opinion in answer Higher

Order Thinking Skills question.

By seeing the problem above, this research focused on analysis of

Higher Order Thinking Skills question and students’ test result of Higher

Order Thinking Skills for the third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi.

C. Research Question

Based on the problem and focus of the research above, the

researcher would like to make a question of the research by following


1. What is the description of Higher-Order Thinking Skills questions in

first semester test of third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in

the academic year 2018/2019?

2. What is the description of students’ test result in Higher Order

Thinking Skills of the third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in

the academic year 2018/2019?

D. Purpose of the Research

Based on the research question above, the purpose of the research

is to know the description of Higher Order Thinking question in the first

semester test and the description of students’ test result in Higher Order

Thinking Skills of the third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in the

academic year of 2018/2019.

E. Significance of the Research

The significance of the study can be used for:

1. The writer, as the equipment to obtain Strata 1 Degree on English

Education Department in IAIN BUKITTINGGI, and get more

knowledge and experiences through the research.

2. The Readers, It can give valuable information and enrich reader’s

knowledge about students test result of Higher Order Thinking Skills.

3. The teachers, they will get the information about students test result of

Higher Order Thinking Skills in first semester test.

4. The students, the researcher hopes that the students have knowledge

about higher-order thinking skills and guidelines when they are in

learning process.
5. The institution, this research can be used as reference for the next

F. Definition of Key Terms

There are some of essential terms that used in this research, they are:

1. Higher Order Thinking Skill is the complex of thinking process in

transfer information, critical thinking, creative thinking, problem

solving and making decision that involve students realistic reasoning.

2. Test is the way to measure the students’ level of thinking skill in

Higher Order Thinking Skills question.



A. Review of Related Theory

1. Students’ test Result

a. Definition of the Students’ Test Result

Test is the way to measure students’ knowledge about the

material by using some instruments of the test. Result is the final

part of something. Test result is the result of measurement from

students’ knowledge or ability in their learning process. The

teacher will know the students’ progress based on the test result.

Teacher gives judgement for the students based on their test result


Test which is part of assessment will help the teacher to

know their students’ comprehension based on the result or score.

As Drummond said Assessment is part of our daily practice to

strive for a quality.7 Based the statement before, the conclude that

assessment (include a test) as the effort in reached a quality which

cannot be a part from students’ life. Furthermore in learning

activities, test is a kind of activity to measure students’ ability and

quality, to give a judgement for the students’. The test should be

matched with the students’ experience and their knowledge before.

b. The Function of the Test

Test is an important even in learning activities. By sing a

test, teacher known about their students’ comprehension and can

Marry, Jane D. (2003). Assessing Children’s Learning. London: David fulton,
predict that his purpose in learning process have been reached by

the students or not. Mustaqim and Wahid stated that test has some


1) To measure the result of learning activities.

2) To arrange an evaluation toward learning activities.

3) The way to stimulate the students’ motivation.

4) To make the students realize about their ability.

5) Be an effort for the students to study.

6) As a reason to give a reward or present for the students.

Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that

there are some functions of the test. It helps the teacher to get the

purpose of learning process. The test also gives advantage that

know about students’ successful as long they learn the language.

Syaiful said that the level of the students’ successful can be

determined as follow:

1) Very high : if the students can comprehend all of the learning

material or answer all of the tests well.

2) High : if the students can comprehend the learning

material around 76% - 99% or answer 76% - 99% of the test

3) Enough : if the students can comprehend the learning

material around 60% - 75% or answer 60% - 75% of the test


4) Low : if the students can comprehend the learning

material under 60% or answer under 60% of the test well.8

By using the statement above, the researcher concluded that

four level of the students’ successful in learning they are very high,

high, enough and low. The teacher gives a test to know in what

level their students based on the criteria.

c. Types of the test

Test decided into some types: proficiency test, placement

test, language aptitude test, diagnostic test, achievement test,

formative and summative test.

1) Proficiency test

Proficiency test is a kind of the test to measure over all

skill in language learning. In this test, students find all of the

skills have been learned in language learning. As stated by

Douglas, “Proficiency test have traditionally consisted of

standardized multiple choice items of grammar, vocabulary,

reading comprehension, an oral comprehension”.9 So, this test

Syaiful Bahri, (2006). Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, p. 107
Douglas. Language Assessment principles and classroom practice p. 44
has cover all of the material in language learning, the example

of this test is TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)


2) Placement test

Placement test is a kind of test that used for placing

someone based on their ability. In this test, someone or tester

will put in their own level of ability, it always happen in

school. After have this test, the teacher will put their students

into a place which match with their ability.

3) Language aptitude test

Language aptitude test is a kind of the test that used to

measure a particular skill or ability of someone. Douglas said

that a language aptitude test is designed to measure capacity or

general ability to learn a foreign language and final success in

that undertaking.10 So, this test is used to measure the general

ability of students.

4) Diagnostic test

Diagnostic test is a kind of the test which used to

measure the prior knowledge of the students and the specific

aspect of language. According to Donglas “In a curriculum that

Douglas. Language Assessment principles and classroom practice p. 43
has a form-focused phase for example, a diagnostic test might

offer information about a learner’s acquisition of verb tenses,

modal auxiliaries, define articles, relative clause, and the


5) Achievement test

Achievement test is a kind of the test which used for

measure the students’ knowledge in English language learning

or to know how far the students have achieve the material that

given by the teacher. By giving this test, teacher will know

how their students’ performance in subject of their in learning


In addition, Douglas said that the specifications for an

achievement test should be determined by:

a) The objectives of the lesson, unit, or course being


b) The relative importance (or weight) designed to each


c) The task done in classroom lessons during the unit of time.

d) Practically issues, such as the time frame for the test and

turn of time, and.

Douglas. Language Assessment principles and classroom practice p. 46
e) The extent to which the test structure lends itself to

formative review.12

Based the statement above, the researcher concluded

that each of these part should be determined by the teacher

before getting their students in the test, the teacher should

makes the test suitable with these criterion.

6) Formative test

Formative test is used for the students, to know about

their difficulties in learning process. Students’ comprehension

will deeper than before because the teacher will prepare to

review the material which still confused by the students.

