Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development

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“In today’s economic landscape, resource constraints and climate

concerns are no longer externalities. They are opportunities for
technology innovation and new business models, and a major driver
of sustainable and inclusive economic growth.The Global Cleantech
Innovation Programme (GCIP) supports emerging cleantech SMEs and
start-ups to introduce innovative solutions to the market, by
strengthening the local entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems
and policy frameworks. The GCIP is transforming the way we
address the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.”
4 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 5

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has

partnered with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to foster innovation
and entrepreneurship ecosystems, promoting affordable and scalable
solutions that enable our partner countries to leapfrog to cleaner, more
resilient economies while protecting our global commons. What is the
‘global commons’?
Resource areas not
UNIDO promotes industrial development to reduce poverty, governed by any
and enable inclusive globalization and environmental nation. These areas
sustainability. UNIDO’s work responds to the Sustainable include our shared
natural resources,
Development Goals (SDGs), and in particular SDG-9 which
for example the high
calls on all to help “build resilient infrastructure, promote seas, the atmosphere,
inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster outer space and
innovation”. The organization supports the transition to a Antarctica. The health
and sustainability
sustainable energy path as a key solution to a climate that
of these resources
is resilient to and unaffected by economically sustainable are critical for
growth. It prioritizes technology transfer and capacity our socio-economic
building of industries, including small and medium-sized development.

enterprises (SMEs).

The GEF is a catalyst for action on the environment.

Through its strategic investments, the GEF works with
partners to tackle the planet’s biggest environmental
issues. GEF funding helps reduce poverty, strengthens
governance and achieves greater equality between
women and men. Thus, GEF occupies a unique space in
the global partnership for a more sustainable planet. It
aims to expand private sector investment and commitment
to environmental solutions across its focal areas and
initiatives, while seeking to identify potential opportunities
to enhance private sector engagement.
6 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 7

Leveraging Innovation
and Entrepreneurship for
Transformative Impact

Global trends and experiences have shown the catalytic potential of

technology innovation and entrepreneurship in seizing opportunities for
economic growth embedded in environmental challenges. New industries
and business models are emerging in sustainable energy and climate
technology sectors. The agility of start-ups and SMEs allows them to be key
drivers in this transition to a low-carbon economy.

For developing countries to fully participate in this alternative development

trajectory and capture a growing share of the new emerging market, as well
as the concomitant employment and industrialization opportunities, they
need to establish effective cleantech ecosystems to support endogenous
cleantech innovations. Such ecosystems would support the transformation
of cleantech innovations into sustainable businesses by providing
the private sector with the requisite network of expertise, finance and
organizational resources.
8 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 9

The Global Cleantech

Innovation Programme

Supporting cleantech-based start-ups and SMEs Strengthening cleantech ecosystems

The GCIP supports start-ups and SMEs from around the world to develop In parallel to working directly with cleantech-based start-ups and Innovation
cleantech innovations into market-ready products that mitigate the SMEs towards commercialization, the GCIP also creates an enabling for impact
causes of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, and adapt environment that can systematically support cleantech innovation and The GCIP promotes
to its negative consequence. This wave of innovation is followed by entrepreneurship. Our goal is to create, in each partner country, an innovation in clean
ecosystem that enables start-ups and SMEs to succeed in developing technologies through
the creation of new markets, and with these, a variety of business
a cross-sectoral and
opportunities. and commercializing new and innovative cleantech solutions. We
do this by strengthening national institutions and developing new approach to build
With the GCIP, the start-ups and SMEs provide cleantech solutions to
policies, and partnering with national agencies to increase their sustainable innovation
energy and climate challenges, as well as contribute to the transformation ecosystems for SMEs
capacity to identify and foster cleantech innovation in a sustainable
into a low-carbon path of clean energy systems, sustainable cities, and start-ups.
way. More than that, we advise governments to introduce policies
healthy oceans and sustainable fisheries, climate resilient food systems,
that enable innovations to become economically viable businesses.
and landscape restoration. At the same time, the start-ups and SMEs are
contributing to industrial and economic development of their countries. “Entrepreneurial innovation is the answer to the world’s most
pressing environmental challenges, and the key to sustainable
It is well understood that while sustainable energy and climate A cleantech
economic growth.”
technologies have the potential to stimulate economic growth, create ecosystem
new job opportunities, and mitigate ecological risks; a parallel thrust is A cleantech ecosystem
essential to establish enablers to address the innovation chasm between is an interconnected
network of individuals,
research results and socio-economic outcomes.
Because global environmental challenges are experienced locally, policy and regulatory
frameworks, soft and
homegrown solutions are often not only more efficient, but absolutely
The GCIP seeks to harness the hard infrastructure,
necessary. The GCIP works directly with start-ups and SMEs that innovate market forces, social
to solve local problems, and help them introduce their cleantech catalytic potential of innovation and norms and values,
that interact as a
solutions to the local market. When the solutions with global impact entrepreneurship in SMEs and start-ups system to influence
potential are identified, the GCIP leverages UNIDO’s international network
to support scale-up and expansion of these solutions. This is where the
to be catalysts of sustainable the cleantech
innovation and
GCIP plays an invaluable and enabling role. economic development. entrepreneurial value
chain of a country.
10 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 11

Impact An initial assessment of a few participating companies to demonstrate the

current and potential impact of the GCIP, highlighted the following:

Partner countries Between 2014 and 2019, more than 900 cleantech-based enterprises

Armenia, India,
in eight partner countries have been trained, mentored and supported
towards commercialization of their cleantech innovations, and US$ US$
23M 263M
Malaysia, Morocco,
Pakistan, Sout benefited from exposure to investors, policy makers, and the media.
Africa, Thailand,
Turkey, Ukraine.1 In addition to contributing to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,
the technology innovations fostered under the GCIP also reap positive
Revenue Projected revenue
impacts for the environment, including improved water efficiency, soil
generated generated by 2020
protection and waste beneficiation.

The growth of the cleantech industry creates employment opportunities,
leading to poverty reduction through income generation.

An initial assessment of a few participating companies to demonstrate

624 4.8
the current and potential impact of the GCIP, highlighted the following:

Early projections show the exponential potential of the GCIP,

considering that more than 900 companies have graduated from the
programme. Upon completion of the impact assessment exercise,
a more precise compilation of the impact achieved, and impact
ktons mtons
projections will be available. GCIP alumni CO2e reduced Projected CO2e
companies selected reduced by these
At the global level, GCIP is projected to have avoided GHG emissions
for initial assessment companies by 2020
of between 3.8 million and 7.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Building on the success of the GCIP thus far, UNIDO plans to expand
the geographic scope of GCIP to 25 countries by 2020 to become a
truly global accelerator of cleantech innovations.

