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Name : ________________________

Roll No : ________________________
Date of Submission : ________________________ JULY, 2021
Grade/Sec : VI Worksheet no.3
Subject : Social science
I Draw the flow charts for the following.

Forms of the Organs of the

Government Government

1 i

Levels of the

II. Observe the following picture and write important latitudes with degrees and write three facts about


III. Name the following.

1. We are imaginary lines we meet at poles. ___________________________

2. The time zones are has been adopted since ___________________________
3. I am passing through the Royal Observatory ___________________________
4. I am the standard Meridian of India. ___________________________
5. If the King or Queen rule the country, it is ___________________________
6. I explained the concept of Rotation and Revolution. ___________________________
7. I am called as Great Circle. ___________________________
8. I support earth to rotate. ___________________________
9. The struggle of a women for right to vote.
10. If I am ruling according to my wish. I am a ___________________________
11. The citizen of a country who crossed 18years have the Right to vote. __________________________

IV. Compare Indian time with the given countries and write the difference(India 2:00pm).

COUNTRY Time Difference








V. Choose the correct option and write in brackets.

1. A situation of chaos where there is no order and control. ( )

a) Monarchy b) government c) Dictatorship d) Anarchy

2.The government of India functions at ______ levels. ( )

a) Central, State& Local b) Executive&Judiciary C) Central & legislative d) State &Local

3. The part of the government that makes laws, ( )

a) Judiciary b) legislative c)Anarchy d) Executive.

3. ___ looks after the governance of entire country. ( )

a) Local Government b) State Government c) Municipality d) Central Government

4. ____________ settle disputes. ( )

a) Judiciary b) Democracy c) Legislative d) Executive

5. The government in cities, towns and villages is called _____________ Government. ( )

a) Central b) Local c) Village d) State

6. The part of the government that implement laws. ( )

a) Judiciary b) Democracy c) Legislative d) Executive

7.India’s central executive is headed by _________________. ( )

a) President b) Prime minister c) Governor d)Chief minister.

8.The national level laws are made by _____ ( )

a) Assembly b) Lok Sabha c) Parliament d) Vidhan Sabha

9.There are ______ meridians . ( )

b) 361 b) 181 c) 360 d) 180

10. Prime Meridian is passing through_______ in England. ( )

a) Greenwich b) Canada C) France d) Germany

11. An imaginary line on which the Earth rotates. ( )

a) Tropic of Cancer b) Equator c) Axis d) North Pole.

12. The world is divided into ___________ time zones. ( )

a) 32 b) 24 c) 18 d) 28

13. ____________ model of Earth. ( )

a) Grid b) Axis c) Hemisphere d) Globe

VI. Fill in the blanks.

1. _____________________ defined democracy as a government of the people ,for the people and by the people.
2. In India people elect their representatives through __________________________________.
3. The word ‘democracy’ is derived from the Greek word ________________________________.

4. Dictatorship is also called as __________________________


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