Clarke said that formative assessment is recognized as a

significant strategy in raising students’ achievement or indeed

any learner’s achievement.13 It assumed that the teacher can

increase the students’ achievement by using formative test

which have significant strategy to raise the students’

achievement. In this occasion the teacher will give a test, and

will give a review based on the students’ difficulties in their


7) Summative Test

Douglas. Language Assessment principles and classroom practice p. 47
Shirley Clarke. Active Learning Through Formative Assessment. (London: Hodder
education. 2008) p. 7
Summative test is a kind of the test which happen in the end of

course. As Ali said that a test will be done after in the end of

program or a unit of learning. 14 It is clear that this test happen

in every ending of learning program. It consists of all material

have been learned by the students. Here the material have

learned by the students: recount text, narrative text, short


2. Higher-Order Thinking Skills

a. Definition of Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Higher Order Thinking Skills is how the students can

transfer one concept to another, processing and applying

information, looking the connection of the different information,

using information for problem solving, and examining idea and

information critically.

Susan M, Brookhart define higher-order thinking skills as

three categories:15

1) Transfer

Two of the most important educational goals are to promote

retention and to promote transfer (which, when it occurs,

indicates meaningful learning) retention requires that students

Muhammad Ali. Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar. (Bandung: Sinar Baru gesindo.
2010) p. 113
Susan M. Brookhart. (2010). How to Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Your
Classroom ASCD, P. 10
remember what they have learned, whereas transfer requires

students not only to remember but also to make sense of and be

able to use what they have learned.

For many teachers, operating with their state standards and

curriculum documents, higher-order thinking is approached as

the “top end” as Bloom’s (or any other) Taxonomy stated: 16

a) Creating

Creating is combining parts to make something new

and interconnected that makes sense or produce an

original product. For example, generating, planning,

producing, developing, constructing, organizing,

purposing, inventing, formulating.

To create different entities together in a new way..

Present students with a task to do or a problem to solve

that includes generating multiple solution, planning, a

procedure to accomplish a particular goal, or producing

something new.

b) Evaluating

Make judgments based on criteria and standards, using

previously learned knowledge. For example, arguing,

deciding, validating, appraising, evaluating, judging,

Anderson, L. W., &Krathwohl, D. R (Eds). (2001) .A taxonomy for learning, teaching,
and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Completeed.). New
York: Longman. P. 63
measuring, ranking, criticizing, rating, selecting, and


To assess evaluation, we need items or tasks that can

assess how students judge the value of materials and

methods for their intended purposes. Students can appraise

the material againt criteria. The criteria can be standard

(for example, literary, historical, and scientific)

c) Analysing

Break down knowledge into its components and

determine the relationships of the components to one

another and then how they relate to an overall structure or

task. For example, distinguishing, contrasting,

scrutinizing, dissecting, separating, discriminating,

analyzing, examining.

To assess the quality of students thinking as they break

down information into its parts and reason whit that

information, questions or tasks must ask students to find or

describe those parts and figure out how they are related for


1. Focus on a question or main idea.

2. Analyse arguments or theses

3. Compare and contrast.

The teaching goal behind any of the cognitive taxonomies is

equipping students to be able to do transfer. “being able to think”

means students can apply the knowledge and skills they developed

during their learning to new contexts. This table below can be

referenced for the teacher assessing students’ higher-order thinking


Table 2.1
Structure of the Cognitive Process Dimension of Bloom Taxonomy17

Cognitive Description Indicator


Higher-Order Thinking Skills

1. Analyse Breaking material into its a. Differentiating

constituent parts and detecting b. Organizing
how the parts relate to one c. Attributing
another and to an overall
structure or purpose.

2. Evaluate Making judgments based on a. Checking

criteria and standards. b. Critiquing

3. Create Putting elements together to a. Generating

form a novel, coherent whole or b. Planning
make an original product. c. Producing

Based on the table above it can be seen that teacher should

know how to measure students thinking skills by using the
question related to higher-order thinking skills in English test

Anderson, L. W., &Krathwohl, D. R (Eds). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching,
and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Completed.). New
York: Longman. P. 63
2) Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is

focused on deciding what to believe or do.18 Means another

general ability that is sometimes describes as the goal of

teaching. In this case “being able to think” means students can

apply wise judgment or produce a reasoned critique.

According to Facione maintain that the following skills

make up critical thinking, namely:

(a) Interpretation: the ability to comprehend information.

(b) Analysis: the ability to identify the main arguments


(c) Evaluation: the ability to judge whether this argument is

credible and valid based on the logic and evidence given.

(d) Inference: the ability to decide what to believe or do based

on solid logic, and to understand the consequence of this


(e) Explanation: the ability to communicate the process of

reasoning to others.

(f) Self-Regulation: the ability to monitor one is own thinking

and correct flaws in logic.

It means all of those skills are the best thing that students

should have to be. Students needs to practice it when they are

Norris, S. P., & Ennis, R. H. (1989). Evaluating Critical Thinking. Pasific Grove,
CA: Critical Thingking Press & Software. P. 3
in the classroom such as when they get something different of

the information, they will make a new suggestion to get the

same perception. Also from above it is important to teachers

itself to lead students from all of ability to make a good way in

practising higher-order thinking skills.

3) Problem Solving

In the problem solving category are these two definitions:

(a) A student incurs a problem when the student wants to

reach a specific outcome or goal but does not

automatically recognize the proper path or solution to

use to reach it. The problem to solve is how to reach the

desired goal. Because a student cannot automatically

recognize the proper way to reach the desire goal, she

must use one or more higher-order thinking process.

