Indian National Movement

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Rise of Nationalism In India

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AWAKENING OF NATIONAL 3. Political: The British repeatedly breached

CONSCIOUSNESS their promise of giving the Indians fair and
The early nationalists felt that India could not equal treatment. They were denied reasonable
exist as a nation or a united country until there was a representation in higher administration as had
revolution in the fields of transport and been promised. Alt this shook the confidence
communication. In the words of the Bengali nationalist of the Indians towards the British Indians were
Bipin Chandra Pal in 1916. Our language has no word being denied their birth right of adequate
corresponding to the English word nation. And the political aspirations and the legitimate claim to
reason is that our social synthesis practically stopped have a reasonable voice in legislation. This
with the race-idea. We never had, therefore, this was after disregard of the feelings and views
nationalist aspiration before. of the Indians.
Before this period Indians mostly lived in 4. Financial: The British were evolving new
remote and scattered villages. Their viewpoints hardly methods of imposing taxes on the Indians,
stretched beyond 30 km. Even intellectuals living in without making any effort to Increase their
the urban areas, did not have any sense of identity with income. Inequitable financial relations
even other urban people in India. The only link that between England and India, that is the political
had anything common wits that the British debt of$100,000,000 forced on the shoulders
administration which controlled and ruled as semi- of India.
hegemonic and semi-authoritarian colonial state. The 5. Material: It is estimated that the material
nature and working of the colonial state forced the drain from India to England was more than
Indian masses to participate in the Indian National £500,000,000. The calculations were made at
Movement and it made them have a sense of identity the lowest computation. It had been included
with other Indians. They did not completely reject the the principal alone, and it would run into
constitutional validity of the British system. Rather, thousands of millions if interest had also been
they used it effectively in combination with the, non- included. Moreover, this drain continued at the
constitutional struggle to make changes in the rate of more than $12,000,000 annually, with a
existingstructure. tendency to increase. The impoverishment and
The negative factors of the British rule which exhaustion of the country grew steadily. The
inspired the struggle for freedom were: exports from India increased without adequate
1. Humanitarian: Not much was done for the compensation. It led to a loss in the
Indians. Everything that was done was to manufacturing industry and its skill, did much
facilitate the British who were coming to or damage to Indians materially.
had settled in India. 6. Others: During the years after the rebellion of
2. Civilizational: Efficiency on the part of the 1857, there was an increase in political
government was required to help the awareness, expression of Indian public
civilization make progress. There is no doubt opinion, and emergence of Indian leadership.
that railways were built and ambitious The economic uncertainties that the British
irrigation projects were undertaken. However, rule had created for the ever-expanding
it was not adequate. Moreover, everything was number of Western-educated youth began to
done to facilitate the smooth functioning of the dominate the speeches of the leaders. They
British government. It did not involve any had started thinking of themselves as a
concern for the Indian people. ‘nation', despite gaps created by region,
religion, language and caste. Page 1
Rise of Nationalism In India
Study Materials

The educated class of India highlighted Ute came out on the streets for protests and rallies. The
facts how wealth from India was being drained out of Indian nationalist movement was the political
India and how it was leading to poverty among expression of rational and religious uproar, and social
Indians. The criticism of the British colonial rule and economic development. It was the result of
hastened the rise of nationalism. The educated thinking numerous factors and influences. The following are
class voiced for liberal and democratic principles some of the important factors in the rise of
emphasised by Western education. It further promoted nationalism.
nationalism. There is no denying of the fact that
Western-style education was beginning to form a new National Awakening by Socio-religious
class of Indians having an understanding of the Reformists
English political outlook. The number of Indians These socio-religious movements, which
studying English increased from 298,000 in 1887 to brought out the cultural-ideological struggle, were
505,000 in 1907. In the same period, the circulation of some of the important factors in the evolution of
English-language newspapers grew from 90,000 to national consciousness. The chief reformist
276,000. organizations active during that time included: (i)
Brahmo Samaj, founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy,
Indian National Movement vs. European ` 1828; (ii) Prarthana Samaj, founded by Atma Ram
Revolutions `
Panduranga, 1867; (iii) Arya Samaj, founded by
Indian nationalistic movements were similar to those ` Swami Dayanand Saraswati, 1875; (iv) Adhyatma
in Europe, The goats of autonomy and self-rule were ` Samaj founded by Annie Besant, 1893; and (v)
the same. Circumstances that led to the unification or ` Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekanand,
the division of a place were alike. The catalysts far ` 1897, These movements were not restricted to the task
nationalism were, however, slightly different. Both ` of mainly reforming religion, but extended to that of
were based on the corruption or ineffectiveness of a ` reconstructing social institutions and social relations.
government on its subjects, but the sources were ` Thus, these became the first universal expression of
different. European abuse of power came from within ` national awakening.
(e.g. French kings over French people or disunity in `
Germany). Indian nationalistic movements for
` English Language and Western Education
independence were a direct reaction to imperialism.
` The socio-religious reform movements of the
European nations were in a period of imperialism, or
` nineteenth century triggered the evolution of the Indian
the taking over of another country for political, social
` nationalconsciousness. Nineteenth century literary
and/ or economic gain. In this case, India had
pioneers such as Bankimchandra Chatterjee (1838-
experienced long periods of imperialism at the hands `
1894), whose novels Krishnakanter Will(1878) and
of European authorities. As imperialism progressed, `
(1882) with its famous song Vande Matram, brought a
nationalistic movements rose up in an attempt to `
patriotic flavour to Indian literature. This Indian
throw out foreign influence and gain independence. `
intelligentsia set out to invoke national consciousness
among the Indians. They did so in many cases, using
EMERGENCE OF NATIONALIST ` the English language as their weapon. From essayists
such as social 'reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-
Event such in the passage of the Vernacular ` 1833) to poets, such as Michael Madhusudan Dutt
Act in 1878, and the Ilbert Bill of 1882, as well as the ` (1824-1873), English provided a new and effective
lowering of the age limit for the Civil Services exams ` way to communicate’ with educated Indians and to
in 1876,resulted in a wave of opposition from middle- ` carve out a new role for Indian literature which
class Indiana Consequently, some of them came ` brought out the patriotic emotions among the Indian
together and anumber of small political patties that ` masses Further, the dissemination of religious
` ` Page 2
Rise of Nationalism In India
Study Materials

knowledge through the translation of religious texts

into vernacular languages and the right granted of
Significance Role Played by the Linguistic-
anybody to interpret scriptures reduced the influence
Cultural Communities
of the caste system. The advent of British capitalism in the colonial form
was not only destructive, but also regenerative to the
FREEDOM OF THE INDIAN PRESS formation of nationalities. At that time, several
The press is a mould and mirror of all linguistic-cultural communities were in different stages
activities of the national and international life. Indians of growth. The Indian freedom struggle coincided with
came to know about contemporary events and the period of awakening of these communities and
movements abroad such as the unification of Italy their graduation to nationalities. The rise of these
(1861), the Great American Civil War (1861-1865), nationalities manifested themselves in the form of
The unification of Germany (1870), and independence agitation for recognitions of their respective
movements in Romania, Montenegro, Serbia and other vernaculars, separation from advanced nationalities
places. The Indian press advocated the cause of the and movement for the formation of unilingual
local people which helped in fuelling political and provinces. After independence, these movements
social reforms and seeding patriotic emotions in the gained intensity and demanded greater regional
masses. With the active help of the press, despite the autonomy. Without the inclusion of these sub national
imposition of restrictions by the British government, `
currents, any understanding of the making of the
the nationalist groups were able to popularise the idea `
Indian would be incomplete.
of representative government, liberty, democratic `
institutions, home rule, dominion status and even `
complete independence in the end. `
Hindu Socio-Religious Movements `
Name of the Year Place ` Founder Remarks
Organization `
Atmiya Sabha 1815 Kolkata Raja `Ram Mohan Roy Its aim was to attack the evils
in Hinduism and to propagate
` monotheism
Brahmo Samaj 1828 Kolkata Raja `Ram Mohan Roy It was initially known as
` Brahmo Sabha and its aim
` was the same as above.
Tattvabodhini Sabha 1839 Kolkata Debendranath Tagore Its aim was to propagate Raja
Ram Mohan Roy’s ideas.
Paramahansa 1849 Mumbai `
Durgaram Manchharam Its main aim was to break
Mandali ` caste restrictions
Radha Soami Satsang 1861 Agra Tulsi` Ram Its aim was to propagate a
` monotheistic doctrine.
Brahmo Samj of India 1866 Kolkata Keshab Chandra Sen A group of Brahmos under
` Sen established this new
` organization after seceding
` from the original Samaj
` (established by Roy) over the
question of social reforms.
After this secession, the old
` one came to known as the
` ` Page 3
Rise of Nationalism In India
Study Materials

‘Adi Brahmo Samaj’. Among

the other things, it
campaigned and supported
the cause of women
Prarthana Samaj 1867 Mumbai Dr. Atmaram Pandurang In 1870, it was joined by M.
G. Ranade and R. G.
Bhandarkar. Its aim was the
reformation of the Hindu
religious thought and
Arya Samaj 1875 Mumbai Swami Dayanand Its main aims were reforms
Saraswati of Hinduism and prevention
of the conversion of Hindus
to other religions.
Theosophical Society 1875 New York Madame, H. P. Blavatsky They came to India (1879)
(USA) and Col H. S. Olcott and established their head
quarters at Adyar, near
Chennai (1882). Its main
aims were promotion of
ancient religions and
philosophies formation,
universal brotherhood of man
Sadharan Brahmo 1878 Kolkata Ananda Mohan Bose, As the result of second
Shivanatha Shastri etc. schism among the Brahmos,
a group of young followers of
K.C. Sen left him over the
question of management of
the Samaj and social reforms.
Deccan Education 1884 Poona G. G. Agarkar Its aim was to remodel the
Society education of the young to
prepare them for the service
of the country.
Ramakrishna Mission 1897 Belur Swami Vivekananda Its main aim was to carry on
humanitarian relief and social
Servants of India 1905 Mumbai Gopalakrishna Gokhale Its aim was to train Indians in
Society different fields for the service
of their motherland.
Poona Seva Sadan 1909 Poona Mrs. Ramabai Ranade Its aim was to promote the
and Mr. G.K. Devadhar welfare of women.
Rahnumai Maz- 1851 Mumbai Naoroji Furdunji, S.S. Its aim was to reform the
dayasnan Sabha Bengalee and others Zoroastrain religion, sacred
(religious organization reform book of the Parsis –
of the Parsis) Avesta God – Zoroaster
(founder of their religion).
Nirankaris 1840s Punjab Dayal Das, Darbara Purification of Sikhism
Singh, Rattan Chand, etc.
Namdharis 1857 Punjab Ram Singh Same as above
(successors of Kukas) Page 4
Rise of Nationalism In India
Study Materials

Table 4.2 Muslim Socio-Religious Movements

Movement/Institution Year(s) Place Founder Aims and Significance

Dar-ul-Ulum 1866 Deoband Maulana Hussain Ahmad Its aim was to resuscitate
and others classical Islam and to inprove
the spiritual and moral
conditions of the Muslims. The
liberal interpretation of Islam
by its founders created political
awakening among its
followers. Some of them, like
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
played an important role in the
national movement.
Nadwah-ul-Ulama 1894 Lucknow Maulana Shibli Numani Its aim was to re-direct Muslim
and others educational system, developing
religious sciences and to end
the theological difference
within Islam.
Ahl-i-Hadis (people of the Second Punjab Maulana Syed Nazir This group of theological
Quran) half of the Hussain refused to recognize the
nineteenth existing four schools of
Century jurisprudence and considered
only hais (saying of the
prophet) and the Quran as the
ultimate authority on Islam.
Alh-i-Quran (people of Second Punjab Maulavi Abdullah They considered only Quran as
the Quran) half of the Chakralavi (his followers the ultimate authority on Islam.
nineteenth are also known as
Century ‘Chakralavis’)
Barelwis Second Punjab Maulana Ahmad Riza They preached the revival of
half of the Khan many old Islamic practices,
nineteenth and vehemently opposed the
Century deoband school and its
Qadiant of Ahmadia End of the Qudian Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Its aim was to reform Islam
movement nineteenth in Punjab and to defend it against
century Christian missionaries and
Arya Samjis. It gave religious
recognition to modern
industrial and technological
progress: it was the most
closely knit and the best
organized Muslim group in
Muhammadan 1886 Aligarh Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Its aims was to promote the
Educational Conference and others education of the Muslim
masses on western lines (this
and other educational and
social service activities of Sir Page 5
Rise of Nationalism In India
Study Materials

Syed and his followers are

together known as the ‘Aligarh

Table 4.3 Political and Nationalist Organisztions

Organiztion Founder(s) Year Place

Pre-Congress Associations
Eastern India Based
Landholders Society Dwarkanath Tagore 1836 Kolkata
British India Society William Adams 1839 Kolkata
Bengal British India Society George Thompson 1843 Kolkata
British India Association Devendranath Tagore 1851 Kolkata
Indian Society Anandmohan Bose 1872 Kolkata
Indian Association Anandmohan Bose and S. N. Banerji 1876 Kolkata
Indian National Society Shishir Chandra Bose 1883 Kolkata
Indian National Conference Anandmohan Bose 1883 Kolkata
Western India Based
Mumbai Association Jagannath Shankershet 1852 Mumbai
Poona Sarvajanik Sabha S. H. Chiplunkar, G. V. Joshi, M. G. 1867 Poona
Ranade, etc.
Mumbai Presidency Association Feroz Shah Mehta and Telang 1885 Mumbai
Southern Based
Chennai Native Association ----- 1852 Chennai
Chennai Mahajan Sabha G. S. Aiyer and M. Viraraghavachari 1885 Chennai
Based Abroad
London India Committee C. P. Mudaliar 1862 London
East India Association Dadabhai Naoroji 1866 London
National Indian Association Mary Carpenter 1867 London
Associations After the Advent of Congress
Indian National Congress A. O. Hume 1885 Mumbai
Northern India Based
United Indian Patriotic Association Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 1888 Aligarh
UP Kisan Sabha Madan Mohan Malviya, Gauri Shankar 1918 Lucknow
Mishra and Indra Narayan Dwivedi
Awadh Kisan Sabha Jawaharlal Nehru, Ram Chandra and 1920 Pratapgarh
Gauri Shankar
Indian Trade Union Congress N. M. Joshi, Lala Lajpat Rai 1920 Lucknow
Swaraj Party Motilal Nehru, C. R. Das 1923 Delhi
All India Communist Party Satyabhakta 1924 Kanpur
Khudai Khidmatgar Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan 1929 Peshawar
Progressive Writers Group Munshi Premchand, Kaifi Azmi, Faiz 1936 Lucknow
Ahmed Faiz
All India Kisan Sabha Sahjanand and N. G. Ranga 1936 Lucknow
Western India Based
Servants of India Society Gopalakrishna Gokhale 1905 Mumbai
Home Rule League Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak 1915 Pune
All India Scheduled Castes Federation Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 1942 Nagpur
Independent Labour Party Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 1936 Mumbai Page 6
Rise of Nationalism In India
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Eastern India Based

Communist Group of India Nalini Gupta 1921 Kolkata
Forward Block Subhas Chandra Bose 1939 Kolkata
Indian Bolshevik Party N. D. Majumdar 1939 Kolkata
Radical Democratic Party M. N. Roy 1940 Kolkata
Indian Bolshevik Lenin Party Ajit Rai and Indrasen 1941 Kolkata
Revolutionary Socialist Party Satyendra Nath Tagore 1942 Kolkata
Based Abroad
Servants of People Society Lala Lajpat Rai 1920 Tashkent
Free Indian Legions Subhas Chandra Bose 1942 Germany

Table 4.4 (I) Paper/Journals Founded in 18th Century

Year Paper/ Jounal Founder(s) Place

1780 Bengal Gazette (first paper from India) James Augustus Hicky Kolkata
1787 India Gazette Henry Louis Vivian Derozio was an Kolkata
editor in the later years
1784 Chennai Courier (first paper from Chennai) Not available Chennai
1789 Mumbai Herald (first paper from Mumbai) Not available Mumbai
1795 India Herald R. Williams (published by Humphreys)

Table 4.4 (II) Paper/Journals Founded in 19th Century

Year Paper/Journal Founder(s) Place

1818 Digdarshana (first Bengali monthly) Edited by John Clark Kolkata
1818 Samachar Darpan (first Bengali newspaper) William Carey and others Kolkata
1818 Kolkata Journal J. S. Buckingham Kolkata
1818 Bengal Gazette (first Bengali paper from Gangadhar Bhattacharya (close relative Kolkata
India) of Harishchandra Ray)
1821 Sambad Kaumudi Raja Ram Mohan Roy Kolkata
1822 Mirat-ul-Akhbar (first journal in Persian) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Kolkata
1822 Jam-i-jahan Numah (first paper in Urdu) Lal Sadasukh lal (Editor) Kolkata
1822 Bangaduta (A weekly in four languages Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dwarkanath Kolkata
English, Bengali, Persian and Hindi) Tagore and others
1822 Mumbai Samachar (first paper in Gujarati) Fardunjee MArzban Mumbai
1831 East Indian Henry Louis Vivian Derozio Kolkata
1838 Mumbai Times (became the Times of India Robert Knight, stated by Thomas Mumbai
in 1861) Bennett
1851 Rast Goftar Dadabhai Naoroji Mumbai
1853 Hindu Patriot Girishchandra Ghosh (later Kolkata
Harishchandra Mukerji became its
owner-cum editor)
1858 Som Prakash (first Bengali paper to devote Dwarkanath Vidhyabhusan Kolkata
itself to politics)
1862 Indian Mirror (first Indian daily paper in Devendranath Tagore Kolkata
1862 Bangalee Girishchandra Ghosh (S. N. Banerji took Kolkata
it over in 1879)
1865 National Paper Devendranath Tagore Kolkata Page 7
Rise of Nationalism In India
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1868 Chennai Mail (first evening paper in India) Not available Chennai
1868 Amrita Bazar Patrika (began publishing in Sisirkumar Ghosh Kolkata
Bengali but became an English paper in
1878 to escape from the Vernacular Press
1873 Bangadarshana (a Bengali Monthly) Bankim Chandra Chatterji Kolkata
1875 Indian Statesman Robert knight (it later became The Kolkata
1878 The Hindu G. S. Aiyar and M. Veeraraghavachariar Chennai
and D. Kesava Rao Pant
1881 The Tribune Dyal Singh Majithla Lahore
1881 Kesari (Maratha Daily) and Maharatta Tilak, Chiplunkar, Agarkar (after them Mumbai
(English Weekly) (before Tilak became the Tilak, Agarkar and Kelkar became its
editor, Agarkar and Kelkar edited them editors)
--- Swadesh Mitram (Tamil paper) G. S. Aiyar Chennai
1886 Paridasak Bipin Chandra Pal
Table 4.4 (III) Paper/Journals Founded in 20th Century

Year Paper/Journal Founder(s) Place

1905 Bhavani Mandir Barindra Kumar Ghosh Bengal
1906 Yugantar Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath
1906 Sandhya Brahamabandhab Upadhyay Bengal
1906 Kal Maharashtra
1906 Indian Sociologist Shyamji Krishnavarama London
Bande Matram Madam Bhukaji Cama Paris
Talvar Carendranath Chattopadhyay Berlin
Free Hindustan Tarakanth Das Vancouver
1913 Gadar Gadar Party San Francisco
1913 Mumbai Chronicle Pherozeshah Mehta
1920 The Hindustan Times K. M. Panikkar
1923 The Milap M. K. Chand
Leader Madan Mohan Malviya
1926 Kirti Santosh Singh Punjab
1926 Pather Dabi Sarat Chandra Chatterjee Bengal
1927 Mooknayak, Bahishkrit Bharat B. R. Ambedkar
The Philosophy of Bomb Bhagwati Charan Vohra
1910 Kudi Arsau E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker Periyar
1927 Kranti S. S. Mirajkar, K. N. Jogelkar, S. V. Ghate Maharashtra
1927 Langal and Ganabani Gopu Chakravarti, Dharani Goswami Bengal
Bandi Jeevan Sachindranath Sanyal
1938 National Herald Jawaharlal Nehru
Al-hilal Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Comrade Muhammad Ali
Young India, Harijan Mahatma Gandhi
Nation Gopalakrishna Ghokhle
Bengali Surendranath Banerjee
Som Prakash Ishwar Chander Vidyasagar
Karamyogi Arvindo Ghosh
Zamindar; Lahore Zafar Ali Khan
New India; Commonwealth Annie Besant Page 8
Rise of Nationalism In India
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Satpatra Series Gopal Hari Deshmukh

Din Mitra Mukandrao Patil
Ghudamgiri Jotirao Phule
Maratha, Din Bandhu Bhaskar Rao Jhadav
Darpan Bal Shashtri Jambekar
Prabhudha Bharat, Udbodhava Vivekananda
Administrative Unification
For efficient functionality, the British introduced uniform administration in India, bringing all Indians
under a single rule. This promoted a sense of unity among the Indians that ultimately helped in attaining political

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Indian National Congress
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ORIGIN OF THE INDIAN NATIONAL Political Associations Before the Indian

CONGRESS National Congress
Before the inception of the Indian National Congress,
Congress Ideology at its Inception
there existed other small political platforms for the
Indians. These organizations limited their focus to
At its inception, the Congress had no well-defined
safeguard the interest of a particular class or group.
ideology and commanded few of the resources The Indian Association set up by Surendranath
essential for a political organization. It functioned Banerjee was probably the most active, among the
more as a debating society that met annually to express earlier political associations. The focus of the Indian
its loyalty to the Raj and passed numerous resolutions Association was to create mass awakening among the
on less controversial issues such as civil rights or Indians and to create a strong public opinion in the
opportunities in the government, especially the civil country on the issues of national importance.
Gradually, these organizations united the Indians on a
services. These resolutions were submitted to the
common political platform and gradually, the masses
viceroy’s government and, occasionally, to the British became critical of the British policies. Some major
Parliament, but the Congress’s early gains were political associations that existed before the emergence
meagre. Despite its claim to represent all of India, the of the Indian National Congress were:
Congress voiced the interests of the urban elite; the
number of participants from other economic  British Indian Association (1851)
operated in Chennai, Bengal and Mumbai. It
backgrounds remained negligible. According to A. O.
looked after the interests of the landlords.
Hume, the aims of the Congress were (i) to make
British Rule long-lasting in India; (ii) to make Indians  East India Association (1866) was set
satisfied and proud citizens of the British Empire; and up by Dadabhai Naroji in London. It aimed
(iii) to function as the opposition party in the British to mobilise public opinion about India in
Parliament by criticizing and suggesting proper England.
remedies in the British Administration.
 Poona Sabha (1870)was set up by M.
G. Ranade in Poona.