The innovations identified and developed in GCIP partner countries also
have the potential to address challenges in other parts of the world.

Country Targets for GHG Emissions Avoided

GCIP Target for GHG Emissions Avoided Unit Abatement Costs
(approx. 2013-2023, tonnes of CO2e) (USD/tonnes of CO2e)

  Lower estimate Upper estimate Lower estimate Upper estimate jobs created

Malaysia 425,000 849,000 1.18 2.36
Armenia 18,409 36,818 14.88 29.77
India 350,000 700,000 1.43 2.86
Pakistan 452,000 904,000 1.50 3.03
South Africa 815,000 1,630,000 1.22 2.44
Turkey 730,000 1,460,000 0.68 1.36
cleantech jobs
1 Ukraine joined Thailand 811,500 1,623,000 1.23 2.46
GCIP in 2018 and did not Morocco 200,923 401,845 2.27 4.55
participate in
the impact survey. (Total) (3,802,832) (7,604,663)     created by 2020
12 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 13

GCIP building
blocks for success

An effective cleantech innovation

and entrepreneurship ecosystem

A cleantech ecosystem is an interconnected network of individuals, synergies
institutions, policy and regulatory frameworks, soft and hard infrastructure, The synergetic value
market forces, social norms and values, that interact as a system to influence of collaboration
the cleantech innovation and entrepreneurial value chain of a country. among developing
countries and advanced
The GCIP employs a cross-sectoral and multi-tiered approach to build economies is quickly
a sustainable ecosystem for cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship leading to innovation
linkages, and
in small businesses.
receiving recognition
as a catalyst for
global game-changing
Identifying and accelerating cleantech innovations solutions.

From identifying technology innovations to commercialization and

application, the GCIP supports entrepreneurs across the innovation value
chain to develop demand-driven and investment-ready climate solutions.
Early-stage cleantech and business model innovations are identified and
accelerated through coaching, mentoring, and training so that they become
fast-growing, scalable and investible enterprises. For select enterprises
with high-impact potential, advanced support is provided for product
development, piloting and commercialization of the innovations. The
GCIP also supports the identification and development of demand-driven
solutions that can address the most pressing environmental challenges at
national levels. Through National Innovation Challenges, innovators are
invited to propose technology innovations that can address a particular
problem with high-impact potential. This approach allows direct market
access for the technologies, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness
in impact scaling.
14 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 15

Linking enterprises to financing opportunities Strengthening global ecosystem connectivity

Continued support is provided for enterprises to access early stage Leveraging the GCIP’s unique strength as a global initiative, the
financing and risk capital instruments and opportunities. Strategic national ecosystems of partner countries are connected at all levels
partnerships are established with venture capital funds, industry (government agencies, start-ups and SMEs, investors, universities etc.)
focus areas
associations, banks and angel investors to increase their awareness to facilitate knowledge transfer and sharing, technology collaboration,
Energy efficiency,
as well as the likelihood of investments. product co-development, market expansion, and investment facilitation.
renewable energy,
waste beneficiation, Today’s clean technology innovations will more than likely fuel the
water efficiency, Supporting an enabling policy and regulatory environment next industrial revolution that will shape tomorrow’s global economy
green buildings,
transportation, and The GCIP assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the national and job market.
advanced materials innovation landscape, and determines the set of services required
and chemicals.
to create an enabling environment for cleantech-based start-ups and
SMEs in the partner country. It supports governments and agencies
that have policy mandates with advice and tools to enhance the
frameworks that create business incentives and obligations that Bridging the innovation gap
address both the supply and demand side of cleantech markets.
This includes assisting in the development of standards, norms and
Supporting an
other instruments that facilitate the overall growth of cleantech
enabling policy Enhancing national
markets. The GCIP also advises governments to focus on high-
Linking enterprises and regulatory capacities for
impact sectors, especially from the perspective of encouraging and
to financing environment innovation and
supporting increased engagement and participation of SMEs.
opportunities entrepreneurship
Innovation and entrepreneurship policy frameworks contribute to
Identifying and Strengthening
an enabling environment where cleantech companies can thrive and
accelerating global ecosystem
nations can benefit.
cleantech connectivity
Enhancing national capacities for innovation and entrepreneurship

Key ecosystem players such as national institutions, industry

associations, universities, investor networks, large corporations etc.
are engaged and consulted as stakeholders. They receive targeted
training to understand their respective roles in the ecosystem, and to
promote commercialization, and entrepreneurship and upscaling of
Innovation Market
cleantech innovation.
16 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 17

GCIP highlights “The GCIP is currently

the best business training programme
for energy efficiency technology
The GCIP Accelerator in South Africa. Solar Veranda was
honoured to be part of the 12-week
A key intervention of the GCIP is its annual competition-based
Accelerator, which identifies the most promising innovators and training programme. The skills that we
entrepreneurs across a country.
developed helped lift Solar Veranda to
The programme consists of an Official Launch, Investor Connect,
National Academy, Business Clinic and Mock Judging. In addition, the
a higher business level. The credible
selected start-ups are continuously mentored and trained. Access to GCIP award leads to fantastic exposure
capital and showcasing opportunities are facilitated on a regular basis
to enhance the start-ups’ business skills and connect them to potential and this translates to funding.”
business partners, financiers and investors.