These thinking processes are called problem solving.19

(b) As you explore new domains you will need to

remember information, learn with understanding,

critically evaluate ideas, formulate creative alternatives,

and communicate effectively. (problem solving) model

Nitko, A. ., & Brookhart, S. M. (2007). Educational Assessment of students (5th ed.)
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Eduation. p. 215
can be applied to each of these problem to help you to

continue to learn on your own.20

A problem is a goal that cannot be met with a memorized

solution. The broad definition of problem solving as the non

automatic strategizing required for reaching a goal can also be seen

as a broad goal of education. In fact, Bransford and Stein say that

in addition to driving both recall and learning, problem solving is

necessary for critical thinking, creative thinking, and effective


Higher-order thinking skills questions are the measurement

of instruments are used to measure higher-order thinking skills,

namely abilities that are not just remember (recall), restate, or refer

without doing processing (recite). Higher-order thinking skill

questions in the assessment context measure ability: 1) Transfer

one concept to another, 2) Process and apply information, 3)

Looking for links from a variety of different information, 4) Using

information to solve problems, and 5) Review ideas and

information critical. It can be show in the table below:

Bransford, J. D., & Stein, B. S. (1984). The IDEAL Problem Solver. (New York: W. H.
Freeman. P. 122
Table 2.2

The Indicators of HOTS Based English Tests for Senior High School

No Indicator of Description Elements Common instruction in

HOTS question

1 1. Transfer Students are able to use - Learning becomes more - Analyzing

their meaningful when it can be - Evaluating

understanding/interpretation “transferred” to new of different - Creating

of what they remember in a concepts.

way that indicates - Learning is reinforced when

“meaningful learning” content or concepts are applied

in ways other than how it was

first introduced.

2 2. Critical A type of reasonable, - Making wise or informed - Analyzing

Thinking reflective thinking that is judgment based on prior - Evaluating

aimed at deciding what to knowledge - Creating

believe or what to do - Producing reasoned or logical


- consideration of options then

deciding what to do

3 3. Problem Entails evaluating the issue - The problem should have a goal - Analyzing

Solving at hand, formulating that cannot be reached using - Evaluating

creative alternatives to simple recall of knowledge, but - Creating

achieve and communicating one that requires processing and

effectively strategizing.

4 4. Creative Putting things together in - Observing things others might - Analyzing

Thinking new ways (conceptually or miss - Evaluating

- Constructing something novel - Creating

- using unusual or unconventional

imagery that nevertheless works

to make and interesting point

- And the like

5 5. Making A thought where - Know the sources of information - Analyzing

Decision individuals evaluate various - Distinguish relevant information - Evaluating

choices and decided on - Use 10 critical skills to evaluate - Creating

many choises information that is true and


- analyze information
b. Pluses and Minuses of Higher-Order thinking skills

Assessing higher-order thinking skills have great impacts to the teaching

English especially in teaching reading, but in practice higher-order thinking skills

have pluses and minuses.

Carol states some pluses and minuses of higher-order thinking skills in

structured response test and unstructured response test.21

1. Structured Response Tests

Structured test have limited number of response options. For example are:

True-false, multiple choices, matching, and fill-in-the-blanks. With pluses

and minuses on the table below:

Table 2.3
Pluses and minuses of Structured Response Tests

Pluses Minuses
Comprehensive knowledge assessed Test items laborious to construct
Scoring economical and speedy Higher-order thinking skills items even
more difficult to construct
Moderate to high reliability Impact of cueing, guessing, test savvy,
and motivation uncertain
Amenable to statistical analysis Test security requirement
Amenable to collection of Less related to tasks of professional life
comparative and trend data
2. Unstructured response tests

Carol K, Designing Multiple Choice Tests to Measure Higher-Order Thinking Skills: Test Item writing
paper 10. University of North Texas Health Science Center. (
Unstructured tests have wider variety of response options controlled by

test taker. Examples are: Technical writing, oral presentation, procedural

demonstration, case study analysis, and E-Portfolio. With pluses and minuses

on the table below:

Table 2.4
Pluses and Minuses of Response Tests

Pluses Minuses
Higher-order thinking skills more Necessity for rubric/scoring key
easily assessed construction and calibration
Moderate to high authenticity for Scoring requires significant time
“real” life tasks
Requires greater student activity and Pre-calibration of evaluators needed to
engagement increase reliability
Minimal influence of guessing and More difficult to assess broad range of
motivation on performance knowledge quickly
Ease of construction Comparative and trend data harder to

Based on the table above shows that the teacher should make students test

result with considers of students higher order thinking skills. Also teacher should

make students understand of what they teach in the classroom to create feedback

in the classroom.

c. Higher Order Thinking Skills Questions.

There are several steps to write Higher Order Thinking skills questions.

According to Ministry of education in writing Higher Order Thinking Skills items

will be explained below:22

Table 2.5

Common Instructions used in Questions

According to Bloom’s Taxonomy Category

Analysing Evaluating Creating

Breaking concepts into part, Making judgements based on Putting the elements together
determining how the parts criteria and standards through to form a coherent or
relate to one another or to an checking and critiquing functional whole
overall structure or purpose.

 Advertise  Appraise  Adapt

 Analyze  Argue  Anticipate
 Appraise  Assess  Arrange
 Breakdown  Choose  Assemble
 Calculate  Compare  Categorize
 Categorize  Conclude  Collaborate
 Classify  Contrast  Collect
 Compare  Consider  Combine
 Conclude  Convince  Comply
 Connect  Critique  Compose
 Contrast  Debate  Construct
 Correlate  Decide  Create
 Criticize  Defend  Design
 Debate  Describe  Develop
 Deduce  Discriminate  Devise
 Devise  Distinguish  Explain
 Diagram  Editorialize  Express
 Differentiate  Estimate  Facilitate
 Discriminate  Evaluate  Formulate

Ministry of Education and Culture. Developing of item.
 Explain  Generate
 Find errors  Imagine

1. Items required Higher Order Thinking Skills

a. In the form of sources or reading material such as: text reading, paragraph,

text drama, fragments of novels/stories/fairy tales, poetry, cases, images,

graphics, photos, formulas, tables, lists of words/symbols, examples, maps,

film, or recording.

b. Analysing, evaluating, and creating.

2. Items writing technique

a) Recommended to provide various kinds of data (statements, tables, graphs,

results experiments conducted, reports, reading material, observation, etc.) as a

stimulus to answer HOTS questions.

b) Various types of data should provide information to students referring to basic

knowledge or abilities so that can be further processed.

c) Data that is submitted as a stimulus to students wherever possible is made with

a situation that is “authentic” or real.

d) Writing HOTS items can be questions

3. The questions of the cognitive domain Bloom

a) Analysing (C4): describes a problem or object to elements and determines how

the interrelationships between these elements and large structures.

b) Evaluating (C5): make a consideration or decision based on existing criteria

and standards.

c) Creation (C6): combining parts to make something new and interconnected that

makes sense or produce an original product.

