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Memristor based CAM cell designs and analaysis of

their performance.
Jugi Rithanya R P1 Sakthivel R3
School of Electronics Pooja K2 School of Electronics
School of Electronics
Engineering Engineering
VIT University Engineering VIT University
VIT University
Vellore, India Vellore, India Vellore, India
Corresponding Author

Abstract: A resistance with memory is what is known and Olumodeji, O. A el al., For neuromorphic system, it is used
defined as memristor. The incidence of the two-terminal as adaptable resistance for pulse-based operation. It has its
device was found in the year 1971. Memristor is a non-volatile, own ability to store data [7]. It can and is used in remote
expandable, high speed, high packing density, and low-power sensing scheme and also in microprocessor, unconventional
device. It will hold/retain the data, even when the power goes computing. Memristor can be used as crossbar-latches and
off. It is used in various applications like programmable logic, can act as a replacement for transistors [8] and in future it
remote sensing, neuromorphic system, and low power can be implemented in heterogeneous systems [9].
applications. Random Access Memory (RAM) executes
search operation by means of memory address and returns
the data from the location stored. Content addressable
memory (CAM) return the location of searched data by
associating it with the kept data. CAM is a superior category
of memory, which is used by searching applications, like
caches in microprocessors, and networking. CAM cells makes
parallel examination over all stowed data and finds out the
matched data in one cycle. In this paper, we make a relative
study on the CAM cells and the consequence of
implementation of Memristor in CAM cells and analyze the
performance of the design. We find that 1T-1M gives an
improvement of 99% when compared to other CAM models
Keywords- CAM, Binary CAM, Memristor, Write and
Read, NAND, NOR.

In 1971, Leon 0. Chua discovered a new two terminal
device called memristor. Memristor is also presented as a
fourth basic circuit element after capacitor, resistor and Figure 1 Relation between basic components [17]
inductor. Memristor is well-defined as a resistor which can Amamath, N el al., 10-T NOR Type CAM trails a 6-T
retain memory. Figure 1 signifies the association between SRAM structure with 4 additional transistors which are used
the basic components and memristor. It is characterized by
the association between charge and magnetic flux [1]. to compare the stored data and the data that is searched for
Subsequently thirty-six years later, HP Labs created a in the cam cell [10]. The charge division problem and short
physical memristor with assistance from the metal titanium circuit current problem in NAND and NOR CAM restrict
di-oxide. The device designed is of nanoscale size. the power operation, pre-charge free CAM eliminates these
Memristor has two regions: doped (TiO2-x) and undoped drawbacks [11]. The foremost goal of pre-charge free CAM
(TiO2) region. is to decrease power consumption and the speed for search
The resistance in undoped region is considered as application. Furthermore, higher number of searches can be
𝑅𝑜𝑓𝑓 and for doped it is taken as 𝑅𝑜𝑛 . When the potential is achieved in lesser time. Software based search operation are
applied, the memristor holds the value. When the potential slower than the hardware based CAM [12]. Conventional
is dropped to zero, no current flows through this physical NAND and NOR based CAM have the disadvantages of
device, but it holds the value, i.e., memristor retains the data poorer speed and high-power consumption. Bahloul el al.,
even when the power goes off. Memristor is analysed with
MCAM is considered because of its advanced speed and
different models namely, Non-Linear ion drift model,
Linear ion drift model, VTEAM model, Simmons tunnel low power utilisation [13]. Telajala venkata mahendra el
barrier model, and TEAM model. [2]. VTEAM model al., The hybrid architecture of three transistors and two
defines about the voltage controlled memristors whereas, memristors are used in 3T2M SRAM cell. These SRAM
TEAM model deliberates on current controlled memristors cells are used to build CAM architecture. [14]. NAND type
[3]. Memristors are used in synaptic plasticity in the biology and NOR type are very useful due to large searching
neuronal system [4] and also in bio-inspired pattern performance. NOR CAM are much faster than NAND
processing [5]. Memristors can be used in stateful logic
function and so it's used in analog filters. Memristors are CAM, but the downfall is that it consumes higher power
widely used in digital memory and logical circuits [6]. when compare to NAND type [15]. The advantage of the
NAND CAM is that it does not require more transistor The device will remain in this state until a negative
compared to NOR CAM cell. Beside 10T NAND CAM voltage is applied. Now, by applying negative voltage, the
provides complete read and write operation [16]. Yatagiri, device resistance is increased which corresponds to the off
state of the device i.e., stored data will be removed from the
N. H el al., The drawback in NAND CAM is that the
searching delay is high and charge problem that will occur
at pass transistor. The 16 cross 16 Content addressable Content addressable memory (CAM) gives back the
memory arrays by means of pre-charge free reason and location of the data searched by comparing it with the stored
data. CAM is a superior type of memory, which is utilised
better-quality project to sense match data are assembled by in exploratory applications, like caches on microprocessors,
means of the FinFET 18nm tech. In association to and computer networking. CAMs can be binary or ternary.
traditional CAM, the Precharge free CAMs provides better In binary Cam, it can keep either logic-0 or 1. In ternary
performance, decreases power and energy consumptions CAM, it can keep logic-0,1 or a don’t-care. Binary CAM is
significantly[18]. Sadiq el al., the assistances of these used typically in cache operation, to store data and in many
memory cells are used in Branch Target Buffer, onchip search operations. Ternary CAM is mostly used in
caches, and Translation Lookaside Buffer [19]. Rouhi, S el application tasks. CAM makes concurrent search over all
stowed words and figures out the matched data in one clock
al., this paper provides architecture of memristor-based
cycle. Figure 2.2 represents the block diagram of the CAM
CAMs with substantial optimization with respect to the cell operation.
physical layout area, power consumption, and ease of