 Indian Association (1876) was set up

Historical proof of the Safety Valve Theory by S. M. Bannerjee in Kolkata.
The Safety Valve Theory was based on even volumes
of the secret report which A.O. Hume read at Shimla  Madras Mahajan Sabha (1881) was
in 1878. It was related to the seething discontent set up by G. Subramania Iyer, R.
among the classes to over-throw the British rule. It was Anandacharlu and others in Chennai.
first mentioned in William Wedderburn’s biography of
Hume, published in 1913.  Bombay Presidency (1885)was set up
in Mumbai against the rise of taxes in the
region. Page 1
Indian National Congress
Study Material

Theories behind the Birth of Congress already formed in 1884, was held in Mumbai
(now Mumbai), in December 1885, Seventy
There are two theories by which historian try to delegates, most of whom were lawyers,
explain the birth of a national level organization such educations and journalists, attended the
as the Congress. convention where the Indian National
Congress was founded.
1. The need of a headquarter for the
movement A Nation and its people become
capable of meaningful and effective political
action only when they are organized. As a part Objective of the First Session of the
of the growth of the national movement, it was Congress
necessary to create a common, all-India The objectives of the Congress as declared in the first
political leadership, that could be looked upon session were:
as the headquarter of the movement. On this (a) Development and consolidation of national
common political platform, political workers unity among the Indian masses irrespective of
from different parts of the country could gather religion, region or caste divide.
and conduct their activities and mobilies (b) Establishing friendly relations and synergizing
people on an all-India basis. The founders of the efforts of the nationalist workers operating
the Congress realized that the requirement of a in different regions of the country.
national movement was a national leadership. (c) Form an agreement on popular demands and
The role of Allan Octavian Hume, the father of important issues and present it before the
Congress, was pivotal as he was British and government.
the government allowed the Congress to come
into existence. A. O. Hume
The rise of the Indian nationalist movement
2. The Safety Valve Theory The British started in the early 1880s. Allan Octavian Hume (1829
foresaw the political situation in the country – 1912), an Englishman and retired civil servant who
leading to another rebellion along the lines of had studied medicine and surgery came to India as an
the War of Independence of 1857. To avoid Indian Civil Services officer in 1849. After retiring
such a situation, the British decided to provide from the British Administrative service, he chose to
an outlet to the local people where they could stay behind in India for the purpose of inculcating the
discuss their political probles. To this end, spirit of nationalism in the Indian youth. The racial
Allan Octavian Hume, a retired British civil discrimination and inequality of the Indians under the
servant, had a series of meetings with Lord British rule propelled Hume to form the Indian
Dufferin, the Viceroy. He also visited England National Union with the help of Wyomesh Chandra
and met people such as John Bright, Sir James Banerjee, in 1884. He is also known as the father of the
Caird, Lord Ripon and some members of the Indian National Congress. He served as the first
British Parliament. Hume also had the support general secretary of the Indian National Congress.
of a large number of Englishmen in India,
including Sir William Wederburn, George The Founding Members of the INC
Yule and Charles Bradlaugh. On his return
from Britain, Hume consulted the local Indian Most of the early members of the Congress
leaders and started working towards the were upwardly mobile and successful Western
establishment of an Indian political educated provincial elites, engaged in professions such
organization. The convention of the Indian as law, teaching and journalism. They had acquired
National Union, an organization he had political experience from regional competition in their Page 2
Indian National Congress
Study Material

professions and from their aspirations in securing simultaneous examination for the ICS to be held in
nomination to various positions in the legislative India and England; (iii) reduction in military
councils, universities and special commissions. Among expenditure and (iv) opposition to the annexation of
the founders were some of the leaders such as Upper Burma.
Dadabhai Naoroji, Badruddin Tyabji, Anand Mohan
Bose, R. C. Dutt, K. T. Telang, R. Anandacharly, Moderate Period (1885 – 1905)
Behranji Malbari, Feroz shah Mehta, Gopal Krishna
At first, the Congress was a moderate,
Gohale, G. Subramaniam Iyer, Dinshaw Wacha, Bal
constitutional movement. In its early days, he party
Ganagadhar Tilak, Mahadev Govind Ranade and
confined itself to an annual debate where political
Madan Mohan Malviya. To begin with, the Congress
issues were discussed. It asked the government to
acted as a ‘Kings Party’. All the founding members
remedy complaints, but had no constitutional role.
backed the basic four objectives of the Congress
However, some Congress members were also members
initially. These were: (i) to seek cooperation of all the
of the Legislative Assembly, which advised the
Indians in its efforts; (ii) to bring an end to the race,
viceroy and the executive committee on the drafting of
creed and provincial prejudices and try to form
new laws. The cause of the Indian National Congress
national unity; (iii) to discuss and solve the social
spread rapidly among the middle-class Indians. With
problems of the country and (iv) to request the
the founding of the Indian National Congress, the
government to give more share to Indians in
struggle for India’s independence was launched in a
administrative affairs. As time went by, the Congress
small, hesitant and mild but organized manner. The
changed its stance and apparently became the biggest
first two decades of the Indian National Congress are
opposition to the British government.
described in history as one with moderate demands and
The Poona Meeting a sense of confidence in British justice and generosity.
Its aim was not to be aggressive in attaining
A. O. Hume, in association with various independence lest the British should suppress them.
national leaders, called for its first meeting in Poona on This resulted in the Indian Council Act in 1892, which
28 December 1885. The conference received the allowed some members to be indirectly elected by the
unanimous support of all Indian leaders, but the venue Indians but kept the official majority intact.
was shifted to Mumbai.

First Session
Indian Parliamentary Committee and Sir
The leaders decided to rename the Indian William Wedder Burn
National Union as the Indian National Congress during
the first session. Lord Reay, Governor of Mumbai, was Sir William Weddrburn was a politician from the
invited to convenue the first session as the President of liberal Party in the United Kingdom. He was born on
the session, but on his refusal, the session was held 25 March 1838 in Edinburgh, Scotland in the United
under the presidentship of W. C. Bannerjee. He was a Kingdom. He tried to reform the banking system to
veteran lawyer from Kolkata (now Kolkata). About 72 solve the grievances of the peasants during his career.
delegates from all over India attended the conference. He, along with W.S. Caine set up the Indian
This was a truly national gathering with leaders such as Parliamentary Committee in 1893 to agitate for Indian
Dadabhai Naoroji, Mahadev Govind Ranade, Pheroze political reforms in the House of Commons. When he
Shah Mehta, Dinshaw Wacha and K. T. Telang felt that he did not get adequate support in the reforms,
participating. The main demands put forward at the he started helping the Indian National Congress and
session included: (i) reforms of the Legislative support the local self-government.
Councils and acceptance of election in the place of
nomination as a principle to constitute them; (ii) a Page 3
Indian National Congress
Study Material

INC before World War I

However, certain changes at the turn of the
century resulted in changing the mood of the Congress.
The most important among them was the change in the
attitude of the British. Some of the repressive and
oppressive measures of the British promoted the
growth of extremism within the Congress. Extremist
leaders such as Bipin Chandra Pal, Bal Ganagadhar
Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai called on the people to show
courage and self-reliance for the cause of India’s
nationalism. The partition of Bengal in 1905 raised the
political temper of the country. The Congress started
getting polarized into the moderates and the extremists.
This era of militant nationalism prevailed within, and
without the Congress during 1906 – 1919. The 1906
session of Congress, declared Dominion Status, to be
the political goal of the Congress and the four
resolutions on boycott, swadeshi, swaraj and national
education were adopted.

INC during World War I

The Congress reunited in support of the British
during World War I but was disappointed soon after
the war when British restricted political activity in
India. Under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, the
Congress demanded Purna Swaraj (complete
independence) and waged periodic campaigns of non-
violent civil disobedience. Although leaders of the
organization were imprisoned several times, British
made some concessions in the 1930s.

INC during World War II

During World War II, the Congress was
suppressed when it refused to support British.
However, it had proved the strength of its popular
support, and Britain granted independence to India
following the war (1947). The predominantly Hindu
Congress reluctantly accepted the creation of Pakistan
as a separate Muslim nation. Page 4
Indian National Congress
Study Material

Table 4.5 Important Sessions of INC

Session Year President Venue National Events

that Took Place
1st 1885 W.C.Banerjee Mumbai Beginning years
1. Stressed upon the need for an
unbiased Government through
administrative alterations
2. Concern regarding poverty-
3. Motion against the increase in
poverty and misery, poor
financial condition of the country
and steady deterioration in the
condition of ryots since 1848 as
nearly 40 million people had only
one meal a day and some times
not even that
4. Annual sessions of the
Congress party held at differenct
places every year.
5. Organization of provincial
conferences to promote country-
wide involvement.
6. Concrete efforts to amass
public opinion in the favour of
Indians in Great Britain.
7. Emphasis on the look out for
representation in government as
Madan Mohan Malviya upheld
‘No taxation without
2nd 1886 Dadabhai Naroji Kolkata
3rd 1887 Badruddin Tyabji Chennai
4th 1888 George Yule Allahabad
5th 1889 Sir Willial Mumbai To pressurize the
Wedderburn Parliament in Great
Britain to accept their
demands, British
Committee of the
Indian National
Congress, established
its offices in London.
6th 1890 Sir Feroz Shah Mehta Kolkata
7th 1891 P. Anandacharlu Nagpur
8th 1892 W. C. Banerjee Allahabad Dadabhai Naoroji
elected to the British
Parliament in Great
Britain. Page 5
Indian National Congress
Study Material

9th 1893 Dadabhai Naroji Lahore Indian Council Act

1882, despite being a
big victory for the
Congress, it did not
conceive the idea of
10th 1894 Alfred Webb Chennai
11th 1895 Surendranath Banerjee Poona Integration of Congress
1. Demand for economic
2. Demand to Indianise the
3. Protection against being
economically feeble and
4. Government’s insensitivity
towards natural calamities.
5. Famine-hit area of Pune
witnessed Lokmanya Tilak’s
efforts in the form of social
welfare. His writings in Kesari
wereperceived as the tools of
inciting violence because of
which he was put behind the bars.
6. Under the Viceroy, Lord
Curzon, many oppressive
measures were taken such as
(a) The sedition Act that snatched
the elementary freedom of
(b) Official Secrets Act that
shifted the burden of proof of
innocence onto the accused, and
(c) Disapproval regarding the
partition of Bengal on Communal
12th 1896 Rahimtulla Kolkata Revolution holding
M. Sayani the British
responsible for
creating the famine
that took place.
13th 1897 C. Sankaran Nair Amravati
14th 1898 Ananda Mohan Bose Chennai
15th 1899 Romesh Chanderdutta Lucknow Framing of the First
Party Constitution.
16th 1900 N. G. Chandvarkar Lahore As a result of the
growing Congress
movement, the
British deprived the
Indians from
education through the Page 6
Indian National Congress
Study Material

Universities Act,
1904 that limited the
spread of the English
17th 1901 Sir Dinshaw Eduljee Kolkata Mahatma Gandhi
Wacha appeared on the
Congress platform
for the first time
seeking support for
the struggle in South
18th 1902 Surendranath Ahmedabad
19th 1903 Lal Mohan Ghosh Chennai
20th 1904 Sir Henry Cotton Mumbai
21st 1905 G. K. Gokhale Banaras Demand for Self Government
1. Widerspread protests against
the Partition of Bengal – blatantly
promoted by Lord Curzon as the
creation of a Muslim Enclave.
2. The Congress witnessed
arguments between the
Moderates (who favoured
peaceful afitation) and the
Extremists (who favoured violent
means, if needed).
22nd 1906 Dadabhai Naoroji Kolkata India demanded
Swaraj; and
boycotted British
23rd 1907 Rash Behari Ghosh Surat First split in Congress
between Moderates
and Extremists took
place whereby, the
moderates retained
the control of the
24th 1908 Rash Behari Ghosh Chennai
1909 Pr. Madam Mohan Lahore Although the Minto-
Malviya Morley Reforms
created the Indian
Councils and gave
representation, they
had sown the seed of
communalism by
providing separate
electorates for the
Hindus and the
25th 1910 Sir William Allahabad The first signs of
Wedderburn strain in Hindu-
Muslim relations Page 7
Indian National Congress
Study Material

26th 1911 Pandit B. N. Dhar Kolkata The partition of
Bengal was nullified
27th 1912 R. N. Modholkar Bankipore
28th 1913 Nawab Syed Karachi
Mohammad Bahadur
29th 1914 Bhupendranath Basu Chennai
30th 1915 Sir Satyendra Prasad Mumbai The Foundations of Independent
Sinha India
1. The House Rule Movement.
2. The Advent of Gandhi.
3. The Khilafat Movement.
4. The Non-Cooperation
31st 1916 Ambica Charan Lucknow The Lucknow Pact
Mazumdar was signed Muslim
League in a joint
32nd 1917 Dr. Annie Besant Kolkata (a) A Congress Flag
was proposed
(b) The Principle of
Linguistic Division
was accepted which
led to the foundation
for the eventual
creation of states by
linguistic identity.
(c) Satyagraha was
introduced by
Mahatma Gandhi in
weagon of political
33rd 1918 Syed Hasan Imam Mumbai Satyagraha became
1918 Pt. Madan Mohan Delhi successful in Gujarat.
34th 1919 Motilal Nehru Amritsar Throughout the
country, Satyagraha
was organized by
Mahatma Gandhi
against the Rowaltt
Act; Jallian Wala
Bagh massacre in
35th 1920 Lala Lajpat Rai Kolkata (a) The Khilafat
C.Vijayaaghavachariar Nagpur Movement took place
(annual) (b) Mahatma Gandhi
toured India to
organize the Non-
Movement; The
congress became a
mass movement and Page 8
Indian National Congress
Study Material

the whole country

became one under
Mahatma Gandhi.
36th 1921 C. R. Das (in prison) Ahmedabad
Hakim Ajmal Khan
37th 1922 C. R. Das Gaya (a) Gandhiji was
(b) Formation of the
Swaraj Party
38th 1923 Maulana Abul Kalam Delhi
Maulana Mahammad Kakinada
Ali (Annual)
39th 1924 Mahatma Gandhi Belgaum Gandhiji fasted for 21
days to mark his
protest against the
40th 1925 Mrs. Sarojini Naidu Kanpur Hindi was adopted as The Demand for Complete
the official language Independence
for the Congress 1. Gandhi – Irwin Pact.
sessions. 2. Definition of Fundamental
41st 1926 S. Srinivasa Iyengar Guwahati For proposing
constitutional reforms
in India, the Simon
commission was
42nd 1927 Dr. M. A. Ansari Chennai The resolution
marked the boycott of
the Simon
43rd 1928 Pandit Motilal Nehru Kolkata (a) Hartals held
successfully against
the Simon
(b) UnderPt. Motilal
Nehru, the All Party
Committee was
appointed to frame
the Constitution for
Independent India.
(c) Under Sardar
Vallabhai Patel, the
Bardoli Satyagraha
also became
44th 1929 Jawaharlal Nehru Lahore (a) Talks between
Gandhi and Irwin.
(b) Resolution
marked for complete Page 9
Indian National Congress
Study Material

1930 (No session) but independence.

Independence Day (a) 26th January was
Pledge was adopted adopted as the ‘Purna
on 26th Jan 1930. Swaraj Day’.
(b) There was a call
for Civil
(c) Salt Satyagraha –
Dandi march took
(d) All major
Congress leaders
were arrested; the
AICC Working
Committee was
declared as an
unlawful body.
(e) Congress opposed
the Round Table
45th 1931 Vallabhabhai Patel Karachi (a) The Fundamental
Rights were defined.
(b) The AICC
Working Committee
Members were
(c) The Viceroy
invited the Congress
to join discussions
regarding the future
of India.
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
got the authority to
speak on behalf of
the Congress.
(e) Gandhi – Irwin
Pact inked.
46th 1932 Delhi (session was (a) Despite the
banned) repression by the
Ranchod Lal Amrit British, the struggle
Lal for freedom
(b) Gandhi was
(c) The 1932 Poona
Agreement passed
reservation of seats
for the SCs/STs.
47th 1933 Nellie Sengupta Kolkata Gandhi was on fast
(session was banned) for 21 days for the
cause of the Harijans. Page 10
Indian National Congress
Study Material

48th 1934 Rajendra Prasad Mumbai (a) Gandhiji

(continued again for withdrew from the
1935) Congress.
(b)Non-violence and
Khadi became the
1935 fundamental belief of Struggle at the Final Stages of
Rajendra Prasad the Congress as a part Gaining Independence
of the amendment of 1. People demanded immediate
its constitution. freedom
(a) The Government 2.Mass Satyagraha all over India.
of India Act was
(b) Gandhiji’s focus
shifted to social
(c) Congress decided
to content the
election but disagreed
with the new
49th 1936 Jawaharlal Nehru Lucknow Nehru condemned
Fascism in his
Presidential address.
50th 1937 Jawaharlal Nehru Faizpur Elections won by the
Congress in five out
of the nine provinces
51st 1938 Subhas Chandra Bose Haripura
52nd 1939 Bose (Re-elected for Tripuri (a) The Congress
1939 1939) Tripuri ministers resigned
Rajindra Prasad and withdrew from
the Legislative
(b) A constituent
assembly elected by
Universal Franchise
was demanded.
53rd 1940 Maulana Abul Kalam Ramgarh (a) Non-cooperation
Azad in the war effort.
(b) Demand for a
national government.
(c) Resolution of
August 1942 Quit
India Movement
1941 (No sessions, caused
(d) Public protests all
by arrests and jailing)
over India because of
1942 (No sessions, caused
the mass arrests.
by arrests and jailing)
1943 (No sessions, caused
by arrests and jailing)
1944 (No sessions, caused
Victories of allies in
by arrests and jailing)
the war leading to
(No sessions, caused Page 11
Indian National Congress
Study Material

1945 by arrests and jailing) adamant stance of the

Jinnah steadfast on
the partition of India.

Failure of the Shimla

54th 1946 Acharya J. B. Meerut (a) INA trials.
Kripalani (b) Mutiny in the
Navy at Mumbai and
(c) The Cabinet
Mission was
supposed to decide
the fate of India.
(d) Congress wins
majority in the
55th 1947 (a) India achieved
Independence and
was also partitioned.
56th 1948 B.Pattabhi Jaipur

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Terrorist And
Revolutionary Movements


The left wing of the Congress eventually got unmitigated evil that was the British rule could
divided as a result of the agitational outburst and be eliminated from India only by violence and
governmental repression. The government no amount of arguments and moral persuasion
disliked the growing popularity of the militant was useful. The main centres of their activities
nationalism and used the growing schism within were Bengal, Punjab and Maharashtra.
the Congress to crush agitational politics. It
passed the Seditious Meeting Act (1907) to curb THE REVOLUTIONARY
public meetings and demonstrations, enacted the MOVEMENT
Newspapers Incitement to Offence Act (1908) to
choke the voice of the critical press, and later The revolutionaries believed in ousting
placed in the statute book, a special form of trial the British from India by means of a mass
for the terrorist offences under the Criminal Law uprising. They were against the slow and steady
Amendment Act (1908). The disintegrated approach of the Congress extremists and they
Extremists eventually divided into two groups; also disapproved of the assassinations and
(i) the nationalist extremists, who remained destruction of public property by the terrorists.
satisfied with the programmes of Swadeshi and They tried to convince the Indian troops to rebel
boycott; and (ii) the terrorists and and tried to get help from foreign countries
revolutionaries, who were inspired by the hostile to Britain. They were active in gathering
knowledge of the revolutionary movements in support for themselves in China, Japan, France,
the West for freedom. The terrorist and Germany, North America and even Britain. The
revolutionary movements and a summarized important revolutionary movements were as
account of their activities are being given in the follows:
following sections.
The terrorist movement in India started In 1907, Lala Hardyal came under the
after many Indian leaders including Lala Lajpat influence of the revolutionaries working in
Rai and Sardar Ajit Singh were deported to Oxford and started a weekly paper called Gadar.
Mandalay in 1907, without a trial. This agitated His subsequent associations with more leaders
young leaders such as Barindra Kumar Ghosh culminated into the formation of the Gadar
and Bhupendra Nath Dutt in Kolkata and they Party in 1913, in North America. The Gadar
plotted to blow up the train in which the Lt. movement planned to (a) temper the loyalty of
Governor of Bengal Presidency, Sir A. Frazer, the Indian troops, (b) assassinate the British
was travelling. Later, the terrorist movement officials, (c) court foreign enemies to Britain and
gained popularity and the programme of (d) form secret societies and propagate seditious
political assassination and armed decoity with a literature. The Gadar movement’s anti- British
view to secure money for their cause gathered sentiment was intensified because of the
momentum. The terrorists argued that the Komagata Maru episode.To challenge the Page 1
Terrorist And
Revolutionary Movements

discriminatory immigration law of Canada, The All-India Mutiny that

Gadar activists hired a Japanese ship called Failed(1915)
Komagata Maru and took 500 passengers from
India to Canada. The passengers who were The revolutionaries took their ideas to
mainly Sikh were led by Baba Gurdip Singh the army and the peasants, small mutinies in
and had the full support of Lala Hardyal. When Ferozpur, Lahore and Rawalpindi garrisons
the ship reached Vancouver on 22 May 1914, it cautioned the British officers of a possible revolt
was refused permission to berth; the ship waited of greater magnitude. The activists had planned
in vain for more than 2 months before returning the All-India Revolt on 21 February 1915.
to Kolkata on 26 September 1914. The police However, the British got wind of the plans and
rounded up the passengers despite stiff were able to curb the revolt.
resistance. The death toll that day reached 22,
with many wounded. Most of the captured Other Revolutionary Events
passengers were sent to jail. The Gadar
movement got a fillip because of this incident.  Murder of W.C.Rand and Lt.Ayerst by
Chapekar brothers at poona in 1897.
Hindustan Republican  Formation of the India House in
Association(HSRA)Re-organised London (1905) by shyamji Krishna
Verma and V.D.Savarkar.
On 9 and 10 September 1928, many of the major  Establishinment of the Indian House in
revolutionaries of northern India gathered New York by Barkatatullah and
secretly at Feroz Shah Kotla, set-up a new S.L.Joshi.
collective leadership, elected Chandrashekhar  Attempted murder of Lt.Governor
Azad as their creed, inserting the word Fuller of East Bengal by Barindra
‘Socialist’ into their name. The Hindustan Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath
Socialist Republican Association was rapidly Dutta in 1906.
moving from the phase of individual actions to
 The Kennedy murder in 1908, in
one of building a revolutionary movement.
which two English ladies were killed
Although their major action after the
when Khundi Ram Bose attempted to
reorganisation was the assassination of the
kill Magistrate Kingsford of
Assistant Superintendent of Police, John P.
Muzaffarabad who escaped ubnhurt.
Saunders, who killed Lala Lajpat Rai, the
 Madan Lal Dhingra murdered Curzon-
motives behind the action were significant. for
Willie, an official in the British India
one , the action was taken because Lala Lajpat
Office at London.
Rai’s death had evoked enormous popular
 Attempted assassination of Lord
resentment. Secondly, the assassination was
Hardinge when he was approaching
carried out as the HRSA’s popularity and mass
Delhi in 1912. Rash Bihari Bose and
membership were growing.
Sachin Chandra Sanyal missed their
target. Page 2
Terrorist And
Revolutionary Movements

