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Skin and Mammary Gland

• Skin is the biggest organ of human body - 1,8 to 2 m2 , without

subcutaneous fat 3 to 3,5 kg, including the fat about20 kg.
• barrier – mechanical protection of body, protection against harmful
substances, germs, UV radiation, prevention of extreme water losses,
thermoregulation via cutaneous vessels and sweat glands
• sensory - receptors for perception of mechanical, thermic and painful
• storing - fat in subcutaneous layer (fat soluble vitamins)
• excretory – sebaceous and sweat glands, protection of skin, acid products,
mild disinfection
• resorption – healthy versus damaged skin (burns)
• imunne, endocrine, social and psychological
Context and Practice
• dermatology,
• mammology, radiology, oncology,
• plastic surgery and treatment of burns,
• corrective and aesthetic surgery,
• cosmetics,
• pharmacology – transdermal administration of
substances, mg/skin surface,
• dactyloscopy in forensic sciences
• tattoos and piercings - MRI
cleavage lines

map of preferred
directions for skin
Wallace Rule of Nines
Skin and its organs
• epidermis
• dermis, corium
• subcutaneous connective tissue with fat (not included in skin itself) –
hypodermis, tela subcutanea, panniculus adiposus
Keratinous derivatives of the skin – hairs, whiskers, nails

Skin glands – derivatives of epidermis, some reaching to hypodermis

sebaceous glands – glandulae sebaceae
sweat glands– glandulae sudoriferae (minores et apocrinae)
mammary gland – glandula mammae

Smooth musle cells in dermis

mm. arrectores pilorum – musles raising the hairs
Meshes of smooth muscle cells i deeper layers of dermis – tunica
dartos scroti, tunica dartos labiorum majorum
Structure of skin - overview
Cells of epidermis
Dermis – venous plexuses
Layering of structures inside the skin
Mammary Gland – Glandula mammae
Embryonic thickening of epithelial band in both sexes
mammary crest (ridge)
- from axillary to inguinal regions, there are anlages of
apocrine glands, from them develop mammary glands
- Rarely developmental rudiments
- accessory mammary glands – polymastia
- Rudimentary nipples – polythelia

In males, the anlage of mammary gland remains rudimentary.

Exceptionally it further develops - gynekomastia.
Position, shape, and structure
• Fully developed from the 3rd to the 6th rib, from parasternal to the anterior axillary
line. Horizontally 12 cm, vertically 11 cm.
• mamma disciformis – bowl-shaped, flat, low
• mamma spheroidea - hemispheroidal shape
• mamma piriformis – pear-shaped, inframammary fold
• mamma pendula – flabby, pendulous

• Areola mammae – pigmentation, centrally is papilla mammae – breast nipple,

openings of ductus lactiferi – 15-20, area cribriformis papillae
• Corpus mammae (body of the gland) – four quadrants, processus axillaris, apocrine
• Structure of corpus mammae – lobi mammae, lobuli mammae, ductus lactiferi,
sinus lactiferi
• Premammary and retromammary fat, ligamenta suspensoria mammae (Cooper
Breast Implants
Vessels and Nerves
• Arteries – rr. mammarii mediales (2-3) from a.thoracica interna, rr.
mammarii laterales from a.thoracica lateralis and from
aa.intercostales posteriores

• Veins – subareolar circulus venosus Halleri, then into v. thoracica

interna and v. thoracica lateralis, deeply into vv. intercostales post.

• Lymphatic vessels – subareolar plexus (Sappey), then to the base of

the gland and further to axillary lymphatic nodes (Sorgius lymphatic
node), part of lymphatic collectors (capillaries) into supraclavicular
lymphatic nodes, other pathways – to the liver through diaphragm, to
the other side

• Nerves – nn. intercostales II. – VI.

Arterial Supply
Lymphatic drainage – projection
Lymphatic drainage
Tumor and sentinel lymphatic node
Vessels and lymphatic nodes - synopsis

Radiographic technique for

diagnostic assessment of breast
It is aimed to early diagnosis of
tumorous changes – structure of
tissue and microcalcifications.

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