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ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010



Unit 15 Managing Activities to Achieve Results

Assignment 2

ISO 9000 accreditation

By Pippa Rolls

ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010

Objectives This assignment will explore your understanding of Quality management systems and procedures within your workplace. Pass criteria 3: Design and monitor appropriate systems to ensure quality of product and services Scenario The scenario is your own workplace. Your company is very proud that it has just passed a thorough audit and assessment and been awarded ISO 9001:2000 accreditation. The local Chamber of Commerce has been invited to visit the factory and your manager has asked you to make a presentation for the visitors on the new Quality accreditation. Task 1: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (of between 10 and 15 slides), and in simple language, to explain what ISO9000 is, what it means to the company and how your c ustomers will benefit. You are to make clear the distinction between Quality Assurance and Quality control, and explain (with examples) the process of record keeping and auditing that the company uses. Task 2) You have done such a good job on the presentation that HR has asked you to produce a quick (one page) guide for new recruits to explain the key steps taken by your organisation to maintain a positive quality culture and to ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of the process and practi ces undertaken (max 750 words) Task 3) Based on your now famous expertise, you have been asked to outline any recommendations that would contribute towards the development of continuous improvement within your organisation, relating these to relevant theo ries and techniques. ( Max 1000 words)

Task 1) Please see attached power point presentation.

ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010
Task 2) Maintaining positive quality culture
Positive quality culture ensures: Management Commitment, Support and Leadership, better Teamwork, improved Communication and it also helps Meet Realistic Objectives & Continuous Improvement. Positive Quality culture is focused on ensuring the best for our customers and development of staff. Within our company: An Individuals success depends on how everyone in the company works together and The Companys success depends on all individuals doing their work well. We pride our selfs on the quality of the work which we provide for our customers. All members of staff are expected to produce high quality work using high quality materials and equipment. The key steps taken by our organisation to maintain a positive quality culture and to ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of the process and practices undertaken include: y Being a corporate member of the Guilds of Master Craftsmen. This means our work is inspected unannounced by independent assessors regularly to ensure it is all completedto high standards. Open honest communication and teamwork is vital. All materials and equipment are brought from specialist companies and merchants to ensure high quality. Regular stock control is completed. Management inspect every project before, during and after completion to ensure staff are maintaining high standards of work throughout. Customers regularly complete questionnaires regarding quality after completion and staff conduct whilst completing the required work. This enables us to review areas of improvement. All staff are given training opportunities throughout their career with us to ensure continuous development of their knowledge and skills.

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Customers are an important factor for us as a company. Our customers expect quality in their requirements. They expect our company to deliver quality on performance, meeting deadlines and the final products. No customers = No business.

By Ensuring we maintain Quality in all our work means customers will return to us for future needs it also promotes a good reputation for our company this is why it is important for all our staff members to comply with the key steps above.
In order to maintain Qu ality Culture, We as a company: y y y Maintain an awareness of Quality as a key cultural issue. Empower Employees and encourage self-development and self-initiative. Recognize and reward the behaviors that tend to nurture and maintain Quality Culture.

ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010
Below is a diagram to show the process of Positive Quality Culture;


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Marc 17 2010
Tot l lit M t

lit t or TQM refers to i tegrated approach anagement to focus all Tot l functions and levels of an organi ation on ualit andcontinuous improvement. It is a philosophy for managing an organisation in a ay that enables it to meet stakeholders needs and expectations efficiently and effectively, ithout compromising ethical skills. TQM has become very important for improving a firm's process capabiliies in order to sustain t competitive advantages. TQM focuses on encouraging a continuous flow of improvements from the bottom of the organi ation's hierarchy and it is a lasting commitment to the process of continuous improvement. It maintains that organisations must strive to continuously improve different processesby incorporating the knowledge and experience of workers. The i ve Main Advantages of TQM are:

. Encourages a strategic approach to management at the operational level through involving multiple departments in cross-functional improvements and systemic innovation processes. . Provides high return on investment through improving efficiency. . Works equally well for service and manufacturing sectors.

4. Allows organi ations to take advantage of developments that enable managing operations as cross-functional processes.


its an orientation toward inter-organi ational collaboration and strategic alliances through establishing a culture of collaboration among different departments within organi ation




Marc 17 2010

Continuous im
Wikipedia states that

Continuous Im ovement P ocess (CIP) is n ongoing effort to im rove roducts, services or rocesses. ese efforts can seek "incremental" im rovement over time or "breakthrough" im rovement all at once. Delivery (customer valued) r ocesses are constantly evaluated and im roved in the light of their efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility http://en.wikipedi .org/wiki/Continuous_Improvement_Process The main principles of the continuous improvement process are; the self reflection of eedback. The purpose of it is to identify, reduce, and eliminate problems increasing Efficiency. And the emphasis of IP is to make continuous small improvements rather than few big ones. Among t e most widel do-check-act cycle: sed tools for ontinuous improvement is four step qualit modelt e plan-

Plan: Identify an opportunity and plan for change. Do: Implement the change on a small scale. Check: Use data to analyze the results of the change whether it made a difference. Act: If the change was successful, implement it on a scale and continuously assess your results. If not work, begin the cycle again. and determine

wider the change did


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ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010
Task 3) Development of continuous improvement within our company The recommendations that I would contribute towards the development of continuous improvement within my organisation include :

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Ensuring regular communication between customers and employees with use of questionnaires and verbal suggestions for improvements during meetings to realise any potential problems. Set regular SMART ta rgets for any improvements suggested on the basis of cost, safety, importance and feasibility. Collect data regarding all reported problems, Analyse all data, Identify all the possible causes, Plan action to be taken to ensure improvements, Monitor all effects from the improvements And communicate the results.

Adopting the Total quality management system will ensure the services we provide are right first time and the quality is designed into the organisations products, services and operations from the outset. In order to do this quality control will be required at various stages during t he process of designing the service we provide to our customers including:

At the service design stage- we must plan a service so that its specifications provide a suitable balance between price and quality, which will make the services we offer competitive. During Service engineering this is the process of designing the methods for completing a service to the specification. This avoids sub-standard services being provided to our customers. Information systems should also be designed in order that the requ ired information is available to the appropriate persons at the right time.

Quality Circles would consist of a group of employees whom meet regularly to discuss any problems of quality and quality control within our work place and suggest possible ways of making improvements. By gaining staff feedback it will enable management to gain knowledge on areas whic h may need improvement and possible solutions on how the company can develop. There are many benefits our company could see from the use of quality circles including:
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Improved quality resulting in customer satisfaction. Increased motivation of all our employees. Better productivity. All employees are able to understand and share pro blems with management. Increased motivation in seeking improvements.

ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010

I also feel that by Ensuring all staff members receive regular training to improve their knowledge and skills, it will ensure that the services we provide are of high quality and it will also benefit the company greatly in order to make continuous improvements . During a market which is continuously expanding and developing our customers needs and requirements are forever changing. Because of this it is important that we are able to provide services which meet our customers needs at all times and regular training of employees and staff within our organisation will enable this.

ISO 9000 Accreditation

March 17, 2010 Bibliography

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