Carousing Generator

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Metal Turtle Games

Jared Cassady (Order #31872590)
Roll a d50 to see what happens/happened (in addition to other carousing rules you may use for xp gain):

1 Looked like an idiot (loss of reputation)

2 New tattoo (d6: 1 name, 2 map, 3 ridiculous symbol, 4 failed tattoo, 5 vulgar, 6 pretty cool)
3 Got caught in a tavern brawl
4 Married (with a d6 partner: 1-2 attractive, 3-4 average, 5 ugly, 6 awful)
5 Romance (d6: 1-2 engagement, 3-4 infidelity, 5 psychopath, 6 dowry story)
6 Liaison with the wrong person (d6: 1-2 sacred virgin, 3-4 young bride, 5 criminal, 6 sorcerer)
Hazardous investment (spent/promised 1d4 x 50 gp; d6: 1-2 scam, 3-4 doubled in a month, 5-6 doubled or lost in a
month (50%))
8 Set the tavern on fire (wanted by the guards)
9 Wakes up in prison (reason d6: 1-2 drunkenness, 3 exhibitionism, 4 provoked the wrong person, 5 theft, 6 murder)
10 Wake up with someone (see Married, line 4)
11 Wakes up in a bed next to a group member
12 Duel promise (d6: 1-2 PC does not remember, 3-4 opponent does not remember, 5 lower level, 6 higher level)
13 Wakes up in a (d6: 1 stable, 2 cellar, 3 bush / tree, 4 ship, 5 wagon, 6 temple)
14 Wakes up with a corpse (d6: 1-2 natural death, 3-4 overdose, 5 accident, 6 murder)
15 Wakes up with an animal (d6: 1 sheep, 2 goat, 3 hen, 4 cow, 5 donkey, 6 pig)
16 Has been badly beaten (-1 HP)
17 Made a thoughtless purchase (d6: 1 weapon, 2 armor, 3 mounts, 4 building / land, 5 jewel, 6 trinket)
18 Theft of an item (the character’s most valuable)
Wakes up with an item (d6: 1 drug, 2 scroll, 3 gem, 4 bloody weapon, 5 card, 6 jewel; source: d6: 1-2 bought, 3 gift,
4-5 stolen, 6 set up)
20 Bad hangover (-2 to saving throws for the next day)
21 Enlisted in the local militia (pursued as a deserter)
22 Enlisted in a sect (d6: 1-2 harmless, 3-4 scam, 5 demon worshipers, 6 hivemind)
23 Reputation with the ladies/damoiseaux (d6: 1-2 good, 3-4 bad, 5 special, 6 to avoid at all cost)
24 Wakes up naked and without objects (they are d6: 1-2 in a hollow tree, 3-4 in a chest, 5 confiscated, 6 stolen)
25 Encounter from another world (d6: 1-2 hallucination, 3-4 planar traveler, 5 bad joke, 6 alien)
26 Sold his soul (for d6: 1-2 wealth, 3-4 glory, 5 love, 6 a pint of beer)
27 Lost one of his items
28 Made a new friend (d6: 1-2 drunkard, 3-4 waitress, 5 priest, 6 nobleman)
29 Joined by a new member (d6: 1-2 warrior, 3-4 thief, 5-6 magician)
30 Spotted by the wrong people (d6: 1-2 thieves, 3-4 slavers, 5 bounty hunter, 6 stalker)
31 Has been replaced (d6: 1-2 illusion, 3-4 clone, 5 doppleganger, 6 evil twin)
32 Offended the gods (punishment d6: 1-2 admonition, 3-4 ambush, 5 struck by a plague, 6 divine envoy)
33 Offended his companions
34 Soiled his clothes (d6: 1-2 urine, 3-4 vomit, 5 blood, 6 mix: reroll twice)
35 Made a promise that's hard to keep (1-2 military exploit, 3-4 friendship, 5 giving lots of gifts, 6 stop adventuring)
36 Learned from his debauchery (d6: 1-4 xp x 2, 5-6 +1 stat)
37 Did something illegal (d6: 1-2 drugs, 3-4 violated a sanctuary, 5 bets, 6 blasphemy)
38 Banned from the tavern (d6: 1-4 temporarily, 5-6 permanently)
39 Scar (d6: 1-2 neutral, 3-4 beautiful (+1 CHA), 5-6 ugly (-1 CHA))
40 Particularly clingy admirer (d6: 1-2 kid, 3-4 tramp, 5 drunk, 6 fangirl/fanboy)
41 Made an enemy (d6: 1-2 adventurer, 3-4 husband, 5 guard, 6 noble)
42 Has been cursed
43 Has been blessed by a god of debauchery
44 Has taken the place of another(d6: 1-2 priest, 3-4 husband, 5 clown, 6 cultist)
45 Wakes up in a strange state (d6: 1 covered in hair, 2 abnormal color, 3 shaved, 4 deaf, 5 mute, 6 shaking)
46 Invitation card (for d6: 1 masked ball, 2 opera, 3 noble's house, 4 auction, 5 brothel, 6 thieves' guild)
47 Wakes up in bed (d6: 1-2 tied, 3-4 knocking on the door, 5 with 2d3 conquests, 6 outside)
48 Knows a piece of information (concerning d6: 1-2 treasure, 3-4 dungeon, 5 quest, 6 magic item)
49 Is sick (d6: 1-2 flu, 3-4 tapeworm, 5 herpes, 6 syphilis)
50 Big trouble (reroll twice and combine)

Jared Cassady (Order #31872590)

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