 Formation of the Berlin Committee in Partyin 1928. It had two faces-the

Germany (1914) by Virendranath public face headed by Bhagad Singh.
Chattopadhayaya, Dr.Avinash and a secret face. called Hindustan
Chandra Bhattacharya and other Socialist Republic Army. heated by
prominent activists who formed the Azad. It was the first organisation which
Anushilan and Yugantar groups in India. envisioned free India to be secular. Its
 ‘Bagha Jatin’. Jatin Mukherji carried activists took note of the changing
out the Plan of Bengal in 1915. This political structure of the nation.
aimed at disrupting the rail and  Bhagat Singh. Azad and Rajguru
communication network in Bengal and avenged the death of Lala Lajpat Rai by
seizing Fort William. The plan falied killing General Saunders in 1928.
because of the lack of coordination and  Bombing of the central Legislative
the death of ‘Bagha Jatin’ in 1915. Assembly by Bhagat Singh and his
 Formation of Indian Independence associates in 1929.
Committee in 1915 under the  Attempted bombing of the train in
Zimmerman Plan organised by the which Lord Irwin and his family was
German official at Berlin. The travelling in 1929 at Delhi.
committee included Virendranath  Issuing of an independence
Chatopadhyay, Lala Har Dayal and proclamation in the name of Indian
Bhupendranath Dutta. Republic Army under the leadership of
 Appointment of the Provisional Surya Senin 1930, when revolutionaries
Government of Free India with Raja captured the Chittagong Armoury.
Mahendra Pratap as the president and Surya Sen was arrested in 1933. and
Barkatullah as the prime minister, with executed.
support from Germany, Afghanistan and  Execution of Bhagat Singh. Rajguru and
the Sultan of Turkey. However, the Czar Sukhdev on 23 March 1931, and the
of Russia did not approve of the death of Chandrashekar Azad in a
government because of the defeat of shooting episode in Allahabad 1931.
Germany in the World War.  Assassination of the magistrate of
 In 1915, revolutionaries looted a train Tippera in Bengal. by the school going
which carried government cash at a Shanti and Suniti in 1932.
place called Kakori (between Lucknow  Formation of the Indian Independence
and Shahjahanpur). The involved League by Ras Bihari Bose in 1942, in
activists were arrested and sentenced to Japan.
death by the British. Among them were  Formation of the All India Central
Bhupendra Sanyal, S.N.Biswas, Revolutionary committee in Russia by
Ashfaqullah Khan and Thakur Singh. M. N. Roy and other activists.
 Chandrashekar Azad joined hands  Other Prominenet Revolutionaries
with Bhagat Singh and formed the who Operated outsie India-P.M.
Hindustan Socialist Republican Bapat; Madam Bhikaji Cama, a parsee Page 3
Terrorist And
Revolutionary Movements

lady who was connected with the Paris REASONS FOR FAILURE
Indian Society established by S.R. Rana
under the inspiration of Shyamji The revolutionaries organised rebellions
Krishna Verma, who unfurled the first against the British government and became
tricolour flag at the International stronger and more determined once they started
Socialist Congress (Germany), designed getting support from foreign nations hostile to
by Hem Chand Das in 1907: Sardasr the British. Despite gaining popularity and a
Sohan Singh, M.P.T.Archarya: Gyan dedicated following, both the terrorist and the
Chand Verma; Obeidullah sindhi, the revolutionary movements could not achieve their
translator of V.D. Savarkar’s book, objectives of freeing India from the British. This
Idian war of Independence in Tamil; was because (i) there was no central, all-India
V.V.S.Iyer and Harish Chandra. level organization which could control the
activities in an organised manner; (ii) these
movements appealed to the youngsters who had
Rise of Bhagat Singh faced the hostilities of the British rule, but the
mass following in the rural belt was unavailable;
Bhagat Singh’s group gained enormous (iii) Germany, which promised arms and funds
popularity, not only in Punjab but throughout to be used against Britain could not deliver; (iv)
North India. It is no coincidence that, in the the US entry and its subsequent dominance in
1929 Congress, held in tahore-the centre of the world war demoralised Germany and the
Bhagat Singh’s activities-Jawaharlal Nehru allies to be of help to the Indian cause; (v)
described himself as ‘a socialist and a Montagu’s package of self-governance for the
republican’; words that echoed exactly the same Indians took the fizz out of the revolutionary
of Bhagat Singh’s organisation, HSRA was activists; (vi) the congress party and other upper
responsible for a number of other major middle class politicians and leaders always
‘terrorist’ actions, including an attempt to blow disapproved of the ways of these movements;
up Viceroy Irwin’s train near Delhi in 1929, and and (vi) Gandhi’s entry into the political scene
a whole series of similar actions in Punjab and of India marked a revolution in the form of
UP towns in 1930 [26 being recorded in Punjab satyagraha, which contributed to the decline of
that year alone]. However, their single most the revolutionary and terrorist activities.
important action was the throwing of bombs into
the Legislative Assembly by Bhgat Singh and The Moderate Approach
Batukeshwar Dutt on 8 April 1929. The bombs
themselves were not intended to injure anyone The early nationalists that it their demands were
(as indeed they did not), they were for presented to the government thorough
demonstrative effect. constitutional methods, their grievances would
be redressed. so, instead of resorting to
aggressive methods, they passed resolutions or
sent petitions of appeals. Delegations were
sometimes sent to England to put forward their
demands to the British Parliament. They worked Page 4
Terrorist And
Revolutionary Movements

within the framework of law. Bharat Mata Nilkant - Chennai

Association Brahmachari
, Vanchi
TABLE4.6 Revolutionary Organisations Atomonnati Bipin Bihari Bengal
Smiti Gangly
Organisatio Founder(s) Yea Place
n r
Mitra Mela V.D.Savarka 1899 Maharatr
Mass Rejection of Prayer-Petition
r a
Abhinav G.D.Savarka 1904 Bengal Politics
Bharat r
Bharat Mata J.M.Chatterj 1904 Bengal After Curzon’z proporsal for the partition,
Society ee Bengal became known {December 1903}.
Anushillan Pulin Bihari 1906 Dhaka Congress carried out protests and petitions were
Samiti Das carried out for more than 1 ½ years, with
Anushillan Pramatha 1902 Kolkata absolutely no effect on the British. On 19 July
Samiti Nath Mishra, 1905, Curzon went ahead with his partition plan.
Barindra Within days, spontaneous protests were
organised in a large number of mofussil areas,
Jatindra where the pledge for the boycott of British
Nath goods was taken, In Kolkata, the students
Banerjee organised meetings were the Swadeshi call was
Ghadar Party Lala 1913 San taken up. By August, even the Congress leaders
(Hindu Hardyal, Francisc such as Surendranath Banarjee were forced to
Association Sohan Singh o take up the boycott call. On 7 August 1905, in a
of America) Bhakha
public meeting at the Kolkata Town Hall, the
Hinduisan Sachindra 1924
Republic Nath Sanyal, boycott resolution was passed. The response in
Association Yogesh Bengal was overwhelming. By September 1905,
Chandra the sale of British clothes in some districts fell to
Chatterjee 6 per cent from the original levels of 20 per cent.
Indian Surya Sen - Bengal Public burning of foreign clothes and the setting
Republican up of village samillis took place spontaneously.
One of these samitis, the Swadesh Bandhab
Hinduistan Chandra 1928 Delhi
Republic Shekar, Samiti of Barisal, headed by Aswini Kumar
Association Bhagat Dutt, attained remarkable popularity for its
Singh social and humanitarian work among the
Indian Ras Bihari 1942 Japan Muslim peasantry.
Independenc Bose
e League Page 5
Terrorist And
Revolutionary Movements

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Early Phase of the freedom Struggle
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THE PARTITION OF BENGAL (1905) formation of the new province was issued in
September. The province of Bengal and Assm
Lord Curzon, the New Viceroy came into being on 16 October 1905.
On 30 December 1989, Lord Curzon took Reasons for the Partition of Bengal
over as the new viceroy of India. Lord Curzon
ordered the partition of Bengal in 1905. He The partition of Bengal sought to destroy
wanted to improve the administrative efficiency in the political influence of the educated middle class
that huge and populous region, where the Bengali among whom the Bengali intelligentsia were the
Hindu intelligentsia exerted considerable most prominent. It also set up a communal gulf
influence on local and national politics. The between the Hindus and the Muslims. The Indian
partition of Bengal came into effect on 16 October National Congress Unanimously condemned the
1905, through a royal proclamation. The partition partition of Bengal. Actually, the main most
created a new province of East Bengal, which advanced region of the country at that time.
later became East Pakistan, the present day
Reaction of the People
Bangladesh. The government explained that the
partition was for stimulating the growth of the An ill-conceived and hastily implemented
under developed eastern region of Bengal. action, the partition outraged the Bengalis. Not
only had the government failed to consult the
Partition of Bengal
Indian public of their opinion, but the action
Finding the Bengal presidency too large appeared to reflect the British resolve to ‘divide
for one governor to administer, in 1905, the and rule’. Widespread agitation ensued on the
British decided to redraw its boundaries and streets and in the press, and the Congress
divide it into two parts. The provinces of Bengal advocated boycotting British products under the
and Assam were reconstituted to form two banner of swadeshi. The Congress-led boycott
provinces of manageable size-West Bengal, with a of the British goods was so successful that it
population of 54 million (42 million Hindus and unleashed anti-British forces to an extent
18 million Muslims). The territory to be unknown since the sepoy Rebellion. A cycle of
transferred from Bengal to the new province the violence, terrorism and repression ensued in
consisted of the districts of Chittagong and Dhaka some parts of the country. Indians launched a
Divisions, Rajshahi Division excluding Darjeeling mass movement , declaring 16 October as the day
and the District of Malda. Lord Curzon sent the of mourning in Kolkata raising Vande-Mataram as
proporsal to London in February, 1905. The the national cry protecting the Indian nationality.
secretary of state for India, Sir John Brodrich, This organised anarchist movement took a
sanctioned it in June, and the proclamation of the Page 1
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terrorist turn, resulting in political sabotage and and so on. This propaganda infected the entire
riots. movement, and weakened it considerably as
communal riots broke out in Mymensingh in
Reversal of the Partition
1907-19.8. But many Muslims still joined the
Keeping in view the fluid political movement. Among the noted swadeshi agitators
situation in India, the British tried to mitigate the were men like Ghaznavi, Rasul Din Mohammed,
situation by announcing a series of constitutional Dedar Bux, Moniruzzaman, Ismail Hussain siraji,
reforms in 1909, and by appointing a few Abul Hussain, Abul Gafer, and Liakat Husain.
moderates to the imperial and provincial councils. The 10,000-strong joint Hindu-Muslim student
In what the British saw as an additional goodwill procession in Kolkata on 23 September 1905, also
gesture, in 1911, King Emperor George V (1910- testified the potential for communal solidarity on
1936) visited India for a durbar, during which he the swadeshi issue. The fact that it could be
announced the reversal of the partition of Bengal triumph has to be ascribed to British divide-and-
and the transfer of the capital from Kolkata to a rule policies and to Zamindars’ objectively
newly planned city to be built immediately south furthering the designs of the British by
of Delhi, which became New Delhi. heightening communal propaganda. The appeal of
the swadeshi movement was its straightforward
SWADESHI MOVEMENT (1905) mass approach and its rejection of ’prayer
petition’ politics. Along with this movement came
enunciated and widely propagated theories for not
The swadeshi Movement had its genesis in simply a limited reform of British rule, but its
the anti-partition movement started to oppose the complete overthrow.
British decision to divide Bengal. With the start of
Banaras session of the Congress
the SwadeshiMovement at the turn of the century,
the Indian national movement took a major leap The Indian National Congress took up the
forward. The richness of the movement was not swadeshi call in its Banaras session, 1905,
confined to politics alone. Women, students and a presided over by G.K. Gokhale. Militant
large section of the urban and a rural population of nationalism spearheaded by Bal Gangadar Tilak,
Bengal and other parts of India became actively Bipin Chandra pal, Lala Lajpat Rai and
involved in the national movement. Aurobindo Ghosh was, however, in the favour of
extending the movement to the rest of India and
Components of the swadeshi Movement
carrying it beyond the programme of just
Various sections participated in the swadeshi swadeshi and boycott of goods to full-fledged
agitation for different reasons, and these political mass struggle. On 7 August 1905, a
differences got reflected in the movement. For resolution to boycott the British goods was
instance, Hindu Zamindars of East Bengal, who adopted at a meeting of the Indian National
were opposed to the partition , so as not to became Congress held in Kolkata. It began as a purely
a religious minority in a situation of increasing economic measure for the development of the
peasant unrest, e,mployed openly communal Indian industry. Bonfires of foreign goods were
propaganda throughout their agitation-promoting conducted on a large scale in all major cities. It
Shivaji utsavs, image-worship, Hindu ceremonies had many positive consequences: (a) it Page 2
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encouraged Indian industries especially the small 1906, Congress was by no means a radical affair.
and medium-scale, (b) many swadeshi banks and The ……… managed to lone down each
insurance companies were launched and (c) resolution considerat….. made them ambiguous.
development of journalism and national poetry Thus, ‘Swaraj’ became ‘the system of government
which inculcated the feeling of nationalism in the obtaining in the self-governing British colonies’.
Indian masses. …. effort of the ‘extremists’, to have the
resolution in support …. Bengal boycott
Spread of the Swadeshi Movement
movement extended to cover other …… was
The message of swadeshi and boycott soon defeated. And the Congress leaders were …. to
spread to the rest of the country: Lokmanya Tilak review even such limited defeats at the next
took the movement to different parts of India, session….. ‘moderates’ made sure that the
especially Poona and Mumbai. Ajit Singh and mistake of locating the Congress at Kolkata was
Lala Lajpat Rai spread the swadeshi message in not repeated.
Punjab and other parts of northern India; Syed
Haidar Raza set up the agenda in Delhi,
Rawalpindi, Kangra, Jammu, Multan and Hardwar ORIGIN OF THE MUSLIM LEAGUE (1906)
witnessed active participation in the swadeshi
Movement; Chidambram Pillai took the Fear of Minority Status
movement to Chennai president, which was also By 1900, although the Congress had
galvanised by Bipin Chandra Pal’s extensive emerged as an all-India political orgainsation, its
lecture tour. achievement was undermined by its singular
The 1906 Congress Session failure to attract Muslim. Who had by then begun
to be aware of their inadequate education and
By the 1906 session of the Congress, the under representation in government service.
‘extremists’….. Muslim leaders saw that their community had
fallen behind the Hindus. Attacks by Hindus
Congress, by their sheet numbers and popularity,
reformers against religious conversion, cow
slaghter and the preservation of Urdu in the
Poised to take over the Congress. One factor was Arabic Script deepened their fears of minority
the …… status and the denial of their rights if the Congress
alone were to represent the people of India.
To hold the session at Kolkata. ‘Extremists’ from
different……..had forged some links in the Loyalty to the British
interim, and there were attempts ……. to elect one
For many Muslims, loyalty to the British
of them as the president of the Congress.
crown seemed preferable to cooperation with the
The……. was scotched by the ‘moderates’. They
Congress leaders. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-
elected the aged….. respected Naaraji instead. The
1898) launched a movement for Muslim
1906 Congess ……… was forced to accept four
regeneration that culminated in the foundation in
resolutions which they were ….. with-on the
1875 of the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College
partition of Bengal, on the boycott movement on
at Aligarh, UP (renamed Aligarh Muslim
swadeshi, and on self-government. However, the Page 3
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University in 1921). Its objective was to educate acceptance of the deputation’s demands proved to
the wealthy students by emphasising the be a turning point in the history of India. For the
compatibility of Islam with modern Western first time, the Hindu-Muslim conflict was raised
knowledge. The diversity among India’s Muslims, to the constitutional plane. The Muslim made it
however, made it impossible to bring about clear that they had no confidence in the Hindu
uniform cultural and intellectual regeneration. majority and that they were not prepared to put
their future in the hands of an assembly selected
Simla Conference on the assumed basis of a homogeneous Indian
When lord Minto was appointed as the nation. It is in this sense that the beginning of
Viceroy of India in 1905, new reforms were separate electorate may be seen as the beginning
indicated in which the electoral principle would be of the realisation of the two-nation theory. its final
extended. The anti-partition agitation had and inevitable consequence being the partition of
convinced the Muslims of the futility of expecting British Indid in 1947. The Simla
any fair play from the Hindu majority. Therefore, deputation was successful because the Muslims
to safeguard their interests, the Muslim leaders strongly urged to protect their separate identity,
drew up a plan for separate electorates for their and also because the British responded to their
community, and presented it to Lord Minto at demands, as Lord Minto was anxious to apply the
Simla, on 1 October 1906. age-old ‘divide and rule’ policy of the British.
Separate electorates were given statutory
Syed Ali Bligrami wrote the text of the recognition in the Indian Councils Act of 1909.
plan. The Simla deputation consisted of 70 Muslims were accorded not only the right to elect
representatives, representing all opinionsof the their representatives in general constituencies. In
Muslim community, and headed by Sir Aga Khan addition, they were also given weightage in
who read the address. The long address said, representation.
among the other things, that the position of the
Muslimcommunity should not be estimated by its Foundation of the Muslim League
numerical strength alone, but in terms of its The major inspiring factor for the creation of the
political importance and services rendered to the Muslim League was that the Muslim intellectual
Empire. He also pointed out that the class sought representation the masses looked for
representative institutions of the West were a right kind of platform that could unite them. It
inappropriate for India and that their application was the knowledge of western thought of John
was raising difficult problems. He stressed the Locke, Milton and Thomas Paine at the MAO
need for utmost care while introducing or college that began the rise of Muslim nationalism.
extending the electoral system in whatever sphere, On 30 December 1906, the yearly convention of
be it municipal or provincial. He started that the the Muhammadan Educational Conference was
Muslim should be represented as a community. conducted at Ducca (now, Dhaka). The chairman
The Viceroy, in his reply to the Simla deputation of the convention was Nawab Viquar-ul-Mulk.
address, reassured the Muslim that their political Nearly three thousand members attended the
rights and interests as a community would be session. It was the largest-ever representative
safeguarded by any administrative reorganisation assembly of the Muslim in India. For the first
under him. The time, the conference removed its ban on Page 4
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discussions over political issues. In the Minto who inspired the establishment of a Muslim
conference, Nawab Sallimullah Khan proposed organisation to divide the Congress and to
the interests of the Muslims. In 1906, the All minimise the strength of the Indian freedom
India Muslim League was formed. Aga Khan, movement.
Nawab Samlimullah of Ducca and Nawab
Mohsin-ul-Mulk were its important founding The Freedom Movement
leaders. Lucknow was chosen as the headquarters The British recognised the Muslim League
of the All India Muslim League. Aga Khan was by increasing the number of elective offices
elected as its first president, Other six vice- reserved for the Muslim in the India Councils Act
presidents, a secretary and two joint secretaries of 1909. The Muslim League insisted on its
were also elected for a term of 3 years. The separateness from the Hindu-dominated Congress,
number of menbers was 400. They belonged as the voice a ‘nation within a nation’. The
proportionality to all provinces. Maulana League supported the partition of Bengal, opposed
Muhammad Ali Jouhar drafted the constitution swadeshi movement and demanded special
of the League, known as the Green Book, Syed safeguards for its community, and separate
Ameer Ali set up a branch of the league in electorates for the Muslims. This led to communal
London in 1908. The following were differences between the Hindus and the Muslims.
the objectives of the Muslim league:
1. To inculcate a feeling of loyalty among
Muslims towards the government and to The Extremist leaders were Lala Lajpat
remove the misunderstandings and Rai. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Thilak and Bipin
misconceptions about its actions and Chandra Pal. These three were also known as Lal-
intentions. Bal-Pal. The movement that these leaders started
2. To safeguard and put forward the political alarmed the British. Tilak coined the famous
rights and interests of the Indian Muslims slogan, ‘Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have
and to represent their needs and aspirations it’. In all the other movements before, the
to the government. participants were the well educated in the middle
3. To check the ill will between the Muslims class. However, in this movement, started by Lal-
and the other communities its own Bal-Pal, the whole of India moved as one. In this
purposes. movement, they stressed on swadeshi and boycott.

A Muslim deputation met with the Viceroy. The moderate Viewpoint

Gilbert John Elliot (1905-1910), seeking
In December 1906, at the Koilkata
concessions from the impending constitutional
Congress Session, the Congress under the
reforms, including special considerations in
leadership of Dadabhai Naoroji adopted swaraj as
government service and electorates.
the goal of the Indian people. In his presidential
Recognition by the British address. Naoroji declared that the goal of the
Indian National congress was ‘Self-government or
Many Hindu histories and several British writers swaraj like that of the United Kingdom’. The
have alleged that the Muslim League was founded session passed the resolution on boycott.
at official instigation. They argue that it was Lord Page 5
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Swadeshi and national education. The differences with the objection made by the extremists to the
between the moderates and the extremists became duly elected president for the year, Ras Behari
apparent. Especially regarding the pace of the Bose. As both sides came to the session prepared
movement and the techniques to be adopted for for the confrontation, the split was inevitable.
the struggle, and the reluctance of the moderates
to launch any agitation for the attainment of Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1866-1915)
Swaraj. The differences came to a head in 1907, at A Brahmin from Maharastra, he was educated in
the surat session of the congress, where the party India and became involved in the nationalist
split with serious consequences for the swadeshi movement when he was quitter young. A
movement. moderate, he stressed negotiation and conciliation
rather than non-cooperation or violence. He was
Change of Venue of the 1907 Congress Session
elected to the Mumbai Legislative Council in
The site of the 1907 Congress session was 1902. The conflict of Gokhale’s moderate views
originally Nagpur-a Tilak stronghold, where the with the more militant ideas of Bal Gangadhar
local delegales would have swung the issue in Tilak led to a breach in the Indian National
favour of the ‘extremists’. However, the Mehla- Congress that nearly immobilised it from 1907 to
Wacha-Gokhale combine, with its greater control 1916. Gokhale was instrumental in forming the
over the actual machinery of the Congress, got the Servants of India Society, a nationalist
location transferred to surat-a stronghold of the orgainsation whose members, sworn to poverty
‘moderates’. and obedience, were enlisted to serve as
volunteers for the social, political and economic
SURAT SESSION: SPLIT IN CONGRESS welfare of India. In the course of the Indian
freedom, he rejected the little of ‘knighthood’ and
Confrontation at the Session refused to accept a position in the council of the
Secretary of State for India.
The Indian National Congress split into
two groups-the extremists and the moderates-at
the Surat session in 1907, held on the banks of the
Tapti River. The extremists were led by lokmanya Suppression of the Extremists
Tilak, Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal and the
The suddenness of the Surat flasco took
moderates were led by Gopal Krishna Gokhale. At the extremists leaders by surprise and they offered
the Surat session, the moderate and the extremists’
their cooperation to the working committee of the
delegates of the Congress met in an atmosphere
Congress by accepting the presidentship of Ras
surcharged with excitement and anger.
Behari Bose. However, the moderates would not
relent as they found themselves on firm ground.
The moderates were deeply hurt by the ridicule The government used this opportunity to launch a
and venorn poured on them by the extremists in massive attack on the extremists by suppressing
the mass meetings held at Surat a few days before their newspaper and arresting their main leader,
the session and the extremists were excited by the Tilak, and sending him to Mandalay jail for 6
rumour that the moderates wanted to scuttle their years. It passed the Seditious Meeting Act (1907),
Kolkata resolutions. The Congress session started to control demonstrations and public meetings, Page 6
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and also enacted the Newspaper Incitement to stronger group, would not allow them. The
Officences Act (1908) to curb the critical press. moderates still firmly belived in the policy of
Later, it passed the Criminal Law Amendment Act social reforms, gradual political development and
(1908) to bring to trial the agitating politicians the remaking of India largely in the image of the
under the charges of terrorist’s offences. The west. Soon ater the Surat split, the moderates
extremists were not able to organise an effective called a conventiuon in 1908, and framed a party
alternate party, or to sustain the movement. constitution to debar the extremist’s leaders from
Aurobindo Ghosh gave up politics and left for the Indian National Congress. It was only in 1916,
Puducherry. Bipin Chandra Pal also left politics that the moderates and the extremists again joined
temporarily and Lala Lajpat Rai left for Britain. hands for the national cause.
After 1908, the national movement as a whole
The achievements of the extremists were:
Bal Gangadar Tilak(1856-1920)
1. They instilled courage and self-confidence
Tilak was a journalist in poona, and in his among the masses;
newspapers, kesari [lion] in Marathi and Mahratta 2. They made the concept of the Indian
in English, he set fourth his nationalist ideals. He nation more precise and force-ful;
sought a Hindu revival based on Maratha 3. They made patriotism a major factor in
traditions and independence [Swaraj] from the Indian politics;
Britain. After the Indian National Congress was 4. Their sacrifices helped the cause of
founded (1885), Tilak became the acknowledged freedom and democracy in the country;
leader of the extreme wing. He fought the 5. They championed the boycott of foreign
moderate measures of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and goods, which helped in the development of
advocated resistance to the British rule. He was Indian industries.
arrested (1897) by the British and imprisoned for
18 months. In 1907, a split took place in the
Congress, and Tilak led his extremist’s wing out Initiatives of Lord Morley and Lord Minto
of the party. The next year he was again
imprisoned this time for 6 years. Unlike Gandhi, Lord Morley, who was the secretary of
he welcomed the Mantague-Chelmstord Repot state for Indian Affairs declared in the British
(1918), which conceded a substantial measure of parliament in the year 1906 that his government
self-rule. wished to bring new reforms for India. The
reforms would enable the locals to exercise more
powers in the legislative affairs. This initiated a
series of correspondence between him and Lord
Influence of the Extremists on the National
Minto, who was the then Governor General of
Movement Before 1916
India. A committee was constituted to give
Despite an able leadership, the extremists suggestion about the scheme of reforms. The
could not influence the course of the national committee tabled its report. When the report had
movement in the direction of active political been approved by Lord Minto and Lord Morley,
agitation, as the moderates, who were still a the act of 1909 was passed by the British Page 7
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parliament. The Morlay-Minto reforms suggested 6. The members of the Legislative Councils
a separate electorate for Muslims, apart from were permitted to discuss the budgets,
some other constitutional measures. The suggest amendments and even to vote on
government wished to develop a gulf within the them except on those items that were
Congress on one hand by garnering the support of included as non-voter items. They were
the moderates, and on the other, to win over the also entitled to ask supplementary
Muslims and put them against the Hindus. The questions during the legislative
reforms introduced the system of separate proceedings.
electorates under which the Muslims could only 7. The Secretary of State for India was
vote for Muslim candidates. This was done with empowered to increase the number of the
an objective of creating a notion that the political, Executive Councils of Chennai and
economic and cultural interests of the Hindus and Mumbai from two to four.
Muslims were different. The Indian political 8. Two Indians were nominated to the
leaders were against these reforms. The council of the Secretary of State for Indian
following were the main features of the Act of Affairs.
1909: 9. The Governor-General was accorded the
power to nominate one Indian member to
1. The number of members of the Legislative his Executive Council.
Council at the centre was increased from
16 to 60. Indians Councils Act (1909)
2. The number of members of the provincial
Legislatures was also increased. It was The Indian Councils Act introduced the principle
fixed as 50 in the provinces of Bengal, of ‘elections’, which actually meant a minority
Chennai and Mumbai, and at 30 for the of indirectly elected members in the Central
rest of the provinces. Legislative Council and a majority of indirectly
3. There were four categories of the members elected members in the provincial councils. The
of the Legislative councils, bothat the Councils themselves allowed only some powers
centre and in the provinces-ex-officio of discussion, pulling of questions and
members (Governor-General and the sponsoring of resolutions. These Councils had
members of the Executive Councils), no control over the administration or finance, let
nominated non-official members alone defence or foreign policy. The reforms
(nominated by the Governor-Genenral but were made with the sole intent f isolating the
who were not government officials) and growing nationality movement. Repression had
elected members (elected by different already started with the police’s forcible entry
categories of Indian people). into the 1906 Barisal conference of Dulf’s
4. Right of separate electorates for the Bandhab Samiti, where they beat up a large
Muslims. number of the participants. The Bande Mataram
5. Official members were to form the Slogan was banned. Even more systematic
majority at the centre, but in the provinces repression followed with the agitations in Punjab
non-official members would be in and the rise of the revolutionary terrorists in
majority. Bengal. The major measures included the
banning of ‘seditious’ meetings specific areas Page 8
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(May and November 1907), Press acts enabling