In this paper, we analyse the working of memristor and

design various CAM cells in Cadence Virtuoso Tool. We
also calculate the power consumption and timing analysis
for the designs and compare the results. Section 2 discusses
about the working of memristor and gives an outline on the
CAM cells. Section 3 speaks on the working of CAM cells
and the simulation results obtained and analyse the
parameters calculated from the simulated results.
Memristor consists of 2 layers, a layer of Tio2 and other
layer of oxygen deficient Tio2-x between two platinum
contacts. The two layers of Tio2 and Tio2-x can be basically Figure 2.2 Block Diagram for CAM Cell Operation [3]
represented as two variable resistance which are connected 2.1 10-T NAND CAM Cell
in series. Functionality of memristor device is tested by the Figure 2.3 represents the circuit diagram for 10-T
I-V characteristics and the curve obtained is called as NAND CAM cell. 10-T NAND consists of Word-
hysteresis curve which is obtained as shown in figure 2.1. line (𝑊𝐿),Bit line (𝐵𝐿), Bit-line bar(𝐵𝐿 − 𝑏𝑎𝑟), Q, Q-bar,
We apply a positive voltage to the platinum contacts and Search-line, Search-line bar, Precharge Match line (ML)
initially current is zero. As the positive voltage is increased,
respectively. Word line and Word line bar are used to
the resistance of the device is reduced which leads to 𝑅𝑂𝑁 .
choose the operation. i.e. write and read operation. Bit-line
When we increase the voltage more than 𝑉𝑜𝑛 , the device
and Bit-line bar is used to write the data. Search-line and
enters in the hysteresis region. This explains that the
memristor stores the data. Search-line bar is used to search for the stored data in the
cam cell. Q and Q-bar holds the written data and it is very
useful during search operation. Pre-charge match line plays
a major role where the output of the match line determines
whether the cell has stored the data the we searched for or

Figure 2.1 I-V Characteristics of Memristor Figure 2.3 Circuit of 10-T NAND CAM Cell [3]
2.2 10-T NOR CAM Cell
Figure 2.4 represents the circuit diagram for 10-T NOR
CAM cell. 10-T NOR consists of Word-line (𝑊𝐿),Bit
line (𝐵𝐿), Bit-line bar(𝐵𝐿 − 𝑏𝑎𝑟),D,D-bar, Search-line,
Search-line bar, Read-word line bar and Match line (ML)
respectively. Word line and Word line bar are used to
choose the operation. i.e. write and read operation. Bit-line
and Bit-line bar is used to write the data. Search-line and
Search-line bar is used to search for the stored data in the
cam cell. D and D-bar holds the written data and it is very
useful during search operation. Read-word line bar works
exactly like word-line operation. Match line plays a major
role where the output of the match line determines whether
the cell has stored the data the we searched for or not.