4. Construction of PISA’s questions

a) Diverging, allowing the emergence of several alternative responses or


b) Not only measuring knowledge competencies, but also process skills and


c) Stem questions using stimulus in the form of real life contexts or phenomena

that are close to the lives of students.

d) Not only measuring knowledge about science, but also measuring attitudes

and how to use that knowledge in real life.

e) Not enough just to be multiple choices.

5. Contextual assessment

a) Assessment based on real situations in everyday life

b) Scope of stimulus / context: personal, social and global such as: health,

education, employment, natural resources, living environment, natural

disasters, utilization of science and technology.

c) Characteristics of contextual assessment (react):

(1) Relating: directly related to the context of real life experiences

(2) Experiencing: emphasized exploration, discovery, and invention.

(3) Applying: requires the ability of students to be able to communicate the

model conclusion of the problem context.

(4) Transferring: requires the ability of students to transform concepts of

knowledge in class into new situation of contexts.

d) Contextual assessment features:

(1) Students construct their own responses, not just choose available


(2) Tasks are challenges faced in the real world.

(3) Not only has one specific answer that is correct, but allows many

correct answer or all correct answers.

e) Traditional and contextual assessment comparisons

The table below will see how the comparison of traditional assessment

between contextual assessment:

Table 2.6

Comparison of traditional and contextual assessment

Traditional assessments Contextual assessment

Students tend to choose the response give Students express response

World class context (artificial) Real world context (realistic)

Generally to measure recalling aspects Measuring task performance (high level


Separate from learning Integrated with learning

Indirect proof tends to be theoretical Direct evidence through the application of
knowledge and skills to the real context

Susan M. Brookhart also stated how to assess students Higher Order

Thinking Skills will be explained below:23

1. Assessing Analysis

Analysis-level questions present students with material (or ask them to

locate material), then ask questions or present problems whose answers

require differentiating or organizing the parts in some reasonable manner.

Explaining the reasoning used to relate the parts to one another is often part

of the analysis task. Some typical kinds of analysis-level question in several

different content areas and grade levels will be explained below:

a) Focus on a question or main idea or getting the point of something, is a

central analytical skill in most discipline. To require analysis-level

thinking, students need to infer the main idea from the individual points

made in a text, taken as a whole

b) Analyze arguments or these. Identifying underlying assumptions,

representing the logic or structure of the argument, finding irrelevancies

if there are any, and judging the similarities or differences in two or more

arguments are all analysis skills. To assess how students analyze

argument give students an argument a text or a speech.

c) Compare and contrast, comparison and contrast is an important all-

purpose analysis skill and is usually taught explicitly elementary school.

Susan M. Brookhart. (2010). How to Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Your Classroom ASCD, P. 10
More complex comparison an contrast questions do require analysis-level

thinking. Present students with material or ask them to locate material,

and then set a task that requires students to identify various elements in it

and organize those elements according to whether they are alike or not


2. Assessing evaluation

To assess evaluation, teacher need items or tasks that can assess how

students judge the value of materials and methods for their intended purpose.

Students can appraise the material against criteria. The criteria can be

standard (for example, literary, historical, and scientific) or criteria that the

students invent themselves (in which case an element of creativity is involved

as well).

3. Assessing creation

To assess whether students can “create” in the Bloom’s Taxonomy

sense means assessing whether they can put unlike things together in a way,

or reorganize existing things to make something new.

4. Formative and summative uses of result

The goal of using a cognitive taxonomy is to help students transfer

their knowledge to new situation. The purpose of assessment off analysis,

evaluation, or creation is to get information about the ways in which students

use their knowledge and skills in novel situations.

Any of three formats multiple choice questions, constructed response

or essay questions, and performance assessment can be used formatively for

learning, or summatively for grading.

5. Student self-assessment and use of results as a special case

Student self-assessment requires higher order thinking. To participate

in the formative assessment process - where am I going? Where am I now?

What do I need to do to close the gap? - students need to use a combination of

analysis, evaluation, and creation. They need to understand various aspects of

their own work (analysis), evaluate these aspects against criteria (evaluation),

and figure out what the next step should be (creating plan).

This procedure was used to know Higher Order Thinking Skills in test result. The

researcher will use this rule to analyze students test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills

of first semester test of the second grade students of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi in academic

year 2018/2019.

B. Review of Related Studies

To support this research, there are several relevant studies which has similar topic.

The first is a research conducted by Brigitte A. the college students of Saint Xavier
University with the title “Improving reading comprehension trough higher-order

thinking skills”. The problem in this field was lack of student knowledge of strategies to

use before, during, and after reading. The researcher introduced by making comparisons,

teacher modelling, using graphic organizers, think-pair-share, and teacher questioning. In

the experimental, the researcher use pre test and post test group design. The researcher

found the significant difference effect reading strategies between before, during, and after

reading strategies. The researcher concludes that as a result of the increase in students’

knowledge of the reading strategies, they raised their reading comprehension scores in

the SSEL and the Test Ready Test.

The second is the research of Rajendran Nagappan, the students of Sultan Idris

Education University the title is “The Teaching of Higher-Order Thinking Skills in

Malaysia”. The researcher used a survey questionnaire. The researcher focus on Malaysia

prepared higher-order thinking skills for the new innovation by formulating the

curriculum and resource materials for teacher, training teachers and teacher educators and

monitoring the implementation of this new initiative. The researcher found that teacher

lack in at least two of the four categories required to constructs the pedagogical content

knowledge, the overarching conception of teaching a subject, and in the knowledge of

instructional strategies and representations for teaching particular topics, especially in

higher-order thinking skills. The basic problem seems to be that teachers are not

adequately prepared to make innovation in their classrooms. As a result of the researcher,

teacher seems to provide much more information to understand how teachers grapple

with this and many other issues and a real need to help all teachers learn about new

reform and ultimately make change in their practices in their classroom.

