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Department of Pharmacy, Mewar University

B.pharm-IIIrd Year (VIthsem)


Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….

MUR No.: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

1. Which of the following is an organic forming practice that helps to maintain soil health?
a) Sewage sludge b) Synthetic fertilizer c) Monoculture d) Crop rotation

2. Organic forming is the technique of raising crops through use of…..

a) Manure b) Biofertilizer c) Resistant varieties d) all of these

3. About half of your diet should be made up by…

a) Grains and Vegetables c) Fruits and Milk
b) Milk and Cheese d) Fats and Sugar

4. Which of these is requires on the food label?

a) Total carbohydrate b) Iron c) Sugar d) all of these

5. Fruits and vegetables are usually considered as good source of…

a) Protein b) Vitamins and Minerals c) Carbohydrates d) Unsaturated fat

6. Which of the following does not have antioxidant qualities?

a) Vitamins E b) Vitamins K c) Calcium d) Omega 3 Fatty acid

7. Which of the following is not likely to be an antioxidant?

a) Glutathione b) Vitamine A c) H2O2 d) Vitamins E

8. Probiotic is…..
a) Inulin b) Bifidobactrium c) Pseudomonas spp. d) all of these

9. Adaptogen drug is….

a) Rauwolfia b) Senna c) Ginseng d) Rhubarb

10. Saponin glycoside present.

a) Garlic b) Senna c) Fenugreek d) Aloe
11. Amla contains mainly.
a) Resin b) Carbohydrate c) Tannin d) Volatile oil

12. Rutin is..

a) Carbohydrate b) Mineral c) Flavonoid d) Mineral

13. Family of alfalfa grass

a) Solonaceae b) Abocynaceae c) Leguminosae d) Liliaceae

14. Organic formining does not include….

a) Compost b) Manure d) Planting clander d) Biofertilizr

15. What is herb?

a) Crude plant materials c) Extracts
b) Decoction d) all of these

16. Herbicide is…

a) DDT b) Malathion c) 2, 4 – D d) all of these

17. Herbal preparation is…..

a) Dried root powder b) Tincture c) Infusion d) all of these

18. Diallyl disulphide oxide found in….

a) Withania b) Ginseng c) Garlic d) Clove

19. Inulin is found in…..

a) Alfalfa b) Cichory c) Fenugreek d) Withania

20. Ashwagandha contains….

a) Withanolides b) Withania c) Anaferine d) all of these
Long Answers (Attempt answer 2 out of 3)

1. Give the definitions of herb, herbal materials, herbal preparation, herbal medicine

and final herbal product.

2. Write a short none on identification and authentication of medicinal plants.

3. Elaborate about the basic principles involved in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy.

Short Answers (Answer 7 out of 8)

1. Give the advantages of biodynamic agriculture and write note on crop rotation method?

2. Explain the role and difference between prebiotic and probiotic.

3. Write the role of garlic and ginsing as a health food.

4. Give a short note on natural colorants.

5. Give a short note on herbal cosmetic for hair care.

6. Write in detail about role and health benefits of ashwagandha, ginger, honey, fenugreek.

7. Write a detail account on organic farming.

8. Define nutraceuticals and functional food, give role and health benefits of nutraceutical in
cardiovascular disease, cancer and GIT disorders.

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