Figure 2.5 Circuit Diagram of Precharge Free CAM Cell

2.4 1T-1M CAM Cell
Figure 2.6 represents the circuit diagram for 1T-1M
CAM cell. It contains of Word-line and Data/search line
where the gate input supply is called as Word-Line and the
Data/Search-line input is given to the source of N-MOS.

Figure 2.6 Circuit Diagram of 1T-1M CAM Cell

2.5 1T-2M CAM Cell

Figure 2.4 Circuit Diagram of 10T-NOR CAM Cell Figure 2.7 represents the circuit diagram for 1T-2M .The
[3] data is written into the memristor initially. The data/search
line is then used to write and read the data stored in
2.3 Pre-charge Free CAM Cell
Figure 2.5 represents the circuit diagram for pre-charge
free CAM cell. In Precharge-free CAM, match line will be
charged through data line when the search data matches
with the stored data otherwise match line will be isolated
from the data-line. Each match-line is selectively charged or
not depending upon whether each bit of word is matched
with the search bit or not i.e. if any bit of word matches with
the stored data, then next transistor will go into saturation
and charge the match-line. Pull down transistors are used to Figure 2.7 Circuit Diagram of 1T-2M CAM Cell [13]
discharge this stored nodal charge before next search 2.6 3T-2M CAM Cell
operation starts. When we apply search word in the
Precharge free CAM, first bit of some of the CAM words Figure 2.8 represents the circuit diagram for 3T-2M CAM
will be matched and other mismatched words will be cell. In 3T2M, two memristors having reverse polarity that
discarded from search operation. Again, in the second bit are linked in parallel. But during read operation they are
search operation some of the CAM words will be matched connected in series. This altering of connections from
and other mismatched words will be discarded. Likewise bit parallel to series or vice versa are performed by the two pass
by bit search operation continue until the end of search bit transistors. Output of the OR gate is given to the gate input
comes. As in Precharge free CAM, only few nodes are of the third transistor. During write operation, read signal
charged. So, power consumption will be largely reduced. goes to low and write signal goes to high. So, as a result of
this the gate input of the third transistor goes to high state.
Then NMOS becomes in ON state and two transistors is
directly connected to data-line. Now, depending upon the
data input the voltage drop across memristor(𝑖. 𝑒 𝑉𝐷 −
𝑉𝐷𝐷 /4) positive or negative [1].

If data input is 1 then 𝑉𝐷 = 𝑉𝐷𝐷 or else 𝑉𝐷 = 0𝑉.As both

the transistor is connected in opposite manner so, their
resistances also change in opposite fashion. If read signal
goes high in read operation, then two memristor is
connected in series. Now [14], the voltage across the
memristor will be
𝑉𝐷 = (( )–( )) 𝑥 (𝑅1 + 𝑅2) + 𝑉𝐷𝐷 /4 (1)
2 4
where the resistances R1 and R2 respectively are the
resistances of memristor 1 and memristor 2. If R2 is greater
than R1 then 1 is written in write operation. If R1 is greater
Figure 3.1 Output Waveform for 10-T NAND CAM Cell
than R2 that means 0 is written in write operation.
In Evaluation phase, we keep word-line low. Data to be
searched is sent through search-line and search-line bar
respectively. When the data stored matches with the data
searched, the pass transistor turns ON and the Match line is
high. If the information stored does not match with the
searched data, pass transistor does not activate and Match
line is discharged to ground.