Third is the research of Agnes Santi Widiati. The title is “The Levels of Thinking

Skills in Reading Comprehension questions given by the English Teachers of the Senior

High Schools”. In this research, the researcher took a research in senior high school. The

source of the data was the questions given by 5 English teachers. The findings show that

28.39% of the total number of the questions acquire students to use higher-order thinking

skills to answer them 71.61% of the total number of question require students to use

lower-order thinking skills. As a result of researcher, the teaching of English at all levels

of education in Indonesia has to be considered as a serious matter. To attend this matter,

the reading comprehension questions given to students should manifest more higher-order

thinking skills rather than simply recall facts and pre-specified information, also in an

efficient reading class, the teacher should give questions that allow students to produce

knowledge-activities which present uncertainties.

From the explanation of related researches above, the researcher was interested to

formulate the thesis under the title “An Analysis of students test result of Higher Order

Thinking Skills of the third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in the academic year of

2018/2019”. This thesis is different from the others as a mentioned above. An analysis of

students test result of Higher-order thinking skills is more specific that can be used to

increase students’ thinking skills.

C. Conceptual Framework

The framework of this research is conceptually illustrated in the following figure:


Higher Order Thinking Skills English Test Result

Items require Higher Order Representation of English test result

Thinking Skills
1. Higher Order Thinking Skills
1. Analyzing questions
2. Students’ test result in Higher
2. Evaluating Order Thinking Skills

3. Creating
Based on the conceptual framework above, the researcher wanted to know what

are the description of Higher Order Thinking Skills questions in first semester test and the

description of students’ test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills of third grade students

of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in the academic year 2018/2019. Identify the thinking skills of

the second grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi. The researcher will do the analysis

documentation. After data are collected, the researcher will analyze the data to get the

conclusion of the interview that has been done.



A. Setting of the Research

This research took place at SMA N 1 Bukittinggi in academic year 2018/2019.

The researcher choose the third grade students because teacher have been applied Higher

Order Thinking Skills in question. In designing this research, the researcher used mixed

method. Creswell stated that a mixed method is a procedure for collecting, analysing, and

“mixing” both quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a single study to

understand a research problem.24 So the researcher collects both of quantitative and

qualitative data in this research.

Mixed method approach which was used by the researcher was sequential

method, in which the researcher wanted to elaborate on or expand the findings of one

John W. Creswell. (2012) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research. USA: Pearson. P.552
method with another method. This beginning involve with qualitative method for

exploratory purposes by analyzing Higher Order Thinking Skills question and following

up with quantitative method for analyzing students’ test result of Higher Order Thinking

Skills. Alternatively, the study may begin with a qualitative method involving detail

explanation, to be followed by a quantitative method in which theories or concepts are

tested. So, the researcher used sequential method to answer two research questions about

Higher Order Thinking Skills question and students’ test result of Higher Order Thinking


B. Informant of the Research

Informant is the people who give information about the situation of the research.

Mahsun says that the informant is a sample of speakers or persons specified in a region

using a particular language variant as a resource of research material, information giver,

and research assistant in the data supply stage.25 The informant is chosen in order to take

information of the research. The informant must be people who have information and are

likely willing to give it. The informants of this research are third grade students in SMA

N 1 Bukittinggi. There are eleven classes as presented in the table below:

Table 3.1

Total Numbers third Grade Students



1 XII IPS 1 35

Mahsun. (2012). Metode Penelitian Bahasa: tahapan stratgi, metode, dan takniknya. Jakarta: PT
Rajagrafindo Persada, p. 30.
2 X1I IPS 2 34

3 XI1 IPS 3 35

4 XI1 IPS 4 35


(Source: English Teacher at SMAN 1 Bukittinggi, 2018/2019)

There are four classes of the third grade IPS students as seen in the table. The

total number of the students is one hundred and thirty nine students. The researcher did

not take all of the population as the source of the research because the total number of

students more than one hundred.

The researcher used random sampling based on Arikunto’s statement; random

sampling technique is a technique which is used by the researcher randomly to give the

same taken.26 Arikunto also stated that if the research has less from one hundred

respondents, it will take all of the respondents as the sample. On the other hand, if the

research has more than one hundred respondents, 10% to 25% can be taken as the sample

by the researcher.27 The researcher will take 20% respondents. So, there were will be 28

students as informants. Thus, the researcher analysed English test result of seven samples

in each class. The informants that would be chosen by researcher are the third grade

students SMA N 1 Bukittinggi.

C. Technique of the Data Collection

Instrumentation is the important aspect in a research to find out the result of the

study. In this research, the instrument is used documentation in collecting data. The

Suharsimi, Arikunto. (2013). Procedure Penelitian, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, p. 174
Ibid..p. 120
crucial step in doing a research should collect the data, the researcher should use students

documentation task.

Sugiyono states that the document is the record of events that have already

passed. The document can be a form of writing, drawing, or the monumental work of

someone.28 In this research, the researcher should use the students’ documentation task in

written form. Here, the researcher should take seven students documentation task each

class. Because the totals of informants are one two hundred eighty English test from

informants. The researcher should use documentation to answer the research question.

Those are:

1. First semester test questions Higher Order Thinking Skills of the third grade

students SMA N 1 Bukittinggi.

2. First semester test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills of the third grade

students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi in the academic year 2018/2019?