the seizure of pressure (June 1908, February
1910), the criminal Law Amendment Act
(December 1908), which permitted bans on the
principal samitis in Bengal and deportations.
Lala Lajpat Rai and ajit Singh were deported in
May 1907; nine Bengal leaders including Aswini
Kumar Dutt were deported in December 1908;
Chidambaram Pillai and others from Chennai
were arrested; and Tilak was sentenced to 6
years in prison on 22 July 1908.

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Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)


WORLD WAR I-REFORMS AND very fast and subsidiaries of the Home Rule League
AGITATION were opened across India. Bal Gangadar Tilak
worked for the movement wholeheartedly. He joined
When World War I began, the British were with Dr. Besant and convinced the Muslim League to
surprised to see the massive outpour of symp0athy, offer their cooperation to the movement.
loyalty and goodwill for them. On the contrary, they
had feared that the Indians would use the opportunity Champaran
to revolt. India supplied to the British with men and
The flots of Champaran, a district in Bihar, were
resources very generously. Nearly 1.3 million carried out against the zamindari system. The
soldiers and labourers from India rendered their zamindars sublet their leases to English planters who
services in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Not forced the reyats to grow Indigo on 3/20 of their land
only the Indian government, but also the princes (the notorious Tinkathia System) and ‘bought’ it from
provided huge supplies of food, money and them forcibly at absurdly low prices. In the 1860s, this
practice had already led to the massive indigo riots in
ammunition. However, the high rate of casualties,
which most indigo-growing districts in Bengal and
rising inflation fuelled by heavy taxation, an outbreak Bihar participated, and the memory of that uprising
of influenza and the interruption of trade increased remained among the reyots. From the turn of the
suffering in India. The nationalist movement again century, as the demand for Indigo in Europe declined
saw a revival. The moderate and the extremist groups in the face of competition from synthetic dyes, the
within the Congress forgot their differences to stand planters passed the burden onto the peasants by
as a united front. These were also a temporary charging sharahbeshi (rent enhancement) or (lump-
sum compensation), not to mention over 40 other types
alliance set up between the congress and the Muslim
of fines, cesses, rents and son, arbitrarily invented and
League in 1916. The alliance was known as the collected. The result was an explosive situation. In the
Lucknow pact. The alliance was made over the issue Motihari – Bettiah region of Champaran, widespread
of devolution of political power and the treatment resistance developed during 1905 – 1908, over an area
met to Islam in the Middle East. The British adopted of 400 square miles. By 1917, nevertheless, the
a ‘carrot and stick’ approach in acknowledging situation had become even more explosive. The World
India’s support during the war. In the month of War I led to an even sharper drop in the indigo
exports, and the planters made up their losses with
August 1917, Edwin Montague, who was the
such vicious enhancements that another major riot was
secretary of State for India was ‘increasing the in store. It was in such a situation that Mahatma
association of Indians in every branch of Gandhi was to make his entrance into Indian politics
administration of Indians in every branch of by launching Satyagraha.
administration and the gradual development of self-
governing institutions with a view on the progressive
realisation of a responsible government in India as an LUCKNOW PACT (1916)
Integral part of the British Empire’. The methods of
attaining the suggested measure were later preserved
Change in the Attitude of the Muslim
in the government of India Act of 1919. League

HOME RULE MOVEMENT (1915-1916) At the time of its creation, the All India
Muslim League was a moderate party. Its basic aim
The Home Rule Movement was launched by Dr. was to maintain friendly relations with the
Annie Besant in 1916, who was inspired by the Government. However, when the British Government
success of Irish rebellion. The movement expanded annulled the partition of Bengal, its leadership decided Page 1
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

to change its stance. In 1913, a new group of leaders and 31 December 1916, respectively. The Congress
entered the Muslims and the Hindus. The most accepted the separate electorates, and both the
important among those new leaders was Muhammad organizations jointly demanded dominion status for the
Ali Jinnah. He was already a member of the Indian country. Hindu-Muslim unity weakened the British
National Congress. The Muslim League re-though its attitude. In 1916, the British announced a policy
goal and decided to cooperate with the Congress so whereby the association of Indians in the government
that pressure could be exerted on the British was to be increased and there was to be a gradual
Government. When Lord Chelmsford invited the development of local self-governing institutions.
Indian politicians for their suggestions on post- World Sarojini Naidu gave Jinnah, the chief architect of the
War I reforms, there was further in the development of Lucknow Pact, the title ‘the Ambassador of Hindu-
the situation. Muslim Unity’.

Joint Sessions of the Congress and the AUGUST DECLARATION OF 1917

Muslim League
During World War I, the British claimed that
Because of the efforts of Jinnah, the annual they stood for the protection of democracy around the
session was held at Mumbai in December 1915, in world. Thus Indians, who fought for them in this war,
which both the Congress and the Muslim League met. demanded that democracy should also be introduced in
The prominent leaders of both the political parties their country. In his famous August Declaration
gathered at one place for the first time. Leaders from presented before the House of Commons on 20 August
both the parties delivered speeches from a common 1917, Lord Montagu, the Secretary of State for Indian
platform which were also based on similar theme. Affairs, said that to satisfy the local demands, his
After some months of the Mumbai meet, 19 elected government was interested in giving more
members elected the members of the Imperial representation to the natives of India. New reforms
Legislative Council; both the Hindus and the Muslims, would be introduced in the country to meet this
gave a memorandum to the Viceroy on the issue of objective. The control over the Indian government
reforms in October 1916. The suggestions they gave would be transferred gradually to the Indian people.
were not taken very seriously by the press, but they This was the result of the Hindu-Muslim unity
were debated, changed and accepted at a later meeting exhibited by the Lucknow Pact.
of the Congress and the Muslim League leaders which
was held at Kolkata in the month of November, 1916. BEGINNING OF THE GANDHIAN ERA
After World War I, the Britishers came up
The Lucknow Pact
with some reforms. Indian leaders were, however, not
An important step forward in achieving appeased. The freedom movement had advanced far
Hindu-Muslim unity was the Lucknow Pact, 1916. beyond such halting concession. It was, in fact, to
Anti-British feelings were generated among the enter its last phase called the Gandhian Era. Mahatma
Muslims following a war between Britain and Turkey, Gandhi dominated the Indian political scene from 1918
which opened the way for the Congress and Muslim to 1947. It was the most intense and eventful phase of
League unity. Both the Congress and the Muslim India’s freedom struggle. Mahatma Gandhi provided
League held sessions at Lucknow in 1916. This leadership of the highest order and his philosophy of
meeting settled the details of an agreement on the non-violent Satyagraha became the most potent
composition of the legislatures and the quantum of weapon to drive out the British from the Indian soil.
representation to be allowed to the two communities.
The agreement was confirmed by the annual sessions
of the Congress and the League held at Lucknow on 29 Page 2
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms (Upper House) and the Legislative Assembly

(Lower House).
Lord Montagu visited India and remained here
for six months. During the period of his stay, he met 8. The Council of the State was to be composed
various government and non-government people. At of 60 members, of which 33 would be elected
last, along with Governor- General Lord Chelmsford, and 27 nominated by the Governor-General.
he introduced a report on the constitutional reforms for
9. The Legislative Assembly was to be composed
India in 1918. There were discussions on the report in
of 144 members, of which 103 would be
the British Parliament and it was approved. It became
elected and 41 nominated by the Governor-
the Government of India Act of 1919. This act is
popularly known as the Montagu-Chelmsford
Reforms. 10. There was to restricted franchise.

THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT 11. The term of the Upper House was to be 5
(1919) years and of the Lower House 3 years.

The important features of the Act were: 12. Both the houses enjoyed equal legislative
powers. If there was a tie, the Governor-
1. The Council of the Secretary of State was to General was supposed to summon a joint
have eight to twelve members, including three meeting to decide the matter by majority vote.
Indians, and at least half of them should have
spent a minimum of 10 years in India. 13. The Executive Council was not responsible to
the Legislature and the Governor-General
2. The Secretary of State was supposed to follow could reject its advice.
the advice of his council.
14. Provincial legislatures were to be unicameral.
3. A portion of the expenditure of the office of
the Secretary of State was to be met by the 15. Seventy per cent members of the Provincial
British Government. Legislative Councils were to be elected and
the remaining 30 per cent were to be
4. The Secretary of State was not allowed to nominated.
intervene in administrative issues of the
provinces in the matters of ‘Transferred 16. The Governors were to be handed over an
Subjects’ and also in the matters on which the ‘Instrument of Instructions’ which was
Governor-General and his Legislative Council supposed to help them in executing their
agreed. administrative functions.

5. The Governor-General was empowered to 17. The system of diarchy was set up in the
nominate as many members to his Executive provinces.
Council as he wished.
18. Apart from the Muslims, other minorities
6. Members appointed to the Executive Council (Sikhs, Anglo-Indians, Christians and
were to have served in India for minimum of Europeans) were also accorded the right of
10 years. separate electorates.

7. The Central Legislature was to be composed 19. New reforms were to be introduced after 10
of two houses – the Council of the State years. Page 3
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

Reaction to the Act of 1919 ROWLATT ACT (1919)

The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms were not accepted During the viceraoyalty of Lord Chelmsford, a
by most quarters in India as they fell far short of the sedition committee was appointed by the government
Indian expectations. It introduced the principle of a in 1918, headed by Justice Rowlatt, which made
dual made of administration, or diarchy, in which both
the elected Indian legislators and the appointed British certain recommendations to curb seditious activities in
officials shared power. Dyarchy set in motion certain India. The Rowlatt Act, 1919, gave unbridled powers
real changes of the provincial level; a number of non- to the government to arrest and imprison suspects
controversial or ‘transferred’ partfolios, such as without trial. The Rowlatt Act was passed by the
agriculture, local government, health, education and Government in spite of being opposed by all the Indian
public works, were handed over to the Indians, while members of the Legislative Council. The act created
more sensitive matters such as finance, taxation and
anger among all sections of the society. Even before
maintaining law and order, were retained by the
provincial British administrators. the act was passed popular agitations had begun
against it. Gandhi decided to fight against this act and
he gave a call for Satyagraha on 6 April 1919. He was
arrested on 8 April 1919. This led to further
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi intensification of the agitation in Delhi, Ahmedabad
and Punjab.
(1869 – 1948)
M. K. Gandhi returned to India in 1914 and led three Kheda Satyagraha
major crusades for the Indian independence from the
British rule. The first was the Satyagraha campaign of The Kheda Satyagraha which is also known as the no-
peaceful non-cooperation urging the Indians to fast, lax peasant struggle was launched in March 1919
close businesses and the boycott British goods in under the able leadership of Gandhiji along with
protest against the Rowlatt Bill of 1919 (a plan to Sardar Patel, N. M.Joshi and others. This movement
imprison people suspected of trouble-making). By provided an opportunity to the educated public
1920, Gandhi was dominating Indian politics, workers to establish contact with the real life of the
thousands were jailed for supporting the Satyagraha, peasantry. The Kheda peasantry mainly consisted of
and in 1922, Gandhi was jailed for 6 years. In 1933, he the Patidar peasants. The Patidars have always been
launched his second major campaign to defy the law known for their skills in agriculture. The land of
that forbade Indians to make their own salt. His Kheda, a part of central Gujarat, is quite fertile for the
journeys to the coast led thousands to follow him and cultivation of tobacco and cotton crops. The struggle
his subsequent imprisonment. Finally, in 1942 he of peasants was organized because the peasants had
endorsed the ‘Quit India’ campaign, formally calling suffered a famine and this had resulted in a large scale
for the Indian Independence. Once again he was jailed, failure of crops, but the government did not accept the
but negotiations led to the Mountbatten Plan of 1947, failure of crops and insisted on the full realization of
which formed India and Pakistan. He never wanted the tax.
partition of the country; he suggested that Jinnah
should be invited to form the Government. To
Gandhi’s dismay, the country was split and the
subsequent riots led to his assassination in January The Satyagraha of 1919
1948. Nelson Mandela cites Gandhi as a dominant The Satyagraha was to be a non-violent affair to the
influence in his own struggle and described him as --- point of riot offering any real resistance. The plan for
no ordinary leader. There are those who believe he was an all-India harial was fixed on a Sunday. Two of the
divinely inspired, and it is difficult not to believe with factors which contributed to the unexpected
them. nationwide upsurge in answer to the Satyagraha call
were the spontaneously growing labour movement
(fueled by the fact that on 80-100 per cent increase in
the price of food grains had been hardly offset by the Page 4
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

wage rises of say 15 per cent) and the remarkable protest, Rabindranath Tagore returned the knighthood
Hindu-Muslim unity. The former phenomenon conferred on him. It gave strength to Gandhi’s
included the formation of the first regularly mission, which ultimately led to the British leaving
functioning trade unions, and the great largely India.
spontaneous, Mumbai textile strike of January 1919.
Hindu-Muslim unity had been facilitated partly by the On 13 March 1940, Sardar Uddham Singh, an
1916 Lucknow Pact between the Congress and the
Indian patriot from Punjab visited England. He shot
leaders of the Muslim League, whereby the Congress
accepted separate electorates and ta bargain was struck down Michal O’ Dwyer, former Lieutenant Governor
over the distribution of seals. Muslim politicians were of Punjab, while the latter was addressing a meeting in
agitated over the Khilafat issues. The Sultan of Cazton Hall, London. Uddham Singh was executed on
Turkey, who was accepted as the major Muslim 31 July 1940, in England. Uddham Singh’s ashes were
power, was being subjected to humiliating terms by the brought hack to India after 34 years on 19 July 1974.
British after World War I and Muslim leaders
worldwide sympathized. The anxieties of Muslim KHILAFAT MOVEMENT (1920)
politicians coincided in 1919, with the agitational
plans of the Congress. And so, for the first time, the
major politicians of both communities jointly gave a
The Khilafat (The Caliphate)
call for struggle.
The Khilafat, as an institution did not have a
JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE (13 stable past. Initially, it had migrated from Medina to
Darmascus and from Damascus to Baghdad. It
APRIL 1919)
remained in Egypt for some time, and then it shifted to
The arrest of Dr. Kitchlu and Dr. Satyapal on Turkey. The Indian Muslims had a strong sense of
10 April 1919, under the Rowlatt Act in connection closeness to the world community of Islam. They had
with the Satyagraha caused serious unrest in Punjab. witnessed the fall in the political fortunes of Islam.
Rioting started in Amritsar on 10 April 1919. The They had seen how the European powers defeated the
people of Amritsar took out processions to protest Muslim kingdoms and captured their lands one after
against the arrest. Police firing made it more violent the other. The Anglo-Russian convention held in 1908
and as result five Europeans were killed by the mob. A had brought the status of Iran to just a dependency.
public meeting was held the next day, 13 April 1919, Afghanistan was also reduced to a bone of contention
in a park called Jallianwala Bagh where thousands of between Russia and Britain. Ultimately, British
people, including women and children, assemble. established its control over Afghanistan.
These protestors were unaware of a ban that had been
imposed by the martial law administrators on public
Response of the Indian Muslims
meetings. Before the meeting could start General O’ The Indian Muslims had a feeling that the
Dyer ordered indiscriminate heavy firing on the crowd European powers were waging a war against Islam
and the people had no means of escape. Hundreds of across the world so that its power and influence could
men, women and children were killed and more than be ended. Till then, the Ottoman Empire was the only
1200 people wounded in the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy. Muslim power that had maintained an impression of
The Hunter Commission was appointed to look into authority. The Indian Muslims wished to stop the last
the situation of unrest after the incident. Islamic political authority from becoming extinct. The
Public Response to the Massacre Sultans of Turkey had proclaimed themselves to be the
caliphs of the Muslims all over the world. Before the
The massacre was a turning point in Indo-British fall of the Mughal Empire, Muslims of India had not
relations and inspired the people to begin a more acknowledged their claim. However, when there was
unrelenting fight for freedom. It sickened some in no other Indian Muslim sovereign power left, the Page 5
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

Muslims of India began to see the necessity of express views before the British Government, they
recognizing the Sultan of Turkey as their Caliph. Tipu were not treated properly.
Sultan also, who when first failed to gain recognition
from the Mughals, had turned to the Sultan of Turkey The Moplah Uprising
to get recognition of a legal right to his throne.
In the month of August 1921, reasant riots
Origin of the Khilafat Movement broke out in Nilambur, Kerala. The Moplah peasants
rebelled against the oppressive policies of their Hindu
As a consequence of the World War I, the landlords. The landlords worked in alliance with the
Ottoman Empire faced humiliation. Two brothers also British. The landlords re-distributed the lands of the
known as the Ali Brothers, Maulana Muhammad peasants. This increased the suffering of the Moplahs,
Aliand Maulana Shaukat Ali, inspired the Muslims and rose in revolt. There started a pitched battle
of South Asia and initiated an anti-British movement between the British regiment and the Moplahs. The
in 1920 popularly known as the Khilafat Movement. Moplahs killed many Europeans. More than four
The movement wished the restoration of the Caliphate. thousand Moplahs were killed in the action and
The objectives of the movement were: (i) to restore the thousands were injured and then, the infamous Moplah
Turkish caliphate; (ii) to safeguard the holy shrines of train tragedy occurred. Nearly hundred prisoners,
the Muslims; and (iii) to preserve the unity of the cramped in a closed and airtight goods van, were being
Ottoman Empire. The European forces had played a transported by rail. When the door of the wagon was
prime role in cutting the authority of Turkey in Europe opened, sixty six Moplahs were found dead because of
to Eastern Thrace, Constantinople and the straits in the suffocation and the remaining were on the brink of
Balkan Wars fought between 1912 and 1913. As an act collapse. This led to Hindu-Muslim communal clashes,
of revenge, Turkey decided to join the Germans especially in Multan and Bengal in the month of
against the Allied forces. The Indian Muslims hailed September, 1922. The Sanghattan and Shuddi
the decision and showed their anti-British attitude movements were launched as a result of these
more aggressively. communal rioting. They were directed against the
Muslims and aimed at the revival of Hinduism.
British Response to the Khilafat Movement
Decline of the Khilafat Movement
The Indian Muslims were unanimous in their
support to the Caliph. Despite the fact that they were Along with other factors, the arrest of the Ali
separated from Turkey by thousands of miles, they brothers in Septemebt 1921 was an important factor
were resolute to support Turkey from India. The responsible for the decline of the Khilafat movement.
conditions of the Treaty of Serves declared in 1920, After the Chaura-Chauri incident, Gandhi also
led to resentment among the Muslims. They felt that withdrew his support from the movement. He had been
they had been cheated. In the month of June 1920, a staunch supporter of the movement earlier. In the
ninety prominent Muslim personalities wrote to Lord year 1924, Turks under the leadership of Mustafa
Chelmsford, the Viceroy, declaring that they would Kamal were trying to consolidate their position in
start a non-cooperation movement against the Turkey. They declared the end of the Khilafat. It was a
government from August, it the conditions of the treaty big shock for the members of the Indian Khilafat
with Turkey were not changed. This did not bring any movement, who had been supporting Turkey and the
positive results because the British Prime Minister Khilafat. Slowly, the interest of the people in the
Lloyd George was a bitter enemy of Turkey and also movement died down and people associated with the
of the Indian Khilafat Movement, When the Indian movement started developing new interests.
Khilafat deputation reached England in 1920 to Page 6
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

Significance of the Khilafat Movement looking for the Khilafat rebels entered the renowned
Mambaram mosque at Tirurangadi. They took some
The Lucknow Pact indicated that it was the records and took into their custody some Khilafat
Hindus and the Muslims belonging to the English volunteers. A rumour spread that the mosque had been
educated middle-class, could reach at an amicable defiled by the police. Hundreds of agitated Moplahs
settlement on political and constitutional issues related gathered on Tirurangadi and encircled the local police
to them. This unity peaked during the Khilafat and the station. The police Violence stretched over Eranad and
non-cooperation movements. Maulana Abul Kalam Valluvanad taluks and the neighbouring areas for more
Azad also guided the movement. Gandhi and the than 2 months. The Congress leaders tried to curb the
Indian National Congress wholeheartedly supported violence but could not succeed. During the later stages,
the movement and paved the way for Hindu-Muslim because of the rumour of Hindus having helped the
unity. It became an important countrywide popular police or sought police help, there were events of
movement. No doubt that the Khilafat movement atrocities committed on the Hindus. This damaged the
failed to achieve its goals, it led to political awakening realtions between the two communities. In the
of the large masses of Muslims. It was during the days meantime, British and Gorkha regiments were sent to
of the movement that representatives of the Indian the area. Martial law was imposed. A number of
Muslims had a chance of meeting eminent repressive measures followed, and by the month of
personalities from other Muslims countries. November, the rebellion was practically flattened.
Many voluntary agencies carried out relief operations
Moplah Rebellion: I for almost 6 months with the active support from
A large number of people in Kerala were influenced by
the Gandhian movement. They joined the Satyagraha
campaign in large numbers. The non-cooperation
movement was at its peak during this period of time. NON-COOPERATION MOVEMENT
Gandhiji toured Malabar in 1921, giving more (1920-1922)
momentum to the movement. Khilafat Committees
were established in large numbers and the sense of Launching of the Non-Cooperation
brotherhood between the Hindus and Muslims, through Movement
the efforts in Congress-Khilafat Committees, was realy
a noticeable feature of the non-cooperation movement With the Congress support to the Khilafat
initially. The pace of spreading of the Khilafat movement, Hindu-Muslim unity was achieved which
agitation particularly in the Eranca and Valluvanad encouraged Gandhi to launch his non-violent, non-
taluks alarmed the administration. A stunned cooperation movement. When the British refused to
administrative system imposed prohibitory orders in fulfill the demands of the Congress, a programmed of
the both the taluks. Gatherings of people were banned boycott of government schools, colleges and law
and many were imprisoned. A tragic event then took courts was approved in an all-party joint conference
place, known as the Moplah Rebellion or the Malabar held in Allahabad in June 1920. At Kolkata, the
Rebellion of 1921. The police tried to arrest the Congress organized a special session in September
secretary of the Khilafat Committee of Pokotturin 1920, and resolved in favour of the non-violent, non-
Eranad allegedly for having stolen a pistal. cooperation movement, and defined Swaraj as its
ultimate aim. The movement envisaged (i) surrender of
Moplah Rebellion: II titles and honorary officers; (ii) resignation from
nominated offices and posts in the local bodies; (iii)
A mob of 2,000 Moplahs from the neighbourhood
refusal to attend government darbars and boycott of
obstructed the police. The following day, a police
British courts by the lawyers; (iv) refusal of members Page 7
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

of the public to join military and other government lawyers such as Motilal Nehru, C. R. Das, C.
jobs; (v) boycott of government schools, colleges, Rajagopalachari, Saifuddin Kitchly, Vallabhbhai Patel
courts and election process as per the Act of 1919 and and Aruna Asaf Ali, give up their lucrative practices,
(vi) boycott of foreign goods. inspiring thousands of followers.