A tailored mentoring programme is provided through an elite group of

general and specialist mentors. Trainers are drawn from industries, Solar Veranda,
universities and professional institutions, as well as business leaders GCIP-SA Most Promising
from within the country and abroad. Youth-Led Business 2015

The Process

Call for Applications Mentoring Programme I Judging Mentoring Programme II National Winner GCIP Global Forum
applications Screening

Semi-finalists Assignment National Mock Round 2 One-on-one National National Awards Preparation for Global
announcement of mentors Academy Judging Judging mentoring II judging Ceremony Global Forum Forum

One-on-one Online Finalists National Investor Connect Global Investor Connect

mentoring I entrepreneurship announcement
18 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 19

Investor Connect Empowering women and engaging youth

In bridging the gap between the start-ups with technology innovations, The promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the
and investors that can support market-based dissemination of the technology innovation and entrepreneurship space is integral to the vision
solutions, Investor Connect events are organized at national and global of the GCIP. Targeted awareness-raising and outreach activities for women-
Under its policy
levels. The GCIP engages with impact investors and cleantech-targeted led start-ups and women engineering students, among other activities,
component, the GCIP
seeks to enhance the financial mechanisms to further support the commercialization and aim to encourage and increase women’s participation in the GCIP.
enabling environment market-based scale-up of the cleantech solutions.
Particular efforts are also made to recruit women judges and mentors,
in partner countries
by supporting national so that gender balance is achieved at all levels of the GCIP cycle. In
policies which promote addition, all training materials, resources and documents ensure that
innovation in clean both men and women are informed of the gender dimensions of the
technologies. The GCIP Global Forum GCIP, and the gender dimensions relevant to technology innovation and
Profiles serve as a National GCIP winners are invited to the annual GCIP Global Forum – entrepreneurship in general. In some GCIP partner countries, specific
valuable policy tool a confluence of the cleantech industry and the climate. The event prizes and follow-up support for women-led start-ups are considered.
to stimulate a broader
aims to create business opportunities, highlighting solutions, The GCIP also engages extensively with young cleantech leaders
economic action plan
including strategic engaging citizens and cultivating partnerships, while spurring of tomorrow. The global youth unemployment crisis has led many
support for cleantech investment in clean technologies to address climate change. highly educated young minds to consider entrepreneurial initiatives,
solution providers.
The GCIP national winners and finalists are connected to a community and the GCIP can provide strong guidance and mentoring needed by
of cleantech innovators and entrepreneurs from all over the world. young entrepreneurs. The GCIP works with youth organizations as
The GCIP national winner also meets with the national winners of the well as government partners to raise awareness among youths of the
other GCIP countries and compete for the Global Prize. opportunities and trends in the cleantech innovation field.

All these efforts combine to ensure that, through the GCIP, all men and
women are given equal access and information to succeed as cleantech
innovators and entrepreneurs.
Global Cleantech Innovation Index
The biennial Global Cleantech Innovation Index (GCII) was first
created in 2012 to investigate which countries have the greatest
potential to produce entrepreneurial cleantech start-up companies
and which will commercialize clean technology innovations over the
next decade.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Cleantech Group (CTG)
have produced the third edition of the GCII for 2017, and UNIDO has
partnered with the WWF and the CTG to provide a special addendum
to the GCII. The addendum focuses on the cleantech innovation
ecosystem of the GCIP-participating countries.
The GCIP provides
20 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 21

opportunities for
locally grown solutions
to reap global impacts Partner Countries

by providing mentoring Armenia

and market access The key objectives of the Enterprise Incubator Foundation are to improve
competitiveness in the Armenian IT/High-Tech sector in the global

across borders. marketplace, build linkages with international entities, provide assistance in
investment attraction, export promotion, and enable venture capital institutes
and start-up acceleration, as well as to stimulate formation of the Armenian IT
industry development infrastructure, capacity building, IT/High-Tech industry
development in the regions and formation of e-society in the country.

The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) promotes
Armenia a vibrant micro, small and medium-enterprise (MSME) sector through the
design and implementation of policies, and the facilitation and monitoring
Pakistan of programmes, projects and schemes. The target is to assist and scale up
Morocco MSMEs. MoMSME encourages entrepreneurship, employment and livelihood
opportunities and enhances the competitiveness of MSMEs in the changed
Thailand economic scenario.

The Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MiGHT) is
a partnership between the industry and the public sector, working together
to prospect for business and technology in the domestic and international
market-place. It is an independent, non-profit organisation driven by a
membership drawn from the public and private sectors. It acts as a think-
tank that underlines the key strategies that must be taken to develop the
South Africa country’s high-technology industry and further the position of Malaysia as
a globally competitive player. MiGHT constructs these strategies based on
the combined input from the high-technology industry, governmental and
nongovernmental organizations and academic institutions.
22 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 23

Morocco Thailand
The State Secretariat of Sustainable Development is the ministerial The Department of Industrial Promotion (DIP), under supervision of the
department in charge of the development of the national sustainable Ministry of Industry, is mandated to support and reinforce SMEs, community-
development strategy. It monitors the implementation and evaluation of the based enterprises, entrepreneurs and industrial service providers to achieve
strategy in collaboration with the relevant ministerial departments. The State excellent performances and sustainability. The activities DIP carries out
Secretariat also promotes cooperation with public bodies, local and regional to deliver on its mandate comprise enhancing industrial networking of
authorities, the private sector and non-governmental organizations in the relevant public and private sectors; recommending policies and measures
field of environment and sustainable development. The Secretariat works on development of (as well as supporting) capacity building of SMEs,
to integrate the environmental dimension into development, education, community-based enterprises, entrepreneurs and service providers.
training and scientific research programmes and development of green
entrepreneurship and friendly initiatives.
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK),
Pakistan established in 1963, is the leading agency for management, funding and
The Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) is mandated to performing of research in Turkey. TÜBİTAK is responsible for promoting,
advise the government on the development of science and technology developing, organizing, conducting and coordinating research and
(S&T) at the national level. The Council is involved in S&T and innovation development in line with national targets and priorities. Setting its vision
policy making, planning, implementation and carrying out of policy studies. to be an innovative, guiding, participating and cooperating institution in
The PCST is also the secretariat of the National Commission of Science and the fields of science and technology, TÜBİTAK not only supports innovation
Technology, headed by the Prime Minister, who takes the major decisions and academic and industrial R&D studies, it also – in line with national
for the development of S&T. The PCST works as a think-tank to identify the priorities – develops scientific and technological policies and manages R&D
priority areas of research and development, keeping in view the futuristic institutes, carrying out research, technology and development studies.
developments of S&T in Pakistan.