D. Technique of Data Analysis

In a research, analysing the data becomes important process in order to get a valid

data. Sugiyono explained that data analysis is an activity after data from all respondents

or other data sources collected.29 While Yusuf argues that data analysis is one of the steps

in research activities that determine the accuracy and validity of research result. 30 In this

research, the researcher analysed the students’ documentation task by using the procedure

of Higher Order Thinking Skills. In analysing the data researcher consults it with the

Sugiyono. (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung:
Alfabeta, p. 329.
Ibid..p. 207
Musri, Yusuf. (2014). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan penelitian gabungan.
Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.
expert. In analysing the data the researcher used procedures proposed by ministry of

Education and Culture31 and Susan M. Brookhart32, as follow:

1. Higher Order Thinking Skills question

The researcher followed some steps to analyze Higher Order Thinking Skills


a. In the form of sources or reading material such as: text reading, paragraph, text

drama, fragments of novels/stories/fairy tales, poetry, cases, images, graphics,

photos, formulas, tables, lists of words/symbols, examples, maps, film, or


b. Analysing with question instructions: analyse, appraise, breakdown, calculate,

categorize, classify, compare conclude, connect, contrast, correlate, criticize,

debate, deduce, devise, diagram, differentiate, and discriminate.

c. Evaluating with question instructions: appraise, argue, assess, choose, compare,

conclude, contrast, consider, convince, critique, debate, decide, defend, describe,

discriminate, distinguish, editorialize, estimate, evaluate, explain, and find errors.

d. Creating with question instructions: adapt, anticipate, arrange, assemble,

categorize, collaborate, collect, combine, comply, compose, construct, create,

design, develop, devise, explain, express, facilitate, formulate, generate, and


2. Students HOTS Test Result

In students test result the researcher followed some steps to analyze data:
Ministry of Education and Culture. Developing of item.
Brookhart, S., How to Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills in your Classroom. 2010. P. 10
a) The researcher analyze data based on the first semester test result, the

researcher want to find out what is description of students test result in Higher

Order Thinking Skills that is done by dividing the total checklist with the

maximum checklist and multiplied by 100. The researcher used formula

proposed by Anas Sujiono as below:33

P: Percentage of the result

F F: The percentage of answer on

P= x 100 = each answer/total checklist
N: Total amount of the sample
maximum checklist

Figure 3.2 the formula of percentage

b) The researcher draws an interpretation about how students test result in

Higher Order Thinking Skills of the third grade students of SMA N 1

Bukittinggi. Syaiful said that the level of the students’ successful can be

determined as follow:

(1) Very high : if the students can comprehend all of the learning material

or answer all of the tests well.

(2) High : if the students can comprehend the learning material around 76%

- 99% or answer 76% - 99% of the test well.

(3) Enough : if the students can comprehend the learning material

around 60% - 75% or answer 60% - 75% of the test well.

Anas sujiono. (2008). Pengantar statistikpendidikan. PT Raja grafindopersada. Jakarta. p. 43
(4) Low : if the students can comprehend the learning material under 60%

or answer under 60% of the test well.34 it can be summarized as follow:

Table 3.2

The Level of the Students’ Successful in Higher Order Thinking Skills

Score Level

100% Very high

76% - 99% High

60% - 75% Enough

- 60% Low

The table above showed, if the students’ first semester test results in Higher Order

Thinking Skills get very high, it means the students comprehend all level Higher Order

Thinking Skills test. If the students get high, it means students can comprehend Higher

Order Thinking Skills test around 76%-99% or answer 76%-99% of the test. If the

students get enough, it means students can comprehend Higher Order Thinking Skills test

around 60%-70% or answer 60%-75% of the test. The last, if the students get low, it

means students can comprehend Higher Order Thinking Skills test under 60% of the test.

Syaiful Bahri, (2006). Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, p. 107


A. Findings

This part describes about the data which was gotten in the field in order to answer

the research question. The data was presented to answer the research question: What is

the description of Higher-Order Thinking Skills questions? and what is the description of

students test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills? The researcher took third grade

students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi. The data which is explained in this research is based on

the students’ documentation task.

1. The Description of the Data

The data of this research was based on the students’ documentation test. The

researcher obtained 28 documents from the third grade students of SMAN 1

Bukittinggi. These documents are the first semester final test of English. In English

learning, the students were given the task by the teacher to measure the students’
knowledge in learning English. The researcher conducted a study on students test

result of Higher Order Thinking Skills which focus on the first semester final test. In

the first semester final test, the researchers colored Higher Order Thinking Skills

question. Next, the researcher analysed the level of Higher Order Thinking Skills

question and the score in Higher Order Thinking Skills. Researcher conducted

research on students test result of Higher Order Thinking Skills because students less

enthusiasm in answering teacher’s question and some of students cannot answer

Higher Order Thinking Skills question. The researcher describes students test result

of Higher Order Thinking Skills in the first semester final test. There are 3 indicators

in Higher Order Thinking Skills; analysing, evaluating, and creating. As stated in the

technique of the data analysis in the chapter three, the procedure that were used by

the researcher after collecting the data through documentation were identifying and


The research was done at third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi. In

analysed the research, the researcher got the data from the students by analyzing the

students’ documentation task. In research process, the researcher used documentation

task. Documentation task was used to analyze the Higher Order Thinking Skills

question and test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills by the researcher. After

getting the item of first semester final test of the third grade students of SMAN 1

Bukittingi that has been done on December, 22nd 2018 there are two packet items

P.01 and P. 02 within both of them were 40 questions per packet.

1) The description of Higher Order Thinking Skills question in first semester final


From analyze first semester final test which was done by the researcher, it

was found that the teacher used Higher Order Thinking Skills question in the

first semester final test that will described below:

(Higher Order Thinking Skills question P. 01)

a. HOTS level: Analyzing

The researcher found there were two questions the teacher used by level of

Higher Order Thinking Skills analyzing. This question can be illustrated as


Question number 3 and 9

In HOTS question number 3 and 9 the teacher wrote HOTS question

with the level of analyzing, because the question used “Text reading”, the

question required HOTS when each item is always given a basic question

(stimulus) in the form of sources or reading material such as: text reading.

The question number 3 was “The text tells us about….” and number 9 was

“What is the text talk about?” from this question described the students to

analysing the text before answering. It means analyzing is describing a

problem or object about elements and determines how the interrelationships

between elements and large structures.

Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that the

question for number 3 and 9 was HOTS with level analysing it means before

answering the question the students analysed the whole of text reading and

determined interrelationships between paragraph by complex of thinking

process in making decision to answer.

b. HOTS level: Evaluating

The researcher found there was one question the teacher used by level of

Higher Order Thinking Skills evaluating. That is the question number 21.

In HOTS question number 21 the teacher wrote HOTS question with the

level of evaluating, because the question used “Text reading”, the question

required HOTS when each item is always given a basic question (stimulus)

in the form of sources or reading material such as: text reading. Second the

question number 21 was “The communicative purpose of the text is….” from

this question described the students to evaluating the text before answering.