This led to the foundation of national schools PHASE II (APRIL – JUNE 1921) Operation
and educational institutions and panchayats (which Tilak Swaraj Fund was organized throughout the
acted as private arbitration courts) throughout India. country by which common people were enrolled in the
Swadeshi and Khadi became popular and domestic Congress. The aim was to raise a fund for organizing
hand-spinning and hand-weaving industry began to the Congress activity on a larger platform. The
grow. Nationwide programmes began for the removal Congress succeeded in creating a fund of more than
of untouchability and for the upliftment of ‘Harijans’ crore from the donations. It installed spinning wheels
and women. Participation of Muslims and other throughout the nation to mark the success of the Tilak
minorities helped in developing a sense of national Swaraj Fund.
Significance of the Movement The non-cooperation movement also saw picketing of
shops selling foreign cloth and boycott of foreign cloth
This was the first truly nationalist movement
by the followers of Gandhi. Another dramatic event
of India which brought together almost all working
during this period was the visit of the Prince of Wales.
strata of the society such as peasants, teachers,
The day he landed in Mumbai, 17 November 1921, he
students, women and merchants. It acquired a real
was greeted with empty streets and downed shutters
mass base as it gained momentum and spread across
wherever he went.
the length and breadth of the country. The Congress
also got a face lift with this movement, gaining PHASE IV (NOVEMBER 1921 –
recognition as an organization for action instead of a
FEBRUARY 1922) The non-cooperation
mere deliberative assembly. The development of
movement had other indirect effects also, it led to the
national unity and willingness of people to make
Kisan movement throughout the country, Akaji
sacrifices for the cause of national independence also
movement in Punjab, strikes in steamer service and
emerged from this movement.
Assam – Bengal Railways and many other local
Phases of the Movement movements. There was a mood of civil mass
disobedience throughout the country. The unrest and
PHASE I (JANUARY – MARCH 1921) defiance of authority engendered by the non-
Gandhi, along with the Ali brothers undertook cooperation movement contributed to the rise of many
a nationwide tour, addressing hundreds of meetings local movements in different parts of the country,
and a large number of political leaders. In the initial movements which did not often adhere strictly to the
weeks itself, thousands of students left schools and programme of the non-cooperation movement or to the
colleges and joined more than 800 national schools policy of non-violence. In December 1921, at the
and colleges that sprang up all over the country. The annual session of Congress at Ahmedabad under the
educational boycott was especially successful in presidentship of C. R. Das, a resolution was passed
Bengal, with Punjab too responding under the affirming the fixed determination of the Congress to
leadership of Lala Lajpat Rai. Other areas that were continue the programme of non-violent, non-
active were Mumbai, United Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, cooperation till the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and
Assam and Chennai. Apart from educational boycott, Khilafat wrongs were redressed and Swarajya was
there was a boycott of law courts which saw major established. Page 8
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)


The Congress session held at Ahmedabad in The working class of the developed capitalist
December 1921, decided to launch a civil disobedience countries began powerful struggles that affected other
movement while reiterating its stand on the non- nations as well like India, where the reformers started
violent, non-cooperation movement of which Gandhi organized successful struggles with the workers.
was the appointed leader. Before Gandhi could launch Organizations such as the Amalgamated Society of
the civil disobedience movement, a mob at Chauri- Railway Servants of India and Burma, Unions of
Chaura led by Jawahar Yadav, near Gorakpur in the Printers in Kolkata, which were not exactly trade
present day Uttar Pradesh, clashed with the police unions, came into existence. The first trade union was
which opened fire. In retaliation, the mob burnt the formed on permanent basis in 1906 in the Postal
police station and killed 22 policemen. This compelled Offices at Mumbai and Kolkata. By the early years of
Gandhi to call off the civil disobedience movement on the twentieth century, strikes by workers and visible
11 February 1922. Even so Gandhi was arrested and links between nationalist politics and labour movement
sentenced to 6 years imprisonment. The Chauri-Chaura had become quite common.
incident convinced Gandhi that the nation was not yet
ready for mass disobedience and he prevailed upon the MUMBAI MILL WORKER’S
Congress Working Committee in Bardoli on 12 STRUGGLE In 1908, a week long protest was held
February 1922, to call off the non-cooperation by the Mumbai Mill workers against the conviction of
movement. the nationalist leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak on charges
of sedition. An uproar against the indenture system of
Trade Unionism: Ideological Battleground labour recruitment for the plantations led to the
abolition of the system in 1922.
Ideological differences in the labour movement began
to appear within a few years after the birth of the All
India Trade Union Congress (AITUC). The three SHOLAPUR COMMUNE The workers
distinct ideological groups in the trade union of Sholapur established workers power for the first
organization had entirely different views regarding the time in India – the heroic Sholapur Commune. The
labour movement. These groups were; (i) Communists colonial ruler prosecuted the workers and detained the
led by M. N. Roy and shripad Amrut Dange who leaders in the Meerut conspiracy case.
wanted AIIUC to be affiliated to such --- international
organizations as the League against imperialism and CHENNAI LABOUR UNION It was an
the Pan-Pacific Trade Union Secretariat. The party
ideology was supreme to these leaders and they took association of the textile workers including workers of
the unions as instruments for furthering it. (ii) other trades in the European owned Buckingham and
Moderates led by N. M. Joshi and V. V. Giri, who Carnatic Mills which was founded in 1918 by the
wanted affiliation with the British labour Organization nationalist leaders like Thiru Vi. Ka. (Real name T. V.
(BLO) and the international Federation of Trade Kalyanasundara Mudaliar) and B. P. Wadia. There was
Unions based in Amsterdam. The moderates were … a remarkable disagreement between the union and
unionists at heart who did not want to crush trade units
caused strike and lockout. A civil suit was filed against
under political interests. (iii) Nationalists led by the
freedom fighters Gandhi and Nehru, who argued that Wadia claiming the payment of damages for inciting
affiliation with the latter organizations would be workers to breach their contract. The court ruled out
accepting unending dominion status for the country that the Chennai Labour Union was an illegal
under the British rule. conspiracy to hurt trading interests and demanded the
restraining of activities of the union. Finally, it ended
into a compromise which led to reinstatement of all the
victimized workers except 13 strike leaders. Wadia Page 9
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

and other outside leaders separated themselves from organization. There were different kinds of politicians
the union. like Gandhians, socialists and communists supporting
the workers.
At the time when Chennai Labour Union was GREAT OCTOBER SOCIALIST
being organized, Anasuyaben Sarabhai began working REVOLUTION
for the mill workers in Ahmedabad which eventually
led to the formation of the famous Mazdoor Mahajan – After World War I, workers throughout the
Textile Labour Association in 1920. country took inspiration from the Great October
Socialist Revolution of Russia and struggled against
GANDHI’S BACKING TO THE TRADE British colonialism.
Labour Movements After 1939
Gandhi called the Textile Labour Association,
When World War II broke out in 1939, the workers
Ahmedabad, as his laboratory where he experimented
opposed the war through a serfes of strikes. Favourable
upon his ideas on industrial relations and a model conditions such as worldwide anti-imperialist
labour union. Being successful with his experiments, struggles, establishment of rule of under working class
he advised other trade unions to follow it. leadership in one third of the globe defeat of fascist
powers and the role of working class encouraged anti-
GROWTH OF TRADE UNIONS IN imperialist struggles in India. Some of the incidents
INDIA that showed the working class power were the
nationwide post and telegraph strike, the Mumbai
Several reasons support the coming up of general strike in support of the naval mutiny and street
battles. In the princely feudal states, the working class
unions in the 1920s. Against this background N. M.
supported the Telegana armed struggle and was in the
Joshi introduced a bill for the rights of a Trade Union. forefront of Punnapra-Vygiayar struggle.
But the then member for Industries, Commerce and
Labour promised to legislate the subject himself and BIRTH OF AITUC
the Trade Union Act of 1926 was enacted. By this
time, many active trade union leaders notably N. M. The need felt for a central organization was
Joshi, Zabwalla, Solicitor Jinwalla, S. C. Joshi, V. G. fulfilled with the birth of the All India Trade Union
Dalvi and Dr. Baptista organized strong unions Congress (AITUC) in 1920. Many protests and
specially in Port Trust, Dock staff, Bank employees martyrdom of many gave the working class the right to
(especially in Imperial Bank and currency office), organize itself into trade unions and the right to strike.
Customs, Income – Tax, Ministerial staff, etc. In 1926, the India Trade Union Act was enacted.


AND TRADE UNION MOVEMENT The Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, legalized
that seven workers can combine to make a trade union.
After the war, the growth of the nationalist
It also removed the pursuit of legitimate trade union
Home Rule Movement encouraged the labour
activity from the purview of civil and criminal
movement to take part in its nationalist effort.
proceedings which is still the basic law governing
Following World War I, the wages were not at par
trade unions in the country.
with the price hike. The workers being unaware about
the concept of trade union needed the guidance of
philanthropists and social workers (politicians) who
recognized labour’s potential for their political Page 10
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

SPLIT IN AITUC AND FORMATION OF Agitation of Mumbai Textile Workers Regular

payment of wages and improved working conditions
NTUF were demanded by 5,000 Mumbai Textile workers, in
1884. This was followed by unsuccessful strikes
From the mid-1920s of the twentieth century,
between 1882 and 1890. Because of oppression, many
the communists launched a major offensive to capture workers quit their jobs. Concerned about low labour
the AITUC. They started rival unions in opposition to costs, which gave an unfair advantage to Indian made
those dominated by the nationalists. By 1928, they goods, the Lancashire and Manchester Chambers of
fielded their candidate for election to the office of the Commerce called for an inquiry into the conditions of
President of the AITUC in opposition to the nationalist the Indian workers.
candidate Nehru who managed to win the election by a The First Factories Act, 1881 In 1875, the first
narrow margin. In the 1929 session of the AITUC appointed committee enquired into the conditions of
chaired by Nehru, the communists garnered enough factory workers and demanded factory laws. The first
support to carry a resolution to affiliate the Union to Factories Act was adopted in 1881 and The Factory
International Communist Forum. This resolution Commission was appointed in 1885.
sparked the first split in the labour movement. The
The Factories Act, 1891 Another Factories Act came
moderates, who deeply opposed it, walked out and up in 1891, and a Royal Commission on labour was
eventually formed the National Trade Union appointed in 1892. This forced restrictions on the
Federation (NTUF). working hours and the employment of women.

RED TRADE UNION CONGRESS The Mumbai Millhand’s Association This association
formed in 1890 was the first workers organization
Within 2 years of this evet, the Union suffered
headed by Narayan lakhande who can be treated as the
another split. The communists walked out of AITUC Father of India’s modern trade union movement. This
in 1931 and formed the Red Trade Union Congress but organization with no rules, regulations or funds
following its ban by the British, they returned. The worked for the welfare of workers. Soon other
British being most favourably disposed towards the organizations like Kamgar Hitvardhak Sabha and
moderate NTUF, appointed N. M. Joshi, the moderate Social Service League also came up.
leader as a member of the Royal Commission.

Trade Union Movement : The Beginning MERGING OF NTUF WITH AITUC

The corresponding growth of nationalist and the trade
union movement rose consciousness among the The breaking away of the NTUF cost the
struggling Indian Industrial workers who emerged as AITUC 30 affiliated unions having close to hundred
winners and stood by the nationalist organisers. thousand members. The Red Trade Union Congress
quickly fell apart, and the communists returned to the
In the years after the revolt of 1857, the British AITUC. During the next few years, there was
imperialists had a firm footing in the country and they
compromise between the AITUC and NTUF as well.
began to set up industrial enterprises. But the inhuman
conditions in which the Indian labourers worked The split had occurred on issues such as affiliation
resulted in a struggle by the workers throughout the with international organizations which were of no
later half of the nineteenth century at various industrial concern to the ordinary worker. By 1940, the NTUF
centres like Mumbai and Howrah. merged completely with the AITUC and it was agreed
that the AITUC would not affiliate itself with any
Strike at Empress Mills Nagpur This was an erratic
struggle by the workers of the Empress Mills at international organization and political decisions
Kanpur in 1877 following a wage cut. But because of would be taken on the basis of a two-thirds majority.
poor organization, it failed and led to more cruely by In conclusion, the thirties involved wage cuts, wartime
the rulers. inflution, political dissent and the Government's failure Page 11
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

in 1937 to meet the expectations of the workers Chettiar), United Provinces (led by Shaukat Usmani)
depicting a depressing period for Indian labour. and Punjab (led by Ghulam Hussain). The activities of
However, some prominent labour leaders such as Shri the new breed of revolutionaries caused panic among
Nanda and Shri Giri did pass some useful legislations, the British administrators and on 17 March 1924, M.
major being the Mumbai Industrial Disputes Act of N. Roy, S. A. Dange, Muzaffar Ahmed, Nalini Gupta,
1938, which attempted to eliminate inter-union Shaukat Usmani, Singaravelu Chettiar, Ghulam
rivalries by introducing a system recognising the Hussain and R. C. Sharma were charged for starling a
dominant union. violent revolution to deprive the King Emperor of his
sovereignty of the British in India. This was termed as
VISIT OF SIMON COMMISSION the Kanpur Bolshevik Conspir case. This action of the
government, however, blessing in disguise for the
The victorious October Revolution led to the
communists as the mas,1 became aware ot the plans,
development of the ideology of scientific socialism in
doctrines and the aims of Communists International in
the working class movement in India and puttorth
immediate political demands. Simon Commission’s
visit to India was marked by protests by the working Kanpur Communist Conferencewas
class. held 25 December 1925, where more than 500
participated and adopted the name ‘Communist Party
Conspiracy Trials against the Communists of India’ (CPI). The Labour and Swaraj Party of the
To stop the communists effort for a united party, the indian National Congress were formed in Bengal on 1
British banned ther activity with four conspiracy November 1925. The name of the party was changed
trials between 1921 and 1924. These were the First to Workers and Peasants Party of Bengal (WPP) on 6
Peshawar Conspiracy Case, the Second Peshawar February 1925 at a conference in Krishnanagar. After
Conspiracy Case, the Moscow Conspiracy Case and the conference, the underground CPI members joined
the Kanpur Bolshevik Conspiracy Case, which had the provincial Wpps to carry out their; Activities. WPP
great political impact. became the face of the communist movement, which
was declared illegal. M. N. Roy in this period opposed
nationalism in India and argued that India ivas not
COMMUNIST MOVEMENT IN INDIA ready for a socialist revolution as it was populated by
an industrial working class. On the other hand, the
Manabendra Nath Roy, earlier known as Narcndra Berlin group of the Indian revolutionaries represented
Nath Bhattachuryu. is credited to be the founder of the by Virendranath Chattopadhyay, Maulana Barkatullah
communist movement in India. He attended the and Bhupendranath Datta had a positive aspect of
Second Congress of Communist International in nationalism and considered India as an ugrarian
Russia and in Tashkent along with Evelina Trench country.
Roy, Abani Mukhcrji, Rosa Fitingof, Mohammad Ali
(Ahmed Hasan), Mohammad Shafiq Siddiqui; he SIXTH CONGRESS OF THE
founded the emigre Communist Party of India on 17 COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL
October 1920. He had earlier played an important role
in the forminging of the Communist Party of Mexico The sixth congress of the Communist
in 1919. Roy kept in contact with the Anushilan and International met in 1928. The colonial thesis of the
Yuguntar groups in Bengal and tried to strengthen the 6th Comintern Congress demanded the Indian
movement in India. Small communist groups were communists to protest against the national-reformist
formed in Bengal (Jed by Muzaffar Ahmed), Mumbai leaders thus opposing Swarajists, Gandhists and their
(led by S. A. Dange), Chennai (led by Singaravelu expression of passive resistance. The Tenth Plenum of Page 12
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

the Executive Committee of the Communist organised the Swaraj Party. The foundations of the
International. 3-19 July 1929 directed Indian Swaraj Party were laid on 1 January 1923. as the
Communists to sever tics with WPP to which they Congress-Khilafat-Swarajya Party with C. R. Das as
obliged. the President and Motilal Nehru as one of the
secretaries, It proposed that an alternative programme
MERRUT CONSPIRACY CASE of diverting the movement from a widespread civil
disobedience programme to restricted programme
On 20 March 1929, Meerut Conspiracy case
would be undertaken. By this programme, its members
involved the arrests of WPP, CPI und other labour
would enter the legislative councils by contesting
leaders in several parts of India. The trial proceedings
elections to wreck the legislature from within and use
of Communist leadership lasted for years. The main
moral pressure to compel the authorities to concede to
centres of activity of CPI were Mumbai, Kolkata,
the popular demand for self-government. Sardar
Punjab and Chennai.
Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Ansari and Rujendra Prasad
opposed council entry and were known as non-
changers. They warned that legislative politics would
The Congress Socialist Party (CSP) formed by weaken nationalist fervour and create rivalries among
the Indian left-wing elements in 1934 was branded as the leaders.
‘Social Fascist’ by the CPI. After 1936, both these
parties worked together and the period between 1936 Rise and Decline
and 1937 saw the co-operation of these parties
In the elections held in 1923, the Swaraj Party
attaining zenith. During the third CSP Congress in
captured 42 of the 101 elefcted seats. In provincial
Faizpur, several communists got included into the CSP
elections, they secured a few seats, but in the Central
National Executive Committee.
Provinces they secured a clear majority. In Bengal, the
Swaraj Party was the largest party. It followed the
Nagpur Session of the INC
policy of undiluted opposition. The Swarajists
The Nagpur session held m December 1920, brought demanded the release of all political prisoners,
change, in the Constitution ot the Congress. These provincial autonomy and repealing of the repressive
include that the Congress was now supposed to the laws imposed by the British government. However,
led by a 15 memberworking committee Membership after the death of C. R. Das in J925, the party drifted
was thrown open to all and women of ihe age of 21 towards a policy of cooperation with the government.
years or more on the payment of 4 annas as annual This led to dissensions in the party and it broke up in
subscription (Age limit reduced to 18 years in 1921). 1926. In the 1926 general elections, the party fared
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, G, S. Khaparde, badly in the United Provinces and Punjab which were
Bipin Chandra Pal Annie Besonl and so on left the its stronghold earlier. Finally, in 1930, it merged with
Congress as they did not believe in Gandhi’s non the Congress.
cooperation strategy.
SWARAJ PARTY (19220 In 1924, a nine-member committee was
constituted under e c airmanship of Sir Muddiman to
Origin and Purpose enquire about the dyarchy, instituted by the Momague-
Gandhi’sdecision to call off the agitation
Chclmsford Reforms. The committee submitted its
caused frustration among the masses. His decision
report in 1925. The majority report stated that the trials
came in for severe criticism from his colleagues such
of the dyarchy system were not air and adequate
as Motilal Nehru, C. R. Das and N. C. Kelkar, who
resources and time frame was not prov ided to check Page 13
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

the validity of the system. It recommended the December 1927. The Jinnah faction held a Muslim
continuation of the system with the incorporation of League session at Kolkata, and decided to form a sub-
only a few changes. The majority report actually committee to confer with the working committee of
constituted the views and opinions of the loyalists and the Indian National Congress and other organizations,
officials. The Secretary of State for India took a note with a view to draft a constitution for India.
of the majority report and issued a statement that
action would be taken based on the report. There was, The Congress decided to boycott the Simon
however, a minority report as well as which consisted Commission and challenged Lord Birkenhead.
of opinions of other non-official Indians who had Secretary of State for India, to produce a constitution
categorically opposed dyarchy and recommended the acceptable to the various elements in India. An all
framing of a new constitution. This view was not justly parties’ conference appointed the Nehru Committee to
presented by the Muddiman Committee. produce an agreed constitution. The Congress was
moving from the demand of ‘Dominion Status’ to
SIMON COMMISSION (1927) ‘Complete Independence’. The Chennai session of the
Congress in 1927, passed a resolution of ‘Complete
Appointment of the Commission National Independence’ and later, in 1928, the All
Party Muslim Conference also adopted ‘the goal of
The Government of India Act of 1919 was complete independence’ as its objective. The Congress
essentially transitional in character. Under Section 84 boycotted the Commission as it had no Indian member.
of the said Act, a siatutory commission was to be
appointed at the end of 10 years to determine the next Transformation of Boycott into a
stage in the realisation of self-rule in India. The Movement
activities of the Swaraj Party had induced the British
government to review the working of dyarchy It was the Indian National Congicss that turned the
introduced by the Montaguc-Chelmsford Reforms and boycott into a movement. The action began as soon
to report as to what extent a representative government as Sir John Simon and his colleagues bnded in
could be introduced in India. The British government Mumbai on 3 February 1928. All the major cities and
appointed a commission under Sir John Simon in towns observed a complete hartal and people came
November 1927. The commission, which had no out on the streets to participate in mass tallies,
Indian members, was sent to investigate India’s processions and black flag demonstrations. Wherever
constitutional problems and make recommendations to the commission went, they were met with the slogans
the government on a future constitution for India. of 'Simon, go back'. While leading the demonstration
Indian political leaders felt insulted and decided to at Lahore, Lola lajpat Rai was severely beaten in a
boycott the commission. police lathicharge and succumbed to his injuries. It
charged lire political atmosphere in India it was his
Boycott of the Commission death that Bhagat Singh and his commdes were
seeking, to avenge when ihey killed a white ooiice
The call for the boycott of the Simon official, Saunders, in December 1928.
Commission was endorsed by the Liberal Federation
led by Tej Bahadur Sapru, by the Indian Industrial and
Commercial Congress and by the Hindu Mahasabha. BUTLER COMMITTEE (1927)
The Muslim League split on the issue, with
Mohammed Ali Jinnah carrying the majority with him In 1927, the British government constituted
in favour of a boycott. Sir Muhammad Shall, who the Indian States Committee under the chairmanship of
wanted to cooperate with the commission, decided to Sir Harcourt Butler. The other two members in the
convene a Muslim League session in Lahore in committee were S. C. Peel and W. S. Holdsworth. The Page 14
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