South Africa The Ukraine joined the GCIP in 2018. The State Finance Institution for
The Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) was established with the objective Innovations (SFII) was established in 2000 by the Cabinet of Ministers
of stimulating and intensifying technological innovation to improve of Ukraine, with the mandate to strengthen the economy of Ukraine by
economic growth and the quality of life of all South Africans, by developing attracting foreign and domestic credit and investment resources and
and exploiting technological innovations. TIA’s core business objective directing these to finance innovative and investment projects in strategic
is to support the development and commercialization of competitive, industries of economy. The SFII is responsible for the implementation
technology-based services and products. The Agency primarily uses South of innovation policy through the provision of financial instruments, full
Africa’s science and technology base to develop new industries, create administrative support, co-investment and project management. It provides
sustainable jobs and help diversify the economy. South Africa piloted the financial support to economic entities of various forms of ownership
first GCIP in 2011. within the framework of state innovation policy, conducts a competition of
innovative and investment projects and programmes, attracts funds and
controls the effective implementation of projects and programmes.
by Country
26 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: India 27

Energy Higher


The Company

Agnisumukh is a cleantech start-up

from Bangalore in India. It provides
The Innovation

The energy-efficient radiant heat

gas burner system is flameless,
The Impact

The technology can reduce

fuel use by up to 30%, has the

innovative solutions for radiant heat smokeless and noiseless. The potential to eliminate indoor air
applications using liquid petroleum technology can be applied to pollution and carbon emissions
gas (LPG), natural gas and biogas. commercial kitchen equipment resulting from a high thermal
Water and
The product is market-ready, ranging from clean cookstoves to efficiency (69%), and zero
with several pilot installations in steam boilers. The burners produce emissions from carbon soot.
commercial kitchens. The company uniform heat that resembles charcoal The product also has lower gas
has raised US$ 1.5m to date, and is heat, emitting far-infrared rays. The pressure, increasing safety in

preparing to raise additional US$ technology has been tested and kitchens. In addition, kitchens
30m in two stages for scaling up certified under IS 14612. Thermal can save over 50% water and
and for a global launch. efficiency ranges between 65% and detergent used for the cleaning

Reduced fuel use

68.9%, compared to that of stoves. Agnisumukh aims to
of conventional commercial gas contribute to income generation in
burners with a rating of between rural areas by creating green jobs
36% and 45%. across India.

At a Glance

Company Agnisumukh Energy Solutions

Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Product Energy efficient radiant cooking systems for commercial kitchens
Technology category Energy efficiency
GCIP 2015 GCIP-India National Winner, 2018 GCIP Alumni Leader of the Year
Technology stage Commercialized
Patent/IPR Granted in April 2018; patent number 295436
Next steps Looking for Series-A funding for scaling up and preparing launch as a global brand Zero indoor Reduced carbon Lower gas Improved More income
air pollution emissions and pressure kitchen safety and green jobs
zero carbon soot in rural areas
28 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: India 29


The Company The Innovation The Impact

Established in April 2012, Atomberg The core innovation behind the fan With over 150,000 fans installed,
Technologies is a household is the super-efficient brushless the innovation achieves 22.5 GWH
per year

appliances R&D and manufacturing direct current (BLDC) motor. The of electricity savings per year. This
company. Its flagship product, an BLDC motor uses AC power supply, translates into energy cost savings
energy-efficient ceiling fan, was and internally converts it to 24V of US$ 1.7m per year, with carbon
launched in November 2015 and has DC. Permanent magnets are used reduction potential of more than
sold over 150,000 units to date. The as rotors for superior performance, 21,000 tons per year. The company Energy
company generated US$ 2.5m in and Atomsens’ algorithm tunes the created more than 150 jobs since cost savings
revenue during 2017-18. It plans to motor in real time to eliminate power 2012, and is engaged in multiple per year

expand its product range to include losses for the highest efficiency. rural electrification projects.
table, pedestal and wall-mounted The result is that the fan consumes

Fans installed
fans. Additional revenue expected 28 W at full speed, compared to an

from these products amounts to ordinary fan that consumes 75 W,
US$ 6m in 2018-19. By 2021-22, the reducing power consumption by
company aims to reach an annual 65%. This results in a saving of US$
revenue of US$ 50m. 15-25 per year/fan depending on
usage and electricity costs.

At a Glance

Company Atomberg Technologies

Location Mumbai, Maharashtra
Product Super-efficient ceiling fan
Technology category Energy efficiency

GCIP 2016 GCIP-India National Finalist , 2017 Global Energy Efficiency Category Winner
Technology stage Commercialized
Next steps Scale up by using the same technology in similar products Tons carbon
potential Jobs created
Website per year since 2012
30 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: India 31

Challenge Impact
Saathi Eco
The Company

Saathi developed 100%

biodegradable and compostable
sanitary pads made from banana
tree fiber. The company has
The first product line is sanitary
pads made from banana fiber.
Banana fiber is one of the most
absorbent natural fibers and is
abundant in India, making it an
increase access to sanitary pads
for 1.5 million women by 2023.

The average conventional sanitary

pad contains 3.4 g of plastic, which
means that the average woman
Plastic in average
sanitary pad

Women estimated
optimal replacement for wood pulp.
established a medium-scale set-up will generate 23 kg of plastic

to access Saathi
for manufacturing and is currently from sanitary pads alone over her
The Impact
generating revenue. To date, Saathi lifetime. In 2016, there were 150,000

sanitary pads
has received investment of US$ Saathi buys agro-waste from tons of sanitary pad waste in India.
banana farmers, creating an extra Plastic from sanitary pads
558,000. An additional US$ 3m The alternative product offered by
generated per average
by 2023
is required to reach the projected revenue stream. In addition, the Saathi is completely plastic free.
woman over lifetime
scale and for further product company contributes to women’s It degrades within six months –
development to improve quality. empowerment through awareness 1,200 times faster than plastic.
campaigns and access to sanitary Most plastic sanitary pads use
The Innovation

pads for women in rural areas. chlorine-bleached wood pulp as an

Saathi has developed a single This enables them to continue with absorbent, while most other eco-
platform technology to create a economic and educational activities friendly pads use cotton. Banana
wide array of absorbent products without interruption during fibre uses six times less water per
from natural fibers which are 100% menstruation. Saathi has reached ton produced than cotton, and ten Tons of sanitary
Rural women
biodegradable and chemical-free. 6,000 rural women to date, and will times less fertilizers. pad waste in
reached to date
India in 2016

At a Glance

Saathi Eco Innovations India
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Product Eco-friendly sanitary pads
Technology category Waste beneficiation

6 1200 6 10 0
GCIP 2017 GCIP-India National Winner, 2018 Global Winner
Technology stage Revenue generation
Patent/IPR Patent pending
Next steps Scale up
Months to Times faster Times less water used Times less No plastic
Email degrade degradation rate per ton produced fertilizers used
Website than plastic than cotton than cotton
32 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Pakistan 33


Carbon emission Reduced

reductions energy costs

The Company The Innovation The Impact

Biotech Fuels is a renewable The product comprises a solar The solar system replaces the
energy solutions provider. Its main system that powers water pumps diesel generators that are often
product, the solar powered flour and flour mills, for off-grid areas. used for water pumps and wheat
mill and water pump, is tailored to The two applications are installed crushing. In addition to the
provide energy and water access as one product, offering a one- reduction in carbon emissions and

in rural areas and has been piloted stop solution for farmers in rural costs from the use of diesel, the
in a rural village in Pakistan with areas, with water pumping for product contributes to increased
multiple installations in remote irrigation and a wheat crushing crop yield due to improved
locations. The company received
investments of US$ 5m in capital
facility for daily use. irrigation. The innovation has
the potential to improve farming farming
to date, and is preparing to raise practices and crop yield in rural
an additional US$ 10m. villages across the country.

