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MISTAKES/FAILURE What I’ve learn from it

As a part of regretting, I’ve realized that

procrastinating and laziness won’t benefit
myself. It will only bring unwanted results that
may either worsen the situation. Therefore, I
start planning an objective within a day. My
goal is to do my task on time, and avoid
cramming and late submissions. In this way, I
I experience missing a deadline and
have more time to make those things better
failing an assignment. I earn regrets
and complete. Knowing that procrastinating is
for not passing my requirements on
not a good habit, most especially during school
time as well as not studying the given
days. Allowing yourself to be proactive and
lessons. I failed to earn good results
aiming for progress and development, is a
when I start procrastinating. This are
good characteristics that I will be proud of, as
the few mistakes that I often do, and I
soon as I take a new chapter of my life, where
regret this so much.
I will start having a job. Doing the assignment
and passing before the deadlines, are not only
applicable inside the classroom, but also
visible in a workplace. As soon as I start
working, I will realize how the time
management and meeting the deadlines are
truly fulfilling.

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