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Assessment Project 1
Assessor Guide

For this assessment project access to the following resources are essential:
➢ Access to a computer
➢ Internet access
➢ Relevant state or territory WHS legislation
➢ Current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the local WHS government regulator
➢ Codes of practice and standards issued by regulatory authorities or industry groups
➢ WHS information and business management manuals issued by industry associations or commercial
➢ Current commercial policies and procedures, and hazard identification and risk assessment template
documents from a business you work in or have chosen
➢ A team in a workplace or simulated environment for which the WHS system is developed

For this project you must choose a workplace that you currently work in or Choose a company that you can
use as a sample company to use in a simulated environment.

It is important that you discuss this project with your workplace supervisor or manager because you will
need to have access to relevant WHS documentation relating to this company, such as WHS policies and
procedures and workplace processes, WHS risk management plans etc. If you need assistance with
choosing a suitable workplace, please consult with your trainer.

1. Provide an overview of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) relevant activities carried out by your chosen
organisation. Include a statement for the structure of the overall company, WHS characteristics and overall needs
and WHS needs of the organisation.

My chosen field of work is a restaurant. It is managed by a manager and 2 supervisors. in

the front of house we have a number of attendants. In the kitchen we have 3 cooks and a
During work we encounter a number of activities that come under WHS such as

Slips, trips and falls that may happen when carrying food or beverages, when cleaning or
unblocking drains, and at wet areas like pools,
Burns from hot liquids, scalding water, steam or hot surfaces,
Injury from sharp objects like knives, broken glass and kitchen equipment,
Violence from customers or clients that can be as a result of intoxication or aberrant
Heat exhaustion from working in hot environments like the bakery and kitchen,
Ergonomic risks from repetitive movements of the hands, arms and back that can result
from working long hours and performing repetitive tasks,
Manual handling injuries such as strains, sprains and back injuries,
Incorrect use of equipment like manual handling trolleys or forklifts can lead to injury,
Exposure to allergens, chemicals and hazardous substances such as oven cleaners or
cleaning solvents.

Document: NovaCore CMS\DMS\QTHC - Working Documents\QTHC

TRAINING\Qualifications\SIT16 - Training & Assessment\Resources\SITXWHS004 - Establish & Approved By: RTOADM Next Review Date: 06-04-2019
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Version: 1.0 Approved Date: 06-04-2018 Page 1
Assessment Project 1
Assessor Guide

2. Access the state legislation relevant to your state of training and the SafeWork website to identify the legislation
that applies to the organisation.

Legislation applicable to my organization are

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017

3. Identify the relevant model Codes of Practice that apply for your chosen hospitality organisation, for example
Manual Handling; Managing the Work Environment and Facilities; Consultation etc.

First Aid in workplace

Hazardous Manual tasks

Labelling of workplace hazardous chemicals

Managing risks of falls

managing risks of hazardous chemicals in workplace

work health and safety consultation

Document: NovaCore CMS\DMS\QTHC - Working Documents\QTHC

TRAINING\Qualifications\SIT16 - Training & Assessment\Resources\SITXWHS004 - Establish & Approved By: RTOADM Next Review Date: 06-04-2019
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Version: 1.0 Approved Date: 06-04-2018 Page 2
Assessment Project 1
Assessor Guide

4. Consult with your colleagues in the organisation and identify:

• Adequacy of facilities for all employees

All employees have reasonable access available to toilets, drinking water, washing and ea

• WHS Issues with the current work environment

There are not enough rubber mats, these help reduce foot stress due to long standing. F

• Existing arrangements for WHS consulting

We have a designated WHS officer , any issues can be raised by approaching the officer. We hav

• WHS Issues with machinery, equipment or materials

All electrical appliances need to be safely insulated. In case of the dish washer the wate

• WHS Incidents or accidents which have occurred

An employee hurt her back while picking up a heavy rack of glasses. the rack was placed

• Known or identified issues with WHS training

While providing the training , no training was given regarding the chemicals. Such as how

• Provisions for security and emergency procedures in place

All employees have been communicated to gather at a specific safe place outside the bu

Document: NovaCore CMS\DMS\QTHC - Working Documents\QTHC

TRAINING\Qualifications\SIT16 - Training & Assessment\Resources\SITXWHS004 - Establish & Approved By: RTOADM Next Review Date: 06-04-2019
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Version: 1.0 Approved Date: 06-04-2018 Page 3
Assessment Project 1
Assessor Guide

• How you used WHS feedback from other team members

After obtaining WHS feedback open and effective communication should be done in order

• Any WHS representatives and their role in current WHS workplace practices

The supervisors are the WHS representatives. They are the first point of contact in case

5. Depending on the size and nature of your organisation, provide an overview of physical, human and HR costs
required to implement and manage your WHS system (in Table Format). Also Consider WHS requirements for
equipment, PPE, staff attendance for consultation and risk assessment and training identified.

Physical Cost Human Cost HR Cost

Masks $200
Slip treatment floor $1000
WHS meeting $ 500 $100
Electrical socket fitting $250
WHS Trainer $250

Document: NovaCore CMS\DMS\QTHC - Working Documents\QTHC

TRAINING\Qualifications\SIT16 - Training & Assessment\Resources\SITXWHS004 - Establish & Approved By: RTOADM Next Review Date: 06-04-2019
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Version: 1.0 Approved Date: 06-04-2018 Page 4

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