It means evaluating because make a consideration or decision based on

existing criteria and standards.

Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that the

question for 21 was HOTS with level evaluating it means before answering

the question the students evaluate the whole of text reading and make a

consideration or decision based on the text by their complex of thinking

c. HOTS level: Creating

The researcher found there were three questions the teacher used by level

of Higher Order Thinking Skills creating. This question can be illustrated as


Question number 14, 15, and 16

In HOTS question number 14, 15, and 16 the teacher wrote HOTS

question with the level of creating. First, in the question used “Picture”, the

question required HOTS when each item is always given a basic question

(stimulus) in the form of sources or reading material such as: images,

graphics, photos. The question number 14 was “The wise caption for

picture can be …” number 15 was “The fix caption ...” and number 16 was

“The caption will be ...” from these questions described the students to

creating the caption to answer. It means creating is combining parts to make

something new and interconnected that makes sense or produce an original


Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that the

question for number 14, 15 and 16 was HOTS with level creating it means

to answer the question the students should combining part of picture and

their creative thinking to making decision to answer.

(Higher Order Thinking Skills question P. 02)

a. HOTS level: Analyzing

The researcher found there was one question the teacher used by level of

Higher Order Thinking Skills analyzing. That is the question number 3.

In HOTS question number 3 the teacher wrote HOTS question with the

level of analysing, because the question used “Text reading”, the question

required HOTS when each item is always given a basic question (stimulus)

in the form of sources or reading material such as: text reading. The

question number 3 was “The text talked us about….” from this question

described the students to analysing the text before answering. It means

analyzing is describing a problem or object about elements and determines

how the interrelationships between elements and large structures.

Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that the

question for number 3 was HOTS with level analysing it means before

answering the question the students analysed the whole of text reading and

determined interrelationships between paragraph by complex of thinking

process in making decision to answer.

b. HOTS level: Evaluating

The researcher found there were two questions the teacher used by level

of Higher Order Thinking Skills evaluating. This question can be illustrated

as followed:

Question number 22 and 27

In HOTS question number 22 and 27 the teacher wrote HOTS question

with the level of evaluating, because in the question used “Text reading”,
the question required HOTS when each item is always given a basic

question (stimulus) in the form of sources or reading material such as: text

reading. The question number 22 was “The communicative purpose of the

text is….” and the question number 27 was “From the text we can infer that

the applicant...” from these questions described the students to evaluating

the text before answering. It means evaluating because make a consideration

or decision based on existing criteria and standards.

Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that the

question for number 22 and 27 was HOTS with level evaluating it means

before answering the question the students evaluate the whole of text

reading and make a consideration or decision based on the text by their

complex of thinking process.

c. HOTS level: Creating

The researcher found there were three questions the teacher used by level

of Higher Order Thinking Skills creating. This question can be illustrated as


Question number 14, 15, and 16

HOTS question number 14, 15, and 16 the teacher wrote HOTS question

with the level of creating, because in the question used “Picture”, the

question required HOTS when each item is always given a basic question

(stimulus) in the form of sources or reading material such as: images,

graphics, photos. The question number 14 was “The wise caption for
picture can be …” number 15 was “The wise caption for picture is ...” and

number 16 was “The fix caption for picture will be ...” from these questions

described the students to creating the caption to answer. It means creating is

combining parts to make something new and interconnected that makes

sense or produce an original product.

Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that the

question for number 14, 15 and 16 was HOTS with level creating it means

to answer the question the students should combining part of picture and

their creative thinking to making decision to answer.

From the explanation above it can be seen from 40 questions there were

six questions that include Higher Order Thinking Skills question with P.01

(two analyzing, one evaluating, three creating) and P.02 (one analyzing, two

evaluating and three creating with the total Higher Order Thinking Skills

question of both 6 question per packet. It means from 40 questions there was

15% question that include Higher Order Thinking Skills question.

2) The descriptions of students’ test result in Higher Order Thinking Skills.

After analyzing Higher Order Thinking Skills question that had been

done by the researcher, it was found that students’ test result of Higher Order

Thinking Skills it was proved as follows:

Table 4.1

Students’ Test Result of Higher Order Thinking Skills P. 01

No Item 3 9 21 14 15 16  
N Max 16,7 Total
o Analyzin Analyzin Evaluatin Creatin Creatin Creatin
HOTS g g g g g g Score
Name Score Obtained  
1 FA 0 0 16,7 0 0 0 16,7
2 AS 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 0 16,7 83,5
3 DL 0 16,7 0 16,7 16,7 0 50,1
4 KG 16,7 0 16,7 16,7 0 0 50,1
5 MR 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 0 0 66,8
6 NA 16,7 0 16,7 16,7 0 0 50,1
7 PS 16,7 16,7 0 16,7 0 0 50,1
8 DL 16,7 16,7 0 16,7 0 0 50,1
9 GS 16,7 16,7 16,7 0 0 0 50,1
10 N 0 0 16,7 16,7 16,7 0 50,1
11 DRD 0 16,7 0 16,7 0 0 33,4
12 TH 0 0 16,7 16,7 0 0 33,4
13 F 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 0 83,5
14 AP 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 0 0 66,8
Total Score 150,3 150,3 167 200,4 50,1 16,7 734,8
Maximum 233,8 233,8 233,8 233,8 233,8 233,8 1402,8
Total level
64% 64% 71% 86% 21% 7% 52%
Total HOTS 64% 71% 38% 52%

According to the data, the lowest score of students test result of Higher

Order Thinking Skills that was gained by the analyze first semester final test is

16.67 and the highest score is 83.35. It was found that there were two students

got 83.35, two students got 66.68, seven students got 50.01, two students got

33.34 and one student got 16.67. As a result, students got score 64% in

analysing, 71% in evaluating, and 38% in creating. So, students’ test result of

Higher Order Thinking skills in packet 01 was 52%.