At a Glance

Company Biotech Fuels

Location Karachi, Pakistan
Product Solar powered water pump and flour mill
Technology category
Renewable energy
2017 GCIP-Pakistan National Runner-up
Technology stage
Next steps
Scale up and installation in multiple locations diesel
Email Increase in Improved
Website crop yield irrigation
34 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Pakistan 35


and cyclone

The Company The Innovation makes the houses energy efficient

and sustainable, reducing the
ModulusTech aims to revolutionize ModulusTech’s technology makes
carbon footprint by 50 times
the affordable housing sector it possible to set up houses in as
compared to traditional housing.
through its innovative flat- little as three hours. These houses
The technology enables the low
packed modular design. Using an provide proper living standards
cost of US$ 3,000 per house.
industrialized housing concept, and come with utilities and fixtures
the houses can be transported preinstalled, ready for occupancy
The Impact
and set up in minimal time, after assembly. The fast and easy
while being cost-effective and installation allows an agile response With millions of people displaced
sustainable. The start-up has to large settlement establishment in the world today, and a large
won US$ 40,000 from various needs. The flat-packed units also percentage of the population lacking
grants and competitions and allow economical transport or adequate housing, the potential
is now looking to raise its first relocation of the houses, and 11 units social impact is huge. Providing
round of investment, as well can be shipped in a 40 ft container. a basic need such as housing can
as form business-to-business Moreover, the technology is resistant result in better mental and physical Fast installation
partnerships to increase its to earthquakes and cyclones, and health, and in turn, realise economic (3 hours per unit)
manufacturing capability. the use of passive technologies upliftment of the region.

At a Glance

Company ModulusTech
Location Karachi, Pakistan
Product MT Homes, MT Schools, MT Clinics, MT Labour Homes, MT Offices
Technology category Green buildings
GCIP 2017 GCIP-Pakistan National Winner, 2018 Global Forum Special Mention
Technology stage Production ready, generating revenue
Next steps Scaling production capacity, R&D, patent acquisition, expanding to global markets

Energy efficient
Website Low-cost (US$ 3000 per unit)
36 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Pakistan 37

Jaan Pak
Enterprises Respiratory
rife in rural

burned for
cooking or
The Company preparing to raise further funding so than adult men, because
to scale-up production, distribution women take the lead in cooking.
Jaan Pak developed a line of fuel-
and promotion. ‘Dirty cooking’ is, therefore, a
efficient, biomass cookstoves
through extensive R&D over huge source of spreading fatal
The Innovation respiratory illnesses across Women &

Women employed
three years and 26 iterations. The
The Supreme Stove reduces the use Pakistan’s rural population. children
company has raised US$ 224,518
of fuel by up to 40% through the Through Jaan Pak’s innovation, (responsible
through two social business

and empowered
increased efficiency of combustion households in rural, off-grid areas for cooking)
competitions, three grants, a
heat used, in addition to decreasing can save up to 50% on fuel costs. exposed to
revenue-sharing agreement and a
cooking time by half. The company also contributes solid fuel fumes
crowd-funding campaign. Over 830
units of its main product, Supreme to women’s empowerment by
The Impact employing women. Its retail
Stove, have been sold during five
commercial pilot projects in 2017. Nearly half of Pakistan’s 200 million model, comprising a combination
Three new models are currently population reside in off-grid areas, of commission-based revenues
being tested, and will be introduced and burn biomass for cooking and and a fixed salary, enables
in 2018. Revenue generated to date heating. Women and children are women entrepreneurs to earn up
is US$ 12,638. The company is exposed to solid fuel fumes, more to PKR 30,000.

At a Glance

Company Jaan Pak Enterprises

Lahore, Pakistan
Supreme Stove (fuel efficient biomass cookstove)
Technology category
Technology stage
Fuel efficiency
2017 GCIP-Pakistan National Finalist
Cleaner air
Estimate earnings of
Next steps Scaling innovation through impact investment
entrepreneurs from fuel costs
Email; commission and fixed
Website salary combination
38 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: South Africa 39


The Company

Eco-V provides renewable hot-

water and electricity solutions for
communities (homes, hospitals
by any of its competitors. The
modular BlueGreenTower™ design
incorporates containerised micro-
grid units, each providing off-grid
electric boilers in Africa at
corporate buildings, shopping
malls, educational institutions
and government agencies, with 200 5 5
Full-time jobs Part-time
hot water for up to 16 homes, BlueGreenTower™ Microgrid. A
and schools) and industries in the created jobs created
making its solution more affordable typical BlueGreenTower™ Microgrid
form of containerised hybrid solar
than competing solutions. By has a pay-back period of five
microgrids that are affordable and
incorporating multiple micro-grid years and achieves 90% energy
easily transportable. GHG offset
units, BlueGreenTower™ solutions savings. Environmental results of 20
The Innovation can be scaled to serve any size installations showed a GHG offset
community, hospital or school that
BlueGreenTower™ technology (February 2018) of 200 tons per year,
requires domestic hot water as
achieves 90% in energy saving for and water savings of 6,000 kl per
well as factories that require 80°C
heating water (compared to electric year. Five full-time and five part-
process hot water.
boilers) by harvesting and storing time jobs have been created which
solar power, while conserving strengthen the technical capacity
The Impact in South Africa to serve markets
water by using an Internet-based
software management platform to Over the next decade, Eco-V in Southern Africa Development
optimize performance not provided aims to replace one million Community (SADC) countries.