3.2 10-T NOR CAM Cell

A CAM operation has 2 phases a pre-charge phase and
an evaluation phase. Throughout Pre-charge phase, the
write operation takes place. First, we set the match-line to
be high. Word-line and Read-Word line are kept high. The
data to be written is fed into the Bit-line and Bit-line bar
respectively. The data to be written is sent to the coupled
inverters and the output is taken as D and D-bar. D and D
bar holds the data written in the cell. Match line is high in
this phase.

Figure 2.8 Circuit Diagram of 3T-2M CAM Cell [12]

In this Section we discuss the simulation results for the
above-mentioned circuits using cadence virtuoso. We also
mention the working of different CAM cells and
understands the performance metrics of respective designs.
We have compared the results of 10T NAND Cam, 10T
NOR cam, pre-charge free cam cell, 1T-1M cam cell, 1T-
2M cam cell and 3T-2M cam cell. And have concluded that
the 1T-1M CAM cell has the least power consumption and
faster processing operation.

3.1 10-T NAND CAM Cell

During Pre-charge phase the write operation takes place
where word-line is kept logic 1 and the data to be written is Figure 3.2 Output Waveform for 10-T NOR CAM Cell
sent through bit-line and bit-line bar respectively. The data
is stored across Q and Q bar. Match line is kept high in this Now, during Evaluation phase, Word-line and Read-
phase. word line bar is kept low. The data to be searched is sent
into search-line and search-line bar respectively now when
the data stowed in D matches with the search line input, the
match line will continue to stay high. This means the data
stored and the searched data is same. If the data stored and
the searched data does not match, match line discharges, due
to at least one pull-down transistor which connects to second step, if we search for logic 0, then 𝑆𝑋 is connected
ground. to ground and 𝑆𝑌 is connected to 𝑉𝐷𝐷 . If logic 1, then 𝑆𝑌 is
connected to ground and 𝑆𝑋 is connected to 𝑉𝐷𝐷 to search.
3.3 Pre-charge Free CAM Cell If search data match, then voltage will keep on increase and
When the search data matches with the stowed data ML wont discharged. If it mismatched, ML will be
then the match-line will be charged through the data-line. discharged to ground.
When search line goes high then it will match in bit by bit.
If first bit matches with the stowed data, then match-line of
the first bit goes to logic 1. The match transistor will go into
saturation region. This selected match-line of first bit
charges through this transistor. When the first bit matches
it will search for the second bit. If second bit matches, then
the selected match-line of the second bit charges. If all the
bit matches with the search bit the match-line goes high. If
some of the bit mismatches, then match-line will not be
charged. Here we have searched for a single bit. When
search-line goes high then match-line also goes high. That
means searched bit present in the cell.

Figure 3.5 Output Waveform for 1T-2M CAM Cell

3.6 3T-2M CAM Cell
In write operation, data ‘1’ has written in the CAM
cell. Write signal goes high. Read signal goes low in write
operation. So, combinational signal goes to high. As, write
signal goes to high, two memristor are connected in
parallel. Positive voltage drop 1V comes across the
memristor. For read operation read signal goes to high and
write signal goes to low. Now the two memristor is
connected in series. Combinational signal also goes high.
Figure 3.3 Output Waveform for Pre-charge Free CAM The output signal goes high. That means data found in read
Cell operation is same as the data stored in write operation.
3.4 1T-1M CAM Cell
To write data in memristor, we maintain positive bias
and negative bias when we store data '1' and data '0'
respectively. Here, we keep word-line high and maintain
positive bias and write data '1' respectively.

Figure 3.6 Output Waveform for 3T-2M CAM Cell

Table 1 represents the parameters that are taken for
configuring memristor in CAM cell designs.
Figure 3.4 Output Waveform for 1T-1M CAM Cell
Table 1 Parameters for Memristor Configuration
During search operation, if the search data and stowed DEVICE PARAMETER VALUE
data matches, the output line VL is high else it is low. dt 1e-07
3.5 1T-2M CAM Cell Memristor RON 100Ω
In the search process, two steps are required for VON -1 V
searching a data. In pre-charge step, ML is connected to the VOFF +1V
pre-charge voltage. E is always connected to supply. In
Threshold Voltage 0.5 V
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