Table 4.2

Students’ Test Result of Higher Order Thinking Skills P. 02

No Item 3 22 27 14 15 16  
N Max 16,67 Total
o Analyzin Evaluatin Evaluatin Creatin Creatin Creatin
HOTS g g g g g g Score
Name Score Obtained  
1 SK 0 16,67 0 16,67 0 0 33,34
2 FR 16,67 0 0 16,67 0 16,67 50,01
3 SA 16,67 16,67 16,67 0 0 16,67 66,68
4 SAE 16,67 16,67 0 0 16,67 16,67 66,68
5 MA 0 0 16,67 16,67 0 16,67 50,01
6 NC 0 16,67 0 16,67 16,67 0 50,01
7 OSB 16,67 16,67 0 16,67 16,67 0 66,68
8 BES 16,67 16,67 0 16,67 0 16,67 66,68
9 KA 16,67 0 16,67 16,67 0 0 50,01
10 MRK 0 16,67 0 16,67 0 0 33,34
11 TF 16,67 16,67 0 16,67 0 16,67 66,68
12 RF 0 0 16,67 16,67 16,67 16,67 66,68
13 S 16,67 0 0 16,67 0 0 33,34
14 FH 0 0 16,67 16,67 16,67 0 50,01
Total Score 133,36 133,36 83,35 200,04 83,35 116,69 750,15
Maximum 233,38 233,38 233,38 233,38 233,38 233,38 1402,8
Total level
57% 57% 36% 86% 36% 50% 53%
Total HOTS 72% 47% 57% 53%

According to the data, the lowest score of students test result of Higher

Order Thinking Skills P.02 that was gained by the analysis first semester final test

is 33.34 and the highest score is 66.68. It was found that there were six students

got 66.68, five students got 50.01, and three students got 33.34. As a result,
students got score 72% in analysing, 47% in evaluating, and 57% in creating. So,

students’ test result of Higher Order Thinking skills in packet 02 was 53%.

2. Analysis of the Data

From the data description above, it can be stated that there was 15% Higher Order

Thinking Skills questions in first semester final test. The students also got score 52%

in Higher Order Thinking Skills test result P.01 and 53% in Higher Order Thinking

Skills test result P.02. It means after combined both of Packet, there was 52.5%

students got about Higher Order Thinking Skills question. According to Syaiful if the

students get low, it means students can comprehend Higher Order Thinking Skills

test under 60% of the test. In conclusion, Students’ test result of Higher Order

Thinking Skills in SMAN 1 Bukittinggi was still low in comprehending about Higher

Order Thinking Skills question.

A. Discussion

Based on the description and data analysis above, the researcher found that the

teacher has already done some level of Higher Order Thinking Skills to improve students

thinking skill. Teacher already applied Higher Order Thinking Skills in question well and

mostly students have involved in answering the Higher Order Thinking Skills in test


Based on first semester final test, there were three levels thinking which was

applied by the teacher. The three level thinking were analysing, evaluating and creating.
These three levels thinking applied separately in first semester final test with allocated

each question randomly. It means Higher Order Thinking Skills question that already

written can be started with analysing, evaluating or creating. These kind of Higher Order

Thinking Skills question which used by the teacher was applied well.

Based on analyzed Higher Order Thinking Skills question that was done by the

researcher, there was one level thinking that helped and motivated the students in

thinking skills. The level thinking is creating with the question “The fix caption on the

picture is?” In this case, the teacher asked the students critical thinking by asking about

some questions about many things that the students can describe about the picture. The

teacher also includes the question about “The communicative purpose of the text is….”

from the question it can be seen that the students cannot answer the question before

analyze all of the text reading and evaluate the text by their creative thinking. From all

levels of Higher Order Thinking Skills that teacher used in question, the teacher hoped

that the students will active to tell about their judgment in English. According to Bloom,

“Cognitive process contained six major classes, they are remembering, understanding,

applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. 35 In this case, Higher Order Thinking Skills

included in that statement were analysing (C4): describes a problem or object to elements

and determines how the interrelationships between these elements and large structures,

evaluating (C5): make a consideration or decision based on existing criteria and

standards, creating (C6): combining parts to make something new and interconnected that

makes sense or produce an original product.

Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) and Friends. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook 1: Cognitive
domain. New York: David Mckay, P. 18
Based on the analyzed that the researcher done, actually there was one level of

Higher Order Thinking Skills question get the students lower score in answer the

question. The question was “The wise caption for picture can be… ” Although the

question is about creating in Higher Order Thinking Skills but this question was

complicated because, in options of the question has distracters that have same description

with the picture but in the stem asked to answer the wise caption . In this case, the Higher

Order Thinking Skills questions need to be updated.

On the other hand, teacher had been already good in using Higher Order Thinking

Skills in first semester final test by applying three levels thinking that teacher applied in

order to make the students improve their thinking skills by asking the students to answer

the difficult question. In this case, teacher tried hard to guide the students to speak and

made the evaluation run well. Teacher always help the students to be more critical and

creative in following some question well.



A. Conclusion

Based on the finding and discussion, it can be concluded that the Higher Order

Thinking Skills obtained 15% for two items P. 01 and P. 02 it means Higher Order

Thinking Skill question still far from expectation progress in international education.

From the data description above, it can be stated that there was 15% Higher Order

Thinking Skills questions in first semester final test. The students also got score 52% in

Higher Order Thinking Skills test result P.01 and 53% in Higher Order Thinking Skills

test result P.02. It means after combining both of Package, there was 52.5% students got

about Higher Order Thinking Skills question. According to Syaiful if the students get

low, it means students can comprehend Higher Order Thinking Skills test under 60% of

the test well. In conclusion, Students’ test result of Higher Order Thinking Skills in
SMAN 1 Bukittinggi was still low in comprehending about Higher Order Thinking Skills


B. Suggestion

As a reference for English teacher, especially teacher who teach third grade of

senior high school Higher Order Thinking Skills can be used oral and written test but it

needs little modification as a stated below:

1. Teacher should add any other source of question such as text drama, tables

that related to subject students in different class.

2. Teacher should add different style in question to get the students attention

while reading and answering the question.

3. Higher Order Thinking Skills not only for written test but also in oral test.

Teacher should practice Higher Order Thinking Skills while teaching.

4. For the students it is interest to focus on study, even though study is difficult

but you will get pleasure when your get the new information in this world.

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