At a Glance

Company Eco-V

Location Pretoria, South Africa
Product BlueGreenTowerTM Microgrid
Technology category Renewable energy

GCIP 2015 GCIP-South Africa National Runner-Up
Technology stage Market Application
Patent/IPR Patent registered
Improved software to manage microgrids and provide for industrial-scale
Next steps applications, integration with wind turbines; future markets include student
accommodation, shopping malls and the hospitality sector
Website Water saved Energy savings
40 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: South Africa 41


The Company gasification techniques. The stoves to save 33,000 tons of wood
6 4
women men 10 jobs
Preventing deforestation
and biodiversity loss

use biomass/wood fuel, save 56% from being burnt, preventing the
Sustainability Professionals is
fuel, are nearly smoke-free and halve emission of 52,000 tons of CO2 .
a social enterprise focusing on
solving the cooking needs of rural the cooking time. The value chain is a Additional environmental benefits

schools and communities in the combination of innovative production include preventing deforestation,
SADC. The company sells fuel- (Mashesha/briquettes) with low- biodiversity loss and mitigating
efficient Mashesha Stoves that cook technology selling channels, suitable climate change. The product
with large pots for institutional to African markets. also contributes to Sustainable
use, and medium-sized pots for Development Goals 3, 5, 7, 12 and 13,
The Impact which address good health and well-
household use. The stoves are safer
as they use a closed gasification
process for combustion.
Each day, some 34,500 rural
schools in South Africa rely on
being, gender equality, access to
energy, and mitigate climate change ktons Wood burning
Mitigating climate
wood to prepare food for students. as well as promote responsible

The Innovation production and consumption. The
The Mashesha stove uses half the
The Mashesha metal cookstove amount of wood compared to an company created ten jobs to date,
burns with a clean hot flame using open fire, and has the potential six of these for women.

At a Glance

Company Sustainability Professionals

Location Mbombela, South Africa

Product Mashesha Stoves
Technology category Energy Efficiency
2016 GCIP-South Africa National Finalist, 2016 Innovation for Social Impact
Category Winner, 2018 GCIP Alumni Leader of the Year

CO2 emissions
Technology stage Early commercialization
Finalise large biomass briquette composition ratios, get to market and expand
Next steps
the product range

42 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: South Africa 43

Hygiene and 26
Skilled jobs

Water saving

per day per

The Company lost through toilet leaks. A toilet is and distribution. The company also
the single largest water consumer engages women to raise awareness
Water, Hygiene and Convenience
(WHC) was founded in 2007 and in the house, accounting for roughly on water usage behaviour in Projected
provides technology solutions to 28% of overall usage. A leaking toilet communities, and trains and employs additional
comprehensively address social, can waste between 30 litres and youth as plumbers to install the units. jobs
economic and environmental 700 litres (approximately seven full Environmental results verified in pilot
problems, in particular water bathtubs) of water per day. installations include water savings

conservation. of 39 litres per day per installation.
The Impact
In one community, 865 installations
The Innovation By the end of 2017, the company achieved 6,072,300 litres of water
created 26 skilled jobs. Projected saved within six months. This is the Women
The WHC Leak-Less Valve™ is a water
engaged to
control device that can detect and public sector contracts will lead to an equivalent of two-and-a-half Olympic-
raise awareness
save up to 70% of water currently additional 220 jobs in manufacturing sized swimming pools.
on water usage
behaviour in
At a Glance in one community

Company Water, Hygiene and Convenience (WHC)

Location Pretoria, South Africa
Product WHC Leak-Less Valve™
Technology category Water efficiency
GCIP 2014 GCIP-South Africa National Runner-Up, 2018 Global Alumni of the Year Water
Youth trained
Technology stage Market application savings

and employed
Next steps Convert the public and private sector interest into cash sales, and scale impact
as plumbers
44 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Thailand 45

Innovation Impact
Fang Thai
Factory High quality water and oil
resistant paper produced
from 100% rice straw

The Company paper is non-toxic; chlorine, producing smoke and air pollution.
mercury and heavy metal free; and In 2018, in Thailand, CO2 emissions
Fang Thai Factory is a rice straw
is biodegradable in 30 days. In from rice residue open burning
paper and packaging company.
Its products are some of the most addition to being one of the most were estimated at approximately 6

environmentally friendly options on environmentally friendly options on Mt of CO2. Fang Thai's technology Cost competitive
the market, with a manufacturing the market, Fang Thai’s products can prevent open burning of rice against plastic
offer high quality features at a

and plastics
process that follows the zero straws by valorizing the waste alternatives
waste management approach. competitive price. The paper is into a market-ready product.
Rice straw is used in every part water, oil and grease resistant (more Fang Thai also contributes to

of the paper-making process. than two hours), can withstand high avoided deforestation and waste
Currently, the company is at full and low temperatures, and is strong management, by replacing paper
production capacity, and is looking with a tensile index of 36.92 N m/g, and plastic products. By providing
to raise investment to increase elongation at break of 2.05%, tear employment opportunities in rural
manufacturing capacity to meet index of 1.52 mN m2/g, and burst farming communities after
customer demand. index of 2.29 kPa m2/g. harvest season, as well as an
additional revenue stream from
The Innovation The Impact
sales of rice straws, Fang Thai
The paper production process uses Rice straw is a crop residue and is contributes to decent work and
100% rice straw. The resulting traditionally burned in open fire, income generation. Income and
job creation for
rural farming
At a Glance

Company Fang Thai Factory

Location Lampang, Thailand
Product Packing from rice straw paper
Technology category Waste to beneficiation
Technology stage
2017 GCIP-Thailand National Waste to Beneficiation Category Winner
Scale up Biodegradable Open burning

in 30 days
Email of rice straw
Website avoided
46 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Thailand 47

2.8 kgCO2e/hour
GHG reduction

The Company

PAC Corporation, founded in 2016,

100% and reduces the electricity
consumption of air conditioners by
10%. PAC Frenergy can produce hot-
GW, total cost savings of US$
12.11m, and total GHG reduction of
25,422,25 kgCO2e are estimated.
Total energy

produces an innovative energy-

79.87 GW
efficiency product, the PAC Frenergy water temperatures of up to 70°C In addition, circularity of the
Heat Recovery Water Heater. The and reduces heat transfer to the product life cycle is considered
product is in commercialization stage, atmosphere by about 15%. from the manufacturing stage. The
and the current focus is on expansion product is made with materials
The Impact that can be recycled, and use
to domestic and overseas markets.
Energy reduction of PAC Frenergy of raw materials and packaging
The Innovation is 6.2 kwh and the GHG reduction resources are minimized.
amounts to 2.8 kgCO2e/hour. For Logistics and route management Total cost
The PAC Frenergy Heat Recovery
are arranged to reduce the impact

Energy reduction
Water Heater cuts the electricity projected sales of 7,000 units in
cost of hot-water systems by 2020, total energy savings of 79.87 on the environment.