purpose of the committee was to inquire into the majority provinces; (b) muslim representation in the
relationship between the Indian states and the British Central Legislature would not be less than onerthird;
throne; and suggest measures for improvement. The and (c) in addition to provisions such as religious
committee submitted its report in 1929, which was freedom, there was to be a further guarantee in the
subsequently endorsed by the Simon Commission. The constitution that on communal matters, no bill or
committee found that the relations of the British resolution would be considered or passed, if, three-
Crown with the Princely states in India was a thriving fourth of the members of the community concerned
and growing one, and it was suggested that the states were opposed to it. These proposals were to be
should be transferred to British India without any accepted or rejected in total.
contract with a new government which would be
responsible for an Indian legislature. It also divided the Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)
roles of the Governor-General and the Viceroy of India
Jawahorlal Nehru was born on 14 November 1889.
stating that the Viceroy should be the agent of the
He was the son of a rich Brahman lawyer from
British Crown in its relation with the princes.
Kashmir. When he reached the age of 16, he went to
England to get educated at the Harrow School and at
DELHI MUSLIM PROPOSAL the University of Cambridge. He returned to India in
(1927) 1912, and started the practice of law Soon, in 1919 he
joined the Indian National Congress. It was the major
Considering separate electorates to be the nationalist organization of India. Its leader was
main hindrance in improving Hindu-Muslim relations, Mohandas K. Gandhi. Very soon, Nehru became the
Jinnah proposed that ifthe Congress agreed to provide leader of the nationalist movement, He was
certain safeguards, the Muslim League would give up imprisoned nine times by the British for his
this demand. Consequently, the proposals were participation in the activities related to the
formally approved at a conference helrl by the Muslim independence of India. He remained the president of
League in 1927 at Delhi. The Delhi Musij proposals the Congress perty from 1929 to 1931. He was again
proposed the following safeguards: (i) the formation of appoimed the president of the party for five more
a separate province of Sindh and (ii) introduction of times. Nehru remained a staunch supporter of Gandhi
reforms in the North West Frontier Province and until Gandhi's demise in 1940; howevei, he did not
Baluchistan on the same footing as in the other endorse Gandhi’s views of passive resistance as a
provinces. means of pushing the British out of India. Rather, he
Unless and until the above proposals were suggested a militant program which involved the use
implemented the Muslim League would not surrender of nil possible measures, just short of armed
the right of thei’ representation through separate resistance to the British.
electorates. The Muslim League was willing to
abandon separate electorates jn favour of joint
electorates with the reservation of seats fixed in
proportion to the population of different communities When the Simon Commission failed
if the above two proposals weik, implemented to their miserably, there was no substitute for the British
full satisfaction and also, if the following proposals government but to invite the Indians to draft a
were accepted: (a) hindu minorities in Sindh, constitution For themselves. They understood that the
Baluchistan and the North-West Frontier Province be two main parties, the Congress and the Muslim
accorded the same concessions in the form of League, had serious difference of opinions. Lord
reservation of scats over and above the proportion of Birkenhead. Secretary of State for Indian Affairs,
their population as Muslims would get in lire Hindu threw the ball in the Indian politicians' court and Page 15
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

invited them to plan of the future action to which both 6. The proposal of reservation for the minorities
Hindus and Muslims would agree. The Indian leaders was as bad as that of separate electorates.
took the opportunity and the All parries Conference 7. Reservation of seats for Muslims could be
was summoned at Delhi in January 1928. Over a possible in provinces where Muslim
hundred representatives of almost all the parties of population was at least 10 per cent of the total,
India participated in the conference. However, the but this was to be in strict proportion to the
leaders could not arrive at any consensus. The biggest size of the community.
obstruction was the issue of the rights of the 8. Muslims should be given one-fourth
minorities. Another meeting of the All Parties representation in the Central Legislature.
Conference took place in the month of March. The 9. Sindh should be separated from Mumbai only
leaders once again could not resolve their differences it the committee approved that it was
and did not reach a conclusion. The sub¬committees financially self-reliant.
too proved a failure because of the difference in 10. The North-West Frontier Province should be
opinions of die Congress and the Muslim League given a complete provincial status.
11. A new Kanarese speaking province,
The meeting of the All Parties Conference was Karnataka, should be established in South
conducted for the third time in Mumbai on 19 May India.
1928 There was no prospect of an agreed constitution. 12. Hindi should be made the official language of
It was decided that a small committee should be India.
appointed to look into the details of the constitution. 13. Provision of Fundamental Rights tor the
Jawaharlal Nehru was appointed the head of this people of India in the Constitution.
committee. The committee included nine other
members including two Muslim League
Evnets that Unfolded after Nehru Report
representatives, Syed Ali Imam and Shoaib Qureshi.
The committee worked for 3 months at Allahabad and Despite opposition from the Muslim League, the
the memorandum that it presented was known as the Congress government with a disobedience movement
Nehru Report The report suggested that a Declaration if the Nehru Report was not implemented into the
of Rights should be included in the constitution Government of India December 1929. This attitude of
making sure complete liberty of conscience and the Congress ploved to be pivotal in the partition of
religion. India, it also proved to be a turning point in the life of
Mohammad Ali Jinnah. After reading the Nehru
The following were the recommendations put
Report, Jinnah announced a 'parting of the ways'.
forward by the Nehru Report:
Muslim League's Reaction to Nehru Report
1. India should be accorded the status of a
dominion. The recommendationsf of the Nehru Report
were not accepted by the Muslim League. Jinnah
2. There should be federal system of
government: residuary powers lying with the claimed it to be going against the interests pi the
centre. Muslim community on account of rejection of separate
3. India should have a parliamentary s item of electorates. He had expected the report to take into
account the Delhi Proposals fully. The Muslim League
government headed by a Prime Minister arid
had been asking for one-third representation at the
six other ministers designated by the
Governor-General centre while the Nehru Committee gave them only
4. The legislature should be bicameral. one-fourth representation. Though both the demands uf
5. There should be no separate electorates for any the Muslim League were considered in the Nehru
Report, they were incomplete. It was said that Sindh
community. Page 16
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

should be separated from Mumbai but the condition of Central Legislature should be Muslim; (ii) in the event
self-economy was also put forward. It demanded of adult suffrage not being established in Punjab und
constitutional reforms in the North-West Frontier Bengal, there should be reservations of seats for the
Province but Baluchistan was overlooked in the report. Muslims on the basis of population for 10 years,
subject to a re-examination after that period, but that
ALL PARTIES MUSLIM CONFERENCE they shall have no right to contest additional seats; and
(1929) (iii) residuary powers should be left to the provinces
and should not rest with the Central Legislature. The
The immediate result of the publication of the Nehru Committee rejected these suggestions. In March
Nehru Report was that Muslims of all shades of 1929, Jinnah compiled a set of recommendations that
opinion united in opposition to it. The two wings of the provoked Muslim thinking for the better part of the
Muslim League that had been split since 1924 came next decade.
closer. On 21 January 1929. an All Parties Muslim
Conference was convened in Delhi under Aga Khan. Muhammad Ali jinnah (1876-1948)
The Conference laid down the Muslims’ demands in
the clearest possible terms: (i) The only form of Referred to as the 'Father of Pakistan', Jinnah war,
government suitable to Indian conditions was a federal born in Karachi in 1876. He went to England to be a
system, with complete autonomy and residuary powers barrister He returned to India in 1896 and became a
vested in the constituent states, (ii) Muslims should not close friend with, moderate leaders such as Gokhle
be deprived of the right to elect their representatives and Naoroji. He Became a member of ihe Muslim
through separate electorates without their consent, (iii) League in 191 3, but remained very close to the
Muslims should continue to have weightage in the Indian National Congress till the 1930s. However, he
Hindu majority provinces and they were willing to had little appreciation for the, Gandhian techniques of
accord the same privilege to non-Muslim minorities in civil disobedience and non-cooperation. He
Sindh, the North-West Frontier Province and articu’ated the idea of a separate nation of Pakistan
Baluchistan, (iv) Muslims should have their due share and became fhe first Governor-General of
in the central and provincial cabinets, (v) The Muslim Independent Pakistan. On 11 September 1948, he
majority in all Muslim majority provinces (with died after a protracted illness at Karachi.
particular reference to Bengal and Punjab) should in
no way be disturbed.
This resolution was the Muslim League’s
On March 28 1929, a meeting of the council of
reply to the Nehru Report. The rejection of the
the All India Muslim League was held. In the meeting,
Congress-inspiredconstitution was completely
the members of both the league, i.e. Shah league and
unanimous and clear. The Muslims were adamant on
Jinnah league look part. Jinnah called the Nehru
two points—continuation of separate electorates; and a
Report a Hindu document, but suggested that merely
federal form of government for India. The Nehru
rejecting the report was not adequate. He decided that
Report was primarily repudiated because it denied
he would give a different Muslim League agenda. In
these conditions.
this meeting he introduced his Fourteen Points. These
At this critical juncture, Jinnah tried to wrestle points were us follows:
for his position by asking the Congress for certain
1. The structure of the constitution be
modifications to be made in the recommendations of
constructed should be federal in nature, in
the Nehru Report. At the all Parties Convention at
which residuary powers would be vested in the
Kolkata in 1929, he argued that (i) one-third of the
elected representatives of both the houses of the Page 17
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

2. A standardised measure of autonomy shall be protection and promotion of Muslim

offered to all provinces. education, language, religion, personal laws
3. The legislatures and other elected bodies shall and Muslim charitable institutions and for
be created on the principle of adequate and their due share in the grants-in-aid given by
effective representation of minorities in each the state and by the local self- governing
province withoutcurtailing the majority in any bodies.
province to a minority even equality. 13. No central or provincial cabinet should be
4. The representation of the Muslims shall not be formed without there being a proportion of at
less than one-third in the Central Legislature. least one-third Muslim ministers.
5. Communal group representation shall be 14. The constitution cannot be amended by the
continthrough the means of separate Central Legislature except with the
electorates with the condition that it shall be concurrence of the States’ contribution to the
open to any community at any time to give up Indian federation.
its separate electorate in favour of a joint
electorate. The given Fourteen Points were accepted by
6. Any necessury territorial distribution shall not the Council of the all India Muslim League. They
affect th Muslim majority in the provinces of passed a resolution according to which no scheme for
Punjab. Bengal, and the North-West Frontier the future constitution was tolerable to the Muslim
Province. League, if it did not include the demands presented in
7. All religious communities will be given full the Fourteen Points.
religious liberty, that is, liberty of belief,
The Meerut conspiracy
Worship and observance propaganda,
association anil education. Beginning in March 1929, the British Government
8. Any bill or resolution Ar any part thereof shall had unleashed reign of terror on the rapidly-growing
not be passed in any legislature or any other labour movement in India. By 20 March 1929, 31 of
elected body, in case three-fourth of the India's mostimportant labour leaders were arrested.
members of any community oppose such a They included Dange, Mirajkar, Ghate, Joglekar,
bill, resolution, or pan thereof, if it would be Adhikari, Nimbkar, Alve and Kasle from Mumbai;
injurious to the interests of that community or Mazaffar Ahmed, Kishorilal Ghosh, Dharani
in the alternative, such other method would be Goswortit, Gopen Chakraborti, Radhoraman Mitra,
devised as tnay be found feasible and Gopal Basak and Sibnath Bannerji from Kolkata;
practicable to deal with such cases. Sohan Singh josh who had associated closely with
9. The region of Sindh should be separated from Bhogai Singh and whose Kirti Kisan Party
the Mumbai presidency. cooperated the Naujawan Bharat Sabha from
10. Like all other provinces, reforms should be Punjab: P. C. Joshi and Viswanalh Mukherji from
brought in \ the North-West Frontier Province UP; as well as three English Communists active in
and Baluchistan. the Indian Trade Union Movement. They were
11. Such provision should be made in the implicated in a conspiiacy case and the trial was to be
constitution which give Muslims a sufficient staged at Meerut. This was the famous Meerul
share, along with other Indians, in all the Conspiracy Case. While the Congress condemned the
services of the state and in local self-governing arrests, it was an open secret that the leadership was
bodies having due consideration to the somewhat relieved and mounted no nationwide
requirements of efficiency. campaign for their release. Certainly, the arrests
12. The constitution should symbolise for the crippled the radical wing of the Congress. The
protection of Muslim culture and for the arrested included about eight members of the All Page 18
Middle Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1915 - 1930)

India Congress Committee presidential address to the All India Muslim League at
Allahabad in 1930. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was nf
poet, philosopher and thinker who had gained
LAHORE SESSION (1929) countrywide fame and recognition by 1930. Political
events had taken an ominous turn. The Muslim League
In December 1929. under the presidentship of Ieuders were frustrated because they were edged out
Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian National Congress at its by the Congress, in their opposition of the Nehru
Lahore session declared Poortm Swaraj (complete Report. On the other hand, the British government in
independence) to be the goal of the national India had totally Ignored their demands in the Simon
movement. It was Gandhi again, who was the decisive Commission report.
voice in investing Jawaharlal Nehru with the office of
president in what was to he a critical year of mass As a permanent solution to the Muslim-Hindu
struggle. problem, Iqbal proposed that Punjab. North-West
Frontier Province. Baluchistan and Sindh should be
Jawaharlal Nehru’s presidential address was a converted into one province. He declared that the
ktirring call to action: ‘We have now an open north-western part of the country was destined to unite
conspiracy to free this country from foreign rule, and as a self-governed unit, within the British Empire or
you. comrades and all the countrymen and without it. This, he suggested, was the only way to do
countrywomen are invited to join it’. Nehru also made away with communal riots and bring peace in Indi
it known that in his vjew, liberation did not mean only
throwing off the foreign yoke: l must frankly confess
that I am a socialist and a republican, and am no
believer in kings and princes, or in tin order which GK Study Materials PDF Download
produces the modern kings of industry, who have
greater power over the lives and fortunes on men than
All subject Study Materials PDF Download
even the kings of old, and whose methods are as
predatory as those of old feudal aristocracy.’ He also
spelt out the method of struggle: ‘Any great 2018 Current Affairs Download – PDF Download
movement for liberation today must necessaril;y be a
mass movement, and mass movements must
essentially be peaceful, in times of organised nd if the
principal movement is a peaceful one, Whatsapp Group Click Here
contemporaneous attempts at a sporadic violence can
only distract attention and weaken it’.
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On 31 December 1929. the newly adopted
tricolour flag was unfurled, and 26 January fixed as
India's Republic Day, which was to be celebrated Join Us on FB : English – Examsdaily
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Several Muslim leaders and thinkers having
insight into the Muslim-Hindu situation proposed the
separation of Muslim India. However. Allama
Muhammad Iqbal gave the most lucid explanation of
the inner feelings of the Muslim community in his Page 19
Closer to Freedom In India
Study Materials


CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE spilled out into the streets was so large that the
MOVEMENT (1930) police just withdrew. Another round of boycott
of foreign goods followed, provoking a
Dandi March (12 March-6 April 1930) nationwide Civil Disobedience movement in
which women also participated. Soon, thereafter,
Gandhi started his famous march along the British used repressive measures such as
with 79 followers from Sabaramati Ashram on mass arrests, lathi-charge, police firing, about
20 March 1930 to the small village of Dandi to 1,00,000 people went to jail. In Sholapur. the
break the Salt Law. It is also called the ’Salt textile workers, who dominated the strike along
Satyagraha’ or the ’Dandi March’. The Congress with the residents of the town, went on to attack
leaders and workers had been busy at various all symbols of the government authority. They
levels the organizational tasks of enrolling established a virtual parallel government in the
volunteers and members, forming Congress city which could only be dislodged with the
Committees at the grass-rootlevel, collecting imposition of martial law after 16 May 1930.
funds and touring villages and towns to spread
nationalistic messages. Preparations for Gandhi’s 11-point Ultimatum
launching the Salt Satyagraha were made, sites
Gandhi launched another civil disobedience
chosen, volunteers prepared and the logistics of
movement towards achieving the goal of
‘battle’ worked out. By the time Gandhi reached
complete independence. In the Beginning, he
Dandi, he had a whole nation aroused and
served an 11-point ultimatum to the authorities
expeetunt, waiting for the final signal. On
which was mainly about the common
reaching the seashore on 6 April 1930, Gandhi
grievances of the people of India, but did not
broke theSalt Law by picking up salt from the
include the demand for complete
seashore. Through this act. Gandhi set into
independence. Among the 11 demands, two
motion the Civil Disobedience movement, a
were the demands of the peasants (abolition of
movement that was to remain unsurpassed in the
salt tax to eradicate the government's salt
history of the Indian national movement for the
monopoly and reduction in the land revenue by
countrywide participation it unleashed. The
50 percent); three were the demands of the
movement became so powerful that it sparked
middle class (coastal itippi'igjo be reserved for
off patriotism even among the Indian soldiers in
Indians, adequate protection to the domestic
the Army. One such example was that of the
textile industry of India, and checking the
18th Royal Garhwali Rifles soldiers who refused
deterforcringi rupee-sterling exchange ratio);
to fire at the people in Peshawar, on 25 April
the rest were common grievances-
modifications in the working of the Central
Imposition of Martial Law Intelligence Departments, release ot political
pnsoners, complete-prohibition of intoxicants,
Gandhi was arrested on 5 May 1930. 50 per cent reduction in military expenditure,
The protest of the people over the arrest was 50 per cent cut in civil administration
widespread. In many towns, the crowd that Page 1
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expenditure, and changes in the Arms Act, thus .present except the Congress, whose leaders
allowing citizens to beafarms for self- were in jail because of the Civil Disobedience
protection). movement. The Congress leaders stated that they
would have nothing to do with further
constitutional discussions unless the Nehru
THE FIRST ROUND TABLE Report was enforced in its entirety as the
CONFERENCE (12 NOVEMBER constitution of India.
1930) Almost 89 members attended the
conference, out of whom 58 were chosen from
Events Leading to the Conference
various communities and interests in British
The Indian political community received India, and the rest from the princely states and
the Simon Commission Report issued in June other political parties. The prominent Muslim
1930, with great resentment. Different political delegates invited by the British government
parties gave vent to their feelings in different were Sir Aga Khan, Mohammad Alt Jinnah.
ways. The Congress started the Civil Maulana Muhammad AliJouhar, Sir Muhammad
Disobedience Movement under Gandhi’s Shaft and Maulvi Fazl-i-Haq. Sir Tej Bahadur
command. The Muslims reserved their opinion Sapru, Jayakar and Dr. Moonje too were invited.
on the Simon Report declaring that the report The Commission had proposed self-government
was not final and that matters shouldbe decided in the provinces and federation of British India
after consultations with leaders repnesenting all and the princely states at the Centre. However,
communities of India. The British government the representatives of the Muslim League,
refused the contemplate any form of selt- Liberals and other parties assembled for
govemment for the peopleof discussion on the commission report. The
India. The Indian political situation reached a Muslim-Hindu differences overshadowed the
deadlock. This caused frustration among the conference—the Hindus were pushed for a
masses, who often expressed their anger in powerful central government while the Muslims
violent clashes. stood for a loose federation of completely
autonomous provinces. The Muslims demanded
The Labour Government returned to maintenance of weightage and separate
power in Britain 1931, raising hope in the electorates, the Hindus did not want these. The
Indians. Labour leaders had always been Muslims claimed statutory majority in Punjab
sympathetic to the Indian cause. The and Bengal, while the Hindus resisted its
government decided to hold a Round Table imposition. In Punjab, the situation was
Conference in London, consider new complicated by inflated Sikh claims. Further, Dr.
constitutional reforms. Representatives of Indian Ambedkar was demanding separate electorate
political parties were summoned to London f0r for the depressed classes. Eight subcommittees
thc conference. were set up to deal with all these details. The
committees dealt with the federal structure,
The Conference provincial constitution, adult franchise, Sindh,
the North-West Frontier Province, defence
In the first session of the cohference
services and minorities. However, in the absence
which opened in London, all parties were Page 2
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of the Congress-premier political party, the First realised that the cooperation of the Indian
Round Table Conference had to be adjourned to National Congress was necessary to make
2 January 1931. All that emerged was a general progress in framing the Indian constitution.
agreement to write safeguards for the minorities Early in 1931, two demand for freedom. The
into the constitution and a vague desire to devise communal question dominated moderate
a federal system for the country. statesmen. Sapru and Jayakar, initiated eltorts to
conference and Gandhi had to return empty-
Peshawa incident of 18th Royal handed bring about a rapprochement between
Garhwali Rifles (25 April 1930) Gandhi and the government. Lord Irwin, the
Viceroy, extended an invitation to Gandhi for
Events in Peshawar took an even more
talks. Gandhi agreed to end the Civil
dramatic turn. Ghaffar Khan's Pathan
Disobedience Movement without setting any
movement (whose members were
preconditions. Six meetings with Loul Irwin
called'Khudai Khidmatgars’) stayed non-
finally led to the signing of a pact between the
violent and within the Congressfold but if
two on 5 March 1931. whereby the Congress
attracted huge number of Pathans who bestit
called oft the movement and agreed to join the
attracted huge number of Pathans who believed
Second Round liable Conference. The terms of
it would fight against the chronic Indebtedness
the agreement included the immediate release ot
to moneylenders. In 6 months after the Lahore
all political prisoners not convicted for violence,
Congress, its membership shot up from 500 to
the remission ol all fines not yet collected, the
50,000. The British freely used aerial
return of confiscated land not yet sold to third
bambardment on the village areas. The arrest of
parties and lenient treatment of all the
Ghaffa, Khan and on 23 April 1930, led to a
government offic ials who had resigned. Gandhi
massive upsurge in Peshawar with the crowds
and other leaders were released from jail as
confronting armoured cars and defying,
Irwin agreed to release most political ni isoners
intensive firing for 3 hrs at Kissakahani Bazaar.
and to return the properties that had been seized
Accordi to the British, 30 were killed whereas
by the government. The government also
according to non-official estimates 200-250
conceded the right to make salt for consumption
were killed-recalling the scale of Jallianwala
in villages along the coast and also the right to
Bagh. A remarkable event took place during
peaceful and non- aggressive picketing. The
the firing. Two platoons of the Second
salient points of the agreement were as follows:
Battalion of the18th Royal Garhwali Rifles,
Hindu troops facing a Muslim crowd, refused 1. The Congress was supposed to
to fire, broke ranks, and fraternised with the discontinue the Civil Disobedience
crowd, handing over their weapons. They were movement.
bter lo declare before their court martial. 2. The Congress was supposed to
participate in the Round Table
GANDHI-IRWIN PACT (5 MARCH 3. The government was supposed to
1931) withdraw all ordinaces issed to curb the
After the conclusion of the First Round
Table Conference, the British government Page 3
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4. The government was supposed to their reports; the Franchise Committee, the
withdraw all prosecutions relating to Federal Finance Committee and the States
offenses not involving violence. Inquiry Committee.
5. The government was supposed to
release alt persons undergoing sentences The conference closed on 11 December
of imprisonment for their activities in 1931, without any concrete result. On the
the Civil Disobedience Movement. The concluding day. the British Prime Minister
pact indicatedBritish government was appealed to the Indian leaders to reach a
anxious to bring the Longress to the communal settlement. Failing to do so. he said,
conference table. would force the British government to take a
unilateral decision. Jinnah did not participate in
SECOND ROUND TABLE the session of the Second Round Table
CONFERENCE (12 SEPTEMBER Conference as he had decided to keep himself
aloof from Indian politics and to practise as a
professional lawyer in England. On his return to
The second session of the conference India. Gandhi once again started Civil
opened in London on 7 September 1931, during Disobedience movement, and was duly arrested.
the viceroyalty of Lord Willington. Gandhi
attended, it on behalf of the Indian National
Congress. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya and MOVEMENT (SECOND PHASE)
Sarojinl Naidu went there in their personal
Lord Willington, who took charge as the
capacity. The main taskv of the conference was
new Viceroy of India in April 1931, paid no
done through two committees'on federal
heed to the Delhi pact and started breaching the
structure and minorities. Nothing much was
pact on various counts. The Congress was
expected from the conference. The imperialist
already angry with the government over the
political forces, which ultimately controlled the
execution of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and
British Gov ernment in London, were opposed
Sukhdev on 23 March 1931. The Congress was
to any political or economic concession being
declared as an illegal party by Viceroy Lord
given to India which could lead to its
Willington and the Viceroy’s measures to curb
independence. The Round Table Conference,
Indian nationalism and harass Congressmen was
however, failed as Gandhi opposed the British
not taken lightly by the Congress. Gandhi
Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald's policy of
returned to India on 28 December 1932, and was
communal representation and the British
compelled to resume the second phase of the
Government refused the basic Indian demand for
disobedience movement. Within 10 days, more
than 60,000 activists of the Congress were
The communal problem represented the arrested and confined to jail. The second phase
most difficult issue for the delegates. Gandhi of the disobedience movement carried on till
again tabled the proposal for a settlement, but 1934. With the government repression, the Civil
the Muslim League rejected it. As a result, the Disobedience Movement gradually waned. The
communal issue was postponed for future Congress officially suspended the movement in
discussion. Three important committees drafted May 1933. Gandhi also withdrew from active Page 4
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politics and formally left the Indian National THE COMMUNAL AWARD (1932)
Congress. As a result, the membership of the
Congress dropped to less than five lakhs. While Gandhi was arrested on his return
from London after the Second Round Table
THIRD ROUND TABLE Conference, Ramsay Macdonald announced the
CONFERENCE (17 NOVEMBER Communal Award on 16 August 1932. This was
1932) another expression of the age-old British policy
of ‘Divide and Rule’. Besides containing
The third session began on 17 provisions for representation of Muslims. Sikhs
November 1932, but again proved fruitless since and Europeans, it envisaged communal
the national leaders were in prison. The Indian representation of the depressed classes also.
National Congress was not represented, and According to the Award, the right of separate
Mahatama Gandhi was also absent. The session electorates was not only given to the Muslims of
was short and unimportant. Reports of the India, but also to all the minority communities in
various committees were scrutinised. The the country. The Award declared untouchables
conference ended on 25 December 1932. The or Harijans as a minority and thus the Hind
recommendations of the Round Table depressed classes were given a number of
Conferences were embodied in a White Paper. It special seats, to filled from special depressed
was published in March 1933, and debated in class electorates in the areas where the voters
Parliament directly afterwards, analysed by the were concentrated. Under the Communal
Joint Select Committee and after the final Award, the principle of weightage was also
reading and royal assent, the bill reached the maintained with some modifications in the
Statute Book on 24 July 1935. It was held in Muslim minority provinces. The principle was
London on 12 November 1930, to discuss the also applied fot Europeans in Bengal and
Simon Commission, but was totally boycotted Assam, Sikhs in Punjab and, North-West
by the Indian National Congress. Frontier Province and Hindus in Sindh and
Noith-West,Frontier Province.
Karachi session of Congress (1931)
The communal Awards
The Congress session in Karachi in March
1931, endorsed the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. During Gandhi was deeply grieved by the Communal
this session, the Congress also adopted the award and went on a fast m protest against the
memorable resolution of Fundamental Rights award since it aimed to divide India on a
of Indians and the National economic communal basis. While many Indians saw the
Programme (drafted by Jawaharlal Nehru) fast as a diversion from the ongoing political
which included the national democratic charter, movement, all were deeply concerned and
the nationalisarion of key industries in India, emotionally shaken. Almost everywhere in
agrarian reforms, free and compulsory primary India, mass meetings took place. Political
education and protection of culture, language leaders off different persuasions, such as
and script of the minorities of different Madan Mohan Malviya, B. R. Ambedkar and
linguistic areas. M. C. Rajah became active. In the end, they
succeeded in hammering out an agreement, Page 5
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known as the Poona Pact, between caste The Communal award created immense
Hindus and the 'untouchable' leaders on 20 dissatisfaction among the Hindus. Gandhi staked
September 1932. The leaders of the various his life to get the award repudiated. In jail,
groups and parties among the Hindus and B. R. Gandhi began his fast unto death against the
Ambedkar on behalf of the Harijans. signed the Communal award. The fast ended on 26
pact. The Poona Pact between caste Hindus and September 1932, with the Poona Pact between
the depressed classes agreed upon a joint Gandhi and Ambedkar. This annulled the
electorate. Communal award. According to the Pact, the
The award was not popular with any idea of separate electorates for the depressed
Indian parly, The Muslims were not happy with classes (Harijans) was abandoned, but the seats
the Communal Award as it had reduced their reserved for them in the provincial legislatures
majority in Punjab and Bengal to a minority. were increased.
Yei, they were prepared to accept it. In its
annual session held in November 1933, the All THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
India Muslim League passed a resolution that ACT (1935)
read: 'Though the decision falls far short of the
Muslim demands, the Muslims have accepted it After the failure of the Third Round
in the best interest of the country, reserving to Table Conference the British government gave
themselves the right to press for the acceptance the Joint Select Committee the’task of
of all their demands.' formulating a new Act for India. The Simon
On the other hand, the Congress Commission Report submitted in 1930, formed
refused to accept the Award and decided to the basis for the Govrnment of India Act, 1935.
launch a campaign against it. The Congress did The new Act received the royal assent on 4
not accept the untouchables as a minority and August 1935. It was the last major constructive
Gandhi undertook, a fast unto death. The achievement of the British in India; its
Congress organised the Allahabad Unity significance matched both its hulk and the
Conference in which they demanded the deliberations in its preparation.
replacement of separate electorates by joint
The committee comprised 16 members
electorates. Many nationalist Muslims and
each from the House of Commons and the
Sikhs also participated in the conference.
House of Lords, 20 representatives from British
Gandhi also held meetings with the leaders of
India, and seven from die princely states. Lord
tne untouchables and convinced them that they
Linlithgow was appointed as the president of the
were very much part of the mainstream Hindu
committee. After a year and a half of
sociefy. He signed the Poona Pact with Dr. B.
deliberations, the committee finally came out
R. Ambedkar, the leader of untouchabes. The
with a draft Bill on 5 February 1935. The Bill
Congress met many of the untouchables'
was discussed in the House of Commons for 43
demands in the Poona Pact.
days and in the House of Lords for 13 days and
finally, after being signed by the King, was
enforced as the Government of India Act, 1935.
Reaction to the Act of 1935 Page 6
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The Act of 1935 was condemned by nearly all 1. A federation of India was promised,
sections of the Indian public and was comprising both British provinces and
unanimously rejected by the Congress. The Princely states. The British wanted the
Congress demanded, instead, the convening of princes to counter-balance the anti-
a Constituent Assembly e.ecied on the basis of imperialist doctrines of die nationalist
adult franchise to frame a constitution for an leaders. The provisions of the Act
independent India, Although the Congress establishing the- federal Central
opposed the Act, yet it contested the elections Government were not to beunne
when the Constitution was introduced on 1 operative until a specified number of
April 1937 The Congress formea ministries; rulers of states hud signed the
first in 6 provinces and then in another two The Instruments of Accession. As this did
Congress high command exercised a great hold not happen, the Central Government
upon the ministries of each province. The continued to function in accordance with
Muslim League was, however, not happy with the 1919 Act. and only the part of the
the Congress rule, especially Jinnah, who 1935 Act dealing with the provincial
described it in these words; Congress was governments became operational.
drunk with power and was oppressive against 2. The Governor-General remained the
the Muslims.' head of the central administration and
enjoyed wide powers
concerningadministration, legislation
Main Features of the Act and finance.
3. No finance bill could be placed in the
The Act continued and extended all the Central Legislature without the consent
existing features of the Indian constitution. of the Governor-General.
Popular representation, which went back to
4. The Federal Legislature was to consist
1892; dyarchy and ministerial responsibility, of two houses, the Council of State
which dated from 1921; provincial autonomy, (Upper House) and the Federal
whose chequered history went back to the Assembly (Lower House).
eighteenth-century presidencies; recognition in
5. The Council of State was to consist of
1909; and the safeguards devised in 1919, were 260 members, out of whom 156 were to
all continuedand in most cases extended.In be elected from British India and 104 to
addition, there were certain new principles be nominated by the rulers of the
introduced. It provided a federal type of princely states.
government. Thus, the Act: 6. The Federal Assembly was to consist of
(a) introduced provincial autonomy; 375 members; out of which 250 were to
(b) abolished dyarchy in provinces; and be elected by the Legislative Assemblies
(c) made ministers responsible to the of the British Indian provinces, while
legislature and federation at the Centre. 125 were to be nominated by the rulers
of the princely states.
The salient features of the Act were as follows: 7. The Central Legislature had the right to
pass any bill, but the bill required the
approval of the Governor-General Page 7
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before it became law. On the other hand, Just before World War II broke out, the
the Governor- General had the pow er to Congress declared its unwillingness to associate
frame ordinances. itself to the British government. It also clearly
8. The Indian Council was abolished. In its informed the government that India should not
place, a few advisers were nominated to be pushed to war without the consent of the
help the Secretary of State for India. Indian people. The British government also
9. The Secretary of State was not expected made no clear statement concerning its war and
to interfere in matters that the Governor- peace aims as applicable to India. The British
General dealt with, with the help of the Prime Minister stated that the British were in the
Indian ministers. war to maintain the world safe for democracy
10. The provinces were given autonomy and uphold the right of every nation to self- x
with respect to subjects deleguted to model after the war. He further promised, (a) the
them. immediate determination. On 3 September 1939,
11. Dyarchy, which had been established in Britain declared war expansion of the Viceroy s
the provinces by the Act of 1919, was to executive council by inducting against Germany.
be established at the Centre. However, it The Governor-General to India, Lord
came to an end in the provinces. Linlithgow, began dispatching die Indian troops
12. Two new provinces—Sindh and to the battlefield, without consulting the Indian
Orissa—were created. leaders. The Governor-General also declared
13. Reforms were introduced in the North- emergency in India under Article 93 of the Act
West Frontier Province as also in the of 1935, to curb internal disorder. The Congress
other provinces. told the British government that if it is fighting
14. Separate electorates were continued as Germany for die maintenance and extension of
before. democracy, then it must first extend: full
15. One-third Muslim representation in the democracy to India. On 10 October 1939, the
Central Legislature was guaranteed. Congress pressed the government to free India
16. Autonomous Provincial Governments in after the war. The Viceroy, on 17 October 1939,
11 provinces, under ministries made an official , statement, declaring that the
responsible to the legislatures, were to British Government had promised to issue
be set up. dominion status to India and the Act of 1935,
17. Burma and Aden were separated from was to be reconsidered after the war.
18. The Federal Court was established at the RESIGNATION OF CONGRESS
Centre. MINISTERS (1939)
19. The Reserve Bank of India was
established. The national reaction to the declaration
20. The Governors had the power to veto to the Governor-General’s statement was hostile.
legislative action and the power to The Indians wanted complete independence and
legislate on their own. were not satisfied with the promise of mere
dominion status. On 22 October 1939, the
WORLD WAR II AND THE INDIAN Congress ministers resigned from their offices in
POLITICAL SITUATION the eight provinces. This action by the Congress Page 8
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changed the course of history. It lost its of the representative body after the war was
important bargaining position at an important over. He added that the British government
juncture and it was never able to retrieve that could not contemplate the transfer of its personal
position. However, the Muslim League responsibilities for the peace and welfare of
provocateively, declared 22 December 1939. as India to any system of government whose
a ‘Day of Deliverance’ from the oppressions of authority was directly denied by a large and
the ‘Congress Raj’. principle element in India’s national life.
Because of this condition, the offer fell short of
POONA RESOLUTION AND the Congress demand of a national government.
CONDITIONAL SUPPORT TO The Congress rejected the offer as the British
BRITAIN (1941) government put the majority at the mercy of the
minority. The Muslim League had another
After the French surrender on 5 June reason for rejecting the offer as the government
1940, the British We left alone against the did not provide for equal partnership to Muslims
German forces. The British governmem was in in the Centre and Provincial Government.
no position to handle disorder in India. It
appealed the Indian political parties for support THE INDIVIDUAL CIVIL
and cooperation. On 7 July 1941, the Congress DISOBEDIENCE
passed a resolution at Poona providing
conditional support to Britain. The conditions The political crisis in India was
included: deepening and the Congressmen looked upon
Gandhi to lead them. Gandhi did not want to do
(a) India’s right to self1 governance after anything that would bring political disorder in
the war must be recognised in clear the country in the critical war situation. He
terms; and restored to a novel form of Satyagraha, the
(b) a provisional national government at the individual satyagraha, which kept the torch of
Centre, consist- ing of all political nationalism burning. It hada symbolic character
parties be set up. against the attitude of the government.It drew
the attention of the world at large to the right to
AUGUST OFFER OF 1940 self-determination. Lord Linlithgow described
the August Movement of 1942 as the most
The Governor-General subsequently
serious revolt after the Sepoy mutiny.Some
issued a statement front Simla on 8 August
places even saw large scale peasants’
1940, that the British Government would
participation. In November 1940, the individual
establish a full responsible government on the
Satyagraha started and Vinoba Bhave became
dominion more Indians. Also, the responsibility
the first satyagrahi and Jawaharlal Nehru the
of framing the constitution would be given to the
second. They were followed by more than
Indians. This amounted to agreeing to the
30,000 individuals who courted imprisonment in
Congress demand for a Constituent Assembly,
this movement. Thismovement continued during
(b) He also declared that a War Advisory
1940-1941, and almost the entinZT™ leadership
Committee with an Indian perspective would be
was in prison.
constituted, (c) That initiatives would be taken
for an agreement among the Indians in the form Page 9
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TWO-NATION THEORY we think best and m consonance with our own

ideals and according Jinnah, the Chief Minister
The Lahore Resolution of Bengal, A. K. Fazl-ul-Haq, moved the historic
resolution, which has since come to be known as
From 22 to 24 March 1940, the All India the Lahore Resolution are the Pakistan
Muslim League held its annual session at the Resolution.
Minto Park, Lahore. This session proved to be
historic. On the first day of the session Two-Nation Theory: Origin of the
Muhammad Ah Jinnali narrated the events of Concept
some preceding months. In an extempore
speech, he presented his own - solution to the This theory held that there were two nations-
Muslim problem. He said that the problem of one belonging to the Hindus and one two the
India was not of an inter-communal nature, but Muslims-living in the territory of India. Sir
manifestly an international one and must be Syed Ahmad khan was the first exponent of the
treated as such. To him, the differences between Two-Nation Theory in the modern era. He
Hindus and Muslims were so great and so sharp belived that India was a continent and not a
that their union under one Central Government country, and that among the vast polpulation of
was full of serious risks. They belonged to two different races and different creeds, Hindus and
separate and distinct nations and therefore, the Muslims were the two major components.
only chance open was to allow them to have Events such as the Urdu-Hindi controversy
separate states. In the words of Jinnah: ‘Hindus (1867), the partition of Bengal (1905), and the
and Muslims belong to two different religions, Hindu revivalism set the Hindus and the
philosophies, social customs and literature. They Muslims further apart. However, the annulment
neither inter-marry nor inter-dine anti, indeed, of the partition of Bengal in 1911 by the British
they belong to two different civilizations that dre Government brought the Congress and the
based mainly on conflicting ideas and Muslim League on one platform. Starting with
conceptions. Their concepts on life and of lite the constitutional cooperation in the Lucknow
are different. It is quite clear that the Hindus and Pact (1916), they launched the Non-
the Muslims derive their inspiration from cooperation and Khilfat movements to press
different sources of history. They have different upon the British government the demand for
epics, different heroes and different episodes. constitutional reforms in India in the pos-
Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other, World War I era.
and likewise, their victories and defeats overlap.
To yoke together two such nations tinder a
single state, one as a numerical minority and the
Reaction to the Two-Nation Theory
other as a majority, must lead to growing The politicisation of the Muslim
tsconten an final destruction of any fabric that community came about as a consequence of
may be so built up forthe government of such a three developments:
state’. He further son nation according to any
definition o nation. We wish our people to (a) Various efforts towards Islamic reform
develop to the fullest spiritual, cultural, and revival during the late nineteenth
economic, social and political life in a way that and early twentieth centuries. Page 10
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(b) The impact of Hindu-based nationalism. developments, finally leading to the division of
(c) The democratisation of the government British India into two separate, independent
of British India. states—Pakistan and India—on 14 and 15
While the antecedents of Muslim nationalism in August 1947, respectively.
India go back to theearly Islamic conquests of
India, organizationally it stems from the DEMAND FOR PAKISTAN (1942)
demands presented by the Simla deputation to
In 1930, Iqbal suggested the union of
Lord Minto, the Governor-General of India, in
the Frontier Province, Baluchistan, Sindh and
October 1906. proposing separate electorates for
Kashmir into a Muslim state within the
the Indian Muslims. The principal reason behind
federation. This proved to be rhe idea which
this demand was the maintenance of a separate
germinated during the early 1930s and burst into
identity of the Muslim nationhood.
vigorous life with the advent of the new reforms.
In the same year, the founding of the All The idealist Chaudhry Rehmat All developed
India Muslim League, a separate political this concept in Cambridge, where he inspired
organization for Muslims, highlighted the fact groups of young Muslims and invented the term
that the Muslims of India had lost trust in the Pakistan. His ideas seemed visionary during that
Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress. time. Within 7 years, these ideas were turned
Besides being a Hindu-dominated body, the into a politicailprogramme by Muhammad Ali
Congress leaders, in order to win support at the Jinnah. The ideology of Iqbal, the vision of
grass roots for their political movement, used Rehmat Ali and the fears of the Muslims were
Hindu religious symbols and slogans, thereby thus united by the practical genius of Jinnah to
arousing Muslim suspicions regarding the bind the Muslims together as never before. It
secular character of the Congress. was to lead to the creation of a, new state-
After the collapse of the Khilafat
Movement, Hindu- Muslim antagonism revived In 1942, the British government realised
once again. The Muslim League rejected the that it could not ignore the Indian problems any
proposals forwarded by the Nehru Report and more. The Situation- worsened for the British
they chose a separate path tor themselves. The with the Japanese advance towards the Indian
idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims ot borders. By 7 March 1942. Rangoon fell and
Northern India as proposed by Allama Iqbal in Japan occupied the entire South-east Asia, The
his famous Allaha a Address showed that the British government under Prime Minister
creation of two separate states or the Muslims Winston Churchill, with a view of getting
and Hindus was the only solution. The idea was cooperation from the Indians, sent Sir Stafford
reiterated during the Sindh provincial meeting of Cripps on 22 March. 1942 a member of the
the League, und finally adopted as the official British cabinet, to India to settle terms with the
League position in the Lahore Declaration of 23 Indian leaders. The Congress sent Pandit Nehru
March 1940. and Maul ana Azad to negotiate on their behalf.