At a Glance

Company PAC Corporation

US$ 12m
Location Bangkok, Thailand
Product PAC Frenergy Heat Recovery Water Heater
Technology category Energy efficiency
GCIP 2017 GCIP-Thailand National Winner Total GHG
Technology stage Commercialized reduction Impact on
Development of Internet of Things smart controller to maximize estimated Circular product Use of raw environment
Next steps
energy efficiency and usability

life cycle; materials through optimal
Email materials can and packaging logistics & route
Website be recycled resources management
48 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Thailand 49


The Company The Innovation The Impact

Tom Casava was founded by a group After seven years of research, the Farmers and traders generate income
of experts in cassava production company developed an innovative through crop waste that is otherwise
and utilization for food, feed, energy kiln (furnace) with high efficiency discarded, and new jobs are created
and industrial applications. The which can burn 36 times faster throughout the product value chain.
company aims to utilize the valueless than the conventional kiln. It Every tonnage of cassava stump
cassava stumps, a waste product uses minimal to no energy, has processed into activated carbon,
from cassava plantation, by turning no carbon emissions, requires instead of open fire burning, reduces
these into high value and high price no chemical in the process and emissions by an estimated 1,518 to
charcoal and activated carbon for produces a higher yield of the 3,016 kg CO2. CO2 emissions
industrial, agriculture, household product. The kiln transforms avoided (estimated
and health applications. cassava stumps into activated 1,518 to 3,016 kg
carbon that is suitable for a wide per ton of cassava)
variety of applications, including
medical and healthcare.

At a Glance
Improved air quality due
Tom Casava
to avoided open burning
1. Plaichon NC®: Cat sand/litter. 2. Plaichon NC®: Soap. 3. Plaichon NC®:
Product Vegetable/fruit washing pack. 4. Plaichon NC®: Raw products for variable
Technology category Waste beneficiation
GCIP 2016 GCIP-Thailand National Winner, 2018 Global Finalist
Technology stage Commercialized
Next steps Development of products and machinery to support the expansion of production
source for Jobs created
Email framers in rural
Website and traders communities
50 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Turkey 51


The Company The Innovation The Impact

Since 2012, Delphisonic has Combining hardware and Delphisonic's technology has
been developing measurement
applications and cloud-based
software components, the main
product is developed for train
contributed significantly to the
safety and competitiveness of its
No break No accidents No unplanned
software solutions for railway,
wind turbine, marine, aviation,
monitoring. Through sensors
detecting vibration, speed,
customers. Since implementation of
its solution in 2013, Turkish National
malfunctions or disruptions stops
oil & gas and industrial pressure and temperature, data Railways has had no accident or in ship for Turkish in beverage
manufacturing process. on mechanical systems of trains major disruption. Mey Icki, the manufacturing National Railways production line
Delphisonic's technology and railways are collected. The biggest beverage manufacturer in
solution provides immediate Internet of Things, artificial Turkey, has not experienced any
and secure monitoring of intelligence, and data analysis unplanned stop in its assembly
machine operations, allowing capabilities are employed line since 2015, and has saved over
businesses to identify machine through a software algorithm €1.4m over the last two years. UN
failures in advance by utilizing to predict the time and exact Roro, one of Turkey’s largest ship
the Internet of Things, big data location of an upcoming failure producers, has also saved over
and artificial intelligence. or breakdown. This technology €1.1m over two years owing to the
is applicable to multiple sectors. prevention of break malfunctions.

At a Glance

Company Delphisonic Elektronik

Location Turkey (Kocaeli), UK (Warrington), US (Washington) and Germany (Berlin)
Product Real-time vibration analyzer and AI-based software algorithm
Technology category Smart transportation
2017 GCIP-Turkey National Winner, 2018 Global Smart Transportation Category
Technology stage Scale-up stage
Next steps Looking for global expansion
Email Increased safety & Production and operation cost
Website competitiveness of customers savings of customers
52 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Turkey 53

Biolive Challenge Innovation

450 6 9-12
The Company an alternative to conventional or adding synthetic additives in
years kg CO2 months zero
petroleum-based plastics. The first foods, Biolive bioplastic packaging Plastic waste Emitted per kg Decomposing period Amounts of
Biolive Biological and Chemical
step of the patented technological has shown to extend the shelf life decomposing period of plastic of innovation CO2 emitted
Technologies Industry and Trade
process includes the extraction of food products by 60% as well
is a biotechnology company
of antioxidants from olive seeds, as keep these fresh, as seen in

founded in 2016. It produces and
sells antimicrobial and antioxidant and the second step involves the case of meat, dairy, bakery
bioplastic granules from olive the creation of polymers from products, fruits and vegetables.
seeds. The company also designs olive seeds. The combination
of these two steps produces The Impact
and develops the technical
production processes for product bioplastic granules. The resulting The innovation replaces
lines such as licensing on food product is biodegradable and petroleum-based plastics that
packaging, refrigerator/home non-carcinogenic, compostable, are harmful to human health and
appliance technologies, plastic recyclable, and 90% more cost- the environment. Plastic waste is
bottles, food containers, pacifiers effective than existing bioplastics. non-biodegradable, requiring over
and eco-friendly automotive The active ingredient oleuropein 450 years to decompose, and emits
bioplastic interior products. acts to extend bioplastic shelf approximately 6 kg of CO2 per kg
life and hastens the biodegrading of plastic. The bioplastic products
The Innovation process. Instead of using developed by Biolive decomposes
Biolive produces natural bioplastic expensive nanotechnology to give in nature in 9 to 12 months, and
granules from olive seeds as antibacterial features to plastics has no CO2 emissions.

At a Glance

Human Petroleum-
Company Biolive Biological and Chemical Technologies Industry and Trade
Location Istanbul, Turkey
Product Antimicrobial bioplastic products
Technology category

Advanced materials
2017 GCIP-Turkey National Winner, 2018 Global Smart Transportation health and based
environment plastics
Category Winner
Technology stage Product development

improved replaced
Next steps Sales
54 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Turkey 55

NG Impact

Extra income per year
Remediate soil
biodiversity, quality and
Reduced pesticide
residues in soil over time

The Company organisms that degrade pesticides in extra income per year for a
in soil and reduce their use; thus typical greenhouse tomato farmer.
NG Biyoteknoloji is an R&D
significantly limiting the negative In addition, the crops can be sold at
company, founded in 2014 with the
effects on agricultural land, while also a premium price, boosting profits
mission to develop, manufacture
conditioning the soil and plant health for a typical greenhouse vegetable
and sell environmentally friendly
via several mechanisms. The patented farmer (four-decare farm) by more
microbial products to promote
technology enables farmers to restore than €5,000 per year. In addition,
sustainable agricultural practices.
the health and fertility of agricultural the product has multiple health
The products are used as land rather than continually benefits compared to chemical
biopesticides, microbial fertilizers, increasing the use of pesticides. pesticides, as it is non-toxic and

as well as organic control agents for
100% biodegradable, decreasing
public health and for bioremediation The Impact pesticide residues in soil over time.
of persistent organic pollutants. The technology has the potential
The product allows direct operational
cost savings of between 40% and to become the first multifunctional
The Innovation
50% over five years. Use of the biostimulant that can remediate Boost
The company has developed a unique product has shown an increase in soil biodiversity, quality and in profits per year
microbial formulation containing crop yield of between 25% and 30%, productivity in a sustainable and for vegetable farmer
selected natural, non-GMO micro- equivalent to approximately €11,000 cost-effective manner.

At a Glance

Company NG Biyoteknoloji
Location Istanbul, Turkey
A unique microbial formulation containing specifically selected natural,
non-GMO micro-organisms

Technology category Advanced materials and chemicals
GCIP 2015 GCIP-Turkey National Winner
Technology stage Prototype demonstration
Website Increased crop yield Biodegradable
56 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Morocco 57


Transport carbon
emissions reduced
The Company The solution is implemented in the area and spatial temperature
three main steps: flight planning, distribution are made possible. The
Farasha Systems offers precise
image and video capture by UAVs, solution can be tailored for customer
and real-time monitoring solutions
for solar panel installations. The and analysis and processing specifications, and can be applied to
solution combines the latest of the collected data against a wind farms, agricultural plantations,
technologies embedded in geographical information system pipelines and other large-scale
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), developed by Farasha. A drone industrial and commercial sites.
reduces operation and maintenance equipped with a thermal camera
and coupled with a second digital The Impact
costs and improves power yield of
the solar power plants. camera, are used as a reference and Farasha's solution is a
allow visual inspection, which helps cost-effective way of increasing

The Innovation to determine the decomposition efficiency of solar power systems.
Cutting-edge technologies, including of the temperature and allows the It increases yield by real-time

detection of overheated areas. monitoring and prevention of failures, Power yield of solar power
aerial thermography, visual
Image processing and automatic and also reduces the need for travel plants increased
inspection, orthophotography, 3D
modelling and photogrammetry, learning algorithms are used to by operations and maintenance

of solar
are mounted on UAVs for accurate detect finer failures. By integrating teams, thereby reducing transport
inspection of solar installations. a GPS system, an accurate map of carbon emissions.

At a Glance
Farasha Systems
Rabat, Morocco
through real-
Technology category
UAV inspection
Renewable energy
time monitoring
Technology stage
2018 GCIP-Morocco National Winner
First sales and failure
Operation and
maintenance cost savings
58 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Morocco 59

Green Impact

The Company The Innovation to clogging and eliminates losses
caused by evaporation and
GEMS provides a water Moistube is a porous underground
percolation while increasing crop
efficiency solution for the irrigation tube with a slow,
yield and plant productivity with
agriculture and irrigation continuous and low-pressure water

Less energy
sector through a nano-irrigation release capability. The product is significant optimization in terms
system that significantly based on a unique nanotechnology of human intervention and cost.

Water savings
reduces water consumption, that reduces water consumption

The Impact
and also reduces operational by up to 75% compared to other
and labour costs related to the irrigation systems. Equipped with At least 50% water savings, with
daily management of irrigation, nanopores along its entire length less energy required (0.2 bars
fertilizers and treatment, and placed at the foot of crops and stable pressure), and an increase
while ensuring an increase in vegetation, it reduces the plant’s in productivity yield of between
productivity. water stress, has good resistance 20% and 30%.

At a Glance

Company Green Engineering Mission SARL

Location Agadir, Morocco
Product Moistube
Technology category Water efficiency
GCIP 2018 GCIP-Morocco National Finalist
Technology stage
Next steps
Proof of Concept
First sales Increased
crop yield
60 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme GCIP Innovation Showcase: Morocco 61


Doubled profits through

crop yield in winter
The Company tank buried under the ground of greenhouses through space heating
the greenhouse or a building at a that radically increases energy
Serre-Inno develops heating
specific depth. The tank is filled costs. The Serre-Inno solution
systems using cheaper, local
and environmentally friendly with rock pebbles with the calorific will allow harvest with high yields
materials to address the problem of capacity to store heat. The tank is without using chemicals. It is
temperature control in agricultural equipped with a fan on both ends to estimated that the system can
greenhouses and buildings. let air in and out. double profits, considering that
winter coincides with a rise in
The Innovation The Impact prices of agricultural products on
Serre-Inno has developed an In winter, farmers are forced to the market and a strong demand
economical and environmentally prevent crop damage in agricultural for these products for export. On
friendly heating system, which will greenhouses either by using average, the use of Serre-Inno
make it possible to maintain an chemicals to kill insects and viruses reduces farmers’ energy bills by
optimal temperature for plantation that are dangerous to health and 40%, reduces water consumption by

No Chemicals
growth. The solution is a natural the environment, or by maintaining 30%, limits the use of chemicals and Increase in
air conditioner consisting of a clay optimal temperatures in agricultural increases crop yield by 25% to 40%. agricultural exports

At a Glance

Company Serre-Inno
Location Agadir, Morocco
Technology category
Green buildings
2017 GCIP-Morocco National Category Winner
Reduction in water
Average reduction
Technology stage First sales crop yield consumption in energy bills
Email of farmers
62 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Global Cleantech Innovation Programme 63

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