Thus, these historical, cultural, religious CRIPPS MISSION (MARCH 1942)

and social differences between the Hindus and
the Muslims accelerated the pace of political Page 11
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The important points made by the Cripps Spread of Violence

Mission were as follows:
On 9 August 1942, Gandhi was arrested, but the
(a) General elections in the provinces would other leaders continued the revolutionary
be arranged as soon as the war ended. struggle. Violence spread throughout the
(b) A new Indian dominion, associated with country, several government offices were
the United Kingdom, would be created. destroyed and damaged, telegraph lines were cut
(c) Those provinces not joining the and communications paralysed. The movement
dominion could form their own separate was, however, crushed by the government.
(d) Minorities were to he protected. Gandhi's Fast
(e) Provision for forming the Constitution
making body. Gandhi undertook a 21-day fast in jail.
His condition deteriorated after 13 days and all
However, both the Congress and the hopes of his surviving were given up. However,
Muslim League rejected these proposals. Jinnah he survived and completed the 21-day fast. This
opposed the plan, as it did not concede Pakistan. was his answer to the government which had
been constantly exhorting him to condemn the
QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT (1942- violence of the people in the Quit India
1945) Movement. Gandhi not only refused to condemn
the people resorting to violence but
Origin and Objective unequivocally held the government responsible
for it. The popular response to the news of the
The Indian leaders were concerned
fast was immediate and overwhelming. All over
about their national interest in case the Allied
the country, there were demonstrations and
forces were defeated in World War II. The news
strikes. The fast had done exactly what it had
of British defeats at the hands of the Japanese
intended to. Public morale was raised, the anti-
was instrumental in making the Indian leaders
British feeling heightened, and an opportunity
believe that the British power was fading. There
for the political activity provided.
wasacute shortage of foodstuff in India and the
rate of inflation to alarming levels. The British Significance of the Quit India
who managed their own economy carefully Movement
seemed unconcerned about the state of affairs in
India. The failure of the Cripps’ Mission made The Quit India movement marked a new
the Congress aware that they would have to take high in terms of popular participation in the
some active steps to compel the British to leave national movement and sympathy with the
India if the Indians were to gain independence. national cause As earlier, students were at the
On 8 August 1942, the Congress in its meeting forefront of the struggle. Women, especially
school girls, played a vital role. Aruna Asaf Ali.
at Mumbai passed a resolution known as the
Sucheta Kriplani and Usha Mehta were among
‘Quit India’ resolution, whereby Gandhi asked the important members of small groups
the British to quit India and gave a ‘Do or die’ participating in the agitation. The great
call to his countrymen. significance of this historic movement was that
it placed the demand for independence on the Page 12
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immediate agenda of the national movement. GANDHI-JINNAH TALKS (1944)

After Quit India, there could be no retreat. Any
future negotiations with the British government The Gandhi-Jinnah talks were very
could only be on the matter of transfer of important as these dealt with the political
power. Independence was no longer a matter of problems of India and the issue of two-nation
bargain now.
theory of the Muslim League. They began their
talks as the general public wished for an
amicable solution to the Hindu-Muslim
Usha Mehta
Usha Mehta was a staunch supporter of differences. On 17 July 1944, Gandhi sent a
the Gandhian movement and ideology. She was letter to Jinnah expressing his wish to meet him.
born on 25 March1920 in Saras village near The formal talk started in Mumbai on 19
Surat in Gujarat. She was the mastermind for September 1944. and continued till 24
organising the Congress Radio during the Quit September. The talks were not only held directly
India Movement in 1942, which was also known but also through correspondence. Gandhi
as the Secret Congress Radio. The first telecast
conveyed to Jinnah that he had come to meet
on this radio was on 14 August 942. Her
associates were Vithalbhai Jhaveri Chandrakant him on his own. He was not representing
Jhaveri, Babubhai Thakkar, Nanka Motwani anybody. The main objective of the talks for
who supplied equipments and provided Gandhi was to make Jinnah realise the
technicians. In 1998 the Government of Indio absurdness ol the whole proposition of Pakistan.
conferred on ner Padma Vibhushan, the second
highest civilian award of the Indian republic. Throughout the talks, Gandhi
She died on 11 August 2000. maintainedthat India was one nation andsaw in
the Pakistan resolution ‘nothing but ruin for the
whole of India. If, however, Pakistan had
THE CR FORMULA (1944) conceded, the areas in which the Muslims are in
an absolute majority shoutd be demarcated by a
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari consented
commission approved by both the Congress and
to the idea of partition and made the following
the Muslim League. The wishes of the people of
proposals on 9 September 1944:
these areas will be obtained through re
1. Major parties such as the Congress and ferendum. These areas shall form a separate
the Muslim League would form a state as soon as possible after India is free from
coalition government; foreign domination. There shall be a treaty of
2. After World War II, a definite boundary separation which should also provide for the
would be marked between India and efficient and satisfactory administration of
Pakistan; foreign affairs, defence, internal communication,
3. Voluntary settlement by the people customs and the like, which must necessarily
would be allowed in both the countries. continue to be the matters of common interest
However, the Muslim League opposed between the contracting countries’.
these proposals.
This meant, in effect, that power over
the whole of India would first be transferred to
the Congress, which, thereafter, would allow the
Muslim majority areas that voted for separation Page 13
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to be constituted, not as an independent independent India and showed little will to

sovereign state, but as part of an Indian fight for the British crown It also gave
federation. Gandhi contended that his offer gave Congress the knowledge that its non-violent
the substance of the Lahore Resolution. Jinnah methods to gain independence may not be
did not agree to the proposal and the talks ended. adequate. Overall, the INA helped expedite the
process of the Indian independence.
Alter the failure of Gandhi-Jinnah talks WAVELL PLAN AND SIMLA
in 1944, another attempt was made by the
Congress and the Muslim League leaders to find
a way out from the political impasse. The In May 1445, Lord Wavell. the Viceroy
Congress representative of the Central of India, went to London to discuss with the
Assembly, Bhulabhai Jeevanji Desai and his British administration about the future of India.
Muslim League counterpart, Nawabzada Liaqat The talks resulted in the formulation of a plan of
Ali Khan met and came up with the following action that was made public in June 1945. The
proposals: plan was known as the Wavell Plan.
1. Both the Congress and the Muslim The plan suggested the reconstitution of
League would join in forming an interim the Viceroy’s Executive Council in which the
government at the Centre which would Viceroy was to select people nominated by the
function as per the Act of 1935, political parties. Different communities were
independent of the Governor-General. also to get their due share in the Council and
2. The interim government would have parity was to be reserved by having equal
equal seats for representatives of both representation for both the Hindus and the
the parties, with adequate representation Muslims. While declaring the plan, the Secretary
of the minorities. This pact came to be of State for Indian Affairs made it clear that the
known as the Desai-Liaqat pact; it. British government wanted to listen to the ideas
however, never got approval from either of all major Indian communities. Yet, he said,
the Congress or the Muslim League. that was only possible if the leadership of the
main Indian political parties agreed to the
Achievements of the Indian National suggestions of the British government.
Army (INA)
To discuss these proposals with the
The achievements of the INA fell much short Indian leaders, Wavell called for a conference at
of its targets, bur it acquired a great Simla on 25 June 1945. Leaders of both the
significance in ihe history of India, it created a Congress and the Muslim League attended the
design of communal harmony in India. India's Simla Conference. However, differences arose
freedom struggle, which was till then a between the leadership of the two parties on the
territorial struggle against the ruling issue of representation of the Muslim
government became an international issue. The community. The Muslim League claimed that it
Indiun Army also started thinking of was the only representative party of the Muslims
in India and thus, all the Muslim representatives Page 14
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in the Viceroy’s Executive Council should be Both the Muslim League and the
the nominees of the party. The Congress, which Congress promulgated opposite slogans during
had sent Maulana Azad as the leader of their their campaign Muslim League presented a one-
delegation, tried to prove that their party point manifesto want Pakistan, vote for the
represented all the communities living in India Muslim League’. Jinnah hi toured the length and
and thus should be allowed to nominate Muslim breadth of India and tried to unite the Muslim
representatives as well. The Congress also community under the banner of the Muslim
opposed the idea of parity. This resulted in a League.
deadlock. Finally, on 14 July Wavell announced
the failure of his efforts. The Congress, on the other hand, stood
for a united India. To counter the Muslim
PROVINCIAL AND GENERAL League; the Congress press, termed Jinnuh’s
ELECTIONS OF 1945 demand for Pakistan as the ‘vivisection of
Mother India’, ‘reactionary primitivism’ and
With the failure of the Simla ‘religious barbarism’. The Congress tried to
Conference, Lord Wavell announced that the brand the Muslim League as an ultra-
Central and Provincial Legislature elections conservative clique of knights, Khan, Bahadurs,
would be held in the winter of 1945. after which toadies and government pensioners.The
a constitution-making body would be set up. He Congress also tried to get support of all the
also announced that after the elections, the provincial and central Muslim parties who had
Viceroy would set up an Executive Council that some differences with the League, and backed
would have the support of the main Indian them in the elections. Elections forihe Central
political parties. Both the Muslim League and Legislature were held in December 1945.
the Congress opposed the proposal. Though the franchise was limited, the turnover
was extraordinary.
While Jinnah declared that the Muslims
were not ready to accept any settlement less than The Congress was able to sweep the
a separate homeland, the All India Congress polls for the non-Muslim scats. They managed
Committee characterised the proposal as vague, to win more than 80 per cent of the general seats
inadequate and unsatisfactory because it had not and about 91.3 per cent of the total general
addressed the issue of independence. Despite votes’. The League's performance, however, was
this, the two parties launched huge election even more impressive: it managed to win all the
campaigns. They knew that the elections would 30 seats reserved for the Muslims. The results of
be crucial for the future of India, as the results the provincial elections held in early 1946 were
were to play an important role in determining not different. The Congress won most of the
their stand. The League wanted to sweep the non-Muslim seats while the Muslim League
Muslim constituencies so as to prove that they captured approximately 95 per cent of the
were the sole representatives of the Muslims of Muslim seats.
India, while Congress wanted to prove that,
irrespective of religion represented all the In a bulletin issued on 6 January 1946,
Indians. the Central Election Board of the Congress
claimed that the election results had vindicated
the party as the biggest, strongest and the most Page 15
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representative organization in the country. On the urgency to find a solution to the political
the other hand, the League celebrated 11 January deadlock ,the result of non cooperation between
1946, as the Day of Victory and declared that the two major parties. To end this ,the british
the election results were enough to prove that government sent a special mission of cabinet
the Muslim League, under the leadership of ministers to India.
Jinnah, was the sole representative of the
Muslims of the region. The British Prime Minister, Lord Attlee,
made a declaration on 15 March 1946, that a
Notable Books and journals of Pre- Cabinet Mission would visit India to make
independent India Books recommendations regarding constitutional
reforms to be introduced in India. The mission
1. Causes of Indian Mutiny: Syed Ahmad envisaged the establishment of a Constituent
Khan Assembly to frame the Constitution as well as an
2. Percepts of Jesus. Raja Ram Mohan interim government. The purpose of the mission
Roy could be summed up as follows:
3. Satyarth Prahash: Swami Dayanand
1. Preparatory discussions with the elected
4. The Indian Struggle: Subhas Chandra
Bose representatives of British India and the
5. Poverty and the UnBnlish Rule in Indian states to secure agreement as to
India: Dadabhai Naroji the method of framing the constitution.
6. Neel Darpan: Dinabandhu Mitra 2. Setting up of a constitution body.
7. Hind Swaraj: Mahatma Gandhi 3. Setting up an Executive Council with
8. What Congress and Gandhi Haw Done the support ot the main Indian parties.
to Untouchables:Dr B. R. Amhedkar
It consisted of Lord Pethic Lawrence, the
1. Kesari: Bal Gangaahar Tilak Secretary of State for India. Sir Stafford Cripps,
2. Bande Matram: Madam Carna President of the Board of Trade, and A. V.
3. New India: Bipan Chandra Pal Alexander, the First Lord of the Admiralty. The
4. Comrade: Mohammad Ali Mission arrived on 24 March 1946. After
5. Sonjeevani: Krishna Kumar Mitra extensive discussions with the Congress and the
6. Satya Praknsh Karsandas Muljl
Muslim League, theCabinet Mission put forward
7. Dina Mitra: (Satyashodhak Samaj
Paper) Mukundrao Patil its own proposal on 16 May 1946. The main
8. Free Hindustan: Tarakhnath Das points of the plan were as follows;
9. Bandi jiwan: Sachindranath Sanyal 1. There would be a union of India which
will include both the Rritish India as
well as the Indian states and in which
CABINET MISSION PLAN (1946) the Union would deal with foreign
affairs, defence and communications.
The struggle for freedom entered a The union would involve an Executive
decisive phase in the year 1945-1946.All and a Legislature.
attempts by the british government to establish 2. All residuary powers would belong to
peace between the congress and the muslim the provinces.
league had falied. The result of the general 3. A provinces would be divided into three
elections held in 1945-1946 underline sections. The provinces could opt out of Page 16
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any group after the first general election. and Singapore—recruits were sought from
(a) Northwest frontier provinces, civilians, funds were gathered, and even a
Blauchistan and Punjab; (b) Bengal and women’s regiment called the Rani Jhansi
Assam and(c) the other states. regiment was formed. One INA battalion also
4. There would also bc an interim accompanied the Japanese Army to the Tndo-
government having the support ot the Burma front to participate in the Imphal
major political parties. campaign. But with the defeat of Japan in
5. The Pakistan demand was rejected. 1944—1945, the INA also died out. Bose is said
6. A federal constitution would be formed, to have been killed in an air crash on his way to
and a separate electorate considered. Tokyo in August 1945. But his death is stilf
The Congress accepted the plan on 24 considered a mystery.
May 1946, though it rejected the interim
set up. The Muslim League accepted the Subhas Chandra Bose (1897-1945)
plan on 6 June 1946. The Viceroy
Born in Cuttack, Bengal, and educated at the
should now have invited the Muslim
universities of Kolkata and Cambridge, Subhas
League to form the government as it had
Chandra Bose left a career in the Indian Civil
accepted the interim set up; but he did
Service to fight for India s independence and
not do so.
was Imprisoned a dozen times by the British.
He shared the leadership of India's youth and
peasant societies with Jawaharlal Nehru and
NATIONAL ARMY) became the president of the n fan National
Congress in 1938. Bose was opposed owever,
Origin and Purpose
by Gandhi, whose principle of non-violence he
Subhas Chandra Bose', popularly known as did not accept, and was forced to resign Iho
‘Netaji’, was not convinced by the policy of the following year. In 1941, hoping to toko
Congress to acquire freedom. He was an advantage of the war to free India of the British
extremist and felt that it was impossible to rule, Sose fled to Germany. From there he went
compel the British to leave India without force. to Malaya, where he set up (1943) a
Provisional Government of Free India, and
In 1943, Netaji formed the Azad Hind with Japanese help, organised the so-called
Fauj (Indian National Army) in Singapore and Indian National Army. Bose led his troops
gave his famous call ‘Dilli chalo)'. He started a against the British on the Burma-lndla f'ontier
military campaign for the independence of India. until 1945; He is speculated to have been killed
Indian residents of South-east Asia and Indian In a plane crash while fleeing to Japan In
soldiers and officers captured by the Japanese August of that year.
forces in Malaya, Singapore and Burma joined
the INA in large numbers. DIRECT ACTION CAMPAIGN
Rise and Decline (1946)
Provoked by the success of the
Subhas Chandra Bose set up the Congress, the Muslim League launched a direct
headquarter of the INA in two places—Rangoon action campaign on 16 August 1946, to achieve Page 17
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Pakistan which resulted in communal riots immediate acceptance of his plan was
across the country. Rioting broke out on an imperative. Lord Mountbatten entered into a
unprecedented scale, especially in Bengal and series of talks with the Congress and the Muslim
Bihat, the massacre of Muslims in Kolkata League. Jinnah made it clear that the demand for
brought Gandhi to scene, where he worked with Pakistan had the support of all the Muslims of
the Muslim provincial Chief Minister Hussain India and that he could not withdraw from it.
Shaheed Suhrawardy. Gandhiji’s and With staunch extremists, such as Patel, agreeing
Suhrawardy’s efforts calmed fears in Bengal, but to the Muslim demand for a separate homeland,
rioting quickly spread elsewhere. Mountbatten now prepared for the partition of
It disassociated itself from the Cabinet India and announced it on 3 June 1947.
Plan. As a result, Viceroy Wavell invited the
Congress to join the interim government, INTERIM GOVERNMENT (1946)
although it had practically rejected the plan.
On 2 September 1946, an interim government
However, the Viceroy soon realised the futility
was formed on the 6-5-3 formula. It had six
of the scheme without the participation of the
Congressmen, five Muslim League
League. Therefore, on 14 October 1946, he
representatives and three representatives of the
extended an invitation to them ask well. Jinnah
minorities. The composition of the 14-member
nominated Liaqat Ali Khan. T. T. Chundrigar,
interim government was as follows:
SardarAbdurRabNishtar, GhavanfarAli Khan
1. Jawaharlal Nehru (Vice-President)
and Jogandra Nath Mandal to the cabinet. The
2. Vallabhbhai Patel (Home, Information
Congress allocated the Finance Ministry to the
Executive Council External Affairs and
League. This, in effect, placed the whole
Broadcasting and
governmental set-up under the Muslim League.
As Minister of Finance, Liaqat Ali Khan
3. Baldev Singh (Defence)
presented a budget which was called a ‘poor
4. Liaqat Ali Khan (Finance)
man’s budget’ and it adversely affected the
5. Dr. John Matthai (Industries and
Hindu capitalists. Disagreements among the
ministers paralysed the government, already
6. Ghazanfar Ali Khan (Health )
haunted by the spectre of civil war.
7. Rajendra Prasad (Food and Agriculture)
The deadlock between the Congress and
8. Jogindernath Mandal (Law)
the League further worsened in this set-up. On
9. C. H. Bhaba (Works, Mines, and Power)
22 March 1947, Lord Mountbattcn arrived as thd
10. Jagjivan Ram (Labour)
last Viceroy of India. He announced that power
11. T. T. Chudrigar (Commerce)
would be transferred from the British to Indian
12. Abdur Rah Nishtar (Communications)
hands by June 1948. Mountbattcn assessed the
13. Asaf Ali (Railways)
situation and was convinced that Congress was
14. C. Rajagopalachari (Education)
willing to accept partition as the price of
The Muslim League joined the interim
independence; Jinnah would accept a smaller
government without any intention to cooperate.
Pakistan than the one he demanded, that is, all of
They kept on organising anti-Congress and anti-
Punjab and Bengal, and the Sikhs would learn to
Hindu rallies in Punjab and the United
accept the division of Punjab. Mountbatten was
Provinces. Liaqat Ali, the Finance Minister,
able to persuade most Indian leaders that Page 18
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presented the first budget, which was allegedly down detailed principles for the partition of the
designed to harm the industrialists and the country and speedy transfer of political power in
merchant community dominated by the Hindus. the form of dominion status to the newly formed
The Muslim League kept its hard stance of not domimons of India and Pakistan Its acceptance
joining the Constituent Assembly, which began by the Congress and the Muslim League resulted
its sitting in New Delhi on 9 December 1946, in the birth of Pakistan.
and started pressing for its demand of Pakistan.
June 3rd Plan
Earlier, when all of Mountbatten’s
On 3 June 1947, Lord Mountbatten efforts to keep India united failed, he asked
announced a plan offering a key to the political Ismay, Chief of Staff, to chalk out a plan for the
and constitutional deadlock transfer of power and the division of the country.
It was decided that none of the Indian parties
Chronology of Indian National would view it before the plan was finalised.
Movement: (1940 Onwards)
However, before the announcement of
Lahore Session 1940 (Muslim league) the plan, Nehru who was staying with
August Offer 1940 Mountbatten as a guest at his residence at Simla,
Individual CDM 1940 (by Gandhi) had a look at the plan and rejected it.
Cripps' Mission 1942 Mountbatten then asked V. P. Menon, the only
Quit India Movement 1942 Indian in his pcrsonul staff, to present a new
Karachi Session 1943 (Muslim League) plan for the transfer of power. Nehru edited
Simla Conference and Wavell Plan; 1945 Menon’s formula and then Mountbatten himself
Cabinet Mission 1946 took the new plan to London, where he got it
Interim Government 1 946 approved without any alteration. Attlee and his
Attlee Announcement Febnjary 1947 cabinet gave the approval in a meeting that
Mountbatten Plan June 1 947 lasted not more than five minutes. Mountbatten
India Independence Bill July 1947 came back from London on 31 May, and tin 2
June, met the Indian leaders including Nehru,
created by the refusal of the Muslim League to Patel. Kiipalani, Jinnah, Liaqat Ali, Nishtar and
join the Constituent Assembly formed to frame Baldev Singh. After ihese leaders approved the
the Constituion of India. Mountbatten’s formula plan, Mountbatten discussed it with Gandhi and
was to divide India but to retain maximum unity. convinced him that it was the best plan under the
The country would be partitioned but so would circumstances. The plan was made public on 3
Punjab and Bengal, so that the limited Pakistan June, and is thus known as the 3rd Plan.
that emerged would meet both the Congress The following were the main clauses of the Plan:
and'the League’s position to some extent. The 1. The provincial Legislative Assemblies
League’s position on Pakistan was conceded in. of Punjab and Bengal were to meet in
that it would be created, but the Congress two groups, that is, the Muslim
position on unity would be taken into account to majoritydistricts and the non-Muslim
make Pakistan as small as possible. He laid majority districts.If any of the two
decided in favour of the division of the Page 19
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province, then the Governor-General 5. If Bengal decided in favour of partition,

would appoint a boundary commission a referendum was to be held in the
to demarcate the boundaries of t e Sylhct District of Assam to decide
province on the basis of ascertaining the whether it would continue as a part of
contiguous majority areas of the Assam or be merged with the new
Muslims and the non-Muslims. province of East Bengal.
2. The Legislative Assembly of Siiidh
(excluding itsEuropean members) was The Nawab of Junagarh announced to
to decide either to join the existing join Pakistan, but the people of the region
Constituent Assembly or the New wanted to join India and therefore, a plebiscite
Constituent Assembly. was held and the area remained with India. The
3. To decide the future of the North-West Nizam of Hyderabad also made an attempt to
Frontier Province, a referendum was claim an independent status but was forced to
proposed. The electoral college for the accede in 1948, after an internal revolt had
referendum was to be the same as the broken out in its Telangana area and the Indian
electoral college for the Provincial troops marched in Hyderabad. The Maharaja of
Legislative Assembly in 1946. Kashmir also delayed accession to India. He
4. Baluchistan was also to be given the acceded in October 1947, after the Pathans and
option to express its opinion on the the irregular armed forces of Pakistan invaded
issue. Kashmir.

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INDIAN INDEPENDENCE ACT (1947) 8. The provisions of 'Statute of Westminster of

1931 to remain applicable to both India and
The Bill containing the provisions of the Mountbatten Pakistan.
Plan of 3 June 1947, was introduced by British Prime Jivanram Bhagwandas Kriplani (J. B.
Minister Clement Attlee in the House of Commons on
14 July 1947, and passed as the Indian Independence
J. B. Kriploni was born on 11 November 1888 in
Act, 1947. The Act made India and Pakistan
Hyderabad Sindh. He was an Indian politician who
independent dominions and the princely states were
was the President of the Indian National Congress
left to accede to either of the two. The Act laid down
in 1947 when India got Independence. He was a
detailed measures for the partition of India and speedy
Gandhian socialist and independence activist. He
transfer of political power to the new governments of
was a close aide of Gandhiji who had seen the time
India and Pakistan. The simple Act, containing 20
period from the Non-Cooperation Movements of
sections and 3 schedules, constituted two independent
1920s to the Emergency of the 1970s. After
dominions o India and Pakistan with effect from 15
Independence, he became an MP in 1952, 1957,
August 1947.
1963 and 1963 as a member of Praja Socialist
The salient features of the act were as follows: Party. He remained a critic of Nehru's policies and
administration while working for social and
1. Creation of India and Pakistan, two environmental causes. He died on 19 March 1982
independent dominions with effect from 15 at the age ot 94. A postal stamp was issued in his
August 1947. name in the year 1989 on his birth centenary.
2. Setting up of a Boundary Commission for
demarcating the international boundaries, in
the states of Punjab and Bengal, under the from 15 August 1947. The power to rule from British
chairmanship of Sir Cyril Radcliffe. was fully and finally transferred to the two dominions.
3. The respective Constituent Assemblies of Bloodshed and violence marked thc exodus of
India andPakistan would be fully sovereign refugees. In October 1947, a Pathan tribal forcc
bodies but with a choice to sever their link entered Kashmir with Pakistani backing. But Maharaja
from the British Commonwealth of Nations. Hari Singh decided to accede to the Indian Union,
4. The Governor-General, appointed by the allowing Indian troops to be airlifted to the state. In
British throne, would become constitutional October 1947 Lord Mountbatten was appointed the
head. Governor-General of free India and Jinnah the first
5. The Act of 1935. would be used us the Governor-General of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan
governing constitution till the formation of a became its first Prime MinisterPakistan became a
new constitution. dominion within the British Commonwealth of
6. The Indian States would be free to join cither Nations.
India or Pakistan, without any pressure from The boundaries of Pakistan emerged on the map of the
the British crown, or to declare themselves as world in 1947. This was accomplished on the basis of
independent nations. the two-nation theory.
7. The Secretary of State of India would
conclude his activities from 15 August 1947
onwards. Page 1
India Wins Freedom Study

India immediately after independence

In l 948, Sir C. Rajayopalachori was appointed the first and the last Indian Governor-General of independent India.
Jawaharlal Nehru took ever thc responsibility of the government as the first Prime Minister in 1950. Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel independently undertook the task of the accession of all the princely states. All the princely were
merged into the adjoining provinces states of Kashmir, Hyderabad and Mysore were merged later. Maharma Gandhi
started a fast to safeguard the rights of the Muslims. On 30 January 1948, he was assassinated by NaHuram Vinayak
Godse when he was at a prayer meeting in the Birla House in Delhi. On 13 September 1948, the Indian Army entered
into Hyderabad after the Razakars resored to violent activities. The state of Hyderabad acceded to the Indian Union.
On 26 November 1949, the Constituent Assembly passed the new Constitution of India. On 26 January 1950, India
was declared a republic and Dr. Rajendro Prasad became the first President, Dr, S, Radhakrishnan, the Vice-President
and Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime Minister of India.

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